BBV: Californians please write LA TIMES
Halliburton overcharges? say it ain't so Dick
Democrat Dean tells Republicans: 'Bring it on'
Washington elites are terrified that Dean will disrupt their power base
Shop for the holidays with AFL-CIO's UNION SHOP ONLINE!!
Wesley Clark on TDSWJS, quicktime & mp3 for those who missed it
Cheney: "It was all a misunderstanding". (from Swami Beyondananda)
Economic question..... Am I wrong to worry about this?
Report: Earth's magnetic field fading
OPEC wants aid if world shifts to renewable energies
Light brought to a halt in scientific first
Fossil bridges gap in mammal evolution
Pro-American takes over as Canadian Prime Minister
Is It Feasible That A Tech Forum
Why aren't locked threads eliminated instead?
Can You Still Send and Receive PMs While a Warning Is Pending?
I am confused on what is considered foul language here.
Poll of Democratic Insiders: "Dean, Dean, Dean, Dean..."
Wesley Clark on TDSWJS, quicktime & mp3 for those who missed it
Former congressman to head Clark campaign in Va.
Here's what my response to the stupid Anti-Dean ad would be...
Dean documentary from Vermon Public Radio
A message for all (please read)
Why hate ABC when they were the only ones that covered your candidate
Recommendation to Gov Dean for response to latest attack ad
Despicable GOP scare tactics to be used by Dem group to hurt Dean
Volunteer for the CA Democratic Convention
Gay support boosts Howard Dean's lead
Let's focus on the GE, the primary is over
Some Christmas this woman is going to have, here in Sheboygan.
Here is an interesting incident that happened a few days ago......
Some Christmas this woman is going to have, here in Sheboygan.
Most despicable life form on earth
My Daughter Just Told Me She's starting a YEAH Club...
Clark's...........Turnaround Plan for America: Health Care
Substandard conditions in Iraq...
Home Despot does NOT endorse * so stop saying that
Media/Demo Establishment start spinning the removal of "lesser candidates"
LaRouche qualifies for Virginia ballot; Moseley Braun does not
Anybody see that "feel-good" story about Barney on Olberman's show?
I want my Randi. Help, please!
Dean tells Republicans to "Bring It On"
Shouldn't "gun people' be wary of Generals as President?
Bush did give the Europeans one big contract for Iraq- GUNS
No wonder they hate us, so much for freedom
Haven't seen a thread on this today, but
What Can You Buy with $61 Million Dollars? – Dean does the math
Global Eye -- Bullet Points (Excellent article from Moscow Times)
to those of us who missed the debate in NH (please help)
How can we beat the Big Bad Bush?
Bush:: The GOP Standard for HERO
Jimmy Carter on Larry King NOW...discussing lots of topics including
Big Brother is here: Arizona schools install facial scan system
Do all the attacks and negative stories make you feel "apathetic"?
Sorry I want proof & I want it now!
If Nader runs, what's DU's policy toward Naderites?
Something I've been thinking about re: 911
if any of the candidates have direct ties to the group attacking Dean…
Deaniacs – please do not donate any money to the DNC
Blumrich threatened by RW blogger for Kucinich ad
Rep Dingell accuses Halliburton of "arrogance" on CNBC
Iraq is now on page four of my hometown paper.
Is 9,OOO coalition casualties accurate?
I'm From Missouri..................Show Me!
I agree with Randi Rhodes on her assessment on Kucinich.
Mark Dayton Blasts Administration
Let me share a story with you all [please read]
michael weisskopf loses hand in Iraq......
Recommended Canadian Chatboards and Activist Groups
Please Poke Some Holes in this Argument (Tax Cuts)
"DR." Sean Hannity Screwed (sp)
Mike Malloy just said he'd back Dean if Kucinich were to back out...
CNN "whacking the Shrub" Tonight
Nobody's Attacking DEAN, Can You Stop Attacking KERRY, Please?
why does it sometimes seem like the media only cares about american lives?
