NYT: C.I.A. Seeks Inquiry Into Naming of an Operative
Woo hoo! Front page WP: Leak of CIA Name Being Investigated
Camejo & McClintock Shine, Other Candidates "Get Personal" In Animated Fiv
Lonely Campus Voices (David Brooks whines about bias in colleges)
Envisat observes resurgent ozone hole
Nuclear Reactors to Propel Rockets into Space; Will Leave Waste Floating
Europe’s moon mission lifts off
Saturday: Tacoma Confidential - Police Chief - 48 Hours
Man stops friend's suicide attempt, shoots self while trying to unload gun
This HTML file worked fine under Internet Explorer, why not at DU?
Thanks for the George Harrison avatar!
How off-topic does something have to be worth alerting for?
Peres at 80: peace can be grasped
Poll: Kerry bests Dean among registered voters
Wow.. I like the new "Wolfo-witicism"
I was at the bookstore and picked up Annthrax's new book...
Why does Dipshit* keep saying we're safer now that Saddam is gone?
stole a vote away from ahrnald today.
Say what you will! Clark is Just the "Big Build Up" to the "Big Let Down"
Clark vs. Bush -- Leader vs. Front Man
Who is Al-Qaida backing in '04?
After standing for 6 hrs - I was able to see the Cubs win the NL Central!
BBC ((Thousands stage Iraq demo in Britain ))
My Republican friend liked Dean!
Could Arnold be impeached by the California Legislature if he wins?
Edwards on Maher replay in 20 minutes on HBO2 (at 11 PM ET)
Need advice - I told this guy I'd send him some info on the Bush/Cheney
???..National Security Order???
Kuchinich, Gephardt, Sharpton on C-Span (post debate) n/t
Wingnut VooDoo on FRANKEN Going On
Chalk up one more conservative in Hollywood: Chuck Norris.
I am extremely ashamed to admit this, but my grandma thinks Bob Novak
My prediction is that Clark will be the Dem nominee
DU this poll! Any regrets over voting for Bush? I know none of us but...
Wolfowitz getting ass handed to him, Cspan now, link here
Another ((Operation Northwood’s)) unearthed from 1957 (Syria )
Why can't Hillary run in 2012?
"Democrats Applaud Bush Choices"
Turn to Fox news now 11:35 p.m
Who counts as senior WH officials?
If this WH-CIA scandal crap hits the fan.I have a question.
Have any of you seen this shirt?
Clark: You think you know the rest of the story?
I will be SILENT NO MORE-and neither should you!
The Clark video (comments on W., Rumsfeld, Powell, et al)
So some OPEC countries may go Euro? Here's a mind bender. Why don't we?
WTF is the "Delaware Trust Law" a cspan caller mentioned it ..they cut
From another board...is North Korea next?
Could we end up in a constitutional crisis with this CIA/WHouse/DOJ thing?
I have a few questions that I need help with...9/11 & PNAC
Sunday news shows: Sending in the clowns
The worst mistake I made in 1992-93.
Did anyone else see Wolfowitz getting thrashed?? (replay at 11:01 tonight)
According to Josh, this CIA-WH story is gonna pop...
My conservative African American neighbor likes Howard Dean.
Freepers at the feed store today. I filled up my deer feeders.
Do you regret voting for George Bush?
Some Thoughts on Dean, Kerry from NH Folks
Republican Campaign Money Frightens Me. -=- How Can Anyone Compete?
Are Bush's "Rape Rooms" really Urban Legends? Google had nothing but
Was There Ever a Sizeable DLC Community on DU?
And Here's Why "God" Can Never Be Taken Out of the Schools.
Here's Why "God" Can Never Be Taken Out of the Courthouse.
Harken Energy demands $57 BILLION from Costa Rican government
DU! Show Yer Love For Teddy Kennedy!
