The Republican Master Plan to Conquer the World
Econoticias Bolivia (October 17): Carlos Mesa, New prisoner of the palace
Tell the Troops exactly how Bush/PNAC support them!
Paul Krugman (NYT): Too Low a Bar
Combs show & new book endorse "Liberals Like Christ"
Naomi Klein (Toronto Globe & Mail): Latino politics, Miami beached
War views divide military families
Does Saturn sit on some of our heads forever? So that we can help others?
I'll say it again......I actually LIKE guns!
Something totally bizarre just happened to me...
Keep getting this error while navigating site:
What is the policy concerning remote links back to DU ?
Admin: Just a note to let you know how much Tahiti-Nut's patience
Ma'ariv: 3 Israelis killed in infiltration of Netzarim (Gaza)
Hanan Ashrawi and the Price of Dissent
Israel Ready to Oust Arafat if Order Given-Report
It is Forbidden to Say such Things
Democrat Ben Chandler in tight race for Governor in Kentucky
DUers are more impressed by sliced bread than any of the Dem candidates
familydoctor, I have concerns about
Joe Wilson's Letter in Support of John Kerry
Kerry Still Dogged by Questions on Vote to Authorize Iraq War
James Loftus on Keith Olbermann
Is C-SPAN still censoring Paul Krugman's recent Booktv appearance?
Visits to Australia - Bush vs Clinton.....
Thanks to Margaret Thatcher, I hate Brian Mulroney less than I used to....
One 4th Infantry Division soldier was killed Oct 23 south of Baqubah
Oct 23, Total Coalition deaths at 399. 344 are American.
Wallmart: we not only destory small business, we do it will illegal aliens
This is TOO Funny for words...Falwell has a fit over the Reagan Movie
I had a dream about Election 2004 last night...
CSPAN1 now----focus group with Dem pollster Peter Hart....
Scalia Ridicules Court's Gay Sex Ruling
Consultant to Pentagon Indicted for Terrorism
Why does Denny Hastert never get any criticism...
Federal judge says Ashcroft is intimidating judiciary
It took Malloy until 9:16pm ET to ask, "Have I told you lately that...
we're in a battle with Satan...war profiteers, dirty oil, blood money..
An Essay in the Exercise of American Power
Please Help, # of Casualties is Classified , 8900+ Treated at Ger.Hospital
Pentagon set to deploy 30,000 more Reservists
Iraq Temporary council Unanimously vetoes Turkish troops.
Charlie Rose Show -- Scott Turow on capital punishment
Will the dollar fall in value?
which candidate is the greatest thing since sliced bread?
My Husband's Company's 2004 Healthcare out of Pocket is now $1000/mo
Is tommorrow United Nations Day?
Could Clark peel a lot of military votes from the GOP?
realpolitik! How do you know such things? You seem to have great insight
My health insurance is paid for: Why should I care if yours isn't?
If They Could Keep The ROHNA Deaths "Secret" For 50 Years...
My Partner Is Teaching A Class On Hickam AFB This Week. He Tells Me......
Holy Jeeze! Did anyone just see MSNBC Countdown with John Loftus?
ABC News covered the Hallibirton oil pricing tonight.
ABC Nightline -- Healthcare ... Is the US really #1?
Your Top Five most despised right-wing pundits?
"Moron" vs. "moran". What's the deal?
Geography and the Notion of “Balancing the Ticket”
Iraq: The missing Billions, The PDF
Ok Fellow Patriots... Who's Marching This Weekend !!!
How did Norm Coleman win last year's senate race?
Grover Norquist Linked to Terrorists
Wesley Clark, Osama bin Laden and the 2004 Elections
Charlie Crystle for Senate: Views on the issues
James Loftus on Keith Olbermann
Companies Seek New Opportunities in Iraq
US Denies Iraq Funds Are Missing
Iraq Aid Needs, Pledge at Odds (questions raised re: making up difference)
Grenada's Prime Minister Criticizes New Amnesty Report on Trial in 1983 Co
Wal-Mart Raids Catch 300 Illegal Workers
WP (Pincus): Intelligence Report for Iraq War Was "Hastily Done"
Schwarzeneger, Davis, Talk of Transition
Dissenters bring Bush face to face with a dose of free speech
Inquiry Faults Intelligence on Iraq
Iraq: Limited French, German Aid 'Regrettable'-CNN
NYT: Rumsfeld Draws Republicans' Ire
Robert Fisk: One,two, three, what are they fighting for?
