I think it is getting to thin the field.I like all the democratic
Salon: Special Justice for Right-Wing Columnists
Larry Elliott (Guardian Unltd): New world disorder
Salon: "A True American Hero" (Joseph Wilson)
Rumsfeld: Nixon's Loathesome Dove
Is it true that with the release of the new 'Crayola $20'
Medicare privatization language softens(as Bush tries to end Medicaid)
Could someone please tell me what happened to
Feud Erupts Anew Between Arafat and His Premier
Why do we let the media run OUR debates!!!
my califonia election question? Is it true there were 2mill abstenee
mp3 of the 10/9/03 Democratic candidates debate for those who missed it
Kerry's environmental record the subject of a new website
Who Needs To Win Tonights Debate Most?
Quite a few anti-Shrub letters at congress.org, I got one in today
jiacinto jiacinto jiacinto jiacinto jiacinto jiacinto jiacinto jiacinto
Attention Military Families......
Who is going to tell the debate moderators to STFU?
A Li'l Joke in Honor of Howard Dean
Take a look at this letter from a soldier
Steve Earle.."Just An American Boy"
Mike Malloy Really PISSED tonight
Sumeria/The First Civilizations
debate...will it be re-broadcasted...?
How many people should drop out by next Debate?
Thursday's FRONTLINE will be available online in its entirety
Possible African American Liberal might become next US Illinois Senator
I thought the debate went well!!
Anyone listening to Mike Malloy?
Time to leave the country. New money will destroy our
Who should drop out by next debate?
Clark on-line debate fundraiser. Requested by supporters.
Is there a way to watch the debate online somewhere...help?
Fascists who CAN’T make the trains run on time…
Are all of our candidates arrogant or is it just me?
Ehrlich's Wife's Statement About Brittany--Question
'Which wing of Pentagon is information going to be stored in"-Canadian MP
Dem debate replay is on CNN now for those who missed it.
If The Right Wing Talks Highly of Your Candidate Is That A Good Thing
Don't know whether to laugh or cry at today's * pics
Jay cracking on Bush, Rumsfeld, Condi and Arnold
In your opinion which of the candidates won tonight's debate?
Rangel alluded to PNAC on Hardball tonight!
Look what Bush Sr wrote in his book re: invading Iraq
This debate made Gephardt a front runner
New Democratic Coalition.........the Sick Dogs
How about just an "Agree' or 'Disagree'
In six months, after Arnold hasn't fixed anything....
Are you finally ready for Al Gore yet?
I actuall agreed with Judy Woodruff on one point
Am I the only one who thought Kerry blew the Iran question big time?
Arnold is now going to strong arm the Indian tribes.
Where do your Congressman and Senators stand on appt of Special Prosecutor
Arnold Won because of the perception he is a WINNER.
I love John Edwards. He is so real. He would be a great President.
Alan Keyes- How dangerous is this guy?
My boss is a Hispanic Republican!
And the best one-liner of the debate belonged to.....
Repubs are complaining about 9 dems being too many. Were 7 Rebups in 2000
I can't believe what I just saw on FRONTLINE
My problem with Judy Woodruff - Debate commentary
And the winner of tonight's debate: George Bush
Ann Coulter poorly attempts to refute AL FRANKEN
Why did Schwartznegger say that Cal-e-fornia should be like Texas?
Was there ever a neoconservative / neofacist 'blacklist' created
MSNBC Discloses "Dean Operative" Forwarded Negative Clark Article
More voters wanted Davis than Arnold!!! This is big!
The Political Compass Quiz.......are you like Stalin, Gandhi or bush???
There's gonna be an Arnold Movie????
So does "Everbody" have a chance to make (subjective) it in America?
I hope you Kerry supporters are proud of your guy
Two Civilized Men Among the Barbarians (Kucinch & Sharpton)
I was insensitive about Sharpton
Kerry hits a home run at the debates
PBS Frontline: Truth, War and Consequences...Bye, bye Bushies!
Ann Coulter is a moron: Exhibit A
I have changed my position on gun ownership. Drastically and recently.
Man Sentenced to Death for Killing Sikh
WP: Clark To Return Money He Made From Speeches
Rangel alluded to PNAC on Hardball tonight!
'Justice denied' at Guantanamo
DUPE SUBJ. MATTER Four Senators Criticize Leak Probe
BC Liberals hit Straight with Million dollar fine
Crude future soar on supply worries, top $31 per barrel
Hundreds of Turkish soldiers to stand trial for rape of Kurdish woman
Dems blast White House on leak probe
Nearly All U.S. Food Soon to Be Monitored ("to stop terrorism", LOL)
Koizumi Dissolves Japan Parliament House
Princeton Student Sued Over Paper on CD Copying
Schwarzenegger Wants Davis to Stop Filling Posts & Signing Bills
I won the NDSU/UND football ticket lottery!!!!
help please...how do i post the pic of bush* from AOL opening page?
