Democratic Underground

Archives: August 12, 2003

Agent Orange Still Showing up in Vietnam

WP: Depiction of Threat Outgrew Supporting Evidence

Britain: the political issues underlying the Hutton Inquiry

We Stand Our Ground--Wm Rivers Pitt Keynote Speech WOW!

DXers! FCC deadline extended to Aug. 20 re: BPL/wipe out of frequencies

I'm disgusted with freepers!

A Dream Of a Mountain-A Nightmare Of a Volcano (Rainier) | Washington Post

Can anyone help with Windows shutting off my computer

Infidels had Bali coming, not that I did it, says Samudra


Caught With a Book...

Taliban to extend attacks to Afghan north - report

Does no one have a sense of humor around here?

Not a bug, not a problem, just something neat I can't understand

Subject: Open Letter From A U. S. Army Major In Iraq To His Church

Beware the Straight Backlash

Live chat with Joe Trippi...

Kerry blog warming up

Dean's Blog Builds Support Despite a Lack of Personal Input

Howard Dean takes his turn on the stage

Dear Friend, Win a Day on the Campaign Trail with John Kerry!

This is what Counter Punch says about Kerry


Hey Dean 15 minutes of fame

Best candidate for Governor of California: Peter Miguel Camejo

Establishments and Outsiders

Question regarding threads here...

Janeane Garofalo: NewsMax is Picking on Howard Dean

Mean, Mean Howard Dean He's Regressive, Not Progressive

Dean draws 4,000 in Philadelphia

We need to throw Lieberman out of the Democratic Party

Dean's State educators bully homeschooling mom

20 Reasons why you need to support Clark for the Nomination

This is what the NY Post says about Kerry

During Deans tenure as Governor

Dennis guesting on the Lessig Blog


Global warming is behind Europe's heat wave, or is it a natural. Poll

It's like Bush telling Einstein: e=mc^2 is bogus.

Who said this quote?

Things I would like to see in the commemoration of "everyone knew what

I think I understand.......

CNCB says: Auunold would NOT get coverage if it was 1987! Because.....

What if Arlen Specter was the '96 nominee?

Abrams Report: Human Shield to be Prosecuted

Karl Rove, thank you for getting Arnie to run...

Calif Recall: Lt. Gov Bustamente SETS the election date.

Interesting Dean Web site

"Progressive" can also mean proceeding in steps...

once upon a time issa looked so fine, threw the bums a dime in his prime

Bush has more campaign money than the 9 Democrats combined and...

The anniversary of "that day" is a month away

Democratic debate on C-Span...

The Democratic field: An Embarrassment of Riches!

* jumps in polls!

European Cultural Bias...UNESCO World Heritage Sites...

What's that stench? Oh yeah, * is in town.

Rove knows an authentic challenger when he sees one - Dean

If it makes you all feel any better...

Media says: We Americans are suffering "news burnout" and ratings down...

Congressional Black Caucus liking/leaning Edwards - Roll Call

Have you noticed something RE: LaRouche, the right never brings him up

Have you noticed something RE: Clark, the right never brings him up

I bring this DUOSRDE2K4DCCMS Caucus to order. So to speak.

Kerry is KILLING tonight . WOW. Boffo. JFK.

Lieberman is running the dumbest campaign ever!

If Arnold Schwarzanegger can run for office, why can't Martin Sheen?

OMG : another Lieberman outrage

Rumsfeld Lie on Baghdad Murder Rate - EXPOSED

Top 10 Things You Would Like To See On The News:

Selection 2000 VNS Exit Polling was thrashed- because Gore WON

Will Hispanics rally around Bustamante in Ca?

Predictions on dropping out

California was won by Clinton twice with a Republican governor

Is John F. Kennedy rolling over in his grave right now?

Ann Richards doesn't dissappoint. She says Issa

Daily Show: LOL!

The Democratic Nominee needs Sharpton

ABC news cites skewed poll

Anyone go to the Atlanta Hillary book signing?

Tin Foil Hat Alert: Is something brewing in the Texas Legislature?

we're trying to match a carpet bombing campaign with pea shooters

Aaron McGruder is on CSPAN

Credit Card Companies

IRS fails to convince court that income taxes are mandatory

Are the Democrats........ why was Willie Brown told NOT to fly to NY on 911........?

Sharpton's Great Line was one for the Ages: "Slapping the Donkey" !

How is this "job tide" going to turn? .........Wake Up America

Changes in Lawyers' Ethics Rules Approved

Iraq Dossier Blow to Blair

Ann Richards says White House told Issa to stay out...

