PART 4: China steady on the peg
I just had to put this one up "God is Pro War" Jerry Falwell
Neo-cons jump on anti-UN bandwagon
I thought Brian Williams was hilarious on TDS tonight
The New York Times (Nov 30): Red Cross Finds Detainee Abuse in Guantánamo
If someone gets tombstoned, can they come back under a different name?
Petition to Punish Religious Leaders who Preach Violence
PA sentences Gaza `collaborators' to die
Sign Petition to Congress: Demand a Nationwide Revote!
Jesse Jackson on Democracy Now!
Move On picked up on Nevada paperless trail adventure!!!
Protests NOW - Canada Got Coverage EZ and we can too
Jesse Jackson on AirAmerica Tonight TUNE IN!
I need a computer person to check something out if you are willing..
Any Election Protests in DC this Weekend????
I sense a wuss on the board....
VOTE: Let's Pick 10 Web Addresses and BOMBARD with Emails
Olbermann reports NH recount is over
RSVP for the Voting in 2004 Leadership Conference by Common Cause
Jesse Jackson on AirAmerica NOW
This Just In... The entire U.S. Government Quits
DESERTING NG Reservists now on... Deborah Norville?
Time to send more thank you notes to Keith Olbermann
Letter to the editor re: exit polls vs vote counts
10 counties in Ohio have until 5 p.m. Wednesday to certify
Anyone got a firsthand account from NH recount (not just KO or Nader)!
Could the recount effort be an example of the warning, "Be careful
Check this article out- Describes how some of us feel
Absolutely THE BEST PRESS email list ever! Just Paste
1 Ohio County sues to stop recount
Strong indications of major electronic glitches or fraud in Ohio
I sense a slowing of momentum and hope
Jesse Jackson is on Countdown next...
Press Release on Ohio rally Saturday from Greg Palast
Do We Have Sufficient Grounds?
If Cobb/Greens help to change the Ohio results and Kerry/Edwards win,
judge tossed out a legal challenge blocking Nevada's 5 electoral votes
Deborah Norville talking of Micheal Moore makeover now MSNBC
Email campaign: Could someone list the verified voting errors/fraud?
Olbermann: NH recount OVER, no "significant" discrepancies found.
The L.A. Times did its own exit polling???
Election Theft ok for country Novak says, all forum members
Voters to challenge US election (UK Guardian)
Kerry Reporting for Duty - intervenes in Ohio!
RE: Kerry/Edwards filing for suit to recount votes in Ohio
WP: Kerry Team Seeks to Join Fight To Get Ohio County to Recount
Washington state vote irregularities?
The Guardian: Voters to challenge US election - 12/1
Who remembers Florida, 4 years ago?
I sense the concept of fraud is GAINING momentum!
Kerry campaign joins the glib lawsuit in OH!!!
Are the Dem's trying to kill the Repub Party? A bad chess analogy.
"Actionable Fraud" Is All We Need to Demonstrate.
The Legal Concept to Require an Investigation is Reasonable Suspicion t
What ever happened with Michael Moore filming polling places in FL and OH?
Look! Bev and BBV stormed Florida today!
The Exit Poll Quiz by TruthIsAll
OK, I need clarification on NH
I just donated money to the Green Party and will vote Green from now on.
The real FRAUD was voter SUPRESSION!
Warren County: most successful voter drive ever, or stuffing ballot box
If the overwhelming majority of the world hates Bush,
Glibs NEED DONATIONS FOR County Observers - 88,000 by Monday!
Green Party Update of Ohio Recount efforts:
Ella Baker Ctr Wish List - Oakland
Anyone Recommend Streaming A/V Capture software?
Unprotected PCs can be hijacked in minutes
It's time for.. Computer Stupidities! (hilarious real life IT posts)
Lupe creates transition team, includes Ron Kirk
I was a poll watcher at the Vo/Heflin recount today
Where the rubber meets the road ...
What if there was voter suppression of conservative white people?
guys, how do i upload my own avatar image - and use HTML in my sig?
Rising War Costs $5.8 Billion per month and rising
Anyone know where I can find a recent count of civilians killed in
When Is Tony Blair up for re-election?
BE the Media... Announcing "WikiNews"!
Star Wars: Excessive Use of the Force
has clear channel ever claimed to be non-partisan?
These freeper meltdowns are real!
The canadian dinner menu with alcohol in all the dishes
Who said this quotation? Please help.
Is this true: Clinton for VP in 2000
Elizabeth? Chris? You on here tonight?
Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul Vow Security Boost
Canadians Authorities Arrest U.S. President Bush On War Charges
DESERTING NG Reservists now on... Deborah Norville?
Olbermann says CBS should just replace Rather with...
Research Assignment for the FREEPERS > Did any "glitches" help KERRY?
Things to do before the Inauguration
Why Women's Voting is Complicated...Arab News
Republican 'power couples' agree to film instructional sex videos (Humor)
The DSM and the Mental Illness of George W. Bush
Why did Kweisi Mfume step down from the NAACP today?
Why is the 700 Club called the 700 Club? eom
Canadians Authorities Arrest U.S. President Bush On War Charges
GI threatens suicide over return to Iraq
Deborah Norville Tonight-MSNBC-Reservists Deserting
Here's what our soldiers really think...
For America's Next Fallujah - I suggest that Iraqis make an offer:
I have just finished reading the book "Magic Seeds" by V.S. Naipaul.
Cheney’s bulge revealed: Pocket or package?
This is horrible - "New York's HIV Experiment"
Search underway for another small plane crash in Missouri
How do you feel about Slumlords? Me? Can't STAND them.
Some very interesting 09/04 poll numbers: 79% want expanded Healthcare.
Linda McQuaig tonight at the Toronto vigil outside the US consulate said
LA Times preparing report on Pentagon use of psy-ops
The PlayList: Any Theater\Film Folk Here Tonight ???
What's with the red ribbon on Google?
Our new name: "The Preamble Progressives".
Mike Malloy and Randi Rhodes......
Does it make any sense for Democrats to participate in elections
What did Mike Malloy just say about Michael Moore?!
I'm not a feminist - I'm a BROAD!!!!!!
What is the future of America (USA)
I no longer wish to fund the Iraq War with my tax dollars.
I hate to admit it, but Bush has now done one good thing
Check out how much it costs your state for the Iraq war by the second
I Am Become Death - The Destroyer Of The Worlds
Canada rolls out the unwelcome mat for * in Ottawa (pics inside)
Gifts that inform! - Bush/9/11/War etc. From
The tale of Gilgamesh was told for thousands of years. In the 1800's.
Georgia and nation up in arms about 'security mom' who was beat up by cop
yahoo news: 135 troops dead...rating: 2.05 being freeped...they hate our
Olbermann: Knock knock. Who's there? Orange. Orange you glad
My friend brought this up tonight and now I ask this of you
What is your opinion of Alex Jones (
Now is not the time for a religion vs. science fight amongst ourselves.
So people want services but hate it when taxes go up?
HOLD IT! ex-Va.Gov. Gilmore for Homeland Security Chief?
I'm thinking about flying the Canadian flag instead of the American Flag..
Can democracy survive corporative capitalism?
Election Theft ok for country Novak says, all forum members
The Liturgy of Corporate Christianity
WTF? NBC's Brian Williams on The Daily Show with one of the funniest
Great for searching government pages
only 35% say that evolution is well-supported by evidence
Sibel Edmonds [under gag order from Ashcroft] asks us to SIGN PETITION
The hotest salad ever - Chevezspeaksthetruth check in!
Canada rolls out the unwelcome mat for * (pics inside)
NYT: Canada, the Closer Country for Outsourcing Work
U.S. Rejects Guantanamo Detainee Torture Claims
Ridge Resigns to Become CEO at Crayola Maker
Bush Visits Canada, Does Not Seek Asylum
No Fortunate Son: Member of Famous Chicago Political Family Joins Army
Democratic Officials Say Sen. Corzine to Run for New Jersey Governor
Armstrong Announces (240) More Job Cuts
GM will lay off (1100) Linden plant workers in early '05
W arrested in Canada.......this is a really weird one
Authorities release 911 tape of CyberNET Group CEO
Damascus Asks U.S. To End Sanctions on Syrian Bank (New WMW)
New York Pension Fund (2nd largest in country) Sues Merck Over Vioxx
Kansas helps to import drugs from Canada, Europe (joins 3 other states)
Schwarzenegger Thanks Elder Bush for Award
Democrats Raise Millions Despite Losses
Man Gets Probation in Botched Castration
WP: Grassley Defends (FDA) Whistle-Blower (atty: "he'd be gone")
Bush convicted of war crimes in mock trial
Putin's Warning Appears Aimed for U.S.