More of Pimp Daddy * and his ho's CAPTION
And now... Deep Thoughts with John Madden.
Gergen, Schneider doing "analysis" of Dem debate on Larry KING...NOW
new Savage Weiner advertisers 10/9
Has anyone here hacked their xbox?
Would I get sued if I do this:
YooHoo..My repub brother just called dubya an Idiot!
With all the Baseball people need to be reminded!
A view on history and it's use;
The RIGHT way to handle a screaming brat (Picture)
Is there a way to watch the debate online somewhere...help?
I protested bush today, ask me anything
Last night I sinned terribly(hockey post)
Anyone remember the "toss-my-salad"-man?
How Does One Connect The Cabling To A Computer?
A strange thing happened today
Sumeria/The First Civilizations
Daily Show LOL!!! Steve Carrel at a Dean rally
This county has so many freepers who are also fundies,
Apple should have used Intel chips, Sculley says
Ann Coulter: Is this the stuff of nightmares or what????
For people who are watching the new US NBC sitcom "Coupling"
I just bought a puppy from the Humane Society
California Mary Poppins Medley.....NEED MORE VERSES!
What's the best way to advertise on a shoestring budget?
I can't get that damn "Chiquetita" song from "Mama Mia" out of my head
Obscure Sports Trivia Question
Does anybody else watch SCRUBS?
Help out with a sports trivia / bar question...
The only Democrat in my old high school is now a Republican. :(
What's your favorite book on the Nature of the Universe?
Rugby World Cup Starts Today! (Friday)
I suppose I should do this privately, via DU mail
An Update on Afghanistan, 2 Years After the War
From triumph has sprung murderous fiasco
Safire: Turkey’s support will hasten Iraq’s recovery
The awakening of liberal England..by John Pilger
The Luxury All-Terrain Boondoggle
THE RECALL: A constituency that is neither left nor right
I AM ISRAEL -- Wash. State Univ.
Chicago Sun-Times: There's some good going on in Iraq
Dionne: Where's the outrage NOW
Leaking Problems- Senators Daschle, Biden, Levin and Schumer
Mount Schwarzenegger? Georgia moves to name mountain after Ahnold.
Invisible arsenal / The case against spending more to search Iraq
Talkingpointsmemo: the denials from Rove, Libby, Abrams are nondenials.
Progressive Populist - GOP's Soft Fascism
Anyone want to respond to this?
Rose: Where are real conservatives?
What's wrong with the electric grid? (deregulation causes blackouts)
'A Shi'ite warning to America'
Labour strike in Southern California!
Paul Krugman/Molly Ivins in Austin to benefit The Texas Observer 10/18
My letter on Wash Post (Debate transcript doctored)
Someone must have complained ...
ABCNOTE: "Dean said his usual complement of questionable things"
Gray Davis on Letterman Show Tonight (way to go Dave!)
Why have conservatives let their "core" ideologies be Twisted?
Astrologers: When do you think Leakgate will come to the forefront again
Astrologers: "Jerry" Paul Bremmer, formerly of Kissinger & Assoc, in the
Shirin Ebadi, Iranian Lawyer Wins Nobel Peace Prize
Anglicans? More Like Southern Baptists With Prayer Books.
Companies Cutting Jobs for Good -Jarring Shift From the pastTemporary Cuts
Russia, Oil, Euros Question...
Safer? Smarter? More Secure? Not really... (warning, graphics intensive)
China's secret space base not where thought
"French grape harvest withers on the vine"
Antarctic Ice Shelf Melting Influenced By Warming Ocean Water - NASA
Monday - Friday Work Week Traffic Cause Weekend Climate Change?
Fatal bear mauling recorded on tape;
Russia threatens to rethink its nuclear strategy
The Nobel Peace Prize 2003: Shirin Ebadi
Thoughts on the Leak of Operative Identity
"We are overrun by gun crime, says police chief" in Nottinghamshire, UK
My Fellow J/PS Members, Got A Question For You
I don't like the J/PS procedure of placing all firearms news articles
Actor Tommy Chong Reports to Prison
I'm looking for some kind of encyclopedic ammunition reference
Injunction Issued Against Concealed Weapon Law (MO)
GUNS IN THE NEWS - October 10, 2003
Why are Cox & Forkum cartoons acceptable in the I/P forum?
