Democratic Underground

Archives: August 6, 2003

Cartoon: Recall Jeb?

Watchdog Reveals Effort to Gag Anti-Bush Causes

Dean Meetup in NY tomorrow...anyone here going?

Bush protests - Irvine, CA, Tucson, Indianapolis, Portland

Will Pitt Bay Area get together thread

July 4, 1776 Accusations made by the colonists against King George III

Bush Gear ... gives a-hole new meaning to "Let's Roll"

Myth: Some ethnic groups have genetically inferior IQ's

Hispanics Optimistic About Future

"The Dollar Crisis" -- Anyone Reading It?

The Clinton Economy - Al Gore's Assist 10th Anniversary - August 6th, 2003

Charge in puppy death becomes felony

Divided school fires three

Can We Dems STOP The Gun Law Insantity

Cookies On A New Computer

Detained by Israel: Palestinian Child Prisoners

Democrats make pitch to unions (Kucinich stands out at AFL-CIO event)

any results in from the Mississippi primaries

Long Island, Suffolk County Special Election, 3RD District Ends in Defeat

I'm a Deaniebopper and I think Kerry would make a great pres!

VP-Help or Hurt?

Awesome debate: No one took up Kucinich's challenge

OK so Liberman and Bush are on the Ballot, what do you do?

New TBTM Flash: 'Den of Thieves'

Will Dean Bring New People Into Politics?

How Much of the Rise in GDP Was Because of Military Spending?

Arianna to run for Gov of Calif

Campaign Rules for 2004 Democratic politicians

Has the violence slowed in Iraq?

For Traditionalists & Romantics who still believe ........................

Deleted message

A change is in the wind: My mother-in-Law

Jerry Springer

I have no connection to the DLC

Summer Vacation Sightings for 08/06/03

Should the DU host a presdenchal debate?

Why does Kerry keep losing his voice?

Democrats' 'Gloomy' Assessment of Economy Shared by Most Americans

Okay, who won? Edwards was fabulous.

Damn It, I Missed the C-Span Debate. Can Someone Describe It?

I have not decided

Is Bush preparing an invasion of North Korea?

Treasury Dept. to Refuse Senate a List of Saudi Suspects

Here's a graph I haven't seen on CNBC lately...


The Winners and Losers of Tonight's Debate

Terry McAuliffe

We suffer an embarassment of riches compared to Bush ...

Bush bullish, but......

anyone wanna try to freep this Palm Springs Poll?

National Dean in 2004 day. Tomorrow, Wednesday August 6th at 7:00.

DU this poll, Do you trust Bush? Did he provide enough info about Iraq?

When You Let A Madman Steal the WH, You Get Madness

CNN Anchor Cafferty Pleads Guilty (to hit and run)

Who rules the world?

Everyone should contact Ebay about their anti-Democrats issue!

Wow! Kerry, Sharpton, Dean and Moseley-Braun were great in the forum!

Dean Meetup in NY tomorrow...anyone here going?

WOH, MASSIVE lighting storm in DC right now

Hoeffel web site up yet?

Fritz Hollings, telling the truth America's PNAC WH whore $700B deficit

"Foreign occupation is the most brutal form of terrorism."

Take a few minutes to watch this Vietnam Vet documentary

Figuring the costs of!

Are there links to al Qaeda in Iraq? Now I mean.

If you had the power, would you kill all who...

CNN: Powerball winner's $545K cash stolen at SUV at strip club

Mississippi Primary Results

A Modest Proposal for the Middle East

Why not Sharpton?

Who won the C-SPAN debate?

Did anybody change their mind after tonights forum?

Interesting report from Warped Tour 2003

Even Arlen Sphincter is starting to question * , is he skeerd?

Speech by Wolfowitz at West Point, 6/2/2001 (scary)

Lieberman Just Lost The Primary

The day I give up flying forever.

Bill Simon already shoots self in the foot re: recall election

Have Dean and the other Democrats written off Texas in the 2004 election?

Gore plans NYU anti-Iraq War speech Thursday!!

Ga: Andrew Young (Fmr. Black Atlanta Mayor) May Run for Senate

Can we keep Braun in the Race?

Former President Carter to be tried for peace crimes

Why are Dem Candidates on the Campaign Trail Two Years in Advance?

Pre-warning, tomorrow is a big day for the economy

Need help with Dean meetup tomorrow.

Death Toll 08/05 - 08/06/03

5 minutes! Repeat of Democratic Presidential Candidates Forum.

After Tonight's Debate, Who's Your Candidate of Choice?

Okay, who won the "debate?"

