Democratic Underground

Archives: October 25, 2003

The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003: Republicans drum up support

Suzanne Goldenberg (Guardian Unltd): Dissent on the home front

Is the draft coming sooner than we think ?

Katya Adler (BBC): Donors' summit fails to convince

Read This and Hurl

Letter from Mark Wellstone

well, another letter to Shrub, Not that he'll ever see it..

Kristof - Gay at Birth?

NYT Ed- Out of the Mainstream, Again

Kucinich - the Peace Candidate - film info and flyer link

Are there any protests planned for Seattle tomorrow?

San Antonio Bush Protest Oct. 30 info!

More Women Forego Motherhood

Japanese voters 'ambivalent' as ever

Where did the John Malkovich thread go?

Why was this thread locked?

Why should the Left save Arafat?

Israel Maps Out Security Fence

Repug French-bashing: Could this help us carry Louisiana next year?

Kucinich mistakes himself for a serious candidate… makes absurd demands

While Dean skiied in Aspen, Kerry was getting shot at in Vietnam

While Dean was Medically disqualified, Kerry was comitting war crimes..

The Bush Battle--Carville report

In tomorrow's NY Times Kerry Blasts Debate Format

Will Dean be speaking at the march on Washington DC tomorrow?

Kucinich - the Peace Candidate - a film by Malachi Roth

Is Zogby push polling for Dean in NH?

Important story coming up on Olbermann's show. A guy who lives on

Is Arnie Arnesen another liberal talk show host?

Jon Stewart Interview with Bill Moyers NOW (PBS)

CSPAN replaying Democratic hearing on the CIA leak...on now!!!

Gee, Limbaugh's rehab must really be working well

Ambassador Joe Wilson on Mike Malloy's talkshow

CSPAN 8pET Democratic policy committe meeting replay...

MoPaul's - Bush Wanted Poster. Fight Terrorism, turn in your Neighbor

Who does this White House oil stooge think he is , Napoleon ?

Confessions Of A Bush Hater

FBI's actions ".despicable," he said. "It's certainly undemocratic."

This White House should be arrested.

Joseph C. Hough on NOW with Bill Moyers

"George Bush, whore press & lying GOP can kiss my ass"

Things ARE bad-- theologian sees coming need for civil disobedience

S.F. Peninsula DUers: Al Franken in Menlo Park tonight

Jury found FBI & police lied/ framed activists. $4.4M Award in 2002

When a pundit on tv says why are the liberals saying................


Why did Soldier who planted explosive at power plant get probation?

DC Protest: Disguise Myself ? (I think NOT)

Drudge: Top Dem Candidates Say Televised Debates Are 'Waste Of Time'

Huh? A thread is locked for "excessive punctuation"?

Is Pelosi nuts? (aka wanna make Bush look better?)

SFChron: FBI's Campaign to Disrupt Free Speech

"War Morale" Posters

"Finally the FBI Tells the truth" * humorous

Technical IT Help needed for Progressive Org.

US troops smash head of 100-yr old Afghan village elder w rifle butt

Mn. public radio breaking my heart right now...(Wellstone retrospective)

TV Alert: Clark on Hardball. 11:00pm Eastern MSRNC

Pentagon planned for terrorist plane crash. UK reports. US News does not.

Wellstone's Son tries to change Dem. Party: also critical of MuAuliffe

Today's CNN interview with Repub CIA agents

Grover Norquist is 'Field Marshal' of the Bush Plan after liberal groups

That weasel Coleman still thinks God put him in office

Remember the Inauguration Day Eggs ? hit smirk's coup limo

just watched o'really factor.

Top Ten List of Conservative Idiots...!

Selective Service (draft) registration; would you refuse to do so?

University of Baghdad Professor: Iraqi Resistance Not "Saddam Loyalists"

Seeing Nightline Now

Howard Dean to get California teachers union endorsement?

My email to Chris Matthews re: the unfair Kerry interview

Advice for the New Poor, Part VII

Clinton recommends campaigning to the left to satisfy the base

Pilots ok'd for guns since JFK, but Bush cancelled July 2001

For those confused as to why WalMart is a bad "standard" read this.

