Bush on path to ruin U.S. legacy of prosperity and liberty--excellent !
Quindlen - Free Pass for the President
Would you like to read Al Franken's "Lies..."?
Internet Explorer bookmark question
Judge Bork, baptized at 76 (Opus Dei)
Elia Kazan, Influential Director, Dies at 94 -- Artistic Rights Questioned
Americans are too Fat for present sized Coffins.
Why can't anything about the I/P conflict be posted...
We've Moved into a New House...but it's a MESS! Our small house was
The settlers' `reserve forces'
What I Want to Know – great Dean flash video
A Brief History of Generals as President
Teresa Heinz Kerry Blogs With Us, Be Careful What you Say Trolls
The Dean Record: Vermont #1 in Child Health Insurance Rate
the size of Clark's head is disproportionate to the size of his body
Statement from John Kerry on Howard Dean's Speech on Elderly Care
Kerry Kiteboarding - The First X-treme POTUS!
Joe Klein Calls Kerry's Position "The Most Responsible"
Link to 'Identities Protection Act': CIA outers face 10 years behind bars
Bush: 'Haliburton is richer Without Saddam, & so is poopy Bush'
Bush Has Fucked Up EVERYTHING ! (protest sign)
Who has more daily users: DU or FR?
The media is never, ever going to wake up. Ever.
Laying blame for Iraq mess at CIA......(cough,bullshit,cough)...
Did I miss it? Protest in England should have been BIIIIG news!!
It appears that Dean will not meet his $15,000,000 fundraising goal
This is why the Dems will win the Recall, even if Davis gets only 45%...
Did ya hear Franken's commercial for Kerry & Clarke
the size of Clark's head is disproportionate to the size of his body
AOL posts CIA - White House story
How influential is Karl Rove???
Tom Tomorrow cartoon Why Bush's war on Iraq
The other one's in trouble too - The Guardian
Why can't anything related to the I/P conflict be posted...
I Hate Republicans (Great Flash Movie)
website of Bush Family Treason during WW2 & US news media silence
Bob Herbert Understand What Gephardt, Daschle & McAuliffe Do Not
Lets ask CNN what the difference between?
Halliburton paid Dick Cheney $1.6M in 2001
The First Guy Or Gal To Post Another Anti-Dean Or Anti-Clark Thread Is A
The 10 Commandments (GOP Modified)
Non-denial denials ... deja vu all over again ...
Bush aides defend intelligence, did not know what they would find in Iraq.
Saddam's best oil biz partner = Dick Cheney
Haliburton is a BIG Oil biz partner in IRAN
Who do you want to see drop the soap in prison?
Cheney IS Guilty of trading with Terrorist nations. Indict Him !
Bush Tax Cuts and Child Income Tax Credits
Watch freepers freek about the CIA Leak Story....
Who In The * White House Outed Joe Wilson's Wife
Decoding Bushspeak: Republican-to-English Dictionary
"wildly dangerous....a dangerous Bush Cabal"
Bush team views democratic field as "unusually weak.."
Freepers: if Arnold wins Calif. - Dems will lose Calif.
Bush meets the queen (the little Tx idiot f*cks up)
Alterman: Bush IS a Liar (Nov 2002)
Odds stacked against Democrats in 2004
Dubya is awakened by the ghost of George Washington...
1 hours 12 minutes until Monday's WashPost is posted
History says Bush is a gonner!
Newsweek poll - Should Rummy take a hike?
Is this the first time we've heard the words "cooperate" and "probe"
Has MSNBC.COM Become the Best Online News Source???
Bush Began Term With Highest Disapproval Ratings in History
Goss just claimed that the CIA gave Congress OLD info. in order to
Harry Truman speech on Repugs & their taxcuts
Bush Has A Battle On His Hands--Jim Lobe--interesting tidbits here
Most progressive governments in the Americas...
Help me decide how to vote in the Ontario Election...
Feeding frenzy! Time to bring down this very unpopular AWOL deserter!
Who trusts that the "investigation" will be on the up and up?
"Chattering Woman, Chattering Woman, Chat-Chat-Chat-Chat-CHAT"
Was Arkansas the test run for the California recall?
"They really tripped Dean up, he was out of his depth."
Democrat "leader" Sen Daschle is a Republican ass kisser
Eric Margolis: "Bush's Mussolini-like strutting"
A New Wave of Pessimism Washes Over Me
Where the Hell does the Reich come up wit this stuff?
Would your library like books?
Misprision of Felony (covering up a felony)
Question: What's the easiest way to get a Dean poster?
Let's check the WH logs, says Josh Marshall
Why Don't We Just Start Considering Our Field of Candidates As A Team?
Gore Vidal BLASTS "Bush Junta" in Guardian (Oct 2002)
anti-same-sex marriage constitutional amendment and 2004 election....
Want the real truth about the economy - read this!
Hold on to your dinner. First Arnold, now here comes Dennis Miller...
Ed Gillespie: Cost of war is no more than Americans spend on cosmetics
If Marriage is about Pro-Creation then why are old folks allowed to marry?
I love California but I'm starting to almost hope Ah-nuld wins......
Take from low & middle class, give to wealthy
Death Penalty for Corporate Crooks?
Noam Chomsky: Anyone but Bush, likes Kucinich, says he can't win, no LIHOP
Welcome back, Ari! Time for jail!
