How to ruin a great army? See Donald Rumsfeld
Bernie Weiner's PNAC Speech in Houston
Tweety Bird is such a fascist!!!
Questionable Vote (Missouri Senate CCW Veto Override)
Admins, a special welcome to our newest member...
An observation on new members since Rush
Is there any way to know how many registrations since the
Shalom tells UN General Assembly to stop discrediting Israel
So what's the deal with the Oil in Iraq?
Howard Dean Live at the Avalon added to Howard Dean TV!
I just saw a Dean ad on my TV......
How To Handle Frontrunner Clark?
Carol Moseley Braun... You Go Girl!
Final opportunity tonight to whine about bashing
John Kerry Should Heed His Own Advice
Max Cleland for Vice President
if the Fairness doctrine is put back in place
Governor Davis Town Hall Meeting on KNBC
Reminder: Debate re-broadcast (9 pm Eastern) on MSNBC
if anyone is interested the debate is being replayed 9:00pm est
Why do our candidates keep namechecking Syria as a "threat"?
MOYERS - Interview w/ Peter Peterson, Fed. Reserve Bank of NY
Mike Malloy on BBV and BevHarris --- link
NIGHTLINE 9/25/03: Interview with GEN ZINNI
the Sundance Channel is making a documentary about the 2000 election
Are we pushing the Republicans further right?
Bush I appointee rules "Do Not Call" Unconstitutional - Free Speech...
So Clark Didn't Do Well at the Debate?
Congressman Sabo (D-MN) Introduces Same Day Voter Registration Bill
Max Cleland on with Aaron Brown tonight.
Once again Democrats will shoot themselves in the foot by nominating...
Clark's detractor to face questioning
I just watched the movie "The Net". It reminded me of Diebold...and
Why did Tweety have Tammy Faye Baker on last night?
WSJ editorial board debate analysis on CNBC now
As expected, the Dean supporters and their...
ohboy! Bev Harris is Mike Malloy's guest tomorrow night.
The policy which PRETENDS to aspire to PEACE but unerringly generates war
... Why do we care so much about California Governorship?
Tweety Just Said Lieberman, Kerry, And Gephardt
As much as I dislike Lieberman, I thoroughly enjoyed his remark
Some questions for rush "ass boil" limbaughtomy
When Did Clark Say These Things?
Overextending Reserve and Guard tours is a political disaster
WTF: Liberal Playing Cards?!?!
Are there too many Democrats in the pack...
Do you think Arnold will get the Indian vote?
Genl Zinni on Nightline comparing Iraq to Gulf of Tonkin res. NOW!!!!
Fun talking point to enrage republicans- "Coalition of the Willing"
New Bridge Strategies LLC (Bushies cashing in)
Bush Inc's Tours to sell Patriot Act and Economic Lies
Limpballs promoting Dean and Kerry
In last nights,When Arnold was asked about
I will say this about Sharpton...
"I LEARN THINGS" says Gray Davis
What the hell has happened the the concept of a political DEBATE?!
Bush may start another war, with Iran
Feedback from a DIEHARD Republican
Nightline: A conversation with General Anthony Zinni
how did Chimp got a still named after him while still in office
Did Anyone Else Think the Debate Format sucked?
My leanings for the nomination.
Katrina Vanden Heuvel on MSNBC
BBV: Bev Harris on Mike Malloy at
Good News For Patriotic Republicans!
Anyone here an expert on JAPANESE politics? PM to dissolve parliament
Rush, you Fascist Pigboy, are you trolling at DU tonight?
Diebold and Lauch Faircloth contributions (Christian Reconstructionism)
Clark looks a lot like Bush. Anyone else notice this resemblance?
Report - Cheney still own 433,000 options on Halliburton stock......
Holy Cow!!! I'm BLOWN away!!!!
Anybody Here Graduate From New College in Sarasota, FL?
Clark: The "enemy" of my enemies is NOT my candidate...
Jon Stewart's Daily Show has Jonah Goldberg tonight.
Bush plans to invade 7 countries
heads up - daily show - California Debate
Kerry interview with Paula Zahn on CNN (8:30 pm Eastern)
Hey Kerry: The middle class will be paying back that "cut" in state taxes
BBV: Chart: 12 vulnerabilities identified by Rubin, 4 addressed by SAIC
unDu this poll says Arnold won
How many candidates should drop out by Dec. 1
Ever feel like you're banging your head against a FUCKING WALL?