Justice to Fight Hanford Nuclear Disposal
Terror suspects' torture claims have Mass. link
U.S. Rules Out Dam Removal to Aid Salmon
Court Panel Says New York Schools Need Billions More -NYT
Bush Says Hopes for Quick End to Canada Beef Ban
L.A. Times: Pentagon Wages Information Warfare
Demonstrators greet Bush in Canada
473,500 gallons of oil missing in river spill
GI threatens suicide over return to Iraq
Ex-Nanny Sues Radio Personality Don Imus
High Court Considers Title IX's Reach
Neil Young Praises Michael Moore
White House Proposes Cuts in Salmon Areas
U.N. Panel Rejects Bush Stance on Military Action
Voters ‘couldn’t find’ Kerry, says Hollings -The Hill
Tavis Smiley leaving NPR in December
rocket fuel found in organic milk, lettuce, and bottled water
Too Much Stress May Give Genes Gray Hair
Canadian literary icon Pierre Burton dead at 84
Anti-Bush protesters scuffle with police
Justice Dept. Nixes Neb. Abortion Ruling
US toture at Guantanamo 'increasingly repressive" (Independent)
Senator Calls on Annan to Step Down
Victims Recant, Accused Molester Freed
Voters to challenge US election
WP: Kerry Team Seeks to Join Fight To Get Ohio County to Recount
Court: Parents May Spank - Force Not Always Abuse, Judges Say
Oil money: Former U.S. official says billions of dollars were ‘squandered’
I got an extension for my paper!
Ottmar Leibert's Xmas CD is one of the best.
Man Gets Probation in Botched Castration
Believe it or not - it was 29 degrees 7-ish AM in SoCal (OC) today!!
I'm desperate - Ask me anything!
A man's prank played on his mom lead to marijuana arrests
Who would make a perfect Bush Man Date?
I get to retake that Excel test I bombed....
Crumpnoodle, falalalaLALAlaaaaa!
Precalculus for Christian Schools
If I read the "Man Gets Probation in Botched Castration" thread
Should I send this email to child support? (sorta long)
guys, how do i upload my own avatar image - and use HTML in my sig?
L.A.'s a weird town: Asian versions of non-Asian celebrity sightings.
What's your favorite way to kill a vampire?
Quick someone get Janine Turner a real job!
"Persepolis" - anyone read this?
Gentlemen: What kind of Guy do you prefer?
Damn! I passed 600 without realizing it!
Chris Noth fans, check this out
Why can't I see my photos?????
Lynne Cheney's book ONLINE.......
What's the difference between Club Soda and Seltzer?
The greatest story ever told about The Greatest Story Ever Told
Busted Boys are sick of seeing fan's boobs
Why do I now have Twisted Sister running through my head?
!!DOWN GOES (spoiler) DOWN GOES (spoiler)!!!!
Just played "Dreidel" for the first time tonight. Neighbors taught us.
When I get off of this mountain
Unmarked Denver police car stolen while it was warming in the driveway
'Jeopardy!' Whiz Ends 74-Game Win Streak
I'm on page 198 of a 390-page book that I have to finish reading TONIGHT.
Anyone getting or giving a Jaguar for Christmas like on TV commercial?
SEX! Anyone know the way to Belladonnas site? Pm me if you do.
I thought Dayquil wasn't supposed to make me feel loopy
Your job: Public? Private? Unemployed?
What other message boards (forums) do you post in?
Post pictures of your favorite celebrities
Please help... I'm looking for links for free clipart downloads.
Is it true that Bleachers7 was banned for starting rumours?
Is it true that SmileyBoy is a Vikings fan?
For DUers: List the biggest busts in DU history
Okay Duers, lets see those Magoos?
DU Ladies, make sure to ask Santa for one of these!
MY NEW COMPUTER ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Watched CONTROL ROOM, SPIDER-MAN 2, and WALKING TALL. Ask me anything.
The Google "I'm feeling lucky" button...
Anyone else experiencing oddness tonight?
Laundry room ettiquette and racism.
Who out there remembers The Strawbs?
Playing a gig with Collin Raye
D'ya think Samantha Bee would go out with me?
What Kind Of Winter Coat Do You Have?
Canadian authorities arrest US president George W. Bush
So Ken Jennings POSSIBLY Loses To A Vulcan?
Anyone else see NBCs Brian Williams say "Bullshit" on the Daily Show?
Euphemisms to say: "I cant believe you buy that pile Rovian of cr*p""
Before I go, I wanted to say something intelligent about "Rent"
Ever completely unplugged from the internet? If so, how long?
342 Hours Without A Cigarette...However, I'm Eating Like A Pig Now
How much should I donate to DU?
I'm 5 posts away from the 700 club, ask me anything!
I'm living in complete fear of,
Is Jon Stewart a rerun tonight?
He would have been 68 today: Abbie Hoffman
Why do people who 'don't care about sports' have to always reply to sports
I am so embarrassed. I just sent an email to the wrong person,
Tell me who would actually believe this story.
Gary Dourdan - Warrick from CSI
What is your favorite "creepy old house" movie?
Promised daughter a ski trip for her BD and she does not want to be in
Idea for a new game. "Who said this, a member of the third reich or the
Does it ever scare you when it feels like something will never happen?
Ken Jennings---Jeopardy conspiracy theories
My brother's CANCER report-surgery in 2 weeks NOT on the tongue
NO PLEASE! Not another year of people giving a Lexus for Christmas!
Which one of Bush's Boyfriends is your FAV?
For all you uninformed music "fans"- MISTER ROGERS IS GOD, alright?
What's up with all the Packer fans in the Lounge???
Yahoo news article listing our fallen men and women for November: Freeped
Anyone want to offer suggestions on Canadian college search
Do you have any skeletons in your closet...
What's up the latest Trading Spouses on Fox?
Men Arrested for Dumping Dirt in a Forest
What is the quintessential 70s TV show?
Is it true that JohnKleeb was banned for being a freeper?
Need 15 posts right now- Ask me Anything! I mean Anything!!
Cheney’s bulge revealed: Pocket or package?
Watched 'From Justin to Kelly', now am watching 'Three Men and a Little
Oy - Chanukah starts in a week and I haven't even started getting ready.
Most overused phrase in rock music?
Gift Certificates vs. "Real" Presents (you know, wrapped, ribboned)
Bad news about my uncle with cancer; need good thoughts and prayers
Anyone just watch "The Amazing Race"? (spoilers)
UnitedHealth Group to buy Definity Health
CBS and NBC Refusing To Run Ad b/c pro-tolerance is 'too controversial'
I have to make the horrible decision about my dog
CHIRON - the wound that never heals? or the wounded healer?
Let's face it, at least I will,
They are turning the boat into the shore & starting to fight!
Could the tandem of Kerry/Clark in '08 be beat? I think not
A Dangerous Turn in the US Plans for North Korea
Randi right now: (well on tape delay) WEAR ORANGE
A Kerry press conference would change everything
I finally figured out the Bush voters.
Congratulations to you people on the net!
Will the proof of napalm be the thing to
On Occasion my country breaks my heart
Kerry Campaign joins Ohio recount.
Jesse coming up on Air America 6:14 PM PST
Deborah Norville has disgruntled Reservists and Guardsmen on
Do you actually believe the results will change?
I am in utter shock; I am not a Democrat!
I recieved this info from one of my News Groups and thought I'd pass it on
Has anyone read this book? Banana Republicans
"It's never too late to get involved" (good opinion piece)
What ever happened with the "DON"T VOTE" ad campaign in M(?)
How many Tim McVeigh's will this Iraq War create?
Student of mine: Never read the book, never took notes, absent most . .
Presidential Library Destroyed By Fire
Kerry Joins the Fight in Ohio!
10,000 March Against Bush in Ottawa.
Bush is worried about something
NH recount JK won vote & exit poll, OH, NV, FL, NM recount might also
My email to Tucker Carlson and Wolf Blitzer
I would be a Democrat if there were more Dennis Kucinich, Russ Feingold
Anyone Else Tired of C-Span's Conservative Bias?
Hilarious Satire: for a brief moment Google news had story re: Bush arrest
DFA MeetUps Tomorrow Night all over the Country...Sneak Peek Video
Kerry joins fight in Ohio... A Jesse Jackson inspired flip flop?
Possible strategy for taking back the DNC?
CBS, NBC refuse to air church's TV ad
Olbermann and Jesse Jackson punching away at Ohio fraudulent voting
WA Democrats need $$$ FAST for Governor recount
Southern politics, religion and Bush
[PINR] 01 December 2004: Do Al-Qaeda's East Africa Operations Pose a Thre
"Land of the Free-Money--Home of the Broke" (Liberty Whistle)
'We Are Living a Disaster' Bagdad 2004
GOP/Kasich call for cut in SS benefits) A New Index for Social Security
Did Bush Get Lucky? Or Were the Odds Stacked in His Favor?
Disorganized Labor (AFL-CIO transform — or get out of the way )
They Hate Our Policies, Not Our Freedom
In Ukraine, a franchised revolution
Ebersol Jet Crash Investigators Checking Into Similarities of 2002 Crash
Enjoy your vacation, Plaid Adder.
Molly Ivins: How things work in Texas
When Ideology is a Value by Michael Kinsley
The Deadliest Month (Scott C. Smith,
The Library That Hate Built (
More Robot Grunts Ready for Duty
Salon: More cold-blooded than Abu Ghraib
The term "blog" has been chosen as the top word of 2004 by a US dictionary
Bush Victory Gives Bin Laden "Kosher Stamp" for Nuke Attack
Powell blamed for occupation mess
UK Tories Hire Rove to reproduce Bush's "win" for their party
Love Kerry? Love to hate him? - It's Time to Band Together!