"Bush operates the most rightwing govt since 1920s"
Frog Marching Down The Yellowcake Road
The US media's weapons of mass distraction
Teheran defends right to N-power
Powell hopeful on new U.N. resolution
Egypt frees militant linked to Sadat assassination
US women prove they're worth more than men
CIA condemned for flawed intelligence on Iraqi weapons
Attack on Afghan official kills 7
Clark wants more foreign aid, new department to handle it (sorry, dupe)
NYT: Agency Belittles Information Given by Iraq Defectors
Pincus: Data Reveal Inaccuracies in Portrayal of Iraqis (Lies about polls)
Democrats Discuss Programs but Leave Time for Bickering
Saddam had weapons of mass destruction: Blair
Controversial Oscar-Winning Director Elia Kazan Dies at 94
Thousands in U.S. Protest Iraq Occupation
US 'had no new evidence of WMD' in Iraq
Poll Indicates Recall of California Governor, Election of Schwarzenegger
NYT(A1): Bush '04 Readying for One Democrat, Not 10
Iraq Data Not Old, Bush* Aides Insist
Antibiotics may be useless in a decade
GM protester with a grave message
Iraq postwar insecurity began in Washington
Guardian Unltd: Anger as Iraq is kept off Labour agenda
Iraq, 9/11 Still Linked by Cheney
WP 9/29 Bush Aides Say They'll Cooperate with Probe Into Intelligence Leak
Media Review Conduct After Leak
White House grapples with allegation
Gary man kills 4 relatives, self
Battered Blair insists he will stay in the job
Hey Minnesota DUers! Go over to the Meeting Room.
Anyone Seen The Movie "Tinfins"?
My bird's tail feather came out!!!!!!!!
what places use welfare to work labor?
4 horking INCHES!!!! WOW!!!!!!
Movies that should have had a sequel but didn't
They just said "asshole" on Cold Case
Happy High Holidays to our Jewish DUers!
I know a great knock-knock joke. You start.
tomcat + antibiotic solution = standoff.
OOPS - I think I just put myself on ignore.
Help me ...I need a good lawyer
Okay ladies, let's be fair and balanced here...
avoid places that use welfare to work labor
Hey, bay-bee! You sweet thang, you!
Girl, 5 years old, makes bong in class
Tonight: Finger-lickin' organic chick with augmented organic protein
Have you ever bought something for someone who was underage?
woohoo I finally got MSN messanger
Second underappreciated worker salute thread: Convenience Store Workers
Do you feel, not special, but somehow better
every now and then I leave the safety of the lounge...
Thinking of starting my own business....
Juan Paolo Montoya, you're a fucking PUNK!
Holy crap! Colts 55 Saints 13! (not over yet...)
What Is The Most Important State In The Union?
What songs to you sing when no one is around?
Idea of Conservative Idiot Nomination
For those who fear going into GD you MUST read this post (you'll cry)
Why Bill Mahr's suggestion on how to 'kill' Al Gore won't work.....
Ah! A BC separation group is trying to draft me!
To all flamers. C-mon now, let's give each other a big.....
What does my avitar mean to you?
Hey Fellas -- How Many Inches Are You?
Anybody Know Who Al Franken's Wife Is. She Is Lucky To Have Him For
That Viking win better include a productive Onterrio Smith
What is your favorite response to flamebait posts/threads?
First day on the diet tomorrow and I have a Dean House Party
Obligatory music thread: Classic albums that have fallen off the radar?
I'm going to the Cubs/Braves NLDS game 1 and 2 ask me anything!
Quick! Need to quote and cite Rush Limbaugh racist statements!
DUers who make hiring decisions - I have a question
What's The Largest Amount Of Money You Ever Found?
Movies that had a sequel but shouldn't have.
This Poetry Machine Picks a Poem to Match who YOU Are
You Avoid The Draft By Volunteering For......
MEMO: To - North Carolina: You Rock
Please help the queen of cut-n-paste code!
General Jones: EUCOM war role could increase
Iraq's Family Bonds Complicate U.S. Efforts
More interesting stuff from Charlie Reese
Weary Troops Just Want To Go Home
Bob Novak - Worries at the White House
Buzzflash interview with Bev Harris
Blair moves to the right, not to the future
Trouble is in President Bush Three
Bush's big swindle of Americans and Iraqis to pay off corporations
Washington Whispers: US News & World Report
Iraq postwar insecurity began in Washington: report
NYT: The Energy Bill Gets Worse
Will Congress continue to hold its nose and pretend Bush's steaming dung h
Pope creates 31 cardinals to shape his succession
JOHN PILGER: Bush's `war on terror' is a cruel hoax
Gephardt fiddles while Medicare burns
Blair's long argument with 'weird' Clinton
Bev Harris interview. CONTACT your Sec. of State!!!!
Terrible Ray Taliaferro is on the now.
ABCNote - Questions Media MUST ASK Bush re Wilson scandal
Are the News Media Soft on Bush? American Journalism Review slices, dices
Liberal Oasis: Sunday Talkshow Breakdown
help! who can talk me through the wires on the back of my
Sandals resorts still as homophobic as ever...
Gay Days at Disneyland, October 3-5
Bus Pass Major Gay Rights Victory
Racism a fact for blacks, study finds
Controversial gay high school plans sports program
Pennsylvania Sends A Message To Fred Phelps
Poll: Majority of New Jerseyans support civil unions
"Whose rights are they, anyway?"
