Democratic Underground

Archives: September 11, 2003

FLYING HIGH (On Howard Dean's "Sleepless Summer Tour")

The Twin Towers and Tower of Babel

Dowd: We're Not Happy Campers

Ground zero, 2004 (NYC and GOP) (Salon)

Paul Krugman's Fresh Air appearance 9/10/03

Any cool, queer Leftists in the Brooklyn area here???

Voucher Passage is Huge Defeat/Right-funded Black "leadership" ascending

Hidden Continuities of Urban Racial Inequality Before and After 9/11

Preserving Nature Still Huge Challenge

For the love of money & God - SA

Machine Gun Found At CT University

Howard Metzenbaum Blasts Congress for not strengthening AWB

Which of these ideas would be best...

An appeal for Jim March

Pelosi, other House Democrats criticize Dean's Israel comments



Al Sharpton is one of the best debaters i've ever heard


Kerry Rocks Out With Moby

Dean takes slight lead in Iowa poll (6 points)

AP Analysis: Dean Under Political Scrutiny


Are we going to have a Peaceful 9/11/03 are a Disasterous One

William Rivers Pitt a guest on Hardball someday? He should be...

OBEY. Jesus Hates War (tee shirt)

the audience outside the Today show studios is larger than the one outside

CBS 60 Minutes II: President Bush Relives 9/11 - on now (8 ET)

People for the American Way?

Krugman on CNN with Zahn now

Krugman on Zahn (CNN)...NOW

Walter Cronkite on Larry King (on now)

How Long Before 9/11 Is Declared A "Federal" Holiday?

Military Families Renew Call to Pull Troops out of Iraq

CBS Whoring bigtime for Chimpy McCokespoon.

Monkey pisses self, press laughs, gives rave reviews

Connason vs Coulter on Paula Zahn..

Employees pay 48% more of health premiums

Background behind story on DU homepage

Exactly How Is Bush Going to Pull "This" Off

who's giving the dems keynote speech at the 2004 convention?

Petition for UN oversight of US elections?

Franken on

Does Kucinich still oppose human cloning?

Is Mike Malloy on tonight in a few minutes?

Walter Cronkite on Larry King NOW lambasting the Patriot Act./EVERYTHING.

I still don't understand the Dean/Leiberman flap....

Schwarzenegger accuses LA Times of bias

What ever happened to the attempt to hack the voting machines???

O'Really, Hannity, would you Rather not Wolf this one down?

I know I've been HARSH on Dean......... (re Krugman on Fresh Air)

live chat now taking place with Joe Trippi (Dean's campaign manager)

Cronkite said it: "I have a feeling Clark will enter"

Gag!! The front page of the National Enquirer says Arnold and

Rummy says troops we have are plenty.

The only way to REALLY bring the BBV mess to a conclusion

O'Reilly kisses Arnold's ass for a full 30 minutes (Dem bashing)

Rummy said he never gave an optimistic assessment

USA screwing Canada again (or trying to)

Why does Bush* advocate for stronger police powers?

"He wanted to POOP his PANTS, but his staff wouldn't LET HIM!"

Daily Show tonight...

question for Clark supporters

How many Independants and Republicans now wish Gore had the WH?

Will Al Queda get one off in the US tomorrow?

Do we DESERVE to have Bush as President???

Democratic curse word for the day...

Deleted message

Dean has peaked?

NYC DU'ers..... what do you expect at next year's NYC Repug convention?

IF Sept 11 was a planned US govt "Operation Northwoods" event

If you were president how would you conduct the War on Terrorism?

How Would a Clark Run Play in the Barracks in Baghdad???

Now Sean Hannity is badgering Tom McClintock to quit.

The RePublican Patch for those who wish to quit but need Help.

What if Bin Laden is still working for the CIA?

What is the case for Clark?

Please direct me to the text or video of Momma Bush waxing poetic on her..

Rummy Dumsfeld on Jim Lehrer Thread 1

Would you like to volunteer for the '04 GOP Convention?

a moment of thought for all 9/11 victims

Is Dick Gephardt a Vietnam veteran?

AOL poll: Was Saddam related to 9/11?

Thank the baby Jesus President Bush* has finally told us the truth

What is a "disruptor?"

Irrefutable proof that bush*s 'war on terror' is a sham

Not Dean, not Kerry, but......Edwards?

Arnold the Nazi, in his own words

So I just finished Al Franken's fabulous book,

when is John Edwards announcing ?

Oprah's Season Opener - Arnold and Maria

Today I realized; nationalities should all be abandoned

CENTCOM has changed format - Deleted ALL KIA Press Releases

Rummy's friend: "Maybe 9-11 was a blessing in disguise..."

DU should ban "evenhanded" posts!

Dean has the best Idea yet for the Middle east

Dear "Clarkies" (Not a bashing thread. Really, it's not)

BREAKING: Clark will have some big time support!!!

Will there be a riot at GOP convention in 2004?


President Bill Clinton - a Self-Made Man

A Charming Schwarzenegger quote....

Please read this incredible prophesy by Bush I on an Iraqi invasion.

Does anyone else think it's strange that Al Qaeda always surfaces...

Gerald Posner

Republican Leaders in Congress sneak D.C. Vouchers through!

Dean Muffles, Kucinich Amplifies Anti-War Voice

True Story - Vietnam War

Uh Oh!!! Kerry's Foreign Policy advisors: PNAC and Shock and Awe guys

Graphic of 9-11 flight paths and military bases

Paul Martin - Future PM of Canada

BBV: Why haven't grassroots dems filed a class action suit?

