Inside Colombia (Your tax dollars at work)
Isabel Hilton (Guardian Utd): Just poppycock
Can anyone tell me about the "ballroom scene" in NYC? GBLT?
Need some talking points - Why do budget deficits matter?
The Chemical Industry's Bhopal Legacy (is a non gun topic allowed?)
I've Got Some Bad News, Folks.........
trying to reply to a message and got this...
A little confusion, my apologies.
Thank you for your fast action on a trouble-maker in GD...
'We're air force pilots, not mafia. We don't take revenge'
I just met Dennis Kucinich in downtown Houston!
Yet another example, yet another, of a Kucinich to mediaman backhand
Zogby: Dean back on top in Iowa (leading 26%-22%)
Kerry Says He Will End 'Era Of John Ashcroft'
Kerry waffles on Saudi Arabia. Bashed Dean for same position he just took.
Latest poll: Bush 42% Generic Dem: 48%!!!!
Kerry's Mideast Envoy Choice; Clark Disagrees
Short feature on Valarie Plame/ Wilson right now on CNN
*groan* Curtis Sliwa about to invade Atlanta
Group Pushes Dean to Unseal Some Records
Which U.S. administration was the most even-handed in the Middle East...
You can talk to Clark tonight.
Why not a liberal Islam? Why not empower liberal Muslims?
Is Howard Dean the Crypto Republican Candidate?
The Bush Background Generator (ver. 3)
how many national guard in active duty?
Kerry's "Baker" Speech on CSPAN at 9:15 PM ET CSPAN1
Medicare chief, Scully, author of new bill.....resigns to advise companies
Libertarians target GOP over tax vote (Oregon-funny)
Would any of the candidates stand up to ClearChannel?
OMG!!! LOL!!!...Howard Dean Bears!!!!....adorable!!!
60 Minutes II - The undercovered story from Iraq: America's wounded
Which Democratic candidate(s) can expose Bush for his national guard duty?
The Bush Credibility Gap documented.....A Must See
Gloves Off, Kerry Slams Bush As Dangerously Incompetent
Dean accused of involvement in conspiracy to obstruct justice
CNN/RNC warn that Democrats are too liberal, elitist and angry!
Replay of Kerry's FP speech on C-Span now.
CBS 11 Investigates Poison Gas Plot - Why is this not front page news
Clark gains on the leaders: MSNBC Demo Derby...
NC DUers Heads-up (Greensboro area) Bush Expose' Documentary Showing...
Kerry's Speech on C-Span - 9:45 pm est ... NOW ...
The Move On Voter Fund runs anti-Bush tv ads
Texas State archivist says NY Times article "deceiving" re: Bush papers
Random thoughts on bash threads
Does appearing on pop TV shows make candidates look more natural?
Dose anyone know the name, title, sponsor of Gay immigration
Is the media not so subtly pushing Howard Dean as the nominee ?
Which Dem will be the first to use the faux turkey scene in an ad?
Gene, Gene the Dancin' Machine
The turkey in Baghdad was fake....
when is o'really gonna flame the monkey......
Here's a candidate for Top 10 Idiots: "Christian" Pastor Beat Boy
The Lie clock- funny bush joke
Undeniable truth that Dean is the most interesting candidate...
I'm looking for a one-page flyer to post around town explaining The Draft
Howard Dean: Does that say enough?
Uh Oh. Malloy is inviting in the Conservatives...
The Foundation for a Better Life
Kerry pulls a major flip-flop on Iraq and US troop strength
"Supreme court installed a president that didn't win the popular vote."
Dean campaign: Common Sense for a New Century
I wish Kerry would stop trying to change his image.
Thwart computerized voting with absentee ballot campaign.
WP: Dean courts party insiders – Hillary Clinton reportedly intrigued
Lou Dobbs Reported On Dangers Of E-Voting Tonight
Just curious: Did anyone here support Bradley over Gore in 2000 and why?
Latest NH Poll: No, Your Eyes AREN'T Fooling You
There really is going to be a draft.
"I pay property taxes so...!" Well...Um...Renters pay both the...
Minnesota Governor Pawlenty uses tragedy to call for death penalty
Draft Jesse Jackson before it's too late! (Jackson/Gephardt 2004)
"When I was Supreme Allied Commander........."
Is DU "arrogant, elitist, and... condescending" ?
Hear about the Congressman who got bribed during the Medicare vote?
DU SCOOP! DRAFT Board Ad Re-Appears! On SSS Home Page! (must read)
U.S. Defends Detention of American-Born Combatant
Iraqis show their independence as they demand vote on legislature
U.S. officials visit Japan embassy for condolences (Armitage & Kelly)
Cincinnati Police Department's Canine Squad Honored
Pastor, Twin on Trial in Bible Beating
Lawmaker Urges Colombia To Seize Paramilitary Drug Money
WP--Russia Signals Support for Global Warming Treaty
WP: Bird Was Perfect, But Not for Dinner (Link to Story)
Exempting Military from Environmental Laws
Byrd to Block Omnibus Funding Bill
Richards Criticizes Jagger for Knighthood
Fox News just announced Bush Will Repeal Steel Tariffs Tomorrow
Cincinnati Chief Says proper tactics used
Union Leaders Demand Gephardt Fire Senior Campaign Aide
Democrat Kerry Would Name Top Envoy to Mideast (Post-Speech/New Info)
WP: Bush's Baghdad Turkey Displayed, Not Eaten
Soldiers Shout “Kill! Kill! Kill!” Outside Anti-War Priest’s House
Raining since Saturday; my rain gauge shows 11.5 inches in 4 days
does anyone know anything about the GBLT "ballroom" clubs in NYC?
