Kinsley: 87 billion excuses, but no apologies
Krugman - Exploiting the Atrocity
PROTEST dick CHENEY in charleston, wv - Mon, Sept 15th
A question for my black brothers and sisters
Allies Line Up with U.S. to Set Iran Nuke Deadline
maybe guns do kill people......NRA
I've hit alert twice - why no response?
Poll of Americans show Israel among top U.S. allies
Annan condemns ‘despicable’ Palestinian suicide attacks
Democrat's remarks on Israel may lead Jews to cut funds
They Go To Las Vegas: 9/11 Hijackers & Oklahoma City Bombers
Radio debate on state of Dem Party (NH Public Radio)
What are the qualities of an "electable" Presidential candidate?
Democratic candidate Dean asks Wesley Clark to be running mate
Top five signs you have been spending too much time on the Dean campaign
Dean supports home care for elderly and disabled
The Hill- Sen. Boxer faces likely fight from Jones in 2004
As I become more concerned about BBV, I wonder:
One advantage I see in nominating Clark
A reservist died at Walter Reed on 9/7/03
re-post from early 2003 - pic of parade w Uncle Sam
Talking Points = World War III?
Eat More Dogs, Cambodians Urged
2/26/2003 Rowley letter to FBI director
Dr Krugman diagnosis of Bush: ADD
BBV :Ohio SOS makes his choices.
Bush extended the state of emergency yesterday???
I Wonder If The Next Democratic Administration Will Be Able To Release...
George W. Bush is out of control by Will Pitt
Will Al Gore be a candidate for President of the U.S. in 2004?
important question for General Clark
HELLO AMERICA!! Where Have our Soldiers Gone?
Pirate Video Blipverts - 9/11 Anthology
If Bush cant get in the high fifties in a Gallup poll, you know he's toast
Whoopi's new show is on NBC right now!!!
HBO 9/11 fixin to come on again 9pm CST
Ashcroft tossing Tommy Chong in Jail for selling Bongs
Alan Murray and Gloria Borger, whores extraordinare
Group tries to rally anti-gay TV protest
LIHOP speculation in a major metro tabloid? Has the worm finally turned?
The Hill: Gore considering entering race in the fall
"Never Forget?!" shouldn't that be "Try to Forget?"
Support our (p)resident in this time of war, he's doing a great job
PROTESTdick CHENEY in charleston, wv - Mon, Sept 15th
help - q about tv listing of debate
FBI Lied to Clinton about Iraqi Assassination Attempt on BushSr
Profiles in Stupidity (hee hee hee)
9/11 Families Plead: Why no accountability?
TLC in Canada in running 9/11 - The President's story
Poor farmers' mass show of strength
Reviews of Bush Speech! the WORLD news (he sucked)
Osama comes to the aid of Bush every time he gets in trouble..
Replay of 9/11 widows ripping into Bush - MSNBC
If Clark Announces, Can He Participate in Debates?
Re: "a reporter wants to know" (THANKS!)
The more you scream the more they flee.
Nice to See Freepers Unite with DU'ers on one issue. Backfire Asscroft
maybe guns do kill people......NRA
Essay test in "international realtions" tomorrow, need ideas
I just read one of Andrew Sullivan's blog columns.
9-11 widows coming up (hardball replay)
Do we dare start calling him President Toast?
Let's be clear about this BUSH LIE right now!
Osama LOVES Bush... but not for the reasons you think...
Nightline: Afghanistan war far from over....reports. 10.40 pm CST
Is our current situation worse politically than Vietnam and Watergate?
CIA largest budget items: election tampering & news propaganda
Why is the American Media so afraid to tell the truth about 9-11?
My (polite) gripe with one of the Clark arguments
Kill Osama bin Laden, Kill him 50 times over that miserable piece of Crap!
What sort of Laws can be written to prevent another BushCo.?
Clark-smearing - It's starting
Republican Whip Gets Engaged to Tobacco Lobbyist
top ten most influential lefty blogs
Question from - Please take a minute to answer
NEVER FORGET!!: Bush in the aftermath of 9-11 was MIA.
Mystery shrouds Pentagon's extra funds
Graham, on 9/11, goes right after Dubya
On 9/11, let us not forget Bush's rallying cries about Osama Bin Laden
Two years later, here's what we lost
Are gays and lesbians minorities?
CNN claims OBL directly acknowledges involvement in 9-11
Upcoming books from/about the candidates
High Tuition Debts and Low Pay Drain Public Interest Law
My son got in trouble at school today for criticizing Smirk!
