Democratic Underground

Archives: October 17, 2003

Qibya and Sharon: 50 Years Later

John Kerry speech

Interview with Dennis

A.M radio - Michale Savage kiss my @#$%

Al Franken, guest on Prairie Home Companion this coming weekend

Australa promoted to Sheriff for Asia !!

"Fast Efficient People Killing Machines"- Brady Campaign

Okay, so how 'bout a Keith Richards avatar?

I disagree with the locking of this thread

Bush Blames Palestinian Authorities

Skewing the media

PA blames Israel for Gaza bombing

Parents of peace activists fight on

Palestinians loathe US foreign policy

Quinnipiac poll on various NY pols. Spitzer in NY's favorite politician

Andrew: If Kernan's In, I'm Out

How will the Texas redistricting affect 2004?

To all the Kerry supporting Dean bashers out there

Is the lottery rigged?

Pat Robertson, Mr. Holy o' Holy, wants to nuke the State Department!

Well, so much for the 4th Amendment

Why doesn't the FBI ask Cliff May who exposed CIA operative Valerie Plame?

Dean got a union endorsement today

another reason for Republicans to hate Hillary

Unions Backing Gephardt Form Alliance

History repeats itself, only this time it is Bush and his failed policy.

Whoopi replay NBC now - watch this!

The latest right wing wacknut

My parents rock!

Bailing out Bush with $87 billion in taxpayer money.

I though NPR was doing a follow-up on the letter writing propaganda

Sign this petition for Ross Perot to run!

ACLU 100 Greatest Hits

David Limbaugh admits lie, Coulter still has it posted on her web page!

I thought the freepers were bad until I accidentally ran across this site.

Tonight's Frontline was total BULLSH*T!!

Mike Malloy: ONLY wants to talk about the general who fights for {G}od

A new website exposing tactics of the right wing extremists

Great letter to DeLay about MoveOn at

Insidiousness of Clear Channel in one market (Cincinnati)

Tragic Nightline

I'm opposed to loans for Iraq

Bush* Ya Ol' Potbellied Thang

New Quinnipiac Poll: Kerry and Clark Leading in PA Among Democrats

Wow! Dems just passed an amendment to the 87 billion.

Another Site Attacks Democratic Underground

Deleted message

Is Ross Perot back?

"I've got a bad feeling about this..."

In Bush's little chat from the Aircraft Carrier he

There's no hope of getting along. These people are too evil.

A rather paranoid Novak disses Bush

Voters Describe Ideal Nominee (interesting poll results)

The UNEDITED Bush State of the Union address: See what Bush really meant

New Idea on cause of Senator Paul Wellstone crash

More like the fuhrer every day...

Ross Perot and campaign finance. Was he on to something?

Is Fred Pelps behind this crap? (unfair statuatory rape laws in Kansas)

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine

Is It Wrong, Just To Say That Some Cubans Like Fidel And Some Don't?

Clark Supporters: Read This Now!

Winona LaDuke

I know how Arnold can get money for California

Need help correcting freeper that insists that Clinton was a felon -- Keep tabs on Bush contributors

New spin on Iraq war - they MEANT for Al Qaeda to come to Iraq

is anyone else bothered by Clark's "New American Patriotism"?

Nightline talking about Pakistan

Senator Ted Kennedy-Senate Floor Remarks-October 16, 2003

Clark and the Globalist Neocons

Hileah, FL

Can I support Dean AND Clark?

Our troops are being treated TERRIBLY by Bush!

Help! Searching for quote, a response to *

Impeach Bush: Arcata Votes!

The Georgia election machine meeting 10/16/03

Mike Malloy says buy a gun.

When Plame Decides to Talk

Getty heir sued for campaign donation violation

More Reserve Troops to Be Sent to Iraq

The Man Who Knew (Inspectors laughed at Colin Powell's UN speech)

Unions Backing Gephardt Form Alliance


Congress May Take Class on Law It Passed

Bush, Fox to discuss immigration reform

In California, Hoping for Help

TV camera rigged to kill Afghan rebel Masood stolen in France: police-AFP

Syrian Leader Condemns Iraqi War

Smoke at Barbeque (Haley Barbour attends CCC event)

Painkillers May Have Caused Limbaugh's Deafness

Ashcroft Sees Progress in CIA Leak Probe

Voters Describe Ideal Nominee

WP: A Solid Vote That Buttresses 'Made in USA'

Germans lap up claim that US plotted Sept 11

Senate defies Bush, approves Iraqi loans

Pope says God wants him to stay

Is Scalia Too Blunt to Be Effective?

Agent No Longer Out of Sight- CIA officer in leak case attends event

Two Genetically Modified crops face ban for damaging wildlife in EU

Silly question; new DVD skips on one player but works on another ...

