The face of Afghanistan's resistance
The US left picking up the pieces
Greg Palast-Black-Out at the Times
Bush may yet fall victim to the electors' revenge
And Al Franken thought HE had it bad.....................
Salon: Lenny Bruce Died for Our Sins
Krugman: Dust and Deception (NYC stiffed by Repugs)
George Monbiot (London Guardian): Beware the bluewash
How about a good old fashion Texas BBQ for Labor Day!!!
Chris Matthews proves once again, that he is a Republican coward
Should I raise my kids in an organized religion?
Hey Admins, can my mom start an account using my email address?
Grant me martyrdom but not yet: Hamas leaders go underground
Moseley Braun at Equality Day Luncheon
Pre-emptive strikes: "Clinton's been off the job since
Dale Brown Reconsidering Run for Senate
Kucinich: U.N. Should Take Over Peace Keeping in Iraq
how many of you, like me, are waiting to contribute...
Edwards wants to require health analysis for EPA changes
Eric Alterman: Meeting Candidate KERRY
Kerry receives 'F' from NRA Dean gets 'A'
A Progressive Case for Dean? Not Yet, Kucinich Is Still Our Man
the solution to security in Iraq
Reminder: Al Franken on CNN w/ Paula Zahn coming up NOW!
Petition drive seeks to teach lawmakers a school lesson
Aussies tell US no more troops for Bush's Iraq Oil Grab
I'm so sick of the anti-Propoganda propoganda
Florida's Education Commissioner Horne in the news...
I thought we were past all of this "blame the communists" shit
CTA says no to recall, yes to Bustamonte
Does the Democratic Party need to restructure..?
Big Shiite (peaceful) demonstration ...U.S. death toll stands at 276
Scouting donations bypass United Way (gay) ban
8 firefighters from Oregon killed in wreck near Vale
Big Shiite demonstration outside coalition headquarters, U.S. death toll s
US May Drop Bid for New UN Resolution
I'm no particular fan of "Ah-nuld", but some of the things people say
Dean Draws Overflow Crowd in Washington
Never trust the US: Pro-US Afghan commanders land at Guantanamo
US attacked over UN resolution (BBC)
Iraq: Turkish Troops Not Welcome
Japan Bars N. Korean Ship From Leaving
Pipeline as "a serious blow to Turkish-Israeli relations."
Gul: It is Impossible to Accept What Has Happened in Kerkuk
US Urges Patience on Iraq, Shi'ites Angry Over Bomb
Liberia's Blah Urges Peacekeepers to Halt Killings
Party Favor - Howard Dean rallies the faithful in Virginia.
WP: GAO Cites Corporate Shaping of Energy Plan
Candidates encroach on Bush Democratic hopefuls boldly hit Texas to stump
Not Up to Code? Embellishing the Flag, Then the Web Site
S.Korean Navy Fires Shots After N.Korean Incursion
Interest rate rises to take heat out of house sales
CBS: Aid Agencies Retreat From Iraq
WP: Patience on Iraq Policies Urged
U.S. May Drop Bid for New U.N. Resolution
WP: U.S. Postwar Deaths Now Equal Iraq War Fatalities
U.S. Opposes Resolution on Protecting U.N. Staff and Humanitarian Workers
Bush 'Compassion' Agenda: An '04 Liability?
Absent (Texas) Dems want assurances of no arrests
NYT: Top US Expert on North Korea Steps Down...
Schwarzenegger Jabs at Bustamante, Invokes Reagan
GOP Renews Hope for Alaska Oil Drilling
CNN: Bush says he's 'not a gadget guy'
Anyone seen the new Italian Job movie?
When do you consider summer over?
Attention: Texas DUers and all other interested parties.
So what have you been listening to lately?
Ok, here I go, first post on DU ...
Hey everyone, a big thank you from my mom
I'm five posts shy of 1000--ask me five things!
Which bugs you more, the pro-clock or the anti-clock propaganda?
