It's official - Saddam was not an imminent threat
George b...'s Transatlantic Crisis
Chancellor Schröder moves toward a German military mission in Iraq
If You're A Dean Supporter And Going To The DC March On Sat Please Read
DU'ers Help Seattle Anti-Bush Demonstrators!
Protesting Mountain Removal (!) in TN.
Tell this 20-year-old why anyone would need more than one credit card.
BBC: French Obstacle to Iraq Force Plans
Paul Giella's "AMAZING" Blackout Adventure
Are the words: "Testosterone"and PMS" used in replies considered by Admins
Israel´s struggle against terror: A chronology of deadly attacks
For all the WTC conspiracy theorists out there....
Imagine Dean is President: Do we invade Iraq?
Check out my new Dean merchandise
Go look at CNN on the Fox ruling lost
Beautiful, totally gratuitous slam on Ann Coulter slips by Scarborough
BBV: RESEARCH files on ITAA Board of Directors
Social Immobility - the truth about the American economy
How many Judge Moore supporters have you challenged today?
if there is a draft can people just get drugged up before their physical?
Three dollar plus Gas....and the RECALL
Most outrageous right wing lie of the last two decades?
How about this presidential election?
Is there anything that money cannot buy ?
Who Saw Joe Conason Make a Fool Out of Steve Malzberg Last Night?
NOW w/Bill Moyers back this week!
Explain the meaning of the Bush mantra: "They hate us for our freedoms..."
Bill Maher THread: Margret Cho will be on
When is Schwarzennegar going to be outed?
Flavia Colgan Shines While Ann Coulter Looks Even More Pathetic than Usual
FreeRepublic Defense Force comes to aid of judge Moore
Is the Brett Hut US soldier in Iraq letter home to parents legit?
For all the WTC conspiracy theorists out there....
dem Ben Affleck in studio at sox game (UPN38), with Remy+Sean
Rush has changed his tune on Arnold......why?
The gang that couldn't shoot straight...
Have You Noticed GOP Threatening Dems Regarding Terror/War, etc?
O'Reilly didn't mention the lawsuit
Carville-Matalin politics will play as 'real-time fiction'
I got an email from Bill Clinton
Hey masochists.. Coulter on Scarborough tonite
Wesley Clark rally scheduled tomorrow in Little Rock ...
lights out on dennis kucinich
Whatever lie will work……..tell it.
September is when this Admin. introduces “New Products”…
Who is the Talk Show Host McIntyre?
New Fox Slogan - FOX News: "Wholly Without Merit"
BBV: My notes on the meeting of between the ITAA and the BBV Yakuza
The Woman who stood up to Judge Roy Moore
Tinfoil Hat Alert! Viruses Everywhere! Frontrunning Dems $$$'s /Internet?
I hate that I'm nervous about flying in a week
Remember Bush's air quality report for New York after 9/11?It was all lies
Canada's new marijuana law will hurt U.S. problem: official
Poll Shows Recall Support Narrow as GOP Moves to Push Some Out of Race
WP: Alabama Judge Relents on Monument
Sobig.F Worm Believed to Start at Web Porn Site
Survey shows some 12,000 dead in European heat wave
DU'er maxanne is going to burn in hell, post farewell messages
Update from my minister about the Harry Potter letters to the editor...
I no longer eat after 6PM, ask me anything!
Do Cats Really Have Nine Lives
Hey, Chuckup, are you planning anther psychic session in the lounge?
Regarding my "Schoolhouse Rock" polls...
"Casablanca" is on HBO Signature
Whoops, Hollywood turning on Ahh-Nold
I wanted SOOOO bad to do this sometimes....
I had a crazy dream last night
New Line Re-Releasing First Two Lord of the Rings Movies (W/X-tra footage)
DUers in medical field-question about a pulmonary problem I'm having.
Beatles-lore required to enter UK
Just last week, I could fill up my pickup with $15 (regular)
X11: Apple's secret formula X11:Apple's secret formula
Tonight, I boycotted a Freeper-owned business
"Roger & Me" or "Bowling for COlumbine" - which ought I watch first?
Does G-d have a sense of humor?
Does NYC really never sleep? Doesn’t that make them cranky?
What's your favorite "Schoolhouse Rock" song? (Part 3)
What's your favorite "Schoolhouse Rock" song? (Part 4)
What's your favorite "Schoolhouse Rock" song? (Part 2)
What's your favorite "Schoolhouse Rock" song? (Part 1)
WHo plays the best hollywood loser?
Superfreak.... does he say "caucasians sing"?