Irresponsible: confessions of an avowed Dean blowhard
RLEASE HELP! Suggestions for anti-Bush protest sign needed
Nuclear Reactors to Propel Rockets into Space; Will Leave Waste Floating
Data Backing Iraq War Called Uncertain, Weak (Sunday WashPost)
Host hit in payback crossfire (Tucker Carlson)
Iran is eager to develop scientific cooperation with Russia
WP - Leak of CIA Name Being Investigated
A Vengeful White House? . . . CBS News on CIA handoff to DOJ of Palme Out
Mexico, Church in Dispute Over Probe
Bush, Putin Pledge to Work Together Despite Differences Over Iraq
Study shows net gain from pollution rules
U.S. Uses Terror Law to Pursue Crimes from Drugs to Swindling
London Observer: 'Battered' Blair vows there's no turning back
US arrests over 1,000 in international crackdown on child sex crimes
General Wesley Clark's Statement on Rise in Poverty
Nigerian Satellite Blasts Into Orbit
Can someone give me the address for that DU image dump?
So you think you knew Elvis, hmmmmmm?
Will the Braves choke now or later in the playoffs?
After standing for 6 hrs - I was able to see the Cubs win the NL Central!
Don't click! Nasty kitty porn inside!
Most annoying file-sharing errors?
I Think That There Are Not To Many Limp Bizkit Fans Here But Saturday
oh oh ..have I been pulling a fashion faus paux
Which Comedy Skit Group would you like to see take on another?
Sat. Night and no Grotto??? How odd???
The worst product name ever: Outhouse Springs bottled water
How much is (of any one specific thing) too much?
Well while he (SBP) is away....
Caption the fool in wonderland
Dave Chapelle is funnier than hell! It's on now 9:15 est.
MOM! I accidently put you on AIM ignore...
For my 1000 post, I have removed all 16 people from my ignore list
Is "I Touch Myself" by the Divinyls the sexiest song ever?!
Here's how to be better than someone else at anything
Clash Of The Titans: Favorite Sketch Comedy Troupe?
N Korea calls Rumsfeld 'psychopath'
Owning up to deceptions on the Iraq war
Meatbrain offers $1 million for the Butcher of Baghdad
Behold the Lord High Executioner
Newsweek: The Unbuilding of Iraq
NYT: The Failure to Find Iraqi Weapons
Stars and Stripes letters, Sept. 21 - 27
Helen Thomas: Hussein Link Was Sales Job
Time: Operation Oprah (Condi on Oprah, Powell on Letterman, etc.)
Newsweek: What, Me Worry? (Analysis of * Reselection campaign)
Rumsfeld is Destroying the Army
Time: So, What Went Wrong? (Cover * on Lincoln Mission Not Accomplished)
No wonder America has so many enemies
LATimes-RW quickly moves against Clark
WP: Why the Media Don't Call It as They See It
Oliphant: Debating Democrats avoid Calif. pitfalls
BBC Panorama documentary: The Price of Victory
The surprising benefits of being unemployed
Attention So Cal DUers!!! March/Rally Sun. Sept. 28th in Hollywood
Invitation to Project Censored Awards Ceremony-Oct 4th,San Raphael
AP CEO admits "most media are owned by Republican conservatives"
Calling all California DU'ers (recall action)
Temptation and "Cheating:" Diabetes Support #2
Astrologers: The Pied Piper, on Starlight News
Confederate Soldiers' Funeral Debated
Manulife in huge merger with John Hancock
Why Not Import More Non-OPEC Oil?
Bush to Gut ESA for Circus, Zoo, Trophy Hunting, Aquarium Industries
Rebels clashes leave 23 dead - Ivory Coast
Japan to extend US$3.57b in loans to Libya
Chen says KMT has `democracy phobia' - TW
Cambodia's opposition boycotts new parliament
NZ court asked if just looking is illegal - Child porn
Chiang was Mr. No Democracy - Taiwan
Khomeini kin seeks action on Iran
KMT stifles talent with a host of old cronies - Taiwan
Any of You RKBAers Attend This Meeting?
SCOTUS recognizes RKBA is an element of "civil rights".
4-Yr.-Old Maryland Boy Finds Gun, Kills Sister
Question.. how many bytes equal 10 kb???
Clearly a disruptor in the midst
Is democratunderground.com a DU mirror site?