ABC Nightline for Friday -- E.R.'s, healthcare of last resort?

Michael Reagan...

Clinton seals deal for cheaper Aids drugs

anti-terrorism record of Clinton compared to Bush's do-nothing

Is the fence around the Washington Monument a ploy? Tomorrow's rally.

Another suspicious article

BBV - Faux News Channel - Tony Snow

215 Names and counting

WI Assembly passes anti-gay marriage bill

Do you think the issue of Gay Marriage should be downplayed?

Ugly accusation against Kucinich in 1978 Cleveland Magazine article

Thoughts on Paul Wellstone: one year later

Kerry's Dark Side.... Very interesting...

Republican friend back from Afghanistan, his wife is in Baghdad

Will Dean Keep Fighting the War..... on Drugs?

Teachers could be paid 100000 dollars

Is Zogby push polling for Dean in NH?

Advice for the New Poor, Part VIII

My deepest thank you to DU angels: You saved my son

Taliban Resurgence Undermining UN Afghan Aid Work

Diyas brighten White House (Rove Alert)

Arar says he's being smeared by leaks

N. Orleans school funds missing

Anti-War Protesters Gathering on Coasts

Japanese ambassador fired after voicing dissent over US-led war on Iraq

PFAW response to false RNC charges --- Janice Brown cartoon

Massive Strike Leads Italy Into Temporary Paralysis

A Visitor from China Eclipses Bush*s Stop in Australia

US Senator (Rockefeller) Says Senate Inquiry on Iraq Ignoring White House

Largest gang headquarters in Japan raided

Authorities baffled by teen’s death

Bishop welcomes honesty on gays

Repukes plan to make Gay Marriage central to next year's campaign

Senators Decry Care of Troops Returning from Iraq

UK Protesters Aim to Humiliate Bush Like Saddam

Cuba Welcomes U.S. Senate Vote on Travel

Protesters to Bush: How dare you?

‘Non-Hostile’ Fire - Iraq: Rise in Rate of G.I. Suicides

Dollar Slides, Hurt by Weak U.S. Stocks

Iraqi Family Crushed by US Tank

Cuba Vote Shows Bush's Waning Authority

The "Why I Hate Republicans" Reader

Somebody quick - Manipulate Me With SEX!

The George Bush facial expression chart

Its National Rain Forest Awareness Week!!


Well that was fun.


anyone else score any of the new john kerry twenty dollar bills?

I'm Going To Have a Quickie Now While Listening To Heavy Metal

What was the origin of "...ask me anything"?

What Modern Metal Bands Are You Listening To?

My Summer and Kill Bill (potential SPOILERS-nothing major)

Marketing directors on DU

"God Bless America! And NO place else"

Search engines for shopping.

Role Model

Stop the Vatican's Lies - protest on Oct 29th, NYC (ACT UP)


Your favorite heavy metal tune

I'm driving home from work,worried about the bills,

Coalition for a Realistic Foreign Policy vs. Project New American Century

What HEAVY METAL band should I listen to now?

Long Hard Slog

What's with the battle of the sexes on DU so much lately?

We're Here! We're Not Queer! (But We're Close!) Get Used To It!

A view of the sunset

Yo, Fellow Lizards.. . Whatzup?

Oh no..... cat scan


Shaq is in great shape--from preseason broadcast on ESPN now

Go ahead, lie. How many of you have ever been teased sexually by a quiche?

OK This is totally bizarre

Read this GDF thread to actually LIFT your spirits!

Stupid stuff you only hear of in stories

What are some good marijuana alternatives?

Get thee to the British Library (with apologies to Shakespeare)

A early 70's Pro Football question. Re: The halftime show

Star Wars Nerds video MUST SEE!

Laugh All You Want... I'm Not Ashamed To Admit It. --- E.R. Grosses Me Out

This is my Homework! My mouth is killing me!!!

Attention DU Golfers

ARGGGH....I hate trying to find an apartment in NYC, such a headache

Interesting show on Scifi channel, 2 hours documentary.

What are some over the counter drugs that can make you high?

