Democratic Underground

Archives: December 16, 2003

The Problem Prisoner

Answer to voter confidence?

Salon : Imagining Saddam's trial

Another interesting WP Article - GIMMMMEEEE

Guardian : Bush is still in a real hole

very insightful column on Gore by Pat Buchanan

My LTTE is being published tomorrow, 12/16!

Any computer gurus around? I have a problem, SATA/IDE related

Dose any one have any current charts on the dollar's slide?

National Debt to the Penny, $6,939,710,592,770.24.

EPA Director Presenting Mercury (Sellout) Rules-Demonstrate Cle 12/16

Avatar and Sig line gone

Two quick questions regarding the GD forum split

Why do people post things in here

Public props to the GD Mods.

I can't believe I got a warning for my post!

Why did you delete this post? Are we now proBush? ( + a useful suggestion)

Petition to Have Suicide Bombings Considered a Crime Against Humanity

Being driven out by demography

200 Palestinian civilians homeless after Israeli forces destroy houses

Israel: a racist apartheid state

NBC/WSJ: Post-Saddam, Dean Leads Dems, Tiny Bush Bounce

Do Vermont sales tax exemptions make Vermont Sales tax Progressive?

Calif. Congressman Xavier Becerra Endorses Dean

Is it true that Dean has said, "Saddam should be pardoned"?

Why not threads on issues instead of candidates

Did Dean make taxes less progressive in Vermont?

Medical Marijuana Grades: Kucinich, M-B, Clark, Kerry...

Light up America



Peru to Install New Cabinet After Claims of Homosexuality

How do I email the Dem candidates?

*ush got a 4 point, post Saddam, bump in polls. Whooopppee!

Lord of the Roots

I must cut back and lurk for a while.

Harvard and Yale over-rated?

Lieberman on Tweety

The Bushies don seem to learn. Everytime they gloat, they get eggs on

Have you ever been part of an organized demonstration?

PIGBOY, elRusbo Seeks to Keep Med Records Private

IBM to Move 4,700 Software Jobs to India, China- Dems should get tough

Using Bush Logic, Why Isn't Saddam an Enemy Combatant?

Hey Joe! (A Modern Interpretation with a few new lyrics and our own Joe)

Rush, if you really want to know why we say what we say about Dubya,...

Gary Hart on with Zahn on CNN NOW./off/Clark next.after break.....

Any Chris Moore fans?

Has the trap been sprung?

can't believe that the SF Chronicle is now going pro-war

Our Billion Dollar Search for the Weapons of Mass Destructions!

I just heard Lieberman will be on Hannity and Colmes at 9 pm EST

How to beat Bush

What happened to my avatar?

Dean's foreign policy speech supposed to be on C-Span at 8.

The media just won't deal with this...but it ain't going away either!

I know some here don't like NPR...

Light Up America!!

Is there any scenario whereby the Muslim world will accept a trial as...

"Secure, un-disclosed location"..Remember THAT one?

Dean is on CSPAN

How do conservatives justify their views on church and state?

If Iraq improves along with the economy X will have a harder time

Bush press conference rerun on CSPAN now (CST)

U.S. Middle East policy is too one-sided.

What nations belong to the Axis of Evil II?

Is an objective trial really necessary?

Update from Iraq Union Campaign

the flip side of the Saddam story?


Was Saddam a fool not to surrender to the British? (or other EU nation)

Challenging 'Pre-emption'

I'm stunned that Bush got just a 4-6 pt. boost in overnight polls

Dems should call the media whores on being out of touch with Americans.'s take on Saddam's capture....much needed comic relief

What percentage of Republicans thinks Bush is great?

Would Malloy or Randi attack FR? NO!

Rush says hes in da house (over in the lounge)

DU is being mentioned more and more as "Lefty Web Site." Here "WSJ" from

Tehran to file case against Saddam

Al Gore Draft: Best Chance for the Democrats

Who was that Whore "Journalist" at the Bush Press Conf? 12/15

Harris Miller- promotes H1B visas, ridicules anti-BBV activists.

CSpan1 Bush pressconf NOW .... tell tale heart

Can saddam speak english?

Anybody here not convinced that China's on the extreme right?

Liberal/progressives Willie Nelson, Bonnie Raitt & more, a benefit for...

My opinion about why Bush invaded Iraq

Does any one know who..

Anyone going to any Dean events tomorrow in Arizona?

Did the Army mess up Roves' plans?

Dean "attack" ad from shadow group:

Aside from Lieberman, who is the most conservative Democratic candidate?

How many dictators are still in power?

If Saddam is found guilty of crimes against humanity, will the US

What's your favorite Bush bumpersticker?

Mike Malloy's show disrupted.

Malloy Talking About Hussein And Debka File's Take !!!

RBHam (and DU posts) being read on air by Mike Malloy

Congressman Xavier Becerra Endorses Dean

Did anyone hear Brokaw on NBC News tonight say that Saddam

TBTM Radio #23: 'The Midnight Oil Edition'

An Iraqi tells why the opposition will grow!

What country will Bush pick a fight with next?

About Bev and Andy's BBV announcement Tuesday

Why Saddam captured alive is a good thing for us.

Pros of a Dean nomination

RFK Jr 'splains it all to you

Medical Marijuana Grades: Kucinich, M-B, Clark, Kerry...

Bush gains only one more point over Dean

Which fascist, found hiding in a hole, will cause you to vote for ABB?