Bush* Schedule Has NATO Planners Scrambling (Twins' Graduation)
NYT: House Leaders Are Pushing To Cut Corporate Taxes
WP: Inquiry Faults Intelligence on Iraq
(Senate) Inquiry faults (CIA) intelligence on Iraq
Victory in Florida Feeding Case Emboldens the Religious Right
Clinton Urges Candidates Not to Criticize
Bush Tours Pearl Harbor, Raises Campaign Money
On High-Speed Trip, Bush* Glimpses a Perception Gap
Thousands March in Madrid Against Iraq Conference
CPA accused of $4bn accounting failure in Iraq
What trivial thing have you missed and why?
Should TV commercials have any responsibilty to tell the Truth?
This is the goofiest headline ever
Death Row Inmates give son of murder victim scholarship...
I met him 15 years ago. I was told there was nothing left.
No, this isn't pornography. But it could be!
And the winner is.... (gratuitous kitty post)
Stand by me is on: Who is your favourite stand by me character?
I've got a big exam in one and a half hours.
Who saw Noam Chomsky Tues. night in Gainesville, FL?
Boycott LeftPeopleFinishFirst!
What's your name again? Bravo, Johnny Bravo!
I'm not going to swat that fly.
I love Elftor! Now I know the author is on our side!
How Many DU'ers have had a maid service?
Anyone else watching the game?
Great Halloween Decoratioin Ideas for Feisty Dems!
Pick a number between one and ten
Who will be the first person to reply to this thread? Who will be last?
Goofy Religious Albums from Yesteryear
How does one search the DU archives beyond 6 months ago?
I'm going on vacation for 5 days, should I bring something to study?
What fun, sportslike or not activity did you last do with your kids?
Time, Newsweek, USN&WR? Which is it?
where is the original creator of DOS these days?
S.O.L.O* and PROUD!! (Say it LOUD!)
Now, pick a letter of the alphabet
Jon Stewart and Al Franken may just save our country from its ignorance.
Does anyone know if sugar (candy) can be preserved?
Which stunt should David Blaine do next?
Do you wish you majored in something else?
Britney & Madonna dance around to a Prince rip-off
Matt Drudge dating Ann Coulter?
Remarriage: how long should we wait? how many times is too many?
It's too late for me to change career paths!
MARLINS v. YANKEES live thread
Britney Spears Revealed -- vote in the poll
BullGooseLoony's 1000th post extravaganza!!!
Give us a glimpse of what music you listen to!!!
Is it my imagination, or is CSI really, really bad
What little physical ailment bothers you the most?
The Worst Sound You Ever Heard?
Evesdropping on the White House: preview of radio broadcast
WP: Intelligence Report for Iraq War Was 'Hastily Done'
Is he Gallup Organization for real? Jeff Koopersmith says "No!"
Liberal vs. Conservative - The Fight That Simply Must Stop
John & Elaine Mellencamp have their say ...
paste this over your neighbor's bumper sticker
JESUS CHRIST - switching parties with a vengence.
Pitching Bush revisonist movies to Hollywood
Talking points .....a must read
Syria Sees Fervent Islamic Resurgence- Neil MacFarquhar
Rare Candor - Deconstructing the Rumsfeld Memo
Why Conservatives Hate America (very funny)
Do the Crime, Do the Time: America's Drug War Farce
UN Iraqathon falls flat on its face.
The one friend W can not afford to lose.
Wake Up and Piss, America!, Axis of Logic Editorial
Kerry and Edwards miss critical vote, let Repugs win
Please Become More Selfish (Morford)
WP: Inquiry Faults Intelligence on Iraq (Threat Was Overstated)
Kinsley : One Reason Not to Like Bush
Bush insults Hawaiians with improper "Shaka"
Ed Garvey: As Democratic Party loses its soul, it loses its voice
BBV -HR2239 paper trail gets new sponsors - we need calls to GOP maybe's
Matt Groening mocks FOX News Channel in interview with Terry Gross
NewsMax calls to defend ronald & nancy reagan
Republicans doom us all to the fate of a new "Roman Empire"
BBC: What does the Bible actually say about being gay?
Any stamp collectors here? Got a question
QUACKWATCH: Water Enhancer ... Wellness Card .... Disk Doctor... And More
Come play with me--Be a Senator!!!
Wisconsin assembly passes defense of marriage act
University of Alabama faculty votes to prohibit antigay discrimination
Gay Games power struggle heats up in Montreal
Cannot find Second Half Recovery
Scientists find first dinosaur brain tumor
Veterans/Military Issues - Guests - Call in radio program.
Police seek shooter who saved teen girl
GUNS IN THE NEWS--October 24, 2003
Gun owners oppose Democrats because they assume they support “gun control"
I think I accidently broke the I/P forum rules
Can I see my post count without going through
Can you see who put you on ignore
Skinner, incase you missed it...:)
Is it against the rules to debate the rules?