"Jobs are a thing of the past here in America"
Adobe to unveil Creative platform
As Climate Conference Opens, Russia "Undecided" On Kyoto
Washington - Spotted Owl Numbers In Freefall
RNC "They Said It!" staff TODO on Dem get tough on Trade Treaties
Chechnya's Prime Minister Hospitalized
Syria's Assad says road map peace plan "worthless"
Police reopen case of hanged "God's Banker"
House OK's again Bernie Sanders 1 yr stop to cash balance - on to Senate
GUNS IN THE NEWS - September 29, 2003
Hey "bashing" is a part of politics - look at the history of campaigning!
Ex-PA security chief Dahlan: Armed struggle was mistake
An Israeli journalist prepares to fight ...
Israel's Treasonous Leftists: Air Force Mutiny
Pilots Who Say No to Assassination, The Magnificent 27
both Israelis and Palestinians wish to see the other side suffer -Guardian
O God, destroy the unjust Christians...destroy the unjust Jews
Barghouti Uses Closing Arguments at Murder Trial to Condemn Israel
What ever happened to the favorite sons
Update on Hollings' seat (US Senate, SC): Coble's in
Washington Post article sums up Clark's new book
Can someone who is active in the Edwards campaign email me (others ignore)
Some Unions Put Endorsement Plans on Hold
Democrats Still Vying For Label Of Leader
My Kerry Fundraising Letter: Feel Free to Copy and Email to Your Friends
DELAYED SHOT (Lieberman on Clark)
1992 History: Clinton's Nasty Opponents
Good news from Robert Novak, of all people
DeanFacts.com-The Governor in His own words:
Good article: Attacks on Dean may leave voters dizzy
A concern about Dean and Public Defense...
You can play "Boot Bush" right here at DU (if this works)
Wicked Good! Maine Polling on Bush Performance
Kerry Calls for Special Counsel in Wilson Investigation
Melissa Etheridge to introduce Dean on House Call tonight!
Clark/Dean/Kerry/Edwards comments from ABCNote:
Dean Campaign Launches Three Internet Initiatives
Kucinich rallies in Los Angeles
Who's going to a Dean House party?
Dean: I'll balance budget in 1st term
How close will Dean get to 15 million dollars?
Kerry campaign co-chair Harold Ford Jr. on Crossfire Now
Dean: The Time for Accountability is Long Overdue
California - First in the Nation
Kucinich people: great job at the L.A. County Fair
Manchester Rally Kicks off "Firefighters for Kerry"
The Poll numbers in California don't make sense
Question for those who make the "Bushlite" accusation
Great event with Dennis in La Verne
Does anyone else here feel that Clark may be a stealth candidate?
Go easy on Clark, party leaders say
Kerry outlines state tax relief, help for states.
WP PILES ON CHENEY: Iraq and 9/11 claims continue to be BOGUS
should I have sent him somewhere other than DU for initial exposure
Fellow California’s (((check in )))
What's Wash. Post's source in Wilsongate?
(Alternet) Fifty Reasons Not to Vote for Arnold
Davis should resign,Bustamante is governor, thereby defeating the recall
Hurricane Juan smacks Nova Scotia.
Kucinich Pics from Today's Protest in Hollywood
Did Robert Novak commit a treasonous act(s)?
Did Novak oppose the war in Iraq?
Treason, high crimes and misdemeanors.
So what happened to the dreaded Cuban bioweapons threat (Carter's visit)?
Imagine, our next President will have Jewish ancestry.
could Chimpy win SD and also re-elect Daschle?
Seven Questions You Should Be Asking About Candidate Clark
Did *George W. Bush* commit a treasonous act?
Ambassador Joseph Wilson is a patriotic hero of the highest order.
People are desperate enough to jump the band-wagon for Clark
Clark Statement Before House Armed Services Committee 9/26/02
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bob Grady of the Carlyle Group...
Cut taxes, Cut taxes, Cut taxes, Cut taxes....
"the most insidious of traitors."
something weird happened to the DU Monitoring Blog
The Sisterhood, Taking On the Old Boy Network
Good theme song for the Bush Crime Family and their gullible supporters...
"Kidding on the square" - I love this phrase!!!
Neo-cons’ plans for global domination top annual censored story list
THIS time Bush lies about GOLF on FAUX News of course...
WP: White House would turn over phone records!
My local corp.paper: NO to touch-screen voting!
6:56 a.m. Omaha, NE - KMTV News, big piece about the Plaime issue.
Why hasn't Novak been arrested?
WTF? Saddam deceived about his own WMD...
pile on Lieberman thread – get all the bashing out of your system here
Wouldn't Novak be guilty of this...
embedded reporters- why aren't they there now?
Hannity this AM (re: White House and leak)
Wilson On MSNBC Now (9AM) (Over already)
CNN Relentlessly Flogging The "Arnold Can't Be Stopped" Story
Ahnold just said he supports Gay Marriage on the Stern Show.
Rove fired from 1992 Bush presidential campaign
Could Bush Be Made To Pay For His Crimes AFTER He's Out Of Office?
Sargent: Rummy knows who can find WMDs...
We should outsource government to India as well....
