Salon: Rumsfeld's McArmy Goes to War
What Must Be Done to Complete a Great Victory - Wesley Clark - 4/03
Republicans taste their own medicine
Indiana Delegation to Israel and Palestine
If there is no free TV will the government subsidize cable for poor people
Astrologers: Is Cheney Done for?
Partial Zero-Emission Vehicles
Billionaire provides $100 Million to help map brain genes
Only Drunk Cops Should Have Guns
When a member here posts an "advertisement" for a website...
Can We Make The Ignore Feature Permanent?
I hate to bother anyone with my minor problem
Is there an expiration date on the stars?
Latest contender for president comes from long line of rabbis
Hamas thanked Saudi prince for aid: Paper
Can we expect another 9/11/200?
We gotta take back a house of Congress too
How many on here Host Dean Meet-Ups?
Gephardt takes off the gloves with
Who I'll support if THEY get the nomination.....
Statement from John Kerry on Howard Dean's speech at St. Anselm's
George Soros is speaking on C-SPAN
NOw - MSNBC Olbermann leading with Bush/Cheney contradictions eom
If there's another 9/11, what would happen to the race for the Wh?
How do the right-wing crazies in Talk-Radio defend this one?...
Not to worry Cheney shakes off heart attacks like a common cold
If you were running Clark's campaign
you are wrong about chainie!!!
Memo to the troops in Iraq -- "nothing to do w/911"....signed Shrub
Seattle Times: Soldier served in Iraq but may be deported
Clark gave to Erskine Bowles campaign
Found a "liberal" talk-radio program the other night....
Gergen explained the new "no Saddam-911 connection" shtick
Ashcroft needs to send in the stormtroopers!!!!!
Carter Agrees with Howard Dean
Gergen: Bush and team carefully orchestrating a step back from rhetoric.
I've seen this mentioned about a Clark and Hillary conspiracy...
Lest we forget: Powell's presentation to U.N. in Feb. 2003
So will Daryl Worley release a followup to "Have You Forgotten?" now?
I'm watching Bravo's "Johnny Cash" profile.
When can I get a real 'Wes Clark in 2004" bumper sticker!?
The Bush / Clark Matchup ... In A Nutshell
Young Dem Fundraising Ideas? HELP!
Local CBS news interviewing David Dill of Stanford re: DieBold Machines
If * got a blowjob from an intern and then lied about it...
Can we expect another 9/11/200?
Question about "crossover" voting
holy crapola!! Grasso resigns from NYSE!!!!!!
Republican's fathers versus Democrat's fathers
"I read an article in the paper today, I don't remember which paper,
I have seen more negativity on this board today...
You know Ahnold is on Larry King right now (9:32 PM)
Wes Clark coming up on CNN (10:20pm) est
Mike Malloy streaming now --- Bushco lies
What's with the "Al Qaeda" ties to Saddam from Bushco?
I think that we are being set up
They Are Piling On Top of Dick Cheney, BIG TIME!
I'm now supporting two candidates: Clark & Dean
On (CNN) Paula Zahn and Halliburton Lies
We must steal "conservative" as the pukes have stolen "compassionate"
MAYBE THEY FAKED CHENEY OUT! (Sorry to shout, but...)
'Why Would The Anti-Christ Write Chorus Line?' Al Franken Interview
I applaud all of the Dem candidates
Why Clark Adds to Campaign - Christian Science Monitor
Oh Brother... Fox News on Clark
I'm taking a class called "Politics & the Media", something I learned...
Is any of this even SLIGHTLY familiar-sounding to you?
I love Al Sharpton, Dennis Kucinich, Carol Mosely-Braun and Dean
Clark is next on the chopping block
Why is Bush flip-flopping on 9/11-Saddam connection? Because it's the lie
who's your third choice to be the nominee?
How is Clark standing on the DU?
Another scandal ready to explode for Cheney...that energy commission
Just donated to Clark's Campaign...
The "Goring" of Clark has begun - Let's nip it in the bud this time!
BOOKMARK THIS: BUSH: No Saddam 9/11 TIES!!!!
Rove fears Wesley and is setting up Cheney resignation/dump
why has the 'Dean is unelectable' meme resurfaced?
Do You Really Want Cheney to be Dumped??
Remember that halo over *'s head? Check out this pic of Edwards!
Consider this: If Cheney goes, Bush is admitting that Iraq was mistake
What on earth posessed me to step into this fray? (Clark et al)
Clark with Aaron Brown on CNN boldly indicte Saudi Arabia
Lawsuit says touch screen voting is inaccurate
Anyone else watching "The Sacred Balance" on PBS tonight?
Cheney-Iraq-9/11: Another piece of the puzzle?
Testing to Create Dropouts: knockout piece!
Dennis Kucinich Repeated Over & Over: Saddam & 9/11 Not Related
CNN is starting to grow some balls. It's about time.
Lee Atwater to Rove: BRAND CLARK ASAP
If Cheney is out in 04, who will be on the ticket with Bush and why?
How many have Clark as #1 or #2 on their list? (poll)
Who is more anti-war, Dean, Clark, or Kerry?
So, let me get this straight. No WMD, No 9/11 link.
Can someone (sans flambe) explain this Clark anti-war flap?
:( I just found out that we have sodomy laws in Canada...
Anyone else feeling just as more and more "unmoved" by the Dems as I am?
If Foregn Policy is the key, is a General the right image for the USA?