Why people can't discuss Israel without it degenerating into a flame fest
Israeli Air Raids in Gaza Stir Emotional Debate
Israel's new wall plan for the Jordan valley
Al Aqsa Martyrs...peace on their terms equals...
"By means of deception, thou shalt wage war"
Bush Drops Opposition To Building Of Barrier
Three soldiers killed in Netzarim infiltration
MK's wife unhurt after bomb explodes under her car
Oh Goddess, this Oliphant one is priceless!
Marine Corps Candidate Poll (somewhat surprising)
Just what will it take to get it through your heads that the vast majority
WSJ new GOP 04 soundbyte: Bush succeeded -changed all 3 in "axis of evil"
Anyone have access to WSJ? This item from ABC's The Note today...
NYT Highlights consistancy of Kerry's position on Iraq
Teresa Heinz Kerry Campaigns in Michigan
GA: Michelle Nunn not running for U.S. Senate
KY: GOP driver's mischief falls flat
NATO, Clark and Yugoslavia by Michael Parenti in '99. Bad, very bad.
Zogby Suffers from Personality Disorder
This is a funny Halloween idea
I am scared of a Dean nomination
Swett: Clark Knew Facts of Iraq Resolution
LA: Blanco, Jindal head for photo finish (new poll)
Zogby: Dean Leads 40-17 in NH!
Who Really Lost California Part 2
brady campaign has serious concerns... do you?
Dean gets A+ from NRA for a Reason.
Kucinich Demands Stations Stop Airing Dean Ad
At this point, I think it's gonna come down to DEAN v. EDWARDS
In Your Face, Tom Delay!! - Lloyd Doggett To Abandon Unwinnable
WTF? Clark urges his supporters to perform mutilation ceremony in his name
Army of ONE...........................
If anyone was working in a health care field and a patient was about to
On Puppetboy George and his weird fixation with fascist salutes...
From Baghdad to Manila:Another lousy analogy for the occupation of Iraq
US in Iraq: Now kidnapping Iraqi women!
Is it true that CSpan is censoring Krugman?
Matt Drudge dating Ann Coulter?
Ladies, ladies. Are we just a bunch of selfish petulant brats?
has your employer tried to brainwash you to vote Repub?
Countdown with Keith Olbermann: Will he meet the Donahue fate?
What if soldiers at home, on leave, skip the country?
Meanwhile, somewhere in the Pentagon...
Google considers online auction of IPO shares
Leaking, Squeaking, and Slashing Everyone in Sight....
The sun is shining on GB, what's the climate?
Gaffney and PNAC Cabal #1 attack Norquist and PNAC Cabal #2
Divine retribution as Jesus actor struck by lightning???
The wheels are about to come of the Train & I am embigend by it.......
Monica Lewinsky - Votes Republican
Economic reconstruction pledges for Iraq
Bush greets vets, pupils in whirlwind O'ahu visit
A lot going on in D.C.: Other observations like realpolitik's?
Some Chucklehead "Keyed" our Jeep.
Focus Group for Election 2004 - C-Span earlier tonight. Who watched?
CDC and Homeland Security: Illinois 'most prepared'
Honolulu Advertiser: Demonstrators protest against Bush
Israel, Palestine, & the Wall: The One State solution
Clark's statement on the prescription drug bill...
Panda Software: Weekly virus report
PNAC's 01-23-03 Letter to "President" Bush*
Clark -- Affirmative Action Works
Bob Faw...some jackass on C-Span now
An interesting page of Karl Rove's ugly activities.
Need ammo against the Republican mantra on the economy
For Oct 25: "Thank You, President Bush" by Paulo Coelho
Did you approve of Bill Clinton's job performance as president?
Faux to roll out "Fox News Radio" next year.
which candidate is the target of the most "opposition research" here?
Bush dodges another press conference - a secret government?
This is the level of insanity we've allowed to be unleashed onto the world
US Congress votes themselves another pay raise in middle of bad economy
MPAA Pays Big Money to teach schoolchildren that Sharing is Wrong
In 1/2 hour I have to awaken my son before he leaves for the Guard
Memo To Central Intelligence Agency | File Under 'Important'
If you think Bush Supports the Troops...Read This!
Bob Wallace takes on insane Freepers who send him hatemail
Barbara Walters Exclusive: Tonite @ 10PM E Princess Diana
Is America bound to become a christian one party state ?
Coversation between a Clarkie and a wanna-be freeper.