“Elliot, just what was it you intend to do after government service?”

Humane Society Update and a Business Question - REPOST

has anyone in the NE U.S. seen an aurora yet tonight?

Three weeks and the pain is still exquisite. Broken big toe.

This coming Monday - My most depressing birthday... EVER!!!

"Teen Challenge"?

Republcans Up in Arms Over Unflattering Portrail of Hitler

"I do not think about things that…I do not think about!"

Does anyone read Parabola?

If one has a bad back what may they and what may they not do?

more website help--what do you see?

I have a 25 lb tortoise walking through my living room. Ask me anything...

Be Honest. How Many Here Ever Took LSD?

Is the Government hiding ET evidence?

"Finding Nemo" - I found him

Any RYAN Adams fans out there ?

10 Moives you can watch over and over again...

Should I become exclusively a lounge lizard

'Winning Modern Wars': Wesley K. Clark's Warpath (NYT Book Review)

Column: in Defense of Free Speech (Reuters)

The Rumsfeld legacy

beyond political cartooning

Who lobbies Bush on Cuba?

Bob Boudelang strikes again!

Hands off Iraq! Withdraw all US forces from the Middle East now!

"Bush came, Hu conquered" -- conservative Australian newspaper

Brace yourself: This is disgusting

Saturday's snark attacks-- Seattle P-I -- good ones

LTTE: 'I apologize' for voting for Bush

planet's polluters should be put in the dock (world environment court)

Rep. McDermott still blasting out his message: Bush lied

NYT: Learning To Love To Hate

Molly Ivins: Hellraiser (Eugene Weekly Interview)

Cheney caught with massive Halliburton holdings(Vanguard Group)

Is it really possible to have no federal income tax?

NYT: The Opt-Out Revolution (Women Leaving The Workplace For Motherhood)

Dean picks up support in Kerry territory

The Infobeing Manifesto

Seattle area DUers -- great NARAL event next Sat. night, Nov 1

Gore Vidal Speaking in Cambridge Thursday, November 20th

TV alert: "The Fifth Estate" to air Bush-bin Laden links

Globe and Mail: "Are the U.S. airwaves about to lean to the left?"

Ladies' Home Journal Channels Bush Propaganda

Scalia mocks Courts' gay vote

The Core Defect of Right Wing Thought Process

Would an astrologer here be willing to look at my campaign

Psychic Sylvia Browne Predicts GULLIBILITY. --- How to Blow $700

Astrologers:As Uranus lanuguishes at 28/29 Aquarius,one of most innovative

Astrologers fail to predict proof they are wrong

Is there a geologist in the forum? Could Sylvia Brown be on to something?

Astrologers - Happy Saturn Station

Supermarket chains, grocery workers dig in for lengthy strike

Paul Krugman C-SPAN Book TV appearance (Real Audio Link)

Clay key to spark of life?RNA carried into bags of fat&liquid as they grow

Mixing species (Mouse with brain made of human neurons)

Nuclear's Next Generation

Researchers are striving towards a physics of society

Basic Facts about the War on Drugs (link)

Active Thread?

Stupid question (probably) re: links in sig lines

I formally request you tombstone me.

I Apoligize To The Mods

Hey guys...DUer meet in LA area

OK, why was thread about a current news story moved to meeting room?

losing faith....what is going on???

'Sesame Street' Joins Mideast Peace Process

American and Australian shot by Israeli army

If one has a bad back what may they and what may they not do?

NYT: Some Democratic Hopefuls Question Value Of Debates

Poll: Questions over Iraq lead to decrease in Bush's popularity in Va.

(Zogby) Kerry bests other Dems vs. Bush

Dean has trouble spelling

John Kerry Calls for Crack Down on Corporations That Avoid Taxes

Kerry recommended by MTA for his exellent record on Education

"The gap between Bush and Dean has grown markedly tighter in recent weeks"

Dean Overtakes Clark As Favorite For Democratic Presidential Nomination

Kerry Honors Paul Wellstone's Memory, Legacy

Gephardt responds to Dean's ad

Democratic candidates only hurt themselves by attacking Dean.