To any one who is a China apologist and claims to be liberal or progressiv
I am starting to get REALLY PISSED OFF.
If Clark is "anti war", why did he shill for the Administration
Mini Nukes! Thanks for nothing Kerry, Edwards, Lieberman, & Graham
Say hello to our new group of DU moderators!
Dean Haters = Populism Haters = Status Quo Lovers
Why do some people here hate the DLC?
All the Clark attacks today made me laugh
Political campaigning from a church pulpit
The Heavy Stuff: Cobalt casings and more, below the decks
Arab nations to call for UN General Assembly resolution on Israel
U.S. Deficit Mounts to All-Time High
Interior Department Fires Whistleblower
Hamas thanked Saudi prince for aid: Paper
Rocky Path for Bush*: Effort to Remake Iraq Hits Roadblocks
Senate Makes a Curb on Abortion Likely
Canadian MPs extend hate protection to gays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Poll: Confidence in Bush Iraq Policy Slips
American Family Voices Launches Ad Questioning Halliburton's Sweetheart De
U.S. Is Speeding Up Plan for Creating a New Iraqi Army
California ruling may delay other US elections
Iraq: Americans Thinking of Using New Type of Weapon
Treasury Chief: Saudis are Strong Allies {Guardian UK}
Chavez Says Venezuela Won't Recognize Iraqi Delegation at OPEC
Bush to leave WH ahead of Storm
Recall Politicking May Jeopardize Church's Tax-Exempt Status
Taliban claim capture of four US troops
I "Pead" All Over Myself -- Now I am all GREEN!
Welcome our newest member Jack Daniels!
They've got these new discs for the toilet! No more blue!
Cheney is on CSPAN (rerun) NOW----speaking today to Air Force
Simple Computer question re: viruses, trojan horses and worms
I want to pass 700 posts tonight, ask me anything!
Not enough people asked me questions--I'm still 12 shy of 700!
This is Post #700! Thanks for all the questions!
Quizno's Subs are the food of the gods.....
How can we achieve our goal of PEES on Earth?
ann-thrax on bohannan show right in now and tell her....
It's true! I didn't believe it, but it's true!
The best Jewish deli in the world?
Kenny Rogers just worked out of a 2nd inning jam.
I won Jim Hightower's book on Mike malloy!
I don't have a thing to say, I'm tired and just don't give a ..
Inside the Freeper General Discussion Forum
I just flipped through the best Photoshop book EVAR!!! (sic)
I was born a poor non-ethnic child
the Joeybee 700 club initiation thread
Ahnold just said on CNN that he wants the People Power.
Finally, the truth about cats!
Ladies and Gentleman, Your Votes Have been Tallied..............
Important Bird question!!! for the bird experts...
Repug response to Young Dem flyer
I've had the same job for three years
OK, I'm totally out of touch, but what does the acronym LIHOP stand for??
How many Freepers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
LA duers - help me with restaurant recommendations!
Louis Black On the Bin Laden video (Daily SHow)
How many dems does it take to screw in a light bulb?
I just got a red swingline stapler! Ask me Anything!
Isn't this Art Bell's fifth "unretirement" now?
saw another bush-cheney '04 bumper sticker
Anybody know what's going on with Trek: Enterprise?
West Wing fans: here's a conspiracy thought...
Did anyone actually read O'Reilly's book that Al Franken talked about?
I just saw Al Franken...too bad I have to go to sleep or else U could
The Gold Standard For Vomitous, Wretched Surprises
The Purple People Eater is no more!
I'm eight posts away from 100.
A woman who looked like Mann Coulter tried to pick me up tonight
I just cleaned and caulked my bathtub...ask me anything!?
I need help with a sci-fi title of a book
"Have You Forgotten?" sequel song title suggestions?
Will "Intolerable Cruelty" be The Coen Brothers first bad movie?
Dont think ive been laid since i last posted this thread, ask me anything
Judge the candidates by their favorite song
If I go to Europe, will I be "incontinent"?
You Austinites don't know how good you have it
Say hello to our new group of DU moderators!
A Note About Movies for Democrats
I spent the evening looking at models of male genitalia. Ask me anything.
DU --- Sort-Of-Official --- HURRICANE ISABEL Check-In Center !!!
Vietnam Veterans check-in. Give a few details and your MOS in laymans term
Check out this photo of Hurricane Isabel
Bush: No Proof of Saddam Role in 9-11
Please take a moment to vote for me at
Israeli-Indian Alliance: The Real Axis of Evil
US foreign policy direction will have to change direction
Hunter S Thompson nails Bush again
Robert Scheer-When Corrections Need Correcting
Auth -- Clark v. Chimp: "Pick the Military Action Figure"
Is this Washington—or Beirut? Balancing Beauty and Brawn
Robert Fisk - Wanted for crimes at home and abroad
Derf: Words of Wisdom from Dubya
Molly Ivins: Choking on "Clear Skies"
Bush's costly fiasco in Iraq hitting home for America
Jim Hightower Asks: "What's That Smell?"
Mark Shields - CNN - predicting Dem victory in 2004...
Why the SEP is opposing the California recall
The BBC's bullies can dish it out, but they can't take it
Lawrence of Arabia - it's deja vu all over again.
The Progressive :Propagandists for the State
"Blood In The Water..Led By Dean ..The Democrats Attack"
California Recall: The Coup Inside the Circus
Friedman: Our War With France (WTF??)
