Democratic Underground

Archives: August 16, 2003

Iraqis Offer Tips Over U.S. Blackout

No one escaped unscathed in week of dramatic twists and turns

World Oil Markets and the Invasion of Iraq

Iraqis’ 10 tips to beat blackout heat

Darkness Visible

Saudis to interrogate 12,000 suspects

How to prevent future blackouts

Imperial Musings in Washington

Tom Teepen: With Science, Bushies Play Fast and Loose

Please Vote In Poll - re: new law Pledge To Be Said In All CO School

NO on the Recall and Vote for Bustamante Web Page

Don't miss this Atlanta DUers!

Is Bush a conservative ???

The making of an Iraqi guerrilla: one man's tale

Blackout's Emotional Toll

Colorado police tactics

I've made my decision re: my "should I buy a gun" dilemma.

Why was this thread locked?

Israel pays young couples to move to settlements

Did you notice a Boom in Clark posts and supporters on here?

Is Dean a polarizing figure?

White House Visiting Draft Clark Website

Iowa Candidate Forum Cedar Rapids- 6 of 9 Dem Candidates there

Why I think Dennis Kucinich's Supposed Weaknesses May Be Strengths

Question/suggestion about voting 2004

Schwarzenegger advisor Buffet suggests Ca. property taxes too low

DUOSRDE2K4DCCMS Afficianados, listen up:

Go see the movie "Dirty Pretty Things"

Ashcrofts terrorist friends have been deemed to be terrorists again

Bush Knew, Campaign funds Grew, while Fuses Blew

Word in Georgia: Jimmy Carter backs Dean

a song: "Dead Iraqis"

Jeb's Florida....over 800 FCAT scores STILL lost. Sent to wrong state?

My day at Howard Dean's HQ

DU this Poll on Dean

Howard Dean just impressed me!

How Many Past Presidential Campaigns Have you WORKED in?

Lake Erie Grid and the upcoming calls for public investment

Deleted message

I don't know where Gringo is from but, I know it stinks.

dead French people, and other stuff

Greg Palast on Fox News Now

Greg Palast is on O'Reilly

I am the Infamous HiggsBoson

Can someone explain in detail Dan Rather's tough interview w/Bush sr.?

Republicans, Florida recounts and the $2000 fine (as opposed to $450,000)

Freeper demons whining and crying about Ahnold....LOL

Fair 'und' Balanced (funny picture)

Any economists/accountants here?

Open Season on the Chimp Because of the Blackout?

Deep Throat, could it have been George Bush Sr???

Fabulous propaganda posters

Believe it or not....turn on FOX

Which one of the freedoms that has been lost to the Patriot Act

America's Ten Most Segregated Cities

Hannity: There must be no criticism of the president during the blackout

Use the blackout as an excuse to shout ENRON any chance you get!

New Newsweek Article: Clark on the Issues, Including Defense Spending

Anyone having trouble getting in on ie america (Malloy)????

Bill Maher in ten minutes, Arianna Huffington will be on

The unconstitutionality of Property tax and chuch.

Peace Activism Grows in Fayetteville, NC (Ft. Bragg) !

OK, let's make some generalizations about the North....

To see Will Pitt Go here...

Kerry just keeps getting better

Dana Rohrabacher just said ( on bill maher)

Dean speech in Real Audio

NY Blackout: Enronomics bites the country in the ass...AGAIN

Juniors little "wake up call" may cost taxpayers $30 billion bucks a day

Living in a Blue State Means ...

The Myth of the Welfare Queen

You want tinfoil? I got tinfoil. (re: the blackout, damned interesting)

Have the FirstEnergy-Bush connections been discussed yet?

Man, this power blackout story is growing some HMF legs!

Mild and friendly suggestion to Kucinich people on DU

Black Box: Goofy voting machine news of the day

Southerners and women and gays and Catholics all suck

Why do neo-Confederate morons call the Civil War...

Cheers in New York City, but Subways Are Idle

A Look at U.S. Daily Casualties in Iraq

E-voting brings new potential to Swiss elections

Cleveland Faces Worst-Ever Water Crisis

Afghan Taliban Denies Deadly Bus Attack

Iran Denies Ever Holding Bin Laden's Son, Top Lieutenants

Yeah, Yeah - Judge Issues Pledge Of Allegiance Injunction Colorado School

Greg Palast on Fox News Now

Judge could delay Calif. recall vote

Guantanamo Detainee Attempts Suicide (30th)

Bush* Cites a Region Unfamiliar to Locals ("up East???")