Clark and Dean tied Vs. Bush in new Newsweek Poll

GOP to put challengers in black voting precincts

Kucinich ponders wasting precious funds to run ads in NH "correcting" Dean

Dennis Kucinich: Legislative History in Congress

Vietnam looms its head for presidential candidates, including Bush

Next batter! The CIA!

Jesus actor struck by lightning - twice

Ok tech people...I have a domain.

Nuremberg style trials for Health Insurance Co's/HMO executives?

Is Dean a liar....

NYT: Some Democratic Hopefuls (And Me) Question Value of Debates

Did anyone catch FAUX's Greta tonight? Iran next?

Crazy r-wing email (need help responding)

when the margin of error exceeds your score in EVERY poll…

Will Pitt, are you out there. Please weigh in on the Reagan movie

Total Estimates: 800+ dead, 5000+ wounded by Nov 2, 2004

Need Info About Chimp In Phillipines

A new Patriot Act...

getting a cold, hardly slept, have to drive to Balitmore, ask me anything

I am going to be Fair and Balanced for the next 30 days

Wanna know what the young republicans are doing on campus?

NY Times' Frankel not at all happy with Clark's "partisan" book!

MSNBC picks up DC protest story....

Trying desperately to keep CERTAIN numbers down($$$ and lives)

AP has video of some of the recent protests..(not seen in US)

Dissent on the Homefront: Families of Soldiers Lead the Charge

Is there a geologist in the forum? Could Sylvia Brown be on to something?

Playing morals football.

Idea: Station precinct monitors in overwhelmingly Republican precincts


Why are they focusing on Israel and Ashcroft?

attn. LA DUers: Joseph Wilson tomorrow

The Anniversary of the Death of a Hero

scitechdaily has a black box voting article

Statement of Senator Paul Wellstone on the Iraq Resolution (10/8/2002)

Coming to a water source near you. The GOP water theft ring -

Why the Hell does South Korea still use the Ho-Ju system of family law?

Stock Market Crash Warning!

could Wellstone have won if his name was still on the ballot

Allegations of Dean campaign 'push polling' against Clark surface in NH

Conservative idea of freedom vs liberal idea of freedom

Great Opinion piece by John Lewis on Gay Rights

Kucinich refuses to play "Hardball" with Tweety – cites Dean comments

Suggestion? Thank CSPAN

Here it is... the 2004 Bush Junior Campaign Theme Song!

Put media reports of the DC rally in here (excluding C-SPAN)

Hahaha...Think somebody's been rigging this poll?

Do you think any CIA has infilitrated the anti-war movement?

Official Guy James Show thread 3pm -please keep kicked!

I exercised my right to vote last night.

NYT: Administration Faces Supoenas From 9/11 Panel

Why do so many think Wellstone would have beaten Coleman?

"Corporate Warrior" now on C-SPAN 2

International Longshoremen's Association Endorses Gephardt

CSPAN - MARCH ON WASHINGTON (on Now and again at 8pm)

Regarding the fires in Southern California. Where's Bush?

First Time in Discussion Boards

I smell a Jebbie rat --- $369-million secret to Scripps Research Institute

Interesting bookNotes on C-Span 2 now (4:05 p.m. ET)

Okay, DU should organize a strictly internal US political event!

Life was perfect before abortion and God taken out of schools

Bush eddict: no coverage of returning deaths

Wasserman: the voters' message to Lieberman

Has NYT Book Review done it again? Clark book hit-piece

Why oh why can't I decide on a candidate?!

As Factory Job Losses Rise, So Do Risks to Bush

BookNotes: 5:12 p.m. Interesting: what makes a difference in voting

Nine Billion Names of *?

What if Bush had told the truth about Iraq on the night the war began?

One more time for Mari333: A Mother's Rage

TV or Newspapers? Which is more truthful ?

Calling re: Neil Armstrong/Mr. Gorsky

Perhaps it is time to rethink the military draft

Iraq blog from Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy...interesting.

Human Cloning

What route did you take to your candidate?

A plea to the Greens

U.S. troops in Iraq "legitimate targets"?

