Democratic Underground

Archives: December 7, 2003

Some find Jeanine Garafolo's rhetoric too simplistic (Salon)

QUESTIONS FOR WILLIAM NOVELLI (but evasive answers for NYT readers)

Bush want to go the moon.

There is a despot in Iraq

From Panama with love - Taiwan Pres. is Sean Connery's hero

Culture, Icons and the Coming Battle for the White House

What are people sending to troops

Grasping at the Statistics on the Self-Employed(UE rate down w/ SE up)

Can threads be deleted from our list of hidden threads?

Skinner, please see this thread:

A Fifth Column on Staten Island: Dean Supporters Meet in G.O.P. Redoubt

Oprah for president 2004?

Kerry Supports Effective Marijuana Decriminilization

Edwards: the second choice for all

Switching (I Think), to Dean because...

Which candidate has the best website?

NYTimes: Kerry And Edwards Oppose Diebold

Mushrooms v. murder: Sentences in Kansas don't all fit the crime

Why didn't they just "plant" WMD in Iraq?

Lisa Ling: MSNBC Ultimate Propagandist

Why is Karl Rove perceived to

Top Ten names/mottos for new NRA TV station?

any texan music fans?

Thursday Dec 4 Flashpoints must hear!

Do you HATE Nader??

Im sick of Dean Clark posts. Can we talk about something else?

If Polls Are So Accurate, Then Why Do They Vary So Dramatically...

Anger and Bitterness against Dem Leadership: "Who Would Jesus Bomb?"

Talking Point: Did John Posdesta want to be a Gourmet Chef or Ballet

"Police: DA groped girl, 10" Another of those Repug family values types.

Cassini sends home a postcard

Satanists: Which candidate do you prefer?

Who do you want to be the next First Lady?

Watching the Democratic Convention today,

The "Capital Gang" election survey says

Read this old op-ed. Much of the info in it has gone down the memory hole

Dean being discussed on Tim Russert (CNBC) right now

Dennis Kucinich and Howard Dean to appear on C-span Forum

Could I Get Some Help in a Debate?

Republicrats in Liberal's Clothing for the Demo Primaries

Kucinich all over Dean

Houston Mayoral Race: With 32% of Precincts Reporting...

Terrorism: What Should the Democrats' Message Be ??

Tim Russert (10 pm et) Heads Up Deanies CNBC (DUPE)

Graydon Carter: Media Hero

"Peacenik McGovern II versus Electable Military man" GOP weighs in.

The Populists: The Greens of the 1890s? Or benevolent reformers?

Fla Dem Meeting Q&As - Where's Waldo, Edwards, Clark?!

To Lurking Democratic Presidential Candidates: Bookmark This Thread

And yet another Rumsfeld/Bush lie documented...

Al Sharpton hosts 'Saturday Night Live'... Will this help him?

Is Clark a Liberal?

This week marks the third anniversary of the SOTUS decision

I think we can safely say Dean is not "The one the Republicans want"

The most ridiculous right wing attack on Dean so far:

NH Mayor and 200 teachers, administrators endorse Kerry.

Iraq today: 9 kids killed by us; we wrap villages in barbed wire. Well?

Good version of George W Bush resume

Clark's proposal to go to Iraq

Who are YOU planning to vote for?

Primary poll: last man standing

My quick positive thread on Kucinich

Washington Post busts Kerry for citing non-existent poll results

Clark commercial during SEC Championship Game

US Citizen Named Mohamad "Excused" from Waiter Job for Bush F/R Banquet

Clip now available to counter The Nation's Taibbi hit on Clark

"Peacenik McGovern II versus Electable Military man" GOP weighs in.

Is Bush an instrument of God?

Trying to "google bomb" that Dean is the GOP Choice? Oh, no.

Kerry Vows Lights-Out for Diebold & BBV before Florida Dems

Dead soldier's father advises Latinos not to join US Army

Saddam's general killed during Rumsfeld trip

Florida Democrats Pay Tribute to Graham

Iraq morass will take years to fix

Funds for Iraq Falling Short of Pledges, Figures Show

Some Dean Rivals Pin Hopes on Feb. 3 Voting

U.S. Eyed in Shevardnadze's Resignation

WP: Dirty Bomb Rockets Vanish – feared sold to terrorists

Rumsfeld studies Army readiness-VOA news release

Iraqi colonel: I am WMD claim source

Venezuela: Thousands Rally in Support of Chavez

Melting ice 'will swamp capitals'

Demand for 'Kyoto Tax' on the US

Japanese attack museum over atomic bomber (Enola Gay)

Ideas for Clark vs Dean posts (humorous)


Post your sarcastic love for Ronald Raygun!

