It's greed, not ideology, that rules the White House
Beware of Attempts to Revive Military Draft
according to Penn and Teller-environmentalist are whacko
When do the election 2004 rules kick in?
Concerning the New Nickname Rule......
Isn't openly questioning a moderators decision a bad 'no no'?
The Jewish Choice: Human Equality or Israel?
Death Toll in 3 Years of Mideast Violence
Let's insist that all Federally elected officials...
Why I *Will* Vote Democratic in 2004
US Recovery? Tell it to the unemployed!
Uri Avnery on Saddam capture, trial, and the war
George Bush gets no quarter...
Canadian Border Hassles/Blair-Bush fall out: From Buzzflash
President Frank Zappa's cabinet team
Do Americans have "fear fatigue"?
New 3rd Party -- Veterans Party of America
Romantic Duo Nearly Caught Saddam
Software merger: Zone Alarms and Check Point Software
Anybody having trouble getting Mike Malloy...
Terrorist Chatter involves Weapons of mass destruction
Could new Libyan "friendship" include Libyan Troops to Iraq?
What, exactly, are we supposed to be "alert" for? All these morons,
Cooper finally just broke Kurd capture of Saddam on CNN
"This Republican Has Some Doubts"
Top 10 reasons dubya has to go
The Nation: Blue States, Latino Voters
Riverbend Blog 12:22 "8 explosions...they don't see the kids.."
Is Rush Limbaugh being unfairly targeted?
What really happened to Karen Hughes and Ari Fleischer?
Kerry Calls for Special Council Against Attorney General Ashcroft
Ditech commercial antisemitic?
What really crippled our party: Civil rights or the Vietnam escalation?
List the things that disgust you most about the media
The NY Times featured my Move on Ad!!!!!!!
Bush at 54% in Newsweek Poll: 9 pts lower than Gallup
Must Watch video stream! Michael Ruppert – The Truth and Lies of 9-11
Tom Daschle, traitor to the truth..
What the Russians just put in their silos today
CWA Local 1400 Endorses Howard Dean for President
US army conducts raids near Syrian border, kills Iraqi woman
Poll Finds Sharp Year-End Boost for Bush
Lieberman makes a move in New Hampshire., into an apartment
TIME: Condi does not want to testify under oath before 9/11 commission
A Last Wish by James Knox...(DE-Select bush*/Whistle Ass Redux)
Limbaugh lawyer: Radio host was being blackmailed by
Cal. Domestic Partner Foes Miss Second Deadline
Arizona senator blocking bill that would save 350 jobs
Bush ratings show little gain from Saddam capture
Germany: Neo-Nazi Musicians Sentenced
Brute's lair to go to US (Saddam's spider hole)
I love howard Dean as much as the next guy...
More airline threads! Every fly "People Express" or "Laker"?
Heard about the new freeper cologne?
Should Hussein Try the Limbaugh Defense? (Humor)
Get up in the morning, get on the bus
Anyone else watch that lame Christmas movie last night..Xmas Shoes
Loved that "Jib Jab" "Farting Elf" number
Feds Uncover Secret Santa Ring
Breaking: William Rivers Pitt to endorse John Kerry
My tiel is going away for Xmas!!!!!
Interesting cat / Elizabethan collar experiences
Blinking Christmas lights: Tacky?
I am covered with grime and smell like dog
Caption Tom Ridge in a "bright and shining moment"
DemoTex declares second annual gratuitous RVN/LAOS pic edition.
Official Monday Night Malloy Thread
Anyone else tired of the smelly neighbor kids?
heheh... the BF and I got each other the same Xmas present....
That's IT.. You're ALL getting a pony for Xmas.. You can even choose it
What's the difference between Pakistan and a pancake?
I'm leaving...For vacation. Happy Holidays All
Please God... Let The Primaries Be Over Soon !!!
Hostess Snowballs: How do you REALLY feel?
I just got "The Best of Tower of Power." Who wants to touch me?
Packers-Raiders MNF Win it for Dad, Brett thread
What DVD should I get tonight?
Why do you live in the city that you do?
Loading the dishwasher: pointy utensils up or down?
So you think you know movies ?
My dad's got some sort of respiratory infection
Does anyone else have an SACD player?