Gay Myths (seeking help from my queer brothers and sisters)
Favorite singer-songwriter ever
Byrd in WP: "Unprepared for Peace in Iraq"
San Francisco Chronicle: Dueling op/ed pieces on the Recall
This piece is a must read, Monbiot truly understands Bush!
Would the 'real' Ten Commandments please step forward?
Bombay Blasts: Should India send her troops to Iraq?
Coming to a store near you: GI George - Toronto Star
PNAC Neo-Con Agenda and Evidence of Pentagon Frame-Up
Modesto Bee editorial: "We're not buying lame excuses for high gas prices"
Bush 'Compassion' Agenda: A Liability in '04 (for non-performance)
Local cartoonist has hand in Franken's right-wing roast - Funny Review
New York Magazine: "This Isn't War" (Clinton Slams DLC?)
Excuses for high gas prices: proposed letter to the editor
Will Hutton: Alone, the US will fail
Kingdom, Russia to Expand Oil Cooperation
Soldiers in Iraq feel forgetten by US - A scribe's salute to the troops
“We send our best guy to Iraq and he comes home in a box”
MEMRI: Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 146 August 26, 2003
Dill: "software bugs, and malicious code" require voter verifiable audit t
Bush may yet fall victim to the electors' revenge
Arianna in SF Wed! Big Speech At Noon
Howard Dean Rally in Chicago Today 8/26
reporting “just the facts” — as they are presented by the government
Today's winner for best logic in a news story...
Liberty Media exits Vivendi auction
GAO Cites Corporate Shaping of Energy Plan
Post your recipes here! To benefit Dem 2004 candidate
Spooky and intriguing thing I heard as a kid
Daily U.S. Casualties 8/25/2003
Corporate America more pro-gay than ever
Christian Right Toughens Stand On Gays--"Civil Unions As 'Evil' As Gay Mar
Men get probation in antigay egg-throwing
Judge Orders Boston to Hire Four White Firefighters
More churches withhold funds to protest Robinson
What happened to the "Questions for Gays" thread?
Machines will make criminal of every (British) driver
Leader of House Judiciary Committee opposes marriage amendment
North Carolina still enforcing sodomy law
Median house prices and incomes revisited
Question for economics policy wonks
Acquittals in cases of communal violence in India
US occupation force in Iraq recruiting former Iraqi secret police
Inside story of the hunt for Bin Laden (Iraqwar.Ru)
Republicans call for investigation into condom claims
Shhhhh! Quiet It's Lunch Time! So Much For The "Silent" Lunch.
Business owner fatally shoots intruder
CRIME: Keep 'em guessing (Opinion piece)
No criminal charges in shotgun home defense
Little Rock Citizens Say Criminals Don't Obey Gun Laws
Altamonte Police Cruiser Stolen; Shotgun Missing
And yet another cop's gun stolen.
Defense of self, family is a personal duty
All gun owners are willing to get their families killed
can people change their username?
I'm gonna post this in GD, but thought you'd like it!
The Press in conflict / A return to the `intifada routine'
Bystander killed, 26 wounded in Israeli missile strike
Israelis Snatch Palestinian Gunmen From Hospital Beds
Bystander killed in failed IAF assassination attempt in Gaza
UN Senior Officials Condemn Israel’s Extra-judicial Assassination
Daily U.S. Casualties 8/25/2003
About the Dean vs. Kucinich on social security.
Liberal Oasis: How Dean Can Drop Public Financing And
Democrat Wesley Clark Criticized as Advocate of 'Nation Building'
How much of the money sent to DraftClark2004 will reach Clark?
Don't fear a battle over Civil Unions
Hartford Courant -- Why Joe Lieberman Will Never Be President
Moseley-Braun WILL NOT endorse Kerry. She is announcing Sept 22.
Dean expects to raise 10 mil+. How does this impact....
