Democratic Underground

Archives: September 3, 2003

Oh, darn...

The Radical Case for Gay Marriage: Why Progressives Must Join the Fight

NYT: Endangered Peace In Afghanistan

Protests at the Republican Convention

Josh Marshall: Kerry isn't waffling on Iraq

CNN Anchor Goes Public About His Brother's Suicide

EPA lifts ban on selling PCB sites

NYT: Franken Retorts, You Decide

Dowd: Empire of Novices

America and Fundamental Christianity cannot co-exist for Much Longer

Jobs and energy independence -- check this out!

"America Is Building a World Order"

High-tech out-sourcing and activism

Dim Son will be in Indy on Friday . . . how do I find out how to

National Dean Meetup is Tomorrow night!!!, sign up.

TV dinner has turn 50.

thoughts on the end of the world.

"The Sacred Balance" begins 9/3 on pbs - David Suzuki

Good News: The New Civil Rights Movement

Check this out...

The "new message" coloring is on the Foreign Affairs icon...

You allow the the anti-Democrats to badger, insult and undermine

Barricade or prison?

Poll: Dean and Kerry in virtual dead heat nationally against Bush

'Dialogue for Peace' Saturday in Sedona (AZ)

Tom Harkin's Annual Steak Fry - Question

Sorry, dupe

Ipsos/Cook Political Report Poll:

Kerry on Larry King Live Now!!

Will Pitt and PeteNYC's ideas...MUST READ!!!

Kucinich supporters! Your guy is rocking over at the Newsday poll!

Dean TV ads running in New Mexico...

and I am taking the road less taken by and that makes all the difference

I am sad to say I have changed my mind about whom to support for president

Will this have any ramifications?

Candy Crowley on Newsnight coins new term: Kerry is Dean-Heavy

Bill Bradley VP?

Iowa peace group endorses Kucinich as candidate for peace

NOVA on now - "Bioterror" -pbs

As a Democrat, I always listen to differing slants on a subject. I give

Don't you hate when you agree with the RW radio host?

hilarious japanese ahnold commercials

Heads Up! Franken on MSNBC Countdown!

Will Janklow run again?

HEY ALL. Wife bought me Al Franken's book for anniversary

Al Franken to be on with Keith Olberman this hour

Calf. 9/17 debate.... candidates get he questions in advance.....CNN Now

ya think Keith Olberman watches Jon Stewert ???

AWOL Under the reduce troops....

A new voting sect to purge from the rolls....

Who would have bigger coattails?

What is a "Metro-Sexual?" I could ask in the Lounge.....but it came up

A right-wing rhetorical trick:

Drudge: Arnold's Weightlifter Buddy Told All to ABC in Interview

The Manufacturing Czar

It's The War, Stupid

How many more casualties of the Iraq War like this are going unnoticed?

A-Test protestors organize world-wide boycott of US goods

need help about social security issues in an email sent to me

Does anyone know anything about this...

The 18181 problem revised: 2 of 4 LEGISLATIVE races: 1 out of 1,601,666!

Lol: Funny Political Ad on Comedy Central

US abandons African AIDS programme

Charley Liteky: A REAL Hero

everyone on DU is a huge bigot

I'm 17 and I support Dean

Please don't suspect EVERY newbie

Bush's Psyche: "So george, how do you feel about your mom and dad?"

I'm 16 years old and I support Dennis Kucinich!

Kerry Announcement on CSPAN now. nt

National Dean Meetup is Tomorrow, sign up!

I'm going to a Dean Meetup in Cheyenne Wyoming!

Should a Presidential candidate be married?

Dems out to avenge DeLay’s comment on Kennedy’s girth

NightLine Thread: Securing the Peace in Iraq

The Dems are just a weak, pathetic party. We ask for little and will

Don't worry the democratic party will be saved :)

16 months & 30 billion dollars to restore Iraq oil output to prewar levels

I honestly think * is about to blow

Letterman's top 10 list last night

The Biggest Myth of All Time

I call for a ceasefire on all Dem attack threads EXCEPT Lieberman

What's the deal with the Howard Stern callers on C-Span?

How effective are the Dean Meetups

interesting point from the "extras" on the BFC DVD

did the Bushes' servants quit?


Whats the story behind the * in place of Bush's name?


Al Franken will be on NPR's Fresh Air tomorrow.

Help! I could use some advice from an Attorney in FL

Senator Harkin

The Stanford Prison Experiment

Bush throws temper tantrum on video - Thread #3

AOL Poll -Would you read Jessica Lynch's Book?

Slate: John Kerry’s missing courage

578 reasons that the Right fears Kerry...

Greg Palast Gets Down and Dirty On BBV.... LYNCHING BY LAPTOP

Deleted message

Who Can Give the Best Title for Jessica Lynch's Book?