CSPAN: Hudson Institute w/JM Marshall next to Richard Perle

No WMD and No Imminent Threat means Halliburton was not needed

Fellow I know talked to Gert Clark the other day, Clark will not be VP

Something the Deaniacs (and Kucinich-heads) need to realize-

The 'Republic of Fear' Is Dead - Fareed Zakaria

Howard Dean Wanted Vermont To "Overtake Bermuda" (His Words) As Tax Haven

Wes Clark - hero

Anyone who thinks Dean will be weak on foreign policy

Dupe, please lock

Guardian (UK): Army shells pose cancer risk in Iraq (DU)

Halliburton Gets More Business in Iraq

Rush Limbaugh Seeks Court Hearing to Keep Seized Medical Records Private

NJ Assembly approves bill to authorize stem cell research

Bill giving legal rights to same-sex couples advances (New Jersey)

BellSouth to cut 1,074 jobs next quarter

WP: Tribunal Planners Hope to Start Case by Spring

U.S., five Central American countries trying to wrap up free trade pact

EPA battles Canadian company over pollution

Ecuador: More Conflict Over Oil, Indigenous Rights

Bin Laden’s Iraq Plans

Analysts See Bigger Stock Rally -If Bin Laden Found

After Cheney's Private Hunt, Others Take Their Shots- NYT (new)

Saddam's Sister Says U.S. Forces Drugged Him

Woohoo my Orioles got Miguel Tejada

Someone at Cartoon Network has been smoking something...

America's Funniest Home Videos

CNN Zahn on mention of Clark ..but Gary Hart will be on

Best BILLY IDOL song

Fear Factor

Ad I heard for Hannity's radio show

I'M Spartacus!

Help me!!! Rush Limbaugh ett my Baybeee!!!

For those who haven't been to England

I must cut back/lurk for a while....

Baddest Muthaphukka evah!!

HAHAHA! Who saw Randy Moss get PUNKED yesterday!

How about that Mon. Night Football opening with Vince Vaughan

DU CatHouse Lovers - Share My Joy!

Hey Joe! (A Modern Interpretation with a few new lyrics and our own Joe)

The devil may have made me do this but

Blake Edwards to receive honorary Oscar this year (meaning 2004)

yawn. Night then!

My post made the Wall Street Journal

Anti-Free republic website

mmm, the Arod/Manny/Nomar trades are getting even closer...

Perhaps some one can help me here... It seems that just a few

Rush Limbaugh's chauffeur

Dean was in a really bad Ninja III movie...anyone

Woohoo! My town made it to!

Feelin' the hate

AOL Chat

Anyone just hear Mike Malloy?

Annoy the American Family Association

ROAD TRIP! Tomorrow morning!

I'm feeling ritzy tonight

I just paused The Two Towers on a great shot of Orlando Bloom--

Any 'Dr. Zhivago' fans out there? It just started on HBO Signature

Great Peter Werbe show last night...listen now...

Why Saddam's Capture Confirms that Slinkerwink Should be our Nominee

Pray for the fish...

MOVIE!!!!!!!!!! Watched "Winged Migration"

Dean as Aragorn

I watched "Being There" last night. And I have this horrible feeling.

Out Of The 18 Forums On DU, How Many Do You Visit Regularly?

should i go see gary hoey tonight?

My opinion: DUers spend too much time discussing Free Republic.

Let's hope the Dolphins beat the shit out of the Eagles tonight

More help with cats please

Hey Chicagoans: Favorite BBQ Joint is?


Greatest Gary Numan song?

I'm child-free for 15 hours New Year's Eve, so who wants to be my date???

Lord of the Rings nerds, I summon you!!!!!!!!!

"We got him!"

Marketing Advice and Product Feedback Wanted

Ravers check in!

DU Bumper Sticker?

New Puppy ("awwww" alert)

How do you like your Scotch?

What should we name the baby?

What's your favorite Three Dog Night song?

DU Catlovers - Share My Joy

Bitch Slap - I have a problem with this

I still love you.

In Germany, Saddam's capture sparks hopes for loved ones' return

ToGWB: The Ten Thousand Names of Dear Leader

Salon: "This Is Not America" – Lost Liberties

Official US response to capture of Saddam Hussein: a degrading spectacle

More Nader news

The "Interesting Bio" of the Guy behind Dean/Osama Ad/Business Interests!

Mr. Smith Limps Home (No Senate bribery says Hastert) NYT

Krugman: Patriots and Profits

Marie Cocco: Too Many Ifs Surround Hussein's Detention

Bush is still in a real hole

The Arab Press on Saddam Hussein’s Capture

Tomgram: High Noon in the Nuclear West

Zuckerman of USnews: An election...for a sheriff

Unpublished Gem

Capture still does not justify Iraq war: Philly Inquirer

Bush Is Still In A Real Hole

Washington Post: why only the Supreme Court can fight gerrymandering

Charley Reese on the neocon agenda

Don't ask, just don't ask - from

Governor's plan targets disabled (der GropenFuhrer)

Greens Announce record numbers of elected officials, registered voters

Molly Ivins: Boycott the Malls

What to do with Saddam? (UK Guardian)

wanted to share this

ABC Dianne Sawyer will

Tips for registering voters?

Nader's very own Online Survey: Should I run?

Skeletons in the closet: How America supported Saddam in the 80s (video)

Has any of the Iraq violence post Saddam made it to US TV or print?

Will Pitt letter on Randi Rhodes

GOPer Diller "resists Gore Charm, won't aid network" -veto's Dem ownership

evil Marc Racicot on WPR talk show, webcast 12/16 9AM Central

Honest question - Was there ever a joke about why Walter Mondale

"Baker Has Fruitful Talks With Chirac"Is it the media’s job to do RovePR?

Sky-Boxing With Arnold

Anyone heard of him and his book?

E-lens -- Has anyone used them?

Thinking about opening a B & B - anyone have experience with one?

Is it this simple?