WA-2: Auditor challenges Larsen
CSPAN tonight, 9:30pm EDT...carries Gov. Howard Dean live
Dean to air political ads in Six States
Kerry tells veterans that Bush has ignored lessons of Vietnam
A tale of 2 Dem Prez Campaigns
NYT- Dean Readies Ad Blitz More Than Year Ahead of Election
MO: Maxwell won't seek re-election as lieutenant governor :-(
The Bat....$900,000 and counting...
Holy Cow! Democrat Dean Shocked by Campaign Crowds
To those who oppose Dean due to his position on guns
Rep. Major Owens Endorses Howard Dean
Inspriation (me on Kucinich basically feel free to add your comments)
NOW endoresment for Moseley Braun official
Kerry Meet Up Thursday To Prepare Hellacious Bush Ass-Whomping
FL Dems are rippin each other......Penelas accused of hurting Gore.
If the supporters of Kucinich in a given county are mostly Greens,
Oppositional agitprop at DU, never would have believed it.
Anyone wonder if DU bored moderation can be hacked?
Agitprop disruption on DU...never would have believed it..
Disturbing thought I had about Bush's foreign policy
If Buddhism were a political party what would be its platform?
If Pat Buchanan runs again, he'll hurt a Bush a lot more
Just 2 weeks to go before 9/11 anniversary and they STILL.....
Lieberman, on FOX, says Dems Don't Deserve to Win if They Go Too Far Left
Repuke Email on Social Security
Right-winger: Clark commanded at Waco. Is this true?
Who else just LOVES the term "Whistle-Ass"
Just a little photo to make everyone feel just a little bit better
Sources: Clark led 7th Cav to annihilation at Little Big Horn
HOLY CRAP!!! I just watched Faux News and....
For those who claim to believe in democracy but defend Diebold..
9/11 Poll: What really happened?
"Then we'll have another war" (we've been lied to!)
Turkmen representative on Iraqi council wants Kirkuk police disarmed
Iraqi Shi'ites Vow Revenge For Bomb Attack
Iraqis say they are in the dark over rebuilding plans
US Soldiers Storm Northern Iraqi Town Hunting for Gangster in Bid to Boo
Foreign subs detected near Russian Pacific military exercises
Two peacekeepers killed in Ivory Coast
277th US soldier killed in Iraq today 8/26/03
Rwanda opposition rejects poll
Military exercise turns deadly - Russia
Report Says Limited Cooperation Thwarts a Full Review of Cheney's
Postwar Iraq Toll Exceeds Combat Deaths
Cuban from Connecticut brings Senate campaign to S. Florida (Republican)
Mexico Challenges U.S. on Protection of UN Workers
Mexico Challenges U.S. on Protection of UN Workers(Internat'l Crim. Court)
CBO sees $480 billion U.S. deficit in fiscal 2004
Israelis Snatch Palestinian Gunmen From Hospital Beds
25 killed in highway robberies - Nigeria
Reuters: Announcement of Record Budget Shortfall Expected
Countdown to execution of anti-abortion killer
One U.S. Soldier Killed, Two Wounded in Iraq
Political analysis | Graham's stance on war risks harm at home
Postwar U.S. Iraq Deaths Exceed Toll During War
Couple Is Accused of Keeping Their 5-Year-Old Sons in Makeshift Cages
WP: Homeowners Getting Refinancing Surprise
India Braces for Backlash as Bomb Victims Cremated
Study says Texas passes up millions for children's insurance
Iran nukes still a concern - IAEA
Now a player, Dean raises campaign goals
Corporations Oppose Bush Forest Proposal
US military to expand Guantanamo Bay camp
The BBC is brave to spell out the motives behind Murdoch's attacks
Boy's Death at Church Ruled a Homicide
US tried to plant WMDs, failed: whistleblower
Under Fire, Bush to Address Doubts on Iraq Policy
Armed men threaten to kill members of Iraqi Governing Council: TV
US Checking Possibility of Pumping Oil from Northern Iraq to Haifa,....
