Democratic Underground

Archives: December 6, 2003

Saddam told the truth..George Bush lied

In Rumsfeld's Shop ... By OSP Whistle Blower

Bush-related paranoia appears on rise-Krauthammer

Anybody up for a little trivia quiz? ;-)

Mrs. Betty Bowers' Guide to the Perfect Christmas

Not a Pax Americana

(Ohio)Statewide electronic voting delayed (paper trail not one of 57 fixes

Ninth Circus does it again

Why different rules for different posters?

Candidates' Representatives Discuss Jewish Vote, Middle East s

Israeli minister ponders pull-back, Powell meets Geneva authors

A groundswell in Israel for peace

In Defense of the Geneva Accord

Cairo ceasefire talks hinge on Hamas

Dean Responds to Unemployment Figures

Lieberman senior strategist declares Kerry's campaign D.O.A.

Salon - Is Dean Stoppable?

Is Dean on the ballot in NC?

Sharpton surges in South Carolina poll

It's not just the Right-Wingers running attack ads on Dean -check this out

SOLOMON: Dean and the Corporate Media Machine

The Dean Connection – NY Times Sunday magazine cover story (7 pages)

Dean supporters

Josh Marshall on the "inevitability" of Dean winning the nomination

A list of why the Dean campaign is not a campaign, it is a Revolution

Fineman attacks… Deaniacs repond

Found out today that my company will be outsourcing jobs

Hey Junior, I'm coming after you

Which 'patriotic poster' from is your favorite?

Email from RNC Chair Gilliespie: Quoting Lieberman...

We should have an online library here at DU of the founding fathers

A perfect example of a Drudge Lie.....

C-SPAN Washington Journal Weekend Schedule

Lieberman senior strategist declares Kerry's campaign D.O.A.

The cover of Jayson Blair's book

What is the story behind Waxman and the fake study that M. Savage

Bush Lies: A Primer

Democratic candidate Kucinich draws crowd at U-M approved a freeper link about Dean as "news". Hilarity ensues.

Salon - Is Dean Stoppable?

If the Democrat beats Bush in 2004, how will you feel?

C-Span 2 - HELEN THOMAS anybody listened? (10:03 p.m. ET)

"Teflon Coated" Dean

Bill Bennett got schooled at his teach-in

We are supposed to appear gracious and mild to try to impress THIS man

Paul Begala points out that Tucker Carlson never got out of the Boy Scouts

Fineman attacks… Deaniacs respond

Nancy Reagan just says NO to Ronnie on Dime!

Progressive Majority is going after Bob Novack

Truthseekers, Mike Malloy is in a good mood.

When will there be a 9-11 movie?

Larry Kudlow, where are those 375,000 jobs you predicted?

Do you think Bush will reinstate the draft?

My big gripe with Howard Dean is his tax policy, which would lose general.

Will any Supreme Court Justices retire next presidential term?

The Democrats are Scared- A Letter to the DNC

Will Pitt/John Kerry/Al Franken meeting coming up on CNN

Josh Marshall on the "inevitability" of Dean winning the nomination

Ok...Candidate Partisans: Do you "Hate" another Dem candidate?

Kerry Withdrawal Contest

The one BIG overriding issue in this election

Where & when can we hear the new The Guy James Show?

Thanks Patrick Leahy, re: Police brutality in Miami

The End to Dem-Green flame wars can be through IRV

Hate to say it, but I think it's time the Iowa and N.H. Candidates...

If we lose 2004, who runs in 2008?

Clark Not Even Acknowledged On RNC Website

For Kucinich supporters re: Paul Simon's endorsement of Dean

Deleted message

This is what Kerry said he would do if Bush went in Unilateraly. What did

Let's make Dean the Time Person of the Year

How to argue with a Christian conservative...

Will you support Kerry if he apologizes for the IWR?

