Democratic Underground

Archives: December 10, 2004

An electoral nightmare (Iraq)

WP: Second Impressions (Bushes telegraph casual confidence)

Is Bush the Antichrist? (Seattle weekly)

Al-Qaeda on the march (Saudi Arabia)

America, China's Retail Outlet

When I try to use the Smilies it is not working....why?

anti-southern bigotry.

Detroit Free Press contacts - for media list

you might wanna check this out

New streaming radio link: Stephanie Miller

Is Mike Malloy a DUer? nt

Where's the Gallery these days?

Hey, i need to post an image... how do i do that?

Female would-be suicide bomber gets 3 years in jail

$156 million award in terrorist kiliing


Article: Whitewashing Election Fraud

Check out this site for exit poll data from Nov.2 (link)

We have to start a massive message campaign to the Republicans

Oklahoma fraud? counting backwards? treachery I say

Rove's "Magic Spreadsheets"

Response from a Miami Herald Reporter. Any suggestions on how to respond?

Malloy's guest talking about votes not reg. for pres on voting machines

New Company Pulls the Plug on Fox News

Some of Richard Hayes Phillips Ohio doc. down due to hacking, revision

How long until Kerry must fish or cut bait?

Provisional ballot red light district -- Cleveland

Still more shenanigans in Ohio!!!

Has the Arnebeck suit been filed yet?????? Thanks!


Olbermann on...

Former US Congressman Jailed (DEM IN OHIO)

Walden O'Dell - chief executive of Diebold Inc. was at Crawford, Texas

Lets put together an AD!! get our word out!!

Time soon for Al "I got royally fucked" Gore to step up to plate in OH?

STOP DOWNING KERRY!!!! This is war for democracy

Any News about Arnebeck's lawsuit? Is it filed yet?

Someone hold my coat - I am about to DECK Joshua Frank!

Email from The Cobb-LaMarche Campaign

Video Highlights of Rep. Conyers' "Ohio Voting Irregularities"

Michael Rectenwald just wrote to me regarding Scarborough Country 12/9

E-mail from Ohio: Recount in Full Swing in Ohio

Cobb's vote totals changed on Ohio's official election site! (Fraud?)

Triad machines produce 101,506 more Bush Votes than expected in Ohio

Disaster Area (Graph): Kerry vote tally deviations from the exit polls

GREAT DUer letter: How to respond to media's "It's not newsworthy"

BRAD BLOG: Good Questions Answered About the Curtis/Feeney Story!...

Cast your vote for Micheal Moore's

a NEW idea . . . that we have slaughtered . .

Three Card Monte

Come Away With Me...

Anybody not care about the election reform if we can't rid of Bush ?

Catholic leaders think Bush is the "Antichrist". Now, he MUST go

More WA results in.. Now Rossi has only gained one vote

"Traditional Values Coalition" & its new amendment.

Union-Trib rally a success in San Diego

Who is running for Mayor in Boston?

What can we do in 2006?

Mayoral races in St. Paul - how do candidates get on the ballot,

Can you spare an hour on Sunday to fight VOTE FRAUD?

Firefox/Comcast homepage problem

Now What?

First Hispanic HISD Superintendent was unanimously voted in today

Pornography is Anything But a 'Victimless Crime'

Bushco's new plan to solve pesky deficit and SS problem.

Anthony Flew's story of the 'invisible gardener'...often discussed in

VA cuts in Lawton OK!!

Ann Coulter says "Dems have Blacks on plantations!" Video

Have you hugged your chimera today?

cnn 360 - Rumsfeld lied

Am I the only one that has stopped reading and writing to the op-eds?

Another Ohio incident

bob novak on c-span's washington journal 8am friday

Parents Go on Strike, Move to Front Yard

I got this email today from a coworker.Is this another fake freeper email?

"Rules require ads not to contain content that blasphemes...

10 post to me out here

Help! My ATM is made by DIEBOLD!

Freeps are freeping the MM F911 poll. Lets out poll them. go vote here

Freeper t-shirt

Signed affidavit admits to programing election fraud prototype for repubs

Al Qa Qaa Disaster has fallen into Memory Hole

My nickname for Rush Limbaugh

Shut the FOX up!

An Open Letter to George Bush:Ralph Nader

Someone did not like my bumper sticker so they...

Ruy Teixeira has this piece on the Hispanic Vote.

GPS to track teen drivers

Why can't we all be free to believe what we believe?

Franken vs. Colter on Scarborough, MSN 9pm CT.

so where was Curtis 4 years ago, or 6 months ago? why only come out now?

They must repent

Caring for the Wounded in Iraq — A Photo Essay

PLEASE VOTE for F 9/11 for People's Choice Award

No. Dakota study: Diet pills lead to lesbian daughters

So why is the MMM covering the Rummy story? They would never

Senator Edwards and Elizabeth coming up on Larry King.

support the troops idea? arnie should donate his hummers to the army

Nightline will be about the fraud in the election

Did anyone else look at the picture of Bush on the front of the NYT Wed.

Why the crap does Pat Buchanan give a damn about the Oscars???

Asbestos suit on: We deserved to lose

Novak on C-SPAN tomorrow AM

Caption this Photo

Have you ever been to a Democracy for America meetup?

Saint Chaska and the dragon. Did I do a bad thing, ya'll?

The "Daily Show" spoofs Hannity and Colmes/Video

You go to war with the army you have..... or

Question about modern day Christians...

Seriously, what the hell is the matter with Rumsfeld?

FBI: Racial hate mail sent high school athletes

Question for people who either know Bugs, Boston, or Both.

CIA Agent Says He Was Fired for Refusing to Fake Reports for Bush

Racism? Hate Crimes 2003: Charlotte, NC v. Portland; It isn't pretty.

THE SPAWN OF BARBARA - and other political parodies...

