NYT: Iraq and Ailing Economy Leave Bush Aides on Edge
Bush "is demonstrating genuine leadership." LOL!
Montreal's downtown core off limits to cars Monday
I'm considering organizing a nurse-in.
CNN hired Victoria Clarke!! She was on Paula Zahn.
Oh, Sweet Revenge - Dunkin’ Donuts
'Ice Age time capsule' unearthed in America
OK, what is your *secondary* reason for owning a firearm, if any?
What is your primary reason for owning a firearm?
What Is Your Primary Reason for NOT Owning a Gun?
All of us involved with LadyHawk's threads
Temporary "Bannings" or Time Outs
Settlements cost NIS 2.5B. a year in non-military outlays
Israeli settlement resents US power over security fence route
Israel Factor Rises For Democrats
U.S. May Study Israel Occupation Tactics
How's =This= for Dean Visibility
Eye on the prize: We need to look at '04 Congressional elections
The DrFunkenstein '03 Tour Hits New Hampshire
Edwards ahead of Lieberman and Clark in Iowa??
Electoral strategy: Dems. already lost 7 electoral votes!
New Iowa Caucus Poll - Dean And Gephardt Tied, Kerry & Edwards Moving Up
Kerry unveils plan to revitalize manufacturing
when did wingnuts take over country music?
Why not Dennis for president, supporters ask
Am I on crack? (Dennis Kucinich)
Ashcroft's Assnt Told Congress Librarians Contacted 50 times
What that Gallup poll means: We have a helluva group of candidates!
Why does the left side with Islam?
I don't have the answers to these questions. But why is no one asking them
What's the best job for Wesley Clark if he doesn't get the nomination?
According to Bartley, it's just sour grapes
This might be a crazy idea but,
Its becoming obvious the owners(voters) are not happy with this coach/
Bush uses executive order to push through faith based initiatitves
Is David Podvin Praising Dean on one hand/but accusing me of being a Nazi?
Anybody here the lady on C-SPAN this AM that collected dolls..?
Is Bush really going to talk about sex slavery at the UN?
Text of FOX Bush interview here:
Looking for a link: Bush replaces WH portraits with his own
it's gonna be a tough choice Tuesday night...24, or Iraq watch?
C-Span Leahy lambasting Bremer n/t
Sitting here listening to a local college radio station
Let's assemble the next cabinet
Gordon Jump of WKRP fame has died
Charlie Crystle live on Mike Malloy show
I just got this monkey mail...can anyone please help with a rebuttal?
Clark on the issues.... Pretty Liberal
The electoral college debate, got any good sources?
Clark kicked Milosovic's ass, BIG TIME.
Cermis tragedy pilot promoted -- can this be true?
when exactly IS Bush's speech tomorrow?
NO Nat'l Guard Seen in mid-Atlantic since Isabel
Guess who the newest "analyst" on CNN/Zahn is???????
Electronic Frontier Foundation Advocates Secure Elections
Krugman is DEMOCRAT! I wish folks would check facts before posting shit!
There is a fundamental shift going on and it is huge.
Another sign the tide is turning
I think people have stopped listening to Bush
Bill O'Reilly on his only meeting with Bill Clinton...
What time does Chimpy babble at the UN ?
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed Says It Was 10 Planes aye???
I'm glad there's no clear front runner
Who here, besides me, is really worried about peak oil?
I have a suggestion for threads involving religious figures
How will a Democratic White House handle the Iraq mess?
"Afghan Massacre: The Convoy of Death"
So when will we have a democracy in Iraq? What's it gonna look like?
Did Condi Rice say this with a straight face? OHMYF**KINGGOODNESS
LIMBOsevic Went NUTS Over CLARK Today
Who here bought "The Great Unraveling"?
DU Unite the Party!!!, New Poll Good News for Democrats
The next Democratic President should teach Fox News a lesson
What is that test that's done to determine if a Pres will be reelected?
Clark supporters? Call 1-800-TALK-YES. Mike Malloy wants to talk to you.
McGovern and Clark...Clark and McGovern...
Finally figured out the "Hilary Hype"
Josh Marshall has nice rebuttal of the Clark-was-almost-a-Repuke
Tweety: Dean would clean up the Democratic Party and...
comparing Bush now to Clinton in 96
The Electable\Unelectable Schtick.... Or Stink !!!
US media: We tried to warn you!
The inevitable point in history: Dean and Clark supporters UNITE
New York Times Top 5 Best Seller vs: Amazon.com Top Five
What's the Best Job for George W. Bush if he loses?
Rather have a McGovern than a McSenator
Anyone else see whitle-ass on Letterman
Best Job for Howard Dean if he doesn't get the nomination
Republicans who were once Democrats
Richard Perle getting his ass kicked on PBS...
BBV: Salon Lead Story - An open invitation to election fraud
O'Reilly calls Franken "emotionally disturbed"
Dick Morris Is Smearing Clark And The Clintons On Hannity and ----
This election is too important to nominate another McGovern
The democratic nominee WILL beat Bush
John Kerry - I may be waaaay behind
I finally figured out the Clark allure
media. I'm afraid it is killing our troops
Boo! It's McGovern! Boogabooga! Aaaahhhhh!
