Ken Schram Commentary: Disagreeing Doesn't Mean We're Un-American
The Bush regime's errors cost the lives of thousands and endless misery
9/11/01: Where Was George? - Eric Alterman in The Nation
Joe Conason alert - heads up Bay Area DUers!!
anyone here have t-shirt-making info/experience?
What's Hiding In Home Contracts
Way down upon the Suwannee River......the rules are changing.
Vegetarians (Caring About Animals)
African lions on their way to extinction
Italy: Berlusconi intensifies his attacks on the judiciary
What are the gun laws in Kanas City, MO for concealed carry?
Governor Dean WRONG on gun statement
Why could anyone oppose any portion of the Bill OF Rights?
How dealers conduct sales at gun shows.
Why was this post removed from JP?
DUer in crisis, I've alerted but have some questions.
Still a Player (Arafat interview with ABCNEWS)
Is This The Bill Clinton Show? - Clark
OK, when will one of the 10 candidates have 1700+ delegates locked in?
Dean, Kerry, and Lieberman neck and neck in Rhode Island
Edwards just posted his first weblog entry. Lets give him a warm welcome!
Gep/Kerry/Dean camp reaction to Clark's shifting postion on Iraq war
Dean has strong support from Vermont's elected Democrats
Dean talks like a pirate better than Clark, Arrr!
Why is bloom kicking all the old Clark threads?
What about a Kimberly-Clark ticket?
So why didn't Will Pitt get a Project Censored Award?
EBay will give up seller/buyer info for any reason, no subpoena.
GD = Rove Porn (are you getting your checks?
Zell Miller for President at Freerepublic
Is there anyone like Kucinich but better on TV?
Clark announcement speech/and others at c-span
PLEASE - NEED HELP QUICK!!!!!!!!!! World opinion on the US!
What percentage of Americans would say the Iraq war was
On Orwell's, 'Can Socialists Be Happy?'
Wyclef Jean gives props to Howard Dean
More rich people should go broke and become homeless
Many of us on DU are getting Dixie-Chicked
If you need a little detox from the Clark threads,
Tom DeLay lashed out at Democratic Sen. Edward Kennedy for his criticism..
New Alerts - Serious........ NOT!! :-)
Memory Lane: Ted Kennedy's Speech to the Convention - 1980
Jimmy Carter on Larry King,Carter the most under rated
Bill Moyers NOW 9-11 EPA cover up by President
Death of the 3rd female soldier in Iraq; a gunshot wound to the head.
BBV Go to this thread and review the indicated messages.
AP- Carter Sees Some of Himself in Dean
Inspiration for our times from "Grapes of Wrath"
Get thee to PBS and watch Bill Moyers NOW! -- 9pm CDT, Fri 9/19
Good news from the NYTimes Best Seller List
Military families turning against Bush (The Independent - UK)
Whoever the Dem is that kicks GW's ass next year and becomes prez will
let's make the reopening of a 9/11 investigation a dem primary issue!
Was the Minister of Defense of Iraq paid off by US ?
"We wanted to make contact with the enemy, Russell said. "
Who in their right mind would DEFEND the "Patriot" act?
A serious question (not another candidate bashing thread)
Biggest story everyone ignored this week: GOP wants TWO Veeps
Colbert King cuts Krauthammer's pants off on "Inside Washington" PBS
Are the Saudis Bush's Conduit for "Bribing" Foriegn Ldrs. to Enter Iraq?
I donated to Kucinch - warts & all, he represents ALL of us.
Bush says Saddam not involved in attack upon WTC !
Two groups most obnoxious about Clark (and scared) Deanies and Republicans
Listening to Paul Krugman on NPR's the Connection
Just came back from Clark's U of Iowa Speech!!!
Krugman, in The Guardian, Citing Dean: "I think that's about right."
Has one Republican outright denied what Kennedy said about Bush and Iraq?
Does have a vendetta against Clark?
Didn't Cheney tell his wife that the story has changed about Iraq?
Malloy just called Bush the F*** word!
Another sign that *'s "charm" is wearing off
The question about Clark shouldn't be - What has he done for the.....
Log On, Chat With White House Officials
WTF is this about soliders having to pay for their meals
Oprah censured by Sweden broadcasting watchdog group
I'm telling you my Brothers and Sisters, you better lay your hands on....
please, help me refute this guy's argument
This week's Bill Moyers NOW - Christine Todd Whitman (EPA), more...