HEADS UP - (Black Box) Scoop scoops again
Shut the Fuck Up--You Hypocritical Bullshitters!!
CIA weapons expert to quit after uranium scandal
Rumsfeld: No rush to try terror suspects
Report Shows High Use of Psychotropic Drugs in Foster Care Kids (Florida)
Big Bush's Visit Fuels Talk of Big Deals (Russia)
WP: Panel Warned Blair of War Risk
For Patients' Rights, It's a Quiet Fadeaway
Bush and the Americas Split on Terrorism Agenda
There is a dark cabal around Blair
Miami commissioners tentatively adopt protest limits
With pain and nostalgia, Chile remembers coup
Returning from Iraq War Not so Simple for Soldiers
WP: Past Votes Dog Some Candidates
9-11 Monument With Commandments Unveiled in Government Building
Wolfowitz Shifts Rationales on Iraq War
CONGRESSIONAL NOTEBOOK: Job Creation Is GOP's No. 1 Talking Point
New North Korean Missile Could Hit Anywhere in U.S.
A Conservative's Stubborn Stand Worries GOP (McClintock)
Zogby: Gore/Bush in statistical tie; half the people know Gore won!
Check out my beautiful TiTMouse!
Mothers little helper - Funny Video
Found this sweet, inspiring song, wanted to share it with you
Whoopie's show is on right now 9:30pm
How many fingers am I holding up?
Pics From Nashville Rally Monday
Can someone identify this song.....
Do you think I have the most traditional sig line???
White Stripes fans.....................................
I had beans for dinner. Ask me anything...
Hey JOhn Kleeb I saw a Dennis Kucinich bumper sticker today
Sharing my experience tonight. Great story!
I just realized!! I'm out of the 700 Club!
Drunk calls 911 because strippers were laughing at him, jailarity ensues.
How about the Twins? Tied for first in the central.
If the Apocalypse happens tomorrow...
Since GD doesn't appreciate anything but negative bullshit...
I'm alive & back from gallbladder surgery
OK. Let me know if I'm crazy or paranoid
The Death Of Romance: Focus Group Dating
it was a very strange day today
there must be 50 ways to leave your lover
If a meteorite slams into the earth
best brit accent by an american actor
How many message board members to change a light bulb
there must be 50 ways to love your lever
got a call to sub teach 11th grade civics at the high school tommorrow
I'm an idiot. A total buckethead. A pud. A pogue. An assclown grande.
Any voting precinct workers here?
Could I just say that I would like to hit
Where the Hell is Short Bus President?
I'm in Love with Iris Dement. ..."Who?" ..Read on. You might too.
I just watched the HBO 9/11 documentary and I finally figured it out!
Promise "Freepers" - Pathetic or Scarey?
Awesome Anti-Bush shirt I bought for my son today!
Putting it away for a rainy day?
Bands You'd Like to See Reunited...
Chris Hitchens on "though crowd"
G.I. George, action president! (Salon)
Newsweek: The Saudi-Al Qaeda Connection - New Documents
NYT ED: Dean right, Lieberman wrong
Central Asia - Moscow's cosy Saudi connection (Bushies should note this)
Why Don't We Have Answers to These 9/11 Questions?
What is Howard Dean afraid of?
The War In Iraq Is Not Over and Neither Are The Lies To Justify It
Democratic Candidates Who Must REPENT THEIR EVIL WAYS!!!!!
Medea Benjamin back from Baghdad--"Iraqis sense they’ve lost their country
Suspicion falls on Chechens for Iraqi blasts ( and planning more)
Bill Press: " Hey, Buddy, can you spare $87 billion?"
Why politicians cannot be fired?
International Reaction to Bush's Speech on Iraq and Terrorism
Josh Marshall (TPM): On Expelling Arafat
Coming Sunday from AP: Is this World War IV?
Andrew Greeley: U.S. no safer than two years ago
Walter Cronkite: Latest Iraq casualty: Our national prestige
Arnie vs. women voters - cartoon by Benson at Arizona Republic
Disaster in the Making - Is Iraq Another Vietnam?
Arch-conservative won't back Bush
Paul krugman and Dennis Kucinich in Cambridge, MA NEXT WEEKEND
Al Franken in Austin, TX, Saturday the 13th
Whore of the week: Judy Keen, USA Today
The Big Dog on Imus this morning
Cheney to be on Meet the Press for the entire hour
The Shame of California Talk Radio
Rush trying to turn the Fairness Doctrine into his martyrdom
Women's music festival Divafest 7 in Guerneville, Calif., September 12-14
Amputee to suit up for San Jose State next week
Opus the Penguin Back In the Funny Business
Video of the pizza delivery guy getting blown up (warning, graphic)
Christian Bale to be new Batman
for Eloriel (and anyone else who wants to read a time capsule)
Daily U.S. Casualties 9/12/2003
'Colored' signs removed from courthouse
DOMA Passes Key Wisc. Committee
Transgendered woman wins suit to change name
When is Paul Krugman supposed to be on Charlie Rose?
