Dodgy massage has interior minister feeling the pinch
NYTimes Editorial - The Failure to Find Iraqi Weapons
Salon: Bush* Abandons Troop Protection Plan
Thank your lucky stars that Al Gore invented the internet!
GOP PR's Drudge lie on Clark praising "Bush" - and Media doesn't check - ?
Why is Peggy Noonan so utterly despicable???
Do you think someone can have an "aura" about them?
Who here has read "The Hydrogen Economy"?
JetCar announces new model - 111 MPG
Why Can't We Give Up Automobiles?
So what's in the $87 Billion Dollar Budget for Iraq?
Mubarak: Egypt must reform its political, economic landscape
PM: Pilots' refusal reminds me of 1982 attempt to topple gov't
Just saw Dean speak at the Annual Black Caucus Conference
Moseley Braun Focuses on Issues, Not Personalities
OK folks-- Get back on your meds!
If Democrats Do Not Come Out And Vote..Trouble!
Kerry fundraising at 700 000K and rising daily
Zogby: Kerry gains 11 points on Dean in NH, Clark hurts Dean only
C-Span 2 Richard Armitage talking now 8:11 p.m. ET
Just witnessed a huge "Flash Mob"
Clark town hall will be rerun at 1:00 am eastern CSPAN.
OK, so the Repugs have invaded "While You Were Out" on TLC
Did Clark Say He Supported Medical Marijuana?
Bill Moyers NOW - deficit looming
NE info on what the fundraising stats were 4 the '92 primary at this time?
Is any candidate really calling for the US to actually leave Iraq?
Anyone see the Washington Times DEFENDING Clinton?
I've come begging for help again...
Clark says WH instructing Limbaugh to attack him on his show
What ever happened to Saddams "Ships Of Death"?
My prediction for 2004: IF NO FRAUD the Dem will get at least 361 EV....
Has anyone heard anything about Neil Bush
It was kind of fascinating: switching back and forth between Clark
Is the U.S. now responsible for paying Iraq debts to France, Russia etc??
Reminder, Mike Malloy BEV ON NOW!
A repuke at work and Lieberman
"We Did Not Authorize!"-- Kucinich Rocks!
My netscape mail is messed up. I get reference 303 when I try to
Democrat/Republican? from AOL message board
EPA weighs easing Toxic Disclosures
Check this from LBN: CIA has asked that White House House be investigated
Well, well, well. Go read Josh Marshall.
How Long Will It be Before we have a Decent Presence in the Media?
What if the polls still favor Gore to win?
Donna Brazile on Capitol Report....discussing the Dem debate ...said
E.T. backs Arnold for governor!
C-Span Now: Sharpton, just amazing...
Wes Clark looks and acts like Gary Cooper...
Watch Out: Repubs will bring up Dean to bring down Clark--not a good thing
Well, I'm not a Letterman fan but he did have a cute bit (surfing TV)
C-SPAN NOW!!!! Bush "FRAUD"war CBC and kennedy, rangel, and sachs
If Arnold wins, then Bush* also wins
Anybody watching Charles Rangel in C-Span? what a hoot!
A Diebold van passed me on the street today....
Michael Moore: As liberal as the man that employs him?
Al Sharpton is an intelligent man!
Bev Harris (BBV) on Mike Malloy in 4 minutes (on the hour)
Which ticket would spur your interest more (Clark/Dean or Dean/Clark)?
Washington Week - What do you think of this?
MWO: CNN/Tucker lies about Clark statement and repeats Drudge lie
Is it true that Arnold S. (gang) raped a black woman?
Reminder: Aaron McGruder & Michael Moore on Bill Maher Tonight
BBV : Diebold lobbyist in Maryland has a connection to SAIC
Is Tweety getting Alzheimer's? - caught again
Is clark vice presidential or presidential material?
No matter what WE think of Bush*...he has millions of faithful supporters
The Case for Kerry, Dean, and Clark is a very strong one. Only time will
Just found out that a very good friend from High School died in Iraq
Email and call (Bernie Ward) to get Bev Harris on his Show !!!!!!!!!
How do you rationalize your good fortune with American Poverty?
Dean petition to fire Rummy and Wolfie!!!!
Get to LBN! CIA wants the WH investigated by DoJ!!!
Was George W. Bush CHOSEN by God for the presidency?
Beyond Bush/From the Wilderness
Oh God! I've become a Sharpton fan.
