As Iraqi youth see U.S. culture, many turn to nationalism
North Dakota still pending on one 20-year-old cleanup
See what I'm dealing with here?
Is Isabel on her way to the East Coast?
Maureen Dowd (NYT): Gunsmoke and Mirrors
Action from Within the Dean Movement
Wish us luck on Sept 18th: Wilmington DE considers anti-patriot act bill
At Mariners game: "President Bush is a monkey's butt" in Japanese
Football Game Forfeited Because Of Confederate Flag
Hamlet in Canada's north slowly erodes
An alternative to building your home with wood
Do I have something set wrong, or
Yet another avatar request (are animated avatars ok?)
Understanding how to use the signiture line
Ten Years After: Why Oslo Failed
Congressional Democrats Ponder Dean
Hartford Courant: After Dean's Online Roll
Dean treats his supporters with respect
Want A Good Laugh? The GOP Recruitment Video!
I'm confused...what's Deans position on Israel?
Now that Moore endorses Clark, what do you guys think???
Isn't Afghanistan the "Message" and Iraq Only the Echo???
Link to TX Constitutional Amendment Elections
Words: Iraq Cost (from March 27 to present from shrub minions)
Okay Fighters on East Coast! C-Span Now! Dem. Speeches of Century+Clinton!
sharpton/internet/race--i have your answer right here!
Vomit alert on C Span (not sure 1 or 2) some weird tribute to Quayle
Lieberman's record on taxation
Okay Fighters on East Coast! C-Span Now! Dem. Speeches of Century+Clinton!
Bush is getting his ass kicked in this MSNBC survey
Something to keep your eye on re: Bush's poll numbers
Andrew Young & Vernon Jorden took over for Bush I at BARRICK CORP.?
Update re sign in Calgary that implied (but didn't exactly say) that Bush
Dems can back $87b and investigate Bush for misleading US to war (a rant)
When did Greg Palast first write about the Florida Voter Purge?
Should a campaign 2004 issue be Bush's teeth?
I love all of our candidates!!
Meria Heller's interview of Sen. Shapleigh(Texas 11)
Schwarzenegger lacks L.A. business license, hasn't paid required taxes
"Beady Eyed Belligerant Little Faces"
C-Span Up Now for EST! Dem Candidates in Iowa/Plus BIG Clinton Speech!
The pResident is the one that has to hug the moms and dads?...
Pardon me if this is a dupe, but I had read earlier today that the
Action from Within the Dean Movement
so... are those Iraqi types enjoying their FREEDOM yet?
Did anyone catch the "smiling fetus" news today?
If * pulls another coup in '04, will there be an "Underground Resistance"?
If they deploy BBV, won't they be open to thousands of lawsuits?
They Are Going to Brutally Attack Our Candidate's Wife, You Know.........
Revealed: new doubts on Blair's Iraq dossier
I will be taking a pass on going to any bring the troops home rallies
the discrete charm of paul wolfowitz: an official portrait
A "Feel Good" candidate post! Am I wrong to be undecided?
Was the Swedish FM Assasinated and by Whom?
The Guardian: America set to torpedo trade talks
Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN) Says Cruz Bustamante to "Give CA Back to Mexico"
WOW!!! Check out the Hunterdon County Dem's site!
Watching replay of Harkin event--Edwards is impressing me!!
I just heard the pledge of Allegiance with out the "under God"
What will the media say if Bush pulls a major upset and wins in 2004?
Is Lieberman really a Democrat? - me no understand.
Looks like Wednesday is the day for Clarks announcement
Who is smarter?? Bush or Qualye???
Tell me: Is there one Rethug who CARES about the people?.
Texas election results for those interested
BBV - Diebold - "Protecting the Charters of Freedom" - Oh the IRONY.. Tucker Carlson says O'Reilly a blowhard,
One last thought about Johnny Cash
AHNold wants McClintock to drop out?? So HE CAN WIN??
Welcome to Brainwashington D.C.
Why I thought the world changed on 11- 04- 79 and not 09 -11-01 though I
Excuse me, what is the "race card"? And how do you "play" it?