Are there any Democrats who'll stay home if Dean's nominated?
Is Bush getting worse at speaking in public?
Leakgate is About a Week Away From Being Gotten Away With
anybody beleive their candidate ISN'T the most electable?
Tweety will be putting words into Clarks mouth...
What job is Carol really campaigning for?
Light Criticism: What annoys you about your chosen candidate?
How do we handle the really nasty sleazy stuff they are dishing out?
Calling all DU'ers: Here's a plan to take the Senate and 10 House seats
Bush is starting to shrivel under the pressure of the job.
Candidates stiff Russert in Favor of Radio Debate
I don't understand the Deanies
RW website: Conservatives are now the "Blacks" of the Republican Party
Reality check for those upset over Feighan's Dean/Osama ad
DOW 10,000+ thread got copied on WSJ best of the web today! BUSTED!!
How do you feel about Free Speech?
BBV. Fortune Magazine's worst technology of the year
Jimmy Carter says Dean "is inherently a very conservative person"
Would you be supportive of the bottom 7 dropping out right now in favor..
The Right Wing is SCARED of Kucinich
Save the Endangered Species Act!!!!
BBV: zero cosponsors of Voter Confidence Act in Senate
Democratic group to broadcast new ad criticizing Dean – using pic of Osama
Great NECN Candidate Profile of Clark.
Dean's Manager: Inside Savvy and Outsider Edge
If we lose in '04, whose fault is it?
This week's Bill Moyers NOW - Freedom of Information, a thing of the past?
Clark ,The Daily Show, write up
The science teacher in my school is a creationist. Please, tell me again
great extensive new polisci analysis, the 10 regions of US politics
Dayton Blasts administration for continueing to put corporations Before
Judge’s error fuels same-sex debate
Iraqi Protesters Oust Appointed Governor
Judge Chides Lawyers Over 9-11 Evidence
Bush signs law targeting Syria
Democratic Debate Is Canceled in N.H.
Baker Gets Backing As Iraqi Debt Emissary
Canada deems P2P downloading legal
New Canada PM Vows Better Ties With U.S.
What ever became of whatshisname, the yippie-turned-financier? >
My happy 50th post is aproaching, ask me something!
"A Festivus, For the Rest of Us!"
December 12th in black music history
Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now
Jealous wife cuts off husband's penis
Are you ready? It's Barney Reloaded...
I bought Mrs. Amok "Family Guy vol. 2" for Christmas....but....
Flyers versus Devils is going to be awesome.
Anyone want to play the let's get Corarose banned from DU game?
Christian billboards take credit for the holidays
Mr_Bleedingheart is really whiney
I didn't realize that hemorrhoids were such a money maker...
Karl Rove is a Christmas freak?
Microsoft to Remove Swastikas from Office
If only muscians writers activists and artists could hold office
We got our report cards today....
I'm going to buy "The Hornet's Nest" by President Carter.
Came across some campaign buttons from 1992
What is the difference between registry keys and registry values
Just bought a fish with a distorted eye!
I've done it. I'm committing myself to the Red Sox Nation!
When relatives take advantage...
ok I know it's friday, but THIRTY SEVEN POSTS ABOUT CAT POOP?
Can anyone tell me how Sha Na Na ended up playing Woodstock?
DU Storytime: The Halliburton Chronicles!!
Your favorite Oyster Stew recipe?
Very scary photo of a very miserable man.
Comment on this: "There is good in everyone."
Does anybody know how to scan slides?
Clark Supporters -- this is a funny picture...
Do you know any swear words on other languages?
Greatest Wrestlemania Match Of All-Time
Help- worms in puppy's?(not for the faint of heart)
Okay, I admit it. I'm a HUGE James Bond nut!!!
Keiko the Killer whale has died
Any Dogbowl and.or Kramer (or Shimmy-Disc) fans here?
Favorite Bernard Herrmann Score
Flame me if you will, but I think "Barney Cam" is cute!