Yesterday's hippie is todays bank manager
Wesley Clark - Is He "The ONE?"
why Clark voters should have a vested interest in Edwards doing well
Which candidate do you think is "hot?"
This week's Bill Moyers NOW - Church + State?, Daniel Pearl?, MORE...
Just heard Clark say he wants to re-instate the FAIRNESS DOCTRINE....
BBV: Pima Democrats headed for court
U.S. firms: Tax deadline, huh?
SEC Tells Markets to Draft Disaster Plans
CIA Calls for Investigation of White House- (Here's the Link !)
Iraq Leaders Seek Greater Role Now in Running Nation
Blades can still escape airport security checks
Bremer Says Some Iraq Rebuilding Will Wait
More Americans in Poverty in 2002, Census Study Show
15,000 more U.S. troops told to prepare for Iraq
White House pushes plan to attract Medicare PPOs
Before Camp David, Putin visits gas station
UK Iraq expert's death may be probed again-paper
Ethics panel to scrutinize Md. (Diebold - SAIC) lobbyist
'You lied, they died,' US parents tell Bush
Whisky of Mass Destruction - how the US spied on a tiny island distillery
Supervisor: Plans lawsuit against manufacturer of voting system
Flashback or Trials and Tribble-ations?
Question about Teamsters and speed limits
Vancouver opens safe-injection site
Who wants to marry a freshly minted drunk guy?
Whence comes the revolution? Its all about the dessert cart.. .
Did Clark just say that he wanted to Socialize the Economy?!
Favourite opening song from a movie?
Goddamnit I'll never get to a DU gathering
Anybody want to join or take over my long-dormant blog(s)?
I got my new avatar image just now
Oops, I killed my desktop - how do I bring it back? (KDE)
Bedbugs making comback in U.S.
it's official...hard times have hit
My netscape mail is messed up. I get reference 303 when I try to
Hunter S. Thompson... is he "THE ONE"
New song for the boys and girls in a rotten war.
Is ther any group that sang blue collar edgier stuff better than the ..
Damned feral cat almost scared the shit outta me
Captain Highliner...your fishsticks suck
Instead of saying directly to your loved one that you're pissed
My partner woman is going to sleep
I'm LOVIN' Bill Maher's show right now!
Who wants to drink with a freshly minted married guy?
Hot of the presses! New GeeDuhbya Satire mp3, "Let's move forward!"
Going to Disney World with the kiddies this weekend
Aaahhh heartache. Greensleeves is 500 years old.
Simpsons: Are Carl and Lenny gay?
AS I'VE MATURED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Anyone listening to Bill Maher?
By the time I get to Phoenix- They don't write 'em like that any more
Guitar players: I need some advice
What do you want out of your life?
Do your cats like music? What kinds?
I'm sewing curtains for my new home
Missheard lyrics: A gay pair of guys put up a parking lot by Joni Mitchell
Re-Building the Democratic Party (Pacific Views blog)
California debate travesty shows need for socialist alternative
I once hid my quest for stardom like a filthy magazine- GWG
US Parents Tell Bush: "You Lied, They Died"
Lieberman Slams Clark Following Debate
The energy bill in Congress is an exercise in corporate tax breaks
CIA Seeks Probe of White House Over Outed Agent!
The man behind war on liberals (Horowitz)
Today's Snark Attacks from the Seattle P-I -- good ones
The Bush Presidency thus far - as in the eyes of the Salt Lake Tribune.
Paul Krugman's Speech at Berkeley (9/26) [realplayer format]
Concerning those fishy Diebold voting machines...
So when Anne and Rush open this new shiny new gulag,where will it be?
Scathing editorial on Iraq from Utah Salt Lake City Tribune
Never Say Never. Why the Hillary Buzz Won't Go Away
Ellen Goodman - The Terminator's 'Woman Problem'
Iraq Toll Hits a Nerve With (Rep John) Murtha (D-PA Hawk)
if you wondered where Weapons of Mass Destruction are....
Clark, Acxiom, CAPPSII and Privacy - very scary.
How Bush's $87 Billion Affects Your State
Drudge headlining Wilson/Plame article.
Why Kucinich Lost the Recent Debate
INDY DUers, IWFR comes to Indianapolis
Seattle area DUers: Rally tomorrow (Sunday)
Fox proves spin works - Iraq War Resol yes moves from 45 to 59% w/ wording
"Under the Tuscan Sun.! Francis Mayes Book and NOW the Movie!
