Using the Other Guy's Vitriol to Win Votes
Do you really think Rush is a Nazi?
The Anti-logic of Judge Reinhardt (9th Circuit)
It would be very helpful if the Rules could be accessible from all forums,
Northwind warns Kerry has no chance Vs. Dean
For those who does believe Dean can't beat Bush.. listen up
Bush caused the Iran and California earthquakes, and invented Mad Cows
Eek! Some wise ass signed me up with a fundie newsletter
A surprisingly refreshing Family Christmas gathering . . .
Photos from the 1970's.....will you consider STANDING UP today?
FYI - Fidel May Wonder "Where's the Beef?"
Will I Be Allowed To Donate Blood Now?
Martin Sheen has signed on to play a guy I know in a movie
So, the US has blamed the Mad cow strain on Canada
Anyone read Barbara Bush's "Reflections"
A Public Response to a Private's Gesture
"News Central" nightly TV news - media consolidation at its worst
Shocking pieces of the PATRIOT II Act Bush signed
Homeless Veterans....299,321 Veterans are homeless tonight....
Appalling TIPS sign on Rt. 70 near Baltimore and Frederick
The "poor" here are speaking up for themselves in LTTE. Great idea.
The reason for the Orange alert
Mad Cow. It's What's For Dinner. Unless you only buy veggie-fed organic!
Patriot Act II was signed into law
Anyone read Alan Colmes' book "Red, White, and Liberal?"
Bremer rejects Blair WMD claims
Mad Cow Discovery May Push Beef Consumers Toward Buying Organic - WP
Trade ideas sparked by trip to Cuba
Report: Saudi Police Foil Airliner Attack
Agency Accused of Mishandling Contract
Sunday Wash. Post: U.S. Backs Off On Some Iraq Plans
In Iraq, Pace of U.S. Casualties Have Accelerated
Some who supported Nader regret decision
Kerry Says Dean Has No Chance Vs. Bush
Cuba trade embargo irks U.S. farmers
Bremer contradicts Blair on mass destruction weapons in Iraq
F1 fans: Where should I put my Minardi sticker?
I love my cast iron skillet!!!!!
I just proved that Dean is electable. Ask me anything.
Any DUers members of the CPUSA?
I sold out on the Snowmobile issue.
DVD player problem, anyone know how to fix it?
Any fans of Harry Shearer here?
I have 4 Chris Rock tickets, don't ask me anything
I am going nuts...Anyone know why temp. files and back up files with "$"
What do you get when you cross a freeper with a midget?
My new xmas pants smell like dishwater
Say hello to my nephew, y'all.
Any chance of a Kerbango-like internet radio making an appearance?
it's really cold where I live tonight
Psssssst!...the Packers are gonna win tomorrow and the Vikings
funniest moments of LOTR movies intentional and unintentional
Trading Spaces Alert: Hildi wallpapers with gift wrap and paint cans...
I'm a "Bleeping Useless Socialist", according to freeper family member
LA DUers - Where (& when) should we meet again?
People powered Howard speaks to the lowest common Dean nominators.
Foriegn policy: experience vs. common-sense?
pro Wesley Clark essay in Minneapolis Star Tribune
Howard Dean: Hard Work and Frugal Living?
Wax statues commemorate the Kosovo Conflict
AP story on GOP mischief in S.C. .....sorry if it's a dupe....
Kucinich Ad: Listen Up, Young America! You could be facing a DRAFT!!
NY Times: From Patrician Roots, Dean Set Path of Prickly Independence
CNN Capital Gang: Dean Nomination And Bush Landslide 3/5
Cohen: Confessions of a Retrosexual
Bush Can't Have Justice Both Ways
Bush signs parts of Patriot Act II into law — stealthily
Broder: 98 Columns And Doses Of Dissent (WOW! MUST READ!!!)
American Government Terrorizes America After 9/11 Attacks
US towns gather in their wounded
The Iraq Dilemma: Do it Right or Quick?