Thank you Governor Dean

i NEVER thought i'd say this ((oprah))

Air Force officer: Bush allowed September 11 attacks (re-post) June 2002

The Iraq War Resolution Vote

J-Lo, Affleck postpone wedding

Sixty Minutes is giving George a chance to rewrite 9/11.

One Amp Fuse Caused London Blackout

Greenpeace obtains smoking-gun memo: White House/Exxon link

Ghosts Of Greenwich - Moxley, Skakel

depleted uranium slips through

Saudi Arabia denies Israeli chief of staff Yaalon’s charge

The worst humanitarian crisis on the planet - Congo

State (Dept) Questions Military Tolerance of Iranian Dissidents

Heroes battle health problems

US Congressmen Decry Chinese

Foreign Views of U.S. Darken Since 9/11

Dean takes slight lead in Iowa poll

Civilains to be targeted in their homes

Jordan's dilemma over 'honour killings'

Congress Criticizes Bush* on Plans for Spaceflight (Secrecy)

Iran toughens stance towards IAEA as pressure mounts

China angry as Bush welcomes Dalai Lama

Union to wait on endorsement; Edwards up, Kerry out


Head of CIA Weapons Analysis Program Leaving (Valerie Plame's boss)

America's dirty torture secret

ES&S Selected to Provide Voting Systems to State of Ohio

Gen. Clark Reportedly Asked to Join Dean

Bomb Strapped to Horse Kills 8 Columbians

Bush* Cites 9/11 on All Manner of Questions

WTF? Billy Graham on ABC?

We have to make a political cartoon for tomorrow

The Sacred Balance

AOL poll: Was Saddam related to 9/11?

I've had "Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You Tonight" playing at 11 in my head for

Have you ever been smarmy?

South Park LOTR Spoof EP is on

A Show any Computer Geek would like.

Why why why why why. A-P-4 is the man for you!

George Clooney/ Al Franken coming up on CNBC .Topic A with Tina Brown..

So tommorow is my first anniversity at DU under this SN

I cannot help myself

enjoying my first Mid Autumn Festival tonight

New, Improved Star Trek Enterprise on at 8 (ET)

Excuse me - but what the HECK is this? Men in diapers...

Okay - Here goes the sing along:

Are there any transportation/civil engineers here?

Get you "Dean, Dean, Dean, Dean, Dean" by Kerry thongs!

4-1 twins in the 8th

Favorite food song?

Who wants a huggy?

Just found out, "Star Trek Magazine" is no more.

And God said let me have a home page...

The United States of Johnson?

If you weren't a Dem, what would you be?


The them song that couldn't be made worse, is worse (Enterprise)

That's it: I'm starting my own secret society.

I want questions so ask me anything

I have a migraine. Please turn out the light and whisper.

Dear God, I will make sure prisoners have their tv's

The IGNORE function and why it just may save your sanity

"A little light Night Ranting, please..."

Favorite Madonna Song?

Favorite rock 'n' roll animal?

The poll that only someone like LynneSIn would dare to ask.....

Best Bob Dylan song

Sports teams you're sick of

Help Raven..need Tomato Cheese Pie recipe!

SE Pennsylvania DUers: My band is playing on Sept. 26 in Berwyn, PA!

The Ole Folks (they be us???)

Anyone Watching Jake 2.0?

Best Bob Dylan song - not a poll, you will obey

Paradise Hotel Makes Me Glad I'm Gay!

So I guess I should divorce my husband. After all, he doesn't look very

NYC DUers: Wanna get a drink on Friday night?

I'm baking a cake! Ask me anything!

Do you grok DU in fullness?

Hurricane Insurance

What is "A Whiter Shade of Pale" 'about'....

It's September 10th and I wrote something.

I sank my teeth into a kangeroo's rump yesterday......

Question for commercial pilots (Calling DemoTex...)

Walter Cronkite on Larry King

Hurricane Isabel

NewYawker is close to hitting 50,000 posts!!!

Flipside...your favourite SPorts teams

September Revisited

Greenpeace Cartoon - The President of the USA

September 11: After two years, cover-up begins to unravel

Gulf War II Syndrome?

I still remember

Two Years Ago Today . . . .

Bush's warfare state

Paul Krugman Interview (Realplayer) yesterday on NPR

Reservists dismayed by Iraq tour extension, but general says it's final

Another fine mess(Bush 2 year war on terror accomplished less than nothing

September Eleventh Families For Peaceful Tomorrows

Col. David Hackworth: Deja vu all over again

What You Think You Know About Sept. 11, But don't

Heavy Coverage of Sept 11 anniversary. 3,000+ killed remembered. (Chile)

We still don't get it

Richard Cohen: Amateurs and Zealots

Most detainees will be held until war’s end, Rumsfeld says

Nine One One plus Two

Changing alliances add to woes of the US

DUs own: Freedom or Security?

Paul Krugman book review in The New Yorker


Novak: GOP facing 'perfect storm'

Sack: A Moment of Silence For 9/11

Scottie & Me (formerly known as Ari & I)

The Bush Agenda: Under the Radar

No Americans need apply

The Poachmaster General being sued for child support!

Robert Fisk : Folly Taken To A Scale We Haven't Seen Since WWII

Howard Kurtz, Media WHORE

Johnson had Kennedy killed.....Reads McClellan's new book due out oct

I am sooo proud of my small home town paper.

Sept. 11 victims have been dishonored - Opinion Page Arizona Republic

Ann Coulter's Newest Defecation

The Bush Family Fortunes- BBC/Palast


What's Hannity worth?

If you could ask Newt Gingrich one question...

Al Franken book-signing in Seattle (University of Washington).

Sept. 11th Families for a Peaceful Tommorrow - Minneapolis / Sept 19th

One Day's Pay

Kucinich in Oakland Monday Sept 15 / Parade Sunday Sept 14

Calling Bush (publicly) on his Bin Laden "about face"

A journalist I think you'll like: Philip S. Golub

David Brudnoy is my favorite Right Wing Radio Host, but he’s RW!

