Austin Tx rally pics from last weekend right here
We predicted this (cascading power failure): energy expert
What did you think of the Dem. Health Forum in IA?
are violent fanatasies against other DUers now humor?
Can we have a Lisa Simpson avatar?
: Kerry Addresses Grassroots Supporters
Dean On Bush's Decision Not To Give UN Greater Role In Iraq Reconstruction
Kerry Addresses Grassroots Supporters
It's On! Kerry and Dean To Decide Race In Winner-Take-All Guitar Jam Out
Kerry on Bush/Benefits for Troops
Rising up - virtual vs physical
The man who put Jesse Ventura in office is now working for
Bush wants to cut soldiers' hazard pay
Love those New Yorkers! Partying with candles and "spirits" in the dark,
Dean Takes the Lead in National Polls
Taxpayers May Foot $60,000 Bill For Election Training (Ohio)
Looks like the Daily Show is a repeat (no Hillary)
Major propaganda piece on Arnold.
Another poor show from the Master of the Universe
Really, when was the last time you think Junior had a drink ?
Debate Sponsors issue invites to some Cal Gov Wantobes
George W. Bush TNG Action Figure Doll on sale...
Does Anyone Really Think It Was Lighting
Why wont Chimp Boy speak live?
Blackout and the DOW - Frightday the 15th?
About 40minutes after Power Outage, Kudlow on CNBC Says: This is why we
ATTN: Phoenician DUers, major weather alerts going on here,
STILL FUNDRAISING! Glad power outage didn't stop Bush!
We have nothing to Fear, but Fear itself
Bush will get Energy bill pass now
To: Grey Davis, remember Truth Is All. You will win easily if.....
Yikes! Even the Bushbots think * is pathetic today
I gotta admit, seeing the video of NYC, noo yawkers are being cool!
Davis getting good exposure on Larry King....
Niagara power denies lightning strikes!
Remember the *Bush "Aviator" doll?
313 dead because Bush would NOT let UN inspectors do their job
Mike Malloy tonight... repeat of last night.
GOP Virg. Chairman Resigns after Pleading Guilty to Wiretapping DEMs
baby boom in 9 months in outage areas
How long before conservatives blame Bill Clinton for the blackout?
* is Culpable for the Blackout - Cheney must release papers
Will the power outage affect Hillary being on The Daily Show?
It's time for a war on weather!
BBC: US blackout weakens dollar
Creepiest photo of Chimp ever, guaranteed!
I accidently listened to Rush today!
This did happen to the Western states
NY Skyline at dusk.. actually very serene
Help. I just had a horrible nightmare! Mommy!
How do we know this was not a terrorist attack?
Davis needs to stop apologizing and go on the attack....
HILLARY just shreaded ENRON on ABC
Question for our mental health professionals!
Cheney on Vacation? Isn't Bush on Vacation too?
I just saw a clip of Bush's remarks to reporters
don't ask why, but tonight i'm more convinced than ever of LIHOP
Why the blackout might just save us...
Austin Tx rally pics from last weekend right here
Help! Nebraska, Virginia, Indiana and Kentucky, also North Carolina
Privatising Iraq will have dire results...Gulf News---All Bush's buddies!
PLEASE, ..NO MORE Clinton's Penis ONE-LINERS!!
Bush can't even get the black out straight...
11PM CBC reports nuclear power plant on fire in Pennsylvania, true?????
The investigation of the blackout will start IMMEDIATELY
Power bigwig just said on CNN--RULES WERE BROKEN!!!!!
I've been at work all night and have a question about the blackout:
PamAm 103 victim's father: daughter's dead because of U.S. foreign policy
Just got in mail cheesy survey from Dean campaign asking for money...
Does Holy Joe play a musical instrument ?
Bush should have Johnny on the spot when the power failed.
I wish some savvy reporter would ask Bush if his Crawford home is off
UPI: Why the Democrats Need Dean
It's not just the Saudi secret that's being kept in those 28 blank pages
Would'nt there be clear evidence if it was terrorism?
Is there really any question at this point? Diebold ain't Kosher.