So, Who Did Clinton Endorse with Hugs at the Harken "Steak Fry?" Bets?
Protesters Swarm the Streets at W.T.O. Forum in Cancún
As Iraqi youth see U.S. culture, many turn to nationalism
Soviet Union to European Union
Revealed: new doubts on Blair's Iraq dossier
Agency Aims to End Terror Alert Confusion
Bush deficit position fuels GOP worries
WP: Show U.S. the Money (revisiting tax cuts)
Clinton Campaigns for Democrats in Iowa
Swedish Papers Say Photos Are of Assassin
Sugar Land police chief suspended-Probe finds policy violations in crash
U.S. Apology Doesn't Appease Angry Iraqis
DNC chairman preps Kentucky Democrats for campaign ahead
US Demands Japan Send Troops To Iraq: Report
America set to torpedo trade talks
Maryland Republicans move to sever ties with Hispanic caucus
Public Support Wanes for Bush Foreign Policy (WP/ABC Poll)
"Now Everything Is Messed Up" – Killings by U.S. Troops Outrage Iraqis
Model of Ten Commandments monument will tour
NYT: Talks by U.N. Fail to Break Impasse on Iraq Self-Rule
Clinton's name resonates with Democratic nominees
US troops run RPG gauntlet with guns and God
Bush Seeks to Expand Access to Private Data
WP: Iraq Takes a Toll on Rumsfeld
Women's Groups Protest Schwarzenegger
A Fresh Appetite for an Ex-President
Dean's Failure to Woo N.H. Firefighters May Cost Him Endorsement
British FM urged Blair not to go to war on Iraq, claims new book
Oh no they didn't! I'm watching Rocky II on network TV...
I get sick of these close games Ohio State gets into
Why is 'Bowling for Columbine' not in IMDB top 250 movies of all times?
Man, Johnny Cash's "Hurt" video is even more depressing now.
Yep, I Saw It... The Worst Movie Ever.
The San Francisco Dog Mauling – Death of Diane Whipple
I'm listening to "70's Saturday night" on the radio, ask me anything!
philanthropy--write something unexpected that someone did for you!
How many of you pass over the foot and end notes when you read?
to all you guys with weird discussions with your freeper friends etc
Most ridiculous TV edit of a movie?
LynneSin's book shopping report for September 14th, 2003
"My" poor bird has been bullied!!!!!!!
should I be worried about this hurricane
What is the most romantic song?
Anyone seen "Cheaters" - the traveling Springer show
What Is The Best Song About Sex
Dean just saved me from getting a speeding ticket!
Aside from Johnny Cash, how many times has "The Man In Black" appeared in
The Ohio State University: It's hard but it's so much fun to be a fan
Thanks to the DUers it was First Place Chili!
What Is The Greatest Bruce Springtseen Song
Does anyone know how I can track the amount downloaded by my computer?
Onan's Greatest Hit - The greatest song about masturbation
Listening to Best of Bob Dylan album--and seems every song lyric is about
I'm reading the Bible and I have a question
Reno 911 - funniest show in a long time?
ATTN: College footbal fans, time for everyones favorite question!
Rich: Top Gun vs. Total Recall (Nails Repugs)
Sunday WP Devastating v. Bush, Iraq Policies!!
Eric Margolis:The crusade against 'terrorism'
Clark/Truman Day/Knoxville 9/13 - anonymous accounts from Clarksters
Op-ed: Here's a tip, waiters: Yes, we're in a class war (great!)
Extension hits reservists' families Home beckons, but call of duty in Iraq
Stars and Stripes letters, Sept. 7 -13
NYT: An Unsustainable Policy on Iraq
"left" and "right" are ill-posed words
Enormous change looms for utilities
Ellen Goodman in WashPost. Drip, Drip, Drip
How Blair defied logic and intelligence to take us to war
NY Times article:Bush Seeks to Expand Access To Private Data
Democrats scrap plans to look into WH manipulation of intelligence
Public Says $87 Billion Too Much
Newsweek: Why Can't We Get Him? (Bin Laden)
Military Families Plead With Bush: ‘Bring Boys Home’
Wonderful Frank Rich column today, assails Shrub's carrier photo-op
If you thought the last U.N. debate over Iraq was ugly
Details on Dean in the ATL (Mon 9/15)
Any DU'ers in Okaloosa County, FL?