I just finished a 34 page paper on costumes in Lysistrata. Whew!
I'm going to my local Meetup tonight
Guess How Many Replies This Thread Will Get In An Hour -- Win A Prize!
OK let's try again.. Any DU flyers handy?
I just met Dennis Kucinich in downtown Houston!
Wonder Woman warning on "The O.C." tonight
My apologies if this has been posted before: Bush Background Generator!
geek envy-- just received my new mainboard and other...
Competition (sort of). Write a TV, movie, book, etc. review
DUers in the mid-Atlantic beware...
Flash animation done really well! "The Simple Life"
Lily Tomlin on West Wing tongiht on NBC...
DUers in the mid-Pacific, beware...
I'm jealous dammitt!! Now "I" want a pair of Maine poons.
Help Magic Rat pick a chick flick
Broken Hearts Are For Assholes
What to do about an ailing parent.
new Savage Weiner advertiser Boston Coffee Cake Co
Anybody watching 60 Minutes II right now?
POLL: Was Bush Warned About 911 at the HIGHEST LEVELS?
Looking for Bush Vacation proof
new Savage Weiner advertiser Baskin-Robins
All hail the most awesome RADFRINGE...
Does anyone think this is a tad odd?
Deanies & Clarkies...Whos the best... ;-)
If Michael Jackson were a member of the Bush administration
It's Irish Creme time. Who's got some ice?
pResident to visit Halethorpe MD. Residents collectively say "WTF?!?"
my desk is a disaster! post a pic if you can !! slobs unite!!
Okay my wife told me today she had a Kucinich sex dream
The movie Dazed and Confused could've been filmed in my home town.
The Bush Background Generator (ver. 3)
I'm jealous dammit!!! Now "I" want a pair of MaineMary's spoons
What is your favorite web browser?
I just attended the very last class for my Bachelor's degree!
Just had my last Film Noir class...Ask me anything?
Bought myself a Xmas gift - the Looney Tunes DVD first set!
Linda Tripp is getting married this spring. I wonder where she will
Dean Bashers Mother's Wear Army Boots !!!
Have You Heard William Rivers Pitt
Wasn't Sure Whether To Ask This In GD or Here (so since I'm scared of GD)
"Enterprise" gets more and more anti-franchise
I finished my "chick flick". Ask me anything.
How the hell did the Liberal "Wimp/Soft" crap start?
Favorite Historical Femme Fatale?
I have the coolest friends in Connecticut!
I'm Starting On-Line College Tomorrow...Ask Me Anything
I've Got Some Bad News, Folks......
I'm jealous dammit!!! Now "I" want a pair of Maine Coons
Who was the Best Secret Agent?
Frank Vincent Zappa: December 21, 1940 - December 4, 1993
Help! Going insane -- TV problems. Anybody Savvy???
When's the worst time to be single and unattached?
OK, South Park is no longer a neutral show.
Julian Borger (Guardian Utd): Bush fails schools test
Some communities in Germany, Japan, S. Korea face closing of commissaries
Schwarzenegger's Alfred E. Neuman Bond Proposal
The Conservative Case Against George W. Bush
Bottom of the Barrel (Monbiot)
Will Larry King Be Booted and Replaced by Nancy Grace?
BBV: Buzzflash interviews Bev Harris
Tens of millions of cats to face slow death by freezing
Bush's Baghdad visit seen as backfired PR stunt
TUC Radio George Monbiot interview
Hint of draft blowing in the wind
Germany to remain as top US base
Ford moving production from Mexico to US
Interview with anti-U.S. Iraqi cell
Richard Wolffe: Hamstrung Hawks
NYTimes: Headline: Reagan movie: Not a Cable Hit/Article: "Home Run!"
NY Times Op-Ed- Making Sure the Money Goes Where It's Supposed To
"Picking a Winner' (Ivins endorses Dean) DEC 2nd - 8th IS HR2239 WEEK CALL YOUR REP
"NYRA Freedom" December 4, 2003
December 10, 2003 -- Cleveland, Ohio area DUers...
Seattle-area - Don't Let Eyman Control the Debate!
The Norman Rockwell Bush photo-op
The Conservative Family Tradition
Peace on earth, good will towards women
Arabic translations for DU family project
Weird midnight chemistry question
Arabic translations for the Iraqi family project
When did it become so trendy to be snarky?
Message from M.Thomas Benedict on the light and living and dying (long)
About the Dvorak keyboard layout
“Greg Palast, Weapon of Mass Instruction”
School District Refuses To Apologize For Disciplining Lesbian Moms' Son
Boys Sentenced To Sit In Wheelchair
Confederate group and black college embroiled in south Georgia parade flap
Bush Decides to Lift Steep Steel Tariffs
SEC charges with fraud
Bush Can't Say `Mission Accomplished' on Economy
Huge "omnibus" spending bill packed with pet projects for powerful lawmake
States' Budget Crisis Continue
Social Darwinism, the end of equality and class warfare. Let's discuss.