Too many groups? Your thoughts?
Sat. 12-4-04 Columbus, OH events - Please keep kicked until Sat. night.
Can someone PM me Aaron Brown's blackberry email addy pls?
mainstream news still pretends they found errors in F911 - why?
When Western Media Bias Hits Home
Discovery Wings to be renamed the MILITARY CHANNEL
Rush nominates self for CBS job.
Olbermann ratings up 128% in key demographic
Philippine Gvn. Blames Illegal Logging For 340+ Deaths In Floods
Salmon and Steelhead May Lose Protections-roll back 'critical habitat'
Scientists Stumped By 169 Whale & Dolphin Deaths In Australia, NZ
A "service" biz-model for wind-power.
Po'ouli Is Closer to Extinction as Captive Endangered Bird Dies
Forest Scientists Oppose Oil Road Through Ecuadorian National Park - ENS
Record-Breaking Atlantic Hurricane Season Ends - ENS
Anthropogenic GHGs Increase Risk Of 2003-Style European Heatwaves - Nature
Ability To Survive Initial Deforestation No Aid To Endangered Birds - Duke
W. Siberia A Warming "Hotspot" - Also Contains Huge Peat Bogs
Honda & Plug Power Announce Experimental Operation of Second-Generation
OPEC Predicts 2005 Plunge In Oil Demand But Won't Say Why
Missing The Hybrid Moment - Detroit's Arrogance Has No Limits
Few US Refineries (20-30%) Can Process Cheaper Heavy Oil - WP
Group: Egypt Divorce Laws Unfair to Women
Russians trek to see Dalai Lama
'Unusual Weapons' Used in Fallujah
Negotiations enter critical phase in the north of Ireland
Will somebody please explain to me why gun ownership is a "right"?
With all due respect... things are out of control...
blueandwhite freeper on the loose HELP!!!
Theres a Freeper Spamming named blueandwhite
He created a new DU account named BlueandWhite2 btw
blueandwhite freeper back as blueandwhite2
Would there be a way to more publicly out Freeper disruptors?
I am not able to post in the lounge
Question about password, please.
What are these rumors I heard that I was banned
I want to thank the designers of this website for making this
Any thoughts of limits to inane Lounge posts
Hi, I just made a donation and the screen froze when I hit enter
Interest in an Interracial relationship DU, support group
I changed my login name during the grace period and it just reverted
this is not a dupe, and yet it is locked while being big, bad news
Do you think you might possibly plug the Book Club
Bill proposing Jewish-only communities narrowly defeated
Hamas will boycott upcoming Palestinian Elections
Is there an Ex-Minister supporting CT? (Not Buelow)
sigh.... Why must I believe that a Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon?
Which is the more maddening/frightening/saddening possibility?
Ford and GM Cut Production as Sales Fall
Boston Globe...Front Page...I can't be the first posting this...
Kerry to meet with NH campaign volunteers this weekend.
Everyone does realize that Kerry just needs to get within
Are the Ohio State legislators as nasty as Floridas?
Pick One -- Feet or Thumb Print??
Seriously, what do you think is going on in that little brain of b*sh
Ohio Election Laws and Questions
NH Will Hurt Our Credibility? How do we Counter?
Irregularities in the 2003 KY Gov' race? What machines used?
Cincinnati Post needs a couple of letters from you people...
Someone in Tennessee Should Reply to this Lying Letter
Randi Rhodes is talking Ohio & more
For all those who doubt Kerry go Buy the movie Going UpRiver
November 30, 2004 update from GAO
This is highly relevant to the Madsen story
Big Media's Democracy Double Standards
Mission Accomplished...NOT, 1 month later and more troops
Ohio Provisional ballot spoilage can Blackwell be held responsible?
Leaked Photos of "Detainees" being Transported to Guantanamo Bay
Plain Dealer: Kerry wins Cuyahoga...maybe more than we know...
Which Name is it then (since the fingerprint won)?
Info on possible vote fraud needed by foreign Reporter
Anyone have an email for Paul Begala?
Gregoire recount: CNN crawl said DNC collected $13 M in November alone
Kerry wanted Voters to handle legal process not Candidates?
Madsen's latest Votergate article, now online, Dec. 1
For those of you who are still a little down about the Nov.2 "results"
Can anyone explain this full article?
Folks, the time is now to DEMONSTRATE!
A GOP Guv in WA will make it harder to hold the US Senate
Blackwell just said on crossfire Jessie Jackson has ADD
Ca. Late vote tallies to put Health care (prop 72) measure...
al from on Charlie Rose - "...we have to realize is that we lost..."
Conspiracy: The Bush air crash and the Kerry pay-off
John Kerry, there are 200 TRILLION reasons why you should recount OHIO.
Question about "Recount Ohio.Org" Are they Legit?
Help now! Who has the Joe Trippi e-mail posted
bullshit all Bull Shit Lower the level to green Bush.
Voting in 2004 in DC Event- RSVP
What is the point of a recount with electronic voting not recountable?
WP: Kerry Team Seeks to Join Fight To Get Ohio County to Recount
"Something's fishy in Ohio" (Chicago Sun Times)
State by state voting analysis is progressing
Sen EDWARDS: Please honor our efforts by speaking out.
Washington recount featured on homepage of DNC.
Some Things to Do Before the 2005 Inaugural
Rev. JJ spreads "gospel" in Philly -- good "mainstream" story
"No Black Box Voting" graphic to print on t-shirts, flyers
Nader-Requested Recount Ends (In NH)
We Can Dream: Canadians Authorities Arrest U.S. President Bush On War...
I know theres a "Sink the BFEE" war room (not DU!). It may not have a sign
Mike Malloy is ticked off over MM's appeance on Leno
The Free Press :In Ohio 2004, it's the People versus the Party of Hate
Update on Ohio Provisional Ballot Count
Isn't this prima facie evidence of machine tampering?
Washingon State Democrats need money for recount by tonight!
I wrote every single US Senator and this is the only one who wrote back
Walmart shares loose 2% after diappointing Nov Sales
Has Dr. Freeman posted Part II of his exit poll paper?
I had an idea about a demonstration
Let's hire Keith to speak somewhere...
Time to call the MEDIA, the SOEs, and the DEM leaders
Votergate: More details emerge
Was it Divine Intervention, Pure Luck, Coincidence, or the F_word?
Why are the bad data from Franklin County, Ohio still posted?
Idea Start Checking the Garbage behind the BOE buildings
Ukraine Government Dissolved By No Confidence Vote >> US Next!!
NY Daily News 11/30/04: Juan Gonzalez, Ohio tally fit for Ukraine
Interesting thought and theory about exist post
So what's the final Ohio number gonna be?
Orlando Sentinel - Critics (Bev&BBV) disrupt surprise tribute to chief
Economic boycott of California and NYC - what not to buy
Badnarik/Cobb NV recount filed
Economic boycott of Fl and Ohio – partial list of what NOT to buy
Wanna know what repug bloggers are up to?
Boston Globe: Voting Errors Tallied Nationwide
A big drippy thank-you to bloggers
DU Will Be In History Books: Minutemen of the 21st Century
Red Feet Movement - dirty footprints
Franklin County, Ohio: Provisional Vote List 12/1/2004
New Poll & Discussion based on Feedback - Hands, Feet, Fingerprint?
could a citizen sue or have charges filed based on the voting rights act?
Is the hacking of the election the biggest conspiracy ever?
I'm floored about all of this.
A serious question here - Will the election get overturned
I just got a one dollar bill with NO BLACK BOX VOTING stamped on it!
Theory: Kerry doesn't want to be president (yet)
Local Groups, Please Tie Down the *%&&## at Home
HELP?: How and Where would you manipulate an AVC Edge DRE system.....
Food for Thought (posted for lakelly)
GOP Attorney: "...there’s evidence of voting irregularities and fraud. "
What do you have to believe to "Move On"?
we have the right worked for GOP
Voting errors -at least a dozen states-"stat proof doesn't stand scrutiny
Bingo! "Prima Facie" for New Mexico Part 2 - MORE EVIDENCES!
We need immediate MACHINE RECOUNT of OH punch cards!
Gallup Poll: Mandate? WHAT mandate?
Here's a sneaky way to troll GOP blogs w/o them even knowing
Sat. Dec. 4 Events; Columbus, OH - please keep kicked
This is who we are up against.
Crossfire covering the recount
"Food For Fraud Thought" on Machine Fraud (RE Madsen theory)
EQUAL PROTECTION ARGUMENT for Overturning the Election.... lawyers? (II)
Volunteers needed for Columbus Dec. 4 Rally
Guess what? Recounts for Sale in FLORIDA!
New Hampshire Recount Update (from Ida)
Info on Russian election techs/prog. working 4 Enron in Houston?
Has David Corn Been Hitting the Kool-Aid?
Former Bush Campaign Official Indicted
Question: Does anyone believe that Kerry really thinks he lost
The BEST of the DU Analyses (KEEP KICKED PLEASE!)
Prop 72. Late vote tallies to put Health care measure over top!
2 San Diego Rallies: 12/5 & 12/9; Protest Media Blackout of Election Fraud
Tell CA Secretary of state to end GOP crony vote counting.