Inconsistency and the Bible

Mercury Retrograde - Dec. 17, 2003 to Jan. 6, 2004

"Is Science a Religion?" - Richard Dawkins

South Korea Loosens Its Collar - It is becoming a progressive state

ANSWER files FOIA demanding disclosure of FBI spying activities

List Of Ex-Military Brass Denouncing 'Don't Ask' Grows To 15

Gay Canadian MP Quits New Tories Joins Liberals

2 More Universities Extend Rights To Gay Workers

Criminalizing Dissent

NY Times: Ruse in Toyland: Chinese Workers' Hidden Woe

NY Times: Chinese Girls' Toil Brings Pain, Not Riches

NY Times: Chinese Economy's Underside: Abuse of Migrants

NY Times: Ohio Town Hurt Hard ad Industry Moves to China

36 month decrease in jobs (12/1/00 to 12/1/03 is now 2,471,000 jobs

Off Shoring

NY Times: Toxins Are Part of Cost of Boom in China's Exports

UK Will Import 2/3 Of Its Natural Gas By 2012 - Reuters

In Haiti, Deforestation Grinds On And On And On

Bush Mercury Proposal Angers Ohio Company

Haitian Water Crisis Intensifies

Penn. DEP chief calls federal plan for mercury controls a 'disaster'

Searching For Snow In Duluth to Track Bush Administration’s “Environmental Misdeeds”

NY Times: China Brands Muslim Groups as Terrorists

NY Times: Joy Fades as Iraqis Chafe Under a Grim Occupation

NY Times: Meeting on New Constitution, Afghan Women Find Old Attitudes

NY Times: African Girls' Route to School Is Still Littered With Obstacles

NY Times: Is Polygamy Confusing, or Just a Matter of Family Values?

No Sign of Truce in Georgian Standoff

The Economimst: Canada's New Leader - Perspectives from Britain

Dean's Speech on Iraq Brings Rebuttals From Rivals

NY Times: Justices Agree to Tackle Antitrust Case

Texas housewife busted for selling Vibrator to undercover cop

GUNS IN THE NEWS--December 16, 2003

? For Anti Gun control Democrats

What is your choice for a personal defense firearm?

Jesse Ventura's attack on the pot laws show

Why was this thread locked? It isn't even mine, but

FYI, the site was down from 2:13 to 2:49 Central time.

Where are the archives?

Can we have a room that is specifically for

Administrators - Is Santa for real?

Hey, just a thought

How many kicks

Help for a newbie.

Why were my posts deleted? They weren't inflammatory

Is it possible to have a reverse ignore feature?

Dumb question; what's the "Hidden" feature for?

I thunk up an idee

My post was removed for referring to Ann Coulter

why was I alerted again?

Very small thing I noticed on a locked thread..


A question about post-primary screennames

When Rush mentions us on air again...

How have the new rules

How long till we can search archives again?

A question

How do I submit a photo to the gallery?

Why isn't this thread locked as continuation of a flame war?

What precisely is "inflamatory"

I have antoher question

Is there a "search user posts" option?

NY Times: 2 Palestinians Killed by Israelis at Boundary of Gaza Strip

Sharon predicts Qureia will fall within six months

Pahad slams 'apartheid wall' in Israel

Israeli invasion leaves 200 homeless

Bush's Egyptian challenge

Court: State must justify fence route at E. J'lem village

Red-Green Anti-Semitism

NY Times: Chain of Events in the Middle East Conflict - A Chronology

The Return of Anti-Semitism

Five conscripts convicted for refusing to serve

The Sixth Sense

Dichter: Security forces haven't given Israelis security

Israel Says Saddam's 1991 Scud Attacks May Be War Crimes

Israel Likely to Bar Arafat from Bethlehem Mass

Fewer Palestinians back suicide bombings - poll

One-state awakening

Teen critically wounded from IDF gunfire in Nablus

Israeli troops kill unarmed Palestinians


Anyone here coming to a democrat.meetup?

Anyone see the trolls on kickingass?

New WPA-ABC Poll - Dean leads nationally

Question for those of us who voted for Gore on 2000...

Kerry Charts Complex Course on War (WashPost)

The Tea is in the Harbor

Did members of Congress have more information than us?

Saddam w/Dem-in power or in prison?prob. out of power in different process

Dean leads in poll of Dem state voters (Arizona)

Technology Plans of John Kerry

Attn New Mexico Clark supporters: Las Cruces Office is now OPEN

Dean endorsed by over 20 Georgia politcos

Ex-Rep. Feighan chairs group running ads to discredit Dean

Congressional check bouncer chairs group running anti-Dean ads

Rumor Falsely Portrays Howard Dean as "Enemy" of Israel

Iowa Democratic County Chairs Tilt to Dean

"Old sweat sock beats Unelectable GWB in general election"


Lord of the Roots

An Open Letter to All Democratic Presidential Campaign Managers -- Trippi

Bereuter Expected to Retire From House

Democratic Superdelegate Count: Kerry Ahead, Dean Surging

MO-4: Former rep. will support Clinton aide if McCarthy bows out

Media sucks up to Bush, derides Dean

Clark Leads by Double Digits in OK Presidential Primary Tally Board

TN: Poll shows Bush carrying state in next year’s election

Thune says he will not run for House seat vacated by Janklow

Congresswoman Hilda Solis Endorses Dean for President

Wisconsin attorney general endorses Dean for president

S'pose Marcus 'succeeds' who's the best man for the job?

Would you support a moderate Democrat as VP?

Why is Dean a stronger candidate than Clark?

Kucinich campaign check in. How does it look in your area?

What if we elect a Democrat to the White House?

Would a Dean win be a Pyrrhic victory?

Kerry will CLOBBER Bush with BCCI and Ollie North's Contra connection...

Why Clark is unfit to be Democratic Nominee for President and Dean is

vote libermen in 2004

"We got him!"

why can't Saddam stay in Ferdinand Marcos old house in Hawaii?

I have a couple political t-shirt ideas, tell me what you think?

Hey...the SC will take up the Cheney secret meetings!

Oh Look at this most Sinister man!

Whenever DU gets a mention on RW media...

Re-Run: 11:34 ET, KERRY Smashing O'REILLY

Bitch Slap - I have a problem with this

Does the world owe us anything?

My response to this party being in its death throes.

I cannot get this timeline out of my head.

Candidate Clark packs Delray temple

Expect this w/ anything Saddam says.

Unedited Footage - please review draft

Wouldn't it be cool if Ross Perot ran for President again...

Fresno ( Freeper City ) To Sue State For VLF Funds?