Davis Signs Landmark Partners Bill
Aids will wipe out all our gains - Mandela - with Bill Gates
Zuma storms out of global terror summit - NY UN
New Gallup Poll - Clark leading Bush
Wrestling, Rap Leaders Registering Voters
Suspect in 'Virginia Jihad' Pleads Guilty
Demonstrators want Saddam back
Charlie Crystle live on Mike Malloy show
For Bush*s Iraq Request, Tough Comparisons Loom
At U.N., Bush* Is Cast in the Unfamiliar Role of Playing Defense
Kansas Party Official Throws Support Behind Dean
Idaho Democrats Hopeful As LaRocco Says He May Run For Governor
Chirac in NY: Image of France as anti-Semitic is "wrong"
Bush Shrugs Off Democratic Race, Attacks
Iraq Council Head (Chalabi) Shifts to Position at Odds with U.S.
Moussaoui Seeks Access to Testimony
AP: Bush Paper Details Iraq Spending Plan
U.S.: Troops Within Rules in Reuters (Reporter Shooting) Case
Bad news for people seeking asylum in US
Calif. Judge Orders Bustamante to Return Donations
EU wary of giving passenger data to US
Milbank: A Thousand Points of Plan
Wesley Clark's Patriot Act-unveils his campaign message in SC
Applause amid protest (Ashcroft in Mke)
Bush on Fox... 8:00 p.m. Monday
Bush's 2004 campaign formally begins in Minnesota
U.S. & France Find Making Up Is Hard to Do
Iraq and Ailing Economy Leave Bush* Aides on Edge
BASIC and Jbuilder (or similar) for linux?
Attention political junkies! Need help finding a book!
I rode my recumbent to daily minyan...ask away
What do you think of my ABB campaign song?
Time for another "What ARE those lyrics" thread?
Hell-storm in the mountains tonight. Fire and rain!
News quiz (from the Ironic Times)
I peed in my chicken soup and then drank it, ask me anything!
Anyone See "Curse Of The Bambino" on HBO ?
Advice from anyone with knowledge of DEQ operations...
Who are world's most rampant lovers?
What Powers Would You Give The Ultimate Liberal Subversive Superhero?
"The President Bush Clip Of The Night"
Your a loser baby (but a PNW Loser)
Freepers Unglued: Arnold nudes taken by Maplethorpe
I just attended a right-wing fundy wedding in Iowa, ask me anything!
I just had sex in a handycap bathroom - ask me anything!
Build your own didgeridoo for $5
Bumpersticker Reaction (this made my day!)
God damn...I've got the open road...!
Dark and Stormy Night - Forbidden Passion (Adult Humor)
Mike Malloy is going off on Clark
Autumnal Equinox Sep 23 2003 6:47 AM EDT
Does anyone else like Carnivale?
My mother sent me red flannel pjs for my 50th birthday
Notice Anything Missing From This Photo?
What kind of sports fan are you?
Have you seen "Mr. Smith goes to Washington"??
OMFG! Are Americans really this stupid?
Sign in here if your city passed an anti-patriot rule/law/bill/etc
How do I get back into the Gallery?
Two Assholes made fun of me in class today
I want so share a poem my son wrote
We're Sonic fuckin' Death Monkey
Gordon Jump of WKRP fame has died
Any body have any hunting pics from last year to show ?
LTTE: Al-Qaida story was buried in back (Must Read!)
Isabel Hilton (Guardian Unltd): Terror as usual
Vision of the Neocons Stays Fixed on Making Hard Choices
Scheer : Family Values Down the Toilet
WaPo: Jimmy Carter on "The Choice for Israelis"
Kennedy/Feinstein : Bush's Dangerous Nuclear Double Standard
Guardian political columnist Hugo Young dies at 64
Posner: Clinton Feared Evidence Against bin Laden was Too Strong
Why has the US government imprisoned Captain Yee?
Interview: Medea Benjamin hammering Richard Perle on Jim Lehrer
Letter in today's "Stripes:" Bush misleading Americans
The truths about Iraq that Bush isn't telling
The Unauthorized Transcript of the President's UN speech
Ted Kennedy's floor statement on Bush Administration's Iraq Policy
Oliphant: Kennedy's 'uncivil' truths on Iraq (Globe)
Larocca: Have we forgotten the anger in the eyes? (Vietnam)
Short on Friends - Bush U.N. Speech Doesn’t Impress (Poll too)
'Love It or Leavitt' push gains steam for EPA hearings
A DU review of why the GOP want US dependent on Wealthy mood/handouts
Molly Ivins: Fear and Loathing in America
Latest wingnut salvo on Wesley Clark
"Mr. President": by Max Cleland, Atlanta Journal
Atheists Surround Courthouse as Statue Showdown Continues
Salon: An Open Invitation of Election Fraud (Diebold/Bev Harris)
A kinder, gentler Bush reinvents self for 2004
Dubya's Big-Time Political Liability (Ashcroft)
__George Soros Launches 'Iraq Revenue Watch'
HRC: tell CNN/Larry King Live to stop promoting James Dobson
Israel's Road to Peace: The Role of American Jews (Oct 31 - Nov 2)
Urge your Senators to fix Patriot Act - Free Fax
Attn Phoenix DU'ers....Franken book signing Oct. 25th.