Max Cleland: Mistakes of Vietnam repeated with Iraq
Ann Coulter's Latest; would you jump out a window?
Wesley Clark: What must be done to complete a great victory
Schedule of Al Gore's Anti-Recall Events on Friday Sept.19th
Any DU'ers going to Dean Rally in Boston on Sep 23?
DC DUers: Big debate coming up in Washington!
Media will repeat "left wing -no solutions" GOP mantra how many times?
N.C. newspaper's ridiculing of war opponents exposed in internal e-mail
Bush at Presidential "Retreat"
Falwell students get "Hannitized"!
A Note about Movies for Democrats (cross-post)
Fun with fusion: Freshman's nuclear fusion reactor has USU physics faculty
Review: Two new Gaiman-ic works
Another group of people I absolutely despise...
CARTOONS! The "World View" Edition
U.S. Daily Casualties 9/18/2003
Second Michigan county passes antimarriage resolution
Indiana professor's antigay blog condemned
GOP Senators To Lobby For Anti-Gay Amendment
Are Republicans and Conservatives Anti Catholic
Kerry - Dean go at it on Tax cut again
Economist urges Canada to invest in productivity
Re: The impossibility of having a secure Homeland and tax cuts
New galaxy has astronomers in a spin
Space Elevator: High Hopes, Lofty Goals (
Global Ocean Phytoplankton Declines By 6% Since 1980s - NASA
90% Of Indian Ocean Shallow Water Coral Reefs Die In One Year
Orders For New Toyota Prius Eight Times Higher Than Expected
Lions "Close To Extinction" - 90% Population Drop In 20 Years - BBC
Neo-liberal Nicaragua: Neo Banana Republic
Our War With France (Friedman's Latest From The Padded Room)
Frenchman Warns US: "No military solution"
Forget WMD, Where are the shredders?
Violence mars Zambia's election campaigns
Colleges Caught in a Vise - NYTimes op-ed
Congress Medicare Talks Drag as Factions Dig In
New treatment may flush HIV reservoir
McDonald's biting into health food market?
1st cigarette can be addictive
Cop’s Bullet Killed Bystander In Shooting Outside Nightclub
Cops Raid Wrong Home, Taser Man
Minnesota Sheriff Ordered By Court to Follow CCW Law
Expect 'Barrage' of Concealed Gun Requests
Taking back 2 gun permits proves exactly nothing
Qualifications for getting concealed carry permit are strict
Purse containing handgun stolen from Bayfield school
15-year-old charged after taking gun to school
Gardnerville man described intrusion as "horror movie"
Replica gun able to fire real bullets
Employee cleared in shooting death
Vegas woman fatally shoots intruder who falls through ceiling
here is one from my neck of the woods.
Missouri Changes Gun Resale Laws
13-year-old fires gun in middle school bathroom
Another Gun-Facilitated Murder-Suicide
Cobb police shoot, kill man, claim self-defense
Gun Checks Block Fewer Purchases in 2002
National Rifle Association urging immediate grassroots action on HB12
N.J. Lawmakers Press Pellet-Gun Bill
Armed Moron Takes Hostages in Tennessee
Hi Guys.... I got another guestion...:)
Hi guys - Edit: I figured it out. Thank you very much anyway
I'm concerned for a fellow DUer
Conservatives Confused by Current U.S. Policy on Israel
India and Israel: Anatomy of a strategic partnership
The UN has become an Islamist Mouthpiece!
Berlusconi To Receive Award From Jewish Group
Jewish settlers vow to defy Mideast peace plan
21 Septembers Ago (Sabra/Shatila, 5,000 word piece)
Carter: Mideast Peace Still Possible (but only without Arafat)
IDF enters Jenin in raid expected to last several days
Arafat Scolds Israel on Death Wish
Clark TV - a couple of transcripts
Dean holds clear lead among Democrats in California, poll finds
Clark poses an immediate threat to Sen. John Kerry
Ref Clark: Do We Need 'Warm & Fuzzy'?
Republicans and the Dean Factor- letters to NYTimes
N.H. Poll: Dean Has 10-Point Lead on Kerry
A couple of Guardian articles on Clark
Schwarzenegger still a friend, says Kerry
Three Things That Concern Me About Edwards
Two articles on Clark and former colleagues
Presidential candidate receives tribal advice (Dean)
A rant on the Democratic party
NY Magazine: Dean's Internet - McGovern's Direct Mail
Denver Post on Clark - with quotes from Dean & Kerry Campaigns
Just when --and why-- did Clark become a Democrat, anyway?
interesting take by David Yepsen of DM Register on Clark entrance
The Note: Kerry to receive the endorsement of environmentalist RFK Jr.
Hartford Courant: Clark Hurts Lieberman Bid
Gep on Hardball now (7 pm EST)
Senator Edwards, on Inside Politics at 4PM Eastern Time
Superdelegate Endorsement for Dean in Kansas
Clark to Participate in Sept. 25 Economic Debate
Kerry, the war vote, and the movie "Fargo"
Momentum Shifts In NH - Kerry Quickly Closing Gap
"Let's show Howard Dean He's Wrong" - Dick Gephardt
Has the media mislabeled Clark "anti-war"?
Crystle is running for USSenate in PA and has a DU sticker on his van
Under fire, Dean takes it easy
NY Times: Dean is the Most Vulnerable to Clark Candidacy
RFK, Jr. to endorse JFK this afternoon in NYC...from ABC's The Note...