Since I've Been Loving You

Into The Mystic

American Cultural Hstory..The Seventies

Hey Read This thread I posted in GD

Berkeley Breathed on book tour for his new book "Flawed Dogs"

I'm going to Toledo one of these decades, and am making a list

Oh joy, new SNL features Halle Berry and the Pop Tart-kissed on the advert

ABC has a real sick sense of humor:

I got me an IFR 2398 - ask me any thing.

Ted Williams' son diagnosed with leukemia

What should the topic of my first DU poll be?

Rumor has it that Bartman is sitting someplace along the 3rd base seats

Brother Can You Spare A Dime?

Another car thread:GM forced to rename the Buick "Masturbator" in Canada

My parents rock!

Any Denver DUers get to see Michael Moore last night?

What the f**k is love ?

Should I go home?

Anti Bush Rally in here in Phoenix on 11/25 who wants to help?

How come all the cartoons are being made in Korea?

Congrats dorktv on 500 posts!

Shhhhh. Don't tell anyone, but the Sox are up 4-0 in the 5th inning.

You are not going to believe this REAL pic fm. Coulter's Website

if Fox puts their own ad on the billboard behind home plate?

Whoopi on right now (8:30PM CST)

I was away from DU. Been back a week and no Mopaul. What's up w/that?

New Job Opportunity for * a CAPTION

new Savage Weiner and Hannity advertisers 10/16

cough, cough, gasp, cough gasp, cough....don't mind me CHOKING!!!

Brother John Duncan is a mean person!

A toast to the man who invented ice cubes.

I'm Crazy For Prince All Over Again!!! (The Artist Formerly Known As...)

what do you watch on ebay?

Mailing out Letters

Is the lottery rigged?

How do you move a thread to here?

a movie is already planned about the Cubs fan that caught the foul ball

I got picked for Jury Duty. Should I wear this T-shirt to court tommorrow?

I just got this original artwork in the mail.

You ever separate "loving someone" from "being in love with someone"?


what should I do about my hair

Now that we know what love is, "what the f**k is lust"????

What's your favorite even prime number?

A penny saved is a penny earned, but 18,000 pennies are hard to launder

I used to love language.

Where the hell is Will Pitt???

Do you know anyone in real life that has a catchphrase?

Tie-in with Mike Malloy mother recently called

Poor Roger Clemens

I just read "Of Mice and Men."

Oh Brother! (John that is!) look at this so you may know this monster!

NEW AVATAR: Human Rights Campaign

I wrote a new song about Bu$h.

Men's rules

Weird Republican haircuts

This gorilla is eating its own feces. Ask me anything.

New AVATARS: Cthulhu Edition!

Which is the BEST video game platform?

Ever Been To A Drag Show? (That's Drag QUEENS! Not Drag Races.)

Are indicted Americans innocent until proven guilty, or guilty first?

Most exciting sporting event you've attended

Oh MY GOD.... Zimmer does it AGAIN!

Clark Tanks Rolled Into Mount Carmel

Keeping dissent invisible

Bush's order to stop leaks is leaked!

Dennis Kucinich: He's a vegan - not a menace

My letter to editor published

Weapons of Mass Seduction

Dr. Steinberg, Medicine Woman

Who Can Win in 2004? Just Use This Freshness Test by Jonathan Rauch

More spin on Iraq

Krugman: The Sweet Spot

Daniel Maguire-A Papacy's 25 Years of Unfulfilled Potential

LA Times - Students, Nuns and Sailor-Mongers, Beware

Turmoil in Bolivia

Telegraph (UK) : God put Bush in charge

Excellent Buzzflash interview with Bob Beckel

'Morale slides' for US troops

Thanks for the Hate Mailbag . . . Nothing like a bracing tonic of

Global Eye -- Circus Maximus

Kinsley: Bush's Filtered News

Dean’s party: Howard is more than just hype

Ted Kennedy's Senate "Lie after lie" Remarks (and mine)

The National Bank Regulator's War on Consumers - by Ralph Nader

U.S. Supplies Nuclear Submarine Missles to Israel

The Pope's plainsong of self-righteousness

Portland Band on National Tour to Promote Awareness

What You Can Do To Speed (Pun Intended) Rush's Retirement

General Boykin

(links) rides to DC/SF for October 25 "Bring our troops home NOW!"

how2 print your own lawn signs: anyone know?

Wilson on RAY TAL NOW

Excellent article by Thom Hartmann

Heroes - ignore the real, make some up:

NY Post--Sorry You Lost, Yankee Fans?

No More Conservatives?

The Right Has A Stronghold In The Wrong Place

Life-size effigies mark fifth anniversary of Shepard's death

Gay couples counter Marriage Protection Week by counseling straights

Anglican leaders end meeting with stern warning

U. of Missouri offers pro-gay protections

More Jobs Lost!

investing abroad

What about the chips?

Internet speed record set by EU-U.S. labs

FirstEnergy customers lose chance to save billions in electricity costs

South American glaciers' big melt

National Service ?

