Democratic Underground

Archives: October 2, 2003

MI6 flaws exposed by former diplomat

NYT: All Roads Lead to Iraq (CIA/Plame story)

Cheney's mask is slipping

Rank and bile (Bush's souring relationship with the military)

StarTribune: Spinning/Full bore on Wilson-Plame

October 7 - Protest Runsfeld in Colorado Springs

Sarasota DUers, Need info to move back there!!!!

Rush Limbaugh Draws Fire for Racial Remarks About Black Quarterback

409 million year tale of sea's oldest predator

Prehistoric Sea Creature Discovered (trilobite with 360 degree vision)

Interesting Report on Reducing Gun Violence

How does something like this happen?

I'm really stressing today

I believe there should be a vote and then a new forum creation

Yuck- Rachel Corrie Deserved to Die, Says Neocon

Jewish angry over prize plan

Israelis push back West Bank wall

Israel Approves an Expanded Security Barrier

A one-state solution

Peace Prize for Hanan Ashrawi

Where's stickdog?

Vote 'No' no to Arnold in California

Anybody else go to a Dean meetup?

The CBS Thumbnail Profile of Kerry

Dean & Gingrich

Has Howard Dean donated to Democratic Candidates?

Kerry criticizes Dean, Bush environmental records

"Bush's Brain" author on with Paula Zahn now.

Paula Zhaan Talking about Rove (CNN)

Beyond Dirty Tricks (HOLY CRAP! USA Today Op/Ed!)

Bush's Teflon Coating Still Intact

We need more businessmen like this guy. Preserving jobs in impovershed

Network News tonight: I missed it, tell me what happened PLEASE!

Al Franken on Chicago Channel 11 right now!

USSS Simulation

If you lose the press, you've lost the nation. Pile up the stories.

DU's own dpbrown had a letter to the editor published

Keith O is on a hot streak.

The picture on DU's homepage today...

Republican and Democrat history...

Remember the writer outside Rove's office as Rove shouted...

Yuck- Rachel Corrie Deserved to Die, Says Neocon

Will MSNBC Flush Rush?

Clark not a Republican was leaked by Bushistas

Interviewed for TV at Dean Meetup, got in a DU plug

Poll: was Limpballs out of line? (racist comments) - tend to it

Any thoughts as WMD's come to the fore again?

True Majority building statue of * with pants on fire--Donate!

Poll shows Arizona Hispanics favor Wesley Clark

Any Senate Pugs that can be counted on to vote for Special Prosecutor?

West wing on, what happened in first 20 minutes?

Im going with a new signature, tell me your thoughts

Limbaugh drug story a red herring diverting attention off of Wilson Story.

Gore in talks to buy TV news channel

You have to "love" reich-wing extremists...

Saudis ousting Amb. Robert Jordan?

Secret republican meeting on energy while Wilson is all over the news

60 Minutes II (10/1/03) - Interview with an Iraqi Fedayeen

Headline: Bush's Brain has aneurysm, is on life support

Can someone do a poll

The sharks are circling in washington

The Limbaugh Paradox

Is it true that companies get tax credits for hiring minorities?


Question on "People-powered" meaning

links for the "Wilsongate" file...

Uggh...I talked to some girl on ICQ and...

War on Terror is a Farce....

Folks, I Don't SMELL Blood..... I Now TASTE IT!!

Something’s smelly in this outing mystery.

Hmm, is CNN Backtracking over the Wilson Story?

Did I miss something? Did Arnold win? Is it October 8th?

Bush's "depends" defense

Funny Caption at

Crossfire and "the T-shirt"

A Great Speech (a must read)


Noonan sez: "they leak what Mr. Bush WANTS leaked"

Dick Armey Claims Novak Gave Up A Source Before! CNBC

I emailed CNN and Wolf Blitzer to Fire Novak and he should be jailed

Why I support three candidates

Arianna Shifts Campaign to Defeat the Recall, Arnold and Prop 54

Irony:CIA 'Traitor' Sees White House Getting a New Kind of Blowback

Which candidate do you prefer, based PURELY on positions & ideas?

Rush Scandals as LeakGate Distraction : Theory Clearing House!

Dean hits $15M...

The freaks at free republic are blaming Mary Matalin

The Daily Show Thread - Rove

Mike Malloy...2nd Hour...back on Traitor-gate

(Clark/Dean sucks)A co-worker had an interesting confession to make today

Another company moves to Mexico from a small city here in OK

Rush to take thursday off?

If these poll numbers stay the way they are Davis should quit

Things to say to Rush Limbaugh (Best Damn Sports Show): "Your angry and

For Davis to win, Bustamante must endorse him and quit the race...

Intresting Story......

Recall passes 55-45 shouldn't dem win on 2nd ballot? not necessarily

Mix of Donors Adds to Dean Coffers

Put Novak in Jail - by Linda Hirschman, JD, PhD

Democracy Now! WH allegations

Tim Robbins and Sting on Letterman tonight.

Bob Novack is about as much a journalist as Bill O'Reilly! snarf

Nightline Talking About the cost of Rebuilding Iraq

Look at the highest-rated list on yahoo

know anyone who has lost their job in the past 3 years

how many more recall polls will come out before Tuesday?

Malloy said he just heard that Limbaugh resigned

Does anyone know. Is Rove a neo-con?

Frank Luntz: Americans don't want to hear about the Holocaust anymore

Limbaugh getting busted is GREAT STRATEGY!!!!

I have a feeling they'll find WMD soon

Bush to "take care" of criminal who outed CIA agent...

Freepers admit they're racist. They consider Limbaugh to be brilliant.

Need an official Scandal Name

Check this veteren's group out. They are mad as hell. Out the door in 2004

So has the WMD's in Kuwait smuggling story been offically debunked?


Gen Clark not on Leno?

If Arnold loses, Bush loses in '04.

Ho's in the Media Hood...

Do you believe that all 10 democratic presidential canidates can win?

Robert Kardashian (OJ lawyer) has died

Daily Show is covering the CIA Leak

Dropping the ball in the Clark campaign?

Has anyone here made a point of the Limbaugh/Plame timing?

Plame was involved in preparing materials for Cheney's pre-war CIA visits

Markets went up more than 2% today!

Meanwhile, in Iraq.....

Dean would shift from punishing to rehabilitating drug users

They're Getting Ready To Sack Someone

Check out Drudge! Limbaugh charged with drug abuse

Systematically Neutralizing KEY PLAYERS

Dear Clark and Dean People - Stop Being idjits, Will Ya?

2003 SurveyUSA Election Polls - Davis in freefall, Arnold surging

Clark? Why not Lieberman?

A Telemarketer's First Day On The Do-Not-Call List.

WOMEN DEMOCRATS: Who best represents your view of feminism?

Clark dodges NAFTA, destroys "trickle-down", scores BIG on education

Clark, Dean Urge Rush Limbaugh's Firing (AP)--AND WHY THIS MATTERS

Have most DUers jumped of the Clark wagon?

After reading TPM's interview with Clark today, I'm switching to Clark!

BBV: A Book For Every Person in Congress- We Can Do This!