An IM conversation with a freeper
Your favorite quote from the movie "Office Space"
Here it comes: Your favorite holiday movie?
Convince me that your spaghetti sauce is the world's best
ZombyPoll#14,000: Rate his posts!
Donovan McNabb Knows how to Handle a Heavy Rush
anyone out there have any experiance with an iPod or rio Karma?
The Gilligan's Island Knowledge Base
I am Celebrating because I just passed another Class
Salon: BushCo Issues Latest Orders to Media Lickspittles (Satire)
Forget a 'better Blair' and find a new standard bearer
For Democrats, to Air Is Essential (Kurtz - WP - Feb 3 Campaign Ads)
Boston Globe: The soldiers Bush didn't visit on Thanksgiving
George Soros (Miami Herald): `A lot of name-calling about my donations'
Guardian: Same Old Racket in Iraq
My LTTE in the local paper today. What do you think?
Brownstein - Desperate to Stop Dean, His Rivals Escalate Criticism
The Pentagon Plot :Baker's trip isn't about debt, and the contracts direct
QUEEN CHRISTINE: Gregoire Stymies Dem Rivals Early in Governor's Race
Bob Cringely's second article on BBV
Brown & Root employee writes Stripes letter defending Bush LOL!
"A Fetish of Candor" - Brooks in the NYT in another puff piece
Portland DUers: Pro-Kucinich Demonstration at ABC Monday! 12/15
Dean Rocks the Hollywood House of Blues, Mon, Dec 15 (who's going?)
Bill Moyers NOW (12/12/03) quicktime and mp3 for those who missed it
Know your Conservative Hotties
'Free Willy' whale, Keiko, dies
Poems of War in the Season of Peace, OR
What God thinks about Taxes: Scripture-based political commentary for Fri
NY Times: Annals of Homosexuality: From Greek to Grim to Gay
NY Times: Discriminating? Yes. Discriminatory? No.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre...not what you think.
Drilling Planned in Alaska Oil Reserve(9m acres in NPR-A, not ANWR)
US military kills six Afghan children in new atrocity
NY Times: European Union Cannot Reach Deal on Constitution
German army stretched to the limit
NY Times: New Prime Minister Taking Over in Canada
NC: Meth Task Force Forges Forward
Ex-Marijuana Party leader to run for NDP in federal election
Canada: Pot Possession Charges Stayed by Feds
OK: Prosecutors Look For Ways To Stunt Prison Growth
Homicide in Cincinnati? Not from What I See
The anti-freedom crowd in action.
Texas pulls last meal information from deathrow website
Student gun sales armed N.J. gang, authorities say
Southern Oregon police raids find 3,500 marijuana plants
Question about the new enforcement of rules
Is it proper etiquette to post freep-style graphics on DU?
When a mod sends a warning message
I have a graphic I'd like to post . .
Can I get a couple of old posts deleted, pretty please?
Ever considered a graduated forum?
Is the moratorium on lounge sex threads over?
Likud Debates a Palestinian State to Save Israel
Three Israelis Divide Their Lives Between Literature and Life
Intifada spurs Palestine internet boom
Likud Debates a Palestinian State to Save Israel
One-state awakening (wants Geneva, okw/single-state w/ regional autonomy)
Damascus: Jewish lobby behind Accountability Act
Settlements debate tugs at Sharon
Weekly Report: On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the OT
The FBI cover-up of the anthrax investigation
Documents from the Phoenix Program
MONEY magazine poll of "investor class" voting bloc
For all the campaigns, and campaigners. We are in this together!
LA Times poll of DNC members: Dean more than doubles his nearest rival
Dean to Run More 30 Minute TV: AZ, IA, WI
How many new voters did DUers register this past week?
Why is Bush CEO "bundling" millions OK, but large Dem donations evil?
Clark Campaign Responds To Bush/Halliburton Shenanigans
Who knows Alaska: Mike Layne for 04 Senate?