Mad Cowboy Disease - cartoon from allhatnocattle
Doonesbury - What time is it? 9-11
A very old piece from Isaac Asimov, one of my personal heroes
What Vegans need to know about Mad Cow
Factory Work Shifted to Mexico After NAFTA Goes to Asia
Outside View: Govt.'s knuckles hit twice ( Bob Barr )
The Relatively Charmed Life of Neil Bush (loads of stuff here)
A Smokin' NY Times Editorial...
George Will lacks ethics-letter to NY TIMES involving media mogul
Acoustic Musician Concert for Peace, Des Moines, IA, 1/4/2003!
Fox News ridicules Howard Dean regarding his dead brother.
Cartoon junkies: Best of Fitz, a local artist in Tucson
Have you read asimov's foundation trilogy?
Chris Rock on dealing with the police...
US Software Industy to outsource 90% of all jobs in 2004
Iranian Earthquake: Prelude to increase in tectonic activity?
London Observer: Year of decision for Zimbabwe's Tsvangirai
rumors of mini nuke used in iraq
There's someone posting improperly in multiple forums
Apologies galore to GDsmooth Mods--
I'm concerned that "news" is shading into "campaigning"
UK blasts PA ploy over Christmas card...
Measuring Balance at "Nightline": Divergent Views Need Not Apply
Mid-East rivals seek polar harmony
One Attack Thwarted Every Two Days
Palestinian Authority Sermons 2000-2003
Jews Face a Widening Web of Hate
Israeli Army Shooting of Israeli Stirs Hot Debate
Why wasn't Osama grabbed on 9-11?
New Hampshire article about Bush's fears of Lieberman as the nominee
check out the Libertarian Party presidential candidates
Interesting Article about Bush being afraid of Lieberman's challenge
Kucinich now consistently leads in the polls
What will you do if (or when) sites like DU are shut down?
After Bush is ousted, will the fuzz investigate the last election?
Afghan Islam Debate Muted But Concessions a Concern
Troop morale in Iraq is low and getting lower. The reasons are very easy t
L-O-O-S-E-N up! We cannot L-O-S-E if we just stay angry...
Confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt: freepers ARE racist
Where U.S. translates as Freedom
A REAL Earthquake Conspiracy (Seattle)
If the "mad cow" came from Canada...
What's your take on the new DU civility policy?
The Smoking Ban: Clear Air, Murky Economics
Brian Lamb reeeeeeeaaly digs Lucianne Goldberg
I will be voting for John Kerry next year...
'A sad, sorry, tragic story for Baghdadis'
Iraqi Resistance Report for events from 12-22 - 12-24
Guess who stands to profit if sanctions on Libya are lifted!
US Military using Brutality, Fear, Intimidation in Al-Adamiyah
The difference between us and them is actually quite simple.
David Hackworth: "Vietnam was an atrocity from the get-go"
BBV: Well, sort of - read this and you'll see - maybe you can offer advice
You are what you read; Bush shows he been into some nasty stuffs.
Just heard on AFKN (america forces network Korea)
Garrison Keillor and Al Franken question re National Public Radio
Every American should be angry at BushCo - except his bidness crony's
Check out today's Doonesbury. Bush's dumbing down of political discussion
War in Iraq, FWCS, taxes, deaths(Cheers and Jeers: Ft Wayne Journal)
The U.S. Army Goes to High School - Disturbing...Really....
GE expects to make billions in Iraq
If we win a number of House seats...?
New England Casualties of Iraq War
Loseranne's son, Jonah the Whale, on CSPAN
Russia set to enhance its Nuclear Potential
Mad Cow, Chronic Wasting, Other Deadly Prion Diseases (link)
Georgia Suspects Flu Shot Deal Was Bogus
Do You Agree With This. IF Bush Gets OBL Will That Bush Will For Sure
Democrats are missing a killer strategy.
Scientists begin measuring pollution in human bodies
Games and deception: The war-year in review
Can you afford to be a Moderate...
Astroturf "Healthy" Forest Act LTTE the site that started it ALL for me; how I knew bush
Link to LeShow Liberal radio (on now 1pm!)