Clear Channel radio station just bashed Henry Waxman
Arms race fear over America's gamma ray bomb
"Cell Phones could not have worked on the highjacked airliners" True?
British Soldier Killed In Basra - 2 wounded in attack on ambulance
US troops provoke anger, fear in Afghan villages
Karzai acts to squelch pro-Taliban insurgency
Up to 3,000 Die in France Heat
Chimpy speaking live on CBS NOW
Democrats push health care plans in Iowa
Blackout shuts down nuclear plants...
aWol is NOT going on live! 7:45 central
Canada says U.S. nuclear plant caused outage
George Shultz Joins Schwarzenegger Campaign
Idi Amin seeks kidney donor...
Australia plans to police South Pacific
Perkins (R-LA) to take helm of Christian group (Family Research Council)
Removal of Muslim Flag Leads to Large Anti-American Demonstrations in Iraq
Huffington blasts Schwarzenegger as Bush Republican
Gov. Dean Borrows Page from Clinton, Plays Blues
Paris Threatens to Veto Lockerbie Deal - U.S. Officials
UN Blasts Israeli Marriage Law
ugh, i just tried pepsi vanilla!
"Hercubush" - oldie but goodie
I need some prayers, karma or whatever...
Poll: Columbo or Murder She Wrote?
Seattle DUers - any good places to park?
Aaargh! I hate those damed pop-ups.
Christmas will be here before we know it
If the DU is struck by a 'GOP Terrorist' attack what is our emergency plan
Requesting SoCalDem's permission......
No Malloy?? Here's a bunch of alternatives for tonight!! (with links)
I just found a pair of Coca-Cola jeans in my closet!!
First Sunshine Market, now Produce Plus (Nashville).
"Hi, Brad. You know how cute I always thought you were."
Touch of Evil is on TCM (Turner Classic Movies) right now
Are ya readddddy for some fooooootballll?? NO !
Florida's Mickey Mouse Gov, meets Minnie
FOX News: Something WACK is happening...
My sister needs a date, help me hook her up
A new way to get rid of the brush from our hurricane...
Nickel and Dimed should be required reading.
So how long before Darryl Worley and Toby Keith write a song about....
What were you doing when the power went out?
Souvenirs? Historic Site? Wall Still Splits Berlin
If disgruntled mean you're UNHAPPY.
How long will the major networks squeeze the power outage story
how do you get rid of a backyard skunk?
Kabbalah, the new Scientology?
It's just a freaking power outage!
My brother leaves Saturday... I'm not taking it well.
How would you make the best of a blackout?
I'm going to meet the love of my life this weekend ... ask me anything
OMFG, Paula (Mediawhore) Zahn is HIDEOUS without makeup!
An Al Gore pic you've GOT to see
Your basic "In praise of DU thread"
New forms of child abuse that should be against the law
It's Bush's fault I can't get my birthday cake!~
Who else would like to be where there is a blackout?
What's the nerdiest thing you do/ have done?
I have nothing against liberals, but tell me why ...
CAPTION the AWOLed bomber jacket
Hoorah for me - 2000 of my finest British posts.......
'It was punishment without trial'
Les Coleman-Lockerbie bombing expose
The Bush Administration Adopts a Worse-than-Nixonian Tactic:
A REALLY FUNNY Bush Video is out there on the web
We should welcome signs of a shrinking population
Today's "Stripes" headlines: Troops in Iraq face cut in special pays
Stripes: Landstuhl blood drive tries to fill emptying coffers
Bush registers record disapproval rating in latest Fox poll
My letter in today's Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Dean leads Poll of Dem candidates
Peter Frampton A Reluctant Supporter Of Arnold Schwarzenegger For Governor
Firm that backed Edison sours on privatization
"Dubya Indemnity" -- Executive order 13303
"Can't Stand the Heat?" - WP Editorial Will PISS YOU OFF - please email
Gay bishop story shows media biases
Palast-Power Outge Traced to Dim Bulb in White House
Paul Krugman: Twilight Zone Economics
John Dean- The Bush Administration Adopts a Worse-than-Nixonian Tactic
Republicans to Stress DIVERSITY at their convention!
Inside the resistance (in Iraq)
Is Depleted Uranium Creating a New Nuclear Danger in Iraq?