Kyoto Accord May Not Die (or Matter)
Kettle Chips Are Now Solar Powered
U.N.: Warming threatens ski resorts
Slash-And-Burn Agriculture Speeding The Melting Of Kilimanjaro
Canadian Glaciers In Rapid Retreat
Why some gun owners are unhappy with Bush
Fruit no substitute for Iraqi security - (wants Saddam Hussein back).
Iranians Offer Neighborly Advice
Why some gun owners are unhappy with Bush
Assault Weapons Ban Sunset Thread- Post Predictions Here!
Should we regulate guns like cars?
Not just a flamebaitor, but a disruptor
Huh? I have to question the locking of this thread
There's a U in the upper-left-hand corner of my DU screen
should press releases from candidates be LBN?
Should candidate threads be in their own space?
Do you ever get tired of answering the same questions?
Question about the sigline rule
I was trying to post this pic.
have to disagree with the locking of Martin's thread
The candidate of the day threads are fabulous
Palestinian groups meeting in Cairo for formal hudna talks
Shocking quote in I/P thread makes clear Bush is being mocked by Sharon
Origins of the Middle East Crisis
CSPAN - IRMEP discusses "A CLEAN BREAK" (real vid)
On eve of Cairo hudna talks, school bomb plot is foiled
Revenue files 'disappear' from PA Finance Ministry By Khaled Abu Toameh
Ethnic cleansing on the Jordan River
Israel Approves Construction Of More Homes At Settlements
Geneva is a blueprint for war, not peace
Bush: Geneva Accord could be 'productive' to peace process
Dean Calls for Measures to Restore Trust in Mutual Fund Industry
update on Dean's fundraising for Rep. Leonard Boswell
Wow! GREAT Meetup last night! (Doubled our attendance)
Writer and Veteran Hammer announces run for NE Ohio Congressional seat
BBV LTTE in NYTimes - Including Greg Palast!
Clark Blasts Bush for Criticizing Dissenters
ex-Clinton Cabinet Secretary to endorse Dean this week?
Survey finds top Democrats in dead heat (Oklahoma)
Experience with Bush for Pres. caller in Georgia
Wow. The fighting has gone MUCH worse. We seem to be clearly out of focus.
I know why Dean is winning MA!
Dean is probably not the McGovern of Democratic establishment fears
Zogby Weighs in on Dem Candidates (GOOD ANALYSIS)
Dean supporters raise over $50,000 for Rep. Leonard Boswell (D-IA)
GOP race for Senate still fluid | Zogby Poll on the Georgia Sen. Primary
ARG Poll just out echoes Zogby
Help "Republican Challenger" torch Bush!
Why liberals support Dean - Molly Ivins hits the target!
Quick! call the purity police - dean not kosher!
Dean responds (already) to ClubforGrowth ad
Ever seen a fat Republican dance?
Complaints about Aboussie's threats (Gephardt aide) were real...
Has Kerry's Prostate Cancer Caused More Damage Than We Realized?
wes clark: let them do the software in india
Clark Says He'd Consider DLCer Spitzer for Role in His Administration
The General Learns to Make a Buzz
Zogby: Dean increases NH lead over Kerry to 30 pts.
You'd have to be crazy to think Kerry still has a chance in NH
Molly Ivins: Picking a Winner (Dean)
Conservative Group Runs Ad Against Dean
A Funny Thought on the "attack Dean to win the nomination" theory
Kids really are making a difference in politics
Do any Dean supporters have doubts?
Jews Rip Kerry's Middle East Plan (NY Post headline)
Kucinich, Mayor Campbell, and others fight for hospital
Dean Disheartened By Signing of 'Healthy Forests'
Dean Bashers Mother's Wear Army Boots !!!
'Moderator" already screwed up...
Where's the USA Today Red/Blue County Map?
Bush and the Political Center - from "The Emerging Dem Majority"
It's a relief to finally see some humor around here....
Which is the LEAST whored-out major media outlet?
On Fox News: 'Kerry and Clark seem to be struggling in Iowa'
Police Say Fire Was Attempted Suicide-Murder
Absolutely Hilarious....Oxycontin Eater!!!!
update on Dean's fundraising for Rep. Leonard Boswell
When will the fringe candidates drop out?
Now I know why his name is Dick Gephardt!
Shocking quote in I/P thread makes clear Bush is being mocked by Sharon
Did Clark really rule out being a VP if Dean asked him?
Predictions: when will Kerry drop out
PLEASE, I beg of you! Please look at this right-wing talk!
Will another member of the Bush family ever hope to win the Presidency?
Is a civil war brewing at DU...moderators against posters?
What order do the state Primaries and caucuses go in.
Right-Wing Seattle Times Dumps on Hollywood
Tennessee Congressman Lincoln Davis to endorse Wesley Clark
Did anyone notice all of the OIL Op-Eds in the New York Times today?
BBV: DU helped start the S***storm - right after the 2002 election.
"Former regime loyalists or whatever it's being called this week..."
How can Kerry win the nomination?
Interesting information regarding election 2004.
Anyone see the latest issue in the magazine "The American Conservative"?
Linda Tripp is getting married this spring. I wonder where she will
Today's Daily Show, arggg.... brutal
CSpan schedule for this morning - GLBT, call up and complain to FRC
Anybody see this little ditty in the NY Times on 11/27
USA Today: Rumsfield Meets with Afghan Warlords
Identifying sponsors of a show ?
