Modernize, but don't Americanize
When does gerrymandering become a threat to democracy?
SF area DUers, and all others- "Uncovered" house parties Sunday
Boy punished for talking about gay mom
National Debt: $5.4 trillion by 2013?
Does voting on polls count as posts?
I am objecting to a second locking of a thread
M'kay, couple of issues here re: login
Manifestations of anti-Semitism in the European Union
Democrats can use assault weapons ban renewal for their advantage
The Clark Freeping at DU is getting really scary
Kerry Goes F'N BALLISTIC On Ashcroft And Will REPLACE The Patriotic Act!!!
Kucinich goes after Diebold; demands inquiry
Kucinich on World AIDS Day, 12/1/03
Census of the Republican Party
How many Dem's have you registered?
OMG... Gives New Meaning to DICK Gephardt... LOL
Moore's "Fahrenheit 911" to be released Election Day 2004!
Take a moment and do some good
Boy punished for talking about gay mom
The Economy May Well Be Picking Up…
Who Tried To Bribe Rep. Smith?
DeLay & Barton subpoenas (in Texas redistricting case) quashed
I didn't watch Hardball, I'm still not anti-dean
* photo ops we'd love to see.... (got one?
I just unloaded on the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
I just unloaded on a fellow Democrat
Move On Voter Fund has started running tv ads
Are you a secret Clark Freeper?
Guys we are in big trouble -- an unabashed hawk's unvarnished warning
"Right time for Left Wing Radio" this is a poll on aol.
Discovery Health program - 375,000 AIDS Orphans in South Africa
The truthout radio broadcast is now live
A Report On The Clark Meet-up In Northern Virginia
anyone recall the Peekskill riots of 1949?
If they lied about the British Airways story...?
anyone attend a Clark MeetUp tonight?
OMG... Gives New Meaning to DICK Gephardt... LOL
Army Org, Lesson I Forgot: The Class VI Supply System (part one)
White House Version of Mid-Air Exchange Disputed
No bodies found after Iraq gunfight. BIZARRE.
Is anyone else getting sick of the Dean/Clark Bashing?
Dean just referred to Russia as the Soviet Union thrice
Can a Dean supporter define for me the term "Dean basher"??
Was there an economic boom at anytime during the 80s?
New bullet tested on Iraqi by security consultant
Wash Post reports on who Dean's been consulting with
For What It's Worth: From Viet Nam to Iraq
How liberal is the Presbyrterian Christian church?
why hasn't Clark released ALL of his military records?
Utah Polygamist Invokes Ruling on Gay Sex
TBTM Radio #21: 'Leftover Turkey Edition'
John Edwards has his tv ads online.
What a cool night tonight (Clark meetup)
How's this for "in your face"...Israel thumbing its nose at the US and the
Jimmy Carter blames Bush for anti-American sentiment and worldwide terror.
Wesley Clark's Conspiracy Theory
A Few Thoughts About Dean (or whoever) and The Draft
Dennis Kucinich, where would we be without you? In DIEBOLD hell.
Kerry Goes Friggin' BALLISTIC On Ashcroft And Will REPLACE The Patriot Act
I feel less comfortable with Dean after Hardball
I'm more comfortable with Dean post-Hardball....
Clark/Dean, Dean/Clark Unity Thread
Hi folks! My first article in a while!
Any listening to Mike Malloy with me tonight?
DU'ers running for office in 2004?
Kerry Like A Beacon On The Abuse of Arab Civil Rights
Black Box Voting - Something's going to happen.
A Look at U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq - 440 US service members have died
U.S.'s Powell not welcome, Tunisia opposition says
Supreme court says pledge (under god) critic can represent himself
We lied to Saddam about nuke development, ex-bombmakers say
Federal panel quashes subpoena of DeLay and Barton
Court to rule if federal agents can arrest suspects abroad
(Senator) Clinton: Politics Driving Iraq Timetable
Matthew's Boo'ed; Dean Looks Good...
Rumsfeld Ramble Wins 'Foot in Mouth' Award
Battle Reveals New Iraqi Tactics (WP Details Samarra Battle)
Reforming Medicare, the Gingrich way
Rumsfeld Calls Peril in Iraq, Along With Progress, a 'Contradiction'
Medicare Study: Half of seniors won't see an advantage in 2006
U.S. Soldier Reprimanded for Marriage
Ozzy Osbourne Says He Was Sexually Molested
Electronic voting firm drops legal case
Texas store banks on Bush trip
Utah Polygamist Invokes Ruling on Gay Sex
Suspect in North Dakota student abduction has been arrested
Canada Steers Closer to Europe Than the U.S. on Social Issues (NYT)
Boy Punished for Talking About Lesbian Mom
Fess up! Who is DU's "Rita" on Cullen this morning?
clip from daily show- HILARIOUS!