First Poll On Tonight's Debate That I've Found

The Secret of Howard Dean's Success

Would Dean accept a VP spot?

Who's the most "Wellstonian" Dean or Kucinich?

Republicans Trying to Spin the WMD Hunt

what is up with the incineration of sarin nerve gas in Alabama?

War Is Worse Than Porno

Is it easier to hate than to love?

O'Whorely Declaring War on DEAN

CSPAN - Pres. Democratic Debate ......ready to watch? It's on now

What will happen if Gore comes back?

Could Gov. Mark Warner of Virginia be our next Vice President?

Informal Bush Poll

Conspiracy theory time....and the fate of the election 2004

Wolfowitz on C. Rose last night, oh the irony

Nope, I still haven't gotten over it.

Why I CAN'T Vote for Joe

Tony Knowles Web Site

CSPAN - Dem. Presidential Debate...thread #2 ...on now

Daily Show: Hunt For Saddam


NY Times Admits Dem Voters are Furious at Bush

Anti-Bush video and infomercial idea.

2 concerns I have about Dean

Black Box: Are states getting suckered by the feds? Maybe no $$$

Career officer does eye-opening stint inside Pentagon

Kit Blamed in UK Gulf Death - body armour taken away, guns failed...

NYT: Cancer Drugs Face Funds Cut in a Bush Plan

Legal Definition Change Protects Fetus in Texas

Voice of Free Iraq Walks Out on U.S.

Americans in Iraq adopt local blood money custom

Tickets on sale for Cheney visit - Billings Gazette

Iraqis get protest warning

Guardsman Killed During Training Exercise (Pa)

Episcopal Church OKs gay bishop

Texas Lt. Gov. Wants to Send Dem Senators Back Home (w/ legal option?)

Dean touts electability

Powell, Armitage Meet with Bush* at His Ranch

U.S. won't release terror financing list

IRS to Ask Low-Income Earners For Proof to Qualify For Tax Credit

Isakson (R) opens campaign in N. Georgia for U.S. Senate

Annan Urges U.N. to Welcome Iraqi Council

Genoa Officer in 'Suspicious' Car Crash (Cop who shot G8 protestor)

Wisconsin: Radio ads aimed at swaying Democrats' votes

Mississippi Voters Choose Ronnie Musgrove on Dem Ballot for Governor

Jakarta bombing may be linked to Aceh, says author

Iraqis increasingly view U.S. troops as foreign occupiers

Arianna to run for Gov of Calif

Question: How did the fly

Ideas wanted for making $$$ by selling on ebay

My baby is turning 5 tomorrow...sniffle...please feel bad for me....

CA Guv.: Bob Dole, Michael Jackson, S. Issa, Angelyne, or Gallagher?

Minneapolis DUers

Wow! I just noticed that I have a star!

I'm Sorry. I'll Go Away. Goodbye

Any fans of Mexican beer?

Former President Carter to be Tried for Peace Crimes - The Onion

Anyone else watching last comic standing?

Fooly Cooly Fooly Cooly Fooly Cooly Fooly Cooly Fooly Cooly!

Best/Worst CD's you have bought...?

Yikes! gallbladder needs to come out!

I love money...

any other passionately anti-war military buffs out there?

Thanks alot to the person who recommended

Red Sox

So Cal...what do you think they're launching in the sky right now?

Even in a drought 18% wouldn't conserve water

Preview of "The Passion"

WOH, MASSIVE lighting storm in DC right now

Lawyers, anyone? Failure-to-Diagnose Cancer case help

Whoever started the "Family Guy" thread the other day - THANKS!

One more time: Should I change my pseudonym to "Hypnotoad"?

the one advantage of large breasts in old age

If Big Bird laid an egg, who ought to fertilize it?


my husband wants to go to prison

Which is the better Frankenheimer movie?

The sun don't shine, the moon don't move the tides to wash me clean

I need some help finding a news story

I'm not Dean's love child and I'm not leaving DU either!

The New Dawn - it COULD happen here

Anybody else finding it impossible to logon to Mike Malloy??

The irony of evolution in our "society"

Who still writes letters by hand and sends via snail mail?

I hate money

I can cuss with the best of'em

Since Everyone's Running for CA Gov, How About These Candidates

WOH, MASSIVE lighting storm in DC right now

Damn, I got it BAD!!!

Telemarketing scam: FYI

JMS/Babylon 5 Fans -- Check this out

"They'd probably be better off in prison"

Shilling weight loss surgery

Take a few minutes to watch this Vietnam Vet documentary

I want a horse.......

