Democratic Underground

Archives: October 1, 2003

Plame name blame game

AJC: Blowing CIA agent's cover weakens national security

Newsmax: Payback Time (Wilson/Plame - Some Repubs get it)

Conason: Rip van Brooks awakens to this cruel, cruel world MUST READ

'Free staters' pick New Hampshire (Libertarian Heaven?)

Denver DUers: David Horowitz hunting skulls tomorrow at DU

Bay Area: Tuesday election get together?

Denver NBC: "Full Scale Criminal Inquiry at the White House"

U.S. Plans Own Arab-Language TV Network

Mike Malloy was talking about MATRIX

Invest in China, not US says CNN Money

'Male leaders have only created wars' - Somali

SFPD Paying to Get Guns Off the Streets

Has the DU poll for the new GD Rules been posted yet?

An emoticon for your consideration and amusement:

Who designed DU?

State Department Tells Congress There Will Be No Immediate Cuts in Loan Gu

The State of the Forum

was Arnold's 9/02 meeting with Rothchild, Buffet business only?

Democrat Edwards assails Bush ties to Iraq consulting firm

Is there a REAL time LIVE Dean BAT report???

I have $75 to go on my Dean bat and I really want to reach it by midnight!

Do you think that the GOP is sacrificing bush for '04?

Empower Play: The Pitch That Works for Dean (WP)

Everyone donating to Dem candidates now..

2004 Governor Races to Watch

John Kerry breaks $960,000 barrier! (NT)

well the DEM leaders' plan for bipartisonship worked out well. Didnt it?

Oct 2002 Doonesbury says it all

Career Professionals, career professionals, career pro...

TvNewsLies temporarily shut down

W took less than 8 weeks in WH to screw US all up

US newspapers are no longer trusted. Local news a cesspool

How rich is General Wesley Clark?

Clark lobbies elected officials lately, gets endorsements

Terry McAuliffe on Hardball!

Will Dean hit $15 million?

On second thought...nevermind.

Here comes the anthrax, right on time (

where can i find boondocks strips online?

Think of California as a dry run for 04

Bush in Cincy: "I'm Giving It My Best Shot."

Bo Derek makes me sick

Curiouser and Curiouser: Freepers are AGAINST the War on Drugs

BNL Iraq BushSR Kissinger = Corruption Big Time

Arianna's pulling out!!

hey bush...i m talkin to you!!!

Okay,so what if they were "threatening or blackmailing" Wilson about Wife?

FAUX just showed Clark and Spock together as "news".

Breaking Neeeeewwwwwsssss-Ariana's On Larry King...........

Go Get 'em Asscrotch.......

What's the Total Size of the American Workforce?

Would the CIA refer the case if Plame was just an 'analyst?'

Olbermann is "on assignment" ? (dissent transcript: Must Read)

Has anyone else noticed how Shurb and Cheney

Well I am utterly demoralized

Ciao !!!

anybody else having trouble getting mike malloy? n/t

If your candidate doesn't get the democratic nod...

CALIFORNIANS! Get your Anti-Recall Posters Here!

I don't know what all the fuss is about!

Broadcasting a suicide to raise awareness?

Arianna on Larry King. She's dropping out

RNC Chair Gillespie: Scandal worse than Watergate

Great Republican Moments of Hubris

Something I saw in Naples, FL

Did anyone hear John King

What a difference a year makes: still laughing, eh Rove?

Why Was General Wesley Clark Forced Out as Head of Nato?

Interesting comment on Aaron Brown (Re Wilson)

Newsmax: Traitorgate is "serious, serious" legal and political problem

Traitorgate: The final piece of MIHOP

Someone on a discussion thread just made the best point!

Where is Ann-the-Man Coulter? Why isn't she on the talk shows?

Clark and Dean Supporters play nice together in Chicago!

Will there be hearings? Will there be a trial? (treasongate)

I love Bob Novak, Bob Novak is my friend, Bobbie how I love thee

Californians,now is the time to hang together

CNN poll about to be freeped! FIGHT BACK!

Something I saw in Naples, FL

FYI -- Joe Scarborough will be on the Daily Show tonite

Scarborough about to do a bit on Wesley Clark

Will traitorgate have any effect on the CA recall vote?

Cheney instructed FBI in Jan 2001 to back-off Bin Laden investigation

DU the Dilbert Weasel Poll, this one is fun

Rove Goes to Oz?

Dean On Leno in an hour, eastern time

I never thought I'd say these words.

Disturbing Army story from Baghdad.

Larry Johnson - counterterrorism head under GWHB - is mad!!

Ambassador Wilson knows?

IRAQ WATCH is on c-span....and they're HOT!

Traitorgate subtext: Rove vs Cheney?

BushCo will Coverup big time...right?

Joe Scarborough on The Daily SHow

The origin of Wilson's frog march statement

what DO we call this scandal, anyway?

Is a political solution to the current situation realistic?

So is this Gateygate thing newsguyatl's big surprise?

Arnold a Bigamist?

AOL Poll nails Bush on economy

Are posters who try to smear Clark with unsubstantiated spins fascists?

Psalm 2003

Sacramento Bee: Recall Polls are differing Widely

Discrimination against minorities in Canada survey results; USA far worse

White House: We don't give a flying fuck

CNN going with "Leakgate"

Just got push polled on Cal Indian Casinos

An hour to go, and Dean's at $14.7M

Clark supporters......... please give till it hurts

Novack Lied, all of them Lied about CIA analyst

You KNOW Poppy must have gone ballistic back in July

Will there be a John Dean in Traitorgate?

My last candidate thread pre-New Rules -- Please Get A Clue Guys!

"Karl Rove said Wilson's wife is fair game."

Thank you Scott Ritter

Someone on this forum accused me of plagiarism

Look what MWO has from HARDBALL--RNC CHAIR -- WHOA

NightLine Thread: Joe Wilson on

Dean will be on Jay Leno tongiht.

Let's look at Dean's stance on elder care in 2001, revisited.

is the republican party racist ?

Arianna campaign e-mail announcement JUST SENT

Malloy fast out of the gate tonight.