Judge: jurors not to hear about Cheney

Democrats debate whether to repeal all or just some of Bush's tax cuts

Dem. Candidates Blast Republicans Over California

NATO Takes Control of Peace Force in Kabul | NY Times

Texas Supreme Court refuses to order Democrats back to work | Houst Chron

Ashcroft Plans Tour to Tout Patriot Act

Idi Amin gets death threats | Monitor (Kampala)

Bush Chooses Utah's Governor to Head the E.P.A.

In Basra, Worst May Be Ahead

AOL wants separation from Time Warner

WP: Plans to Change Health Corps Blasted

Herbold won't run for (Washington) governor | Seattle Times

Am. Bar Assoc. Loosens Attorney-Client Secrecy Rules

Tornado on the ground - Alberta, Canada

Man admits he started massive (BC) wildfire | Globe and Mail

Mexico to reopen border to some (Canadian) beef | Glove and Mail

Lawyers begin drafting response to church settlement proposal | Bost. Her.

Suspects Identified in Indonesia Blast | L A Times

'R' is first letter in recall ballot drawing | Sacramento Bee

Winsted may test ballot delivery (CT)

Complaints lodged over Iraq dossier

US tried to plant WMDs, failed: whistleblower

Saddam ordered chemical attack, inspector will report ( David Kay)

NYT: Bush Flies Over Fire Site to Promote 'Healthy Forests'

click this and move your mouse.. ....very cute :)

Weird spider thing I found in my house - what is it?

"Mold Days" is that what we are faced with now environmentally? Mold.....

My new house in the NC mountains (almost)

West Wing junkies heads up: Pilot episode on Bravo tonight

Why would Ashcroft tell my service provider to close port 35

I just flipped Bush the bird -- ask me anything

Is there a singularity at the center of *'s face?

Electronically Transmitted Disease

Does anybody know if they'll be rerunning the 2nd season of 24?

I am sure we had this one on before, but not on DU2, so...

Who is your favorite non-Simpson child?

Royals beat Yankees 12-9!!!

DUers - Help me with my computer problem?

The Beer Blog ...This guy is serious about his beer

Ebay Advice

Is it worth the trouble to do a Baba O'Reilly parody about Bill O'Reilly?


I just recieved a nasty Reich Wing spam. Is this response ok?

Diebold is hiring. Should I apply?

I guess some parents are a lot more open today . . .

Smoking Gun TV w/ Mo Rocca

They are going to do a second season of Joe Millionare. How?

Which DUer would you vote for in the Governor's race?

Ye Olde Page o Screensavers

Need a Progressive Loan Shark!

any gossip (the band) fans here?

TV almost made me puke. That morAnic show, "Who Wants to Marry...

Viva La Resistance! (pro wrestling related)

I announce my candidacy for Governor of California...

Anybody watching Storm of the Century?

Tile/grout/caulk on tub question for the experts here.

Could someone please give me a step by step on hooking up Ipod for PC

Alternative Monopoly Cards.....LMAO!!!

How Many Yaks Do You Have on "Ignore"?

Is the Left More of Less Together Since 2000?

Notice the names not on California's candidate list (A. Schwarzernegger)

Losing Control

UK Guardian: Midsummer madness

Iraq has wrecked our case for humanitarian wars

After the poll betrayal, United States owes Liberians a better deal

Doonesbury makes an important point...

Somaliland has case for independence

Ghostly turn in trial - SA

noam chomsky..."the supreme crime"

CIA disclosure is dangerous (Cancer in the Bush Administration)

"I Would have done anything to get ?elected"/"Would that include Murder?"

It's Arnold Day

Dubya Jeopardy!

Stepping Off the Platform (Reaganite-Neocons leading Repub Partry Astray)

Republican leaders serve Idaho poorly | Spokane Spokesman-Review

KRUGMAN: Thanks for the M.R.E.'s

General gets earful from Okinawa governor

Col. David Hackworth: Fire the Losers Before the Army Goes Down

Salon: George Bush*s Terminator Problem

Gore's Speech - The Record (NJ)

Molly Ivins: Credulity crunch

Gore Puts Needed Spotlight on Bush's Deceit : Marie Cocco

"The Story". I see I'm not the only one who thinks this is BIG.

E.J. Dionne: Having Dished It Out

It's time to vote in pursuit of our own best interests

George F. Will: California to recall and ruin

Officer in Korea arrested after allegedly throwing woman's body off bridge

People-Powered Howard Sleepless Summer Tour (DC Area)

A big College Dem. Thank you to Team Kerry, Team Dean,...