Hilarious interview w/ Pete Courtney Oregon Senate (NPR-5 minutes)
Bush promises "full investigation"
need advice: best way to sell (near-new) bike ?
Has anyone heard of Pityriasis Rosea?
Need time of exact power outage
I just finished reading Oryx and Crake
Should I be worried about this?
You might be a redneck pagan if...
Left Wing Commie Pinko Cookbook
The Official DU self-improvement (aka exercise group) thread!
Astrology: Can Gray Davis Trip the "Running Man"?
'Get black tour guides - or else' - SA
Church lowers flag to protest gay bishop
When income taxes rise on the rich do the consumers/poor pay the bill OR
Solution to the antiquated energy grid
Red Cross Responds as Blackout Continues
10 Nuke Plants Tripped (NERC Early Bulletin)
NYSEG and NiMo may institute rolling blackouts today
Power System Struggles With New Problems
Australia to get Hambali access
Iraq democracy a dream, Bush told...
Actuaries tell Congress that they prefer Senate Presciption Drug Bill
Americans Aren't Moving - Exercise
The NRA Amicus Brief on Silveira/Lockyer is here!
Girl, 14, killed by shot near middle school
And neither should've this guy...
Police Chief Shot & Killed (Grant, Alabama)
This Guy Shouldn't Have Had a Gun, Either
This guy shouldn't have had a gun
Possible problem re: gun politics related...
Scholars dispute numbers of `defensive gun uses' in U.S.
Just curious why times are so off on posts
Which of these is a personal attack?
A Separation Wall Through the Heart
Israel Agrees to Hand Over Four West Bank Towns
Iran threat requires multilateral response
In the Beginning, There Was Terror
What Happened to Your Promises Mr. Sharon?
5 Reasons to Stop US Military Aid to Israel
Cartoonist sacked after being accused of anti-Semitism
9/11 "Researcher": Hillary Clinton mastermind of 9/11, Simpson murders????
Seperation of Church and State
Let's take up a collection for the Texas Democrats -
I'll show mine if you show yours - SA funding sources
Al and Tipper Gore Coming to Wilmington (N.C.) Area Next Week
Great Dennis Kucinich meeting tonite in my town
where can you find congressional district maps
Dean: Bush's Environmental Record a Failure
(IL)GOP told to diversify, quickly (by White House-get minorities!)
Teenie Deanies/online Dean gear store
I went to my first Kucinich meeting tonight
Who would Kerry give his delegates to if he left the race?
Upcoming Wesley Clark TV Appearances
Great Kucinich rallies in San Diego and Irvine
Kucinich supporters keep heart, good things happens to those who wait
Iowa Health Forum - Edwards was star
Mark Shields: only twice have Dems nominated the early front-runner
Edwards already at do-or-die stage of presidential campaign
Dean Makes Unprecedented Use of Internet
Deans health insurance "Band-aid Plan" is KRAP
Kerry Gores Dean and loses me.
Kerry rails against Bush on soldiers' pay cut
Dean Backs Away from Spending Limits
Republicans and the 'Moral Card'
George W. Bush--Action Figure--Elite Force Aviator
And that's what I like about the South
Kerry Fans: Help Send W. Back to Crawford for a Permanent Vacation!
On MSNBC's front page there is a slide show called
If you read only one thing today - read Greg Palast!!
Calling all Buffalo area Kucinich supporters...
I've been thinking about Jimmy Carter today. . .
Bush registers record disapproval rating in latest Fox poll
Message of hope from the heartland -- Cool pic
A word about racism and the South
"The Deadly Serious Crime Of Naming CIA Operatives"
Get yer NY Black out commemorative postcards here, folks
What was the deal with the 9/11 put options?
Iraqi Top 10 ways to Beat the Blackout..(MSNBC website)
Did Bush really say yesterday that it was "just a domestic problem"?
Why does Bush keep using the term "Wakeup call"
Bush is going down quicker than Monica...
Does anyone need a good laugh?
Blackout '03 and the ENERGY Admin.
I report - you decide: Bush was fairly unable to balance
AmericanStranger -- Blah3 made Salon!!!!!