Is Howard Dean the "Ross Perot" of the 2004 Campaign? I need help

the only reason Hillary leads the declared candidates in national polls…

Kerry is being nailed for a double standard.

Bill Maher

What is happening in Venezuela?

What should be the U.S. military policy in Iraq ??

Nearly 40,000 of America's frontline soldiers are not US citizens

list possible dust jacket quotes for Jessica Lynch's book

Do we have a chance in hell OUR votes will be counted?

DeanLink, the new campaign tool!

Two Arrested Over Omagh Bombing - Ireland

Kerry Opens W. House Bid Slamming Bush As ‘Radical’

First visit by Jordanian monarch to Iran in 25 years

U.S. to Ask U.N. for Wider Role in Iraq

Ocalan Re-Ignites Turkish Kurdish Revolt

Recall candidates will get early look at questions

U.S. to Ask U.N. for Wider Role in Iraq

Star (Tim Robbins) Attacks U.S. Culture of Fear

The Life and Death of Russia's Space Shuttle Program

Texas: Democratic senator returning home

Pentagon lacks manpower to keep current occupation force in Iraq

Pentagon May Have to Reduce U.S. Forces in Iraq - CBO

Pentagon May Have to Reduce U.S. Forces in Iraq -CBO (By half)

Hour's Notice Could Have Halted Blackout -Mich. Gov Jennifer Granholm (D)

Rserve, Guard Units Hit Hard

Bush poised to seal Singapore FTA today

Iraqi Freedom Party Investigation Counts 37,137 Civilian War Deaths

Congress Seeking Bush's Iraq Strategy

EPA lifts ban on selling PCB sites (without fanfare).

Abortion Doctor's Killer Expects 'Reward'

China Indicates It Will Reject U.S. Devaluation Calls

Motorist shoots, kills man after tomatoes thrown at car

NYT: Bush Admin eases rules on emergency care


Iraq War Erodes World's Post-9/11 Sympathy for US

Need URL about Texas kids sick

Funniest Products

My wife and I have an invitation to a gay marriage ceremony

UGH, I really need some therapy...

Bush Announces New Job Creation McCzar...

A page for geeks [warning : it is really gruel]

Damn you, DU!



Have you seen an ad featuring a black person's foot branded with an "N?"

paid product placement

Confused by "fair and balanced" label appearing on cover..

Hypnotoad alert: Cartoon network

Anyone watching "A Decade Under The Influence"?

Rolling Stones now have their songs at the iTunes Music Store

Killer Snipe Peck Out Kansas Hunter's Eyes

So, young DUERS

Caption the Whistle Ass taking the Handoff

What's your favorite Young Ones episode?

Favorite song by Dion (and the Belmonts)?

Does anyone read The Big Takeover?

Which DU product should I get?

For SweetZombieJesus

The Onion presents America's Best Zoo Exhibits

Any DUers work for the DMV

Favorite "Slob Movies"

Any lawyers here? (or law students)

Legal guidance needed on murder investigation

"Complex picture of female sexuality hinders magic pill"

Wow, my August electric bill was $90!

32 days after arriving in AZ...

Ben and Jerry's Ethical Dilemma

Who's going to win the next Survivor? The meth-head, drunk, or acid-freak?

What's the best way to fix MSBLAST on an XP dialup system?

Scary Areas in Dade County

Favorite Curtis Mayfield tune (with or without the Impressions)

Return of the GROTTO!

Where in the hell are all the old timers?

For my 7000th post, here are some sick and funny video clips. Enjoy :-)

What are your experiences/dealings with actual nazis or the KKK?

Tell me

The Nine Levels of DU Hell

I just rode 24 miles in less than 2 hours. Ask me something....

Favorite Motown act of the 1960s?

Well......I need glasses! (not surgery)

Arnold flabby? Is this picture for real?

We're buying a whole new computer system.

Gene Lyons: Inventing a New Metaphor in Iraq

Mindset List Underscores Cultural Gap

San Francisco Chronicle: Little money going for 'yes on recall' campaign

Non-Sequitur Bashes Fox Viewers

BBC Analysis: Why Bush now wants the UN in Iraq

George Bush The blind prophet

And the hits just keep on comin'...

The Blind Prophet

It's sink or swim for school kids - Bullets vs. Schoolbooks

Bush's reelection liabilities mount

Democracy yes, oil rape no

Hilarious WP piece on Arnold

Just What We Need! A Manufacturing Czar!

Facing the truth about Iraq - THE WAR IS LOST by James Carroll

The worst of times - Like just before the French Revolution

It's only disinformation when a fool actually believes it ~

Salon: Why Dean and Franken Are So Hot Right Now

From Tweedle Dick to Tweedle Dean

Live from Iraq, it's the real story

Andrew Sullivan Gets Wobbly

Hilarious, but also sad, cartoon by Guardian's Steve Bell -

Friedman writes another stupid column

This is probably required reading by Bin Laden, Inc.