Gephardt's energy plan -- please contribute your comments!
(Energy Meetings) Cheney Denied Delaying Tactic By Appeals Court
World Parks Congress - America A "Basket Case" On Climate Change
Antarctic Ozone Hole May Be Largest Ever
Ah-nold "Created" The Hummer, But He's "All For" The Environment
Will Mount Fuji Ever Blow Its Top?
Zimbabwe's outspoken daily paper is 'illegal'
Terrorists helping Xinjiang militants, China official says
Grenade attack at club solidifies campaign to oust yakuza - Japan
Nepal detains 40 journalists after imposing ban on mass protests
Ishihara unrepentant over bomb barb - Japan
Political donations sink to record low - Japan
Tokyo in a bind over contributions for Iraq
September 11—30 years since the US- backed coup in Chile
'Mussolini wasn't that bad, says Berlusconi'
Drugs Incapable Of Stemming Spread Of HIV Study Shows
Activists puffing over UCT tobacco bursaries - SA - BAT
College drinking linked to marketing
England OKs recreational marijuana (Wash. Times)
Michigan family promises armed standoff, Militia vows its support
Why don't they post DU Gatherings on the front page?
Wake up! Bloody pictures all over LBN
This is in the wrong forum with many rules broken.....
Are the rules for I/P different than the rest of DU
Questions on Clark threads....
Why not change it to "Late-Breaking POLITICAL News"
What is a dupe and what is not?
woah! re: Moving John Ritter thread.
Are you allowing people to use Javascript in their postings
Still waiting on my DU bumper sticker...
Image posting instructions in FAQ
The Quick Rise And Fall Of Mahmoud Abbas
Israel Says It Will "remove" Arafat Whenever It Chooses
Resolutions about peace activist stir Council controversy
What India should also learn from Israel
'Kill Arafat' Says Jerusalem Post Editorial, As Cabinet Votes To Expel
Israelis say they 'don't take orders' from US
Arafat Tells Supporters They Will Go to Jerusalem as Martyrs
Police storm Temple Mount to disperse stone-throwers
An Israeli border police officer is evacuated by medics
proven government conspiracies
Graham at bottom of polls in key states
Hartford Courant Caucus: No Vote (for Lieberman)
From Sam Smith of Progressive Review
WP: Past Votes Dog Some Presidential Candidates
Could California Racists Hand Gray Davis A Victory?
Bush Sr./Bush Jr. - A chip off the Old Economic Block
I don't get the reference, here
Gephardt, in Iowa, assails Howard Dean's Record
A letter from Edward M. Kennedy
If Edwards is a space alien planning to destroy Earth,
Why does gephardt miss 90% of the votes in the House
Kerry to appear on CBS Face the Nation on Sunday live from Iowa
If Dean's wife didn't think Dean won last debate, who did she think won?
Great house party for Dennis in Santa Ana.
Poll: Kerry again rated at the top nationally among Democrats
Is the Philadelphia Mayor 'looking for Ways to Lose?'
Clinton & Davis Are Going to Church
who is going to join the Clark campaign if and when he announces
No link yet, But Iowa, Political Correspondent most suprised by Edwards
Kerry proposes tax cut to help make college affordable for middle class
NYTimes- Dean Learns Pitfalls of a Popular Hopeful
Dean, Pelosi Find Agreement on Israel
Race for Indiana Governor gets Renewed Attention
John Kerry Statement on Howard Dean's Comments on Hamas "Soldiers"
What would it take for kucinich to win?
Chris Hitchens on "though crowd"
Some campaign slogans being considered by Repuglicons
naomi klein: activists must follow the money
Wide Angle program on North Korea
Letter to Terry Goddard re: Diebold Contract
Why do the elderly get free medical care
HELP HELP: I need a link to that PNACesqe 'Defending the Realm'
Kucinich would make a great Secretary of Peace
Any updates on the alleged meeting between Condi and Jack Van Impe?
Isn't this Ollie North in disguise?
ABC Australia video: CNNNN, "What America Thinks of the World"
union membership pays...a $100 bucks a week!!
Repubs Finally Find a Tax They Can Tolerate
Remember Steven Biko - he died 26 years ago today
Where can I see the Fox debate online?
why is this never talked about in major media interviews...