Rumsfeld's comment on armored vehicle production. Proof he's full of crap.

Things That Are Bill Clinton's Fault

Christian Right Spreading Web of Lies

My Plan to End the War in Iraq

12\9\04 Thursday Malloy Gathering

Let's get it into the open: What's so wrong with polygamy or polyandry?

You think 8 years under GW will be bad? Ha!

New Fallujah Photos from Dahr Jamail

Pork roast and sauerkraut

ICRC team visits Fallujah for first time since conflict: spokesman

Reporter Gets House Arrest in Source Case

Mysterious Tremors May Portend California Quakes (a way to predict)

Bush, Rumsfeld Try to Soothe Angry U.S. Troops

U.S. overtime laws doesn't apply in Iraq

Marine Who Went Missing in Iraq Charged

Media blamed 'for Iraq attacks' (UK general on Black Watch attacks)

Alleged Voter Fraud in Ohio

Study finds dangerous military waste near American Indian reservations

Ex-CIA Agent was fired for REFUSING TO LIE about WMD's

Half the world's children threatened by extreme poverty

Bush: Soldiers’ equipment gripes heard

Sen. Dorgan: Administration breaking federal law

Neb. Landlord Ordered to Pay Women $66K for Demanding Sex in Lieu of Rent

Rumsfeld Bests Critics to Steer Same Course in Iraq

Soldier Loses Claim That Army Tricked Him (with a "try one" year program)

Let the Spin Begin: Reporter planted GI's question for Rumsfeld

Honour for Iraqis' court champion (Shiner, Human Rights Lawyer)

Lawmakers Approve Panel to Appeal Secrecy

Top Interior official resigns from Bush administration

Fugitive Priests Blamed on Law Enforcement

WP: A Domestic Policy in Sharp Focus (more power for *)

Lord Butler Lambasts Blair Over 'Bad Government'

Pontifical University to Take on the Devil (Course on Satanism/Exorcism)

EPA Relying on Industry for Water Safety (just like the FDA and Vioxx)

Spitzer Vows More Reform if Elected NY Governor (1st Speech as Candidate)

Schwarzenegger Opts to Keep Tax Returns Private

Marine Who Went Missing in Iraq Charged

Iraqi Shiites exclude Sadr from election alliance

1 million U.S. troops have gone to war

WP: Gay Activists Refuse to Bargain Away Rights

Halliburton Work in Iraq Tops More Than $10 Billion

Oil Steady, OPEC Expected to Cut Supply

A Sign of Hope for Reporters in CIA Leak Case

Allawi and Sadr are out of the running and Chalabi is back in!

Government Says Terrorists May Use Lasers

(Gitmo)Detainees 'bashed, given drugs'

Funding for U.S. Military Operations in Iraq Could Surge($75-100 billion)

(Jerry) Springer will host local radio show

Debate on Secret Program Bursts Into Open

Al-Qaeda could stage seaborne attack within 12 months: security firm

Marines hunt down Fallujah's strays to head off rabies threat

Bush manipulated NKorea intelligence like he did in Iraq: US expert

NY Bird lovers want Pall Mall's Nest restored (P.Zahn's husband = culprit)

What did you learn today?

Because I'm bored, a gratuitous RAT thread!!

Merry Holidays and the usual *parental guidance* STUFF....

Can we have a Bob Dylan sing along...

Did You Know? LynneSin Will Serve Liquor To Will Pitt In A Bunny Suit?

OK, I have totally OD'd on sweets already

Oh my god! Janine Turner's eyes don't produce enough tears!!!

Because I'm bored, a gratuitous FAT thread!!

Matcom, do you post about every DU phone call you get

We all know someone like this...

It's like this in So. California, too.

Because I'm bored, a gratuitous SCAT thread!


Anyone else see the fully naked STREAKER on Anderson 360?

Unusual problems breed unusual solutions

Anyone else see the fully baked ANTIQUER on Anderson 360?

Important message from the CDC

Because I'm bored, a gratuitous HAT thread

I don't like many liquors. Serve me Will Pitt in a bunny suit!

Great Place For A School Field Trip

For Texasman

Vinnie Paul (Dimebag Darrell's brother) confirmed NOT injured

How many women have fallen in love with the boy with the bad teeth

Because I'm bored, a gratuitous RATT thread!!

PREVIEW of Matcom on vacation in Mexico (Sexy in a Swimsuit!!!)

Skinner says no hex threads...

Skinner says so Tex-Mex threads

Franz Ferdinand - who else thinks these guys are great?

For those about to rock


So I'm watching Rattle and Hum

Fuck it, I'll figure it out

Ocean's Twelve opens tomorrow!

This is a gratuitous Rex thread!

OK. NSMA Called A Half Hour Ago And She Is STILL Talking WIth Mrs Matcom!!

Clay Aiken should...

What kind of outdoor Christmas lights do you love or hate?

Crazy Train

Sometimes you can't make it on your own (Post 2,000)


My close brush with Pataki...what would you guys have done???

now on eBay - own a piece of "Mancow"!

Im grateful for.....

My God. I just watched the first 30 minutes of tonight's apprentice.

Not that there's anything wrong with it but Aaron Carter

non-smokers, would you date a smoker or is that a dealbreaker?

Am I the only one who thinks that Thom Yorke from Radiohead

Sharing an email I received today.

Best New Rock Band (since 2000)

Terrorists are using birds to attack our airplanes!

So what happened on CSI

I just figured out how to post my picture in the gallery. Ask me anything.

Ok, I know that I'm a wuss but....

Some funny shit in GD.

Has anybody watched "Shorties watching shorties" on comedy central?

My dog hit me with a pool cue then I almost fell down the stairs

Grandma Got Ran Over By A Reindeer

Ancient DU History Quiz

California Golden Bears and the Rose Bowl (Feinstein, Senate Remarks Dec 8

Well you wonder why I always dress in black

DrWeird? You're killing me! You make parsing grammar fun.

