Larry Elliott (Guardian Unltd): Policy made on the road to perdition
Naomi Klein (Guardian Unltd): Industry giants seize Bush's Aids 'gift'
What Exactly Are We Defending?
Silencing the Reservists: Rumsfeld’s plan to remake the Army?
Jim Hightower in Philly, Pittsburgh Monday/Tuesday
Can admins do a search by e-mail addresses to determine which user
Palestinian Delegate Backs Armed Struggle
New peace draft includes Palestinian rule on Temple Mount
Personal attacks to posts that are negative about Dean
The Wobblycrats - an excerpt from Jim Hightower's new book
Lyndon LaRouche has raised 4.7 million dollars?
Damn!!! Thought we had a great VP pick....
This just in from CBS news: Rummy A 'Psychopath'
Must see tv (right now 9 oclock on Cspan)
Is There a Difference Between a Liberal and a Progressive
Dame Edna gets laughs at expense of Dubya & Ahnold.
If DU were here during impeachment, should the board have been
I hope Rush ends up having a Richard Pryor like epiphany in rehab
36 Reasons To Vote For Bush and Republicans In 2004
Minnesota DUer's - David Wellstone will be on 10 pm news channel 11
Is this either a US soldier or a CIA guy with an AK-47 in this photo?
'The war on truth: The Bush circus and the assault on reality
ABC News report re: Ahnuld accuser tonight
Dr. Drew Pinsky on Rush's condition: He's the guy from MTV's Sex Talk
Bill Moyer just made a very interesting point...
You know why Bush isn't cracking down on free speech?
Peter Werbe's Nightcall on now --progressive radio on a Sunday night
Kucinich policy... I wanna know
To counter some of the Clark trash talk around here....
You know why ABCNBCCBSCNNMSNBCFOX doesn't care about ratings?
Greatest Corporate theft of all times?
Thoughts on Clark's Integrity. For what it's worth.....
Something "fishy" about the FBI eavesdropping on Philly mayor??
It's time Democrats started blaming Bush for not stopping 9/11
Wrongful death suit may be nearing end - civil rights activist Ben Brown
Peter Werbe just mentioned DU on the air
which do you consider more important in 2004?
Read this elitist, arrogant post intended to attract a WSJ troll/editorial
Federalists, as Thom Hartman has described them.
Andy Rooney just apologized for backing the war in Iraq~~
To Green-ish posters: Do you consider Kerry to be a centrist?
To GOPish posters, do you consider Dean and Kucinich to be losers?
Time to write some reviews of Limbo's books at Amazon
Rush Limbaugh Should Be Given The Same Compassion
Latest Shrub outrage - Rare animals could be hunted
Rank the three smartest Democratic candidates
Should I boycott my grocery store?
What is the Homosexual agenda?
What does a liberal nowadays believe?
Time to quit kidding ourselves about the Greens Thread #2
Up to 8 (16?) Dead as Bolivian Troops Quell Protests
Giving millions to back a winner
Phila. Mayor's Allies: FBI Probe Suspect
Plane Downed by Wedding Party Fire(See, Afghanistan is now Justified)
Senator: Bush Must Take Charge [bush is an impotent puppet...CBSnews)
New Yorkers warned of mystery disease [China News/update:Newsday:not true]
"What did we do to deserve this?" (Cooperative Iraqis become targets)
GOP Lawmakers Seek Safety-Rule Exemption for Trailers
Kerry Says Bush, Cheney Must 'Apologize' Over Iraq
Carolyn Heilbrun/Amanda Cross: feminist critic/ mystery writer dies
South Korean President May Step Down
Newspapers sent same letter signed by different soldiers
Texas Senate Approves Redistricting Plan
Lieberman Proposes Raising Taxes on Rich
USA Today: Army probes soldier suicides
Does the rain delay help the Red Sox, the Yankees, or neither?
It's time to stop kidding ourselves about nether-beings from Hell
Love the closing credits of Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I started a 2-thread topic today! Woo hoo!
Don't know about you but we had a GREAT day!
This just in, an incredibly tiny person with a lot of talent has died
There is a loving power in the heavens.
what's good about having a chub?
What car did you own the longest?