OMG: Talking Ann Coulter action figure (as seen on CSPAN)
Howard Dean, if you are going to have any credibility..UNSEAL
14-year old supporter files paperwork to get Dean on Texas ballot
Republicans want Dean to win Nomination
GLBT people - heads up. Family Research Pres will be on CSpan
Captain Disciplined For Telling Superiors They Were Violating Army Policy
U.S. Solider Raped by U.S. Soldier?
I am going to tell you something you already know....
Clark Says He'd Consider Spitzer for Role in His Administration
"Pentagon Wasting Billions..." - Very good article about MD
Clark rerun on cspan NOW..10:45 am eastern for 2 hours n/t
Clark replay of last night? cant find it on cspan.
A British take on Arnie's triumph - CBC Documentary - 9pm
right direction - wrong track and other numbers
Bush's Turkey Trip-- A Gobbling Good Idea?? (Poll)
Will middle-class swing voters vote themselves a tax increase...
Is the War on Terror really and anti Muslim crusade?
GOP gets show on road in lining up H'w'd bucks ("Entertaining Republicans)
How to convert swing voter friends
Molly Ivins Backs Howard Dean-"He's a Winner"
Please vote in Poll--Machine Voting
Bush serves table display "turkey" to troops.
Cities Are Billing Bush/Cheney For Security Costs
Clark's democratic spirit - Why I like the Man
How many DUers Male and Female are Draft age?
Would Kerry endorse Clark if he drops out
Where do you fit in on this political scale?
Tony Randall doesn't want Bush/Cheney at his funeral
Dean will be in Norfolk VA Sunday evening....location unknown at this time
Two questions about the war on "Terror"
Expect downtime early morning, Friday December 5
BBV: Paul Krugman in St. Paul Pioneer Press
US Exporting 'Tools of Torture'
Follow the money (NY Daily News reports on Clark/Dean $$ efforts in NYC)
"Diabetes made Janklow do it". He will walk.
Molly Ivins: Picking a Winner (Dean)
My problem with the Bush/Clinton credit for AIDS thing....
Homophobic Young Conservatives of Texas (Texas A&M)
The US Terrorism Plot That the Media Ignores
The National Security Agency. What exactly is its function?
Dick Gregory is FORCING me to think
Gephardt aide accused of threats?
Deanies: NOT Star-struck automatons!
OK, Clark has my vote! Finally. A Dem calls Bush a Thief.
A terrorist nation called the United States of America
Gays and Baptists in the Big Easy
Like him or not, what's your advice for Dean?
College Dems to send packages to soldiers
How long did Bush visit with the troops?
9/11....Cooked up Politically Correct
Hardball last night: shamelessly whoring for Bush (Annenberg poll).
Lies from last night's FOX broadcasting
I think Dean should unseal his papers
Paul Harvey decries Iraqi cockfighting just now
Why so many American still support the war, despite no WMDs.
Hate mail targets Black NFL players
Which of these sins do you commit?
Interceptor Body Armor/up-armored humvees are in Kosovo
The one time Bush really could have said "no" to the world he didn't
The Weakest Link, Republicans and their followers.
NYPD gives dad ticket when 9 yr old's balloon pops NYC this broke?
Can we draft a Republican/Conservative outsider to run against Bush?
Nixonesque Rush: Rush Limbaugh is not part of a drug ring'
Moby gets in a dig at Bush at Grammy Announcements
Rush's medical records seized by State Attorney's Office
Presidential election looking like '76
Bill and Hillary both nominated for Grammys!
Gephardt aide threatens Missouri unions over Dean . . .
In light of the upcoming Election - I found this article fascinating
Bush, Chirac Will Skip Louisiana Purchase Celebration
HOMPHOBE Tony Perkins on CSpan Now for Washington Journal
Clark calls James Baker a consigliere
Is the War on Terror really a "war" ?
west nile sold to bahdad- old news
Question about the sigline rule
A question about compromiseing my morals
Did anyone else notice Zoellick on CSPAN sniffing like his nose was
I just had a thought...Carlos and Truthisall gave me chilling thought
Iraq and the destruction of the US government
New ARG Poll NH - Dean 45, Kerry 13, Clark 11
Carlyle Group-Ahnold-Dubya connectivity
Poll: Dean's New Hampshire lead increases
Only 24 votes proves your vote counts.
Christian Right's Tollerence for Bush
Ask google who is a "miserable failure"
Do states/countries with no Death Penalty annoy Death Penalty proponents?
RE: democratic party infighting
1,700 U.S. soldiers quit Iraq: French magazine
Is Ann Coulter a closet liberal?
The Colorado Redistricting Case
I am listening to Rush for the first time in a long time......
Anyone else watch O'Reilly last night? Disgusting
Baptists and New Orleans, Part Dieux
This Clark supporter / Dean supporter sniping has GOT to stop!
Signup For National Medicare Meetup Day Meeting
Anybody listening to Tariq Ali vs. Hitchens on DemocracyNow?
Actress Jessica Lange and Bush remark today.
Kerry, Clark and Gephardt are not dropping out.
How much will Dean's appearance hurt him?
Dean's excuse on opening records has been exposed as dishonest reviews of DU are overwhelmingly from wingnuts
Is the guy in the Bush/Cheney t-shirt in the Dean photo photoshopped. . .
Schwarzenegger Says He Has No Backup Plan If Bond Deal Fails
Is the WSJ Editorial Staff Insane?