Matthew 25 31-46, Looks like * skipped over Matthew

The worst President, ever

U.S. troops sweep through Baghdad apartment complex in raid

Activists and Army reach deal on Makua

US lobbyists tune in for regime change in Iran

DOD Publication: Paratroopers Celebrate Holiday with Community's Orphans

U.S. Park Police Chief Draws Suspension

Secret Service checks Eminem's 'dead president' lyric

Red Cross calls for respect for humanitarian law

Rumsfeld Headed to Iraq

Ahnold moves ahead with bond deal that won't go to voters ($10.7 Billion)

Iraq Duty Stretches U.S. Army to Danger Point

Trail of Anti-U.S. Fighters Said to Cross Europe to Iraq

A Look at U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq-443 U.S. service members have died

First Utahn to Die in Iraq is Laid to Rest (Video, some text)

Kerry Defends Right to Criticize Bush

Miserable Failure? Google Trick Says It's Bush

U.S. steps up searches of Cuba travelers

WP: Conservatives Criticize Bush* on Spending

Washington Cancels Presidential Primary

Mother Says Army Rape Victim Attempted Suicide

More fiction than fact discovered in Bush's Baghdad trip

Iraqi musicians to play for Bush

Groklaw: IBM Wins Both Motions to Compel (SCO x Linux case) - YEAH!

Socks With Explosive Residue Discovered

Edwards Wants Bush to Return Donations (Diebold)

Would you like to give Soleft her birthday spankings?

Gewürztraminer! Yeh!

Would you like to Swing on a Star?

Gratuitous Friday Yak Thread: Whose yak would you rather thumb a ride from

Heads up, Hartford! The snow is officially here.

Favorite Pedro Almodovar Movie

Lieberman takes on issue more important than War or the Economy

I just heard that Bush is thinking of sending a man back to the Moon

In honor of his birthday: What's your favorite LITTLE RICHARD song?

Michael Jackson sure went to the wrong plastic surgeon

If you're building outside next year, read this

Dead Kennedy's (Punk Rock Band): Bedtime for Democracy

anyone wanna chat in the chatroom

I hid my own thread and didnt mean to!

DU this FAUX poll (the Freeps have hit it already)

wow, my friend just got a christmas card George & Laura...

I think I finally landed a Job!!!!

Friday night and Malloy is wound for sound

Help! Need last weeks exchange rate for dollar vs. Pound

Does the new Farrelly Bros movie look really, really lame?

A-rod to Bosox, Nomar to Anaheim, Manny to Texas...

ABC is going to have a segment on John Edward in a few minutes.

Let the record show that OUTLOOK EXPRESS is a piece-of-shit program!

Oops! Vicar gives out dozens of hard core porn films to his parish...

Why was Ben Franklin concidered a founding father?

I need advice from a tool guy (or gal)!

Which Founding Father would you have a beer with?

LOTR....For a fun Friday night...


Online gambling - What do you think?

Any Opinions on Elaine Pagels's Work?

Remember Simon? A new version is out this year. The Ronald Reagan edition!

I have a boyfriend who has a very different view than mine

I'm lowering my lifestyle expectations for the first time in 57 yrs.

If you could change your user name to anything else, what would it be?

Gulf Coast Shrimp where can I get them.

My friend was racially harassed at a Walmart!

Blood on the Tracks

Hail to the THIEF Jack-in-the-Box just in time for xmas

Well, I'm living in a zoo now.

Weather Check!!! What is the weather in your area?

How many of you are closet gun owners?

Favorite drink?

Who else loves Eric Legge?

DU this poll

Good Flick Alert : Cincinnati Kid on Turner Classics 10pE/9C

For the first time this winter, I turn on the heater...

More Fan Mail From A Flounder?

Speak to me of summer, long winters, longer than time can remember

Yay For Me - I'm Down To 182 lbs (from 208)

Hey babe... take a walk on the wild side,

I just came THIS close to stealing a dog...

PC/IE Question Update

CAPTIONeering the 'highest' bidder

Thank you for sponsoring me … Whoever you are …..

Rove studied six

If we lose in 2004, who should be the nominee in 2008?

anyone else have a 21 yr old who just moved out who

Good vibes.....pretty pretty please?

If you know anything about bettas, please help, thank you

College Football Saturday: GO ARMY! SINK NAVY!!

Which Way?

Guardian: Stuffed By a Plastic Turkey (sneeringly delightful)

Editorial: Bush let down U.S. workers

Landstuhl mortuary is funeral home for those killed in Mideast war


Election Reform or Deform? Dayton, Ohio City Paper

Nick Smith Recants: Did the pressure get to him?

Google cracks me up- this is funny

Young: School ratings? Say 'ah'

Kristof rides again!

The Theology of George W. Bush

What Did You Do in the War?

War leaves little relief in sight for taxed medical troops

Is the President a Pathological Liar?

Democrats: When will we ever learn?

Corzine (D-NJ) insists on bounty study: may place hold on pro-spam bill

'Germ' warfare, as heard on WTAM 1100 in Cleveland

A question re ClearChannel...