I finally broke down and watched the movie "Chicago" because it
Put me down, dammit.....I am a cat, not a sausauge!
Anyone else listening to LOVELINE?
What's your favourite kind of Bun?
Do you ever feel like becoming a reporter?
Who watched Carnivale tonight?
What's good about being chubby?
Wonder who is at the top of the AP Top 25 College Football Poll?
If someone from your past appeared in front of you
Adam is the cause of all the world's problems
Can someone e-mail me a song I am looking for?
DU Story Time (do your bit to continue, please): NSMA Vanishes
W00T! Seahawks D manhandling Frisco!
Star Trek: TNG facts, give your thanks to producers of the original show!
Is there really "no stoppin the cretins from hoppin'"
Freeper comments on Robert Downey Jr's drug problem
So, they are making a movie of your life....
Tomorrow is Canadian Thanksgiving (2nd Monday in October)
What car that you owned have you most hated?
Best version of America the Beautiful?
Meanwhile, at an undisclosed location across town... CAPTION
We reserve the right to retaliate, even if it means suicide CAPTION
And at the same time, across town, another salute CAPTION
The fatherly hand on the shoulder of all CAPTIONs
Heh he...anyone using the MouseoTron??
Ohio State Issues Apology To Wisconsin Quarterback
My boss was featured in a Subway commercial!!!
KKKoulter needs crappy ads, we don't,...
My latest woodworking project (pics)
Dookus your cat is not the worst
A coming back from Camp David again...... CAPTION
Valley of the Nightmare, nee dolls... CAPTION
In Any Sport - Who Is The Best Athlete?
Pittsburgh DUers: Want to meet for a beer? I'm here all week...
Enjoy the fall colors — Pictures inside
Guardian: Theatre of war (about US wounded in Iraq)
"General Amnesty" - Michael Kinsley (WP)
War without end: A catalogue of killings in Iraq
Groping In Japan Leads To Women-Only Subway Car
The Sins of September 11th...another excellent Will Pitt article!
What is Victory? -- by Pat Buchanan
BWAH HA HA HA - Tom Tomorrow strikes again!
The Snowmobile Quagmire -- NYT editorial
Salon comic is out of this world!
What Went Wrong In Iraq? --- Reeves
European Press Review: Another Baghdad Bombing
Bush's Aids 'gift' has been seized by industry giants (US blocks generics)
Faith Fades Where It Once Burned Strong
Anti-American Foolishness: hoping someone has link or source for this
Celebrity status gave Schwarzenegger options
Free photo of the White House!
The Fate of the Mightiest Nation
What's the plan? ( Jebbie just a simple question)
Army studying high rate of suicide among US soldiers in Iraq
US plans to sell off Iraqi business(is modern equivalent of pillage)
President Should Get His News From Newspapers - Helen Thomas
What Rush would have said about Clinton if he were addicted
Matier & Ross: Clint was anti-recall
`Fear's Empire' addresses the flawed logic of pre-emptive strikes
Let's not sacrifice more lives in Iraq
DALE McFEATTERS: The right to travel to Cuba
WP: pResident bush* sent "The Wrong Message"......
Anne Lamott: Digging for grace
The N.R.A. Is Naming Names -- Bob Herbert on NRA "Enemies List"
Michael Kinsley: General Amnesty (about Wes Clark)
OUTRAGED! - Rare animals could be hunted
Excellent Cle Plain Dealer Op Ed: Computer voting isn't fool-proof
AFL-CIO launches nonunion group Working America is for workers who agree w
Helen Caldicott @ Salisbury Univ. Maryland Oct 15
Listen to Neil Rogers now LIVE
Wait. Rush said that he has often been imitated, but never duplicated
"Rushing" to Softball a HUGE Story
Jonah Goldberg takes his ball and goes home. "yellow belly"
Has anyone seen CNNs &/or Wolf Blitzer's Quick Vote?
Randi Rhodes show now on White Rose
Does anyone here practice Sun Gazing? Check out this site.