Now THAT is a kick ass bumper sticker.

The A-B-C Food game

Maybe, I should just stay out of sexist/sexism threads for a while

Tonight's flamebait debate: the gambler ripped Kenny Rogers off.

The Gay Test

I'm an airline mechanic...ask me anything

Decorate your replies with ~^~ things like these ~^~ please.


My husband (a Dem, of course) is worried our new car may get keyed

I ran across this website the other night you won't believe

OMG my divorce is almost done-- ask me anything....

Favorite popsicle or other frozen treat?

php sql asp cgi perl... where to start learning?

How do you put a footnote in a Word document without it repetng evry page?

What's the use of getting sober...

Name your favorite HAND

10010101 or 0010101101110

Matcom's on Mike Malloy's show now if you want to hear what his voice

Kiss Me.

Pic of Goodboy

Not all Americans are stupid (Test)

Cucumbers, lime, and salt


My Cat Doesn't Like When I Play With Her Paws

Did you know that I have a website?

Pre-nervous breakdown rant.

Trying to find the end: A Divorce Thread

Man..did I have fun today....

If we had a 'Miss DU' contest, who would win?

Firefox/Comcast homepage problem

would someone help me post my picture in the lounge?

Has anyone heard Chris Isaak's Christmas CD?

(sigh) a watched inbox never gets new mail...

Why am I a victim of identity theft?

Dr. Strangelove

Woo-hoo! My new bumper stickers came today.

What's the password to your DU account?

I'm the captain of the gravy train!

What endangered TERRESTIRAL mammal does the GOP hate the most?

Nellie McKay... anyone else heard her?

Does it feel like the Christmas season....

think this lady is on the freepish side?

Question about computers...

Saint Chaska and the dragon. Did I do a bad thing, ya'll?

I'm doing a project on random numbers. What's your credit card number?

I am sorry, BigMcLargeHuge... seriously. Don't hate me.

What would you do?

Who's your daddy?

Who does laundry at 11:30 at night??

Oh hey...DU attorneys especially will like this..

what's your credit card number?

artists in here??? if so, i gotta an idea for ya to draw

What's your social security number?

So you say you want a _________

Poo humor used to be so low on my list of priorities.

What is your Mother's Maiden Name?

I've been gone so I bet I missed this debate but..Did Marion Jones cheat?

Hey, I got a free nice watch today

Anyone live in a really old house or building?

procrastination thread!!! 29 away from the 700 club: get me there

My furnace went out this morning and I waited all day for service

Old Navy says Zebra Gloves and leg warmers are this true?

Help! My ATM is made by DIEBOLD!

Does anyone know any good P2P or bit torrents for music?

Tell me your favorite band ................. so I can tear them to shreds!

Veterans - Check in

Should Scott Peterson get life in prison or death?

Are you stupid enough to post personal info on a public forum like DU?


Skinner says no sex threads...

Anyone been to the Kentucky Derby?

I come to you good people of DU to ask a question of the season

Something for fun - - Wonder Woman

What Are Your Parents' Names?

It's the *~*Stream of Consciousness*~* Thread, Part Deux!

presidential poll

10 post to me out here

There is an actually good song on that new William Shatner album.

DUers: how old are you?

Favorite cheese?

JimmyJazz vs BigMcLargehuge trivia invitational!!!

What if we all EGGED the Fox news team as they left the building?


Christian party animals

How can we get across what Jesus really taught?

The Expectant Mothers Health Protection Act of 2005

Black Church Denounced For Staging Anti-Gay March

Here's why it's important for children to participate in team sports:

Looks like there's a significant decrease

Have you converted, or have you always held your current beliefs?

An open message to every soldier and sailor in the U. S. Military:

I am tired of having to defend other democrats

Orange County Weekly: about Reid, and Thomas and Frist..

Ann Coulter says "Dems have Blacks on plantations!"Video

Does anyone have any video links to Dean's speech on Wed?

Joe Biden; any thoughts on him in '08?

US slavery; "a life of plenty, of simple pleasures"

Seriously, why isn't Novak getting the same heat...

DNC Chair (from MoveOn.Org) - Get Involved!

The 2004 Election in a Nutshell

Question about Dick Morris and the Democratic Party

Why is division so divisive?

Maybe I didn't pay attention to Olbermann tonight but

E-RATE PROGRAM (a need to read from the senate, some interesting things)

Does anyone have a video link for Deans speech yesterday?

Presidential runoff election in Ukraine (Senate dec 8th)

Election Reform (Senate Dec 8th - Hmmmmm)

good move on article...


Why is Kerry so divisive?

The Arrow Tax-(H.R. 5394) was read the third time and passed

Justice for all act

Georgia and the truth about south Ossetia (Russia Bad, US good)

what is "ideological purity"?

Opus Dei and Votergate...Sen Brownback, others ?

Let's try some re-framing

Recruiting Tactics 101: How the Military is recruiting in our schools.

Bush's Popular Vote Margin Now Just Two Percent

Okay, We Lost Ohio. The Question Is, Why?

E-mail from Ohio: Recount in Full Swing in Ohio

"It's time for Rumsfeld to go"..(duh) my LTTE, to local paper, Rep County

My Letter to the DNC

Prediction: Howard Dean will become the DNC chair

Double Standard by Carl Luna

did John and Elizabeth appear on Larry King today? what happened ?

Which Name Do You Prefer?

Keep putting those Dem flyers all around your town

DraftWatch: Reserve Officers Resigning at Rapidly Rising Rate

There's plenty for a free press to report (Hollings, Dec 8th)

I committed treason today.....

ho is held responsible for lack of armor? PBS news hour

I'm ready to make my 2008 Presidential Endorsement...

The Republicans want to get the most mileage out of Powell that they can..