(WP) Iraqi Town's Anger Explodes Into Chaotic Revolt

White House makes it all political ( Paul Krugman )

For Democrats, Mr. Right is Mr. Wrong - Lieberman

The Return of Multilateralism

Extra: The Great WMD Hunt

Dowd: Neocon Coup at the Department d'État

Anti-Abortion Judicial Nominees as a Protected Class

Star Tribune Editorial: Robinson ambush / The anatomy of a smear

Rumsfeld: Even with commitments, no need to expand armed forces

Keep Your Eyes On The Road, Please

Iraq war lies and impeachment: Official Washington tiptoes round the “i” w

Blindsided by military victory

Message to Dems: Get organized

"The Case for War in 2004" - published on DU in 2001

Richard Goldstein: GET BACK! The Gathering Storm Over Gay Rights

Joe Conason: Saudi Secrets Are Safe With Bush

Anatomy of a Smear (gay Episcopal bishop)

Wher are the jobs?

Robert Reich vs. the right

Is Howard Dean a Liberal?

Bush as FDR?

Calling all Tulsa, OK area Dems!!

Need help with a propaganda gadget . . . how to rig up a slide projector

Ohio DU-ers - Sean Hannity is Coming to Cincinnatti

Radio for Peace Int'l not evicted yet...this week critical!! Email support

What is going on at CNN?

The Myth of Big Media

Halliburton storm-troopers invade Iran, assume control of petroleum reserv

Virus question - Dean for America forward

Looking at Kucinich's chart while listening to him on CSPAN

CARTOONS! The "Summer Vacationing (and Some Are Not)" Edition

Business Secrets from the Stars (not about astrology!)

eBay sellers support group

Abortion illegal in Brazil

Parental Consent fight in NZ

I'm Native American

"men's rights" site calls feminists "Nazis"

EU antitrust regulators say Microsoft abuses continue

More and more stores defying plastic bag law - SA

London: 95.7F Paris: 100F Florence: 104F Switzerland: 104.5F

New Record High Temperatures In Arctic Canada

15% Of Swiss Cable Car Rigs At Risk From Melting Permafrost

Politics Reasserts Itself in the Debate Over Climate Change and Its Hazard

Karl Rove's Water Policy

Big Black Smoker Vent Discovered Beneath Indian Ocean

Kerry/Oil Spill Leg.

Environmentalism/Caring about animals **WARNING: GRAPHIC PHOTOS**

'Bomb!' cries happy Amrozi

Rebels Behead Father, Son in Indian Kashmir

Operation Black Dog : Did US Use Chem and Bio Weapons in Gulf War I?

Anti-police sentiment increasing: Toronto chief

i just got a notice telling me that my response had to be checked

We have a friends list and an ignore list. How about something in between?

Post Removal -- HELP!

Arafat to Haaretz: West Bank fence is ruining new

UN Agency Launches $18 Million Appeal for Palestinians

It's the security fence or loans, US tells Israel

Kerry Hits All The Right Notes On North Korea

Who could win as a Green party candidate?

As a member of the US Legislature, would you have voted for War with Iraq?


Maryland orders review of Diebold system...

The excitement of doing something positive for a change,

Republican Lite? -- Mother Jones On Lieberman

Dean's next step...

In A Polarized U.S., Dean May Be Electable After All -- WSJ

Poll: Lieberman Down, Dean Up In Michigan

Springer is out, Huffington In..

Dean wants to ban cluster bombs.

Joe Lieberman: Passionate Strategist

Dean to Rove: I'm looking forward to the matchup with you in 2004

Sharpton may attempt to oust McAuliffe

PLUGGED-IN POLITICS (NewsHour W/ Lehrer on Dean)

Howard Dean's pragmatic side

Rep. Sanchez Says She'll Run in Recall, If ...

Clark is more like the last two Democratic Presidents than the current 9

Nunn, Luther consider runs

(Non-Dean Supporters) What would you do if Dean got the nomination?

Why didn't the Congresspeeps speak up during the last 3 years?

On Board the Dean Machine --- Philadelphia Weekly

Sen. Graham trails President Bush in new poll

Dean Under the Microscope

National Security Expert Explains Why Howard Dean on Larry King Was Superb

Ok...IF * Wins in '04, What Should Our Strategy Be? And Who Wants Hillary?

What will Kucinich cut from the defense budget?

Slate: The Worldviews Of Kerry And Dean

Which candidate comes closest to TRUE universal health care?

Kucinich Challenges, Dean Dissembles at the AFL-CIO Debate

I'm not Dean's love child and I'm not leaving DU either!

Top 25 Anti-Bush Bumper Stickers

Did Dean "misspeak" about Social Security in his response to Kucinich?