Anyone else a fan of Vienna Teng?

Speaking of Doom, and Christmas...

I'm Back.... how everyone??

More Ways

Should Family paper NYT publish this photo of 425 m yr old penis?

New Tweedy Brothers?

Well after 32 hours on the road in crazy highway conditions

any texan music fans?

why god why?

Who is " Name removed " likely to vote for?

Southern to Core....but Yankee in my Brain....DU'er Lounge....where

In other football news, the UND Fighting Sue won today in the D2 semis.

Saw "Return of the King" today.

Don't be afraid to talk politics in the grocery store


Hidden any threads yet?

official big XII championship game thread

So The Man Says... "That's No Lady, That's My Wife!"

Repeat of Kerry Q & A on CSPAN NOW 9:48 pm et

Palm and PocketPC owners: What do you use your handheld for the most?

Who loves the band "Love"?


Why does shrub want to go to the moon?

Are Simon and Garfunkel the musical guests on next week's SNL?

Im sick of Dean Clark posts. Can we talk about something else?

Anybody know what Scherzi a Parte on the latin channel is about?

Things you have to believe to be a Republican today

"Around the World in 80 Days"....

OK everyone, on the count of three...

you're under my spell - so CAPTION

That's it!!! I'm finally OUT of the 700 CLUB!!

The Ferrets get revenge!

A SPECIAL message from President George W. Bush

Anyone else happy to see KSU ahead of OU 21-7 at the half?

To our dark, scary grandmothers!!!!!!!

would you CAPTION this much?

A question about a gift I received

JackSwift has now officially yanked your chain over 3000 times

Gimme your grin-like-an-idiot songs

Who wants to stop caring about anything?


is it just me, or are all math teachers evil

Don't forget to watch Trading Spaces tonight to see Hildy.....

Have you utilized the hide a thread feature yet?

ZombyPoll # 65.21: Favorite Pizza Topping?

My HS is going for its 1st state football championship in 100 years!

The Ed Gillespie definition poll

How long do guys wait before they call a chick back?

I'm looking for new music to listen to

What's Your Sign?

My motor is running! Is yours?

Omigod Omigod Omigod

My Brother is getting "married" tomorrow

introduce yourselves

Shakespeare or Milton--whom do you prefer?

Favorite * joke

You want to see a freaky smiley???

Reminder to check out my new Internet radio station

STONE SOUP_____ whatya got?

Fans in Sierra Leone riot when dwarf comedians don't show

Cult films

The Rabbit of Seville: I have always wondered...

Our wonderful grandmothers.

Sorry about that bad gas

Is it just me or am I starting to feel old here?

Will the Miami Dolphins fail again?

How a foe of accounting reform changed his tune (Expose of Oxley(R))

1st amendment Zone

Southwest Rises as New Political Battleground

The Wal-Mart Effect (LA Times page linking to ten articles)

Ad in Sunday's Stars and Stripes on Brown & Root

NYT (Sunday Mag): Safire takes a shot a Dean

The GOP Divide On Gay Marriage -- Andrew Sullivan

The Counterinsurgency Paradox

Tough New Tactics by U.S. Tighten Grip on Iraq Towns

Pundit Pap - Dec. 7, 2003

San Francisco Chronicle: Why Newsom is our choice

Meet the 'Terror Tourists'

Oregon senator cited imbalanced scientific view on global warming

"An Advocate for (NY) Times Readers Introduces Himself"

The Assault on Christmas Continues (more Bill O'Reilly swill)

2004? Bush will beat Bush

THE ECONOMIST on Bush economy.

Stars & Stripes letter: "Thanksgiving visit" (Spc. in Iraq blasts Bush)

Iraqi says WMD still in country : Sun Times

Karl Rove: The King of Dirt

Vietnam Vet Takes Aim at War

David Corn: The sensationalism of FauxNews: Interview with a major

For those who missed it, Al Sharpton on SNL (quicktime & mp3)


Senegal Program Eradicating Female Genital Mutilation

J. Edgar Hoover Back at the 'New' FBI

Judge allows religious view on homosexuality as "diversity"

Federal spending per household is most since WWII

Mind the Gap-Upturn in corporate profits may not be sustainable

China's Electronic, IT Exports Tipped Up 41.2% In 2003

EPA's Mercury Proposal: More Toxic Pollution for a Longer Time

Salmon farming must change; we have a lot to lose

Michael Leavitt's Baptism- 300 tons of mercury in the atmosphere

Environment and NAFTA

Iraq Duty Stretches U.S. Army to Danger Point

Wrap Iraq in 'Bob-Wire'

A new era of nuclear weapons . . . Thanks, W . . .