Dennis Kucinch in Oakland CA this Sunday...

Registering Democrats as Easy as Living!!

Cong Ed Markey (D-Mass) says "homeland security my ___" he needs

Chicago protest Saturday, 8/23/03 at noon at Federal Plaza

Bush Visits Portland Aug 21- info here

The Most Important Court case of the Decade

How to tell your 17 yr old daughter about Shrub's* lies

President orders air strikes against jackass with leaf blower next door

Man armed with beercan killed by Tuscon deputies and SS at presidential

A letter to our Comanader in Chief

String, and Knot, Theory of Inca Writing | New York Times

I've got to get out of my House! Gremlins are living under the floor!

Gay Bishop Receives Home Town Welcome

Gay man joins California governor's race

Court Asked To Overturn 17-Year Prison Sentence Of Bi Teen

South Carolina Considers Banning Gay Adoption

Lutherans to present homosexuality report

Alliance to force early same-sex vote

Christian Group Plans Release of Disney Gay Days Video

Desperate job hunters face cattle calls - Seattle Times

Reform NAFTA? How?

New oil field meets 17% of SA's needs

Winemaker in Napa Goes Solar!

Big flap over 'senseless murder' of chicken

We Need Population Control Laws

U.S. formally announces permission for Phalcon sale to India

'Is Syria next?'

15 gunmen ambush cash van - SA

Kopassus cooperation 'limited': Downer...

Blair Weapons Dossier 'Damned Again'

Brain drain hits Zimbabwe's health service

Foot and mouth disease outbreak in Limpopo - SA

Men suffer image problems too

Anorexia striking young kids

Brain tumour in skeleton

HIV-positive Ohio man will be allowed to coach

Fla. Sags As Retirement Choice

15 gunmen ambush cash van - SA

HR 2038 Or S 1034?

I'd like participation of pro-gun people in this thread

Applications pile up

The Ban Against Public Safety

When do I get my little star thingee?

You guys have done a really great job on DU2. My hat is off to all of you

OH NO! My star's gone!

DU tech question

Hey Skinner, Mods, heads up!!!!!!

California Recall Election

Thanks for Raul Groom.

Heads up on new member

Can you guys answer questions about other aspects of DU?

Suicide Bombing in Israel Wounds at Least 6

"Israel's Secret Weapon" - worldlinktv

Explosion heard in Central Israel. CNN Reporting.

Terror returns with twin attacks: Two dead, dozen wounded

National Institute of Standards and Techno gives up truss theory!

9/11 Report: Discrepancies between the Report and reality?

anyone watching the halliburton shill

Depleted Uranium Makes U.S. Troops, Iraquis and Afghans Sick

Is Nicolas_J being honest? How do you define honesty?

How Edwards (or Lieberman or Graham) Could Win

How Dean could win

How Kerry could win

Howard Dean: he has 1/4 million people signed up for his campaign!

Edwards describes Bush as out of touch

On the Philadelphia town hall meeting

Dean hits Bush on California Recall

Muslims Get Out The Vote

The progressive case for supporting Dean...

At the moment I support...

Arnold Schwarzenegger the shill?

Don't hold a group of supporters responsible for each member

How Gephardt could muscle in and win

Clark is a Krugman on Defense/Foreign Policy

Interesting Campaign debate sparring - from ABCNote

Democrats join town meeting (Kerry and Dean pre-forum)

Kerry Health Policy Chat

Latest from Kerry blog...Alexandra Pelosi filming "Journeys with John"

KUCINICH: how he plans to make it work

Need help with Iowa Democratic Candidate Forums!

Howard Dean is the Enforcer who will hold Bush accountable

Vince4Congress press release out tonight -- It's official!

Dean's manager sees Illinois as key | Chicago Sun-Times

Did Mayor Street of Philadelphia endorse Dean?

Howard Dean: Anti War?

The Primaries: To Fight, To Not Fight. Is It War?

Study: Winning Democrats appeal to rich and poor alike

Janeane Garofalo: NewsMax Picking on Howard Dean

The Man from Vermont is Not Green: Counterpunch

Could the reason that Dean inspires such loyalty from his supporters

Is the reason why Dean bashers start threads due to jealousy?


Media coverage, Dean vs. Kucinich

MD Gov 06: Duncan Tries to Raise Profile for 2006

Dean Is The New McCain/Carter/Goldwater/McGovern/Reagan

Philly: "Why I Supported The IWR." (Not Flamebait.)