Help - Advice regarding Social Security Disab. please.
Hundreds parade for Gay Pride - SA
And why wouldn't she be fired?
Airbus sees record production in 2005
Mugabe (Zimbabwe) lambastes Britain over Iraq
Clinton, Gore to give speeches on visits to Taiwan
Schroeder wins key reform vote after threating to quit
Projected new Taipei-Shanghai air route causes carriers to drool
Hidden Agendas in the Sand (Western Sahara)
Bolivian Indians lay siege to La Paz
First black police chief appointed - UK
'Aids orphans are ending up in Africa's wars'
Conflicting Sri Lankan sides meet in Switzerland
Musharraf (Pakistan) finds fault with Washington
SA home sweet home to the world's criminals?
Falun Gong lawsuits in foreign nations rile Beijing
Bipartisan Agreement Sends Gun Bill Forward in Congress
If the Colorado Democratic Party is for gun control and against CCW,
Daschle cosponsers Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act
Did someone say no one wants to ban handguns?
A question about article selection
Can motives be challenged without it being smearing?
A thread appears to be missing...
Why is the time in 'last updated date' four hours ahead of my time.
I'd like to know why you removed by thread...
Do You Have The Time/Material For A New Batch Of Hate Mail?
IF DU is committed to ousting Bush then posts enabling
New avatar suggestions (thought I'd try to start a single thread)
The printable version of Bob Boudelang isn't available.
Please, everyone, click on the link and let it play all the way, thx much!
Please, everyone, click on the link and let it play all the way, thx much!
Where Debaters Take On A Different Complexion
Whoever put up the site is worthless freeper scum
How Does Your Candidate Win The Nomination?
Repeat of Wesley Clark Town Hall Meeting on C-Span now.
Dean to air Spanish Language ads in New Mexico/picks up 2 endorsements
Clark defends his Democratic Presidential campaign
Rep, Harold Ford, Jr. to be Kerry National Co-Chair
Clark worked for Acxiom, Ark Data mining Firm...Still on the Board...
two new polls give Dean double-digit lead in NH
New Newsweek Poll - No Bump for Bush - Clark leading
IAFF kickoff "Firefighters for Kerry" campaign this Monday in NH
Dean has already beaten Clinton's quarterly fundraising record
Harold Ford Jr. to be Kerry campaign co-chair, Jeanne Shaheen, chairwoman
Did anyone see Edwards on Maher
Latest Ohio Poll numbers on the 2004 WH race
What does 'electability' mean?
John Kerry's Plan for Winning Peace in Iraq & How to Pay For It
Let's Plan Now: How Will DU Celebrate When
Tally the Bad News lately for Bushites
Gore was a Populist who won - by 500,000
"The Other Lies of George Bush" by David Corn
Pentagon's call to mercenaries--BBC report
Are you ready for some integrity in the White House again?
Stephanie Miller. Where did she go?
Clark Town Hall meeting repeat on now CSPAN (1:00 AM EDT)
Any one know of how to register the homeless to vote? any tips?
Clark running on Hillary's behalf?
It's better to be a new Democrat that's a real Democrat
Any Spanish speakers here tonight who'll help an Anglo Dean supporter?
In Yuma, Kerry just lost a good, energetic organizer to Clark...
Remember the suspected terrorists that Canada arrested?
Anyone seen the "random" placement of candidates on the CA ballot?
Clark voted for Reagan. So What?
My thoughts on those who start or engage in flame wars
Faux News poll - whistleass numbers dropping
Do mention the war - Tony Blair has lost the argument over Iraq
Just my opinion, The Democratic race (long post)
Is the California election a bellwether for 04?
Army reservist home on 15 day leave killed by suv
Well, what is the Democrats solution !
FauxBot Questioner Is Complimented by Co-Bots
Could Carol M Braun be the VP on the Dem ticket?
Does Godwin's law apply to C-SPAN callers? (Or, what are
Watching "Network" for the first time
nutty! GOP knocking Wes Clark for being too Republican??
CSPAN 11 am ET Saturday -- Bush and Putin on live
Another 15,000 U.S. Troops Told to Prepare for Iraq
Clark button -- "dissent protects democracy"
'Conservative' Democrats: Why didn't you join the Republican party?
I'm becoming very suspicious about people who are very suspicious about...
Let Tim Russert Know what ya think.
Repubs put all their chips on the table in California...
