Krugman: faith-based deregulation
U.S. Military Probes Cameraman's Death
This Isn't War (yet)--Clinton rips into...
A drive for noncar options in graying nation
No mercy in Ashcroft's brand of justice
Is there a point in running if there is no chance of winning?
Astrologers fail to predict proof they are wrong
84 persons 'disappear' in 9 months - Kashmir
Repeated canecharge on aspirants for cell phones - Kashmir
A Tennessee-Georgia lottery would mean a net loss for education.
Are Archives supposed to be only for donors?
Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade martyrs one of its own, seriously injures another
Israeli police forced Palestinian boy to swallow chemical
Israel closes off Palestine territories
Lebanon Palestinians give sweets after Israel attack
Conservative magazine prints attack on Specter (Natl Review 9/1)
'Porn star candidate offers date to big donors'
Will Dean listen to the environmental community as President?
I propose we start a "positive-only" discussion of the issues
Davis Rips Calif. Recall As Power Grab]
The standards of the anti Dean smearers
Kucinich: FirstEnergy Should Lose License
Dean Underfunded Public Defender's Office (prior to 9-11)
Cabinet Positions in the Moseley Braun White House article refers to Al Franken as a satirist
How can they manipulate casualty numbers? They classified them in Vietnam
Newt and Arianna on C-SPAN Washington Journal tomorrow AM
How can Greed, Rapturism, and PNACism exist at the same time in the GOP?
ATTN: Phoenix, AZ DUers about the gas shortages....
UN Security Council gave approval for Iraqi Governing Council....
How Do You Conduct A Poll At D U
Dean is responsible for the UN attack!!!
partial list of those killed in Baghdad today....(link to UN press)
Anybody else think those congressional jaunts to Iraq will slow down?
Got this interesting letter from the Howard Dean campaign.
How long before Bush announces more troops being sent to Iraq ?
Al Gore and Clark officially jumped into the Race
Would Bustamante be the 1st hispanic governor in US if elected?
FOX SPEWS ... Al Franken v Roger "Ails"
Poll: 2004 Democratic Presidential Primary
California Recall: THE BRIGHT SIDE
Bush says something stupid (again!)
So will the bombing of UN Headquarters make the UN support Bush's Oil War
Ironic? Bill Richardson, and other Clinton people on Tee-Vee
What Was Your Major In College
Delegation misses meeting because of 'mechanical problems'.
There's Another NEW Computer Virus: Sobig Worm
Does anyone know more about the attempted planting of WMD...
The 800 pound Elephant in the room (Davis fights back)
MSU prof on Energy Privitization on As It Happens (NPR)
What Democratic Presidential Candidate Who Was Never Elected Would You
Illinois DUers: Will Bush be on the ballot in your state?
Favorite "from the Left" co-host on Crossfire?
Do you support a UN peacekeeping force in Iraq to replace our troops?
I heard the dreaded "d" word mentioned tonight
How would you like DIAMOND microchips and the End of De Beers control?
I must humbly thank some kind, kind soul.
What's your position on GMO's??
Pundits who are destroying their reps
Yet another Poll: Your Favorite First Lady
Great Clark Interview from Scarborough Country
Dean and the "draft dodging" B.S.
Which republican would you vote for?
Iraqi blogger- we have plunged into darkness
Sergio de Mello was no supporter of the U.S. occupation of Iraq.
500lb of C4 explosive used to bomb to the UN?
Is random drug testing a violation of one's Constitutional rights?
The Gray Davis Speech is on CSPAN Now. . .Live
'He's 13 - how could he kill my husband?'
The Dean/Nader comparisons need to end
DU moles/trolls/monitors, insincere pains in the @ss
California has Republicans on horns of a dilemma....
Incest Father of SIX Jailed - UK
New Fast-Spreading Sobig Worm Adds to 'Worm Week'
Pastor to Defy U.S. on Iraq Trip Report
NYT: Ambitious Bush Plan Undone by Energy Politics
Analysts: Iraq a 'magnet' for al Qaeda
WP: New Questions Raised About U.S. Resolve in Iraq, 'Road Map' to Peace
Massive rain storm sweeps thru Las Vegas valley. Mayor declares local
WP: Nonmilitary Targets Face New Threat
Bush promises Marines to leave Liberia by Oct. 1
Tree sitters (on U of P Campus) protest Bush Portland visit
Locke has harsh words for Bush
Birth of First Internet Sperm Bank Baby
NYT: Davis says Republicans are trying to steal an election
WP: Attack Shows the Limits of U.S. Control
Baghdad, Jerusalem Attacks Test Bush Policy
Blackout damage for U.S. estimated at up to $6B US
North Korea must abandon nuclear threat: Japan
Inslee holding forum on Iraq intelligence investigation
Union Sues Verizon, Citing Wire-Tap Rules
Ashcroft begins Patriot Act campaign
Mass graves (of Iraq 45k military killed by US) to reveal Iraq war toll
Energy Dept. Will Take Control of Blackout Investigation
What Was Your Major In College
Single gender education, a good idea? What do you think?