More info - Nazi flag at Texas football game

Talk Radio Jocks Show Desperation re Plame-gate

Wilson is to be on 'Nightline,' right?

Wilson spiling his guts on Nightline! Turn it on now!

George Soros and others gives $75,000,000

I love the moniker "Traitorgate"..

The recall is NOT OVER YET.

Watch this video!!!!!!

MD State Sen. calls for public hearings into Gov. admin re: SAIC report

Is Wesley Clark a fascist who will put us all in boot camp?

OK, here's the story folks...(Secure tinfoil hats before proceeding)

Chicago "welcomes" Bush — Firsthand report with photos

How the media will make Bush* the 'hero' of the Wilson Affair

So, our friendly neighborhood shooter is back...

"Shallow Throat" Tells How Bush Can Be Defeated in 2004--A MUST READ!!

Treasongate and David Kelly "suicide" - Tin Foil Hat Connection?

CIA Story


Sign this petition! Demand an independent investigation of Traitorgate!

BBV: Bev's Book Out Of The Gate...

Kucinich is not "unelectable" and deep down you know it

Deleted message

Julian Borger: Bush Aid Accused of CIA Leak

Iraqi Defense workers protest outside Iraq (PNAC) govt in Baghdad


Follow-Up Memo (Investi Gate/traitorgate)

US Farm Group to Sell Food to Cuba

GOP Finding Iraq War Request a Tough Sell

FBI Opens Probe of Bush Staff on CIA Leak [YAHOO-NEW TWIST!]

Harris (briefly) Enforse Liberal Leader (Ontario Election story...Funny)

Ford set to cut 10,000 jobs

Ashcroft: Justice Department probe will be adequate

Man Behind the Furor (Wilson)

U.S. Senate Candidate Urges Action on Offshore Outsourcing

General (Clark) on March to Top

Huffington Drops Out : Says No To Recall (CNN)

Bush-Appointed Panel Finds U.S. Image Abroad Is in Peril

Julian Borger: Bush Aide accused of Leak - not a repeat!!


Clark Looks for Endorsements on Capitol Hill

Davis grabs onto hot-button issue

WP: Hussein's Weapons May Have Been Bluff

Freeware font creation program?

Great nickname for Terrell Owens!

Let me just say....

So many questions about superheroes! So mine is...

Halloween King/Queen!

My Grandpa was reincarnated as a weasel

A childhood friend died.

for fans of the Family Guy

So what's YOUR favorite Dubya graphic?

Want to read a VERY funny letter to the editor in my local paper?

My bus driver hates me...this shit I don't need

Kerry Rules (Kerry Wood, that is)

Those Wacky Nigerians Are At It Again!!!! (long post)

What is your faverite...

Funniest Campaign Moments...

Caption the leakers

Help me pick a duck for my deck!

So I'm on a laptop at the Dean Rally at Union Station

Thanks a lot HEY HEY!!!! ( music thread)

Is anybody else having trouble accessing Usenet?


Yet Another Reason To Hate Wal-Mart

Football Pool!

In Case of Emergency ...

I wonder how fast I have to drive my truck into this sign


Bush really is an asshole!

I just met Al Franken, ask me anything


If someone told you they weren't gonna vote at all because.......

Who has it better stupid people or smart people rum and coke and I'm feeling it

I was born into this world with no belief system

Okay...I've hit bottom..and the "Temptations are going to Save Me!

Best Pavement Album?

I must admit....I'm jealous of Forrestgump

Veterans support.

Well, I guess I shall finally talk about it

Live Journal

Maybe I shouldn't have come back...

Show love for Outkast


Who Has It Better -- City People or Country People?

Favorite R.E.M. song?

Let's practice life without profanity for GD

Does anyone remember that Monty Python skit on types of humor?

7th inning stretch: Sing along with Harry!

I'm home with a bad back ask me anything

Caption the Karl Rove Alert

Favorite Pavement tune?

The new rules?

Confessions of a TROLL


What's your favorite Trek episode? (any series)

I need a job

puppy pictures!!! basset hooooound!!!

ForrestGump Posts his 5000th!!

Accord owners, need some advice

Stewie is my God!

Out the outers -- now (Washington Times)

Tom Delay - Lone Star zealot way off-center

Neocons and the Military-Industrial Complex

San Francisco Chronicle editorial: Case not made to recall Davis

YaleDailyNews: Tsk tsk, Bush: Is there an enormous scandal at the White Ho

Poll Analysis: Can Davis Retain His Job? (LA Times, October 1)

Arianna, What About the Absentees Who've Already Voted?

Ashcroft: Investigation Of CIA Outing Concluded Months Ago

Litke: Limbaugh Piling on McNabb

'I Want to Know Who the Leakers Are'

'Patriots And Invaders'


Agent’s ‘Outing’ A National Outrage - Joe Conason

Will Arnold Stop the Homosexualizing of America?

Why Bush Likes a Bad Economy

Bushism of the Day - from Slate

Beating around the Bush (about the Dean movement) - Orion online

The Secrets Clark Kept: What the General Never told Us (V. Voice)

Iraq war's human toll could be felt for decades (on US Soldiers)

Star-Tribune Editorial: Scandal/Who outed CIA agent Plame?

Wesley Clark: Still Not a Democrat (Business week)

Malpractice Makes Perfect

Advice to Bush: Quit While You're Ahead (Gene Lyons)

Heart Versus Head; Finding Hope and Fighting Your Inner Wimp

Ted Rall--America's Best Main Course: Humble Pie

Tampa, FL - Emergency Protest tomorrow - 11:30 AM

In the West?, Donate to Dean

We all should INSIST Limbaugh be fired

Dennis Kucinich is coming to Washington state on Sunday, October 5

Remind your California Friends, that they can vote NO on the recall and

Boston: Rock the Vote and CNN coming in November

BAY AREA: Michael Moore, SF, Oct. 20

Petition: Save American Technology Jobs! Stop L-1 VISA Loophole

Bush coming to San Antonio sometime in October

Sex Artists for the St. James Infirmary

Attention LA DUers: California Recall Party Oct. 7th!! (keep kicked)

Wellstone World Music Day - Austin Event 10/25

Saw Joe Wilson on CNBC last night

The MSNBC Roster of Rancid Right Wing Robots: Graphic Indulgences

Why Rush Limbaugh started a conteraversy?