ETTV debut celebrated by Taiwan, U.S. leaders
Tom Green on Bill O'Reilly Show (transcript)
Got my tickets to go see Simon and Garfunkle reunion tour!!
Time Capsule: one month after Hiroshima
Col. Football Roundup - Sept 13 - The "Many tears" edition
Daily U.S. Casualties 9/14/2003
Scary NYT article on the real state of the deficit
NYSE's Role as Regulator Questioned
Candidates on the environment, please post what you know
Chinese Fight A New Kind Of Land War
Zimbabwean cops keep Daily News off streets
Zuma investigator 'intimidated' - SA
Chechen presidential candidate spreads fear
Question about promoting something
Another image posting question...elad?
OK, where do I get to ask these questions on this board?
Here is how we solve the peace problem
Saw this on another board. Anyone have a link to verify the stuff about
BBC NEWS: Israel 'considers killing Arafat'
Wow!! This is an eye-opener. And our media plays it to the hilt!
PM Sharon's Confidante: PA State - Not in this Generation
Israeli Vice Premier Says Killing Arafat an Option
Birth And Death At The Checkpoint
Palestinian child shot dead near Ramallah
U.S. expected to abstain from UN vote on deportation of Arafat
Israeli jets roar over Lebanon
Arafat Is to be murdered, not deported.
Union Support Could Bring Dean Minority Votes
New Washington Post-ABC News poll. Bush leading Democratic candidates
Kerry On Face The Nation Sunday & Jamming With Moby Thursday In NYC
After climbing to the top, Dean discovers he's a target
Has the deficit changed since September 2002?
Poll Shows Oklahoma Rep. Istook Winner of GOP Senatorial Primary
Kerry Rocked Out Back In The Day
Bad Month For Dean at The TNR Primaries
Anybody here not believe in ABB?
John Kerry: Shading the Truth?
A Progressive Case for Howard Dean
Catch John Kerry on the CBS Early Show
John Kerry Jamming with Moby and Pop-Gun 7 on C-Span Now
John Kerry: "The Senate's most outspoken environmentalist"
It's A Headline: "Kerry Wants One-on-One With Dean"
Anyone see Dean on "This Week"?
Hey, good series on Flip Flops
The General Who Would Be President
Edwards is getting a closer look in N.H.
Why the lack of Wesley Clark threads?
Joe Trippi responds to Kerry's debate challenge
Which Democrat would Be the Most Popular President Overseas?
Beyond senate, he races at Bush (John Edwards)
Kerry Throws Down The Gauntlet To Dean
Gephardt compares Dean to Gingrich
Clark supporters please check in...
Dean mired in explaining goofs
After Watching The Democrats In Iowa On C-Span. THANK GOD I Am A
Can anyone give me a link to Congressional votes?
The Lotis Committee: Are we screwed? Seriously, these ARE the Oligarchs.
Extraodinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
Texas: Proposition 12 appears to have passed
The Top 25 Censored Media Stories of 2002-2003
Live progressive streaming radio now -- link to Nate Clay
Go buy the latest Playboy...and you won't have to lie this time!
Tucker Carlson accused of rape
Repug given leave from Army (Gitmo) to cast deciding Gun Vote Missouri
Not just another 1,000th vanity post
Poll needing help getting unfreeped
The FCC again Threatens - San Francisco Liberation radio 93.7 FM.
How do you feel about this quote? (It's my sig line)
WTF! Bush* is going to speak at the "irrelevant" U.N next week?
How can Bush Still have these Kinds of Suport Numbers????????????
Johnny Cash: Everyman, With A Voice.
Sculpture meant for Taipei 101 gets dumped for poor fengshui
they gave airy flishear $40 grand!!
I want to say this to Americans!
Sunday Talk SHow Line-Up.....................
Faux strikes again. Lies and the lying liars......