THIS man wants to be Sec'y of State? (Wolfowitz)

So California DUers... are you the ONLY people in the state

Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) Townhall Meeting in New Hampshire (6pm) - LIVE

Deleted message

Bush is a great President and should serve a second term!

CBS: Blix Says Iraq War Was Illegal

The Road Diary, Part I

The young may not decide who to vote for, rather whether to vote at all

Message to Jerry Springer...

Mario Cuomo urges AL GORE to run for President

I hope they end up having a gay child, these people are SAD

Why do 1st Class flyers get swept through security gate?

Dallas DUers -- The Will Pitt Challenge

5 questions that Repubs cant' ignore...

Helen Thomas wrote me back.

Glaxo & Pfizer are cutting off supplies to Canadian pharmacies


"Security Moms"

* may be on vacation.... but not CARTOONS! (yet)

John Edwards is for real.

US "combat" deaths

guess what the us army

Democrats show all their warts....Repubs hide theirs...

Arnie doesn't run. Which pic was the culprit? (Caution: Pix)

Could an African American from either party become Pres yet?

Edwards advertising on tv in Iowa. Great spot! (Inside Politics)

Imagine if Clark and Biden join

A tale of two Germanies

Senators do not win Presidential Elections

Why is there anti-union sentiment here?


what is Hillary's book tour schedule?

Overwhelming coverage of the Dem. Pres. Forum from last night ...(not)

What a BIZARRE country we live in...

The Iraq question for 2004: "How the hell do we get out of Iraq?"

Though Dean is definitely my #1 choice, another ticket that could work is

FBI gives Airport screeners list of new items HiJackers might use

Time magazine: Dean vs. Bush or you could call it, "Brush vs. Shrub"

Anybody going to the Seattle Dean meetup tmrw night?

If you like talking about election 2004 ......

I think it's cute that Kucinich is all angry and stuff now.

Apparently, Cheney Really IS The Man Behind The Curtain !!!

F**k Waldenbooks!

Out with Laci, in with Kobe

Have any DUers taken out papers to run for Governor of CA?

Question: If "your" candidate doesn't get the nomination will you..?

Dean on CNBC now.......taking heat......making sense

Hypothetical Question about elections

RUSS FEINGOLD for VP? Good choice or no?

Barbara Comstock coming up on Lou Dobbs 3:28 PDT

If Gore announces he is not running will some folks implode?

Why do some DUers claim not to be "anti-Catholic", but only post

Bernie Sanders on C-Span 2

What was Sharpton talking about?

Osama who? Saddam where? What WMDs?

Michigan closer to uniform voting ballot

That damn pollution barge may do huge damage to Florida Keys.!

2004 Georgia senate race

Conason's book Big Lies in stores now

is anyone watching C-SPAN right now?

Dean had a great idea last night and I will tell you why...

Gene Lyons of Arkansas Democrat Gazette pillories press and "junior"

Kerry Town Meeting on C-Span

my concern with dean

Save some bandwith

Qestion Re: California Recall Election - specifics...

My quick answer to right wing email.

Did anyone know that "Morans" guy with the sign?

Voices in the Wilderness receives summons -- news a few days old.

National Day of Prayer for O'Really...

Dean's appeal

WMDs Found!!!

The Theft of Your Vote Is Just a Chip Away - Thom Hartmann

Dean to be on Inside Politics Any Minute Now (4:09 pm et wed)

Walter Reed so overloaded they're putting them in hotels!!!!!!

Lieberman is a horse's ass

Seen on a street (not in Germany)

Dean has the right strategy in dealing with Kucinich

I Want To Quit My Job And Work Full-Time On A Campaign...Any Suggestions?

time once again for that great Irish tradition

Gallup Poll: Bush down by 17!

I noticed "Mormons" in the online poll. What is LDS stand on the war?

Gallup: Powell Departure Would Hurt Bush Administration

Houston or Fort Bend, Texas DUers - protest Delay on Friday

Hillary Seattle Book Signing

In my opinion, Kerry won the debate last night....

Fat Foods: Back in Court

A Stroke or Dental work?

Kathereine Harris shockwave--Chilling!


Republican's target California women....White House is behind recall...

CSpan coverage of Gore Speech MAY occur..if we call/email !!


Mario Cuomo calls on Gore to run. Inside Politics.

"Just because you wear a big 'ole belt buckle doesn't mean

Interesting take on why we went to war with Iraq

I like Al Sharpton

We all know the Bush "ranch" is phony

What's up with the burried planes?

DARPA researches mind control technology

Kucinich seems to have a plan

Sean Hannity is a Union Member

How should various supporters of candidates treat each other?

