Joe Galloway: How to Ruin a Great Army? See Donald Rumsfeld
Tim Rutten : Limbaugh - an act not ready for TV
Bob Herbert (NYT): Shaking the House of Cards
Clark and his team need to get their act together.
California Governor Gray Davis and the politics of law and order
Guardian: Of Lies and Men (Al Franken)
Paul Krugman (NYT): Slime and Defend
"If I was a man, I would bust your jaw." (Details of Arnold encounters)
Take Action: FIVE demands for a 'special prosecuter'
FAUX news humour - Any recommendations?
Did anyone else hear the interview with Grover Norquist on "Fresh Air"?
Catholic world waits for Pope news
America is not a "Christian Country".
Why the dollar is destined to fall
The Economist slams *'s currency policy
Last one off the planet, turn out the lights and
Life is short in confined spaces of zoos
Should people going through divorce be denied...
Script Error Messages....Double Posts......Log In Errors....are we being
what's this flashing message in my post mean?
Is it possible to invoke the principle of "least damage?" with new rules
Jewish militants sentenced in terror plot
Memorial fund to help Israel Defense Forces
Pensioner killed by Israeli troops
The Cost of Israeli Settlements
Fatah gunmen execute 'collaborator' in Ramallah hospital
Powell says US concerned over settlement expansion
HRW: West Bank Barrier Endangers Basic Rights
Indo-Israeli Friendship Forged in Steel, Weaponry
The Palestine Solidarity Movement and the Civil Rights Struggle in America
Rivals Target Dean's Blunt Comments
Chasing an impossible dream -- Marianne Means on NOW & Braun
Dean still on top of money race (NDN: "best-run campaign we’ve ever seen")
Kerry's Senate Floor Speech from Today:Calls for "Shared Sacrifice"
Bob's leaving. How does that change the race?
Howard Dean and Dean Corps doing great things for the disabled!
Dean Takes month off of television in NH
Molly Ivins on Chicago's Channel 11 right now.
...and the walls come crumbling down.
AhNold Tried to pick up my friend's girlfriend!
Al Franken on CNN now about the Big Fat Idiot
ex-CIA man Philip Agee outs US foreign policy ...........
All these Republican scandals are interfering with candidate bashing!
Margaret Cho on Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson
Al Franken on CNN, re: Rush (8:45 pm eastern) mp3 here
When will the rest of the world rise up against the regime in Israel?
Keith Olbermann WMD's & Arnold(Tweety Defends Hitler Remarks)
Drudge: Arianna plans press conference with Arnold "grope" accuser.
Has anyone ever heard of 21st Century Democrats?
More on David Kay's background with "stretching"
True Lies with Arnold now starting on cable (5STAR)
Faux Exposed: Hannity and Colmes in Philly
One voter at a time..drip by drip..California
Which major TV news outlet is the least bad?
What would Bob Packwood think about the whole Ah-nuld thing?
Holy S***! Pennsylvania Governor Lynched on Hannity and Milksop
Good grief. Just surfed onto CNN, King has that asshole John Edward on
I need (link) or info on "Woman for Arnold" group
BushCo in Traitorgate, Rush going to jail, Ahnulled in NaziGate, No WMD's!
Sheesh, Get rid of Alan Colmes NOW
Legacy of Bush War: 1000s Vets disabled, ill, emotionally scarred
Wow! The Gov of Pennsylvania just bashed Ashcroft on Hannity and Colmes
Any "Cold War" VICTIMS out there?.....where are you? Iraq/Pensions/SS?
Did Rush resign because he was going to be fired ?
What Will Rush's Draft-Dodging Anal Warts Be Called In His Prison Cell?
Okay, boys and girls: What'll tomorrow's document drop be?
Has any reporter asked the Big Dog his opinion on Arnold?
NYT's Judith "Germs" Miller coming on CNN Newsnight soon
Malloy is in rare form taking on Limbaugh tonight
The Attempted Murder Of Cia Agent Valerie Plame?
Do You Want To Know Who The Americans Running Iraq Really Are?
Poll: 53% of Americans say they now believe the Iraq war was not worth it
FIGHT! FIGHT! Japanese Diet rumbles!
What would happen if Davis RESIGNED before the election?
Minnesota DUers - you might want to drop Dayton an email
Oxycontin: concentrated opiate for extreme pain &dying (and Rush Limbaugh)
Could Scarborough Be A Bigger Whore?
Vote NO on recall, Vote YES on new rules in GD!!!
Check this: Drudge reports that bush expressed support for Limbaugh
David Kay.....found evidence of "intent" of WMD's
Should people going through divorce be denied...
AOS MEETING: Rapid Hearing Loss Observed With Overuse Of Vicodin
Arianna: Join Code Pink to protest against Schwarzenegger
Malloy on AHHnold...thats why pig-people like you shouldnt be in politics!
100 Democratic Candidate Bashing Websites from FreeRepublic
Daily Show: Jon Stewart..on Rush & more...LOL
Fox news now reporting Graham is NOT dropping out.....
bush welcomes rush to white house!!
Freepers say Rush tape inadmissable and maid committed felony
ABC Nightline (10/2/03) re: Rush L
Any freepers lurking this fine evening? Asketh the DU Genie?
January 2005. Clark Takes Office. Your Reaction?
E-mail DNC and Clark re: not being a Democrat
Ms. Plame and Karl Rove attend the same Episcopal Church
BBV: Recount requested, irregularity suspected in scanned ballots
Welcome to Bizarro World where the media blames the media . . .
Hannity and COLMES make me sick!
does arnold's past count? check out this poll
As promised, Bush inspires bipartisan cooperation
Talked a Republican into voting for Clark
Excellent Salon article for the Wilson/Plames about suing the white house
I present to you all my new permanent signature! BIG NEWS!