DemocracyNow - Richard Miniter getting his lunch eaten
Lou Dobbs is running a series this week: Exporting America
Has anybody read Solzhenitsyn's "November 1916"?
The Farmer & The Tractor Salesman ~
Can God create a question so dense and convoluted that
Astrologers: Wesley Clark on Starlight news
CARTOONS! The "His Dad Was Smarter" Edition
The Death Clock-The Internet's friendly reminder that life is slipping awa
Wedding weekend for Etheridge and Michaels
U.S. Daily Casualties 9/23/2003
Suit Would Block School District's Same-Sex Benefits Plan
NY State Dems Call For Gay Marriage
Giant HMO Refuses Kidney Transplant To Man With HIV
IEF told countries to stop propping their currencies?
Plant's closing to hit entire community hard (Indiana - 800 jobs)
How does stock price correlate with a company's income?
GOP want US dependence on Wealthy mood/handouts
Dollar falls...[see below]...Bush looses in a landslide.
Scientists See Antarctic Vortex as Drought Maker
Lousiana Will Vote On Constitutional Changes To Protect Eroding Delta
Draft letter opposing Energy bill
AMD's Athlon steps up to 64 bits
Environmentalists Turn To Violence
Ex-minister arrested - India - accessory to murder
Arroyo inspects manhunt for terrorist
India sentences man to death for slaying missionary and his sons
Mongolia struggles to cope with rise in abuse of alcohol
China Sets Manned Spaceflight Goal
Some tie steroid tests to drop in HRs
Study finds flame-retardant chemical in U.S. breast milk
Had to put a 'Library Closed' sign up today at school
Gun used in robbery; jail guard attacked
Ashcroft reduces plea bargining, a decision sure to delight gun-control
Bantam chef held on gun charges while picking mushrooms
Anybody else against liberal Gun Laws?
Ben Affleck Applies For Handgun Permit
EDITORIAL - Stop epidemic of gun violence
on edit: nevermind. I got a PM from a mod explaining this.
Seems to be a pro-Dean bias amongst mods (or just 1 mod?) right now
I just had more server problems....
Question on possible rule violations
"Deleted Message" Greatest Hits?
I think the new mods are doing a great job
Why did I get a whole thread locked from GD
Any Webmaster -- question on little "du" in address
May we have sports team avatars?
Where is the Jerry Garcia avatar?
Good job, mods, on our loveliest poster
"Chicks leave country music scene" in GD says 46 replies
Thanks and kudos, even if I can't figure out how to phrase...
Russian sharpshooters 'being used to guard' Israeli colonies
Will you attack Gaza now, Ariel?
Iran parades new missiles daubed with threats to wipe Israel off map
Powell: PA must fight terror before settlements frozen
Odigo says workers were warned of attack
Kerry can go toe to toe with Nader
USA Today; Bush's strength wanes, poll says
Does anybody know where clark stands on free trade and fair trade?
Get Involved...Take Your Country Back!!!
Court Sharply Challenges Recall Delay
Washington Presidential primary in '04 might be nixed
The local news just ran teaser: Daryl Issa says "vote NO on recall" now
Dirk Diggler endorses Larry Flynt for CA Gov
Dean's 1st Two Days' Total: $581,846.38
Jeanne Shaheen Endorses John Kerry
Dean says Bush policies threaten nation's ideals
Help me understand the appeal of Wesley Clark
CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll-Clark way in the lead
AP 10/10/02: Clark says he supports Bush's Iraq War Resolution
When will Clark release details of his domestic agenda?
How does the U.S. government operate best?
In letter, Dean clarifies Mideast stance
"Democracy, Freedom, Action" - Excerpts From Dean's Tues Speech
Clark overtakes Dean in political odds market (attn goobergunch, jiacinto)
Jeanne Shaheen endorses Kerry in NH
A freeper is running for congress
If Clark gets the nomination I'm voting 3rd party
Jim Hightower: "I'd settle for a second party."
Has the south returned to its one party status?
Dean Draws Huge Crowd In Boston! Live.
According to Bush it is not free elections that defines democracy it is
Starting my own revolution....
CNN: 3 men accused of plotting to bomb U.S. planes - 05/13/96
Why did Pickles have the translator cone in her ear during Dubya's speech!
Miniter revisionism: How Clinton's failures unleashed Global terror
A bleak view of government: Convince me this isn't true
Bill Schneider, CNNI Sr. Pol. Analyst, called *'s speech "a bust."
Breaking: Bush seen falling from sky over Roswell...
Great interview-- Josh Marshall talks to Ambassador Wilson
FOX News Guilty of Cut and Paste Journalism (Part 2)
just HOW is * "going to make it clear that he made the right decision"?