" attacks that will be more devastating than 9/11 attack"
British Leader Was Told Terrorists Could Gain Arms
Who Said This About Wes Clark?
Reality check: It's 2005 and there's a Dem president...
A Question About the Fox Debate
Brothers and sisters ... do you *believe*?
Blair Medal of Honour: Enron Order of the Golden Gag?
Why did Walter Cronkite initially retire? Was he pushed out?
"The Arabs read a controlled press. What is our excuse? "
NY Times: Tax Cut Splits Democratic Field
2 US soldiers killed, 10 Wounded today
Too many candidates to choose from, how will we ever win
Reminder: watch the Daily Show replay
(Kansas) City approves criteria for domestic partners to get benefits
Schwarzenegger gay porn cameo explained in friendly NYTimes story
Don't Let the PNAC Bastards Revise Pre-War History!
2004 Bush/Cheney campaign slogans
Joe Conason on Democracy Now now!!!! 9:49 AM EDT
Why is the DNC silent on the computer voting issue?
Please delete this thread - wrong forum
Living in 'Apocalyptic Fear' .......Rove re-elect strategery
The US shot up a hospital today too. One reported dead
MrsGrumpy gets off her butt and goes to protest.
Look at these numbers and tell me we don't have a chance....
Is there a thread about that ridiculous movie on Showtime last night?
Bush Position Continues to Deteriorate
Bush*'s scripting of press questions: PRESS ASKED WHY...
Cheney in Raleigh, NC today, come protest! is up and running!
LOL! Check out the latest Fox News poll
Tell us lies but don't try to make us believe them...
It's time to FULLY police ourselves
A Fabulous TOON! "Queer Eye for the Bush Guys"
Has anyone got a link to Ed Koch's Blitzer comments?
So Fox has Bush at 58%. To "pre-empt" the Freepers who'll say "See!...
FDR In Statistical Dead Heat With Bush
What is Howard Dean afraid of?
Questions for MINITER on My Local Radio Wingnut Show
Convicted Corporations Receive Perks Instead of Punishment (Enron/Worldcom
What does this say for us? Where is reason?
Cool new game in development! Take A look
While the cabal keeps us focused on fear and loathing...things are going
What a crappy day, So long Jack Tripper (John Ritter)
Dick Morris on Faux: "9/11 is a wound that healed too quickly"
Bush Approval Rating 52% in Gallup!!!
9/11 families: Why no accountability?
pResident declairs 9/11 "Patriot Day"?!
RIAA: Electronic Frontier Foundation petition to US Congress
Congressional Briefing with Military Families to End U.S. Military
Bush Resignation Hailed by World Leaders.....
C-Span 2pm ET Friedman - Mideast Democracy
What have we accomplished in the last two years?
Is America getting the leaders it deserves! I mean come on now...
The "Liberal" media does it again!!!!
OMFG, I'm listening to Alexander Haig insisting that Rumsfilled
9/11 was plotted by Saddham according to...
Sounds Like El Rushbo Is Scared - He's Badmouthing
I have finally figured out Bush's plan to fight terrorism.
US Military "Hoodwinked" by Iraqi Protection Racket
Cancun Files: WTO Opens to Tragedy and Protest - Ritual Suicide by Farmer
Which of the November Gubernatorial Races to you most want to win?
Something nice . . about EVERYONE!!!
8 Iraqi Policemen killed/Wounded by Our Troops/ Mistaken for Terrorists.
CNN talking about Bush "Popularity Plunge"
a previous 9/11 -- "What Goes Around"
Is Clark the tenth planet of politics?
CSPAN Friday AM — writer of editorial calling for Arafat's death
To Californian's, please sign (if you haven't already) NO on recall...
Is America so stupid that they believe all the terrorists in the world are
Wounded billed for hospital food (for real)
Has anyone here checked the message boards at Yahoo
Will The Truth About 911 Ever Come Out?
This manufactured Kerry 'controversy'...
Attention New England DUers: Paul Krugman and Dennis Kucinich in MA
Gen. Clark sketches plan for presidential run
Gore to endorse someone by year end?
approx 17,500 people joined Dean for America in past 24 hours
Have you been swayed to support a new Dem presidential candidate?
Dean releases his mental health reform agenda
Denver Talk-Freeper John Kellett Research - Interview Tonight!
Cheney Gets the Whole Hour on Meet the Press Sun.
Which of Our Candidates Appeals to Men??
Limbaugh coming on today's Dan Patrick radio show
Whoda thunk it? Annthrax gets one right!