As Expected, Leno making light of allegations against Arnold
if you decide to listen to OxyRush tomorrow
So.......My DU Gay and Lesbian Friends....How do you feel about AUHOLD????
5 predictions for the 2004 Democratic Primaries.
Do you see the similarities between Bill Bennett and Rush Limbaugh?
Is Davis going after Arnold on any political issues?
Schwarzenegger Denies Admiring Hitler
Limbaugh IS going to do a live show tomorrow...
Attention DUers: There will be a ban on all Rush threads after today
Has anyone seen Ann Coulter recently?
if Rush is convicted, could hate radio ratings decrease?
Virus alert info: Trojan Hatoy (Trj/Hatoy.A)
If Al Gore got in the race, would you vote for him in your primary/caucus?
Shooting the messenger- Intimigate
Rush quote on substance abusers: From Atrios weblog site
Are we returning back to the 50/50 split in 2000?
What would you be willing to do to see Karl Rove arrested?
Ok, folks. Here it is. The ultimate Clark conspiracy theory.
I'm disgusteed by all Fox viewers......
Rush's criminal liability: possible sentencing
I am TOO a progressive so STOP saying I'm not!
Insane Freeper rants at McDonalds
DEFEAT THE RECALL -- Donate to MoveOn
Trojan Horse: Wesley Clark's National Endowment for Democracy
Some DUers still cling to last thread of humanity.....they think
Arianna Plans Press Conference With Arnold 'Grope' Accuser (Drudge)
House Dems Score in Overtime Pay Dispute
Embattled Limbaugh Facing Drug Probe (AP)
ABC Poll: Broad Majority Opposes Spending Additional $87 Billion in Iraq
Poll Shows Increased Doubts About Iraq War, Bush
NYT: A Reckoning: Iraqi Arms Report Poses Political Test for Bush*
Clark says White House twisted facts and silenced critics to pursue Iraq w
Liberals win majority in Ontario
White House Says Democrats Using CIA Case for Gain
Weapons report justifies war: UK
Authorities confirm Limbaugh drug investigation
Edward Kennedy Tells Gray Davis to Resign
NEW CBS NEWS POLL: No Democratic Front-Runner (Clark Ahead But Within MOE)
WP: Justice to Begin Leak Interviews Within Days
WP: If the secret's spilled, calling leaker to account isn't easy
Poll Shows Increased Doubts About Iraq War, Bush
Clark's Lack of Party Affiliation Normal
Dean drops in on Meetup supporters
Austrian Cardinal: Pope Is Dying
Graham Says He's Out, Aides Say He's In
Fallujah shootout: Two suicide bombings, six explosions in Kirkuk
Dean still on top of money race (DLC: "best-run campaign we’ve ever seen")
Inquiry into leak about CIA officer is said to widen--NYTimes
U.S. Government Wastes Up to $100 Billion - Report
Bev's BBV book not available from
Scrubbs on NBC is really funny this evening.
wow, what were they thinkin on " Friends"
today's new hate radio advertisers 10/2/2003
Is there a DU Photoshop artist working at CBS News?
I am LOVING Will and Grace tonight,,,
El Rushbo—giver or receiver of 'prison love?'
What the highest number of posts a person has gotten before being
Come on guys you can't compare Bush to Hitler...
Will the agony of defeat be too much for Rusty limbo?
Tomorrow night --- Game 3 --- Atlanta vs the Cubs + the Hawk
While we're on the subject of Flush Lowbrow...
Short bus ate an entire can of baked beans with dinner
Buy The Shirt, Support Your Candidate
more new Hate radio advertisers 10/2/2003
Very nice song by Stevie Wonder..."Love's in need of love today"
Neighbor just said Gov Davis is now being accused of groping
hate radio advertiser running ads on the 700 club
Screw "romantic love!" We demand INSTANT GROTTO-F*CKATION!
"Pachabel Cannon in d-minor" or "We're not gonna take it"
Bored and antsy, what should I do?
I sense the 'Canes haters silently rooting for West Virginia
I have found a new addiction...Cinnamon Vanilla Coffeemate. And I am
If you've lost a pet recently, have I got a bizarre concept for you...
David Kay... can't find em, no sir... no siree
This is how I know that they programmed Pickles.
Cheer me up, please, I'm in a "tired of being single" mood!
I have read every Kurt Vonnegut book ever written
Is it me or is Coupling not that good of a show.
Anyone have seasonal allergies?
My parents are having an argument and my mom just asked my dad
How should I respond to my dittohead co-worker?
What's on your "Things to do before I die." list?
Things are going to be all right
DEADBOLT CARTOON!!! Great stuff.
I almost burned down my host's house here in Amsterdam a second ago
DUPED by 1 minute! Salon: John Dean: More Vicious Than Tricky Dick
Salon: Suspicion centers on Lewis Libby
King Kaufman : Rush Limbaugh is still a big fat idiot
Slime and Defend-Krugman in NY Times
Osama, oracles and opportunities
Ore. Businessman Offers 'Modest Proposal' if Arnold Wins (humour)
Time: Operation Oprah (WH PR campaign)
Mark Morford: Hasta La Vista, California
Wow. Lots of weird pro-Rush comments at this editorial site:
LA Times ed: Muscle and Meaness
Two great cartoons by Benson (Arizona Republic) Lush & Arnie
The Nation: Republicans Relaunch the Antigay Culture Wars
Control of Fertility, Sexuality
John Dean (Salon): More vicious than Tricky Dick
Comprehensive link to Treasongate articles
Dem nomination is about determining the nature of the party (Dean v Clark)
Bob Herbert: Shaking the House of Cards
Arnold Fesses Up and People Are Mad -- at the Messenger
"Wesley Clark is a real Democrat"
Stars and Stripes letters: Our soldiers are pissed.