A heart-wrenching one from Ann Telnaes: "but you can't see this guy"
I don't love Michael Moore, and I fear the "Messiah complex"
Smoking Gun: Volusia County Memos Disclose Election 2000 Vote Fraud
NATO, Clark and Yugoslavia by Michael Parenti in '99. Bad, very bad.
Earth put on solar storm alert
Khidhir Hamza: Bush's Bogus Iraqi Intelligence Source
Solar flare today - BFEE doing?
Spinsanity's response to Coulter column blasting Franken
TV News Lies Webcast to start at noon ET - Happy News Day!
Wal-Mart - Ilegal Immigrants - What's Up With That?
Remembering Those Lost For Iraqi Oil... lost while in the wrong place
What will today's 'News Dump' be?
"The righteous Judeo-Christian God against the evil God of Islam"
NYT: Rumsfeld's memo leaked by Rumsfeld
Kucinich to stop doing debates, form own party, and move to Canada
Bush Administration: Fascist Efficiency or Fractured Mess of Egos?
Will Pitt Gets Mention in Mark Morford's Morning Fix
Where would Kerry supporters go if he dropped out
Health Care: "If it's good enough for Congress it's good enough for you"
Out-of-towners recruited for Gallegos recall bid (Humboldt county)
Fyi -- Sylvia Browne last night shared next President to be 'Democrat'
Should these moranic parents have their children taken from them?
When Clinton tried to pass National Health Care numerous Dems voted
Clinton brokers AIDS drugs deal for poor
Medicare Changes Proposed by the Republicans?
Here is a pretty good tip off of why we can't do any good in Iraq
AOL Poll - Which 1st Lady do you admire the Most
How many electoral votes is Vermont worth?
Atomic Veterans revisited through depleted uranium exposure
Bush campaign has $70, 441,444 on hand -- send it to Iraq?
Coalition for a Realistic Foreign Policy vs. Project New American Century
Will New Hampshire be in play in '04?
Libertarians, War on Drugs and Rush...we have allies!
Advice for the New Poor, Part V
John Dean: Bush meets his own Ken Starr - David Corn.
76% of people in our area opposed Jeb's interference in Schiavo case.
Thieves-R-Us. Bush administration IS war profiteers, All the time
Pataki on CNN right now. I'm gonna puke!
The importance of sticking up for farmers
Holy invasion of privacy, Batman!!!
With All The Angry Accusations and Criticism Between The Dem Candidates...
Should DUers join the local draft board?
Who the F is this dork Curtis Ellis?
Heard it through the grape vine.
Just read the Rumsfeld memo for the first time
Ah the liberal crazy liberals you....
editorial letter from a disgruntled republican
Anybody live close to the big fire raging in S. Califonia right now?
meanwhile in CA- new (R)Gov finds out He's not up to job
Take a minute to donate a mammogram
Help Randi Rhodes get syndicated!
BBV: MPR Future Tense discusses Diebold and lawsuits
There is a freeper in our midst...
Contact Kucinich to reconsider "Hardball".
About those Iraq donations of so much $$$, here's a closer look
Website for donating school supplies to Iraq
Barbata Bush's "Pearls" (wisdom) from King Interview
Oh, no! Bob Somerby Considering Ditching The Daily Howler!
"By means of deception, thou shalt wage war"
What is going on with redistricting in Colorado and Texas?
Eric Cantor was on Buchanan and Press last night threatening CBS
Lieberman's Defense Secretary: John McCain???? HUH???
Sign petition to pass Wellstone Mental Health Equitable Treatment Act
Should DU have a one day a week moratorium on "Deleted Messages"?
Correct me if I am wrong... the Republicans have declared war on the CIA
Va. Man, Daughter Get Prison for Slavery Tax Claim
What is the "Tiger force" Cover up?
Are there any anti-war Republicans?
Attention all Washington State DU'ers
The press is severely accuracy challenged re: Lynch
A very senior officer hopes that Clark will be the next president...
This morning's public hearing on CIA leaks repeating now on CSpan
"Religious Conservatives: Schiavo Win Opens Doors".....Look out.
Bush family friend, Farrish, indicted for TREASON
White House is full of crooks & war profiteers. What are we going to do?
Any liberal-leaning radio shows in the Washington DC area?
Should we throw in the towel if Bush selects Condi as a VP?
Newbie Wondering about DU History
Le Monde has some bold cartoons - like this one...
When Social Services Gets Out of Hand
This Man Says Dean Will Lead the Democrats to Disaster
president of Florida Holocaust Museum links Bush wealth to Nazis
Lieberman Would Tap McCain if Elected
C-SPAN Washington Journal Weekend Schedule :
What effect do you think a Gore endorsement will have on Dem primary?
