What language is U.S. speaking in Iraq?
CIA warned administration of postwar guerrilla peril
The Council on Foreign Relations The Council on Foreign Relations And the Trilateral Commission
Herbert:The Art of the False Impression (Gore and Arnold)
How the 'Radicals' Can Save the Democrats
My big fat mea culpa (Dean article at Salon)
Amb. Wilson not gonna back down - thinks he knows who outed his wife
Clinton Foundation's Online store.
Suggestion for Californians: Use the old Nancy Reagan "Just Say No" phrase
Upcoming LA/Orange County Events
Persecuted Wiccan in small Tx. town calls in the FBI
Besides marriage, what other things are gays denied?
Bank of Canada governor wants a single currency
Who’s protecting live organ donors?
Murder, Kidnapping Suspect Kills Daughter, Shoots Self
I had the pleasure of hearing Jim Hightower speak today!
What happens if in '04 we win the WH but not the House?
How many Dean supporters would support a Clark/Dean ticket?
Powells U.N. intelligence "thick" file has worn thin in Middle America
Concerning bodily and other reactions prior to Sept 11
Is there any place other than the internet where
Nobel Laureate calls * a thief: "What we have here is a form of Looting"
Opinion Thread for the Men of DU...
Larry Thompson deserting Asscroft? and Geraldo's old buddie Chertoff
Dean's grassroots drive sprouts locally
Kerry on C-Span(getting slippery on war vote)
green party leaders meet to plan bush re-election
Dean Supporters: Please lay off the Kucinich bashing
Kucinich, Sharpton and (sorta) Dean.
Who's the most 'liberal' democrat in the race?
Did Arnold actually say he voted for Prop 187?
Bill O'Reilly asked Jenna Jameson for some of her videos after interview
GREAT CARTOON - The Bush show!
I do think Dennis Kucinich could beat GW Bush
Online Journal: 9/11 Joint Inquiry chairmen are in conflict of interest:
2004: What happens if we win the WH but not the House?
Larry Flynt Issues Call to 'Pray' for Death of Bill O'Reilly.
Arnold Campaign Slogan "I Feel Your Ass" SEE THIS PHOTO
OK! My "Seabiscuit" audience had "Dead Silence."....when
Please DUers, no more gloom and doom - we are WINNING; * is TOAST
Hey..... Somebody tell Dumbya they found the Weaponsofmassdestruction!
Republican yarnspinner, Mc Clintock
Support our troops and make money.
'Human shield' faces $10,000 fine
The most important letter you'll ever sign!
Parents of Young Gymansts Have No Shame
The George W. Bush Action Figure (Get Ready To Puke)
Question concerning those with a Sept 11 birthday (and that is fortunately
Question concerning the Twin Towers
Why all the focus on Arnold Swartzenegger?
Non-White Liberal Internet Dean/Kucinich Progressive Left Dems!
10 Reasons to stop pretending the Most Electable candidate is invisible
Let's Get Rid of the Home-School and Voucher CRAP *NOW*
Sorting out the hawks and doves in the presidential field
Vets for Peace Conference: Will Pitt, Rachel Corrie's parents, real heros
Girl Found in Cooler Died of Malnutrition
Ultimate insult for American programmers as employers seek cheaper labor
Schwarzenegger's support for Prop. 187 reveals glimpse on issues
WP: Democrats Unlikely to Retake House
Senator: Iraq Assumptions ‘Flawed’ - Repuke Sen.
A U.S. television flop in Iraq
Some Seek Preschool Nuke Evacuation Plans (near power plants)
For Vanity Fair, Bushes are Exception to Royal Rule
Kerry sharpens his message as Democratic race tightens
Honduran soldiers leave for Iraq
Bush aims to be out of reach by time Dems pick candidate (USA Today)
A tiny town shouts 'Whoa!' to Patriot Act
Texas Democrats Solicit Bush's Help in Redistricting Dispute
Chance of a Short Trip Home for Soldiers on Yearlong Tour
Sharpton Admonishes Youth, Blacks to Vote
Police given 'shoot to kill' orders in new terror alert
U.S. Lifestyles Blamed for Obesity Epidemic Sweeping Mexico
Homecoming Blues (Marines returning from war readjust)
Riots Continue Over Fuel Crisis in Iraq's South
US Deputy Attorney General to resign
My big fat mea culpa (Dean article at Salon)
Texas Democrats Solicit Bush*s Help in Redistricting Fight
Mystery pneumonia is being caused by America's weapons of mass destruction
Oil Rich Iraq May Not Aid Iraq That Much
Tory leader calls for Blair apology in row over dead weapons expert
NoBorderCamp attacked by police
CIA 'loots' villa where Saddam's sons died
Lieberman lashes left-wing Democrats
I know who I want in the California Recall!