The idiot is on Cspan now...

Even Taiwan doubts Bush...

Bin Laden Proves the Hardier Prey

I Liked It Better Without Candidate Avatars

Focus, Focus, Focus

Have we completely lost sense of reality?

terrific cartoon in the Guardian. I love that newspaper

Talking point!! Proof that Bush loves Saddam more than his own people

Kerry's house of cards

Tom"We got what"....not easy for the US

Corrupt Seattle Times on Jim McDermott

The so-called capture of SH

They actually spoke truth on CNN this morning

Delusions in Baghdad - By Mark Danner (new book)

Anybody think Dean's speech this AM totally rocked??

Former Governor Babbitt to Endorse Dean Also

Everyone should read this quote!

Clark's Atlantic Charter Speech, The Hague

After Losing Momentum, Kerry Is Shifting Tactics to Gain 'Bounce' in Iowa

Cheney and Ceausescu, birds of a feather:

Does Dubya Have A New "Tick" ... A New Annoying Habit?...

CNNI financial analyst called Bush's "strong dollar policy" pure rubbish

If Saddam is considered a POW, then why are we parading around videos of

Saddam’s Capture Means Trouble for U.S. Officials

Tribune sub criticizes rah rah reporting

ABC Early AM News

Remember this.

BBV: the word is spreading further every day

Explosion in baghdad 9am est

Latest Tom Tomorrow 12-16

BBV: NY TIMES article includes voting machine industry lobbyist quotes

The Threat from Computerized Voting Machines.

Kerry supporters, honest question, do you sometimes have doubts?

Iowan DUers...can you tell me if the dean attack ads against gep

Dupe, Mods please delete

Will Hussein call Rumsfeld as a Defense Witness?

Civics 101: Your local Central Committees

French and American Laywers to try to defend Saddam

if you remember how obsessed i got with the filler nozzles..(WMD)

We must take the Presidential Debates away from the DNC & RNC Chairs

Bush's Press Conference--- OMG

Signed up a "non-political" person to vote.........

Hey. You guys had better get on the offense and forget the defense a while

Good Morning, Herr Limbaugh

NJ Governor McGreevey to Endorse Dean

Strom Thurmond's inter-racial daughter's mother was 16 years old?

Dennis Kucinich presently on KPFA

shopping :stores asking for personal information

WashPost editorial pins Ossama/Dean ad on Gephardt connections

Other than Haliburton?

Positive article about John Kerry from today's New York Times...

My gay Libertarian friend thinks Hilary is an evil socialist

Kennedy Wows NH Crowd, Says Kerry Would Not Have Taken Us To War

Toughen up! to Track Bush Administration’s “Environmental Misdeeds”

Is anyone who helped Hussein just as culpable for crimes against humanity?

Kerry supporters: Honest question, do you sometimes have doubts?

We Can All Do Something Positive

Which "Tough Guy" do we need to elect to defeat * ?

Faux News also in on reading cherry-picked forum postings

Coulter a rat, O'Reilly has no talent-------Tina Fey/Franken

Lieberman on live (Noon et)

Halliburton serves the troops dirty food--for $28/day!!

Did the Valerie Plame story die already?

"Dean Haters"

Inuit Indians begin rights case against Bush over global warming

The Pledge of No Free Sound Bites........

Howard Dean on Taxes and the Economy

Stop Funding Sites That Promote Organizing Against Democratic Candidates

John Kerry on taxes and the economy

Terry McAulliffe coming to Wash DC meetup!!

Colorado library stands up to right wing pressure

Ramsey Clark offers to Defend Saddam!!!

A Thousand Saddams

Dean Picks Up a Whole Slew of Endorsements in the South

The EGO has Landed! Come, we go look the latest from Mynah Matters

Sen Rockefeller on CNN

Lieberman attacks Dean more than Bush...

Rush busted for picking up gay prostitute?

Sources: New Jersey Gov McGreevey to endorse Dean

Need help to win an argument on the UN

So US forces will kill you if you try to exercise your new freedom in Iraq

Who's more impressive - Dean or Trippi?

"E-Voting Critics Grow Louder"

The rush to have Rush convert Iraqi Dittoheads. Soon, the GOP

Isn't it funny? No, I guess not.

Iran wants Saddam tried for atrocities during Iran Iraq War

Boeing and current Secretary of State Sam Reed

Howard Dean: The Goring has begun.

Jim McDermott refered to as 'Baghdad Jim' in MSNBC headline

Clark faces Milosevic questions (CNN online)

Anyone being paid by a campaign should reveal that

BBC: "Secret Labs Uncovered in Iraq"

Why it is important that the Democratic Party oppose the war..

Do you know any hackers or crackers?

Saddam Hussein remains a huge problem

Aren't we about to land a couple of probes on Mars?

Ha Ha, O'Reilly's a liar again:

Debka: Will Saddam Trade His WMD Secrets for His Life?

Saddam and the Flu

Help Please! Need DOL / Gov link with total job loss numbers under Bush*!

Has anyone seen the new movie UNCOVERED:The whole truth about the iraq war

Which is the most beautiful bat?:

Pathetic Washington Press Corpse At Rummy Pr. Conf.

Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard Endorses Dean

"Slate's" Kaus on NPR says Brokaw or Buffet could run as Candidates

No more trouble from AZ Joe - Jimmy jackboots Robinson say No DU!

Madonna to have in home concert for Wes Clark!!!

NPR this morning...

Rummy is getting drilled about the Saddam capture, what’s up?

Is Bush really gaining momentum over the Saddam capture?

Dean Supporters: E-mail Alert!

Do you feel pity and compassion for Saddam?

My Mindblowing Chat w/the Exec. Editor of my local paper (ex LA Times)...

Dean Folks, On Diane Rehm(sp?) One of Deans F.P. Advisors Disses Him!