Both Seattle Papers had EXACTLY the same 9/11 photo on front page

What happened to Wolfie's daily online poll?

High Profile of 9/11/02 Shifts to Low on 9/11/03

What the Neo-Conservative's Overlooked about the American People?

9-11 FWD: This For Luck & Never Forget

Magic Rat (drove his sleek machine)

Rain may translate to great fall colors

Bar is sued over karaoke songs

Question for Astrologers

Any seers here? Need help with nature signs

Peace Is A Position Of Strength

Georgia TG Battles For Name Change

Daily U.S. Casualties 9/11/2003

Case Dropped Against Homophobic Preacher

Who are the 6 republicans?

Iraq may be the termite in America's cellar

Drinking Uranium? No worries!

Conservation group issues dire report

NOVA on PBS to have 3 hours on string theory! - Oct 28 start

'Chile all over again'

China: 'Separatists' In Muslim NW Trained In Pakistan

Swedish Progressive Stabbed to Death Euro vote to go forward

More about the Missouri override

2 Dozen Netted in Guns Round-up

refresh my memory

California driver license law hurts enforcement of gun laws

Horserace posts and Horserace polls should have their own forum.

links in sig

Posting pictures here shut down my website? (urgent)

I really object to people calling Schwarzenegger "Ahnuld",

Is the "no I/P LBN" rule being waived?

Please delete all my posts or I will lose my website

IDF troops commandeer building near Muqata ...

"Folke Bernadotte and the first Middle East roadmap"

EU agrees to put Hamas on EU agrees to put Hamas on outlawed terror group

Is it new policy or politics? Israel moves to expel Arafat

CNBC reporting that Israeli security has decided to expell Arafat.

Arafat may not survive next 24 hours

Jewish terror suspects freed as probe stalls

MSNBC -- Large Crowd Gathering At Arafat Compound (LIVE 3PM)

Dean defends Middle East remarks

Jerusalem Post Says: "Kill Arafat"

A Healer of Terror Victims Becomes One

Stop the Murders of Israelis and Palestinians

German TV show seriously discussed "conspiracy theories"!

Mystery Military 757(?) on 9-9-03 shakes up town not far from Shanksville

Need help finding the Resolution giving the Okay to war in Iraq

September 11 victims a beautiful website,

three articles about 911

Kucinich will be in Oakland Monday September 15

Dean Wants Clark to Join His Campaign

Finally, politics with soul (opinion)

Does Anyone Else Think Edwards Is Kicking Butt In The Debates?

MSNBC embedded journalist Felix Schein on Howard Dean (updated often)

Little Understood Ballot Initiative Could Have 'Devastating Effect' On Gay

Dean's remarks make rivals say: Wait a minute

A Debate in Black and White

Dean and Edwards topped SEIU ballot

Our Principles Will Keep Us Secure

Article indicates that Clark may hurt Kerry, Graham and Edwards

Kerry garners the support of 55 Key NH activists

Dennis speaks on 9/11

Truth Is Scarce (HOWARD DEAN mention)

Zogby- Americans Support Balance in Mideast (re Howard, Joe, John)

KUCINICH misses his first House vote -- on DC vouchers

Edwards says he can create 100,000 jobs in 4 years

Dean on the September 11, 2003 anniversary


John Kerry Earns Support from 55 Key New Hampshire Activists

Candidate Bashing in P&C.

Kerry says he might exceed spending limit

The Democratic Message in 2004:...MY NEW ARTICLE IS UP NOW

Washington Post says Dean has asked Clark to join his campaign

Dean’s Example, Tennessee, for State with Low Gun Violence was WRONG

Carol Moseley Braun on Responsible Gun Ownership

Bush Leads Gephardt; Dean Strong 2nd with Dems in KOMU's Missouri Poll

Dean Campaign Continues To Lie About Other Candidates On Race

Hoeffel gets high-powered assistance

George Will: Lieberman: The Alternative Among Democrats

CA State Senate calls on Davis to apologize for accent remark


Kucinich answers the shrub

Gore in Statistical Dead Heat with Bush: New Poll!

There’s a Chill in the Air

John Edwards on Civil Rights

Brown on Braun: Warm Reception for Braun at Taubman Center

Media Should Stop Pretending Kerry's Position Is Incomprehensible

GREAT Richard Reeves: Why Bush Can't Win

BBV-- E-Voting Blunder article now featured at WIRED.COM

Had seen that Salon article on Sept 11 thoughts that dare not find their

When Arnold says opening the books to the auditors is the solution to CA's

How Come GD has infiltrated the Lounge?

Total Insanity

Bum start for CNN's Zahn and Cooper

Must Read: Sept/Oct Mother Jones on why the

Should we have a separate board for election 2004?

Does anyone know of a source for this info (Bush speech today)

I think it is better to lose in 2004 than lose in 2008, 2012 and 2016.

Howard Dean Solitaire

Fascist Bumper Sticker Alert:

Howard Dean Flash Mob

My thoughts on 9/11 and the aftermath (2 years later)....

I Remember (12:01am on September 11)

The IGNORE function and why it just may save your sanity

A major flaw in the administration numbers re the $87 billion.

AP story on Dean/Clark?

Was Gamil al-Batouti a test run for the "suicide pilot"?

Clark Almost Certainly In (FAUX)

Hey, check this out

New Jersey's delegation and the Cuban embargo

Wesley Clark should not be a VP candidate

Your "cotton" anniversary gifts to America?

september 11th apology to the people of chile

forgive me, but thoughts on 9/11 that i had to let out

Why should we vote for someone that authorized Bush to get his War on?