Are Progressives/Liberals Moral/Ethical?

Okay, get "knickers in knot" over ANSWER/UNITED FOR PEACE! Rail Against

Major cover-up going on? Something very wrong happening......

Remember That "Defense Shield" That Dubya And His Hawks Wanted...

LOL! - McLaughlin asks Tony Blankley if he's brainwashed after he raves

The latest from the Family Values movement

Many here are upset over the Washington Protest.....A.N.S.W.E.R/United for

Deleted message

Kerry Connects Faith And Foreign Policy

They might split up the 9th circuit Court of Appeals

"Gay marriage" issue & Americans' ignorance scares me.

Reporting from DC - a soldier gave back his medals at the WALL (10/24/03)

Blackhawk Down (in Iraq, today)

JFK assassination on Ventura NOW

Some Undocumented Wal-Mart Workers Paid $2 Per Day

Lieberman Co-Chair TRASHES Wes Clark!

Fox News Tried to Sue The Simpsons?

Don't like the DLC? Blame the GOP!

Any DUers in the territory of the SoCal wildfires

Dean on CSPAN Road to the White House Sunday at 6:30 ET

FBI bugging the Black Mayor of Philadelphia.

NBC Nightly News has No Coverage of "War Protest" but Covers Israeli Peace

NPR: U.S. Bid to Arrest Militants Backfires (They jailed suspects' MOMS)

Time for Civil Disobedience?

Freidman decided to write a column write ASAP

Advice for the New Poor, all the links, and a Thank YOU!

Minutes to Go: pre-DC protest panic at an ungodly hour

Child trafficking in eastern Europe: A trade in human misery

UNBELIEVABLE!!! You must view Friday's CIA testimony before

GOP to intimidate black voters in Ky governor race. (Jefferson cty)

Shoppers "Grow Tired" Of Grocery Strike

And so I marched again

What should I ask Wesley Clark?

BBV: New Feature On Black Box Voting

How many DU Kucinich supporters actually think he will...

Where's That Bumper Sticker??

Are we going to have to compromise?

Please Post Protest Images to the GALLERY ----------------- LINK

The Unseen Elephant In The Room (POLL)

Voter Tally Monitors: Find a way to have "Citizen Monitors of Votes"

Advice for the New Poor, Part IX (Final)

This DC rally is the most bizarre event I have ever witnessed

Jamaica gives cautious welcome to US Cuba vote

Intelligence Problems In Iraq Are Detailed

WHO to endorse triple-dose AIDS drugs - paper

WP: Land Trust Alliance Rewriting It's Ethical Standards

WP: Senate GOP Sets New Voucher Strategy

NYT: Congress Is Close To Eliminating A Privacy Law

NYT: "Winning Modern Wars": Wesley K. Clark's Warpath

NYT: Learning To Love To Hate

Bug Didn't Incriminate Mayor (FBI Bugging Scandal In Philly)

Kucinich rejects Harvard-hosted candidate forum

Spending on Security, Iraq Seen Hurting U.S. Cities

Head of Russia's largest oil producer detained

Over $13 Billion in Aid Is Pledged to Rebuild Iraq

Sadr: US waging war against me

Coalition to lift Curfew in Baghdad

Women Absolve Priest: Marists reach out to molestation victims after 40yrs

All 46 Russian miners found alive

Anti-War Rallies Today on Both Coasts

families of US soldiers in Iraq lead anti-war protests

Debate Heats Up on Rehiring Former Iraq Army

Vote seen as next battle in abortion fight

North Korea says it will consider U.S. security offer for scrapping nuclea

As Factory Job Losses Rise, So Do Risks to Bush

Anti-War Protesters Gather in D.C., S.F.