Iranian students rally for free speech, democracy

Assault pistols... the OTHER banned meat.


Is harassment allowed on DU?

Question about thread management

Apologizing to the Mods and Admins

Am I missing something here?

What is the DU policy on insulting and attacking

Could you refresh my memory?

OK, I'm asking .........

OK, now I have another question ......

what happened to the star next to my name?

Re: Dem nominees, DU rules and the ambiguous interpretation of SUPPORT

Is it against the rules to say you have alerted a post?

Double Post -Sorry

Rajoub: "Ceasefire Doesn´t Mean Giving up the Military Option"

The Saudi Connection-How billions in oil money spawned a global terror net


Israel won't become formal party to truce with Palestinians

PM: Cabinet to debate Olmert plan for unilateral withdrawal

Palestinians Fail to Make Cease-Fire Deal

Mail-Order Explosives

Losing the TV war

Terrorism Jars Jewish, Arab Party Loyalties

State Primary Poll Compendium (via dailyKos) – poll junkie's paradise

Giving Back in San Fran after a childhood of privlege

Governor Dean To Discuss 'American Community' In Sun SC Speech

OMG "If a box of jello runs in 2004, we have to vote for it!!"

The Dean Connection

Restoring the American Community (Text of Dean SC Speech)

After watching some of the Florida Convention...

FL: Castor, Harris Lead U.S. Senate Races in New Poll

Shrub's* VP Choice Next Year

Dean reported to get Cong. Robert Scott (D) VA endorsement

Dean campaign frames the debate in stone.

ANDERSON - Enron's acct co. to count electronic ballots overseas

I'm Always Amazed at How UNPREDICTABLE Democratic Primaries Are

Rep. Scott to endorse Dean for Democratic presidential nominee

The Brainwashed Woman and the New Dawn

turning conventional wisdom on its head Re: DEAN

Dennis Kucinich was amazing today. (NYC LGBT event)

The Former USA: BushCo. By the Numbers...

Good Place for State Poll numbers

Howard Dean will eat a camel rectum on Fear Factor.

Refresh My Memory, Please...

Saturday Night Live, you've got to see Al.

Gep was strong this morning

The Economy: What should the Democrats' message be ?

Bush's soft underbelly.

Kucinich has the right idea.

Is this really how Clark plans to pay for his AIDS program?

General Wesley Clark Receives Endorsement of the Arkansas Education Associ

Which candidate is best able to define him/herself rather than be defined

To all Democratic candidates: I LOVE YOU *SMOOCH*

No bid contract winfall for Cheney Co (Halliburton) of $1bn.

Anything new on the CIA leak?

Idea of the Week: How to SHARE Intelligence for Homeland Security

A must read article to fight the rw spin

Bush's soft underbelly.

Do you think that polls with Dean/Clark knee-jerk replies make polls use-

The Origins of the American Military Coup of 2012

State Primary Poll Compendium (via dailyKos) – poll junkie's paradise

Dean coming up on CSPAN replay of convention

Dean Leads in ISU State Poll.....

Nate Clay on now -- the only live progressive radio on late Saturday night

So? When Will The Storming Of The Winter Palace

Rep. Robert Scott (VA's only black Congressman) set to endorse Dean

Incredible discussion with a Savage/Weiner fan tonight

The moon.

Do you want biotechnology in YOUR city? (Seattle does.)

Lets talk caucus and primary Conventional Wisdom.

NH stations not airing Saturday Night Live because Sharpton is the host

Gallup poll: Bush continuing to slip

what did Dean mean when he referenced bush executive order

Inside America's Baghdad comfort Zone

lotsa pissed off vets calling in to CSPAN

The Nation: Gonzalez For Mayor

**Sunday News Show Lineups**

Democrats have never had such an abundant choice...

Lies and Deceit 'Saved' Bush* and the Republican Party

Howard Dean's intellectual capital is coming up short (George Will)

Everybody is comparing Dean to McGovern.

Could Clinton had won in 1992 without Perot taking 18.87% of the vote?