Study: Wrong impressions helped support Iraq war
TraitorGate. Who leaked first and why. Under our noses all along.
McNabb remains cool under fire
Thomas Oliphant: Past haunts Dean on Medicare issue
GOP strategist: He's the Poster Boy of Trash Politics
NYT: Wes Clark's War (Kosovo Conflict)
Philip Agee - The Laws of the Father Are Visited Upon the Son
Help me debunk this Bush tool's take on Kay's report
CodePink Protests of Arnold the Groper - Friday, Oct. 3
I can help you write your Congresscritter
From MoveOn re: stopping Arnold
Is there a live feed of Rush on the internet?
Study: Wrong impressions helped support Iraq war
jim rome on ahhhnold re: hitler remarks..
Knew it all along ... Rush doesn't think, he HALLUCINATES.
The Left should stop itself from becoming like the Right.
I met reporter Helen Thomas at an airport this week. Very cool lady.
More conservative logic -- Rushbo
Rush: "You better - better! - get me some more!"
"Bush Bad News Pubs: When It Rains, It Fuckin Pours"
Is anyone out there involved in the "voluntary simplicity" movement?
Archives show UK police spied on Suffragettes
Florida Catholics shut the door on Episcopal diocese
Michigan Moves To Block Gays From Having Canadian Marriages Recognized
"democratic achievements for blacks" anyone have a link?
Bills Would Protect Gay Workers
A jobless recovery is not a recovery, its only an entrenchment of wealth
U.S. body upholds duty on Canadian wheat
Senate reduces SUV tax deduction from $100,000 for Hummer to $25000
Putin - Kyoto Protocol Offers Only "Short-Term" Economic Benefits
Pressure Still Growing On Global Fisheries - BBC
Shhhhh, don't tell Haliburton: 'Titan may have oily seas'...
IgNobles honor founder of dead people club (and other 10/2 results!
European Heat Wave Death Toll Up To 18,000
China - Sudden Rise In Water Level At Three Gorges Dam
Pine Beetle Infestation Exploding Throughout British Columbia
Animal liberation raid turns into real-life horror story
Metrorail commuters match ire with fire - SA
Main Algerian political party quits coalition
Call to abolish death penalty in Ethiopia
Bus carrying Shia worshippers attacked - Pakistan
People to People Student Ambassador Program?
Requiring DNA samples from convicted felons
A-B drops support of Holden over guns
Lots of gun laws have been suggested
GUNS IN THE NEWS--October 3, 2003
Was this CDC report covered in "Guns in the News"?
When I try to reply to this post, I get an error saying it's locked.
Get-together to be posted on home page
This subject line isn't flamebait, if not worse?
Much thanks for hobbling #5, Admins
Israel Quiet On Mossad Captures
Why there will be no peace in Israel.
Israel Plans More West Bank Settlements
September deficit hits NIS 2.8 billion
Israeli charged over child deaths
Israeli Troops Open Fire at Coffee Shop
Israel steps up security ahead of holy day
Join the 9/11 Questions Meetup!
"Why do they hate us "– Charlie Wilson’s war
Graham is such a flip-flopping waffler
(Andrew) "Young says he won't run for Senate" (GA)
Minnesota DFL leaders endorse Dean, tout his knowledge of key issues
Good article on Dean's visit to Oklahoma on Saturday
Supporters ‘Raise the Roots’ for Howard Dean
TPM does a follow-up on the Clark interview
CNN POLL now. Does Ahnold-Hitler news change yr opinion of
Howard Dean Connects with College Students
Clark’s lack of party affiliation typical in Arkansas
Clark's record may come under fire
Mr. & Mrs. Edwards on CNN with Paula Zahn at 8PM ET
Dean Calls for Donations - For Striking Workers
Vermont Rated 'Healthiest State' For Third Year In A Row
Lieberman shreds Shrub's integrity at DNC meeting
Sacramento Bee : Bustamante is being asked to consider giving up race
Which way does the wind blow for Wesley Clark?
(AP) Kerry Against Bush Majority on High Court
My Electoral College predictions for 2004 as of today - take a look!
Dennis does it again. No $87 billion for Halliburton.
Natasha's latest article says it all. It is a must read.
Kerry Questions Clark's Republican Ties
What ever became of the Bush ballot issue???
Open Senate South-Can the Democrats Keep It?
Whitacre D_WI's Fundraiser Is On!
Dennis is bring the Democratic Party back to number 1
DFL leaders endorse Dean, tout his knowledge of key issues
The Case of the Bush Majority vs. Justice and Opportunity-John Kerry
Pledge of Allegiance Case Status
Rapper Paris 'Sonic Jihad' chatting now with Colmes
and throw in the bottle too, right down to the last grain of sand
right down to the last grain of sand, and throw in the bottle too
Where is all your hostility coming from?
Why there will be no peace in Israel.
A VERY interesting quote in a Washington Post story about INTIMIGATE
The only thing more disgusting than Arnold being a Hitler-loving fascist
Arnie and MSNBC call his assaults against women "rowdy acts"
Here is Arnold's agenda (from
What changes in election laws would you make?
If you think Republicans are stupid...
And The Rush Hits Keep Comin'...Freepers Eating Their Own
will it be easier to get advertisers to drop OxyRush?
{DU - GD | Rules | Vote} A Do-It-Yourself alternative to Rule 5 (and 1&3)!
need a link to the trent lott speech about supporting troops but...
You know what would galvanize the progressive movement?
Has anyone considered going to RW meet-ups??
Tv Alert - C-Span 10:30 AM - DNC Fall Meeting
Direct Hit on Schwartzenegger campaign!
I have to admit...Poor Rush must take vicoden
Great Daily Show re-air on now.