I have a question for the men on DU--who's sexier
If Lincoln ran today in the Democratic primary, would he have a chance
I hate this f*cking commercial
DU demographics: how educated are we?
Anyone else having problems with AIM?
I'd like you meet some of my children.....
Taking the stairs is not an option-
Time machine...which destination would you like?
I'm back from seeing Palast and Hightower. What can I tell you?
How do you cope with annoying co-workers? (Violence unacceptable)
'Man aged 120 dies after first hospital visit'
For those who have watched Boy meets Boy (spoiler)
Wuh-double-OW! You people from Kansas are CA-RAY-ZEEE!
I know this isn't the Meeting Rm
Old news, I know, but "Bowling For Columbine" came out today
HELP! Very weird goings on with computer/internet today
Dear Californians: Vote No on Recall, For Dave Grayvis!
Bush Diagnosed With Attention-To-Deficit Disorder.....PML!
Drumroll Please...................
Anybody watch "8 Simple Rules"?
Car people, I need help fast! (Phoenix resident)
You know why I like Bustamante?
Just bought Bowling for Columbine
Repeat of Davis event,11pm ET CSPAN tonight...Bustamante repeat
What's the maximum amount of time you can
Salon: Part 3 - Conason's "Big Lies": Male Cheerleaders & Chickenhawks
A Higher Tax on All Your Houses
Lugar backs funds to help Russia destroy old arms
Hundreds in Hebron Mourn Palestinian Journalist Mazen Dana
Peace comes too late for Liberia's broken people
Evidence of great Indian uprising unearthed
Rise Up: Our Fight for Fair Trade in Pennsylvania (Charlie Crystle4Senate)
NY Times: How America Created a Terrorist Haven
AmbitiousW Plan Undone by Energy Politics (Times LizB/Jeff Gerth praise W)
Private military companies turn a profit in war on terror
New estimate of French heat wave deaths: 10,400
Stretched too thin By Kay Bailey Hutchison
Is the World a Better Place with Hussein Gone??
Bush Diagnosed With Attention-To-Deficit Disorder
Why the lessons of Vietnam do matter
Blast will reverberate in campaign - MSNBC
CIA and DOD Attempted To Plant WMD In Iraq
Gail Sheehy: Four 9/11 Moms Battle Bush
This one from Buzzflash left me a bit teary-eyed.......
Child Tax Credit Leaves Many Female Parents Behind
William Blum: Myth and Denial in the War Against Terrorism
How America Created a Terrorist Haven (Iraq) NYT
Former ambassador Wilson: "The American approach is incoherent"
Krauthammer on Pipes: "Liberals turn McCarthyite"
Mike Hickerson-Recall? It's a Coincidence
Joe Conason on electric deregulation; my thoughts exactly
Join the "Courage, America Convoy!!" to Iowa
Time for another PR and letter writing exercise
Has anybody attended a "Camp Wellstone" training seminar? "Defend Democracy" campaign -Starts in TX
US Media kills 45000 dead Iraqi military in US mass graves story
CAN's Globe and Mail on US media killing CIA caused 5/16 Davao Bomb?
Bill O'Reilly is "not " a conservative
The big tent of the Republican Party
I'm sure ya'll have noticed how junior talks...answer me something....
Gardening - Historic gardens ..and stuff
UN Bombing, who stands to gain?
Wow! A GD thread that's talking about end of world stuff!
Man...I haven't been here for awhile...YIKES!
FALL 2003 - Busy, busy, busy...... ! (astrologers)
Does anyone have any catering business experience?
Effort to Delay Calif. Recall Denied
Doctors seek exemption from privacy bill - Canada
NAACP Asks Cincinnati To Negotiate Economic Boycott
Gay Muslims Defend Their Identity in the U.S.