Who's a better president Dubya or Peter Griffen
Clark overtakes Dean in political odds market
What has been Bush's lowest poll approval number until now?
Bernie Ward talking to Joe Conason now -- link
Right wing media spin in CNN/Yahoo articles on Clark leading Bush
"That's My Bush" marathon starting now
Bernie Ward talking about Bev harris and BBV
Is Halliburton REALLY the only contractor who can do the work?
The secret Kellogg, Brown & Root deal in Iraq -- too secret to ask why
FOX News Guilty of Cut and Paste Journalism
Bev! Are you awake?? Call Bernie Ward now KGO-AM radio
George Bush wrote me a letter..aren't you all jealous??
So whats clark stance on legalizing marijuana?
Anyone watching the Tweety rerun right now?
MASSIVE EXPOSE last night in the UK.
At U.N., Bush Is Cast in the Unfamiliar Role of Playing Defense
Perle, Wolfowitz and........Scoop Jackson?!
Getting rid of cabinet positions
'Ras' Putin in the firing line ahead of Bush visit
At the United Nations:: Clap, no clap, silence, boo's, tepid clap???
Today's Boston Globe Letters to Editor ALL Slam Bush
Wait....so when did Kerry get a surge?
U.S. Strike in Iraq Reportedly Kills 3
U.S. Daily Casualties 9/23/2003
Biden is giving the reponse on Hardball tonight.....
Looking at the bright side of the Patriot Act...
When will there be an Asain President in the White House?
Cartoon: Saddam? 9/11? What link?
And this, boys and girls, is why the right is universally pathetic....
Gallup: Americans Grow More Doubtful About Iraq War
"You don't have time..but you want twenty billion dollars!?"
Hispanic Soldiers Die in Greater Numbers in Iraq
Part of the plan...keep 'em poor...they'll join the army
WMD Lies: Powel & Rice -Confirmed 2001 - Saddam Disarmed and No Treat
A word about hypocrisy in our candidate discussions...
Bush address to UN today is a VICTIM PLAY. He'll come off whining and
The Big Lie meets the Big Truth
The Great Web Bushit Generator!
If Saddam Hussein went to the UN in 1991...
Why doesn't Richard Santorum call himself Dick instead of Rick?
If you lived in the UK how would you vote?
Clark: No to decriminalizing marijuana.
Clark's Numbers---SOOOO, Should Hilary Run????
Best things about Bush's poll numbers
Limbaugh's brother is cashing in on right wing stupidity
Kofi Annan on Now! Use C-Span.....CNN is garbling the translation! UN!
What's this unrealistic French plan ?
Kay Bailey Hutchinson on C-span with 9/11-terrorism lie...
Candidate "First Impressions" Survey
Why were they using a translation expert???
NPR will also broadcast Chirac's speech to the UN, if anyone is interested
Clark & Axiom-Database Co.- Privacy violation, Spying, Selling your info
What happened to the big mid September WMD announcement...
Bev Harris interviewed on Salon.com
Did We Invade Iraq To Privatize Health Care?
Is Shrubie talking about his admin?????
(More) Stupidity from Don Luskin and The New York Sun
Do You Want to Visit North Korea
Just got my picture taken with Mr. McFeely (David Newell)!
Joe Conason coming up in a few minutes on KPFA radio
CSPAN2 now --- Repugs blasting Ted Kennedy
CNN Eagleburger thinks it was GREAT because Bush didn't back down!
anyone else lose LBN and half of the other forums?
Iraq Meets Texas in Jessica Lynch TV Movie
He just put the earrings on the hog....
February, 2001 Colin Powell said-"Saddam has no WMD capability"!!!
Bush wants to stop spread of WMD
Say what you will about old Gephardt. That Bush is a miserable failure...
CNN Eagleburger thinks it was GREAT because Bush didn't back down!
Pat Robertson's prayer rejected.An Endorsement of the liberal agenda
anyone have a link to a transcript of Kofi's speech?
A$$kroft wants to limit use of plea bargains (NYT top story)
Wash Post: Chat About the Speech
Hackworth Says Has Some Nice Things to Say About Gen. Wesley Clark
Oh, God damn it, God damn it, God damn it
We have another DUer running for Congress
Chiraq: "We must oppose the "fait accompli"
Pensacola judge orders bumper stickers for drunken drivers
Is Rove not above knocking Cheney off so he can get fresh blood in for VP?
Bush says that Saddamn built palaces and neglected schools
DEAN speech in Boston LIVE NOW!
Bush is making americans look like idiots in his speech
Fantasyland to be filmed in Texas
James Rubin & Heritage Stooge on CNN
Bush could EASILY get a 20% boost in approval
DUP (close me off) Diebold now asserts copyright on a LINK
Darell Issa now urging GOP to reject recall...
Citizen Clark: Why Electing a Mass Murderer would be a Bad Idea
Larry Klayman running for Florida Senate
NEWSFLASH: A post regarding a candidate's position is NOT a bash!