My boss's dentist's golf buddy is Roger Waters. Who's with me?
Vanilla Queen by Golden Earring is a great album-stoned or straight..
Political Slogans for the Stupid
I'm eating peanut butter rice krispie treats -- yummy-- recipe below
My gf is giving me a backrub, ask me anything.
Those $29.00 DVD players are really souped up
I just had the greatest bratwursts ever
OK, what bands or artists are famous that you absolutely love???
Would Michael Jackson make a good...
Alright, the final salvo - who hates people who hate Pink Floyd?
HBO will show Tony Award Winning "Angels in America"
This hour has 22 minutes......
Tell me something I shouldn't know!
I feel
I hate The Animals! Who's with me?
Somebody give me some good news please.
Anyone ever feel're suspended in a jello mold?
I take official credit for the booming economy...
I love Pink Floyd! Who's with me?
David Corn is on the Jeff Rense show now
I'm supposed to be writing a paper...but am I?
Okay, I Retired The Skinner Chasing Bart Sigline...
Tell me something I don't know!
Voh tee yes, Voh tee yes, Vote for Independency!
Poll for basic cable subscribers only:
You know what else everybody likes?
Finally....Sting has come back from Thanksgiving break...
Speaking of soda pop, I have a question and a bit of a rant
Any DU'ers live in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania?
Driving from the NC mountain house to Dallas tomorrow!
What I currently have in my CD player
Dog owners: Any experience with a luxating patella?
How do you enjoy your scrapple?
It's not enough that my upstairs neighbors woke me up this morning with...
My lost kitty's been found - thanks for the good wishes!
Tony Levin back in King Crimson!!!
What's your favorite soda pop?
I no longer can watch Bill O'Reilly
Have you ever met a woman who collects vinyl? I haven't...
Ok, then - what painters are famous that you really like?
Favourite Eric Burden/Animals tune
Isaac Asimov's...The Last Question?
Why Cyndi Lauper kicks ass....
Damn, we're becoming a big city. There was a gang-related shooting.
I STILL miss George (1943-2001)
Ok,what's an obscure band or artist do you love?
I rear-ended someone today. Advice?
I hate Pink Floyd! Who's with me!
Hollywood Searches for a Democratic Star
Afghanistan: Constitution fails women
George Monbiot (Guardian Utd): Bottom of the barrel
How unfortunate and narrow minded.
Conservatives Shocked By the Power of Money -- by Joe Conason
Terrorism: It's the GOP's new communism
Stars and Stripes letters (Bush gets negative mention once again)
Bush approach to AIDS fight wastes time, money
Mel Gibson (Barf) Needs Your Help!
Ireland-the original terrorists
Molly Ivins: Christmas comes early in Washington
Who Tried To Bribe Rep. Smith? Stop protecting him, Congressman.
Shifts in States May Give Bush Electoral Edge: NYTimes
Matt Bevins: A Bush in Bed With Beijing?
Greg Palast: Cruisin' For A Bruisin' With Hugo
US Admiral files brief against Bush
Absolutely SUPERB Daily Howler today
Of love, the left and the U.S. military
Bush's panic visit is like of a thief that comes in the night
Bush's PR Problem (Loss to Leninist leader on world stage)
The Politics of Payoff - Dionne
conservatives won't control for 60 years, NY TIMES letter Dec 2 2003
No pilot comes forward on spotting Bush's plane: Dana Bash
Larry King's Linda Tripp "Puff Piece" Ignored Torture She Inflicted
Bechtel Fails Reconstruction of Iraq's Schools
As long as travel ban to Cuba is enforced, Americans aren't free
The inevitable vice presidential nominee
Going Forward: Liberals Finding their Voice
This is why Christianity is demonized, and why the points are valid:
International day to end violence against sexworkers.
New Group Emerges to Collect Money for Presumptive Democratic Nominee
National Day of Silent Protest - A Sick Out
Anyone living in Washoe County, Nevada ... a call to arms.
Planned Parenthood needs donations to help with Texas clinic
Mel Gibson (Barf) Needs Your Help! - Democrats in Hillarywood
Cartoonist Ann Telnaes named Berryman Cartoonist of 2003
One for the dictionary.........."Gop" (from BuzzFlash)
Croom becomes SEC's first black head coach
Lesbian Named San Diego Deputy Mayor
Gay AIDS Activist Nominated For Nobel Prize
Dean supports gay unions but wavers on saying 'I do'
Bush can’t admit mistakes–keeps economic program that doesn't help problem
Snowballing Debt Awaits Tomorrow's Taxpayers
Beyond bull:Sky-high balance of payments deficits point to a coming crisis
The dollar slide today was a surprise.