Best Bluegrass there is in Iowa
Meetup in Western Mass. -- details
"aLternative" news for massachusetts
in order to win, we must be willing to lose.
Star Tribune notes gathering at Kennedy and Kline offices.
Report on Posting of Nov 3rd Theses.
It's Official: The DFL and Minnesota members of the DNC invite you...
Does anyone here work (or did work) at the (MN)State Capital?
I upload an image to my posts and I get "image" rather than the actual pic
Good things to remember when installing computer devices:
Sound and video editing/production software ideas?
Philadelphia, Verizon Strike Deal on WiFi
Kukovich to head Rendell's regional office
Somebody at the Dallas Morning Snooze finally gets it right....
Anyone here from Llano County?
My Mom's tamale recipe for any interested Texans(me included)
Bus to Ohio, rally Saturday, Dec 4.
Ed Schultz is trying to get money for recount
Chris Vance said voting machines should have a paper receipt!
Salon: Law expert says Guantanamo is worse than Abu Grahaib.
What should one do with the Democratic Party to improve it?
Shameless plug for a local business
Any recordings of Franken's song "Bring A Book"?
LTTE to the papers (NYT and SD Union) Red Cross Report
Public Doubts Darwin, Evolution, Poll Finds
Defiant Bush stands by foreign policy
Look out-- berserk troll on the loose (blueandwhite) IGNORE
do you expect people to take you seriously when you voted for Bush
To help bounce the troll - the nerd finally loses on Jeopardy
I want to nominate Jon Stewart as Dan Rathers replacement
What's blue and white has nothing to say and a lot of energy to say it?
Richard Clarke should be the Director of Nat'l Security!
Joanne98 Just want to thank you
Truth-Reloaded: Have you shocked anyone out of the Neo-Con Matrix?
DU'ers know what's up. Is the rest of the country asleep?
Viewing Alert for DirecTV customers-F9/11
Intergalactic super war criminal
I see hopeful signs . The hope comes from other people, not Bush.
The upside down flag is a pro American symbol
U.S. generals told of detainee abuse early
Blast the media today for coverage of protests in Canada
Alabama GOP morality questioned in LTTE
Canadian general defended US on 9/11?
My theory is that René Descartes evolved from an ape.
Reuel Marc Gerecht on C-SPAN today
Dec. 2: Special Day-Long Broadcast from Pacifica
What is your opinion on mandatory terms limits for all elected "DECEMBER 2004 -- 1 Dead"
Ann Coulter on Canada: They are lucky we allow them to exist!
Is There Something Fishy About "Shark Tale"? (article)
Censored 2004: The Top 25 Censored Media Stories of 2002-2003
If an Iraqi who's family was murdered by America comes here for revenge...
Yo! Plaid Adder, I hear ya!!! Today I switched from AAR Sirius 141
Question for Bushists: What Useful Info Can You Get from GITMO Detainees
Foggy Bottom Kool-Ade (Doonesbury)
iPods make great flashlights too!
Does it get any worse than CNN's Rick Sanchez?
Mileage reimbursement rate could rise by 3 cents in 2005
DUers could you check something out?
Anyone recommend a good computer wiring install company
What's the matter with .... me??
Making a list and checking it twice to find who's naughty or nice
A matter of perception - What do you see in this man's face?
UCC and freedom of speech/religion
I salute all Canadians who greeted * with less than five fingers
How about giving $5 or $10 (or more) to help the WA recount?
Least favorite current Supreme Court Justice?
Anyone else love "Unfiltered News"?
Fundies practice Retro-Christianity
sigh.... Why must I believe that a Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon?
Cell phone hangs up on drunken dialers
I think Karl Rove is an evil genius.
Cowboy ends up bare-bottomed on fence
I think the virulence and the persistence with which Christian
How will the BFEE start eliminating the Third World?
It's odd, just when we are focused on vote fraud
I want to thank the designers of this website for making this
GOP Discusses National Sales Tax: "nest eggs devoured"
My email exchange with a freeper friend
You'd think with a Chimp as President they'd love evolution.
One more freedom disappearing before your very eyes
Yahoo Economic News (GRRRRRRR):
New Hampshire Recount Update (from Ida)
Unaccountable One-Party Government: What the hell is to be done?
It seems a lot of people are unaware
My Essay for English, Bush and Orwellian Language... Please read and reply
200 Iraqi kids die every day - hunger, no health care, bad water
The Group that wrote the FMA had ties to Islamic Terrorists
Hollywood Conservative misses the obvious (big surprise there, right?)
Is this true? Kerry taking part in recounts?
Dumb RW bumper sticker spotted here in San Francisco
With Love on International Aids Day. This thread's for Brad Reimer.
US army blocks aid convoy for Falluja (can you say genocide?)
Dirty Teeth Can Kill You, U.S. Study Shows
Music - the Call to Revolution
Giuliani still cashing in on 911
go tell the DNC what you really think
US to boost troop levels in Iraq to 150,000
Psychosis AND Soldier Impersonation on the Yahoo Message Boards
some big (newspaper) media attention re V. Fraud
Just heard on MSNBC about the 8.8 billion missing...
A Good Start : Democrats should boycott FOX News....
Isn't it great that we have a President the entire world hates?
Is there a ribbon color for people like me who hate ribbons?
Does CBS or any other network accept RW or other religious ads?
A friend says that I should get a job working for Democrats.
Harvard Law to Bar Military Recruiters
The vast majority of the world, plus half of America, doesn't like Bush.
Interesting article . . . K v Heuvel implies US behind Ukraine protests
Need Facts To Back Up My Healthcare Argument
eeeek another evolution post..but I think I know what part of the prob is
A great idea (my opinion) for birthday/Christmas cards...
Other then Randi is anyone else on AAR talking about the New Freedom Com?
Help! Does anything good happen?
It's about bloody time, Mr. President
Institute for Creationist Strategies - religion back into public schools
"Does Controversial Police Network Violate Rights?" ("The Matrix")
CCTV International`s top four stories
tho those who claim doing something political takes
"Canada Wins Battle of Toledo" - if Fallujah were on the other foot.
Grand Unified Evolution Thread
Regarding all the disrespectful discussion of evolution and creation......
When did support for Evolution equal "I hate Christians"???
are security moms scared right now?
Over 21,000 visited Clinton Library on 3 days after T-Day ....
The "liberal" NY Times and "Social Security Reform"
Can the differences between Repugs and Dems be surmised as.....
What is this Pentagon/CNN story Rhodes was talking about?
So if they reinstated the Draft...
What do you say to the families of soldiers fighting in Iraq?
Bush Administration Manipulates Science and Censors Scientists
So we ask again, "Where is the press?"
Hentoff: GONZALEZ "Worse Than ASHCROFT"
GI threatens suicide over return to Iraq
Is it anti-semitic to hope Bush is brought down by neocon/israel thing?
I'm invoking the Popeye Principle..(I've had all I can stands, and I can't
Pictures of American Soldiers, Wounded/Amputees
Got a call from a USMC buddy that I haven't seen in 30 yrs.
Starve the Beast: Christmas Gift Idea Thread
Do you believe in ghosts (the supernatural)?
black tie and boots ball jan. 20
Smart Baby Comments On Bush's Election...2.2 Meg Video...
Airport road has become a metaphor for the entire Iraq mission
Video game commercials are a disturbing trend
bush approves non encrypted broadcasting passports
Why do Republicans Hate America?
BushCo Thug Indicted for Jamming Dem Campaign Phone Lines
Pictures and War Stories of Wounded/Amputee American Soldiers
Is US citizenship necessary to be sent to Iraq?
Saudi Arabia is buying up shares of Newscorp to help
CBS/NBC censorship of gay-friendly church ads
I offer up this extremely graphic war photo with almost no comment
we should start a campaign to give the statue of liberty back to France
Randi taking a repug to school.
A scientific (non-Fundie) overview of hell
Matt Lauer and Tim Russert up for Rather's job?
Jesse Jackson: Kerry's Early Concession speech betrayed...
Somebody on the Left to has to care enough to start a news network
So I bought "It Can't Happen Here". Guess who was in the bookstore?
For all those who doubt Kerry go Buy the movie Going UpRiver
Dollar tanking...Gold above $450. SILVER hits $8.00+ an ounce..
Dubya the movie. Large video. Need quicktime. small version available
Bush: "Every Country Needs a Good Lefty"
All republicans Suffer from TDD
Anyone watching The Halifax event? Bush looks like he's pissed
Freaky Picture of BushCo...downright scary...
NBC Nightly News thread (Brokaw's last newscast)
Psychic on Don and Mike show predicts surprise for Dem's in a few weeks
Falwell's Thanksgiving message: "I thank God" for Hannity, Limbaugh, FOX,
lucianne goldberg brings us the insight of...pat sajak???
Church Ad Rejected by Networks
White House Insider gives Bushies "terminal spastic colon"
Why did Bob Graham do so poorly in the polls?
Shrub, on top of everything else, is probably this close to a breakdown
Scariest picture of Matt Drudge I have seen!
UCC Church commercial deemed "too controversial" to be aired by networks?!
