How west helped Saddam gain power and decimate the Iraqi elite
Send WalMart a lump of coal for the holidays
DUers: Help Me Kick GW's Butt...
A poll thread about non-poll threads that compare us to "freepers"
Rochester moves to protect gay students
What are the real unemployment numbers?
How to build an economical mono-rail.
Lebanon convicts 27 over anti-US attacks
Philippines landslides toll may top 200
The Official Story Version: is there a published version/"case" anywhere?
Are we allowed to ask questions about Warnings here?
I'm sorry to be persistent....
Regarding the nickname rule . . .
Israeli invasion of Balata continues
The Official Story Version: is there a published version/"case" anywhere?
"Clark appears to be gaining steam" in New Hampshire
Clark has depth on domestic issues
North Texas Submachine Gun Match
Libya will be a better example to the world than the ironic.
"Joe Sixpacks Guide to Financial Market Today!" (Financial Sense) Great!
Idea of the Week: Damage Control
Anybody going Linux come Christmas
Bush ,Regan Cheney,Rumsfeild and crew..
NC's onetime less than 3% Unemployment soars to 6.2%! And, the Online
Would you consider this NOT torturing Saddam?
Clark defending big pharma on CSPAN
Family christmas shopping boycott update.
re: Mr. Chalabi, our great Iraqi hope?
To celebrate the birth of Christ, our soldiers get this
"Lockerbie Witness Lied to CIA to Secure Life in the West"
Kurdish school textbook found in Saddam’s hideout hut
Christmas Brought To Iraq By Force
More from the mailbag: The West and Saddam must stand trial
The "Hubris-Nemesis" Complex Revealed
FL Senator Bill Nelson for VP?
The main problem with the DLC is what exactly?
Nation of bigots: 50% think homosexual relations should be illegal
No "Ifs, and, or buts:" Does the Dem Nominee Win in 2004?
Bigger problems now; Murdoch runs DirectTV.
Can you guess who said these quotes? Will it surprise you?
Urgent letter to the American Administration from Al-Qaida
Fight, fight dirty, fight to win
Air Force drops three counts against Guantanamo translator; lawyer says de
Bank of England alerted to BCCI fraud risk in 1984
Hundreds gather to show support for strike by grocery workers
Hundreds gather to show support for strike by grocery workers
A Trench Caves In; a Young Worker Is Dead (OSHA gutted)
Diana was pregnant at time of her death, says top policeman
Largest Paper in CT, Murdoch Owned, Calls on GOP Governor to Resign
US Trains 100 Lawyers to Try Saddam
Californians against public services for illegal immigrants launch new bal
Should Hilton divorce Paris in favor of Nice?
Simon ...Like you have never played before
Anybody going Linux come Christmas
Question about non-Christian religions.
Alabama, Georgia, and NW Florida DUers, please read!
If Dean wins the Presidency, will Phish play at the Inagural ball?
Fantastic!! I just renewed my driver's license online today.
If one of your reindeer ever got sick, Snoopy could help pull your sleigh.
It's Roast Dean Night tonight in GD!
Kringle greetings.. (caution.. they are "twisted")
What's the picture in the not for the faint of heart caption
GD is so much nicer now with the split. THANK YOU DU!
Pooty Poot can't get his daughters to stop yapping on the computer
Wonder if pet owned people should do this or
Has anyone walked on hot coals doing a fire walk?
How long should I wait to post a girl back
"Waiting for God"? One of the main characters is an Atheist???
2 questions: Did Clark's ad come on the Patriots/Jets game yet? 2. Why
Mmm... this is good hot cocoa.
Saw the Beautician and the Beast today WTF?!?
I am listening to the new Dream Theater Album, ask me anything.
CAPTION - Clay Aiken finally receives his Bachelor of Dorkology degree
Finally saw Mighty Aphrodite today
well, the bucs are out of the playoffs...who is next???
Should TV stations stop showing end credits altogether? must be punished
Anyone know their credit score?
Family Christmas shopping boycott update.
Sooooo... what's your favorite holiday song?
Couldn't care less about people who couldn't care less.
Am I the only American alive who couldn't care less about LOTR?
Woody Allen: Genius Filmmaker or Overrated Hack?