PM, ministers discuss prisoner swap with Hezbollah
Many Killed in Israeli Invasion
Hamas site: 'Israel has poisoned Arafat'
Noisy protests begin at Rutgers
U.S. confirms construction at Israel's Syria target
Explaining The Occupation To The Occupier
Israeli troops storm Gaza refugee camp
North Tower Dust Cloud Analysis
"People have to account for their past actions and their past statements."
Can we morph them all into a platform that works?
Dean, Kerry, Lieberman, Sharpton, Braun gain in new Gallup Poll
Announcing Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders for Dean
Bush in free fall in Connecticut; Lieberman leads dem race/ Dean 2nd
Dean Statement: Anniversary of the I W R Authorization
Any polls on Mississippi gov race?
Clark and Dean battle for Hollywood
Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association Endorses Gephardt for President
FL-14: Connie Mack IV eyes Congress
Group mounts effort to recall (Gov.) Murkowski (R-AK)
Bush's Troubles with Independent Voters
Debate time for Edwards: 6 answers, 6 min 55 sec in 1hr 25min 55sec debate
A good poem to help people decide on a candidate
Do Clark and Kerry have the same position on Iraq?
What about the 'fax' of the matter?
Is anyone else tried of Kucinich in the Debates?
Dean's Statement on the Anniversary of the Authorization of Iraq War Res
My take on the "fax" controversy
LaRouche is eligible for matching funds
AZ Republic Writes up the 'Fax Controversy'
Edwards used an analogy last night which I've been using here for months
Wow. That was quite a plug Sharpton gave Edwards!!!
John Edwards WILL BE President of the United States
Black Commentator: Wesley Clark: Dishonest to the Core...
Dean and the hispanic woman @ the debate last night
another huge reason to dump Bush?
Frontline show on Iraq is on right now in LA (KCET) 9:35 pm Pacific
Bush's Watergate and the Republican's plan.
Frontline Exposed Bush on PBS Tonight!
CalPundit's opinion on the Krugman editorial
Here's Why I Believe Clark Has a Big Advantage for the Nomination
Attack the treasonous traitorous GOP!
Haley Barbour appears at Council of Conservative Citizens Event
Bernie's streaming now. Iraq and Bush. Getting hot.
Question on Judy Woodruff on tonight's debate
Anyone here read Riverbend's blog?
Citizens stripped of their islands by US and UK for air bases....
Letter from the parents of Matthew Shepard
American? Here's your get out of jail free card.
Teacher, aide arrested after kids say they were taped to chairs
Amb. Wilson Was Involved with the Gulf War I Propaganda Campaign
Christian Dominionists taking over California Republican Party?
Tony Judt's Excellent Article on an Alternative Future for Israel
Witness gunned down after speaking to U.N. investigator about police death
Clark has hired Graham's New Hampshire staff - close to hiring Iowa staff.
So who here thinks that Irani woman winning the Nobel is a message to Bush
We're "loaning" Turkey $850,000 per soldier?
I swear to Christ this country is run by everyone I hated in high school
Heh...I'll bet THIS will piss-off the Repubs
Check this out -- we're in some serious debt!
Even Merle Haggard against war; afraid of losing freedom to talk
Mayor Riordan calls for revolution in California!
Ann Telnaes - Bush poem to women
TOTAL RECALL - Hollywood producer to terminate Arnold?
Has Schwarzenegger's vote topped 3,533,490?
where can I find a feed of the debates last night
Lieberman, Kerry lead Bush in Connecticut
Is Iraq the bull we are holding on to by the horns and can't let go of?
Help defeat Judge Roy "10 Commandments" Moore
Anyone else getting e-mails like this?
Here is Documented Proof O'Reilly is a Total Liar
HELP! Wash Post transcript DELETED Clark's preemption answer
Michael Moore on CNN's Crossfire Today at 4:30p
Help me show up my freep roomie
Analyst...Operative? TPM exposes Bob Nofacts perfectly!
Bush claim of Iraqi progress refuted
TWM...dang i need to get off of the farm more...why didn't i know of TWM
How will Bush react to Chinese when they put a man on the moon?
Clark was unimpressive tonight (imo)
Steroid Boy Stumbles Out Of The Gate
NEEDED! numbers for yes recall and no recall.
Wow, Arnold's reduced CA deficit from 38 billion to 8 billion in 2 days...
OUCH!! - one of the fiercest Danziger Toons ever!
Plenty Of Kobe Coverage These Days
And the Nobel Peace Prize Goes to...Shirin Ebadi
TV News Lies Webcast to start at noon ET
Godot Has Left The Building (The Wait for WMDs is Over)
What you've all been waiting for: Unbiased look at the debate...
Was there interference during the Frontline program on Iraq?.
So, how's that Yucca Mountain thing going?
Liberal Oasis Review of Last Night's Dem Debate
Anyone know who Publius Group is?