This may have been seen before, but
Anti-gay comments spark debate at Indiana University
Andrew Young acts, talks like candidate for U.S. Senate
With Poll: Bush faces daunting task in restoring lost jobs
Interesting graphic I came across...
America's Hidden Battlefield Toll (hidden to Americans only!)
Liz TROTTA - "DEAN/Loose Cannon", "Dems/American?????"
Sen. Clinton is on WHUT in Washington DC area 10:25 AM
Saw this on another board. Anyone have a link to verify the stuff about
DEAN coming up on ABC Stephanopoulous NOW!
ARAB TIMES (Kuwait): Leave ... you've brought us only death
Clark's speech in Knoxville Tennesee last night:
Eric Margolis: The crusade against 'terrorism'
Time to go sailing off Cape Hatteras?
Nice news capture from the current Wash Post home page...
Cheney said Britain has "re-valuated" the Niger/Iraq/Uranium claim and
Today's The Boondocks: The George Bush AWOL action figure
Islam Online: A Message From An American Soldier’s Mother
Facts do not support Cheneys dream world
New ABC show "The Threat Matrix"
(Slate/MSN) A Guide to the Patriot Act, Part 1 (of 4 parts)
I think of the irony about people considering immigrating sometimes
Tom Harkins Steak Fry Site is GREAT
Wouldn't it be cool if Isabel leaves Bush homeless?
They got away with another one here in Tx
Now the insurance co can tell me how much my granddaughter was worth
60% of Americans still think invading Iraq was right thing to do
Is there a statute of limitations for perjury?
Is Alan Colmes a Democrat? Or a Repuke puppy?
Iowa: Poll shows Dean, Gephardt in dead heat
Pinellas County Fl.....Attention:
Anyone else thinking of doing this? Climate
Bob Graham's awesome new website is definitely worth a look!
Iraqis wonder how U.S. can be so inept.
Current Cheney Halliburton connections?
Which Candidate Would Be the Most Popular President Overseas?
Ski Anderson Show on WLS-AM Chicago - 12:00CST
Chaplain tells solidiers in Iraq that their faith makes them bulletproof
A hard question --- with no simple answer.
The Angry Liberal strikes again!
This is the best crop of candidates since 1972
Clinton ready to speak for Gray Davis!
Clark in TN: There are no primaries for V.P (great article!)
Report on Yesterday's CA Democratic Endorsement Caucus
CNN Poll :Is the U.S. winning the war on terror?
Media Alert! Coming up CNN: Bill Clinton Speech in CA for Davis! 1:30!est!
Rove's worst nightmare is coming true and his name is....
Need info - Bush booed at American Legion post?
MWAHAHAHAHAHA...Tom the Dancing Bug
Josh Marshall: Kay report being suppressed by WH
Some useful hurricane links from Potomac
What will happen to McClintock in the California recall?
The fundamental weakness of conservative arguments (and its origin).
NVO gives a place for shafted Vets to vent.
Pristina From an Amateur Military Strategist's Perspective (About Clark)
Should people be limited to one job?
As a Canadian, I am obligated to hate Fidel Castro...
Can Chandler eke out a win in KY?
Bow-tie boy calls O'Reilly "schtick"
Fox News Poll: 46% support $87 billion request; 44% oppose
Clinton's under investigation for Pentagon dealings
Christian Fundamantalists Launch Anti-Schwarzenegger TV and Radio Ads
Rush calls Clark the 10th dwarf
the BIG MO has flipped to Dems
Wine with Hitler on labels. This might be a dupe.
At this time of election year, polls are only good for one thing...
BBC NEWS: Israel 'considers killing Arafat'
quit being scared every time Bush gets a minor boost in the polls
Arnold's campaign slogan is quite ironic.
Al Martin replay on RadioLeft now. -- link
Daily U.S. Casualties 9/14/2003
I think Bill Clinton has suffered enough for his hummer
Face the Nation: Kerry proposes Dean/Kerry debate
In the last debate, the candidates were asked their favorite song.
Look at this response I got from the Daily News of Philadelphia!
How Bush plans to raise his poll numbers in the south
Can We Do Exit Polling On Our Own?