Your cable new channel order? Is MSNBC far away on the dial?

Lakers Game With Arnold: $10,000

Freepers panties in wad over DU-Google conspiracy to besmirch w

What would Jesus think of this administration?

Great bumper stickers!!

DU Christian Religious: How are you dealing with "Contemporary vs

Transatlantic takes on the US employment situation

National Survey Shows Continuing Decline In Science & Engineering PhDs

Mutual Fund Scandals Lay Bare Problems at SEC

Austin's Ambitious SOLAR plan sets standard

Confessions of a failed jihadi

(Pittsburgh PA) City cop charged in road rage shooting


violence and guns


17 Students File Suit Over School Drug Raid

Report Alleges Racial Disparities In Seattle Drug Arrests


Some more shroomers looking to server 20 years

Mushrooms v. murder: Sentences in Kansas don't all fit the crime

You guys are awesome!

Re: Dean records dupe thread

Would an Admin please respond?

Question, re: hidden threads

Skinner can you explain?

A blockbuster post of grand proportions that deserves

I do try...Republican "Intellectuals".I'm scared, what does this mean?

I'm wondering if

I have a semi-serious suggestion

Ummm...would a Mod please look at these posts?

pruner's latest post is an outrage

Personal attack in PM

Oh come on!

abrupt locking of posts...

I have a picture I'd like to post, can I please have the option to upload?

When I use the new hide feature, is my page 1 supposed to keep shrinking?

How many personal attacks are allowed before a poster

My sincere thanks to mods and admins today

I happen to own the adjoining property to the DU graveyard...

Palestinian Militants Vow More Attacks Despite Talks

The fence is an Israeli PR defeat

Israel Rules 'Treason' Label Rude But Legal


Adoption issue new battleground for divisive ‘Who is a Jew’ debate

Israel rejects proposal for truce within Green Line

Hamas chief Yassin rejects coexistence with Israel

The fence is an Israeli PR defeat

Divide And Destroy

An occupation that creates children willing to die

Does Teresa Heinz Trust John Kerry? If not, why should we?

The battle has started: Rove vs Clark

Attention Houston area Democats.........

CA DUers: Information on the CA Democratic Convention

Should Ronald Reagan replace FDR on the US Dime?

Two T-Shirts

Dean Rivals Pin Their Hopes on Feb. 3

Yes the 'media' REALLY wants Dean! They're not smearing him at all.

Atttention Ohio 14th Democrats

Thorough analysis of the "Clark Scenario"

Max Cleland to campaign for John Kerry: Dec 11-12

Kucinich on the failure of the No Child Left Behind Act

Dean followed by Clark (et al) in new national poll

How many Democrats did DUers register this past week?

Clark/Richardson 2004

There's a nice selection of audio & video files of Dennis at:

First choice then second choice

Social Darwinism, the end of equality and class warfare. Let's discuss.

Jeb Bush on local Tallahassee

Hitting the circuit?

ABC Nightline: Dealing with the trauma of killing innocent civilians

Have you guys heard this Repug spin:

Bust Bob Novak

Clark hints he would explore Cuba ties

Online gambling - What do you think?

Flew Shots may run out! In a DEADLY flew seasen?

Will Pitt's Truthout Program for Today

when did Reagan start to become popular by the 84 election?

Bowman for President

Let's prank-meme the lurking Freepers

this Dean "Hot Anger" vs Kerry "Cold Anger" is really a hoot

Russia's Authoritarianist Public: a Bit Scary

possible Clark 2nd place NH finish being discussed on CSPAN now

Is this the man who could be our next president?

If Bush hadn't "won" in 2000

So... who should be the VP candidate

Isn't Grover Norquist behind the Reagan dime idiocy? Isn't he a terrorist?

Terry McAuliffe call-in to Arnie Arnesen Show coming up on CSPAN

The Kerry disconnect

'It Stinks to High Heaven'/ Richard Perle in Ethics Trouble

something you'll never see out of asshat and company

should the nominee announce his VP choice before the

Is the scarcity of kevlar gear for our troops possibly attributable to...

Terry M says there will be 2-3 candidates by Feb. 4

Join the national intervention for Bush

What's going on in Seattle???

Yahoo message board is a SCREAM!

The third way

If we lose in 2004, who should be the nominee in 2008?

William Pitt's Truthout Radio Program

Robin Hood, a conservative tax cutter according to OxyRush

I really like John Edwards

Dean's anger.