A Clinton staff research hiccup revealed
KobeKobeKobeKobe-2 dead in Iraq-DC snipers- KobeKobeKobeKobe
Here's One: If you listen to Rush you support the terrorists...
Is there online data on voter registration by party in California?
Talked to Dean about paper ballots today!
US rips Canada plan to ease marijuana laws
Everyone thinks they know what the "American people" want
Help Me Undertand What Makes A YOUNG Republican?
The End of Fairness ( History of talk radio and the Fairness Doctrine)
I know where the WMD's are, the late news told me last night
MSNBC just cut out of a Live speech from bush...
Bush just made a speech carried live on CBC about his plans for Cuba
Freeper roomie caught in his own web of lies, gets in a huff
Can the end of civilization be far away?
Arnold's "enviro" guy -- Carlyle groupie!
suggestion for hate radio&tv advertisers
Why I oppose private prisons. (Fairly obvious)
Bush tries a few jokes with fund raising audience! CNN's Tongue in cheek!
Houston, I think we have a problem
According to credible source, Limbaugh did it.
Clark leads in Very Interesting poll analysis....
Paul Krugman visits the Thom Hartmann Show today.
Seems Bush will bail out Cal. for Ahnold, but wouldn't for Davis.
Should Rush Be The Next Drug Czar?
I think McAuliffe had the right strategy in California
Gergan brings up a good point: guys dig Dean.
All The Candidates Were Circulating Press Releases At The Debate
Torn between candidates...any suggestions?
Turn off your TV'S: Bush Media Blitz prepared for the coming week! Sunday
Barf Alert! - Arnold Taps Tammy Bruce for Transition Team
What's this I hear about George coming to California to hang with Arnold?
Lunatic with Weapons of Mass Destruction - Stop Him !
Limbaugh: The Dem Presidential Candidates Are "Metrosexuals"
How Can Pigboy* Discuss The Debate Without Addressing The
Cheney warns of single day of horror.
What happened during today's briefing. . .
Very moving op-ed from a soldier who served in Iraq, Bosnia, Afghanistan
CNN on debate fax: "How it got in there was unintentional."
Bush's War Propaganda is pathetic
larry kudlow book on Bush Boom
Allegations arise that 'Israel has poisoned Arafat'
Sen. Slimetorum will head Bush-Cheney 2004 campaign in PA
Exit Polling? Was anyone here asked to participate?
How many soldiers have died since Bush's aircraft carrier thing?
Open line Friday for Vulgar Pigboy
Why had DU suddenly turned from discussing treason, occupation....
Know Wonder Why Rush Has Back Problems. He Sits On His FAT ASS
Question About Getting Involved.
Massachusetts Named Smartest State
US rips Canada plan to ease marijuana laws (edited for profanity)
Krugman on ieamerica Radio now!
If drug addiction is a moral failing in Rush
Dang - I missed the debate - and have NO idea what folks are talking
Gutless, sneaky freeper has it out for me at work.
Answer to all those Republicans advocating cutting taxes
ACTION ALERT: O'Reilly Smears L.A. Times on Sex Abuse Story
Josh Marshall on Scott McClellan's denials
In the great liberal tradion of embracing all......
Democrats have more tattoos. Who knew?
Paul Krugman on ieamerica NOW -- link
Does anybody got a link to Dr. Kay's WMD Report?
The Debate...(audio or video ?)
Check out how our brain reads words......
Someone Fill Me In On Dem Debate Last Night?
So now, who's the new "Excellent Role-Model for the Yoots of America"
NYTimes: "Springtime for Hitler" Paul Krugman's column
We need to compile some quotes of Rush deriding drug addicts....
Rumsfeld as ABB Director sold nuke stuff to N Korea Jan 2000
Information on *missing votes* from e-voting in California
Rev. Moon, the Bushes & Rumsfeld & North Korea
Rush said he takes full responsibility. Does this mean...
Has Ahhhhnold stated who he plans to use to audit the books
what FDR said in 1944 is what Real Americans stand for
Letter to Senator Hutchinson--you gotta read this!
What is the sinister meaning behind this picture?
BBV: Meeting on California Voting Systems - October 28th!
Just bought Michael Moore's new book
where can I watch/listen to the democratic debates from 10-9?
Does the FCC have rules about misuse of the airwaves
Question: Will Rush's Rehab Make him a more tolerant person?
Let’s build our own city (seriously).
Wow! Right wing columnist slams Bu$h!
video 2001 footage of Powell & Rice declaring Iraq is not a threat
America needs a new Emergency Powers Act
C-Span - 4 PM EDT NAACP forum in South Carolina
Bill O'Reilly interview on NPR
NAACP will be aired LIVE at 4PM ET on CSPAN
Bush is a Traitor (Illustrated)
Arnie's "coming"! See the video.