Anderson Cooper comes out to Falwell on CNN
All right, I need a T-shirt and I need it bad.
Orwellian Disconnect: International Torture Pariah George W. Bush
THIS is how anti-Bush protesters should look!
Ukraine Election: What we won't hear from MSM......
Just returned from ten days in "jesusland" (Okla) - ask me anything!
Here's something nice I think Americans should know
Canada protest Bush so they must hate America [Insanity on the march]
Third Madsen article just out!! Discusses how vote rigged/Five Star!
Why is it 'bad' for Gays to serve in the military?
US Army generals told of prisoner abuse before Abu Ghraib photos
I actually do not think Canada will send back very many draft dodgers
"PTSD and my homecoming" (must read -- seriously)
So, what would happen if China quit lending us money?
One Day After KerryIs Inaugurated...
Explain the Oil for Food Scandal to Me
I'm pissed at the Dems and Reps that voted for the New Freedom Commission
Why aren't DUers taking the New Freedom Commission seriously?
Yahoo's Change to Their Privacy Policy - Web Beacons
Anti-Choice Texan goes to China for Stem Cell treatments?
Condolences to our Andy Stephenson.
Canadiens Sound Off About Tucker Carlson
Help Stop Senator Conrad Burns' Plan to Slaughter Horses
new Oxyrush and Savage Weiner advertiser Irish Crystal Company of Kansas
They're NOT FASCISTS I Tell You! STOP Comparing Them To NAZI'S!!!!
To adults who rationalize spanking kids
Check in all Bloging DUers! View DUer Blogs and post yours!
Biggoted Teacher sues Gay Mom for Defamation
Boycott Macy's says-The Committee to Save "Merry Christmas"
Is That Ginger Ale In That Glass?
Actually, evolution is a theory.
The U. S. is a Masonic Nation founded on the principles of Free Masonry!
The United Church of Christ (UCC) can't run ad on CBS/UPN
TELL ME... Why are WE protesting and why AREN'T YOU ???!!!
OUTRAGE! "Religious LEFT" (UCC) ad banned by networks!
Michale Ruppert - Alert - Run on the Dollar Imminent
Enjoy your vacation, Plaid Adder.
I need a christmas sugar cookie recipe
Bread Makers, what is pumpernickel flour?
Pie Crusts - shortening, butter or lard
Man - I know he was a pedophile but I miss the Frugal Gourmet show.
ATM gives customers Canadian Tire money
"Lefty" Layton, give him hell!!!
Anyone else amused that Bush quoted our craziest PM?
ID cards: what's actually going to happen?
11/30 Romania Opposition Demands Election Rerun, Alleges Fraud
Our Troops Now Dead in Iraq - 1,254
CA appeals court halts certification of San Diego Mayor Race
Ridge Runs for Cover as S... Hits the Fan!
Change Sought in Endangered Species Act
NYT: CA Pension (Calpers corp. governance) Activist Expects to Be Ousted
US Burns Iraqis Alive with Napalm
Records: Frist campaign short on money for loan (scandal?)
ID cards: keep up to date or face fine of £1000 (UK)
US military knew of Iraq detainee abuse - newspaper
Southeast Airlines Ceases Operations
WP: Kerry Team Seeks to Join Fight To Get Ohio County to Recount
LAT: PR Meets Psy-Ops in War on Terror (use of misleading info debated)
UK Tories ask Rove to reproduce Bush's "win" for their party
Justice to fight Hanford nuclear disposal
Vaccine Against Ricin to Be Tested
Hamas will boycott upcoming Palestinian Elections
Ukraine's Parliament Sacks Govt, Boosts Opposition "DECEMBER 2004 -- 1 Dead"
Brazil Garbage Dump Coule Be Climate Trailblazer
WP: New DEA Statement Has Pain Doctors Fearful: Reneges on Narcotics
UK troops in Iraq 'bound by rights act'
Bush convicted of war crimes in mock trial (Halifax)
Karzai grills British officials over 'illegal' poppy crop spraying
US torture at Guantanamo 'increasingly repressive'
In Chile, instant Web feedback creates the next day's paper
NASTY POLITICS in 3rd Congressional District Louisiana
Canadian Press Conference w/ Bush
Sears execs unload shares (but not buying new ones)
Bush to Thank Canadians for Post-9/11 Aid
Anthem, WellPoint Complete Merger (creates largest health insur. co)
Pre-trial hearing held for US military guard in Abu Ghraib scandal
Islamist group says it killed three US 'collaborators' in Iraq
Iraq's two top Kurdish parties to run jointly in January election
Voting errors tallied nationwide (4 pgs on today's Boston Globe site)
WP,pg1: Bush, in Canada, Defends For. Policy ("defiant," cites election)
Ancestor's DNA Code Reconstructed
Court Limits Damages for Misleading Loans (Kept at 36 yr old $ limit)
Criminal business as usual for IRA's hard men
Rumsfeld sued for war crimes over Abu Ghraib
NYC Firefighter in 9/11 Killed in Iraq
NYC Firefighter Killed in Iraq
Almost as important as world politics: U2 hits numero uno:
Pentagon calls Red Cross a liar)Pentagon Denies Abuse Charges at Guantanam
U.S. Generals in Iraq Were Told of Abuse Early, Inquiry Finds
Breaking: Exchange of gunfire in Haiti during Powell's visit
Records: Frist campaign short on money for loan
NY Lawyer Guilty in Frankel Scam.
Al-Barguthi back in the running for Palestinian President
Ukraine elections betray Western bias
OUTRAGE! "Religious LEFT" (UCC) ad banned by networks!
Iran's growing AIDS crisis shifts from the needle to the bed
Personal income increased 0.6 % not inflation adjusted - savings low 0.2%
Senator Schumer Won't Run For Govenor of New York
Sikh-owned gas station burnt in US
FDA Questions P&G Female Sex-Drive Patch
Bush Administration Proposes Cuts To Salmon Protection
Brokaw Says Goodbye, Chokes Up on 'Today'
Parliamentary Defeat Puts Sharon on the Brink
Families Riot As 166 Miners Confirmed Dead (the riot part is new)
Bush Praises Canadians for Post-9/11 Aid (protesters line the streets)
Deaths in combat ricochet here at home
Coffee is cause for jitters at airport
Bush Grateful for 'Five-Finger' Welcome
Blair rewards Korean leader for support in Iraq
Iraq Drafts Comedian to Drum Up Enthusiasm for Elections
U.S. to Boost Troop Presence in Iraq to 150,000
Impeachment Trial Opens for Nev. Official
Lawyers Want Early Statements Thrown Out in Iraqi Abuse Case (L. England)
Surprise Shift in Prop. 72 Vote Tally (CA passed Univ Health?!)
Media is government controlled.
Israel's Sharon Fires Ministers, Shatters Coalition
Intelligence Bill Slipping Away, but Foe Won't Budge (& Bush won't help)
Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands dies at the age of 93 (UPDATED)
'Lefty' Layton Trades Jabs with President (Bush visit to Canada)
In Falluja's Ruins, Big Plans and a Risk of Chaos -NYT
Tenet Criticizes Idea of Nat'l Intel Chief (Press Kept Out of Tenet Speech
Rising insurgent activity reported west of Fallujah
Election Supervisors Support Implementing New Election Season (not day!)
Embassy Warns Americans in Afghanistan (Millitants infiltrating NGOs)
(Free) Credit Report Program Starts in 13 States
New School Prayer Story Bodes Well
US senator (Norm Coleman) calls on Annan to quit
Deployments extended for Hawai'i-based troops
Democratic Governors to Name New Leaders
U.S. To send 12,000 more troops to Iraq
Former Bush campaign official indicted in phone-jamming
Israel's Sharon Fires Ministers, Shatters Coalition
Writer Describes Dangerous Iraq Highway
Another Suicide Attack on Baghdad's Killer Highway
new unemployment claims drop to 323,000
Writer Describes Dangerous Iraq Highway
Observers: Tricks Skew Ukraine's Election (Vote or no medical treatments)
Kuchma's Allies Seek a New Candidate
Consumer Reports Will Rate Drugs
U.S. Gives Business Role in Los Alamos Bid
Harvard Law to Bar Military Recruiters
Discovery Sheds Wings, Deploys Military Channel
Absentee Ballot Count Adds 150 Kerry Votes
Mutilated body is not Hassan's (C.A.R.E. director)
Sticking to His Guns (*'s "reconciliation" tour)
Prosecutor: Feds Have Right To Protect Local Abortion Clinics
HIV, AIDS Cases Rise Among U.S. Gay, Bisexual Men
(Montana) Recount ends in a tie, legal action
Supreme Court Urged to Block (Hallucinogenic) Religious Tea
Mount St. Helens the state's No. 1 air polluter | Seattle Times
NV PRESIDENTIAL RACE: Two seek statewide recount
Iraq, Neighbors Argue Over U.S. Troop Withdrawal
Powell safe after gunbattle during Haiti visit but meetings moved
Pennsylvania House begins shutting down; 45 layoffs are made today CHINA
LAT: Salmon and Steelhead May Lose (up to 90% of) Protections
U.N. Panel Rejects Bush Stance on Preventive Military Action
Annan's son never touched UN oil-for-food contracts in Iraq: Cotecna
Charter Air Company CEO, Pilot Killed When Corporate Jet Crashes
Blair's government to explain role in Equatorial Guinea coup plot
NYT: Red Cross President Plans D.C. Visit on (Gitmo) Detainees' Treatment
War toll a 'horrific cost' (RMN, neurosurgeon speaks out)
Charges Dropped Against Bicyclist Arrested During (RNC) Protest
US CEOs Less Bullish About Economy-Survey
Bush Calls for New Consensus on Middle East ("Our peoples are one family")
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday 1 December
Leaders of Civil-Rights Watchdog Blast Bush
What happened to Iraq’s oil money?