Friday, Dec. 10- Live debate between DLC & Campaign for America's Future

WTF? What is wrong with Aaron Brown? Jackass!

Orange County Weekly: Hey, You!: He Likes Bush

Debate on C-Span tomorrow, Al From and Bob Borosage on party's future.

America Coming Together Chief Executive Officer: Why Democrats lost Ohio

Interpreter: Bush likely used hidden earpiece

MoveOn wants suggestions for DNC Chair right away...

J & E Edwards on Larry King Live Tonight

Al Franken is on Scarborough Country fighting with Buchanan

A prediction regarding Bush/Cheney

Can people here who support Democracy and Integrity give me a Dean Yell?

New Rule: Define what you mean by "centrist" or "leftist"

Another perspective on the Rumsfeld screwup

The Democrats' Da Vinci Code by David J. Sirota (worth printing and saving

If we're still fighting & licking wounds from the primary we deserve. . .

Would you go to War if the draft was brought back?

[PINR] 10 December 2004: Taiwan's Elections Raise Tensions in the Strait

UN's First International Anti-Corruption Day

Paul Krugman (NYT): Borrow, Speculate and Hope

BALTIMORE CHRONICLE: Counting Votes - 12/09/04

Eternally Rumsfeld


OREGON: Election set good example for world

TOLEDO BLADE: Truth is, Team Bush may never come clean

CALIFORNIA: The constitutional right to vote

Al-Qaida Statement Re: Attack On US Consulate at Jeddah

Editorial: Santorum stalking Capitol Hill his way

A Look Ahead to 2008, Part 2

The Democrats’ Da Vinci Code

"Aggressive war: then and now" by Luciana Bohne

Boards start counting, again, next week

Investigation, part 2: AN UGLY HISTORY

Election recount needs to be covered

Invesitgation: Fraud in New Mexico

GIs come up short on armor, answers

Can the Democrats Fight?

NEW JERSEY: After-school Dem club pleased with progress

Salon: Christian party animals

Pentagon: 5,500 U.S. Deserters in Iraq War!

When will the terror alert turn white (as in Caucasian)?

"Aim High": An Air Force Academy Story

Feds Use 'Secret Laws' to Justify Harassment of Americans

The US Media Covering Bush Administration's Ass Once Again

Orange is the New Black. Proposed Letter to the Editor.

Paula Zahn's hubby "evicted" the hawks...

Times Online: US Army plagued by desertion and plunging morale

Jerry Springer Is Starting A 3 Hour Liberal Talk Show In Cincy

Headline: "US Warns of Terrorist Lasers"...warning,this is truely pathetic

If You've Ever Needed Something to Help You Throw Up...

Silencing the Vote: Baltimore Sun: must read this!

COLORADO: Thanks, Rummy

Salon: Why it took soldiers to put Rumsfeld on the defense

Intel agent strapped onto gurney and flown out of Iraq? HUH!???

Photos of Fallujah dead show civilians shot in bed, surrendering

Hitler = Fundimentalist Christian

Kucinich: The US Administration and The ICC

Chris Floyd: 'Home cooking: Feasting on the fruits of torture'

MASSACHUSETTS: It's the war, stupid

Guardian: It is essential to talk to the 'terrorists'

ALASKA Aerial Wolf movie clip

Shop Blue!

Bernie Ward to be on with Blitzer Frdiay 12/10

XM or Sirius Radio?

PLZ Focus ppl.... 2004 aint over.. we need everyone involved

Producer Price up 5% in last year, this months 0.5% implies 6% in future

Political Crunch For EPA's Leavitt On Designating Bad-Air Counties

S. American Capuchin Monkeys Routinely Use Tools

Freighter Splits in Two Near Wildlife Refuge

Australian Delegation Earns "Fossil Of The Day" Award At COP-10

Researchers Find Direct Link Between Farming, Algal Blooms (No!)

The Christian-right's all-out congressional war on the Environment

EPA Has New Voluntary Standards To Protect Water Systems From Terrorists

Road sparks alarm for Brazil rainforest

New Climate Change Blog - run by scientists

Mexico Unexpectedly Lifts Rates for 9th Time in 2004 (Update2)

U.S. Says Terrorists Could Use Lasers

Does anybody have any advice for firearm restoration?

Hi all! Can you help with my Demopedia password?

I'd like to apologize to the mods and admins.

Getting an error message

Has there been any thought to getting rid of sig lines?

Skinner, if someone was using steroids to enhance their posting ability

Demopedia | login problems

"Smilies lookup table" suggestion

When DU Features Become Unavailable...

D'oh! I mis-named an article on Demopedia.

I'd like to apologize for helping Bat Boy

Demopedia problem that wasn't my fault! :)

hey, DU tech gurus...


demopedia.... off topic subjects and editing historical documents

ARRESTED: Bassam al-Salhi, a PA chairman election candidate

ATTACKED: Mustafa Barghouti, a PA chairman election candidate

Israel Builds a New Settlement in Qalqilia, Plans to Divide Hebron

FBI steps up AIPAC probe

The Slow Creep of Israel's Annexation

transcript of hearings?


Election 2002 "voting problems"

Does anyone know when the Ohio "recount" will begin?

Why is it that releasing poll data is such a big deal for the US "media"?

This is pathetic

We do not need George Soros or even the MSM!

Maybe if we all personally contacted our Senators...

Damn CBS news...story on lack of armor...guy said "nobody ever

"No matter how you voted today..."

How did WA get these numbers from a paperless touchscreen?

Not in my name…

A Defeat for an Empire (excellent article)

So Bush was leading in the final polls? More Repuke lies.

edit: don't mind me, i am paranoid.

A quotation from Nazi Reich Marshall Goering - sound familiar?