Arnold wants to let them out of jail to save state money
Face the nation: pundits puzzled by partisan rancor
Alfred G. Packer: Republican Cannibal
bushgang gags/ruins meatpacker for blowing whistle
Hooded Men Executing Saddam Officials
Dissecting the propaganda: "No one cares about WMDs."
DU Censorship? Here's the best solution...
E! airs an hour-long segment about Bill Clinton's alleged womanizing
Do you know of anyone who fits this description?
Why Some Believe Saddam Was Involved In 9/11
Outrageous! Blitzer interviews Giuliani 12/28 regarding 9/11
Need input on states - Alabama through Connecticut (alphabetical)
Blair's WMD Claim Dismissed by America's Baghdad Chief
Endangered Species Act-Should it be changed? Poll.
Tax vote in Georgia? Help, please.
go for it!...anti-meat protestors fight for animal rights at USDA (pic)
Republicans, welfare, and work
I was shocked my Dem friend said he'd vote for Bush if the election were
I'm starting to think the Fix is in for the Election.....
Cattle Bones & Connective Tissue used to make ice cream, cake
I wish someone would produce a disaster film about global warming
The Question Must Be Asked: Is Bush* Insane?
the BFEE ultimate Santa Claus photo.....(pic)....isn't this sick ???
Anyone watching Caroline Kennedy on MTP?
Gadhafi, Terrorism, Sanctions, and Karl Rove
Uncle Sam Wants You, Eh? Our Military Tries to Recruit Canada's Inuit
George Will this Morning on Face the Nation
France to LA jets cancelled. WHY did they talk to people who didn't board
White House Christmas Stories -- Unbelievable
How does the gender gap affect GOP male love lives?
Poverty rate in Michigan rises by 25%.
Aloha, just waiting for my brain to rot
The Iraqi Family Care Packages are arriving
It's 9/11 blood money - and some won't take it..
Bush Can't Have Justice Both Ways
Whoremedia! It's not "Is Bush unstoppable?"; it's "Can he steal it again"?
Want the facts? Tired of the Media Bushit? Here is why we win.
George W. Bush: The Coward Hiding Behind the Phony
Hunger and homelessness in US continue to rise in 2003
Sam Donaldson says things are going 'smoothly' for Bush*
No beef, no fish....guess we should all become vegetarians??
It's time to spit on these intitial rovian tactics...
"Iraq...the immediate justification" .....from the PNAC files.
Socially liberal, fiscally conservative....
soooo....WHO wrote the note left in laura bush*s bed ?? laura confessed
The incredible elitism of George Will
Has anyone kept a count of Bush's vacation days?
Claim Vs Fact: Setting the Record Straight for 2003, ( good reference)
Who should the 9/11 victims be suing, the airlines or ...
USA Today?.. 9/11 Victim: "Silence cannot be bought"
Using the Other Guy's Vitriol to Win Votes
RSPCA Calls for Princess's Dog to Be Destroyed
Al-Qaida fighters suspected of killing Afghan official
Bush's Man Rejects Blair Weapon Claim (embarrassing for the Poodle)
Second sex eyes power in France
BBC: 1 soldier killed, 3 hurt in Fallujah blast
Security industry a threat, some say
Suicide Bomber Kills Five Afghan Agents
AP Exclusive: Weather Service officials installed faulty storm-detecting r
The Iraq Dilemma: Do it Right or Quick?
Poll: Americans waver on new Medicare law
Enough Plutonium for 5 Bombs Missing in UK!
Rough road lies ahead for golden governor
US military using brutality, fear, and intimidation in Al-Adamiyah
U.N. Nuclear Chief Leads First-Time Inspections...
Gephardt: Bush worst president of last 5
Woman dies from meningitis; fifth case suspected (in NH)
Colombia border clash kills two
Dean: Dems Doomed if He Loses Nomination
The terror threat at home, often overlooked
Short calls on Blair to resign
Two US troops dead in Iraq blasts
Six dead in Kabul car explosion
Revealed: how MI6 sold the Iraq war
Iraq turns into bonanza for private security firms
Annan Resists Calls to Send U.N. Staff Back to Baghdad
Death toll in Karbala attacks rises to 18 (over 180 wounded)
W. House 'Grab' Was WMD Flub (CBS NEWS)
Support sticks to Dean despite his flair for blunt remarks
U.S. soldier killed in bomb attack west of Baghdad
3 killed in roadside blast in Baghdad
Terror alert-AL-QAEDA has turned its terror sights to the sea, .....