A history of the Iraq war told entirely in lies...the Bushists own words
Impact of Bush's $87 Billion On Your State
Can motives be challenged without it being smearing?
*Dallas socialite charged with shoplifting
AIDS activists jeer U.S. official (Kenya)
Liberal Democrats: Why don't we leave the party?
President Karzai of Afghanistan is in Ottawa thanking Canada for help
Ontario Tories on Verge of Collapse, Liberal sweep predicted...
Who Are Your "Contemporary" Heroes
Anyone heard of Penna for President?
Ashcroft Is Unprintable, and Glad of It
"Pundits" keep repeating Bush's nos.falling but the people still love him!
Help? CNBC show on electronic voting this weekend?
Repub Spin Forecast re: CIA asking for White House Investigation.
Bush Is Toast, Bush Is History, Stick A Fork In Him. WRONG
Clark worked for Acxiom, Ark Data mining Firm...Still on the Board...
Cartoon: Steve Sack on Clark (or Clark's debate performance?)
Cartoon: Sargent on Rummy and WMDs. mwahahaha
North Korea calls Rumsfeld illiterate psychopath
Clark's Upcoming Schedule: Will visit Texas and California
ES&S untested voting machines in FL and $17.2 million gone
Drilling on Public lands... its more than ANWR... a US Newswire alert.
Krugman's 'The Great Unraveling': awesome
How serious are we about defeating the B.F.E.E. in 2004?
Schwarzenegger: Unions are "special interest groups", corporations aren't.
When Democrats fight, Bush wins
Dean for President and Vice President???
TPM uncovers Haley Barbour slime in Iraq contracts
Clark for president and vice president???
(SMH)Bush's mourning-after blues
I would vote for the 87 Billion
Wesley Clark Will Win and The GOP Knows It
The military-industrial complex, Washington State, and PNAC.
Are there any cops that post here?
I went and heard Eric Schlosser speak last night ("Fast Food Nation")...
Since we're digging into Clark's past: Let's look at Dean's
Is Bush's War in Iraq A "Brain Fart"? Compliments of Marine General Zinni
GOP chair, attorney end in conflict at Davis event
Singing motorist wrecks car after bee flies into mouth
Dean Fans: who would be Howard's best VP?
Was Nato Right To Come To The Aid Of The Indigenous Kosovars and Bosnians?
MUST READ before you pick a candidate: Chuck Spinney
Clark's volunteer work: getting shot up in Vietnam
Supervisor plans lawsuit against manufacturer of voting system (Diebold)
Sign up for the "election reform" meetup!
NYTimes attacks Davis for doing the same thing Arnold has been doing
Post Reports Gen. Shelton Questions Clark's Integrity/Character
Headliners and Legends: George Bush is on if you can stomach it
My number 1 George W. Bush pet peeve:
Will Dean Meet or Even Beat His Fundraising Goals?
Clark Fans: Who would be Wes' best VP?
US Army doctor speaks out.....
New election tactic: Kucinich vs Buchanan for 2004!
Utah BBV: Clerks fear delays without more e-voting machines
Is the Economy on the Rebound? (And Other Questions)
Republicans say "democrats like to spend money"
Putin Tells Bush To Bite It: No Help For Iraq; Will Help Iran Make Nukes
Dean issues statement re: Wilson/CIA Story
If there was a new third party...what qualities would they need to get
Dean has 4 days left to raise over $3 mill
I'm becoming very suspicious about Clark
French, Russians parody 'most wanted' playing cards
How thick is Chris Matthews???
For Every $ Spent In Iraq A $ Should Be Spent At Home...
Is Wes Clark the second coming of Christ?
Just saw an NBC News story on the economy and military recruitment
DUers, wake up! Any Dem would be good..Al Gore would be great..
Q.- Where do journalists stay while in Baghdad?
Where do DUers get their news?
WOOHOO! CIA PROBE of whitehouse #1 MSNBC story!!
Clark's not Dean--shutting down his websites
U.S. troops find missiles buried near Tikrit
The Irony Is Blowing My Mind. The Bush Legacy
I've Changed My Mind. Dennis Miller is the most obnoxious
I am tired of attacks on the Party
Need Transcript for Clark's 2001 Speech praising Republicans,
I'm undecided - sell me on your candidate!
When did the public stop wanting government leaders who were smart?
Dean won't win one voter age 65-70
Are the other nine Democratic candidates riding Dean's coattails?