Can we run cartoons as political issue ads?
From Kerry blog...from JFK's event last night at UCLA posted by cindyw..
Screw All This....I'm Supporting Kucinich
Dean responds to Kerry's attacks
Edwards doesn't talk about it much
Quit referring to Kerry as "JFK"
BBV: New 'Diebold memos' mirror site now live
Clark has a blog up, and it links to DU
Question: Suppose the idea of LIHOP gets some legs
Here is another major anti-General Clark talking point
Wonder what would happen if this happened in Calgary of all places or
I do not open threads that tear down a Dem candidate.
even the most incredible dream can be realized!
RadioLeft --- MUST HEAR broadcast on now.
I've decided to switch my support from Dean to Clark.
I hugged, I cried, I empathized -- who said it?
Pizza DeliveryGuy NeckBomb Bank Robbery Story: Any News?
Bravo to Clark on Hardball - He may have changed my mind tonight
whatever the Clarkies are drinking is stronger than the Deaniac's kool aid
I'm actually scared at how scared Chimpy is of Clark
Dean Has No Foreign Policy Experience, Clark Has No Domestic Experience...
If I hear the word "support" one more damn time. . .
Dean part of the Bush fascist plan. ((((((((( ))))))))))))
Jay Leno on California recall campaign
So is Clark a liberal, moderate?
Where is Clark on Labor issues?
Very little oil in Iraq? Oh, come on!!!
Bill Hicks Defined Jabba The Rush Perfectly
A Little Something I Ran On Yahoo Earlier
Tell Congress to Reject Bush Request for Iraq Funds
Can the Democratic Party regain the White House? BBC NEWS
How desperate must the Iraqi people be??
I participated in a 30 minute phone poll last night
Early morning Clark trashing on CSPAN
And the next victim is....SYRIA!
Despicable!: Rush Limbo tries to frame Clark as a sissy
What do any of the Dem candidates know about Iraq?...
Wrightsville beach cam.. watch the hurricane
But everyone said he was such a good christian?
CSPAN Thursday AM — Syrian ambassador
'Comical Ali' criticises Saddam
Bill Hicks Defines Jesse Helms And "Reich" Wing Thought
US agenda: "to maintain a perpetual state of chaos"
What President Clark would have done after 9.11
"I won't vote for Bush again................................."
Dean? Clark? I can't make up my mind!!!
Can some tell me who William Saletan is...
Why Pat Robem$ome LOVES Hurricanes
Another group of people I absolutely despise...
Gertrude Clark is surprisingly charismatic
Cool new game in development! Take A look
IMPORTANT: Correction about Clark on Saudi Arabia!!!
Bill Hemmer. I'm not a violent man, but
To Clark Supporters: I TOLD YOU SO!!!
OUTRAGEOUS! Neither local paper has "no Iraqi 9/11 ties" on front page!
Bush attack talking points on our blogs, sites, etc.
I can't believe the media still has this paranoid obsession w/the Clintons
Right wing media is starting on Wesley Clark
Tell Congress to Reject Bush Request for Iraq Funds
Fox Trot rips on the * misadministration yet again!
Operation "Getting out of harm's way"- Part Deux
NOW, let's put this LIE finally to rest!
anyone watch california governor debate ?
BUSH LEADS CHALLENGERS IN POLL - how f#%king out of touch is America?
Saw "K STREET" on HBO last night. What Did You all think?
Clark v. Bush: Debate Preview!
Hey Will - how did it go in Austin?
How to beat the BFEE at one of their own games.
I hear the train a comin', comin' round the bend and ...............
Clark Supporters - Sell Me On Your Guy
Clark is a retired general - How does this affect your view of him
Bush LIVE on CSpan now (10:07 am EST 9/18)
Poll: Bush Iraq Rating At New Low - CBS
More bullshit from the Labor Department
Braun Backers: Something nice for you!
Maybe I'm off base about Clark's anti-war views
Leave Bush alone, writer urges Europe
Buzzflash has more viewers than CNN~Fox~MSNBC~ Combined
Bush v Hurricane----oh, this could get good...........
Wow! (From a Salon interview w/Clark...)
Pat Buchanan: Wrong War, Wrong Place...
Another FL school outrage....voucher school head arrested.
Sooooo, there was this idiot doing a Mr Rogers impression on CNN
Positive AP wire on Clark - negative Reuters article on Clark
Has Homeland Security and the Patriot Act prevented further attacks?
After invading Czechoslavakia, Hitler names Poland & France "rogue states"
Marketing Armageddon for fun and profit
WHOA! Bowling for Columbine all day ticket on Dish
U.S. Daily Casualties 9/18/2003
Who or What Makes You Barf? Suggestions ...
US plans on retreating from Iraqi cities !
The USA are on war with France !!!
Moyer’s 9/11 widows need to write a book.
Anyone Have a Link to the Big LIst of * Failures?
so what's the latest on the Tenn. Hostage story???
Friday- Gray Davis and Al Gore at rally
I've been AFK. Any news of the 4 taken by Taliban?
Bush, Cheney, Rumfilled, Condi have all come clean
Yesterday I Happened To Come To A Pretty Good Web Site. It's Called
Reconstructing Germany and Japan after WWII
Why is Clark taking so many liberal positions
Anyone know what Freak Republic's reaction is to *'s "No Iraq-9/11 ties" ?