Believe It, or Not - By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF
I don't think having a GOP Calif. gov. will necessarily help W in 2004
Davis should stick it to the Repubs!!
Wes Clark should run as a Republican
Roundtable Guests for Real Time With Bill Maher 8/15
DEAN SUPPORTERS: Quick question (not a flame)
Ten commandments judge coming up on MSNBC 8/15 6:37 PM EST
New California Poll: By 57-38 Recall Favored
(Stunning) Here is The Actual Fox Lawsuit Papers !
Anyone seen this anti-Kucinich website?
Abrahams Report on Electric Transmission System
Back from the Blackout in Detroit
In Illinois, Republicans can't even keep it up
Deregulating the Power Outage 2003
Every Campaign Has Supporters Doing It So Let's Stop The Drama...
If Davis had taken cues from FDR, he wouldn't be getting recalled.
Bush Admin Suing Voice in the Wilderness
Arnold met Ken Lay re: Energy deregulation crisis....
Whom do you think will be the next Cabinet secretary to resign?
Old News Story: US SOLDIER arrested for attempting to BLOWUP Powerplant!
I guess this is Kerry being Presidential
Did Bush Engineer the Blackout?
MSNBC just let Ashleigh Banfield out of the dog house
What part did "Homeland Security" play in the blackout ?
There goes lunch all over the screen. Pickles for "2nd Harvest."
Texas GOP Senators Fine Absent Democrats -- Do they have the authority? will sell any LIBERAL or PROGRESSIVE wares
Californians, can US Congressmen be recalled?
eBay does it again, this time to a DUer!
Why aren't more candidates confronting the Computerized Voting problem?
How much military spending is enough for these people?
Black Wind /Blackout? A Terrorist Threat or just more HOT AIR?
bush invites campbell brown to crawford
Does Inez Tenenbaum have a website yet?
Just heard on "Today" London Co. spikes 10 X average on power surge
The Republican honesty deficit
Judge clears jail space for possible protesters arrests in Indy/Gov Meet
Are the Republicans the REAL terrorist threat in this country?
Bush Coup motorcade drivers flip bird to anti-smirk protesters
For my 1000th post a prediction: Dean will win the nomination
Where did Dubya earn his electrical engineering degree?
SOME Republican women must be bad mothers..
A Liberal's Trip to a Military University...
Schwarzenegger and the celebrity factor
Driver Licenses for Illegals- up is down / black is white
Sign the Petition to Stop Ashcroft
Check Out the Angry Responses on the Al Franken Message Board!
WOW! Sherman Skolnick listen to the Aug 8th episode
Blatent example of media excess
John Dean says ChimpCo "adopts a worse than Nixononian tactic!!
Chimp disapproval above preinvasion levels, by Fox!
Lovely....Falwell & Buchanan Both Have New Anti-Gay Marriage Eds This Week
Arnold finally answers a question...
Where is Spencer Abraham ? Isn't he the Secretary of Energy ?
Some Bu$h/GOP lowlights 2001-2002 - Don't Forget!
The funny thing about Bob Boudelang
Wanna hear something REALLY scary?
Bush is coming to Palm Beach!!?!? What balls!
why don't blackouts ever hit repuke areas?
Wonder if the power grid was mentioned at Cheneys secret energy meetings?
"Helping Hand Democrats"- who considers themselves this?
Will Bush dare show his face in New Hampshire pre-primary?
Did the blackout of 2003 boost Gray Davis?
U.S. Policy Towards Iraq: Unraveling the Web of People, Think Tanks, Etc
I paid $1.97/gallon for gas this morning! @#*(&^#$!!!!!
it's 2 yrs. since bush attacked N.Y., will he ever be brought to justice?
Let's talk about the pros and cons for the California recall
"Can't Stand The Heat?" - WP Editorial Will PISS YOU OFF - please email
Slashdot: The grid is overloaded due to deregulation, not demand
When is a crime not a crime? Adventures of "AWOL in Wonderland".
NYT: power failures caused by enron/bush policies....
what if the LIHOP people do another blackout and then a terror strike?