Debunking the Gore endorses Kerry theory

Kerry supporters- your blog needs you!

Lets just settle this topic now: Phili Rally

Kerry is terrified of Dean

Ann Richards is IMPRESSED by Howard Dean and his campaign

Dean's policy would uproot megafarming (AP)

Hardball should be called the dean show tonight

Flamebait: Why is Dean willing to put innocent people to death?

Should Gray Davis Resign

Anyone Else Watching West Wing On Bravo?

Reason No. 1 to defeat Arnold:

Dean supporters: Are we at the mercy of the DNC and DLC?

Hey, Will Pitt is on CSPAN 3!

The Progressive Case for Howard Dean

franken book sales increase 440% after suit

How would you rate the candidates' Progressiveness on a scale 1-10?

Col Hackworth: Secretary of Defense is an "asshole"

Why do we hate the Bush Administration? Let us count the ways ...

Black Box: SAIC report to remain a secret (Wired News)

Who will stand up for the families of 911 victims?

Recall the recall right now!!

Reform NAFTA? How?

Dennis Kucinich meetup in NYC


There's No Such Thing As A Jobless Recovery

White House Sues Self In Order to Screw Environmentalists!!

Symbolman TBTM to be on CNN Lou Dobbs show tonight at 6-6:30 EST

how many freepers showed up at Hillary's appearance in Kansas City?

Sizzling Parisians getting naked

Greenhouse gasses - question re: right winger theory

Freeper demons whining and crying cause they say they were "beat up"

A Call for DUer's to invade Usenet forums....

Why is Warren Buffett supporting Arnold??

Buried in a Post article about the Bush Aviator Doll...

I found out why Bob Boudelang didn't have a DU article this week!

Extremists Help GOP Muscle In On The Golden State

For those who may have blinked and missed Symbolman on CNN...

Traditional Values Coalition don't want Arnold as Governor.

David Kay is a lying,bush loving scumbag (claims he found WMD)

bartcop has worm virus

I just caught mid-day repeat of Dem Debate.....Observation

BBV: TechTV to interview Avi Rubin

Ralph Nader will endorse Green Party recall candidate Camejo in San Fran

Homelessness in major cities escalating as more laid-off workers

Do you think this is why more Blacks are in prison for drugs???

Lt Col Attacks GI George Doll

Is it real or satire?

Who would be a better vp- Clark or Graham?

Would you join the European Union?

My county's sheriff is stepping down.

What exactly is the Drudge Report?

Tinfoil hat conspiracy re: Blair and his imminent removal from power

Franken/O'Reilly comparisons

Please Read about Homeless Vet that lives on the State Street Bridge

Wired News E-Vote Machines Face Audit

Who's getting the rebuilding contracts?

Can someone recommend a good firewall?

Arnold Rides In With His Own Brand Of Machine

Sick Iraq War Veteran Has to Fight for Medical Treatment

Here's an email I just sent to Al Franken about his Fox case...

Does Davis actually think he can win?

307 troops dead during Iraq war.

Hey Democrats! Get your free Bush in a flight suit action figure HERE!

Is * the anti-Christ?

The Right just brought up Clark

Calif. deals with 247 filings for recall

Saving California and getting extra Senate seats.

My exchange with a real live media whore!

Catch 22: Rumsferatu hires Milo Minderbinder to supply troops...

I need help on California budget increased under Reaganf and

The Top Ten Conservative Idiots (No. 121) #9 Pat Snyder

Top Story of the Day: Court Rules on Texas Democrats

Fair & Balanced is that the same as Toys R Us?

Guardian writer: Apacolypse, Pretty Soon

Here's some grass roots activism to try

California's economy not fault of Gray Davis. Guess who ?

Dean supporters: Who is your second choice?

US forces freeze out regional & local Iraq businessmen

The Kingdom of Moronica

Is Al Franken's new book available yet?

dates for al franken's book tour

Heads up: e-voting issue on WBUR tonight

Neo-conned: Ron Paul speech on the House floor, July 10th

Help America Vote Act . . . ? Who's helping Who?

do the schools in your area give condoms?

US military downgrades amputees as "not seriously injured"

An Army of One

I think that it is very important to have a better name for the BFEE.

Bush Vacation Update: Totally Non-Urgent.

.."How do Americans feel about losing their jobs?.."

If nominated, would you vote for Lieberman?

Poll question: If nominated, would you vote for LaRouche?