Did anyone notice all of the OIL op-eds in the New York Times today?
Elizabeth Edwards on whether hate is all you need (from JRE Blog):
Bush Cabal Expose' This Sunday "Uncovered: The Whole Truth about Iraq War"
Clarkie at last night's Dean meet-up
Susan Estrich criticizes the "Hate Bush" meeting. . .
Teamsters @ UFCW rally .."Dump the truck".We'll give you a REAL job
Have there been any New Mexico polls? If so link?
we need a forum for freepers to come out
California Governor Schwarzenegger launches right-wing agenda
Have any of you checked this site out?
Question about ongoing grocery-store strikes in SoCal...
Oh Gee's!!! O'Reilly is now attacking the Cat in the Hat
It's Been A While Since We Have Seen Or Heard Anything From
Club For Growth Attacks Dean...And Dean Is Already Ready For Them!
Hannity and Company are Fascists.
Here here lurking republicans!
Infighting: The sky is falling! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
From LBN: Turkey was Halliburton turkey
The William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Center is opening Nov. 14th!
Crossfire is going to do the "Fake Turkey" story
Are Chimp and the boys pulling some Enronomics with the Iraq cash?
You guys just don't get it, do you? (Dean/Clark)
Latest Rush Idiocy: Defends Rwandan Genocide Propagandists
Will we win California and Ohio in 2004 for the Dem nominee?
Some democratic hate-speech (I jsut can't help it!)
Whatever happened to Donna Brazile?
A new term is coined: Dean Divers
HELP with advice - should I shop at Ralph's???
Anybody watching the National Christmas Tree Celebration?
Bush has been a blessing to the Democratic Party
christmas pageant of peace - :puke:
Notes from NY Time Best Sellers -- Zell bulk buying are we
Check out this site about Nader.
Kerry proposes bipartisan peace envoy
Clark Campaign Announces Turnaround Tour for America
I'm Running for Washington State Governor!
It's not all about the White House (rant)
Cognitive Dissonance = Excuses Excuses All repukes have are Excuses
Rush and Jail...How much time should he get?!?
SCOTUS Justices Grill Lawyer who wants Vincent Foster's autopsy photos
Newt on C-SPAN Washington Journal tomorrow AM....
How is the economy currently in your state?
Look who's running for Washington State governor!
This Clark/Dean sniping has GOT to stop!
Should Greens Fold Into Democratic Party?
A mild proposal to General Discussion
CBS segment on controlled protests against Bush up next (6:41)
Hey Rush. Or any freepers who read DU.
Wingnut statement...this just can't be true
MSNBC reports search warrant says Rush was Doctor Shopping
A question about retail corporate taxes-
Remember The Nation's smearpiece on Clark..?
USAF Gen. Merrill McPeak was at my Dean Meetup Last Night
How can we convince the Democratic candidates of the Importance of Ohio?
Turkeygate.... next on Crossfire!
Limbaugh Urges Listeners to Visit "Democrat Underground"
Will Rush Limbaugh be indicted?
The Vietnam War was an atrocity. Shouldn't the next US Prez know this?
What if Rush "really" found Jesus and became a Liberal?
Ann Coulter not loved by righties??
A Call To Arms: Republican Special Interests Attack Dean
Dean picks up a HUGE endorsement.....Me. (ha-ha)
Do a majority of Americans approve of the "separate but equal" doctrine?
"Bush noted Rush Limbaugh is a national treasure" How quaint
Stuart Rothenberg just lied outright on CNN about Dems and guns.
Twenty Most Annoying Conservatives of 2003
What is happening to DU? (please read - long)
Candidates' Representatives Discuss Jewish Vote, Middle East
They hate US LIBERALS for our freedoms.
How much of ones own money can a candidate spend during a campaign?
Lieberman Targets Child Nutrition
Egads. I'm hanging out with Al Franken and John Kerry tomorrow.
Kerry Denounces 'Inept' Bush Foreign Policy
Selective Indignation: James Baker Vs. Ariel Sharon
What stunt will George W. Bush pull for Christmas?
Any other Hillary supporters here?
Want to punish AARP for their Medicare sellout? Here's one way.
Ben Cohen and the Oreo economy clip
Daily Democrat: A positive discussion about Wesley Clark
Someone here explain please Dean and Middle Class Taxes.
Why is the pope still against the use of condoms?
Climate Change Laid to Humans, 'No Doubt' Industry is Primary Cause
BBV: US Representatives Recess Schedules
CBS evening news running feature on "free speech zones"
Daily Democrat: A positive discussion about Dennis Kucinich
Where do you get your prescription drugs and who pays for them?
Don't Help the RWing Smear Machine Destroy Democratic Candidates
Clark releases Plan for people with disabilities.
*'s Operation Clean Sweep: A Nightmare Scenario
Letter from Diebold to DU withdrawing cease-and-desist orders
Have you ever wondered where the Bush Admin gets its ideas?
Should liberals find a true fiscal-conservative?
well are you guy's ready for the dow to top 10,000
NEW VIDEO - "Freedom: Stop Asking For It" - unbelievably patriotic.
Conason:Why is the State Department silencing Clark?
General Clark's "10 PLEDGES" on the Use of Force!
Former President Reagan rarely awake - report
Who is Rand Beers and why is he supporting Kerry?
Which are the Dem states and which are the Republican states?