The old argument between right and left member starts support site for 12 year old sued by RIAA

Rumsfeld suggests tourism as a way to fund Iraqi rebuilding.

Interesting poll on terrorism sheds some real light on what people think

I still remember

West Wing - Isaac and Ishmael - on Bravo tonight 7pm ET

Look! A post that ISN'T about Dean or Clark!

With "liberators" like these, who needs Saddam Hussein?

Two Years Ago Today . . . .


Does It Help Or Hurt A Candidate To Enter Late In The Game?

Results of a Google for "LIHOP"

walter cronkite said that chimpy was beatable........

How will the administration react to ABC News test of security?

Should NAFTA be repealed?

How Ironic?

"Breaking the law"....

Alabanza (Martin Espada's 911 poem)

Okay, who put the pod under Lamar Alexanders's bed???

A moment of silence...

80,000 Jobs Per Month Lost Under Bush

They Go To Las Vegas: 9/11 & the Oklahoma City Bombing

Paul Krugman on Fresh Air with Terry Gross. Here is the link.

Clark-Dean coversations. More from the front.....

Rumsfeld's mention of Reagan & Bush in the same breath...

9/11; Before, during and now...

Bush Resignation Hailed by World Leaders - Palast

9/11 anniversary letter for publication - comments please

9-11 thoughts

If You Criticize Clark You are Unpatriotic & Don't Support Our Troops &

What's the buzz on McClellan's Blood, Money and Power ..........

I can confirm that US Rep. Rangel was on the Draft Clark conference call

Father of hydrogen bomb finally dead

Rumsfeld on 9/11: "it may be ... a blessing in disguise"

Something to do today

Poll: 73% of Americans Unable to Believe This Shit – (Bad News For Kerry)

Get to know your CODE RED terror alert

The Genetically Modified Bomb

Dubya's 'Axes of Evil': the French Connection!

Bush Resignation Hailed by World Leaders


First Scientific Poll of Iraqis

Oh, This is Very Very Bad! Dean supports will destroy Dean!

Initial Jobless Claims rise 3,000 to 422,000 for week of 9/6...

Dean & Clark meet to discuss VP and support

Bush Reaches Out to Hispanic Community with Generous Tip

"Clark-ies?" "Green-ies?" "Dean-ies?"

My Mom Is As Moderate As They Come

Wow! Nofacts: GOP facing 'perfect storm'

Will the Iraqis have a "Patriot Day" to remember the thousands

arnold going on oprah

Just the thought of Hillary



'Den of Thieves' track #4: 'True'

NRA Family Values In Action

Cooks: Suggestions for LARGE amounts of mushrooms

September 11 2001 and September 11 2003

What planet is this? I can't get to DU's lower front page:

PAGE SIX claims Hillary trying to block Clark run. . .LOL

Posting pictures here shut down my website (urgent reply requested)

Anyone have a LINK to the text of the resolution okaying the war in Iraq?

Honorary chairmen. Perfect fools.

I am having an argument with a Heritage Foundation guy

One of my delivery drivers asked if he could fly US Flag on Company Truck

Redneck Reality...

9-11...Manufactured Pretext for Geopolitical Goals of Neo-Cons?

Dean: Clark VP talk 'not even on the radar screen'

How DARE Rumsfeld try to define "patriotism"!

World Death Rate Holding Steady at 100% (Some dirt on Nader)

Is Elliot Spitzer presidential material?

Which would be the strongest potential ticket?

free speech is not operative right now -- try later, thanks for using CNN

OK...tout your candidate's job skills!

What state is the American capital of Fascism

I am purposely posting during the "MOMENT OF SILENCE"

A woman stops D.Rumfeld during his speech - What do you think about that ?

The great ADDITIONAL tragedy of 9/11

Randi Rhodes' message board link....

Pols' office building torched by arsonist (Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill)

Does anybody have any links to soldier's letters expressing

Bush Resignation Hailed by World Leaders

Freeper response to Wesley announcement!!! Hahahahaha....

Whoopie!! Novakula's report will make you LOLOL! LOLOL!

Regarding the "New" 9/11 Tape: I remember seeing video of the 1st plane

Ugly Fact about Carter, Brzezinski and Afghanistan

Rumsfeld's National Press Club's Speech with the Hecklers - Video

President wants stronger, tougher Patriot Act...

As much dirt as I could find on all the candidates.

Washington Post: Bush frequently invokes 9/11 in speeches



Gift Suggestion for Your Republican and Independent Friends

TNR Senior Editor Gregg Easterbrook Calls some 9/11 Families "Greedy"

Graham: "What about Osama bin Forgotten?"

"more often than not the election-night results tend to be accurate"

A Freeper Rally and Picnic - I'm not kidding

Warning to all Democrats and mythical "liberal media"....

Missing from 9/11 observances . .

Bush is afraid to go to NYC

Local paper "My Turn" that is evidence of changing fortunes for Bush*

Happy Patriot Day!!!

Customs did a slick one on NYC

We should ask the world ( NICELY) to send troops to Iraq!

Has anyone here seen this RW email?

Did the Germans deny Mein Kampf until they were defeated?

Just on the Diane Rehm Show: Bush fiddled while Rome burned

Who Let Ed Koch Out This Morning Without His Meds?

Clark, Kerry and Dean article USA today

Help! I need a reality check from New Yorkers, especially!

Ashcroft got working orders from "Providence"

No McClintock drop-out proves no Rove conspiracy?

"Queer Eye" sparks US protests

I just heard AG Assclench on the radio

I am beginning to think DU means Dean's Underground.