Wierd. 2 days to Xmas, it's 65 deg with thunderstorm & hail (E. Okla)
Any DUers from Birmingham, AL?
Ridiculous presents no one is buying you for xmas (post here!)
I love howard Dean as much as the next guy...
Michelle Shocked Benefit Concert for Kucinich (Ohio)
To Sharpton and Moseley Braun supporters
Dean polling 41% of black voters
Katrina vanden Heuvel: Dean Takes on Big Media
Who is running the most disorganized / illogical campaign?
Clark Has 31 Policy Papers Posted. Kerry Has 24. Dean Has 11
Teresa Heinz Kerry on cspan right now 8:40 eastern
Clark's Newly Redesigned Issues Page
"Jihoward: Howard Dean, Suicide Bomber" by Slate's William Saletan
Dean will fight to allow snowmobilers in Yellowstone
Movie director Richard Donner: Clark Supporter
Lieberman Moves to New Hampshire, Becomes New Hampshirer
Dean surges to a 22 point national lead in latest Wapo/ABC poll
Candidate's positions on stem cell research: Christopher Reeve
Why I Cannot Vote for Dean, Kucinich, or Nader (Robert Cohen)
Secret software, lack of paper trail a recipe for trouble
Dean's campaign depends on enemies
PA state budget is finally passed
Dean needs help with anger, history.
Molly Ivins: One-stop shopping (last minute Xmas book recommendations)
State (Repug) lawmaker arrested after handgun found in baggage at airport
Questions from Within: Stop Dubious Iraq Stories!
maybe she really is Olivia Neutron Bomb?
Terrorists and resistance fighters
Cheney should check his own 'facts'
It is essential that Bush receive a fair trial
Krugman: Citizen Conrad's Friends
Guardian: Bush* has thrown open Pandora's Box…
Everybody Wants to Claim God is on their Side
Josh Marshall....more form letters ready to send to support Dubya
Tycoon Black refuses to testify (Conrad Black-Hollinger)
Is the media, on balance, beginning to question this administration?
The only question we have to ask Rush is this:
Could I please have your links to quotes from Repukes?
FNC’s Gabler Falsely Impugns MRC as “Almost Always Duplicitous”
Speaking To Power - A Unique Christian Vision (Moyers Special Dec. 26)
9 years until December 23, 2012
This gay marriage poll needs some serious unFReeping...
Black players, white leaders bowl reality
Hamdi v. Rumsfeld -- Supreme Court
Oracle delivers takeover information to DOJ
SCO steps up licensing battle, reports loss
GDP Roars Ahead at 8.2% in 3rd Quarter 2003
US foreign policy hurts Australia: poll...
The top 10 dumbest crooks of 2003
Canadian SC on the legality of MJ prohibition
Project Safe Neighborhoods implemented in PA
GUNS IN THE NEWS--December 23, 2003
"You won't have Dick Nixon to kick around anymore."
Is there a mod on duty at any given time
Please clarify the rule on nicknames.
Which is the best forum for cookie recipes?
When is the nominee considered officially selected by DU standards?
Isn't it against the user rules to discuss other DU members in a thread?
When someone's tombstoned, does the "registered user" count decrement?
My thread about Clark and racism
Are we allowed to refer to a moderator by their screen name...
Thread On Pro-Dean Push Poll Locked
A crude attempt to equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism
Lifting of U.S. Ban Places Israel in Saudi Arabian Danger
Guilty of Being a Palestinian in Iraq
If Libya can do it, why not Israel?
Hamas sent message to U.S. via Qatar proposing truce
Car, IDF patrol come under fire north of Eilat; IDF raids Rafah
Shabak cracks lethal Ramallah Hamas terror ring
Ben-Baruch acquitted of membership in Bat Ayin terror cell
BBC (Tuesday): Palestinians killed in Gaza raid
Children in Bethlehem under siege
Stay away from Israeli women, foreign workers told
Bethlehem to be encircled in steel
Death of Newborn Twins from Deir Ballut
Mubarak calls Sharon, thanks him for Maher visit
Shehadeh bomb victims sue Israeli government
Two Palestinian fugitives caught in West Bank
Israel stands alone at conclusion of ‘toughest’ U.N. General Assembly
Moving to action on anti-Semitism
Arrests foil Hamas cell plan to kill, decapitate IDF soldiers
New Report: Medical Personnel Harmed
Israel Army action breeds fresh hatred
911 Skeptics will love this TV ad....
CO: Poll looks good for Campbell
Dean goes from Harlem to Maidstone for lunch?