The Enemy Within: The NeoCon Hijacking of America, Manuel Valenzuela

Matt Gonzalez (Green) to endorse Dennis K today

A Saddam Chronology

Bruce Babbitt endorses Howard Dean

I'm looking for the Kucinich/Clark comparison

Help Me Win An Argument

Pure Paranioa (and no offense to Kerry supporters) but...

Slobodan vs. Saddam

Ha Ha, O'Reilly's a liar again

It feels like only a matter of time before we may see clashes...

Why do you think Gore endorsed Dean.....?

Stars and Stripes letters: Get Limbaugh off Armed Forces Radio

Kudos to Howard Dean

Hate rhetoric in Afghanistan

What's up with ieamerica?

Kerry outlines steps he says needed to win peace in postwar Iraq

a degrading spectacle

I think Saddam's capture will have no effect on any candidate

Daily Kos UNLOADS on Kucinich

I've got Drudge & Bush-lovers RILED UP

Is Dean really suffering from the Saddam Capture?

Al-Qaida is after our cows.

This inter-party fighting worries me to death

Did Saddam deserve to be treated like a cow in the video?

How long will the Bushists be able to milk Saddam capture?

A True Democrat - what will that be?

Quebec: Growing opposition to Liberals’ class war agenda (massive protest)

Check out the original anti-Dean movement-Vermont's progressive party

Dean, Clark and the South

Anyone think Dumbya's response to Dean's 9-11 question was WIERD?

Scum-sucking usurers in Georgia preying on soldiers...

Ken does not like it when people call George a nazi..

Has George Bush done ANYTHING you agree with?

"Free Saddam" billboard seen in Downtown Kansas City

Yepsen, Des Moines Register: Dems Must Decide, Is Dean Still Viable?

Limbaugh Just Called Saddam "A Late-Term Fetus"

Join the 'Stop Marcus' Movement

To Counter Bush, Dems Must Present a Different Version of a Safe World

Stop Dean movement member: Hillary Supporter!

A question concerning the notion of Saddam leading us to WMD.

S'pose Marcus 'succeeds' who's the best man for the job?

"More than half the money driving the political campaigns comes from ....

BREAKING FOX: Saddam Hussein STILL Captured

Another SuperDelegate Endorses Dean

Anyone Hear Kissinger on Diane Rehm This Morning?

Jim McDermott: If it Happened, you can bet it was planned that way (FDR)

Bush's all-time stupidest moments

Madonna Endorses Clark

Iraq Politically Motivated--Help Me with Freepers

C-SPAN- Edwards on now 4:30pm EST

Madonna Endorses Clark

Bill O'Reilly Just Told Me....

Charley Reese on the neocon agenda.

Stop Marcus supporter is Marcus?

Anti Dean Campaign underway

Does this Kerry headline confuse any of you?

Will Wes Clark form a "Department Of Time Travel?

Should Dean expose 9/11 during the general election?

"I promise never to say (Dean) is unelectable again."

How do you feel about pro-war democrats attacking Dean

a theoretical question

WOW, I Was Just Talking About a Clark Fundraiser on His Site's Front Page!

Organ Harvesting for fun and profit...

"Anti this" Anti that" -- Have you learned NOTHING?

Paula Zahn, CNN special on the Clinton impeachment. Rehashing..

Iraqi scientist said tohave fled to Iran actually working with the UK

Where to Focus the Anger...

Consumerism as religion

I hate to keep asking this....but

The Black Vigil, me, and my sons

CNN: A Violent Day In Iraq

Stop dean movement: A dean supporter trick?

CNN is a bunch of lying scum bags,,,

BBV Blackbox Voting announcement pending Thread 2

NYT: Afghanistan Opens a Rebuilt Road to Unite North and South

our Blue's Clue's president

Kerry, Gephardt, Lieberman & the IWR of 2002

Will We All Unite behind our nominee next year?

Where's the outcry?

Patriot Act Two is coming soon to your neighborhood

Enjoy Krugman this morning

How does Saddam's capture hurt Howard Dean?

Josh Mashall on C-Span 2 Now discussing PNAC with Perle

Let's reconsider the Iraq War Resolution vote.

Daily Democrat: A positive discussion about Carol Moseley Braun

How do presidential candidates who advocate middle-class tax hikes usually

In other news, while we fight each other

The Death Throes of the Democratic Party

John Kerry's Four Point Plan on Winning the Peace in Iraq...

With Saddam Gone, Could GORE PULL BACK or Switch Horses?

Excellent comparison of Dean vs. Kucinich

Defusing Dean Attack Memes

Anyone who needs cheering up should click here

Dean reflects rural New England's conservative liberal traditions

How many of you think that Wesley Clark is being set up?

VOTE - Will Iraq ensure Bush a second term?

This is wrong. Dems attack each other rather than Bush

News Analysis: Saddam’s Capture Means Trouble for U.S. Officials

US News - Keeping Secrets

Novak slams McDermott (Crossfire)

DU is being talked about over at CHUD!

Best Kerry V.P. : Num, Breaux, Bayh, Clark, McCain

X candidate needs to clean up his/her campaign (et al)

Kerry Speech - Iraq & World Alliances

Abortion Rate down 21.3% thanks to Morning After Pill availablity......

reporting on Iraq War and George Orwell

Should liberals get angrier?

Draft with no deferments

Saddam, martyr for the cause

"This is not America" - Undescribably frightening account of miami protest

A Saddam Chronology

Hypothetical: They find WMD's in Iraq

Hillary as VP

The Dick MORRIS-Roy COHN Wingnut Web--Jules FEIFFER?!

Why does Dean always wear the same outfit?

The odds that the Saddam led Iraqi Government helped al-Qaida?

Bush with Diane Sawyer

Sen. Breaux: Dean Win like Sun Won't Shine Again

The GOP has come to Iraq for the SPICE

What if the unthinkable happens?

Trippi on Hardball Tonight at 7PM EST

WCVB Poll: Dean Tops In N.H.

Primaries and general election, if Dean wants nomination-toughen up!

Is The Jerusalem Post a trust worthy source?

Did Bush ever say...