A Daily Look at U.S. Iraq Military Deaths
Head of Largest Gay Organization Resigns
Bill Maher Seeks Dismissal of Lawsuit
Man[kind] Mostly to Blame for 2003 Heatwave
WP: Continued (consumer) Confidence Slide Jolts Markets
(U.S. Appointed) Iraqi President Backs Jan. 30 Elections
9/11 Families Say Lieberman Is the 'Obstructionist'
Judith Miller Finds It's 'Hard to Keep Doing Your Job'
Rentokil at four-month low after profits warning (UK)
Bush Presses Canada on Ballistic Missile Defense
Tickets a Rare Commodity to Bush Inaugural (Black Tie & Boots)
At a Loss for Words - FBI's translation scandal heats up (Village Voice)
Former Bush campaign official indicted for phone-jamming
FDA to Review Female Sex Dysfunction Drug
PR Meets Psy-Ops in War on Terror
Supreme Court Ponders IRA-Bankruptcy Case
Artists Eats Fox To Protest Society's Misplaced Priorities
Urinal Named As Most Influencial Art (AP spelled it wrong, not me)
Angry scenes as terror police raid homes (UK)
Israel's Sharon may face a "no confidence" vote
Giuliani Returns to Wall Street as Banker
Phila. DN: Jackson wants recount (story mentions DU!)
Gonzales to Recuse Himself From CIA Probe (Demos Broadly Support Gonzales)
US distances itself from lawmaker's call Annan's resignation(what BS)
Protesters in Canada Express Anger at Bush
Dollar Falls, Hits Record Low Vs. Euro (broken record "broken record")
Teacher seeks $50K in gay mom suit
(Liberal, Pro-Gay) Church Says CBS, NBC Reject Ad Spot
Pentagon Sending More Troops to Iraq (1,500 82nd Airborne)
WP: U.S. Generals in Iraq Were Told of Abuse Early, Inquiry Finds
Bush attorneys ask U.S. Supreme Court to take Schiavo case
Activists crash tribute to LePore at election supervisors meeting
PETA: Kosher Slaughterhouse Abusing Animals
Marines: Fallujah Battle a Source of Pride (some sickening quotes)
You are a person to double business bound
computer people: does "cxtpls" mean anything to you??
Reminder: Judith Miller on Charlie Rose tonight...let's see if
"Look! A Diebold Electronic Voting Machine!"
whew . . . the cycles of marriage
Where can I buy a bumper sticker that says. . .
White Tea is Good for Your Health.
Good night all I will be signing off in 5 minutes as soon as I am done
Rip 'em up! Tear 'em up! Give 'em hell DUKE!
Republicans = Jedi Knights, Democrats = Sith/Empire
Crabgrass is good for your health
Wheatgrass is Good for Your Health.
What film/show is this line from?
I'm declaring Marshall Fields Law!
I have absolutely no idea what to bray.
Why can't I get in the shower with Tucker Carlson
I'm declaring Marshmallow law!
i just finished watching "pirates of the caribbean"
I declare Marshall Tucker law.
I'm declaring Mike Malloy the law!
I Am Declaring Marshall Crenshaw!
Shane, come back...come back Shane!
I'm comparing Melville and Shaw!
Why can't I get in the shower with Mr. T?
I'm declaring Penny Marshall Law.
I'm declaring Marshall Mathers Law.
Would you get, or have you ever gotten, cosmetic surgery?
little poll about public restrooms.
"First flight" or airline travel amenities I am sure anyone would miss
Marshall, Marshall, Marshall! Why's it always gotta be about Marshall?!
I'm declaring Jerry Mathers law!
I'm declaring Marshall, Will and Holly Law!
John Roberts looks like a Republican here
OK. I'm declaring Marshall McLuhan law
I am declaring the Weird Sleep Law
Uh, oh...we're infested again:)
Bet this is one Christmas song any Democrat would be itching to sing or
I'm imposing Josh Marshall Law
I just put my first person on 'ignore'
It's really brave to take on a powerless target.
All right, I Valerie5555 do concede,
OK after that little spam job, I gotta admit
Does anyone else LOOK for locked threads?
Battle of the Pop/Rock Bands: Oingo Boingo vs. Was (not was)
another little poll about public restrooms.
Ideas for a Freeper Theme Park
I'm a convicted Nazi war criminal. Ask me anything.
Forgive me father, for I have sinned.
Irene goodnight, Irene goodnight
Turn it onnnn on on. Turn it on, turn it on again.
Is this the right room for an annulment
Mark your calendars - 12/23 is FESTIVUS.
I miss the dancing purple hippo
did everyone OD on suger pills tonight? the lounge is crazy!!
Anyone ever smell their dogs breath--intentionally?
Just spent the day helping move furniture in 40C+ weather
Should I go to bed or stay awake?
Republicanism Shown to be Genetic in Origin
Is this the right room for an argument?
I simply love Eddie Izzard ...
To Those still up at this ungodly hour of the morning...
Recommend some good music please!
A Freeper on the diffrerence between 'semi-rich' and 'super rich'
well now that we got rid of the freeper named BlueandWhite
Is paranoia a symptom of insomnia?
Move Over Virgin Mary! -- Grain of Cereal That Looks Like E.T. Gets $804
What's the most money you've ever had (in LIQUID assets)???
Inspiration from Pat Robertson!
The perfect non-offensive post to anyone.
Geesh. Then I'm declaring Forrest Gump!
If ann coulter were a cat, would she look like this?
Ed Begley Jr - Good actor? Good activist? Both?
Anyone want to talk like a Pirate????
The BVM appeared on my shower curtain
is there a pic gallery on DU that I am completely unaware of?
Dog is accused of having sex with man's mom named Gin-Gin
Fast Food Chicken Restaurant Welcomes Back Jesus
Ken Jennings to be on Letterman tonight.
Hedges is accused of having sex with gin.
so michaeL moore cLeaned up nice, huh?
MATCOM has gin-soaked sex with Jesus Chicken; welcomes back mom's dog
post your wierdest dreams ,the ones that make no sence
Dinner Served With A Free Condom
Day 3 no smoking...going insane right now.
Anyone else shut out at
Things you can only say on Thanksgiving Day
PLEASE HELP!! This Thread Needs A Better Subject
I Can't Get This Damn Nick Cave Album off of My Stereo!
Police Suggest Leaving Your Crack Pipe At Home When Bailing Out Friends
Two lions escape Iranian zoo cage and kill guard
Have you just Woken up or have you been up all night?
is the usage of "nt" in the body of the message really necessary?
Mandate-Wear! Vote for your favorite idea
To help bounce the troll - the nerd finally loses on Jeopardy
Check out my cartoon for the day
All who wait till the last minute to Christmas shop - Post Here.
iPods make great flashlights too!
My knee hurts very badly from bad circulation should i:
Porter Goss's CIA: Some Growing Pains
the weather sucks here this morning...
Police Rescue Bare-Assed Cowboy Hanging From A Fence
"Brutus" The 100 Pound Tortoise Missing From Home
Caption: Alien implant lost in the maze?
Open wide: dentists can use Tofu to fix teeth
Arg! Work is calling me at home.
Caption: A real warm welcome from Ottawa...
Why do my husbands feet smell like fritos????????
I just finished writing my monthly status report here at work.
Iraq Adopts Terror Alert System
Whats the best sight with the biggest selection of liberal bumperstickers?
Caption: Miaooo, my tongue's gone all purple...
EPA Tests Find Rocket Fuel in Nation's Milk, Lettuce -Bush Greenwatch
Senor, senor, do you know where we're headin'?
I need some help getting the message out
Sony adopts GOP voting Technoloy)Promotional discs wipe out PS2 data
Why do my Fritos smell like my wife's feet?
KITTENS! Skittles and Francie (edit: added a photo)
40 years gone by, we still remember the 60's. 40 years from now?
Lava Lamp Left on Stove Explodes, Kills Man
Why does my wife's belly button smell like Grape Nuts?
Happy B-Day Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
Anyone know if that guy got tombstoned last night?
The "Hail and Farewell" CAPTION
Good Anti-Santa Article from the WP
anyone going to watch the Jessica and Nick xmas show?
Why does my cat's paws smell like a soiled jockstrap?
pros and cons of houseboating as solution to economic meltdown?
WHEW!! I just pulled an all-nighter.
My * votin' friend is moving to Canada!!
Could the BFEE be behind all the bus plunges in the Third World?
Rudolph the Red nosed reindeer is a corporate shill and tool of THE MAN!!!
Holiday gift suggestions under $50 for a liberal friend?