Attn Maine DUers - Maine Caucus contacts announced
CO: Udall has decided not to challenge Nighthorse Campbell
Forcasting the political landscape on July 30, 2004
Why I Cannot Vote for Dean, Kucinich, or Nader (Robert Cohen)
Michelle Shocked Benefit Concert for Kucinich (Ohio)
CAN-SPAM Act. A real solution, or just a new can of worms? (
Ohio DUers! Who wants to have a beer with Blue-Jay tomorrow night?
My little holiday missive for all of you:
Hold their feet to the fire....
A Bush supporter we usually avoid shocked us today.
This must have happened when Rush was on drugs
Hillary Clinton raising her profile
Could the two-party system collapse in the coming decades?
Did anyone see the First Chimp?
A Recorvery for CorpRat Profits, but Not for Workers
How To Sell a War: The Rendon Group...
Was this Saddam Capture hornswoggling a conspiracy?
Wonder what would have been different had
I have now reviewed and voted for 75 Move On ads
Dean volunteered for OCS active duty, volunteer physical failed
Dubya's Cleaning up the ME... Holy Cow! Isreal has WMD....
UNITED WAY is now whoring for the Bush administration.
"Correspondences. org. "/New site linking all Saddam's Capture Disputes.
China's Growing Nationalism a Threat (No Hypocrisy Here!)
George Clooney (and his Dad) vs. George W. Bush
Freepers celebrate decision to cut health benefits for poor women, kids
When our new President takes over... (war/UN related)
2003 P.U.-litzer prizes are in! (from
"It's Greed, Not Ideology, That Rules the White House" from the Guardian
Historical recall of US policy and the chemical weapons in Iraq
For Vietnam Vet Anthony Zinni, Another War on Shaky Territory (Must Read)
George Will, Wm F Buckley outed as paid shills for media mogul.
Al Queda may already be commercial pilots flying planes
Back of Dick Cheney's Head Spotted!
Condi does not want to testify
Terror threat brought Ashcroft back from vacation - will * stay in DC
Have all the pundits really forgoten that the election is 11 months away?
Democracy Now: Who Really Captured Saddam Hussein???
Could we rebuild Iraq for free?
Pot laws don't violate charter : Canada's top court
George Clooney (and his dad) vs. George W. Bush
Election 2000: What happened with the elector in Maryland?
Should Rush Limbaugh’s assets be seized…?
Gay Demonstrations Removed from Lincoln Memorial Tourist Video
Bernard GOLDBERG Book Falls Flat, COLMES' Too
Ralph Nader rules out Green Party run
if they are fascists w/o concentration camps, then. . .
Has this irony been discussed here before?
Disgusting DU'er emails Will Pitt's boss
Halliburton Politically Pressured
Anyone want to guess on Terror Alert level in early November, 2004?
Are all travellers into the US now required to get "fingerprinted and
If "chatter" is the highest since it was at 9-11
Daschle Letter to Ashcroft: 'Classified Leaks Continue'
"Biggest Reserve Call-up Since World War II"
Was Nathan Hale a member of the Armed Forces?
The Weapons That Weren’t (NY Press)
Anti-Bush drawing called 'hate speech'
Andrew Card says Capital Hill is a sausage factory
Why Canadians don't like to visit us anymore
I too am watching Sandra Day O'Connor
Does Israel have the right to exist?
Who will BushCo invade in 2005?
Saddam's $750K in US $100 bills - Is there a corresponding "Ken Lay"
Iraqis may never get a democracy
Rush is right! 6 weeks is all it takes!
What are we going to do about this? Address it? Ignore it? I don't know?
The fall of a moralist is always a great American spectacle to watch
Limbaugh is a victim, the goverment was out to get him!
So, 9 Dem candidates is "too many" but 10 Repubes is ok??
Has General Clark ever suffered from racism?
Has _Jumper_ ever suffered from racism?
Spoof thread--nothing to see here folks
New Years Resolutions for George W Bush?