Anybody have ideas for the most energy efficient stove?
Does anyone have a link for water conservation?
Telling the Truth, Facing the Whip
Bush breaks 2000 election promise re readiness level of combat units
NH Guard calls up 500 in largest draw since WWII
Russia not to ratify Kyoto Protocol
Opposition steps up anti-Chavez drive
Britain bans (handheld) car cellphones
(Clinton COPS program phased out by Bush, firing) 118,000 new officers
Is it possible to get to your DU1 bookmarks?
The Religious wars have started again in GD
For the love of G*D (pun intended), please consider this
I need to get my password again
Are Mods Required To Notify Deleted Authors ???
Thanks, EarlG, for These Words
So what's DU's strategy if Nader runs?
Israel slams Powell over invitation to Geneva authors
Zionism, US Imperialism and Islamic Fundamentalism
Bush, Mubarak Discuss Middle East Peace
U.S. Liberal Arabic Website Rebuttal to Mahathir's Speech
West Bank Jewish militants convicted of weapons crimes
Self-Appointed Israeli/Palestinian Negotiators Offer Peace Plan
UN's Annan announces "solidarity" with Palestinians
New Knesset bill would mandate fence built along Green Line
Mitzpei Yitzhar Residents Being Remanded
Al-Aqsa Brigades leader shot dead
Rivals bicker over trade pact, labor standards
Just wanted to ask this question....
WTOP-ABC 7 Poll: Dean Leads D.C.
John Buchanan - Republican Challenger - Posting at DU - WELCOME!!!
Mark A. R. Kleiman post on Bush/Clark/Dean
My wife and I were thinking that Al Sharpton should be....
Are you a lesbian or bi-woman? Know one? Support Dean?
Reno Endorses Castor for U.S. Senate
Crystal Ball showdown 2 - Congressional election key voters
Oregon's Blumenauer endorses Kerry
Dean is probably not the McGovern of Democratic establishment fears
Dean would allow the abolishment of the 14b provision of Taft-Hartley Act
Crystal Ball Showdown: Presidential election key voters?
What are the general trends with Politics now in '03-'04?
Which democrat captures the electoral vote?
Dean asking supporters to help Iowa Rep. being targeted by GOP
NC-10: [Rep. Cass] Ballenger (R) plans to retire
Unofficial Michael Moore AV Archive
Funny, but scary, anti-bush mp3
Pentagon Explores Using Segways in Battle (others explore wearing tinfoil)
Salon - Hollywood searches for a Democratic star
Dean on now again hardball repeat
'family value' republican convicted under Virginia's Adultery laws....
Anonymous Newsom email urges Greens protest Gore visit
Mel Gibson (Barf) Needs Your Help!
U.S. abandons democratic values in Iraq
New Campaign Slogan: BUSH FLEW?
Insane and evil attack on 7 year old boy from homophobic teacher!
who will Skull & Bones endorse if the race comes down to Kerry vs. Bush?
Military/foreign experience NOT the best credentials for Prez.
Wow...Clark Meetup in Northern California
do liberals even listen to talk radio stations?
Has Mohammad said anything about PNAC?
There are tons of people over at the BBV forum
General Electric loves gay people and Kennedy Democrats.
I found a liberal radio station in CA.. has anyone heard of it?
Libertarian Hopeful meets with Grocery Strikers
Dean did a good job tonight. Next week it is Clark's turn.
Why Hasn't Bush Released All of His Military Records?
M$'s new OS, "Longhorn", due out in 2 years, is available now in Malaysia
Two Questions about Next election?
Right Time For Left-Wing Radio?
Prew Research Center's warped poll on religion in America
"You can't fund social justice in a deficit" -- Howard Dean
"Farenheit 911" Gets a Release date
Politcal State Nicknames, from the Clearcut State to the Lone Party State
Poll shows Dean's advantage in the race
When will Howard Dean speak out about PNAC?
Rummy gets Foot in Mouth Award
Will Hillary be a VP candidate?
Bucking Trend, They Stay, Held by Family and Friends
"scanned, canned and in command!" (Carol Lay)
CSPAN Tuesday morning - religious funding of education
Party With MoveOn This Weekend
BREAKING: MSCD-SOS endorses the Auraria Campus Republicans
Hannity & Liberal to be Determined: Awesome Expose...
Need some advice quick, need to get dorm nieghbor sober
Would you vote for Nader in 2004??