Crap, I thought the 2-Minutes Hate was at 10:30 PACIFIC
Josh Marshall on the WH-directed smear campaign against Clark
Why Clark is the perfect candidate
"Damned tax & spend liberals!!" (Republican mantra)
Democracy Now! Has a GREAT debate between Peter Lance & Dick Miniter
Anybody got any dirt on the Milken Institute?
If you don't want to get banned - review the board rules...
ANOTHER reporter, a good one too, dies in Iraq... such a COINCIDENCE...
CNNI Bob Franken said Schwartzenegger called next debates "Super Bowl"
Dean says Bush policies threaten nation's ideals
WP: Bush's Address to the U.N. (Live on Line discussion)
Oh yippee, the recall is back on
Hispanic Soldiers Die in Greater Numbers in Iraq
Bush looks nervous, confused and scared sitting in that chair!
RE: Democratic Lunkhead Council: I'm blinded by rage...
As a political strategy, which is more important ?
Chicago Tribune: What's Wrong with this Sentence?
Why couldn't the non-conservative judges on the 9th circuit. . .
Who the Hell is David Limbaugh?
Tonight, Bush really gave me the impression that he is not in control.
How do certifiably insane people get to run entire nations??
Check out the latest Freepaganda clip
The UN missed a great chance to arrest a war criminal today.
Nadine Strossen (ACLU) streaming now...
Okay, someone explain to me why anyone else should help the U.S.
O'reilly starting counter-offensive against Franken (Via Dean)
The more I see of Clark, the more he worries me...
the text of Koffi Anan's speech
Just got back from the Dean Rally in Boston
Want to see something pathetic, watch this clip of Hadassah Lieberman
College Tuition Fees Example for US
Oregon GOP: Send In the Clowns
remember the dead men in the cargo containers in Afganistan?
The PNAC is at it again, attacking China this time
Anyone got a link to the text of Annan's speech?
Posner debuts at #6, Miniter #12 on NYT bestseller list
Nothing like a bush speach to get you fired up
New ARG Poll: Bush approval at 45% among registered voters
Good Googly Moogly! (Bush Poll)
Bremer to Inouye: Contractors are selected on an open and fair bidding...
Why George Bush is still popular
The Conservative answer to the Boondocks...
MSNBC poll: Is France an adversary of the U.S.?
What is the significance of Gephardt/Lieberman's Rose Garden appearance?
Kerry/Clark or Clark/Kerry is a winner vs. Bush
Does The Democratic Party Need The Dean Supporters?
Anyone else not able to pull up Google?
What's that old joke about the Italian General - front collapsing,
What's Sex Slavery Got To Do With It?
Me-Thinks the Chalabi at the U.N thing was a big mistake!
Looks like CA is going to take another hit from Republican pres. politics
O'Really cut me off, the coward!
Bush reveals job growth plan to Brit Hume
The 4 R's for republicans..Recall,Recount, Redistricting and Red ink.
Are "policies" important in 2004?
Hispanic Soldiers Die in Greater Numbers in Iraq
Great ads by MoveOn for the TX redistricting, English and Spanish
"I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell."
'Bush or Chimp' is back online! You'll love this! So funny it hurts.
TOONS! as usual, the cartoonists are WAY out in front... enjoy!
Laura Ingrhams CLAIMS Al Franken is afraid to go on her show
Okay, so now I'm undecided about who to pick in the primary
Strong Leaders never have to say they are strong leaders
One More take on the CA recall decision
Where does the Bush Crime Family Get these Crooks ?
Free at last, free at last, Iraqi oil is free at last!
Twenty years of crime from the Bush Family Evil Empire
More from WhAcKy Judge Roy Moore
kennedy bashing: don't we have BETTER quotes ???
Toxic Rocket Fuel Found in Milk in Texas
I Was Asked My Opinion About Bush's U N Speech
'The Lies of George W. Bush: Mastering the Politics of Deception'
Search for WMD in Iraq Slows to Crawl
Amanpour (CNN) Reporting only 38% of Brits approval of Iraq Inv. & Kofi
Anyone catch Powell's 'Judeo-Christian' remark?
Has there been a major increase in illegal drug use since GOP took control
How about: Clark - 4 star General ; Bush - 5 star DESERTER
Edwards on Capital Report at 9 ET tonight
Has Ted Kennedy's remarks sunk in to straight thinking Americans?
Am I the only one who isn't confused about Clark's position on Iraq?
Rush admits fascination with bill clinton's sexuality
Please, tell me how the right-wing corporate media is going after Clark.
I'm Not Ready to Throw My Full Support Behind Clark, But...
Josh Marshall's got "the secret memo" on Clark..
I agree with Kerry about Dean pretending to be sox fan
heads up CNN - wiil be "ripping" Bush's speech n/t
Wake Up! Dean is the most electable candidate.
A new letter from Michael Moore.....Clark Related.
And Rush calls Clark a sock puppet!
Monty Python, George W. Bush, and Sex Slavery
Do you think real repukes in CA would rather have Davis or Cruz win.....
I supposed it would do no good to get my Senators to back Teddy, huh?