Two days of armed struggles in Afghanistan leaves 115 dead

Aides Say Bush* Waited for Facts Before Commenting on Blackout

Federal Judge Says He May Delay California's Oct. 7 Recall

Shiite Group Plans Militia to Protect Holy Sites From G.I.'s

US forces attacked west, north of Baghdad

Schwarzenegger Adviser's Criticism of Low Property Taxes Draws Rebukes

Bush: Past tax cuts enough to aid economy

Ohio holds on voting machine purchase (SAIC to also test)

Power Outage


U.S. Closes Offices, Freezes Assets of Iranian Opposition Group

Around the World, Schwarzenegger Gets a "Thumbs Down"

Texas Republicans vote to suspend privileges of exiled Democrats

If you need a good Croatian acupuncturist in Chicago

Hairstyles of the Rich & Famous.. The "Don'ts"


Whooo!!! Chicago-Home of the FIRST PLACE CHICAGO CUBS!!!!

don't forget--Leno getting Queer Eye makeover tonight!

My co-workers think I'm hetero yet they didn't notice me...

Why was this locked?

Ann Coulter is on Bill Maher

Am I being picked on?

Go see the movie "Dirty Pretty Things"

Okay, somebody tell me what "Motel Hell" is doing on AMC!!!

I think it is time for a DU group HUG! Dang it we deserve it.

How else has beverage alcohol affected the South?

You have to see this picture

I love Chicago....the city not the band....Sweet Home Chicago...

Is my new sig line super cool or super creepy?

How many think there will be a NE Babyboom?

What happens if there is a blackout during '04 in certain pivotal

I just watched "An American President"...again.

Wow! 9:15p on Friday night, and no sex threads in the Lounge

What's up with the Daily show last night?

"I'm just a mouth on legs"

Watching CHICAGO on PBS .... Man... what a flashback ....

I Just Read "Green Eggs And Ham" By Dr. Seuss.

I need more fulfilling in life! Ewan McColl.

Which James Bond movie would you most recommend to people...

Howard Dean playing harmonica

If you are looking for a place to host pictures, I found a neat one

A funny joke. :)

Have some fun..

1959: My 100 Favorite Records

Beer Drinking Old Fart! - No Help Required!

Shipping to Canada

If You Could Choose Another DU Screen Name, What Would It Be?

You got the phone call..."they" are on the way to your house..

I'm taking a trip to Arizona.. what should I pack?

who does the best "Killing me softly (with his song)?"

Rob Lowe joins Ahhh-Nold's campaign

What are gas prices in Minnesota?

If you could clone just one thing, animal, insect, human, etc.

Muffins or cupcakes?

Just saw "I am sam" With Sean Penn

Name a Horror/Sci-fi Film That You Think No One Else Has Seen That's Good


Just Returned from Canada

TV shows that lasted waaaaaay too long

What should I use for a sig line

Worst name to name your kid?

Name some new bands you dig

Red Sox v. Seattle on ESPN, 10:00pm ET tonight

I love all you guys!

So - do you share a domicile with someone that is obsessed with something?

Let's say you're a cowboy in the old west

Please answer this

Hey there all you lovers out there!

My trip to Philly - inane post.

Yes or no?

"Some People Like Cupcakes Better.

Theater Tickets Are So Expensive Around Here...

I'm done re-watching "May"..Anyone Seen "Das Experiment"?

Long Haired Freaky People Need Not Apply

I just *got* the "Evil DUer" thing!

Am I still the only one who has seen "MAY"?

Habla usted Espanol -- (or any other language?

Critics wrong about Clinton again

In Search of WM(S)D (Exactly what kind of trouble is the president in?)

Where do you stand in the religious debate?

Experts Warned of Weak Power Grid

Bush "Pioneer" Caused the Power Blackout!!!!!

Howard Dean, Webhead

Marc Cooper: It's Democracy, Stupid

Michael Jansen: 'The occupation is a shambles'

California Governor Race: will the gloryhounds please shut up?