Last day at old job....up next, first day at new job!
I just saw The Quiet American. Wow. Wotta movie!
My letter to ET(entertainment tonite) re: Arnold
local televangelist sez I'm going to burn in hell
I picked the lock and am opening the Grotto to the masses
I step outside and look up at that night sky filled with light...
Witness: Message board break down of rightwing nutcase.
OK, last poll from me ever, is it "Tow the Line" or "Toe the Line"?
Did you know that the 1915 Model T got 25-30 mpg?
Who else hates the commercials?
SweetZombieJesus, HOW ARE YOU??? (kick this!)
What has happened to the US Army in Iraq? B. Cloughley
Couple weeks old, but I don't think it's a dupe
The "Alabama Commandments" as told to Cousin Elroy
Knoxville Tenn News: War foes were right
Court Orders Woman In Wheelchair Removed From Ten Commandments Monument
White House swayed EPA after 9/11
hope in Seattle: Letters to the editor( excellent reading)
Peter Lee: 'That giant sucking sound' (Outstanding read!!--)
Newsweek on torture: "We Have Ways of Making You Talk" worth reading
Faux's Hubris Is Their Own Undoing
Bush has more important things to do.
Wesley Clark: The Guy Who Almost Started World War III
Coulter: Gore/Davis Best Argument For Friendly Fire
Don't Let FirstEnergy Restart the Davis-Besse Nuclear Plant
Protest Ashcroft in Boise 8/25
Correction: Boise was last Monday - the cretin is going to be in SLC 8/25
What are YOU doing to register voters???
I want to make anti-Bush videos! What software do I need?
August 26 St.Louis/St. Paul protest Bush
Active War propaganda in part of Europe
How much of the History Channel is Propaganda?
Why do you have some "good" days and some "bad" days ?
Black Labor's Role In Transforming The Urban Landscape
Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Speech, I HAVE A DREAM
Bobby Bonds Dies At Age 57 After Long Illness
Congressman John Lewis. Living History of The Civil Rights Movement.
THE BLACK COMMENTATOR - Ward Connerly Cartoon
Watchdog orders Freddie Mac chief to go
Worldcom's Ebbers' character, business methods sowed seeds of disaster.
THE WHITE HOUSE LIED! NYC Air Quality After 9-11 Not Safe
I don't understand. If Iraq is part of the war on terrorism...
High-Ranking Officials Admit 9/11 Could've Been Prevented
3 traders tortured, murdered - Fiji
Nigeria planning to launch military satellite
I'd rather carry lever action .44 mags or .30/30s
Canadian Provinces won't prosecute Firearms Act offenders
Judge Roy Moore is to the religious issue as Scary Brady is to RKBA.
Is it possible for ALL candidate threads to be in
Could you please clarify rule of dup post
Seems like a newbie FAQ, but I haven't found it there...
When should I send an article, and when should I just post a thread?
Israel Vows to Target Militant Leaders
Israel Paralyzes ‘Roadmap’ Peace Plan, Kills Truce
Children's author faces Jewish wrath
Palestinian leaders seek new cease-fire, which Israel may be asked to sign
The philosophers of chaos reap a whirlwind
Mombasa hotel bombing suspect out on bail - Kenya
Inside story of the hunt for Bin Laden
High-Ranking Officials Admit 9/11 Could've Been Prevented
Did Neo-Cons Gone Wild Make a Propaganda Spectacle of the WTC?
WT7 Collapse Caught on Video ---------------------------MPEG PART 2
Dean: Wall Street Journal Commentary (8/22/03)
The Charisma Tour: The Graham family
Dean shifts gears as status changes
Are the casualties being forgotten?
Bill Simon to DROP OUT CA recall race. CNN Reporting.
Will Clark throw the election to Gephardt?
ANY PICS of Washington & Portland protests?
Just Imagine Shakira as President...
Check out this website if you want to know more about Kucinich...
Breakdown of the candidates on the main issues
Is Mona Charen insane? Or just drugged?
Capital Gang - L.A. Times poll will show Bustamante 35% to Arnold 22%
Bush takes his August vacation in Plausible Denial. Hello Bifecta..
The source of Dean's foreign policy credentials
What would U.S. be like if King, the Kennedys weren't assassinated?
Judge Denny Chin (Fox v. Franken) is Clinton appointee
Schumer Faults Bush for Massive Blackout ....
Voter registration for the masses!
C Span is showing the Rally in DC
They kill the "peacemakers" don't they?