Serious Leak Needs Serious Look (ABC/WP- 70% say Special Counsel needed)

UK Guardian: Time & NBC reporters finger Rove in Treasongate

Poll: Special Prosecutor Favored to Probe CIA Leak

Suit: Plaza Staff Harassed Muslims

'No threat to markets' from Chinese exchange rate

White House won't rule out polygraphs in leak probe

US Pushes Iraq Resolution to Security Council

British Muslims lean toward Islamic courts

K Street on the Tigris

Global warming to run out of gas

BBC: Police expert claims Bigfoot 'proof'

WP: Changes in U.S. Diplomacy Sought

Judge: Enron Pension Suit Can Go Forward

Alaska Pipeline Route Agreed in Draft Energy Bill

Clark, Dean Urge Rush Limbaugh's Firing (AP)

Mix of Donors Adds to Dean Coffers

Limbaugh's Comments Draw Calls For Dimssal (ESPN BLINKS!)

18 Muslims convicted in terror ring

Kentucky senator announces he's gay

Officials Say Bush Seeks $600 Million to Hunt Iraq Arms

Deal Reached to Send Florida Cattle to Cuba

Bush's guru is prime suspect for leak

Critical US energy bill crafted in secrecy

Kuwaiti authorities say to have foiled chem smuggle from Iraq

Wolfowitz named Man of Year


Woman: Fair trial assured with Shariah

Biography: Jan Michael, a man, a lover, a radical, a fraud?

When's Limbaugh gonna get his ass beat on the ESPN NFL pregame show?

Is Carnivale (HBO) the most effed up show you have ever watched?

Work advice needed

Im going with a new signature, tell me your thoughts

All right, where's that CNN poll?

How many email addresses do you keep?

What should I put in my new wok?

Ah What The Hell, Here's An Uplifting Post About True Patriotism

Serious question for Sox fans

Happy Birthday to these October Birthday guys and gals

I watched Women's Soccer instead of baseball!

Where can I find good beer in Buffalo?

the next time you decide to listen to hate radio

Do you like to gamble Eddie? Gamble money on a pool game ?

DVD recorder, or Tivo?

Another "cat related" death anniversary this month

Just finished a 6-pack. Should I:

And now, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!

I am not opening ANY posts tonight that have polls in them

anyone else want to smack the ad agency personnel who foisted

AAAARRRGHHH!!! Enough with the 'EXTREME' products!

Should have done this back in August had it occured to me, but here goes

Do you like great college music? Tune into WNMF 88.5 NOW!

I'm teaching my cat

Ladies, this is for you!

FARK Rove!

MMPI tests as a prerequisite to register and post on DU?

Please Vote in this important Poll.

Ever rebuild a carburetor?

I read every post in GD on the vote cancellation and

What Drug Was Limbaugh Caught With?

I need confirmation of my DU Existence

Dinner with my Freepish Family

Hottest "Classic TV" female?

Polly's gone...

Would you like to bomb Iran?

Suck on THIS Ann Coulter!!!

I'm calling out YOU, LynneSin!

Let's be exceedingly polite.

West Wing (10/01/03) The search for Zoe cont'd (possible spoilers)


Dang ye

Let's be honest.

We are witnessing the end of a historical era

Sox v A's!

Who has seen the film "Equilbrium"?

What do you miss the most about ZombyWoof?

Sarasota DUers!!!!!

Womens World Cup: USA Beats Norway: 1-0

Does George Bush hear us?

How quickly will this thread die?

Feel Like Doing Some Spygate Spinning of Your Own?

Boy Genius or Turd Blossom?

'Scandal' has media digging -- in the wrong place

The risk of a 'Tet' in Iraq?

NY Times: The Spy Who Loved Him

87 billion here and there

Great Time mag article :"Chasing a Mirage" WMD's not there

The GOP vs. Nepotism? By Timothy Noah, Slate

San Francisco Chronicle editorial: 135 reasons to vote no

Oozing Hypocrisy Over a Leak

Who got us into this mess, and why?

Schwarzenegger-Clinton parallel

Molly Ivins: How we got here: Our terrifying 'War on Terror'

Clark Emerging as an opponent of Reaganism (PNAC is pissed!)

The 13th Bracey Report on the Condition of Public Education:

Bush Falls to Pre-9/11 Approval Rating

Stars and Stripes: Baghdad Tigers

Media reports from Iraq are too one-sided (journos dupes of Saddam)

Today's DU article: "The Maddening Double-Standard"

Michael Scherer - K Street on the Tigris

MSNBC: Don't Mess With The CIA

NeoCon Econ: Don’t believe your lying eyes - no jobs being lost!

Why black America distrusts conservatives

Oil War and a Growing Sense of Panic in the US - by Robert Fisk

Eyesore of the month

Schwarzenegger vs. the press?

Mickey Kaus: Der Schwarzengroper

"The Groping Governor" from This Is London, 08/03 (Arnold)

Coming Soon to the US? Plan Condor, the Sequel

Great cartoon

Will Durst: Governor SpongeArnold SquarePecs

Fineman: What lies behind CIA leak scandal (Pretty good stuff)

John Nichols: Kerry makes another big-issue mistake

A Shreveport Judge's Report on Iraq

Novak: CIA flap less than it seems

The Spy Who Loved Him -- Dowd

Robert Kuttner (BG): White House Facing Revolt Within GOP

Will Iraq end the careers of Bush and Blair?

It's got a name now - the WILSON AFFAIR

WP Op Ed: Oozing Hypocrisy Over a Leak

Rush's sponsors

California Code Pink and Women Say No to Arnold -- LA Event: Oct.3

Limbaugh put a freeze block on Bellsouth tonight...can't get story

National Enquirer to accuse Rush of 'drug abuse'

W/H didn't KNOW she was CIA UNTIL IT ASKED - and other items not in news

Just watched Jack Straw ond David Kay on BBC News. Reminded me of

Here's Clear Channel's contact info. They carry Rush on 1000 stations

Scarborough Country?

Gore to buy Newsworld International

White House Leak? NO, IT WAS DICK CHENEY!!

Freepers against voter fraud!

A's up 2-0 on the Red Sox

Astrologers -- have we done anything on Ashcroft?

Astrologers: Did we do or have Skinhead Pill-Boy Limbaugh's chart?

Clear Channel carries Pill-Boy Limbaugh on 1000 stations - Email them

The GOP: Astronomers

CARTOONS! The "Leak|Spin Leak|Spin Leak|Spin" Edition

Halle Berry Announces Separation From Husband Eric Benet


(Breaking NY Daily News) Donovan McNabb to Rush Limbaugh "It's too late"

LA TIMES: Women Say Schwarzenegger Groped, Humiliated Them

new list of co-sponsors for Federal Marriage Amendment

Anyone ever said anything

Cnn International confirms peak oil and world has 80% less than thought...

Toyota says hybrid cars can be inexpensive to make.

Virtually All Returning Salmon Infected W. Sea Lice - Vancouver Island

Hybrids Can Be Cheap to Make, Toyota Says

Arctic Sea Ice Melt Rate Accelerating - Xinhua

Another reason not to rely on hydrocarbons:

"Discovery may spur cheap solar power"

Arroyo appoints officials snarled in controversy - Philippines

The 'university of holy war'

Grand Ayatollah Montazeri calls for freedom in Iran

The real Iran: How weblogs can change the way the world sees Iran

Arms deal ship on its way to South Africa

At least 3 killed in clashes in Liberia

Metrorail reels after day of bloody violence - SA

Anti-crime lookalikes copy vigilante methods - SA

President's party wins against no opposition - Rwanda

Nigeria prisons face strike

President Chen to receive coveted award in the US - Taiwan

Blair defeat on pensions(Labor for compulsory employer pension contribs)

Breast Implants Linked to Suicide

How do I investigate a charter school? (Should I?)