Washington State to appeal blanket primary ruling
Weekend schedule for C-SPAN Washington Journal...
Democratic Candidate Bashing on Charlie Rose
How many Cadillacs can a Welfare Oueen Buy?
Send Ted Kennedy an email and thank him
One of the most entertaining freeper threads I've read
Can you remember a candidate who wrote a BOOK just before he ran?????
Can I ask you guys to stop fighting for a few minutes
DUers, remember Gore's Sept. 2002 speech on Iraq and the War on Terror?
Clark on Foreign Policy, OMG, POSITIVE!
Clark's Iowa Speech -- Warning: Pro Clark Thread!
Another Deeply Meaningful Clark Thread
John Kerry responds to chickenhawk Delay over Kennedy attacks
what has Wesley Clark ever done for the Democratic party?
EFF comes out against BBV, demands paper ballot.
Josh Marshall on Clark's war position -sees no inconsistency at all
Americans in Denial about Iraq ( a good read!!!)
The number of American deaths has went down today. How they do that?
Kerry really needs to learn to turn off his microphone after interviews...
Were you FOR or AGAINST the war?
Why are Blue Collar Workers Republicans?
Tapes suggest bin Laden ill or dead
eBay to Feds: "Come and Get What You Want"
In Iraq, Demand Makes Security Growth Industry
"Fossil of 1,545-pound rodent discovered"
DFLers to consider changing date of precinct caucuses
NYT: Experts Say Court Panel Is Less Likely to Delay California Vote
Davis signs law giving domestic partners most marriage rights
Food Tampering Advisory (Washington State)
WP: What the $87 Billion Speech Cost Bush*
Washington Moves Again to Isolate France
Girl Wants To Start Caucasian Club At High School...
Dean talks like a pirate better than Clark, Arrr!
What about a Kimberly-Clark ticket?
Movie previews are so lame, they don't use real music anymore!
GD = Rove Porn (are you getting your checks?
This is Post 900--ask me anything!
What happened to my animated icons?
A question about soap operas on Univision.
I'm taking you out for dinner - whatcha hungry for???
Dixie Chicks Uninjured In Plane Mishap
I had a little girl ask me where the turds are today
Re-post of an oldie, but goodie... just for kicks.
forget politics, could you date/marry a fan of your sports rival?
I think I did something stupid and need your help.
who pays $7.00 a month to watch Limpbaugh sit on his ass
who thinks there is an actually EIB network?
Anyone up for some Friday night stupid stuff that will make you cry?
GORE speaking NOW on CSPAN. 1.kicking ass....eom
You know what I could really go for right now?
I suffer from multiple personality disorder. Ask my anything. Oh, and me t
Dana Carvey keeps calling Gray Davis Gay Davis
Real Time w/Bill Maher has Tim Robbins
American music... (Stephen Foster was a very prolific writer)
Twins up 2-0 kc and chisox tied at three.
I'm watching "Jaws" on DVD now--it hasn't withstood the march of time...
As requested: View from my house
Clark says he may have eaten a 'Clark Bar'
THIS is what PATRIOTISM looks like!!!
New Alerts - Serious........ NOT!! :-)
Clark denies being member of Lewis and Clark expedition
Inspiration for our times from "Grapes of Wrath"
We had another bonfire at the lake tonight (no bears this week!)
What's your favorite comfort food?
Mmmmm.. Monkeys with popsicles
anyone else here a daikaiju fan?
Clark Breaks Up Happy Marriage
Flashback - Dean on Iraq war September 4, 2002
An Ill Wind From Factory Farms
Dickey: Pride and Prejudices (Americans in denial about Iraq war)
Guardian Unltd: Election defeat piles pressure on Blair
LTE: Cheney's spin wearing thin
Another Day, Another Death-Trap For The US : FIsk
Cronkite on Ashcroft; No one suspects....THE SPANISH INQUISITION!
Al Giordano: Cancún Trade Battle also Turns the Tables on the Drug War
nypost really really a-scared of clark
Black Commentator: What's up with the French? (you've GOT to read this!)
John Pilger: Have we forgotten Afghanistan?
"He likes war.He should go fight in a war for two days..."
"In defence of elderly hippies"
New Yorkers! Bush at UN Tuesday Sept. 23!
Protest Bush* in Chicago Sept. 30
Of all life's unwelcome glitches, what I hate most is when my ass itches
Diabetes Support in the MR; Part the First: The free-for-all!