Serious question(s) for Clark supporters...
Limbaugh Sez There's Nothing Brave About a Liberal
Al-Jazeera spokesman is named "JIHAD BALLOUT"???????
What moral messages have kids been taught from Election 2000 and Iraq War?
Perle: "Thank God for the death of the UN "
Best and Worst Looking Presidents
Good Charlotte, Green Day Get Ready To 'Rock Against Bush'
"Mission Accomplished" Banner on Lincoln is a Dem Fib
New cost of war report from House Budget Committee Demo Staff
Can someone please tell me the point of that speech?
lets just get the hell out of irak right now!!
Rip Bush's Speech LIVE online...TVNL Radio - 12 noon (E.T)
Whatever happened with Kitty Kelly's "Bush Dynasty" book?
I thought you guys said he quit drinking
A Robert Kennedy quote to make you weep
CNN - tragic death of young woman using abortion pill - 7:50 EDT
The Primaries are about DIALOGUE as much as candidacies
Clark Was a Republican. Does This Bother Anyone?
What Has the Media Been Saying About the Speech??
Bush U.N. speech gave the world the finger.
I missed the evening news tonight - was it the same old spin?
What happened at the speech to the UN today?
Does Anyone Here Think National Polls Have Merit?
Tweety on .....should be interesting to see his thoughts on *'s speech
General Clark says voters are like "troops" in "the motor pool."
Clark Supporters: AWESOME and Inspiring Story From Another Supporter
What one issue or comment is most contributory to Bush's freefall in polls
George Bush's "Sex Trade." What is it and what's in the news about it?
Bush May Ask for an Additional $42 billion---this man is a cancer
What's Rush Lobotomy doing on ESPN?
Chalabi: Cuddly Collaborator, Cult Comedy Icon, Despicable Despot?
Nope....after Dean and Kerry get to the finish line..it will be Kerry!
Al Franken, Molly Ivins deliver liberal dose of political humor
Clark and America's Search for Masculinity
Joe Conason leaves four men standing: Clark, Kerry, Lieberman, Dean..
Why such a badly written speech?
Thursday will be a crucial day for General Clark
The more I see and listen to John Edwards........
New poll Bush in freefall 45% approval among registered voters
Does Bush have anything to run on?
Scott Ritter comes to town...and I MISS IT!!!!!!!
A plethora of video links...WOW
All Politics is LOCAL And CBS got my view tonight showing millions still
Just talked to Kennedy's office (call and support him)1-800
King George Wants You... (to die quietly for big oil)
What's the first thing our newly elected Democratic Prez should do in 1/05
Touch Screen Voting Industry Circling Wagons (Slashdot)
2 reasons not to let your kids be boy scouts
So what's the Shrub gonna do for the next 13 months?
Bush Interview Dead Last In Ratings
I think France promised not to veto any UN resolution......
What Can Gen. Clark Do to Win Skeptics Over? (And More)
Cartoon: "I often visited with the state's entire Latino community"
Should Democrats back off the "fraud" comment ?
They read my letter on CNN AM!!
Right-wing radio nut leaving Minn. for N.C.
The Michigan Socialist -- Vol. 1, No. 3
I do not care one iota who gets the nomination as long as he/she gets
Kucinich: YES to medical marijuana
Election 2004 And the Collapse of Feminism
Fish. Barrel. Boom. (my take on Bush's speech today)
How can DU push the Pilger story uncovering the Bush Admin's Iraq lies?
A few words about "candidate bashing."
Hightower on third parties: "I'd settle for a second party!"
Bush wasn't implying that Iraq was behind 9/11
Why isn't the ENVIORNMENT an issue being discussed in the campaign?
Clark in NY last night. My report.
Conspiracy of Silence...MUST SEE!!!!!!
US 101st Tackles Arab Tribes Helping Guerrillas Reach Iraq from Syria
Va. GOP Leaders Said to OK Eavesdrop Plan
Virginia GOP Leaders Applauded Eavesdropping on Dems, Former Party Leader
Asia Warns Global Currency Markets
ING Group Sues J.P. Morgan, Deloitte
GOP event shows rift in Oregon factions
Russian sharpshooters 'being used to guard' Israeli colonies
Open Investment Policy Looks Like 'World Occupation' to Iraq Merchants
Iraqi Police and Farmers Near Fallujah Claim Three Killed in U.S. Air Stri
South & Central Asia Human Rights Group Urges End to US Aid to Afghan Warl
Court Sharply Challenges Recall Delay
Journalist claims proof of WMD lies
What's this unrealistic French plan ?
Army Officer Details Srebrenica Massacres
Scientists press UN for worldwide ban on cloning of babies
Bush Must Set Iraqi Self-Rule to Get Foreign Aid, Diplomats Say
Arab broadcasting channels banned in Iraq
World Bank Chief Urges Better Balance Between Rich, Poor Nations
Saudis end hostage-taking quickly - 2 dead
How NATO froze out John Manley - CA
Patriot Act Used In 16-Year-Old Deportation Case
U.N.: Millions in Iraq Still Need Food
Baghdad bombs shatter morale of UN staff
Trade in human eyes on the rise in India?