Note to US Drug Czar John Walters from a Canadian
I'm angry at the Tucson coverage of the debate last night
Something for Limbaugh to consider
"Dead Parrot Society" By PAUL KRUGMAN
Graphic Summary of CA Recall with Smileys
I heard Rush mention DU on the air
ah, CSPAN - why must you bring us such manslaughter-y coincidence?
Judy Whoredruff and Candy Crowley spinnig debate now! CNN
Controlling the terms of the debate...
Did Limbaugh truly ever have a cochlea implant or was that detox?
Since I Can't Post On lucianne.com and free republic
Bob Somerby (Daily Howler) going on long Sabbatical, may not return!
Dean and Kucinich had good points about Dem impotence last night
Schwarzenegger: Sexual Harassment? "Old news."
APB on IMUS in the Morning's "IM" screen name? Help ?
Idiot who shot Sikh (thought he was Arab) sentenced to death
Didn`t stop Limbaugh from playing golf.
Whatever happened with the SD rPIG who killed the motorcyclist?
STRIKE! UFCW Is striking in Southern California!
We're not done yet: Does anyone have any dirt on Sean Hannity?
Pat Robertson is one scary-looking guy!
Did the CBO Lower Debt Projections This Week?
"The media is not reporting on the good things happening in Iraq"?????
When 2004's Tax Season Rolls Around, Will the S--T Have Hit the Fan?
Pentagon Regime Change Among Senior Officers
The next time you face an onslaught of right wing talking points
how long will it take for(if it can happen) Cal to become a swing state?
Labor strike in Southern California!
The Official Freeper Visitors Lounge/Thread
It is wrong to take delight in the suffering of others...
CBS News to talk about Vaccine Refusual in the Military
A simple question to you Right-Wing lurkers and trolls
Question: Since Rush would pillory Hillory
Two Civilized Men Among the Barbarians
Where can one find the latest number of casualties in Iraq?
ABC leads broadcast with Limbaugh addiction
Bill Bennett & FL virtual schools.........
Possible MO for Woodruff's moderation?
Who is Bob Herbert, and why is he saying these things?
Drudge on Buchanon & Press, practically smooching Rush Limbaugh
Will Rush get a 'Jerry Garcia sendoff' in rehab?
Talent on loan from drugs: "You can excel in your field on these pills"
It's not about the sex. It's about the lying.
Let's hope for a Lee Atwater moment for Rush
Do you know a Conservative who has a relative in jail or prison for drugs?
Got this from freep brother in law this morning....
interesting buchanan and press...next up, will limbaugh........
Rush interview about playing golf and basketball (What pain?)
Rush's hypocritical statements on drugs in the last six years...
Three Rush Exclusives On MSNBC-It's A Rushapalooza!!!!
WTF is wrong with you people? Drug addiction is NOT FUNNY
Don't forget - Michael Moore on Hardball tonite. Let's roll!
Any news on the Democratic/NAACP forum...?
Great article on Jim McDermott's support for Dean
if you don't know anyone who voted for Arnold?
Oh great! Bush approval rises to 55 percent in CNN poll
My thoughts after re-reading the Bush Doctrine
Fantasy Land or Will America ever grow up?
Why does an ignorant, drug addicted liar rate so many posts in DU?
Interesting interview with Aaron Brown last night.
Three Hundred and Twenty-Six Dead. WTH Will it Take
Russia to price oil in euros in snub to US
Who's the biggest human rights abuser in Cuba today?
Transcript of Limbaugh's comments on his painkiller addiction
Rush is an "Enabler of PNAC" and "RW EVILS! Nothing will excuse him from
Tweety discussing Kobe and it's more hypcrisy
Question for the informed Californians: is it true the LAT has lost
Candidate talk time in last night's debate: Dean first, Kucinich last
Evil Dick Cheney says Iraq critics would do exactly nothing!!
Why does Ahnold have the right to audit the books before he's sworn in?
BBV meeting yesterday, California Secretary of State
Unfourtunatly, I predict Rush will come-back strong.
Progressivism and liberalism are not the same thing!
The truth about the CA car tax
A Serious Question Re Russian Oil/Euros...
Have I told DU lately that I love DU?
WFT?????? Freepers hate neocons??????????
Potential for a class action lawsuit - in an IPO scam?
All Discouraged, Down & Out DU'ers Need to go Read "Washington Implodes,"
I think the right wing media secretly wants a white right wing loudmouth
TraitorGate: The Administration's Search for the Leakers!
Anybody know the street name for oxycotin or hydrocotin
Will Rush be clean one year out from re-hab?