Gov. Davis signs law giving domestic partners most marriage rights
Church Targets 'Fake' Catholics
Clark: "Relook" Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Trouble at Hanford Nuclear Site (again)
Wine-drinking women are more fertile - report
A terrible find nearby Gikalo village of Chechnya (+a couple others..)
'What good friends left behind'
Curfew in Maldivian capital - Rioting
Gambian editor arrested - by Secret Service
'Black hijackers are just the foot soldiers'
Saskatchewan has 400 West Nile cases
Study shows women's hangovers are worse
'It's never too late to start eating better'
Army bans political activity by Missouri state senator
Saturday: Cry Rape - CBS 48 Hours
can't check mail in mailbox. I get this message:
Qureia strongly defends Arafat
Jenin under Curfew for 3rd Consecutive Day
Will you attack Gaza now, Ariel? (Jane's)
9 Israelis face deportation-Spy agency suspects they may be foreign agts
IMF: Arafat diverted $900M of public funds to special account
Moroccans jailed for 'terrorism'
WP:Dean Faces Uphill Battle in Courting S.C. Blacks
AP Analyzes PAC Money, House Freshman
TNR Primary: Dean Lite? mmm more fresh waffles!!!
Edwards ...will be on CBS's Face The Nation..Sunday morning -11:30
Skull and Bones is an ultra-weak non-issue
Steering the Democratic Primary Race
First Impressions of the Dem Candidates - a survey
From the Times....Clarks'dismissal by Clinton- what does this mean?
Dean Supporters: Tell your Dean Visibility Day activities
Clark Leads Dems in National Newsweek Poll
Josh Marshall on Dean's Iraq stance
who's gonna raise the 2nd largest amount of money this quarter?
A great anti-Bush column from my local paper
I lived and worked in Germany for several years
Why I oppose Liberal Tax Policies.
Just remember to beware of the media
Went to GSA club at school today
9/11: Where Was George? - Alterman's latest
O.K....I admit....I hope Smirky gets away with stealing the 2004 vote
Jay Leno today....Bashing Democratic candidates and Clark
Washington Journal caller "SICK " of politics..not gonna vote
Daily U.S. Casualties 9/20/2003
The Lebanon Scenario Anonymous car bombs, political kidnappings,
Nations with troop's committed to Iraq. ( #'s )
Diebold Buys Australian Security Company Vangren Technology
Supply-side economics don't work
That's it! I'm staying out of the lounge...
About restoring dignity to the WH/taking advantage of youth
Bush on the outs with the militaary ...
In desperation, the Republican Party abandons BushCo
Poll question: Are you for or against civil unions...?
Our troops are in Iraq to keep an election from happening
Chimp's approval up slightly, why?
Interesting info about General Michael Jackson
The military votes in Florida permitted Bush to steal election....
Are Americans stiffling dissent, or
The Republican "three R's": recount, recall, and re-redistricting
Gen. Clark's Radical Health Care Plan
Need some help finding a PJ O'Rourke article on Kucinich
Senator Leahy on IWR, October 2002. Brilliant.
When is this Clark feeding frenzy going to be over?
Bush 9/11 Admission Gets Little Play
Guarentee your freedom of Speach in America!
Guess who's scared of Dean.....
We met Meacher in Boston:'Both Wars were planned in advance before 9/11'
How does Clark stand on Bush's welfare for the rich?
this picture says it all about Iraq
the bloody hands bushgang gets rid of a black general
Is invading Iraq to get out of Saudi Arabia a flawed argument?
Moscow Times piece on American electronic voting machines
Our military is studying another Hollywood movie for how-to tips
To what extent will rigged voting machines play a role
Tx. repug Senators take away parking priviledges from the Texas 11
why are some in denial about candidates and waffling?
shh..quiet.. we...have no...proof...saddam..planned...9/11
Where is the official "Guy James" thread for Saturday D.U.'ers?
Josh Marshall on Dean's waffling on the war
Lies &LLTTT making me emotional
Clark is great... for Vice President
Media and DU all over waffles, Bush lies ignored.
Petty Squabbling between Democrats
Bush is No Waffler. Four more years!
Who Should Be The Next Chief Justice of SCOTUS?
will everyone show Arnold Swharetasnegger debate ?
Gephardt is still talking about Saddam/nukes connection!
WSWS: Thomas Friedman declares war on France
anyone have an email addy for Alterman?
Angry freeper tries to run me off the road.