Gloomy Outlook for Federal Budgets
2004 Worst case Scenario - Then what happens?
Gays Banned From National Parks Civil Service Group Says
American Family Ass. gets your emial address via out
Mad Cow Disease suspected in Washington State just now on CNN
The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band - No Matter Who You Vote For
Nader Rejects Green Party Backing
If you could only pick one which would it be?
CNN BREAKING...Mad Cow disease presumptive positive in WA State.
French & Mexican airline pilots might be terrorists?
US Companies Moving More Jobs Overseas
If you believe like this who would you vote for?
Spooky FreeRepublic thread on Al Qaeda and impending nuclear threat
Are Most Left-Right TV Pundit Interviews Scripted?
Is it racist to be bothered by the idea of a Russian majority in Riga?
Selective Service Director Brodsky explains SPECIAL SKILLS DRAFT in .pdf!!
Bush reducing DRAFT activation time from 8 months to 75 days by 03/31/05!!
New Buzzflash Editorial on (you guessed it) the DRAFT! Rummy Confession!!!
Bush plan to enslave middle and lower classes is working.
Crossfire -- Do Democrats have a "potty mouth' problem?
Who are the most stigmatized minority in the U.S. today?
"Limbaugh obtained about 2,000 pills during five months"
Great Rush related post I found on a gaming forum (funny)
BBV: easy way to fax your Senators to verify the vote
Did Reagan leave the Democratic party because of civil rights?
Rumsfeld says we should not sit around "hiding under chairs."
To Rush: From us at "Democrat"
Ann Veneman says my Big Mac won't give me Mad Cow Disease
Repukes in Congress rumbling about a DRAFT after the election
In some public areas of the U.K., British flags are not allowed...
The Somerville Tea Party - Smoking Ban Defiance
Describe the Republican Party, in ONE word.
Bush*: 'popular' because of 'anger' or because he's not held accountable?
The Coming Strike? The Anatomy of a Terrorist Hoax
Has Limbaugh been to the doctor since his "recovery" program ?
Will Nader running as an Independant stop the flame wars on DU?
Code Orange: Is it based on an Internet Hoax?
Prick Cheney's lack of regard for life displayed during pheasant slaughter
so, you laugh at an "Orange Alert" and you get....
If There Is Another Terrorist Attack On His Watch, Bush Is Toast
Limbaugh lost his lawsuit! WooHoo!
The Mass Psychology of Fascism
What does your gut tell you about 2004?
The paradox of "death tax" vs. social spending
Does the Democratic Party have a plan to win back Congress?
2004 Worst Case Scenario - What do we do?
"Freedom: Start Despising It" - PSA w/ freedom-hating David Cross
BBV: Book About to Rock & Roll! Go Dave! New Question?
Creationism in National Parks (from my DoD email)
Powell Defends Diplomatic Role
Foreign Policy Guru Tapped to Aid Rice, a Former Employee
Thurmond's Support of Daughter Varied
Army says it can’t handle massive Air Con donation
A Federal Case for a Teenager: Family Sees Tie to Ex-President (Bush)
Gunmen Kill Top Judge in North Iraq City (Youssef Khoshi, Kurd)
Russia offers to ease Iraq debt for oil contracts
Nelson: Brazil pushing U.S. to lift tariffs
Will US oil firms return to Libya?
Judge halts mandatory anthrax shots for troops
A Federal Case for a Teenager: Family Sees Tie to Ex-President (41)
so, does anybody wanna question Brett Favre's decision?
Bush has thrown open Pandora's box in a paradise for international terrori
Dean's campaign depends on enemies
Iraq's New Army Battles Its Own Problems
Under Bush,* Expanding Secrecy
Dean Leads in New Wash Post/ABC Poll
Observers Fault U.S. for Pursuing Mini-Nukes
Oregon is key state in voter mobilization efforts
Shop Staff Demand Pay for Seasonal Song Stress (Czech Republic)
Tax-Free Health Care Accounts Begin Jan.
Kadhafi says North Korea, Iran and Syria should follow Libya's lead
British and Israeli hostages free after 102 days
Militants arrested as top judge is killed
Pentagon to conduct terror drill
Black takes 5th in SEC investigation
(Conrad) Black invokes the Fifth (Globe and Mail - Hollinger Affair)
FBI clears military over attack: claim
NBC: Terror threat to extend through January (Al Qaida comcl pilots?)