Rename the Carrier

Weird! Just got spam from the U.S. Military!

Fla. straw poll results. Read it and weep.

Dean's New Hampshire Campaign -- 8:30 AM ET - CSPAN

Broder - Congress's Cop-Out On War

This is fun

Hey, anyone use EZBoard?

Did anyone record...

This one is a Kick - Will Pitt's Truthout Radio Program

Must See- Journalism Panel on War Coverage in Iraq

Democracy Now: Christopher Hitches vs. Tariq Ali

Fun And Funny Gifts For Progressives!

Totally Classic Line from Clark Campaign -- so funny

LIHOP, MIHOP, or neither?

Rove vs Clark - the battleline is drawn:

OMG look away! The first Reagan Dime!

Rove vs Clark

I am watching the Florida Dem thing on CSPAN

Is it common for builders to jack up the price of a house by $50,000?!

Bush* claps and coos at himself like a little toddler

, let’s send this Hindenburg down in flames

Want to get angry? Read this:

So they want Hamilton, Grant, and Reagan on our money, but not FDR?

Boston Globe: Clark on rise in NH

Poll: Gonzalez, Newsom in dead heat for San Fran Mayor

SCOTUS Justice Stephen Breyer on Economic Review & Judicial Reason

Isn't this Illegal?????????

Lieberman is a freeper!

When did the Presidency become a Vehicle for providing free advertising?

CNN: Slain Prosecutor was tortured before Death

Terry M says there will be 2-3 candidates by Feb. 4

An explanation of Dean's $50,000 to the Florida Dems. Mods please allow.

C-Span covering Dem, Florida Metting most of the day

Liar, liar pants on fire - ATTN. DC DUers

Edwards speaks out on Black Box Voting

Republican "Intellectuals" Are Pissed At Bush...

Rats I am not in Orlando

Getting ready to leave for Orlando.......just got a call about parking.

Any lurking Freeper who can answer this question about Bush?

Clark On Rise In New Hampshire

The Power of Prophecy (Angels in America/AIDS)

Dollar hits new record euro low: 1.2169

DU These Polls!

Rumsfeld: Iraq war was to distract from failure in Afghanistan

Go read Ernest Partridge's article on the DU front page!

just read my gopteamleader

Crash at airport kills 2; Whitewater figure pilot

Dean Bashers and the Battered Wife Syndrome

The Kean Commission is a whitewash

It is my belief that whomever is the Democratic nominee

There They Go Again

Is it just me

Global Eye -- Blood Kin (Russian author takes on Neil Bush)

Florida Dems back on CSpan Now. :1:30.

Calling all lawyers- definition help

Let's put to rest this "Reagan Dime" to rest.

Marijuana Decriminalization

Can we call deficits "tax increases?"

ignorant c-span host-ess.....grr....what's her name?

BBV Robert Cringley on voting machines. Yay!!!!

HOUSTON people... Are we voting today?

Kerry's National Service Plan

Dean's tax cut proposal is dead on arrival

Are you in this for the long haul?

Conservatives hate the Patriot Act....

Proof that Dean leads in Iowa.

Did W unseal HIS Texas gubernatorial records?

What is your reaction to comments like Kristof's about Dean?


Enough with the draft dodging accusations against Dean!

Repubs are starting to think that Dean will be the nominee...

This Medco/Harvard "study" on 'Script co-pays...

Series of gun attacks on Irish Republican homes

Have people lost all compassion in the US?

John Edwards on C-SPAN now

Kerry's ducking fesperate

dupe - mods please delete

Limbaugh whines he's a victim

I just heard our new National Anthem. What does it mean to you?

Limbaugh raids detailed

Someone needs to call for a veto of the Medicare Act

Richard Perle is one creepy-looking dude.

caption this photo

Vermont borders New Hampshire; media portrays Massachusetts encircling

Three Rapes

Evidence, beyond any dispute, that repug donors are stupid...

The value of a Dime

Kerry's x-rated attack on Bush

The Rovian scenario for our candidates

Florida Democratic Party Meeting -- 9AM ET -- All Day

The best song about Bush ever!!

Florida Democratic Party Meeting -- 1PM -- Thread #2

Offical Clark C-Span discussion

NEW VIDEO - Trifecta-craving Dictator Monkey in 30 Seconds or So

Clark and Dean C-span Thread.....

NOFX - Idiot son of an asshole!!