Mystery shrouds whereabouts of bodies of 54 insurgents said killed by US
Iraqis deny US accounts of fierce fight with 'guerrillas'
A Combat Leader Gives The Inside Skinny on Samarra events
Update - Florida soldier who wed Iraqi faces discharge
O.K. this will get me flamed, but I'm getting worried about something
Results of Name That War Contest
Pay Attention: Shifts in States May Give Bush Electoral Edge
Galileo satellite project under threat?
Heads up on NASCAR Whitehouse thing
Greg Dobbs Liberal on streaming audio now
Dean asking supporters to help Iowa Rep. being targeted by GOP
Cong. Meeks(D-NY) Sponsors Legislation Compensating 1991 Gulf War POWs
More evidence of freepers invading DU.
This is why "Christianity" is so demonized, and why its valid:
Great - DeLay escapes subpoena in TX redistricting suit
Motherhood and apple pie served up amid the stench of burning humans
Boy Punished for Talking About Gay Mom
MSNBC to air complete video of cinncinati incident on NOW
Why do so many on this board demonize Christianity?
Pepsi to Cut 750 Jobs in Restructuring
The Daily Show last night... Stewart managed to put Bush's T'giving...
Linda Tripp is getting married. Keepin my mouth shut.
Alternative field of candidates: who would you support?
Damage done by Bush crew to Buckingham landscaping
Zogby: No Economic Recovery seen on Main Street USA
Can we stop with the "does he look presidential" threads?
Bernie: Ward on Wolf Blitzer (CNN) right now (12:40 pm EST)
A different perspective on the "religious" question
Republicans Reach for Black Voters
If you want to ask Lieberman some questions tonight's your night
Limbaugh says it's not role of federal government to break up media...
A relevant quote re: DU acrimony and candidate bashing
"The injuries are horrific," he said.
I don't understand the south (how to win)
Will class-based affirmative action cancel out racial/gender bias?
I don't understand the south (how to win)
In Florida: Clark calls Lieberman a spoiler!
Chris Matthews gave the whole thing away last night...
Let's follow the analogy through--if Dean is the modern McGovern,
WH Aide's Life in Crawford Double-Wide Trailer
This picture looks doctored to me
The Final ----- does he look presidential thread
Has anybody seen the Lieberman TV ads today?
Barna surveys on evangelical Christians
Shifts in States May Give Bush Electoral Edge (BS on changes in population
Does this man look Presidential? Part XVIII
The Present Situation Is Most Like Which Period of History?
large pins made up BEFORE smirk snuck to Iraq
Here's a gem: NOW w/ Bill Moyers' selected reading list
What are the ways one can become a commisioned officer
BBV --- Does anyone remember ....??
Somebody look at the turkey video again...
Did Georgie Boy really go to Iraq?
Jobs Are Out There, But.......
SoCal DUers: Don't Shop at Ralph's
What's the thinking on vote trading these days?
Bush's governor records available for viewing. Dean's are still sealed.
Poll: Which candidate would you LEAST like to become President?
How Proud are You to be a Liberal/Progressive?
How proud are you to be a democrat?
Something to cheer us all up........
Please let me know when its ok to talk about religion again -
This poll needs your attention
What dark horse state will provide the upset in 2004's Senate Race
Dean Backtracks On ReRegulation
Moderate and Fundamental Islam........
Old Fiore cartoon: Generals vs war. gasp! Clark is mentioned! Non!
Nachi worm infected Diebold ATMs
Winning Back America by Howard Dean
How could the PUBs ever be proud of the Smirk and Ramblin Rummy?
No Way to Make Friends By Fareed Zakaria
Did anyone see the CBC documentary on Jean Chretien last night?
Can I get anti-tax cut help for a dem sympathizer?
Antigay amendment lacks support in Massachusetts
What do you make of Ramsey Clark?
Joe Stanton: "Bush's Operation Clean Sweep: World War IV in 2004?"
Dean Supporters... with Nader apparently ready to run again,
Republican's are for smaller government, yet......
Yo Dean staff II: sealed documents
Yo Dean staff II: sealed records
Dream Ticket: Nader-Lieberman-Jackson
Yo Dean staff: you'd better track down this rumor
Michael Savage on ACLU and liberals
Waaahhh! I'm gonna hold my breath until Nader pulls out of the election!
I must admit, I was wrong in my assessment of the Cincinnati event
The U.S.'s View on Social Issues Is Opening Rifts With Canada
Check Out This HILARIOUS Press Release Dean's Camp Just Sent Out
Let's be honest: Had Nader sat out in 2000
Repubs "Luxury Liner" idea about to become a big issue.