O'Reilly's short fuse lights an amazing fire under Franken's book

Taipei Times: UN in Iraq would let GWB off the hook

Shedding Some Light on Bustamante's Dark Activist Past

Letters from Iraq in Stars n' Stripes

Cle IndyMedia Report: Labor Day Protest Against Bush in Richfield

Draft Gore MeetUp September 8th

DeanLink the newest Dean tool! Also, php coders, graphic designers sign up

Great Conan moment tonight..........

Birth of a new media monster -- Vivendi/GE/NBC/Universal Studios

Michael Powell on C-SPAN - Corporate Tool

Dems Out to Avenge Delay's Comment on Kennedy's Girth

The Blaster's parents

Is Bush the third anti-Christ "Mabus" described by Nostradamus?

Changing job title, minimizing responsibilities on a resume - help

Astrologers, a serious question...

Nostradamus, Black Elk and the 'blue turban'

Daily U.S. Casualties 9/3/2003

Massachusetts Pending Decision

Durham Becomes First County In N.C. To Offer Gay Partner Benefits

Anti-Gay Billboard Case Returns To Court

Verizon, Nortel sign $1-billion (U.S.) pact

Info needed -- state budgets

Bush Supported Outsourcing Continues

More evidence of crony capitalism

Whale Populations in NA Were Once Far Larger Than Previously Estimated

Researcher sees cellophane window to 3D

Light shed on lightning

Bomb blast at Baghdad police station shows US opponents more confident

Bush &Company's Defence Policy = World Destruction

Kurdish rebels call off their five-year ceasefire with Turkey

Mozambican police stunned by child smuggling

Africa's hospitals are in a sickly condition

Two bombs explode under Russia commuter train

Panel: Former Iraqi POWs may have information on Ron Arad

Libya Cuts Diplomatic Ties With Lebanon

Getting it up is a matter of the heart

Morning-after pill available without doctor - Canada

Depression commonly untreated: report - Canada

Just ONE more thread on blind shooters please

The Six Things

Anyone see this? Man shoots someone who threw tomatoes at his car

Dozens of weapons stolen

Mods keep an eye on our newest member

Just curious about the commercials on i.e. America Radio

OK, this is getting ridiculous.


Can I have a star?

Dreams and Delusions...

Arafat: 'The road map is dead'

Former Jerusalem Post Columnist Discusses Why He Was Forced Out of the Pap

Police seek to block riot indictments

Police arrest brother of Jewish terror suspect Sela Tor

Arafat declares roadmap dead

Nasr Allah: US doesn't want stable Iraq

Always looking on the bright side of life

To deport or not to deport

IDF: Battered Hamas turns to PA, Egypt in bid to renew truce

Jewish peace winner attacks Israel

Harvard must give back tainted money

Estate of John P. O'Neill v. Iraq, et al (9-11 Iraq link)


Wasn't Kerry supposed to be on Larry King last night?

Dean Plans Second Visit to Santa Fe

Interesting Josh Marshall piece on Kerry's Iraq stance

DeanLink...what a cool tool...

Why Dean CAN Win in '04

Dems lead GOP in soft money

Debating Wesley Clark: The New Republic (an online debate)

Wesley Clark interview - today 9/3/03 - CNN's Inside Politics

They Posted My Wallpaper On The Official Website!!!

Senate Repubs to force Dems to take position on same-sex marriage.

Support for Bush slips in Wisconsin

ABC's The Note: Interesting Dean report....

Kerry live on CNN Inside Politics today at 4pm EST

Dean Criticizes 'Foreign Policy Based On Petulance'

Kerry heads back to thwart Dean's regional challenge

Frothing Spew by a would-be Kucinich Congressional opponent for Ohio-10

Kerry is rocking the house in Boston right now

Watch Kerry at Faneuil Hall LIVE on his web site!

Why I Support Howard Dean

Ipsos Cook: Candidate's heat could burn him

Ahhhh-Nold gets an egg tossed at him before speech

Newsday Poll...Kucinich leads...

OK Kerry supporters: Let's show our enthusiasm for Kerry's Boston speech

The new Iowa and NH Kerry TV ads are posted at

Great anti-DLC flash (Pro Dean and Kucinich)

Ipsos/Cook Political Report Poll

Human Rights Campaign: Kerry Has "Stellar Record On Gay Civil Rights"

Kerry shuts down Judy Woodruff---Yeaaaaa!

Dean Criticizes 'Foreign Policy Based On Petulance'

Candidate Vince Joins DU!

By making the vote on IWR all important we are playing into Rove's hands

10,000 have joined Dean Meetup in the last 4 days....