How many have you converted?

GUNS IN THE NEWS - October 2, 2003

AshKKKroft's Misplaced Priorities

Remember the "this is your brain on drugs" commercials?

Should we have a "Guns NOT in the News" thread?

firearms homicides fall to all-time low in Canada

So am i wrong here.

profile changes

I just tried to vote on the new thread

When locking Dupe threads -

Thanks for the swift re-vote and your valuable time.

Was thread on Jeb in LBN locked for being in wrong forum?

Thinking about adding a mod?

What is beyond the pale?

Yo! Skinner.....anyone....there's a Hillary post up in GD which sure seems

Skin could you delete or lock my thread on the whole limbaugh


Is this post acceptable?

Is it just me or is DU running really slow today?

Perhaps it's time for the Arnold / misogynist supporters

Are you going to enforce the rule against accusing supporters

Since the Wednesday ugliness, I've noticed a lot of those

Question before I vote

Errors cropping up suddenly

Is GD dead?

One tiny feature I miss about this site

What's up with the tone of DU lately?

Why is the vote tally so low compared to the over 32,000 DU'ers who have

Why not vote on each rule separately?

Is there any chance of getting an "ignore this thread" option?

Israel Unveils Plans for 600 New Settler Homes

Israeli forces demolish 18 Palestinian homes; 44 families homeless

World ignores Israel's nuclear program, Arabs say

UN investigator urges condemnation of Israeli wall

Israel Plans to Build 600 New Homes in Settlements

Israelis To Extend Fence Line

Fence 'won't stop attacks on Israel'

PA mounts anti-fence campaign

The Glove Does Fit: A reply to Alan Dershowitz

Israel's 'bomb squad pigs'

BUSH WILL STOP MEDIATING - US to lower profile in I/P - Ma'ariv

U.S. Charges Islamic Leader Who Met Bush

Maybe this belongs in this forum

Environmentalists for Kerry

New poll: Clark heads the pack in New York; Bush fades

Thousands Say "Impeach Bush!"

Anyone go to a Dean meetup tonight?

Kerry to speak shortly on C-Span2 on Biden-Kerry amendment...12:10PM now

September was a good month for the Braun campaign

Clark Musters Out of Lobbyist Corps

PSR | WI: Poll Indicates Problems For (Gov.) Doyle

Handicapping the Field: Molly Ivins


Dean: Power Play

TNR Primary: Dean gets an A on Domestic Policy

Since IWR keeps coming up here's a quick timeline

AP: Private Surveys Show Kerry Gaining in NH

Kerry's run keeps him away from the Senate

Bob Graham Spokesman Resigns

John Kerry visits Dallas, criticizes rival Howard Dean


LA Gov: Jindal pulls into lead (Mason-Dixon)

Kerry lies desperately about Dean's environmental record

Graham Drops from race.

Why hasn't Kerry come out in support of Cape Wind?

(NYT) Kerry hits back at Ed Gillespie and White House Article on growing discontent w/Bush among military

Kerry On Globalization And The Arab World

Is it true that Kerry wants to force kids to do community service?

TNR Calls Dean Out For Newt-Lite Hypocrisy

Rush quit ESPN!

this is why rusch is a total asshole!

"Language-free" California debate - CHECK THIS OUT

Here is how Bush and his old man are getting rich off of Iraq

Where is Larry FLynt?? He declared his candidacy for CA gov....

Stripes won't report the leak, but look who they've resurrected

Rove's dirty History and John Weaver

It's GNN: Gore's bid to buy TV channel

Howard Dean/Howard Hampton question...

Does Gonzzalez's letter to preserve apply to Cheney and Libby?

Wasn't it great how Espn interupted to announce Rush's reignation?

The Significance of Teddy Kennedy

Sports is a sacred bond between men (and women)

David Corn (Nation mag) on in a few minutes.

In the Crossfire....

Clark May Be More Likely to Win than Dean

First Bush, then Rush, and NOW AHHNOLD!!!

Vote on Rush poll

Time to go after Limbaugh's sponsors.

What about Pagan recognition?

Rush has resigned

Here is a PDF worth downloading and distributing

Ron Ridenhour Awards ...must read!!!

HELP: where was Cheney or N ovak between July 6-13 this year...

Dean: New Bridge 'represents everything that is wrong with the Bush admin'

Sportscenter on now (2:50 am Thursday)

Clinton must be getting a kick out of all this

Who loves special counsels? John Ashcroft does!

I can't wait to see what happens Thursday!!

is the Internet your source of knowledge?

Conservatism in America - 70 Years of Treason

does someone know where to track political donations?

Bernie Ward should be a hoot tonight

Is there a chance that sponsors will dump Flush's radio show now?

we have to bring to light everything Rush said about War on Drugs

This is the end of Rush Limbaugh.

More fuel for the fire -- Bechtel and Iraqi schools

Putin Plays Hardball.........

I can't wait for the RUSH WIRE TAPES to come out!

Getting interesting....

We are witnesing the end of an era

Ray Tal asking very embarassinq questions NOW.

The downfall of Gay Americans will be because of Gay Americans

Were Rush's drug buys supporting the terrorists?

No wonder Hamas is killing Israelis !!! Israel is building more settlement


What's the deal with the NFL and the GOP?

Could Limbaugh go to jail for this drug sting?

Can't They Just Admit It? [excellent]

Who's the little nerd, Ed Henry, on C-SPAN ?

CIA to release summary of Kay report

Rush, Arnold, etc. Lead morning news--little mention of IntimiGate

W called Limbaugh a "national treasure"

Dean & Gingrich Sitting In A Tree ...

Guarded Enthusiasm

whatever happened to the 2002 exit poll results?

Favorite New Rush Limbaugh Nickname

Imus & Barnacle Bore Rush Another Cyst

WLS radio fires Ski Anderson!

Washington Journal: Open Phones On Rush at 8:30ET

Rush Limbaugh: gutless

Great new THIS MODERN WORLD strip

Quick Daily news summary

I wonder if Rush was also doing Heroin?

Student May Wear Bush 'Terrorist' Shirt


Rush may be distracting attention from traitorgate..but both items are...

Limbaugh Logic

Fox News Has Become Hysterical!

Did CNN/Time release their poll last night on the Paula Zahn show?

hello, chaps

Nuttier FReeper responses to Limpballs' resignation

Unfreep This Rush Poll

Freepers going ballistic!!


Who Was The Guy on Nightline Saying Iraq Rebuild No More Than $1.7B

Did I read somewhere that the Black Box Voting book is available...

Well, at least we know what "EIB" REALLY means now

IMUS on Limbaugh Drug Charge!!! GUILTY

Karl Rove assigned Jack Oliver to be deputy chairman of RNC

Someone made a movie...

C-Span's AM Call In Show-what happened today? (Rush thread)

CNN.COM: No more meal bills for hospitalized troops

John Dion to head DoJ investigation of Traitorgate

The definition of evil.

heads-up: Rush giving live statement NOW

Its time to turn on Rush's enablers

The Condition of Public Education.

An update on the Texas redistricting illegal power grab

Retired Air Force Colonel Sam Gardner : MSNBC .."50 documented lies WH

Who are we gonna nail in Wilsongate?

Well, remember when I asked what the distraction would be?

Salon - "Do you know what 'powerless' means?"

But ignorant, bigoted, racist comments are OK for Clear Channel radio ?