I'm starting to find the DU rules and locked threads a little boring

President Kerry on C-Span. We absolutely need Kerry in the White House

Florida Democratic Party Meeting -- 4:30PM -- Thread #3

Edwards and Kerry up next on C-SPAN live! 12:55 pm.

C-Span - RNC Chairman on now

The Difference Between Rush And Other Junkies

Guy James website is down ? (audio LINK on this thread!)

Florida Democratic Party Meeting .....thread 3

The Unemployment rate.

Has anyone here written a press release?

Florida Democratic Party Meeting .....thread 4

Dean soils Florida convention with attacks on other candidates

Fla. Democrat Meeting -- Howard Dean on now

Neil Bush: did Poppy pardon him?

Why shouldn't LaRouche be in a debate?

I love Dennis Kucinich.

Whose photo could you put on your living room wall, Clark or Dean?

LOL...tons of fun....(pics)

Not Without Her Makeup (Oppression of Western Women)

The trashing of Molly Ivins

Heros Of The Week!!

Kucinish on fire. Great speech

After you watch our Dems in Fla....go to Moyer's speech in the 1/2 hour!

I don't see an open thread about Dean's statement about Graham.

Are those WHISTLE ASS whistles I hear on CSPAN (Florida convention)?

Who has a better chance of beating Bush?

Should we torture children for liberation?

Anyone know if the speeches from the Florida Dem Party Meet will be rerun?

William Sloane Coffin on the Dem Candidates...

Dean pays 50,000 for a conference room and Clark brings an RV?


Question RE: Salvation Army change donations

So, since Dean does the best in a matchup against Bush in Fla

NBC News: Iraqi WMD's Hidden in the Desert

Why are the Righties so afraid of Howard Dean?

Will the top candidates partner as Pres and VP?

What's The Word On Guy James' Show?

Information on H.R. 3633, the Ronald Raygun Dime bill

Janklow says "I dont remember killing anyone" (Liar)

Dean gets endorsement of key Iowa farm activist

Must Hear Radio, On Now.

We have great candidates! (Watching FL speeches)

Florida Democratic Party Meeting .....thread 5

US barbed-wires Iraqi villages--Or, how to lose a war

Dean To Travel to SC to Open Offices There

Regarding Al Sharpton:

No more HOME DEPOT for me! Huge contributions to *

Hillary blasts Bush!! YAY!

NBC5/Chicago Sun-Times: Fmr IL Gov. George Ryan (R) to indicted. . .

DU these poll, Whose image should be on the dime? (unfreep!)

Iraq: What Should the Democrats' Message Be ??

I just saw the attack ad on Dean.

This editorial in Time magazine.

Gingrich and Privatization

OK, I admit I'm scared and I'll grovel if I'm wrong...

Babes against Bush

Nazi Germany's War On Terror

The difference between Dean and McGovern

Is Dean liberal?

John Kerry on oustsourcing - weak answer

Has Novak been arrested yet?

Differences in Fundraising Goals Between Dean and Clark

Daily Democrat: a positive discussion about Carol Moseley Braun

Ok, people who think Dean is not electable...

Official Guy James Show thread!

Co-Sponsor List for H. Con. Res. 343, the Keep FDR on the Dime resolution

Colorful Kerry quote

Upsetting: Dick Morris also says that Dean can't win...

Insider exposes fraud of Bush Administration

This is how conservatives sell lots of books. The truth.

Blog Community's Take on Kerry's campaign

BBV: KERRY just said he's gonna demand paper records for

Er, does anyone else think this link on Clark's site is extremely strange?

I must say, Kerry is my new number one

Shouldn't we be apoplectic that we aren't MANUFACTURING....

Why Do "Dean-TAX" Threads Ignore Dean's Tax Plan?

Florida Democratic Meeting......Thread 6

Money laundering too. Why that sneaky O’l Gas Bag

I officially endorse Wesley Clark for the Democratic Nomination

My "AARP" refund check came today! I wondered if they would send it.

Where can I buy gifts that are made in the U.S.A?

Daily Democrat: a positive discussion about John Edwards

one lefty's support for Dean

Michael Jackson's link to Carlyle Group (video)

Let's compare the Bush speech at Home Depot to our Dems

The proper coin for reagan is

student expelled for possession of Advil . . .

The Conservative Case Against George W. Bush (Oh. My. God.)

Was a counter-terrorist simulation/wargame/exercise planned for 9/11?

Dean followed by Clark (et al) in new national poll

Anyone old enough here to remember 1968?