Divided Loyalties? (Frank Gaffney)

Marketing the invasion of Iraq...Bush Admin's use of PR firms to sell war

Parents mourn children killed during protests

Boycot BUSH!

need any info re: Congresswoman Kay Granger (R-TX)

OK Dem Forum to be edited upon airing!!!

Marketing the invasion of Iraq

If Hannity is this dumb, how thick are his listeners?

U.S. Casualties 08/16/2003

quick: What was the first religion on earth?

Web Bots predict poweroutage ?

Why are underdeveloped countries typically referred to as "Third World"

Prank phone calls made easy!

Gamers, I just got a great deal!

Is sleep a true physiological necessity? Or is it just an evolutionary

astrologers: what think you of cruz bustamente's chances?

I have a weird theory about the power outage.....

Feeling of impending doom

Feeling of Impending Peace

Tutu shocks Kenyan churches - Gay is OK

Voting Rights Act of 1965 May Delay CA's Oct. 7 Recall

Detroit Neighborhood Copes With Blackout

Malawi to earn $156m from tobacco exports

Power Restored; Blackouts Still Possible

Before/After: Blackout Satellite Photos

"Marsh Arabs reclaim paradise"

An Industry Trapped by a Theory - NYTimes op-ed

Deregulation by Bush-daddy in 1992, Source of Current Problems

Iscor accused of hiding facts in pollution scandal - SA

The End of the Industrial Interval

Stark message of the mutiny

Mysterious virus sweeps B.C. care facility - Canada

Heads up on late night registrations

Getting dizzy coming back and going

How much $ must someone donate to receive a Star?

Uploading images

Land that was haven fears for the future

Bush to Make Recess Appointment to Peace Institute (Pipes)

Report: "Thirsting for Justice - violations of the human right to water in

Philosopher Ted Honderich Hit with "Anti-Semitism" Slur

IOF Destroys Two Houses, Injures One Citizen and Arrests Four

9/11/2003 protest in New York City is organizing NOW!

Dick Eastman at

Kerry's Blood Is Boiling

MS Gov: Haley Barbour (R) Courts Black Vote

Clark on the Tax Cuts

Eating Tips For John Kerry

Eleanor Clift suggests Dean might win AFL-CIO endorsement

Why are folks disrupting threads because they don't like the candidate?

Wesley Clark -- a recent interview - MSNBC

Poll Places Bustamante In Lead to Succeed Davis

CA Sen: (Assemblyman Tony) Strickland May Run Against Boxer

AR-3: John Boozman (R) To Seek Re-Election In 2004

Field Poll: More educated more likely to vote for Cruz over Arnold

OK, Let's Get The Kerry-Dean "Misled" Issue Resolved

Unity Challenge - say something nice about all 9 candidates

Is Dean a chickenhawk

Do you think it is to late for Clark to enter the race?

Crystle & Meetup for everyone in Pennsylvania

Kerry Fans: Great New Pics from S.C. in Photo Gallery Link below.

FUCK | Dan Wofford not running in PA-6

Dean seems like the kind of guy who'd run as an Independent if he doesn't

Edwards seems like the kind of guy who'd quit the race in favor of Bush

Conservative Greed and Hate Destroyed our Free Press

Media Spin about "Black Out" Starting to Get on My Nerves! Sheeple!

"The debate has been much too polite," Nobel prize-winning economist

House 2004: Do we have any chance of winning?

please...any help on info re: kay granger (r-tx)...

Were our Forefathers child molesters, thieves, bigots, and murderers?

For North Carolinians Power Outages have become Common and We Sympathize..

Scott Speicher, RIP

southerners are....

They want to send my son overseas

The South is many things.

Some pictures that will make you think of the good ole'days!

ATTENTION: Crazy Gymnast Parent Special REPLAYING NEXT on CNN

Idi Amin, Charles Taylor and Saddam Hussein.

Bill O'reilly's latest syndicated column defends Franken law-suit

The South Is Not The Only Reliable Area For The Republicans In

Justice Anthony Kennedy on C-SPAN

C_SPAN universal health care proposal--physicians report--4:45 pm ET

Randi Rhodes online poll on democratic presidential preference

Dennis Kucinich wants Blackout stories

Perhaps we should complain to the administrators that we want them to

Paul Wellstone Memorial


Latest dittohead rationale for war dead

Democrats Feud as Bush Falters

Spoiled Americans: so much waste during the blackout!