Make sure you search the Howler before you start propping a Conservative!

Modern dilemma propaganda question: since peace means war

Whaaa??? The new Fox News Sunday host is...

Gephardt = Rip Van Winkle --- Dick says get over 2000

so when is one of our candidates going to take on corporations . . .

Help! Need meat and potatoes for debate!

Right wing airs pro-Bush commercial

CSPAN Caller: "replace FDR's tombstone with a urinal"

War Stories: Bush's form letter to grieving families

Hillary on Face the Nation Now (et)

Business as usual for George W. Bush - Behr paint product placement

Why Smith Can't Recant

Ted Rall: Will Bush Bring Back the DRAFT (in Feb. 2005)? (must read)

Reagan, USSR, Military spending?

Dean's tax claims bring skepticism

you know that George McGovern was a WWII veteran

Yesterday I was down, but this Fox News poll is encouraging.

9 children killed in Afghanistan. Gee, the media filters again...

What's the Deal with the Green party?

Can anyone confirm this letter?

media suppression of dissident responses via followup avoidance

Florida voter poll says Jeb was flat wrong to interfere with right to die

Will Clark be releasing a college/tuition agenda?

Leaving Iraq, Leaving Las Vegas

The Good General

Is anybody listening to CSpan right now?

NH Man Forgets Polls, Actually Wants Best Man For The Job

What goes Around...... Comes Around ..Clinton went , Bush came

Warm up Gitmo: Time reporters shown inside of Iraq resistance

Sharpton hosts Saturday Night Live

I got back from the Florida Democratic meeting...

The "day of infamy" on the German front.

The Propaganda

Is it me? Or is Clark coming on like dynamite!

Representative Clay Shaw (R-FL)

Dean On the Southern Strategy In South Carolina

AMAZING Speech Dean's Delivering Right Now in SC

Panda Software weekly virus report

Clark's strategic GE advantages over Dean

Dissent in the Bunker - Gingrich thinks US went "off the cliff" in Iraq

Wrong.....a Democrat's campaign forum advocating Dean attacks.

Thanks for playing the right wing's game

Faith Based Prisons

Iraqnam Rag 2.0 (the Ultimate version--written by the Internet, Country

Hey Dems: Looking for issues? Try the Bush Scorecard of Evil..

Are they fudging casualty figures? Duh!

The Major differences between Reagan and Bush II.

LA Times - Clark felt it was time to "move on" during(?) the 2000 recount house parties this evening (Sunday)

Group Hug, DUers

What do you think about Farm Subsidies?

Mother Jones: Awesome article, the words of a genius Tony Kushner

Consequences of "Leaving Now" versus "Staying to Fix It"

What exactly is bipartisanship?

Who do you believe: FOX NEWS or your lying eyes?

Sales Increased 3.2% in November (What Happened)

Howard Dean is the "backlash" to the establishment Democratic Party

FOX News: Encyclopedia of Disinformation - a Primer

How good was Dean in FL?

Interesting corp. political giving breakdowns. . .

I noticed Hillary

The Global Crime Cartel

How secure will votes be?

CNN Propaganda - A Primer

Suggestion for DUers

Any DUer's working Retail? How are your stores doing?

Is Shrubya Electable?

Film looks at Iraqi war

Hatred of America - Where's it Going?


Kucinich's Iraqi exit plan - why won't it work?

White House criticizes Kerry's "profanity" (and Kerry's response)

Operation homerun: Baseball for Iraqi Youth

911 Victim Ellen Mariani Open Letter To Bush--suing Bush under RICO laws

What would happen if a nuke or dirty bomb went off in this country?

Anger?? They're lucky it hasn't turned to violence.

An Irony of Sorts (Kerry and Clark)

The Dean Connection - NYT Mag (Must Read!)

Do any official Clark campaign operatives post here?

Still doubt the GOP loves Dean and fears Clark?

This is ironic, mexico getting burned by China too

Dean leads polls but lacks official support in party

1 Dean story, 1 Clark story

Al Sharpton on SNL??? Not on my TV........... Rerun.

everyone excited about the MoveOn house parties today?

Hypothetical: If Dean was not running, what would the campaign look like?

Has your opinion of Dean changed after reading his speech from today?

A question for Florida DUers

many conflicting primary calendars, which one's acurate?

Dean interview on Fox now.

Your Top 5 Ticket Choices

Republicans wanted Dean. Democrats tripped them up. First big chess move?

how is new hampshire polled?