Heads up - Wilson to be on C-SPAN this morning 7:45am et
Handelsman: Clark is running on Smirk's record
Bush and ed/testing publishers: how many can he fit in the bed?
Dean and Clark supporters are surprisingly cuddly
What will the pro- War Resolution Dem candidates do about the
Kelsey Grammar jumps on the bandwagon...
10 Questions for Howard Dean - Any Answers?
OMG-Weisskopf from Time on MSNBC
Bush To Sign "Do Not Recall" Legislation Today
Some thoughts on civility and posting
Jonathan Turley - Full Metal Jacket
Why I don't like ANY of the candidates:
frank luntz looking for the truth??
Rove was fired by Bush Sr. for leaking to Novakula
Need link - Rove explains CA is ripe for stealing
CNN Poll: Bush an embarassment?
Why the Democrats are voiceless...
Mr. Rove readies his plans for us
Military stashes covert millions - at least $20 Million
Attacks on Dean may leave voters dizzy
Revealed! Reasons for Arnold's sudden poll surge
Does organized religion continue to play an important part in your life?
Good link for conservative critiques of Bush*
Thesis: as long as we elect 'centrist' politicians, we will continue to
Senator Byrd's statement about the $87 billion Iraq war request
Arnold scandal breaking later in the week?
Should polls be banned 60 days before an election?
Let me tell you what the bashing does to me. . .
bushCo knew : could NEVER be Impeached "Independent Council Statute" DIED
Bush does not like this "Do not Call List: ;)
Why are 3 out of 8 CWA spokesmen male?
Did the leak lead to any deaths?
Bruce Ensor (CNN) doubts CIA probe of WH will have results.
Diamond Political Grid: Analysis of Each Candidate (not bashing) and You
My calculator doesn't have enough zeroes...
Bush is a self-serving corporate whore
If you could personally decide the president, who would it be?
Why is Dean saying Clark was a Republican 25 days ago?
Al Franken Speaking in Cambridge
TV News Lies Broadcast Starting Now - 12 Noon ET.
Seems Novak is Roves favorite reporter when he needs a story leaked
Why is Cheney continuing to link Iraq and 9/11?
turn onC-Span now...Daniel Pipes just insinuated Kucinich and Moore are
breakdown of $87 Billion for the sheeple
OH The Irony. "We gonna build an American style Democracy in Iraq"
Before Schumer's press conference, Team Bush is
So my Dad is getting MORE telemarketing calls since Signing up
McClelland talking now in C-Span 2
CNN having Iraqi lovefest w/Gen. Don Shepherd & O'Hanlon (?)
Screw Nike. Buy Black Spot Sneakers. (Adbusters project)
You are missing McClelland being grilled! What a pleasure! C-Span 2 n/t
Tricky Dick Can't Let Go, Still Says Iraq, 9/11 Connected
Watch McClellan Fall Apart ONLINE!
Statisticians??? How can 787 be an adequate sample???
Poll: Should Rummy Resign? 65% YES!!!!
F**CK the issues. Elections should be held like a beauty pageant.
Buy this week's TIME and NEWSWEEK!
Dumbest Question of the McMoron regime
LTTE: Stop Beating Up On President's Associate
I love how the media takes a poll and runs with it's results.
Since GeeDub only "skims the headlines"
Damn, did I just get ripped off?
Does this remind you of anyone (even yourself)?
Excerpts from Clark's "Winning Modern Wars"
Anyone else uncomfortalbe with Marvin Gaye's Let's Get It On
Dana Milbank " it may be illegal for a reporter to give name of CIA agent"
BBV: Lawyer takes on BBV in FL
Operation Lifeline (our over 6000 wounded & ill troops)
for CA recall: Arnold's true Mother... stripes SHOWING in LAT
Young Conservatives of Texas Bake Sale was bad Idea?
CNN Is Doing Its Job? Wow........
Byrd on C-span 2 now - Putting 87B dollars into context (1:19 ET) n/t
Any RW Talk Show Host mention Wilsongate yet?
Bush joke my daughter just sent me.
"I Did NOT... Tell Secrets... To That Man... Mr. Novak"
O'Really: Slip Sliiiiiiiiiidin Away...
Call your reps/senators about Wilson, then kick this thread, PLEASE!?
Question: Who was Karl Rove's counterpart in the Clinton admin.?
C-Span C-Span2.. Warfest all day today...using EXACT same
Somebody fill me in on this CIA agent -"Wilsongate" deal.
Help. Zogby poll of Iraqi people being cited by Kit Bond in the
AMB. Wilson to be on Paula Zahn Now today.
Hey, California Dems, do you want Bush* reselected? GET OFF YOUR ASS...
replay of Amb. Wilson on C-Span ...NOW
Drudge's Lead Story: "Who Leaked the Name?"
so now Putin is backing away from Kyoto ?
Wilson to MSNBC TV Monday - Rove condoned it
Clark supporters: Are you really ok with this Acxiom/CAPPS II stuff?
Newsweek's dishonest poll: Changed results over weekend...
I just got a so-called email poll with no Dean on it.
The bashing of Wilson begins by Rush.
Forget Clark. Colin Powell quits and becomes a Dem
Dean's on in a few taking calls on NPR Talk of the Nation,1-800-989-TALK
Wilson to be on Paula Zahn's NOW (8 PM tonight)
American Stranger on i.e.America radio!
Okay, why did Novak write the Wilson article?