Watch South Park at 10:00 EST, there's a big, topical surprise at the end
We got our new PUPPY! (Huge JPG)
Tonight's SNL - Best of Will Farrell, Vol. 2
Discuss "LOTR: The Return of the King" here (spoilers)
The Apprentice" is coming to NBC!
Let's try this again: US National Anthem
"King of the Hill" - NeoCon, Just Coneservative or Center-Left?
Ghostly image at Britain's Hampton Court
Did you know you could get a girlfriend on EBay for $7.99
A different kind of blue/red map this time...
Heads up for anyone thinking at all about moving abroad ....
How long should I wait to call a girl back?
Idaho, Montana, ALTA, SASK , and BCDUers
Lurkers, the administration has just said that if you don't check in now
Not for the faint of heart Caption. Consider this a warning
Is Dean doing us a service by sealing up the coffin of the old DLC?
Why does Dean insist we get the UN to take over Iraq when........
Letter from Bill Novelli explaining AARP/Medicare position
Not to distract from the flamewars here, or anything
Two Major Benefit Concerts for Kucinich Planned: 12/28, 1/3
Clark speaking out against Diebold, *for* paper trails in voting, on CSPAN
Clark on CSPAN now, pancake breakfast, informal setting!
Clark/CSPAN rebroadcast 11:15pm PST, pancake breakfast, Q&A
With 30 Days left until NH, who will win?
How Do You Feel About Phony/Strawman Polls on Kerry Position
Clark no quitter- The Ohioan: Clark A Hero To Some; To Others, Headstrong
The brilliance of Clark's cursing.
Dark Forces Point to Dean Electoral Disaster . The Story Continues
Need some help regarding Clark
Does anyone feel defensive when they log in to DU?
IF Clark loses the nomination, will he run for Arkansas Governor in 2006?
Clark's 4 main listed tonight when someone asked him
Supporting the troops - living under Clark's command
Clark Supporters Only: How do we get the numbers up?
Does Dean really oppose privatization of public services?
Idea of the Week: Damage Control
If A Dem Wins In 2004, Will That Dem Have Any Coattails ???
Boston '04: Imagine the '68 Dem Convention, but with RFK alive.
NPR on Clark: 'stubborn, abrasive, overbearing and self-righteous'
Clark supporters here scare me - the economy and militarism
How do you feel about Kerry again attacking the UN?
'Out of the Mainstream? Hardly ' -Dean answers WP editorial
Clark vowing to *"break back of big pharma"* on CSPAN
General Clark thumps on John Ashcroft and patriot act on CSPAN
Why Howard Dean Should Not Be President
Edwards Supports Jesse Jackson SC March against Goose Creek SB!
Stars & Stripes letters for Saturday
Frank Rich (NYT): Napster Runs for President in '04 (Dean & Internet)
Project for the OLD American Century holiday greetings
IRAQ: US Firm Bechtel Planned to Evade 1988 Sanctions - Document
U.S. soldiers lack best protective gear : Jonathan Turley
Saddam Is The Man Who Knew Too Much
We've Got Saddam; Now, Let's Nab Osama
Dean: Out of the Mainstream? Hardly [MUST READ!]
Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply
Who's Next 2004: Red, White & Funny (Jon Stewart
Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the Iraq War
"Where Birds Don't Fly"--Friedman's latest
Saddam is The Man Who Knew too Much
Jim Hightower: "Tom DelayThinks he's God's man in Congress"
Libya's Fatal Blow To Axix of Evil
Protest Cheney in Bellevue, WA 12/22
Oh God, I watched Faux this mourning, its worse than ever..
Australian physicists violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Say what?
How Israeli Intelligence led the US and the UK to launch on Iraq
Lifting of U.S. Ban Places Israel in Saudi Arabian Danger
Nuclear program in Iran tied to Pakistan
Feature suggestion for 2004 -- Spell check
Why did you need a separate GDF for P2004?
Is "Moderator" going to be a permanent Mod?
I don't understand why this thread is allowed
Should statements made by nominees be part of LBN?
How is this a rules violation?