Bad News - Gallup says Bush is back up to 55% on job approval
I have NO sympathy for Limbaugh
The real message of the recall vote (good news!)
A Thought on the Rush/Drugs Topic
Because I Got High---The El Rushbo Version
Do you think that another US Civil War is imminent?
Luv, OBEY, and Honor, America, Home of the Brave, the Free, the Obediant
Limbaugh Is Admitting His Addiction to Painkillers!!!
Nineteen states is all we need...
Interesting post in Freep land......
That wasn't a debate, it was have yourself whipped by CNN
the whores are praising limpballs for his "surprising admission"..WTF?
C.E.O. Cheney was earning his bonus in Iraq dirty 'bidness'
Chomsky & Nader in G. W. Bush country
CO BBV activists - Exhibition Saturday in Boulder!
John Dean says Rove may have violated Federal Conspiracy & Fraud Statute!
Who Will The New King Of Hate Radio?
Has anyone read the book "Bad Boy: The Life and Politics of Lee Atwater?"
I'm leaving the US as soon as I can sell the house.
BBV Alert! CNN Headline News reports 400,000 missing votes on recall in LA
Comments on last night's Frontline
Could a military coup happen in America?
Is there an official "Limbaugh drug abuse quotations" thread?
Bush wins 272 to 266 if you don't read this and stop it.
This week's Bill Moyers NOW - God + Government, Wall St. scandals, more...
Frelinghuysen (R-NJ) optimistic on Iraqi efforts ('third rate reporters')
Baghdad Suicide Blast Kills 10, Wounds 45
Gunmen Won't Let Somali Leader Use Airport
Rebels in Uganda Kill 15 in Refugee Camp
Prince Narindrapong of Cambodia Dies
U.S. Pronounced Moves for Nuclear War under Fire
High School Students Opinionated About Recall
Security Will Delay Iraq Rebuilding, Report Says
US troops killed in Iraqi Shia stronghold
More Agents Are Added to Leak Case
House Watch-10/10/2003 (#1) (pro forma session @ 10 AM)
Bush Urges Public To Be Upbeat on Iraq
War on terror fuels small arms trade
Iraq Has Deadliest Day in A Month - Attacks Kill 3 GIs & Diplomat
California urges court to increase refunds from energy crisis
Scrapyard of Russian subs to be cleared up
Community College, used as an example by Sen. John Edwards
Intel Chairman Says U.S. Is Losing Edge
World Bank Estimates Iraq Needs $55B
'Dozens of tanks' roll into Gaza
Sniper Suspect Plans Insanity Defense
Britons remember their dead from the Iraq war
found this site dang i need to get off of the farm more often..i like it
NATO wants more Afghanistan troops
Kerry's White House bid fails to catch fire
Street Computer Seized (Philadelphia mayoral race)
India gains on US labour shortage
Coalition says hundreds of surface-to-air missiles in Iraq
Red Cross Criticizes Indefinite Detention in Guantánamo Bay
Russia is not planning first nuclear strike - defense minister
New Guantanamo Arrests May Be Imminent
Clark May Give Dean a Run for His Money (WP - Cali fundraising)
Fraud Case at Enron Is Settled
Agency Decries Cuba Detainees' Condition
Georgia president says Kremlin threats echo Hitler
Leno said to exceed Terminator limits
Wish list for new governor -Businesses Weigh In
Iraqi Shiites bury their 'martyrs' and tell Americans to get out
NH Loves that Bu$h! Distraught Driver Takes Aim At Air Force One
County (Broward) still at a loss over phantom vote machines BBV
U.S. Soldiers Lured Into Ambush by Iraqi Civilians, Says U.S. Official
To End the "Information Embargo," End the Ban on Travel by Americans To Cu
Russian journalist murdered for investigative work
Ten States to Sue EPA on Global Warming
Iraqi resistance leader arrested
Two U.S. Soldiers Killed in Baghdad Ambush
WTAE TV: Pgh, PA Residents Petition to Impeach Mayor
Bulgaria Considered for US Missile Base to Deter Iran
Iranian Activist Ebadi Wins Nobel Peace Prize
Chechen civilian killings made public
US gross external debt more than $6 trillion - Treasury Dept
Cheney Defends Decision for War in Iraq (AP)
NY Daily News: Powell & Rumsfeld going over the side
Many Killed in Israeli Invasion
Bush visit to Kentucky draws protesters of war, economic strategy
AP: Mexican Deserters Start Drug Turf War
Brazil Gunmen Kill Police Abuse Witness
Thais push safe sex with "Miss Condom" pageant
MPs fight for Arar probe - U.S. security measures threaten our rights,
S. Korean Leader Seeks People's 'Pardon'
Report: Pope May Undergo Kidney Dialysis
Brazil Shrugs at Death of Informant
9/11 Killer Gets Death For Hate Crime
Irked Prez Moves to Redo Iraq Team (Interesting Leaks: NY Daily News)
US told to avoid main Shia area in Baghdad
Some Suggest Fed Probe Not Colorblind ((Philly Mayor))
Rep. Dingell Undergoes Surgery (Planned Surgery)
Mountain May Be Named for Schwarzenegger
Red Cross says Guantanamo status unacceptable
Bush Seeking Ideas for Regime Change in Cuba
Powell Weighs Agreement With N. Korea
Dissident welcomes Bush's support but sees little new in Cuba initiatives
Bush Talk of Cuba Sanctions Alarms Canada
To Avenge Their Trees, Iraqi Farmers Threaten Resistance
House panel's Iraq talks flare into (767) tanker debate
ABC leads broadcast with Limbaugh addiction
FCC seeks more data on News Corp.'s DirecTV deal
Democratic Hopefuls Taunt Clark in Debate
(Arthur) Andersen appeal keys on definition
Tweety and the PigBoy Lovefest...