Why do some many people have $3,500.00...

Dubya is a terrorist as defined by

The South: Lost Cause

Have you seen the ballot yet ?? !!

National Referendums

I need a link to Gore's

"I Would have done anything to get ?elected"/"Would that include Murder?"

huge explosions rocked a US military base in Ramadi (Mon nite)

CNN Findlaw says Bush knew on 911 or CIA told everyone but Bush

WHats Al Franken think of this lame law suite?

The only legit WMD discovery David Kay could announce...

Arnold Schwarzenegger the shill?

Does FAUX News own "Fair and Balanced?"

Those Other Dwarfs Are Making Me Look Bad

Eight replies to a thread on American dead/twenty one on peterose

British soldiers face wrath of Iraqis as hatred festers

Rush just defended the the use of a "California constitutional provision"

A family member phoned from Iraq yesterday

Did you hear Arnold Schwarzenegger is running for Governor of CA

I don't hear much talk about over-representation in the Electoral College.

Was Clinton an Iran/Contra Coke Head punk...

From the Wilderness

Postwar Costs Alone May Hit $600 Billion

FBI? CIA? NSA? NRO? Who needs 'em when you've got Jack Van Impe!

peace in the M.E? bout' we stop selling both sides weapons?

How much footage of Arnold do you think there is?

New media spin: "Job-loss" recovery.

A Good Story to Remember...

Does Character really matter to Republicans?

"Eating is not cheating."

1 Soldier Killed - 2 Wounded - Iraq

Well, look-ee here. Frank Lutz Repug pollster.

Did anybody catch McCafferty on CNN this AM

Penguin Books spokeswoman calls News Corp "un-American"....

Question to Kerry supporters re: his stance on the Iraq war

Take the "California Recall" test:

Beyond freeper, there's this

allergy sufferers

DU this poll

Madness is KING. Madness RULEs

Is the Washington Times A Legitimate News Source?

About polls. :) poll needs UNfreeping BIGTIME

How relative do you feel that political ideology is?

Timeline Of Bush Administration's Nuclear Statements

The troops fired warning shots towards AP reporters today in Iraq

Schwarzenegger - Mapplethorpe

Young Conservatives of Texas: Muslims should undergo more scruntiny

thank god for faux news billboard up

Why is this company still in business?

Todays CNN poll, re 62 year old protestor fined.

MSNBC: "Black list" of fed security agents who talk to press

A Villager Attacks U.S. Troops, but Why?

anyone know where i can get a listing

DNA specific bio-weapons?

Faux Sues Humorist Al Franken Over Slogan

U.S. Cost of Iraq War & Rebuilding Could Top $600 Billion

Why do we need to "rebuild Iraq".....serious answers only please

Why isn't Halliburton et al paying millions in fines for the same thing?

Bill Press said we just learned this weekend.....

Rush now plugging CLR

Wow, turns out that cats really are good for something!

The war is over

how many colleges have rules like these?

Why do we spend more time knocking down

How come welfare reform isn't saving us a fortune??

If JackSwift were nominated, would you vote for him


US bases attacked after US forces strike at suspected guerrillas

do you know anyone who will vote for * now because

ads for some laxitive now running on savage weiner

America Should have a Prime Minister

William Lipinski in Illinois

Photos from the Road: 4,000 Rally in Philadelphia to support Gov. Dean

GW is the luckiest man alive...

do you know anyone who is going to register to vote just to vote for

Even if the Dems lose a few seats in the Senate, does it matter?

Why DU women are the BESTEST people on the face of the earth

For all the chest pounding, leg slapping, head knocking sexist DU women.

Liberals form $75,000,000 fund to defeat Resident Evil

Has Poindexter resigned yet?

Is making money from the labor of others wrong?

Relaxation break: Get out your primary crystal balls

School Based Webcams - Good Idea?

Honest question - what is a "fiscal conservative"?

Rush Limbaugh Lies About CA "Alphabet Lottery": Imagines "Liberal Plot"

Lies Across America...

Mondragón Corporacion Collectiva: This should happen more often!

This is one hot file, Big pieces of ENRON, BCCI, IRAQ, BFEE

Conspiracy Theory Questionnaire

What if THIS happens in the California recall?

New Poll: Did the Republicans launch a pro-Dean media juggernaut?

Woo-Hoo, Al Franken's NUMBER 1 killing Anthrax

Camejo is the only one who can fix California

Is Howard Dean the Crypto-Republican Candidate?

Quick questions from Eloriel

Should property taxes be abolished?