Palestinians: 2 dead, 20 hurt in IAF missile strike in Gaza
Dean Sucks Up to Cuban Americans, Flip Flops on Embargo
Arms-Grade Uranium Reported at Iran Plant
Civilians flee as Liberian town falls to rebels
Colombian Air Force Chief Quits (Firing on Civilians in 98)
Israel launches missle(s) into the Gaza strip
Ex-PoW finds safety back inside barbed wire
New UN resolution on Iraq jeopardized by fierce resistance: US officials
Mexico challenges U.S. on protection of UN workers
AWOL on cable news channels now 8/26 4:00 PM EST
Commuter plane crashes off Cape Cod
Israel kills bystander in Gaza strike on militants
Oxfam pulls foreign workers out of Iraq (International aid workers)
GAO Cites Corporate Shaping of Energy Plan
Increase of hotspots up deployment chances(Stars N' Stripes-good info)
AFL-CIO endorses Bustamante in case Davis recalled
U.S. Exhausts Seized Iraqi Assets, May Seek More Aid
Iran ready to sign additional protocol of IAEA agreement
Bush To Attend Fund-Raisers, Address American Legion
US Airways Express Plane Crashes Into Water Off Cape Cod
U.S. Exhausts Seized Iraqi Assets, May Seek More Aid
Venezuela's Chavez Endorses Creation of Election Agency
Canada Signs Historic Land Deal With Dogrib Indians
Commandments Monument Backers File Suit
US forced onto the defensive over mounting toll in Iraq
Report: U.S suspects Iraqi WMD in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley
US Blocks UN Res to Protect Aid Workers in Iraq/UN Workers
US 'can send troops to Iraq in a minute'
'Sealand's grounding was a horrible mistake'
Clark Backers Raise $1 Million
Dean's Bush-bashing talk energizes Austin crowd
Aug 26: Statement of the Texas 11 (Texas Dems)
(Schwarzenegger) Candidate says he'd govern as an independent
Killer Confesses He Hates Gays, Prosecutor Refuses Hate-Crime Charge
FBI, Ashcroft Sued in Anthrax Probe (Steve Hatfill)
Victims' remains to be stored in World Trade Centre memorial
Under Fire, Bush Vows 'No Retreat' from Iraq
Guardian: Tories would close BBC website
Church Leader Vows To Drive Gay Decadence From Big Easy
Texas Legislature adjourns special session
Carmakers out to prove their metal GM, Ford to offer armored vehicles
Pilots Want More Guns in Cockpits Faster (TSA Dragging Feet)
36 Kids Killed in Hot Cars This Year
Clark Alleges White House Pushed CNN to Fire Him
Report on Shuttle disaster out. NASA culture to blame
Saudis Challenge US on Claims About Iraq
US should set disarming example: Elbaradei
Dean expects $10 million quarter
New GI death in Iraq sets grim mark
NYT: Bush, Speaking to Veterans, Says Iraq May Not Be Last Strike
Dewhurst can change Senate's 2\3 rule, Justice Department says (Tex Fight)
Clark beats Bush 49 to 40 percent in poll
Bush Has Not Attended Even One Funeral Of A U.S. Soldier Killed In Iraq
Rumsfeld says all is going well in Iraq
Dean Leans Toward Supporting Cuban Embargo (WTF????)
Democratic contender Dean alters Cuba stand
U.S. Job Losses Blamed on China's Currency
Need some help with the DU Gallery
Applebee`s : Ryan`s Steakhouse : Culvers : Bennigans
ISS Transits the Sun (COOL film)
I am ashamed to admit that today I saw the worst movie EVER
It's *not* the economy, stupid!
Best opening lines of a novel?
Allergy sufferers - question for you
Any Arizona and Utah residents here?
Is it 'slutty' for a woman to wear a dark bra and a light shirt?
Spock sings about Lord Of The Rings (video)
Looking for the SWAT hand signals
Whistle-ass has a new flag pin
Question for Canadians: What are your national holidays?
I think Dean has passed Lieberman as the most hated candidate on DU.
Help, please. Magpies in the trees.
Who is your Harry Potter female match?