Zimbabwe inflation hits new high
Wholesalers see flat June, weak quarter - Canada
the blackout? it's pataki's fault
Maharaj papers illegally shredded - SA
'Don't let Mugabe get hands on food aid' - Zimbabwe
Army moves in to quell Nigerian unrest - Oil and power
Organised crime in SA 'explosive' - UN
Botswana's Bushmen thrown off their land
UN urged to intervene in Sudan
Illegal Drugs for Legitimate Medical Use
Is HRT a form of Russian Roulette for women?
Judge moves to ease 'black music torture' - SA
Update on police chief murder in Grant Alabama
Tampa Police Eliminate Controversial Facial-Recognition System
Suspect Held in Fatal Bus Stop Shooting
Gun Waving Judge Going To Trial (San Fran)
Activist Encourages Getting Raped
Police identify man killed in shootout
Man opens fire at plant, kills co-worker, himself
Spud Guns: Legal And Dangerous
Congratulations on DU's Donations!
"Locking -- *NO LONGER* ... LBN"
In response to the 500 Donations in 3 days post in the GD forum
How many individual donations does DU usually get?
DU's official policy on folks using multiple user names?
Why didn't this thread "kick"?
Why didn't this thread "kick" (Take two, with the correct URL)
Got an email yesterday saying I unsubscribed...
can't post images with Umlauts in the url
IOF Razes Areas in Bethlehem, Steps up Shootings in Gaza Strip
U.S. Links Islamic Charities, Terrorist Funding
Arab-American arrested for sending drug money to West Bank
Suicide Bomber Strikes Jerusalem Bus
Let's see how "Fair & Balanced" IPC is.
Israel OKs Raids Against Terror Suspects ( 5 AMERICANS KILLED)
U.S. delegation cancels Abbas meeting
For AIPAC, congressional trips are effective way to boost Israel
What is it that Israel can give Palestine and vice versa that will stop...
IOF Arrests 8 Palestinians in Hebron, Demolishes 4 Houses in Jerusalem
Report: Israel issues ultimatum and will act if PA delays crackdown
PA refuses to address terrorism; Israel cancels handover after bombing
Israeli human rights group slams Hebron settlers
MH/CHAOS is the grandfather of The War on Terrorism, thanx to Helms,
Crude Politics a book from RW WND publishers blasts Bush War on Terror
How to Build a Cruise Missile for $5,000 - ‘It Is Surprisingly Simple’
Four 9/11 Moms Battle Bush - NY Observer
Hidden Grave/reuters cameraman
Wired Mag: Software Exec Eyes Senate Seat in Pennsylvania
Dean changes the way Bush campaigns
I propose we start a "negative only" thread
GA: Squires: Young wouldn't halt her U.S. Senate bid
50 Iowa Labor Leaders Pledge Support for John Kerry
Lieberman Catch: Basil Smikle, Clinton's deputy state director joining up
Graham on Hardball, Capitol Report tonight Wed August 20
My candidate is better than your candidate. Nanny nanny boo boo!
Article on Black Internet Activism (Eg. MoveOn/AfricanAmericansForDean)
Support for Bush Slips Among Hispanics -Poll
WI Senate: Michels Campaign Files Statement of Candidacy with Sec of State
Arnold is being sold to Democrats as a moderate.
FL: Senate GOP primary seems to be moving to right
Today, I heard a live Kucinich speech on NPR
Edwards: National Bid Echoes'98 Tactics
Graham says Ashcroft will be first to clean out his desk
Dean & Kucinich 1st To Confirm To Appear At Arab Amer. Conference
Why did Kerry and Edwards vote to relax the restrictions
What Democrat could run against Janklow in SD
Dennis Kucinich: the real soul of the Democratic Party?
Gephardt skips 85% of House votes
Who do you support in the PA Senate race?
Assail my logic regarding Dean and Vermonters
I'm supporting Dennis Kucinich for President in 2004 because
Are We Recalling Republican Guvs With Budget Deficits?
The UN attack, "conspiracy theories" and primary suspect identification
Am I the only one who hits the mute or turns it down when * is on?
ten commandments must go...and go now!!!
Arianna just managed to piss me off
Where do you think Joe Lieberman's loyalties lie?
Georgia Governor's office reiterates investigation demand
Color of Presidential Money in NC, 96% white
Heads up! Jeneane on Crossfire on CNN in 15 minutes
Which of the Democratic candidates is currently your favorite?