Islam: further boost to women's rights
Homophobic Terrorism Rocks UK Town
Settlement halts bias by Georgia church groups
Anglican Majority Support Gay Clergy
Bush's Economic Recovery in a NUTshell
Navy Sonar System Threatens Whales
GUNS IN THE NEWS - October 13, 2003
what does it mean when 'reply' isn't an option?
Outstanding Top 10 Conservative Idiots this week.
Can we get a Plush Cthulhu Avatar?
Arab refusal to accept Israel root of conflict with Palestinians: Sharon
Gaza raid leaves hundreds homeless
Palestinians Vow Revenge as Israel Kills 8 in Raid
Ex-PA minister: Peace draft doesn't concede right of return
Dems Stand With Bush on Syria Attack
Guantanamo camp a base of contradictions
Sept. 11 panel still seeking access to key documents
What Exactly Are We Defending?
Did anyone watch last night's "Saturday Night Live?"
Fingerhut Challenges Voinovich on Iraq War and Its Cost
Lieberman Proposes Raising Taxes on Wealthy
Democrats hit skids with NASCAR dads
For good coverage of the debate and the recall, check out
For Grossman, [Dean] decision has a winning look
Edwards on Hardball at Harvard - Monday at 7 MSNBC
What All the Canidates Need to Agree On
Kerry - A liar or just delusional?
Reminder: Edwards is on right now on MSNBC
Kerry Carries Water for Top Donor
Is The "Washington Insider" Term Meant To Alienate All Of Congress?
Kerry assails Wal-Mart Kerry assails Wal-Mart over health policies
Kucinich photo top-rated at Yahoo!
Dems Stand With Bush on Syria Attack
Iowa and New Hampshire Are Everything This Year
A little persepctive: Cuomo/Tsongas top NH poll, Clinton 2d last (Nov '91)
Sorry, but it takes more than getting "cool" photo ops
Sen. Levin close to endorsing Clark? and: Will Bush leave North Korea..
It's official. Dennis kicks off his candidacy.
Dr. James J. Zogby: More Americans vote for Middle East peace
Kucinich is "unelectable"- a question.
Positive candidate picture war!
This just in, an incredibly tiny person with a lot of talent has died
Texas Bends over and Takes it....
How to Run For President (drop ..partisanship,... attract disgusted voter)
Monkeys Control Robotic Arm With Brain Implants-Or Why To Buy More Tinfoil
I heard Michael Moore speak last night.
King Abdullah of Jordan criticizes US Middle East policies.
Text of Pat Robertson's State Dept. Comments (FAUX)
Must See NOW on CSPAN II: Edwin Black (IBM/Nazi book) on Eugenics
Andy Rooney on 60 minutes was amazing
Texas in the headlines in the Arab world
Any military on leave or in country who would care to post? n/t
Can Someone Explain The Nickname "Whistle-***?"
Strange reversals in political fortune...
why do the people of New Hampshire think so poorly of Clark?
The $#!+'s getting deeper : BCE claims Venezuela in league with "Al Qaeda"
Can somebody explain the Davis/Clinton paradox to me?
Clark Meetup Videos -- 38,000 MEETUP PEOPLE!
Who Is the Most Intelligent Democratic Candidate (poll)?
The problem with electing Democrats, as I see it...
GOP slogan: "If it feels good, believe it!"
Government by adolescent fantasy
Iraqui Council stands by opposistion of not sending Turkish troops
Bush is leading his Keystone cops on another hunt.
One last punch-card voting flap (Diebold BBV info)
Well you can kiss taking the house back goodbye
Why do I see all of these 1000+ posters with no star
Matthews will interview Edwards tomorrow (Monday) on Hardball
Isn't Clark basically a Colin Powell...
Former Ms. Amer. 2000, wife of Dem. Lieut. Gov. killed person accidentaly
Something Condi said -- fact check needed
We have no shot in 04...Dems are useless and need to be rebuilt
Dean's other perfect running mate
Carville rips Drudge up over photo--Matalin getting a lawyer?(K Street)
What are the best arguments "for" and "against" the war ?
Working together to defeat Karl Rove most Americans aren't stupid...but politically, they're ignorant!