DPP condemns conduct of Hualien council speaker - Taiwan

AIT (US embassy) urges Taiwan to beef up the armed forces

Chaos as police kick out Hillbrow squatters - SA

War-torn families piece together their lives - Africa

Union threatens to force down petrol prices - Nigeria

Ivory Coast bans protests after youth riot

Child labourers rescued from Nigerian quarries

Peace process 'under stress' - Horn of Africa

'Witches' face lynch mob wrath

No used undies for Tanzania

'Racist' Gandhi honoured by Johannesburg

Malaysia defends Jewish remarks

Zimbabwe media controller laughed at - in court

Guns in the News Oct 17th

Hollywood and guns

OK, who agrees with the following?

GUNS IN THE NEWS--October 17, 2003

PRESS RELEASE - "National Poll Redefines the Gun Issue"

The Second Amendment is now meaningless....

Dean, the NRA on guns

Fake Pizza Delivery Men Kill Man In Home Invasion

Drug legalisation

Do you have the link

Avatar Popularity

Thanks Skinner & Maeve. Also is the Dog causing any bandwidth issues

How many vanity kicks in a GD thread is too many?


Whats it gonna take to get my Wilson avatar? money? food? begging??

Why was this moved?

Hey Almighty Admins DK666 here.....

If you guys...

Mr. Skinner, thank you for my Wilson Avatar!!

I protest the locking of this thread!!!!

I'd like to protest a thread being locked...

How are posters to know what rule they violated in deleted posts?

The hate Mail Bag absolutely ROCKS!

Odd error message

DAMMIT, unlock the "hate mailbag rocks" thread...

Palestinians Find Their Voice Online

Sharon: Expelling Arafat not 'good for Israel'

Sharon: Expelling Arafat not 'good for Israel'

Lieberman, Arab Americans Spar Over Israel

Malaysia apologises for Mahathir's 'Jews rule world' remark

Poll: 75% of Palestinians support Haifa restaurant attack

Local man seeks help to buy ambulances for Israel

Purpose of the Settlements

PA official arrested for smuggling weapons comissioned by PA

The Pentagon Thread: Part 5.1

Dean Interview on Capitol Report Regarding His Economic Plan

Nixon wanted people to protest him and Graham in 72 race

Blind Rage At Bush On The Hill

Dean, the NRA on guns

Dean on Bush

internet campaign thingos...icons, banners, backgrounds, screensavers.

Dems aren't defining themselves on domestic issues

TNR article on possible GOP tinkering w/Dem Primary

Democrats Unified Against Bush, Split on Issues (Strong Dean lead in NH)

Are the Dems making the same mistake Edison did?

The latest poll numbers out of Pennsylvania

Democrat Blanco leads in new Louisiana poll

To all the passionate supporters of any candidate out there

Hardball re-airing hour long segment with John Edwards tonight

The $686 Billion Difference

The General and the Governor - Two Measures of American Desperation

5 way statistical tie in new Fox Poll. Clark loses 7%.

Dean Campaign - a Battle Over Dem Party and Its Clinton-Era Legacy

Lieberman attacks Clark to bored condo owners

Voters Describe Ideal Nominee

Indymedia, Washington Post: Deanies Sending Duplicate Posts and emails...

Ashton Kutcher is hosting an Edwards fundraiser at Dennis Hopper's house

Dean: Hope is source of his anger

Kucinich stands a very good chance of getting the nomination

where can i buy John Kerry things ?

It's October 17, 2004-What's the mood at DU?

Krugman not endorsing Dean's, Gephardt plans

Unions want Fair trade w/ Affordable health care & plan to create jobs -

I want to know if Wesley was in Waco

Ron Paul (R-Texas) speaking on C-Span

Byrd Will Speak Again This Afternoon

Poll regarding CIA Leak article on Yahoo has disappeared!

Next debate on Faux News - another fiasco?

a movie is already planned about the Cubs fan that caught the foul ball


Good! Cubs & Sox Lose! Media will have to go back to Leakgate

How Dean, Kerry, and Clark are doing vs. Bush in New Hampshire

Jeb asks TX company to rate schools on wealth and race, not just scores.

our similarities far outweigh our differences

Which is worse for White Collar Workers (POLL)

do gun-ownership rights extend to the homeless?

My impression of a China apologist criticising the CCP...

Classic Repuke BS: Reaganomics/Mondalenomics...

Joseph Wilson will

Googling The War Party: Lt. Col. Dominic Caraccilo

Why Bernie Ward is so cool.....

Canada: Tories and Alliance to merge

I wrote a new song about Bu$h.

Did anyone see Thursday's Frontline on PBS about Lackawanna ?

Joseph Wilson on KGO

LOL.... Ray Taliafero...

I'm gonna take flak for this, but I enjoy Shepard Smith's 7 pm show

Looking for Info on Bush's Big Game Hunter friends.

BBV Question: Write-in candidates?

TECHIES: Questions About Default Block Backdoor/SubSeven Trojan horse

Tariq Ali on Democracy Now! -

The rest of the world is giving us the finger...