Protesters march on Livermore lab to oppose ``bunker busters''
4 Soldiers, Reporter Injured In Iraq Attacks
Joe "DINO" Lieberman lashes out at democrats on FOX TV!!!!
Calif. Officials Face Daunting Ballot
Kelly inquiry: The case against No 10
Middle-class teens turn prostitutes - This Could Be Your Kid
When Good cats go WRONG,....EDITED !!!! More pics
Who do I donate to for Democrats?
Does anybody else watch "The Wire"?
What bosses are more likely to be politically prejudicial
If Frank Zappa were alive today, would he run for Governor of CA?
came from Tom Paxton's concert in NYC - Lincoln Center outdoors series.
Why is it that after 11p Eastern, all the "fetish" threads re-emerge
I Have The Original Nintendo Game Boy. Any One Know What I Could
Don't stop, thinking about tomorrow
Living Colour to cover AC/DC's "Back In Black" on comeback album
I'm mad at the Cartoon Network
Update on my robbery: Bank indifference and incompetence, crippling fear
Willkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome......
Is anyone else watching "The Restaurant"?
I'm thinking of forming a band, and I have a question...
Music stuff: Question about the Mahavishnu Orchestra...
Question about the music group October Project...
I've got a VCR and a tv but......
Rafael Furcal turned an unassisted triple play tonight!
Willie Nelson and the Dem 11 Outlaws
U.S. Scientist Discovers Telekinesis Equation
One for the Pagan/New Age crowd.
The Taint of the Greased Palm ( CORRUPTION)
Officials Warn of Turmoil on Election Night (vote count in California)
How the "far left" can save the Democrats
The big bang and all that - science rare bird in bestseller lists
At Least Gore is Still Debating Bush
Samual Dash: Today we face another watergate
Conservatives wrongly seek 'government by tantrum'
NYT Herbert: The Art of the False Impression (Gore, Bush*, media)
It's just not right to play the religion card in politics
How liberals look from the middle of the road
WMD Discoveries will be announced in September (Robert Novak)
Commercial and Civic Values at the Neighborhood Level
Business as Usual for Chemical Plants (WP--Gary Hart)
The Republican honesty deficit
The US, Race & War - criticism of Blair + Bush in Guardian
NCLB: Schools find no help in carrots and sticks.
Bush visiting Santa Monica Mtns Friday --- who wants to protest?
MICHIGAN DUers! Help stop Canadian trash from entering our landfills!
Report from the Philly4Dean rally
Austin, Texas Anti-Redistricting Rally - Funniest Photo Ever!
Military Families Gather in Crawford, TX Sat Aug 23rd -"Bring Them Home"
Is Cokie Roberts turning in her aqua eye shadow and fishnet stockings?
Is it repugnant that America's 2d Harvest & Salvation Army are kissing up
Fried video card... or worse? Calling DU techies!
Yahoo article "Archaeologists Dig Up Caligula's Power-Hungry Past",
Non-violent civil rights protests revived
Where's the harm in gay marriage
Assurers bet on global mood - SA
Its a "growth recession!" Bwahaha
What income bracket is your household in?
NASA Funds Online Glacier Database
Maine, Conn. AGs question origin of lawsuit, seek probe
Liberals want to stock fish farms with wild sturgeon
Karabakh Ceasefire Under Strain
Cleric to Indonesians: Don't Fear Terrorist Label
Executions fuel Saudi fury over pardon
Indonesia’s dirty war of repression in Aceh
Betel (nut) a major cancer risk - study
Older workers get a break - Court rules IBM "cash balance" illegal
'The real starvation is in Zimbabwe's jails'
“Who's watching the class? Webcams in schools raise privacy issue”
What gun law would have prevented this tragedy?