Bush starting another war in Latin America?....
explain why you support the candidate you do in 20 words or less
US Soldiers Bulldoze Farmers' Crops in Iraq
I need to know what gay DUers think of Sully, Paglia & Norah Vincent...
interesting British political chat board
Sorensen: Lessons From A Liberal Cop (SE Minnesota)
TV News Lies Webcast Starting - Patriotism, supporting the troops
My Letter RE: Gay Marriage Was Printed!
Anyone airing Kucinich announcement today?
A perfectly wonderful paragraph
Will Bush Hire Saddam to Run Iraq?
Ontario has NEVER elected a true NDP government...
"Soldier-letter-gate" makes Yahoo. Rate this a 5!!
Will Soldiergate bring down Bush?
For a fictional look at a far-right/Patriot Act/PNAC world,
BBV, California and the Senate
Sadaam's Doubles to be used as election trump cards?
Anne Lamott: Digging for grace
How is the currency in Iraq valued now? Do they have dollars?
America luvs a Winner. Bush Problema: He looks like a LOSER
Wanna have some fun with a Rush poll?
Goodall/environment/Disney circus
I was just on C-Span as a Bush supporter
wake up and smell the fascism - 14 points match Bush White House
Common Dreams: All the President's Votes?
Lincoln and "one nation under god"
Excerpts Of Bush Pre-War Speeches Claiming Imminent Threat From Iraq
Time to quit kidding ourselves about the Green Haters
Is the AP Trying to Tell Us Something With This Photo of Bush?
If we donÕt believe in preemptive war, why should we believe in preemptive
Oh geez! The Liar in Chief thinks Fox News is liberal and against him?
America can't make Iraq's black gold flow - reports are "sexed up"
UKIndep: Iraqi resistance targets CIA
MI National Guard Units: Keep them Home (help)
Ground zero: wouldn't a memorial park be better than new edifices?
John Dean: Criminal ChargesThat May Arise From the Plame Scandal
The DLC strategy is designed to attract corporate cash not nascar dads
Limbaugh's confession may not turn listeners away
Is there some change in briefings about Iraq?
a summary of major Wilsongate articles (with links) . . .
Anybody here going to the Clark Meetup?
Why do the Republicans still cling to their hatred of communism?
What Rush would say if Bill Clinton had a drug problem
Maybe the Fraudministration is "testing" all of us?
Bush has made 2 billion Muslims the enemy
Clark makes front page of
Bush WH Treason, yet DEMs remain timid (once again)
It didnt work in 'nam, it doesnt work in Iraq either, mltry doesnt care
A sign of voter preference? Edwards 1st, Lieberman last - eBay clocks
Could the Rove script call for making a Gulliani type hero out of Arnold?
Kerry needs a hair cut if he is going to win.
When will our Democratic Congress stand up and say NO!!
Josh Marshall on Brown show discussing fake letters to the editors
Judy Woodruff gonna talk about Kucinich
Pigboy in rehab; Dumbya takes snake oil promos to airwaves
Bush Pulling One Out of His Bag of Tricks
Who Was The Most Intelligent President Of The Twentieth Century?
Army studying high rate of suicide among US soldiers in Iraq
Fake soldier letters in US newspapers (all Bush's propaganda)
A Hannity & Colmes transcript on drug treatment
Projection: 783 American Dead in Iraq by Election Day, 2004
Classic right-wing web site moranic moment...
Excellent Cle Plain Dealer Op Ed: Computer voting isn't fool-proof
HANNITY.....and colmes going all out today to bash liberals & protect Rush
Staggering numbers ....from Iraq
Does anyone have any more examples of those pre-written letters?
Three U.S. Soldiers Killed in 24-Hour Period
Pittsburgh DUers: Want to meet for a beer? I'm here all week...
Hannity's Trying to Defend Limbaugh - IT AIN'T WORKING!!!!!
Hold Congress to the No Child Left Behind Standards
Josh Marshall of TPM to be on CNN Aaron Brown today on soldiers' LTEs
is there a transcript for *s 'oh, what a lovely war' comments today?
I know what's missing on DU today
GWB today: Salute troops' sacrifices, go golfing: No visits to wounded?
John Edwards on Hardball Now...