Are WE letting Bush SOTU Lie-gate die by not staging huge rallies??

2 young Brit soldiers commit suicide b/c Gulf War illness

problem with racism

Green Party DID NOT Endorse Kucinich


I think our underground website is monitored by tv anchors.

Jerry not running is great news

Saudi Arabia all bunched up because we got the goods on them

Kerry on Cspan today- 6pm E, 3pm Pacific

My Partner's Picks after Watching the Forum Live: Gephardt and Edwards?!?

Loretta Sanchez suggests she may become candidate in Recall

Anyone notice CSpan's call in segment?

What have the casualties been lately? LBN doesn't have much of anything

Iceland to resume whaling

Another example of an awful Newsmax lie

Howard Dean to talk about Economy 5:00p.m.(est) CNBC!

I had a very good conversation with an election official in Utah today

Tractor keeps moving

Wow...looks like the WMD debacle is just about forgotten...

Jewish DUers, do you hate Lieberman?

'Voice of Free Iraq' Walks Out on US

Democratic Party = Judge Lance Ito

The Cost to US Taxpayers for *'s 35-Day "Vacation"

How do we take back America?

Jesus was not a Liberal, he was a compassionate conservative

MUST SEE: Ambassador Joe Wilson at the National Press Club

CA Recall: KNX 1070 News Radio Poll

Regarding the Canadian and the "Anti-Bush" deck of cards...

and now to prove that civil unions are harmless

People who are Simone'ing the Democratic Canidates are idiots!

I'm waiting to hear THESE "sixteen little words"

Iraqis flock to Mahdi's Shia army against US occup, up to 1 million signed

Bush's First Amend. Zones Sued :)

anybody catch the Daily Show tonight?

Whoever said democracy's dead has never been to DU!

I'll Tell You Why It's A GOOD THING Lieberman Is Running....

Gen. Clark's Backers, Brewing Up a Draft

Why I hate candidate _____________: I'll go first.....

Arik, King of Israel is in trouble

RE Profanity on DU

Afraid to Keep It, Afraid to Burn It

Bush is a teflon don

Moonie Alert! re: N. Korea

Pentagon lays off some embedded reporters - guess why

Ok, I will now bash ONE Democratic nominee

What happened last night Re:Dean & DK?

The president's cabal real goal in Iraq - PNAC's goals

the pro-gay episcopalian sneetches & the anti-gay episcopalian sneetches

Y does the frickin' media keep identifying military personnel who rag

Does Bill Clinton have the power to stop the CA.Recall?

AWD's campaign gets kicked off tonight! We need your help, too!!!

I'm so sick of news and weather editorializing!!

The Overworked American and political apathy

Nancy Skinner Announces Senate Run...Fired by Conservative Radio

Misinformation OR Facts

Dean/Powell ticket?

How many confirmed candidates for the recall

Jerry Springer to announce decision live on CNN - 2:00 pm et

Florida DCF workers forced into fundamentalist-based training.

I am tired of hearing how hard it will be to beat bush*.

Did Kucinich come across like a "raving lunatic" ?

Health Care - A Winner for Democrats

Ok, I feel REALLY dumb!!

Democrats make pitch to unions-Kucinich stands out at AFL-CIO event

DEAN on CNN Inside Politics today at 4p ET

What is the American Independent Party?

$9.8 trillion debt in 2008 will exceed 70% of the country's GDP

Charles Taylor backs out of stepping down(again)

Dumbass Country Music Lyrics and the dumbasses who write them

Only lesson US miltry learned from 'nam was absolute media control

one way or the other mr. bush, we're comin' to throw yer ass out!

Giving Away Ann Coulter???? HAHAHAHEHEHEHEHAHAHA!

This is my prediction...

Did the media and Dems listen to Clinton?

Have You Looked at Gas Prices Lately ?

I think it is time to RECALL Tom DeLAY! .......Go Texans

I think that if I was Gore...I'd be running again.

Diary of a mad military wife

Democratic Presidential Candidates Forum Replay (11AM ET WED) CSPAN

Did anyone else turn green about Kerry's health care plan?(AFL/CIO)

* gets back on message after 'responsibility' gaffe

As A Veteran, I am ASHAMED


Troops take the ultimate risk but oil companies?

repukes taken aback at hatred for bush (personal observation/analysis)

Third Reich in Ruins (photos)

Streisand pimp slaps Condi

*'s life accomplishments

Dean, Jews, Arab, the GOP, and the Michigan General

Pharmaceutical companies cutting off drugs to Canada?

Kobe Bryant/Colorado County where the incident happened?