Skinner, can't you 'suggest' that the Clark/Dean et al posts
democratic candidate bashing suggestion
Question about "delicate" topics in the Lounge or MR, mostly
Why was my post against the scumbag Boilermakers Union deleted
GD needs to be remaned bash the frontrunner
Maybe DU needs a "Flame Pit" forum
2 bombs capable of destroying tank found near Gaza fence
Islamic Jihad claims Negohot shooting attack that killed two
Fourth Man Pleads Guilty In Alleged Va. Jihad Group
Dean coming on strong in Ohio among key voting blocs in state
Clark rally yesterday in Dover, NH
KY: Fletcher, Chandler in dead heat (new poll)
Kerry win victory for small businesses
Sioux City Journal: Kerry stresses need to extend health care
Linda Daschle has endorsed Dick Gephardt
Gephardt's "Electoral Strategy"-clueless?
WA-8: Dunn running again, draws Demo challenger
Dean Calls for White House Cooperation in Justice Probe
"Texas Rangers" Hit NH Ready to Knock for Dean
Kerry calls on Bush to repay the $1 million for the aircraft carrier stunt
Iowa Poll: Gephardt,Dean,Kerry,Edwards
IMP. POLL: Posts which are divisive/confrontational of a Dem. cand. are...
Kerry, Lieberman, Edwards and Clinton stand firm against EPA nominee
PA: Ad war resurfaces in U.S. Senate race, Specter plans retaliation
Holy CRAP are my eyes deceiving me?
Dennis to be in Laguna Beach Oct 5
Dean practices the politics of division in fundraising letter.
Candidates Put On Game Face Before Debate
Barnstormin' for Kerry in Iowa. 99 counties in 7 days
Another Major Kerry Endorsement to be announced this Tuesday
DNC hits 500k...still going...
Is DU only for Dean supporters?
Transcript: Dean on CBS's "Face the Nation" (9/28/03)
How about a Dean/Kucinich, Kucinich/Dean ticket?
Dems supporting IRV? Don't hold your breath (unless we elect DK)
Voting for a potential cabinet member
What Wesley Clark Ate Today: FULL MENU!
Environmental regulations WORK (to the anti-gummint FOOLS)!
Clark says would FIRE Rumsfeld, immediately go to Iraq
DU Action Alert! New Newsweek poll: Only 27% are Dems...
I know we will probably never know
I'm looking for the BookExpo video on C-Span with O'Reilly and Franken!
Just remember when you look at the polls under the current climate
From California, the Arnold ads are revolting.
Let's have a praise thread for Ted Kennedy!
New Hampshire foray shows Clark strengths, weaknesses
Nate Clay streaming now. Progressive late Saturday night radio.
Let Me Get This Straight On The No-Call List
Bush: 49% Clark: 43% Bush: 52% , Dean: 38%
Freepers dream of Civil War, killing "leftists"
Accountibility Demand forCongress
Can someone explain the CIA(?) scandal to me?
Stephen King supports Howard Dean for president
Poppy Bush on exposing the CIA... quite a timely quote
BBV: By Their Fruit You Shall Know Them...
Wesley Clark Suffers From White Guilt?
Hey, did you guys here about Al Franken's new book?!
Stop talking about Franken's book
Let this be a lesson to people on DU (re: freepers/disruptors)
Congressman blocks my email with firewall?
Serious Question: Liberals, Conservatives and freedom
Wesley Clark: "humanitarian hawk" and why money raised doesn't matter...
Note: Joseph Wilson on CSPAN...Monday 7:45 ET
Frog Marching Down The Yellowcake Road
Whether any of you like it or not...
Why a Republican feels that the California governor post is desirable
Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982
Bush has once more breached his oath of office.
9/11 - Iraq link, are there recent numbers about who believes this?
I've decided that I think we should pull out of Iraq.
Joe Conason: Clark Prepares For New Combat
Its great that the Wilson CIA outing is making headlines, HOWEVER
This is Your Story - The Progressive Story of America. Pass It On.