New Idea - President's question time
Yahoo poll on A&E "the Arnie story"
Troops Head Back to Iraq After Home Leave
Going to Clark Meet-up tonight 7 p.m.
National Security Deems Attending Funerals a RISK?
CNBC's Military Analyst on the new Saddam Info
Edwards just lost my consideration
It's DAY 6... and Arnie still hasn't adressed groping issues as promised.
When will the Iraqi "Tet Offensive" start?
Our Regime is Writing Letters Home FOR our Troops!
I don't think I've seen this here yet...COULTER VS FRANKEN
900,000 Recall votes in limbo!? No wonder Arnold won...
Rep. Rangel's Endorsement Could Be a Huge Boost to Gen. Clark
How did the chimp`s poll numbers go up?
BBV: NEW WIRED ARTICLE: Did E-Vote Firm Patch Election?
TBTM Radio #14: 'Re-Arranging Deck Chairs...'
Watching Aussie PM Howard getting booed
Does Anybody Understand This ?
Wow. NPR is being semi-honest about poverty.
Happy Marriage Protection Week!
My lastest foray into the 9th Circle of Hell (FreeRepublic)
Anyone listening to the Randi Rhodes show right now?
Tucker Carlson's Bald-faced LIE About Dennis Kucinich
The "Rush to Judgement" project...
I'm sure this is redundant -- can someone tell me why Rush isn't in jail?
So where is THIS story? (Clinton stops terror attack new years 2000)
Where's the story about allowing hunting of endangered species?
Democratic hopefuls misread California- Interesting Article
Heads up for John Edwards fans: He'll be on Hardball tonight...
What happened to the full out assaults by the Clark and Dean people?
Is This Spinning, Ignorance, or Just Blantant Stupidity?
Thanks to all who helped "The Guy James Show"
PBS: an analysis of right wing Radio talk shows now (6:33 CT)
To those praising Rush for admitting his addiction
The American people need to be asked.
Any confirmation of story that Israel plans to invade Syria??
Did Rush's drug addiction help him lose all that weight?
Official Indian Resistance Day Thread
Talk about inept..we haven't even caught one of Saddam's doubles
NPR doing story about how British controlled Basra is really peaceful.
CBS News to talk about the fake letters from GI's
How do you identify yourself politically?
Stolen: 19 Computers with Top-Secret Info on India's Nuclear Programs
The Daily Howler may mute itself forever
The Iraq War Resolution: A Memorium for DU'ers Who Were there! 10/11/02.
Bush now at war with himself--and it's embarrassing this country
so the conservatives hate mandela now?
Bush's higher poll ratings worry me
Holy False War Rationale, Batman!!!!!!
The Ditto heads aren't going to like this. What will they tell their kids
Did Edwards really say the vote for IWR was right?
Bush government fits US definition of fascism
Former Graham staffers join Clark Campaign
Only Three Months Until The First Primaries/Caucuses
New Newsweek Poll: All our candidates gain vs. Bush
Why do the poor think poorly of Dean?
In honor of his announcement: The Kucinich Platform
Seven Myths About the Religious Right (Slate)
Am I just PARANOID or are there NAZI TRAITORS in the WH?
I am sitting here on the edge of weeping right now, because of you
aside from DU & FR what are some other popular partisan dicussion boards
Operation Iraq 'Freedom' photos (aka blow the Iraqi kids to bits)
Tx. repugs: if you don't keep kids in school you can't have Medicaid
Murdoch bought Direct TV - say it ain't so!
BBV - Can American Democracy survive computerized votes?
36 Reasons to Vote for Bush & Republicans in 2004
"If Bill Clinton were an addict, here's how Rush might spin it"
When will US troops start to say "NO?"
Dennis's Department of Peace: good idea or bad?
Have you called DeLay and Hastert? They are saying FCC rollback is dead.
Ron Reagan Jr needs to be the first hire of the "so called Gore TV"
I just figured out what's out of kilter about that CNN poll
Greens, Democrats, Progressives, $87 Billion
Media Poll: Would you vote for Dennis Kucinich?
Oh Jesus. . .this is an ubelievable picture of *
Help me! I need an education. Subject: NPR - what's your problem?