Maria Shriver to Return to TV After Calif. Recall

Moms, kids & medicine Thread

Austin, TX October '03 Events of DU Interest

Astrologers here is a question

Astrologers:Chiron, Saturn, Bush and Rove

Opus Dei on the Rise

Astrologers: Help me pick the next lottery numbers

Astrologers: Remember Agnew going before they got rid of Nixon?

Astrologers: Mars/Uranus conjunction of June 23rd revisited as Mars

Ex-cops cleared of 8 charges, jury hung on 27

Massive Gay Lobby Buttonholes Wisconsin Legislators

Writer comes out, blasts homophobia - Boston Herald’s Gray

Gay Couple Wins Settlement In Housing Denial Suit

Gay Students Buy Billboard To Fight Bullying

The Advocate adds 10 firms to its list of the top gay-friendly employers i

Kentucky State Senator Comes Out

10-1-03: Dow Surges!

Dollar fall adds to global turbulence

Millionaires on the rise (CNN Money)

"Will Your Job Move to India?"

The "State of the Economy"

NASA - Ross Ice Shelf Calvings Reduce Phytoplankton 90%

Nature - Alaska Warming Faster Than Any Other Region On The Planet

'Noisy' female condoms too costly, say women - Uganda

Slate: "How Deep is CIA Cover?" (Plame Damage)

GUNS IN THE NEWS--October 1, 2003

Someone steals your car

Some pertinent news from Field & Stream

Could someone lock a thread for me?

Are you ready for a break from the monotony?

Mistake made on dupe

I cant check my inbox

Is there any way to take the nudie photo of Arnold off the front page?

Can we have a Code of Conduct for posting on 9/11?

Any way at all to change my name???

Under The New GD Rules Will Terms Like "Clarkies" And "Greenies"...

Private messaging . . .

A suggestion

I must admit

Topic Lock

Thanks for the purty Gold Star, except

The cancelled poll and recommended posting rules


Can you please post this on the home page?

A POP Quiz On The Middle East

Put Arafat on Trial or Leave Him Be


Dean on the Morning Shows:

And we Right-Coasters hand it off to the rest of you..

NYT: Dean Struggles With a Stance Over Medicare

Past Haunts Dean on Medicare Issue

Dean will be on 5 morning shows tomorrow (Wed.)

Blow for Gephardt

Al Sharpton's campaign manager has left the campaign.

Dean: Clark's A Republican - CBS i-Video

"Empower Play: The Pitch That Works for Dean" from today's Wash Post

Million dollar challenge met @!

Postcard from Willie Nelson

NY poll: Clark and Dean neck and neck; all beat Bush

Dean Struggles With a Stance Over Medicare

Kerry op-ed on winning the peace in Iraq

Kerry pushes for repeal of tax cuts for wealthiest to finance Iraq package

Outsider Finds Friends Inside

A refresher course on the Electoral College

William Saletan's Take On Kerry's Postwar Speech

Mr Brett Doster

Anyone have a copy of this Lieberman speech?

From TPM: Joshua Micah Marshall speaks with Wesley Clark ....

Issues or Image?

Dean out-collects Democrats again

Message to Dean: Green Isn't the Only Color That Counts

Balancing the budget through Medicare cuts

This poll is bogus

Kerry Describes Bush's 3 Iraq F-Ups

Second-tier candidates changing strategies to keep campaigns alive

Clark leads in Arizona - Hispanics

Clark: Is he Nader-izing the Democratic primaries?

JFK's speech to the nation on civil rights, forty-one years ago.

Fundraising Update: We Met Our Goal!!!

Time to retire the "elecability" issue for these guys

Gary Hart endorses Kerry

Dean is a poopiehead!

BBC: Joseph Wilson backs Kerry

A possible problem with the Clark campaign and their fundraising

Ashcroft breifing replaying on Cspan now

I know they're old, but I know who I'd vote for if I lived in Alberta...


Just heard Joe Wilson say he had donated $2000 to the Bush/Cheney campaign

Would the new rules force only one thread on treasongate?

Heads-Up Gate

Nightline on C.S. Time now n/t

Does anyone know of a good compendium of Kelly (Britain) data?

when does the next recall poll come out?

Members of Family Inspired by Dem Candidates

Question re: journalistic ethics and Rove, et. al

Why did WH send out second memo today?

Universal health care...

It Could Happen To You

Koizumi getting raked over the coals in the Japanese Parliament-- now

Why Novak Enjoys Legal Protections for his stupidity

Bernie Ward just starting on KGO

Local News Whoring for Arnold, example No. 98,034,035

Most spectacular collapse you've ever seen of a political party...

Draft Wilson!

More Bush Cronies Profiting From the Blood of our Men and Women in Iraq

Why is it socially acceptable for Republicans to be Hypocrites?

Is there a "Shadow Resistance"?

What happens to the money if a candidate


Ed Garvey: Let's make sure Dem nominee is a real Democrat

Will we ever find out who the leakers are? Do we already know?

a vote of confidence from the financial world

How does the Iowa Caucus work

Wesley Clark's new book

unfreep this poll

Oh, the SHOCK! Norm Coleman prepares to flip on ANWR!

unfreep this recall poll

Saw Dean at Union Station earlier this eve...

We need to start a "Protect the Wilson Familiy" Fund.

Your chuckle for the night.... another crazy Freeper article re: Wilson

Three Months

Scott Ritter on CNBC Capitol Focus now.

Edwards takes big lead in SC

STOP soliciting me for money.

I know what burns Rove about Joe Wilson

Would Ashcroft grant immunity for testimony from WH officials?

The CIA leak by Novak 10/01/03

The Indiscrete Charm of Peggy Noonan: A Dismal Enough Presentation

What's up with Condi Rice?

Why no WMD fabrication?

Republicans are all traitors who hate their country

The Electoral College piece of the election equation

Did anybody see Dean on Leno just now?