Ashcroft Caves Under Public Pressure to Declassify 2001 Spying
U.S. Troops Ambushed in Central Iraq Town
More Critical Thinking, Please! Less Dogma, Please!
A Clark-Dean Ticket Is The Only Logical Answer
"Your father Satan must be very proud."
Clark Clark Bo-Bark, Banana Fanna Fo Fark, Me Mi Mo Mark...CLARK!
The number of people who agree with Democrats has been growing...
Do You Sense Any Bush "Comeback" Going On??
Thomas Friedman has lost it completely!
Presidential Candidate General Wesley Clark is Pro-Gay Moderate
Please explain this political cartoon?
The Gang That Couldn't Lie Well
FL vouchers used for home-schooling with no accountability! Not ok!
Canadian gay couple barred from U.S.
Who's the biggest RW talking-head douchebag?
I'm Calling for Tim Russert's Resignation
arguements against the "bush never said iraq and 911" revisionists
List/site for democratic military vets
What will Bush run on in 2004?
Sen. Dayton has a novel idea for members of congress (tit for tat)
Am I being paranoid here? I can get to the White House
Seabiscuit is coming up around the corner....
Notice Karl Rove's newest tactic
Gay married couple refused entry as a family at the U.S.A. border
Who Is The Worst Secretatry Of State In The Modern Era?
Weakly Standard is trying to spin the Iraq/Al Qaeda connection
What do people here think of my interpretation of the Harkin Amendment
Gen. Wesley Clark ... now accepting Contributions!!!
So NOW the Little Turd from Crawford says: "No Iraq–9-11 Link."
Bush says "Arafat has failed as a Leader"
Yeeps; L.A.'s finest in (in)action
Amy Goodman on Democracy Now about Wesley Clark - not flattering
documentary on Shanksville, PA = instant death?
MUST READ: FORGOTTEN 9/11--INS screwed up when it let in 9/11 mastermind
This is my last conspiracy theory, I promise...
They plan to blame Clark and Kosovo for 9/11.
God blesses Bush with a distracting Hurricane Isabel
ANOTHER potential backlash for Bush???
Katherine Harris would volunteer to help Ca. recall voting - really
Montreal man linked to Clark controversy
So what does Bush want from King Abdulla?
Repuke friend said last night "Bush sucks - I'm voting for the General."
"I never thought Iraq was tied to Al Qaeda"
What is the best we can hope for from 2005-2009?
Arnold is coming! (Must see video)
Can't contribute to Clark - Website too busy!
Why won't Dean, Clark, Kerry, et al, TELL THE TRUTH??
Kennedy: Iraq Threat is a Fraud Made Up In TX
Murtha and Pelosi press conference, calling for resignations
How about marketing Bush doll toilet bowl brushes
SATIRE INSIDE! (Have I gone too far? Will I be buried under hate mail?)
Neo-con headrolling and the dems running for prez
An Undiplomatic Display : * display at the State Department
In 2004, the Democrats will carry the military vote
Can't account for nearly half of the $4 billion the war costs per month
Clark's Iraq Position: Let's Discuss It !!
Wide-ranging report from Bagdad correspondent Robert Fisk on Democracy Now
On CNN: Bustamante trying to assemble boycott of debate Wesley Clark-The New Anti-War Candidate?
Any suggestions for my letter to my Congressman?....
I guess no Crossfire today. The goddam hurricane is wall-to-wall on the
My sympathies to Wesley Clark's supporters
Name the Generals who became President!
Question re: Support the Troops
Administration's involvment in "sexing up" Saddam/Al Queda connection
BBV: Boortz caller spelled it out, Boortz seemed receptive
How many soldiers will have to die in one day for there to be ...
Banned at unFree Republican after only three posts
Here are all of Clark's positions on the issues
Kerry claims gaffe when Dean said, "There were no middle-class tax cuts"
Have you helped the FReepers today?
Eric Alterman: Generally Speaking (Clark)
If they replace Cheney with Powell in '04, won't they win?
A break from "Isabel", MSNBC has another "will Hillary run?" feature
Which Dem should drop out of the running first?
Watched a powerful, sad movie last night.
Perusing The Front Page Of The D U General Discussion Forum
So what is it with Randi Rhodes? Does she support Clark or what?
If Paula Jones can file a civil suit against a sitting prez, why not us?
Guy James -A Mothers Call vs. Rush Limbaugh- audio file.
Face of Mount Rushmore Moving Slightly
US soldiers kill 14 yr old boy at wedding who fired gun into air
Kef Issues Press Release on Lieberman Spokesman's Clark Comments
"flesh colored Christs that glow in the dark..."
I Hate To Interrupt The Bashing But Three More Soldiers Were Killed In
Kerry/Gore supporter - becoming a full-fledged Clark Supporter....
Does anybody think Charlie Rangel would endorse a war hawk?
What if we had GROUPS on DU?? Like a buddy list?
Dean Corps puts service back into community
East Coast. I'm Blowin' Away. Where's Bush?
I got called out by a Rush wana-be some guy named Neil Boortz!
Project Censored -- The Stories the Media Ignored
Pentagon lying about # of dead soldiers today
EMOTION vs. REASON: Why Rove is a Failure
Wes Clark on Randi Rhodes now . . . kicked off his campaign
Dems challenge Clark to participate in debate next week
Does any Dem. Pres Candidate have 50 US Congressman supporting him/her
Dems are starting to speak up. Which one will be first........