Heads Up DC DU'ers: Dean on TV tonight
Fox sues Al Franken and loses: Result: Book sales thru the roof, Hahahaha
Who thinks DU should ban the bizarre 9-11 conspiracy theory threads
OFFICIAL! Guy James Show starting NOW!!!!! 3pm Saturday....
Have another bite of this tasty shit sandwich: Government by the Wealthy
Just finished the Franken book...
HUNTS POINT, WASH- Protesters Greet The President With Chorus of Boos
remember Bushco reports on Uday stealing from Iraqis
The Christian (sic) Coalition just explained why we need a Constitution...
If someone asked you to sign a petition against same-sex marriage....
The MOTHERLOAD poll: Newsweek: Bush: Drip, drip, drip: Dems on rise
After watching clark this week, i sent another donation to dean
The next Dem President should go to the UN and 'repent'
Would Dean announce Clark as his running mate before primaries start?
michelle malkin gives franken more publicity
Two of the (many) reasons we need Dennis in the WH
Please help me name one person that Bush*
And the war comes home: first Monterey, CA area native killed in Iraq.
Why did one Gore elector abstain from voting?
Simple Simon drops out, backs Aww-no'd
Stupid is as stupid does - Sean Hannity
Jeb privatizes & schools may lose internet access!
UK Scientist's Death Probe Makes Evidence Public - Its all on the web now
faux news at 3pm saturday.... lol
Bush Radio Address: Al-Qaeda's at war with the UN..
favorite part of franken's book?
Cardinal Stafford Speaks On "Liberal-Nietzchean Culture"
Whada-ya-say we get all the Fallwells and Osamas....
WIRED NEWS: Patriot Act II Resurrected?
need contact info for helen thomas
What if Lieberman wins the nomination?
The list of those who might attack U.S. and U.N. in Iraq is long
Pledges to General Clark Top $700,000!
Lets have some fun: List Bush's Lies
Sylvia. Mwahahaha....priceless
Ha ha ha ha ha, Thank you Faux News, Al Franken #1 on Amazon
TNT is playing the terminator, Is this ok?
Shamelessly whoring a 9 year old
US Forces Dead=273; Iraqi Civilians Kiled=6,113; .... WMD=0
Why do the 10 Commandments have to be removed from the building?
Reminder : Guy James Show at 3 PM ET - Tune/ Call in
Simon's name must remain on the ballot
Good or Bad ?: All the conservatives should drop out and leave Arnold..
CSpan's coverage of the DC King Rally - 3 PM
First Harry Potter Supported Libertarianism, Now This One Says Liberalism
What Can Anyone Tell Me About Sojourners?
"shameful displays of intellectual dishonesty"
CHENEY learned about FEAR from Master Nixon
Bush takes credit for increase in salmon production in WA
US troops shot two young Iraqi's for loitering and breaking curfew
Instead of photo ops onboard aircraft carriers
"The Big Dance" and the fall of Bush*
Curious how Attorney General Bill Pryor
Panama: the forgotten Bush invasion
What Is the Most Important Quality for a Judge to Have?
The UN bombing in Iraq had impact
Who watched Hardball last night?
Link: Davis finds silver lining as rival rises
Some clues to 2004 election strategy, thanks to CA race?
Help! Need some info/input/resources about 'competition'
Who are you gonna believe ? Me or your lying eyes ?
"shoot-down" plane policy resumes
Just another lie, White House swayed EPA after 9/11
UN diplomat Sergio Vieira de Mello's last words: LETS ROLL!
Judge Chin inquires if “Bush and Cheney affiliated with Fox News…?”
Have you ever wished you could contact an Iraqi personally
White House & EPA lied about post 9/11 air quality
Flame My Local Radio Wingnut, Not Me
"Who will help me SNIFF the Bread" said Henny Penny...
The Propaganda War in the U.S. Army
Space Supporters....We Should Show Support To Brazil Right Now
Is Jihad Unspun a CIA creation?
did anyone see rash lintball in wsj?
Anyone remember "QBVII" by Leon Uris?
Canadian TV alert: Inside Gitmo
Anniversary of the March on Washington...Could it have happened today?
Look at how the former New York police commissioner gets around Baghdad
Daily U.S. casualties 8/23/2003
EPA lies about White House role in WTC air quality coverup
Buying more war airplanes to bomb cities.
Questions from past follow Janklow into the House
Dean's Good Ol' American Horse Sense.
Lieberman calls Dean "unelectable"
who wrote the 10 Commandments?
Winning the Independent voters: First, lets do away with a myth..
has Holy Joe issued a statement about the 10 Commandments yet?
interesting: Moses, The 10 Commandments and Supreme Court building
Would You Be More Likely To Vote For ...