Uneducated Americans: The Insurance Policy of the Rich
How to fix our public schools:
Six years on, still no inquest (just don't ask)......
Greg Palast in NYC: Iraq elections in three months promised in March
Excluding Lieberman,Gephardt Which Democrat is you LEAST favorite
Hey JanMichael, Check it Out - BUSH RECALL
Bush's two years AWOL story in
The author of "Mexifornia" was on a CSPAN panel discussing illegal
CIA Charged with Bank Heist; Attn conspiracy theory skeptics
Clark will announce he is running by the end of the month, says Brazille
Excluding Lieberman... Who is you least Favorite non-Republican candidate?
Is retardation a requirement to be a Governor in Alabama?
DynCorp is running private prisons in Iraq!
Video Voting brigade - refranchisement strategy
CA Recall--Appearing on TV this am..need advice
CBS: Did the US Ignore Warnings? (UN HQ in Iraq)
What are we going to do about electronic voting ?
Bob Barr lashes out against Neocons? Is old GOP waking up?
What happened : 911 investigation, Energy Panel (Iraq map), CIA outing.
Request from Janeane: SUGGESTIONS for her last two CROSSFIRE days?
Ok, admit it. What was your first thought when you heard about
DAVIS & BUSTAMANTE Gave Good Speeches on 3-19
Bush economy keeps humming along - HP to cut 1,300 jobs
Is it just me or do things seem to be spiraling out of control?
Is John Kerry's wife a political liability?
Is Arianna Huffington A Friend of Democrats?
Speaking of BFEE "Hits," anyone wanna speculate on THIS?
Did WE make Tom Delay squirm??
OH Sec of State delays BBV machine purchases?
Who is your SECOND choice for President?
Bwahahahahahaha... You Guys See This ??? (Jim Hightower)
CBS News: "It's clear this war is not over"
Just when I think right wing radio hosts can't get any dumber...
Chalabi told US intelligence last week that UNcompound would be attacked
Press release: Wesley Clark to Run for President (Brazile)
a simple waste of taxpayer money
moses is on his way to 'bama!!!
NBC story on our burdened National Guard troops in Iraq.
What has to happen for Bush Regime to admit Iraq Invasion a failure ?
I know this is a suspect source "CIA Accused Of Bank Heist" however
Has Bush planted terrorists in Iraq?
please somebody convince me i'm not losing my mind?...RE: Robert Kaplan...
Goddamn scumbag Bremer, STILL claiming Iraq/Al Qaeda pre-war alliance
Volunteer Opportunities in Afghanistan?
AAAAARRRRGGGHH!!! Paul Bremer did it again!
Coulter is an Un-Anerican traitor.
My house rep sent me a postal letter about a tax rebate check - response?
Joe Six Pack here. And Joe ain't believing this crap.
Fineman: 2004 will be referendum on War, Clark definitely running
Vanity Fair Richard Perle -Nazi picture
We need one organization to speak for all activists?
Anybody see the Author of the GQ Article on Bush as Jesus
Slammer worm crashed Ohio nuke plant network (FirstEnergy, Davis-Besse)
Who is Evan Bayh and why shouldn't I like him?
Anyone have information on Special Operations in first Gulf War?
Janklow a symptom of Republican immorality and lawlessness...
Here's to David Cross of "Mr. Show"!
Here is why even the United Nations can't get us out of this mess in Iraq
Annan came back to the Un. Where`s Bush?
Let's see the RIAA shut these guys down!!!
My letter to the New Mexico Democratic Party ( on redistricting)
Firefighters and veterans will work AGAINST Bush's election.
If you had made the choice to move to another country, which would it be?
Arabs Avoid US for Medical Care, Look to Germany
Which of these combinations has best chance to beat Bush/Cheney?
Who Is The Most Electable Possible Democratic Candidate
How can I file an amicus curae in Fox/Franken case.
We need to pick up the young vote(18-29) and First Time vote again
True "progressive" on Washington Journal tomorrow AM !
Does anyone know how I can donate to "NO" on the recall?
Law Needs New Category of Sexual Assault
Freepers starting petition to "take out" Syria and Iran.
US has world's highest incarceration rate: Justice Department's study
BTW, Private Jessica Lynch is getting married
Vilsack: Edwards Could Turn Iowa Caucus Into Four-Way Race
Rummy is in HONDURAS??? wtf..(MSNBC)
How Long Will It Take To Win The War On Terror?