Volunteers Needed... energy deregulation - made easy
Will the voting machines be fair? (WA)
AfghaniScam:Livin' Large Inside Karzai's Reconstruction Bubble
Edward Said, Leading Advocate of Palestinians, Dies at 67
Clark Avoids Criticism, Specifics in First Debate: AP News Analysis
'Bank-robbing minister pleads guilty'
Clash Over Postwar Iraq Rises in Congress
Top U.S. commander predicts more fighting (Sanchez)
Update: California bans all spam e-mail
No, this grandma didn't download 'I'm a Thug'
NYT: Commander Doesn't Expect More Foreign Troops in Iraq
Americans questioning Bush's $87 billion request
Supreme Court to weigh in on libel vs. satire case
Air Force Analysts Feel Vindicated on Iraqi Drones
Powell sees 'convergence' for U.N. resolution
Inspectors in Iran Find Highly Enriched Uranium at an Electrical Plant
Guantanamo Guards Embraced Islam: Algerian MP
WP: In GOP, Concern Over Iraq Price Tag
Blair loyalists urge PM to distance himself from Bush and right wing
Reuters Calls for U.S. Report on Cameraman's Death
NYT: Powell Gives Iraq 6 Months to Write Constitution
new Battleground poll: 39% re-elect for Bush
Powerful EQ Rocks Northern Japan More Than 230 Hurt PowerOutages Reported
Automatic college spots for Texas' top grads under fire
Brazil's Drug Copying Industry
Second Federal Judge Blocks Do-Not-Call Registry
New England DUers I loved that bambino's curse thing on HBO
Back in Dallas for a few days.
even though it doesn't matter...Twins just went up 4-3 to give
Howard Dean is our Martin Sheen
My computer has been a Virus Festival today
14 RUNS.......18 HITS.......BOSOX ARE IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Helloooo Liberalllllzzz, Rush Limbaugh Here!!
Who remembers refrigerator alphabet magnets??
Congratulations, Bleachers! MENTIONED ON LIMBALLZ!
Family Dysfunction : Favouritism
'Secondhand Lions' to feature LOTR trailer this weekend!
My response to an anti-Muslim e-mail that someone got on another thread:
Is DU the largest site for people like us?
"I have jes' signed legislation..."
Any March 22 birthdays?...when is your birthday?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer my tv guilty pleasure
More free time to Arnold on FOX--Hannity is "town halling" him
Anybody buy Family Guy DVD volume 2, season 3 yet?
Great turnout for Young Dems meeting
Who saw the new show Coupling?
Flame Me If You Want... But I Cry Every Time I Watch "Steel Magnolias"
Brothers, Sisters, We Don't Need This Fascist Groove Thang
In a crappy mood, go ahead ask me something...
My wiener dog is bigger than Bush's*. WIll he invade my kitchen?
HELP! I'm having a little problem seeing the resemblence, SAVE ME!
Wow, I didn't know an ambulance ride was that expensive!
Momma don't let your babies grow up to be linemen
Shakeydave asks people for New College info & gets called a racist!
Who thinks orange streetlights are creepy?
I will never be polite to a telemarketer again
The Unofficial Rush "Hello From The Lounge" thread
I witnessed "turtle love" a short while ago.....
Cruelty to animals: Where is the line?
Quick! Who was the company that admitted valid voters were purged?
Airplane geeks! What is an 'F-Eleven' Bomber???
Bush Action Doll: Anatomically Correct?
My stepson and his wife are expecting again...
Bears vs. Packers. I made a bet I'm sure to lose...
My sons band just opened for Maynard Ferguson!
Top ten favorite albums of all time
OK Judge Flooded with Calls from Angry Consumers
General Zinni's Speech to Naval Institute
LAT : GOP Always Falls Down on the Jobs
Karnow - Vietnam's Shadow Lies Across Iraq
Why has the US government imprisoned Captain Yee?
WP: Cheney's Ties to Halliburton
WP: GOP Concerned over Iraq Price Tag
Salon: Falling Down (Out of Work in Bush*s America)
The Courage of Our Convictions...(one for aussies)
U.S. Poverty Rate Up, Income Down (except Grasso, Cheney}
Bush goes to UN while 74 vote to not fund the UN. I did not know this.
'Electoral Dysfunction': Latest from Mark Fiore
Why are Bush's own actions on 9/11 and his lies about them never discussed
'Falling down': A great piece from Salon today.
MWO: Bush Support in AZ on par with Saddam's in Baghdad (!!!)
Someone in the Clark campaign PLEASE READ THIS!
StarTribune Editorial: WMD / They Appear Not To Exist
File this one under Un-#$%@#*&-believable - TPM
U.S. Constitution Under Threat in Climate of Fear
Krauthammer: Ted Kennedy, Losing It
Minnesota DUers: See 'Unprecedented' at the Riverview Theater!
Seattle DUers, going to the March to Miami demonstration Saturday 9/27?
Boston area DUers, Al Fraken in Cambridge Sept. 29
National Enquirer and Star special edition praise Arnold just before 10/7
Primary Candidate Bias: National Public Radio and the media establishment
Limbaugh spreads Clinton Body Count urban Legend 9/26
Newsworld International: "The best channel you can't watch"
What Republicans really believe but won't admit
Dogs 'share 75% of human genes'
Rumsfeld 2003 astrological influences
Need help with 2 Nostradamus Quatrains
Much more Queer Eye, but first, about those salaries...
do straight people have "brunch"
CARTOONS! The "PNAC Playhouse" Edition
Fatal 'no-knock' search trial draws interest
Boys will be girls as sex change bill passed - SA
BBC: U.S. Abortion Rule 'Hits Africa Women'
I'm embarrassed to ask a dumb question, but...