Bush vs. Science - valuable resource
Didn't anybody SEE this? "NEW" Osama pictures?
Daily U.S. Casualties 9/12/2003
SEIU Endorses the October 25 march!
Just telemarketed by Rush's new Seattle station
Another moronic U.S. official uses the "noose tightening" metaphor
At long last--updated Peace Pretzel caption contest
He certainly has the salute down.
Must read Conason today (Salon):
Is Pat Roberston the Intellectual Father of Faux?
What a novel way of getting the "coalition of the willing" to join forces
Check out this "Conservative Site of the Day" - NION, anti-neo-con
Help! Need good link to Florida voter rolls purge
Fed 'strike force' targeting tax reformers?
We continuously talk about Iraq having nothing to do with 9-11 and
Hitler's Propaganda Filmmaker Dies at 101
I just saw where that jack-off elitist Terry McAuliffe...
Two Johns are dead and i'm sad.
Saddam should have read his Muslim passages (email from a friend)
New Poll shows Dean up by 30% over Gephardt...
A great day to donate...I just donated
Buy a tank of Saudi gas: support terrorism
Poll Shows Davis May Keep Job (Statistical dead heat on recall vote)
David Letterman to Become a Father at 56
Has anyone heard anything about the new reality show on VH1?
What will DU be like when the Dems take back over?
Why do you think Mary Matalin quit?
FOX "News" bold faced LIE (3:05 est): "8 Iraqi policemen wounded..."
Dean supporters: do you think he'll soften a bit on the tax cut issue?
I am not a Lieberman supporter...
The Last Stroke Must Have Done A Number on Ed Koch
Let's do this correctly this time: Clark/Dean or Dean Clark?
When someone says 9/11 is Clinton's fault, tell them about this
Interest ing CNN poll of Dem and Dem-leaning voters
For You Newbies That Only Know Me As A Deanie
20 Questions On 9/11 That Have To Be Answered
U.S. refuses to lift sanctions on Libya because of WMDs?
Bush eating words on war's end
Is GD going to be uninhabitable till the nomination is decided?
Someone please explain: Why the world recognizes "occupation"
CBS News: 26 Soldiers wounded (Plus a Clark Feature)
Great slogan for 2004: "Where are the weapons?! Where are the weapons?"
Governor Dean Unveils His Vision for Mental Health Care in America
URGENT!!! CA Du'ers help California decriminalize marijuana
I just received the below email:
Wow. A liberterian from MI is actually considering..
Bush speaking to troops in Georgia! Barf Alert....He can't remember 9/11!:
UN involvement in Iraq: Will Russia tip it back to Bush?
Troop Update via Randi Rhodes Show
Wesley Clark will be the next president of the usa
Why George Clooney was at the debate this week
toward winning the meme war with the right
Florida Supremes screwing us over.
Any statistics on the attrition rate in the military...
The Bush Resume: Why All the Criticism ??
Who'll Be the 1st Democrat to Attack Clark? How Long Will it Take?
What was that Bush said a few months ago
left and center - here's the problem
If you do NOTHING else today- go hear Krugman on NPR!
Did anybody catch the NY Post swipe at Clark today?
Right wing biased article on the front of Yahoo news (recall)
Calling sangh0! Ask me about Dean.
MSNBC Hardball Transcript - 9/11 widows - as requested
Fortune's article on Wesley Clark : IMPORTANT to DEBUNK THIS!!
Religion 2003: An Excuse For Bigotry
Who will Clark hurt the most if he enters the race?
if the fairness doctrine comes back
Whoopi Goldberg's new sitcom...Bush waiving at Stevie Wonder?
So a Marine I know just got back from Iraq
MUST READ, GI Billed for food from hospital stay (after being shot)
Sen. John Kerry's military record...
Freep reponse to BBV Issue: Muddying the Waters
Who would you pick for your candidates Press Secretary?
Help me out with this. GD Nuke Free Zone idea
BBV:The Case Against the Diebold AccuVote TS
Think about what will happen to the Republican Party if * loses
Would going on a combat patrol in Nam and seeing action
Jerusalem Post Reporting that Arafat should be killed? What is this Bush
I saw something on TLC last night that made me think.......
George should have read his bible
Hannity's Bitching & Moaning About The Fairness Doctrine
What's wrong with this picture?
BBV: Another interesting article -- have we seen this?
What I have learned about Dean from his Opposition
I've made my decision on who I'm supporting
Dean versus the 'Old Democrats': What more can they throw at him?
I think I am outta here until the first primary is over
Is Dean waffling on Iraq????????