Who would you MOST like to see debate Bush*?
October 7 special election ballot donors, endorsements, supports... FYI..
The question Chirac will not ask of Laura Bush
lol rofl snarf sputter: Clark - "I would have been gay"
Interview with Bev Harris. CONTACT your Sec. of State!!!
Clark proposes creating new DEPARTMENT OF PEACE....no, seriously!
Oh come on people get on the ball!!!!!!!
Senator Edwards goes on the offensive against General Clark
US Ambassador implies it is not a crime to kill Hugo Chavez?!...
Why I'm thinking about leaving DU
Have you ever been slammed - by a LW media organization?
ATTENTION Any Election-Stealing Planners in California!!!!
Is that "You've Got the Green Light" commercial annoying or what?
Worse Traitor: Reposted as Poll
Rush Spinning so much he must be getting dizzy
Children Named after Corporate Brand Names
Rush. This dosen`t come close to what Clinton did.
Who Will Ashcrack Appoint As Special Prosecutor?
"This is not a big issue" - Howard Dean on Sierra Blanca nuclear waste
Watch Crossifre Today: Novak to talk about Wilson
Candidates on the Issues.... Interesting Kuchinich web site
Chim-Chim and Republicans gambling with troops lives -- again
Salon: Another case of electronic vote-tampering?
All Dean, Clark, Edwards, anybody-but-bush ppl from north TX area...ATTN
Wolf To Talk about Wilson/White House (CNN)
If your candidate is hated by the pundits vote no on new rules
The Most Insidious of Traitors (my Plame story, HELP)
Tin Foil Hat Time - What is the WH hiding
Did anyone catch Charlie Rose's interview with the CEO of GE?
Re: Drudge report- why is Matlin's picture up?
Imagine if our next President is Sane and Reasonable, able to
Ted Kennedy on C-SPAN 2 now 3:07 p.m. ET -Showing slides with excellent
McClelland's press briefing today. NOW POSTED ON WHITE HOUSE PAGE
Robert Bennett from Utah - defending the Adm. and attacking
Do red counties have a LOWER average income than blue counties?
Holy Guacamole: Novak Did NOT!! Cite "Administration" As Source
$Katherine Harris/her brother$, FGCU and the Florida Panther.
Post's Walter Pincus Discusses Wilsongate Live Online at 3:30 p.m ET Today
The OPIs ++++++DEMAGOGUE HALL of FAME++++++++
Why are California Radio Stations Carrying Sean Hannity This Week?
What If The Admin "Official" Who Outed Wilson's Wife was KARL ROVE!
Hour 20 minutes for Rush to talk about Wilson problem.
This CIA story is huge and here is why
Do Americans want health care as badly as they wanted the "No Call"??
More disbelief at Freeperville
Is Don Luskin Really So Full of It? He Claims the Rich Have Gotten Poorer
Can someone explain this CIA story? I am totally lost.
Ha Ha! Shrub will face snubs on visit to England.
MSNBC - Bush denied Rove was leaker n/t
Proposed rules to start threads in the General Discussion forum.
DU Project: California Recall / Censorship going on...
Bush Media Scandal II: Iraqi Defectors Used US Journos to Spread Lies
Ok, i have some suggestions for what -gate to call this scandal.
Ashcroft -- the first to cover up Wilsongate?
Cliff May smearing Wilson - says Wife CIA no secret
Limbaugh says Dean should hire him as his advisor....
its 3pm, where the press conference?
Bob Novak to discuss situation today on "Crossfire" at 4:30pm EST.
For the poster who wanted to know about the Guantanamo
Italian Blackout on Sunday-BBC
So Novack is really NO VA (in Spanish, doesn't go)
Novak goes to war vs. Bush & Rove!!!! Today's article...
Lonsberry TOAST: clear channel fires RW host over racist remarks
Who is Valerie Plame? Where is Valerie Plame? Will she speak out?
FBI bypasses First Amendment to nail a hacker
Buchanan and Press today --- Amb Joe Wilson, patriot
Just announced... Clark leads polls in California!!!!!!!!
Scathing Editorial against Bush in Tuscaloosa, Al newspaper
Bob Novak will address Wilson story on Crossfire
CNN Poll - re: independent investigation
Du this poll, Should there be an independent investigation?
Is Bruce Springsteen too powerful to be Dixie Chicked?
Vote for $87B scheduled for Friday
Al Martin: 70 people killed as a result of Rove/ Novak leak
Repubs Are Turning Politics On It's Ear. And That Is NOT A Good Thing.
Four-Year Old Shooter to be Tried as an Adult?
It's Monday morning-Tom Tomorrow's new one is up!
CNN - Clark voted for Al Gore in 2000
Jeb, Big Sugar have pro-Envionmentalist Judge Ousted....
Replay of Teddy Kennedy addressing CBC
David Horowitz: GOP storms the liberal ivory tower
Coulter and David Limbaugh being jackasses together:
Which is your preferred, pet impeachment charge?
Dean's organization: How strong? How populist?
Did Wilson back off the Rove accusation?
watch the freepers spin Novakulagate
Wilson coming up now on Buchanan and Press.
What do we tell the children when they do a google search
Will John Ashcroft investigate white house?
Must see TV: Tonight make it C-Span!
Wolfie and CNN's Main Poll Identical
How far would you go to fight this?