Who is Brer Rabbit, who is Brer Fox?
I asked me what changes in our feeling about the USA.
What's a freeper, and what does * mean?
Has anyone read this article from Counterpunch? Want feed back on it.
We are creating a two tier society in Iraq
MSNBC: Just saw blurb about finding weapons...
Does Bob Novak believe the crap that comes out of his mouth.
Bob Novac just said "You people" to Harold Ford Jr.
Clark prasing Bush on video...not a dupe
Anyone else receive this dumb Repub talking point?
I have a radical idea to transform government
Chances for nominating a left Democrat as party presidential nominee
Every Scandal Needs a Good Name: Yellowcake
It's a new day, let's attack Howard Dean!
Another "Clark voted for Reagan, so he's evil" post - sort of.
Why is the California Recall so important?
Atten. Mark Crispin Miller (The Bush Dyslexicon) fans: Mark starts a blog
Why are some Kucinich supporters so abrasive?
Lawrence of Arabia re: entanglement in Iraq
Interested in Real Time w/ Bill Maher?
Any anti-Clark folks watch the NH talk?
I'm Starting to Think a Clark/Kerry Team Might Do Very Well
Troops dumped in Baltimore for their R&R. Told to find their own way home
Official Guy James Show thread----3pm -please keep kicked!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why hasn't Bob Graham taken off soaring in the polls?
The names of the eight congressmen who voted against the No Calls List.
Molly Ivins book (Bushwhacked)
I Met Wesley Clark Today, Ask Me Anything
Beware! "Rape Pits" may become the "Evidence" that supports Iraq Invasion!
Pootie Poot and Petulant George
Kucinich Shines in New York Democratic Debate, Should Take On Clark
An interesting letter from NYS Police about Border Property
The People Are NOT Going to Vote on the Basis of What Dems Say..
what's happened to Maria Shriver?
"Very popular war president"? Bushit. Here's why he is going down..
Arnold met with ENRON's Ken Lay
Wesley Clark Praising Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld -- video?
Another gaggle of Dean Team Canvassers succesfully launched!
Meanderings of a moronic mind....
A Question For DU History Majors....
The U.S. Media with respect to Bush
Operation Garden Plot - death for dissenters - how to cancel an election
PUKE Alert! Republican Strategists Eyeing Dennis Miller for State Politics
Tell Bill Maher to apologize for his terrible comment on Al Gore
Good on you JohnKleeb - I'm sure Kucinich thanks you too! :)
Howard Dean testimony on aging
Some needed perspective on Clark trashing
Serious question: What are Clark's progressive accomplishments?
How can anyone support Dean with these poll numbers?
Is it possible that Wes Clark might be more progressive than Howard Dean
Need background on Edison Schools, like owners, etc. Jeb connections?
a different take on factionalism for Democrats
Voting for whoever gets the Dem nomination?
DU. Let's Show Some Love For "OUR" Congressional Black Caucus.
BBV: Georgia Dog-and-pony show: "No questions, please"
THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT CLARK that gives us hope/confidence
BBV question: We have over 30000 DUers. I don't know if
Newsweek Poll: Should Donald Rumsfeld Resign?
Russia Sends Message to U.S. About Iraqi Oil Contracts
Four Iraqis reported killed, five injured in shooting in Fallujah
Ooops, didnt realize I was in LBN!!! watched the Clark forum
CIA seeks probe of White House
Oversight panel says state is withholding needed data (Florida)
Defense bill to benefit Florida
Advisers call Davis Demos' only chance
Attack on Baghdad hotel housing US officials-army
US troops "kill four Iraqi civilians"
American Compound Attacked in Baghdad (Saturday)
Graham strategy pins all hopes on Iowa
Hurricane Juan strengthens on way to Canada
US poverty up second year on Bush's watch
BBC (Saturday): More US troops face Iraq call-up
Air quality study finds laws well worth it
Ohio ACLU Sues To Make Entire Execution Public
Libraries get new package to study Islam (Canada)
South Koreans March To Oppose Troop Dispatch To Iraq
George Plimpton, Author and Editor, Dies at 76
Schwarzenegger adviser linked to card clubs, Nevada casinos
Fatah names most members of new Cabinet, dumps U.S.-backed security chief
U.S. Incomes Fell, Poverty Rose in 2002
Germany smashes child porn ring
US kills four Iraqis, Falluja residents vow revenge
Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan (Pakistani opposition leader) dead
Iraqi Witnesses: US Fire Killed 4 Civilians
Iraqi council calls for US forces to leave Iraq
Leaders of Brazil, Cuba Sign Accords
London and World Protests Oppose Iraq Occupation
Iraq's Family Bonds Complicate U.S. Efforts
More than 1,000 arrested in international child sex crime crackdown
Boy's father files complaint over teasing at Pacifica school
Stranded sheep will go to Iraq
U.S. ready to deploy 10,000 guard troops
Bremer Says Some Iraq Rebuilding Will Wait
Bush, Putin Finishing Camp David Talks
North Korea Denounces U.S. Defense Chief ( ``psychopath'' ``stupid man"
More Than 10,000 March in London in Day of Protests Against Occupation of
Never Say Never. Why the Hillary Buzz Won't Go Away
Newsweek Poll: Should Donald Rumsfeld Resign?