I wonder what the "A" stands for?
Are this year's Amazing Race contestants stupider or just louder?
Breaking: Ridge admits color codes a plot to exterminate the color blind.
I just discovered there is a Costco about 30 miles from me
can someone give me the link to keep your jesus off my penis, please.
And now, my complete collection of lenticular 3-D religious postcards
Need your feedback on this post
Any fans of the group Earth here?
Argh! Christmas music in the bathroom!
This Kool Aid stuff is for the birds!!
My niece passed away early yesterday morning
So..."stainless steel" essentially means "non-rusting steel"
Season's Greetings: Choose One
Separated at Birth?: Tom Ridge and "Hazel"'s Bobby Buntrock
I LOVEALHEDGES!!!!! And I want the world to know!
500 bucks of celexa down the drain
Hi All!! Finally got internet since moving to Germany
Help me! Should I change jobs?
New York hotel offers 10,000-dollar martini
GAG, Jessica Simpson is singing O Holy Night on the View
Wonder how Scallia's taking Rendquist being sick?
little poll about PRIVATE bathrooms.
The Insignificant Other Appreciation Thread
The Spouse/Partner/Lover/Significant Other Appreciation Thread
Should i stop posting on the dance thread?
How come the Ukraine is refered to sometimes as the Ukraine
Cleaning cabinets---Need help.
CNN breaking news that Powell may have gotten shot at in Haydii
Woman feels "violated" after her fake 18-foot palm tree is stolen
Zell Miller Named First Secretary Of Offense
Thanks to everyone who has PMed and emailed me about the column
My Friend Owes Me $300 and i dont know how to ask for it back
Record cold in California - "Brrr!"
I beleave in TSTPI...... How bout you?
Gaaaargh! Why is this so hard? All I want is a tree and a baby!
John Waters: "Have a merry, rotten, scary, sexy, biracial, happy Xmas"
"Chipmunks, roasting... on an open fire......"
How do you KNOW you're popular on DU?
Who do you prefer as CBS Anchor?
Where does jocularity on DU come from?
I don't appreciate threads that don't appreciate "I don't appreciate"
Well, I appreciate that a lot of you don't appreciate so many things...
Favorite portrayal of Hercules in movies or television.
Any funny book recommendations?
Baseball star's wife makes ultimate threat
It's not Christmas until . . .
My GOD! Ann Coulter's mother is on "The New Gilligan Island"
Cheech and Chong's Nice Dreams is on Comedy Central.
Where does popularity in DU comes from?
"I don't appreciate..."- is it overused?
photo: which of these things is not like the others
New Iraqi Terra Alert Color Chart
Anyone know how to make your own little Flash Movie animation?
For those of you who watched The Real Gilligan's Island
How long do you season an iron skillet in the oven?
Any vets/ vet techs wanna reassure me about my pup?
What are you? LIHOP, MIHOP or IHOP?
Best Monty Python skit or movie segment
Howard Dean DU Support Group - who's with me on this one?
What Acronyms Do You Use The Most?
What is your favorite part of a pig?
My Shar-pei is an anti-fundie religious bigot
How to Get 100+ Responses to Your Post
My iguana is a virulent hater of Albanian-Americans
My daschund thinks Freemasons run the country
Hungarian city holds pageant to choose handsomest Santa Claus
I miss AnnabelLee! Please come back!
How come there are rioters in the streets of Ukraine, but not
Has anyone else tried the new Pepsi Holiday Spice
You guys have to wait half an hour between your posts
Am I having auditory hallucinations? What would cause this?
Man is accused of having sex with mom's dog named Gin-Gin
My Freemason thinks that dachshunds run the country.
How to Get 0 Responses to Your Post
Trailer for puke-inducingly cutesy movie "Because of Winn-Dixie"
Tell me a lie. Make it a good one.
Bob Dylan on 60 minutes Dec. 5
Fun Fake Fliers (for the religiously ignorant)
Did anyone watch "the real gilligan's island" reality show?
You should wait one hour after eating before posting.
STAY COOL! I've Got It ALL Under Control.
Limbaugh and Drudge go on a date. Who makes the first move?
Lawmaker doesn't want novels with gay characters in public libraries
PHOTO: Bush steps in it again. "Bellhop, get those bags there, boy."
Who wants to mock the best HATE MAIL to date?
I nominate Matcom's ass as "pet of the year"
I AM UTTERLY UNLOVABLE!!!!! And I want the world to know!
Bush takes a moment to relax between Canada speeches
My Friend Returned My Money to Me. I am such a Bitch!
Who let JohnKleeb on DU without asking for proper ID?
If you read food labels, what numbers do you look at?
Why doesn't someone just start a John Kleeb fan club already?
US Currency Was Redesigned To Help Prevent Counterfeiting... BUT...
Do all Colleges have end of Semester and Christmas parties?
An email I just got from a freeper I used to work with
I nominate Matcom as asshole of the year
Is John Kleeb really a freeper?
Why in God's name am I not writing my research papers?
You should wait one hour after posting before eating.
Is John Kleeb really TexasGal?
I went into GD for a second and thought I was still in the Lounge.
If you allow the federal government to put a chip in your ass....
Here's the thing about God-directed Evolution.
Bush said that he has a "Mandate"?
After Brokaw goes - there will be no one with bad adenoids left on TV.
I nominate Underpants as person of the year
History - has it ever been 'acceptable' for a woman to be promiscuous
Funny article in the Guardian:
Richard Simmons, what more can I say?
Did you know that 83.3% of the people who bought my bumperstickers...
What's your favorite Rock band.....why?
please share your favorite creation myths here
I upload an image to my posts and I get "image" rather than the actual pic
Question about left over turkey
Could someone please start a rumor about me?
Could someone please explain this rumor going around about me
MsAnthropy ate pop-rocks and drank coke, had stomach explode.
what we really need is
I need legal opinions - is this legal for an employer to ask???
Is it true that bleachers7 got attacked by a koala bear?
Supreme Court Urged to Drink (Hallucinogenic) Religious Tea ....
Request help with compact stereo purchase!
Did anyone see The Gilmore Girls last night?
Name a movie you paid $7.50 to see.
Am I the only one not infected with Kleeb?
I am the great! I've just been invited to breakfast with the COO...
All this Kleebing around makes me...
I need help on the "Atlantic Slave Trade"
Who FORGOT to share to SPECIAL brownies?
A shortage of more cowbell explains the need for more Kleeb!
Is it possible to have every thread on page 1 of the lounge be Kleebed?
Alright, time to go to class...but, while I'm gone...
Is that a KLEEBAGE in your pants?
Could someone please explain me?
DU Group proposal: JohnKleeb fan club
Is it true that Kleeb was not the guy who wanted to napalm Iraq?
Shakespeare tragedies are a disturbing trend.
Clapton to release second Robert Johnson set ("live" rehearsals + DVD)
DU Group proposal: JohnKleeb Vets for Truth
DU Plumbers, Handypersons, electricians- need advice- my water heater
Anyone feeling old yet?..Roger Daltry - 60 Yrs old
Nominations for DU Lounge "Kleeb of the Year"
Anyone got a link to the poll where Kleeb was voted...
My Kleeb can beat up your Kleeb
What the fuck happened in here in the past 1/2 hour?
Admit it, cmon, you're among friends... you LOVE
Should DU set up a room for Polls
My new bra shows off my nice Kleebage
I googled JohnKleeb pictures and got the shroud of Turin
Do we need more threads about JohnKleeb?
Second water heater-related question of the day...
Did Ken Jennings lose it on purpose?
Is John Kleeb ok? I ask because I wonder how all these posts got
NYT:F.D.A. to Review Drug to Increase Women’s Sex Drive
Record Lottery Winner Arrested (Again) on Drunken Driving, Other Charges
Is there anyone here that use Viagra or Cialis?
Does John Kleeb use Viagra or Cialis
Do you eat to live or live to eat?
Is it true that Kleeb outed Valerie Plame?
Do you live to Kleeb or Kleeb to live?
ha - preventing those drunken phone calls
Country forced to drink the wingnut Kool-Aid
Treasures of King Tut to Tour in U.S.
OOOOH OOOH! I got Kleeb's autograph: let's start the bidding at $15,000
Don't you love that 30's musical, "Kleebs in Toyland!" Starring
To Kleeb or not to Kleeb, that is the question...
Why can't I get on a show with Tucker Carlson
I heard tell that JohnKleeb once shot a man.........................
enough about porn; let's discuss Kleeb:
Nominations for DU Lounge "Pet of the Year"
UrbanDictionary: defenition of Canada...
Name a movie you paid nothing to see
I did it. 100 posts in five hours. Congratulations are in order.
"Ward, you're being awfully hard on the Kleeber tonight"
enough about me, lets discuss porn
I'm a Francophile. Ask me anything.
End of The World plus five weeks. How ya doin?
Anyone recall some famous DU banned-member meltdowns?
Friday night there will be a slumber party at my house w/ 12 little girls
What is your favorite winter drink?
So who saw Daily Show last night?
The "Winning Friends and Influencing People" CAPTION
Anyone want to help me co-found the Church of Kleebology?