Argument unravels: Dean still refuses to unseal Vt. gubernatorial records
World Running Out of Oil (Pols stick heads in Saudi sand)
Randi Rhodes said that "something big is coming down and
Carlyle Group-Ahnold-Dubya connectivity
There's a news lull --- be afraid
I have never seen Dems so fired up as now.
More about Bush's not so open records.
Now there's! Anti-DRAFT poster, lots of info, most of the
Do you Listen to your friends/family/co workers? Really Listen..?
A Dean cover-up? - Burlington free press
No more signature lines that attack Democrats
hannity and colmes on John Stewart now
The Bird Was Perfect But Not For Dinner
Council edges away from cleric's vote demand
BBC (early Thursday): Zimbabwe faces expulsion from IMF
Plan for Young Voters to Be Announced
US takes death penalty appeal to federal court
Rumsfeld Criticizes EU Defense Plan
Australia to join missile shield
Schwarzenegger's Alfred E. Neuman Bond Proposal
Statewide electronic voting delayed [OHIO discovers voting machine flaws]
Dean gallops ahead in TV ad race (new report on Pres race on TV)
Man convicted in anthrax letters hoax [AP... but, was he the author?]
US court strikes down part of anti-terror law
BBC (early Thursday): US plans Iraqi paramilitary force
NY TIMES: Appeals Court Casts Doubt on Parts of Key Antiterrorism Law
Iraqi Guerrillas Attack Police Station
Under fire at home, Lithuanian leader postpones US trip
NYT analysis: Into Thin Air: Kyoto Accord May Not Die, or Matter
U.N. inspectors plan possible...monitoring of Iraq's weapons despite U.S.
LA Times: Tensions on Governor's Staff
Brussels Considers Imposing Currency Controls
New Forest-Thinning Policy Drops Safeguard for Wildlife
Bush administration defends detainee policy
Dean Stretches Lead Over Kerry in New Hampshire Primary to 42% - 12%
Kenyan police blame U.S. warning for bomb hoaxes
Court Rules On Aiding Terrorist Groups (Bush Loses!)
LAT: (Dem) Candidates All Press for Global Iraq Effort
Killings reported rising in Brazil's countryside
Blast Near U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan (Gunning for Rummy?)
Hollinger directors face further probes (Kissinger and Perle)
US sees no opposition to boosting NATO Iraq role
Japan Will Dispatch 1,100 Soldiers to Iraq, Yomiuri Reports
Developer Drops Tree Activist Lawsuit
(Next Canadian PM) Martin to reap rising surplus - Globe and Mail
Mayor Agrees to Allow Panel to Examine Sept. 11 Records
Xerox To Add To Job Cuts - 800 This Round (Layoff Update)
Body Armor Saves Lives in Iraq Pentagon Criticized for Undersupply of Prot
Iraqi Governing Council in 'a serious crisis'
Rocket explodes near U.S. Embassy shortly after Rumsfeld meets with Afghan
Israeli General Derides Findings on Iraq
U.S. mortgage rates jump in latest week
Paksas Cancels Bush Meeting, Appears in Court
Troop R&R Budget So Far Won't Cover Costs
"Casualy Balance Sheet" in Iraq
Chicago High School To Require All Students Get Drug Tested
Bush's Baghdad Bird a Decoration
Former Israeli intelligence official criticizes Israeli assessment on Iraq
Some communities in Germany, Japan, S. Korea face closing of commissaries
Osama bin 'ere: Swiss bank (Same account with 57 other Bin Ladens!)
Colombian High Court Overturns Tax Measures, El Tiempo Reports
LA Times: Tensions on Governor's Staff
Blast Near U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan
Canadian detained by US denies terror charge
Kerry Eyes Clinton As Mideast Envoy
Life in battened-down Baghdad-Armoured city sends mixed messages
Dean Increases Lead As Clark Challenges Kerry for Second Place (NH)
Bush to End Steel Tariffs, Keep Licensing System
Bush Signs New Identity Theft Measure (free annual credit reports)
Medicare administrator to resign once bill signed
China to Taiwan: Threat Won't Stop Attack [China Olympic boycott threat]
New Colo. Flu Deaths Spur Wider Worries
Limbaugh: Agents Seized Medical Records
Janklow Jury Told of Earlier Near-Accident
Clerics Raise Fear of Islam Ruling Iraq
Ten Commandments Judge to Appeal Loss of Job
Snow: 'Strong Dollar Policy' Stands Firm (Huh?)
Gov. (Ah-nuld)'s Event Draws AP Protest
Venezuelan officials reject Chavez recall petitions from abroad
Weak dollar may revive slumping U.S. M&A market (This is good?)
US denies blocking six-nation North Korea crisis talks
Feds indict former Westar executives
Rush Limbaugh's medical records seized
Wellstone Crash: State seeks share of insurance funds
Bush lifts tariffs, trys to avoid sound byte (BBC)
Luxury Sells, Discounters Disappointed
ACLU Says Patriot Act Unconstitutional
Powell Asks for NATO Help in Iraq
Life in battened-down Baghdad [Self-preservation U.S. soldiers' goal]
Latvian student freed from prison in Iraq says he will sue U.S.