Notice that Bush is not giving public support to Schwarzenegger
British Female Reporters Not Among Ah-nuld's accusers!
Enabling/Defending those who spread hatred and contempt is participation
Another woman comes forward: Arnold threatened rape
Are you a Neo-Con? Check out this questionairre
Rush Counterintelpro: plan for Rush to eventually say "pills for pain"
now there's a soundbite for you!
Friday Morning Whistleass Poll numbers
Putin Beefs Up ICBM (missiles) Capacity
huffington on democracy now! now
Doesn't the CIA have caller id?
Courtney Love goes to find Kurt
Vicodin causes hearing loss when used to excess
Call CSPAN Friday morning on Schwarzenegger
Goverment tracking chips of people--it is now here.
Limbaugh - is - outta------here!!!
They're still saying Iraq and 9-11 in the same breath
Are you a neo-conservative? Take this poll and find out. Muy interesante
"They happened 30 years ago, he's changed"?!
Candidates to Speak at DNC Fall Meeting on CSPAN Today
geographic breakdown of Arnold's support...
TX Republicans eating themselves on re-redistricting.
NPR on Arnold's campaign yesterday (recap)
Republicans (Hastert) sneaky plan to kill bipartisan FCC rules rollback
These latest allegations against Arnold will not hurt him
Players say Rush's Comments off base
Heads Up Everyone. Kennedy and Byrd to give Press Conference
Why am I a bit perturbed by the new Afghani Constitution?
i hope rush can't be arrested.
Doug Stephan show: Expect Limbaugh tapes on 'net, possibly today
Doug Stephan show: Expect Limbaugh tapes on 'net, possibly today
a History of Bush Blabbering Classified Information?
So I'm 'Arguing' With My Brother...
Need help finding Colin Powell quote...
Question - why hasn't someone in one of Pigboy's detox visits
When a Democrat supports Taiwan...
Arnold's next movie, "The Gropes of Wrath?"
AWWW....Gawwddd....Bush is on CSPAN
:( I think an NDP candidate was the victim of a Liberal propaganda effort
Is there a live feed at 10:30 with...
White Men White Men White Men!!! Christian White Men!
a suggestion/request on reference to Guantanamo
Utility bill payment delayers: Putin will ransom Fido
"Don't Plame Me" (HAHAHAHA.........
Are you a Neo-Conservative? Es muy interesante.
How many voters will be "Floridated" in CA?
Latest contributions to Arnold's race
Arnold: My role model has a first name, it's H-I-T-L-E-R
DNC Committee Fall Meeting on NOW C-Span!!!
That Cigar Box Gives It All Away!!!
Slain CIA Agent's Dad Calls Wilson Leak Treason
I will Never Ever Believe That California Will Elect Arnold
Important article on DU front page! Must read!
Could a Schwarzenegger victory be a blessing in disguise?
Friendly fire at Nasiriya? Video. Was on Aaron Brown tonight.
Mitch Albom: That's Rush: Wrong and wrongheaded
Is anyone out there involved in a "voluntary simplicity" project?
They are making some pretty seroius allegations
1-2 punch from NYT Editorial Page: Herbert and Krugman
Smirk's foreign policy's complete failure. Plan ? What Plan ?
Information for ignorance... about being a 'REGISTERED' Democrat
My 2 days off with DU: What I learned.
If you need a reason to fight, I've got one
Presidential Democratic Candidates are on CSPAN RIGHT NOW
Oh My God! Bush Just Came On TV and Lied About Iraq WMDs!
Arnold screwed the state for $800,000 in sales tax
Kurt Vonnegut sums up my sentiments about life these days
B*sh to visit Lexington Ky next week.
I think I know what's missing in the Democratic Party
Getting it wrong on the Iraq war
Will any networks be carrying Arianna's press conference?
It's Time to Get Out! Out of Iraq NOW - bumper sticker
heads up - C-Span 2: Lautenberg on 9/11 air traffic
Is Iraq’s readmission into OPEC really good news for U.S.?
BBV: We are in Compter Sweden magazine
Join "Volatile times demand vague answers!"
TV News Lies Webcast to start at noon ET.
Anyone see Rob Lowe on Daily show last night
1200 Inspectors, 90 days, $300M spent, WMD found = 0
Bush Bad News Pubs: When it rains, it fuckin POURS
40% of our fellow Americans living in denial?!
Proof that Bush's plan is NOT to create jobs
I'd be happy to read some optimistic feelings here
Saudis ask Ambassador Jordon to leave
Anyone Listening to the DNC on C-Span?
Local Fox, Abc, nbc, cbs news station's caried Arnold, Hitler quote
A brief report on last night's Kucinich Meet-up in Berkeley --
Are you listening to Rush live?
FYI - Scoobie Davis is going to do a Transcript of the Fri Rush Show
Bush on CNN. I am really confused
Rush's hearing loss caused by the drugs?
Must read articles in today
For me, an explanation of Tweety's guests
The Problem with Liberman's speeches
How many shoes do they have left to drop?
Is Reverend Moon the false Messiah?
$600 million? Ask the GOP for it.
Hillary Rodham Clinton files for 2004 Presidency?
Joy Browne: Arnie fondled me....
Hilary throws her hat in the ring?
Which radio group do to you listen to?
Attn. Boston DUers! Joe Conason in Boston TODAY! CORRECTION!
Democratic candidates are on CSPAN RIGHT NOW
(TPM) Josh Marshall: The White House has already lost the CIA Battle
Blimpo Limpnoodle hires ROY F'in BLACK!!!!
Unemployment holds steady at 6.1%, economy adds jobs 1st time in months
is Al Sharpton gonna speak at the DNC Fall Meeting? I hope so
Rush Limbaugh - Mandatory Minimum Sentance: 25 years..