Why did Rush leave ESPN?

Bush called Rush a "national treasure."

It is time for Gray Davis to resign and endorse Cruz Bustamante

Let us learn a lesson from all of this

Rush out Gore in?

Heart warming update on Home Alone Toddler in Fla.

Which story is more important: Limbaugh or Traitorgate?

Will anyone tune in to Pigboy today?

Harkin: "a CANCER on the presidency"

Limbaugh is off ESPN but his boss who defended him is still there

Limbaugh has quit ESPN

So...Limbaugh is a junkie...

Lets try to Link TraitorGate and Rush together/Ethics

OMG! Arnold found and is using a HUGE... CFR loophole


Want to really hurt Rush? Start contacting his advertisers...

Regarding the congressional tours of Iraq and the gushing

CNN. Thy Name Is Whore. (CIA front)

Neil Rogers RIPPING THE HELL out of Lardass!!!!!

Stepford Citizen Syndrome:Top 10 Signs Your Neighbor is Brainwashed

Shriver stands up for 'smart' Arnie

What happened to the Kuwait/WMD smuggling story???

"Worse than Watergate"

Terrorist in the White House - Media & Mind Control

Rush Limbaugh, Oxycontin - research question

Did anybody catch last night's Charlie Rose?

Scooter Libby surfaces....another PNAC founder.

What will we tell the children?

Fox News picks up limbaugh story

Rush's Deafness a probable side effect to his drug abuse!

Ashcroft's Conflict of Interest Gets Worse

Will the Rush story change the national dialogue on drugs?

CA Recall Question

Article from October 2001 about Rush's hearing loss, mentions Vicodin risk

The Money Changers - Terror and the $1.5 Trillion Club

A 'Grassroots' Campaign?:

Why did a rich, connected guy like Limbaugh need a dealer?

CIA's 2nd Largest budget item - "media and propaganda"

Andrea MITCHELL Knows Who the WH Callers Are

In Iraq, enemy has evolved (CBS today)

TV News Lies Webcast Starting at noon ET.

McNabb was a class act and Rush's drugs

Notice that Limbaugh is a News Conference COWARD?

My two cents: Rove is not the puppetmaster

Anybody see the cover of this week's Time? "Mission NOT Accomplished"!

BBV: making the CARTOONS now.... enjoy Troubletown

PNAC vs Clark (pissed about his TPM interview

White House panel shocked at Muslim hostility to US

Liar Liar Pants on Fire (TrueMajority project)

Was the Limbaugh Ear Flap a Cover for the Addiction Problem?


Hoisted by their Own PETARD!

Rush Limbaugh Caught in Drug Ring!

Why Rush left so quick?

Black box voting - bad title

Passionate Letter From A Grunt To Sec State Powell

If Rush is guilty of buying illegal drugs do you think he will serve time?

Limbaugh's mea culpa

Bad, bad day for Ed Gillespie

One of Limbaugh's drugs leads to hearing loss!

Strap youselves in folks, I'm about to defend Rush Limbaugh,,,

Anybody watching CNN: "Limbaugh is described as an addict. . ."

E-mail Congress demanding an independent investigation:

Our Fearless Leader

Remember somebody saying something about"BIG NEWS COMING"

Vanity Post: I guess Anne Coulter had the wrong party in Treason

Painkillers can cause hearing loss

Time to take your "stresstabs", Rush (actual website capture)

Freepers in denial about Flush Rimshot

Lets face it folks, be prepared to have a Dem smeared this week!

Why are we the Democratic Party?

Seattle's substitute for Limbaugh is defending his drug use

WSJ article on Chechnya

Ahnold...Can This Guy Be Any More Programmed?

Kerry blasts Bush on CIA leak

Conservatives are a Bad Joke, and here are a few more...


Is Rush talking about the Drugs on his show?

Stuart Carlson: what our high worker productivity in the US has bought us

1968 student massacre in Mexico initiated by Government snipers.

Republican Party -- Over a million donations??

Handelsman: Rove, rove your boat

Dupe please delete!

Help! Freepers Freepin' for Rush!

I just voted with a pencil and paper ballot. How primative is that?

So whaddaya think... A rash of freeps on the boards soon?

How we are spun

hahahahahaha -- Freeper fainting over Arnolds "admission"

Ben Sargent: White House threats and intimidation

Why doesn't anyone ever bring up the "success" of 'Planet Hollywood'?

I have an idea for piling on Flush Limpballs!!

First ESPN next Armed Forces Radio ~ Let's get Rush Sacked

The Subversion Of The Free Press By The CIA -Operation Mockingbird

4 of 19 9/11 hijackers are alive and well

Don't you all think that Rush should get some of that special treatment

Lol CNN Reading Emails about the CIA Leak

Hagel thinks White House should question Cheney

Hagel thinks Bush should question Cheney Re: Scandal

Limbaugh and Affirmative Action

I hear the sound of crickets chirping

Let's get us some Limbaugh anti-drug quotes going

Grover Norquist is a slimy lying bastard, and a guest on today's Fresh Air

Bloomberg News: Wal-Mart tea leaves suggest tax cuts.......

CNN: No Smoking Gun Expected (Iraqi WMD)

Is Graham going to quit the race?? Spokesman resigns

Schwarzeneger Semen Stain Joke

The Leak

Time to tie treason to war profiteering and 87 billion

If Arnold wins, will harrassment allegations be basis for a recall?

Clark, Dean and the Outsider/Reformer role

Arnold groped women - LA Times

White House briefing has started

Need help with a Dana Summers editorial cartoon.

Is Bob Graham going to Drop Out? Spokesman Quit

Hey Freepers ~ Buy illegal drugs you support terrorism


New York Times Deletes Paragraph in Article on Plume Affair

JEB BUSH hands de facto endorsement to DEAN

Jerry Nachman talking about Rush (MSNBC)

John Kerry on MSNBC

C-Span: AWD's opponent in 2004: Ralph Regula is undermining worker's right


Contact your Senators now! Vote on Biden-Kerry amendment today at 3:15PM!

Psychedelic Republicans - Enjoy

Constitutional scholars: A hypothetical question

GOP trying to suppress the turnout w/ Bustamante "drop out" rumors

Arnold admits to "offensive conduct" (groping) and gets cheers

hahahahahaha -- Freeper fainting over Arnolds "admission"

If Rush Is Convicted Will * Pardon Him?

I can only hope that many more LA women come forth now

a_random_joel's bold prediction: ORANGE ALERT!

Washington Times Op Ed calls Kennedy "McCarthy"

He'd "say anything just to get elected", huh? We need a list of BUSH...

If Limbaugh is convicted, will Clear Channel fire him?

Take a look at the right's "heros"

Rummy on CNN (Pentagon Briefing)

Who Killed Steve Kangas ? for writing Origins of The Overclass

Why has Millionaire Dean never donated any money to a candidate before?

"The women were leftie sluts, they deserved it,"

The Wit and Wisdom of Wesley Clark

What made me look at Clark (and then support him) - a story

The Conservative Crackup (Redux)

The CIA, Rush, and Arnold

Any good Jail Rush / Free Tommy Chong merchandise out there?

I have heard shrub compared to Hoover alot lately, but......

Conservatives turn on the Neoconservatives

It's time to bring back some good all catch phrases from the 1990's.

Another great Fiore cartoon!

Will Pigboy Limbaugh do the perp walk?

Go read Maureen Dowd today - She is ON!!