Is Dean/Kerry The ALL-STAR Team That Will Win?
Field will thin Feb. 4, Dem leader McAuliffe says
Have Kerry & Gephardt Denounced the Attack Ad Yet?
If you missed Edwards shooting hoops on Cold Pizza (ESPN), here it is:
Are the polls wrong about Kucinich?
Anti-Dean Freeper Editorial in Minneapolist Star Tribune
questions about 527 organizations…
Corporate America is Terrified of Eliot Spitzer!
MONEY magazine poll of "investor class" voting bloc
ABC Nightline -- The Baghdad Symphony
What happend to the "Great Society"
New York's crusading Attorney General Eliot Spitzer
Just transmitted in C-Span 2: (10:00 ET): Talk Radio Past and Future
Altercation's Elegy for Bartley: A Hilariously Banal Quote from Noonan
Bush Administration's Penchant For Secrecy
Iraqi Agent Denies He Met 9/11 Hijacker in Prague Before Attacks on the US
Josh Marshall dropping hints about the Plame Affair?
Letter to the Times on David Brooks, Satirist
William Greider and John Nichols Defend Dean
Willie Nelson Concert For Kucinich
On CSpan 1 NOW, 'Media Coverage in the NH Primary"
I can't believe this, msnbc just reported about
KBR Food Service Iraq - Deplorable conditions - CNBC
Are you going to a democrat meetup?
LA Times poll of DNC members: Dean more than doubles his nearest rival
Based on the smear campaign that's being launched at Dean...
who do you think is behind the latest ad attacking Dean?
Tell me what Dems will do differently than Bush. What's da PLAN?
Something to make you feel better
Pentagon warned Halliburton-KBR on "dirty" food service
does this Oxycontin poppin' freak know he's goin' to hell?
This is incredible this "Syria Accountability Act."
Halliburton disputes are a feature of its government contracts
there's a new "Don't Tread on Dean" bat
The secret Dean in all of us. ..
Bill Press: Attempts to 'McGovernize' Howard Dean won't work
Which Level of Government Has The Most Impact On Your Daily Life?
Connecticut's Republican Governor Under Fire
Nader Traders, a blast from the past
U.S. officer beats and threatens Iraqi prisoner; gets off easy
George Bush is guilty of 'disturbing the peace'
Whatever happened to the missing $7.7 billion Iraq money?
Bush to federal felons: return the stolen loot and all's forgiven
ChoicePoint -- Recommended Stock?
Clark Supporters -- this is a funny picture...
Bernie's got DK for the whole hour -- streaming NOW link
For everyone that thinks that it's strange that Clark voted for
Wash Post editorial about the group running the Dean attack ad
Dean Papers to Come Out After Primaries
something to put a :-) on the faces of Deaniacs
THANKS, DU! you saved my life!
4th Quarter Fundraising Predictions
knee-slappers from the freep-ettes - the Bush-bots diss Dean too
Am I reading this right?? RE: The FCC and the "F" word on TV?
Don`t talk about it and it will go away.
Rep. Elijah Cummings (chairman of the CBC) will endorse Dean today
Do negative political ads really influence people?
US deters democracy: Haiti & Aristide
Poppy Bush wrote, in his book, about why he would not invade Iraq...
Who does this quote belong to?
When do we start hurling rocks, Palestine-style?
Of the 9, Who Would "Grow" Most as Person & Leader
C-SPAN !....Clark For President NH State director
The only way to beat DEAN..........
US generals, admiral come out of the closet
Which Supreme Couty justice do you think is the most biased?
My reason for not being behind Edwards
Dean responds to Gep-Kerry "former" supporters' ad
I feel bad for George McGovern
Americans pay and pay, while Bush punishes France and Ger-ma-nay.
"Just the Facts" Ad Fine, "Osama Ad "Tasteless
Bush signs law targeting Syria
Heard on CSPAN about the recently approved campaign finance
I've discovered why our foreign policy is a mess!