GD-2004 has the rules double-posted
Ask for Death-Indoctrination of Children to seek Death for Allah-Shahada
Sharon plan would keep out Palestinian workers
Bush: "We must get rid of" Arafat
Zvi Bar'el (Ha'aretz): Sharon's two-headed calf
Sources: IDF troops arrest top Hamas official in Nablus
Pat Robertson In Israel: The Fight Against Terrorism
Pat Robertson In Israel: The Arab-Israeli Conflict
Lifting of U.S. Ban Places Israel in Saudi Arabian Danger
How Israeli Intelligence led the US and the UK to launch on Iraq
The Political Legacy of Edward Said...
Israeli commandos refuse to serve in W.Bank, Gaza
Six-year-old Palestinian boy killed during clashes
Birthright Israel concerned ISM activists are exploiting trips
Don't forget du'ers. We paid Bin Laden before too.
Dean's comeback to Joe/media/GOP's "Saddam wouldn't be caught if Dean"
My Favorite Ad (So Far): "Child's Pay"
McCain sees 5 Dem Seats Going Repub if Dean is Nominee
99% sure Clark DOES do better than Dean v. Bush
Watch South Park at 10:00 EST, there's a big, topical surprise at the end
Have yourself a merry little Christmas...DU style
Just Asking: Has Any Wingnut Composed "Victory at Sea"
Yellow Dates in Iraq in December?
Here's Why The Dems Will Lose Big In 2004
Ghostly image at Britain's Hampton Court
LIVE progressive radio streaming now -- The Nate Clay Show
Does anyone feel defensive when they log in to DU?
The Hippies were right in the 60ies..
This Newsweek poll does not make Bush look formidable.
Soldiers arrest secondary school students:
"250,000 newly imported cars cause some of fuel shortage in Iraq? Carmax?
Gop to court Blacks over radio
TIME's Person of the Year - The US Sodier
I just saw a product ad on TV.
Will anti-Dean demos vote for * against Dean in the general election?
Dems should continue to hammer Bush on Iraq
Bush admin. told Senators Iraq WMDs could hit east coast U.S. cities!
Look what the Bushit administration missed out on
Oh Boy: How right was Jim McDermott?
Cheney faces prosecution: report
It's War! They stole the presidency & congress, now they humiliate us.
Joke 'em if they can't take a .............
(Article on Dem who lost to Rowland in CT) Bill Curry: How Ya Like Me Now?
I find the timming of the Libia WMD and the Qaddafi flap...
Joe Trippi and Wesley Clark will be on "This Week"
...U.S. forces destroyed a house suspected of being used by insurgents...
Disparity between political compass of Americans & their leaders
War - what is it good for? (the story of a defecting Dem)
okay, I've seen the gore - pot headlines. but drudge is the only one
If the Kurd/Saddam story is true, & the US is really making arrests off...
Overwhelming Evidence of Conspiracy to Make Americans Stupid!
Greek news is saying some reporter found Chemical weapons.
Was Saddam capture another Jessica Lynch show?
Bush declares: "We must get rid of Arafat" ( * at drinks party)
TIME's POTY: The American Soldier
Dan Rather co-owns a ranch with Donald Rumsfeld?
"Homosexuals Do Threaten Many"
another Chomsky article and thread
EVERY BushCo move is designed to mislead and hide the TRUTH..
Is Howard Dean the next "Ronald Reagan"?
Why did Ollie North say the 750K was in new dollars this week?
When is the 9/11 Commission expected to report on their investigation?
Ridge: 'Chatter same level as 911' Admission that they ignored it?
Poll: Bush getting good marks on the economy
When will Turdblossom & Co "find" Osama?
Thomas Jefferson found guilty!
Breaking on CNN: Ridge to announce raising of terror level
Does Wesley Clark have a hidden adgenda?
Impressions of MoveOn's "Bush in 30 Seconds" contest ads?
PLEASE go rate this story about the Kurds/Saddam on Yahoo.
St. Pete Times: No telling if voter rolls are ready for 2004
Bush Starts Vacation on Upswing -- (EXAMPLE of skewed journalism)
Help! I need the James Baker "I fixed the election" quote
London calling for draft evaders?
"Are we on the right track or the wrong track?"
Jim Baker(wink): How I fixed the election for George W. Bush...hehehe
What is Bush telling his masters at ExxonMobil...