Condi on MTP NOW, Gep soon 10:31 EDT
E. Edwards blogs about trip to Dartmouth -- Dean implied in student's Qs
My head's exploding - how can Democrats be only interested
California Patriots for Peace...Pass This On!
Just to refresh our memory...a few of Kissinger's quotes.
Hitchens is coming up on CSpan
BBV: Time to sign on for election reform
Wolfowitz on C-Span last night,
Medical History of American Presidents
Where The HELL Is Scott Ritter???
McGaughlan on Gep vs. Dean and other stuff.
Iranian foreign minister just confirmed to George Stephanopoulos
Robert Kennedy talked to MLK about running as his VP...
If this boils down to a Dean vs. Clark race
Dean Sealed his records in VT. What is he hiding?
When the other candidates drop out - who will get their support?
Remember yesterday when I posted that Shrub said again Saddam was
Whistle Ass (Bush) is launching a reselection Blog in October
No More Military Deaths in Iraq after next March!
Does anybody have the Condi quote...
Are we starting to see the beginning of the end?
Democrats' front-runner, newcomer contrast styles
Newsweek CW says AWOL joined Guard to avoid combat
Should We Have A Hispanic On The Ticket In 04
Dean blog goal: $15 million--we are at $12,524.485
Is Clark having voted Republican a valid issue for candidates to raise?
9-11 changed it all for many, Iraq changed it all for Clark
Democrat Candidates Make BIG Mistake Attacking Each Other!
Could Clark have beaten Bush in a Repulbican primary challenge?
“It’s a terrible situation that probably could have been avoided”
"Arnold is limiting media and appealing directly to public" WTF????
conservative columnist foams at mouth over Dean's abortion stand
"Chavez: Inside the Coup" tonight (Sept 28), CBC Newsworld (Canada)
First Florida, then Texas, and now California.
Condi Looks Like She Is About To Cry On MTP Right Now
Bush claimed 9/11 connection in carrier deck speech
Just heard Christopher Hitchens repeat the new spin on Iraq
Ski Anderson on WLS in Chicago (Noon to 3 CT)
For all of you TrueMajority DU'ers or anyone else who's interested!
The End of the Republic? Rome, Militarism, Imperialism, and the US.
Hillary better not ****ing run...
Its important to THINK before voting to go to WAR
What message/info will the R&R soldiers take back with them?
Rice is still claiming Saddam had ties to al-Qaeda?
This Week today: could somebody tell me what was said at the end?
'Singin' in the Rain' Star O'Connor Dies
General Clark says he'd relieve Rumsfeld of his command
I think the General Discussion Forum needs a new name
Kerry, Clark, Edwards, Gephardt tonight
I *Cannot Wait* Until Clinton and Some of the CBC Come Out for Clark's
Powell is spinning and lying on CNN
What ELSE did Dean say on FTN?
what US corp. makes the $50 thou garbage trucks
A short list of Clark's credentials
BBV: ES&S Optech 3P Eagle Optical Scan machines
What the Hell is going on here?
Google hits on WH Spy Betrayal Story 27 @ 08:00 am; 181 @ 2:50 pm
Blair in Dreamworld: Says he wont leave
Didn't I read that David Kay's report was "shelved"?
Novak, right-wing media minion of Bush, went too far...
The hunt for Pepperbelly's Links. The refutation of Clark's own words.
Cnn Poll - About Clark's comments on the Bush Administration.
Bush DID state Iraq ties to September 11. Here's the letter...
Dean supports cutting Medicare...
Now I'm actually worried about Clark.
DU/Unfreep this poll, Is it time for Tony Blair to step down?
Which candidate's supporters are the biggest, most relentless bullies?
clark and dean, dean and clark.. etc..
Larger Americans=Larger Caskets, etc.
need DU help...is this Bush* at DMZ pic authentic and where can i verify?
General Discussion Polls, "Clarked": Links
"It's Hillbilly Heaven vs. Park Service" - one weird story
Dean should be ashamed of himself- Face the Nation Appearance
Who's better on "free trade" - Dean or Clark?
Why did Dean want a Republican as a Vice President?