Asskroft Trieds To Justify Patriot Act
Gwynne Dyer: 'A guerrilla war takes root'--Toronto Star...Excellent piece
Good News for Candidates Who Support Civil Unions
Iraq has no right to self defense. . .
anyone able to get franken's book yet?
will there be a 10 commandments riot today in alabama?
Would you run for office if there were no chance of winning?
If the US had not INVADED Iraq, those UN workers would be alive!
Troops overseas won't see 'Buffalo Soldiers' movie on bases
Will the UN charge the presiDUNCE with war crimes?
Just have to vent; anyone out there getting weird stuff from the RNC?
Blitzer poll: did war on Iraq strengthen Al Qaeda?
Big Dawg on the attack, rips some repuke a new one
what'ya mean bring em' home? we need MORE troops over there!
Why Will Conservatives Vote Dem in 2004?
Why are so many Democrats opposed to Alabama's tax reform?
Who thinks UN attack done by Bush Special OPs?
Why are some Democrats gittery about Dr. Dean?
Bush quote hammered away in today's WTE
Who thinks the Shark attack was done by Bush Special OPs?
the only ones benefitting from the UN blast is BIG OIL
3 Deregulated Industries (Energy, Airlines, Telecom): 3 Clusterf*cks
Crashing Bush Campaign Events?
We've forgotten the anger in the eyes? of civilians that US killed
Bush: U.S. troops to be out of Liberia by Oct 1 (No oil there)
Marine charges breast implants car and motorcycle to military credit card
WH announces resumption of foreign "shoot down" program
US Congressional Reps were NOT to meet at UN HQ (Canal Hotel)
Village Voice: NY's Prince of Darkness (Pataki & the Blackout))
Thank you, DUers: 500 Donations! Guess how high we go & win a T-shirt!
It doesn't happen often, but Chimpy is 100% correct !
UK Guardian: Americans choose between Bush and Bush lite
Anyone else think Scott McClelland's days as Press Spokeman Numbered?
Bill Press says Republicans don’t like elections.
Peace Pretzel updates--Live Journal and Cafe Press
Bad Timing for ad at
Just What Are They Trying to Say?
The TRAP of Iraq! "A magnet for terrorists"--(Peter Bergen)
Did anyone see Nachman v. Michael Moore today?
CNN is actually covering Afghanistan?
Which of these books have you read?
Could this Rummy ally be behind yesterday's U.N. bombing??
When will Saddam be captured or killed?
You Just Don't Bomb Other People's Kids
25 Boxcars Of WMD Found In Iraq!
names can never harm you, nor can vulgar words
Kucinich calls for UN to replace US in Iraq, US to give up contracts
Hell just froze over on FR. Freeps against expanding war to Iran/Syria
Is this another manipulated energy crisis?
2 new studies: Most heart attacks caused by unhealthy lifestyle
What do the Knox County Democrats (TN) know that we don't?
Is the Philippine government bombing its own people for dollars?
Franken Book to be published THIS WEEK!
Oh man, the Sharks are back (CNN)
Sleeping with the Devil by Robert Baer is #12 NYT NF
Now that * is slipping in the polls, what do you-all think his next act
Magnetic feld, minos, and Aug 14 2003
Virus Alert -- Whatever you do, DO NOT OPEN THAT ENCLOSURE.
I'm a little slow, but.........
Leading the Department of Homeland Security - CSPAN2 -- NOON (LIVE)
have you heard: new texas flag pledge law!!!
IHT: The White House distorts science for political ends
How many soldiers have died today? (Cartoon)
Eric Margolis on Afghanistan, drugs and oil
How will Catholics respond if their hierarchy denounces Kucinich ?
do u think Schwarzenneger will drop out if it becomes clear he won't win?
Chuck Boombs: Kill GTMO Prisoners in retaliation for the Baghdad Bombing
Other than Ted Rall and Molly Ivins,
The Presidio Mutiny. Mltry guard shotgunned prisoner at close range
A heart-warming story amongst the horrors
FTA graphics were in almost every US base worldwide
Doesn't look like Halliburton is suffering these days.
"Blinded by Faith" put a spotlight on the fanatics
Davis Says GOP Trying to 'Steal' Election
GIs Demonstrated Against the war in Saigon
Ohioans--Congressional Redistricting??
Vietnam - Doc Hampton fragged "Top"
US may be entering it's Chechnya/War of the flea
What happened to the reports of U.S. Congressional delegation in Baghdad?