TIME magazine article on reinstating the draft
Oceania raises security level to 'plusgood'
Is Ann Coulter off television?
What do you make of this picture?
NYC Bloomberg news conference on CNN
Freepers doing better job ridiculing Terror Alert change than DU.
Suicide Bombs in the U.S. - Redux
If I were young enough to be drafted, I'd refuse to go.
BBV: Bev Harris/Andy Stephenson
Those of you debating 911-there is evidence they knew an attack was coming
Top secret 'advisor' dies violently in "suicide"
Time mag picks "GI" so no credit goes to *....haha
a taste of election year; saddam, libya and now orange alert
NORAD Traking Santa:Government Waste, or Cute?
Robert Greenwald urging unauthorised copying of "Uncovered"
CorpGovMedia tippy toes around the outsourcing of America
Is there anyone left on OUR side ?
Saddam was held by Kurdish forces, drugged and left for US troops
Wal-Mart Protest: NO DUers Committed yet
why does libya get diplomacy??
DUers: I beg you, please be vigilant. If you see anything suspicious,
How Can I Get A Costco In My City?
Shouldn't Cheney have been considered for Time's Man of the Year?
On the day of the "Kurds found Saddam" story, alert level raised to Orange
Another terrorist attack, helps or hurts Bush?
George Washington sets the record straight
Time To Play... What's The Terror Alert Covering Up THIS Time !!!
WSJ reporter blames GORE for public ignorance re: AWOL
Ministry of Homeland Security: Prepare Yourselves for TERROR w/ fine films
Future Budget Outlook Gloomy (Yahoo)
Who's the chap running against Delay?
It's Pathetic...Carville allows Matlin to run roughshod over him!!
If Gore were president think about how different everything would be...
Prof. Jim Fetzer, U. Minn, and Wellstone assassination
On the terror alert, an irony a friend of mine noticed
Collective punishment sends the wrong message
What defines "class" in America?
Happy Holidays from OUR Nation's Capitol (pic)
What do YOU believe happened on 9/11?
Open primaries should be banned...
Overwhelming Evidence of 9/11 Conspiracy
Do you agree with TIME's pick for Person of the Year?
What about Chirac's anti Muslim turn
NAFTA - Free trade, except no cheap prescriptions from Canada
Rules to start discussion threads in the General Discussion forum
"Toy Guy" paid by companies to pitch goods.
RAAF spied on Iran for US without approval: report
After Backing U.S. in Iraq, Poland Waits for Economic Payback
Georgia Beauty Queen Faces Murder Charge
For Connecticut Governor, Questions Veer Into Unknown
U.S. Military Chief Says Hundreds of Iraqis Detained (Myers)
Nation's Threat Level Rising to Orange
Many documents detailing Vietnam atrocities missing
Magazine names gay couple top newsmakers
Libya move puts pressure on Israel
Revealed: who really found Saddam?
U.S. says Hussein plundered U.N. oil-for-food program (bought weapons)
U.S. Puts Its Latest Arms in S. Korea
U.S. Modifies Appraisal of Sharon Speech
Libyan deal shows need for shift in U.S. diplomatic tactics, analysts say
Clark Says Dean Sought Him as Running Mate
Clark vows to strike back if opponents question his patriotism
Wes Clark Blasts Bush For Rewriting Rationale For War
Canadian benefactor gave $500,000 US to families of U.S., Cdn war dead
U.S. Raises Terror Alert, Threat Could Rival 9/11
BBC (Sunday): Russia's liberals boycott poll
Hussein Was Held by Kurds Before U.S. Capture, AFP Reports
Seniors Find New Medicare Law Confusing
Saddam verdict expected to take five years
American G.I. as TIME Person of the year?