Coalition-backed police chief killed outside mosque in major southern Iraq

Senate Votes 97-0 To Restrict E-Mail Ads(first federal anti-spam)

NYT: Some Democratic Hopefuls Question Value Of Debates

Basque government approves plan for autonomy from Spain

Christian Right come to the support of Gen Boykin

Some Kuwaiti MPs Angered by Aid for Iraq

American and Australian shot by Israeli army

U.S. Troops Educated About Ramadan

Black Box Clocked Fatal Speed

U.S. copter shot down near Tikrit

State poll challenger law may be reviewed

Dean picks up support in Kerry territory

C.I.A. Disputes Accusations That Its Prewar Conclusions on Iraq Arms Were

Iraqi Politicians say Mulling Temporary Parliament

SPI: Pentagon repositioning war on terror

Poll puts Dean far in front of Kerry(More Zogby comments)

Russia Arrests Head of Largest Oil Co. (Khodorkovsky)

Intelligence Chief says Sept. 11 Attacks not Planned in Hamburg

Gay Episcopalian Says He Won't Quit Bishop Post

Democrats say Bush not backing U.S. Guard, Reserve

Roberts defends war but unsure Congress would have supported it

Geomagnetic storm hurtling toward Earth

Del. judge orders documents in Katz case unsealed Monday (Philadelphia)

Dean out in front as campaign heats up

Report to blame CIA for prewar intelligence (new: Roberts climb-down)

Halliburton defends no-bid Iraq contract

Florida: Broward County Not Set for Voting

3 Contractors Killed in Iraq

UN suspends Afghan operations

Kroger employees veto contract offers

Ashcroft says U.S. beating terror, crime (More Patriot Act Skewing)

Battle looms over whether Iraq threat was oversold

Earth monitoring satellite goes silent

Bush Campaign Improperly Solicits Funds from Exec. Branch Employee

NEWSWEEK POLL: A Majority (58%) of Americans Say the U.S. is Spending Too

Administration Faces Supoenas From 9/11 Panel

25,000 stage anti-Iraq War Protests in Washington, San Francisco

US helicopter crash lands in Iraq

US forces Hit Hard in Iraq

Taleban retaking land says UN

Naming of agent 'was aimed at discrediting CIA'

Too much coffee can induce aggression and paranoia

Bush Extends Greetings to World's Muslims in Advance of Ramadan

Democrats make deal with Schwarzenegger to reject most of Davis' Appointme

Bush gives Oliphant 2 weeks to fix problems (FL Jeb)

Schwarzenegger preparing energy deregulation sequel

Toddlers Taking In Too Much Fat

Raging inferno sends thousands packing

Stereolab...up there with Floyd, Zeppelin, even the Beatles.

Who just loves...

Bartman (Cubs fan) emerges from under his rock,momentarily

Get The Edge

I got rejected by a girl

Mother Angelica Live

ooo unemployment pinch starting to rear it's ugly head.

This is cute ... Quicktime movie

National Geographic

Words to live by.

If you had a choice between...

I just gave away my frozen rolled tacos to my neighbor...

Hey. Who's up for a PB&J?

I would not like to be Mercury tonight.

How Sober/Drunk Are You?

Ok tech people...I have a domain.

The I've seen this movie game.

More evil from LF! If you could...

What's New , Pussycat?

How The Freepers Will be Able to Tell It's Hit The Fan


Pet look-a-likes

It is 1 million o'clock...why am I still awake?!

3 questions

Any of you up at this hour?

getting a cold, hardly slept, have to drive to Balitmore, ask me anything

where is/who has, that cool penguins Gif sig ?

Where have all the CAPTIONS gone?

Favorite stoner fantasy authors,

How well do you like your job?

2 sex questions for you all! Answer which one applies to you!

new layout for my site, opinions please

October 25th,

More RKM pics w/ Mary Wilson

Do you like oldies? Real oldies?

ever been to a fundy haunted house, like a 'Judgement' house

My children are driving me insane right now, no time to answer anything.

If you can't be in Washington today; send your positive vibes, PLEASE!

It's time to "fall back" Yeah!!

"Politically Inspired" -- This Book Rocks and Rolls!

Meaningless Meanderings --- Please give yourself a break don't bother.

what's your favorite beer

Some cartoons from my Newspaper

last race of the year rained out!! aaaarrrgggghhh!!!

For your listening enjoyment : The Vermonster Mash!