OHIO: Third-party candidates unite in quixotic effort

I don't remember reading Keefer's article on the election

TB: "Truth is, Team Bush may never come clean" -- send thank you...

NY PRESS RELEASE: Protest for Democracy

OHIO: Plain Dealer - Odd vote results point to mix-ups at some precincts

Take a look - Nostradamus

SLATE's article on what went wrong / right on exit polls.

Republicans on the Ukraine elections: A cabal of shysters!!

Triad tabulated OH counties

NICE Photos From Protests in Ottawa

MSNBC's "fixed exit poll"

So how did Lee County FL lose 743 votes

Kerry Interning for Pres. - Kerry to Visit Amer. Troops in IRAQ

ATTN Will Pitt!! Can you write our press releases???

Does anyone know where Arnebeck is?

Blackwell has former congressman arrested for trespassing!

Any news how Wayne Madsen is doing?


It's time to ask WHY

Ken Blackwell's Toll-free phone number

John Conyers Ohio Voter irregularities C-SPAN Part II/Video

Demonstrations in Ohio

Ohio Election Fraud 2004: Upcoming Events

Interesting new article:Was the 2004 Election Stolen?

HELP! - Are there any threads on Elector profiles for each State?

Republicans agree to need for paper trail

Triad Government Systems of Xenia, Oh tabulated Ohio's votes...

Letter from Evan Bayh- Indiana

Transcript of Woodruff's Interview with Ralph Neas Prez of PFAW on CNN

NORTH CAROLINA: Who was watching?

Lots of great new material on Ohio "discrepancies"

Monkey Business

JJ: Continue OH Vote Probe, NO delay in the official certification process

State of Mass. Voters Must Force Kerry's Hand

A little mention in the Rocky Mountain News.

Revolution? Jefferson's words ring true for our time...

Exit polling in Philippines worked just fine in the last election

Simple Answer for Overcoming the "They wouldn't do that" claim.

Alaska recount

Observers at county tabulating centers ( Warren Cty was so wrong)

"County Democrats urge presidential vote investigation"....who are these

Parsing The Statements....

Hannity was talking about Election Fraud on "Faux" News!

Anyone know when Cliff Arnebeck will file his lawsuit?

Secretary of Treasury Snow Evaded Taxes

democracy now to talk to John Bonifaz, testified at the hearing

Idea: Protest "Lockdowns" take over buildings in suspicious counties...

Something coming today on the Ohio vote investigation

DU, MoveOn, CGCS, etc shud Create a Grading System for Dems

College level election course find

Anyone else notice this about Tom Feeny's official campaign address?

Donna Frye (San Diego mayoral election) not giving up

Upcoming activist events relating to the Ohio Election Fraud

A theory: Maybe Kerry is less concerned about winning

WHO provide Conyers & Co with news from DU?

Is Cliff Arnebeck's evidence open and shut? What are the chances a....

Here's an idea: Let's get Leno telling voting fraud jokes!

Forget Ukraine...Was KERRY poisoned? -- check this out

We need a PR with the most damning mms quotes

AP- Cleveland paper Ohio voter story

Kerry in 2008

Get this info to Conyers!! .I can't find the address

Doubts Persist About Election Results (AP)

If I was going to commit fraud during an election, I'd

In favor of Bush.

THE EXPLAINER: How To Rig a Ukrainian Election?

OREGON: County Democrats urge presidential vote investigation


Yeeeeeha! Recount requested for Donna Frye


Franken just did a recount funraising ad for and paid for by

Amazing similarities

Jesse Jackson put vote fraud in historical context

IN THESE TIMES: Was the 2004 Election Stolen?

Election Surveys are due Jan 1 and the military vote will be broken out

51 Capital March Sun. - DUers Start Your State/Local Contact Sheets!

What did these people have to do 12/8/04 from 10am-1pm

Congressman John Conyers, Jr. going to Ohio

Major fraud in Minnesota?

Harrisburg PA Capital Sunday?

DU Programmer please PM me

Urgent Election Actions, from now to Dec. 13th (from PDA) has new video on Diebold

will cspan carry monday's hearing?

Did anyone download/hardcopy unofficial Cuyahoga County results?

Anyone Know the Politics of the Ohio Supremes

Let's get the evidence up on Demopedia

ACTION For An Immediate IMPACT on Certification Process

Breaking - new Minnesota exit poll on!

Arnbeck tells the Curtis story on AAR

I'm f**cking tired of the Dems being called a bi-coastal party

Sorry for the bad links guys!

Missed Arnebeck on Randi's Show

WOW, list of people doing exit polls on November 2nd!

AP - Presidential Elections - Doubts Persist About Election Results

AlJazeerah (Canada) says Steve Coll (WaPo) saw Kerry's winning numbers

AP, or "how the fraud apparatus will work on election day"

MSM piece on Ohio fraud on!

conspiricy to supress the black vote, >reasonable suspicion that other

OHIO: Shared machines at adjoining precincts caused voter problems

Hey ! I miss * !!

Hey, they're talking about us over on Watchblog

Anthology of Vote Fraud - SEND OUT TO ALL MEDIA

Constitution of the State of Ohio, Article Five, section 6

Today is a very good day. We have come so far!

Zogby Defense: 'My Polling Was Very, Very Good'

Only one source of data, "not good" for exit polling.

do you think it is killing franken

Yahoo News: Congresswoman Jones to join Conyers in Ohio

Thom Hartmann/Mark from Buzzflash Dec 10

November 3, 2004, right here at DU

As I see it, Bush, has very few choices:

HOT NEWS: Yang Enterprises (Finally!) PROMISE to Refute Clinton Curtis

How does HAVA need to be modified, in order to ensure fair elections?