Justice probing claim of being chained in. (Slavery in Florida)
Inside Red Dawn - Saddam up close
AP: U.S. Squabble Holding Up Iraq Aid
Georgia Beauty Queen Faces Murder Charge
Reuters | Nearly 50,000 Without Power in San Francisco
Iraq Pipelines, Storage Tanks Set on Fire
Breaking: CNN reports Ridge increasing threat level at 1:30pm
Al Gore's son arrested for pot possession
Clark Campaign Beats The Spit Out Of Tom 'Chicken-Hawk' Delay
The dollar's drop becomes more ominous
Iraqi criss-crosses country looking for son swallowed up in U.S. detention
"We must get rid of Arafat" warns Bush
Saddam was held by Kurdish forces, drugged and left for US troops
Chicago Priests Revolt Against Vatican Anti-Gay Stand
'Sick' Saddam drugged: visitor
It's FRENCH Vanilla Cappuccino coffee time, Gawddammit!!
Light the Virtual Menorah with Joe Lieberman - Day 2
Have yourself a merry little Christmas...DU style
anyone watching the Alabama - Oregon game on ESPN2?
A Christmas Card for all Du-ers
Vanity post: My latest photoshop contest entry
Does matcom like mistletoe?? Judge for yourself
Who here can't wait until Dec 26th
Just Asking: Has Any Wingnut Composed "Victory at Sea"
Who here definitely would take a SEX ROGUE to a WARMONGERING ANAL OPENING
Do not read if you're a cat lover - found my grandma's cat in her freezer
'Mr Hankey's Christmas Classics'
anti O'Reilly domain name for sale on ebay
The new furniture is a HIT with the kitties
OK, who plans to sleep through Christmas?
Saw Clark on CSpan this morning
Out of curiosity, just wondered who were able to relate to the song "If I
It's time to take the gloves off.
Hey! My Christmas Radio Special is on right now...
Mary Hartman! Mary Hartman! - Any Fans Out There?
Old "Bloom County" fans: Steve Dallas -- cool or what?
Psych question: Why do some folks enjoy having the same conversation
CEO Gives 1K Holiday Bonus To Employees
Who would you vote for/support for President?
Listening to the new live Rush album...
Who here can't wait until SPRING
Why is Charles Murray obsessed with race?
Island Fun for Opihimoimoi and everyone else
If anyone is looking for a signature line quote....
It wouldn't be a Christmas without...
what are cookies, and why don't I have them?
Why are people so cranky in DU-Primary tonight?
The 3 Wisemen, religious tolerance?
I just saw a product ad on TV.
WTF? "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation 2?"
Where's the best place to listen to audio books online? TIA
I Could Have Saved A Few Bucks If It Wasn't For The Cats
Kermit The Frog Endorses Howard Dean
It's almost 2004. What are your New Year Resolutions?
Hey Ladies. Next To Me Is A $750.00 Louis Vuitton Pocket Book.
HELP!! I've become a DU addict...I don't have a life anymore
"What Bush Wants For Xmas" by Karl Rove (aka Bush's Brain)
The holidays - time for Life of Brian.
Very cool Quicktime movie here:
Sasquatch's guide to building a successful NFL Franchise
Emperor Turg IV Of Planet Zork Endorses Howard Dean
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas.. Look what our newspaper put on the front page
Ghostly image at England's Wimbledon Court.
2003: The manifestation of all my fears throughout life.
MEN: How do you answer the question "Do I look fat"?
What are your family members politics like
Believe it or not I just saw The Sixth Sense and I didn't know the end!
In 1983 a friends' dad threatened to kill me.
My dog wishes you happy holidays!
wwweeeee! OK. Matcom Danced on a Bar Last Night!
Next time you want to get a new dog - remember this poem
The First Ever(?) Knock-Knock thread?
sport, my constant companion of 15 years
What Do You Get When You Cross A Pickle With A Reindeer?
What do you get when you cross pickles with a raindeer?
I just defragged my big hard drive - Ask me anything!
Lol, Santa Domi (For Hockey Fans)
Help! My daughter is in LIMBO.
Top 10 Reasons for Raising Threat Level to Orange!
Just In Time For Christmas-Threat Level ORANGE
isn't it nice to be able to read posts in GD
Attention NYC DUers: David Cross & Garofalo at Pianos
Feedback on my website WANTED please?
Do you observe "Wrestling Day"
Topic of 2-3 page paper says "Deal with current examples of propaganda".
Don't Touch the Computer--Very, Very Funny....Must See...
Do yourself a favor and listen to
steelers handing the chargers their sorry butts..