There is a precedent to arrest Robert Novak.

So its OK for a US ambassadors wife to be a spy??

When Rove does the perp walk, will he cover his head with his jacket?

Will the Presidential Prayer Team continue under a Dem. Administration

Should the Dems shut-down the Senate?

From NYT: "If all Republicans stay on board, the story goes away"

Flashback: The last paragraph is the kicker

Arianna Drops Out. Here's your Shark Attack Story, folks....

Does anyone else really dislike

Rove once worked a Senate campaign for Ashcroft

A few good LTTE in my paper.

WP Fascinating profile of Joe Wilson -- must read

I am not buying it, the whole CIA \Plame\ Novak Thing is B.S.

Hatch files suit against drug giant

US sees bias in South Korea textbooks.

Does anyone know what the GOP/dumbya considers frivilous lawsuits?

time to close the "gate" . . .

Dean Seems To Have Narrowly Missed His Goal :-(

Levity break: Letterman's Top 10 re: Laura and Jacques Chirac

Scarborough calls Dems wooshies......

Say "Career Professionals" much?

it is NOT a "LEAK" - it's TREASON

Help re: previous post on the actual law covering "traitorgate"

We finished the job - now we should leave

DU is not a Constitutional Democracy: why I'm voting YES

Free State Project

Nice article about Dean

Photo of Bush on front page right now.

A report on "democracy" at DU....

Julian Borger Names Karl Rove

Publicans still hoping for "Civil War II"

TIME: 10 Questions For Bill O'Reilly

So just what are ambassadors' wives actually for?

Why is every scandal a gate now?

CNN POLL NOW - Who should investigate the WH covert leak?

Pics from protest at Bush's fundraiser in Chicago

Who I think should drop out... (hint: Lieberman)

How many crimes will Rove authorize/commit to keep out of jail?

Gee Dubya Does the Byrds

novak forced to reveal sources? maybe.

Bush Cronies New Firm Consults On Contracts In Iraq

$87B for BFD T-Shirts? (Blivens in The Nation)

PLAME OUTING: not White House source, according to senator.

Mutiny on the "Bounty"?

(Stuart) Carlson on the betrayal

Trouble in Liberia

No lawyer, No supenas',disapear em- Patriot ACT em

Oliphant: don't call

A Lot Of Republicans Are Chewing On These Words Today

Best Bush pic yet, photoshoppers

MSRNC poll

Clifford May, PNAC Insider, Asks "Who Didn't Know" Plame Was CIA?

Dean on Today

does anyone watch the videos from

Dean on the tonight show.......will strum for presidency...???

Am I counting correctly? 26 US Soldiers Killed in September??

Has everyone forgotten TIA? Total Information Awareness

Why did Rove or whoever, call SIX reporters?

Margaret Thatcher Undermines Blair's Case For War In Iraq

Ann Telnaes is beautiful!

What happened to the Bush twins?

Does it violate ethics to reveal a voluntary source?

Daschel on C-Span 2 - We will ask questions - Bush cronies getting money

You know, Walter Pincus has been laying low lately. Could it be...

TvNewsLies accused of being UnAmerican!

Kucinich Makes Fund Raising Goal for Quarter! We Did It for Dennis!

Where's the smirk?

12:07 ET - PLEASE WATCH Senator Dorgan from ND in C-Span 2 now...

Jesse Ventura and Bill Safire against Recall

What will be the turnout in CA election?

Don't Bother Me?

Did Wolf just nail the White House?

CSpan discussing "Are haters a threat to democracy?"

WMD Scandal

Limbaugh blasts black quarterback

Did Oprah, Arnold and Maria "party" in the '70s?

(don't see this yet) GOP not in lockstep on 87B

'Scandal' might be distracting us from more damning stories? (USA Today)

Rush opens his big mouth about black QB's

Tv News Lies webcast to start at noon ET

Domain Name: available

Can the LibDems win in England?

Why is Spinsanity ignoring the CIA/Novak/Admin spin?

And there are folk here who think some secrets are too awful to be kept?

Anti- Enviro Republicans Reject Boost in Renewables in Energy Bill

Ashcroft investigating the guy who hired him creates conflict of interest

McCellen...*bush press sec...tell me this...

MSNBC:: Female Soldier Killed in Iraq

Does McNabb really know who Limbaugh really is?

No call list...Lost Jobs...?

David Corn (The Nation) On FOX :

Thom Hartmann mentioning Bev Harris and her book now.

Let's list the Bush admin's scandals here.

UK's Independent comments on Clark Campaign ability

How dumb is Laura?

Who is your second choice for nomination?

Info on two bushgang private military actions - paid for by americans

And Phelps continues to outdo himself...

Rush Limbaugh's manufactured scandal absolves him from defending

This is not the 1st time Rush used race on ESPN

Polls show volatility in Clark’ standing with Democrats

BostonGlobe Editorial: Who let Saudis flee after 9/11?

Anna Quindlan's Column - Giving Bush a Pass

Happy Birthday Jimmy Carter

Kind of a scary moment

Whitacre D_WI Fundraiser To Begin Friday!

Army Deserter Stats

E-mail I sent to my friends

ESPN's "Grand Dragon on Sports"

Who is the WP's "administration official" whistleblower?

Bush family involved in secret society holding Geronimo’s skull

Senator Byrd on C-span2 now 12:40 ET

California DU'ers: Important strategy for changing recall votes

Rush: Racist Blasts from his Past

Is this the new desparate strategy of the DLC?

Limbaugh's Radio Pukefest Just Started

What is the status of the McNabb issue?

None of the Democratic candidates can win

Rush is an operative for the RNC.

Anyone Else Pissed ARI Isn't The One Taking The HEAT??

Help Wanted: Brass Players, Cash always welcome!

If Your Candidate Is Losing How Long Should They Stay In The Race?

Arnold Rumor. He collected workmans comp?

Dean's 15 Milliion Dollar Goal

Its Nude, Is it Lewd?

McNabb Nixes Apology From Limbaugh....