Another Interesting Area Where Dean Also Leads

FREE movie screenings TONIGHT all over the country...

I've noticed that * doesn't read to little kids anymore

Clark's latest TV ad -- too subtle?

Do we now know the source of the Niger Yellowcake fraud?

MUST SEE: Allegorical art /Beehive Collective & Plan Colombia

Should the Draft, and Drinking, age be lowered to 16?

Clark's turnaround plan for the America...Read and Discuss...I won't say

Replay of Dean on Fox on NOW

Was Florida A Glimpse Of What Kerry Will Look Like In Smaller Debates?

Dean was just on Fox morning show.

Anyone watching faux?

16-year-olds can vote, and vote well at that.

Great read for Clarkies ... only (no Deanies allowed *<]8^)

Bush vs Gore and the Electoral College

Clarck is not a warranty of better relationship with Europe and else.

Transcript is up from Dean's interview on Fox this morning.

Dean Staffers have fun playing football in the snow

5 Days in Iraq coming on now

If Dean had not come out against the war, who would have? Besides Sharpton

"How Can We Leave Iraq?"

YOU are being watched...

Don't you hate the things that they stand for? Anybody here seen ....

New term for the far right : Decepti-Cons

Letter from an Army vet

Looks like it will be Clark/Graham in 2004!!

The "anger poll" got me thinking, opinions please...

Who would be the most politically advantageous VP for Dean if.....


Does Dean see things as Black and White?

Nation hit-piece on Clark remains uncorrected

wow! if you haven't read "Bad Boys" yet....

Why did Reagan get credit for freeing the American hostages in Iran?

Didn't the Berlin wall and the Soviet Union collapse during Bush41's term

There is a flu epidemic in Colorado and it is a healthcare crisis...

Did anyone see Hillaryon meet The Press? She was great.

Here is how you know people are paying attention to candidates.

BBV: Diebold offers free VV printer upgrades in San Diego County

"Kucinich to Ask for Investigation of Air Attack in Afghanistan"

Suckered again - wasted $ on the NYT hit-job "The Dean Connection"

Daily Democrat: a positive discussion about Dick Gephardt

Will liberal anger bring us down?

TNR Commends Kerry On Intelligence Reform

If Kerry had not voted for the IRW, would he be the frontrunner?

FDR thrashing the Gipper in CNN poll!

If we had "media"...Enron alone would / should sink Bush & Cheney

Kerry Favors A Holland-Style "Hands Off" Approach To Pot

Everybody needs to at least watch some of this:

Who is the worst Republican other than Georgie?

I'm in Iowa, undecided, and need suggestions

Clark supporters

If the draft is brought back will kids just obediently march off to war?

"Angry Patriots" in history

Tonight on 60 Minutes - Operation Iraqi Freedom (not so free after all)

Dean's new biographical ad – awesome

Daily Democrat: a positive discussion about Al Sharpton

Penn State's GOP Chair posts bigoted pictures on personal website

Your views on Quebec separatism?

What it would take for me to believe in LIHOP

Kerry shouldn't have used the F word

Blitzer just aked Repug what happens if the Iraqis want an Ayatollah...

BBV:Senator said his amendment calls for paper ballot

On the Constitutionality of Drug Prohibition

Another soldier died today. Where's the outrage?

My interview with Sidney Blumenthal - full text

Does Anybody Else Feel Like Kerry's Doing Much Better But It's Too Late?

A Day in the Future of the Dean Campaign.

Should pot be legalized?

Bush campaign video: When Angry Democrats Attack!

Is Bush girding us for a Holy War? Indications abound this is what he is

Should the voting age be lowered to 16?

Texas Duers... a question regarding public tone towards redistricting

Wash Post op-ed says send money to Republicans (Krauthammer column)

Question About Japan and WWII

Days Of Deceit: Pearl Harbor was a 'LIHOP' was 911

SF Mayor Race: Clinton to come to SF -- Greens say it's desperation

Stop the Draft / Stop Bush

Reparations for Slavery?

If truthout started an email service, would you use it?



Seminary to Launch Interfaith Ethics Code (With Federal $$$)

How King of New York took battle to the Great Polariser (Vanity Fair vs *)

Ruse in Toyland: Chinese Workers' Hidden Woe (Etch-a-Sketch)

NYT: Protesters Carry the Fight to Executives' Homes

Florida's Graham or Nelson as VP?