Cavuto calls latest mutual funds crook a "victim"
Okay... Prove to me that Dean is not a Democrat.
Shame on Newsom: His campaign's tactic backfired on him
So, how much flak will Captain DeLay take for "The Hate Boat"?
This is what DU used to be like
How about a return to the ideals of the 60's?
How do you view the Individual's role in Society/Humanity?
Anybody got a link to that 2000 Nader interview about destroying Dems?
Jarring moment at the Clark meetup last night...
Corporate Pirates: U.S. to seize ships on the high seas
The Dems should invite Nader to debate
On The Capture\Killing Of Osama\Saddama... A Snapshot Of Cynicism !!!
another perspective on the Green Party, the 2000 election...
Clark Peddling Three-Week-Old Baloney?
What's the latest on the DoJ investigation into leak of Valerie Plame's
So I gave Clark's campaign another $50.00 today....
Happy (?) Enron Bankruptcy Day!
Novak on Crossfire, "So what?" says the hypocrite.
2 links to sink bushCorp '04 - please add yours!
The Bush Administration is a 1970s Pink Floyd Album Brought to Life
Clark to Air Ads in Three Primary States
Who are Boxer's Senate challengers in L.A.?
I received this in the mail ~ Check it out ~ Business oriented
What issues will activate a new generation of Democrats?
BBV: NYT | Paul Krugman | Hack the Vote (Bev, rob-Georgia mentioned!)
Crossfire: Is Novak Drunk ???:
Lou Dobbs Poll: Break up big Media?
BBV: Tonight's truthout broadcast focuses on the Krugman piece
Pew Poll on "Trade" Doesn't Pass the Sniff Test
Lou Dobbs vote: Should big media companies be broken up? Vote now!
Dean, "Bait & Switch" on Campaign Funding
Dems Consider "Theater In The Round" For Convention At Fleet Center
Looking for a list of Shrub's bad economic policies
Powerful piece, Bush and his band of Criminals!
Attention Roman Catholic Pennsylvanians Against Santorum
Freepers rejoice at Nader news, visit DU to enjoy our pain
POLL: Which Democratic candidate is your last choice?
When will Wesley Clark speak about PNAC?
Ugh.. Bush approval rating up to 61% after Iraq stunt
Where would you like to see Wesley Clark in a Democratic Administration?
Cavuto calls latest mutual funds crook a "victim"
Are Liberals losing the college campuses, too?
Dean Gets Union Endorsements But Will He Leave Them Hanging As President?
Are there any homosexual freeper types?
Janklow trial fall-out... Diabetics should not have drivers' licenses??
I'm surprised at the number of people who find fault with Dean on Vietnam
They just read my Janklow email on Talk of the Nation
Dispelling a popular Dean/DU myth
Coverage of Dean Triples During November; Clark's Coverage Drops
Clarkies--come in here, I'm showing off a pic I's a must-see!
Is this surge in Bush's popularity going to continue, or is it a blip?
Will Super Delegates trump the Dean Machine?
Dec 2, 1980 - 4 American missionaries murdered in ElSalvador
Bush's Baghdad-Bound Plane WAS Spotted
Govt. Unemployment Numbers, do they include these folks?
Which Candidate has vowed to Clean up Investor Fraud? Close the Loopholes
Can George W. Bush have you or your children in the draft?
PLEASE Be Civil: I Have an Honest Concern About Dean
Jesse Jackson praises Clark, bashes Bush
OMG, I Just had a ping pong game with a MSNBC Journalist
Has Sharpton said anything about PNAC?
Canadian DUers..out of these four candidates who do you like?
New Canadian Opinion Poll (SOM) - Liberals massive lead, NDP 2nd - CBC
Lou Dobbs exposing Neil Bush on now
12/2 Democratic Candidate STRAW poll!
Need help finding a Nader Interview from 2000 about destroying Dems
Canadian DUers: Brazilian Columnist uses movie to bash Canada healthcare.
The merchant class and the origins of policing
Dean passes 149,000 on Meetup (1,000 in the last 24 hours)
Is it too much to ask for people here to use a little respect
The Second Amendment and the burden of proof
Kerry support in Iowa continues to grow at the top
On NIGHTLINE tonight - "We Won't Go !"
Did you vote in the 2000 election?
Does a candidate's atheism/religiousness matter to you?
BBV: Ohio Secy' of state issues new report: 57 flaws in machines
Clark's True Colors - is he the one Eisenhower warned us about?
Friends of shooting victim say Howard Dean failed him
9-11 Widow sues Bush for LIHOP/MIHOP and RICO. Amazing!