A cheaper way to create PDF files - RoboPDF 3.0
Iraqi council member dies from wounds
Crack SA battalion heads for DRC
Gunmen attack school kids - India
'Report-a-mistress' campaign fares well - PI
Position Statement on Current Medicare drug reform
ADAP officials say rapid HIV tests could overwhelm the programs
FYI DUer's and thyriod patients Misinformation on Armour
I'm throwing this out for discussion......
GUNS IN THE NEWS - September 26, 2003
Should the penalty be the same....
Lead poisoning, are you concerned?
Where to post upcoming event ....
I'd like to request a thread of mine be removed...
I'm sure there is a logical explanation
How many chars per line in the standard posting window?
why is the death of a pop star not LBN?
I hereby request a Will Rogers avatar...
UN agency protests against Israeli raid on West Bank hospital
Bereaved Father Accuses IDF of Unethical Policies - Toward Israelis
Sharon Affirms Desire to 'Remove' Arafat
Mideast quartet blasts Palestinian attacks, Israeli settlements
What if a Harvard Student Did This? Alan Dershowitz Exposed
I'm a Dean supporter, but.....
Dean on Face the Nation This Sunday
Hartford Courant Caucus: FAMILY AFFAIR (Howard Dean)
Quotes from Debate by Al and Joe
Senator John Kerry Calls for Rumsfeld's Resignation
Dean has double-digit New Hampshire lead over Kerry
Republican campaigner for 2 Bushes backs Dean
ABCNote notes on Debate Issues - RNC plans, Canadiates emails.
The Money Is On the Wall (Dean)
Will the votes for a replacement be counted if Davis isn't recalled?
Democrats spare Clark, go after Dean
Kerry video from CNN Paula Zahn's show on Kerry blog..Great interview!
Dean: 'Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz Must Go' -petition
"Dean Dominates Fundraising Rush"
Postcard from the best doctor in America
Ha Ha Ha! "Women for Arnold"......half are men! Hilarious.
DK supporters...Matthews on TODAY-phone in action alert
Kerry closing the gap in NH, Clark cuts into Dean's independent support
Bashing, flame bait and troll bait here, please
EDWARDS TO APPEAR ON FOX (sorry about the caps -- not mine)
I'm Glad The Other Candidates Are Attacking Dean
Kerry Is The Steady Workhorse of The Race
Dean imitates Kerry, calling for Rummy's resignation
Clark Has Early Lead with Core Dems in New Wisconsin Poll
Dean speaks Spanish in newest ads
Yours truly featured in AP article
Who will come in second in fund raising this quarter? I say Edwards
IL: Half of voters undecided on Senate pick, poll finds
Dean's appeal (for the Dem Cabal)
Clark praised current cabinet and *?
Rob Reiner's letter to Dean supporters.
Dean cribs a page from the G.W. Bush playbook
Dean Joins Kerry in Seeking Rumsfeld Resignation
Kerry has raised nearly $140,000 in one day
Just a third of Arizonans give thumbs up to Bush second term
Dean's allusion of "Bush Lite" - read on
Kucinich at Wall Street debate
Buddy Leach for governor in Louisiana
Howard Dean Should Heed His Own Advice.
Electability is a Red Herring Issue
Dean is known for his temper- for better or worse
Dennis Kucinich helped us get into Iraq
Candidate bumper stickers in NH
Anyone else see the Dean ad on MSNBC tonight?
It's actually possible to be this stupid?
As we discuss the Energy Bill:
if ESPN wanted a fan for its pre game show?
Daily Show Goldberg interview.
Whenever I Hear of...Another Death in Iraq
Bush's Faith-Based Czar J.Towey calls hiring smart people "discrimination"
10 Canidates lets get back congress instead.
Wow, $87,000,000,000, that's a lot.
Question about Bush's 80 billion dollar package...
Thinking caps, please: A question re David Kay and WMD
Sorry, but I have to vent re: one of Al Sharpton's comments.
HELP! I'm having a little problem seeing the resemblence, SAVE ME!
Message to Mister Rush Limbaugh: DU Lurker/Dimestore Propaganda Dipshit
BBV: [Tech/Theory] "Electronic Voting" by Ronald Rivest, MIT
how did Chimpy get a school named after him while still in office
BBV: [Tech/Theory] "Authentication for Remote Voting" by Avi Rubin et al.
Ask yourself, if 9-11 and what you now know ...
Bernie Ward has Paul Krugman on NOW!
Would the following canidates please leave the race:
BBV: [Tech/Theory] Practical Multi-Candidate Election System
Rush, are you testing the waters for our reaction?
Graham in big fund raising trouble
who's going to vote for Arnold?
DIEBOLD: Md. to use 'high-risk' voting machines
They need to call up...more National Guard...are the freepers ready to go?
There won't be a Draft! Here's why
Partial list of military bases to be closed/realigned during BRAC 2005
China bans 'disgusting' TV ads
John Kerry, if you are lurking, please read
Cartoons for the late, late crowd
Cartoon: Asscruft's plans for us
What should we call the Bush "tax cut"?