NRA to buy TV station: Shoot me now

Iraq Mourners Open Fire, Killing Policeman

Dupe: please lock

Blair's 'Mr Cashpoint' linked to scandal-hit fund

GOP Divided Over Pushing Reform of Social Security

Clandestine Saddam commands resistance operations: Tribal leader

Al Sharpton files suit in 1991 stabbing incident

9 kids found dead after U.S. air strike in Afghanistan

Public debate urged on (British) voting at 16

U.S. Frames Bullying As Health Issue

U.S. Convoy Attacked in Iraq, at Least 4 Casualties (Sunday)

Putin poised to create 'police state'

A new era of nuclear weapons (San Fransisco Chronicle)

Report: Osbourne Blames Doctor for Drugs [AP... ozzy doped up on tv show]

LAT: Gov's Agenda to Go to Ballot (California)

Combat casualty count doubted (Miss Dem Taylor - Purple Hearts denied)

Vanity Fair takes celeb war to Bush

Iraqi colonel: I am WMD claim source

Muslim Football Team Names Spark Protest

'Miserable failure' links to Bush

Chavez's social programs are gaining ground in Venezuelan polls

US Soldier Killed, Two Wounded in Iraq Bomb Attack

Eye witness: Inside America's Baghdad comfort Zone

Southwest Rises as New Political Battleground (new Dem hope)

Exclusive: Cheney and the ‘Raw’ Intelligence (NEWSWEEK)

Afghan Village Angry After Gunship Attack

Wal-Mart Invades, and Mexico Gladly Surrenders

Anyone watching faux?

Report: Qaeda Shifting to Iraq from Afghanistan

Chavez Marchers Occupy Venezuela Opposition Bastion

Former Clinton Official Wins Houston Mayor Race

Doctor: Job reassigned after writing critical report (VA Medical)

UN critical of US for killing Afghan children

(U.S. Rep. Robert C.) Scott to chair Howard Dean's Va. campaign

New York, Brought to You by . . .

Domestic partner bill called in line with McGreevey's concerns

Raul Castro says Cuba ready if U.S. attacks

Cuba study trips face crackdown

Rumsfeld Says Army in Iraq Not Worn Out

Plans slow for base closures in Europe

Steeled for meltdown

Russian Deputy Drug Czar: US Soldiers Becoming Drug Addicts in Afghanistan

Democrats worried by emerging liberal force.

Britain’s Home Secretary blocks return of Guantanamo Bay detainees

NEWSWEEK: Gingrich Speaks Out Against Administration's Policy in Iraq,

Card dismisses questions over prewar intelligence as `moot'

White House criticizes Kerry's use of the F-word

Dean says judge should decide on Vermont records

U.S. says it regrets killing 9 Afghan children

(National) Park police chief may be fired

Iraq attacks 'likely to increase'

Iraq delays hand Cheney firm $1bn

Iraqi Fly-Borne Skin Disease Afflicts GIs ("Baghdad Boil")

Top Democrat Urges Perry To Abandon 'Death" Business

Stealth Merger: Drug Companies and Government Medical Research

Sex abuse priest beaten to death (CBS)

Cuba travel ban opposed (by Floridians)

Militant Attack Is Worst Nightmare for U.S. Ports

A new era of nuclear weapons-- Bush's buildup begins with little debate

Any Saint Germaine fans out there?

For those who want to hear X-mas music on-line

Anybody watching WORD OF HONOR with Don Johnson on TNT??

Official SNL/Sharpton thread

Saturday Night Live, you've got to see Al.

So, who wants a '77 black and gold Trans AM? BANDIT!


Prius or Civic Hybrid.....

Bosnian Conflict

I just put up my xmas tree. Ask me anything.

I want to sleep.....

YAK: The Band!

Do you know of any stores that sell British food in the US?

i'm watching my pirates of the carribean dvd, ask me anything

I'm getting an SNL repeat here in Boston. I'm bummed.

A friend put this on her web site! An X-files Christmas!

I warned you....ANYBODY can be beat in college football

I was very impressed with the sportsmanship Oklahoma showed tonight.

Official Lounge Car: THE YAKMOBILE!

the Yak scene in Die Another Day

its past my bedtime. Ask me anything.

Charlie's Angels 2 is the worst movie ever!

Have you ever met anyone famous part 2

I just made "Pastitsio" and it came out terrific!

Zomby zomby bo bomby banana famma fo fomby fee fi fo momby

The Process...The Dark Side of the 80s, on line NOW!