The Leak Story Is All But Dead
Joan Kroc dies at 75. Former Padres owner and wife of Ray Kroc
BREAKING NEWS! Texas redistiricting succeeds- GOP will gain up to 7 seats
Note to lurking Freepers (the ugly truth about FreeRepublic pledge drives)
Does Democracy = Capitalism? and/or vice versa?
Democratic response to election fraud, 9-11 and Iraq invasion?
Kerry's stepson, Chris Heinz, say's he posts on DU (from Kerry Blog)
OPEC does not intend to increase either upper or lower price ranges for oi
'Deal' would trade Mount for refugees ~
Good News - Twins Are Separated in Stable Condition
Bolivian troops kill up to eight protesters
Der Speigel: Israel preparing strike to take out Iranian nuclear sites
St James's Palace cat burglar is shot dead
UK: Dossier on Tory leader submitted
NY Activists Mobilize for GOP Convention
Five Protestors Die in Bolivia After President Calls in Troops
Dennis Kucinich Launches White House Bid
Marijuana Laws a High Priority in Alaska
Religion, Politics Blend in Postwar Iraq
Japan defuses one-ton bomb (From WW2)
Turks will bring chaos, say Kurds
Democrats Again See Little Choice on Iraq
US-led forces clash with militants in Afghanistan
MoD Chief in Fraud Cover-Up Row
Businesses share in $107 million from California recall campaigns
Karzai approves Afghanistan's new political parties law
Four British soldiers injured in explosions near Basra
Aide Who Burned Hitler's Body Dies at 86
UK, Spain to Propose Amended U.N. Iraq Resolution
Az. called a human trafficking focal point
US Soldiers Bulldoze Farmers' Crops
Plans For More Al-Qaida Attacks Uncovered, Official Says
Iraq oil minister, Chalabi aide escape assassination bid: council source
Iraqi Council Wins Support for Turkish Troop Stand
1789 U.S. law allowed trial in Miami over torture in Chile 30 years ago
U.S. Soldier Dies in Iraq Land Mine Attack
Arafat Appoints Acting Security Chief(new blow to Pal PM Ahmed Qureia)
Guerrillas kill eight Afghan police in raid(100 Taliban raid in Zabol)
Iraq Foreign Minister Stands Firm on Turkish Troops
Group With Cockfighting Ties Gets Tax Break From Federal Government
In oil we trust? Russian islanders have mixed feelings
Extremists Pushing Iraq to Civil War - Mediator
Mediator: Extremists Pushing Iraq to Civil War
US troops detain Muslim religious leader in Iraqi town: witnesses
Summit cancelled after Britain bans Mugabe henchmen
MIAMI:Chilean could be Pinochet witness
U.S. Soldier Killed in Iraqi Town of Tikrit
Bush under fire in rift over Iraq(no confidence Bush has exit strategy)
EU OKs $233M for Iraq Reconstruction Aid
Iraq: Muslims Must Accept U.S. in Iraq
Fractured Republicans Hope for Deal to Pass Energy Bill
Atlanta Airport Renaming Stirs (Racial) Tensions
Experts fear dirty bomb attack in UK is inevitable
Army Ends Probe on Iraq POW Abuse Alleged
De-freezing of relations with Cuba.
U.S. administrator vows to hunt down planners of Baghdad bombing
Investigations on Recent Bomb Attacks are “Partially Resolved”
New Al Gore TV Hopes to Avoid 'Liberal' Label
Key Muslim states reject US plea for help in Iraq
California Businesses Must Offer Partner Benefits For State Jobs
Watchdog: Bush Donors Score Policy Wins (who would have guessed)
The Rich World's Disappearing Jobs
Venezuela Generals Behind Spanish Embassy Bombing
Venezuela To Lift Military Wages 30% On Jan 1 - Chavez
U.S. Soldier Killed in Iraqi Town of Tikrit (Mon October 13)
Identical soldier letters sent to US newspapers (disinfo!)