What is with the heavy handed tactics
Curious about my DU bumper sticker
OK if I start using racial and ethnic slurs on the board?
So why didn't this qualify as LBN?
Interesting buggy display when a poll is moved...
I can't private message anyone. :(
Israel warns Hezbollah attacks will cause retaliation
Israel threatens Syria over Hizbollah shelling
Rats - mining their own business
German Engineers reject official 9/11 story
Find Out More About John Kerry...
'Candidate Arnold Could Set Calif. Wealth Record'
Wasting away in Iraqi-freedomville
The Hartford Courant: The Howard Dean Phenomenon
GA: Nunn Doubts She'll Run For Senate
Kerry courts Salem firefighters' votes
Delaware Sen. Biden Will Not Run for White House
My Big Fat Mea Culpa - Joan Walsh (Salon)
NBC poll: Arnold ahead 31% to 18% over Cruz
What is Wesley Clark doing now?
Kerry Reminds Me Of My Friends
NCLB: it is not progressive legislation.
How the 'Radicals' Can Save the Democrats - NY Times op-ed
Meet The Real Gen. Clark: Counterpunch
Edwards is now in second place (to Lieberman) in SC (14% to 10%)
ARNOLD: official thread to strategize on diffusing this takeover!
N.H. voters say Kerry's appeal is his ability to get elected
Bush afraid of losing "motorcycle vote" to Dems
Kucinich Road to the White House link and click 7/27
Hot off the Press: Candidates listing for California
I support this lady for Governor of California
Reminder: Liberal radio segment on FNC
Kucinich supporters - where are you?
Art Torres just raised the "Republicans caused the Energy Crisis" issue
GOP kicks Texas Latino Veterans in teeth ... over redistricting.
Ridge - "...the president intuitively realized we are at war."
The DNC's "solution" to the California Recall
"Dean is a threat to Democratic Party" - cartoon
Top Ten Things Overheard During George W. Bush's Vacation
The California Democratic Party is NOT currently supporting Cruz!
You Know, Arnold Could Work to OUR Advantage..............
Do Moderates care about the environment?
Anyone else seen the cost of war website?
California Governor candidate Gary Coleman on MSNBC at 8 pm
what other 18 states have "recall" laws?
NEEDED: A good pro Clinton site
What percentage of Repubs are pro-choice ?
Amy Goodman interviewing JH Hatfield of "Fortunate Son" fame
NOT going after Bush* is "trickle up" politics; that REALLY doesn't work
First-time airing of Fortunate Son's author by DemocracyNow
Petition letter to Carter: over 1000 signatories
Who's blood is on Robert Novak's hands?
How do we find out which Corporations with offshore headquarters..
Playboy: Carnival in Rio (1992) VHS - out of stock@Amazon - Why?
Dean supporters: How strong is your support
What were Shrub's qualifications to run for gov of texas???
"Wag the Dog" Coming Up On BRAVO At 5:00 P.M. EDT
Going After Bush* = WRONG Target
CNN article on 9/11 report, makes Chimpy look bad..
Bushies think Kerry over Dean And would Nader prevent 9-11?
Only an "Issues Offensive" Can Make Schwarzenegger Talk Issues.
CSPAN LIVE: Dem. Presidential Town Hall Meeting 6 PM EST
Iraqi Family Shot Dead by Panicking US Troops
I think all the Dem candidates can hold their own state...except Graham
Herb Brooks killed in car accident
Why is Arnold getting all this press coverage and attention?
Are All The Anti-Kerry Folk Here, Anti-Hillary As Well?
BBV: Heads Up, Diebold goes on Record again, this time at NPR
"Liberal" papers harder on Clinton
Samuel Dash: "Today We Face Another 'Watergate'..."
Former Connecticut lawmaker arrested on ballot fraud charges
If Arnold Wins, This Is What He'll Do In This Order
What are your thoughts on concierge medical services?
this author arrested for smuggling artifacts should be a bigger story
We are falling into the GOP trap with Arnold - yet again
my best friend scored a job with congressman lloyd doggett..
OMG! I get to speak with "The Howards"!!!!!