Okay Did anyone else hear:MSNBC
here's an interesting photo of ann coulter
But , But ~ Freepers say Actors have NO place in politics.
Found some video of Arnold's response to Arianna
U.S. Power Grid: Are we vulnerable? MSNBC poll
EMP caught on NOAA weather radar? — CHECK THIS OUT . . .
while OUR soldiers DIE, Pentagon employees go on VACATION
Need Help from Weather Enthusiasts RE 24 hr Radar Loops and Blackout
Why/how did Hannity stay on the air?
Guitar Center ads back on Rush
hi--I need the link to BevHarris' site re: public relations info
Alabama Justice won't remove Ten Commandments
Will Pitt on again, C-Span at 10:16 est. Speech to Veterans for Peace!
Power Outage was a Threat from the criminal bushgang
MSNBC: Congress had the opportunity to improve power grid, but didn't...
Tell me again why we don't know what caused this blackout?
Taking Bets on Who will jump first on Blackout....Dems or Bushies?
Anyone have a link to the Bush quote blaming blackout on Democrats?
PNAC wanted a "9/11" - Cheney/Rumsfeld put plan into action
So where was Cheney last night?
I have a fever right now but..
Prank call on CNN around 6:20 am
Does energy policy now become a huge issue in 2004?
How I know the blackout wasn't a terrorist act.....
McDermott & Pitt at Veterans for Peace--C-SPAN repeat, starts 10am ET
Are there any DUer's that you can't stand?
G. Palast Nails Blackout Culprit -- ENRON!
Blackout was predicted on July 2 this year
Repubs: Blackout Clinton's Fault
Why * is not concerned about the power outage
The Other War: A Debate - How the media weasels out of telling the truth
Today's doonesbury Fair and balanced
List of Blogs that have changed sites to use Fair & Balanced....
Computer Artists: We need a Fair & Balanced banner for our web sites
Richard Perle Quotes from this week
A Happy, Fair and Balanced Friday to all!!!
Is it possible the Microsoft LovSan Worm caused blackout?
Will the blackout be Bush's excuse if the economy doesn't pick up?
Who Is The Beast ( The 666 Guy)?????
In honor of Fair & Balanced Friday: let's sue Faux for false advertising!
Okay My Power Just Came Back On...Is Bush Still President?
Good Morning America 8/15 7:00 AM ET Hour
OMFG, Paula (Mediawhore) Zahn is HIDEOUS without makeup!
Police RAID progressive bookstore in Indianapolis tonight!
Bush aviator doll made in China
Is this blackout why gas prices spiked up today?
A REALLY FUNNY Bush Video is out there on the web
Odd, blackout hits when NYSE closes for the day
I wish I lived in Washington state
the White House will say the blackout was a Terrorist attack in a year
Link and pics from today's protest in San Diego
8 million without power, looting in Detroit . . .
a priest, a rabi, and clinton's penis walk in to a bar
Anyone Have Info On How Much Money Republicans Received
there's something real dirty about Schultz-Schwarzenegger
hehe, this picture speaks a thousand words
Gov. Gary Coleman, How does that Sound?
watch Conan, new special blackout episode
Gov. Pataki (R-NY) Says Bush* Came Through for NY After 9/11
Gringo is an anti-southern bigot
Michael Moore praises Wesley Clark're IT.. to the tune of $15 BILLION
Kerry has just disappointed me - Big Time! (Walt Starr was right!)
Jananne Garafalo on Crossfire next week all week
It's nearly time to cut Davis loose
How do you feel about the following subjects?
Lincoln should have never attacked the South
Are we now a "Kinder, Gentler Nation?"
Bush said NO in 2001 to $350mm Power Grid upgrade ( 2 days of Iraq cost )
Ever hear Bush mention the Grid?????
Yall I think Seattle, Chicago and...
Has anyone called the California recall a "political lynching"?
DLC's head in the sand plan – not working. (Recall)
WilliamPitt was excellent on Cspan today
Most Despised Administration Figure? (and why?)
Be carefully blaming Blackout-03 on Deregulation - the consequences
What's So Funny Bout Peace Love And Understanding?
More grim news on French heat wave deaths
Do you consider yourself a role model?