Latest disinfo on Plame: She was a 10 yr old undercover agent:

California Absentee Voters! The Ballot is Too Heavy for a Single Stamp


If Bush Loses Rove Go...He'll Need to Apply for Disability

Clark's entry has unexpected benefits.

Was McClellan ever asked about the Novak column before now?

Ted Kennedy talking to the Senate - 2:29 p.m.- C-Span 2

hypocrite limbaugh whining about free speech on drudge

Is this true about the Reform Party?

More Tales Of Republican Values

Why the Repugs are STUPID where Amb. Wilson is concerned

well . . . guess who I just got a call from . . .

Bush/Blair mutual friend raking in energy profits. (shock, shock!)

Limbaugh's on Drudge's healine

Freerepublic comments on Rush

Rumsfield's pathetic excuse for opposing LOANS to Iraq:

Sen. Kennedy is ripping Bremer a new one.

Why Rush Limbaugh Is On ESPN And Why There Are Few African-Americans

Turning the tables on Rush

The Plame Affair: Just Another Bump in the Road for Bush



Great info on Wilson affair from CIA analyst's perspective

Kerry Lays Out Exactly What Needs To Be Done

White House Press Briefing at 12:15pm

What theory, in your opinion, best explains these different outcomes?

i think Tenet is out when this blows over

Biden- Actually sounding pretty good! (3:29 p.m.)

Claiming Joe Wilson is a partisan Democrat just proves a motive for the

Clark Opposed Gulf War I (Or Not)?

Drudge taking on the GOP/White House?

Talk about stretching...

Clarkies! Input sought!

Can we all agree on this nominee for top ten idiots?

Osama is a democrat, like Robert Byrd!!!!!!!

Ack! MSRNC Question of the Day!

Deleted message

Disgusting conservative column twists McNabb quote

"Join Arnold" - LBJ Baseless Accusation Edition - (Adult Content)

Have you guys seen today's Doonesbury?


is anyone else really disturbed by the picture

Ashcroft is the ONLY one who can appoint

Biden on CSPAN2 now

By hating the homeless, they also hate the troops.

DU-ers! Resist the twisting of traitorgate to political witch hunt!

Joe Biden on CNN

Next headline in the Wilson affair?

my 88-year-old

The largest job killer in the nation.

This is it folks...we are seeing the actual unraveling of the Bush Regime

When hit with "You're/They're playing the partisan politics game"

Byrd back on (CSPAN-2)

New Fox Reality TV show: Rove At Guantanamo!

I can name more black quarterbacks than I can black Republicans

Treasongate: Say "Ashcroft should recuse himself" - not "special counsel"

Islam is the Right-wings New Bogeyman.

Straw poll on the Dem candidates in our Political Science Department

Cook County, IL, (Chicago) starts same-sex couple registry.

To lurking journos: the WH is boxing you in on Plame affair

NBC Cut Most of Dean's Issues

Limbaugh on McNabb: "I must have been right"

Aren't receding targets fun?

Anyone watch the Homeland Security speech by bu$h?

Latest Info from Al Martin posted in this thread

will advertisers bail out of ESPN's pregame show?

Anyone Else PISSED That Ari Liar Ain't Around to take the heat?

Why again can't we get the info from Novak?

Here's a question I saw posted by Yahoo:

It's obvious that the Repubs have a brand new sparkling talking point...

Crossfire THread: Who Leaked? (Begala and Carlson)

MSNBC reports Dems in Washington are backing off...

This Dem candidate can't win....

Talking Points Memo, the best part

ABC"News"Radio's spin on Traitorgate

Is Bush Media spinning inaccurate CA poll data to disillusion voters?

Have you guys been checking out CNN's letter graphics?

Why isn't Larry Johnson on everywhere today?

A plea for a real debate about the 10 Democratic candidates

Freeper quote on Clark

Al Gore close to buying cable channel. Liberal FOX news on the way?

Wasn't there supposed to be a new CNN poll out at 4 p.m.?

I saw an excellent bumper sticker the other day


Just a suggestion

Bob Shieffer on CNN (talking about Wilson)

What Should Be The Democrats Response To TraitorGate ???

Did You See Joe Biden On Either C-Span Or C-2 Today. He Was

Why is everyone calling this a "leak"? It is MUCH more serious than that!

Who Leaked the 9/11 Bush Knew Story?

Bush Logic about "leakers"

CROSSFIRE: Republicans declare war on CIA

Health Care Issue: Kucinich is the winner, IMH(undecided still)O

US Cuts aid to allies who wont excempt US from War Crimes

Rove & Novak - "History repeats itself"?

Up fifty and fire for effect!

AOL's political interest poll from yesterday

Am I the only one who cant wait for this CA recall is over

I have been wondering...

how do hate radio hosts get nominated for the Marconi award?

How far would you support the ELF and their tactics?

TPM on Traitorgate: What did he [Bush] know, and when did he know it?

Novak Will Be on Wolf Blitzer at 5pm (CNN)

This is why Wilson/Plame will come to nought:

What was the purpose of the leak?

Is Novak off the hook?

Has anyone gauged the DAMAGE that NameLeakGate could do?

Purpose for leak, central to knowing what happened and who's involved!

Wilson-Gate - Bigger than we thought?

For all you doubters and believers of Treasongate: A MUST READ

CNN: David Ensor again sticks it to Novak! She was an Operative

Bob Graham has a Stop the Blank Checks Petition online

Author of Bush's Brain on Democracy Now

oh my god - buchanan and press!

What Award Does Rush Limbaugh Deserve

SKED analysis of R. Novak 'excuse' piece of 10.01.2003

lets join the fundie boycott of Disney

Republicans hold U.S. Soldiers hostage for $15.9 Billion

ABC / WashPost poll: Bush 54% approval (44% disapproval).

Why is this the outing an issue now and not on July 15th?

Talking Points: More bad news for Bush

Help me out with the analyst versus operative question

Scooter Libby?

any other recent recall polls?

Harold Ford Joins Wes Clark In Demanding That Rush Limbaugh Be Fired...