Colin Powell on Letterman tonight. Desperate spin mode. "Iraq is Great!"
The California Debate Interpreted.
Cheney exposed: he still gets paid by Halliburton
BUSH* Was Fucking Destroyed in the Debates-gone, history, out of here
Mosley-Braun hits one out of the park
C-Span now comments on Democratic debate - 8:03 ET
Vaughn Ververs on "Washington Journal": Graham close to dropping out...
What kind of commander invites fire on his own troops?
Just heard Robert Palmer has died.
My "SNL skit" on yesterday's debate
My e-mail from Rob Reiner!! (Dean supporter!)
For the self proclaimed Moderates...
DEBATE replaying on C-Span NOW - 10 Eastern
Outrageous - Read how $20B to be spent in Iraq . (WP Story)
heads up on replay of democratic debate
CSPAN is re-running the debate...
Who thinks the "Conspiracy of Silence" Washinton Times picture...
Powell sets deadline of 6-months for Iraqi Constitution
Our military was very fortunate today
Clark's presence changed the tone of the entire debate..
I'm more bothered by email spam than phone telemarketers
Wow...And I thought the GOP was bad about Clinton...
Has * ever answered a tough question in his life
why has the number of abortions gone down?
Josh Marshall on Clark's Repub dinner speech:
SAIC gets a Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering award - odd timing?
What did you think of the set of last night's debate? Notice the pink?
Bush* looks a lot like HITLER. Anyone else notice this resemblance?
John Edwards's Green message about shareholder rights.
He ain't my brother, he's heavy
PNAC agenda 2004: Who's next on the list?
Colin Powell/Kofi Annan Press Conference - CNN Now (11:20 am)
Californians: Be very afraid of Chickenegger
Yes, Clark has known the 'PNACers'--a case of guilt by association?
Austin anti-PATRIOT Act resolution - WE WON!!!
My ongoing discussion with my cousin on the failed Alabama tax referendum
the next person to shoot an abortion provider
Re: California Recall: I think Cruz Bustamante should withdraw
TV News Lies Live Broadcast Starting Now
I like Wesley Clark. I like Howard Dean.
Mary Landrieu Has Been Kicking Ass On C-Span 2.
At times I am worried and depressed that we may revisit '72
French card deck names 'most dangerous' U.S. leaders
The GOP wants Dean. Let me explain.
BBV - The people respond to puff-piece on Diebold
Hey, Ain't Bush's girls and Nephews about DRAFT AGE? Time to sign up kids!
Which underrated issue should the candidates be talking about more?
I don't believe they really want to find Saddam now
Eight career politicians, an officer and a gentleman...
Reminder: Bill Moyers NOW - In God We Trust - separation of church & state
Here's what I want to happen in Iraq, PERFECT WORLD
Sharpton was awesome last night
Are There Any Medical or Mental Health Professionals Out There??
Clark Has Early Lead with Core Dems in New Wisconsin Poll
NZ broadcaster calls Annan "cheeky Darkie"..Protests erupt
What disturbs me about the "Bush-hating" talk of late...
Breakdown of time given to Dem candidates...
video link to last nights Austin anti-pat act
Is everyone aware singer Robert Palmer died?
About GOP attacks of "French-Looking Candidate Kerry"
Kennedy speaking on CSP2 NOW (Dupe)
Another General takes on BushCo!
Anyone know who is endorsing Dean today?
Could the deficit reach $1.5 trillion in 2004?!
Let's make a DU state and secede from the U.S. With Gore as our Pres.
here's one of Arnold's business scams
$20 Billion to Rebuild Iraq ??? Dems should just say "NO" ...
The Debate Tonight Clearly Settled One Thing.
Daschle sold out on gun legislation - coward
Conspiracy of Silence...The Bush Rape Story
What if Limbaugh tried to disrupt DU
Why I Didn't Renew My Reader's Digest Subscription...
How to ruin a great army? See Donald Rumsfeld
Arrrgh... when are these lesser candidates gonna drop out?
Clark Ahead in Wisconsin, and several other states
comic book fans . . . remember this? . . .
Regarding Cheney's efforts to deny his Halliburton ties...
CLARK: Video of Speech on Economy in NY
FAUX NEWS Participants Overwhelmingly Choose Clark in Poll
Remember "tax and spend" Democrats?
despite all the obvious corruption of the bush admin...
Did everyone else know that the Muslim Chaplain arrest was 2 months ago?
The Latest Zogby Poll of Iraqis
DIEBOLD executive to keep lower Profile
The winner of the CA debate was...
Each of us know who we want to get the nomination. Who does the GOP want?
As if any of us needed another reason to suspect Halliburton/Cheney...
Perplexed by Bush's Travel Plans
Anyone look at the Washington post today?
NPR Science Friday - Voting Machines, ESS, Doug Jones, Rush Holt Right NOW
I Received A Flyer At Work Asking Me To Help Support The Patriot Act
Why is NAFTA good for the American worker?