I just finsihed my senior thesis!

The DU Yak-Coloring Contest

can dolo amber post 30 more times tonight in a thread such as this one?

My yak has gone over the rainbow!

I'm in a licking mood tonight and I have a lover in me

how can I extract a picture from a shockwave flash file?

Need Any Recipes or Cooking help ASK THE CHEF

Ok, USC won easily, LSU is gonna win against a better team than Oregon

I'm in a moody fight tonight and liquor has it in for me

A BIG thank you

Losing your Hair?

Im in a lovin mood tonight and I have the liquor in me.

Wow! Did anyone think K-State would thump OU?

google ranks george w. bush first...

was the Al Sharpton SNL on in your area?

anyone tried that ""??

i louve you all

Which Presidential Candidate Should Host SNL Next?

why was the Sharpton SNL blacked in places far away from Iowa and NH

12:20 a.m. in Hartford, CT, and it's still snowing!

I demand you entertain me!

Dumbest stage name for a hip-hop, r&b artist

Just saw a few DUers!

do they have equal time laws in the places where the Sharpton SNL was

I hate Radiohead!

I have changed my avatar and added a signature!

Ann Coulter in Pirates of the Caribbean

Recipe for Yak Burgers

if the Sharpton SNL was blacked out in your area

people who (literally) blow whistles deserve to be killed…

was Leno blacked out with Arnold was during the Recall election in Cal

Medical advice

Anyone else agree with me on this...

Sex, Love, and Nursing Homes

Who's still depressed from Thanksgiving?

Poor Sooners....!

Live, from New York, it's Saturday Night! Guest host: Al Sharpton

Check in if you've lost electrical power.

Wake Up!!!

Some late night humor

I just had a big bowl of coffee!

why wasn't Leno blacked out when Dean and Kerry or Arnold were on?

Should Raygun be put on the $2.00 bill?

Mopaul, courtesy of BartCop: WARNING! Not very pretty....

"I'm changing"

Bowl and Poll Prediction Time--before today's polls come out!

I've discovered why 70% believe the Iraq-Al Quada connection

"A day that will live in infamy."

Afraid of the sixties coming back?

I'm in a fighting mood tonite and I have the liquor in me.

Red Sox Fans... Nomar or A-Rod?

Hey Fightin' Tigers!

why would the Sharpton SNL be blacked out in Kansas City?

Sabbath Morning Humor

Where did Bill Parcells' nickname come from

DU drinking game

Insomnia sucks, but on the plus side my maple seedlings look great

Viewing reminder for tomorrow--Angels in America

For Sale: NEW From Matcom and RONCO! Just In Time For XMAS!

Political Science - Randy Newman

Can you eat Taffy if you have dentures?

The NCAA football "hit nail on head" award goes to.....Mark May on ESPN

Anyone see the movie/video The Gangs of New York?

Who will be watching the Eagles vs Cowboys game today?

Severe, horrible storm depravations here on LI

Snow report from Boston.

LSU vs. USC in the Sugar Bowl, or BCS gone. I love college football!

In case you haven't seen it yet....

I haven't taken a Diet Pill in 5 days

Oh the weather outside is frightful...

How funny is it that Sharpton got "blacked" out anyway?

Anyone Ever Made Vietnamese Pho?

I need to vent

Further up date on cocaine neighbors...

the Daily Democrats threads are up in GD, Sharpton and Gep

What happened to the Salvation Army bell ringers?

Does your CAT know when you bring home Catnip?

Need Web site Images

Someone just stole all my

Has anyone shown A cristmas carrol/Scrooge in your area

I did Al do a skit about Twana Brawley on SNL?

Alternatives to

Aesop Rock is a GOD.

Benny Benassi rules!!

Passing on progressive websites

4r3 j00 1337?

The Cthulhu Chick Tract

So...a blizzard is coming, and the first thing people do is

Dinner with (unhappy) repug cousins.

Y'all excuse me whilst I go STEAM...!

Please help me out ........... I'm new here.

Favorite lines from Mr. Show?

Vikes are whoopin' the crappy Seachickens.

voter exam

I just KNEW this would happen...

I love my Homework from College I need suggestions?

Does anyone know where you can purchase

A scripture for southerngirlwriter

Bengals v.s Ravens official game thread

Darryl Hammond as Dick Gephardt on SNL

SNOW DAY!!!!!!!!

What? No Colts/Titans Thread??