Two party system in support of utter madness.
New Democratic Slogan: "Twelve, Two, and One"
Ideological purity preferable to victory?
Watching Today Show? FL has known about Rush's drugs for 5 months
Carol Moseley-Braun is up on CSPAN
Kaye and Rush discussed on TvNewsLies radiocast.... now
Bush: "Rush is a great American"
Kerry up!! whisles blowing...woohoo "whistleass"
Armstrong WIlliams: the CIA Leak? There's no scandal (CNN)
Limbaugh won't be charged in Jeb Bush's Florida
Think back to '99 to the repug candidates
BBV- Absence of Serious Security for Voting Systems......
So I was watching Fox last night
They're Waiting For Them All To Die - Nuclear Radiation Exposure
Whoa! This Ex-CIA guy Is Pissed!
The lie they feed us 100's of times a day
My new dream ticket: Clark - Rubin 2004
Vermont Voter Registration Form
MSNBC pissing me off on Arnold
I just got this e-mail.....ROFLOL!!
I sent this to Arriana, I hope she uses it.
There's a good discussion about Rush's racism on Tavis Smiley right now
Entertainers for the Democratic Presidential Nomination Convention
Rush calling for "open-mindedness"
Bush misleading the country right now.
Lieberman point counter-point, in all fairness
"This isn't my fault - Clinton made me take illegal drugs"
What is wrong with the people??? Re:Arnold
Why we're better than them! Al Franken feels sorry for Rush!
U.S. Firms Add 57,000 New Jobs in Sept.
Why comparing California to Florida is apples to oranges
Question: If Arnold is elected, how long is his term?
*Bush laughs about "Leaks", thinks Treason is funny
Transcript: Baer (Ex- CIA) on Buchanan and Press (Yesterday)
Who would Clark pick for VP? Who would Dean pick for VP?
I have a Rush question I need answered
Libetarians taking over NH: Greens should take over WY
"Join Arnold" - A Mouthful of Hitlerian Marvels - (Adult Content)
"democratic achievements for blacks" anyone have info, a link?
Christian Coalition on C-Span now
The self absorbed worl of Bill O'reilly
The old tried and true method of wedging white votes.
MSNBC-Enquirer Article About Rush Reads Like A Police File.......
Didn't some of the CA polls have Gore trailing Bush?
Soldier drowns in swimming pool in Baghdad 11am Oct 3
C-Span..Take Back America?..anybody know what these wackos are
Rush's drug problems prove the fallacy of the drug war
Politics1 on Graham's possible departure
CANADA: Chretien to start smoking pot soon!!
A comment about fear/WsMD and Bush's current drop in popularity
John and Elizabeth Edwards on CNN Tonight
Bush, Rush and holding on to the base.
Wilson and Novak BOTH on This Sunday's MTP
I should be a campaign advisor.
How egotistical can this man be?
Oh my dear lord! Arnold's accent added with hoarseness!!
Celebrities urge 'No' vote on recall....
Gee, Arnold I stopped feeling up girls when I was about 11
WMD searcher Kay's credentials: atuned to the Bush* ideology
Kucinich up!!! IMAGINE.......C-Span
NY Post: ESPN/ABC viewed Rush opponents as potential violent threat
Groping - a soft n' fuzzy term for ASSAULT
Arnold's more recent Nazi past....
Fox viewers less informed on Iraq
Where has the money gone...$25 million more hidden by the military...
Why Has There Been No "Leak" from a Member of the Elite Press Corps?
Latest poll (this time CBS) - Clark is STILL ahead of all others!
Has Rush been found to have any drugs in his possession?
Are touchscreens going to give US the win?
-DEMANDING a Special Prosecuter (Kit)-ACT NOW!
Anybody listening to Limbaugh?
In defense of us Dem parents who "brainwash" our kids
How FOX News presents liberals
Liberals being called SECULAR FUNDAMENTALISTS.
Karl Rove 'press release' defending hos smear outing
The Oil Stooge's biggest supporter - Vivian Freep
If you don't understand what Arnold's gropings mean, consider this:
The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy... (VLWC)
Maybe, just maybe, Arnold getting elected will be a good thing after all
Women, Indians, Hispanics, Jews....what group hasn't Arnold pissed off?
I am dismayed!!!! I am dismayed!!!!
Pervert Nazi Arnnnoold talks to the future voters (cartoon)
Ray McGovern, "55% chance Bush administraton will plant WMDs"
A take on Ahnuld's gropee's coming out now
Since 1997, More Than 22,000 People Have Deserted US Army
Arnold's 4 mill bank loan for campaign is illegal - suit filed
Rename "West Wing" to "Right Wing" and avoid.
BBV book: Chapters 3 & 4 now up in PDF format:
Do rich people deserve their money?
Why is Krugman carrying the water for Democrats.
This Arnold sex scandal is really catching on fire
If Arnold wins, be very afraid.
Life just isn't fair for Bob Graham
Rush blocking Liberal talk show host's attempts to syndicate.
Freepers: You Taught Us Everything
CNN: "Bush says [Kay] report confirms danger of Saddam's regime"
Serious Question: Did Rush bring anything to the table as a football
Novak & Repugs questioning Wilsons credentials?
I've noticed a distinct change in tone today
My list of choices to replace Rush on ESPN
For the love of God, Holy Joe LieberBush is not a "prominent progressive"
Why is everyone sure that Arnold is going to win?
I was just watching CNN a bit ago and
Clark Wants Probe of W.House on Iraq Intelligence
I get it now: The White House Deadline (Leak) is On Recall Day!!!
DNC Meeting Video Available on C-Span!
Michael Stipe Disses Limbaugh, Schwarzenegger, Bush* & Rove
Bush was really, really stupid to pick a fight with the CIA
Who will President Dean pick for Defense and CIA Chief?