Let's tell the truth about the "mass graves"..
GI Revolts: The Breakdown of the U.S. Army in Vietnam (mutiny )
Contrary to the party line, we are the ones that are occupied in Iraq...
All the Vietnam War 'needed' to win was more troops too (what BS)
More Than 25,000 People Have Signed the Stop Ashcroft Petition
Eye opening quote from Goering
Texas gop pulling every trick in the book
One thing is abundantly clear after watching FOX News this morning..
O'Really speaks!But makes no sense.
What a joke. Bush campaign web site "launched" today...
NYT Editorial is hard hitting....
Verizon stabs American workers in the back
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
The way to end the Israeli-Palestinian war
Question about state and federal income taxes.
NY Times: How America Created a Terrorist Haven
How long are Americans going to sit back and watch the carnage
Peter Bergen-Yesterday's Baghdad boming harbinger of things to come
church & state separation myths
Daily U.S. Casualties 8/20/2003
some rightwingers pleased with bombing of UN HQ
Arianna Huffington on Cspan1 now
send some free Trojans to Robertson, Falwell, and abstinence organizations
if I lived in CA, i'd vote for THIS person
Gingrich on WJ/-SPAN now, 8/20
Why not support all of the candidates?
If Clark doesn't run, then who will the Clarkites vote for?
Repeat: Palast on CNN Right now
FYI: site author
send some free condoms to 'pro-family' abstinence leaders
we need boards for individual cities and states
"Fair and Balanced" is now set to music!!!
what is Limpbaugh's obsession with news storys that involve SUVs?
will there be Levitra ads on hate radio?
We've got grandstand seats to a colossal chess match.
making the job-LOSS recovery numbers a bit more "real"
Bernie's back. Streaming now. Topic is Iraq.
Slip of the tongue on "WMD"? (video) ads back on Limpbaugh's show
DLC seen as Out-Of-Touch; making a "Last Stand"
would you expect a news channel named after a movie studio to be accurate?
biggest hate radio sponsors, contact them
New chant for the first ammendment zones from Neil Young's Greendale
UN bomber went through 2 US security checks
does the US have any religious heritage?
Kansas City area business that run ads during Hate Radio
Smoke away ads heard on Hannity and Limpbaugh
what time is Moore supposed to remove the monument today?
when Faux news began, did you expect to ever because an accurate
Are pigs flying? Lotsa freepers OPPOSING Judge Moore...
An easy way to spot questionable posters on DU...sort on Author
Do we need a new sexual revoloution?
well, folks . . . looks like 2012 is IT . . .
Are the DNC or the DLC supporting the Texas Democrats??
Is it possible to balance CA's budget without raising taxes?
Good news for "The Guy James Show"
Why the US will lose the war in Iraq.
Cruz Bustamante is on Tavis Smiley today.
U.S. Soldier Killed in Iraq Accident After Attack
Schwarzenegger Convenes California Economic Summit
DRUDGE: 2nd degree manslaughter charges R being considered against Janklow
BREAKING: Supreme Court Refuses to Block Removal of 10 Commandments
Demonstrators gear up for Bush (Seattle)
’60s radical Kathy Boudin paroled
BREAKING: Palestinians report tanks moving into Ramallah
Nuke Lab Pays Whistleblower - Los Alamos
Ten Commandments (Christian Group to prevent removal)
Fires may keep Bush out of Central Oregon
Second Canadian dies in Baghdad bombing
Report: Israel issues ultimatum and will act if PA delays crackdown
Canada Urged to Hold Referendum on Gay Marriage
Iowan injured in Baghdad bombing dies
A Preview Of President's Bush's Visit? (Trouble brewing in Portland)
FCC Chairman Launches Initiative to Promote Broadcast Localism
Broward parents learn details about 'virtual schools' offered by state
More Troops Needed, Analysts Insist
Rumsfeld: Terrorism Threat In S. America
World Bank halts work in Iraq, IMF moves injured
CIA Graduates Largest Class of Officers
IMF and World Bank Pull Staff Out of Iraq, U.S. Official Says
FBI: Iraq Bomb Made From Old Munitions (and not a cement truck)
UK Officials Wanted to Gag Expert on Iraq Dossier
California Judge Refuses to Delay Recall Vote - CNN
Researcher Critical of Voting System Cuts Ties to Election Software Firm
CNN: ACLU Recall Suit Decision Imminent - 3:40 pm ET
America's most wanted caught in Cape Town - SA
Four children found shot in basement of burning home in Detroit
France orders heatwave deaths probe (10,416 dead,claims OGF)
New from CENTCOM: One soldier killed, one injured (8/20/03)
Ohio Governor Signs Executive Order Banning Drilling Under Lake Erie
Bush: Drug Program Cuts Don't Drive Up Prison Admissions (Fla.)