Support for Democratic contender Clark brings almost a thousand hateful e-
For Mrs. Clinton, Listening Subsides and Talk Is Louder
Clark Attacks Bush Strategy on Terrorism as Mistaken
Explosion at Chinese hotel kills two in apparent bombing
The ultimate honour - impressive list of those who refused to bow to the s
Rumsfeld Made Iraq Overture in '84 Despite Chemical Raids
Study: High school graduation data exaggerated
Judge orders Limbaugh's medical records released
Talk of Tikrit's Favorite Diner: Hatred of Hussein, Fury at US
Lawyer says Limbaugh paid blackmail money
Poll Puts Katherine Harris in Race for Graham’s Seat
GOP's Pressing Question on Medicare Vote (Buyer's Remorse)
Please delete. I must have misheard the verdict.
Family appeals teen's federal sentence (burned Poppy Bush' s boat engine)
Bush ratings show little gain from Saddam capture
Americans Want Saddam Hideaway
Rush's Statement on Ongoing Florida Fishing Expedition
Nader Rejects Green Party Backing
US military metes out collective punishment to Iraqi city
US to fingerprint all visitors
CNN live: Mad Cow disease found in Washington State...
Bush Warned: Don’t Push Israel
Mass. Death Sentence Is First in 30 Years
Iran's AFchief: Israel to ''dig own grave'' if nuclear sites attacked
No Exceptions: "The Bush Administration Owes America The Full Truth
(Canadian) Church That Opposed Gay Unions Ordered Closed
Gaddafi quoted: Libya long way from nuclear weapon
Ralph Nader Won't Run Under Green Party
Iraq Foreign Minister Hints on Contracts
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday 23 December (#1)
Castro says Saddam's mistakes did not justify U.S.-led war
Halliburton critic reaps campaign contribution (WAXMAN)
US Contractor in Iraq Helped Fund Al Qaeda
Six Killed in House Fire in Canton, Ohio
GI 'punched Saddam for spitting at his captors'
UN satellites eye Israeli barrier
AP: Dean Trailing Against Bush, Poll Finds (55-37)
Free-trade pact called threat to U.S. sugar
Next round of DOD base closings
New York pardons late Lenny Bruce
Kucinich Presses U.N. Involvement in Iraq
Gen. Wesley Clark Credits Clinton for Ghadafy Breakthrough
Study: Fewer teenagers are having sex
Families Sue U.S., Reject 9/11 'Bribe'
Deregulation hasn't cut Ohioans' energy bills
Nader Rejects Green Party Backing
Soldier dies during training in Iraq (Heart Attack 24 yr old )
Polish soldier accidently shot and killed in Iraq
Iran's 1st nuke power station operational in 2005
TPM & blogger Ralph Brandi: "Kurds capture Saddam" story probably bogus
Brazil Gets Sweeping Gun-Control Law
Divided over possible unity-Talk of combined ticket unraveling as Clark, D
For Mrs. Clinton, Listening Subsides and Talk Is Louder [NYT]
Stay away from Israeli women, foreign workers told
Dozen explosions rock southern Baghdad - witnesses
Police call for remote button to stop cars
Sparks touts open trade as solution for Cubans, Alabamians
Bush opens 300,000 acres of Alaskan national forest to logging
Oh, marvelous. CNN reporting Mad Cow disease in WA state.
Feds may crack down on SUV gas guzzlers
Malvo Jury is Back: Verdict was Incomplete, now in: LWOP!
Dean Rebuked for Statement Implying Brother Served in Military
Whoa dude! That's some fish your swimming with!
Use Knoppix Linux from a CD- time to take notice
Letterman's Wesley Clark Quote of the Night
Is it my imagination or are there lots of disruptors at DU lately.
Who won the scary bush pic art contest?
"Oh boy, I'm going to catch hell for that one..."
My little holiday missive for all of you:
How to teach your dog to sing along with Christmas carols
So what happened with the palace ghost?
Hey there, Lounge friends. Bad news.
My mom and dad are driving me insane!
I feel such a sad sense of loss.