Tit for tat

Do presidents really affect the economy?

if grey davis resigned......

Could Roosevelt have Stopped the Bombing of Pearl Harbor?

Republican calls for the death of federal judge who may delay recall

With cash pouring in, Dean backs away from spending limits pledge

Once difference between Arnold and Jesse

Are we really different? Thoughts on the Meaning of "Liberal"

My power is back on - finally!

Six ways for Democrats to fight!

Hey Diebold: With no paper trail, how do we recount the votes?

Software predicted * would be drunk at time of power blackout

Minnesota DUers checkkk in!

why did people riot during the 77 blackouts but not the 65 blackouts?

Remnder: MIT starts own Total Information Awareness for voters

Latest U.S. Casualties

My anti-recall letter was published!!!

Has anyone ever said.......

There is more at stake in the CA recall than the governorship

WTF!@? Bustamante Leading in Field Poll

US gov knew of blackout before it happened. Brit Co owns grid.

"Word 'oil' absent from Condoleezza's op-ed piece"

WHY the photos of bush with a shovel on the ranch?

Washington Journal - Military Families Speak Out (Discussion)

DU the NRCC poll!

FL deputy barged into home, shot man who only had a stick of wood.

Today a jackbooted Freeper was...

Ahnold LOVES beer and nicotine!

Wingnut Sex Fiends Ted OLSON & Ken STARR on C-Span

new bush uniform

Republicans run the show in Ohio

Why I am glad I live in a Democratic state...price gouging in Detroit.

Transcript of Republican thug Cliff May caught rewriting history on CNN

has anyone blamed the blackout on Clinton yet?

Who will you vote for CA Governor?

The Blackout -- Lessons Not Learned

Encyclopedia of the Bush Disinformation Age..

The Big Blackout:Political Winners and Losers

If Cruz Bustamante is leading over Arnold....

who IS that man shaking george bush's hand....?

Info on Bustamante(I think that's how you spell it)

MMMmmmm.... DUers taste GOOD........

US Gov knew of black out before it happend. Brit Gov did it.

Unspoken DU Kucinich Meme?

for the armchair generals and other assorted chickenhawks

Oh-oh, here it comes

Tthe current dissatisfaction of military/vets/families with bush/repubs...

Fresno council member wrote of using 'dirty bomb' to kill liberals.

What is the single worst act Bush has committed in office?

There is NO BUTs, but, but, but, but, but.................................

Where's my thread?

Must Read: Stan Goff interview: "September 11th was a neo-con wet dream".

Freepers on Howard Dean (they are so looney)

why did people riot during the 77 blackouts but not the 65 blackouts?

The important thing is to have an excuse...

Can anybody tell me why Rob Lowe & Warren Buffett...

Deregulation and Privatization: Kill the Umpire!

How did Freudenthal win in Wyoming?

The Dems just droped the ball big time, on this blackout issue!

Tom DeLay ordered NY blackout

If you dislike Bush do this to send a powerful message:

Alabama legal officials Rebel against Judge Roy Moore

Like a Rock

We mite be missing the real point, and that is...

AU: Alabama judge a political demagogue.

Bush "Pioneer" Caused the Power Blackout!!!!!

Has another Trifecta happened for the bushgang?

CNN Poll: "Would you pay higher taxes for the Electrical Grid?"

Edward Kennedy to run for CA Governor


We had "Vietnamization" of Viet Nam War...When is "Iraqization" of Iraq ?

The man behind the "rolling" blackouts

The Scapegoat Society

I'm baaaaack.....I think

STARS AND STRIPES. ... Bring Them Home Now

Ursa Minors take on Dennis Kucinich!

By God, I'm from Mississippi and I'm ready to take all of you on.

If Dems want to win, they should learn to speak

why did power riot during the 77 blackouts but not the 65 blackouts?

If Bustamante is running neck and neck with Arnold, the recall will fail

are one know any Jr Chickenhawks or Alex Keaton wannabees?

Bush's "bring it on" comment was absolutely brilliant, IMO...

Ten Commandments on federal property?

Czech troops may be pulled from Iraq

Deleted message

A couple of rants

New TV Show: America's Dumbest Presidents!