Anyone else tired of people "reading into " K/E comments

My message to the DNC

I have a problem with Kerry assuming the presidency if he didn't fight for

Heads up: Conyers hearings in Columbus (the thing I said was coming)

Bev Harris talking to Alex Jones right now

in the event that our efforts prove to be successful

Retraction re: Brett Kimberlin of JTMP

Washington recount total gain for GOP candidate is 7

There is an ugly side to this election

Story Hitting Dozens of papers..."Doubts Persist..."

Watch the freepers shit their pants when Ohio isn't certified.

New York recount.

What if the Dems had suppressed the Christian conservative vote in Ohio?


Motive... Why might so many conspire against democracy?

ALERT: Location change for Conyers Columbus hearing (GOP obstruction)

Strategic actions for an immediate impact from No Stolen Elections

ATTENTION DU: Vote Now For DU Preference! What To Call Bush!

I need a big favor from the folks in this forum

Democracy Now: Was The 2004 Election Legitimate?

"Silencing the vote" "...key differences...passivity of the news media.''

39 FREE Election Fraud Avatars for you! GOOD WAY TO PUBLICIZE ELECT FRAUD

WTF: Why are only Democrats being arrested for voter fraud????

Two Veteran Journalists Critical Of Today's Media Coverage - May Help us?

Exit polls in Ukraine FUNDED by US. Breaking News on Yahoo News!

Compiling list of errors/glitches/fraud to write about for Media

More votes than voters in Ohio - absentee votes inflated

arnebeck on randi rhoads today

Democratic party wants to know how we feel

Strategic Shopping

Simple Flyer on Voting Fraud?

Arnebeck to file Ohio Challenge Monday, Dec. 13

If only 3 percent of the ballots are hand counted and the rest are run....

Washington Post actually shows how fraud took place (maybe posted already)

NY Times implies that this election result cannot be trusted

Madsen: Another article coming. Post some questions to ex feedback w/ him

A READABLE, CONVINCING summary of Ohio vote fraud analyses

Bush's popular vote margin now barely 3 million

Iowa City Drinking Liberally Thurs Dec 16

Chance to win $5000 (Best Idea of how to help Mass. save $$)

Ukrainian-Americans protested Ukraine vote fraud in St. Paul

Minneapolis Workshop this Saturday!

My boyfriend will be on WCCO! (School and politics related)

How embarrassing for Norm Coleman!

Can you guess what group would send out cartoons against

Looking for old/cached web pages...

Not recognizing cd

Glibs need observers in Stark County

Ohio DU'ers - Media Is There Coverage or Not on Monday Recount, Hearings

Can a DU'er help with Ohio's election fraud data?

Penn Hills School District challenges Santorum residency

making signs for Sunday

Momentum building in corporate money scandal

DNC: "How to stop Howard Dean, Part Two."

DUers: how old are you?

My letter to the Human Rights Campaign:

Can/will lawsuits against the US come of the Armor Holdings claim

Rumsfeld's doublespeak where can I find the quote?

Paper to run "note" on reporter who prompted question to Rumsfeld....

United Methodist Church asking for Bush and Cheney to repent!

'Pen jihadist' among U.S. most wanted

My Rainbow Race . . . by Pete Seeger . . .

ATTN: DUers.. till has come to focus on this election...

Maybe the reason the armor for our soldiers was not provided

My plan to end the Israeli/Palestinian conflict

How many "smoking guns" do we need?

Video by Eric Blumrich

Can we assume the US soldiers who want the armor have seen

George W Bush flashing the sign of the beast

I need 12 DUers who will take this trivia test & PM me with the answers

I watched a reality show today, "Maximum Exposure"

Sportsmen AGAINST Bush

Dimebag Darrell and the looming moral crusade.

I just have to highlight this freeper post

Anyone hear about the Denver Post being banned from Fort Carson?

Look who the Christian Science Monitor is linking to these days

Have a great day!!

friend "surprised" and "upset" by the "mis-handling" of Iraq war

Jerry Springer To Launch New Radio Talk Show On WSAI-AM (Cincinnati)

Theater. I would like to write a play about bush crimes on trial.

AAR Morning sedition is great this morning. Broadcasting from Boston.

Under repug control - spending is up 29% since 2001

Guardian/Steve Bell cartoon;Bush/Kyoto "I Shat The World"........

Marine guily of shooting unarmed Iraqi

Entering 700 Club!!! Pat Robertson is totally evil!!!

Who is really good or evil?

US army deserters flee to Canada


is Fallujah a test run?

BEWARE email scams from it seems

Tavis Smiley on Cspan just said

I'm feeling evil today...what should I do?

Support the troops! Has the "support the troops" yellers given back

more wacky christians

"You go to war with the army you have because there are no good targets

c-span now

Want to see what Iraq Reconstruction looks like?

Chruch and State under Bush

anyone remember the "Heaven's Gate" cult which commited mass suicide ?

Did you find Rumsfeld offensive

Katherine Hepburn rejected Kennedy honor because of Reagan/Bush

Red-Faced Men of Power >>>

Free speech is DEAD - F.E.C. will Kill BLOGS next year

Flash!!! * tells the truth!!!

The WP's Milbank and Allen are being switched off of WH beat

I am about to explode

Jesus LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm looking forward to church = state

The cynical politics of influenza, Bush style.

As if you didn't know W is the anti-christ, this time with some proof

Hasn't everyone realized Rumsfeld's remarks were an attack on Clinton?

Why does the inagural dinner cost $100,000 per person?

"Out Damn Spot"

kona coffee and macadamia nuts via helium balloon please

In a "Pre-emptive" war you get the army you want FIRST!

We are mentally ill prepared to deal with an American Administration

Lets strap whistle blowers to a gurney and wheel them away today

You know what I want

U. of Ga. sued because it wants too many blacks - really

What were the RW talking points when Paul O'Neill left the Cabinet?

"Why can't 'you people' just Get Over It ?"

Franken VS FOX/Video highlights

"Choose Life" license plates?