Trott blames CIA for bad WMD evidence
The final word: Clark *is* a Democrat, and here's PROOF
4350 Pills?!? Was Rush DEALING?
My analysis of the recent "war misperceptions" study in the Philly
New California Field Poll: Large Undecided Vote
Will Dean or Kerry be Clark's VP?
It is time for Diane Feinstein to come out for Bustamante (e-mail her)
Newt Gingrich: What does he know about Treasongate?
Hardcore Gore Supporters Wanted
LOL... Maria S. quoted on Hardball: We are starving.....
Is the Picture of Arnold's Nazi father real?
Arianna and the Press Conference with the women
Who Are The Hypocrites? -- Us Or Them? -- We Or They?
Arnold rejects Nazi ties says Newsmax!
go vote against Arnold on CNN poll
God's Country (Theocracy-One congressperson at a time)
Get the "Arnold Abuse" ad on the air and spread the word:
CHENEY - From the Dog House to the BIG HOUSE
Mike Mills (R.E.M.) blasts Coulter
Tweety Just Said He Voted For *
What in the hell is going on in California?
GI Joke, the Great American Zero; GI Joke is There
Is Canada's mission in Afghanistan worthwhile? POLL
Happy Anniversary, Bill Clinton!
Taliban Close In On Afghan Capital Of Kabul -- is this true?
Oh that exclusive to Buchanan and Press is just
Did Rush really read an ad today for painkillers?
Daily Kos - Asshole Republicans
Al Franken ripped Ann Coulter apart on a radio show (mp3 format)
Generation Dean's Bill of Rights for a New Generation of Americans
Are you a Neo-Conservative? Find out for yourself.
BBV Bev URGENT please call me...
What if Bush kicked out all the neocons?
TraitorGate, Leaker Exposed (in Cheney's office):
Unfortunately, I think Davis is toast.
Let us savor the moment (a revised poem)
West Point classmate discusses Clark
Republican aide fired over offensive web site (Carnahan)
Lt. Gov. in CA says that Ahnuuld could be charged for sex battery
Joy Browne, radio host tells of incident with Arnold
DUpe this poll, re: Rush Limbaugh
TreasonGate: First leaker's identity? Right under our noses.
Spy pictures of suffragettes revealed (Terrorist?)
Someone like Feinstein should suggest Ahnuld take a polygraph re: Hitler!
Unbelievable statement from Bush in Wisconsin....
Nader challenging Bush Jr over extremist Texan Republican party policies
Daily Yomiuri: Peace candidate (Kucinich) has global appeal
Chris Matthew Says He Voted For Bush
Bob Novak invokes the fifth on CNN
Buchanan & Press talking about Cheney (Dumping Cheney?)
Mr. & Mrs. Edwards on CNN at 8PM
Small victory for progressive forces in Ontario...:)
Is everyone aware that we changed new rule #5?
Patriot Act at work! Background check before opening a Mutual Fund!
Some positive news from the California Front
Something Positively Stinks About this Limbaugh Situation
take back the political language or fix bayonets?
why nancy pelosi's speeches are so ineffectual...BOTOX
A few words about the new rules for starting threads in the GD forum.
Do Freepers troll this board often?
FL State House District 54 Special Election
Fred Phelps To Erect Matthew Shepard Monument
Green party key to pres victory.
Not backing McClintock will cost the GOP
Carol Moseley Braun: I am the clearest alternative to George Bush
Elephant in the Living room-80% less oil than we thought
I just got back from helping my neighbor ID her dead 21 year old son
When the Democrat nominee becomes president in 2005
Black Box Voting . COM site pulled down -- Harassment
Do you support John Kerry's mandatory service proposal?
PC and the folks who dislike the term.
DNC members say Clark's past support for Republicans is not a drawback
Nightline Friday 10/3 Several furious former CIA officers speak out
"The Empire Never Ended" - vile video / monkeys, Hitler moustaches, Perle
Am I the only one who thinks Bush's reelection odds are better than 50/50?
Rules to start discussion threads in the General Discussion forum
Drudge: NAT. ENQUIRER held back reporting on Limbaugh & pills for 2 yrs.
Referendum Sought To Repeal California Domestic Partner Law
Canadian PM Mulls Smoking Marijuana When He Retires
Agent exposed in W. House leak ran overseas operations, recruited agents
White House Staff Given Until Tuesday to Turn in CIA Leak Information
U.S. says no to 2 nd food show in Cuba
McCain endorses Schwarzenegger
Clark wants probe of W.House on Iraq intelligence
Kerry Questions Clark's Republican Ties
Canadians to be exempt from new U.S. border rules 'until further notice'
Kay No Longer Sure Trailers Were Labs
Tom Jackson reportedly threatened to quit ESPN show unless Rush left.