Kerry Was On Fire In Boston!!!

Clark says he's a Dem but says Sept. 19th will bring "closure"

I don't get Kerry's comment today

Dean dump for renie

Can Kucinich run for both re-election and the WH?

Question about Kucinich

Best Dean Quotes Thread: Post Your Favorites

Jonathan Pollard ?

Do you believe in the death penalty?

Outing of CIA operative by Rove resulted in 70 deaths.

Art Torres, don't you just love him

Illinois Press Association Foundation

what happened to the decidedly unfunny smiley-face bomber?

anyone see Henry Kissinger on Charlie Rose tonight?

History of U.S. = left wingers defeating right wingers

Time out!!! I've just donated A Sawbuck to DU! Let's shower 'em with $$'s!

Hypothetical question...

No WMD in Iraq? Proof the "coalition" is hiding them!

CNN: 4 US Soldiers Seriously Wounded ....reporting 1 day later??

today's shrub photo....tanked, really lit.....(pic)

Siege at Rainbow Farm

For anyone needing a deeper appreciation for the stupidity of these people


Start of smear job on Clark

Faux Hosting 2 Dem Forums, Calls 'em "DemoCRAT" Not DemocratIC

What would happen if I tore up my draft card?

Why hearings

Is there a way that Tom DeLay can be forced...

Things Iraqis can’t do under the Occupation, a.k.a. Coalition Provisional

Did anyone hear about a German company making Humvees?

Arafat declares roadmap dead

What happened to mediawhores ?

A letter I just sent to my local paper

So far, has 2003 been a good year for you financially? Poll

Many of the strongest Republicans (and Zell Miller) won’t run

Progressive think tanks see drop (in media cites)

Spot the muppet

No Child Left Behind - leaving a bunch behind here.

Surprise! Surprise! Tax cut doesn't spur investments

C-SPAN 2 - Congressional committee to review causes of blackout

Triple Dang Dang Dang

Devastating critique of Whistle Ass administration

I'm 45 years old and I support whoever can beat Whistle Ass!

Elmo & Sesame St. to possibly help with US propaganda?

Freeper logic on display on CSPAN

Whitehouse opposes highly useful Alaska gas pipeline

WOW! Well Said, David Talbot! (On Dems Who Fight Back)

U.S. to Seek U.N. Help on Force in Iraq

Junior with hat in hand, asking the world for his finger back.

NY Post taking another crack at Dean.

New point to make to the masses

Is the National Moron Going to Be Able to Slime His Way Out Again???

The writing on Iraq wall

Someone explain the "whistle ass" thing to me

Has anyone seen the accounting on AWOL spending $4B a month in Iraq?


Is there any moral difference between the 9/11 hijackers and Paul Hill?

Bush begs UN to fix Iraq, how do they spin it?

Some help in responding to freeper nonsense, please

I Have to Tell You A Story About This Freep(oops not a poll)

Bush trying to strip overtime pay

interesting comments from Larry Sabato (should make Deanies happy)

I hope Dean decides to forgo public matching

I Thought The U.N. Was .... er... Irrelevant.

Remember this? March 2003 Press Conference... "Will you call for a vote?"

WH must figure that it's got the 2004 election in the bag to say this

Broward’s top Republican official to switch parties

The real reason Bush is asking the UN for help....

Take that, Repuke scumbag!

Thank you from AWD!

What if the Democrat wins the electoral vote and loses the popular vote?

War horrors on front page

Daily U.S. Casualties 9/3/2003

Aren't the "Block the Bush Pay Cuts" commercials awesome???

Robert Scheer on Iraq and WMD . . .

Are you receiving this "Stop the OT Bill" in your area?

Didn't I just kick her husband's butt out of my state???

Bev- I'm sure you saw this but....

Us And What Army?

this journalist changed my thinking on UN in Iraq forum discussion on "Liberals"

Just saw a lead from Judy Woodruff 4PM Clark Announcement

UN and Iraq: Are We Forgetting Something?

American Workers are getting bushwacked...

Don't miss the George Monbiot analysis of the Iraq situation.

From 1995 to 2002, American consumer food prices have gone up 32%

Student claims moving violation: College kid says she was locked in van

Inside Karl Rove's Diary: "Things Aren't Going So Well"

Is it a good or bad idea to keep the "middle-class" part of tax cut ?

Where to buy gas - Citgo at 7-11 in S. Cal Town

Sesame Street or US propoganda

Anti-Abortion Terrorist to be executed in Florida...

radioactive isotope, uranium-238 = in parts and bullets

Is Kerrys hair for real??

Moment of Silence in Texas

Color me absolutely astounded - 5K Dean signups in 1 day

An Obnoxious open Letter to All Supporters of…………..