Breaking News-Joe Wilson Is On Buchanan And Press
Vote to keep the GD we all love, vote NO on the new rules!
Begala's point about Clinton being investigated over football tickets....
Is bush getting ready to raise taxes? I bet he is.. since he went
Will someone break down this CIA story for me?
When did all this "California is a liberal state" crap get started?
Bush finally did something good today!!
Play the new flash media game "Boot Bush"
I'm taking bets that Mary Matalin
More about Wilson on CNBC Now 6:30 EST
Wow -- Harry Reid (D-Nev) used the "T" word
Tonight on C-Span: Ronnie Musgrove vs. Haley Barbour
MSNBC says CIAgate could "fizzle quickly" because media won't talk
Did anyone else see the new show "NCIS" last week????
The kind of independent counsel that should investigate Wilsongate
Why are Democrats voting for Arnold in California?
If they're already denying Rove did it, it must have been him!!
Very interesting picture on Yahoo
Memo to the candidate flame warriors
Hypothetical: If Clark Gets Nominated and Selects a Progressive Veep
Esquire Feature Story: The General (Clark)
Proposed rules to start threads in the General Discussion forum. (#2)
AWESOME Clark Town Hall Meeting (the One Everyone Raved About) Now Online
Admiral Stansfield Turner (under Carter) is trashing current Admin....
The Bush* Family Laff Riot – Fart Machines
Now Ashcrack Can Use the Patriot Act to Find Out Who Leaked
NOVAKULA: Why did he have to name her? What was the point?
Hannity...Novak said his source was CIA
David Ensor on CNN: Sources say Wilson's Wife was an Operative
Lets face it people, Arnold's gonna win next week!
Whoever leaked this is a traitor.
a HUGE shift in MAJOR media reporting: "RESISTANCE FIGHTERS"
Halle Berry as CATWOMAN (sucks!)
My paper on Affirmative Action
Okay all you Dean supporters - got the perfect VP for Dean.
Fox News is covering up Rovegate
Buchanan on MSNBC (Wilson Story)
Ten Running Democrats, Or: THe Pleasures of Remaining Undecided
check out this film animation at eric blumrich's site....
Frag Officer: Hugh Shelton Smears Wes Clark
ABC Nightline topic is college sports. ... WTF?
Is Wilsongate the latest in the White House Vs. CIA duel ?
Here's The Original Novak Commentary That Lead Us To 'Traitorgate'
It ought to be "Uraniumgate," not "Wilsongate" should it not?
Hardball: Tweety leads with Ah-nold's lofty poll numbers. WTF?
The Official "Not Giving Two Craps about California Election" Thread
MUST READ: Conservative Drezner Undresses Rove For Blowing Agent's Cover
since Arnold is ahead in one poll?
NOVAKULA: The question no one is asking him, IMPORTANT
Should all other Democrats unite to fight the Clark juggernaut?
who thinks there will be a feeding frenzy about Wilsongate?
Interesting CNN Quick Poll at www.cnn.com
Ann Coulter is coming to UNC CH
Found Out that God IS on Our Side & Is a Democrat............spooky
Who else thinks Jerry Brown is an idiot?
Sen. Harkin on C-Span 2 NOW - Plame outing!!!
Is Wilson overexposing himself?
Forgive me, guys, I just did a REALLY NASTY THING!
Who here either saw or read "The Sacred Balance" by David Suzuki?
Howard Dean now on NPR's Talk of the Nation
Teresa Heinz Kerry off of Forbes 400
Norm Coleman's 2008 re-election challenge
Wilson: I Made Up Rove Leak Allegation
Why it is not important whatsoever who Clark voted for 20 years ago
Clark Calls for Independent Investigation into CIA Leak
I think a 2nd Watergate is coming
ABC News: CIA confirms outing has hurt US national security
Thoughts on the NOW segment on faith-based programs
Does this moron EVER take a good picture ???????
I just unsubscribed from Dean's mailing list
What event solidified you as a Dem?
Blitzer on CNN burning up the Wires with WilsonGate Story! Hard News!
I just heard back from my care package Soldier ..Thanks SoCalDem
New Recall Poll seriously flawed
Hey Bev Harris-How come no posts ?
Why Clark Can Let us Reclaim the South (long post)
Why is it a "good thing for Iraq and the world that Saddam is gone"?
Dean on NPR Talk of the Nation
RW RADIO - My Head Is Spinning (They Finally Get It RE: WMD's)
Novak is a TRAITOR! Novak Bashing thread!
I cannot understand these types of "Democrats"...
Is Wesley Clark TOO much of a threat?
Republicans CANNOT BE TRUSTED with National Security
What's wrong with the No Child Left Behind Act?
Why did Bob Novak reveal Wilson's Wife's Name? Aside from his WH Ties.....
Proposed rules to start threads in the General Discussion forum. (#3)
Actual Associated Press Headline - U.S. Troops Battle Resistance Fighters
Black Box Voting Book: It will be FREE OF CHARGE -- Available this Wed.
Investing in irony (watching Fl. crumble using the pension fund)
Listening to a thinly veiled racist conversation right now.
Clark's Lobbying for Domestic Spy Firm - Any Answers?
Did the CA "Numbers" Send an Ice Cold Message to Democrats??
Why are Idaho and Wyoming so overwhelmingly Republican?
Novak just lied on Crossfire which means this story is big!