Deleted message

NY Times liberal columnist says Dean will be defeated in "landslide"

“We have it in our power to begin the world over again.” - Thomas Paine

What is the difference between Liberal and Progressive, really?

Does homosexuality and genetics matter?

A Job for Al Sharpton

Keep the Donations Pouring In

Dean vs Clark : Who is the most inspiring?

Dean and the "anger thing"

Neo-Puritan Psychopath: The Crisco Kid Meets the 700 Club (NEW VIDEO)

BBV: Finally, a real computer guy's take on it. I, Cringely reports!

Dean in IA

AtlantaJournal Constitution Electronic Voting Story

Social Darwinism, the end of equality and class warfare. Thread #2

What is with all these predictions? Time to connect the dots on DU.

Deleted message

What is the John Birch Society?

Lawmakers Try to Curb Pro-Cuba Lobbying

Putin decries 'terrorist attack'

WP: Russia's Party for One

Kissinger Approved Argentinian "Dirty War"

Iraq Green Zone a stand-in for U.S.

Terry M says there will be 2-3 candidates by Feb. 4

Dean's Ad Campaign Is Set to Broadcast Beyond Iowa

Explosion rocks center of Kandahar

Army Will Face Dip in Readiness


Bush recruits Baker to push for debt relief (IRAQ)

Senate rejects Schwarzenegger's proposed spending cap, bond measure

Iraq council wishes to stay on;Washington seen likely to grant extension

Bomb explodes in Afghanistan (Kandahar)

LEND A HAND: A mother's problems multiply but she's still thinking of othe

Crowds bustling at state convention for Florida’s Democrats

Conservatives Criticize Bush on Spending -- Medicare Bill Angers Some Alli

U.S. boosts sanction enforcement, searches more travelers to Cuba

Rumsfeld Makes Unannounced Visit to Iraq

NYT frontpage: Employers Balk at New Hiring, Despite Growth

Huizenga's son charged after pedestrian struck in Fort Lauderdale

Funeral for Two Iraqis Turns Violent

John Haley, Whitewater Figure, Dies at 72 (In Plane Wreck)

U.S. has limited incentives for shoring up Iraq coalition

Curiosity leads man on trip to Baghdad

Thousands of Italians protest government plans to reform pension system

Establishment lining up behind Dean

Xinhuanet: US military campaign causes destruction in Iraq

Iraq stretching Army to danger point -- dupe, sorry

Election Bitterness Lingers for Fla. Dems

North Miami teacher accused of molesting 4 girls at private school

Doubts raised over US troops' battle with guerrillas (Samarra - NZ take)

This is how conservatives sell lots of books. The truth.


U.S. Says Diplomats in Saudi Confined to Base

rumsfeld Makes Unannounced Visit to Iraq

Janklow takes stand in manslaughter trial.

Congressional Spending Bill Stuffed With Pork

No relief in sight for fuel-starved Iraqis

Investigators delving into new claims of farmhand abuse

US army shells resistance pockets in northern Iraq

Now, just anybody a guerrilla

(Naval) Academy alumni reject gay group

North Dakota companies to seek Cuban commodity contracts

US forces bomb Afghan family home

Arnie California budget rescue plan rejected, whoops

How a Shady Iranian Kept the Pentagon's Ear (NYT)

City Report Is Critical of Wal-Mart Supercenters (Los Angeles)

Cocaine and Ecstasy Cause DNA Mutation -Italy Study

Man survives hail of assailants' bullets

Suzanne Jovin must not be forgotten

Faith-based prison planned

ISU caucus poll: Dean leads with voters attending

Latinos Call for Strike Over California Drive Ban

Europeans Plan to Press for Tariffs Against U.S.

Dean Sends Senior Staff to Iowa

Rumsfeld's death threat to Taliban

Bush Says Job Market on Mend

Breaking Drudge: Hillary Rips Bush, Warns Of "Irreparable Harm" to Nation

Eye witness: Inside America's Baghdad comfort Zone

Florida Won't Require Printouts of Touch-Screen Votes

Nine children killed in US attack

Iraq war will leave only two of Army's 10 divisions available

Tough New Tactics by U.S. Tighten Grip on Iraq Towns

NRA may buy TV Station

NYT: Democrats Try to Regain Ground on Moral Issues

Kerry uses F-word in anti-Bush tirade

Democrats Promise Revenge in Florida

(Bob) Graham: Bush can be beaten

Falklands nuclear admission

Nancy Reagan opposes replacing FDR with Reagan on dimes

New Medicare Bill Bars Extra Insurance for Drugs

Castro: Socialism Will Survive in Cuba


17 Inches of Snow Expected To Hit Long Island By Sunday

Order Dumbya the Clown for Christmas

Bridget Fonda Weds Composer Danny Elfman

An idea on how to torture the Asshole In Chief (in honor of the

2 Mari333

After tomorrow night, Sooners head to the Sugar Bowl!!!!