Daily U.S. Casualties 9/11/2003

Clark on TV tonight to discuss Dean on MSNBC 10pm

* as Owen Meany--interesting 9/11 Article...

If Bush really wants to help Iraq.....

If Pelosi and Co. De-rail the Dean Express I'm leaving the Party...

I am thinking of having a fundraising event for Dean but.....

Did George Bush steal the 2000 election?

Be very afraid.

Texas Proposition 12 - Vote No

Is Jeb revising history with help of AP??.......pension fund 2 articles!

Waiting in the food line

Angry Iraqis tell of U.S. troops making fatal errors

Anyone know if there are any 9/11 discussions on Freak Republic?

Paul Krugman (Interview) Clinton's Legacy & Bush..........

Campaign 2004 idea to use against Bush, over and over again

Moments of Silence for the Victims of 9/11, and for the victims of

Has the soldier death of today been reported anywhere?

Goat Story George

Why it would be stupid for Clark to be Dean's running mate in the primary

Exxon front group pushes Bush EPA policy?

Looks like the knives are out for Dean...

Which Prez. Candidate Most Reminds You Of Yourself?

Rummy says some Gitmo prisoners will stay forever

Try hard not to smirk

Dorgan (D) going off on FCC Media Rules NOW (1:11pm et)

BBV: Hey, God_Bush_n_Cheney, are the 3 days up yet?

Opinions, please - do we have the new product roll-out?

Free Speech TV: 9-11 Unanswered Questions...on now.

I just heard Kirsten Breitweiser (sp?) on NPR

Whatever happened to the investigations of 9/11 and anthrax attacks?

DWC Response to "Clark as VP" Rumor, Lays SMACKDOWN on Bush!


Here's a BALLOT for ya!!!

Correction: Clark on Inside Politics at 4:00 EDT

Tommy Chong Going to Jail for Bongs.... I am sorry but this is ridiculous.

Sackcloth and Ashes

O'REILLY Puffballs Ahhhnuld (transcript)

7 World Trade Center - why it blew up:

Anna Lindh, Swedish Foreign Minister, Dies from Knife Wounds

TPM: a priceless comparison

Cartoons... 9/11/03

Immediately After The Attacks Happened...

Clark Set to Enter 2004 Presedential Race

Sorry, I couldn't resist...

Sorry, I couldn't resist...

Free Tommy Chong. He only sold bongs....

Message to Bush

Are you still seeing your psychiatrist?

Oh Oh. . .Go to Drudge RE: Clark

Can someone PLEASE help me to respond to these posts?

Just a reminder: Know your real enemies.

research request - mossad in us activity on 911

Freeper's showing true colors - frothing

Do We Love America?

Is It Likely That Clark Will Be Dean's Running Mate?

Political pressure on local news stations..What should a lib do?

Hey, No Matter Which Candidate You Support, Can We Agree on One Thing?

BREAKING: Israeli Cabinet votes to expell Arafat

Wow...Clark polling double digits nationally

CNN right now

the dept of defense

Bush's Counterterror Proposals Could Be a Hard Sell--( But don't worry)

I LOVE THEM ALL and want to vote for every single one of them!!!

September 11 has been declared a National Holiday!

I want my Dean and eat Clark, too!

Wash. Whispers: They're already flocking to Clark

deleting message for safety.

Canidates on Electronic Rights

Anyone else notice no planes today?

Kucinich is just as much a politician as the rest. Example...

Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIP's

On the U.S. Selling Arms to Iraq.

America -- attack free for 730 days

Nice article analyizing about liberal bias..

Great Fiore cartoon for today

Something's up with Bill Clinton.

How do I post a picture...I have a great poster from England about *

Clark on CNN now

Wesley Clark may join Howard Dean ticket

I've waited 2 years for this! Is mainstream media catching on??

Any Michael Moore News?????????

? For Clark Supporters...

Montana Family Group to run campaign against TV Show "Queer Eye"

An excellent point about this Kerry/PNAC thing


Okay, let's get to work. List of talking points for Dems


Doonesbury is Great !

Josh Marshall on how Dean's campaign is setting up Clark

Bush Resignation Hailed by World Leaders

CNN Poll Bush Speech did not work approval numbers sink

Just one more step to go and Bush is on political life support..........

Majority Thinks US is Winning the War on Terrorism

Bush Donors: Saddam’s BEST Customers

Senators pull plug on filming for new HBO series about lobbyists

dont forget - Bush had FBI 'back-off' Bin Laden pre-911

Limbaugh Just Called Hillary Clinton "A Screaming Witch"

Zogby has Chimp approval rating at 45%!!!!

Is Clark hurting his credibility ?

Remarkable 9-11 show on the lies, cover ups and distortions...

The local College Republicans were out today

Four adjectives to convert your swing-vote friends and acquaintences

Question on Dean bio: NOT A FLAME!

'Isaac and Ishmael' West Wing episode on NOW (7pm ET) on Bravo

willpitt- when you are done giggling

I don't care who the damn candidate is: I WANT BUSH OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE

War and Peace Quotes - Or not learning from history...

This Dean supporter will welcome Gen. Clark into race

How Bush Won CA in 2004

Is Clark delaying his announcement to derail the Republican Campaign?

Anyone see ABC World News?


Empire. PNAC Empire. Bush Empire. Total World Fascism.

Pure capitalism or pure communism?

"Power to the People": article by Dennis Kucinich


James Carville and J.C. Watts on ESPN Sportscenter right now

You Can Bet That The Networks Will Do Alot Of Bush Butt-Kissing Today.

W. Bush: One of history's greatest failures

Clark bio question for someone here who knows.....

allegations of US mltry torture deaths said "ridiculous" are TRUE

Thousands of federal jobs may go abroad, U.S. says

Latest USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll results

CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll on Dem Nominees... WITH Clark

Two Years Later -- 9/10/03

Never forget: "Had I known that the enemy

What is capitalism?