An Open Letter to Anti-Dean Partisans

Dean vs. Kucinich?

A Republican just told me he has never heard the word neocon

Dean & Clark statistically tied in South Carolina

Breaking News! Boston Globe runs positive story on John Kerry

Post-Saddam Poll::: Dean Does Better Against Bush than Clark

Has anyone had feedback on M. Malloy Show from last night?

"Can you prove Saddam and Osama were former US employees?"

New Fiore cartoon.... fantastic!

Joe Trippi in an Open Letter to the Democratic Candidates

The $500 ice cream cone, part deux.

US Documents Prove 80's US/Iraqi "Co-operation"

A new Enron? "Two energy partnerships to create huge, new entity"

A Draft with no deferments

BBV: Why is The League of Women Voters against paper ballots?

Daily Democrat: A positive discussion about John Edwards

Any doubts that BushCo hasn't had Saddam on a leash for some time?

NY Times: A Big Museum Opens, to Jeers as Well as Cheers (Enola Gay)

Isn't This A Beautiful Bat?

We Broke the Bat Again!

Tell Me This Guy is not a World Leader


Why do you all hate Rush???

Are Repugs and Freepers afraid of attacking Clark?

TLM's Report On Howard Dean At The House Of Blues.

DEATH! Doom, and Destruction for the Democratic Party

We're going to have to go with Clark

USA's Trade in Chemical Arms Allowed Despite Their Use on Iranians, Kurds

Inflation at 38-Year Low

Who's the Bigger Moron - George W. Bush or Saddam Hussein?

Why Howard Dean cannot win a general election

Environmental Scorecard: The Great, Great Candidate Chasm

The $500 ice cream cone.

CNN: Lieberman has asked staffers to take a "pay deferral."

Clark Supporters: How Do You Defend His Republican Voting Record?

More pics from Dean Rocks the House of Blues

Bill Nelson: Senators Told Saddam's Weapons Could Hit U.S.

CNN: Clark Campaign hits Kerry

A good outcome of Saddam's capture!

My challenge to the Young Conservatives of Texas: ENLIST!

The Daily "Dirt On Rush" Thread

Deleted message

"Dems better shape up" according to Harley Sorenson

Unfreep this Poll

Dennis Kucinich = Hero

Dean foreign policy speech on Cspan right now

'Stop Dean' founder a Clark Activist

Why is Rush’s wife’s name still Marta Fitzgerald?

Is the world "safer" without Saddam Hussein?

Psssst! Remember this guy?

If Lieberman was our only chance to defeat Bush would you support him?

Texas housewife busted for selling Vibrator to undercover cop

Debating Conservatives

The next time someone ridicules blackhelicopter/tinfoilhat/etc.

SF Examiner looks favorably upon Kucinich

Don't miss Bush press conference clip re: 9/11 advance warning

Howard Dean at House of Blues

BBV Press Conference - Summary

Why is there so much hostility toward Northeastern liberals...

Fighting for the Welfare State (continued from Part I)

NASA Trouble-Shooter to Probe Iraq Contracts (A White House lawyer)

Official US response to capture of Saddam Hussein: a degrading spectacle

Government To Purchase FluMist at A Discount..

Fort Carson soldier falls from vehicle, dies in Iraq -Monday

U.S. Is Losing Focus on Terror Fight, Panel Says

Nations discuss reducing Iraq debt

Hatred at American from children...

Strom Thurmond's family confirms paternity claim

Guatemala 'political' priest dead (assassination)

New Policy on Mercury Pollution Was Rejected by Clinton EPA

Awarding Of Contract Is Delayed U.S. Rethinks Plan For Paper, Networks

Dean Does Not Waver on Iraq Criticism |WP

Anti-war MPs give Blair no respite over WMD hunt

International divisions over death penalty

Michael Jackson May Be Charged This Week

Saddam a POW, Red Cross says

Will Saddam Trade His WMD Secrets for His Life?

Texas housewife busted for selling Vibrator to undercover cop

McDermott again in hot water over Saddam comments

Texas housewife busted for hawking erotic toys

Government Space Budgets To Continue Growth

Who Will Judge Saddam? Former British MP Tony Benn Discusses

Wesley Clark Testifies Against Milosevic in War Crimes Trial

Syria not worried about threats of US attack, says Assad

Meanwhile, in Iraq the slaughter goes on

Harper to enter Conservative leadership race (Cdn Politics)

Psychoanalysing Saddam

Statue sought in honor of Zell Miller

Seattle P-I: Everett lands 7E7

Karzai seen winning bid for strong Afghan president

Iraqi insurgency leader surrenders.......Izzat Ibrahim

Capture boosts Bush in Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll

New weapon can fire round corners

Palestinians see Hussein as a tyrant, yet their ally

Compromise Reached on New York's WTC Tower

Blix upbeat over Saddam capture

BBV - YAHOO: E-Voting Critics Grow Louder

Capture is triumph for 2 generations of Bushes

Iraq Official: U.N. Failed Us and Should Help Now

December 22 Newsweek preview.....Regime Change in Iran?

Fewer Palestinians back suicide bombings - poll

Retailers fret as shoppers play waiting game

Milosevic 'as petulant as ever'

Daughter calls for international trial (Saddam)

Hussein capture unlikely to lead to WMD stash: ex-UN weapons chief Blix

Attempt to Revive WTO Negotiations Falters

Saddam Arrest Cheer Fades Into Iraqi Ire at U.S.

New Jersey's Governor to Endorse Dean

High Court Will Review Ruling On Cheney Task Force Records (means a delay

Iraqi violence flares, even after Saddam

Tiger mauls 10-year-old boy to death (North Carolina at Uncle's Home)

Halliburton handed Iraq contract (scam continues)

McDermont calls Bush administration liars

Bush Is Still In A Real Hole

EPA pulls its officers off homeland security

Blair Backs Move to Punish Spain and Poland

Irans Khamenei satisfied over Saddam arrest; targets Bush and Sharon

MSNBC- U.S. troops capture rebel leader, 78 others

Canada Has Its Priorities Straight...