Now that we're seeing the real Lieberman, what does that say about Gore

Why Don't Democrats Speak out Against ILLEGAL "Immigration"??

wow--freeper e-mailed me an apology! has turned around!

Take the Political Party matchmaking quiz

Seven Democratic hopefuls make pitch in Oklahoma tonight

"Congress shall make no law regarding an establishment of religion..."

The FOP has endorsed Mayor Street (D) in Phila

State rankings, Democratic vote percentages 2000

left vrs. right traits

High Road, No; Gutter, Yes....

Sierra Blanca Redux...or "Dean dumped waste on me..."

The list of 'Fair & Balanced' blogs grows!!

Intellectual Elitism, or are people just really stupid?


Fantastic talk by William Rivers Pitt

Postal ID plan creates privacy fears

DEAN on Buchanan & Press

Big 3 Networks to Mark 9/11 with Harder Stance


Noisy protest marks's Bush's appearance

'Human shield' refuses to pay $10,000 in fines for visiting Iraq

A Look at U.S. Daily Casualties in Iraq

Russian Colleague Doubts Kelly Committed Suicide

For Bustamante, tribal gaming may be ace in the hole | Sacramento Bee

The Return Of Pete Rose.

MSBlast{lovescan} virus: Get your computers updated asap!

$20,000 bonus to official who agreed on nuke claim

U.S. Probe: Iraq Hotel Shooting Justified (Killed Reporters)

Brit. citizen arrested at Newark airport for trying to smuggle missile

U.S. Says Hawk Bolton Won't Go to N.Korea Talks

Gary Coleman: What You Talkin' About Gov. Bush?

House Judiciary to Investigate Judges

Dewhurst plans to fine missing Democrats (Texass Lt. Gov.)

Saudi forces, militants trade fire

Dykes Sue Over Parade

Applied Materials posts loss

Actor (Arnold) has poor voting record | S F Chronicle

Ottawa pledges (Canadian) $1 billion to back Kyoto | CBC

George Bush action figure coming to a toy store near you (GI George)

Automakers Drop Suits Over Clean-Air Regulation - (NYT)

Witness: UK Expert Believed Iraq Had Few Weapons

US base (in Iraq) rocked by (six) powerful explosions (plus sm. arms fire)

Lawyers Eye Military Tribunal Rules

Fox Sues Humor Writer (Frankin) for Using 'Signature' Slogan

Near emptied pond - Woman/dog possibly have anthrax skin lesion

Kerry Campaign Holding Health Policy Chat

India rejects Musharraf's proposal of ceasefire | Times of India

New Fighting in Liberia After Ex-President Goes Into Exile | NY Times

U.S. troops capture Saddam bodyguard

5 indicted in escrow scam ($80 million) | Chicago Tribune

Boston Church Paid at Least $21.2 Million in Abuse Settlements | NY Times

Controversial Pentagon Office Gets A Makeover (OSP)

Flames Shooting From Iraqi Oil Pipeline

Homelessness grows as more live check-to-check

GOP still looking for a candidate (for WA gov) | Seattle P-I

Is Iraqi Intel Still Being Manipulated?

US soldier detained in South Korea after woman's body found

Report suggests overhaul of terror-warning system

Hatred festers on streets

Police: Rape suspect used church youth group to meet victims

Visiting Priest Arrested In LA On Molestation Charges

Greens denounce Utah governor, Bush's pick to run EPA

U.S. Ends Latest Search in Iraq; No Sign of Saddam

US says it doesn't know how many detainees in Cuba

Justice Kennedy Speaks Out - NYT

Quad City priests condemn gay bishop

Germany rules out troops to Iraq

Gilligan stands by Iraq dossier report

Inspector finds FBI made calls in hunt for Democrats

Deputy Attorney General Latest Departure From Justice Dept.

Iraq - 1 Soldier Killed, 2 Wounded

Biggest Issue: Unseating the Current Prez

Ashcroft Plans MultiCity Tour

New Fighting Erupts in Liberia with Taylor Gone

Camera's first catch gets felony drug charge

Kelly believed Iraq had few weapons

DUPE- Sorry - Flames Shooting From Iraqi Oil Pipeline

Bush Picks Utah Governor to Head EPA ...