Bus Accident Leaves Six Dead in Louisiana
Schwarzenegger Unveils Energy Plans
Iraq hopes oil to fuel balanced 2004 budget
. . Saudi Arabia to Hold First Election
Planning the Budget for 2 Countries at Once -NYT
U.S. Believes Saddam Recently In Tikrit
AP: 1/4 of U.S. Troops Lack Body Armor
Exiled Opposition: Iran Hiding Nuclear Site from UN
Det Free Press headline: "CIA Leak Undercuts U.S. Spies"
Community Garden Will Be Pulled Up by Its Roots
Publisher of top German newspaper to start Polish daily
NYT: Welfare Spending Shows Huge Shift
Saddam 'hiding in home town of Tikrit' - US military(or strong influence?)
Delays leave one-fourth of U.S. troops in Iraq without (new) body armor
Offshore drilling vow may be tested
New agency for Iraq contracts (subcontracting for Halliburton and Bechtel)
Three U.S. Soldiers Killed in 24-Hour Period
Iran Said to Hide Nuclear Site as UN Deadline Nears
Los Angeles MTA IS striking tommorrow..
Ahead of Bush visit, U.S. surveillance planes scour jungles..
Davis Signs Calif. Domestic Partner Law
Schwarzenegger Unveils Energy Plans
Iraq Council Member: Iraq to Back Syria
US offers concession on Iraq handover
Mississippi GOP launches anti-Musgrove Web site (Governor)
EU OKs $233M for Iraq Reconstruction Aid
Lack of Pentagon support threatens Bush's Iraq plans
Bush Insists He's 'In Charge' of Iraq Policy
ABC Evening news: Colonel confesses to originating form letter
Iraqis who cooperate are targeted
Iraqi bomb boy's anger at pilot
Kucinich Launches Long Shot 2004 White House Bid
Bush Approval Rating Back Up, Poll Says (CNN, I have a bridge..)
Cuba blasted U.S. President George W. Bush's newly toughened policies...
Bombs Found in Home of Murdered Gun Dealer
Bush Goes Around Media to Make Iraq Case
CNN: Spending our way to disaster
Turkey: Troops to respond to attacks
Miss America of 2000 (wife of hits and kills bicyclist
NY Subway entrances to be decorated w/electronic billboards(Clear Channel)
Did E-Vote Firm (Diebold) Patch Election?
Monkeys Control Robotic Arm With Brain Implants-Or Why To Buy More Tinfoil
Blair led decision to identify weapons adviser, official tells inquiry
Bush Pays Respect to 'Sacrifices' in Iraq
David Limbaugh forced to apologize for false assertion in new book
What's the problem with Raider AbomiNation?
I just watched "Hamburger Hill" ... don't ask me a thing.
Greg Palast on with Peter Werbe at 1am EDT
Why is the Sahara Desert a desert?
Anyone have some good apple crisp recipes?
Need help -- computer problem (MAC OS 9.1)
Is leaving DU the in thing to do?
There is only one way I can put this...
Anyone else having trouble sleeping under a full moon?
Can Someone Explain The Nickname "Whistle-***?"
Liberal Meme #776 "They really dropped the dog on that one"
The "Sponsored" White House...
new Hannity Advertiser Ace Hardware
The Governor of California is coming
lotus notes gurus.. HELLLLLLLLLLLLLP!!!
A little Lounge entertainment for Monday............
I found out why "they" say you should not give your dog onions to eat
Steve Martin to play new Clouseau?
Who are "21st Century Democrats"?
Boston Police to Seek Criminal Summonses tomorrow against Yankees
Lion v. Tiger - Death Match Results?
BOSTON BASEBALL HOOLIGANS?? They have TWO days to "get ready"?
The Fraudulent Voting Machine...give it a try online
Who wants to come over and help me do yard work?
Who is the best Disney villain?
Why couldn't this song be on Billboard's Top Ten?
I'm reading Al Franken's new book
Let us remember Mathew Sheppard.....
This picture has just been released of the white tiger that attacked Roy
Need money for your schools? The real effects of W's taxcuts?
We had tantric sex last night, ask me anything
So do the Niners suck this year or what!
Anyone here read Gaiman/Pratchett's "Good Omens?"
What is your tack on MORTALITY?
Zimmer Simmer Swimmer Timmer Quimmer
Hmmm...If any Duer's want a good free magazine examining ...