"We've forgotten 9/11 too early"
BBV: HOLY COW -- Chris Floyd (Moscow Times) Gets It !
If true this should be a MASSIVE fucking scandal for Bush
Baby Doc Bush* is speaking at another US Military base...only place he is
Dean says Gephardt "attacked" him. Deanies say Edwards 'ran his mouth"
The Emperor's Epistle to Democratic Underground
DHS proposing change to Oath of Allegiance that new citizens must recite.
And the freeper strikes me again!
"The Guy James Show" Saturday guest-Greg Palast
Dean responds to Gephardt Attack
Bush responsible for U.S. Spy Plane Secrets seen by China!
BBV - Translating the Diebold memos
The BFEE needs YOUR help. Stop Kerry for them.
MICHAEL MOORE Loves Clark, Urges Him To Run
What would happen to the Dem Party if Kucinich wins?
Internal Memos: Diebold Doing End-Runs Around Certification
Did the Democrats fail in their responsibility in the 2000 `election'?
NOW with Bill Moyers is a MUST SEE tonight!
The Greens .... are they at it "again" ??
Hey Freepers. Take a close look at the asshole you're voting for.
Pretty Definitive Accounts of Kerry and Vietnam Service (Pro and Con)
I Met my First Honest-to-God Republican today
CNBC reporting that Israeli security has decided to expell Arafat.
'Kill Arafat' Says Jerusalem Post Editorial, As Cabinet Votes To Expel
Faux News Now HiJacker Tribute in England
MSNBC -- Large Crowd Gathering At Arafat Compound (LIVE 3PM)
Justice Department Subpoenas ChevronTexaco in Bribery Investigation
Lingering Questions About Libya
Pelosi, other House Democrats criticize Dean's Israel comments
Malaysia rejects participation of Iraq interim government in OIC
Democrats Complain of Exclusion from Talks on Energy Bill
Rich and poor clash over farm aid in Cancun
Japan Jails US Marine for Rape
German police say foil far-right anti-Jewish attack
Foreign Views of U.S. Darken Since Sept. 11
17 Palestinians Wounded During Pro-Arafat Demonstration
Bush Says UN Must Help In Iraq - Chirac Says Start Without Us
Nashville: Unopened ballot box discovered
Smoking Killed Five Million Worldwide in 2000
Annan, Aid Agencies Seek Ways to Protect Aid Workers in Iraq
Cancun Day 1, and EU is already accused of backtracking
Mesa police shoot two MORE men
August Retail-Sales Growth Half Of Forecast
UN votes to end Libya's sanctions ..13 yes 2 US&France abstain
TV Star John Ritter Dies of Heart Problem
British PM ignored warnings Iraq war would help terrorists
Taliban Officials Tell of Plans to Grind Down the Americans
Israelis say they 'don't take orders' from US
Wesley Clark Appears Closer to Making a Presidential Run
3 Were Afraid To Tell of Abuse-New details in Mepham investigation
SEC Seeks Info on FirstEnergy Restatement
Nike Settles Commercial Free Speech Case
Floor traders petition to oust Grasso
Court skeptical of Democrats' case (Texas)
Obama, Daley would make formidable political team (Illinois)
French foreign minister: Iraqis should rule themselves in a month
Australia was told: war will fuel terror
Troops' Pneumonia Outbreak Spurs Medical Hunt
Jordanian officer killed in hospital raid in Iraq
Vancouver council OKs residential sex trade
Bush to Laud Troops That Stormed Baghdad
Head of Bank of America funds out
McCain seeks closer look at tanker deal
GIs mistakenly kill 11 Iraqi officers
REUTERS: Jazeera Airs Tape Said to Be of Sept 11 Hijacker
China baulks at US Iraq plan(w/ France&Germany rejects Colin's "no way")
Heads up Jessica Lynch low down on LINK TV @3pm eastern!
BBV - Security fears grow over electronic voting systems
Settlement in lawsuit over teen's suicide
Hutton silent over Hoon recall
Air Force Academy: No more confidentiality for assault victims
Kennedy Pledges to Defeat School Voucher Bill
Final Approval Hearing Set in California Class Action Suits Against El Pas
16 hours of protest for 8-hr Bush visit (Phillipines/Oct 18)
Price of Plywood at All-Time High as Isabel Nears U.S.