Casualty rate for U.S. forces in Iraq jumps
Britain to Put Armed Marshals on Some Jets - - ( feel safer now ? )
More than 600 lawyers sign up to defend Saddam
U.S. Closes in on Iraqi Insurgency Leaders (light, tunnel, etc)
US: Terror threats can be bogus (whodathunk)
US Says Resistance Waning in Saddam's Hometown
Meat of Infected Cow Found in More States
NYT: Dean Vermont Energy Group Met in Private
Kucinich says terror alert is scare tactic
Resistance songs urge Iraqis to rise up against occupiers
For 2004, Bush Has Strength in the White Male Numbers
Blair hopes gym will fix it for fat UK
I think the ban on dem. nicknames is a prissy move and totally sucks.
I just saw the movie "Gerry" - man that was slow, yet fascinating...
Time for Kef's Late Night B-Day Movie Talk/Trivia Party!
Just returned from the Trans-Siberian Orchestra show!
The New Trading Spaces: Coming Soon to a Television Near You
What do you get when you cross an elephant with a parrot?
Anyone Have Eyelash Trouble (serious, not a joke)?
Amusing stories about your friends thread!
I just got back from my 1st Chucky Cheese birthday party,
DU needs a "word filter".. Imagine the possibilities
Animal planet is holding dog competitions on the grassy knoll
Any GWU alums or current students here?
What would you do if you were me?
Family Sues After Dad's Head Found in Shed
I just saw Requiem for a Dream. What a freaking great
IF.....You could organize one concert/festival who would play at it?
EQUAL TIME: The official DOG thread
Happy Birthday, John von Neumann
Things you do NOT want as wallpaper
The Process Webcast: The Dark Side of the 80s (and beyond)
"liberals are piss poor excuses for americans"
I just finished watching Return of the King. Man What a freaking great...
I have a $50 gift certificate from Barnes and Noble...
Comes the humidity, and with it the pain.
OK, this is the OFFICIAL Vikes-Cards pregame thread.
Husband witnessed a crime (DUI), wants to testify, but is frustrated
Did Adam & Eve Have Belly-Buttons?
Who will win the Rose Bowl? Michigan or USC?
I Just Made Biscuits for the 1st Time - Please Shoot Me
What does one do with a terribly large, tacky gift given by good
I'm off to see ROTK in an hour
Eastern Montana DUers: put down snow shovels and check in
Anyone ever had a pet with asthma?
Someone please smack some sense into me
Why am I hearing "November Rain" in heavy rotation?
I returned a Christmas card to the sender
I used to love DU for the intelligent discourse to be found here
How come no one told me The Sound of Music was on TV?
So, no posts about Howard "Pinky-dink" Dean or Wes "Ball-Peen" Clark?
Has anyone here ever made or collected "life masks?"
Did anyone see CNN Late Edition on Sunday?
A belated Christmas present for Loungers
Nominations are open for the tackiest Xmas gift you received this year.
Help! Need tips from DUers - ala hints from Heloise...
Giving presentation in 2 weeks. Need advice.
i just put in 'bruce almighty'...
Bengals vs Browns official game thread
At Class discussion in Extinction 101
I saw Dr. Strangelove for the first time last night. Ask me anything.
We went to a BETTE MIDLER concert last night
Looks as if I will be all alone for New Years.
is it just me or do the media whores try
Just got done watching Dr. Strangelove...ask me anything!!!
I love college kids who drive!
If you ever thought the comic 'Foxtrot' was mindless...
My sump pump is making a lot of noise
It's 58 degrees and sunny in Hartford---on December 28th, no less!
2003 Political Dot-Comedy Awards, Vote DU!
I just found "Being John Malkovich" on VHS for $2.99. Ask me anything!
how do you spell your profanity? (Rambling commentary on Stephen King)
Who's gonna watch Fox's "My Fat Obnoxious Fiance"?