Experts Suggest Outsiders In Blast
Graham Says Iraq Distracting U.S. From Danger of Terrorism
Desperate hunt for UN blast survivors
Republicans looking at carving up Dennis Kucinich's District in Ohio
Ten Commandments Ruling in Ala. Appealed (to USSC)
Four U.S. Soldiers Wounded by Makeshift Bomb in Iraq [20.08.]
Politicians quietly planning to deregulate the nation's energy system
[Gulf War Syndrome] Gulf War veterans sue banks , firms over chemicals
Treatment of Kelly in spotlight
Contractor Killed, Two U.S. Troops Wounded in Iraq
Iraq violence contributes to oil market destabilization
DCF criticized for seeking guardian for unborn child
BBC - New Pakistan anti-terror force
Texas gop trying every trick there is
Rove & Repugs Redistricting Ohio
Threats, bullets sent to protest pending execution
Interior Secretary Sees Lawsuits on Rockies Drilling
Cuba says Iran was jamming US satellite broadcasts: State Department
US eyes Bulgarian Army training grounds for possible use
UN Staff in Iraq to Be Evacuated, UN Sources Say
City Unplugs Camera Software (This time Tampa)
Iraqi Civilian Killed in Convoy Attack
Enron asks judge to get tough on deadbeat customers
Favorite sons call in big guns in high-priced race for Senate
Australia's far-right leader jailed for electoral fraud
More GOP redistricting? Guess who's this time.
CBS News: In other developments in Iraq
Why the lessons of Vietnam do matter
Ratliff 'distraught' over redistricting, contemplates resignation
Rep Rob Simmons R-CT(2nd District), Sen. Joe Lieberman stress united front
"Why We're Winning the War on Terror" (Ashcroft)
"We Cannot Afford to Fail" -- Dean On Yesterday's Events In Iraq
In Iraq,McCain Vows to Fight for All Resources Needed for U.S. Troops to
Deciding Where To Draw The Lines
Pipes Makes No Apologies for Muslim Remarks
Report: Janklow Going 70 - 75 Mph at Crash ( this should ans questions)
PM (Blair) 'approved Kelly strategy'
Opposition Demands Referendum in Venezuela
Kofi Annan just says he isn't aware of UN/Iraq refusing extra security!
Drug Lead in West Virginia Shootings
Most Americans Oppose Vouchers, Poll Says
Dem Start Group to Try to 'Recall' Bush
U.N. Was Wary of Role in Post-War Iraq (under US security)
Where do you spend most time online?
Best delivery system for medical marijuana?
Who Wants to Bash Connecticut?
41 years young! Happy birthday to...
great bumper sticker I saw today...
I quit the IT industry I have had it, any suggestions on where to go?
Helloween -- Michael Vs Pinhead? Maybe....
The "Guilty Pleasure Movie" Thread.
Best Rock N Roll Album of All Time? you want to know a secret?
The Befuddled Zoologist of all CAPTIONS!! (Watch yer head.)
LynneSin made me do it: Zeppelin in the afternoon!
I have touch-screen pants, ask me anything!
I'm peri-menopausal. Don't ask me anything.
How's this for a bumper sticker:
Which movie should I Pay Per View?
A simple (for you folks) computer question
What's the Best Food To Have After Smoking?
Cardboard cat...where to find one?
Hey Matcom - someone made a Smilie that looks like you!
Help! Need Hillary Clinton quote
About to be laid off, need links to get under boss's skin
Can The Term "Getting Lucky" Apply To Women Too?
I just got back from the groomer
Are you the only liberal/progressive/DUer in your neighborhood?
Can men and women just be friends?
NEW 100 CLUB MEMBERS......................
I know why the blackout - something only DUers could possibly know!
ANN COULTER - vast left-wing conspiiracy!!!
Watching Der Gubernator on CNN...
The Mixed-Metaphor of all CAPTIONS!!!!
Any frustrations you have, let them out here.
Why Do You Always Have To Get In The LAST WORD???