Gen. Clark Reportedly Asked to Join Dean

All together now....

I know Saddam isnt linked to 9/11, but help my moron pal

What if ONE hijacker/pilot with ONE friend w/gun had killed 10,000

HBO: 9-11 special...WATCH IT! 7:00EST tonight

Where Are All the Bush Sycophants?

Let's make a list of what the desperate Repugs are saying

MYTH: Most American Jews Agree With AIPAC/Neocons

What does anyone think about last night's Nightline?

Kerry-Cleland Is A Better Combo Than Dean-Clark

NEW Microsoft security holes exposed forums: Pro-White discussion thread

A program that is a MUST HEAR about security: Kojo Nmandi

Turn on MSNBC Hardball!!!! NOW!!!

a foreign affairs disaster

Media won't report: Kerry position on Iraq in line with American public.

The ACLU seems to be working to get all the paper punch ballot

I asked my 5 yr. old daughter what the President does..

A Note on the Conspiracy Theories sprouting re: Dean and Clark

ARe you scared yet? Want to hear something really scary...

FBI spent twice the $ investigating sex than terrorism. Why?

Question for Union Members

WHO does PNAC want to see winning Democratic Nomination?

ever since last evening we've had rumbling, in patterns, like thunder, but

The new "Get rid of Bush Base"

Clark, Clark, Clark...WHY???

Zogby Poll: Dean takes lead in Iowa-Edwards also gains ground

BBV has anyone seen this? web simulation

If none of the others can stop Dean, how can they beat Bush?

September 11, 2003: Lessons Learned Two Years On

Dean's favorite song: Andrew Sullivan inferring anti-Semitic lyrics..

McClintock and Schwarzenegger

Before I endorse Clark I want to know this...

Can Ed Koch be considered sane?

How the Right is trying to steal the Jewish vote and what we need to do

Lieberman Hardball transcript from Wed Night (Dean/Kerry Attack)

Dean Is An AIPAC Man Trying To Pacify The Left

Faux News Now HiJacker Tribute in England

Dean is coming across as an amature

So I checked into some info for a Private School for my kids today...

Jean Paul Sartre

White House Had Plan For Al Qaeda

BBV: when is the book coming out?

Project Censored Releases List Of Most Underreported Stories

What the hell has happened to Michael Kinsley (slate)?

About Cheney being asked not to go to services...

Calling all Boston DUers - can we get a little more organized?

There has been an accusation made here that Kerry cheated his way

Gore in Statistical Dead Heat with Bush: New Poll!

Anti-war protestors, get a load of this....

Flaming Liberals for Centrists

"Bush Knew - An American Requiem" In case you haven't seen it

Missouri becomes 45th Right to Carry State

Jeane Kirkpatrick Came, Anne Coulter is coming

Breaking late: Court ruled that Chaney has to reveal names - energy panel

There are no hate groups listed in Vermont and Hawaii

BBV: Attn. GA Lawers and Friends of Lawyers

a reporter wants to know what our questions are (?W/9-11)

All these Clark threads have me giggling like a titmouse

Fascism Will Come to America Like the Chill of Autumn

Clark Candidacy Should Help, Not Hurt, Dean

ALERT: If you like Dennis Kucinich even a little bit, READ THIS NOW

Blue Movies Proliferate in Post-Saddam Iraq

Selma Civil Rights Pioneer Dies (Marie Foster)

Iraq: Eyewitness says US helicopter attack killed ITN reporter Terry Lloyd

BAE denies Saudi 'slush' report

Iraq situation critical, Graham says

HOUSE WATCH-9/11/2003 (#1)

SENATE WATCH-9/11/2003 (#1) (FCC resolution)

Treasury Eyes Fannie and Freddie ..........................

MPs Criticize Blair's '45-Minute' Iraq Claim

Saudi Clerics Hit More Rights for Women

Israel must expel Arafat: foreign minister

Kerry says he might exceed spending limit

Musharraf rejects 'traitor' tag

Federal Panel to hear Texas District Suit

'Fall guy' Hoon awaits his fate

AFL-CIO Delays Presidential Endorsement

ABC Ships Uranium Overseas for Story

Hoon criticised in Iraq report

CIA Tape Analysis 'Inconclusive' Bin Laden Voice

CIA Confirms Audio of Bin Laden Deputy

Foreign Views of U.S. Darken Since Sept. 11

Union chief's 'resign' hint to Blair

Spain to Try Al Jazeera Newsman for Aiding Al Qaeda

Missile threat keeping Baghdad Airport closed: US commander

Living in 'Apocalyptic Fear'

Miami's top cop seeks to declaw demonstrators during trade talks (+more)

Critical Report Lands Blair in New Iraq Trouble (Spy chiefs warned him)

Trade Center was a 'chemical factory'-Study sees Trade Center health issue

Cheney to skip main 9.11 ceremony(families request)

(UT) Huntsman Jr. Files Papers for Governor (Bushie Negotiator)

US denies allowing Iran rebels to continue operations from Iraq

CNN: Terror Warning from State Dept.

Justice department again defies U.S. judge

ABC Pays to Use Historic 9-11 Video

Bin Laden tape analyzed for clues

Jordan Unready to Send Iraq Peacekeepers

Dalai Lama Assesses Iraq, Afghan Wars

Bridgeport Primary (Dem) (a mess..)