Still not interested in civilian casualties in Iraq

Hey David Cross, when are you going to be on Bill Maher's show?

"President Crybaby"

let's not forget colin powell's greatest moment at the UN (pic)

What democratic candidate deals with issues of pay eq??

Total Recall

I'm extremely disappointed in Southern California DUers!

It's 3:20 AM! Only an hour to go...

DU as microcosm of the Left

My nephew just joined the army

How can I best help our cause in the three-ring recall in Cali?

Bush Cabal planning to invade Mars?

I hope Arianna drops out if it looks like she will be a spoiler

Met a genuine, certifiable knuckle-dragging Okie a bit ago. Went down

the ugly truth: Arnold only wins with votes from Democrats

Yankee incompetence blew the circuit breaker?

Alabama DU'ers, attention please

Okay, I give up. What the hell is a "mullet", other than a fish that is

A crazy idea on how to improve this forum

DUers, Please, is this a good legal argument to stop the recall?

Europe buying US energy companies - Time article

Best two articles on the Blackout

Are Conservatives Evil? How about Bush?

A couple of questions about the "dump the south" threads.

So is there any Democrat you won't vote for against Bush?

Newsweek : Bush made his fortune off Killing Jews in Nazi Germany!

Why isn't Robert Novak in jail?

White House said blackout "not their problem"

Why is gas almost two bucks a gallon?

Did it bother anyone else that Bill Maher called Ann Coulter one of his

Altered Statesman - Unsolved History on The Discovery Channel

Has Bush lost the veterans' support?

DU: Read this BBC explanation of Iraqi resistance...interesting.

Is (Accenture) still doing Convention Voting for the DNC?

Man overheard saying Kucinich should be president of the Soviet Union

On 10/24/01, Bush said: "I Do Not Have Anthrax" three times ....

What's so great about Wesley Clark?

Attn: DU researchers/news hounds: Need help with list of articles

A journalist went undercover as a mortician during Operation Desert Storm

Google of "Power Grid Energy Deception"

DU: Read this economic op-ed and tell me what you think...

How long can the Texas Democrats hold out?

Ann Coulter last night said Europeans & liberals are joyless lovers

If you vote no to recall can you then vote for another candidate


Patriot act in action! Abstract suddenly becomes concrete.

OFFICIAL! Guy James Show starting NOW!!!!! 3pm Saturday....Need help

Today's Guy James Show archive posted...

Robert Duval pissed off at Canada

Katha Likes Dean

Is there any point in liberal Southerners sticking around DU?

AWOL Force Aviator George W. Bush US (A Must see!)

An Open Letter to Gov. Gray Davis from a Cal Dem Activist

The Bush Cabal: The Gang that Couldn't Loot Straight

an "Answer" from Ebay...and my response...

I used to live in North Dakota

Arnold is going DOWN

I don't like it but, a Clark / Kerry ticket blows w out of the whitehouse

Is this true what I'm reading about Kucinich?

biggest poseur SUV

Why I will support Dean (sorta long, but its important that I explain)

Dean Makes Unprecedented Use of Internet

Revealed: last-minute changes to Iraq dossier

Bush taps GOP lawyer for federal judgeship in NJ

Northeast blackout probably caused by failure of three Ohio power lines

FirstEnergy Scrutinized in Outage Probe

Saudi Police Arrest Suspected Militants

Alabama Rally for Roy Moore--American Family Association's article

WorldCom holders go after Citigroup

Iceland's whale fleet sails into storm of protest

BBV: ES&S to rent three CA counties optical scanners for recall election

BBC man arrested on undercover job as police recruit

Malaysia Says Don't Cook, Wash in Toilets

Mortgage lender abruptly shuts down (Capitol Commerce )

Saboteurs Blow Up Iraqi Oil Pipeline, Halting Flow to Turkey

Massive military contractor's media mess (SAIC)

Rep. Davis: Bush turning blind eye to ailing economy

MSNBC: "Power outage could serve as terrorism ‘dry run’ scenario"

Momentum growing against Patriot Act

Judicial panel reprimands Washington (State) Supreme Court justice

Microsoft Braces for New Internet Attack

Retired Gen. Wesley Clark is going to be a guest on CNN's "Late Edition"

Iran Praises U.S. Closure of Dissident Group's Offices as Positive Move

US Oil Well Fire Crew in Colombia Face Rebel Threat as They Fight Huge Fir

Philippine Coup Hearings Enthrall Viewers

Bomb halts Turkey pipeline for days-Iraq oil chief - Update

Colombia cops sold informants to drug lords-report

US Gov knew of black out before it happend. Brit Gov did it.