Do you currently work for a Democratic PRESIDENTIAL Candidate?
the story about Yee is inconsistent with other secrecy
I was very disappointed by Kerry last night....
Clark, the video and Republican National FEAR!
Where's the love for John Edwards?
I'm Noticing A Great Thing Tonight!!!!
Clark supporters "The media" thinks Clark did fine
Limbaugh is still accusing Clintons of murder
How Low Can Bush's Ratings Go?
Casting a part for dreams rather than for reality
Someone in the Clark campaign PLEASE READ THIS!
BBV: "Cyberinsecurity : The Cost of Monopoly" slams MS's black-box code
Any thoughts on a "Misery Index for Campaign 2004?"
How strong is your support for your candidate? (Part 2)
Young Republicans hold Affirmative Action Bakesale
How strong is your support for your candidate? (Part 1)
How strong is your support for your candidate? (Part 1)
How strong is your support for your candidate? (Part 1)
Retired Minister goes on stabbing spree
Levi Strauss (jeans) closes ALL U.S. plants
How strong is your support for your candidate?
Sean Penn was wrong to go to Iraq and Bruce Willis is right...How come??
Enough with the Nixon nostaglia!
You KNOW it's bad when Lieberman
Please do your bit to vote this jingoistic photo off Yahoo
Surprising poll "Did Saddam have anything to do with 9/11"
Sitting down? Bush re-elect in Arizona is only 34%
Should we elect a Republican and pretend he's a Democrat?
I hate to state the obvious, but the media is ignoring Cheney's lies...
Looks like Arizona will easily be a blue state in 2004
Clark's sordid fundraising past
PEW Research Center: Bush Reelect Margin Narrows to 45%-43%
GOP theme song in California Gubernatorial race?
Wonder what they're cooking up to stop little hitler's poll free-fall
Does Writing Your Congressperson/Senator REALLY Help?
You know * is in trouble when spam mail starts hawking him
Is there a copy of that Pilger British TV expose around?
One thing about the dem debate that I noticed. No high tech mention.
Hey, it's 'Talk Like Bill O'Reilly' Day!
Why do Clintons support Clark..?
BBV: NM voting (state education amendment) generates confusing results
Eminent domain in energy bill.....has it passed yet? Worries me.
Anyone else here besides me still undecided on a candidate?
"Sanctity of Marriage" Resolution in My Hometown
Yahoo!: Signs Show U.S. Underestimated Iraq War (can you say DUH!!!)
Bush/Newsmax using hint of PORN to garner support?
trade union job vacancies US and UK
French card deck names US leaders as "most dangerous"
The real question about Clark is one of credibility in the eyes of Dems
Clarkies note: US policy has always been PNAC-like. Only more so now.
Clark Enters Race, Debates; Anyone Still Undecided?
I think it is time for an Armageddon:
Is This Unbelievable Spin from The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page?
Some more from the Clark Republican speech:
A Tale of Two Generals: Clark versus Powell
CA (and other interested) DU'ers; Ahnold would like a word with you:
I just got a vomitous e-mail from Newsmax
Dean- a set up for easy victory? or do they really fear him?
presidents & their dogs | new TOONS
ATTENTION KUCITIZENS (and others who care about the TRUTH)
Were the Greens just sowing seeds in 2000?
"Pooty Poot" and illegal election campaigning in Russia
Hail Freedonia, Now Don't You Cry For Me: In Which Perpetual War is Sold
(Question) How much should our candidates' position on the WAR matter?
Crossfire: Carville Quotes Powell
Exporting Censorship to Iraq (SAIC)
Lunaville has 309 American dead
The Clark Repub dinner speech in it's entirety
How bogus is this? Corporate Free Speech?!
Slips of the tongue from the Warmongers
CNN Video: Letterman throws questions; Powell dodges
Davis challenges Muscle Head, to debate the lies he spewed out…
Anyone have a video, picture, of Rumsfeld/Saddam?
Does The Clark Campaign "Get" the Internet
"I Get a Pain In My Eye When I Drink Coffee"
RECALL: thinking conservatives vote NO
What percentage of homosexuals vote Democratic?
The Last Temptation of Tweety: I thought I saw a sycophant - I did, I did!
"Frasier" Wants to Run for Senate in California
CBS News: HItting on the Economy
C-SPAN Washington Journal Weekend Schedule
Only Clark showed up to the DNC fundraiser for the non-rich
Is the Free Press A Fair Press?
Republicans Make us safer somebody please tell me how.
Bwwwwakk Bwaaaaak Arnold the Chicken
This Palast Quote nearly killed me
Kucinich, Maloney and Sanders..Go after Cheney
US soldier killed in Kirkuk , +2 wounded
MUST Read TPM - Iraq Fiefdoms for Sale
Bush Is A PunkAss Chump Forced to Eat Crow at UN
Watching the debate last night...
Wesley Clark: Testimony to Congress House Armed Services Comm.
Gray Davis has challenged Arnold to a debate
When is Will Pitt coming to Baltimore?
Dean: Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz must Go!!
Tweety (Disciplined/Reprimanded?) for Interrupting
This is why Clark makes me very nervous
You know you are a threat to power when you come under increasing attack..