Don't click this at work

ever been to a fundy haunted house

Girls Gone Wild

list of things I would rather be doing than sitting at work on a Sat AM:

What irks you in your personal life and how do you stay positive?

computer help needed please: Windows XP, DirectShow

I skimmed through Kerry's book

IT'S... the gibberish thread!

World Series Boycotters boycott - day VI

So uh...I'm gonna smoke tonight

Ready-to-print anti-Bush signs?

World Series Gm. 5 Ratings Up 32 Percent; Beckett vs. Pettite in Game 6!

mechanical toy "break wind" dog triggers airport bomb alert

How the hell did these people get into my head again

I'm a 2006 year old Roman philosopher!

I had this dream about Dean and Clark.....

My young teen gets mad when I criticize MTV


HELP! Could someone try the Guy James live link?

Lost faith & am fallen! Goodbye 700 club!

I had this dream about Lewis and Clark.....

EgyptAir delays plane over fat fears- 5 must stay behind if fat lady flies

Julie Krone!

NU Homecoming good news!!!

Swing that baby, round 'n round..

History of the American Left on CSpan 2

reno 911

Weird. I'm in the other room - start singing "you are my shining star"

take action on global warming....sign the paul newman petition

We want paid sick days

I told off my local union.......

I'm a 26 y.o. male virgin, ask me anything

R. Kelly actually calls himself "the Pied Piper of R & B"

I just used the 'sort by author' feature

I am getting the **** out of the 700 Club in THIS THREAD!

Wood finishing question

Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall

"An I and a B and a B and a Y spell..." Trivia question for...

Late peaches

Favorite '60s soul record from down south?

Southern soul music poll #2

NOT the last thing I'd want to see...... (Picture)

Favorite Marvin Gaye DUET?


I Love San Francisco, CA

i used to be in such good shape..

Let's have DUi where we can post when we're blitzed.

Here ya go guys - A gift from me just for you!

I Am Going To Sea World Orlando Saturday. Anybody Been To A

Halloween Candy

Benny Hill

I lost my virginity to a 25 lb. tortise, ask me anything

I'm retiring in Belize any DUers have feedback for me

Repentant Nader voter website

Last call for Minnesota DUers!

You No Love Bunny

Mercy, mercy me... DU ain't what it used to be.

Sunset-colored sky in the morning...

ZachWhite Image Uploader question


iBook G4 and Panther review


Sushi or not?

I'm sick to f*cking death of being "PC"

Anybody try the Double Quarter Pounder?

Butt Hole Road: Would you want to live here?

The Day the Music died!

There is a spy among us

Is sex over rated?

Image test...

My woman is still pissed off at me.

Dumb-Dora Said: "My Favorite Game Show Is (BLANK)"

Tennessee vs. Alabama

Calling on anyone w/knowledge of the military ....


Be among the first to own the Ann Coulter Talking Action Figure

Any DUer's in the West Palm Beach area?

Marlins/Yankees Game 6 Thread

I Want Your Best Margarita Recipe - NOW

The Critical Consult of all CAPTIONS!!

I LIKE being in the hospital

This Squirrel's Nuts

A Question about Men and Love

Splenda: Don't eat/drink too much

best bitchy tell off songs.

What's the most stupid thing someone has ever said to you.

Check out this picture

Muddy Waters or Howlin' Wolf?

World Series Boycott: Day VI

That thing you did that you would never, ever tell anyone about

I always open the door for Jehovah's Witnesses.

I lost 7 pounds this week


Arg. Three girls, age 7, 5 and 3 are running wild upstairs

How do I program my VCR to record from 1 to 3 am when DST is ending?

Say cheese

Miami Dolphin Fan pay's $16,758.00 for ad seeking removal of D. Wannstedt

Kittycat update

I just scored an ounce. Ask ME anything!!!!

I need a new hot water heater, tell me anything.

Time Travel Poll

Laura's pants don't fit

HEY BOSTON DUERS! Ain't It Time For More Beers At The People's Republik?

Movie: The Mindscape of Alan Moore ( author of Watchmen, From Hell, etc)

Blind Date


Benny Hinn

Excited about the protest and tired, ASK ME ANYTHING