Normal people must help save Wal-Mart from the liberals
There were Democrats who wanted to run Eisenhower in 1948
Who did Clark vote for in 2000?
Do You Agree with This Man's Position on Health Care?
Clark Is Not a Republican. No Bush. The GOP? Not in Clark's Future
Clark should have been upfront himself...about his Republican past.
If Clark Supporters Suck So Bad Why Did Bleachers-A Clark Supporter
How many of you who are attacking Clark
What if a supporter of Clark answered a Dean supporter poll
Did Dr. Rice deny being a source?
Are O'Reilly's ratings starting to fall already?
Dean & Clark supporters doing Rove's dirty work:
WTF is a "committee of continuing existence"!!?? A FL outrage.
Webcast of Paul Krugman's book tour presentation:
Dean admitted he is a Republican?
What Clark did Saturday night.....
Wasn't the Netherlands considered a paragon of tolerance?
Was Howard Dean ever a Rebublican?
Phew!! Huge weapons stash found in Iraq. Thank god! This war was worth it.
Dean's bat: $12.5 million. Only a little under $2.5 million to reach goal!
So many of you here (and around the nation) are forgetting
Plame-Novak-WH scandal makes CNN headline news
Anybody notice the number of flamebait threads started by sub-500
If Clark goes out to CA and campaigns against the Terminator and Dems win
Juan Williams holding his own...
Clark supporters: Will you vote for Howard Dean if he gets the nom?
You Conspiracy Theorists are Slacking Off
Dean's attack on Clark a huge mistake
DU this poll, Should Rumsfeld resign???
Dean on Face the Nation 10:30 EST
"Road to the Whitehouse" DNC Event coming up at 6:30
Dean supporters: Has Dean bashing by Clarkies....
Remind Me: How Many Child Tax Credits Did the Bush Tax Cut Give?
Are you anti-bashing Bullshit threads? Check in!
Clark and the Lincoln Day Dinner...
A Plea For A Substantive Discussion
Dean supporters: Will you vote for Wes Clark if he gets the nom?
So, is Bustamente's political career over?
Clinton and unexplained deaths...
This Clark/Dean shit will all blow over.
If Rudy Giuliani became a Democrat would you vote for him as Pres?
Non-Dean/Clark supporters: how do you feel about today's events at DU?
Make a pledge to refute all partisan attacks on this board
In the general election I will....
Could Clark hatred really be unconscious Bush hatred?
Kalifornia...The State of Fools!
Oprah - First Arnold, now Condi
Big skew between Newsweek's latest telephone poll and on-line poll
Should Donald Rumsfeld resign? (Newsweek)
I had an interesting experience last night....
Whle We Are Clubbing Each Other Over The Head Arnold Has Opened A 15% Lead
OMFG!!! Liebrul Elite Judges are Destroying Western Culture!!111!1!!11
So how do we avoid "Flame Wars"???
Clark a mere four-star general ...
what if masses of pugs vote for Clark in Dem primaries?
Clark Slam Donation and Visability Challenge
If only we could stack Crossfire audience and ambush Novak!
Fun with graphs and Halliburton
need DU help ...bush*/segway photos (the one with the 4 in sugsession)?
massive power outage sweeps across Italy
Bob Graham and John Edwards - Now for Something Totally Different
"Political Pap" Great this week
Rice knew! Did Bush? (Sunday MTP)
Bernie Sanders -- America's Shrinking Middle Class
DLC Spider...Clark on C-Span now! Putting out what he's picked up
Poll: Is Wes Clark a Democrat?
Is H. Dean a liar? No negative posts please...
Is Al Franken on C-Span saying most of our DU candidates are Jews?
Latest on Outing of CIA agent from AP
What if the Plame leak instigator was not Rove, but Bush himself?
"Jesse Helms is Back! And This Time He's Black"
McClellan's non-denial exchange & Condi's
RE: my earlier Dean flame bait thread
Anyone else frustrated that only threads of fighting clark and dean fans
Franken on Cspan...NOT A DUPE...