Not a Word anywhere about the Hutton hearings....

I welcome Clark's entry!

Might as well make it 10 candidates

Can Schwarzenegger run for president

What I want to hear the Democratic presidential candidate say

Regarding Janklow and the media coverage. What liberal media?

Condi & Rummy lie about Warewolves (for real)

WorldCom hit by RICO suit from AT&T

Leaving No Child Behind

RW b.c. comic strip today - sad

Spoze there's anything to this, or

Congressional Hearings on the Blackout - C-Span

Murdoch's BSkyB Preaches Anti-Americanism to Brits

The candidates need to start engaging each other

Can we all just scream now? Mark Morford

As a Democrat I have some serious concerns about Wesley Clark...

Whoa! Watch this go down the memory hole!

Where Are the Democrats ????##!@!

Molly Ivins: "Arnold looks like a condom stuffed with walnuts"

Al Franken on Terry Gross

Kerry says the Democratic party will never be friends with the NRA!

I don't get the reluctance to paper trail for votes

wes clark jr - in case you forgot

Study challenges Bush 'Star Wars' program (but he won't care)

"Conan The Wimp" from the WaPo... very funny op/ed piece

Akron Ohio - African American with white buddy refused service

I'll Say One Nice Thing About George W. Bush

Clark Likely to Announce on "Inside Politics"?

Is it chaos and instability in Iraq the real plan? poll - please vote

What's your favorite Franken bit?

Joe Conason on Randi Rhodes right now!

I'll say one nice thing about Dean

Could one of you please explain to me

Letter to Senator Bill Nelson on my opinion of the current

Bush's new UN-Iraq plan. This is how Nixon won in '72

Just wondering -- Could the egging of Ahnold be a Rove Special?

Two interesting pieces on Wesley Clark about his NATO/Serbia stint


Are repubs are starting to understand that Iraq(b...) was a mistake?...

Do you like more than one or two candidates?

Potential of Nuclear Power Plant Network to Worm Infection

BBC just aired a heartbreaking piece on Iraq...videolink here.

Slim Shady vs. Dubya

Why did CNN cut off Wesley to show "Arhnuld"????

Re Bush-tantrum- union-coat-throwing on Air Force 1 story:Joe Finan says

Arnold is being interviewed live on CNN and he's getting shouted down!!

Diebold corporate info -- who knows how to interpret it?

Wolf's CNN poll today - I think people are starting to get it...

C-SPAN coverage of CA recall debate (w/o (R)nold) starts at 7 pm EST

I;d Love to Have This "Ronnie-ism" Show Up At Our Convention!!

Border security becoming less secure under Bush watch

someone has to throw a slab of bacon at Ar-nuld

What, or who, was the most ridiculous basis for a Tom Friedman column

Recall debate webcast anywhere???

Does Sean Hannity have anything resembling a soul?

40,000 of America's Frontline Soldiers are Not US Citizens

Double-edged sword Clark presents to Dean & other Observations

AWOL to play GI Joe again - off to Ft Stewart (3rd ID) later in month

Anyone listen to Rush today ?

The Primaries are the election of selection.....

Reconstructing Iraq

Norway: Get an erection, get fired, go to jail?

Paul Hill and other scum

Does anyone know if Amazon outsources their customer service?

do yourself a favor - TURN the CNN whore News OFF !!!!

Someone threw an egg at Arnold

1st Iraq II vet to be homeless is a woman

CNN Reveals Bush Strategy Re: UN Bails Us Out in Iraq (rant)

Al Franken on MSNBC this morning, un-freakin-believable

Oh, Big Deal. So He Got ONE Vote Wrong.

Tie Boy Tucker Carlson is a gutless coward

Did Clark guarantee himself a spot on the ticket today?

Blitzer really is such a twit.

Is anybody watching NBC Nightly News

People, an important piece of the Richfield Bush-smooch:

Kucinich On CNN Next

Kerry defending his vote on Iraq..... CNN

Now * has screwed up the guard & reserves


OMG! there's NEWS on the 'News' !

Why am I getting pop-ups here?

Is Kerry overplaying the Vietnam card?

Let's change our approach

"Well What about Florida, when Gore tried to steal the election?"

al franken remains at #1 on ny times list

Its September, where are the WMD??

for those asking "what's so bad about arnold?"

Wesley Clark Announcement: CNN 9/3/03 - Inside Politics

Watch Out Everyone!

CBS News Gives Stats on Wounded Soldiers

C-SPAN tomorrow AM Washington Journal - Senator Byron Dorgan

Deleted message

Are We Going to Just Pull Out of Iraq in a Few Months?

General Wesley Clark: "I am proud to be a Democrat"

turn off MSGOP

The difference between abortion and murder

About the Iraq vote

Does the ACLU rape children?