Where is an mp3 of "I Hate Republicans" by the Happytones?

All right, 'fess up I wonder if anyone actually sang this version of Joy

It's nights like this I wish I had a girlfriend!

Bureaucrat or mandarin joke

Contrary to freeper beliefs, all Dems are not anti gun - anti Christian

I have a Alternate Personality who has a very different view than mine

Thanks to all....the first one is up.

I'm a crotchety starfish. Don't ask!

It's Nyquil time!

Christmas Musical Guilty Pleasures

Kings vs. T-wolves all tied up, less than 4 min. left.

The Premier of China is coming to campus on Wednesday


Please do not feed cigarette butts to the urinal weasels. Thank you.

Has anybody seen my socks?

I'm a starcrossed fish. Pass the bong.

If the Right Thinks We Are "Angry Liberals" Now...

I couldn't sleep so I'll say my piece


A great observation about Shrubby's moonshot scheme

This poll needs to be de-freeped. Bad.

Fixin' to Die in Iraq

The next Best Political Song thread

Does your company's IT department have the following blocked:


Can You Guess The Speaker From These Quotes?

Most Annoying Christmas Song

Q: Which Presidents wrote autobiographies?

Creative DU'ers, this is for you

Clintons Up for Grammys

Okay. Shovel - check. Gloves - check. Hat - check. Boots - check.

new gif - THE RAW DEAL

Darth_Kitten is a BBBB*

Arnie California budget rescue plan rejected, whoops

I Have 10,000 Inches of Snow in my yard - Who Wants To Make a Snow Fort?

There's a new Bob Boudelang column posted

Robin Hood, a conservative tax cutter according to OxyRush

Meeting with my Senator Today

Ediacara is weird

So was Mommy kissing Santa Claus or doing much more

HAPPY Belated Birthday to Margaret Cho!!!!

CAPTION and clean up the mess in Aisle 6

Why isn't Thomas Paine considered a founding father?

On the Raygun Dime: Will we be able to distinguish between heads and tails

Will someone PLEASE..................

What is the worst kind of natural disaster?

attention techies.... ( a pc quesiton)

Why I do not believe there are 20 million Rush dittoheads

What's Your Favorite Winter Activity

Post your storm hardships here!

Let's elect a DU President!

Pirates of the Caribbean was a pleasent surprise.

got 2 computer questions

This is the worst addiction anybody could have:

Remember all those threads about "something big" happening soon?

It is time for me to open my sealed records!!!

What are your in-laws like?

Has anyone else heard of this new drug craze...

You might be a Republican if

Looney tunes fans, is the Golden Collection worth its price?

Would you buy a wesley Clark or Howard Dean doll?

Just saw the Murder Junkies, don't care if you ask me anything

I'm crocheting starfish. Ask me anything.

Hell Freezes Over---Freepers making good sense!

ZombyWoof does an iPod ad!

My ferrets are getting their pictures taken with Santa tomorrow!

What Should RR Make for Her Snowbound Food Fest?

Can anybody recommend a good PDA device?

Hug a tree ~ Impeach a Bush

Put CLINTON on currency, not Reagan

Bush Thanks Dad For Creating Osama, Saddam

Forget the dime - Reagan should be on the negative penny


I just turned Sweet Sixteen!

Just spent 6 hours editing a novel. Ask me anything.

Hey, anyone use EZBoard?

I made a mistake on my cover letter!


Kandahar - Movie on HBO

The thread-blocking feature is awesome.

Forget sealed records, here is a recorded seal!!!

Winter Wonderland!

What do you think of libertarians?

Just a rant...forgive me....


I donated in someone's name and she doesn't seem to know it.

Thank you!

Prayers and warm thoughts requested for sister

Anniversary day for me-- moved back to Richmond & "greatest date ever"

What turntable should I get?

I officially endorse....

Seen In A Chatroom

Never be rude to an Arab....

I'm looking for a CD

Emergency! Emergency!