Resource thread: White House cooked the books on Iraq intelligence
How do you react to the term "Liberal Media"?
Just Called My CBS Affiliate About the Upcoming Reagan Movie
Least despicable right-wing pundit?
I think everyone knows about the feud between Dean and Kucinich,
Republicans planning protest at Michigan Debate next Friday
Comedy Central videos for those cable-challenged people like me.
Question: reliable resources for studying U.S. and world history
Gorka's new album Old Futures Gone
John Edwards will be on This Week this Sunday
'I apologize' for voting for Bush
The attack of the (talking points), your predictions & hope's for 04
Jon Stewart on cover of Entertainment Weekly
Dean on the Anniversary of the Death of Paul and Sheila Wellstone.
Advice for the New Poor, Part VI
So, the CIA is all set to take the blame for Bush admin hype and lies?
Clark: "I would have voted against the war resolution."
Political Matchup: President Dean vs House Majority Leader Delay
Anyone from Illinois? I have a question about Obama.
CBS Reagan Movie - This was Posted on the Free Republic
Three more soldiers die in Iraq. Where is the anger?
Kobe Cheered by thousands - meanwhile victim continues to get slammed
John Malkovich wants George Galloway dead!
For those who think Democrats should abandon rural America
What is your opinion of the New York Time's William Safire?
Paul Wellstone Special on radio today, streaming 6 pm Central
What's-his-name Diddy says Dems need to "get back to the streets"
Dems hearing on CIA Leaks repeating now on C-span
BBV: Letter to go with books pledged to congress
WHOA! just saw a Sierra Club ad on CNN....
It's been two years. Why no news in the anthrax murders?
Is for real?
Fascinating Discussion About C-SPAN Focus Group of Likely Voters
Kucinich tells Hardball to get lost...
John Mellencamp blasts Bush in open letter
Isn't it postively AMAZING, that repubes can recognize propaganda
BBV: Florida Election Supervisors Take a Stand on DREs
Which Statement by GW Bush Will Haunt Him the Most in 2004?
Here Comes Another Load of BS. CIA Exaggerated Saddam Threat
The Reagan Movie Flap. Another Example of Rewriting History.
Today is the one year anniversary of Wellstone's death
C-SPAN to cover anti-war rally LIVE -- Saturday 11am ET
a MoPaul Masterpiece! (put on a happy face)
Rolling Stone Interview With Dennis Kucinich
The BIG Election! Who would you vote for.
Freepers say 1,000 people will show up to their "Pro-America" rally.
Transcript from Olbermann's show is up. Takes it to the White House.
Honesty Thread: What's Good, What's Bad about YOUR Candidate?
Assault on American liberals: America is 40% conservative
If Dean or Clark win the nomination
Last DC protest thread! Tomorrow's the big day! Last chance!
Can someone help me with the health insurance thing?
What is it about Anglo-Saxon countries?
IMPORTANT! Rate This Yahoo! Story Off the Charts!
BBV-Congress Appropriating Money for Voting Machines- Contact Official Now
Yo George: Here's how a real president does diplomacy (slow dialup)
Proposals? What to do for Dec. 12, 2003 = Three Years After Selection...
Why we're urging that people support Dennis or Al.
Arnold will NOT move to Sacramento
Joe Scarborough Whinefest for Tonight
BBV: A Brief History of Computerized Election Fraud (truthout exclusive)
Murdoch and Blair vs, the BBC to "Foxify" British media
JUST IN: Zogby Poll --> DEAN 40% in NH!
Rummy "laid a turd on the doorstep of happy talk" (Best. Quote. Ever.)
Bush's Bad Intelligence - Stovepipe by Seymour Hersh
Kerry accuses Dean of "duplicity" on Iraq
We believe George W. Bush is a merciful gift from the Lord to an undeservi & Michael Moore
Possible aftermath of passing Prop. 12 in Texas?
The good news is we were right.about global warming The bad news is
Christian Right come to the support of Gen Boykin
Democratic Policy Committee - Investigating CIA Leak - CSpan NOW 10:36 AM
Do the Saudis unofficially hate us?
am i crazy to be getting upset???
Okay, whats the deal?Is the CBS Reagan Movie good or bad?
Advice for the New Poor, Part IV
Advice for the New Poor, Part II
Advice for the New Poor, Part III
Kucinich to petition FCC over station's airing of misleading Dean ads...
We'll have a flat tax if Bush is re-elected
Some advice for the newly outsourced, downsized, and generally unemployed
Oregon DUers -- I need your help!