Clark snags some key Hispanic endorsements
Jewish group asks pope to lead anti-bomber campaign
Canada Stance on Social Issues Is Opening Rifts With U.S.
More dog problems (Blackie) for the Chimp
Janklow Advances Medical Defense
Al-Qaeda still spreading, warns UN group
Putin demands early Iraq elections
Playa Hater Matthews on "Countdown"
Here's.......Dick! (Drudge headline)
Korean Workers in Middle East May Be Evacuated
Bush's PR Problem (Loss to Leninist leader on world stage)
Federal Panel Quashes Subpoenas of DeLay, Barton in Texas Redistricting
US May Revive Bid for UN Ban on Stem Cell Research
War on terror drains funds from poverty fight
Evangelicals' Champion to Argue Case at High Court
Council In Iraq Resisting Ayatollah
Shifts in States May Give Bush* Electoral Edge
WP p. 1: Battle Reveals New Iraqi Tactics (Samarra report)
It's [Laurie] David vs. gossip Goliath [Drudge]
(Washington state) Lawmakers take up primary cancellation
Electronic Voting Firm Drops Legal Case
Supreme court demands details on Israel's Guantanamo (Not Cuba)
Anti-War Billboard Stirs Controversy in Military Town
Guantanamo releases linked to court ruling
Clinton: Politics Driving Iraq Timetable
Immigrant re-registration abandoned
Dallas man who exposed fake Vietnam records honored by Army
U.S. Forces Kill or Seize Top Saddam Aide-Politicians(Izzat Ibrahim per
High Court to Consider Arrests Abroad
Self-Appointed Israeli/Palestinian Negotiators Offer Peace Plan
Bush joke.........One that would fly right over his head.
At Least 1 Soldier Killed in Attacks on Convoys near Samarra
Chain Store Sales Droop in Holiday Week
Pepsi to Cut 750 Jobs in Restructuring
Court Gives Police Victory in Waiting Time
Groups Collect Money for Dem. Nominee
Gangs With U.S. Ties Terrorize Central America
Pilots Didn't Radio Air Force One, Airline Says
Rumsfeld: NATO Allies to Remain in Iraq
Strike: Grocers' Profit-Sharing Probed
WGI halts project following deaths of Korean engineers
U.N. Workers Get Curfew in Afghan Capital
U.S. Embassy Warns of New Saudi Attacks
U.S. starts to report on enemy casualties
A-Bomb Survivors to Protest New Exhibit
American peace activists arrive in Iraq
OSCE Rips Russia Over Georgia, Moldova
Russia Won't Ratify Kyoto Accord, Putin Aide Illarionov Says
Poll: (near 4 out of 5) Iraqis Distrusting Coalition Troops
Research on Ecstasy Is Clouded by Errors
U.S. Denies Reports Top Aide of Saddam Captured
Don't Back Georgian Rebels, U.S. Tells Russia
U.S. Warns Iran, North Korea on Nuclear Issues
Colo. woman killed by pack of dogs
Cockfighting rules the roost in Iraq
Pentagon halts Boeing (tanker) deal
BBC (Tuesday): Russia pulls away from Kyoto pact
Italy's Berlusconi still ill, cancels more meetings
Police arrest 14 terror suspects [UK arrests]
Homeland Security Scraps Post-9/11 Reg. Program, Will Introduce New System
Electronic voting firm drops legal case
Electronic voting firm drops legal case - Globe and Mail
U.N.: Al Qaeda sanctions failing
report Shows Limited Gains in Info
Bush taking credit for latest economic rebound
Lieberman says Dean should unseal records [Lieberman now working for bush]
Appeal of DVD hacker's acquittal begins
Israel Asks Powell Not to Meet Geneva Pact Authors
Working the odds [new procedure eliminates invasive colonoscopy]
Disabled children kept in cage: report
Venezuela's Chavez and Supporters Celebrate Failure of Opposition’s Petiti
Iraqis challenge US account of battle
FAO to File for Bankruptcy Again (Toy Store Bankrupt in Xmas Season!)