Knowledge of terrorists/weapons? The UK needs you NOW:

Malaysian PM: "Jews rule the world" at meeting of Islamic leaders

Who do you think will win the nomination?

Need some inspiration?

A sign of the times...?

The New York Times’s “liberal” argument for colonial occupation

Clark and Edwards - playing the nice guys?

Another danger from fundamentalist republicans

It's a giant "Scooby Doo" episode.

God, it seems, is not without a sense of humor

Deleted message

Can Iraqi's say "no thanks"?

Apocolypse Now: Iraq, 4 more dead.... our Palestine

Advice to Dem Candidates From Krugman...

I Like John Edwards

Social Security Announces 2.1 Percent Benefit Increase for 2004

I don't like the looks of this

FOX lost chance @ $$$$$

US Spy Plane down near N.Korea

US Soldiers to America: Bring Us Home Now

Today's Trivial Wingnut Gossip re: KERRY, DEAN

Gotta read the Hate Mailbag

Strange post at Clark Blog

San Diego DUers, please help our involved youth

Wasserman on Healthcare

rummy: UPBEAT on military retention and recruitment (draft???)

New DNC ad about leakgate

Why I am concerned about Bush, the UN, and the Yen vs. the Dollar

The Second Amendment is now meaningless....

BBV: Suppose I knew of a certain county in a certain state..

Danziger: General Boykin explains it all

bush*: Iraq reconstruction..a more important story than soldiers dying...

This is why we're in so much trouble

Has anyone heard more about the FCC vote, DeLay, and MoveOn?

Stop the Importation of Endangered Species! (Sign the Petition)

Watching C-Span2 - Democrats

BBV: Were FTP files used in GA machines?

TV News Lies Webcast to Start at noon ET - Meria Heller guest

Secrecy shrouds Halliburton hiring frenzy at Houston hotel-bug control

Is Bob Beckel's new campaign to out Repugs Going to Backfire on Us?

Terry Gross interviews Bill O'Reilly

New female icon for France: who would US choose for its own?

about the hate mails

New Republic apologizes for comments..

Sen. John Edwards on Hardball Tonight (Friday) 7PM Eastern (Rerun?)

When is the third-quarter GDP number supposed to come out?

Australian leader tosses off "sheriff's badge" from Bush

More people die in accidents in New York than die in war in Iraq...

It's a self-licking ice-cream cone,"

Does Bush Plan to Withdraw from Iraq Before the Election ??

3 Reasons lastest UN resolution gave W a black eye

Gov.-elect Schwarzenegger Should Come Clean About Ken Lay Meeting Or Face

Bush has killed more than 101 soldiers since W declared 'war over'

An Activist's Conundrum

Where do we find todays Woodword, Bernstein and DEEPTHROAT?

Constitutional interpretation: Contstructionist or Expansionist?

A Report on Mesopotamia by T. E. Lawrence (of Arabia)

Bush Goggles - A Definition for the Term

Jackson Browne's Retro -Relevant Lyrics

Check out this juxtaposition on yahoo news

The man behind the Spam letters - He's EVERYWHERE!!

General to tone down religious rhetoric

I noticed in the hate mailbag that the dittoheads call us

Today's This Modern World (from BushWatch)

Bush Wants His Message Unfiltered? OK, Here's How He Can Do It

Bill Oreilly is out of his mind -- how small-minded can one be?

Did you ever get a $42,000 a year raise? FL education CEO did.

This cannot be good news:N Korea to show off N-prowess

If the country knows about * 's Iraq PR campaign...

Palast at it again re: Schwartzenazi ... Told ya' so!

Has anybody gotten the "ChickenHawk" playing cards?

Interesting post from a conservative at work

Who Can Win in 2004? Just use This freshness test

Krugman Advises AGAINST Full Tax Cut Rollback

Manchester Union Leader: Howard is more than just hype


O'Reilly's Harvard "Credential"

breaking msnbc: ....they found the body of that little boy in NH...

Is it possible for a common needy citizen to move to Iraq ?

Slashdot on e-voting - Now!!!

Good cop; bad cop: The $87 billion scam on America

194 dead US soldiers in Iraq since Juniors "Mission Accomplished" speech

BBV:Firm's attempts to down hyperlinks an attack on free speech, says EFF

Well, it's true: US supports one world's leading terrorist nations

Deleted message

Does this mean what I think it means?

Fox poll has Bush at 52 percent

DU Soldiers unit featured today in Stars and Stripes (SoCalDem)

Could Bush be correct about the loan to Iraq?

Just talked to a woman from Military Families speak out (clusterF)

Posner's Why America Slept gets rave in NYTBR

Foreign Policy Experts Target U.S. 'Empire-Building'

The war on democracy comes to Philly

Hardball re-airing hour long segment with John Edwards from Monday

Attn. DU Poets: Poets Against the War Pre-Rally in DC Oct. 25

Miss Nude World in Iowa

Noble Lies and Perpetual War

Byrd is Hot!!!!!