U.S. Seeks Death Penalty for Suspect in 1986 Hijacking of Pan Am Jet
Consumer Sentiment Suddenly Sours
"We are watching you" (400 protest Aschcroft in NC)
U.S. Military Will Retain "strong and Vibrant" Footprint in Europe Under P
Foley (R-Fla.) drops out of U.S. Senate race
David Letterman to Become a Father at 56
Bush urges allies to help fight chaos in Iraq
Halliburton's Iraq costs $2 bln so far and rising
Gephardt Assails Dean Record on Medicare
UN Sets Nuclear Deadline, Iran Walks Out in Protest
Toothless Watchdog - SEC knew about dicey fund pricing - MSGOP
Ashcroft: Portland case needs secrecy
Fewer Today Believe Bush Will Win in 2004 (Fox Poll 49%)
Complaint Prompts Moving Of 'Ask Arnold' Forum
BBV: Ohio approves voting machines
Wrongly convicted man freed after 18 years
Militants warn of 'volcano of anger' if Arafat is expelled
Canadian troops under fire - Afghanistan
Ministers 'were shown Iraq warning'
Canadian injured in attack on Kabul base
CNN:Wolf just said 50% pro, 47% con, 3% undecided on Cali recall
Watch video Jazeera Airs Tape Said to Be of Sept 11 Hijacker
Little Mermaid's unexpected swim
Senators nix filming for HBO's 'K Street'
Recall a Tossup as Successor Race Tightens (Cali 50% Yes-47% No on recall)
India opposes Israeli move to expel Arafat .
Bush Plans to Meet Germany's Schroeder at U.N.
C.I.A. Thinks bin Laden Made Tape, Though It's Uncertain When
BREAKING NEWS: Court Rules Against Texas Dems
Gay Program Dropped After Politician Threatens To Cut School's Funding
Key Venezuela Recall Petition Rejected (leftest Chavez beats back US)
Clark rules out vice presidential bid for now {responding to Dean reports}
Florida inmates sue over gassing in state prisons
Iraqi town seethes as US withholds bodies, information in deadly shootings
Three OR Soldiers Attacked In Iraq (Wednesday)
Senate Won't Reveal Part of 9/11 Report
Diebold Internal Mail Confirms U.S. Vote Count Vulnerabilities
Bush to Go Back to U.N. With Iraq Appeal
US not expecting German troops in Iraq force
France and Germany Face Anger Over Deficits as Recession Grips Euro-Zone
TV Sitcom Star John Ritter Dead
HHS Secretary Thompson’s brother charged with sexual assault
IAEA Wants UN Inspectors to Finish Job in Iraq
Blair 'overrode terror warnings'
POLITICAL NOTEBOOK: Sharpton protests Internet voting; Graham wants ailing
Powell: U.S. Won't Hand Iraq Over to U.N.
CNN Breaking: 2 US soldiers killed in Iraq raid (6:33 a.m. CST)
No troops to Iraq even if UN asks: India
Arab states press UN council to shield Arafat
Blind Faith Can Be Costly - Texas Baptists
Wolfowitz Retracts al-Qaida, Iraq Claim
L.A. Times poll: Cruz 30% Arnold 25% McClintock 18%
Breyer Says U.S. Could Learn From Israel
Bush's approval rating edges lower (USA Today/CNN/Gallup 52%)
(Military) Wounded billed for hospital food
Greenpeace Stops Ship Carrying Contaminated Corn
My horoscope, courtesy of this week's "Onion"
flashing red and blue lights - not scary, but odd
Why did they remove the Gatherings on the front page?
Was it me, or was the Daily Show a little hard to watch tonight?
Freeper sex jokes - adults only
Married folks...are any of you into women's wrestling?
I'm just going outside for a while.....I may be some time.
Just got back from seeing the B-52's
How does Kevin Costner keep getting work?
Why do you go to General Discussion?
Advice on clipping a dog's nails
A thread locked and a post deleted for the first time. Ask me anything!
The big secret about 'Smallville'
My back hurts worse than yesterday, ask me anything.
WTF, Johnny Cash has now died too!
Happy Anniversary JFK / Jacqueline Lee Bouvier !!!!!
I have a fresh cup of carAmel cappuccino-ASK ME ANYTHING!
A more cheerful 2d anniversary is coming up
I am thinking about getting tickets to the ASU-USC game on Oct. 4
Fun site for those who have fond...or maybe even not so fond memories
Your 12 -year- old niece asks for a mix cd for her birthday...
Pats ink Levitra marketing deal (patriots and impotence drug)
Does anybody know the latin name for a cow?
A Good And Happy (FRIDAY) Morning To ALL Of DU!!
A new annoying type of 'business' call...
I Was Drunk, Says Man Accused of Huge Bribe
Man Completes Monkey Nut Protest
I'm takin' off early, and goin' ta Wrigley dis afternoon.