BBV: SF Chron censoring LTE & protest suggested election day 10/7
Clark takes lead in new Newsweek poll of democrats, Dean 2nd
Keep repeating.."The candidate is not his supporters and vice versa"
Sometimes, I am amused at repubs delusions
Its Time to Accept the Ugly Truth about 9-11
I Just Took The Gallup Poll...
Newsweek latest poll has Clark ahead!
Arab investors likely to continue pull out from US markets
Anyone planning to run as a Convention Delegate?
It’s Time to Show Howard Dean who's the real Democrat
Happy Birthday to my sister Barbara
We should impeach Bush ONLY if one or more of the following takes place..
meanwhile..bill "the liberator" clinton
I back Clark, but I will not criticize Dean
Why is everybody ignoring Gephardt? I think he can win
This is just too good and it's getting even better...
Where is Bill Clinton? He's in Kosovo!
(allegedly) US in talks with Saddam ...
The Ghost of Reagan: Bush* won't be held accountable
Comments that could be seen as suggesting a connection between Saddam-9/11
Today's Democratic Cabinet Nomination: Attorney General
Sorry, guys. I can't trust Clark.
So when did Clark want to go to War???
There will be no new VP candidate for Bush
Alert - Luntz on MSNBC re: Clark, etc. n/t
Limbaugh says Clark is a myth?
Another Democratic Cabinet Nomination: Secretary of State
Another Democratic Cabinet Nomination: Treasury Secretary
Bush Down, Granholm Up In New Michigan Poll
Rank your five favorite Democratic candidates
Official Guy James Show thread----3pm -please keep kicked!!!!!!!!!!!!
Back in March of this year, David Halberstam said about going to Iraq...
I met Dennis Kucinich today and saw Michael Moore speak.
Bush/Cheney 2004 Campaign Bumperstickers
Pick Your Nomination: Nat'l Endowment for the Arts
"Can [insert candidate here] Beat Bush?"
How Many Folks Know A Conservative Who Is PISSED that * LIED - WMD
Attack on Female Iraqi Governing Council Member
Was Nancy Pelosi a babbling idiot on Real Time, or was it my imagination?
Bush overall approval rating has dropped to 51%. Re-Select below 50%
43% of registered voters would vote or lean toward Clark. 47% for Bush
"Bring me the head of a Neocon!" (Alexander Cockburn on PNAC)
Why can't the Republicans just get a smart guy to run in 2004?
What will Bush do when he leaves office in Jan 2005?
do you think punch cards are accurate?(Poll) needs freeping
DU this poll, How would you rank the job performance of President Bush?
Do not fear: Lieberman will take on the General.
great Atlantic article: Bush is Screwed!
I heard Howard Dean's voice for the first time yesterday.
Is Wes Clark prepared to be a Presidential candidate?
Wow. I finally got to watch Bowling for Columbine. On DirecTV this week.
How To Stay Out of the Military (Primer on Draft Resistance)
Plan for Iraq - What would a plan look like?
Please vote in our polls; please!
Which group do you trust most to level with you, overall?
I just made Tom Friedman my bitch. MUST READ
Recipies for Humiliation: Freedom Fires w/ Your CROW???
Clark leads all democrats and top democrat agianst (Newsweek Poll)
What states should we target in 04?
Will you ever believe the government or mass media again?
How long before Saudi Arabia is invaded?
IF Dean were nominated--a possible short list for VP
If you lie about a Democratic Canidate, You're gonna get caught!
Democratic Party Loyalists Diverge From Neocon Plan
The real reasons why repukes want "school vouchers"
death threats given to Krugman by Bushites
What is everybody's beef with john kerry?
If Blacks vote in great numbers, progressive Whites win.
Will Isabel Cost Bush? The Money they are Promised....may not come!
Who's going to be Bush's new VP???
Cognitive Dissonance: WHY Americans are in Denial
Check out this new CD called "Sonic Jihad"
Bush's Saudi Connections, a CRUCIAL issue in 2004
"WHAAAA! WHAAAA! 9-11! 9-11! 9-11! WHAAAA! Remember 9-11!"
60 Minutes Tomorrow: Cheney/Halliburton
Bloody hell! Instant vegetarianism
president clinton highest international poll ratings in history
Bush forgets 9-11 - no ceremony to honor fallen firefighters?
wonder what the Italians think of our troops trying to kill their envoy?
"He likes war. He should go fight in a war for two days."