Alert Jim Davis! the threat level had gone from "Code Odie" to "Code
Christmas Carols You Won't Hear at the White House
Yay! More Member Services Spam from MSN!!!
What the DU Lounge means to me
This may be the beer talking......
Here's a repulsive little cartoon for ya.
Howard the Duck: World's Greatest Film or Secret Message to Commies?
O.K., LotR AND Buffy this the weirdest thing you've ever seen?
What is that purple thing flying around the room??
3 in the Morning and whats there to do..
Yet another post about some goony fark photoshop pic
Ah shit! I've got every porno ad on the internet popping up on my PC
Freepers getting to you? Need help?
Who Controls The Remote Control/s At Your House?
Funniest thing you ever heard at work...
At stake: the reputation of a French heroine,
Is that really Muhammad Ali talking in that Linux commercial?
Favre's night also puts me in the DU fantasy league championship game
When did you first learn that Santa Claus was
What is the most important thing to know about a car?
CAPTION ze stretchee-face governor
Ok, I am going to rant, now...
Awww hell....11 more posts til I'm at 600...someone talk to me...
CAPTION Dick Cheney coming down from the mile-high club w the little woman
Tra la! Sing along, won't you?
Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground
Most Pointless TV Program ever! - on MuchMoreMusic last night.
Are we corrupting these fr@@per souls
DO you want to laugh? I got your laughs right here!
Ohio DUers! Who wants to have a beer with Blue-Jay tomorrow night?
Need Christmas Gift ideas FAST!!!!!
Anyone but me still have shopping to do??
I posted a lounge message at LBN...
CAPTION Arnold as he shares his Hanukkah joy with the children
Loose Screw Shuts Down Nuclear Power Station
Will someone PLEASE tell me just what the f*** this "Festivus" is?
Wish me luck, please! Job interview this afternoon! It's not as much
can someone help me identify this Japanese film?
Ever buy something where the total is exactly the cash you have on hand?
Brian Setzer: Retro King or Plagiarizing Wanker?
Which candidate has cutest supporters?
Terrorist Ruler Tries to Slide into JFK Airport
Loose Screw Shuts Down Nuclear Power Station
Strawberry Comforts Jackson at Neverland
CAPTION Arnold and his Hanukkah joy
Which Religion will Michael Jackson Convert To?
Remain calm, go on with your plans but be alert and CAPTION!
What is your favorite Sci Fi series of all time?
The current Movie Thread Chain...
I've got really bad Karma this week
The Official Guide to Debt Collectroll-Speak!
Somebody read the Snoopy thread
What does the asterisk mean after Bush's name?
Semi-regular gratuitous tatoo discussion thread....
Bomb threat conviction costs Santa his job
CAPTION the guy they DON'T trust enough to play with fire
Did Your Boss Get You Anything For Christmas?
do your cats chase the cursor?
So, tell me something I don't know.
Cat Survives 150 Miles Riding IN CAR ENGINE
I'm almost to 1000 posts -- Don't ask me anything
Just in time for the Holidays: Rate your favorite Tele-Evanglist
Anyone watch The Today Show today?
Dec.23rd --HAPPY FESTIVUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who sings your favorite version of "White Christmas"?
Cuervo Christmas Cookie Recipe
Did you see the Joe Namath interview?
Turns out I can almost, but not quite, get my leg through
Let me the first to wish all of DU a Happy Festivus (Dec. 23)!!
I...uh I seem to have dropped the ball once again (CAPTION)
What's your favorite holiday meal sidedish??
Your favorite version of Gloomy Sunday
The World's Cutest Toddler (diabetics beware!) MOVE TO LOUNGE! SORRY!
Video of why you want Bush out as president!
How will GWB end up on Mt. Rushmore?
I Feel Like Getting Drunk.....
Man Gives Wife Toilet Seat As Gift - Didn't Go Over Too Well
Time Mag: Best -LOTR ROTK worst- Mona Lisa Smile
Anybody besides me miss Perry Como at Christmas time?
So how come the media isn't hounding Nicole Kidman and Lenny Kravitz,
CAPTION Dick Cheney doin it cafeteria style
Woo-hoo! I just won my fantasy football league!
In honor of Saddam's capture...