Bloc MP poised to join Grits - Globe and Mail
Bush Tends to Re-Election With Fund Raising and a New Embrace of NASCAR
U.S. military denies report of capture of top Saddam aide
Guardian says Schiavo not likely to improve, wants to stay on case
IT Stymied In Terror War:Panel (Privacy/Liberties Debates Hindering Govt)
U.S. launches major raid on Iraqi town
US accused of provoking shootout in Samarra
Protesters bring mixed messages outside Bush fund-raiser
Invesco, CEO Cited in Mutual Fund Scandal
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday December 1.....(#1)
Iraqi Women in New York on U.S. Tour (Press Release)
Combat units needed in Iraq, fact finders say (South Korea)
Fair Trials Impossible, Say Guantanamo Lawyers
Annan forms Advisory Group on Iraq
A Combat Leader Gives The Inside Skinny Of The Biggest Battle Since The Wa
Commander Denies Abuse Allegations
Beyond Bull (The economic recovery)
Israel Raps U.S. for Planned Talks with Geneva Authors
LaHood (R-Ill.): Hussein's capture imminent
Witness Cries During Janklow Trial
Army Reserve Troops Ordered Back Overseas (Draft Coming?)
Court Gives Police Victory in Waiting Time
Thai MPs in uproar at ban on mistresses
AP: Poll: President's approval on the rise after Thanksgiving
A Grieving Father Protests Iraq War
(FCC is) Following Fox's Orders
Lawyer Says Janklow Had Diabetic Reaction [ABC News]
Israel to Install Hi-Tech ID System
"Next flu pandemic could wreak global havoc, scientists warn"
California Repeals Illegal Immigrant License Bill
Gulf of Mexico oil, Cuba's billion-dollar bet
U.S. ambassador to Colombia lauds Uribe government on security
Diebold retreats; lawmaker demands inquiry (Kucinich is on this!)
High court to hear arguments on Vincent Foster photos
US Upset Over Latham (AU) Remark
Utah native exec killed, wife severely injured in Brazil
Lieberman says U.S. military must improve peacekeeping skills
Turns out the cops have an arrest warrant out on my upstairs neighbor
OK, fair is fair....Favorite Northern Expresions
You're the one that I love (a film for dog lovers)
I'm starting to look for a condo -- any suggestions?
Calling all music lovers and "American Dream" watchers
What the heck was that article in the Lobby about the media?
I just got back from the Phish show - ask me anything!
Neutering your pets.. aka.. My vet tricked me
I've been unemployed for two weeks. Ask me anything!
This thread is all about YOU..
Will you NOW boycott Pepsi, Frito Lay, et al?
sigh . . . husband lost his job last Wednesday . .
I'm sick of the NE, NW, and S. lets talk about the Rocky Mountain states!
An email a wing nut sent me today ...
CONFESS!!!!! First Rock Concert you ever saw!!!
'Nother music thread; hey Brits, what about Alabama3?
Boy, Larry King sure is scraping the bottom of the barrel
The Ultimate Liberal Challenge
My good friend Beatta made my local paper!
EverCrack players united and successfully killed the "unkillable" monster
today's new Hannity advertisers 12/1
Well, the tree is up. Multi-colored lights or plain white?
A few photos I took tonight....tell me what ya' think.
Cool t-shirt for a present for an progressive sort of person
anyone familiar with Fayetteville NC?
So where and when is the DU Convention going to be?
new OxyRush advertiser Aprilaire
10 Reasons why Beer is Better than Jesus
Yeah here's a good example of a self centred jerk
Just watched the film, "Little Big Man" again, with Dustin Hoffman
how long is a cooked turkey safe to eat?
new Oxyrush and Savage Weiner advertiser Cortaslim
I just chewed someone out in a chat room
The Richard Pryor Show to be out on DVD in January!
Rumsfeld wins "Foot In Mouth Award."
I am Hooked On Prescription Drugs and I need Help
A Politically Correct Seasonal Greeting To All Of You
new Oxyrush and Hannity advertiser Officemax
The Promised Pictures of my Pussy (cat that is)
Petula Clark.....first Botox user?
Did anyone see The Last Samurai this weekend?
I just saw "the Manchurian Candidate" today, ask me anything
I got back from Greece last night. don't Ask me anything.
Police Recover Stolen Car - After 20 YEARS
A Bizarre, Incoherent, Contrived "News" Story
USC, LSU or Boise State to play Okalhoma for the national championship?
Good (Snowy-Tuesday) Morning DU!
Christmas tree lights -- yer preference?
WTF? Young Repub Club at my school?
Return of the King S'track - Annie Lennox and James Galway? so wrong!
You know it's going to be one of those days when....
"When the truth comes out, it's going to be ugly"
Tell me what your favorite Tom Waits ramble is....
I had a dream about Dean last night!
Ahhhh, Every Bride's Dream - The WalMart Wedding
Can a cat get a 'cold'? Our vet said yes...
What songs make you lunge for the SKIP button?
Horror fans: We just lost out on a Clive Barker/John Carpenter film
The Red House Painters/Mark Kozalek...