New LA Times Poll: Davis is toast. Arnold to be new governor

Novak is full of it. The CIA wouldn't

Another thing Johnson said

Did anybody see Pat Buchanan screaming at Harold Ford Jr.

joe wilson on cnbc

Wolf Blitzer's poll on WH staffers:

CBS News Holy Moly (Iraq)

The Bush Regime Card Deck

BBV toon

Did Dean's campaign manager really float a 40 million

Hannity...Truth In Polotics????

A "conservative" argument in favor of a special counsel

Goddess, this is beautiful. How many have seen this site?

Amb Joe Wilson on CNBC

the "eleven hours"

Gullibility Alert : Freepers claiming Iraq WMD's in Kuwait - no sources

Good Ole Chris Matthews

Is Rush right? Is McNabb overrated?

What characteristics of this administration bother you most?

PICTURE of the day! Come check it , add your own caption!

THEY ARE DEAD!! spends money and influence to promote recall and Arnold

Too bad Buchanan doesn't work in this WH

Realistically, What do You Expect Will be the Outcome of the Leak Scandal?

POLL: Clark, Dean and 3 others beat Bush in NY

Bob Schieffer is kicking some major ass on Wolfie (CNN - 5:40 pm)

TraitorGate: More BOMBSHELLS Coming, Guaranteed

Kit Bond just called bushco "genius"

Julian Borger Update (Michelangelo Signorile show) ((Re: Rove did it))

Any way Mark Racicot might figure in this Wilsongate thing? I haven't

can ms. plame sue novak?

Petition: Save American Technology Jobs! Stop L-1 VISA Loophole

Wesley Clark calls on ESPN to fire Limbaugh for racist remarks

Use the definition of Fascism

I get it. CIA gave GOOD info 9/10/01; forced to back BAD info 2/1/2003

An Arnold will be a disaster, due to the timing!

did Ari Fliesher really resign the day CIA filed report to DOJ?

Republicans Target Disabled, ....again! (Get angry!)

Did I miss something about Wilson?

Prediction turned out to be a bust

Maybe there is a god?

Wouldn't be somthing if they led J. Carvilles wife away in handcuffs?

Kristol defending Cheney on FAUX

Clark - "Schools are not a business"

Clark is an independent.....

Maybe the American Public actually wants a fat racist prick telling them

congressional panel concludes faulty iraq evidence is CIA's fault

Governor Gray Davis signed the workers' comp reform legislative

Anyone else hear 'The Connection' on NPR today?

After 2 Weeks: Clarks Candidacy off to a great start

ABC/WP poll 69% think 'special council' is justified

POLL: In Light of Dean's Recent Fundraising Success:

It may be time to buy Orville Reddenbacher stock

Liberal sports writers!

Tell me I am crazy, but I think that I figured it out...Wilson/Novak/Bush

NPR: WH received extra day before saving Traitorgate documents and emails

Scuffling With Freepers at the Clark/Davis Event

Who will we run in RECALL 2?

Rove was Asshcrofts campaign manager..."conflict of interest"

Hillary Clinton voted NO on Byrd's amendment today. Why?

Peltier Case, Canada Has a Role to Play

I s Davis even running a campaign?

Limbaugh making a timely visit

If Clark not being a registered Dem makes him a mole, then Howard Dean's

Talking Points Memo: EXCLUSIVE General Wesley Clark Interview

Black Box Voting for sale on Amazon! Let's get it to #1!!!

Is Clark a mole operative? {poll}

Larry Johnson on Buchanan and Press

Donovan McNabb News Conference - CNN - 11:30 am

Reading the Smoke from California.......I think there's a message

Replacing Soccer Mom voters with the Nascar Dad's

Traitorgate is the one! We are going to survive BushCo!

4 Soldiers Killed in one day

Is this the job of jouranlists? Guardian reporters pull stunt at Labour...

2 year old left in the home for 19 days alone while mother was in jail

Is Clark the Democratic Ronald Reagan?

I'm so effing tired of seeing Limbaugh's Bowling Ball Head

Clark is a registered Independent, NOT Democrat!

I need help with Wilson/Plame question.

Andy Spahn: "Clark most viable opponent to defeat Bush"

Rove ran Ashcroft's campaigns. Rove was on Ashcroft's payroll.

Clark also leads in Arizona

HYPOTHETICAL: There is another terrorist attack...

BBV: Let's Get MoveOn Interested in Black Box Voting!!


Novack Oct 1: Trying to cover his ass Column

How high should taxes be on the rich?

Heart Versus Head: Making the case for Kucinich

NOVAK: WHY he must be: a) Fired with prejudice. b) Arrested.

Strap yourselves in, folks. I'm about to defend Bob Novak.

A serious question for Clark supporters, and well, everybody really.

YO NH, look out for moving trucks. Incoming Libertarians !

Dressed like Cheney I take over Santa Barbara - A New Flash movie!

My Political Transition from GOP to Democrat

I'll vote for John Kerry before I ever vote for Wes Clark

White House Leak? Maybe it was Cheney...

Suspended Chief Justice (Roy Moore) Responds To Critics

U.S. troops battle adversity to patrol wasteland separating Iraq and Iran

Second-tier candidates changing strategies to keep campaigns alive

Edwards gains in South Carolina and Iowa polls

Miami-Dade mayor raises $800,000 in third quarter for Senate race

Police open fire after unemployed demonstrators attack station

HOUSE WATCH-10/1/2003 (#1) (Interior Appropriations, Suspensions)

SENATE WATCH-10/1/2003 (#1) ($87B Iraq E. S. Appropriations)

Is Rush Limaugh finished? in fact, Is he a racist? Rush is in trouble.

S. Korea Holds Off on Troops for Iraq

10-01..6:18 est..CNN--Chrysler plans to cut 5,000 workers..