More on the Pentagon Casino

U.S. Backs Florida's New Counterterrorism Database...Access to Americans'

Has anyone heard this...?

Minority Du'ers: Which candidate speaks to you most?

Where's Bunker Dick? Found his location for today.

SCENARIO: If Dean loses the nomination, what's his future role?

Are your Meetups outgrowing the current location?

Recall Jeb Bush

Wisconsin business touts "Support our oops"

Pentagon and foreign policy ruled by "groupthink"

1000 people in 6 hours

Dems split on health care, trade

Who said this?

Have Iraqis stopped killing Americans ?

Gore's speech plans trigger speculation- Washington Times

Vaccine link raised in U.S troops' deaths

Poll: Which Democratic candidate do you support?

Why does everybody call Dean to far too the left (even here)?

Arianna lost my respect today.....

Voices in the Wilderness receives summons from US goverment

Kucinich about to pass Clark on Meetup for #3 spot

Where's Bernie?

The Dem contenders and school choice

LIEberman to DEMs: become Republicans

Trimspa, CLR, Time Magazine, Selectquote ads heard on Limpbaugh

Is Vote .com Repub?

Take it to the Washington Times for this!

I have an issue with Kerry

Bush: America's Mike Tyson

Christian prison program fakes success by massaging data.

Why is it taking MS so long to count votes

In what states was abortion legal before Roe v. Wade?

Huh? Progressive accomplishment- by McDonalds?

Dean Chapters in High Schools and Colleges

heard something tonight on of all places scarbough or whatever his name

President Bush does have a future after he loses...

Only a pro- choicer will win in CA Recall

Bush is NOT going to cause/allow another terrorist attack

The DLC et al. are desperate for an "Anti-Dean"

I Cannot Wait For Dean To Become President So I Can Sleep Better

Federal initiative/referendum/recall - is that a good idea?

retired colonel calls Donald Rumsfeld an "asshole"

Preview of "The Passion"

The Bush Crime Family Put Out a Contract on the Hussein Boys

Gephardt suffers Iowa poll upset. Deam ahead, in first place

I'm Sorry. I'll Go Away. Goodbye

Whatchu talking bout, California? Gary Coleman for governor?

I'm SICK of the Kobe coverage!

I've decided.... I LOVE KERRY!

HEADS UP CALIFORNIA DUers: Wanna kick some Issa ass?

Sean Hannity Stoops To a New Low

What religions are represented here in DU?

Hiroshima mayor lashes out at Bush on atomic bombing anniversary

Is WhoCountsTheVotes a paid GOP disruptor?

today's new Hannity sponsors

For QuestionW: What Did You Do When The Towers Came Down?

Did Dean come off as an arrogant prick?

Need help with Freeper wife

the Intolerance of the left.

OMG...who's the grating slattern with the horrible makeup on Hardball?


whatever happened to the war on drugs?

Petsmart ads back on Hannity

Hypothetical: Dean has won the nomination

What do you think about Edwards?

Does a crowded recall field benefit Davis. . .

Wondering how others would feel in my situation

What time is Gore's speech

Does Anyone Care About Texas?

Secret 40 yr. old Vatican pedophilia document REVEALED

Oh my GOD! Kobe did not bring his wife to the hearing. . .

Is "Bowling for Columbine" credible?

Dean Meetup Meetings...

International DUers.... what do you think of Howard Dean?

Black Box: Military contractor to whitewash Diebold?

Why did Lieberman run for his Senate seat while being Gore's running mate?

Gov. Davis on Bill Maher's Real Time Show, this Friday 11:00 PM

Connect the Dots, America!

March Fong Eu to run as Democrat in Recall

"Diff'rent Strokes" actor could join the state's recall sitcom

Jerry Springer Officially Declines to Run for Senate (2:00 pm edt)

'Presidential hopeful' found mentally ill in harassment case

Edwards publishes sixty plus page issues booklet

Feinstein rules out recall run

Game farming under threat - Africa

San Francisco Chronicle: White House Memo casts recall as windfall

US Secures Only Half Foreign Troops Sought

Type O Blood Donors Badly Needed (US Defense Dept.)