Ten Commandments Judge, Editorial From Tuscaloosa News
"Rolling Blackout" *Bushes Freudian slip?
Hardball: Nachman rants against Dems
OMFG, Dornan actually criticized W on hardball! Ice water in hell today.
Bush says grid outdated, where was he during the California crisis?
How difficult would it have been for BushCo to have triggered the blackout
Sobering commentary on the new "Guy James Show" website.
Steep Spike in Power Protection Co. Stock – 4 HOURS BEFORE BLACKOUT!
Windows Update flaw 'left PCs open' to MSBlast
Is Arnold Schwarzenegger a son of a former Nazi commendant?
A call for assistance at the National Guvs Conference in Indy
WAKE UP and Kiss Democracy -- AND the 2004 election -- goodbye
Ten Commandments Fight May Head to D.C.
Activists blast Bush's Clear Skies plan (NH repugs agree)
Three Fatally Shot in West Virginia
Edwards To Announce Candidacy For President In Robbins, North Carolina
Two people shot by sniper in West Virginia at gas station
Cause of Blackout Is Not Yet Known
Bush calls for upgrading US electricity grid
Critics Pan Nuke Plant Safety as Industry Revival Looms
Colombian Rebels Show Hostages to Reporter
(Scotland) Nuke Plant Breached Safety Regulations
Archbishop of Canterbury re-ignites row (Gay Christians Should Be Embraced
Israeli warplanes fly over Syrian leader's house-TV
Ethics Probe Opened on Interior Dept. Lawyer
Louisiana GOP seeks input from Top White House strategist Karl Rove
2001: Bush, Delay nix $350m for Grid & Palast on why this is Bush' fault!!
Pro-gay Scout troop loses charter
Actor Rob Lowe Likely to Aid Schwarzenegger
Bush Says Electrical Grid Is Outdated
Energy Secretary Overseas During Blackout
The Making of an Iraqi Guerrilla: One Man's Tale
Warner (Gov. Va.) Blasts Bush Administration
Medical pot a political ploy, Bush drug czar says
Bush gag is his only acknowledgment of recall (Bush sees protest & signs)
The Terror Question -- Possibility Not Ruled Out
Case against conscientious objector stands
U.S. won't turn to U.N. for help in Iraq
World Sympathy And Wisecracks for U.S. Blackout
Heat apparent cause of soldier’s death
Intelligence chief was also 'troubled' by Iraq dossier
Democrats favored by casino interests in California recall
Sen. Clinton criticizes Bush, encourages involvement in Buffalo visit
Air Controllers Clash With White House (WP)
Cuban-Americans Warn Bush of Possible Loss of Support in 2004
Air Controllers Clash With White House
Davis' ratings dip to new depths: Democrats losing faith, Field Poll finds
Dem Presidential Candidates Oppose Recall
FBI attacks BBC over terrorism story
Internet withstands US blackout, say analysts
NPR: Oil Refinery On Fire, Blackout Preventing Water Pressure
GOP presses actor's rivals to quit
No work, no home: policies that sow destitution
Clerics Urge U.S. to Quit Iraq
Hillary Clinton hopes to rally Young Democrats of America
Ethics of GOP Benefit Questioned
Democrats Warn Texas Redistricting Plans Orchestrated at White House
FBI Says It Is Fixing Security Problems
Oil Prices Up As Blackout Shuts U.S. Refineries
Saudi Arabia to Question '12,000 Citizens'
CNet: IBM to up India headcount to 10,000?