The Official History of the Democratic Party and the DNC
Channel surfing at 8:00 am today all news had two stories:
How many suspect the news media lurks here on the DU for the latest
Pulling a 'Clinton' on Dean may be making him more popular
Students say Mock Drill caused Injuries
Is Dean the reincarnation of William Jennings Bryan?
The FBI cover-up of the anthrax investigation
Clark and Dean supporters. What's your age?
USENIX ;login: Voting Machine Security Analysis
Tenacious D (Jack Black's band) & Mellencamp fundraisers for Edwards
Richard Berke is an insufferable and ignorant twit
A view from the cheap seats....
Clark presents a state by state plan for turning around the USA
"We've let the Earth Movers roll over this one"
Brazilian RW loon writes in the paper (good for laughs)
The Elf who saved the Christmas Debate!
Parent Company Name Removed From Halliburton Corporate HQ, Renamed KBR
Democracy crumbles under cover of darkness (for real)
Talk to me about "Uncovered", I hear it's amazing....
I just glanced at a Freepers web-site : I really hate this America.
NYT: Saboteurs, Looters and Old Equipment Work Against Efforts...
Rendell: Dean one of the most creative governors in the US
Infanticide as Liberation: Hiding the Dead Babies
suppose saddam were to be confirmed dead
VA and PA Polls Come Out in Favor of Dean
Parent Company Name Removed From Halliburton Corp HQ, Renamed KBR
Uh-oh...... Nepalese Maoists 'entering India'
DUers contributions to presidential candidates
The most disturbing aspect of the anti Dean supporter meme
I *agree* with William Kristol on something! He has this to say about Dean
I fixed the election in Florida for George Bush
A Baghdad Neighborhood, Once Hopeful, Now Reels as Turmoil Persists
Are US Troops being treated like Viet-Nam vets...?
SH-hh-hhhh.... Here comes quiet now...
The Fallacy of the War on Terror
If Clinton ran for a third term in 2000 which states would he have won?
Just got off the phone with pollsters--- LIMBAUGH
Will the Bushes get a Christmas Card from China?
The myth of "Al Qaeda" sleeper agents suffers another blow...
Bush:: Caught in a Time Zone:: Old School, Old Advisors, Old approaches
Does anyone have the transcript from Clark's
Guy James -- is there a live show today?
NY Times: A Tale of War: Iraqi Describes Battling G.I.'s (Detail Article)
NY Times:Iraqi Agent Denies He Met 9/11 Hijacker in Prague Before Attacks
Hell hath no fury like a people scorned!
How shall we amend the Constitution and gov to prevent another Bush?
I'm beginning to like Clark more and more
No political price for Flu Epidemic
Guy James! use this link, it's UP!
Do you believe everything you read?
Interesting Facts About The Dean Attack Ad
The New Anti-Dean Ad: I Now Think GEPHARDT Is Responsible
Gephardt Demands Dean Release Records
With More Money to Spend, Middle-Class Iraqis Go Shopping
Dean Concedes He Would Have Allowed Bush To Wage War Without Congress
Why won't Dean release his records until after the primaries?
Anyone know who's profiting from all these flu advertising, um, reporting?
Who All Would've Voted for MARIO CUOMO in '92?
No Connection Between Cheney and Haliburton Anymore? Then Why....
incredible website:
Official Statement by Jesse Jackson, Sr. re: Howard Dean
Mainstream Republicans don't know about the Southern Strategy.
"Prepare for President Dean" favorable article from right-wing rag...
Images of Our President (technically)
Eglin AFB : Does it love the live-fire training that Vieques denounced?
When Democrats Attack Democrats – a message from the Dean campaign
The reason the anti-Dean ad is so wrong
Congressman Elijah Cummings of Maryland Endorses Dean for President
Two questions, if I may: What do the words "freep" and "NT" mean?
The religious right must be going mad over the morning after pill
Folks, Bush LOST by 500,000+ votes. Do you think Anyone who hated him then
Dean Mirrors Bush: Can We Count the Ways???