Liberian rebels reject new president

Zambian lawmakers mull impeachment of Mwanawasa

Probe into marquee collapse not Mbeki's idea

Journalist thrown out of coalition centre in Iraq

Bashir blames CIA for Indonesian blasts

Guerrillas Wound 3 GIs in Northern Iraq

Blair's dossier is damned again

Iraq: U.S. Working For New UN Resolution Recognizing Governing Council

California, automakers make deal

Legislators say Cuba letter may get results

City Engineer Resigns For Military Duty in Iraq (volunteering)

Explosion heard in Central Israel. CNN Reporting.

eBay Reverses Ban on Axis of Weasels Cards

RIAA (Recording Ind.) Suffers a Setback in Piracy Battle

Parkinson's Drug Side-Effect -- Gambling?

Wise says he will not seek re-election in 2004 (WV Governor)

Schwarzenegger films would trigger FCC equal time rule

Bremer: Iraqis Should Relish Freedoms

Bomb Attack Kills U.S. Soldier West of Baghdad 8/12/03 11:49 AM EST

US soldier dies in sleep (3rd in a week)

Five reported dead in fighting in Saudi capital

Clark seen planning Democratic nomination bid (Labor Day Announce)

Marine dies hours after returning home from Iraq

BREAKING BBC------------------Assassination plot to kill Bush foiled

Va. GOP Chief Quits Over Eavesdropping

Va. GOP Chairman Pleads (Guilty) in Eavesdropping Case | Washington Post

Pastors for Peace Caravan Challenges Cuba Blockade for Fourteenth Time

Two GI's Killed In South Korea Plane Crash

Ventura speaks out on recall

Republican State Senators Vote To Fine Walkout Democrats

Hijacking trial for six men opens in Cuban courtroom

Sanchez: Troops in Iraq to Serve 1 Year

Bungling Boaters Breach JFK

ASIO warns of 'catastrophic' attack (in Australia) | ABC (Australia)

Rocker Ted Nugent takes aim at Illinois 'wimps' | Chicago Tribune

No dilution of same-sex marriage plans: Chrétien | Globe and Mail

Western vice - Iraq's new tyrant

Bush Plans to Sidestep Senate on Mideast Scholar appt.

Web Worm Attacks Windows, Spreads Fast, Experts Say

'Global warming killing Great Barrier Reef'

TV Plans Low-Key Observance of Sept. 11

I Just Got Fired

Man! I hate driving in Boston!


If you've got the new virus/worm, look here before requesting aid

We need more female lead singers in hard rock

Post your bad puns and riddles here...

Have the Microsoft worm

Still true after all these years.,...John Prine...Flag Decal

Hey I just noticed I am out of the 700 club!!!!

Worst Tasting Food Of All Time

Who else uses a paper towel to open a public bathroom door?

Can someone recommend a good firewall?



NICEST song ever

Has America lost it soul though capitalism

Who would Live in a Commune?

My husband has poison oak/ivy...from carrying cut wood this weekend.


The Religious Car

Need advice. My aged parents want to buy their first computer.

When reading reviews, what do you like the rating style to be?

HELP!!! Question about the Worm, DSL, outdated Anti-Virus and Firewall

A Target Wedding

DU hasn't had a Haiku thread in a while


I am getting a doggie, I am getting a doggie


So what have you poor deprived people done all day

Tornado coming!!

How to resign?

Has anyone ever had a pet or known of a pet killed at a grooming

That's it! I'm leaving the country!!!

Serious Question On The GD Gender Wars...

I'm thinking of changing my sigline pic. Vote for your favorite.

What's your favorite candy bar?

Dennis Kucinch in Oakland CA this Sunday...

What's for Dinner?


Trivia question

Do You Envy Bill Gates, Or Just Hate Him?

If you're on the Atkins diet, DON'T CHEAT

"Best Little Whore House In Texas"

Check this link out, I thought it was crazy funny.

CARTOONS - We haven't had any in a while

Okay,.. I downloaded Zone Alarm, but can't go online unless it's off

GNU bites back

Finally, spam I actually like!

Migraine sufferers: How do you treat your headaches?

You knew it was coming: Ahh-nuld Spam!

Does anybody here enjoy John Grisham novels?

I need more cowbell.

How do men (and women) define masculinity?

How do you (and womyn) define Wessonality?

Techies, I need help. My computer is taking over.

So I am thinking of getting a scooter

I got the LoveSan, Blaster, or MSBlaster virus

In All My Years Of Personal Computing... Ever Since My Apple IIe

I Loved Frogger.. I Loved Pac-Man.. But The Old-School Game I Really

Still Cable News Free... Mental State Much Improved.

Just read on the Dean blog..

Please help me before I have no skin left on my legs.. .