Sizemore Guilty of Fleiss Abuse

Riots in Baghdad over affront to flag - US Military Apologizes

U.S. losing hearts and minds of Baghdad Shi'ites

Local Republicans write Bush urging new Cuba policy

Army delays destruction of VX nerve agent at Newport

Recall vote being postponed! (MSNBC)

Idi Amin, ex-dictator of Uganda, dies

THE RECALL CAMPAIGN, Judge Is No Stranger to Controversy

As Pittsburgh city workers learn of layoffs, talk of ousting mayor begins

Powell calls Pakistan's Musharraf over shooting (More apologies)

Incident Shines Light on Stalled Energy Upgrade

Northeast Struggles As Power Returns

Ugandan Dictator Amin Dies in Saudi Hospital

Federal judge overturns Mainer's conviction (selling equipment to India)

Iraq's key oil pipeline to Turkey hit by fire: US army

US troops hit north of Baghdad as capital's Shiites warn them to keep out

Police suspect single shooter in three West Virginia killings

Texas senator urges migration laws reform

U.S. agents say (Seattle) detainee on no-fly list isn't a threat

Europe buying US energy companies - Time article

Crowd Supports 'Ten Commandments' Judge Moore (10,000)

The Advocate: Costa Rica lawyer fights for marriage license

Texas company to evaluate Florida schools

Iraqi oil stoppage highlights challenges to economic revival

Amin son plans rebellion from Congo -brigadier

Mandela Calls Bush in Step Toward Mending Fences

HOT! Poll Places Bustamante In Lead to Succeed Davis (AND ARNOLD)

US troops risk being "like Israelis" -Iraqi royal

U.S. officials requested use of Kensington Palace for embassy

US army stops patrols in Baghdad's powderkeg Shiite suburb

Dems blast Bush on blackout

Boston DUers are wicked cool!

My neighbors are insane


Hurry, Hurry, get your Dubya cardboard standup!

Which one of you will say "I don't believe in God?"

I won't let the door hit me in the tail....

What's your favorite airline?

Am I the only one who doesn't know who's gay and who's not?

Speaking of Southerners and Mullets....

The First Rule Of Fight Club....

I Just saw a Nude man in the parking lot

Does Will Pitt pahk his cah in Hahvahd Yahd?

Porn Star/CA candidate for Governor Carey will have "dinner" with you...

Jesus loves you!

Ted Koppel phone pranked on-air live during blackout -AUDIO-VIDEO


Who used to push one of these around???

DU Fantasy Footballers - The Draft is DONE

I am the biggest militant feminist lesbian on DU ( so there)


Specially for matcom

I am looking for Great Karma and

Okay, I give up. What the hell is a "mullet", other than a fish that is

In response to all the religious posts today...

Activist friend with technical troubles-any geeks out there who can help?

What is the worst airline...EVER?

salin's public service: bash me (1 hour only)... ask me anything

Some help on a story I'm writing


26 years on.....Elvis has left the building


Thank You Women For Being Part 2.....

ack! I just saw an ad for Ann Coulter's latest novel!



I'm an agnostic. Ask me anything.

Do you use a laptop?

Why do people wear underwear?

Song Lyric Question: "The Joker" -- "Pompitous of love?"

Which of these two books should I buy?

Japanese tonight!!!

where is the cheapest place to get boxes for packing?

Womens pro beach Volleyball is Awesome!

CAPTION scenes from Leavenworth

CAPTIONS are just a sniff away

The Vertigo of Existence of all CAPTIONS!!!

Unbelievable Quotes

CAPTION the Nobel Cartographer

can't see the forest for the CAPTIONS

Is anyone watching the Little League World Series playoffs?

Echelon: The Most Secret Spy System

We've got POWER in Detroit!!!!! Got it this morning.

Mmm, Sauna

YOU... Ready For This!

What do you think DU will look like a year from now?