Padilla v. Rumsfeld - aka: American Democracy v. Rumsfeld
Why is Howard Dean, the peace candidate, or the anti-war
Clark's ultimate Kosovo Comeback... ZERO US CASUALTIES
I'm Bushwacked! Here's a thousand reasons why...
Progressives need to stand up for Venezuela!!!!
**** Who's headed to D.C. on Oct. 25? Let's pull something together ****
Do you support the guy you like, or the one you think others will like?
Complete online stash of the Diebold memos: RIGHT HERE
More energy bill - action/strategy and a plea for participation
Cuban hijacker gets minimum 20 years for air piracy
Gunman Shoots Doc. In Hospital - LA
Bush calls Japanese leader to petition for help in Iraq
Gore Joins Davis to Urge 'No' Vote in Calif. Recall
Document extends secrecy on Area 51 in southern Nevada
U.S. must trade control for help: Schroeder
Nighttime Blasts Shake Baghdad
What the $87 Billion Speech Cost Bush (Dupe...sorry)
Bush* Denies His New Request Is Another Patriot Act
Iraq Council Member Shot, Critically Hurt
Saudi diplomat speaks of U.S. "intellectual arrogance"
U.S. soldier kills tiger in Baghdad
Nine Years After U.S. Military Intervention, Haitians Feel Abandoned by th
Senator presses for service 'equity'
Naive scam - or secret CIA counterfeits?
U.S. soldiers fire on car trying to race into Palestine Hotel parking area
Saudi Defends Anti-terror Drive {BBC}
Law Schools Seek to Regain Ability to Bar Military Recruiters
Bush a Frequent Flyer to States That Could Decide 2004 Race
Mop-Up Weekend In Isabel's Wake
Elderly Hospital Gunman Sought
Family: Ohio soldier killed in Iraq ambush
Candidate Clark Flip Flops On Iraq
Baseball Rivalry Deadly For Fan
Blast heard as hundreds of US troops cut off Fallujah
GM Will Close Baltimore Plant in Mid-2005
Governor Wants Quick Election as Appeals Court Agrees to Review Delay
Another Day, Another Death-Trap For The US : FIsk
KSL uncouples 'Coupling'; WB may air risqué series
Friends and occupiers in Mosul
Iraqi Council's Path Diverges From U.S. Plan
"In defence of elderly hippies"
Iraqi minister shot in Baghdad
Isabel Damage Overwhelms Cleanup Crews
Protests Grow Over Year-Long Army Tours
Britain, Germany, France call for fast transfer of power in Iraq
[Wellington] Webb takes job [DNC Vice-Chairman]
Davis Signs Bill Extending Rights To Gay Partners
President Bush signs off on Global Crossing sale
".. Recall Decision Based on Study Sponsored by Touch-Screen Manufacturer"
White House Iraq View Often at Odds With Others
MA jobless rate highest in 9 years
Soldiers step up patrols in Tikrit
Bush to Challenge U.N. for Help in Iraq
Nuclear Workers Complain About Cleanup (Hanford)
Putin Won't Send Russian Troops to Iraq
High Tech Workers Replaced With L-1 Visa Workers.......
Is This The Bill Clinton Show?
Report shows academic gap between girls, boys
Ozone hole three times size of US
Venezuela cuts oil shipments to Dominican Republic
Biographies off the 11 Federal Judges Who Will Rehear the Calif. Recall El
Bush steps up fight against European safety testing (cancer vs chemicals)
Islamic chaplain is charged as spy (Guantanamo)
Bush is losing support on right
US bombing kills two Taliban, 10 civilians in southern Afghanistan
Clark Calls Iraq War 'A Major Blunder'
Death penalty foes rap Ashcroft
Fox News: 8:00 P.M Saturday 9/20 - Exclusive Interview with Bush
Venezuelan supplies of crude oil to USA may be in jeopardy
CLARK'S FAST START (Newsweek Poll: Clark Leading!)
Police: Dodgers fan shot, killed by Giants fan
Venezuelan Intel:overwhelming evidence CIA planned to down Chavez plane
Chavez has video of a CIA instructing coupsters in surveillance techniques
U.S. soldier kills tiger in Baghdad
Looking for Votes, Not Love - • Gray Davis’s Numbers Improve
Republican (Coleman) visits Cuba, hardens embargo position
16th-century Italian prophet foresaw Bush(gross,vulgar,nasty)
International Talk Like a Pirate Day Is Now Officially Over in NY
Egad! Where did my Howard Dean shirts go?