Gray Davis on Letterman Show Tonight (way to go Dave!)
Shiites take to the streets of Baghdad's Sadr City (10,000 & some armed)
Yen hits 3-yr high against dollar
Something Fishy about 'No-Bid' Contracts for Iraq Reconstruction?
Berlusconi pushes for more power
Downed Israeli navigator 'alive in Tehran'
Bush Appointee Lied to Congress (EPA Holmstead)
Army charges chaplain at Guantanamo Bay
Web Sites Listed as 'Terror' Groups
Bad Goes to Worse in FBI Informant Scandal - Helping a Hit?
Thousands Demonstrate Against Israel and U.S. in Egypt
Unions could strike at 3 big grocers
Gephardt, Kucinich Lead Fight Against Assault Weapons
Dean Leads Among Possible Internet Voters
Texas GOP crafts new Hill districts, Dems to lose six seats
Russia to price oil in euros in snub to US
(IHT) Spyware products: crossing the line
Vatican, Catholics Dismayed Pope Misses Nobel Again
Cheney warns of 'single day of horror'
Palestinians Warn U.S. on Israeli Fence Veto at UN
State Posts Biggest Monthly Job Loss (California)
Miami's Cuban-Americans divided over president's Cuba plan
Wolfowitz Says U.S. Will Not Be Driven from Iraq
US hawk(Bolton – Dep Und Sec of State)warns Iran threat must be eliminated
Stephenson: "Asians Are Killing LPGA"
Putin: Why Not Price Oil in Euros?
Interior Reverses (Clinton) Opinion on Mining Waste
CNN Breaking: Nobel Peace Prize for Shirin Ebadi
Cardinal Criticized for Remarks About HIV
Software company to sue student over using shift key (Orwellian)
First Lady Talks Up Progress in Iraq
Schwarzenegger Picks Florida Budget Chief as California Auditor
Schwarzenegger to 'Go to the People' if Opposed
Schwarzenegger’s First Role As Governor-Elect of California: The Deregula
Kurds ready to declare war on Turkey
Tribal Advocates Seek Senator's Apology (Ted Stevens (R-Alaska))
Bush Unveils Measures to Weaken Cuba's Castro
US Republican Rep Criticizes Bush's New Plans For Cuba
I love me some Angry Ass Jesus. ..
WHat Velvet underground tune sings
The Sox lost but on the upside!
Eine Frage an die Deutschen, die hier sind.
I'm the new veteran around here!!!!
For my sanity, I have to take a break from DU and news
Anybody read Wesley Clark's book?
Anyone hear who won the Nobel Peace prize yet?
Unsolicited "enlargement" emails: blame it on Gambian sorcery?
Ebert tweaks Rush (subtly) in his review of "Kill Bill"
It's always darkest before the dawn
It's UK National Poetry Day: some limmerick samples
Is my bookmark link problem Yahoo or Netscape?
If there are any cricket fans out there (e.g. GregW)...
Brilliant choice for Nobel Peace Prize
Merle Haggard singing anti-war on Letterman
How would you like to live on Snazzy Circle?
Heheeeey, my 100th post! Ask me anything!
Reminder: catch the Daily Show replay
Embarrassed; please ignore this post.
I found out today I look intimidating!
This Just In. I Like Watching Bowling On TV.
Are most Dems really "trickle down" believers?
Some good movies coming out this weekend - which do you plan to see?
Cubs In Historical Perspective...
Unemployed me registered for school today.....
Catwoman - check your DU inbox
DAMNIT! I got frozen out of the Nobel Peace Prize AGAIN!!!!