Australia: US press covers for Powell's & Bush lies
Went to a local debate (Ontario Election) last night...
A Freeper Vote For Arnold Is Like A Matcom Vote For Lieberman!
Donna Brazile on Hardball: Can Clark Get The Dems Back In The White House?
CNBC talking about WMDs and David Kay
Peak Oil Production--Why we attacked Iraq
Dean is labeled "too liberal" simply because
Clark-fans: Tell us your views on the military-industrial complex..
Where do I get the Real Story on Reagan?
Who's the annoying woman on Hairball?
Interesting take on the NY Debate by
Second lawsuit targets Calfornia's DP law
Brandon Teena killer loses appeal
Wesley Clark: The Rolling Stone Interview
This no-call crap has to be a distraction. Hell Florida already HAS ONE!
Byrd: 'Marshall Plan to Bush Iraqi Plan: No Comparison'
Great Article About * In The New Republic
2 different views on the mental state of a arrogant coward
Anti-Bush msg in office e-mail: the tide must be turning!
Bush was smeared on NBC news just now!!!
Bruce Willis Offers $1,000,000,00 For The Capture of Saddam
Latest news on now posted
Who Should Win the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election?
Gender Gap Among DUers re Democratic Candidates Part2
Gender Gap Among DUers re Democratic Candidates
First Lady Being Sent Out To Do Dirty Work
FL pension manager invests in for-profit Edison Schools. Jeb says ok.
I have something to say about Ted Kennedy
Guess I'm in the minority on this Do Not Call thing....
An Open Letter to Mr. Rush Limbaugh
Will we get the Mapplethorpe pictures of Arnold in time?
C-SPAN ALERT: Wes Clark Town Meeting Tonight @ 7:00 pm
"The Wrecking Crew" - A True Crime Story
Clinton never blamed Bush Sr. for the crappy economy he inherited.
VERY creepy -- Arnold as PRESIDENT, thanks to Orrin Hatch...
BBV - Electronic Voting Violates the Constitution - Important Read***
BBV on Talk of the Nation (NPR) now
CNN/Money: Economy not expected to hurt Bush re-election
Rep. Russ Holt can't get any Repugs to sign up for Voter Machine Reform!
How would you respond to these bigots?
Entire site confiscated
Kerry says T-shirts show GOP's antigay bigotry
CBS Marketwatch "Voting Machine security risks" upcoming segment 9/27-28
Conservatives mad at Borders and Barnes & Noble
I know it's waaay too early for this, but is anyone else drooling
I Give Howard Dean Credit for One Huge Thing
Take Back the Media to do TOP of the HOUR News at IEAMERICA Radio!
"We're teens, we're cute, we're radical to boot!
Couple of things no one ever talks about....
It only makes sense that many here are protecting Clark
Should Hillary enter the race?
Kucinich: 'Clark was part of Iraqi Rebuild plans in July'??!! WTF!?
The debates are conclusive: Clark is a flop
Is there video of last night's debate?
what turned america's cops ugly?
Election Reform Meet-Ups - - Take the BBV message to the streets
WP: Davis Seen as Debate's Winner
Blix book to detail run-up to W-ar
Iran under pressure over uranium 'find'
judge says telemarketing is protected as Free Speach...
Straw outlines Iraq power transfer
UK minister slams US ''axis of evil fantasy''-paper
Mortar Attack on Market Kills Eight Iraqis
Airman detailed to Cuba despite suspicions
Clark advised Congress July: Accept 5 year $245Billion Occupation of Iraq
Bulger appointed as Florida director of new immigration agency
US troops to get 15-day leave from Iraq
In GOP, Concern Over Iraq Price Tag-Some Doubt Need For $20.3 Billion
One soldier killed, 2 wounded in ambush in Northern Iraq (Friday)
Some Iraq Troops Arrive in Md. for R&R
Freddie Mac Delays Releasing Revised Numbers- Could Exceed $4.5B Error
Powell Asking Europeans to Shun Arafat
Debate Behind Them, Candidates Seek Edge
Kodak shares dive 18% (when Kodak asks investors to *gasp* invest)
More Connecticut soldiers could be deployed
CIA recruiting Saddam’s secret police
Muslims in America flee to Canada, fearing deportation
Spain's prime minister visits Miami
French card deck names 'most dangerous' U.S. leaders
CNet: Microsoft critic ("MS threat to Nat. Security") dismissed by @Stake
Pakistani Intelligence Officials Arrest Two With Suspected Al-Qaida Links
Bush, Powell Defend Remark On Iraq's Weapons Capability
CNet: Computer shipments, new orders decline
Levi closing North American plants
Six Convicted of Paying off North Korea to Hold Summit
Recall Spending Tops $50 Million
CNet: Calif. governor signs e-waste bill
China to Launch First Manned Spacecraft {NYT}
Document: Spy suspect probed before arrival in Cuba prison
Brazilian president seeks to keep today's Cuba visit low-key
Recall candidate would make Davis chief of staff
Governor Names Judges to San Francisco and Sutter Superior Courts
Mixed views on new voting machines (San Diego)
Did anyone besides me see a link about al-queda in Virginia?