Heads up for tomorrow morn, Wilson on C-Span, Washington journal
DNC Dinner on CSPAN! NOW! (6:45pm east)
The heck with politicians - Just have actors run -
Clark's remarks in Salon, oft quoted at DU
What would the American response to an NDP federal gov't in Canada be?
OK, so if all these bush people really don't know anything
Oh great, the repugs want to draft the idiot Dennis Miller now?
Is Clark the only Democratic General?
Dean Calls Clark "a good guy"...
Rove & the pig republicans just want us to give up and give them CA
Is Florida DCF drugging children without evaluation?
Dean said Clark advocated going to war in Iraq
Clark admitted he was a Republican and Dean admitted he was a Chickenhawk
Who Was the "Senior Administration Official?" Cited in the Post?
Dean is a Conservative, Clark is a Republican: Vote Kucinich!
Clark supporters: Has Clark bashing by Deanies....
What is the Progressive policy on Republicans?
If Clark was holding an office, would his pro-Bush comments matter less?
A question: Are we concerned with stopping Bush’s agenda or purity?
Dean inlists Republicans, Bush operatives, to help run his campaign...
If DU is now "Clark Territory" and we just ought to "shut up" or "put out"
Arianna, Peter, please drop out.
Is any other country pro-Israel?
The most interesting spin I have ever seen
Gay smear from White House (Link to CIA/Wilson)
Josh Marshall goes after Bush on the Plame story
Bushies used White House phone logs to help attack Clark
Clark was going to run as a Republican...
Clark converts Dean supporters in NH
Dean: Said Clark was a republican until 25 days ago...
ABC News Covering the Wilson story
To lurking journos: Ask Rice the question point blank!
"The elite" are taking Bush down......
On Party Switching (Clark or whoever)
We're going to see Will Pitt in an hour
Franken and Carlson on CNBC right now
Tonight (9/28/03) on 60 Minutes - In Tulia, Texas: Guilty of being black?
Clark was a Rethuglican until a month ago.....he couldnt run against *...
60 Minutes: abuse of eminent domain
So then we are abou to lose CA
Dean: Is HE trying to pull the wool over our eyes.... or are WE
Remember, the smearing of Durbin is still unresolved
Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free (U S) Press
I don't want a President who decided to run on a whim
Diebold, ES&S, and the Christian Reconstructionists
Hello? Have you read this one? State of FL (Clark) buys Edison Schools?!!!
BBV: Kucinich calls for open-source, VVPT, developed by government
TBTM Radio #12: Tainted Votes, UN Snubs, Reasoned Hate, Frivilous Lawsuits
Votematch: Clark and Dean both scored equally as "moderate Dems"
Why is Karl Rove’s Betrayal of Valerie Palme so Bad?
DU this poll! Americans embarrassed by Bush?
Davis gets 49% of votes, Arnold wins with 25% of vote. Democracy at work?
Dean was a decent democrat until 25 days ago
This is the perfect example of what DU has been lately.
Neutralizing Rove: Bright Light on the King Roach
Women CAN STOP Schwarzenegger Statewide Day of Protest!
I used to invite people here. Not now. Sorry, EarlG, Skinner, and elad.
Hellooooooo.... am I alone - but isn't the REAL plame story being missed?
WTF, Clark Was Planning on Running as a Republican ?!!
Can't you see the Neo cons if Arnold wins?............................
A Great Website Recommendation for Everyone! More useful than bashing.
Schwarzenegger race now owes $2.4 million
Former President Clinton Visits Football Game in Jacksonville
U.S. taxpayers footing bill for cheap Iraqi gasoline (Halliburton again)
CIA Defends Itself on Iraq Intelligence
U.S. Compound in Baghdad Is Hit in Attack - Sept. 27
Pakistan stokes feud with India
Superbomb ignites science dispute
SARS test kit developed in Japan - report
Ignore Muslim anger at your peril, Musharraf warns Bush
Chen says KMT has `democracy phobia'
Review of Environment Rules Finds Benefits Outweigh Costs
Colombia Bomb Attack Kills 10, Injures 48
`New Europe' troops face teething troubles in Iraq
Putin Declines to Pledge Help in Iraq
MoD silenced witness of nerve gas death - UK
US to send fresh troops to Iraq as bomb wounds two, missiles found
Polarization on display at Cuba forums
Bush Administration Is Focus of Inquiry [WP new explosive details]
Critics question Marshall Plan comparison - Iraq
Plame Affair Heating Up (Wash. Post)
Steel Tariffs Unexpectedly Work Against White House
Iran denies US claims on support for Iraq attacks
Rice is still claiming Saddam had ties to al-Qaeda?