Exposing the real George W (let's do it for Sally!)
Stop the Florida-tion of the 2004 election
Did you know that the 1915 Model T got 25-30 mpg?
Did Neo-Cons Gone Wild Make a Propaganda Spectacle of the WTC?
I step outside and look up at that night sky filled with light...
Was BlackHawk Down really Clinton's fault?
DU -- Part of the Beloved Community
Toward a Critique of Libertarian Property Rights
The monumental mess in Alabama, is tied to the Christian Identity movement
Should Iraq be partitioned into 3 countries ?
Doctor Dean for the death penalty
Scarborough's comment on Kerry
"Will Democrats Put Blacks on Ice in ’04?": A New View from Northstar
Does Al Franken ridicule Jesus in his book?
If the Dems in Congress had voted for the war our troops wouldn't be dying
Kerry To Announce The Same Day As Clark?
Check out this website if you want to know more about Kucinich...
Of the nine presidential candidates...
Who is going to win the D.C. Primary?
South Jersey Gas Prices? UP 26 cents in 8 Days!
Patriotapalooza tour showcases Patriot Act, eroding civil rights
Why get the imitation when you can have the real thing?
Ned more proof that the US used uraniam-laced bombs in Afghanistan
Dean in writing in the Friday Wall Street Journal op-ed page
(Completed) BBC poll on world's opinion of America
Tony "The Poodle" is going down - will The Chimp soon follow?
These heroes will NOT give up the fight: Kristen B. and the WTC widows
interesting proposed law I read
DemActivist given official permission to hack Georgia voting machines
Do Conservatives Honestly HATE Us? Should I Bother To HATE Them Back?
9/11 widows - astounding article
Bush pal Sun Myung Moon -- what you should know
BBV: Tampering risk doesn't alter ballot plans (NY)
Miss. high court: Fetus a 'person'
Decker talking about making return to N.C. GOP (NC Majority At Stake)
Vets Upset Over Medical Care Funding
GOP Simon quits Cali Recall race
Top Contributors to Candidates in the Recall Election
Calif. Recall Support Waning, Poll Says
Three boys held at Guantanamo Bay expected to be released soon
Fox's Bid to Block Franken Book Is Denied (AP)
Hamas Calls Bush 'Islam's Biggest Enemy'
Army chief denies report of attack against Bulgarian soldiers in Iraq
Air traffic controllers, Bush administration at odds over jobs
U.S. Taps Media Chief for Iraq
Democrat blasts Republicans over blackout
Planes Intercepted Near Bush's Air Space
Dean Seeks Bush Wake-Up Call on 'Sleepless' Tour
Fresh fighting breaks out in Liberia
9/11 Phone Transcripts Ordered Released
Voucher program gets new scrutiny (Florida)
Fugitive Texas Democrats Helped by Web Drive (MoveOn gives $1M)
Pedophile Priest Geoghan killed in prison
U.S. Protests Mexico's Effort at U.N. to Protect Aid Employees
Dean Promotes Himself Like a Rock Star
GOP senator is 'distraught' over Demos, state politics| Texas
Houston faces own biblical battle
Revealed: how ministers tried to gag David Kelly [Independent]
Liberians report fresh fighting, thousands flee
Nugent Sues Town Over Canceled Concert
The Propaganda War in the U.S. Army
20 die in Russian copter smash - governor and top aides on board
Blair Aides Shaped Iraq Dossier
Davis winning the race for money
GOP-led team finds new target in California recall election
U.S. forces kill two during ethnic clashes in Iraq (Kurds and Turkmen)
Soviet Union's past remains buried
General Clark sits on the fence again, beats around the Bush - CNN
WMD: Australia accused of hype
Afghans say they retake some areas from Taliban
Sanctions Harden Iraqis Attitude to U.N.
Many Venezuelans Keep Faith in Their President Despite Hardships
U.S. Wants Foreign Leaders' Laundered Assets
Federal Probes Target Lucent Technologies (Saudi Arabia & Bribery)
Redfern promises fight over new congressional districts (OH Redistricting)
Bush, GOP right have squandered war on terror, Braun says
Christian Churches Should Stop Using the Cross, Group Says
Blasts, Gunfire Rock Iraqi City of Kirkuk
Concerts to Honor Slain Reporter Pearl
U.S. Plans to Restore Iraq's Electricity (By End Of Sept)
Hamas Calls Bush 'Islam's Biggest Enemy' [Bush freezes assets]
Venezuelan gov't defies court over Cuban doctors
Russia to go ahead with nuke plant in Iran
Bush: World Must Thwart Bombers' Totalitarian Aim
U.S. Defense sec Rumsfeld: There is a significant terrorist threat Latin A
Faux reporting Bill Simon drops out of Calif. race
Christian Coalition of AL. Responds to Chief Justice Roy Moore Suspension
Hamas Calls Bush'Islam's Biggest Enemy'
Momentum Forces Dean to Shift to Higher Gear (DEAN & CLARK TALKING!)