State Pension Fund Invests in Controversial for-Profit School Company(Fl.)
Bush to Seek Putin's Support on Iraq, Iran
Author George Plimpton dies at age 76
Promises of Iraq Aid Lower Than Expected-U.S. Source
US Hopes for Iraq Document in 6 Mons(constitution w/elections 6 mo latter)
U.S. Issues Recall for Segway Scooters
Poverty Rate Rises for Second Year in Row
NPR Science Friday - Voting Machines, ESS, Doug Jones, Rush Holt Right NOW
Expectations shrink in hunt for Saddam's weapons
Ex-Centcom Head Questions Iraq War Intelligence
Tightest security to protest Bush on 2 day stay with the Queen
Poverty Rises, Income Down, Census Says
2 years in a row, more in poverty
Daschle supports proposal on guns
All Segway Scooters recalled (but Bush still looks dumb)
Columbine Statements Ordered Destroyed
Just a third of Arizonans give thumbs up to Bush second term
US tries to drop charges against 9/11 'conspirator'
Iraq May Have Helped 1993 WTC Bomber ?
Wolfowitz says significant U.S. forces expected to remain in Iraq through
NEWS ALERT: Consumer Product Safety Commission Announces Recall of Segway
Iran Says It Is Not Developing Atomic Weapons and Will 'vigorously Pursue'
Four Iraqi civilians dead from US gunfire: hospital officials
Bush ‘escape train’ under N.Y. hotel
Congress Defunds Controversial 'Total Information' Program
CBS News: Damage Control In Zoo Deaths
Sacramento Kings owners give $100,000 to beat California recall
Yahoo: IBM Files New Claims Against SCO in Linux Case
China may soon launch manned spacecraft
At least 11 Iraqis wounded by US gunfire: witnesses
AP: Dean leads in New Hampshire as Clark grabs third place
CBS Evening News: 1 US Soldier Killed in Iraq
Schwarzenegger gets big boost from former foes
Father of two US soldiers in Iraq: Rumsfeld must resign
Sharpton Praises Kennedy's Stand on Iraq
Venezuela's Chavez Rages at U.S. Over 'Terrorists'
CNET News: Microsoft critic dismissed (FIRED) by @Stake
Cheney still has ties with Haliburton panel concludes
Lieberman slams Clark following debate
Rumsfeld defends $87bn war request as 'exit strategy' (ROFLMAO!)
Southern Baptists Report Donations Drop
Kucinich leads move in Congress to curb controversial Patriot Act
2 years in a row, more in poverty
Signs Show U.S. Underestimated Iraq War
SF Chronicle: (Arnold's) Debate barbs put gender gap in the spotlight
134,000 Lost Jobs in August 'Mass Layoffs'
Bush is criticized on Medicare effort
Anti-Illegitimate Births Grants Awarded
Playing like a girl is goal for boys
Dean, Kerry call on Rumsfeld to quit
breaking on CNN Davis Challenges Arnold to Debate
Bruce Willis' $1m Saddam bounty
Karzai Tells AP About al-Qaida's Demise
Kerry says T-shirts show GOP's antigay bigotry
Economy grew at better-than-expected 3.3 percent rate
CNBC just reported that CIA has asked that White House be investigated
Iraq Mortar Attack Kills 9, Wounds 15 (non-US)
Janklow pleads NOT GUILTY to charge of Involuntary Manslaughter...
Democrat Dean calls for blunt talk (from Bush) on sex, AIDS
Election Systems & Software Awarded New Mexico Statewide Voter Registratio
Bush Fully Committed to Democratic Transition in Cuba
Condom supply to Africa hit by US abortion policy
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King trailer: See here on Monday:
Bid now on a LimpBalls commemorative:
Has anyone heard the entire new Death Cab For Cutie?
I'm just a few posts away from 300, ask me anything!
sometimes it's the little things about the Freepers...
I was just the victim of a very cruel joke
GEN- xers what's your favourite Abba tune?
do you know anyone who joined the fundy boycott of disney?
Another fun moment with my ABB shirt
Welcome our newest member, please:
Need a giggle? Fark thread on Clark v. Limbaugh
Dixie Chicks response to "news" ...leaving country....(to funny)
New Bush doll... compliments of Wonk
I was watching Sweet Charity on, there was this dancer
2:20 am P.S.T. Anyone out there????
Near perfect Ahh-Nold cartoon.
anyone here ever worked for a telemarketer?
It's going to take me 8 years to get a 5-year degree.
An option (sort of) for folks while the "no-call" list is tied up in court
OK, so I fell alseep watching the debate...
I have to confess my guilty pleasure this morning.
Arnold's best "Evil Terminator" look
Just heard Robert Palmer has died.
Yeah... Right! (What Nonsense!)
NEVER...EVER send this link to someone at work
Are Your Local Calls 10-Digit Dialing? Or Are You In A 7-Digit Area?