Private apple processor shutting down (107 jobs lost)
(Pentagon) Superbomb ignites science dispute
U.S. troops uncover one of their biggest weapons caches in Saddam's hometo
Reluctance to Share Control in Iraq Leaves U.S. on Its Own
Breaing news..New 'al-Qaeda tape' aired
4-Yr.-Old Maryland Boy Finds Gun, Kills Sister
Observer: Party ready to turn on PM (Blair)
Iraq Council Calls for US Forces to Leave Iraq
CIA Denies Any 'Deficiencies' in Iraq Analysis. (VOA Report! )
GOP Lawmakers Put Together Energy Bill
Polly Klaas' legacy looms large. (Must read for all Dean supporters)
Tennis trailblazer Althea Gibson dead at 78
Uneasy Link For Bush - Iraq policy tied to U.S. economy
US to send fresh troops to Iraq as bombs wound four soldiers
House Probers Conclude Iraq War Data Was Weak
In time of war, National Guard finds recruits, parents reluctant
US eyes Israeli software as training tool for forces in Iraq
Bomb explodes in southwestern Colombia
Clark: Americans 'embarrassed' by Bush
Condi says invasion wasn't preemptive: we have been at
Fears rise about U.S. aims (IHT)
U.S. Patriot Act being used in many nonterrorism cases (NYT)
Al-Qaeda 'funded Marriott attack'
Taliban Kill Seven Bodyguards of Afghan Governor
U.S. taxpayers footing bill for cheap Iraqi gasoline
Ehrlich Seeks Probe Over Ballot Machines
So, What Went Wrong? (Time Cover)
Blair Says He's Proud of Iraq Actions
Ethics panel to scrutinize Md. lobbyist (BBV/SAIC)
Powell Gives Up Hope for Indian Troops
Schwarzenegger composed, on the message
Military stashes covert millions.......MacDill Florida
U.S. panel gets earful in Jakarta (NYT)
Meteorite wrecks houses in India
Judge Who Nixed "Do Not Call" Registry Is on "Do Not Call" List
Mrs. Bush Heads to Europe to Polish U.S. Image
Clark's Bid Prompts Some Dean Supporters to Reconsider
Novak may become 'subject of a criminal investigation'
Rice 'Knew Nothing' About CIA Agent Leak
Dean Hits Party Insiders for Their Clark Support
Cuban minister makes appeal to end U.S. embargo
$5,000 re-enlistment bonus offered to GIs in terror war, Korea (LOL!)
Did you hear about Molly Ivins new book? She was on stage with Franken....
Monster underwater marathon bid
Matrix Revolutions: Which "Rage Against the Machine" song will end it?
My dog just told me she's a DLCer - ask me anything.
How many music cd's do you own?
Does everyone in LA just want to play? Any serious shit there?
Who won the Nebraska game today?
I'm too tired to play the "Income Inequality Card" in GD right now.
Will somebody please tell me why they don't like Star Trek Insurrection?
Bush stops threat from terrorist on Islay
Feb 01' video proves White House knew Saddam was not a threat
Condi has her dancin' shoes on (MTP)
What does my avatar mean to you?
Someone please tell me I am alive!!!
It's EMBARRASSING!! --- I Can't Remember Names To Save My Life...
People.com poll:Clooney 54% Schwarzenegger 46%
The Cali debate according to Userfriendly.org !
British eccentricity at its best......read on
There are THREE Georgia Power trucks down the street, should I be worried?
Help! What do I do when a check gets lost in the mail?
What is your favorite snack food?
The paomnnehil pweor of the hmuan mnid.