If you're not watching Crossfire, you're missing a Goddess
Need suggestions for hikes near Moab, Utah
When I wait tables, the room belongs to me
Would You Trade DU For A Democratic President?
How high is gas in your area now????
*disgusting hardcore pornography here*
Who thinks the Lincoln assassination
Task Force unleashed to determine cause of blackouts...
Is that Georgie Bush I see on the first page shovelling his own BULLSHIT?
Everybody stop and welcome our newest member, NCWolfpackerette!
Alabama DUers, what's the mood down there?
What CAPTIONS can we squeeeeeeeeeze out of this?
the shame and stigma of chronic gurning
Randi Rhodes just sang 'Happy Birthday' to me!
Will DU Get Over 1000 Donations By Sunday?
How's the weather where you live?
Television the Drug of the Nation
The Kid stays in the Picture! Bob Evans is awesome!
The "we still love you, newsguyatl" thread!
Help settle a dispute-what brand was "The thinking man's cigarette"?
I ROLL MY OWN... And Last Year I Saved $800 By Rolling My Own
Alright, who broke the FRIGGIN' THERMOMETER?
I just bought Al Franken's new book. Ask me anything.
The West WIng 1st season dvd out Nov.18th!!!
I'm in love with Karen from "Will & Grace"
I always thought the dreamcatcher avatar was Donut Man. Ask me anything!
Denehey coach - wasnt he a professed christian
BREAKING: Ah-nuld is boring the crap out of me on CNN.
The California Recall Candidates
“I’m not going to compromise my God for your pocketbook!”
"Peace to all of the dipshit stupid chickenshit asshole fuckheads!!!"
Anyone Have A Scary (or spooky) Story To Share?
What do you eat for breakfast?
How many times should I polish my star?
Congratulate me on reaching my 500th post at nearly the same time DU
In the last 8 hours I've gotten 12 Sobig virus emails.
Today, I heard a live Kucinich speech on NPR
7 more donations!! MAKE THE PIE HIGHER!!! CONGRATS, ADMIN!!!
I just donated to DU! Ask me anything!
Poll:BEST TV HAIR? (Male edition)
I'm getting my wisdom teeth out in one hour...
Read any good Nabokovs lately?
Top Ten Things The Iraqi Information Minister Has Admitted Since Being Cap
Best new reality show: MTv's "Newlyweds with Jessica and Nick"
Bridgewater NJ company has Admin. Asst. Jobs Open
Google Tool Bar 2.0 now with scrubbing bubbles!
Bush growing 3rd leg and 3rd Arm?
"Queer as Folk" for straight women?
Some Arizonans have a sense of humor about the gas crisis.
I am leaving for Laughlin Nevada tomorrow..Can I get you anything??
Air Combat Computer Players -- I need some advice
Grrr... scientific mistake on NPR
DSL even makes me type faster!!!!
For Anyone Who Was Freaked Out By My Peeping Eyed John Aschcroft...
Matrix? Oscars? You're joking, right???
Crashing by Design, (i.e. how I feel this morning)
Movie industry blames texting for Bad Box Office (no joke)
need a break? . . . a diversion? . . . a smile? . . .
A classic about "left-wingers" from Bloom County
Favourite oddball, "haven't heard it in years" song?
Wow! Look how red that guage is at the top of the page!
Australian TV News - worse than the US?
An emergency warning just came on TV. What is it?
Neil Young's Greendale was released today
I just bought "Chicago" on DVD...Ask me anything!
Doctor Arrested for Drugging Mental Patients and Selling Them as Wives
I was born in( your city here)...(your state/country here)
"Im part Cherokee" of the signs of the South.
Scientists on Bush Team Sez, Global Warming A Sham!!!!
Do you have images of other DUers in your mind?
What does it mean to be a man?
attn computer experts. What virus-related scam is this?
Thank you, DUers: 500 Donations! Guess how high we go & win a T-shirt!
Is anyone here familiar with asperger's syndrome?
"JESUS Is Coming...... Are YOU ready?"
I just got my wisdom teeth removed this morning.
Why do repukes want to run government like a business?
Has anyone here been near death?
How far do you live from your birth city?
The Housing Bubble: Fact or Fiction?
Draft Prof. Irwin Corey, for President.
My cat likes to assault stocking caps,scarves, mittens
Depp close to managing Burton`s CHOCOLATE FACTORY
Bad news for David Lee Roth fans!
Let's not Bash West By Gawd Virginia!
My dog just came back from the groomer