Who else is afraid to post in the Daily Democrat threads?
Will Anshell play a decisive role in the election?
Howard Dean and his DU supporters
How many have read a book by Noam Chomsky?
Strom Thurmond - father of an interracial daughter!!
Dirty tricks against Dean in NJ?
Teaching public about American imperialism -- what groups are effective?
Strom Thurmond's illigitimate black daughter.
Something for all of us (Bush poll)
Florida DUers, help needed, Truck Accident: Uranium Munitions?
How Dean can beat the McGovern Curse.
Dean should make ads like the Osama attack ad
William Pitt's Truthout Radio Segment
My local Borders refuse to display 2 anti Bush books because people get an
Would the French Work Better with Dean?
Will Clear Channel crush "Coward" Dean all by themselves?
Newsweek Poll Has Dean Out On Top
Why are Kerry and Gephardt blamed for anti Dean ad?
*....."It's the smile that can't draw the voice....."
What is the best way to fight the "politics of ridicule" ?
Diebold's Board of Directors and their campaign contributions
Unlimited hypocrisy: The Pickles antihunger ad.
Are the Polls Wrong About Kucinich?
Clark Campaign Responds To Bush/Halliburton Shenanigans
Libertarian Website: Neocons turning on Bush?
Will Bill Clinton split the Democratic Party?
If Al Franken gets a radio show and it's as good
Official Guy James Show Thread!
I Would Like To See Clark As the VEEP
NDP's Jack Layton: "I'm proud to call myself a socialist"
Congressman Elijah Cummings, CBC Chair, Endorses Dean
Attacking other candidates helps my candidate.
Forced Work for Welfare and Forced Work for Diploma
Al Gore's endorsement brings $695,000+ into Dean's campaign coffers
Bill would require paper receipts for electronic voting terminals
Howard Zinn: The Logic of Withdrawal (from Iraq)
Americans for Jobs, Healthcare, and Progressive Values-Who are they?
Kerry Green Brigade Barnstorms NH
What will happen to your taxes under Kucinich?
Just notifed the group putting out the anti-Dean ads
Did Dean Just Pull A "Karl Rove" Maneuver?
Bill O'Reilly beginning to turn on Bush re: Iraq
Congressional wee hours: Democracy crumbles under cover of darkness
Where have all the textile companies gone??
Dean Laughs at Bush Doll (Caption Time)
Daily Democrat: A positive discussion about Dennis Kucinich
Rush "enlisted" US Congress? A Rush job to save face
Who are the 3 Dems you'd LEAST like to see win Nomination?
Daily Democrat: A positive discussion about Wesley Clark
America: Fast becoming an economic Banana Republic. What gives?
Newsweek poll has Clark leading all democrats against *
The GOP are the biggest babies because they whine even though
Will John Rowland survive this scandal?
Department of Peace - What are the implications?
Is Kerry responsible for the Dean/Osama ad?
Paging Will Pitt - and other Kerry supporters!
Black Box Voting: Announcement Pending
Great Counterpunch Interview with Ed Herman of Manufacturing_Consent
No conflict for Baker: Bush (Move along. Nothing to see here)
Iraqi Agent Denies He Met 9/11 Hijacker in Prague Before Attacks on the U.
WP: District's Mayoral Mansion Scuttled (great story ! uplifting !)