After approving EU , Latvia's government in danger of disintegrating
$20bn Iraq Plan Call for Museums, ZIP Codes
Election board asks audit (Nashville)
Annan, in major address, establishes panel for UN reform.
Dollar--Still Strong, But More Flexible--Sinks
U.S. Denies Firing at Iraq Wedding Party
Breaking CNN: Recall To Go On, Oct 7
New (US) Spy Plane To Shadow N. Korea
Ashcroft demands stiffest charges
Iraqi Council Plans to Close Al-Jazeera in Iraq
Dean Rally in Boston...15 minutes before he speaks....
British Spy chief defends Iraq dossier
Probe of 2 Groups That Train Muslim Chaplains Sought
Millions Without Power in Denmark, Sweeden
California Officials Confident After Hearing on Recall
Perry tosses own plan into GOP redistricting stew
World must not rely on American consumer- Snow
Vision of the Neocons Stays Fixed on Making Hard Choices
Darrell Issa, who started recall, now tells voters to reject it (!)
Bush Statement to UN General Assembly 'Misleading,' Says Global AIDS Allia
Massachusetts governor names panel to draft new death penalty bill
Byrd questions war spending request
Justice Kennedy says sentencing guidelines unfair ( Bucks Asscrap)
Key California Republican Backs Schwarzenegger
Wisconsin: Diane S. Sykes is Bush's pick for US appeals court
Possible Tornado Hits Isabel-Damaged Va
US plans to attack seven Muslim states
W.Va. colleges near the top of ‘pork’ list
Frustration Grows During Isabel Recovery
American soldier dies from non hostile gunshot in Iraq
U.S. soldiers in Iraq shrug at Bush's U.N. speech (Reuters)
Text of Chimpy's speech to the UN (Barf Bag Alert!!)
Poll: majority of Australians 'feel misled' about Iraq war
Bush’s NY Poll Numbers Drop Sharply
Iraq meets Texas in Jessica Lynch TV Movie
Bush's E.P.A. Nominee Under Fire in Senate
LA Times correspondent Fineman dies
Bush says world must help Iraq; Palestinians deserve state
BREAKING NEWS A second member of the U.S. military has been detained
Postwar Iraq chaos stalls U.S. inquiries
Powell Calls U.S. 'Judeo-Christian,' Then Amends
Study finds flame-retardant chemical in U.S. breast milk
Families of Guantanamo Bay detainees address public forum in Sydney
Deadly U.S. strike near Fallujah
Commercial whaling 'devastating' North Pacific
pResident Bush* address to the U.N. (En Vivo)
NASA Safety Panel Members Quit
Iran parades missiles in response to N-deadline
NCC India hails the judgement of Graham Staines Case.
Militant linked by FBI to terror threats against United States among three
Congress ready to cut number of visas for foreign tech workers
CNN's prime-time ratings still down despite overhaul
Houston exec gets top Iraq energy post
Officials to Get Update on Iraq WMD Hunt
Bush's U.N. Speech Gets Scathing Reviews on Capitol Hill
Chalabi in Iraq's Seat as UN Session Opens
UN: Global Use Of Ecstasy Soaring
Fake religious leaders created by USA
Saudi Envoy Defends Country's Actions Over Sept. 11
Breaking CNN: Al Jazeera "Blackballed" 1:10 PM CST
Australia to Iraq: please take our sheep
Chirac: U.S. action brought crisis
Patriot Act Used In 16-Year-Old Deportation Case
Dean Says Bush Policies Threaten Nation
U.S. Troops Detain 2 AP Staffers in Iraq
Suit Says Protesters Kept Away From Bush
Anti-Bush protesters sue Secret Service (ACLU)
Arafat Says US Encourages Israeli ‘Crimes’
Black = Terrorist = Thug: The New Racial Profile? Three Days in NYC Jails
US Senators dispute charge that Iraq war is ''fraud''
General Wesley K. Clark Issues Response to Speech by President Bush
FreeRepublic Filing Defamation Suit
Rutgers swastika painting investigated as bias attack
Hoon: We let public think 45 minutes related to WMD
Blair aide demanded dossier change
Journo Claims Proof of WMD Lies
Governor's partial map baffles some Republicans
Iraq council 'to ban Arab networks'
Annan Challenges U.S. Doctrine of Preventive Action.."Global Free-For-All"
Annan Challenges U.S. Doctrine of Preventive Action
weird factoid-manna from heaven
Mr Scorpio 4, Goldurned Hurricanes Nuthin!!!
ATTN: New Eddie Izzard DVD tomorrow!
Ahhhnold like you have never seen him before :)
Goodnight DU - Enjoy this Dandelion Break (aka Bloom County) - we need it!
How do you feel about the term "Domesticated Primates"?
Bush campaign formally kicked off tonight on Fox!
So, why are we all so bouncy tonight?
why would someone name a news channel after a movie studio?
Kef's Late Night Den Of Iniquity -- Monday/Tuesday Morning
That's my bush on comedy central
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
We're having Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches....