Running a negative campaign on Arnold's inexperience, will not work
Gov. Leavitt of Utah named to replace Christie Whitman at EPA
Chance of a Short Trip Home for Soldiers on Yearlong Tour
Powell Deconstructed, Point by Point, Lie by Lie
we're winning this Palm Springs recall poll
TSA in 'witch hunt', air marshals say.
The "lemon" speaketh from Mount Lemon
Anti-Bush Banners over Freeway in Seattle
Impressed by all the Dean magazine covers last week?
When is Clark supposed to declare whether
Anybody know what other states have a Recall option?
Apparently, Most Californians are desperate!
Bush's Armitage drug dealing ties letter & Nguyet Thi O'Rourke
DU being stymied by vanity posts?
Can someone explain the Charles Taylor thing for me...
PBS: Gordin Liddy wanted to kill John Dean & Jeb Magruder
Federal Tax Code in court: jury says paying taxes not required
Is there a future for Charles Taylor in the BFEE??
Clark now might have an open spot
Apocalypse Now...or Later? Dr. Rice needs to know!
Why every good Democrat should buy a Dubya Bush Top Gun doll
CIA and DoD Attempted To Plant WMDs in Iraq — and Failed
My thoughts on all the confict here
Twin Cities DUers: Guess who's meddling in our local politics?
Yahoo article "Archaeologists Dig Up Caligula's Power-Hungry Past",
Author of book on Iraq arrested for smuggling.
Meet The Terminator's Political Consultant
Black Box Voting : Wa Post article
Clueless Freepers--You were such fun!
The steroid popping product of Nazi eugenics is a cardboard cutout!
Today's News--- Bush LIHOP, Voting Machines CRAP
How many people have you got on "DU Ignore"?
Was Davis targeted by Bush’s reelection bid?
For a supposed DLC shrill Gephardt has a strong liberal record...
I accused someone of "..acting LIKE A REPUBLICAN" yesterday..
Yesterday's Wash. Post article: a shot across the bow of the Bush Admin.
Lieberman Supporters - Check in
Can we really blame "the media?"
Why We MUST WIN in 2004 (As If You All Can't See it Already)
how the California Recall will temporarily affect Presidential race
Human Rights Watch v Amnesty International
Help please: How many registered Democrats in
Dean supporters......help soothe my main reservation please
Can anyone fill me in on the 30 MIGs found burried??
Clinton is advising Gray Davis
Ahhhhnold gets a "free pass"...just like Bush
C-SPAN WATCHERS: I need a favor
I Hope I'm Wrong,But Davis is toast!
Is The Recall Just To Stop The Lawsuit?
hey everybody, napalm is back!!!
the stupidification of the american voter
A Disgusting display of self promotion on CNN right now!
The media has really pushed me to the breaking point.
Should California appeal decision on recall to the Supreme Court?
Wasn't it nice of CNN to campaign for Arnold this weekend
Read this and Laugh Out Loud. (Maybe now they'll quit giving * a pass.)
Report: Arnold Lied to Leno Before Show
"BRULTE & ROVE behind the recall"
Repugs said - celebrities should keep their mouths shut about politics?
slashdot's picking up on voting machines
California to "randomly" select ballot spots for 193 candidates...
Sunday News: Dean Organizing Convention Held in Manchester, NH
Black Youth & the Media (MON Alert -- 8:30 AM ET CSPAN2) Aaron McGruder
US supported Taylor to create turmoil in West Africa - Weapons trade...
Overseas DUers?? Did you watch the whole Charles Taylor speech??
Brits get stones thrown at them. USA troops get bombs thrown at them.
smirk foreign policy madness meeting (humor)
Ex-Gurkha killed in ambush as more riots flare in Basra
Tips about talking to your children about Bush's Lying for illegal War :
We Americans protect our selves by a system to make sure our Lawyers. our
Bush's Economy by Stuart Carlson
Electronic voting questions seem to be increasing
What do we do with closet Freepers who get caught here?
A Father's Choice: Kill Son or Watch Family Die
What states would Sharpton win?
BBV Story Makes Front Page Of Washington Post.....
Vince Foster was suicided by PNAC
Is Iraq better now than before the first Gulf War?