"A new mesage from Saddam Hussein, but does anybody in Iraq care?"
A thread that says something nice about all the candidates
If Clark has pissed in your cornflakes...
around the world (with CLARK!!!) on a TOON! (an 'international' edition)
None of the Candidates Are Any Good
Driver Licenses / a Latino perspective
Anyone else in an area with a high rate of West Nile?
The Bush Bumper Sticker Thread!
The most beautiful thing I've ever read at DU
Dean to kerry: You're Bush Lite.
You know, I just don't think Greg Palast likes Tom Friedman too much.
Latest in the "BRING EM ON" flash ad series
I have several objections to Clark's candidacy....
More Stupidity from Don Luskin of the National Review? I Think So.
KUCINICH - last man standing after Dean and Clark destroy each other?
Satire: Sick Dick Makes Bush Stumble..Hillary To Join Repugs As Bush's VP!
Hey Californians! Check this d00d out!!!
Which of todays threads is the official Dean bashing thread?
Chimp Regime causes Mt. Rushmore faces to begin frowning!! READ!
Dean and Clark supporters...could you support the other guy?
US Housing Wage (2br) keeps on going up. $22.40/hr for Mass?!
Is * going to buy the Unemployed with $3000
What Cicero said about Traitors and what * said about intelligence use.
Liberals have turned this war into quest for facts
Your daily dose of smitten Tweety (interview - fairly lengthy)
If Reagan Dies Before The 2004 Election... Will It Be A "Boost" To Bush?
It Was the Oil and It Is Like Vietnam
Point of MAJOR Concern...Clark had sex with his WIFE
MSNBC Matthews on a roll again.... n/t
Murtha on Hardball: "I made a mistake" (IWR)
Hey! DU'ers who are annoyed with Isabel Coverage! It's the Homeland!
"Our Lady Of Honest Reporting"...
WARNING: This is not a Dem bashing thread: VERY BAD day in Iraq
Do we really want to live in a nation where
bartcop SMOKES Bush's crooked war lies
Dean CFR? Anti war? Anti Bush or (drumroll please...) Anti Christ?
Is Clark Any LESS Qualified Than Eisenhower Was?
BBV: Demactivist....the info you asked about
Don't Be Fooled: It's NOT Like Vietnam!
Kennedy thinks Bush is bribing world leaders?
Robert Reich Is Handing Hannity His Lunch.
Help! Need Reich "tax cut" statistic for argument
Clark picks Donnie Fowler for campaign manager
Everybody, let's get real about Clark...
Karma's a bitch: Dean, how does it feel to be "Kuciniched" by Clark?
How many people at DU are secretly wishing for Bush in 2004?
Strategy Game: Clark Nominated, Powell Becomes Bush VP, Democratic VP?
Who is the better candidate for Liberals, Dean or Clark?
So 12 GI's died today and CNN's employees are where?
Here's what I don't like about Clark
"The Threat Matrix" Premiering Tonight ABC! Propaganda from Admin?
Will we have "a life" tomorrow..........where are we going? A "General"
Anybody here sticking with Dean depsite Clark entering the race?
Do you know what "twinning" is, and what it has to w/mini-nukes?
Juan Williams restores my Lack of Faith in NPR...
will the Fairness Doctrine kill the AM band?
Clark *is* the Military Industrial Complex (Wall Street Journal)
Assuming ANY Democratic Candidate WILL Beat Bush...
"The Paranoia Show" #3 - Flagsucking! Bold. Frank. Revealing.
Kennedy says case for Iraq War was total fraud. A lie made up in Texas
"I'm not going to start the Third World War for you," he told Gen. Clark
8 US soldiers killed today. Is the public getting numb to this?
General Clark Used Depleted Uranium in Kosovo War- Robert Fisk
No WMD, No Yellow Cake, No 9/11 Link
Who Is Your Favorite Democratic Senator
I don't want a general for president. So sue me.
Billionaire mounting anti-Bush effort (Soros)
Right-wing spin to draw the noose around the Dems as well...(WMDs)
Falling In Love vs. Falling In Line | Monkeys in a Barrell
For everyone who thinks Cuba is a flourishing this.
the origins of neoconservatism
ATTENTION: I am starting a NEW DU Group
In Praise and Respect of Scott Ritter and William Pitt:
3hr gun battle in ambush of US convoy, US troops withdrew, Iraqis dance in
Gay Marriage as a Political Issue
Okay, Clarkies -- here's what I want to know about Clark
Clark will attend next week's debate
This is too much! The DNC's new weblog
How Many DUers voted for Reagan?
Why I Don't Want Clark to Grab the Nomination
BBV, Global Eye -- Vanishing Act, Moscow Times....OMG!!!
Have You Ever Voted Republican At Any Level
We interrupt candidate bashing for a very important issue (Energy bill)
?? Is this a Smoking Gun on 9-11 Saddam fuss??
Why are so many of you against our troops?