Two Florida National Guardsmen Probed on Iraqi Marriages
Outed CIA spy grew up in Montco
Poll Shows Drop in Confidence on Bush Skill in Handling Crises
National Movement Launches U.S. Debates
Congress, NIH clash on research issues
U.S.: Large Unions Must Disclose Finances
U.S. Gets Unusual Rebuff From Annan on Iraq
CNN: Court strikes down prisoners' DNA database (9th Circuit)
Putin takes swipe at US over Iraq
In Iraq, a scramble for troops
Kuwait says it seized smuggled Iraq artefacts (not WMD's)
Incidents from Schwarzenegger's past raised in campaign
Pakistan Test-Fires Nuclear-Ready Missile
Analysis of new ad by {re: Arnold}
Clark's Connection Goes Back to the Point
poll shows CA recall support growing
State Department official defends U.S. travel restrictions against Cuba
Bush seeks to rebuff Iraq critics
Democratic chairman urges GOP counterpart to denounce Schwarzenegger
U.S. Wants Fair Elections in Azerbaijan
Wait-and-see mode at Graham's office
Bush Cites Parts of Arms Report to Justify U.S. Action in Iraq
Leaves back on for New England-based Army Reservists
(UN) Agency worried about ozone hole
U.S.: Large Unions Must Disclose Finances
Bush: Saddam Deceived International Community
Recount Procedures questioned in California
'Tues. Deadline for Leak-Related Material ' - Yahoo Headlines
Polish Troops Find New French Missiles in Iraq
Politics of offshoring (Silicon Valley Biz Ink)
Marines sure they were friendly-fire victims
Schwarzenegger disputes alleged Hitler admiration quote
Hospital Says Wal-Mart Shopper Didn't Suffer Snake Bite
Mitt's defense of Arnold's antics: He's just like Ted K
YUKOS Denies Exxon Deal Looming
Ashcroft, Rove ties scrutinized
City, county looking at what comes after hanging chads (Chi/Cook Cnty/BBV)
Army sergeant on leave wins $150M jackpot
AP: Iraqi Trailers Are Re-Examined
Putin unhappy with Iraq resolution
Bush: Saddam Deceived International Community
Bush Chasing Campaign Cash in Wisconsin
Caveat emptor when picking out a lobbyist (MD DBD/SAIC BBV)
Home from Iraq war, dies in wreck
Report: Love arrested, hospitalized.
BBC: Half-Life 2 code leaked online
Seniors get to try out new voting machines (BBV in CT)
Visit from Bush? Send the bill to the GOP
Bush: Hussein 'A Danger to the World'
EXCLUSIVE: Al-Jazeera Buckles Under US Pressure
Slain Iraqi translator branded a traitor for working with U.S. forces
Young says he won't run for Senate
Blasts kill 4 Iraqis; Saddam's 'executioner' arrested
Senate panel chairman says policy toward Cuba `has not worked'
Senator Byrd on CSPAN now proposing amendment on Iraq
How egotistical can this man be?
NK Says It Has Solved All 'Technological Matters' For Making Nukes
Delphi Will Slash 500 Salaried Jobs (Layoff Update - 1800 More)
Minnesota Republican Chairman Indicted
FBI Descends on Area of Rural Mississippi Known for Eye-Popping Jury Award
N Korea calls Rumsfeld 'psychopath'
No surprises in Iraq weapons report - Blix
Dem Backer (Kucinich) Hacks
Eastman Chemical expects to cut about 600 jobs
Hillary Rodham Clinton files for 2004 Presidency?
Outed CIA Woman & Hubby Mull Suit
Mice to Test Bush's Food for Poison (!!!!)
U.S. September Payrolls Rise 57,000; Jobless Rate Holds at 6.1%
Military to probe reversal on leaves (Soldiers bought nonrefundable ticket
Audit: USDA Ignored E-Coli Warnings
U.S. Troops, Militias at Odds over Role Protecting Iraqis
U.S. accuses Cuba of germ weapons program
Explosion Inside Afghan House Kills Seven,Wounds Six Others,Residents Sa
Coalition couldn't have given U.N. inspectors more time, British official
U.S. Gets Unusual Rebuff From Annan on Iraq (EU will offer 200m
Confidence in Bush Fades, New Poll Shows
Doug Stephan show: Expect Limbaugh tapes on 'net, possibly today
UN finalises anti-graft treaty
Minnesota Republican Chairman Indicted
Two killed in grenade attack at mosque - Philippines
Graham considers future of presidential campaign (not quitting yet)
DFL leaders endorse Dean, tout his knowledge of key issues
Democratic presidential candidates plan to skip NAACP forum (AP)
Pipeline dispute stalls U.S. energy bill
WaPo: In A Switch, House Rejects Bush Overtime Proposal
SENATE WATCH-10/3/2003 (#1) ($87B E.S. Iraq Appropriations)
Blast at Home in Afghanistan Kills 7
Lawmakers Advance on Fannie, Freddie bill.
Questions on NAACP ... influenced by Nazi past of father
Five killed, seven injured in Karachi attack
Vivendi, NBC (GE) Nearing Final Merger Deal
AP Exclusive: Weapons Search Re-Examining Assertion That Iraqi Trailers Us
WaPo: Do-Not-Call Compliance Put At 90%
Senate panel chairman says policy toward Cuba `has not worked'
WaPo: Panel Backs Pickering For Appellate Bench
Governor stays out of redistrict row
Gorbachev: Cuba victim of super powers' Cold War confrontations
Israel Quiet On Mossad Captures
Israel Plans More West Bank Settlements
Bush Expresses Support of Limbaugh
Moscow Warns NATO to End Anti-Russian Policies
Pakistan tests nuclear-capable missile
Rocker defends Rush; Sapp goes after Rocker, ESPN analysts
Gorbachev Calls Cuba A Victim Of Cold War Confrontations
US claims bio-weapon found in Iraq
Celebrities urge 'no' vote on recall
I want my sun-drenched, wind-swept Ingrid Bergman kiss
Fill in the blanks however you want
"Why not just tax the stupid people?"
I know people are tiring of Rush threads but indulge me
If you were born on Christmas and had the spirit for at least a minute
Okay, somebody has to ask this: Should Miami drop in the rankings?
Who would win a fight between Herman Munster and Lurch?
Kilborn on Rush buying black market painkillers:
If I do my best computer work listening to Paul Oakenfold, who
Woo Woo! North America swings slighty more to the Left...
Should goofy people with four arms have less orifices?
Has anyone seen the movie, The Weather Underground ?
This week's CNNNN on ABC Australia
Great idea for Simpsons episode
German TV's On FIRE ...... Or ARE They? HAHAHAHAHA
Which celeb would you like to see jump into electoral politics?