How an American war hero is taking his battle over Iraq to Washington
Complaint Alleges DeLay Plan Violates Law
Budget: Governor Arnold Considers Democratic Plan, More Talks
Limbaugh Attorney Comments on Seizure of Medical Records
Washington warns five countries over weapons of mass destruction
BBC (Thursday): Rumsfeld rules out comeback for Taleban
Judicial Watch Sues Howard Dean Over Secret Records
Struggling aviation industry breaking hearts in Wichita (foreclosures)
MoveOn.Com (Ohio Adverts financed by
Teacher sues over limits on history curriculum
Polish PM hurt in helicopter landing
US Rejects Iraqi Plan to Hold Census by Summer
RNC chairman: Democrats increasingly 'liberal, elitist, angry'
Bush says any new Mideast peace initiative should follow his blueprint
Home Cooking (Iraq turkey provided by Halliburton)
Rush Admits State Attys Have Seized Medical Records
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday December 4.....(#1)
Absence of Formal Charges Against Michael Jackson=Weakening Case [NYT]
Mica calls for hearings in Central Florida on OxyContin
Journal Defends Pius XII During WWII
Biden Says France Seeks Two NATO Commands
Bush to announce US moon mission (seriously)
Steelworkers Rip Bush, Fret for Future
Mussolini's Grandaughter Defends Heritage
1,700 U.S. soldiers quit Iraq: French magazine
Arar case may be repeated: Cellucci ..reserve the right to act unilateraly
Teeth Gritted, Bloomberg and DeLay Mend Fences
Breaking: Prosecutors say Limbaugh Engaged in Illegal Drug Abuse
Transcript: U.S. OK'd 'dirty war' in Argentina
Clark Campaign Response to Senator Kerry's Fondness for James Baker
Guantanamo Lawyer get Death Threat, Quits
Chicago High School To Require All Students Get Drug Tested
Help needed! Hot water furnace question
Is there a correlation between Interplanetary Funkmanship and Kucinich?
Did you know Ian Fleming wrote
I lift a martini to the dead this night!
How to prepare for a Deployment to Iraq
Tonight I Won $50.00 On A Black Jack Scratch Ticket.
have fun with bush... a bush background generator...
Watching Jon Stewart now...(Ok ok..i am in Cal...everything is late here)
The Latest Security Threat to Our Nation
A good and nice liberal cartoon for you guys...
Operation Fake Turkey -- dissent poem
Ok ladies - Have you been kept in the dark on this one?
new OxyRush advertiser Baskin-Robins
new Savage Weiner advertiser Aprilaire
Wow. This is kind of disturbing
Bush Thanks Dad for Creating Osama, Saddam
This is the song that never ends
Weather Channel "NEW" fertility clinic?
I KNEW I had seen Ann Coulter's hands somewhere before......
Dear Tech Support (Thursday humor)
I hate to call this woman the "B" word, but...
What is the most recent CD you purchased?
What years of being a repuker will do to you! (Campbell Pixs)
Ever miss a meal because you were too busy on DU?
In this corner, at 75 pounds and $3,000 - a book!
Should Dean unpaper his seals?
South Park is starting to piss me off.
Training An Owner Hard Work For A Cat
Computer people, question for you re: out of focus fonts
What are the symptoms of the flu bug going around?
How Cool Is This? They're Making A Live-Action Transformers Movie
upstaged by a 7 year old of all CAPTIONS
Has Primary Campaign Flame-A-Thons Cost Any of You a DU Friendship?
Web Offers Holiday Gifts Made by Rural Women
Anyone else catch Wes Clark on Cold Pizza this morning?
Do the Red House Painters rock, or what?
'I don't really know why I did it' - David Blaine in the Guardian
God, the Bouncing Souls kick ass.
The Mystery Of The Mary Celeste Is 131 Today
My post total is now conveniently hidden behind a stealthy (1000+)
Expect downtime early morning, Friday December 5
Maggot Punks update after short hiatus
Sex Toys Featured On Morning Show
For the Ladies: Men's Hairstyle
It's perfect for the kids and the entire family!
There's a U in the upper-left-hand corner of my DU screen
I'm the same age as Geena Davis
Operation Fake Turkey -- and a dissent poem (repost)
Mexican Dinner - You might want to try this.
McJobs...let's invent a language
I need advice about our kitty...
Didn't ANY of you celebrate ?????
Dear Santa. I dont believe in you anymore.
Move all candidate posts to GD now!
Snowboarder Headed To Jail For Speeding
Portly dates popular in Portland
Ever have one of those days- Where everybody can fuck off
If you want to be a Republican:
Should I Be Worried About My Neighbor???
Oy vey! It's that time of year again...
DU Poets: Post your best 'break up' poem.
Micro$haft To Charge For Use Of FAT File System
How is Chimpy-Boy doing in the polls? ........ Have any links??
It looks like I am about to lose my job, Merry Christmas!
Isn't this supposed to be the season of giving and good tidings and stuff?
Get your very own Ann Coulter talking action figure!
The Evil Empire gets more evil (GO YANKS!!!!!!!)
I just woke up from the worst nightmare of my life..
Favorite Chicago (the band) tune
Should OJ have been found guilty?
I'm sick and tired of the missing girl press!!!
What Type Of Neighborhood Do You Live In?
What European cities have you visited, or would like to visit?
10 CD's you can't currently live without.
Gwyneth Paltrow annoys me!!!!!!
Whats the Dilly with all the Ann the Mann Threads?
Why do people like to make a big deal about leaving DU?