Who is this on CSPAN-2? I can't see very well....

Is Rove too smart to have been the leaker?


Now Hillary is on C-Span talking about the Biden Amendment. She is,

Limbaugh's housekeeper supplied the drugs... now I wonder...

am I being a "liberal elitist" if I really, truly believe . . .

Hollywood Liberals "attack" ABC's Threat Matrix

* doesn't like China's currency?

Wesley Clark -- another George McClellan?


Chicago City Council says "no" to Patriot Act.

Leak investigation is likely to expand

first casualty of war is truth in media. CIA propaganda

Arnold:"I want to... be... CHAMPION OF THE WOMEN"

Kerry speaking now on C-Span2 on Biden-Kerry amendment...12:38PM now

RW Shill Mowbray on CNN: WMD Programs SAME AS Actual WMD

It's not about family values anymore.

Your letter to Ashcroft (add your text to MoveOn's)

Biden is on C-Span 2 now

Did the Bush Admin screw with Scott Ritter? It smells like Rove and Co..

Freepers now trying to boycott Campbell's soup

Should Congress give Bush another $600 Million to hunt Iraq WMD's?

Here Comes Kobe Bryant Again - Right On Time!

Wonder If Sean Vanity is salivating over becoming the new Rush.

My conversation with a Repug Classmate today, FUNNY!


Can the senate just PLEASE affirm Leavitt to the EPA?

Just read this...

What's "frog marching"?

Last night, graphic on CNN: "White House Tries to Flush Out Mole"

Has This Been A Good News Week For Us Or What.

Do Dreams Come True?---Karl Rove in Deep Do-Do

Grover Norquist interview on Fresh Air NPR

My letter to the LA Times - let's see if it's printed

Is Coulter next?

Nothing has changed since the terrible rt-wing coup 'election day'

Biden vote at 3:45pm! Speaking now. Watch Rethugs vote it down...

Wilson was said to have been sent by VP. Who would Novak call?

Hey! Anybody thinking about pitching a DU show

SF Gate omits dems and changes stories.

Are the news stations mentioning Rush's drug problems?

Great quote from a senior CIA operative

This is National Security Not politics

George Bush is looking for the real leaker.

Right Wingers are SO FORGIVING

As long as we're piling onto Rish Limbaugh...

Rush's hearing loss: Drug related?

Wow! Just finished Michael Moore's upcoming new book...

It Was Dick Cheney!:

I Don't Know if Anyone Has Posted This

Dems haven't fought back because...

Freepers in despair!!

Would Richard Perle know Mrs. Wilson's CIA status?

Arnie looks at the CA prize as his one-way ticket to Hedonism Valhalla

Leak Probe May Expand Beyond White House

BBV: Board moving forward with e-voting (Licking Cnty OH picks Sequoia TS)

More Freeper frothing. So funny I had to share it.

Although I love the Rush develpments, we can't lose focus

Limbaugh: A Color Man Who Has A Problem With Color?

The Maid Made Me Do It!

Rush hosting talk show tonight?

LA Protest against Arnold!

Rush Limbaugh on drugs

Clinton felt other people's pain while Rush felt no pain.

This sentimental Mariner fan is sappy enough to wish for a Sox-Cubs Series

Graham to be the first to fall?

CNN - there is a cancer spreading in this administration

WWBCD? What would Clinton Do and a poll to DU

PNAC and Clinton and Monica

From the Daily Howler: Rush felt guilty for saying "take that bone out of

Why are there two posts on the front page that seem to mitigate the Arnold

Terry McAuliffe (sp) On CNN

No more electric bills?

Does this mean that Novak can be put in prison until he reveals his source

Novak revealed a source in 1998 -- Robert Hanssen!!

The New Right-Wing media scam: "Haters"

California's far right campaigns against Schwarzenegger

What lies behind CIA leak scandal

Arnold wins...Bush takes California in '04 (via BBV)

Lawmakers Demand Answers To Gay Couple's Refused Entry To US

Arnold's Home Repairs: quite the expose...

incoming TOONS!!!!!!!! (heads up, they're **leaking**)

Is it ever right to collaborate with the right wing??

will the Dems be able to pass the Biden amendment?

Crossifre: Leaks, Probes & Politics

Whats your favorite gate?Leakgate,Pillgate,Gropgate,McNabbgate

Watch the new Mellencamp video here!! AWESOME

Photo on the White house page

Rush is supposedly going to do a show TONIGHT from 6-8

Is ten years and 50 grand adequate punishment for outing Plame?

Coulter and North talk to the Boy Scouts - really

So Arnold has admitted to many acts of forcing himself onto women now?

AHHH! - Listening to Bill O'Reilly on the radio right now.

George Will says Administration should admit it was wrong

Is Sean Hannity drooling over PigBoy's corpse?

$900 million to search for WMD and they have found nothing

Gotta love Carville

The New York Sun, PNAC, Josh Marshall, TPM and CLARK

Arnold: "Have you ever had a man slide his tongue in your ... ?"

39% of DUer's responded that they too are wary of moles around Clark

David Kay Reports!

A Timeline of CIA Atrocities, by Steve Kangas

thoughts on CIA vs. WH

Leahy HOT - - under the collar. C-Span 2 NOW

Transcript of Buchanan & Press interview w/ Larry Johnson

Fell asleep at my desk, had this strange dream

BBV: Poll Perils (Ithaca Times NY)

New scandal referred to as "Intimigate"

Watch Charlie Rose w/ Jessica Tuchman ..on now. (et)...discussing the

"I just came back from Iraq, it's a disaster......."

Jay Rockefeller's Comments on David Kay

This poor bastard has the worst job in the world

Rush and His Timeing?

Did Clark lie about being a democrat? Consider this:

Will any Dems skip the partial birth ban vote?

Don't tell ME that the Wilson/Plame affair will destroy Bush.

The "new rules" discussion thread.

David Kay is on CNN

If Davis or Bustamante wins will the Republicans take BBV seriously?

Pittsburghers aren't sorry to see Rush go (Scaife Paper)

Anyone else think Bush will infuse California w/money after Ahnold wins?

"it will be unfortunate" if intelligence used to justify war was flawed

BBV: Updated voting system on its way (Mendocino CA - Diebold TS)

Lou Dobbs talking about Iraq

Why it is just fine that Clark voted for and recently praised Repukes.

So, Do You Think Davis Will Get Recalled?

If you took Dennis Kucinich out of the equation, who would you vote for?

Banners on streets of Germany (?) compare W to Hitler

Great Cartoon from Mike Luckovich

Anyone else cringing a bit at the Sliming of Schwargenegger?

Who is next to take a ride on the "Little Blues" express....

possible BBV connection with Microsoft suit?

Ralph Reed on MSNBC (CIA Leak)

Deleted message

I thought this was a good commentary. "The White House and the CIA"

Too funny. John Rocker defends Limbaugh.

OH YEA!!! My LTTE is getting printed

Presumptuous wingnuts: "Moving Day for Gray," October 6

Rush the Modern Fable Or How the Ox--ycotin Gored the Bull****er

Bill Clinton gets a phone call from Rush Limbaugh

Rumsfeld says it would be unfortunate if no WMD

White House strategy: "SLIME AND DEFEND"

It's got a name now - the WILSON AFFAIR

Anyone see O'Reilly bash Clark?

Will Bush Plead for his Life Like Karla Faye?