This week's Bill Moyers NOW - Downward Mobility (the war on wages), more
So why are you trying to destroy Venezuela Bush!?
Can't Improve Upon GOP Research Of Kerry
Buchanan and Press last night or night before....
Why do so many consider Kucinich unelectable?
The Unhappy History of Kossovo
Peace Corps Director to Leave Post
Smith Barney fires four brokers for market-timing
Access to 9-11 Suspect's Statements Nixed
Barring changes, Dems 'unable to support' prescription drug bill
SEC: Mutual Fund Execs Trade Own Funds
Afghan Government Weighing Talks With Former Top Taliban Official
EarthRights International examines EO 13303 For Possible Illegality
Google considers online auction of IPO shares
Auction house Christie's hid Nazi past of painting
China work accidents leave thousands dead
UK backs PFI military satellite
Democrats Assail Medicare Proposals
US's homeless become new small-town pioneers
HOUSE WATCH-10/24/2003 (#1-10:00 AM) [Pro Forma Session]
SENATE WATCH-10/24/2003 (#1-9:30 AM)
Intelligence Report for Iraq War Was 'Hastily Done' (WP)
NYT: Rumsfeld Draws Republicans' Ire
Gorbachev copyrights his own name
Bush 's Press Aide, Rove Questioned in Leaks Probe
Clark's statement on the Medicare bill
Afghan beauty queen makes history
Metro eyes on Congress (funding being cut to Clinton's COPS program)
Clinton brokers landmark Aids deal
U.S. Arrests Hundreds of Workers at Wal-Mart Stores (illegal aliens)
Virginia's governor fares well in poll
Bush's Press Aide, Rove Questioned in Leaks Probe
Charity says $4bn 'missing' in Iraq
Iraq Donors come Through for Bush
U.S. Isolated on Iran Nuke Program-Diplomats
Bush snubbed Aussie war widow.
DFW Star-Telegram: Report to blast CIA on Iraq intelligence
One U.S. Soldier Killed in Iraq Attack (Mosul)
AP Radio News: Mortar Attack on US Base No. Iraq 2 Dead More Injured
Turkish PM says Iraq deployment plan is on hold
Mistrust of U.S. Could Keep Iraq Pledges Low
CIA Rebuffs Criticism of Prewar Reports
(11 Dead) Cadmium Levels Puzzle Pa. Investigators
Muslim leader with D.C. ties indicted (Norquist/Rove connection)
Arctic ice cap melting at worrying rate: NASA
Anti-American protestors hurl rocks at Iraqi police in Fallujah
Deficits Loom Again for States in Fiscal 2005
Hundreds in Waikiki protest administration policies
Home found for 'sheep of shame'
Onassis heiress gives Brazilian boyfriend a cow
Paris: Diana crash photographers on trial
'Gay'-behavior author joins Farah today
Mistrial Declared in Quattrone Case
WTAE PIttsburgh: Mayoral Recall Case
House Leaders Are Pushing to Cut Corporate Taxes
Donations to Rebuild Iraq May Fall Short of U.S. Target
Ex-communist nations offer what they can to needy Iraqis
Stalker sues Britney Spears for distress
Lieberman backs Jeb Bush on comatose woman
Church draws up secret plans for Anglican 'Pope'
Ex-agents: CIA leak a serious betrayal
AP: al-Qaida Planned to Attack Embassy
Ex-CIA officers seek Senate leak probe
Annan in No Hurry to send UN Staff Back to Iraq
Donors offer Iraq tea, rice, pilgrims
Former fighters parade to launch disarmament program in Afghanistan
Pakistan says attack threat up since joining U.S.