Bucs at Saints

Pavorite Cresidential Fandidate?

Etiquette Question about the phone...

Redskins vs Giants

What type of Gift would you get for your Teacher/Chef

I have the door open to let some warm fresh air in

Just wet my pants

Any Styx fans out there?

It's official....LSU/Oklahoma in the Sugar Bowl

Who remembers their favorite song and when?

When it comes to TV, he's batting .500 - interview with Justin Kirk

Life at age 30, how do you compare?

Some holiday fun!!

Care to swap links?


PSA: Airlines don't like it when you stick bumperstickers on their planes

Would you send this man a Christmas card??

Do you Yahoo?

Exploding black holes (may) rain down on Earth

The best Christmas show ever is on tonight----

I just cleaned about a foot of snow off my car. Ask me anything!

Diebold has infected my college

There will be 2 National Champions this year......

PROOF I supported Kerry once......

Rush is right, McNabb stinks...

I just went over 3000 posts!!!!!

WTF? The Orange Bowl wusses out!

Funny bumper stickers

So I wog up and 12:30 this mor...afternoon.

Ok everyone - Confess

Hey Trof! Cajun Chicken and Rice?

Tigers are staying home for the holidays!

The fat lady looks a lot like Sam Adams

I just checked my old lottery tickets!!!!

Anyone else get this puke-inducing e-mail?

Whiskeytown and Ryan Adams - Musical Genius or Sad Bastard?

Pink drives me freaking nuts!

Just picked up an old friend at a detox center.

SIMPSON'S alert...Krusty the clown becomes a man

How bout them Niners NOW?

Who here just doesn't give a flying fig about Trista and Ryan???

22" of snow in Foxboro! How will Miami do against the Pats?

Cable vs. satellite TV

I'm putting a little something in Dean's stocking

Next Profane Candidate Comment:

400 Baby!

Imagine you're Oliver Wendell Jones....

Bush - Rove Dance

If you could have what you want

I just got through using Nexdisk

My brother is a BIG FAT IDIOT!

WalMart HELP

Let's Make A DU BABY!


I moved this week

Need some help re: good tunes from 1979 and 1981

Moderate Alcohol Consumption Linked To Brain Shrinkage

My Cat's are High as a Kite off of Catnip

Britney tops web hate list

"Inform the Canadian Time": this time, the topic is Dennis Kucinich...

Serious question for those who have lost loved ones.....

Vietnam flashback--you know how to get out of Iraq?

Who would you get to sing on a Christmas Album, and what would they sing?

Blazing Saddles was on last night...

1 number short of 138 thousand dollars - more lottery news

The Last Samurai

Timeline--that movie sucked

Do you prefer city,suburb or country living?

Worst movie ever?

I hate Harley "culture"

Amazing, and crappy small cities/towns in Canada?

The roots of the evil empire revealed.......Just Discovered Pic

Anybody here read O'Reilly's book, "Living With Herpes"?

Looking for a one stop shop for news check this out...

Choose my new webpage!!!!

Who are the greatest Guitarists ever?

Anyone work in the Music Industry?

Thousands expected for UK victory parade

Daily Neocon Facist: a negative discussion about George W. Bush

Reminder - "Angels in America" on HBO tonight at 8pm EST.

I'm listening to "Carmen"--ask me anything!

the show 'Dead Ringers' is on BBC America

Drano or Liquid Plumber?

My star is coming!

Say Hi To Our Newest Family Member!

What are the best large (100,000+ people) cities in Canada???

Favorite dance tunes from the 80's?

CHRISTMAS TREES: Real or Artificial?

"Secretary"-- major RAVE for this film!

Cookie Swap

The BCS. What a clusterf*ck.

Computer question!

A Pre-emptive Strike Thread for Chiefs/Broncs Game!

Are you ready to rock?

This one's going out to the Bears fans....

Has anyone here read "The Ethical Slut"?

If you had a chance to leave the US would you?

Favorite David Lean Movie?

Are you a dog person or a cat person?

DUers crash XNASA's Christmas party — And I've got the pictures!

If forced to choose, without being given the time to think...

What's your Smurf Name?

Good liberal small towns in the U.S.

Tell me what this freeper says is not true phone calls anywhere in the world

What sort of mod, upbeat 60s pop music do you groove to?

The Lounge Gallery

Album Cover Art - Which Is Your Favorite?

What are the greatest and worst Cities in America?

I told Dennis Kucinich that I love him.