I just heard a NARCONON ad at the end of Rush
new Hannity advertiser Alka-Seltzer/Bayer
The new version of "12 Days"--what are the words?
new Oxyrush advertiser Kleenex Tissues/Kimberly Clark
What present for your favorite "ACME Customer"
PET Owners check-in: What are you getting your pet for Xmas/Hannakah?
Rummy's "Old Europe" is named phrase of the year
Dr. Phil: Big Hearted Man or Big Dumb Meanie?
Sweetie? Honey? Darling? Sweetheart? Dear? Baby?
Have I told you (lately) about my grandson?
I am outta here- Merry Christmas my friends
Anybody know of a good traditional-looking holly plant that is cold-
Do you ever see old pictures and kind of wish you had lived then??
Karmic Focus, Please. Going to get biopsy results right now.
Who else's "Christmas" is already over?
DU MEN!!! Learn from this: Man says he gave wife toilet seat as gift
Does anyone have a disgusting close-up photo of Cheney, handy?
hee hee... look what I found.... ;-) (yo! matcom!)
Poll: Bands you don't hate but still think are overrated....
Anyone here (used to) watch the show "7 Days" ?
Earthquake survival kit for everyone.
Has anyone been following Funky Winkerbean Comics?
This is my 465th post. I think I may get to 500 by year end. Let's party!
Ballistic Missles are flying through GD Primary
Anyone hear the LA related terror blurb on CNN minutes ago?
National Anthems in pro-sports: Who finds the idea as silly as I do?
Yes!!!! I'm still at ASU! WOO HOO!
Hats off to our favorite people
CONFESS!! Which Movies Have You Fallen Asleep At or Walked Out Of?
"Blonde On Blonde" on the CD player NOW
Just Ventured Into 2004 Primary Forum
Read a post from Skinner in the ask the Admin section.
How did brits starting putting R's at the end of their words?
Will you get the gift you really want this holiday season?
What is your favorite orange alert music?
Ever had a wish to be something ?
I will be so fucking glad when the Primaries are over
Paddy's survival guide to last-minute Christmas shopping: ( for guys)
Confess! What excellent movies do you hate?
What really honks you off about other freeway drivers?
Why do all answering machines ...
Today is my mom's 68th birthday...ask me anything
Whatever happened to David Steinberg?
Is there anyone here that has a basic understanding of automobile engines?
Anybody try one of those artificial sun lamps?
Med School Dilemma (Seeking Honest Advice)
Well my Christmas is ruined.....
Legal advice needed: 5 years after my divorce, I may still be married
Can you type when you've been drinking?
ZombyCoffee/ZombyTea/ZombyEggnog Xmas Eve Eve Blend!
btw sips of eggnog and angst, will you be my test market?
There was a time.. Let's tell the kids how life USED to be..
What do you consider to be barbaric?
Who ought to use Nazareth's Hair of the Dog as thier theme music?
What would happen if Santa got drunk on Christmas eve?
When's The Last Time Your Favorite Sports Team Won A Championship?
17.5 Random Questions To Build Up Momentum In The Lounge
Is it tacky to get your wife sleep wear ?
Worst U.S. novelist? (post world war 2 div.)
ATTENTION: Star Trek Fans!!!!!
Friends Take Care Of Each Other!
Any fans of Manchester band "The Fall" here?
I want to attend grad Japan
Gratuitous Ranting Grinch Post...
Any Illuminatus fans out and about?
Does anyone know why I would all of a sudden be getting
I have been so busy, I keep forgetting, so here it is Orange Alert!
I'm thinking about starting a window cleaning business.
The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band - No Matter Who You Vote For
HawkerHurricane's NFL Power Ratings! (week 16)
I suspect a strong "Cat Bias" here at DU.
DU Christmas Eve Eve Putt Putt Tournament
Does anybody out there use a Sony PC?
What was the strangest movie you ever saw?
CONFESS!!!!! What really really bad movie did you watch and actually like
Who is the best NFL QB of all time?
Stars being formed ... in another galaxy
Any chance Howard Dean will buy Rush off
I love howard Dean as much as the next guy...
In Iowa, some voters give Kerry a second look
Can anybody recommend any good Dean videos online
Have Sharpton and Braun redeemed prior errors in campaign?
Bush New Years Resolution #10-From Edwards For President
What has been the Kerry campaign's biggest problem?