WA State Government Ships IT Work Offshore

Halliburton units file for bankruptcy (k b&r?)

Saddam capture a warning for Palestinians and Damascus: Israel

Brit. Intelligence Leaker Facing Prison Time For Exposing U.S.-UN Surveil

Iraqis question US bodycount

Clark's Kosovo: Why he's testifying at the Hague

DA to file charges against Michael Jackson

Ex-U.S. Attorney General (Ramsey Clark) Ready To Defend Saddam

US Economy Shows Continued Growth

Secret labs' uncovered in Iraq

CIA Taking Lead in Saddam Interrogation

Arabs 'must learn from Saddam fate'

France, U.S. Agree Must Cooperate to Rebuild Iraq

Human Clone Experiment Repeated Successfully

Ex-U.S. Attorney General Ready To Defend Saddam

NBC Poll: Bush gets Saddam, and a boost

Germany Agrees to Help Relieve Iraqi Debt

Kirchner, Latinamerican man of the year (Argentine Pres.)

Israel planning unilateral withdrawals despite opposition.

New Israeli weapons system may revolutionise urban warfare

Whistleblowers using Iraq contracting tip line, lawmaker says

(Guardian) Israel Had Plot to Kill Saddam Hussein

New Democratic Group Finances Republican-like Attack on Dean

Iraqi insurgency leader surrenders

At Trial of Milosevic, Clark Sees Model for Hussein's Prosecution

Cardinal Says U.S. Treated Saddam 'Like a Cow'

Bush Signs First National Anti-Spam Bill Into Law

Federal judge admonishes Ashcroft for statements about terror trial

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday December 16.....(#1)

CAFTA: Costa Rica Balks at U.S. Trade Demands

France and Germany Give Baker Lukewarm Reaction on Iraq Debt

Thune says he will not run for House seat vacated by Janklow

Kerry Would Expand Military As President

CalPERS suing NYSE, specialists

The dollar reaches new all-time lows against the Euro

U.S. Troops Kill 11 in Iraq After Ambush

Robin Williams Entertains Troops in Iraq

Anti-War Protest Set for Republican Convention

FDA panel says Morning After pills ok to sell over the counter

'Captured Saddam' Action Figure, Just in Time for the Holidays

Bush Says Saddam Should Face 'Ultimate Justice'

Congressman says capture may have been staged to help Bush!!

Anyone seen Soderberg's SOLARIS?

I called my local NPR station last Friday to raise HELL

Take the first step - Video

Time for the Daily Show!

"After months of searching, we finally got...

Anita Baker's Voice Is So Beautiful

Jay Leno stole a joke from DU!

Houston DUers

I gave my heart and soul to you, girl...

Oh no, Republican propaganda!

My brother was harsh...Even for Bush...

An odd legal question

Pookie and the family get dressed up!

I won't believe its Saddam till Comical Ali confirms it !

What was Saddam doing when the troops found him?

Has anyone checked spider holes for Cheney?

That was one greasy bacon FLOTTZBURGER!

I think WONK should have his own TV station

"Fog of War" anyone know anything about it ?

Hey, what happened?? Did DU take a crap for about a half hour??

Could Jesus beat George Bush?

Honey and the Moon

new Savage Weiner advertiser Kansas City Royals

Christmas Cookie Recipe (heeeheeeteeeheee)

new O'reilly advertiser City Union Mission

Anyone up at this hour?

Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters...

wow I love GD this early in the morning

I've noticed a lot of DUers share my eclectic musical tastes

Al-Gebra: The new terrorist threat

Got my spring time vacation signed, sealed and delivered

new OxyRush advertiser Jumpin Catfish

Im off to school

Upsets galore in DU Fantasy Football.

"He's a murderer. A torturer. He gassed his own people."

Happy 20th Birthday.........

I got my wisdom teeth pulled today. Ask me anything.

Weirdest Saddam Hussein reference yet.

Top Ten Questions Asked By Saddam Hussein When He Was Captured

Tush Lamebowel claims to be Stonewall Jackson's illegitimate

Computer folks...Sound Card question....

Battle Day 16

Favorite Wynonie Harris Song?

Any DUers fans of Southside Johnny?

Man Calls Police After Someone Stole His Marijuanna

Computer related question for DUers with Windows

Any DU'ers fans of Southside Denny?

Haters, Bashers and Critics / Hatees, Bashees and The Criticized

Hadassah Lieberman Shocker!

Is it nap time yet?

Apaches praise accuracy in "The Missing"

"Goodbye And Good Riddance"

Digital Camera search is on....

Proof I am very bored today

bless me father, I have sinned: I found Tucker Carlson hot....

“The Clinton Wars” by Sidney Blumenthal

Sick day roll call!

HBO Carnivàle fans: Second season is on the way!

Finish This Sentence: "I Am Most Proud Of...."

Something ODD About New Electronic Voting Machines (Boston Globe)

Another Bob Boudelang write-alike

I am the self proclaimed Hall monitor of this forum cross me and....

CNN now writing hilarious captions for Bush speeches

would you believe a wooden Ferrari? . . .

The Group Therapy Theory of Flamewars

Hey Pigboy James Sokolove is looking for you

Urrrrgh...up all night...

How about we use Rush to raise funds for a new server?

Computer problem: Problems with Java client

UPDATE on My String-Eating Kitty

My eyes!!! My eyes!!!!

'Simple Kind of Life' by No Doubt

How do you like this tie?

The Daily Show last night (must see) " member of the need a Bathe party"

I shopped at Wal Mart . . . please forgive me . . .

My dirty little secret--I read "My Turn" by Nancy Reagan

One of the attorneys I work with just gave me this story, had to share.

I finally saw an ad for Curb Your Enthusiam

I just bought my wife 'The Office' First Season on DVD for Christmas

Question: Where do you keep the booze?


Help Please! Need DOL / Gov link with total job loss numbers under Bush*!