What's up with David Horsey?

Health Insurance Rant!

Atari fans:

My Next Door Neighbor Is So Adorable!! I Love Watching Him Mow His Lawn...


Ewww, There's A Dead Squirrel In My Backyard

Hey! Congratulate me! I have over 5 posts!!!!!!!

How do women (and men) define femininity?

I've been unemployed for three years

Why must they be like that, why must they chase the cat?

MORE cowbell!!!

I think I got an 'A' in my speech class


Welcome to our newest member, "Get A Brain Morans"

Didn't Schwarzenegghead star in "Total Recall"?

Prescription problem/question - headaches vs. depression

Still got the worm?? This'll do the trick.

Meme of the day - synchronicity or conspiracy

Reckless endangerment?

To show my love I am thinking of giving my wife a DUTCH OVEN tonight

I just got this inspiring e-mail, written by George Carlin! Enjoy.

What should I give my partner?

WindowsUpdate.Com Says I Need SIXTEEN Updates... Sixteen?

I'm Giving My Partner Some DUTCH LOVEN Tonight

Is anti-bacterial soap a hazard to humanity?

I'm going out on a DUTCH TREAT tonight

In very few instances, the DP should be enforced, this is one of them!

I need some XP help.

I'm giving myself some DUTCH COURAGE tonight

Let's put our heads together and CAPTION

Crate training a dog advice?

Looking for DU Link: Hall Hath started a RECALL BUSH thread.....

OMG!!! Too frickin' funny!

urgent!!! need recent pics of ann coulter!!

Welcome our newest member!!!

Those who live by the sword...

Feckless Endearment

Do Not Call List.......Please Read....

I just added 256 MB RAM to my computer

French translation

I got to go one on with a media 'ho!

1963: My 100 Favorite Records

More Ted Rall genius

Health Care

Communist Party USA 2004 presidential platform

Just got back results of fantasy football draft - thoughts?

Unabomber Wants His Bomb Back

And then there's this "in your face" pic

Need advice on Windows

Fruit allergies?

BREAKING: Pete Rose will NOT return to baseball in 2004

What we need here, is more...concrete

I just did a photoshop image I want to post here on DU



Al Franken's book just cracked Top 20


I Just Bought a Bumper Sticker from the anti-Fox site

FYI: Please update your antivirus scanners now (BBC)

Heatwave Claims Frostbite Victim

just sit right back & you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip...

Primus is back!!!

America Should Have A Prime Minister

Can anyone tell me what........

How muggy are you?

Fox News: "Waaah! Waaah! Those Mean Old Liberals are Picking on Us!"

Whats the BIGGEST BUG you ever encountered!?!

Who are your top 10 musical acts?

9/11-"One Day's Pay"

what song has been stuck in your head lately?

Today's letters to the editor.

Cat-In-The-Hat Sent Home by U.N. Copyright Body

DU Fantasty Football League Members - Draft is August 15th around noon

You Don't Know Jack Sh*****t!! (great animation)

Bob Marley lyrics reminding me of pro-NAFTA "Democrats"

Which of these things do you use a paper towel to protect against germs?

Bad mood rising...

Computer Vulnerability - W 32 Blaster & RPC

In need of a Windows XP whizz.

I Want The World! - Hilarious * / Wonka parody

If you had a twin that lived inside your head and

The ultimate game site.. (not pc games )..regular games

I've Got The Attention Span Of A Gnat! Recently I Have Difficulty...

So - who is sober tonight?

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu

Lindsay Lohan is 17, yes!

All right, can someone explain California to me?

stop reading dirty magazines in the dr.'s waiting room

Yay! I got my insurance card yesterday!


Pseudo-serious Constitutional Admendment.

So how many got the msblast virus?

What do you choose to believe in?

Wow, turns out that cats really are good for something!

Do we have a American Airstocracy

dada non-thread

Assembly of God questions.

Why do I find myself defending DU/myself to an asshole almost nightly?

Midnight Poetry Thread

hey - I'm tired and want to sleep - would you please shut up!!!?

The After Midnight Poetry Thread

This GD thread will be locked in....

A big College Democrat Thank you To Team Kerry and Team Dean!

I found two new shows I really like

I've got Asscroft wallpaper.

MacGyver Fans...Legend of the Holy Rose is on now!!!

mozilla firebird browser users...

It's easy

Getting ready to wear my INTERNATIONAL TERRORIST t-shirt


How long will this stay on EBAY

Could it get any worse? I just broke down crying (& I am not a crier)