Should I go to a meet up?

Israel's ambassador in Stockholm is a jerk.

He called us a "dumb puppy" !

West Coast DUers--Al Franken on Fresh Air/Terry Gross NOW

Lost Your Job! Disabled? Help is On the Way! "First Protect" from Visa!

AH-Nold got egged after a moronic speech.

Which Dean meetup should I go to?

What is the plausible excuse in the Kelly case?

CA Licenses for illegals question: Motor Voter

Whoopi Goldberg is kicking bush butt on MSNBC

Iraq isn't about oil.

Just How Bad are Things Getting for BushCo?

Is it me, or does Colin Powell look like he isn't convinced about

An Open Letter To Maria Shriver-Schwarzenegger

How much do you hate Joe Lieberman?

KTVU has debate pre-show on plus Live web viewing link

Karl Rove is grandson of Karl Heinz Roverer of nazi fame

Why is the market going up SO DAMN MUCH???!

email conversation

Low expectations for Arnold

Dowd says Bush "dream team" makes Clinton look like Rommel...

For First Time, I Do Believe Bush Has Crossed the Line & Is Toast....

Clark's VP Choice? (If Clark Runs and Wins...)

What got you into politics?

I finally ordered Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them!

Reminder: David Suzuki's "The Sacred Balance" begins tonight on PBS

Write a Story.....Go to Jail Part II: Felony record without a conviction

What happened re that supposed tape of Bush throwing a tantrum in OH?

The Doctor and The General: Why Dean/Clark Ticket Sizzles.

Bloggger: "Cruz is busted!"

Voting machines (makers) seek to remove humans from democratic process

Another confession of a pro-gun Leftist

Just got California Recall Sample Ballot....

The Case for Gun Control

I have a question regarding women in the military...

Wow. Looks like some folks sure are filling their pants over Clark!

Is it true that Dennis Kucinich is against Flag Burning?

I feel like I live in a big commercial, not a country

Whistle-ass ignores the law to poison Americans with PCBs

Britney Spears is a clueless hack

New 15 second Bush flash ad - first of a series, tell me what you think?

As a Democrat I have some serious concerns about Wesley Clark...


David Boren and George Tenet: Was Bungled Sting Operation a Factor in 9/11

Karl Rove Exposed

Clark is a DEMOCRAT!!!!!!

Confessions of a Recovering NeoCon

Is general Clark our Eisenhower?

Only 50 years ago in America - plus ça change....

Gen. Clark

Abortion doctor murderer says he expects reward for his work

What is the main reason you dislike Lieberman?

From the Deck of Hawker Hurricane

Do you support the death penalty?

Black Box: What happened at 3:31 p.m. in San Luis Obispo County?

Johnny Depp may be "Dixie-Chicked" after his remarks. . .

That pizza delivery guy freaky bomb thing? I gotta THEORY

Blind Senatorial Candidate Poll

Blair gives the unions bigger role

Cuban exiles abandon plans for protest at Latin Grammys

Indian Tribe to Give Big to Bustamente

British Embassy in Iran Shuts After Shots Fired

HOUSE WATCH-9/3/2003 (#1)

SENATE WATCH-9/3/2003 (#1)

U.N. Headquarters Imposes Smoking Ban

Anti-Abortionist Says He Expects 'a Great Reward in Heaven

Wash Times: U.S. rushed post-Saddam planning

House Panel Begins Blackout Hearings

Officials: No Iraq price tag for now White House cites several unknowns

Pollution looms, minister warns China

Mouse, Stripped Of A Key Gene, Resists Diabetes


Many don't see the benefit of prescription-drug bills

here's a story to play connect the dots with!

Bustamante lashes out against big business

Polish-Led Force to Control Part of Iraq

Members of 367th arrive at Philadelphia armory, leave Friday

Rusting, toxic 'ghost fleet' on way to UK

Cancer Deaths Levelling Off, Report Says

Mexico Dismisses Environment and Energy Ministers

Is Elmo Bush's secret weapon?

Absent From the Korea Talks: Bush*s Hard-Liner

BAE wins £1bn Hawk contract

Five die in Russia train blast

Dossier 'over-egged' Iraq weapons claims

S.D. Public Doubts Fair Treatment For Janklow

Pakistan to send more troops to Saudi Arabia (To replace Americans)

Bush Looks to U.N. to Share Burden on Troops in Iraq

John Kerry Struggles to Right Campaign

Support for Bush slips in Wisconsin (52%)

Pentagon to Probe Boeing Tanker Lease

Abdul Aziz Al-Hakim to head Iraq's main Shiite Muslim political movement

Lieberman Offers Plan to Widen Health Coverage

Miami Couple Held In Cuba Back Home

Fierce Fighting Reported in Afghanistan (1 US death- "accidental fall")

Afghanistan Elementary School Set on Fire

Schwarzenegger Skips Calif. Recall Debate

On Capitol Hill, Energy Secretary Gets Earful on Blackout

Foreign-born population up to 33 million in 2002

Whose Democracy is it? (Radio, TV- week of shows on Democracy)

Will Scientology Celebs Sign 'Spiritual' Contract?