Latest NH poll: Dean opens 17-point lead (also results from Iowa, SC)

US's leading editorial pages are ignoring the Plame scandal.

This is what happens when the Repug fascists steal elections

A Warning to the Congress of the United States:

What will happen to all our dreams

All In The Family: Rob Reiner backing Dean, Norman Lear backing Clark

New to DU ? ----- here's a PNAC Intro to Never Ending Repug Wars

Is it "General Bonkers" or "General Boinkers?"

MoveOn MUST respond to this WP remark.

Ariel Sharon is EVIL!!!!

Wink just got his e-mail read on Crossfire

Heads up...Byrd speaking now!

Washington Post only paper to reject this week's Boondocks

will the senate dems join byrd in opposing the $87 billion?

BBV: Who will win the election?

Wrong Place For Nothing But Right

Are anti-war people responsible for cleaning up Iraq?

The Senate's Iraq Loan Amendment

Oh, brother! Limbaugh's Persecution complex (book by David)

Questions about Constitutionmal amendments

Is this man a lunatic?

Clark's Campaign ~FIZZLES~

Firsthand information on what foreigners think of the U.S.

Words of wisdom.... by Oregon Democratic Rep. Earl Blumenauer

CBS to talk about the new IRaqi Threat

why haven't freepers launched a boycott of Guthy-Renker?

Sick, wounded U.S. troops held in squalor

Can we DUers buy phone cards as a means of supporting the troops

How could the GOP vote this bill down!? This is NOT supporting the troops!

TBTM needs "Secret Service" Agents in San Francisco Oct 25th

Heads Up...Vote now on the Senate Floor on the $87B Appropriations bill!

John Edwards repeat on Tweety...

Lame answer from WPost I got on pulling of Boondocks

you should visit anandtech: politics and news forums

Just filled out the new Zogby Poll this AM

French Jews Call For Prosecuting ‘Criminal’ Sharon

Did Post 9/11 Regulations Contribute to Ferry Crash?

Continuing the conversation from the NYPOST Editorial locked thread

How does NPR report on Bolivia? Here's how:

Losing my cool...

Found the NBC video of Gen. Boykins "army of god" speech.

Novak Loses his mind again

RON PAUL on C-Span now, talking about the war!! He mentioned PNAC!

Understanding Clark's reasoning

Ashton Kutcher is hosting an Edwards fundraiser at Dennis Hopper's house

Eastwood,Penn,Robbins,Bacon,Fishburne etc.

Did you know Eli Pariser of is backing CLARK?

Senator From Vermont is talking

After impeachment suggestion, Santa Cruz mayor's bakery visited by FDA

Hillary on CSPAN2 right now

a friendly reminder about who we may be dealing with

what they mean with a 'loan'?!?

Gen Wesley Clark: Overview, timeline, and released military records

Is the GOP attacking Clark and Kerry as openly as they do Dean?

Anatomy Of A Lie - Op/Ed by Ted Rall

Another Republican/Freeper Head Exploder:

Lieberman heckled at Arab American talk

Democrats' Rallying Cry: Anybody but Bush

Why I think Dean has the best chance against Bush.

The exodus to Canada

How many days has Bush actually spent in the WH?

That BOXCUTTER story: an act of political activism?

BBV, David Dill at UCSC electronic voting forum October 25.....

Jessica Lynch book due out on Veteran's Day (no comment)

Proof that Californians are basically idiots.

"I knew that my God was bigger than his."

"It looked a good deal when they sold it to me"

So, our president has his hat out...

Bill Clinton "lost" bin Laden?

Why do so many Americans (DU'ers) not understand Progressive Taxation?

Pro-Bush Impeachment Mayor burglarized and harassed by the FDA.

THEY LIVE: DU is like those sunglasses.... (catch it tonight!)

Faux and Fiends - Madelyn Albright speaking French to the French!

Why I think Clark is our only hope of winning

Newbie re. Clark/Dean strife

Why has there been no motion toward impeachment?

Look at this e-mail my Conservative friend sent me- it's kinda scary

BBV: Table of States & What Machines They Plan to Purchase

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) says war was lie and for oil???

Bogus Spam Harassment may Nuke BBV Activist List

Condosleeza Rice on Oprah today . . .

Evidence that NPR whores for Republicans (follow-up on Clark story)

BBV: appears to have been yanked--again

Zell Miller is a republican

ABC Nightline For Friday -- R&R for troops in Iraq

Impeach the SOB !

Did I miss something? Did the US not invade and occupy Iraq?

re $87B - The money isn't even needed for troop support

The New $20.00 bill

Sen Byrd just TORE in half his copy of the Allocation Bill in the Senate

One Way to Surrender to the Neocons: Make "Patriotism" a bad word.

Deleted message

Even if the Economy Improves, Will the 2004 Tax Season Stop the Progress?