All roads lead to Chalabi: Perhaps even the 'suiciding' of David Kelly
The Neo-cons are the new con artists; fascists in conservative clothing
Crisis Alert: Americans Accidentally Start Hating Americans
Bush visiting Santa Monica Mtns Friday --- who wants to protest?
Job Losses Since Bush Took Over in 2001
Info for Carlos Re: American Independent Candidate
6:30 PM ET MON -- Democratic Presidential Town Hall Meeting -- CSPAN
Conason: Arnolds secret meeting with "Kenny Boy"
BBV: Diebold's new talking point.
A question regarding the California recall.
Which Dystopia Best Describes Bushco's America?
House and Senate have both introduced foreign-born President amendments…
Isn't The Word "Queer" Derogatory?
Do you think we could get 12,000,000 recall signatures against Bush?
Why is Nazi Schwarzenegger given hours of free airtime on MSNBC?!?
Help Dennis Kucinich End the War in Iraq -- Doesn't Matter If You
American Enterpise Institute magazine celebrates masculinity
WTF! Civil Rights Commission calls on * to convene a Black Box Forum...
Democrats Face Long Odds In Battle For Congress
Catholic Church's letter on homosexual unions
Texas Supreme Court dismisses Republican's lawsuit
BTW, the Enron thingy seems to have disappeared from the radar
*'s five-pound weight gain = increased muscle mass
Negroponte & CIA Crimes in Iran/Contra. by BushSr & Reagan
Armless Iraqi Boy -- Ali Abbas
Former Texas Governor, Ann Richards, on Larry King tonight.
Why Don't We Ask Fox News This.....
SF anti-war protest; photo Sat Aug 9 2003
At least 72 more words, for starters. The entire Iraqi nuclear case...
Do people this age just stop breathing in their sleep?
42% now say they will vote for Arnold? I thought it was 25%?
Gay marriage: For those who just don't get it.
Ripping Gore's Vietnam Credentials (the Repug way!)
AWOL or not? Office Republican gets fired up....
The unworkable Constitutional system
America's Wealth Inequality is a Crime.
Goodyear running ads on Hannity
"Democracy Is Under Attack - Let's Take it Back" Cynthia McKinney
So who voted for Nader in 2000? Check in here...
Tweety referred to Arianna's as "insane candidacy"
So, how do I donate money to Gray Davis and Cruz Bustamante?
Growth puffs up Florida's voter rolls
Arnold's finances tell a shrewd tale (he's worth around $800 million)
Acquitted Man Says Virus Put Pornography on Computer
Supreme Court rules against Republicans (Texas)
Armless Iraqi Boy Bears No Grudges for U.S. Bombing
Kerry invokes Kennedy, Clinton
Bush Picks Utah Gov. Leavitt to Head EPA
Judge Excludes Mention of Cheney In Roswell Multi-Missile Case
NATO Takes Over Afghan Peacekeeping Force
Sky News reports series of explosions heard near US Airbase-Baghdad
Gas Pump Price Surges to $1.571 a Gallon
Pakistan says U.S. kills two of its soldiers
British officials 'concerned over dossier wording'
Gov. Bush in joking mood over California's recall election
2 More U.S. Troops Catch (Severe) Pneumonia Abroad
Military Families and Veterans Demand End to the Occupation of Iraq
Herb Brooks (Miracle on Ice) Is Dead
Agent Orange lingers in Vietnam food - study
Postwar Iraq Likely to Cost More Than War ($600 Billion?)