To dream the impossible dream.....

Trading Places designer that's just gotta go.........

Question about Home Alone movie scene

someone had this line in a post earlier... it moved me

If We Lose In 2024, Who Should The Nominee Be In 2028?

My milkshake is better than yours

Just watched "Wrong Turn."

Next DU feature:

Christmas Shopping in July

Why did God create us?

I'm supposed to attend my high school reunion next year (need help)

How 'bout the power to kill a yak from 200 yards away...

im in high school, ugh. Ask me anything.

My heart is pounding, and my hands and knees are shaking!

Ohio to close freeway amid shootings

I have a feeling that "Something is going to happen"

Word of Advice for Really Good Sex

Oops! Double Post. Editor: Nip this one. Nip it in the bud.

You know that phrase "Let sleeping dogs lie"?

* Loves the Press? More that any other President.. CAPTION

Are you excited about the new Lord of the Rings movie?

Woohoo! Upgrades ahoy!

Al Sharpton SNL conflict!

A View Of Republicans

Bush Comes up with 'Ingenious Plan' to raise much need cash for WWIII

kPa or hPa?

Favourite Facts of Life Character!!!!!!!!

Blizzard warning for NY

I'm Going Out To Pee In The Snow. Want Me To "Pee" YOUR DU Name?

I'd rate Bush's presidency a 10!

I want to repaint my bedroom...

Music buffs: Hail to the Chief doesn't work for *, What new theme song?

What happened on your best day in 2003?

Attention Deer Hunters..This year they are ready for ya..

LOL...tons of fun....(pics)

Our governator is working hard.. So stop saying that!!

Hello, Everybody!

The Tabasco® Thread

Time to inject some football logic

White House Xmas shows

Whose photo could you put on your living room wall, Clark or Dean?



Would any of you vetran DUers help explain how to add pictures on posts?

VCR died, brand to recommend?

That's It! Everything is made in China.

Aaaaw,,Wasn't he a little cutie pie??? Too bad he grew up..

Army vs Navy official game thread

Who was your favorite "Full House" character?

Rush turned his maid into a drug dealer

Some of my favorite Christmas records (Warning: long post!)

Awwwww....Rachel Ray is on the Food Network now


Favourite Bewitched Character

Mark your calendars.. CNN is going to re-air.."Flyboy" tomorrow

Favorite 'Big Lebowski' character

Hung over what should I eat?

Well usually he is the Goat... today he is the GLOAT

How to keep a parrot happy, contented, and amused.

I'm going to have a bruise.

Cause there's nothin' very funny 'bout a freaked out bunny

(For those who don't go to LBN...) Kerry says a dirty word! Kerry says a

Which DU kid would you vote for pres

What has Texas given us? Good and bad.

What one word would you use to describe the bush regime?

HBO wants feedback about "Carnivale" . . .

Fun, sick game for a cold Friday night.

What are you getting your significant other for Christmas ?

for aviation fans . . .

Paris Hilton to be on SNL tonight with Al Sharpton?

I need some serious advice about women.....

Just saw Return of the King...

LOTR Poll--When will you rewatch Fellowship and Two Towers?

Should I get a tattoo?

Which t.v. character got the most on your last nerve?

wrapping presents


Who of the following eats MORE babies?

*Yawn* -- Just getting up, what did I miss?

College football gameday thread

Any ELP fans out there?

Bush want to go the moon.

Cat people.. Here is one of the most comprehensive cat "manuals" ever

OK, who's celebrating FESTIVUS!?

Why do conservatives hate lawyers?

If Dean and Clark was drowning

Anyone suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder?

What coin should we put ronald reagan on?

What right-wing movies do you hate yourself for loving?

Favorite Andy Griffith Show character?

What are you reading?

who's taller? Dean or Clark?

Top Ten names/mottos for new NRA TV station?

What Kind Of Student Were You In High School?

A Very Serious Question for everyone

So, I'm watching USC and thinking

The Official Division I-AA Football Quarterfinals Thread: NAU vs. FAU....

Collectors - What Do You Collect? Music Memorabilia, etc.

Omaha/Council Bluffs Area DUers check in

I'm going striper fishing this AM

Will Rush squeal?

The Bold and the Beautiful and Passions

That's it... I am running away from everything and joining a biker

Thank you AL Franken!

"Blizzard-like conditions" - DUers up East, are y'all ok?

Which Magic Rat Would You Vote For President?

When You Have Forgotten Someone's Name...