Monkey Nut Nudger Reaches End of a Hard Road
Saw Dar Williams last night on PBS.
Cool new game in development! Take A look
Porno Film Strips Church of Holiness
Woweee.. Krispy Kremes coming to Walmart
Nothing can make feel as happy as a bad memory and no conscience
Need advice on a good pop-up blocker to download...
H&M Just Opened a Store in Chicago
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES TO..................
According to Google, I'm more popular than the god I named myself after
533 lb. halibut pulled from Bering Sea
Anyone else listening to The Dan Patrick Show?
Never drive anywhere in Fargo at 3:30 am. (Interesting story inside)
Mr Honor and Dignity in action
Just bought "The Wind"; preparing to cry like a baby
Something I remember about 9-11
At 56, David Letterman to become a father
Where Everybody Knows Your Name
One of my favorite John Ritter roles...
Your Favorite Johnny Cash Song, Please?
This freeper pictures just gives me a great laugh everytime!!
I choked on Jeopardy, ask me anything
Who will be the next John to die?
Is this right, I mean, is this politically correct?
X-Men comic fans - you REALLY need to get this month's New X-Men
Sometimes CAPTIONS come out of the clear blue sky
David Letterman to Become a Father at 56
This game requires you to pick your nose
Today (09/12) is George Jones' birthday
Has anyone heard anything about the new reality show on VH1?
Is Your Everyday "Check-Signing" Signature Legible?
A double standard is better than a single standard...2X better! Discuss.
Favorite John Carpenter Film? (Part 1 -- the early years)
I'm going to be AFK this weekend
Time for the gratuitous "Blues Brothers" quote thread....
I am bored, please vote on which flame war I should start in GD
4/4/01 LoneGunman Fox show - Gov plot 2 crash plane in2 World trade center
CAPTION the HAZMAT threat who is pResident
((Holy cow)) I just found video of a PNAC meeting.
Jewel cancels tour because bass player dies
any dildo consultants out there?
I'm the 52,162,565 richest person on earth!
Has anyone started beating off....
Letterman's Bizzare private world
today's new hate radio advertisers 9/12/2003
OK I'm back with the HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND THREAD!!!!!!!!!
NC DU'ers..Are you coming to Cheney Protest 4 p.m. NC Fairgrounds?
C-4 Explosives: $13.25/lb (in bulk)
Damnit, don't take the bathroom stall next to mine!!
The Jimmy-Crack-Corn of all CAPTIONS!!!
I've had it with DU. I'm sticking to the Lounge......
Would you go out with a person who isn't "your type"?
Pizza Hut just dumped that Jeff Gordon guy for something more generic
I worked a 30 hour shift yesterday, ask me anything!
What are the different categories of Country Music?
The pre bunker Bush for your CAPTIONing pleasure
Hey gang! The new Chick Tract is out!
Favorite Endora Nickname For Darrin Stephens
Was Michael Moore is that John Travolta/Lisa Kudrow movie?
The war for Kentucky - A cure for Indiana’s ills(pre-emptive satire alert)
Advice on how to choose a new Doctor?
Grey Goose or Belvedere? Who's the Best?
"Dean waffles." "Kerry waffles": ENOUGH!
if the Confederate flag is a symbol of Southern Heritage and not hate
reactions to your bumper stickers
I have to write a personal statement for Grad school and I hate it!
Anyone know about the EID muslim postage stamp?
Reason number 12893 why I think Dave Barry is cool.
Has anyone EVER seen a good photo of David Letterman's girlfriend ?
Two Johns are dead and i'm sad.
TV Sitcom Star John Ritter Dead
I'm Ford Prefect...Ask me anything!
Which is more important? Sex or Sports
For my 3000th post, a TV sit-com poll!
So, have you ever had Spotted Dick
It's After 4 PM-Is It Time For a Drink?
It's the MBTI poll for extroverts
I've missed out on recent pop why is the White Stripes?
Had surgery yesterday, am high on painkillers, ask or tell me whatever...
Thanks all from the McLargehuges
I'm starting an anti-religious right group and I need your help
Really neat anagrams, try to top!
Most disturbing ending to a film
I hate you alll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You got me hooked on "passions"
Why in the holy hell is John Ritter getting more airtime than Johnny Cash?
The Capricious Captain of all CAPTIONS!
What's you most memorable moment from high school?
Photo of me flashing my ass (may offend)
CLWASSIC rock songs played to death on the radio that you STILL LIKE
You just finished paying off your vehicle. What do you do next?
The once great state of California