Bowie's on Letterman and sounds horrible
College Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude!!!!
Bush/Cheney '04 bumper stickers
Anyone see Shit-for-Brains on Letterman last night?
Clark "Green Army Men" To Tangle With Dean's "Birkenstock Brigade"
Need some travel suggestions...
Vote on the new Wisconsin Quarter
Have you ever said you liked Bush?
"Mickey" the Monkey Escapes From Home (HE'S ON THE LAMB!!)
I thought you all might find this funny
Bush seems to have inspired the new FLU SHOTS
Pic of David Bowie's love child.....
Happy Birthday Ani DiFranco !!!!!!
Need good headlines (for my actual job)
Fellow DUer (RB Ham) and author of PrintThink website needs help
Holy cow, I've got a STAR next to my name!
GOP On Petition Drive To Recall Clark Announcement
Anyone catch new series tonight 'Las Vegas' on NBC?
Non Sequitur: God Does the Talk Show Circuit
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES TO....................
West Coast feed of *'s UN speech on now.
Cannibal Cuisine is now open: Today's special, "Candidate Flambe"
HA HA HA , By Damn,,,,I did my part!
Finally back to work after Isabel
Hey! I Got Chef Tony's Miracle Blade III's For My Present!!!!
I just finished reading "The Picture of Dorian Gray"
Drunken soldiers slay caged tiger at Baghdad zoo
Affleck reportedly sought gun license, not marriage license!
I've gone off the house-husband deep end
What is the worst job you ever had
Which republican would you hate being related to the most?
Want to be MANLY? Dolls of grown men??????
What world series do you want to see? Which teams?
Any fans of DUer A-Schwarzenegger need, right now,
25 hours and 29 minutes of employment left.....
new hate radio advertisers 9/23
Captions that go BUMP in the night
Which Dem candidate would win a Mud-Wrestling match?
I really, really try not to judge others
Do you guys remember KaBonkers/Klackers?
I just became a victem of the bush economy
The Canary in the Catbird-Seat of all CAPTIONS!!!
What's the BEST job you ever had?
Who else knows "Grandmother's Song"?
What are Bush's chances in 2004?
I'm paying attention to your CAPTIONS..... no really, I am!
One of the funniest things I've seen at DU
Give me your favorite Douglas Adams quote!
IE users, do cast your eyes towards the blue bar at the top of the window
who knows how to 'adopt" a division or platoon or whatever...
OK, Who Here Had a Chevy Vega?
In the weight room today (semi rant)
OK People. Howard Dean Has ALWAYS Been A Red Sox Fan. OK.
Wasn't Dr. David Kay supposed to make
Another good series coming out on DVD! Nov 11.
Has anyone, ever, had a good experience building a home?
Our building was just on FIRE!
Tonight, my dog returns from Maryland
Everybody Wang Chung Tonite!!!
Maurice Clarett Poll from ESPN
Last years 1st rounders - David Carr, Joey Harrington, and Patrick Ramsey
Ok -- who here had a G.I. Joe?
Get outta here!!!! They caption brown people in Morrocco?
As seen on ABC World News Tonight...
Questions... Add your own if you want
Did A Bear Really Invade David Letterman's House?
After a really bad day how do you treat yourself special?
The sex trade and Bush family values
My school doesn't like my anime collection
Legal question about a Coke bust..
OMG, go to Drudge right now and check out...
Does "Kill Bill" look like the shiznit
Debunking a stupid right-wing email
Mods or anyone else, help please? I can't log on from home.
ANyone else here think "The COurt Jester" w/Danny Kaye is AWESOME!
Judging Amy fans: Will Gillian die in tonight's season premiere?
Prince.......love him or leave him?
George W. Bush = Agent Maxwell Smart....discuss.
Need Advice on hiring actors for a nude scene for my Video Composition
Is this discrimination? Whassup with corporate America?
The Spaceship Commander of all CAPTIONS!!!
Which Bloom County Character are you?
Did the Maytag repairman "bore" himself to death?
I put my doggy down today and my heart is broken
How do you get your computer out of Safe Mode?
OK, Who Had (or Has) an Original VW Beetle?
thank you god thank you thank you oh oh oh thank you god thank you
Favorite WKRP in Cincinnati episode?
Are these promotional posters effective?
How o-old are we? How o-old are we?...
What did you have for dinner tonight?
Why Couldn't We Blow Up Saddam?
That horrible voice of the faux Texan president rings in my ear. PM me
the Class Clown of all CAPTIONS
ok guys can you help me with this problem
Any notion who's still Isabel'd? Any ideas how to check in on them?
My neighbor wants everyone in town to salute her son returning from Iraq
My 4000th post: Just want to tell y'all what great folks you are
What's your favorite "West Wing" episode?
Attention football fans! DU now has NFL avatars
STILL casting the DU soap opera: Who wants to be the drama queen?
Maurice Clarett - biggest jackass ever?
The Official "Unofficial" Michigan DU Gathering/5thGen's B-Day Thread