Both my dog AND cat have been skunked this year. (nother rant)
The Dead Resurrected By TVs Tuned To TBN!
I got Simon and Garfunkel tickets!!!
LOTR:ROTK fans: CNN to show preview clips (10:30 am 9/26)
Its The Haiku Parking Garage! (No Really!)
When did the ABC's "view" ditch the flag
Strange Sex In Public Parks "Dogging" Londoners
Hey! Where Is GOPIsEvil? I've Got Some Braggin' To Do
Franken keeps outselling O'Reilly on
What's The Biggest Fish You've Ever Caught?
Miracle!! Dead Chicken Resurrected By Jesus!
You're standing at the sink and something falls in the you...
No, it really doesn't matter at all....
The voodoo robot child of all captions
Let's Get Physical!! Happy Birthday Olivia Newton-John!
Caption not needed, but what the hell
How much is that CAPTION in the window?
YANG's free picks for Monday Night Football
How to traumatize a Freeper for life
What's with the pillows,candles,cushions and throw rugs?
ROFL!!! Tucker Carlson has friends at Freeperland!
The draft of the Iraqi constitution
Where Has Crewleader Been. I Miss Her Bad.
Coffee and doughnuts are now being served in the Grotto parking lot.
Happy Rush Hashanah To All My Jewish Friends
I feel pretty stupid, could use a hug or something...
Ashcroft's Army (song by John McCutcheon, MP3 link)
How strong is your support for your candidate? (Part 2)
How strong is your support for your candidate? (Part 1)
How Is Today Going For You So Far?
Thank you...wherever/whoever you are.
On the eve of the Jewish New Year
Newyawker99 Is At 50,000 Minus 68 Posts!!!!
I'm more bothered by email spam than phone telemarketers
Going out to critical Cubs game today - wish us luck!!! Go Cubs!
Honest to Goodness Screenshot from Yahoo
BBV Irony: Diebold Secures The Founding Documents Of America's History
Are you aware it's talk like O'Reilly Day? No? So, Shut Up Already!!!
UPDATE on the Malawi Space Program
What's there to do in Vancouver, B.C.
Baseball playoffs best team play wildcard except
New DUers, TheEnemy??? Welcome
R&R soldiers have to pay their own way?
You have to love the caption of this one
comic book fans . . . remember this? . . .
welcome to our newest member, wlover...
Our local newspaper has a debate on the design for the state quarter.
Die,! Die! Die!! Die!!!
Someone please solve the mystery:
new hate radio advertisers 9/26
Need some quick help about Faux News Channel please...
Who's going to win the NL Pennant?
2000+ registrations since yesterday afternoon!
"I Get a Pain In My Eye When I Drink Coffee"
I hate loath and despise the corporate media
The man who is directly responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing
Another question about no carb/low carb diet
What if someone is using my address???
Who's going to win the AL pennant?
If Cubs or Red Sox win the World Series I'll post my naked ass on DU
I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 421.
What's your favorite flavor of Hamburger/Tuna/Chicken Helper?
Idiocy still reigns supreme in Texas!
What's The Difference Between a Porcupine and a BMW 7 Series Sedan?
How come there are so many Mini Coopers all of a sudden?
The Tampa Bay DevilRays Must Be THRILLED Right Now
If newyawker works at it for the next hour, she'll reach 50,000.
My homework is gay - and I need some gay help for it!
Anyone heard the new BOWIE album?
Which Nation Has The Most Beautiful Women?
Dr. Who is returning to the telly!
Earth, Wind and 'em or leave 'em?
anyone here know anything about wildlife/ducks?
Whoo, Hoo! This is my 200th Post!
I'll be unemployed in 2 hours....Ask me anything!
This is one majorly crappy day....
I really need some help: Advice needed
Bewitched.....loved it or hated it?
the Autumn White of all CAPTIONS
Okay, what's the BEST Christmas present you ever received?
The Mutant Masher of all CAPTIONS!!!
Here's to the office roller chair
Most Liberal/Progressive car models? I vote Subaru Outback/Legacy!
Anyone else just love Otis Redding?
Why does our society act so two-faced?
Bumper Snickers (attempted Funnies)
car models that you'd never see a bumper sticker for a Dem candidate on?
A potential employer was nasty to me on the phone
Just Heard a Song I Haven't Heard in YEARS
Do we have anything at all in common with freeps?
The Graceless Lard of all CAPTIONS!!
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Boston Red Sox
Speaking of "Bewitched" check out my "Agnes Moorehead Archives"
HEY PHILLY: 8pm this Saturday - meet Ramsey and Me at Doobies
Worst Christmas gift ever RECEIVED?
new Savage Weiner Sponsors 9/25
know anyone who went to a fundie college?
newyawker99 just hit 50,000 posts!!!!!
CaptionFest : Bush Caught Masturbating
Will artificial intelligence tolerate the human race
You know, I was brought up in the church
Any L.A. DUers going to the rally in Hollywood on Sunday???
Austin area DUers...Sept 28 pre-rally get-together
Some highlights from London Fashion Week (try wearing these to work!)
Writer George Plimpton has died.