One Iraqi killed, six wounded in Baghdad market shelling as Wolfowitz tour
Senate approves additional $1 billion to overhaul election system
NYT writer 'should be stripped of Pulitzer'
Two U.S. Soldiers Killed in Mortar Attack in Iraq
Teacher gets minimum sentence for stealing from quadriplegic kid
WP: Protesters Try to Revive Antiwar Effort (about DC March tomorrow)
Bush Drops Opposition To Building Of Barrier
This morning's public hearing on CIA leaks repeating now on CSpan
Concorde Takes Flight for Final Time
GOP to put challengers in black voting precincts
Britain Warns of Possible Saudi Attacks (Guardian)
Iraq Violence Claims 3 More Troops' Lives
Rumsfeld Suggests New Agency for 'War of Ideas'
NTSB schedules final report on Wellstone crash
Ambushed US vehicle crushes Iraqis in cruel fluke
Navy Wives Launch Boat Tour for Charity (Navy Welfare Fund)
Republican Talks on Energy Bill at Impasse, Domenici Says
Sources: Wal - Mart Knew of Illegal Workers (Execs on Tape)
Rumsfeld Denies Shift in Iraq View
Bush Raises (Campaign) Funds in Hawaii on Way Home
A Tale Of Two Soldiers (Black POW Given Less Benefits Than Jessica Lynch)
Handicapped Woman Struck, Killed By Ft. Stewart Solider
Scalia Ridicules Court's Gay Sex Ruling
GE boss sees substantial China role for company
Carlyle man Major: "Spin is the pornography of politics"
Schiavo's husband says he'll fight back
Harassment class for new governor? (Gropinator)
Dems: Prewar Probe Ignores Misuse Queries
Virginia Attorney General Attacked For Supporting Gay Workers
Pledges to Rebuild Iraq Total $33 Billion (That includes our $20 Billion)
U.S. Senate intelligence leaders at odds on Iraq
Iraqi resistance peaks as Wolfowitz arrives
France reiterates will not send troops to Iraq
Questions about Schwarzenegger's treatment of women persist
Rumsfeld's 'Slog' Already Seen in Iraq
Lieberman Would Name McCain Defense Secretary
Kucinich Declines 'Hardball' Interview
Schwarzenegger Finds State of Budget 'Disastrous'
Ex-POW's Family Accuses Army of Double Standard on Benefit
Clashes Led to Probe of Cleric - Guantanamo Bay
Madame Chiang Kai-Shek Dies in NYC at 105
Become a Selective Service System Local Board Member
Okay, I know you've been going through this thing lately
Smurfette III : This time, it's personal!
Great Arnold political cartoon
WTF? Clark urges his supporters to perform mutilation ceremony in his name
Why can't I find a song about clubs, thugs, hot tubs, and rollin' dubs?
Eddie Izzard on Charlie Rose tonight &
Never hire a maid named Chester
Was that you that waved as I was driving by?
What is the most colorful thing you ever saw?
I need to tap the DU braintrust for college help
something disturbing found in iraq
I'm going out on the deck now to watch for Northern Lights
Divine retribution as Jesus actor struck by lightning???
Monica Lewinsky - Votes Republican
Why is the Democratic Party dubbed "the left"?
Skeet shooting game (don't flame KNOW I love cats)
Found Barbara Bush's Debutante picture
Donate 100 bucks-Get a free background check from John Ashcroft
Protests against Chimpy in Hawaii, too.
OMG, Jerry Lewis has put on 200 pounds!
Miscast tv shows.. (Sopranos...starring ...Don Knotts??)
STOP SPAM, "I Saw You In Church and admired your snake!"
Oh Man!!! I was going into this room to look for something, but
One of my colleagues was Wesley Clark's chauffeur!
Do You Know the Way to San José ??...(by)
UCLA vs Arizona State The Official Thread
Jesus actor struck by lightning ... TWICE!
Basketball Team Loses In Rare 61-0 Shutout
Get Your "Shock And Awe" Condoms Right Here
Madame Chiang Kai-shek dies at 106
Junior to relocate to this UK address in 2004?
WillPitt mentioned in today's Morning Fix
Touchy name for a Canadian car
Hello, anybody awake in the Grotto this morning?
Has anyone ever been inspired to purchase something based on a popup ad?
Please join me for prayers (or sending good karma) for a role model
Space Storms! How cool is all this?
Instead Of Saying "Do You Want A Bigger Package" What They Mean Is
Solar flare today - BFEE doing?
Man Draws Pension Of Dead Mother Hidden In Bathtub
Bartman Cost The Cubs... NOT!!!
Unintended Consequences, black cherries and a bird
Looks like Rush isin't full of sh*t after all...
Please recommend a Miami hotel...
Is the Senate trying to blame the CIA for the intelligence lapses?
Doonesbury: Gropenfuhrer is on a roll!
Earth put on solar storm alert
Are you a pessimist or an optimist?
Are you as dumb as Jessica Simpson? (link)
Worst Movie Ever: Gigli or Manos, The Hands of Fate?
Help needed with plastic/glue work...
FOR ALL DUers! A balm for the Warrior's soul...
Idiot freeper coworkers believe fellatio reduces breast cancer risk
In the remote possibility of a draft, I will serve
CAPTION W trying to figure out how he can land on the USS Arizona
Anyone know how to read a .td1 file?
Any California Backpackers out there????
I saw a sunspot with the naked eye this morning!
Ethical dilamma:They double deposited my paycheck
!!!!!!Tomorrow in Toronto-the Rock,Paper, Scissors WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!
What will the result of the World Series Be?