Pentagon reverses course, won't cut troop's pay
Afghan violence poses tough questions for NATO, US
Two U.S. Soldiers Wounded, Iraqis Flock to Flashpoint
It was punishment without trial (detentions in Iraq)
Students fined R100 each for demonstration - SA
Texas Democratic Lawmakers Continue Exile
Qantas announces massive cost cutting
Teacher Shortage Eases With Economy
Dean plans to take on Bush during ‘Sleepless Tour’
Host of Candidates Poses a Challenge for California Republicans
Saudi Diplomat Expelled from UK
Dems' leader says Redistricting may strip road funds (Texas)
GOP ponders tactic: No map, no primaries (TX)
South may not back Bush -- support for Iraq war slides
Blackout: No light on cause (news from South Africa)
Bush Doesn't Let Blackout Upset Lunch With Troops
Fake checkpoints OKed in hunt for motorists' illegal drugs
Iraqis Offer Tips Over U.S. Blackout
Military to Conduct Bio-Terror Exercise
Episcopal Bishops Target Of Anti-Gay Hate Mail Campaign
(Federal) Judge Blocks Colo. Pledge of Allegiance
US army rejects call to stop patrols in Baghad's powder keg Sadr City
Cash Pouring In, Dean Backs Off Thrift
Scientists Had Warned of Weak Power Grid (Bush was warned in November)
To Christian Right, Arnie's a devil with biceps
Election officials stand behind voting machines
Fresno council member wrote of using 'dirty bomb' to kill liberals
Warren Buffet (Arnold) Wants Higher Property Taxes in California
AP: Power Outage May Have Started in Ohio
British utility owns failed power grid
45-minute claim on Iraq was hearsay (UK)
Radioactive Nests of Hanford Wasps are Science Fact
Karma strikes Dallas Hummer dealership
What's the worst comic strip not counting Mallard Fillmore?
Any one else notice gas prices going up?
my parents during the blackout (funny story)
I am gonna be leaving soon for the beach
Ohio DUers, I offer my regrets....
Whale Flatulence Stuns Scientists
CanuckAmok -- I hope this makes you feel better
In The UK... Is The Word "Hospital" A Verb?
Electrical engineers in the audience?
CAPTION W doing whatever he is doing with what looks like a cat
SOUND OFF: Who will I be seeing in Boston tomorrow?
When will Kobe go O.J. with.................
OH MY!!! Lookie what I found!!
Bumpersticker spotting in ritzy Highland Park (Dallas) today:
More problems with Columbia House
THE HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND THREAD (new tradition, maybe?)
The Catalyptic Abyss of all CAPTIONS!!!
I, a self-proclaimed socialist, have something to admit:
A personal statement : article in paper
ENTERPRISE fans: T'Pol's new look
Can someone explain the power grid to me?,,,,this makes no sense,
movement for a new DU nickname for bush
PGA Championship : Mickelson imploding, Tiger going nowhere
Question about the South -- Do gas and alcohol really mix?
DUers in LynneSin's fantasty football How do I set my draft up
Hooray 4 PJM Interconnections for saving the midatlantic from blackout
Who dropped out of the DU fantasy football league?
Smells Like Mary Jane (great spoiler-ish SPIDER-MAN 2 set pic)
ATTN Boston DUers! I WILL Have my Digital Camera Tomorrow!!
Is the east coast going to get "californiaed" or "enronized"
Please help - Whois this, don't know what to make of this
Time To Bash The South...............................South Canada That Is!
You Can't Hide From Pryin' Eyes
The Hayseed in Halcyon of all CAPTIONS!!! (Hip-deep in clover.)
"Bob Boudelang And His George W dolly" on page one
CAPTION W face to face with the LAMPS as they have turned against him
I Just Got Back From "Freddy v. Jason" - Here's My Review
you all need to go to this website
OKAY Who REALLY started the blackout?
George Bush's America (parody song)
My democracy is going to hell and I have to work
Which dietary fiber do you use to stay fair and balanced?
Democrats only focus now - Cali Recall
Getaway to the Mountains or Ocean?
i need to drive to philly from new england today... is that a good idea?
CatWoman bites Matcom while making love
anyone here know about monolithic domes?
OK so the cookbook did noy fly
Man Bites Off Girlfriend's Nose but Keeps Her Love
Man Cuts Off Own Penis to Cure Sex Addiction
I Have Wa-a-a-ay Too Many Hotel Soaps and Mini-Shampoo Bottles...
We have all heard about Freddy vs Jason but.........
ADVICE NEEDED: Anti-Photo (Super Reflective / Prism) License Plate Covers
A DU recipe book as a fund raiser?
Does anyone know what happened to Cappurr?
WillPitt is a yak butter fetishist!
Coffee Coyote's Flatulence is "fair and balanced".