Anybody else go swimming during Isabel?
Do your pet's do weird things before or after sporting events?
Anyone collect vintage & victorian clothing??
Dodger Fan Shot, Killed, By Giants Fan
I've become an Oriental Carpet Addict
Why space pirates don't have parrots...
Food.....Here's a great link for recipes..all kinds
Carlin joke... funny or sexist?
Pickles is wearing the tablecloth again!
The ad said "one of a kind"..Thank goodness !!
How long until DH notices there's an extra kitten in the house?
I live on East Peace Street...Where do you live?
Is "Friends" really as stupid as it seems
anyone know a "free" photoeditor?
Hey Old and In the Way! What gives?????
What's the funniest political joke you've heard?
HAHAHA! FoxTrot hits a home run!
I'm considering starting a diabetes support board, any interest?
Movies for Democrats Weekend Alert
What are the best books you read for college or high school classes?
anyone have experience with Buspar?
Wow, I've been attacked 16 times in half as many minutes
KSL uncouples 'Coupling'; WB may air risqué series
Bill Moyers - is he a progressive?
Finally, the Power is back on! (40 hours later)
Any words you think should be BANNED from the english language?
Cthulhu + Japanese fan art = disgustingly cute
Can you get these Chocolate bars in the states?
Something in my freezer really stinks
Guy James is Streaming again and the bar is open!
Who else is going to "Underworld" this weekend?
Rode my Bike E recumbent for the firt time this year..U know what to do
Michigan fans are VERRRRRY quiet right now
Twins up 6-3 magic number will be five after today
German man plans to drive 12 mile twisty mountain road blindfolded
Emmy's - Which TV Show will win for Best Comedy??
Kansas State gets beat by cupcake!
Your #1 absolute favorite album of all time?
ooh baby...The NHL season starts soon.....
Darth Kitten..if you're here.....
As a 49er fan, I can honestly say
My pesto sauce is good but....
Where is the best place to buy electronics, like TV, DVD player, etc.
I have never seen a freeper disruptor in the flesh here on DU
Leno to welcome 90 recall candidates Monday
Happy Birthday to my sister Barbara
Anybody know the final in the Wisconsin vs NC game? n/t
Bought a ticket to see REM tonight
It's not just the weather that is cooler in Canada
I'm thinking of becoming a rock star...
Anyone know if IKEA'S leather products are made out of Horse Leather?
I knwo I've asked this before, BUT anyone ever stay in the Venice Mestre?
I nominate this for the best insult I've heard
My friend Panda rocks!! Best compliment ever!!
Notre Dame is losing to Michigan State
CAPTION the lipless warrior king
Lights back on(9PM Friday). Massive trees down...oh it's a hurricane
What are you having for supper tonight?
Colk Creek Manor or Cabin Fever
Whoa....I just saw the preview for 60 Minutes tomorrow night........
Ohio State - 18 wins in a row!
I'm living in 1980s Miami here or something...everyone's doing Coke.
Duck intercept w/5:02 left in the 4th. Wolverines are going down!
Down go the Wolverines, Up go the Buckeyes
Longest living literary heroes. I say Roland who is
do you know any liberals with lots of kids? more than 3 at least
It's Time Again! STUPID CUSTOMERS!!!!
How well do you understand American (or your own national) history?
Our power just came back on! Ask me anything!
That's it! I'm staying out of the lounge...
I just repaired my well- first real shower in a week!
Smack Yer Kid a Good One for the Republicans
According to my figures 31, 821 people have me on 'ignore'
Midnight Confessions: This is my desk! What are you working at?
I love British television shows!
Why do people call Laura Pickles?
are your cats indoor or outdoor cats?
confession: I am addicted to "The Country Bears" movie
Great Idea for a Halloween Costume
"Hundreds mourn Hitler's film-maker Riefenstahl"--WTF?
A 5 Step Guide To Teaching Kids Responsible Drinking
How to find the cheapest flight? or just a weenie version of Skateboarding.
If you have a college degree, what was your major?
Who here besides Me is gonna watch the LSU/ Georgia game?
Why do people think Smithers is a Republican?
I own a 1958 Oldsmobile. Ask me anything...
1940's propaganda posters---remixed for today
Not Sure I'll Make It to the New Year - Part 2
Emmy's - Which show will win for Best TV Drama
If Dumbo worked at McDonald's AND.....
49ers have 5 super bowls= your team has ? HA HA HA HA