Jerry Springer to launch new liberal talk radio show

Why does Canada "Get It" and the US doesn't?

Haiti - Colin Powell's Crime In Progress

New Disease Warning

Has anyone heard of this "Reverend" Steve Wilkins character?

If your offened by a play where Jesus is gay, then DON'T SEE IT!


Michael Moore and the People's Choice Award

The Parents Television Council owns the FCC complaint Dept.

Keeping the children and deporting the parents?

The Republican Party Platform in the age of Bush.

armor company says Rummy has not asked for speed up

Why do I keep doing this to myself..

Hawai'i repuke governor seeks massive cuts in special ed

Al Franken and Mark Luther today.

looking for documented studies of Iraqi civilian deaths under Saddam

15,000 US flags to be distroyed in Fl. - new ones mandated

FBI warns pilots to look away from unexpected light

The letters "CO" don't mean much these days....

Okay, so I think I've decided that I won't celebrate Christmas anymore...

today's DrawingBlood cartoon

The White House Insider blog:

there is a comic over at that has this: (concerning Rummy)

tasteful artwork

Once and for all, Will There Be A Military Draft?

Now we are poisoning children?

Has Paul Krugman been on Franken yet, today?


It's very noble that you are all still fighting but...

Pentagon Wants Women In Combat (More cannon fodder)

What are your predictions for 2005?

Complain to FCC about overtly sexual Overstock advertisements

Self-Delete. Dupe.

Alberto Gonzales' stepson quits Hustler!

Hebrew numerology: George Bush=666

Vote for Fahrenheit 9/11 here

Anyone believe in the Revenge of Tecumsuh

"Terrorists may use"....... (sort of like "some people say"....)

What's the difference between a federal correction

TPM: The Jew-Hollywood-Anal Sex-Abortion Conspiracy Revealed!

Take a look - Nostradamus

How our government gets away with murder

***Hail this HERO. She needs our support now. ***

Did Democrats steal votes from Nixon?

History's a very useful link

Letter from Elizabeth Edwards

So my friend is going to Ukraine for the election

i think i helped someone today (his son wanted to join the army)

Bernie Ward just kicked Armstrong Williams' butt on Blitzer

One of these days I'm going to open the Latest Breaking News forum....

Buy blue vs. Outsourcing?

Is AirAmerica down? I can not seem to connect over a broadband connection.

more DIRT on KERIK from Ctr. for American Progress....

for $8.95 you can block Fox News from your TV

United Church of Christ Files Actions Against CBS and NBC

CSPAN 2: Voter Suppression Discussion On Now (3:30pmest)

another take on food for oil, neocons behind it all?

Forget Ukraine...Was KERRY poisoned? -- check this out

the biggest splotches of red were in middle america, not 'the south'.

What federal and state regulations are there in regards to flag burning?

When will someone in congress, or a celebrity say "Fascist"?

since the US is not interested in helping out africa, please take a moment

January issue of Consumer Reports!!

Bush names new Intelligence Czar

You know the world is in trouble when the RWNJ and DU are covering the sam

This is what they are teaching in MD 3rd grade public schools

NPR's Science Friday.

Thanks to cowardly lefties we're not allowed to mention FASCISM CREEP

Looking for old/cached web pages

Does vodka mix with DU?

Hey George, is there any Humvee armor in those packages? >>>

Whats the deal with BEV and DU?

Election 2004's Myths & Mysteries. Link

Ok I'm Pissed!!!!

60 minutes wednesday

Let's help Rummy with things well understood

Interesting thought on the 10 commandments monument

The KKK has it's own website.

The world's first multinational . . .

Anyone else received this e-mail from Elizabeth Edwards?

Does anyone have the info about testing kids for mental health probs?

Breaking news!!!!!! Kerry wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Lump Of Coal For America's Poor

Did we come up with the nickname Freepers or did they?

Is anyone worried about your tax return this year???

Yahoo! Discussion Boards are Repulsive

A quotation from Nazi Reich Marshall Goering - sound familiar?

Who exactly are the 'idiotic 30%' in our country?

Repukes Are Winning By Using Hate & Relating Hate to God

I think Iraq qill be a humbling experience for the U.S.

If you want to have a good puke

USA Today two companies waiting on Pentagon for armor contracts

This is awesome work! "STAND DOWN NOW"! Amusing at the end.

Whoa! Guest on Randi Rhodes just said they're bringing a lawsuit in Ohio!

Pencil sharpeners banned after attack

Bush wants books buried, not burned.

Dark Day for the Nation

When you have a sec...go post your favorite bit-o-humor in the Humor Group

Tucker Carlson's & Ann Coulter's hateful remarks about Canada

Does anyone else listen to Stephanie Miller

Fallujah Pictures

Rev. Pat Robertson: "Kwanzaa is an absolute fraud"

Ask for a Bloody George - recipe here

Your Right To Bare Arms

Wave the flag, wave it often, just don't wave it over a coffin.

I actually am over it.

Doubts Persist About Election Results story getting freeped, please rate

Free gifts for the rich

So did Jon Edwards say anything good on Larry King last night?

Just saw a car COVERED with those magnetic ribbons...

Your favorite NY Times Columnist

Fights, fights, fights...

What is wrong with americans?

Okay I am conflicted about this

Remember these words of advice from Leo Strauss, the PNAC Godfather,

Is it time for another Woodstock?

A few facts about the school that "banned the Declaration"

The Haunting of the White House- Cynthia McKinney

Will you PERSONALLY survive the KILLER Flu??

Why inflation this time will be much worse than the 1970s

If you can't join em' beat em. Reagan refused entry into Communist Party

Instant book: "What We Do Now"...Dean, Kristof, Brazile, Palast, more

graphic arts critique of Bush & Kerry campaign logo designs . . .

Rummy you own words back at you

What do you think of Bush's proposal on Social Security Tax?