Dean surge felt among lawmakers

Iran Says It Won't Give Up Nuke Program

Islamic Group Tied to Al Quaeda is Linked to Jakarta Attack

Pentagon makes moves to contain complaints from US troops in Iraq


Group Challenges Part of Patriot Act (Court Action)

National Guard Unit Heads For Cuba (Guantanamo)

MSNBC: Bush to deploy troops in Liberia (300 Marines)

Iraqis flock to Mahdi's Shia army

Sharon's Son Told to Disclose Documents

Spokesman: Bulger may resign as UMass president

Judge in Roadless Ruling Accused of Violating Ethics Laws

China Under U.S. Scrutiny as Trade Anger Grows

Online absentee voting eliminates postmarks

Howard Dean's campaign to send out personalized letters from fans

Bush's hawkish nominee to peace think tank on hold in Senate

Even on the run, Hussein has Iraqis under his 'spell' ("occult" powers)

Bush lauds Powell, rips ‘speculation’(but won't say if he's staying)

U.S. Finds Cache in Series of Iraq Raids

U.S. Backs Florida's New Counterterrorism Database (Bad News)

San Francisco Chronicle: Unions tell Democrats: Back Davis or suffer

Hiroshima mayor hits out at U.S.

Halliburton Profits from Work in Iraq

Jerry Springer will not run.

Green Party DID NOT Endorse Kucinich


CNN's Cafferty pleads guilty to hit-run in New York

Small Number of U.S. Troops Into Liberia (6 - to "grow" to 20 "soon")

Senate GOP Sees Little Hope to snap Judicial filibuster...

Software Developer Crystle annouces for PA Dem US Senate nomination

Rumsfeld Not Sold On a Bigger Military

Is Joe Biden thinking presidential thoughts?

WP: (Japanese) Paper: N.Korea Plans to Export Missiles to Iran


Coke accused of putting thousands out of work

Iraqi Rebels Trap British In Ambush

Vaccine link raised in U.S troops' deaths

Wher are the jobs?

China rejects calls for free float of renminbi

US soldier falls to death in Iraq

Pensions shortfall is 55 billion pounds - U.K.

Charles Taylor plays for time

'A world disgrace as serious as apartheid' - SA Aids

U.S. Backs Florida's New Counterterrorism Database

Penis stew turns woman into vegetarian - SA

Religious policy for schools adopted - Asmal - SA

Oppenheimers pledge to boost transformation - SA

UN: Iraq Needs $5 Billion From Donors For Essential Services-BBC

USDA Issues Restrictions on Biotech Crops

GAO Investigates Medicare Administrator

88 Iranian pilgrims die in Iraq

Problems mar primary elections across state (Mississippi)

Cuban Latin Grammy Nominees Might be Kept out of US

First Lady Wouldn't Be Her Full-Time Job

Oil jumps to highest levels since Iraq war

Fishing Groups Seek Data on Rove Role (Kerry blasts Rove)

SEVEN-Member Marine Team Lands in Liberia !

Man Who Accused Gay Bishop Regrets Calling it Harassment

Sam Nunn's daughter may run for Senate

Did EPA mislead public on water?

Maryland orders a review of Diebold Systems

Arianna Huffington joins California governor race

UK parks ‘dogged’ by exhibitionism

Schwarzenegger will not run for Gov.

DOD: Poor people are security risk.

Ebert to undergo cancer radiation therapy

Bush's August Trips Focus on Environment

Mario Cuomo: Gore should get into prez race

Ashcroft tour to plug terror bill (Victory Act)

Bush's rating down in Michigan poll

..Fortune 500 firms mobilize to take on pro-Dem unions

Poll: Graham Would Lose Florida To President

Who is the sexiest Candidate?

German penises "too small" for EU condoms.

how bout' a arianna huffington arnold schwarzanegger debate????

Who is the best american classical composer?

Worst RW Movie Ever Made

Yay! We bought a telescope!

Who does Lieberman resemble most

Any news lately about rbnyc?

I have sad news to share with all my DU friends.

Rock's best organist - Garth Hudson

Congratulations SOteric on 4000 posts!

Who ultimately has the greater musical legacy?

Am I A Victim of Workplace Discrimination? Please Comment.

Who is the haughtiest man or woman on the forum?

Darn.. I am starting to really like Barney

Save some bandwith

Stealth fighter overflies my house

What is the "Comite la Voz?"

Hey guys! I got my third job!

Today is my 45th Birthday and I don't....

What Did You Do When The Towers Came Down?

A Big Gay Thank You

I Miss You Guys!

I have fu***ing had with these two cats


Musings of a new Dad

Which Is Smarter - George W. Bush, or a Pile of Rocks?

CAPTION W sizing up his next meal's ripeness and freshness

Who REALLY needs to stay anonymous on DU?

Man the lifeboats---J.Lo dumps Ben

Favorite "Fletch" quote???

When staying in a hotel - DON'T USE THE PHONE!! (rant lite)

The Superman Question (Not really about comic books)

Galactic Dust Storm Enters Solar System~Terra from the Cosmos too?!