Heaven's Gate cult video online?
Congrats DU! Over 25,000 current registered members!
Who wants a ride in my new car??
Howl! Coffee Coyote has 500 Posts!!!!!!!!
A little taste of New York in Dallas today
Are media outlets just plain dumb, or did they actually miss this boobie?
Free Republic Irony at its finest!!!!
A RANT: The world does not owe you anything!!
What does Michael Moore think of Kazaa...
With Which LotR Female Are You Most Sexually Compatible?
MIT: Every lecture, every handout, every quiz. All online. For free.
With Which Harry Potter Male Are You Most Sexually Compatible?
Songs that actually made you cry
Howard Dean does not drink alcohol!
Anybody have a baby bike trailer???
Who's going to the Dean rally in Bryant Park tonight?
Hi everyone - update on my pathetic life
DU My Poll, Please:
Major pet peeve: Inconsiderate lotto players
Apparently, Will Pitt is a nice guy.
Christian fundies beat autistic child to death
It's mine. My own. My preciousssssssssssssssssss...
Hey man like don't bogart that CAPTION!
Where are they: Alison Stewart from WNN
HELP! I need United Way office fundrasing ideas!
Then you take your thumb off the CAPTION and clear the tube
The Stuttering Ringmaster of all CAPTIONS!!!
In 2 weeks, I'll be officially homeless. Ask me anything.
Maybe a little too heavy for the lounge but ...
A warm DU welcome to UnbrainwashedYouth!
What Is the Best Painkiller On The Market?
Bookmark Exchange: Post your favorites here
Any DUers frequent
Where are Osama & Sadaam's other hands?
the MC Escher of all dam CAPTIONS
Besides Bush, who is your least favorite Bushist?
Jesus H. Ashcroft concert transcript
Any nurse fiction fans out there?
Sex Scenes on British TV Increasing
RBNYC I hope that you are alright
The Mullet - Unique Fashion Statement or Worst Haircut Ever?
Favorite Bloom County Character
What is the most extreme film you've seen? (not faces of death...fiction)
Dell Patents "Reboot and See If That Fixes It"
BatBoy the MUSICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sex Threads in the DU Lounge increasing.
DU needs more cat threads.....
Welcome to our newest DU member!
I'm on the DU front page! Ask me anything.
New born kittens... runt at risk... advice needed
Wedding Guest Bites Off Man's Finger
What's With DUers And Dental Problems?
DUPoll: The most influential sports figure in history
Wouldn't it be wonderful poetic justice...
The dubya dolly action figure comes with a full set!
Who has a T-Shirt with this on it?
Bored? Tired of playing Solitaire? Try JUMBLE online!
I showed my solidarity with the 'Anyone But Bush' movement.
Just started "Main Street" by Sinclair Lewis.
Ask me anything...I've been here since June 2001...and I can't sleep
Update on Nancy Skinner Senate campaign...
how much control do musicians have over their music?
Ten Weeks and back to #2: Hillary is still selling em like hotcakes
What's the strangest thing you've been told for why you are gay?
TAKE THE TEST: Where do you stand politically?
HEY!! GOPISEVIL!!! I GOT TICKETS TO THE TPC Deutsche Bank Championship!!!
Make your voice heard! Vote in this poll!
OMG, somebody responded to my ad!
Which of these words is the funniest-sounding?
Ann Coulter spontaneously combusts
I'm a Christian and a Progressive - You have a problem with that?
On the morality of eating meat...
oooh! I just made Blackberry Jelly for the first time
How about a banner ad for Al's book on the homepage?
What's the dumbest thing somebody's said to you lately?
Offer an opinion: Is this verbal abuse...?
What time is your ALARM set for?
Where the Hell does this judge live?
You Know What Sucks About "Lord Of The Rings" ...
Queer Birth Order Poll: I am a...
SEX: Are you FOR it, or against it?
A Democrat has arrived in Florida
Irony: naming an airport after a man who fired
Cat Thread: How do I eliminate strays?