Jordan breaks ranks for US-occupied Iraq

Pakistan says US has agreed to refurbish its F-16 fleet

Credibility Gap

Tunisian crashes truck into US embassy in apparent suicide bid

Clark Looks for Endorsements on Capitol Hill

Leak probe 1st scandal of Bush administration

Ashland To Eliminate 500 Salaried Jobs

Former Centcom commander says heads should roll at the Pentagon

AFL-CIO Holding off on Making Endorsement, Disappointing Gephardt

Army details Stryker impact (to Hawaiian ecology)

Presidential Hopeful Dean Appears on Leno

Poll Shows Recall, Schwarzenegger With Solid Support (LA Times)

Judge denies request for documents' release

Empower Play: The Pitch That Works for Dean

Violence Erupts at Protests by Iraqi Jobless

Empower Play: The Pitch That Works for Dean

Soldier to return to United States

Devices can smooth election (Wayne Cnty IN buys ES&S BBV machines)

Frail Pope to make Pompeii trip

War critic at center of CIA flap always vague on wife's job. USA Today

Toronto Star: Practical joke backfires on CNN's Tucker Carlson

US toddler's 'home alone' ordeal (2 yr.old 19 days on her own)

Dallas investor resigns as Belgium ambassador

Bush admin supports counter-revolutionary aspirations of Venezuela's wealt

Republicans Log 1 Million New Donors

Protests turns violent in Baghdad

The CIA leak (CNN - Novak statement)

Marine discharged over vaccine (refused anthrax vaccine)

U.S. Farm Group to Sell $8 Million in Products to Cuba

Cheering to the rafters as happy-clappy Tony is forgiven

Dean Struggles With a Stance Over Medicare

New Scots Cardinal To Support Gay Issues

Blair defeated over health plans

Israeli Cabinet Approves Extension of Security Barrier, but With Gaps

Energy Dept. Seeks Power to Redefine Nuclear Waste

"My husband's not as stupid as he looks" - Shriver

Government Appeals to Top Court on Cheney Task Force


The Unbuilding of Iraq

At Least Three U.S. Soldiers Wounded in Iraq Attack-Edit: 1 soldier killed

U.S. Soldier Dies From Non-Hostile Gunshot

CIA leak now political hot potato

Gullibility Alert : Freepers claiming Iraq WMD's in Kuwait - no sources

Novak unlikely to do time, and vows not to give up source

Dean Criticizes Congressional Republicans For Rejecting Renewable Energy

Bill McBride in fair condition after suffering cardiac arrest

School Apologizes for Nazi Display by Band

U.S. Denies Taliban Making a Comeback

Number of 'Southerners' declining

Kuwait Foils Biochem Arms Smuggling From Iraq

CNN to host presidential debate in Boston - Rock the Vote

Barbour's use of state flag could win or lose votes - MS gov race

joe wilson on cnbc

Limbaugh to Speak in Philadelphia

Ambassador Says White House Adviser Told Press His Wife Was ‘Fair Game’

Have a link. Kuwait Foils Biochem...

Activist files second lawsuit against Lon Mabon

Dean widens cash advantage

Clark leads Bush in New York poll

Answer to God, Official Tells Potential Jurors

ABA Criticizes Federal Judge Nominee

Mrs. Bush Raises Press Freedom on Russia Trip

Terror Close to Home

Libertarian group chooses New Hampshire as 'free state'

Man Convicted in Sikh Slaying After 9-11

5 killed in multi-vehicle crash on I-90

CIA scandal could divert Rove from re-election campaign

Iraqi Schools Expelling "Beloved Saddam" {NYT}

Gore close to cable buy

Slowing Stream of New Jobs Helps to Explain Slump

QB disappointed other's didn't responded during show (+Rush says...)

White House told not to shred papers

County Won’t Recall Questionable Electronic Voting System (Alameda)

MUST READ--68% favor special prosecutor for leak investigation (WP poll)

President Bush plummets to new low in New York, Quinnipiac University Poll

Buoyed by poll, Schwarzenegger details plan for first days in office

Second US soldier killed 10/1 (not the female soldier in Tikrit)

Toddler Left Home Alone Leaves Hospital (Father gets her Yes Yes)

Clark urges ABC to fire Limbaugh

Poll: Independent Investigation Favored

Laura Bush Defends Husband on Leaks

Democrats bicker over Bustamante's oddly quiet 2 days

The Latest Star on the Hollywood Circuit: Clark

Democrats Block Vote on EPA Nominee Leavitt

BULLETIN!--Larry Johnson identifies office of leaker

Wesley Clark: Still Not a Democrat

Judge overturns ruling on Redskins nickname

US congressman: Beirut is ‘puppet’ of Damascus

I'm a dupe

True Life--MTV Show

Dean's up next on Leno...n/t

Whoopi's handyman receives a ticket for spitting on the sidewalk...

Damn... why do I have to be told to check my voter registration card

Does Will Pitt have a dyslexic twin?

"consider yourself at home . . consider yourself one of the family ". .

help, I'm unprepared for a presentation tomorrow

Yes, it going to fucking go below...8500 and dropppppiiiiggg......!!!

Sig line help

I just got out of a 98 degree hot-tub--ask me anything!

Could This Really Be In the New York Times?

Story Headline placemet - good for a laugh

SoCalDem Will Be In Taihati?

Earphone troubles ...a new duer needs your help

Space Aliens Want Our Toothpaste

need tech help:adserver

Truck Carrying Lucky Charms Overturns On Highway

I like cranberry juice, ok? Not for medical reasons either!

Good (HumpDay) Morning DU!

Photoshop our esteemed FCC chairman

Orrin Hatch is a whore and should be kicked out of office

Any one but Bush 2004

Halfway thru "Dreamcatcher" - Holy S**t!

Levity break: Letterman's Top 10 re: Laura and Jacques Chirac

Somebody missed his nap

More on White House Leaks

the definition of a republican

Chirac-"I still like a Bud"

Whacky Snake Escape Story

Fox embarks on Crusades

Vote for independent counsel here:

Ladies & Gentlemen; pResident george w bushtarski...

Where are all the threads about the CUBS?

Favorite season?

Anyone else into the group "Doves?"

Man Breaks Record by Eating M&M's With Chopsticks

Tinfoil hat for your pet stops government brain scans

What happened to the Bush twins?

Who Do You Spend More Time With -- Your DU Family or your REAL Family?

Boston Sportswriter out of the closet

Limbaugh: Donovan McNabb overrated because he's BLACK

My fundy mother decided I was demon-possessed.

Asian Antiquities...