Likud Debates a Palestinian State to Save Israel | New York Times
Washington announces U.S.-Canadian study on cattle | Globe and Mail
Receptionist gets 10 years in baby scams | Dallas Morning News
Ugandan President Museveni tipped for big UN job | Monitor (Kampala)
Karzai battles, even after 500 free lunches
Moroccan terror suspect Mzoudi seeks German asylum: report
Clark stumps Tennessee, presses health care
Italy pushes through controversial law on fertility treatment
Shias Want UN Decision on Elections
Bush Economic Aide Says Government Lacks Vision
Bush names Texas Friend to run HUD
Latinos stage a day of protest Demonstrations, closed stores mark anger at
US sanctions are work of Israel's friends in Congress: Syria
Greenpeace says US threatens civil rights
Eyman receives $20,000 'gift' | Seattle P-I
FBI Applies New Rules to Surveillance
Woman Claims Thurmond As Father,Proof Forthcoming, Black Retiree Says
Sunni-Shiite Tensions Rise in Baghdad
Peruvian leader sacks popular PM | BBC
American Data Aided Iraq Arms Program
U.S. Frees Eight Arabs from Detention in Iraq
Killer whale Keiko dies of pneumonia | Seattle P-I
Bush Touts Achievements (excellent examples of partial truth lies)
Gephardt demands Dean release records
US military commander says number of attacks in Iraq drops as civilian sho
US ill prepared to tackle post-war mission in Iraq: Struck
Delegates Begin Afghan Constitution Talks
U.S. Farm Producers Travel to Cuba
Democrats: Bush Shouldn't Doubt Their Patriotism
Russia warns US of "negative consequences" of bar on Iraq contracts
Congressmen testify at Texas redistricting trial
Drilling Planned in Alaska Oil Reserve
MSNBC News: US to flood Baghdad (market) with gasoline
Bush criticised for duping air traffic control
Iraqi mothers plead for right to visit detained sons and husbands
WASHINGTON TODAY: Majority rule abroad doesn't always serve U.S. interests
Military Urged To Try or Free 660 Detainees
U.S. Officer Fined, Will Resign for Beating Iraqi
U.S. Draws on Israeli Methods for Iraq (Israeli advisor pessimistic)
US Tries to Stem Iraqi Army Desertions
Woman Claims Thurmond As Father (WP)
Untold story of Bush's penchant for secrecy (US News & WR)
Microsoft to abort Win 95, 98 | Times of India
Group wants top court to void lesbian divorce
Maria Shriver, Valley's Richman Bring Talks Back From the Dead
Air and Space Museum Opens Featuring Enola Gay
Arnold's Budget Deal Sealed with Stories, Cigars
12 million old flu shots dumped last summer (they were still good)
Berlin to mark Nazis' gay victims | BBC
Wesley Clark to face Milosevic once more
Wild animals adapt to life in America's backyards
7 Pit Bulls Kill Central Fla. Woman
Four hurt as Haitian demos spread
Clark's Income Jumped to $1.6 Million, Records Show
"The Avengers" - your favorite episode?
Wut Wut I got into Cornell University :). Ask me anything
There's a show called Yakity Yak
Found out two people I know died, just lost my grandfather two weeks ago
wow, The Last Samurai didn't suck!
Now you don't have to leave DU - EVER!
wow, The Last Samurai didn't suck
Another installment of "Insert Your Own Punchline"
Its kind of weird knowing that Clark
''They gave because they are Christian.''
Time to break out the ice skates!
Should I have a third martini?
Who is that woman on Craig Kilborn's show right now?
OK. Tell me again...what is with the cape and Paul Schaeffer on Letterman?
Goin' for a bowl & then bed... Ask me anything
Friday...last day in town, not lookin to stay at annual bash! ?
Can this be considered child abuse?
last Christmas seems like it was only
EVERYBODY LOOK AT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who hates office get togethers for Christmas?
Remember OBL? new shirt design - whaddaya think?
uh-oh Freepers revealing themselves
I have a mean case of the hiccups
FREE WILLY is as free as a bird now (dies in Norway at age 27)
knee-slappers from the freep-ettes - the Bush-bots diss Dean too
I don't know if this has been poster here already...
"Fantasy Election" - who's your candidate?
Let me be the 1st to say.........
What's your favorite snack food?
The FBI has a new way of tracking terrorists.
Any Patty Griffin fans out there?
I'm Heavily Into Tradition This Holiday Season....