I'm a Newbie

I just had a long chat with the FReeper from Hell!

Interesting LoTR tidbit (no spoiler)

Newsflash! "Prostate Cancer Most Common Among Men" >

Should I read this book?

Do you know any hackers or crackers?


Only 1 more week til Festivus: Let's start with "The Airing of Grievances"

Just got my Webmaster's Certificate!

"Captured Saddam" action figure, just in time for the holidays

Yipes! Could Saddam Hussein be our new Vice President?

Hey Rush.... McNabb & the Eagles have won 9 games in a row.

I rarely pass along emails...But this is GOOD! Especially for Dog people

Top 10 questions Administrators ask about FinnFan

I want to donate my pool table to charity

Kittens are TOO weird!

Exploring Dystopia

Elephants can't take a joke, apparently

I have 8 quarts of chili cooking on the stove....Who wants some??

Anybody like scented candles?

Need odd-ball literature recommendations

St. Petersburg DUers!


photo proof that we needed to take out Saddam! Calling Will Pitt!

Someone's happy they caught Saddam!

I konw now why shrub captured 'Saddam the Evil One'!

Who's going to see "RETURN OF THE KING?" Opening Night?

Is Pet Insurance worth the investment?

Nightline proclaims itself, Accurate & credible.

Anyone ever hear of Sean Cullen?

Best Pop-up Blocker?

the apparent adventures of driving in France

Dumb semi-newbie question but...

Where should TXLib, KCDem and kids go for Christmas?

The "Meme" Meme

Best gift for that dittohead family member

Do you have a conservative/Republican partner?

My best friend has just been let go by his wife.

listening to Patti Smith (HORSES), ask me anything when it's over

I saw something last night that made me think of matcom..

Aragorn or Legolas?

Contest time

Another "George Bush Fake President" action figure doll

Hey... That's Nice. -- What Fragrance Is That You're Wearing?

Name that scientist!

Saddam hired by Norelco

Marijuana inscense


"I have diarrhea!!!" And other SpongeBob quotes

How do you clear the snow off of your car??

Faramir or Eomer?

Look out Minneapolis, I'm comin' atcha!!!

Enjoy my new signature

Treebeard or Birchseed? (gotta be fair to the ents)

Anyone else watch "Tough Crowd"

S'pose Marcus 'succeeds' who's the best man for the job?

Still batting 1000% would you believe me if I told you that Bush would not

Ia m jamming to Tommy in my cube- Ask away?

True or False: Strangers with Candy was a genius show

weee 300 posts

Join the 'Stop Marcus' Movement

Am I cooler, or less cool?

I need good vibes and help

My landlord is a god...

BBV: Seattle Press Conference! (what they revealed, revealed!)

Tucker Carlson In Iraq--crossfire

Anyone know the deal on BATTLESTAR Galactica?

Need help with Menu Items

Hey Everyone The Dean campaign raised 1 Million Dollars!!!

My interview with Janeane Garofalo

must not click, must not look

XBOX gamers

Dadaist spam

Where will The Return of the King end up on the list of Highest Grossing

Zombie Survival Guide

Another dreaded letter from American Airlines.

For those who haven't been to LBN: FDA approves OTC morning after pill

lookin' good

Barrow compares Giants' loss to being raped

What Saddam really said when they found him

I'm registering my entire town to vote.

Lies and the lying liars who tell them: a fair and balanced look at school

Do you like clip shows (flashback episodes)?

Ooooo, he's BAD!

Feeling better now thanks all

Poll for the lurking freepers

Neighborhood Grocery Stores...

PolI: If Hillary runs against Bush for president in 04, who will you vote

seen this at rense.c0m

The Arrogant Amiable Ayatollah of CAPTIONS!

CAPTION a special one on one moment with the public

I just ate an entire sleeve

I'm making pot roast tonight.

The Presidential Paladin of all CAPTIONS!

Best British Film

So then I said to Arnold, THIS is how you do it! (CAPTION)

ARod to the Red Sox, Manny to the Rangers, Nomar to the Dodgers

"Christmas in the Trenches"

Isn't Wesley a girl's name?

Best Disaster Film

I have about 3 feet of snowcover in my yard

Eowyn or Arwen?

Goodbye to you my trusted friend

Agarn or Orourke?

True or False: Jimminy Glick worst show EVER


Into biorhythms? You've got to see this!

Title for JohnKleeb

How Straight/Gay are you?

Idea for those Unemployed...

krYpTik mYsTykS


When did Americans first make profits off enemy people?

My Materialistic Life is Now Complete! My DVD Recorder came!

Top 10 things read in the "Ask the Administrators" forum

Is Your Regular UPS Driver A HOTTIE?

How much do you love your pet?

Who do you think is Deep Throat?

Favorite Patti Smith Song

Just Spoke to an Out-of-Work IT Friend

Attention DU literature fans!: A new semi-regular feature!

New Gillette Ad Campaign: Saddam - Before & After (Image)

A Brief Caption is needed here

What is and what are reasons for a medically induced coma?

Here's A Military What If?

Old, obscure or favorite songs you'd like to hear major artists cover

Who Was The Head Of The Household When You Were A Kid?

This Was the Top Ten That Wasn't

Best Fictional President?

What are you listening to?

100 years ago today- a great invention was born

Uh...(cough)'s me......knock's ME!.........CAPTION

CAPTIONS of a Brain-Dead Pwesident.....

Yeah me! I just got a promotion and a raise!

CAPTION-------"YOUR" is the operative word

For my 400th post, I'd like everyone to share cookie recipes

Just Got Back From Barnes & Noble Where I HID All The NeoCon Books!

DU TOON POLL: Best Theme/Opening for Animated Series

What defines sexual harassment in the workplace?

Queen's servant is a Gay Porn Star

This strikes me as the funniest DU thread I've seen in a while

Favorite song by THE CARS

HawkerHurricane's NFL Power Ratings!

World War II Conspiracy Theories.

Nader's Online Survey: Should I run?