The sad truth about Santa's reindeer
do you hate all conservatives?
Who is going to the Super Bowl ?
Channel 9400 on Dish is having a 9-11 academic retrospective
Punchline Thread - The Christmas Edition
Al-Kinda plot to leave US in darkness foiled...
Hey! John Edwards endorses me!
What does Orange Alert mean for air travel?
How long should I cook this roast in a crock pot?
Terror alert level raised from "jolly" to "merry"
On Will Pitt and littlegrasshoppah
The guy doesn't even know how to sit under an umbrella correctly
WOW! Who just saw New Orleans lose to Jacksonville?
Just finished the Da Vinci Code
Have you ever heard of the book "Final Exit:"?
video of a freeper pro war rally
"Once Upon a Time in the West" is on.........
how to block all sites in xp pro?
Oh, I sure hope Mrs. Amok hasn't finished her shopping, because...
Great For-Everyone Christmas Gifts
Need help with popups / browser hijackings...
Punch your ticket to Canton, Mr. Parcells.
Have you ever died in your dreams and lived to tell about it?
Anyone know of a good automatic espresso/capp maker for 200 or less?
What year did you purchase your first CD player?
Congratulations newyawker99 -- 57,000 posts!!!!!
Jesus Christ, Our Savior, is born December 25!
not a household name yet CAPTION
George Lucas or Peter Jackson?
Gawd, I hope this grocery strike ends!!!! Anyone else having...
Have you seen "Dishonest Dubya" Lying Action Figure?
When you talk to people, how often do you NOT realize what you're saying?
Why Does Our Lord Jesus Love Howard Dean So Much?
Books: Fiction or Non-Fiction?
A moment, please, for our new cat's "Tom-hood"....
Does 'orange alert' mean bad fruit in Florida?
Watched LOTR RoTK yesterday.....
Anyone preparing Lutefisk for the Christmas season?
Which Anti-Terra Measure should I support?
A new twist to the Nigerian scam. He only wants $3,000
What was the first computer you swore at?
There is a gift under the tree from my grandma.
Give! by Anne Frank — An inspirational message for the season
There is something just "wrong" about this picture
What Was The First Computer You OWNED?
Name a couple bygone Republicans you kind of liked
What does this message mean on AIM?
After college I'm moving to Hong Kong......
What are your 3 all-time favorite films?
What are your favorite Dan Ratherisms?
I baked kitty cat cookies last night! Ask me anything!
$8.69 per pound for rib roast at COSTCO...
Clark defending big pharma on CSPAN
The Right Wing's Sad Attack on Dr. Dean
Repeat of Clark NH event is on now 11:45 pm ET......
Should there be a litmus test for judicial nominations?
A Kid's Eye View - Campaigning with Teresa
I am for one of the three people
Pardon me for being observant, but
Kerry uses Libya as an example of how diplomacy can work
Dean must go!! Time to take the gloves off!
Why did Clark *Whisper* to that woman that his father is Jewish?
Emperor Turg IV Of Planet Zork Endorses Howard Dean
Bush New Years Resolution #12-From Edwards For President
A story about someone I an familiar with:
John Kerry wants Probe of Ashcroft, from today's Des Moines Register
Another "Dated Dean, Married Kerry" story from Des Moines Register
Kermit The Frog Endorses Howard Dean
Clark just said Dean DID offer him the VP position.. Trippi says no...
Wesley Clark Word of the Day: Unlearned
CBS Interview, Clark on Clark: 'experience, maturity, compassion'
How would your candidate affect your life?
Nick Clooney (George's dad) to run for congress in Kentucky
It’s a long, long way to go till November 2004, folks.
"Sugar, Sugar" Gephardt luncheon hosted by Alfy Faneuil by Mark Silva
Snuffy pulls a fast one on Joe Trippi: Starts his ABC interview with him
Is anyone watching Meet the Press : Tom Delay is on the attack
Surprise! Ridge coming on TV to increase threat level at 1:30pm
It was sort of dangled and discussed
IF Kurds caught Saddam, Kerry and Lieberman are done
Ridge holds press conference to declare Dean psychic
I sent a nasty e-mail to Charles Krauthammer
FWIW, from the UK - Clare Short -- Dean for Pres; Clark VP
OK, so tell me how Clark is a True Liberal
SF Paper: "If Dean is too liberal why don't we all just shoot ourselves?"