Who here is DISAPPOINTED that the Tigers only lost 119 games...
My name is catpower2000 and I am a WB addict...
need help with Bush Halloween costume
So who knows a place to get cheap DVD+R media?
epologue to wierdos at my house story...
Get Busy - Most Dancable Song right now
Clark makes front page of
Parents, do you like one of your kids better than the other(s)
Pat Robertson "apologizes" - kindasorta
CUTETHULHU! -- Two cute girls annoy Lovecraft in this 2-minute anime.
Getting a new computer -- need data transfer help
Too many embarassing "liberals" participate in my project
So...I called my vet from Tahiti & got to listen to K-FROG
Need help combatting wingnut co-worker
Which Parent Do (Did) You Like Better?
Do You Have Any Idea How To Clean DVD's Or CD"s And The Console
Were You An Only Child, Or The Product Of A Large Family?
The Protocol-Harlem of all CAPTIONS!!!!
The Talking T*rd of all CAPTIONS!!!
The Edgy Explorer of all CAPTIONS!!!!
More good news for Atkins dieters
If you could recapture one aspect of your youth what would it be?
It's Only Fair - I Want "Beastiality Eye For the Yak Guy"
today's new hate radio advertisers 10/13
Has anyone seen 5thGenDemocrat lately?
Queer eye for any guy... or even any gal... or anything that's human.
Something for the techies - my PC reboots itself!
I could use some advice from some of my religious friends
Yoo-hoo, Haters! Look who's in first place in the NFC East
Man Attacks Stain in Trousers...Destroys Apartment
LOTR ticket-seller asswipe on ebay
Is everyone enjoying their day off?
Rush Limbaugh's my *gasp* hero...
Hey Canadian DUer's!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
This is just cute... To take a break from Bush*'s craziness...
What Is Your Favorite Rolling Stones Song....
The Consumer-Alert of all CAPTIONS!!!!
Kerry needs a hair cut if he is going to win.
Columbus Day... A Time to Celebrate...or Not
Hetero Eye for the Queer Guy/GAL!
Why are women on TV news 99% 'Homecoming Queens'?...
Columbus Day is a "Good Thing!" I can take my crayons and color in the
Which football game should I watch tonight
You can But Will Pitt's new book HERE
It's Only Fair. I Want Seeing Eye For The Blind Guy.
I Think My Sister Is Mentally Ill, and I Don’t Know What to Do (LONG)
Will Pitt next to Kissinger! Details inside!
The Dithering Diplomat of all CAPTIONS!!
I have a craving for cucumber salad....
Favourite Partridge Family member.
The Alpha Mule of all CAPTIONS!!!!
New look for Ann the Man... I think it is fetching...
Monday's IN The UNDERGROUNDRAILROAD -- Monday, October 13, 2003
The best place to meet that special someone
Does anyone have a Panasonic DMR-E80H DVD Recorder?
I did an intense BDSM scene last nite (4+ hours) - ask me anything.
Which DUer Should Never Be Messed With?
I am having a serious craving for meatballs!
What is the link for Spell Checker?
It's only fair, I want Jewish eye for the dumb Goy
Apparently, there's a cougar wandering around my neighborhood.
Can I get some advice on a sticky situation re: my school lab partner?
More Offensive Holiday: Columbus Day or St. Patrick's Day
A tribute to Al Franken is on Rt 30 in Irwin PA
Everybody does NOT LOVE RAYMOND!
Ohio State suspends Reynolds for one game.
What Is Your Favorite Paul McCartney Song...
Saddest love songs ever; crying definitely allowed!
Major Barf Alert: Check out this AP photo of our pResident.
Okee, pick your favorite from VH1's top 10 (of 100) greatest rock songs
Which is your favorite Beethoven symphony?
My cock just loves being scratched!!!!!
Was Anyone Here a "Love Child"?
How many "Old DU'ers" are left here? I just sent Skinner my Annual $$'s
All CAT owners and anyone with "CAT" in their DU name LOOK HERE!
For those that remember the 60's
FUNNY: 50 Reasons Why Lord of the Rings Sucks
DK666's Free Signature Hosting
Who here's workplace traded the day after Thanksgiving for Columbus day?