A Bush supporter we usually avoid shocked us today.
Tonight on Letterman "general wesley clark quote of the night"
2008 GOP nominee (if we win in 2004)
I'm going to go out on a limb and predict Dean will do well in NH
Interesting chart on DailyKos site
The WilliamPitt Telethon begins now! Jump on board.
poll ratings in british newspaper
dean claimed his brother was in the armed service?...cspan
An Honest Question for Reasonable supporters of Candidate X
Could the two-party system collapse in the coming decades?
Are candidates allowed to take international donations?
Face it non Dean supporters . . .
Attacking Howard Dean thru his dead brother.
Time to post fewer responses and click more alerts
If Dean supporters behave like they do on this board
Dean, from long shot to leader/ Des Moines Register
Good news for Dean supporters from last night's CBC Newsworld
Was Nathan Hale a member of the Armed Forces?
What can Kerry do to save his campaign?
Candidate Revew and Self Promotion
I give up. You guys are hopeless if you don't stop.
So sorry - no discussion allowed - all hail Caesar
Journalism and the Code of ethics
Dean may have volunteered for military when physical flunked
Former Gore aide joins Clark (Gore finance director)
Newsweek's Eleanor Clift asks: Is Dean Damaged Goods?
So, someone from DU contacted my boss at truthout
Latest Washington Post Poll Is A Pro-Dean Push Poll
Your candidate: Best to beat Bush or best president?
Repost in right forum...A Bush supporter shocked us today.
I still can't believe Will Pitt is leaving!
Nader Rejects Green Party Backing
Free Speech, Margaret Chase Smith, John Ashcroft, "Bashing" candidates
DUer Robbedvoter in LA times Clark article
Reasonable Dean Supporters Check In Here
Kerry takes message to Iowa work sites
Paradox: DU, Democrats and Dean
Why is Lieberman the RNC Darling?
If the GOP has RINO's, can we have DINO's? (is Dean a DINO?)
No one is going to defect to the Republican Party this year...
be careful stop dean movement - you might get lieberman
Dumping On Dean (
Why are enthusiasm and ideals always dismissed as "cultlike"?
"Dean's Campaign Depends on Enemies" by Thomas Oliphant, Boston Globe
The democratic nominee should challenge Bush to a debate before the RNC..
The Green Party of the United States.The Nations first National 3rd Party.
ABC: In the Van with Howard Dean - interview
Uniting the Party...or Dividing it to win the nomination
Newsweek: The Democrats' Own Quagmire
Nader Rules Out Another Run as Green in 2004 (May Still Run as Ind.)
What makes Bush a strong candidate?
An honest question for Kerry supporters.
Why I support Dean and why I will continue to support Dean.
Now I have no Idea Who Im voteing for..
Testing-makes-you-stronger Department: "Is Clark a neocon?"
Dean not filing answer to lawsuit on sealed Vermont records
A message from the Managing Editor of
No Southern problem for Dean - WP Poll Dean 30-10 over Clark in South
An OPPORTUNITY to buy a limited-edition piece of CAMPAIGN ART
Edwards Complains About Focus on Dean
Joe Lockhart responds to a Dean supporter at Edwards blog.
What Would the Race Be Like Without Dean in It?
Clark: Bush Deserves to Be Fired for Not Preventing 9/11
9 Candidates too many for voters
Mary Steenburgen and Ted Danson Supporting Clark
To the Right .. Bush is Christ...
Vermont to fight effort to force Dean to unseal papers
CNN just aired the new Kucinich ad w/Danny Glover
"The Great Surrender":Reason to be Angry other than Bush or Dean
Hilary Clinton CANNOT be elected to the U.S. Senate
Is this acceptable journalism?
If the primary came down to Dean vs. Lieberman, who would you support?
Dean volunteered for OCS active duty, volunteer physical failed
Just returned from the Kucinich Event here in Las Cruces, NM
Whoa! George Lois has endorsed Kucinich and is doing ads for him!
Have The Attacks (Info) On Your Candidate Changed Your Mind\Vote ???
I think we need to face facts.
Clarification: "Candidate Haters" is a violation of the new nicknames rule
New Poll Confirms Pattern: Dean Viewed Inevitable, Bush Landslide Looms
Washington State Firefighters Endorse John Kerry