AWOL's back in his "Crawfish Hole"

North Korea Offers To Help Repair American Nuclear Power Plants

Ah-nold's first debate

In case you missed it on GD : Ahnold LOVES beer and nicotine!

MEOW MIX : the official Lions-Bengals thread

A little Photoshop for UGRR and all you New York DUers!!!

The perils of anarchy?

Lots of Saturday Night Live reruns on Comedy Central today!!!!!!!!

If airlines sold paint.

How To Be Truly Happy In This Old Crazy World!

which one of you will say "I don't believe in Zeus"?

I just want to say

Poll: Who was Jesus?

1958: My 100 Favorite Records

How clean do you keep your car?

Anybody seen this RW nonsense

Should I go to the manager and complain?

Computer Advice, Pretty Please

Coca-Cola freeps Burger King?

FOWL FRENZY: the official Falcons-Ravens thread...

I'm going on vacation for a while...

Alright, who else enjoyed Freddy vs. Jason?

Sex Pistols or Ramones?

Have you ever come up with a PERFECT comment to a thread...

Anne Coulter,Michael Issa and a horse walk into a bar

Tom DeLay ordered NY blackout

HELP! How do I post a picture on my hard drive?

Well isn't that interesting!

Leaving For The Boston Gathering In An Hour -- Ask Me Anything!

Jesus was a liberal murdered by Roman conservatives, 'nuff said


Ask Mr. Grumpy anything for the next few minutes

I'm baaaaack.....I think

T-minus 2 hours, 30 minutes and counting

There was no Jesus, and Rome was

Silly Robert Duvall hates Canada, but can't stay away............

I hope to see everyone at the DU gathering in Columbus tommorow

So I like The White Stripes now....

I'm bigger than Jesus.

Prediction of 107 degrees today, I’ m headed to the beach.

If not for the South, we wouldn't be having all these Southern flame wars!

Terminator for Governor T-Shirts

This power outage has me thinking about something

Looking for the most offensive Bush photoshop ever!

I just asked someone something. Ask me anything.

Which person sounds more like he needs psychiatric help:

Two buddies from Alabama go hunting

I dreamed last night of the Big Dog

New TV Show: America's Dumbest Presidents!

My first car was an American car

I am Jesus' friend. What do you want to know?

Horror Movie from 1955-63

Lights Out, Lights On

golf gods lurking - got a birdie out of season

I have ESPn ask me everything!

I needed a wingman!!!

It was 3:20 AM! Only an hour to go

Who is walking over there

Another new member = "Right Winger"

Welcome newest member ...

Poll: Evolution or Virgin Birth?

Need photo help. what *was* that

Someone said run Clark as a Republican

Computer question: Burning DVD's


Entertainment Posts.....where should we post them?

Words that sound funny when said 5 times fast

People you like at work - why?

Who's up for a quick game of questions?

MUSIC THREAD. Your favorite bands at this moment.

The Answer Thread

Fun with etymology..this is great...!!!

Hey, let's bitch about lousy airlines...

Good night everyone

Good night!

Fun with entomology..this is great...!!!

Happiness Is?

Pick My Next Movie

I just wanted to say thanks for the EIDE tech advice last night :-)

It's An Entirely Different Kind Of Flying Altogether.

"some shit"

Should I go to bed?

Jen6, SoCalDem, "These dogs don't hunt" is up at Bartcop today!

NC DUers - wanna get together for ice cream 8/23?

Anyone seen preview for "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" remake?

Wanna see a picture of my Boobie?

Who believes in a burning hell where the wicked are punished after death?

How can 40 year old music sound BETTER than today's music?



gay and proud

Do you like your job?

My Wisdom Teeth are coming out in 3 days!!!

Prank phone calls made easy!

Hi, I'm PopSixSquish and I am an Insane Tampa Bay Buccanneers Fan

Vets , any one anyone??? My son might be sent overseas..

origin of term "to get fired"


Are our souls immortal?

Recall NSMA as Biggest Militant Feminist Lesbian on DU!!!


Maple Jelly... doesn't that sound yummy.? Who orders catalog food?

Will you tell the manager, or seeth in silence?

I am an atheist. What do you want to know?

Looking for Fark's Fox News of the ages pics

HOW SHOCKING!!! NSMA HITS 21,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Anti-Rush