So the afternoon sports radio guys were talking about Rush

One thing about Telemarketers/Don't Call List I don't understand.

My governor is a movie star

Five months without a cigarette for Denverbill

DAY-UM! Worst poetry Ive ever read.

Why do you stay?

My highschool girlfriend is HOT--ask me anything!

Arnold Rumor. He collected workmans comp?

ESPN hiring Rush was great

I have to write a short autobiography and I've no idea what to say...

The leakproof CAPTION is now available

Daily Show last night

What is the most odd/frightening American Political Party?

Happy Birthday Jimmy Carter!

Libertarians have chosen New Hampshire as "free state"

I feel like crap, I dont care if you ask me anything

Media Whore Diane Sawyer Casts Stones at Madonna

QUICK! CAPTION him before he springs a "leak"

This is why I love Donovan McNabb - his comments today about Rush

Let Us Now Praise Wilson Pickett!

Freeper in GDF? You decide:

My boyfriend just brought me homemade veggie soup! Ask me anything!


UN-Angry White Male

Do George and Pootie have a "Thing" goin' on?

WTF is going on at DU?

This will show all you fools who called me mad and crazy!

Your favorite Babylon 5 episode?

Favorite James Bond Theme Song....

How do you know when you're about to get dumped?

With a name like this, you're just asking for trouble


At what level do politicians and their advisors become "above the law"

Let me just say that, if you haven't before, go to this SITE!!!

anyone know anything about Peurto Vallarta?

Anyone know anything about the FLORIDA KEYS?

Robb's Word O' The Day:


Baking for Meetup

We've Got Wood.

Favorite political phrase?

Would you buy a used car, er, caption from this man?

Favorite Body Part

today's new hate radio advertisers 10/1/2003

I had a head on collision with a coworker

Treatment Available for 'Orgasmic Headaches'

Arthur Frommer's is using one of my vacation photos!!!

I want to lose 30 pounds as quickly as safely possible

I'm all about supporting McNabb, HOWEVER

My cat died a week ago, ask me anything

Awesome article on FDR - long, but must read!

A question on ignore ettiguette

Six days from my 6 year anniversary, I quit my job. (Today)

got a great compliment from a student today

what happened to Jimmy the Greek after CBS fired him?

Come in and join me in my misery!


What....Me worry?

Dear ESPN; I hate to say we told you so.........

Run for your lives!!! Bigfoot is on the loose!

Have You Or Do You Know Anybody That Has Had Lasik Done.

Bar's open! What'll ya have?

Can someone recommend a site ...

Rant: LOCAL news and pronunciation (SW especially)

Coffee Pot Ghost

Please, listen to some great shit, for you and the people you care about

My electricity came on just now ,14 days later

Blasted Windows Management Instrumentation service!

Jobs that "Friends" had that they don't want you to remember!

What should we name my son's pet Republican.

Million For Marriage (GAY Marriage, That Is!)

sigh... kitty crisis

I'm off to Europe, y'all

A POP Quiz On The Middle East

Giants 6 Marlins 6 6th Inning

Hey Cubs, tonight I am watching the whole game...

more Hannity sponsors to dehannitize 10/1

For my friend who is gone

Hey! Who here likes James Baldwin's writing?

an outstanding shakespeare performance.

Georgie Bush says..."WHATEVER!"

have you seen "the good thief" with nick nolte? (spoiler)

Who Has The Lowest IQ?

Where can I find more information about Richard Mellon Scaife?

This is my 4006th post. Don't ask me anything.

Melissa Fair, anybody hear of her? Her song "Paradise"....

Damn, I thought Buchanan was going to physically attack Harold Ford

3000th post

"In Need The Rock and So Did She"

The IQ's of all the famous people I listed before....

Don't forget West Wing tonight

Free image hosting?

Mmm nope don't see no leaks but I think I do see a CAPTION

Is it true that Ann Coulter...

Favorite poll

Where should we go on our honeymoon?

Almost there...

I quit my job today (after 6 years) Followup

My friends i just need to share this...!!!!


I am smoking my last cigarette from my last pack...EVER!

I need some encouraging...

Anybody have any live Michael Moore audio/video?

CAPTION the unveiling of the new White House presscorp banner

Does Tweety wanna bang Peggy Noonan?

If the FCC and the tv industry force people to switch in 2006, will you?

Email Mike & Mike (ESPN Radio) - get Rush a JUST SHUT UP award

Favourite Violent Femmes tune

Which top 10-College Football Team

Forget that he's running for office. He's a PARENT!

So... the Sox- A's game starts at 10:00 PM on the east coast?

Does your DU persona differ from your real world persona?

will Disney stop gay days?

I just made a decision

Star Trek movies - ever notice a pattern?

DU on LiveJournal

The Best American City?

Okay Trek fans, which one of the following DVDs would you buy?

What Happened to ZombyWolf?

Do you have rightwing friends?

1st Day of Do Not Call List: Have Calls to Your Home Declined?

An idea for new threads on DU lounge

Congratulations DUer Dan Brown, you've been published!!!

Which Sport Has The Most Exciting Playoffs?

Favorite liberal movie?

I took the GRE yesterday. Go ahead and ask me questions.

Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!

The best Canadian city

Do you support gay marriage?

From this point on in the day all I care about is the premiere of ANGEL!

Smartest Person Of All Time

What's The Most Important Invention In Human History?

Exercise your democratic right to vote - help Forrest decide on his

What is your favorite Major Professional Sport

Who's the Best African-American QB in NFL History?

Remember that biker helmet thread? Here is my essay... (VANITY)

Best Region Of The Country?

Who would you most like to see Limbaugh get sacked by?

Sayings that sound vaguely profound but are actually just silly

being admitted to law school in '05 or '06, need some advice

Describe Your Mouse Pad... (If You Have One)

I'm Going To Use This Poll As A Trivia Question...

Breaking news: Treason-gate A DU Picture Story

what a bizarre pairing -- * in the Ladies' Home Journal and TIME ....

Windows 2000 gurus. Problem sharing a 2nd HD

World War II

Attention LA DUers: California Recall Party Oct. 7th!! (keep kicked)