TSA in ‘witch hunt,’ air marshals say (threaten marshals with Patriot Act)
Ex-MBNA worker goes on weekend shooting spree in US
Jerry Brown says it's Arnold's race to lose
Voluntary Smallpox Shots Maybe Not Enough
Two arrested trying to save beached whale in Oregon
Schwarzenegger's Strategy: Avoiding Details
..Democratic Strategist Bob Weiner Warns for 2004
Republicans Put No-Tax Budget On Hold (Oregon)
WP: Plugging Into Voting Insecurities (Electronic Voting)
Man killed by deputies on Mount Lemmon complicates Bush visit
California Determines Recall Ballot Order
Suffering News Burnout? The Rest of America Is, Too
Maryland May Cancel Voting Machines Purchase
EEOC finds sex discrimination at former Gore lawyer's firm
Arnold's strongest opposition is coming from the right
NBC poll: Arnold ahead 31% to 18% over Cruz
Drugs? What Drugs? (US ignoring Afghan Opium)
U.S. Questions Saudi Man in 9/11 Probe
The blah-blah on Blah, Liberia's new leader
Bush says he supports Kolbe-McCain-Flake immigrant worker bill
U.S. Concerned with Health of Cuban Political Prisoners
Md. Might Cancel Voting Machine Contract
Sick Veteran Fights for Medical Treatment
New Website Tracks Bush Campaign Contributions
North Korea supports multilateral talks on nuclear threat
Untold Story: U.S. Newspapers Ignore Iraqi Civilian Deaths
Bush appoints Governor Leavitt of Utah to head EPA
National Journal, Randi Rhodes: Clark to announce after labor day
Democrats file lawsuit to block GOP redistricting plan -Texas
Israel threatens Syria over Hizbollah shelling
Man Shot and Killed After Running Fire Barricade in Arizona; Area to Be To
Liberia's President Charles Taylor Resigns
The Wilderness Society Issues Statement on Bush's Western Tour
Iraq's oil revenue not materializing-
Schwarzenegger Opposed Immigrant Services
Davis: Recall Bid an 'Insult' to Voters
Sharon Corruption Probes Gather Momentum
Biden not getting in: Bill Press, MSNBC.
Marine Faces Hearing for Ducking War Prep
Analysis: Fla. Republican unity cracks
Obesity Increases Risk of Pregnancy Complications
Special session: Bush says he'll ask Legislature to increase prison spendi
Martha Stewart Net Plunges, Outlook Cut
Ecology Body Warns of Dangers from Fish Farms
'Illegal Immigration Shutting Down LA Public Hospitals' - Fox News
Navy Dolphins Used As Sentinels in Gulf
I support this lady for Governor of California
U.S. Fines Woman for Being 'Human Shield'
Jolted Over Electronic Voting Report's Security Warning Shakes Some States
Study: Agent Orange Lingers in Vietnam Food
U.S. Mounts New Mission to Hunt Saddam Loyalists
Bustamante says he's an 'alternative' for Calif. voters
Two Pakistani soldiers killed by accidental fire of US force
No Reporter Coverup: Kennedy Kept Sex Secret
U.S., Britain, Libya Hold 'Constructive' Talks
Md. governor's membership at posh golf club scrutinized
France Frets Over Nuke Plants And Heatwave Toll
MCI may lose 137 million dollars in US government contracts
Democrats face deadline for court filing ("The Texas Eleven")
Low-Cost Linux Gaining on Microsoft in India
U.S. Appeals WTO Ruling on Steel Tariffs (will take 9 months)
Two Iraqi policemen shot dead by US soldiers
U.S. soldier is killed in restive Iraqi town (Baquba)
Finding faith in the past's successes (Lieberman Compares Self To Truman)
UNICEF Ambassador . Shoked . By Systematic Rape Of Women & Children
Bush seeing forest charred by wildfire, raising campaign cash
GI Killed, two hurt in Iraq bomb attack
NPR reports France worried about nuclear plants in heatwave.
South Korean activists demand US troop pull-out
Bus Trip Launches Wednesday (Edwards in Iowa)
US ready to examine expanding Afghan force beyond Kabul
Mugabe hardens heart toward MDC
ISAF under NATO control (NATO force moves into Kabul)
Florida GOP lawmakers urge action on Cuba
Bush AIDS policy “misleading and inaccurate”
If You Can't Take the Heat, Get Out of Crawford
GOP moneyman may lose post for backing Democrat
Bush to Tout His Environmental Policies
Jakarta Hotel Demand Drops On Marriott Bomb;Outlook Bleak
Chopper with 29 on board plunges into the sea - India
Tribute to 'remarkable' Kelly (UK Inquiry)
Israel warns Hezbollah attacks will cause retaliation
Fox Sues Humorist Al Franken Over 'fair and Balanced' Slogan
Cuban-American legislators threaten to withdraw support for Bush
Bush* Campaign Sees California, New York as Ripe for Taking
Celebrities Protest Mass. Wind Farm
Last vinyl you bought and when
A CAPTION might help him see the forrest through all those trees
It's a Full Moon and My Due Date....