Clark with Aaron Brown on CNN boldly indicte Saudi Arabia
Bush: No proof of Saddam role in 9/11
Republicans wants White House to improve sales pitch for $87 billion Iraq
US offers Pakistan aid as it seeks help in Iraq
Explosion Reported at Iraq Oil Pipeline
California recall campaigns push ahead despite vote uncertainty
Key Remorseful Bali bomber sentenced to life imprisonment
Colombia, U.S. Sign War Crimes Accord
Schedule of Al Gore's Anti-Recall Events on Friday Sept.19th
Colombia bows to U.S. aid threats
HOUSE WATCH-9/18/2003 (#1) (pro forma session)
WP - Wounded Soldier Becomes a Citizen
500 exhumed from Bosnian grave
Dean holds clear lead among Democrats in California, poll finds
Gunman Who Held Class Hostage Is Killed
(Canadian) MPs vote to protect gays under hate law
American soldiers involved in shooting of Iraqi police had arrived in city
Iraqis can't believe everything they read
MoD 'did not need Kelly's permission' to name him
US claims 11 Taliban killed in Afghanistan
India kills 12 suspected Muslim rebels
Averaged U.S. jobless claims at two-month high
Lawmakers Ax Pentagon Surveillance Program
Report: Eight U.S. soldiers killed in attack west of Baghdad
Wired: E-Voting Audit Ready for Public (BBV)
Mayors: Terror Defenses Lack Funds
Arafat Scolds Israel on Death Wish
Invasion of Iraq was unnecessary, says Blix
Blix criticises UK's Iraq dossier
Bush Works Toward U.N. Iraq Compromise
UPDATE: Thursday Hurricane Isabel thread: Strike Probabilites
Last Gasp for Galileo Mission to Jupiter
U.S. Can't Rescue World Economy
Bush's priorities under scrutiny
Millions Condemned to Die as Health Policies Fail
$87 Billion War Request Details Spending
Recall's supporters ask appeals court to repeal vote delay
Pentagon inspector general to probe Air Force tanker lease
Bush: Mideast Peace Drive 'Stalled' Due to Arafat
Bush: UN Pact on Iraq Unlikely Before Next Week
House, Senate Agree on Homeland Security Funds (NO Americore funds)
Oregon Brothers Plead Guilty to Terrorism Charges
Blast kills four in Afghanistan
U.S. Sees $2 Billion Extra Aid for Afghanistan
Minister adjusts skilled worker passmark (CANADA)
Afghan troops besiege Islamic school
Poll: Bush Iraq Rating At New Low
Bush Reports No Evidence of Hussein Tie to 9/11
Clark Makes It Official, Running for President
Grasso foced to quit as NYSE chairman
US soldiers kill Iraqi teen, injure four at Fallujah wedding
Carter: Turmoil in Iraq, Afghanistan likely 2004 campaign issue
Possible 8 US Troops killed in Iraq Ambush -AP News (unconfirmed)
Senators say N.Y. bid will be fine
8 U.S. soldiers killed in Iraqi ambush
Fire erupts at Iraqi oil pipeline
I guess no Crossfire today. The goddam hurricane is wall-to-wall on the
Guerrillas Ambush U.S. Convoys in Iraq
Bill Won't Rule Out Run By Hil
Ban On Abortion Procedure Near
Section 28 (UK's "no promo homo") to be repealed
Clark Will Participate in Presidential Debate- Dupe here. Link below
Man Charged With Murder over Shooting of Tomato Thrower
No Patriot Check Out At Libraries
Malcolm to Resign as TDP Chairwoman
New Iraq Army to Cost $2 Billion to Build (2 Billion/40,000 troops?)
Texas Senate rescinds Democrats' fines (impose probation)
Judge To Decide If School Should Allow Anti-Bush Shirt
Man Claims Role in SUV Firebombings
Republicans say they will examine Bush's $87 billion war request closely
Dems challenge Clark to participate in debate next week
US army suffers heavy casualties in Iraqi ambush (mortars; policemen dead)
Pa. court abolishes common law marriage
MSNBC confirming 3 US soldiers killed in Tikrit today and 2 wounded
No Evidence of Smallpox Found in Iraq
Gay Married Couple Barred At US Border
Clark will participate in presidential debate
Iraq recovers priceless sculpture
US Moves Forward on Anti-Missile System for Planes
Lions "Close To Extinction" - 90% Population Drop In 20 Years - BBC
Supporters Like Clark's Military Attributes
Kennedy says case for Iraq War was total fraud!!!!
At least 3 US soldiers killed in Iraq ambush - BBC news
Bush says Arafat has 'failed as a leader'
General Assembly to hold emergency session after US veto of Israel resolut
Arctic Drilling May Get Dumped from Bill
Japan's PM in a bind over troops, funds for Iraq
U.S. Forces Look Into Leaving Iraqi Cities - Train Iraqi's for checkpoints
Isabel hits isles, cuts power inland (MSNBC) (1st Fatality)
Charged For Knowingly Passing HIV
U.S. May Study Israel Occupation Tactics
New E-Mail Worm Targets Hole in Internet Explorer
Democrats gun for Bush and his $87 billion (CSM)
Germany, France vow to press ahead with EU military
Senator Coleman to visit Cuba this weekend
Avenged Sevenfold: A rare gem in the world of Clear Channel rock.
This "give me anything" bullsh*t has got to stop.
Anyone see any irony in the LAST hurricane being named "Fabian"?
Would you have sex with Laura Ingraham if it meant...
This "ask me anything" bullsh*t has got to continue. It was always funny.
Ashcroft acknowledges shortcomings
Celebrity soundboards unlimited fun against Telemarketers
Bill Hicks Defined Jabba The Rush Perfectly
Would you engage in a threesome with Ann Coulter and Laura Ingrahm
A Toast to our "Mod-errific" MODS..
Another one of those "Help Me" spams, but this ones good!