Feels Good, so ............................ CAPTION it
Group to broadcast new ad criticizing Jimmy Carter
You asked for it you got it: Pictures of the Cat
A-Rod talks off for now; Red Sox focus on Nomar
Amy Lee of Evanescence has the best singing voice ever....
Which decade produced the most innovative/creative television?
Would you buy fish mail-order/online?
What is the best holiday gift you've ever been given?
What's the current stated of the Coaches Poll?
Does anyone have a really good Christmas cookie recipe?
The Catowners Best Friend: The Turboscratcher
Spoungebob Squarepants Arrested In Offshore Business Scandal
do Rove and JE Hoover have something in common?
I just stole $2,000.000 from my employer and got caught...
First off...I am ok...real sore...
At the end of the day what do you do with your pocket change?
The New Texas Chainsaw: Your opinion?
Best Friday the 13th installment
dobro jutro , demokratski pod zemljo.
Any Peter Griffin fans out there?
Today is the third anniversary of Gore's concession.
Has anyone ever taken professional lessons?
I just went over 4,000 posts!! Ask me anything!
CEO's Marital Duties Outsourced to Mexican Groundskeeper
A bit of RW nut surrealism for laughs
I gave my notice at work, the sequel...
"Canadian Bacon" is playing on TV here
What is the best Christman gift you ever received.....
Would you wear these in public?
Favorite 1950s DOO-WOP ROCKER?
has anyone ever heard of a song called "Dixie the Dog?"
Where in your Bookmarks/Favorites is DU?
notmyprez is in a photo on the Clark web site!
Anyone ever listen to "El Tri"? They are the Mexican Rolling Stones...
We are FINALLY getting a decent amount of SNOW in St Louis
We need a new 'fridge and range for our kitchen - any suggestions?
Favorite "Real Man" running back....
The Painted Guitar (second attempt)
No calls on the cat and he has a name now
!OOHAY... Weird! Strange! --- How Is This Done?
What's the best gift you've ever given someone else?
Are/Were you a crappy kisser? Did you get directions?
Clemens to "unretire" as an ASTRO?
Going out with a Cuban girl! ASK ME ANYTHING!
Pinto Beans, simmered in ham hocks
Does the TV cable company have secret waves they can send out
Favorite song by EARTH, WIND & FIRE
Sadly appropriate Bunnypants toy (from a freeper site, too)
Does filling out online petitions do any good?
I'm hungry, what should I eat?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES TO..................
Cowboy up! Red Sox have Foulke as new closer!!
25 and over DU'ers: Do you have a Bachelor's Degree or higher?
How many people here, heard or know of Gil-Scott Heron?
Favorite Line from a Comedy Movie?
Your most memorable Johnny Carson moment
Universe, The. Some information to help you live in it. (HHGTTG)
Don't caption round here no more
Dumb things you've said or done while drunk?
What makes you leave someone? (nt)
Anyone subscribe to Free Inquiry? What do you think of it?
Daily Dingbat: A positive discussion about Edith Bunker
Gutenmorgen Demokratischer Untergrund!
Your favorite Christmas Crooner?
Then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like "I love you"
HAMLET!!!!! My FAVORITE MST3k Episode!
Did you ever...? (another nostalgia thread)
Flame Warriors! Which are you?
Am I reading this right?? RE: The FCC and the "F" word on TV?
Why does everyone keep making fun of William Shatner?
I found a wallet with 340 dollars in it tonight
What are your favorite alcoholic drinks?
Rate Buddhamama hitting 5,000 posts!
Russian History post: Ivan IV 'The Terrible'
Jesco White, The Dancing Outlaw. Who's a fan?
I lost an arm, a leg, a testicle, and a thumb in GENERAL DISCUSSION
Our Own DS1 Has Created A KICKASS FLASH MOVIE!!!
Don't know which Dem candidate you support? Take this test!
Have you ever asked for (or been asked for) sex?
Favorite 1950s DOO-WOP BALLAD?