The OFFICIAL "Let's bash/flame Candidate (blank) thread"

Wanna know what Ashcroft thinks of independent counsels? Start here.

Rumsfeld quote: "We know where WMDs are. Tikrit & Baghdad"

Ways of telling fascists...

What will be the next CIA bombshell

If you took Dean and Clark out of the equation who would you vote for?

Al Franken audio clip on Rush's resignation

DUers forget whats important ? The 370 Coalition DEAD

Just Returned From Lucianne.Com

CNN Lou Dobb's Poll: Who's Most Out of Touch on Iraq?

The GOP is on the road to self-destruction

Limbaugh Coverage - Diversion or Just Desserts?

Do You Think Clinton Would Have Gotten Away With "I'm Deeply Sorry.

Didn't I just see a thread about Limbaugh's E-mail?

10/02/03 Centcom: 1 soldier dies , 4th Infantry Division near Samarra

* wants 600 million more for his WMD search


if there are 30000 of us, why have less than 600 voted?

Bartcop on fire today!!!

We should constantly invoke the name of Bill Clinton

Wait, didn't the Right try to get Whorealdo incarcerated

Rush Said All Illegal Drug Users Should Be Sent To London Or Zurich....

Limbaugh on Legalization

Barf Alert: Tweety interviews Arnie Again! Tonight

Scary Thought of the Day - gw bush* - lame duck president!

Freepers 8/03 on "dereg Pete" Wilson--Arnold's Camp. Dir..

Did David Kay Engineer WMD Evidence for Bush I -and Now Bush 2?

What is the 2004 Democratic nomination battle really about?

Fellow Californians, help a baby Democrat, please?

Andre Mitchell on CNBC (about David Kay)

The Great Unraveling of the ReNAZIcan Party...

Ralph Nader opinion on California ?

Wolfie's poll "will WMD be found"

What should California do after Davis wins the recall to recoup the cost?

for those reveling in Rush's utter's bartcop!

IsnÕt it fascinating how the dialog changes when thereÕs bad news for *.

Hit the streets in '04!

More BS From Karen Hughes' Speech This Week (She Gets Her Rep Wrong)

Dennis Miller

Graham is dropping from the race.

And the stupid PNACers still wonder why the Arab world hatred

Anti-war protester's 'reality cheque'

CBS News: what a day!

WOWEE! Rush is Dead......and AUNOLD had those "sluts" after him! Good!

The Bushies not doing an internal investigation

anyone listening to fresh air on NPR?

Clear Channel/Rush question

After reading TPM's interview with Clark, I Cannot Support Clark!

How wonderful ! They just showed Rush's Maid's house on CNN.

Could I have a brief wrapup of what's going on?

CNN: David Ensor talking about WMD's (Kay report)

Pat Buchanan does it again....what a news nose!

Rush has hired attorney Roy Black

NBC News: Rush lawyers up....

Thank You Rush Limbaugh!

I helped kill American soldiers in Iraq!

(Whispering...) California....wake up...wake up California...California...

All of the major news channels are creaming Pigboy...

A video with the smoking gun website name

Spreading Saudi Fundamentalism in U.S.

America is on a Precipice.....which way will we Rock? Teeter Totter?

Carl Jeffords to replace Skinner on WLS

Which is less defensible: BBV or TIA in the guise of a "no fly" list?

Does anyone know of any sites that rank members by seniority in Congress?

BBV - Amazon: 'we will not be able to obtain'

PNAC Bush's "Bring Them On" Picture Album

Slain CIA Agent's Dad Calls Leak Treason...WOW

Demorcrats! I don't know what to think of this...

Limbaugh E-MAILED his housekeeper about the drug deals!

Robert Baer on "Buchanan and Press".

In defence of Rush

Maybe Aunold has a good point? Get the "dirt" out....and Move On?

A question for parents only...Please respond

My dream ticket: Clark-Biden 2004

Poll:Are you a Centrist, Liberal or Far Left Whacko?

What Will the Next Shun Clark Scandal Be?

Voting Machine Fiasco: SAIC, VoteHere and Diebold

Why Rush is NOT racist


W's Skull & Bones brother to oversee leak investigation?????

Only one politician in America today could survive...

To all who Doubted the WMD Claims....

I know how to prevent some of the fraud and shit in Florida...

Identity of Novak's 1st (leaker) source under our noses all along!

MSNBC - Jeb Bush says Dean should be Dem nom.

CBS News: New Poll!!!! Bad for Bush and a huh?

A Defense of Rush from an Unlikely Source

***Three Quick and Easy ways to Demand a Special Prosecuter

Hey, Hey,Govenor Dean, show us your registration as a democrat!

Did anyone else see it?

Why You Don't Ratfuck The CIA, 101.

Does Gray Davis Not Want to Win????

Wesley Clark and the "No Fly" List

What happened to the Dean/Clark lovefest


Rush has caught it! He's caught the WHANGDEPOOTENAWAH!

PLAME AFFAIR:Stating the OBVIOUS: Bush KNEW. Bush approved it.IMPEACH

New Arnold Mudball! Producer of Pumping Iron has Hitler-lover quotes out

Governor appointees/ Industrial Relations/ Sexual Harrassment

Rush and the 'victim' card

Black Box Voting: Latest Diebold Lie

Three Soldiers Killed

"Dean is a phony will just say what he needs in order to get your vote"

Freepers and Rushbo

I can't believe this isn't a bigger story. Wash Post story...

We are indeed living in The New Gilded Age

Deforestation and politics

Hybrids Can Be Cheap to Make, Toyota Says

People keep talking about "distractions" as if we can't keep more than

Almost every paper's headline reads "NO WMD"

Let's let women rule the world.

WTF?!!! Poor Rush my butt!

Insensitive Shriver?

I hate to say it, but Arnold gave the right response

SUPER MONSTER MEGA-BATTLE Between Maniacal Deanies vs. Crazed Clarkies

HEY! Is George W. Bush "The President"?

RE-VOTE! Do you support the proposed rules for the GD forum?

In politics, nothing happens by accident...

Who Warned Gonzales of the FBI Investigation

Research Challenge: How do candidates stand on Columbia Plan?

Did you catch the new "rightwing fair time" last night on West Wing??

This is a whopper. Freeper on a Rush thread with exclusive Hillary info

Communist Party USA endorses democrats in 04!

If Arnold wins in California...

Local soldier dead in Iraq (from Tulsa) non-hostile gunshot.

Stop the 9/11 Cover-Up Rally - Oakland CA - 10/7

Yea for me!!! I just voted Democrat for the first time in my life!!!

Victory for drunken gun-toters.

Out of all this California flap, why are we not asking ourselves

The Democratic Party is a MODERATE party

Pope nearing death

Since the DNC Allows Non-Dems in Debates, Ralph Nader Should Join In

ESPN ticker just said the Limbaugh just resigned from NFL countdown

LA TIMES EXCLUSIVE...first Bush, then Rush, then AHHNOOLLD....what's next

Bush defended for not moving on CIA leak

MI6 flaws exposed by former diplomat (Heap On UK Intell & Hutton inquiry)

Hastert Wants House Speaker Post Again

Cheney Chief-of-Staff Named as Spy-gate Leaker

Iraq war critics in Blair's party vent their anger

North Korea says it is using plutonium to make bombs

Pakistan Moves Against al-Qaida Militants (Happening "Now")

Robert Kardashian, Lawyer for O.J. Simpson, Dies

Presidential Candidates To Speak at Harvard

Student May Wear Bush 'Terrorist' Shirt

September 11 hijackers had a 'trial run'

WLS radio fires Ski Anderson!