'Singin' in the Rain' Star O'Connor Dies
Who here has a police scanner?
Mike B and I went to the Detroit Tiger game (42-119) tonight
Aaw.. Smilie the crab.. Such a Happy Happy crab
Moon Pie lovers, this is for you (NSMA):
any florida football fans here? wanna bet on the Noles/Cane game
Are you ready for some football????
These are my picks for week 4, what do you think?
Blues fans, "The Blues" on PBS tonight
Your favorite catch phrase for the CA recall campaign?
****WARNING****Potentially Offensive Poll******
I just hit 500 posts! Ask me anything!
Should Doctor Who regenerate into a woman?
I'm Going to London in the Spring
There ARE Patriots in Washington today!!!!!!!!
First it was Underpants, now it is Supply Side Jesus
F1 Fans! US Grand Prix! Can Schumi Do It?
Congratulations to me! Congratulations to me! I went over the 500 mark!
The Browns are going down to the Bengals
My Roommate Bought Dog Food For My Cats!
Bengals won! We beat Cleveland!!
Has anyone ever tried sour cream on pizza?
Who has got the best sig line?
Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens, and Gays
What is your kid, grandkid going to be for Halloween ?
Oh nooooo......I've been flamed!!
I am announcing my candidacy for President (of my house and backyard)
Do 'Region 2' DVDs play in the United States?
Whew! Niners are getting SPANKED, 0-28 at half. Couldn't be happier
Two commercials I can't stand on TV
The Dick VanDyke Show...love it or leave it?
Doonesbury Absolutely Rules on Sunday - Send this to all you know in CA.
Can you be fired for being sick too often?
I'm "A Talabin"! Ask me anything, infidel dogs!
When people tell you that you need to "get a life", what do they mean?
"Friends" TV show - episode spoilers
When you use your computer, what do you do with your other hand?
Startling revelations about the other candidates!!!!
Can we have anal sex with polls?
Just how much NERD are you, anyway?
Dante Hall gets a 96 yard KO return for TD!!!!!
Welcome to DU (REALLY NO KIDDING) Andym!!!
So...are there any "lifestyle" people here...
Women's World Cup - USA Beats North Korea 3-0
When should I go back to school?
I watched Bowling for Columbine last nite and WOW!!!
St. Louis whips the Cranberry & Cream
Phew - M's season is over - Moyer wins 21st
Apocolypse? San Diego beating Oakland!
'Singin' in the Rain' Star O'Connor Dies
I like heavy guitar music, and am looking forward to "The Blues" on PBS
I think people masturbate about Dean and Clark while posting in GD
Don't fear the reaper is my favorite Blue Oyster Cult song
Bin Laden hideout found ! Smirk was there (cartoon xxx)
OK--Priorities now folks--who's seen the ROTK trailer online?
NEVER start an answerphone greeting with "Hello!"
The cat is washing my ear--- ask me anything!
Redskins WIN In SPITE of the Booth!
AP College football rankings......
Important question regarding war...
I just heard Althea Gibson died
Hey female DUers..has anyone started pre menopause before 40?
What do you think is the most unforgettable movie moment?
Anyone Know Anything About Ovarian Cysts?
I'm making fettucini with scallop & shrimp cream sauce - ask me anything
My Father Just Got Back From The Will Pitt Speech!!!
I'm shaving my scrotum tomorrow, ask me anything.
Things We Learn From the Movies:
Bumper Snickers (more funnies)
Even More Bumper Snicker funnies
The SAD story of Mosby the unofficial mascot of Staunton, Va. (VERY sad)
Every team other than the VIkes is irrelevant at this point
Wesley Clark drives a '92 Mazda Miata
avoid Great Lakes Crossing Mall in Michigan
TIME cover: love it, love it, love it!
Vladimir Putin and Paul Begala look a lot alike, in my opinion. (pictures)
The U.S. Navy answers the question:
First daily (or so) salute to underappreciated workers! Wait Staff
Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?
Baseball playoffs. First round prediction thread.
Weird Food Combinations you like to eat
Diablo II ? Any body have any input that would help?