Capital Gang 9/13 transcript - citation question
looking for that post with bush raising his hand like he's saluting hitler
Are canadian same sex marriages recognized in the US?
Meet the Press Transcript the BS
Today's Guardian article about Clark
As usual Josh Marshall nails it. Calls Cheney a liar.
Why are the online polls consistently 90% anti-Bush?
Chinking at last on Bush's armour
Catch John Kerry on the CBS Early Show
TodayÕs article in the Guardian about GI wounded in Iraq
Straw 'advised Blair against war'
Another reason the Dems may get the military vote in 2004
Powell: No Iraq handover rush, says US
Fallout from Alabama's tax vote
Links to who made what since Iraq - please
Arnold ripped off California homeowners as a construction worker?
Who was Doles running mate in '96
Whats the difference between a free lunch and a freeper lunch?
Which recent president told the most lies?
The commander-in-chief said "Bring 'em on," so what is Powell
Anyone remember the last draft?
Dean fans with HBO: I ask a favor of you.
From Sunday Times of London: Iraq Weapons Report Shelved!
Whitewater accuser to audit Halliburton Iraq contract
Check out the freedom that Iraqis now experience!
Gingrich: President Clark would be anti-war CiC
Al Franken: Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them
CNN's revisionist history du jour
What Texas counties are using Computerized Voting machines?
Sort of watching NBC News--those ba**ards! Mid-2004 pull-out of Iraq?
American troops forced to buy own wartime gear
Reverend William Jefferson Clinton
Should schools teach morals and ethics to children?
Dem leadership endorses that tax cuts create jobs?!
McKinney ponders her political future
what would you define as a "left-libertarian"?
Anyone listening to the liar Cheney on Russet?
anybody else about ready to demand...
Bush inherited this economy, It's not his fault.
Ed GORDON Admits ("Reliable" Sources) Shafting KERRY at Faux Forum
Gulf War II Syndrome? Military Equipment and "Pneumonia", Stan Goff
Could A.B.B. be on the ballot? Could A.B.B. win the nomination?
Why do wingnuts talk about condoms as though they're talking about heroin?
Clinton's speech at the steak fry
FREE TOMMY CHONG t-shirts at Take Back the Media
'Defense of liberty is not evil'--(article mentions Boston Protest!)
The Genetically Modified Bomb OMFG Has anyone seen this?
Is anybody besides me tired of Newt Gingrich
BBV: I am talking to a reporter in Maryland who needs contacts!!
My 9/11 speech on PNAC to the New York City Symposium
Curious... January 1992.... before the first primary/caucus vote was cast
What's this CRAP on FAUX about?
Dean looked so incredibly good on "This Week" The camera doesn't lie.
BBV Alert: Texas Constitutional Amendments
Will Defeat of the CA Recall End Ah-nold's Political Career?
Why Bush pollsters (CNN/Gallup, FOX, CBS/NYT)..will keep his ratings up...
Here's documentation for today's Cheny lie
I will be on KABC (LA) and WABC (NYC) Radio at 9PM ET/6PM PT
Can we afford to cut the defense budget?
Kerry Should Drop Out for the Good of the Party
Dean's support a mile wide but an inch deep?
Who was the worst Democratic president of 20th century; the worst Repub?
Disturbing News - - "Dean's Not Sharing"
BBV'rs: An interesting look at SAIC
Clark's Effect on Dean's Run - some thoughts
PRESS RELEASE: From 7 Other Presidential Candidates
Are you a 'progressive' or a 'liberal'?
Who was the best Democratic president of the last century; the best Repub?
Notes from the Harken Steak Fry
"The Paranoia Show" - thread two - SHOCK! Horror! Trauma!
BBV / CA Recall - Uh oh -- I just heard the set up for an Arnold win
Wesley Clark will be the most electable candidate.
HURRICANE ISABEL: The official DU tracking thread
Whatever his substance, Dean has "the music."