Today on National Public Radio's Fresh Air - Al Franken

Smokey Bear's squirrelly sister

Clark on CNN now....


Emergency Rooms Get Eased Rules on Patient Care

S.D. Public Doubts Fair Treatment For Janklow

U.S. Report Ties Iraq Unrest to Poor Planning

Powell: U.S. to Lead Any Multinational Iraq Force

A real sting operation against terror (bees and rats sniff out WMDs)

London on High Terror Alert

FBI says Erie bomb collar like Colombian device

Bush O.K's Free Trade With Chili...Goodbye American Jobs!

Lebanese ayatollah warns U.S.

Whose Democracy Is It? Public Radio Stations and Networks to Examine

Bombshell hits government's claims - UK Guardian latest update

US Army Eyes Mobile Laser Weapon For Tactical Missile Defense

Sergeant Sentenced for Iraq Humvee Crash

Cross-Channel operators raided

Deep-pocket Democrat is Senate race wild card (Crystle/PA)

Appeals court blocks FCC ownership (Powell) rules. On CNN no link yet

Dutch Customs Find 2000 Baboon Noses

Panetta will head state budget panel

Liberians Civilians Flee Refugee Camps


MSNBC: N. Korea OKs nuke ‘deterrent force’

Inspector general says White House changed EPA statements ...

Woman Gets 50 to Life in Child Drowning

757 plane on approach emergency landing at BOS live now on MSNBC

Kelly overdosed - evidence

HA'ARETZ BREAKING - IAF warplanes bomb targets in southern Lebanon

Log Cabin Takes On GOP Over Gay Marriage

Museum opposes Israeli warplanes over Auschwitz

Firefight in Tikrit as Mortars Fired at U.S. Base

W.House Assembles Iraq Package, May Seek $65 Billion

Angry Afghanis turn back to Taliban

Arnold Just Got EGGED On CNN!

Arnold will NOT get questions in advance....

Hungary is cool to U.S. idea to train Iraqis

Kerry Cries at Sad Story

Debate prescription for Dr. Dean

Skepticism Greets Bush's Multilateral Move

Bin Laden family's US exit 'approved' by Bush administration

Iraq: Why Bush now wants the UN (presidential election next year)

Police to keep close eye on National Penis Day

Pakistan rules out nuclear freeze


Kelly's final e-mails revealed (Sent one to the NYT Judith Miller)

Census: 1.4 million MORE in poverty than in 2001

Federal Court Vacates 100 Death Sentence

Johnny Depp slams U.S. as "dumb puppy"

A Tale of Two Teachers

California here I come, right back where I started from...

"Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them"

Believe it or not, but the funniest thing I've seen was from Bowling for

The Independent Film Channel Will Not Let Me Go To Sleep

To Symbolman

Oh good god here it comes next Thursday

Franken on Today

insomnia broadcasting system presents: a ridiculous video

God fucking damn it

Venting over the "Blaster Kid".....

I'm drunk. What movie should I watch?

The "I'm awake and need to chat with other DUers" thread...

What did you dream last night?

OK, you call yourselves Democrats??????

Tonight's Family Guy...

Time out!!! I've just donated A Sawbuck to DU! Let's shower 'em with $$'s!

My antisocial house cat is in bed asleep with me

Hey Will?

Something for rbync...

'Miracle Man' survives losing eye and having skull impaled

I had to laugh... My first experience with SoBig

Work Place Theft: Gremlins? Trolls? Witches?

Has anyone else watched the "I love the '70's" show?

The latest on my health and other sundries...

Pennsylvaniacs: Is summer over?

Good (Wednesday) Morning DU!

Non Sequitur takes on Faux!

I need some help finding a climate data website!

Bush is my shepherd...


The New Show "Performing As" Ain't All That Bad... I Enjoyed It

Someone is paying attention (Non Sequitur strip)

I Just Ate a Sausage McMuffin With Egg. Ask Me Anything.

The coppers surronded my house last night-

Anyone ever considered running for office? And Why?

What are the chances of former reservists (enlisted) being called back

I just found out that my mom forgot to send my letter to Rene (RBNYC)

2002 Olympic champion Yagudin charged with DUI

MSN/Hotmail account problems anyone? Or is it just my computer?

It's my last day of vacation, ask me anything!

Where is Illiad of UserFriendly from?

I'm drunk. It's my birthday. Buck Fush. We're doomed.