Next Freeper who refers to "Massachusetts leftists"
JFK Photos published despite loss of negatives in Twin Towers attack
"Hang loose" with some CAPTIONS
Walking the tightrope of CAPTIONS
If You Could Choose The Sex Of Your First Child
3-2 Yankee fans...Ya nervous !
Has anybody seen GOPisEvil???????
Have You Tried f** Yet?
Does anyone us SBC (southwesternbell) as their
Yankee fans. Your last two (possible) games are at home
Hosting my first dinner party ... any suggestions?
someone on your Xmas list hard to shop for?
Kitty Cat. Puppy Dog. Doll Baby. Tuna Fish
How fast can you spank the monkey?
Whats long and green and smells like
That is it, DAMMIT, I am buying an axe
How Many Hours A Night Do You Sleep?
Bell Witch may return after all
Are the solar storms causing computers to run slower?
CAPTION him actually morphing into a shrub
Anyone read 'fear and loathing in Las vegas' by HS Thompson
Pat Riley resigns as Miami Heat coach
What's Old & Wrinkled and Smells Like Ginger?
British Couple Moves Due To Street Name - Butt Hole Road
No. My First Name Ain't "Baby", It's Janet! 'Miss Jackson' If You're Nasty
Bronco's 12th String QB Has Mad Yak Disease
Courtney Love is a pile of human garbage
Vikings' quarterback found playing darts in Irish pub.
Bronco's 17th string QB has Munchausen's by Proxy Disease
Bronco's 6th String QB Bought a Used Car From John Elway
Broncos fourth string QB has a cold
I forgot to take my anti-silly medication today so I've been posting
When is the last time you said "have a good day"
Alabama's first string quarterback has a separated shoulder (for real)
LBN worthy but I'll put it here-----Solar Storm Barrels Toward Earth
new OxyRush and Hannity advertisers 10/24
I just got interviewed by the AP! (OR: My "oh crap" moment)
Taranaki man ready for the apocalypse
What's the best way to advertise a web site online?
Ich bin ein Berliner - "I am a jelly doughnut"
hey, I've been a long-time lurker, and this is my first topic post!
Bronco's ninth string QB has existential dread.
Do I hold the record for being fired the fastest?
Any liberal-leaning radio shows in the Washington DC area?
Broncos third string QB has the flu
This goes out to all of those on their way to the march in D.C.
Newbie Wondering about DU History
A guy just grabbed me on the street, scary, never happened to me before
Who is your favorite "Simpsons" character
Okay. What other than these things do we care about?
Beatles "Get Back/Let it Be Naked" vs Beach Boys "Smile"
First Review of Beatles' LET IT BE...NAKED
Question for PC know-it-all's...
Healthy or unhealthy, what are you addicted to?
I go for my mammogram today...
DU Men, have you been manipulated with sex? Hope awaits!
Nationally Broadcast High School Football Tonight Anyone?
Why is Magic Rat obsessed with women, dating and sex???
Some Definitions to Aid Our New DUers
One other helpful conceptual bath to help out some DUers experience with Microsoft India
Catwoman proposed to me, then stood me up at the altar.
The absolute BEST "Heavy Metal!"
Abstinence sounds like a good idea right about now...
What's your dream band line-up?
I'm eating French Cheese, ASK ME ANYTHING!
Does anybody have any experiences with the drug Celexa?
R~E~S~P~E~C~T....find out what it means to ME...
If you get CBC, tomorrow there is a documentary that should be good
Do Women Ever Crave A "Quickie"
Jesus actor struck by lightning - twice
Would You Date Someone Shorter (or Taller) Than Yourself?
DU Parents Poll: To Spank or Not To Spank? - That is the Question
How many separate rooms do you have in your current residence?
Does anyone feel bitterness towards the opposite sex?
Will Pitt, are you out there. Please weigh in on the Reagan movie
Northern Lights tonight!! (And I am going to miss it -rain in Chicago!)
Metal Heads check in here.....
friend of the guy who jumped Niagara Falls is pissed off
I quit smoking two years ago today
I need help New Mexico DUers! I'm planning a trip to your fine, fine
MY God is bigger and better than YOUR God
Guilty Pleasure: What's your FAVORITE War Movie?
If you were Superman would you fight for "the American way"?
Hiphop is the new folk. Discuss.
I need some new terms to refer to pResident *. Help me out.
I'm 10 miles from a SoCal wildfire;ask me anything
Do You Think That There Are Gay Male Professional Athletes?
I declare a Friday Night Flame War!
Help I'm in Arizona.. so what should I see here?
Losing my cat of 17 years tomorrow
Come play with me--be a Senator!!!