Dean supporters please sign in
Military Exercise Provokes North Korea
Blast Destroys U.S. Military Car, Wounds Soldier
US Soldiers injured in Baghdad
Powell arrives as anti-US tensions boil in Iraq
Man arrested in $1 million arson fires
Iraqis Vow Revenge for Killings by U.S. Soldiers
CNNI: approx. 15 daily attacks against US troops in Iraq
Israeli jets roar over Lebanon
Cheers, protest greet Bush motorcade
Desperate Iraqis Clamor for Help as Powell Visits
Rules aren't the problem; some fund executives are
Revealed: new doubts on Blair's Iraq dossier
Germany speaks out about Guantanamo captives
US soldier killed in Falluja (9/14/03, 0800)
Cheney Hints U.S. to Need More Iraq Funds
Clinton Aims Barbs at Bush at Gathering for Hopefuls
Public Says $87 Billion Too Much - 60% opposed
Voucher Plan Lacks Accountability
Industry Group's Protection Of Investors Seen as Secondary
Many Voters Decide Recall Unfair to Davis
Sympathy for U.S. fades under Bush's leadership
Israeli Vice Premier Says Killing Arafat an Option
Drug craze is fuelling murder on streets of Iraqi capital
Iraqis curse U.S. for 'friendly-fire' killings
Chicago school forfeits football game because of Confederate flag display
Money in the bank hasn't helped retirees much
Colombian Rebels Kidnap Eight Tourists
Saddam didn't lie, there are no weapons of mass destruction
Human relations panel in new fray
U.S. Soldier Killed in Iraq Bombing
Anyone listening to the liar Cheney on Russet?
Army Takes Power in West African Country
Clinton rallies against recall as GOP strives for unity
BBCNEWS: World trade talks 'collapse'
Cheney Hints U.S. to Need More Iraq Funds (And so it begins)
Many in politics raise red flags on rush toward electronic voting systems
BREAKING: Sister of Venus and Serena Williams Shot to Death
Palestinian child shot dead near Ramallah
Davis, Bustamante take stage together in show of unity
Saudi Arabia Beheads Marijuana Smuggler; 41st Execution This Year
Florida Dems begin two-week tour of state universities ("Donkeys Rock")
Wave of Potential New (Republican Recall) Voters Has Yet to Materialize
Kerry Backs Tax Cut Freeze to Defray Iraq Costs
Bare-Cheeked Protesters Plan to Bushwhack Dubya
Cheney Sees 4 Percent Growth 'Or Better'
Retired General Weighs Presidential Bid (Sharpton & Clark TN Speech)
Sunday Isabel LBN Thread: U.S. Warily Eyes Hurricane Isabel
$1 billion international image campaign isn't enough to buy U.S. love
Guardian: America's Hidden Battlefield Toll (new figures)
Iraq WMD report shelved due to lack of evidence
Bush Seeks to Expand Access to Private Data
U.S. Jobless Claims Grow, "True" Unemployment Rate 9.1 Percent
DIA Says Pakistan Backed Al-Qaeda (more 9/11 warnings)
Soldier Killed in Iraq Roadside Bombing
Airplane Passengers Subdue Man on Flight
World trade talks end in failure, delegates say
Human relations panel in new fray (FR called "Hate group" by city panel!)
Britain, US shelve report on Iraq banned weapons report
Texas voters narrowly approve civil damages amendment
US report brings out Pakistan’s complicity in propping up Al-Qaeda
New Terror Laws Used Vs. Common Criminals
Big Bush's Visit Fuels Talk of Big Deals
Republicans Worry About Bush Poll Numbers
Cheney said he played no role in Halliburton Iraq contracts
Montana strikes agreement with Cuba
Kerry Wants One-On-One Debate With Dean
Who likes the new Elvis song, "rubber necking?"
Are body shots allowed in the Lounge?
Luke Vibert appreciation thread.
woo-hoo! I had my first deleted message today! Ask me anything!
What percentage of Emily Dickeinson's poetry...
Any other insomniacs up for an AIM chat?
Terrible treacherous confession
Oscar de la hoya just got screwed
how many colleges have rules like Falwell's?
do any fundies or freepers you know listen to stuff like this?
run your own Clear Channel station
Does anyone have a good ghost experience to share?
a better idea for cash than selling blood plasma?
Paypal theft - be very careful!!