This woman is drop dead gorgeous and can sing too.......
Should Rush Limbaugh be subject to Sharia?
Suggestions Needed For TIME CAPSULE Contents
Penny Arcade's Child's Play (GREAT Holiday Charity)
Will still lose to the Cubs: Francona Named as New Red Sox Manager
Red Wine May Protect Against Breast Cancer
I'm sorry for attacking Joe Lieberman in my sig line guys and gals
The Official Temple vs Arizona State Thread
Top Secret Democrat plan to support terrorism. (For Dems eyes only)
More Music...Obscure Bands that aren't really
Where should GOPisEvil go during his time off later this month?
Thinking of buying a new computer next semester...
Has anybody read Anne Rice's new book - Blood Canticle?
What's the best thing about remaining single and unattached?
Who thinks GOPisEvil should hang out in Philly with the Gals for Vacation?
I'm now addicted to Mr. Picassohead
Did Rush really get out of 'Nam with an anal cyst?
It's an absolute TOTAL uber-cute overload!
I don't care if it's been posted already, it's new to me
new Hannity advertiser Van Chevrolet-Cadillac
Anyone been to the Lewis Black & Dave Attell Tour?
OMG: Talking Ann Coulter action figure (as seen on CSPAN)
You may have seen this...e-mail making the rounds...
Tim Eyman is STILL a horse's ass
Hey Gamers. Can You Give Me A Little Good Vibe. This Sunday I Have
Minnesota Twins Fans - Trades Good or Bad ?
Now I know why his name is Dick Gephardt!
What book should I write next?
Fossil Find Hailed as Earliest Recorded Male
Santorum as a very UNPROPER noun
I'm Going To See Trans Siberian Orchestra Tonight!
Attention MA (and southern NE DUers) We Gots A Nor'easter Comin'!!!!
I am too old to go to work hungover!
Sometimes this goes in Editorials & Articles
Anyone Know How to Get Rid of a Student Loan?
it's time to set aside our differences and unite behind
A squid eating dough in a polyethelene bag
*sigh* plea to GDers dies a lonely death
christmas pageant of peace - :puke:
What are your favorite SIMPSON'S QUOTES?
Anyone have that Ann Coulter pic where she looked like Marilyn Manson?
For interested GLBT people or Straight women, vote here
Website redirect URL fails, why?
What are you going to do while DU is down Friday morning?
Anyone else excited to see Angels in America on HBO this Sunday
Bill and Hillary both nominated for Grammys!
Folks, if you haven't gotten a flu shot.....get one!!!!!!
How fast are your eyes? Find out. Unscientific, of course
OK DUers, It's been nice chattin with you...but I gotta leave ya...
Does anyone else hate Neil Young as much as I do?
I included this letter with my rent check
Okay, is everyone done lecturing all of us for today?
What irks you most about SimCity 4?
I just found out I'm going to be
Can someone else please make dinner?
Help pick the Cincinnati Reds likely new manager!
I had a flautist shot--ask me anything!
Figured out the whole Bush / Moon thing....
Should I eat my neighbors' pie!?
Should Rush Limbaugh be prosecuted?
I just shot a flauta, ask me anything?
Okay...Does THIS Dean sig line offend anyone?
Where is Pitt, dammit?! I'm sick & I want my vicarious thrills!
Dispelling the myth of the animosity between the Reagans and Bushes
Am I The Only One Who Gets Discouraged???
Do You Hide A Key To Your Home OUTSIDE Your Home?
Question about gays and the draft.
Is Ann Coulter a closet hermaphrodite?
Wwwwhen the MOON hits your eye like a big pizza PIE's CAPTIONiiing
stHEALTHY forests of all CAPTIONS
I got a flumist shot.. ask me anything
Wow Man, the lights!!!! Give me a groovy caption
can't see the forests for the shrub of all CAPTIONS
Say, Karzai, ol buddy -- have you CAPTIONED Osama lately?
I was an hour late to work this morning and NOBODY NOTICED!
Someone help me out real quick..which font does The Nation's site use?
I have an embarrassing celebrity crush.
Check out my new Internet radio station!
Bettie Page vs. Marilyn Monroe
For SoCal... Mr. Picasso Head!
Attempting to upgrade my putt-putt computer this weekend - HELP!
Getting those feelings about staying in the lounge only again
Has anyone read Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
Why do politicians never have goatees?
A WWII Love Letter...from my Papaw to my Mamaw
Do you donate money to your alma mater?
Which version of "A Christmas Carol" do you prefer?
Post to this thread without reading the responses
Why do people like to make a big deal about leaving DU?
What music do you own that you are almost embarrassed to admit to?
British Letter Of Complaint (HILARIOUS Letter to Cable Company)
Worst dancing in a music video?
Endometriosis - any ideas for treatment?
Thank You Magic Rat/Santa !!!!!
Another gaydar test: The Wiggles
Updated DK666's Signature Server - Please Read !
New Bush Portrait displayed at white house.
I'm having a reaction to my flu shot. Ask me anything.
Teachers of DU!: What's More Fun Than Grading Student Work?
Question for Gay DUers: Which of these set of your Gaydar?
Do you think the phrase "under God" should be in the Pledge of Allegiance?
Help needed: We've got neighbors that would make Gandhi go postal
Ever seen a fat Republican dance?
Help! Anyone work in IT for the legal profession?
Windows 98SE Restore question...