Uh oh. Dean has sealed his fate

Comprehensive "war dead" site..

Is W the Most Publically Protested Leader in World History?

Poppy Bush's reasoning for keeping Saddam in power...

Where Are All the Jewish TV Preachers?

Ben Affleck rips into rightwing politics...

Pass the Senator Wellstone Mental Health Equitable Treatment Act

I share the dismay of social conservatives at our media culture

NOW with Bill Moyers Tonight

Would you favor a Proportional system of Representation over Districting?

Is the Pope crazy?

Young Conservatives of Texas to create professor "watch list"

I suggest that you all watch Kerry's biographical video!

Portland Band on National Tour to Promote Awareness


Concern Over Mideast Prompted Europeans to Accept U.S. Move

Voters Describe Ideal Nominee

Experts downplay bioagent (tube of botulism in Iraq fridge)

'Bundling' contributions pays for Bush campaign

Map lines aren't all that move under GOP plan

U.S. Arab voting clout grows

His Majesty urges OIC to reinforce Muslim faith

Critics Debate Clark's Military Record (NPR Real Player Report)

Cheney: Some 'wrongs' righted by redistricting map

Ohio soldier killed in Iraq

Reporter Ignores Threats, Covers Rights Abuses

Dean Rallies N.Va. Democrats

War crimes trial for tyrant of Chad

WASHINGTON TODAY: Above all else, Democrats seek candidate who can beat Bu

US Anti-Doping Agency finds sports 'conspiracy'

Tax Break for Gas Drilling May Be Restored

Firefight kills 3 U.S. military police officers in Iraq (cnn - 9-17-03)

Mexican evangelists pray for Marilyn Manson

Dean on Bush

Saudi elections 'in three years'

Vichy mentally ill patients 'were not murdered'

Dean Says Economic Priorities Are Jobs and a Tax Overhaul

HOUSE WATCH-10/17/2003 (#1-9:00 AM) [$87B Appropriations]

Spy agencies seek new ways to track individuals

Critics question usefulness of APEC summit

Boxer holds slim edge as '04 Senate race nears

Universal Music slashes 800 jobs

Police arrest nearly 17,000 (Hindu) before planned Ayodya rally

UK: Teenager cleared of hacking

Nato urged to challenge European defence plan

'SA has Guinness world record for rapes'

Pope says God wants him to stay


CIA and Pentagon split over uranium intrugue

Drug firm denies abusing position - Boehringer, GlaxoSmithKline - SA


Taliban resurgence worries US

Saudis, U.S. Describe Intelligence Links

Troops killed in Iraqi gun battle

US Catholics losing faith

UK Chancellor's baby is born

Cheney praises lawmakers for new redistricting map

Panel backs silicon implants

Dean: Hope is source of his anger

Prepaid Tuition Plans Take A Hit

Missile Defense Brigade Activated

FBI Starts Probe of Deadly Gaza Bombing

U.S. Starts Iraq 'Good News' Offensive


Speaker blasts U.S. policies toward Cuba

Prosecutors Subpoena Baltimore Officials

Rising anti-US trend forcing Bush to adjust terror war tactics: analysts

Boston airport/Logan alarms going off now .. no links ..

Yale Profs Sue Over 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

Dean: Big deficit suits GOP's plans

Russia's Putin defends decision not to send troops, aid to Iraq

UN official analises Resolution 1511

AFP: Bolivian president says he will step down


US Military Assessment Team Going to Bolivia

Split opens in Bolivia coalition

San Francisco Clamps Down On Gay Halloween Violence

SENATE WATCH-10/17/2003 (#1-9:00 AM) [$87B Appropriations]

House of Representative just passed $87 Billion for Iraq

FBI Raids 3 City Agencies, Street Fund-raiser's Office (Philadelphia)

In Iraq, some servicemembers live like princes while others sleep in the s

U.S. 'Peace Toll' in Iraq Passes 100 Combat Deaths

CNN reporting a 4th US soldier has been killed in Baghdad today

U.S. Efforts to Rebuild Iraq's Banks Hit Snags

(Gov?) Jerry Springer calls for political activism

Pentagon Expects to Call Up More Reserve Support Troops for Iraq Duty Next

Lieberman heckled at Arab American political conference

D.C. choppers go to 24/7 coverage

Gay Bishop Stands Firm

Joint Chiefs Chairman Worried by Morale Poll

Annan will not send UN staff to an insecure Iraq

US troops to Bolivia, ostensibly to "evacuate Americans"

Armed Men Block U.S. Convoy in Lebanon

Dean: Big deficit suits Republican's plans

Bremer Fought to Weaken Iraqi Oil Watchdog-Sources

Cuban officials predict tourism 'avalanche'

Rule would control digital TV copies (RIAA tech on your pc, tv, etc)

Joseph Wilson Asked About DICK CHENEY LEAK (KGO/ABC Radio)

87 billion plan now moot, Clark says

Russian population may be halved within 70 years

BREAKING: CNN And Fox Reporting Massive Search Of Airliners...