Yanks ship Benitez to Seattle for . . . (wait for it) . . .

Where can you buy these cards

Do you coo over babies?

Best "Family Guy" quote!

Does anyone here even CARE which celebs are "with" other celebs??

Hawk Attacks Chiahuahua in Bryant Park (NYC)

Was I being a B*tch...? Loaded question alert.

Who is the hottest woman in hell?

Great Picture of Flush Limberger

so, what will Kobe be wearing to court today?

Any cool tattoo ideas???

"Fingernails on a blackboard"..what pushes your buttons???

F'in Homeowners Insurance!@! (VENT INSIDE)

Ugh, she's at it again's the weather in San Francisco? (need packing help)

What other forums do you like visiting?

Kobe Supporter pic haha

Does anybody have a link to the Chomsky C-Span interview?

Who Has The Hottest Yak On The Forum?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES TO...........................

A hummingbird visits me every day.

The sexiest woman in politics votes are in and the winner is...

Who Is The Hottest Person On The Forum Whose Gender You Don't Know?

So, what do we do NOW about N Korea?!

Ah, to be 8 and innocent again.

CONTEST: Make rude words from my worn-out keyboard keys

Famous people's high school pictures (some college)

What % of US population has a 4yr college degree?...Guess first

Time for another joke thread- I will go first

Has anyone heard from Tucker?

Gelatinous Blob In NJ Lagoon Concerns Scientists (REALLY!!)

What activates your "clicker finger"???

revenge of the Zubaz!


Anyone Ever Heard of Mario Savio???

Porn star for Calif Gov..She has no problem getting signatures

There's PeterPanMan and then there's ...dayoopers

Scientists Clone a Horse

Caption This Greased Pig

CAPTION Tom Ridge vigilantly overseeing airport security

Mr.pResident, is that trouser tracks or a CAPTION on your pants?

Oh. My. God.

Noam Sayin? (You Know What I'm Saying?) ... a small rant.

Freddy vs Jason. Do You Care.

welcome to Ellen Cherry Charles

Has everyone gotten the new Gallery link besides me?

Activists Get the Drop on Bush

Do you connect songs with certain commericals or movie scenes?

There that is 100

Penis stew turns woman into vegetarian - SA

Am I the only person here who has never played a music cd??

Pilots Packin' Heat

Nero moderiized bwaaa-haaa-haaaa

J.Lo dumps Ben

"Moxie" award-Man survives on crickets, berries and rainwater

Ok, I feel REALLY dumb!!

Why Are So Many DUers Angry Right Now?


Dammit or damnit?

What the hell are we still doing awake on a work night?

Being in your 30's and single SUCKS! Where do the 30 year old single's go?

Who likes marbles??? Do you still have yours??

Asskkkroft Joke

Give us a report Will

90's one hit wonders

Mmm, Bush joke

My version of Darryl Worley's song - (A total vanity post)

New holiday UnderGround Hawk Day (like GroundHog Day)

Former President Carter to be tried for peace crimes.

The 'Atomic Bar' is closed damn it!

Flashback: Apple Advertising Insert from 1984

Yak surfing???

One-hit wonders, 1980-84

Laura Regan to play Pfc. Lynch in NBC movie

How long before Ben.Lo seprate?

Beavis and Butt-Head (D) or (R)?

Bush's First Day of Vacation

NOT a good place to be

RSS news feeds?

Anyone else here think the Strokes are totally overrated?

Have ya'll seen this Evil Clown Generator yet? Man it's FrEaKy!!

Streisand pimp slaps Condi

PC or Mac?

W issues "working vacation" statement

A Groundbreaking Story in Pictures?

Business Secrets from the Stars (a novel)

Anybody like to attend this Meetup?

Dennis is...

I met Bear Bryant

Do any of you know if NetZero is any good?

DVD Question

Why is the US so protective of its relationship with Saudi Arabia?

It would be our ten-year anniversary tomorrow

Meet me at the corner of

Dukes of Hazzard Movie

Anybody see "The O.C." tonight ?

Mac users. what do you think about this?

bill maher on CNN now

Using campaign slogans on DU...

Come On Charlie Rose. The Dave Matthews Band. The Country Is Going

whats good on the radio stations on the net now..provide link please

This Just In.. Makeup Does Wonders.

Alcohol 'helps you lose weight'

How kinky are you?

Who is the hottest woman on the forum?

I'm Leaving tomorrow for North Carolina

Marco?!?!... Polo.... Marco?!?!... Polo ...............Marco?!?! CAPTION

The Peaceful, Loving, Purring Kitten of all CAPTIONS!!!

I have a question about oranges