Can you out of staters please cool it with the Arnold's gonna win stuff?
Why is there such continued hostility toward religion on these boards???
history of the Plame/Wilson story in links
Bev Harris Interview on Buzzflash
"We've discussed this ad nauseam" is not an answer to candidate queries
Dean supporters: Please sign in
WP 9/29 Media Review Conduct After Leak - (lots of quotes)
New tape says U.S. targeting Islam
Another case of electronic vote-tampering?
Bustamante Dogged by Campaign Funding Issues (Reuters)
Some Iraqis say Bush money request doesn't address needs
With Clark drafted, volunteers' fight over
Pilot: Feds dragging feet in arming pilots
U.S. probes leak of CIA agent's identity
US Defiant over Bulgaria's Special Services Advisor
andrew bolt ..australias Novak..
HOUSE WATCH-9/29/2003 (Pro Forma Session)
SENATE WATCH-9/29/2003 (#1) (D.C. Appropriations)
Lawmakers Receiving Secret Donations Under Loophole (Florida)
Sending Korean troops to Iraq helps economy-finmin
Ambasador Wilson on CSpan - 07:50
Iran Acknowledges Enriched Uranium Found
WP: Fanning The Flames Of Antiwar (At the Black Caucus Gala)
Marchers Demand U.S. Pullout From Iraq
Canada's Manulife Buying Insurance Giant John Hancock
'British troops have a culture of rape'
Air traffic controller appeals dismissal
Schrempp resigns from NYSE board
California County Keeps E-Vote (Diebold)
US Troops In 8-Hour Gunbattle In Sunni, Iraqi Town
Hubble Glimpses New Moons around Uranus
CIA pursues video game ("ridiculous and absurd scheme")
Dean calls Clark a Beltway puppet
Al Franken on "The Connection" now
Iraq, 9/11 Still Linked By Cheney - MUST READ
Latest from Yahoo - White House Denies Leaking CIA Identity(about Karl)
Military stashes covert millions
General Election In Afghanistan May Be Postponed
Nobel Peace Prize Winner Chosen, to Be Named Oct 10
EU Ministers Support Iraq Handover
Military Families Critical Of Deployment Rules Fear Backlash/tbo
Energy bill could aid new power plant in Minnesota
AP Exclusive: Hunt for Bin Laden Resisted
OK for voting machines relieves state officials (GA) AJC
Iran Says It's Prepared to Undergo More Severe Nuclear Inspections Because
Blast From the Past? (Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy)
Putin: Russia Yet to Decide on Kyoto Treaty
Bush's big swindle of Americans and Iraqis to pay off corporations
Russia was asked to fight US forces in Afghanistan: Putin
GOP's energy bill reflects industry, White House priorities
CNN Breaking: Schumer calling 3:00 press conference
Iraqi Insurgents Ambush U.S. Convoys
No Experience Required-USA Today
Trade Group To Abide by No-Calls List
Bush to Sign Do-Not-Call Legislation
Dean: The Time for Accountability is Long Overdue
State workers reject contract offers (minnesota)
Joe Wilson on Buchanan & Press starting NOW
FBI bypasses First Amendment to nail a hacker
Administration vows cooperation in probe of intelligence leak (CNN)
Turkish soldier killed in fight with Kurdish rebels
Senator Tom Harkin on c-span {WH Leak}
It's all about the Andrews on ABC (Pact with Treasury to hype new $20s)
Putin uses hard-ball tactics to win Bush endorsement for Russia
Clark Calls for Independent Investigation into CIA Leak
Sun takes charge of $1.05 billion
SEC Seeking Documents from Former Enron CEO
Internet Explorer flaw could send your phone bill soaring
U.S. diplomat criticizes Israel on settlements
U.S. Soldier Killed, 1 Hurt in Rebel Raid West of Baghdad
U.S. Arrests Man Linked to American Muslim Groups
Iraq's Constitution Deadline Will Not Be Met, Iraqis Say
More Illinois National Guard units activated
2 reported shot at Hennepin County (MN)Government Center
Much Iraqi defector information unusable-NY Times
City Is Scanning for Faces in the Crowd
Web Site Encourages Bush Challengers
Escaped Gorilla Injures Two In Boston
CNN Breaking: Novak says it's all Bush bashing...
Juan hits Canada's eastern coast with winds... rain; Kate strengthens ...
White House Denies Leaking CIA Identity
WHouse rejects independent counsel / Columnist refuses to reveal source
A Republican surprise in Louisiana
Poll: Bush losing Hispanic support
Republicans Get Behind Schwarzenegger in Calif. Race
US troops take heavy casualties west of Baghdad: witnesses
At least 6 U.S. soldiers wounded in Iraq (Fallujah) attack (CNN)
Just saw a funny ad for Tampons
Just saw one of the best punk shows ever, ask me something
I watching 'The Sopranos" on DVD ask me anything
hey, what do you think of my political website
I think some DUers take me less seriously because of my avatar -
Cryonics -- anyone else interested?
Not sure how to ask this (cremation question)
Help, I'm being held prisoner by my girlfriend
Ya know, it's great when you see a row of 3 beers
Class-Action Suit Against Fast Food Chains For False Advertising?
My notorious bloody noses are back
Tom Tomorrow's book or Boondocks newest collection-which should i order?