Burmese activist Suu Kyi goes home
Dean Announcing Elder-Care Proposals
Singapore hangs two drug traffickers
Patriots and invaders Iraqi resistance to foreign occupation enjoys great
Russia Won't End Accord With Iran to Build Nuclear Reactor
Army Reservist Struck, Killed On Highway 69 (Dumped in Baltimore)
Bush Repeats Saddam Developed WMD
Governor Dean Calls for Accountability (CIA/Wilson Story)
Russia Will Await UN Resolution Before Help in Iraq
Bremer Says 19 Qaeda Fighters Are in U.S. Custody in Iraq
Dean Says Jobs Come Before Fixing Budget
Transcript: Bush Weekly Radio Address (Uses the "T" Word 12 times in
South Florida called 'smuggler's supermarket' for all types of contraband
Kingdom Won’t Send Troops to Iraq: Khaled
US senators act over Iraq contracts (Bipartisan support)
TIME: The Wilson War Continues, The DOJ opens a preliminary probe
L.A. Times - Income rates down, poverty rates up
Liberals on verge of huge majority - Canada
Israel Reportedly Considering Attacking Iran
North Korea Calls Rumsfeld a 'Psychopath', 'Stupid Man'
Guardian Unltd: Labour MPs put Blair on notice
Noted N.H. Republican endorses Democrat Dean
Bush: 'World Is Safer' Without Saddam
Accused Hummer Arsonist, Marine's Father Join Forces For Antiwar Protest
Khomeini’s grandson urges George Bush to intervene in Iran
Latest NEWSWEEK Poll: War, Bush and Clark (Clark Leads With 16%)
Ohio GOP launches all-out drive for Bush (Walden O'Dell fund-raiser)
U.S. Compound in Baghdad Is Hit in Attack
Clark Worked For Ark. Data Firm, Acxiom Role Part of Surveillance Debate
CIA seeks probe of White House (Thread Two)
Two more US soldiers killed in Iraq
New polls chart Blair's withering support - 50% - Blair resign
Cheney (Advisor) Now Helping Arnold Recall Campaign
Woman blames storage company for 63-day ordeal locked in unit
Catholic Church Limits Use of Altar Girls
I was born with no eyes to watch canned laughter shows
If your cat and dog were raised together
Is drinking really significantly less fun once you're legal?
You know what the world needs?
Me Seepy Baby................................
Hey Buckeye fans Big Ten play starts tommorrow!!
I have a best friend special person in my world
Do you DU females, in the words of Johnny Cash
I saw a cat light it's tail on fire
Anyone else ever feel like a bookmark?
It's getting late,what's your biggest secret.
If you were going to imaginarily squash somebodies head
Does anyone have a cat who watches TV?
One last time--how do I post pics, please????
Two drifters, off to see the world, my hucklberry friend
The WKRP "turkeys" episode is on TVLAND
Does Bob Boudelang deserve his own site?
Well no wonder 4 of my checks bounced!
Am I the only one who has zero interest in the GD forum?
She's so fine, there's no tellin' where the money went
What Are You Drinking Tonight?
Who's A Better President: Bush VS Tic-Tacs
Bill Clinton is coming to speak in Winnipeg.....
Guess how long it took for Segway to realize their product was buggy?
Baseball Fans: Who will win the NL Central
Twenty years ago today, Richard Stallman had this to say
Murphee the Cockatiel says "hello"
Will Pitt - Greensboro, NC When? Where?
let's all welcome our newest member - yoosuck
Scarface Anniversary DVD on Tuesday!