Radio AOL does Johnny Cash(RIP) tribute
They played "Don't Fear The Reaper" at the Harkin Steak Fry!
Sculpture meant for Taipei 101 gets dumped for poor fengshui
Instead of having a presidential campaign why not a reality show
Tell on your real life "hoe" friend....
Not just another 1,000th vanity post
Who's pre-ordered the new * 12" action figure in a flight suit?
I may be the funniest man alive
Favourite Peter and Gordon song
travelling to DC 9/25-9/27.... need suggestions for vice.
First week on NYTimes Best Seller and already a (+) next to his name
Can you help me find a TV Product
Wonderful "Money Man" shoots cash at crowd with a bazooka!
Was I watching "Meet the Press" or "Make me Laugh"
Freeper surfing the net! (nudity... well, sort of!)
Oh unfair nature --- A short observation on difference
Proof that I've been traversing parallel dimensions!
"Boondocks" nails Twiggy (again) - in case you haven't caught it yet....
Got hit by an SUV today...Ask me anything.
Do you want to caption this Cheney picture?
Will someone please explain Bob Boudelang to me?
What concerts did you miss this summer?
So what happened in the De La Hoya fight?
If corporations twist legalities to avoid paying taxes, doesn't that make
Are the Lions really THAT bad?
Here's a site that will flip your lid
New NFL record: Jamal Lewis (BAL) ran for 295 yds.
Big News - Affleck, Lopez split - People magazine report
OK, I'm casting the DU soap opera; who wants to be the town slut?
You gotta feel bad for the AZ cardinals.
Ex-Apple employee says company a 'failure'
M. F. K. Fisher: a treasure I'll share with you.
OK, where do I get to ask these questions on this board?
Sunday Morning commentary - odd, disturbing waking dream this morning...
My favorite nicknames for the Bush cabinet
Physics question. Why's my Coke still frozen?
Okay, which should I try next: 5 o'clock shadow or Kirk sideburns?
"Oil fields. This whole damn thing was about oil. Wasn't it? "
I am coming out of the closet guys!
It's 12:36 am and I'm having my first beer! Is that too early?
It's halftime, and the Bengals aren't losing!!!
Panthers BLOCK x-tra point with :00 in the 4th!
Woke up one morning: Instead of being a Giant Cockroach...was a Fringie!!
AHHH! We're moving to New Zealand if * wins the election!
TV Alert. Johnny Cash on 60 Minutes
The youth our reaganized "me me me" culture has produced
Only morans ride motorcyles without helmets
Cool 70s songs you have probably forgotten.
Wild weather stories...come on let's hear them!
Toke up the LSD and look at these groovy pix, dudes!
Who still has their original sig line?
Bye guys and gals/ it's been fun and frustrating
Good grief. So I'm watching C-SPAN....
I recall the Nazi uniforms looked rather sharp and eye-catching
Who is watching "Best of America's Funniest Home Videos" on ABC...
South Beach diet stories wanted
seperated at birth Milosevic and Gingrich
Extremely bold NFL prediction!
My husband's boss is poorer than we are
What, besides milk, helps counteract hot sauce?
What's a good inexpensive all in one Printer?
So much for Tampa Bay going undefeated!
Unwise Microwave Oven Experiments
The Order--did anyone see that movie
Anybody tune into Limbaugh for some laughs?
I Taught my Son About Cthulhu Yesterday!
I found matches from a strip club in my husband's pocket
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES TO..................
Redskins are getting beat bad.
Man, Fredo Corleone is a dumbass!
I'm covered from head to toe in itchy freaking hives!
Famed Boston Writer comes to Britain
Mid-Atlantic - New England -----> Isabel is coming
DUers, please welcome my friend jcats to DU.
It's officially here--It's SPIDER season
Congratulations to the University of Michigan.
Casting the DU soap opera 2: Who wants to be the scheming head resident?
Wesley Clark supporters, please check in..
Favorite John Irving novel. And remember "Sorrow Floats"
Everyone at College knows I am toothless and I went back
Bands with dumb / silly names:
How did the Austin Get Together with Will Pitt go?
I shook Bill Clinton's hand today