Billy wants a GI Joke, Whoretense wants some skates, Daddy...
I have read every Harper Lee book ever written...
Bush comments on White House leak.
Who else here LOVES the Jayhawks (the band, not Kansas Jayhawks)
Fellow public sector employees or anyone else in the know:
I have conluded that we Liberals need to support George W. Bush
Suggestions re my Bank of America problem
The priciest zip codes in the U.S.
This is my 999th post! Ask me anything!
Laura Bush: Schizophrenic at Hogwarts?
Question: Who many DUer's think Bush is better than Clark?
Who can school me on the finer points of Scotch?
What's on your "Things to die before I do." list?
Should there be a boycott of California?
Who has had more work done (Part 2: Everyone else)
Paging Doctors Shade and Freud!
Gonna fire up a fat one - ask me anything.
One step closer to PLAYBOY: Britney on cover of new ESQUIRE
Guitar Heads: Y'ever Played A Vox Valvetronics Amp?
Rush Limbaugh & Donovan McNabb Meeting
Rush Limbaugh Picks Satan's Bellybutton Lint, Coos Softly
Who has had more work done (Part 1: Arnold vs. Maria)
Favorite electric guitars/amps
Who has control of the US right now:
Rush on Oxy, PlameGate, my kid makes the winning TD with 47 secs left
You've GOT to see this, lolololol!!!!!!!!
Surely someone else than I likes the White Stripes?
I've been home sick for the past 3 days, ask me anything.
Okay this is a weird looking picture (Arnold & Maria)
POLL:Pick your favorite GROPER
Ultimate new, improved theme music for Rush!
My credit counsling company changed my payment date w/out telling me
Remember the "Name My Band" poll I started a couple of weeks ago?
Primary virtue (that which if practiced yields all the rest)?
You're better than me. I DON'T CARE.
a great animated cartoon on the problem with capitalist
SomethingAwful rips Dick Cheney a new one.
DOn't we have a talented graphics artist who can make a pic of...
Now that I know what "Extreme Makeover" is...
Does anyone remember classic Ren and Stimpy?
Out to dinner Mathematics(check this out)
Sig test - you are free to ignore
Should Gringo be the Official DU Pollster?
Dixie Chicks recommended reading - 'kin hell
Whoa! Steady yourself okay?.......take a deep breath & CAPTION
Oh my dear lord! Arnold's accent added with hoarseness!!
Quick news Summary: Groper, Doper, Leaker, and Liar
Ouch, my 'Canes will limp into Tallahassee and beyond
Anybody Here Get The Game Show Network. I Have Digital Cable But I
new sig line contains my favorite new graphic
Courtney Love goes to find Kurt
DU Admin helps indict Republican!!!!
Stop drinking juice and start drinking diet pepsi!
In all seriousness, why are the news shows talking about nutrition and
Any fans of the show Boomtown on here?
The Winter of Our Disconent; or, Freeper Madness
the Weasel Awards . . . your chance to vote . . .
How do I get rid of these annoying damn pop-ups from Messenger Service?
why hasn't take back the media updated the OxyRush advertisers list
today's new hate radio advertisers 10/3/2003
If Arnold wins, how long before a recall?
Jack Van Impe - Saint or crackpot?
If Bush is our national security president
OH NO!!! The Mini-Putt-putt Golf Game is gone!!!!
Civilization III - or Civilization?
Compleat Diagram of Strange Persons
Will Letterman, Conan, & Jay talk about Arnold, Hitler quote 2night?
The Best Damn Sports Show tore Rush a new one
EEK! Thre's a big wasp in my apartment, I'm asking you everything!
Question for Star Wars purists...
I thinking of a CAPTION between.............................
Avatars you probably DON'T want available (Rated TV14, folks)
George W:"This? This is what you give me to CAPTION?!?!"
French schools say "non!" to thongs
I was just called a pacifistic moron.....
Ground turkey or Morningstar Farms soy "beef substitute"?
Anyone ever heard of a Japanese Animated movie called Metamorphosis
Tim Curry reading "Lemony Snicket and the Carnivorous Carnival"
I'm still in the 700 Club. Ask me anything. PLEASE!
Is anyone else having trouble connecting to
Check out the new avatars! Including mine...
Please welcome a new DU member, Meticulous!
Reaching out to someonewho is hurting
"Qhost" trojan horse shuts down AOL.
The Horror. The Horror. Apocalypse Now Redux on Bravo at 8pm tonight
So, have I missed anything while I was away?
A guy on Letterman just stuffed 10 kleenexes into his belly!!!
I'm reading 'To Kill a Mockingbird' ask me anything!
What are your picks for Sunday
The Leakers (sounds like a basketball team)
What GOP operative says all should vote against Arnold?
Major League Baseball Fans -- Avatars for the Playoffs!
any of you 60s survivors remember this guy? . . .
A hot black lesbian freeper? who loves Rush & Oh'Really???
Words I Mis-Pronounce On Purpose...
I just wanted to offer a quick introduction - hi, DU!
I want a hippopotamus for Christmas....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES TO....................
STORY TIME: What's the most interesting thing that ever happened to you?
After the California recall is over what "filler" will the media use?
My wife has Windows XP, needs Windows 98 on her computer
I'm home sick today, - Ask me anything.
One Father's Perspective that should shake the world
My new dog. Do you like him? He kinda makes me nervous
When I grow up, I want to be just like NSMA
OK Redskins fans -- join me in a calming circle
Newest attack unfair to Arnold
Hey Will Pitt! I Hold In My Hand 2 Tickets To The Pats Game (LUXERY BOX)
You know what doesn't sound right???? Chicken AND Waffles
For sale: Digital Camera - used only once
jocks from Clear Channel's Denver sports station run ad in KC Star