CAPTION if you like, but Yahoo beat you to it...
GOPisEvil flatulence stuns whales
So I tried to watch Leno last night to see the Fab 5 from Queer Eye....
And the winner for Best Thread Title EVER is.....
Anyone Here Read "Prey" By Michael Crighton?
The desert heat is on vacation!
Any present or former Amiga Users here?
Dean said, "YOU HAVE THE POWER!"
who knows the "rules of the playground" as told to Bart by Homer?
I'm more fair and balanced than you are!!!!!
Looking for new website feedback - new political forum (excuse the typos)
Journalist pictures -- need help
They Keep Saying A Blackout Can't Happen Here in Colorado....
Ooh ooh ooh Mistah Kottaaaair I have a CAPTION
anyone here ever work on a cruise ship?
Scenario: Eminem uses the word "nig*a" to address one of his black friends
one.... two... Freddy's coming for you.... three.... four...
Shocked this morning by upside-down flag!
TRY THIS TRICK... (Suitable For Home Or Office)
I have a fever right now but..
Rob Lowe hooks up with Arnold!
Being evil means it can be Christmas every day! *gigglesnort*
Bad Religion plan short club tour
I'm at over 6000 posts. Thanks!
LOL!...Out of the mouth of Babes....
Heart Broken and down in the dumps, love is a dangerous thing
If someone wants to edit their post...
The last night's blackout Fair and Balanced?
Are any major news organizations Fair and Balanced?
Is it Fair and Balanced to call Dems good and Repukes bad?
What is up with Bartcop's hex on Tiger Woods
a priest, a rabi, and clinton's penis walk in to a bar
piss off your "cubemates" wallpaper
OK DU Owners - where's the "Fair and Balanced" Avatar
A letter to Ann Coulter - very odd, but very amusing.......
Ben Affleck Tries To Deflect Gigli Fallout By Restarting Gay Rumors
LOL! LOL! I got an email from Vincent Taylor, Chuck Taylor's brother
Police pull over man riding motorized bar stool (NO NOT ME)
A REALLY FUNNY Bush Video is out there on the web
Paula Zahn - And An Old Chestnut of a 'Cello Joke
Who would win in this fantasy debate?
it's so dark out & somebody just grabbed my butt!
Tech question re: EIDE Hard Drives and Macs (revision D iMac)
Has anyone had a good experience with gallbladder surgery?
I must be regressing. Just made myself a Fluffernutter
Republican mascot is destructive force
any fans of Freifofer's chocolate-chip cookies here?
Very bizarre picture of Schwartzehooplah.......very odd indeed...
All these new DU loves... makes me wonder...
Is anyone else still having computer problems?
Please help me start my new business
What's your favorite Elvis Costello album?
I've been out for a week - Did I miss anything?
Are any of you just computer-literate but not a hacker geek???
I will never give a dime to Sierra Club again!!
Tell me something about Tucson, AZ
WOW! the Southern Bashers/Women/CHILDREN BASHERs....are really out on DU
Shhhhh! Ever so stealthily, a_random_joel has hit 1500 posts.
I hate computers...I really really do...
NC Internet Subcribers Alert: I'm getting rid of my Earthlink AccounT
The Silliest Looking After-Market Auto Add-On Is...
What Was Your First Job....And How Much Did It Suck?
Most unfortunate name for a restaurant -- Would you change it?
I am just friggin bored. Ask me anything
Man Cuts Off Own Penis to Cure Sex Addiction
The mom in the "Family Circus" comic strip is a real...
Birthday Wishes For Our Sffreeways August 15, 2003
Question for all DU guitarists...
You learn something new everyday (Kucinich isnt all Croatian)
toilet seat courtesy...the battle rages on....
What should we do to the person that made the Blaster worm?
anybody know the scoop on Smirking Chimp? Been off line all day........
Interesting pictures of New York City at Yahoo! News
So, the blackout was all part of their master plan....
Which Extinct Comic Strips Do You Miss??
Tequila Drinking Teenager - Help!
Fellow DUer's please help me welcome our newest member:
Referencing the Simpsons in every day life.....
Please continue this story . . .
I have found the perfect party to run California