I'm getting 5 and 6 alerts of klez infected e-mails a day! Help..
How many people have you got on "DU Ignore"?
Better Band - "Queen" or "The Talking Heads" ?
On-line review of the Bush action figure
WHO is REALLY harmed by using ALL CAPS in a SUBJECT LINE?
Okay, one of you creative-types HAS to do something with this...
Things to do near Dupont Circle?
The irony of right wing christians
Cool Bumper Sticker I Saw: "God Bless The World... NO EXCEPTIONS!"
What do you guys think of Prince?
So who's smoking weed tonight?
The new Ween and Guided By Voices albums are must buys
which channel would you have more problems with your kid watching?
Anyone ever see Time Quest - What if JFK had lived?
Freeper bumper stickers spotted. To stupid for words.
If you had the power to work the Jedi Mind trick on anyone
First Really Really bad movie you paid money to see in the theater
How many people have got ME on "ignore?"
I had to share these from an email my brother sent me - funny
The Great Yak has spoken! He will take no more questions.
A Question about posting etiquette
Sad News for USA Hockey Fans...
Iron Maiden singer a working stiff(airline pilot)
HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWACK!!! i scored a real job!!!!!
Ann Coulter is a _____________, let me count the wayz!
If you could see DU from outer space ...
question: if I have firewire can iPod work on my PC?
How to shut up a Republican....
Attn Loonman: The Ham Sammich Lives!
Confronted with menu peddling "freedom" foods for first time.
Potential population control method
Where was Poppy when Reagan was shot ?
Peace Pretzel caption contest--August
What do atheists yell out when they have sex?
If I put the following bumper sticker on my car, how long b4 I'm lynched?
I'd like to get in touch with a member here
So I went to Burger King today
How you can tell when Bush is lying to us
Check out Letterman's Top 10 Things Overheard During Bush's Vacation
Would you vote for this man in 2004?
What fresh hell is this? (computer question)
Anyone in MA Drive a Black Grand Am? Saw an EXCELLENT Sign!
Now here is some footage I'd love to see and hear.
Can someone help me find a website?
Movie theater to let patrons vote for "Governator"
Well, this seems kind of apropos
Really cool (wierd) genetic anamoly's
If you want to work for India's rail system, you gotta do this
So, did "Warwhoop" Tumbril file his papers for the CA recall?
Chuck Taylor leaves Liberia, going back to sneaker business
Does anyone know what the annual budget for BSRNC is??
Just back from the Dead show at Jones Beach, NY
Want to read something funny?!
Credentials? What credentials? Experience? What experience?
By GWB action figure...get yours now!
They're showing my tank on The History Channel right now.
Charles Taylor's departure...absolutely RIVETING!
Reply to a Freeper E-Mail (this may get me in trouble)...
A photo of mine is being used without permission.
I need some cheering up and encouragement.
CAPTION the happiest guy you will ever see about forest fires
Programming Language Inventor, or...
Who else finds "Gubernatorial" funny...
"Governator" products are already for sale..
CNN/BSRNC/FAUX ...Fall line-up
No Oil revenues in Iraq? No problem YARD SALE!!!!!
Final Futurama - Hopeful sign???
Can The World of Star Trek Help Americans Understand Muslims? (Landover)
PLease come back , Monsueir Grove..all is forgiven....
CNN finaly used real casualty figures
Outlook Express Spam blockers?
'Mobile Phone Gives Beggar Away '
Ok, I just spent $2100 on TWO teevees, flat screen LCDs.... uh....
Support our troops - Don't Vote Bush in '04
Top Ten Reasons To Elect Arnold Schwarzenegger California Governor
David Hasselhoff for Assistant Guv'nah!!!
Anyone watch the West Wing marathon on Bravo today?
Prince William's 14-inch dik-dik spear....I shit you not.
Gorilla warfare enough to make you go bananas
Presidential Campaign Photoshopping over on Fark.com.....
I started getting bombarded by popups about two days ago...
Where have you gone nothingshocksmeanymore
What's the purpose of Fetish threads?
My Yak Has a Foot Fetish - Ask Him Anything