My new CD bruner keeps screwing me over (advice needed)
Iraq's top gym changes name to 'Arnold Classic'
Who do you hope wins the World Series?
there's like a 30-feet-deep rectangular hole in my yard
heads up, iTunes coming out for Windows next Thursday
The girls team helped catch the naked man in Arlington,VA
Daily Show / John Stewart ...Can it be viewed online? Link?
Anyone Here Ever Seen The British Comedy "The Office" ?
Dammit, I *NEVER* win the Nobel Peace Prize....
Suspected Penis Snatcher is Beaten to Death
editing story, need sex-related question answered
PUKE! Oh my gosh, look what I was just forwarded (Warning:high puke factor
Sal316's insider's view of the debate. (I worked it!)
Anybody know anything about juvenile law?
Please don't look down on me; but this season's surviver is so much fun!!
The Meditative Funk of all CAPTIONS!!!
What's all the fuss about baseball?
The Free Republic Press (VANITY)
i thought i`d tell all you daytimers
"Big hair" at fault for tiger's attack on Roy
Northeast DUers! Plenty of cats still available (with pix!)
Roger Clemens "the best pitcher we have seen over the last 40 years"?
Check out how our brain reads words......
Best Pitcher in the last 40 years
Please sir, can I have another?
Robber, 91, admits third bank job
Does this photo make me look fat?
Fans of the movie Trainspotting:
Will S.L. ever have a GOP Mormon mayor?
Song by The Guess Who you're least embarrassed to admit you like
The Funk Brothers are coming to Seattle!
I'm so happy! My new coworker is Liberal!
I think I have one of them shitty little tracker programs on my PC
Compensation for families of soldiers killed in Iraq/Afghanistan - How muc
Which one of you jokers is "sean7774568"?
I can't wait to 'Kill Bill' Tarantino fans rejoice!
In honor of the Nobel Peace Prize: Buy this book from Jimmy Carter
Democrats have more tattoos. Who knew?
How to make your own Shrunk HEAD(an apple), courtesy of x-entertainment
You friggin' anarchists! A tribute to DU
College Football Trivia.....one more time
Darrell Issa referred to Vancouver as Hongcouver
New Season of 'Jeremiah' Begins tonight!
The Dems need Uma Thurmond to kick Repuke Ass! (Kill Bill)
Vanity post- I am tootin my own horn
today's new hate radio advertisers 10/10
Florida Gator fans love their leader
Whatcha gonna do with neighbors like this?
Need Campaign Advice to combat Repuke dirty tricks
Are You Rooting For Kobe Bryant To Be Found Guilty?
APB on IMUS's "IM" handle? Help Please
If you hate freeper posts, don't open this.
The Official Freeper Visitors Lounge/Thread
My fundie mom likes "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy"
Amazon review of O'Reilly's new book
I Just Bought Trans-Siberian Orchestra Tickets - Ask Me Anthing!
Bush secret military service revealed
Anybody else here sick of rush limbaugh posts?
Favorite Tom Petty/TP&HBs song
Seattle Barenaked Ladies Concert
So many movies SO little time!!!!
I just did my own laundry for the first time...
Pat Robertson is one scary-looking guy!
Ich bein ein fuckin' Berliner!!!
Does someone have a link to online left leaning radio talk shows?
I was gonna do my radio show until I got high...sing along now
The Calico Cat of all CAPTIONS!!!
I Bought Something At WalMart Today
Dr. Cranky Kitten is IN...........................................
Am I the only Red Sox fan who has the sinking feeling of "Gee, it was...
Holy smokes! It's a bin-buster!
When You Retire, What State Will You Retire To?
First Bennett, now Limbaugh - who's the next Right-Wing shrill to confess?
What Song Best Describes Rush's Dilemma?
The 80s have landed at a thrift shop near you.
What is the BEST reason for drinking a drink with an umbrella tonight?
I am blasted on illicit narcotics tongight... ask me everything!
Death of a sport star... the sad aftermath of speeding
Gonna see Lost in Translation Tonight
Why I believe in the afterlife
Ugh, I'm sick of defending communism.
Has anyone here played Final Fantasy X?
The Howdy-Doody of all CAPTIONS!!!!
Which MONOPOLY Token Do You Always Choose?
People who kill animals for entertainment do not read this!
Will I kick myself if I don't go see the Trachtenburg Family tonight?
awww... my new kitty is all snuffly....
I'm going to San Diego for a week. What should I do there?
Things your Dad, grandfather and uncles used to say
Experienced Linux Users, a couple of computer questions
Post your nomination for FAVORITE SONG EVER poll
First Time ever! Billboard Hot top 10 are African-American artists
Oh, and by the way, Apple computer fans can bite me