I spent 7 wks in Alabama and escaped with my sanity. Ask me anything
Check-in for those of you who got a day off thanks to Hurricane Isabel!!!
Aroused moose getting snagged by hammocks
Good (Thursday) Morning DU! *the batten down the hatches edition*
I about to go to the dentist....
Cool new game in development! Take A look
Salem Saberhagen where are you when your country needs you most?
NASA robot to attack planet in 3 days!
So, who took pics at the Austin gathering Sunday?
I hope they get Hazard Pay - Weather Channel Hurricane Reports
Helicopters outside my window - should I be concerned?
I'm a General Discussion fight veteran ask me anything?
Giant Egg (fried hard) attacks US!
Cheapskates who stiff you with the bill
some interesting cambridge research
BigMcLargehuge is now a Lounge mod; it's time for another MST3K thread!
A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step
"Jobless Recovery" is an OXYMORAN!
Is it just me, or does Univision have more hot women than other networks?
Which channel are you watching?Which reporter is taking the worst beating?
How soon will w* visit North Carolina?
Has Pat Robertson's Compound in Va Beach Been Toppled Yet???
I just pee'd on the Cambridge Uni word order study - Ask me anything!!
The paomnnehil pweor of the hmuan mnid
Anyone see Brian Williams on MSNBC?
Best Historical Book you have read?
anyone else in WA/BC just get a tremor or quake?
Has everyone read about the letter order study?
Knowing weather history, why the heck would anyone live in Cape Hatteras?
6 more days....just 6 more days.....
A rant on the Democratic party
Visual Basic .NET Gurus help needed please
Lights blinking here in Richmond may lose contact
HOTORNOT.COM is TRULY the source for endless hours of mindless
I just laughed till I hurt about this:
Anyone else having weird weather? (Hurricane not withstanding?)
CNN Hurricane Coverage -- Hilarious!
Falwell, Robertson proclaim hurricane a message from God!
Tonight, 9 pm - 2 straight hours of Most Extreme Elimination Challenge!!!
I'm back from my 3 day training conference, what did I miss?
Clark Clark Bo-Bark, Banana Fanna Fo Fark, Me Mi Mo Mark...CLARK!
Ironically, Arnold's movies are pretty left wing
Getting burnt out by GD...going to hang out in here for a while.
What baseball team did Mike Riley play on?
Can anyone recommend a good sim/war/strategy PS2 game?
With Bush in, would you be happy to see the country doing better?
The 700 Club! Turn back, Isabel!
They blocked bartcop at my school!
Any mechanics out there? Lawn tractor question.
I have finally found inner peace........
If Blitzers in the rain then why isn't he getting wet?
How many people would vote for Bush over Clark?
The Background Music For The Weather Channels "Local Forecasts" Breaks...
Any REAL difference in dialup speed between providers?
I got called into work - don't even THINK of asking me anything
what countries have you visited ?
Battle of the number one songs!!
I just lost an entire folder in my Bookmarks! SHIT!!
Breaking on CNN!! Surgeon General Declares Bush Criminally Insane!!!
Another ? for straight guys and lesbians
Fun topic - let's list the conservatives' craziest statements
Any thoughts on a new nickname for DU
The Fake Communicator of all CAPTIONS!!!!
Lounge Lizards: Break the GD Embargo & Take This Poll
Pretty Quiet for GD And The Lounge
"OK boys, now I want you to scream REAL LOUD at my ass."
Report from the center of the storm...
Has Spam gotten worse in the last week?
Question About The New $20 Bill
can some one do a search for me??
new hate radio advertisers 9/18
West Wing 'Assassination Episode' on NOW 7pm ET
Never Ask A Bored GI To Paint A Water Tower
Screw the Wall Street Journal, Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly and
My mother just called George W. Bush a candy-ass
Face of Mount Rushmore Moving Slightly
Would you have sex with Ann Coulter if it meant getting * out of office?
I am His Majesty, the almighty GOD of all trivia. Ask me anything.
Missed Will Pitt in Houston, didja?? Listen to him here!!!
Cool. Our Own Bev Harris's Name Is In The Latest Rolling Stone Mag.
Seattle DUers, have you given up on the Mariners?
Name state capitol cities you've visted.
to those who enjoyed Will Pitt's company in TX
Hybrid sporting events ( photoshops). Pick your favorite.
Men: Boxers or Briefs? What do you wear?
Now I ask ya---Who is more attractive?
I'm so happy right now. My mom is here for a week!
Somebody, PLEASE tell James Woods:
My bad----I am in a grouchy mood today
Greatauntoftriplets is here at my house in seattle ask us anything.
well, I just took delivery of my new Freedom Chair . . .
New Version of Beatles' 'Let It Be' Coming
Hey Vonnegut fans, help me out
What Bumper Stickers adorn your vehicle?
It's our tenth anniversary -- ask me anything!
Please, tell me this guy is a 'puke:
I'm depressed - Do college students love Dennis Miller?
Battle of the #1 hits...winner of round !?
Does anyone remember the "Baby Maker" thread that I had last year?
ROFLMAO !!! --- This Is Just Too Easy, You Guys Go Ahead !!!
Visit my new website and Be an Art Critic.
I'm Gettin' LUCKY Tonight! If You Ask My Anything, You MIGHT Get A Reply!!
do you consider yourself knowledgable about beer?
Is anyone else pumped for West Wing season opener?
It's almost time for deer hunting here in Tx !
What have you been listening to recently?