MSNBC: Soldier Killed in RPG Attack (Iraq)

Investigators worked sensitive cases before

Democrats block vote on EPA nominee

Facing The Enemy - Iraq - CBS 60 Min II

Israelis To Extend Fence Line

Oozing Hypocrisy Over a Leak

SENATE WATCH-10/2/2003 (#1) ($87B E.S. Iraq Appropriations)

Two New Faux News Channels Planned

Bare cost of Bush state visit, govt told (People's $ in "US garbage bin")

Leak risks US security, says ex-CIA official (Larry Johnson on Plame)

HOUSE WATCH-10/2/2003 (#1) ("Partial Birth Abortion")

Text of Revised U.S. Resolution on Iraq

Making an Alliance Official (Kissinger/McLarty + Covington & Burling )

Uninsured Nation - White House give us $87 billion! Newsweek.

Houston oilman: Fixing Iraq to take time, $ (" .we will get our dividend")


President Hugo Chavez Frias rejects US News & World Report disinformation

N. Korea Says It Is Making Nuclear Bombs

Ban supporters say books are inappropriate

Springsteen Closes Sept. 11 Inspired Tour in NY (Wants Bush Impeachment!)

White House won't rule out polygraphs

Iraqi Resistance Grouips Form Unified Command---New WMW

Kucinich working to rally House members against request for $87 billion

100 trapped in Iran tunnel

Marines fly out of Liberia

Nader Undecided on Presidential Bid

Inspector Finds No Sign of Hussein's Weapons

Slain CIA Agent's Dad Calls Leak Treason

MSNBC: Judge says Moussaoui can't be be given the Death Penaly

Breaking BBC US confirms anti drug plane shot down in Columbia

Civil War In Iraq Inevitable: Analyst

Leak probe may expand beyond White House

David Kay on CNN now 5:18 EDT

Teen's return to Haiti is scheduled for today

Rocker defends Limbaugh comments

Rift with Bush is still open (Cuban-Americans & W's Re-Election)

Longview soldier sees morale slipping in war zone (our generation's 'Nam)

Faux News | Graham Drops Out of Presidential Race

schwarzenegger acknowledges offensive behavior, apologizes

Rivals Target Dean's Blunt Comments

Republicans Move Pickering to Full Senate

CNN confirms Limbaugh/drug ring story

Middle Class Tax Bill Shocker

Attorney General Is Closely Linked to Inquiry Figures

Review of Iraq finds problems with friendly fire

Aide: Daniels didn't defraud -- (former *budget director)

Turks, U.S. Agree Plan to Tackle Kurd Rebels (in N. Iraq!)

Former exile Chalabi lobbies Congress for aid

MSNBC (TV): 2 Canadian Soldiers killed in Afghanistan

Religious right uses gay marriage to register voters

LA Times - Acting as if It's in the Bag

Interpol chief: terror laws abused

Gay Marriage Used to Spur Voter Drive (Conservative Groups )

Bob Graham Spokesman Resigns

Microsoft faces class action on security

Leak Inquiry Embarks on a Long Road

It's got a name now - the WILSON AFFAIR

GOP Senator: Ashcroft should consider recusal on leak probe

Lurie(Eagles) says ESPN to blame for negative portrayal of NFL

Actor criticized for loan loophole

Commander says U.S. .. averaging 3-6 deaths / week in Iraq (40 wounded)

GOP senator: Ashcroft should consider recusal on leak probe (CNN)

CNN: Prosecutors cannot seek death penalty against 9-11 conspirator

In Iraq, 'Enemy Has Evolved'

General: 3 to 6 GIs Dying in Iraq a Week

NYT: Attorney General Is Closely Linked to Inquiry Figures

Factory Orders Down, Jobless Claims Up

Spending Pains (Majority Continues to Oppose Spending $87B)

Iraqi Civilians Caught in Crossfire of Guerrilla War

Military practices downing airliners

Lord's Mail Gets Special Delivery

Slain CIA Agent's Dad Calls Leak Treason

Charges In Football Camp Hazing

Senate Panel Backs Bill To Give Tax Windfall to U.S. Companies

US fails to win over UN sceptics on Iraq

Grenade attack kills US soldier north of Baghdad


Partial Bith Abortion Banned by House of Rep.

Schwarzenegger Says He's 'Behaved Badly'


PalmBeachPost Rush Drugs - (w/pic of maid w/cigar box drug stash)

Officials Say Bush Seeks $600 Million to Hunt Iraq Arms (NYT)

Rush hosting talk show tonight?

Limbaugh said ESPN not prepared for reaction

Turkey, US agree on "action plan" to purge N.Iraq of Kurdish rebels

Most Americans want independent probe of CIA leak: poll

Gov. Bush takes verbal swipe at candidate Dean in Tampa event

Pakistan kills militants, Afghan violence worsens

Inspector Briefing Congress on Iraq Arms (Kay re:WMD)

Women Say Schwarzenegger Groped, Humiliated Them

No evidence of WMD expected at briefings

399k New Unemployed this week alone

Leak Probe May Expand Beyond White House

Anthrax Cattle Graves - Russia's 500-year Disease Threat

Limbaugh doesn't address drug reports during Philadelphia speech

Sen. Bond Disciplines Aide Over Web Site (these ppl are SICK )

It's OK to be (Clear channel radio jock) Thomas (on city council ballot)

White House defends not probing CIA leak

Student May Wear Bush 'Terrorist' Shirt !

FBI Creates Team to Investigate CIA Leak

Rumsfeld teased Belgian minister over jail (Threatened to jail him in US)

CNN to host Rock the Vote event (Democratic presidential candidate forum)

Bush adviser Hughes says leak disrupts democracy

US Senate Dems Plan Filibuster Vs Bush Judicial Nominee (Pickering)

Snipers Triggered '68 Mexico Massacre

Senate Panel Backs Bill to Give Tax Windfall to U.S. Companies

Jeb Bush Leads Re-election Team for Presidential Effort in Florida

(Sen. Kit) Bond Aide Names Web Site After Carnahan Airplane

Women Say Schwarzenegger Groped, Humiliated Them

U.S. Says Iraqi Resistance Getting More Sophisticated

Republicans Pushing $87 Billion Iraq Aid Through Senate

Saddam may have bluffed

Miami braces for crush of free-trade protesters

6 Women say Schwarzenner groped them

Attorney General Is Closely Linked to Inquiry Figures

Ruling due on 'ghost fleet'

U.S. Army Foot Patrol Attacked in Front of Mayor's Office in Fallujah; Con

Rush Limbaugh in Pill Probe (the NY Daily News story)

US image drops among Muslims

Report expected to confirm failure to find WMD in Iraq (Out Today)

Shriver stands up for 'smart' Arnie

Saddam 'seen' five days ago

3G mobile signals can cause nausea, headaches

Bush asking congress for $800 million to look for WMD

Bush wants more funds to show Iraq had illicit weapons

Corporate Tax Breaks Passed

Schwarzenegger bus tour to roll amid sexual harassment claims

Bustamante expected to withdraw

Exile who returned welcomes plan to drop visas for native Cubans

Convention perks await big DNC fund-raisers

Jobless Claims Are Highest in 2 Weeks

Supporters exalt 'the rock'

Mercosur-US military exercise suspended

J.M. Coetzee Wins 2003 Nobel Literature Prize

Kuwait foils smuggling of chemicals, bio warheads from Iraq

Irish church abuse deal under fire

new Savage Weiner Sponsors 10/1

What the heck happened to my signature?