Gore's son arrested! Dean is finished now!
Kerry coming up on CNN's Late Edition with Wolfie...
Two major forms of avoidable Stupid Politics.
Howard Dean can bring many new high paying jobs for Americans
Media's 2004 story line exposed.
Dean: "absurd insinuation" true--"not safer" true
Why does Howard Dean support life sentences for shoplifters??
Here's Why The Dems Will Lose Big In 2004
What do Bush, Kerry and the NRA have in common?
Indy Media Quote: "Wesley Clark is a Republican through and through."
"Dean Spares No Opponent;" Even as he Deplores attacks on him.
I went to a party with Kucinich supporters last night.
IWR: Kerry's truth vs. Dean's dishonesty
Edwards on live now C-SPAN 4:54 EST. Taking questions.
"Clark Campaign Beats The Spit Out Of Tom 'Chicken-Hawk' Delay"
"The most important statement on race in American politics in 40 years"
The terror alert was raised because of Dean.
How Dean could win: A conservative's view
An interesting tidbit from Edwards's conference call last Friday:
Dean campaign in Iowa distributes attack fliers just as Dean calls for end
Great answer by Kerry to Wolf's F word question
Unions who funded Osama ad demand money back
Right after Wolf disses Dean about "Are we Safer" Terror alert goes Orange
Despite attacks on him, Dean is still looking good., numbers encourage
Why Does Our Lord Jesus Love Howard Dean So Much?
ARRRGH! Gore son potbust story CNN's update lead?!?
Where is Dean's rapid response to Clark claim Trippi lied about VP?
Dean and the "permission" quote
"Did Kerry lose his last pundit ally?"
Was Joe Trippi scheduled to appear on "This Week?"
Bush Resolution #11- From Edwards For President
Dean on C-Span speaking of Health Care
Which is the bigger contributor to Howard Dean's success?
Howard Dean will not win the nomination
Was the IWR vote important to you in determining who you now support?
Bill Krystol prediction regarding Clinton endorsement
Who is the bigger threat to the pResidency of George W. Bush?
Clark Campaign Beats the SPIT Out of Tom Delay!
I've asked people what Bush has to offer that Clark doesn't...
Story about Dean visit in my local paper
Will Dean Supporters support the nominee if it is not Dean?
Has Anybody Else 'Tuned It Out' By Now ??? (No Matter Your Candidate)
To Clark Staffers: That woman was not just a homemaker
Today is not the first time Clark put the smackdown on Delay
Delay gleefully admitted that he'd love to see Dean nominated
Clark campaign statement on Dean/Trippi
New Poll Shows Most Americans Agree W/ Dean About Saddam's Capture
Leaders of Puerto Rico's two major political parties unite behind Dean
John Edwards Double Feature Today
With the holidays, will campaign standings freeze?
Poll on the official Clark blog
Tampa Bay/St Pete/Sarasota area.....10,292 for Dean Meet-Up.
Who, besides Clark, is taking the fight to Delay?
John Edwards is on 60 Minutes tonight (12/21/03)
Strategy determines who'll bash Dean, who won't
Kucinich will be in Las Cruces NM on Tues 12/23! at the
Come to this informal poll, 1st, then 2nd
Kerry on CNN, Dean campaign distributes fliers attacking Gep and Kerry.
Will anti-Dean demos vote for * against Dean in the general election?
If you don't believe a theory, why promote it?
The Era of Bill Clinton Is Over
Dean says.." we are not safer because SH is in custody"...he is berated
dean's UN-favorables have doubled!
Straight up poll. Is Clark telling the truth about VP offer from Dean?
Rangel, Young and Clark attend church together today in South Carolina
African Americans Should Support General Wesley Clark
African Americans for Howard Dean!
Does Wesley Clark have a hidden adgenda?
Is Howard Dean the next "Ronald Reagan"?
Kerry rips Bush policy (Libya shows value of negotiations)
Open Letter to All ... Dean and Kerry Supporters
Kerry does best against Bush in NH
Refugees from Kosovo rooting for Wesley Clark for president