I watched "The Biggest Loser" for the first time last night
"Larry David you 4-eyed fuck!" Susie Essman appreciation thread.
I'm in love with Amanda Huggenkiss... But she doesn't love me
I have absolutely no idea what to say.
A weekend break? That'll be $8 million
Jesus Not Coming Back (satire)
My SprintPCS bill I call them to find out why
Should I pick up Grandma today?
man this female just makes me sweat every time I see her.
This is just awful. 29.4%. Only 29.4%...
How about - Cute Guys From Sorry Everybody?
I am declareing that you must dance
The "Don't Let the Door Hit Ya Where the Good Lord Split Ya" CAPTION
Movies you hate to admit you LOVE?
I MUST escape the 700 club! PLEASE ask me ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!
Anyone want to find something on the Internet but can't find it?
I have a question about car searches...
Have you just taken a fish to the head, or are your knickers too tight?
Good gourmet or micro brewed Beer suggestions needed?
You know what I'd like to happen to Tucker Carlson?
Haven't heard from Jack Mehoffer lately. Where's he been?
DU Bon Vivant William Rivers Pitt ?
I love Kleeb probably more than the next person, but...
The office of the future sucks!
Detoxing from Paxil and Wellbutrin
I'm going to bed now. But first I'd just like to say
My cat is an anti-Hispanic racist
For science: reading on toilet, males vs females
Can you confidently say you've seen 'everything' on DU?
googLe is part of the gay agenda
need helping packing tidewater area of virginia !!!!!
Holy crapity crap crap. It's frikkin December.
Who wanted a tortoiseshell kitten?! (archive search not working)
Smoking POT will make you go crazy!
Are those magnetic ribbons on cars really non-partisan?
Serious new virus alert from CDC - Gonorrhea lecthim
OK, I can't hold it in any longer: I just gotta know!
Take a guess - when will the total registered reach 60,000.
Germans think they're well-hung - but they're not
Name a movie everyone seemed to love except you
Request for prayers, good thoughts, wishes, vibes, etal, for my father who
Did you know that the Muppet's are owned by Disney now?
Nominations for the DU Lounge "Person of the Year"
Celestial Seasonings Candy Cane Lane: Best. Tea. Ever.
Brokaw Says Goodbye, Chokes Up on 'Today'
New rule: if you have your own show on the Food Network
I Admit It... I Like "Mail Call"
DU Singles: Does Winter make you even more lonely?
Kleeb, Kleeb, Kleeb, Kleeb, Kleeb, Kleeb, Kleeb, Kleeb, Kleeb, Kleeb,
I just saw Alexander and it Bombed!
I refuse to post pointless statements to the Lounge
In search of the best fruitcake money can buy I've found one so far.
Do you believe in ghosts (the supernatural)?
Abortion Film Sweeps British Film Awards
Spurlock's '30 Days' on FX Menu ("Super Size Me" Director)
UCC Church Commercial deemed "too controversial" to be aired on TV?
an enki koan in favor of no-god
Employer Family health for Gays via West Hollywood's partner registry
NASA's world wind site now working.
Ancestor's DNA code reconstructed
Genes exert a strong influence over how nice - or socially responsible
When biblical and archaeological worlds collide
Before I go home for the day...
New UK Study Reveals Health Toll of Anti-Gay Prejudice
Anti-Gay Boycotts Not Supported Poll Suggests
Backers Of Those 'Marriage' Amendments Are Showing Their Real Agenda
Gay Advocacy Group Says Its President Is Resigning
Johnny Damon billboards in NYC? Say it ain't so!
Three reasons why the Steelers will KILL the Jaugars Sunday.
I had to put my best buddy down today. I am so so sad.
The last crusade of the Templars (want Papal apology for persecution)
Genes exert a strong influence over how nice - or socially responsible - h
Continuation of 11/19/04 readings
Might it be possible to be a Christian and an agnostic at the same time?
My current goals as an Atheist and political activist
As a veteran I really get tired of people like Rumsfeld saying......
UCMJ and DU, is caution in posting needed?
Wait so Kerry joined the recount effort in Ohio?
I think I'm taking a break from the other forums for a while
Kerry still can save his "good finisher" reputation.eom
Do you guys think Evan Bayh would be a good presidential candidate in 2008
which Republicans do you think will run in 2008 ?
Democratic Think Tank recognizes Bev Harris, Cobb & Badnarik
why can i post here and not in the lounge?
Bernie Ward: "Federal gov't now able to track Americans from age 14 on"
I went to the local Navy recruiting office today, for a little chat.
Expert: Bush re-election will lead to Al Qaeda Nuke attack in US
U.S. President George W. Bush adjusts his earpiece >>>
Which Big Red State Is The Most Likely To Go Blue In 08 With The Right
pardon me Mr. McClelland - CHEER UP HELL
Kerry Legal Team Joins fight for Ohio Vote Recount
So, Did I Underestimate The Size Of The Protests In Canada Or What?
What are different crowd estimates for Ottawa protests!
Bush inauguration: "A virtual fortress, unprecedented levels of security"
Any thoughts on this new FreedomCommission on Mental Health?
Rep. Istook even screwing fellow Republicans
Activists' Holiday Shopping List
Unions call homeland security directive unconstitutional
Everyone should watch Halifax Speech
I'd Like To See A Slim Downed Gore Run In 08...
Vast Deficit Budget Shifts Assets Away From Urban Areas
Did bush Get Lucky ... or was the election stolen ??
And they say Fox news isn't biased
Anyone catch Bush's comments on reopening markets for Canadian cattle?
The DNC wants money - again! - from me
So, I shouldn't hold my breath for Kerry to fund the WA recount, right?
Superb Site: Vote Project Tracks Election 2004 Anomalies.
New Hampshire Recount Update (from Ida)
The captain goes with the ship -- the "World" hates Bush
If Bush gave a damn about this country, he would resign.....
Now that they are in firm control of the White House and Congress
A "perceptive" Bush in Canada: "I am really glad to be around friends"
Bush's writers got it wrong with the quote "America is our best friend
Send your Kerry stuff back to the DNC to protest inaction on recounts
If the Sixties never happened.....
Once again, Bush uses 911 for his own pathetic self-serving ways
Anyone think W's hauling plastic turkeys to Iraq this year?
Ok a silly question....But does anyone else
Help -- here comes the evil trade policy
City attempts white out during Clinton festivities
mainstream news still pretends they found errors in F911 - why?
Black Box Voting crashes party =) Go Bev!!!
Does Anyone Have Links To Pics From Canda Protests?
Everyone who has USAA insurance needs to call them!!!
going back to Iraq--one soldier called it a "higher calling"
French Mark 200-Year Anniversary of Crowning Napoleon Emperor
I have a flier idea. Is it legal? Will it stop the war?
Does NH recount result prove fraud was in the Gems central tabulating?
Randi: "Bush as popular in Canada as Kobe Bryant at a N.O.W. Convention"
Crazy Wednesday afternoon idea: Let's hire KO to speak to us...
Defining morality splits Christians
Attn Geeks: could the GOP fake the BBV computer logs?
New DU group proposal: Relive the 2004 Primaries!
Blitzer discussing yesterday's fiasco with Tucker
Shell - The Only Dem Oil Company!
Do you become nauseated by weaponry TV shows now?
Information supporting the Kyoto Treaty needed!
Hey - anyone for a last minute "Goodbye and Good Ridance...
My Christmas tree will be alit with BLUE lights....
Anyone else feel like this Repug 9/11 spat is just a ruse?
How many people here would like a progressive forum for strategy?
What would happen IF the DNC called for a nationwide strike ???
I eavesdropped (sigh) and heard something disturbing...
Free Christmas Cards to send to Chimp-loving Freepers
PLEASE JOIN US TONIGHT--Let's start NOW for 2005 and 2006!!
Did the GOP find 'Rev' Jesse Lee Peterson on the street somewhere?
Good Reagan may have seen it before but its very good.
DNC Asking for Donations for WA Recount: Are they Joking???
So, I joined this Fundamentalist mailing list...
Write Sen. Norm Coleman and tell him to look inward. Republican Tricks
Edwards says his fight isn't over (a bit of a slap at Kerry campaign?)
Bush: "Every country needs a good lefty. We have a few in our country"
Scummy Slime Coleman Wants Anan To Resign (CNN)
Dr. Sanjay Gupta is one of us. Therefore: 'the media' is librul
if the election were up to young people...
Wow -- George Will Opposes GOP Attempts to Kill the Fillibuster
Bush says fuck you and he won't answer shit...
Why the reluctance to compare Bush to Hitler?
The linked video is very graphic and concerns the effects of DU
so in 2000, did you vote for Gore or Nader?
Dean (DFA) joins fight for recount in Washington State Gov race
Theory: Democrats may be biologically different from Republicans
Response to Plaid Adder and a Defense of those of us called
What's up with Chimp's Face in Halifax??
Southern and Red State Democrats
When did we stop being a party of economic issues?
George W. Bush, "Self-appointed Emperor of the World"...the statue falls
PR Meets Psy-Ops in War on Terror (should Bush worry about credibility?)
Will you be in DC for the 'inauguration'? You'd better.
Democratic Presidental Candidate in 08
DK didn't run against Bush and DK didn't quit