VH-1s the fabulous life of....

While I have some serious shit to say I refuse to post it on GD! update

Ha ha! Donovan McNabb Campbell Soup ad on ESPN just now!

A good day, people - it's 12:30 AM in Houston...

Halle Berry Splits With Her Husband!!

My personal cheap shot at Pimply Butt Muscle Brain (Rush)

"The culture wars have been decided" says my son

What would be a fitting punishment for Sean Hannity?

I just got home from giving a great presentation

I'm enjoying a Mike's Hard Cranberry Lemonade. Ask me anything!

Oct. 16 is "Feral Cat Day" in Pennsylvania

Can someone help me explain "September 1, 1939"?

Party Positions---2103 C.E.

This car sucks! I'm going to drive it into a dumpster. Gimme the keys!

does anyone get xm (sattelite) radio ?

That thing at the top of the page

This is Rush - This is Rush On Drugs

To all DU members in central Virginia

I've decided on my candidate: A Ham Sandwich.

Last night I served Bush AND Gore!

Somebody wake up BartCop he will have a fieldday on Rush

Paging Will Pitt

Mental Health care in Maine

The Brotherhood of Poland New Hampshire - any viewers here?

Is this a great day or what!

Groucho Marx born October 2, 1890

Rage fans- (Zack de la Rocha) March of Death

Rush L.! The Orginal Gangsta.

Has anyone heard the new Rufus Wainwright CD?


Full Fledged Member of the 1000+ Post Club

Buh - Bye!

Did anyone do a "bon voyage" to SoCalDem ?

To the fall of the biggest pompous Jerk of all time

There Are Times That Limbaugh Sounds Like Walter Brennan On Crack

Hollywood liberals SUCK!!!!

My wife thinks I should wear WHITE socks with my Khaki pants...

Rush Limbaugh and Lonesome Rhodes

I have 25 posts to go before I hit 5000, ask me anything!

ACK!! Dupes are driving me crazy! Why can't posters take a...

109 Graphic Bashings Of Deficit Dubya

Congratulations Susang! 5000 posts.

What do you miss most about short bus president?

Let's check the meter shall we?

Cnn poll over limbaugh comments

The New Arnold Schwarzenegger Campaign Motto

omg NO's snowing!!! huge flakes!..Catskill Mtns. 2 hrs north of NYC

I have 47 posts to 5000 and my b'day (coincidentally my 47th) is Saturday

I think Free Republic has died under stress... ha ha

Rush Is Gone GREAT. Now Espn Should Fire Steve Young. He Is

So, who else is looking to buy a McNabb jersey...

Favorite DU Head Honcho

The Nobel Prize for Literature: A Sign of Must Reading or Kiss of Death

more amusement provided by our local campus fundies re: Limbaugh

The Broncos are guaranteed to win(or tie) this Sunday

Arianna's latest great web-toon!

Coffee and doughnuts for chat-starved Grotto-dwellers!

I don't make it a habit of kissing the moderators butts, BUT

"Fancy a Ruck?"

Great job Byung Yung Kim

Bartcop woke up LOL

Coming up on Buchanan and Press: Pigboy's problems...

Any Surf Music fans, such as Aqua Velvets?

there can't be enough Rush Limbaugh threads to suit me

I walked out of a Furniture shop cause they were playing Rush Porkbaugh

Wish us luck! Election day in Ontario! (and a small BBV aside)

Rush: "This isn't my fault - Clinton made me take illegal drugs"

Everyone needs to check out am still laughing

Who will provide the funniest commentary

Yay, I just made a measly donation

I hearby declare today:

Diarrhea Mouth Bigot will be Ted Koppell's topic tonight.

Hey guys. I just figured out why Annthraxx Ann is so thin.

Psalm 2003

Hey bleary eyed, broken hearted Red Sox fans....

I'm going to the Midwest Harvest Fest

Schadenfreude: Rush on drugs

LMAO - "John Ashcroft" is bloggin' on Live Journal!

Any other Jonathan Richman fans here?

DU Fantasy Football Thread

"Why would someone in the WH leak this?"

OK - Dumb Joke

Favourite Guns 'n' Roses song?

Have you ever been sexually assaulted? What did you do?

Fu*k Rush "Pigboy" Limbaugh!

"Why would someone in the WH leak this?"

Get a BRAIN! Morans!

In a word.......................................CAPTIONERY

Rush...My Personal Encounter

the three word story.

you think your boss has an ego?

This is another Rush Limbaugh thread....

It's a Shame about Rush

Caption This Photo

Is true altruism really good?

I met a terrifying woman. She would not say her name.

Traitorgate vs. Watergate

CAPTION the overrated media darling of social concerns

Don't Fear the Leaker

Metal Bands that reinvented themselves in the 90's...

The Thursday Geezers/Geezettes Thread

Sexiest Liberal Man

post your traffic peeves here!

Anybody in Vancouver BC tonight wanna drinkie?

favorite CNN person?

The Anal Probe of all CAPTIONS!!!

Halle Berry is single...!

I am going to save my 100th post for something massively important.

My god, there's something hideous on MSNBC NOW!!!

CAPTION: David Kay/ All the DubyaMDs are far away...

Apple Computer scorns Rush Limbaugh

Did Rush Limbaugh's comments...

New definition of "dickhead"

HuntBar/BTLink spyware warning

Best College Football Logo

Going out with a bang, as it were....

"Thinking of Theme Songs for Rush Today"

Facts about OxyContin (streetname - HillBilly Herion)



Don't want to meet your daddy

Mahatma Gandhi born October 2, 1869

Howard Stern slapping Limpass left and right...

I have a bad habit of setting my heart on women who are already taken

I Think My Head Is Exploding! (A happy day poem)

I Dream of Jeannie vs Get Smart! You decide!!

I saw a great Anti-Bush Car today on Rt 30 (Pittsburgh)

Glenn Beck ... Video - Screaming at caller

Did Arnold Grope or Humiliated you?

True Or False Question

Do Canadian Teams That Win Championships Meet The President?

This made me laugh so hard (picture)

Quitting Smoking Update

Does your town have an Oktoberfest?

Out to Sea

Anybody got a toyota echo? do you like it?

Jack Black: Not Funny. Popular Music: Awful Crap

This sentimental Mariner fan is sappy enough to wish for a Sox-Cubs Series

I am really fscking tired of the snobs here today

Who are the best writers/posters here at the DU?

Anyone else disappointed in last night's West Wing ending?

The Freetards are imploding.

It's A Beautiful World We Live In.... (Bush "Remixed" To Devo)

Question about web hosting

Oh, no...Another actor has joined Arnie's campaign!

Which Sports Team Has The Best Logo?

Who Is Your Long Distance Carrier?

Best song by Queen

"Take Back the Night"

I spotted a dig at Chimpy on last night's "Angel"

Does your town have a website?

Photo shoppers!

DU PC Gamers. I'm looking for a new game. Any advice?

The 'Official' Rex Sox vs A's Thread

What movie(s) does the latest White House scandal bring to mind?

Is Arnold here? I hear he posts here.

Unanswerable questions...Post them here!

Is feeding dogs table scraps a bad thing?

hello, chaps

Starting the Twins kick yankee ass thread early.