How many pickup trucks can sit on ice that is 12" thick?
Anyone think Cold Mountain stood up to the hype?
Funniest noun in the English language?
Anybody else moved by the first 5 minutes of the movie "Love Actually"?
Frigging lame butted gol darn stupid darn sons of female dogs seattle fox
Hey Chevy, are you just a little bit jealous over Bill Murray's success???
I strongly suggest everyone get "The I Hate Republicans Reader"
I wish Harrison had remastered All Things Must Pass
The MN Vikings do this every year...
DU Censorship? Here's the best solution...
Young Frankenstein now on HBO Comedy East
30+ Duers: Advice to the Kinder...
2004 New Year's Resolutions that you will KEEP thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Doesn't Gephardt look like Rocky from the movie Mask? (Cher was in it)
Anyone seen "The Whale Rider"?
British Actor Alan Bates Has Died.
Dweezil & Lisa: New Food Network program in January!!
What's YOUR favorite Anne Rice novel?
I just volunteered for the Kerry campaign...
i need links for Gore won a RECOUNT in florida quick please?
Play nice, pick who they want, roll over, salute....GOP will still attack.
How many Pres Candidates have kids near or at draft eligibility?
I was shocked my Dem friend said he'd vote for Bush if the election were
The Smoking Ban: Clear Air, Murky Economics
A major Clark liability: Too many of his co-workers can't stand him
For those who claim "electability"
Capitol Gang made suggestion for Dean's Veep - I can't remember the name -
Make sure to see Edwards on Fax this morning
Clark Supporters on the official Dean Blog vs Dean Supporters
Normally conservative USC lurches to the left as Millennial Generation
Candidates' position on outsoucing and federal contracts?
Teachers who support Clark, give me a heads up! You're needed!
Resolution 1441 - France voted YES
Dean Defense Forces (Exposed): Lobbing E-mail at the Enemy
If Bush lobbed nukes into every country ruled by an oppressive, evil regime
WP: As Primary Approaches, Questions Cling to Dean's Gains
Bush is backing off plans for a democratic Iraq...
Dean weak on Foreign Policy? What about Clark on Domestic Policy?
Lieberman's NH Office- "Hippie Deanies Go Home"
EDWARDS on fox news sunday ...
"Assessing Mr. Dean" editorial from today's Washington Post...
Wes Clark on C-SPAN..Road To The White House...6:30 Eastern
Interesting article about Bush being afraid of Lieberman challenge
When should Democratic candidates drop out?
An honest question: Did Dean really inspire or did George Bush?
Letters to the editor re Dean in Dallas Morning News.
Assuming your candidate gets the nomination and then loses horribly...
DWW Calling all Millennials! The new MILLENNIAL MANIFESTO! (must read)
Democrats schooling Dean on foreign policy
Some observations from eastern Oklahoma
Dean Defense Forces (Exposed): Lobbing E-mail at the Enemy
For posterity: What are your political predictions for 2004?
(PA) State's Dems unsure (Many supporting Dean)
Kerry Says Dean Has No Chance Vs. Bush
Dean: Dems Doomed if He Loses the Nomination...
Blair's trying to give us a clue before it's too late. Anyone listening?
Kerry's Progressive Record on Controversial Issues: Human Rights
I will be voting for John Kerry next year...
Where were they right after 9.11? HD vs Clark:
DEAN suffers batting slump????
Corp. media not reporting obvious, that Clark has emerged as alternative
Ari Fleischer vs. Howard Dean's Democratic Opponents
LA City Beat: Howard Dean is "The Contender"
Kerry was not mislead by the President
John Kerry Interview with the Des Moines Register editorial board...
What is the true significance of political polls?
Dean supporters. Tell me why I shouldn't be worried about your guy
if bush beats( generic) dem by 9%, yet bush beats dean by 20%
Clark is well on his way to 1 million by 31 Dec 2003
"Dean Hits Cheney Task Force, But Had Own" John Solomon, AP writer