General Says Troops May Stay in Iraq Until 2006

The picture which shames US army

Military families protest big jump in price of soldiers' calls from Iraq

FBI Says Saudis Buy Off Witnesses

Cook County Building on fire downtown Chicago

God put Bush in charge, says the general hunting bin Laden [says it all]

Philadelphia mayor leads poll amid federal probe

Rejected Australian sheep bound for atoll

Bush's Ancestor's Bank Seized (Grandad - Germany/Nazi)

U.S. Selling Off Iraq-Owned Companies

UCI shuts down doughnut sale, free speech imperiled (College Repugs)

Boston Church Abuse Deal Poised to Go Through

Foreign Policy Experts Target U.S. 'Empire-Building'

Drudge: Sick, wounded U.S. troops held in squalor

Miller Book Calls Democrats out of Touch...

US general won't quit over Islam remarks -officials

(BBV) Electronic voting subject of forum at UCSC

Senate Passes $87 Billion to Iraq (87-12)

[FOX POLL] 2004 Democratic Candidates Still Mostly Unknown

Bolivia President Resigns After Revolt, Source Says

Gender Bender.. (best ones are past page 3)

deleted by user

How many innings will tonights baseball game go?

Red Sox Fans Heart Broken Again!


The Official "Yankees Back In The World Series" Thread

D0 Y0U LL4M45 KN0W L337 5P34K?

Congratulations,Yankee Fans

One hell of a season...thank you, Red Sox

Grady Little appreciation thread


YAYT (yet another yankee thread)

The Smurfs

To Red Sox/Cub Fans

I missed the game. How did The Curse manifest itself this time?

Now that my Twins and Red Sox are gone, and because...

GO MARLINS!!!! Beat the evil empire!!!

My Yankee Hat Is Off To The Boston Red Sox

The monkey brain implant guy on Charlie rose now

Let's give a big hand to BigMcLargeHuge for trying to contain the chaos.

The Cincinnati Bengals

Mod: For God's sake, Quit locking Red Sox threads

Don't Post Any Yankee Threads..............

I just saw myself on TV

Okay bedtime but before I go: a bedtime thread..

For your viewing pleasure.. Original 1984 movie from (1954) clip

Mod: Oh for God's sake, quit locking Red Sox Threads

It's not a metaphor - It's Just Folks Playing Ball


No one cares if you dont watch the WS

MLB sucks

HAHA! Best episode of Family Guy, EVER!

You know what you are? You're a gigolo aunt.

TECHIES: Questions About Default Block Backdoor/SubSeven Trojan horse

Back when I was a kid

RESOLVED: Rush supporters are no longer to be called "dittoheads"

Which Superhero Power Would You Most Like To Have

I was wrong Red_Storm was right.

So Amaya - did you go to the game last night

Hey what song were they singing after the game tonight?

Simon & Garfunkel Concert

You guys will be proud..

what an epic battle last night

S. Florida

I think this thread has just set the record

One cannot love baseball and hate the Yankees

I will be boycotting the World Series this year

Tiger attack footage

Pieces of intelligence - the existential poetry of Donald H. Rumsfeld

Well Since I Will NOT Watch The World Series Can You Tell Me Witch

What if Rush became a liberal?

Any fans of the group Biosphere?

What does Rush listen to when he is wasted?

Shepard Smith makes a blooper(FUNNY!)

Dear Red Soxs Fan: I Apologize--it was all my fault!

This may just be a coincidence but

My wife tells me that I am only interested in

History buffs: Kennedy "stealing" the election?

Who likes poppyseeds?

I just got one thousand posts!

I Just Got a Teaching Gig!

Bruins are going to the Stanley Cup finals

I wiil not watch the World Series because there will be no joy at the end!

FOX lost chance @ $$$$$

Are You Watching HBO's "Carnivale"?? -=-=-= MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS

Where can we get DU stickers....

Hey Yanks! The Marlins are gonna kick your asses!

Are the morons on Fox sports unable to pronounce French names...

Help me write my MANIFESTO!!!!

The Baseball Gods Must Be Crazy

Random Thought: When will Jockey make a line of underwear ...

Finished the afghan!

Hey, Canuckitards! Whaddaya think of the PC-CA romance?

Back From England! Did I Miss Anything Good?

Best Episode EVER

Two engineering students walk into a bar,

Georgia Straight update....Libs Back down

Shakespeare: By jove, I think he's got it (or had it): CHIMPY

Has anyone read Davis Corn's new book...

Rate Will Pitts Pain around 5pm on Sunday

Im Thinking of running for school board.....


See how the opposite sex experiences orgasim

Taking a moment to tell DU...

Who was the more brilliant philosopher?