White House: Don't Expect United Nations Help in Iraq

S F BayBay Area Television Anchor-Reporter Gives $1,000 to Schwarzenegger

Deutsche Bank Sues NY State for Sept. 11 Damage

Florida judge rules ...association can foreclose on man who defied flag ru

It looks like candidate Wesley Clark

Federal audit delayed at Gov. Bush's request shows state owes $267 million

(Calif.) State GOP fears 'bloodbath' at convention

CNN: Wesley Clark may announce for presidency next week

Thousands of troops may not get voting materials in time (CA)

Firefight in Iraq; 3 U.S. Vehicles Burned

Berlusconi Absolves Mussolini in Quote (Mu never killed, only exiled)

Who Aided Hijackers Is Still Mystery

U.S., Allies Push Russia to Back Iran Nuke Deadline {Reuters}

IMF Examines Risks to Global Economy From Developing Country Debt

Half of California's Unions Agree to Deferred Wage Increases


White House Threatens Senate with Veto (media ownership rules)

On Yahooo News: Gaffe Casts Doubts on Electronic Voting

Bin Laden tape is old material - French expert

Apparent Security Hole in Primary Highlights Danger of Electronic Voting

Two Michigan units get extension orders

Pope Falters During His Speech

Protesters Attack Monsanto's Greenhouse in Southern India


U.S. jobless claims (422,000) climb to 6-week high

9/11-themed viruses hit the Net

Blair Is Cleared of Exaggerating Iraq Threat

VOA: Howard Dean, Wesley Clark Discuss Alliance, says Report

Schwarzenegger Takes Campaign to 'Oprah'

Overhaul of Veterans' Health Care System Raises Concern in Senate

RIAA Sued For Amnesty Offer

Italy Estimates 4,000 Heat Deaths

N.Korea Said to Halt Work at Nuclear Facility

Three Children Dead, Mother and Child Wounded in Shooting

Bush Seeks to Toughen Anti-Terror Laws

Iraqi leader shies away from inviting Turkish troops

U.S. Bars 5 Saudi Pilots

Downloading backlash?

Libya strikes deal to end sanctions

Atomic Agency Meeting Moves Toward Setting October Deadline for Iran

Nearly 3,000 ill with West Nile virus

Army Deputy Commander Says Plan in Place to Expel Arafat [ArutzSheva]

Greenpeace obtains smoking-gun memo: White House/Exxon link

USA Today: Poll: Bush Approval Rating Takes Fall (52%)

Bust of Dan Quayle unveiled in Senate

Economy, Iraq, dim Bush's post-September 11 luster

FBI says it can't infiltrate al-Qaeda

Judge Delays Ruling on Removing Brain-Damaged Woman's Feeding Tube

Judge Says Frozen Iraq Funds Can't Be used for Sept. 11 Families

Appeals court throws out record $311,000 Florida campaign fine

Iraqis do not trust Americans, says poll

Clark Set to Enter 2004 Presidential Race

Navy Concludes That Secrets Aboard Spy Plane Were Comprised by Chinese

Actor Tommy Chong Going To Federal Prison

U.S. Opposes Move to Expel Yasser Arafat

Mysterious blast shakes Nanaimo - Canada

Major firefight erupts outside of Fallujah

Appeals Panel Hears Arguments for Halting California Recall Election

AP: Clark Set to Enter 2004 Presidential Race

Swedish FM has died

Appeals Court Refuses to Rehear Cheney Energy Task Force Case

Anger builds over EPA’s 9-11 report

Bush leads America in prayer

Heads Up East Coast-Weather Channel getting worried

How Come GD has infiltrated the Lounge?

The transplant that won't happen

Some punk ass eminem wannabe piece of shit motherfucker

I have no coffee, but I do have Hot Chocolate....

And why aren't YOU in the GROTTO?

HA HA HA the cover of Micheal Moore's new book......

To all those with pics everytime they post!!

I want a Pierre Trudeau Avatar image option on DU!!! sign up your support!

Oh, My, So Sorry to cause a disturbance in GD,

who, which, that

Any Visual Basic programmers/gurus here?

Please answer this question

if you like "Puppetry of the Penis," you'll love . . .

I'm on hold with Bernie Ward-

Friggin' banks......

I'm smelling things, no really, and it is not fun. Any suggestions/help?

yet more hate radio sponsors

Fusion Cooking: Is There Reason for Hope?

Help me find this website and song about 911

"In a building explosion...

Hi everyone! Windows Messenger removal help

Bouncing Bear - Funny Video

Just got through makin' some catheads.

Good (Thursday) Morning DU!!

Could I go to jail for flipping off the Shrub?

How Often Do You Have To REBOOT Your Computer?

How can we secure the mime vote?

I will NOT compromise with "Centrists/DLC" on the Juggling Issue!

FBI to discontinue Witness Protection Parade

Favorite song about MONKEYs LOVIN'?

The Last Elevator

Time for some bad puns...(Is ZenLefty still around?)

Bill consolidation annoyances....

Two tired for sex? Not this woman......

Anyone here belong to Emusic?

Bush as an asshole

arnold phone prank flash

How bad will Texas beat Arkansas Saturday?

Personal to Liberator_Rev

How rich are you? Do you know how you compare to the rest of the world?

Are music sharing services down?

Club Lets Businessmen Cavort in Dresses

So, I actually bought a vermouth atomizer.

9-11...Manufactured Pretext for Geopolitical Goals of Neo-Cons?

It was 45 (degrees) when I got up . . .

World Death Rate Holding Steady at 100% (Some dirt on Nader)

Spank Me! I Turned Down Tickets to Letterman for Tonite!

Bush Reaches Out to Hispanic Community with Generous Tip

Wow. "Family Guy" creator was supposed to be on 9/11 flight...

Any Interlochen alumni out there?

Question about (rolls eyes) cockroaches (ugh!)

9/11 poem from "Warrior Poets..."