This is how I feel tonight - I think I need a hug.
I'm in love with Alicia Silverstone
GD is hell on earth, LBN nasty flamewars-Clark again
Will Pitt has a girl head and is afraid of spiders...Ask me Anything
Rush Limbaugh's car breaks down in front of the Clinton's house.
"Under the Tuscan Sun" (Movie)...Anybody Seen It? Opinions?
Music thread: What is your favorite classical period?????
Hunter S Thompson. Warpath. The Rum Diary.
DU ballplayers, help - I need to break in a glove fast
Let's go Gophs! U of M is up on PSU 17-14 at the half.
Other left-wing discussion boards?
Grama never ever ever fed us steak
If you haven't read the Dixie Chicks letter to fans, you should
Attention, Tacoma-area comic book fans!!!
CAPTION: "Why won't my boomerang come back?"
"Give us this day our daily bread..."
Advertise Low Gas Prices ---------- IN A THONG!!!!!!!
Has there been a hate-mail drought?
URGENT question on sig lines (for those in the know on DU):
A modest proposal: (drunken posting)
Whitey from Leave it to Beaver Dead.
The Kremlin Comedian of all CAPTIONS!!!
Here's a question for the fashion loving bunch
Damien Rice........OMG! I'm feeling moist.....
Ohio State is beating up on Northwestern
North Dakota State vs. South Dakota State tonite: The end of the D2 era.
Back to the Gordon Lightfoot subject...looking to play one of his tunes
Would you PLEASE say something important to you
Conversation with Republican Brother
Should non-politician's political views matter?
I just discovered HBO on Demand
HELP! How do you fold up the legs of a card table!
I want to wish Termite a Happy Birthday.
How Much Money Is There In The World?
Which of these canidates would you vote for president?
Whip poor will hollow.(Holler)
Watching "Network" for the first time
Cubs magic number is ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just a quick note to say hello again
We had a Repuke at our Y.D. meeting yesterday...and boy did
"Under the Tuscan Sun?" Anyone see it and like it better than the book?
I Just Bought Something From An InfoMercial For The FIRST TIME!
WMD's found,.. rummy delighted
Got my First Flipped Finger Driving Today
What do you do when a guy wants you enough to shave his beard?
So Notre Dame wants to run the west coast offense?!?
Wow, the Oregon Ducks are getting spanked
Cubs-Red Sox World Series remains on track
Madness in Minnesota at unveiling of statues - Peanuts
DU LOUNGE EXCLUSIVE: My endorsement for Dem Presidential candidate
The Book: "Country Bunny and the Little Red Shoes." Anyone read it?
I'm Watching The Rocky Trilogy For The Umpteenth Time-Ask Me Anything
Ohio State stat worth noting....
How Did Newyawker99 Get 50,000 Posts?
A few pics from the drunken barn dance
Did your High School have a Indian nickname?
Bob Graham, with one of his cute constituents, most likely. (Picture)
How many DUers watch 7th heaven?
William Pitt insults my pet kingsnakes, Aragorn and Arwen
Just got a horrible phone call
A girl in my American Gov't class thought that the US won Vietnam
Do you believe in the concept or example of `evil'
Why are so many of us walking billboards for companies?
I need a movie recommendation! (Costume Drama preferred)
Singing motorist wrecks car after bee flies into mouth
Has anybody studied the ramification of moving jobs overseas longterm?
My (Once Repuke Father) Is Attending Will Pitt's Speech Tomorrow!
How tall are all of the 10 Dem candidates, and how tall is chimpy?
have you ever jettisoned most of your friends and tried to start over?
Christ (Gore Vidal) hit it on the nose about Bush in 2k
Once and for all: Wesley Clark... or Wesley Crusher?
I'm on a real mandolin kick...recomend any music folks?
Sat Nite Tip: Woody Allen's new Film sucks.
I'm developing an electricity phobia
Sweet Leaf.....Killin' Yourself To Live...Black Sabbath...ahhh I love it..
Do any famous Dems lurk or post on DU?
The first ever "tags in shirt collars" rant.
How will you tell someone (like me) to shut up?
Chilling video clips of history ........................
I got my medicare card today and I don't know what to do
What color hair do you have? (Yes this is a ditzy question just curious)
Chicks who kick ass in tight, black, latex bodysuits
My thoughts on those who start or engage in flame wars
Favourite Gordon Lightfoot tune?