For my 1000th post:

San Diego DUers, please help our involved youth

I Would Like To SINCERELY Congratulate ALL Yankee Fans on This Board

Workers find mummified monkey that vanished in '70s

Seems I missed all of the commotion

Pedro Martinez

Now onto football - have question, need help

If I were by chance to have a weekly column, what should it be called?

Anyone have a link to the story about the Deconstruction of America?

Is there anyone from Centre County, PA...

NYPost gives Sox fictional victory!

The Yankee F**** of all CAPTIONS!!!!

Ever seen a generic flame war

((((BREAKING NEWS)))) Body of Missing 10-year old Patrick McCarthy found

If You Could, Would You Pay $6,000 For A Nuclear Fallout Shelter?

Got a favorite bible quote?

Ralph Wiggum or George Bush: Who said it?

Osama - right or left handed

challenge: pick a Friday adjective

Man O Man...I've heard of some dedicated Cub Fans but this.....

Four months til spring training

Steve Bartman for halloween

Hell froze over: iTunes now available for Windows! End the OS wars

James Garner to join cast of "8 Simple Rules"

Episcopal anagram: Pepsi Cola

Just had lunch with my dad, Grampa was a commie...

Pick a rock-n-roll keyboarder

Recuperate from the game in The Grotto

How Many NY Yankee Games Will Chimp Attend?

Paging Khephra... MacFarlane figures

You! Yes, you! Stop that! Stop being interesting!

Welcome two new DUers (this time I mean it); great additions

Rate My Pain: Which is worse?

today's new hate radio advertisers 10/17

Take a look at this photo--NOW tell me you ain't watching Joe Millionaire!

Help I need photoshopped pics of Chimpy

Seen The Rating From Last Night's Game? EVERYBODY and their Mothers

Anyone into American Indian Archaeology?

Couldn't get in to see Michael Moore today

Rush (Limbaugh that is) sings......Rush!

Comics - una vez mas...

KNEEL before Zod!

has this wingnut even been to a Yankees game in his life?

Funny animation - turn your audio up!

My Partner Is Off To Hawaii And I'm Staying Home...

Ashcroft Chases Down, Loses CIA Leak Suspect .....

Feed a cold, starve a fever? What if you have both?!?

Some fun Canadian cities.

Anybody know of any sites with good info on sleep disorders?

The worst toupee I've ever seen is on C-Span now.

Americans are losing the Victory in Europe

The Marlins had 200,000 show up for the last home 3-game series.

Yankees or Marlins - DU Decides

A RANT - Flush the fucking toilet

Brand Spankin New Edition of (cool it now) The Have a Great Weekend Thread

Can we please stop the fat-bashing here?

I'm watching "Tales of the City" on DVD--ask me anything!

Help! I need a new printer. What should I know?

Wild cats are just so beautiful

Bill's new physique has Hil pumped


The Marlin M************ of all CAPTIONS!!!!

my last day on the job today...ask me anything

Open letter to all DU baseball fans:

Cool... you can say "balls" on tv now...

Anyone out there who has ever tried to find work as a journalist..

Why does KG start a post then go 'way?

Anyone here wanna put a hit out on my dad?

I apologize if anyone took offense to the thread some MORON

Have you ever been to THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW?

Bartman Sucks!!

Kiss guitarist shot outside club

Tighten up, ya'll

Question for Tricky fans.

Your Lovecraft Survival Guide

What is your favorite irrational number?

If MLB Had A Hard Salary Cap Like the NBA

I love disco music. Rush Limbaugh hates it.


Most Secretest Spot

Best song to listen to while dancing in front of your mirror?

The Screamin' Jay Hawkins of Rummy Captions!

Comics! Boondocks still trying to find Condoleeza a man....

teaching young children and the "gross factor"

ew.... cat snot

Hey y'all, ready for TCPA and Microsoft's upcoming Office s/w? Bad news.

WOW, now this is fast, physicists smash internet speed record

I'm part Rusyn. What is your ethnicity?

Best worst (or worst best) pop song

Question for Gay and Lesbian DU'ers

Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?

The best article on the Red Sox disaster I have read

Career Advice

Dumbest Sports Mistakes - what's the one you remember the most!

Squirrel cook-off set for this weekend

Should I go out and get some beer?

Murphee the Tiel and the Hamburger....

GAY MEN--Look at this photo and let me know what you think!

Worst sports call of all time?

Public toilets: how do you flush?

Just watched EDWARDS on Hardball repeat.

I've Lost 15 pounds!

Where would you move to in Canada?

Post your favortie Sean Hannity Comment

I am so soooorrrrryyyy BeanTown

Jackson Browne's Retro -Relevant Lyrics

Who was your favorite BEAT GENERATION WRITER?

Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers or SMokey Robinson and the miracles?

Random Movie Quotes

After several hours bush is fustrated &

Has Everyone Caught The New "Hate Mail" Yet?

Lightbulb joke thread...

OK, Who wants to be on my buddy list?

Sharing some good news...

Catholics: What is "Beatification?"

What do you wear to bed?