Should DU'ers Read the Posts on the Free Republic ?

Simon & Garfunkel on Letterman tomorrow . . .

Posting pictures here shut down my website (urgent reply requested)

Poll: 73% of Americans Unable to Believe This Shit – (Bad News For Kerry)

What Keeps a Man Interested??

Generic Poll

How do I post a GIF pic on Here from my Pictures folder??

Tom Ridge on Biography tonight? TOM RIDGE ON BIOGRAPHY TONIGHT?!!!

My kitchen is finished!

THE LIE CLOCKS--a little story that smacks of the truth....


Mommy! The Clown Frightens Me! -- Make It Go Away!

MY new Lisence Plate!

"You listening to the Communist News Network?"

Any other 9-11 birthdays here?

CAPTION a real mind boggler

So I'm Sitting There Watching CNN...

Woo! My commentary was published in today's uni. paper re: Iraq!

Tuition is crazy...

I'm a country. I have diplomatic immunity.


The "roadmap" to ME peace

When is Will Pitt going to be in Asheville NC ?

Confiscated pot plants turn out to be deer-protein plants

Heh, heh... My other boss just lent me "Big Lies" by Joe Conason

College Football Pool

Army vs. Navy Football predictions?

JohnKleeb: Your thread is ready

OK, this is a long shot and I don't expect anyone to remember this...

Flip side, your most HATED sports teams

I know the feds are preoccupied today...

Can you feel the bass from my new speakers from there?

I aced my in-lab VB.Net exam. Ask me anything.

"Bob Roberts"...thoughts?

Anyone into Martial arts?

My band got a mention in the W Post today...

One more down

I just asked a DU'er anything. Ask me anything.

Is There a Wine Connoisseur in the House?

Are Americans willing to give up their cars for commuting etc. IF

hey Will Pitt, when is your next book going to be in the stores?

Bit of humor for today.

Those who have read The Best Democracy Money Can Buy

Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.

"It's a small world after's a small world after all"

my brother just bought a mandolin from EBay ask me anything.

Do you have a favorite sandwich?

Why do they make that poor old Pope

The Freepers are having a picnic!

I've figured out why my wife can't open up to liberalism.

I got pen ink on my fingernails ask me anything

Chicago DUers-- GNN's 9/11 Aftermath Video at 6PM downtown

The "every bad thing that happens in the US started in the South" quiz

Now I'm spooked

The Pathic Petitioner of all CAPTIONS!!!

The Carpe Diem of all CAPTIONS!!!

What psychic tools have you used today?

I really need the Queer Eye guys to come here...

Create Your Own Band!

new Hannity sponsors

Most Annoying Laugh

Ladies, are you a "badass chick?"

Anyone catch Rumsfeld addressing the National Press Club?

Being There: The CAPTION!!!

Seat Up or Seat down?

What physical tools have you used today?

Caravan hit by low-flying cow - BBC

The Cellulite Cushion of all CAPTIONS!!!

How many high schoolers out there?

Concerning the sounds of mystery.

At least * & Arnie are good for something - a laugh

A plug for a beautiful Peace thread

How many of you have been through Intercourse??

Osama bin Laden video receives Academy Award nomination

What does your CD lineup look like for today?

I'm really a Freeper disruptor. Ask me anything.

I am High On Polyurethane Fumes.... Ask Me Anything

Is Donald Rumsfeld insane?

Strange low-pitched rumblings, anyone?

A Question About U.K. Automobiles...

A president must wear many hats

Help. Who's the actress...

The Miracle of Birth

"Engrish" anyone?

Howard Dean once forgot to put the seat back down!

Any thoughts on the United Way?

I need some help from devoted movie lovers!

Oh my God, this is the greatest thing ever: PIXIES REUNION!

Incredible picture

What a pair of BOOBS! Warning may offend some people

who here likes great tits?

I got laid this morning. Ask me anything

For mmmarke, et al, Poor Martha's Party Casserole (Lasagna)

Bure fails physical, out indefinitely due to injured knee

What is this children's book?

I hurt my back this morning lifting a dehumidifier, ask me anything.

Whose AIM name is ACPS65?

88.5 WMNF played "self evident " by Ani DiFranco...An AMAZING poem

Caption the morans.

Bush's job options

Soooo, How Many Tattered, Faded, Torn Flags In YOUR Neighborhood Today?

Hey DU moms, my wife is spotting 12 weeks into her pregnancy

If you could be any superhero who would you be?

have you ever seen dogs this fat?

C'mon! Anyone!? I need to find this poster!

Wet Pussies

Cooks: Suggestions for LARGE amounts of mushrooms

Who wants Peace?

Waah! A cat I love has cancer....

Eat More Dogs, Cambodians Urged

After all those sandwiches... dessert??

What's your favorite kitchen, tool?

why didn't the American Taliban ever whine about Undressed on MTV?

Christian Bale is the new Batman! And other superhero stuff!

Hurricanes! some good reading here from... Weather Underground!

I Had a Tooth Pulled This Morning. Ask Me Anything

Taking a count: New England DUers, please check in!

Today is my birthday! What should I do? (poll)

Results back: It's benign!

Bush jokes - LOL funny! ;-)

Tomorrows the big

Random Question. Who is this singer?

Millions and millions and millions of people will remember...

Mother Nature at her most impressive

Who likes lemurs???.Click the little feller..and wait for it


Can anyone help me find the poster of Bush next to Hitler...

Oh NO! I hit 500 posts!

Help further my education in Bruce Spingsteenology

Let's talk Coffee.

European Police And Ambulance Sirens Are COOL!!

Best epithet to describe GWB?

I ran out of OJ

Assuming you like Italian food.......

I'm sick


Poll: Worst Movie Accent Ever!