If they EVER do a Bill O'Reilly movie.. THIS guy's the one
I'm gonna hit the schnapps and I'm gonna hit it hard....
Blair: curse of the Pink Panther strikes again?
"George do you have to sleep in that flight suit!
Janeane Garofalo birthday thread
Pics from the weekend's protests
Lance Henriksen ringside for ALIEN VS PREDATOR
BBC Publicity Dept -- DR. WHO is coming back to television (In Two Forms)
Man Test Drives Ferrari........Steals It During Rush Hour
Remember Laura's "tablecloth" shawl???
Director Elia Kazan dies at 94
We've hit the Literary Trifecta - Time to WooHoo!!!
Letterman cracks me up - the real reason behind J.Lo's breakup...
Whooooweee! I took my viagra last night
What is truth about Clinton and Juanita Broadderick?
Sympathy please - I just found out I'm Dubya's 6th cousin.
Who's gonna take one for the team & read about the Bushs' marriage in LHJ?
Jag (RepubRoomie) is wearing a Cthulhu shirt!
It's Catherine Zeta Jones that spoils movies for me
congrads to diamondsoul 1000 posts
Any DU gamers planning on getting Halo for PC?
Something is TERRIBLY not RIGHT with the NYT non-fiction bestsellers list
Herman Edwards (Jets Coach) Needs to be Fired
The 5 Best QB's in the NFL Based On QB Rating
I'm home from work sick on my birthday. Ask me anything.
Why can't this woman figure out how to wave bye-bye??
Will Pitt should come to Annapolis or Baltimore
Would Will Pitt ever come to St Louis?
Anyone else uncomfortalbe with Marvin Gaye's Let's Get It On
"Lost in Translation" Maybe the Worst Movie I've Seen
Meow, hiss, snarl, scratch, purr, squeak
Movies for Democrats Monday 9/29 alert
Re-read my insurance last night-in the event of Volcano eruption COVERED
What, me worry????? Caption Bush E. Neuman
Pre-captions for your viewing pleasure
Uuuh Mommy! Bad man follow me. Wants to make me CAPTION
EastEnders is no more (in USA)
American Pie folks (D) or (R)?
lol rofl snarf sputter: Clark - "I would have been gay"
Is that "You've Got the Green Light" commercial annoying or what?
CAPTIONS light the corners of my mind, Misty water colored CAPTIONS
Still no Grotto!!!!! SBP must have died!!!!
What a shitty football weekend
I'm watching 2001, ask me anything
Can anyone recommend a (freeware) windows fax program?
I passed the LPI Level 1 Exam 101 today - ask me anything
Do some DUers take me less seriously for having no avatar?
Gotta Let Your Soul Shine....Jeff a.k.a...AWD....;-P
Yeah...time to start prayin' for the Moderators
Play 'Where In The World Is Osama Bin Laden?'
The Mayberry Machiavelli of all CAPTIONS!!!
The Soggy Statistician of all CAPTIONS!!!
For the man who depends on Depends . . . of all CAPTIONs!!!
I'm paying the Provincial Gov't an extra $765--ask me anything!
Like tewtally psychedelic mon!
What do you think of Teddy? NEW PHOTOS!
Bush joke my daughter just sent me.
Who Watched Episode 1 of Martin Scorcese's "Blues"?
Will MN state workers go on strike? Looks like they will.
Holy Shit- my wife's work just got a bomb scare
Who do you think will win the Series?
Help! I need a distraction!!!!
"The Legend of Ron Jeremy" -- Possibly the BEST Movie I've ever seen
Will Pitt just mentioned on Jeopardy!
GOP family Values! Bartcops nastiest Arnold pic ever!!
Take me now, Lord! I am ready!
The Munsters vs the Addams Family....you decide!!
Jerry Manuel and Mike Hargrove fired
I ate in the cafeteria next to Mike Dukakis today!
A picture of me with other Dean supporters was in the Sunday local paper
Kissinger Appointed to Lead CIA Inquiry
Note to identity thieves: don't steal the identity of a sex offender
G@#&!!@t all to H%#@!!!!!!!!!!
Did Limbaugh make a racist remark about Donovan McNabb?
The Gaped Crusader of all CAPTIONS!!!
Who here has ever had a relative hanged, that you KNOW?
First pic of Halle Berry as CATWOMAN
Anybody else hate the movie "Chicago?"
Anyone know of a good site to buy movies?
Did anyone watch "The Lyon's Den" last night?
Best History Books read lately?
Remember the movie Creepshow....did ya....love it or hate it?
Another Leak At The White House!
Will Katie Couric have a special for kids explaining what "Traitor" is?
Hey Rocky, watch me pull an avatar out of my hat!
C...A...P.. (He's doing really well, no? Oh he's doing fine)T...I...O...N
Halle Berry as CATWOMAN (sucks!)
Worst "Best Picture" Oscar Winning Movie?
"The Liberal Elites"--code-word?
I'm Making MOUSSAKA Tonight - Ask GOPisEVIL anything!!
My dear darling DUer photoshoppers!
Is It Just Me, Or Does "K-Street" Really Suck?
Last Call! NYC area DUers, come to my party, dammit!
Each post to this thread must be in rhyme
Why I am a Republican...Too funny...
What was the last book you finished and when did you finish it?
I love the Washington State Patrol!
Was Gene Roddenberry a conservative libertarian?!