Plenty of Toby Keith tickets are STILL AVAILABLE

Salvia Divinorum????

looking for concert tix? . . . be prepared to pay . . .

Thank you for registering with Free Republic.

Funniest video ever ... You will laugh your a$$ off

Not all CAPTIONS are as they appear

Want some fun? Check out

I Just Went Surfing

I'm Recovering From a Tonsilectomy

I'm a real Southerner now. Help!!!

Beer Is Good For You

I Need A Link To One Those "Stare At Me Until I Scream" Illusions (Pranks)

Not all CAPTIONS are as they appear

LOL! Foxnewsonline has the sobig virus!

Tom and Jerry cartoons

Car Insurance

Table Or Booth?

What a day (philosophy is gonna be cool) warning beginning sucks

Today's "Non Sequitur"

Okay, I think I have decided on a theme for my website.....

Update on Mom (breast cancer surgery today)

Hey, um, where's DemoTex?

My candidate's penis is bigger than your candidate's penis!

Joe Conason is coming up on Randi Rhodes NOW

Need help in pronouncing Italian name.

Is Golf A Sport (A True Sport) Or Just A Game? What About Bowling?

Welcome to our Newest member DK666

Sorry J.Lo And Ben. I Am Going To Be Busy On You Wedding Day.

Anyone use NetZero HiSpeed dial-up?

What does 'Crack monkey' mean?

I know most of you hate AOL, BUT....their new spam blocker is TOPS..

Smokey Bear's squirrelly sister

My co-worker is going through Burning Man withdrawals

Manufacturer Coupons: Clip-em? Use-em?

rare bottle whiskey, Islay single malt sold for £9,200

Should I stay or should I go?

The General just spat out that he's "aligned" with the Democratic Party

What Kind Of Person Writes A Virus Or Worm Anyway?

I can't wait for Franken's next book...

Kraftwerk - Tour de France

Good joke I have today

WARNING: It's another big day for emailed viruses

Local discussion forum Freeper spanked !

Letterman disses Kerry..

Norway: Get an erection, get fired, go to jail?

I got a website, when will I be famous?

Here Is the Video of Arnold smoking a joint


How Old Are You?

45 minutes left....Birthday almost over

Who watched the SNL re-run this weekend from April 12?

today's new hate radio advertisers

Wichita DUers, be glad this recorded hotline doesn't have a radio show

Law school ain't so hard!

Police called as woman, 80, visits disco

Favorite left-wing documentaries?

Favorite song by Wilson Pickett?

Most criminally underrated band?

Brains! Yes I need more brains to CAPTION

Ingrown toe nail question...

I just said "Heil Bush" in homeroom!

Maggie's Day At School- complete with bruises!

Can someone explain what cognitive dissonance is?

anyone else take philosophy in high school


The new and improved WILSON PICKETT poll!

Anyone hear the "Cuckoo Conservatives" on ieAmerica radio?

Should I go to my Dean meetup tonight?

mayonnaise or miracle whip?

Today's on-the-road freeper encounters

Hopefully you won't need the help of a teleprompter to CAPTION

Woody speaks out ... ( Thoughts from within )

X-smoker check-in and cigarette poll (for smokers and non smokers)

Favorite song by THE DOOBIE BROTHERS?

Creepy dreams and complicated coffee makers

NPR whore just said...

You can never have too many _________________.

Whistle Ass and Whistle Dick = Whistle Bush!

Favorite left-wing documentaries?

Microsoft warns of "critical flaw" Sept. 3, 2003

Movie people I need your help

Who here has seen Bowling for Columbine many times?

Where would you prefer to live?

Anybody watch Boy Meets Boy last night?

Anyone wear false teeth?

Will Scientology Celebs Sign 'Spiritual' Contract?

"It's 'K' like in 'cookie'"

Wanna see a picture of Dean beatin' up on bush?

What sites do you hit on a regular basis?

Anyone on a diet?

After 2 1/2 long years I FINALLY got 300 posts - ask me anything!

SLC bound 9/14-- what to do?

For newbies (mostly): The 2d DU2 "What's your screenname mean?" thread


How often do you attend religious services?

The Condor in Chief of all CAPTIONS!!!!

Which Star Wars quote applies most aptly to Bush?

Raining Money on the Autobahn

Do You Remember The Soda TAB. I Used To Drink That All The Time.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES TO..................


Welcome to new member DK666!

So, which musical acts shall I see this month?

Which type of celeb are you most attracted to?

a little rant about subject lines

Who do you think has the best personality?

Men who needs them!

Congratulations JohnKleeb!! 10,000 posts

Your favorite music videos

Do you have a corrupt mind

Do you have an accent?

getting worm-spawned e-mails at my Yahoo address...

Worst Song Ever?

Favorite Fleetwood Mac song