Writer's campaign manager bows out (Huffington)
Nearly Half of Americans Wouldn't Vote for Bush Again
Lack of Support (for 10 Commandments) Stuns Visitors
When Is Enough Enough? (New Newsweek Poll re: Iraq)
Schröder: No German troops to Iraq
Yesterday Bush approved 9 recess appointments - including Pipes
Net virus set for 9/11 blitz [The Sun UK]
20,000(+) flee Kelowna (BC, Canada) homes (due to forest fire)
'Half a million troops needed to bring Iraq under control'
Bush made deal with Musharraf not to catch Bin-Laden
AJC: Dare accepted on electronic voting machines
British soldiers killed in Basra
Crackdown to end leisure trips (to Cuba)
BBV: E-vote vendors may form a team
Thousands gather in Venezuela's capital to support president facing ouster
Bobby Bonds dies (Barry's father)
Six Groups Said to Be Monitored in U.S. for Possible Qaeda Links
Favorite Classic Reggae or Ska Tunes
ebay 2947397960 sells a recall vote
Am I heading into soccer momhood? I need to get a new
CAPTION Tarmac the nonMagnificent
From Freeper Central, it is the Libral voice of Missouri, filling..
"You're pretty. But not, like, Victoria's Secret pretty."
Just finished 1st week of law school!
Just saw "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" and "Wayne's World" for the first time
Aldous Huxley - Brave New World (audio adaptation)
Support DemActivist and the effort to crack the GA voting software
Mainstream Movies Are Becoming More Like Porno Movies
Hey! I just made ninety bucks for half an hour of work! Ask me how!
I just broke into the 100+ club! Don't ask anything important!!!!
To Brit DUers-is the band Steadman any good? Where liberals are allowed to FLAME
full time college back in gear! No more easy stuff!
Who here sticks to GENUINE ink cartridges rather than doing the refill bit
Has Will Pitt been around since he was slammed
I've been around here for awhile, but have never bothered to ask.....
Important news you NEED to know
THE ALL NEW "WHo plays the best loser in hollywood" thread!
I'm thinking of completely changing my career path
As if you needed another reason to want to have sex with Linda Carter
Yet another "Ten Commandment" ruling in Alabama
Why aren't there more science fiction movies?
I like SUV's and really don't care what you think
Bought all my business attire!
My computer keeps kicking off with message, NT Authority System
This is the ultimate vanity post!
Going to the AZ Dems statewide meeting today!
Who here drives a Japanese sedan?
With Last Kiss, Widow Dies at Spouses Coffin...
Feces Occurs - how's about a little karma?
Me, Big Dawg, and Tipper Share A Birthday! I always get lost in
ADVICE NEEDED: "Pop-Up" Tent Camper Trailers
Radio Auto Commercials 'Small-Print' Babble... WHY DO THEY BOTHER?
Anyone else see Peter, Paul, and Mary last night?
tech/windows question for people who aren't tech-morons like me
I just got home from seeing Drive By Truckers. Ask me anything!
"Pretty women out walking with gorillas down my street ..."
"You're Zen. But Not ZenLefty Zen."
tech/windows question for people who aren't tech-morons like me
Any Neil Finn or Crowded House fans?
Pigasus nominated for presidential contender
Best Buy service...anybody else have problems with it?
I had a dream: Dennis Miller punched me!
Anyone remember The Lone Gunmen?
They blindfolded me and took me to the fossil room for my 50th birthday
What are you NOT going to do today?
Just bought the best political record
just keeps on lying and lying and lying
I got a big ass gnat flying around my monitor
From Usenet: RWer's proof of a liberal media
Starbucks's marketing of bottled Frappucino:
Anyone know how to find the source of a streaming video in Media Player 9?
Do you think Stacy`s mom has ~really~ got it going on?
Please, please tell me what these terms MEAN?
I have a pint of gin in me; ask me anything
What the hell is this on Discovery Channel right now?
Yo - Seattle! This is Florida calling - we have your weather!
Who thinks DU should ban threads that talk about cats?