Man Burns Life Savings - Fails Suicide Attempt
Bras And Thongs Are New Anti-Drug Weapon
Tech question: One mouse click makes my scroll bar go down 2 pages.
Larry King Linda Tripp Interview Puff Piece-Ignored Torture she inflicited
Which Pink Floyd - Barrett or non-Barrett
Bush joke.........One that would fly right over his head.
'Gentleman Cannibal' Poses Legal Dilema
Final week of DU Fantasy Football - positioning for the Playoffs
Well, I think I might have just killed my laptop
Who has the new Outkast album?
I'm throwing my support behind Clark
Pain killers - your preference?
More evidence of freepers invading DU.
Canadian DUers: Who's from Nova Scotia?
December Issue of "Landover Baptist"
"All I Can Say Is That My Life Is Pretty Plain..."
For my 300th post, I'd like to urge everyone to...
Some people are just SICK! (You have to try this...
My computer just got attacked.
My take on the negative attitudes towards xianity on DU
someone just tried to prank call me COLLECT
This is a picture of my middle finger.
Techies: Any way to format a CD-RW in ISO 9660?
Techies: Any way to format a CD-RW in ISO 9660?
The less talked about weight problem....
OK, admit it - you got a little misty when...("X2" spoiler)
Go to Google and type in "miserable failure."
I just bought 'My Life in the Bush of Ghosts' and haven't heard it yet.
today's new OxyRush advertisers 12/3
So I'm ordering at Burger King
Time for another punch-line thread...
Oh man. nailed the Bush turkey trot.
Our first wedding anniversary!
Hmm. Anyone here have tried South Beach diet successfully?
Is it just me or is there no such thing as a "moderate liberal" in todays
I was just ATTACKED by: Margarita Salt!
How much Bush can you take before you barf?
See? This is what I'm sayin'...
do you ever shout down inanimate objects?
Okay you guys I need your help!
I'm going to the 20th Anniversary Phish concert tonight in Boston
YAY! Dinner's finally Yummilicious Tonight!
Nader Nader bo bader, banana fanna fo fader, me my mo mader,
can you buy one share of stock?
No underwear? Why is that a threat?
socks: roll them in a ball or tie them in a knot?
Ok, who stole all the threads from the latest page?
Need help with a printing press
When's Les Claypool gonna tour again?
Speaking of the "un-electable"....
Are there any Woodstock attendees on this board
If you won $10 million in the lottery, what would you do with the money?
Poll: Did you like the Dixie Chicks before you knew they were on our side?
Disco Beaver From Outer Space! (JEFF GREENFIELD WROTE IT!)
Which pop star would you most like to slap with a dead halibut?
When the moderators deleted page 2 and page 3, they really......
if nader had not run in 2000..
Well Boo F*#@%^& Hoo! Drudge upset because "Bad Santa" is #1
Bah, humbug! CAPTION Donald Scrooge
OMG! I've been FREEPED! HELP!!!!! (I have his email addy :-)
Hey c'mere kid! I'll show you what happens when you don't CAPTION...
Hey kids, can anyone here tell me how to spell C-A-P-T-I-O-N?
Don't ignore your nature____CAPTION
Ahhh...all Nader, all the time in GD.
Sign your name across my heart
Because Catwoman Yelled At Me....Here's My New Sigline
Waiting (For what seems like eternity) for an important email/call SUCKS!
Is this too big for a sig pic?
Sure you can wipe your nose on my tie - but only if you CAPTION!
Alan Colmes Loses Argument With Nephew
How much beer can you drink before you barf?
How many TV channels did you get as a kid?
Which Version Of Ralph Do You Like Best?
BAD SANTA Was The #1 Movie In America Last Night And Is Now Coming To A ..
Mid Day Theater no one watches (Moyers) the progressive story of America
Favorite smells of stinky things
Anyone been to the malls lately? Where's the sign(s) of this big, bad
Help!! My house is made up like The North Pole!!!!!
I'm In Business! How do I sell this stuff?
What Bumper/Window Stickers are on your car
Weird videos from MTV's early days.....
Is it just me or is anyone else NOT feeling the Christmas spirit?
Famous People you've, mobbed, thrown to the ground and ripped hair off of?
Turn and face the strange C-C-CAPTIONS
Walmart bathrooms. You must read this.
This is precious. Come caption
Have Fun with this one! Bush backdrop generator
CAPTION the V.P._______ (Valet President)
REPENT!!! LAST Rock concert you went to???
Does anyone here have (or had) Maine Coon cats?
HawkerHurricane's NFL Power Ratings!
Northern Arizona University shocks Number One McNeese State in 1st round!
So, what are the pros and cons
Who is the most Famous person you ever personally met?