Los Angeles, California was the last city to burn from race riots!

I TOLD you Gay Marriage ain't natural-like


Yahoo ***SNOOP ALERT***

Christianity nearly destroyed

"Guy James Show " Update! Please note!

monkeys use tools to dig for food...hmmm

Teddy Ebersol "argued the conservative pit crew to their knees"

Poor Minnesota has no Snow!

A Caller to Randi Rhodes made me cry

Help us with the Giant list of George W. Bush nicknames on Demopedia!

Vote for Jon Stewart as the people's choice for funniest guy on TV

DU and Bucky Rea introduce the Friday Blog Box!

America's Ministry of Propaganda Exposed

Do you consider yourself a "liberal," a "progressive"

Shop BLUE this Christmas and from now on!!

TX-Father kills 2yr old daughter by punching her in the chest.

Is George Bush the anti Christ?

Chait, LA Times: Discrimination not the reason academia shuns Republicans

Anyone ever made Springerle cookies?

No cooking tonight.

I bought a Sunbeam Heritage Series MixMaster

My husband burned up all of my DU recipes!

Nova Scotia DUers, check in here!

'No one can ever be the next John Peel' ; Rob Da Bank

WP: Second Impressions (Bushes telegraph casual confidence)

Hungary to Open Spy Files

Explosions hit Italian embassy and Mosul tells dnc..."we own it"

and the word spreads... grow baby grow!! nt

'Ballad Of Jed Clampett' Singer Dies

NYT,pg1: Muslim Scholars Increasingly Debate Unholy War

230 U.S. Air Force cadets test TB positive

WP: Nuns Deny Requests By Abuse Victims Group

Is Bush the Antichrist? (Seattle weekly)

Haiti Street Gang Leader Arrested in Miami (AP claims he led "rebellion")

U.S. Marine Killed in Western Iraq (#1278)

Congo death toll up to 3.8m

United Vietnam prepares to welcome first US passenger jet since war

Silencing the Vote: Baltimore Sun: must read this!

U.S., Iraqi governments often seem at odds over insurgency, elections

PM can capitalize on debate: Pollster

Nigerian Court Overturns Death Sentence

(Reuters) Australia terror suspect offered prostitute - court

Beaten, drugged U.S. detainee says

Canadian High Court OKs Same-Sex Marriage

U.S. deserter numbers reach 5,500

Curtailing rights adds strength to terror, Arbour warns

Pitting wits against Rumsfeld

Germany Seeks UN Veto Parity

CIA fired me for not toeing Iraq line, says agent

Blair rejects call for count of Iraqi deaths

Return of 'floating White House'

WP: Report Denies (Social Security) Privatization (Wall Street) Windfall

Eight die in Pakistan blast

UK Sky News undercover investigation: (Chinese) Child Workers Scandal

Japan Defense Plan Shifts Pacifist Stance

National mortgage rates plunge

Insurgents kill Iraq police, troops, hit oil line

ICRC concerned about bodies, sewage in Falluja

Armor a must for GIs in field (Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

(Drunk) Soldier's Bomber Costume Causes Alarm (UK)

LA TIMES: Red-zone blues? North, Americans!

Delphi Expects Net Loss, Plans (8,500) Job Cuts

(CT) Lawyer propose labor union for priests (Defense Vs. Sex Accusations)

Space Station Crew May Have to Return Home

2005: A Big Year for Offshoring?

Charges of Poor Planning for War Revived

CIA fired me for not toeing Iraq line, says agent

Danish-Born SS Officer Can Be Tried over 1943 Murder

U.S. Soldier Guilty of Killing Iraqi Teen

SBA raises small-business loan guarantees - and fees

Producer Price Gain Bigger Than Expected (0.5 % despite fall in oil price)

Intimidation, Iraqi insurgent's sharpest weapon

Poll: Faith for Democracy in Iraq Slips

Osborne Rules Out Run For Senate In 2006

U.S. Jet Flight to Vietnam Makes History

EU Invites U.N.'s Annan to Summit to Show Support

Airbus to launch Boeing 7E7 rival

James Brown has prostate cancer

West Point cadet charged with rape

NYT: Security Post Would Put Kerik Atop Field That Enriched Him

Democrats search for way back to power

Bush manipulated NKorea intelligence like he did in Iraq: US expert

Mother of freshman wants Salinger's 'Catcher' out of curriculum

U.S. Stance on Armor Disputed

NYT: Armor Scarce for Big Trucks Serving in Iraq

Reuters e-mail tells journalists of job cuts

Scarborough Shocked to Find Republicans Bankrupting Nation......

WASHINGTON: Jefferson: `Anomaly' found in hand recounting

Bush Tries Hand at Repairing Europe Ties

Bill Moyers Retiring From TV Journalism

U.S. warns of terrorist lasers

Fort Carson halts access for The Post

Curé who exposed sinners is exiled

Madrassas hit by sex abuse claims

Ney says he has nothing to fear from investigation of lobbyists

MoveOn to Democratic Party: 'We Own It'

Commissioners vote to support anti-Patriot Act resolution -OR


Groups Debate Slower Strategy For Gay Rights

NYT: Shift Toward Skepticism (about discrimination) for Civil Rights Panel

AP/NYT: Crackdown on Sex and Violence Changes Venezuela's TV News

OHIO: Losers unite on statewide recount


Guantanamo Bay prisoner offered prostitute to spy

US Army plagued by desertion and plunging morale

Powell Re-Buffed by NATO

Jerry Springer Gets Radio Show

Bush to Meet With Italian Premier (newly acquitted of bribery charges)

Two U.S. Troops Die in Iraq Copter Crash

KY: 'Fairness' rules win bipartisan 19-6 vote

Cleveland Paper Cites Voter Problems

Military plane crashes in Venezuela - 16 dead. More soon.

Pfc. (Lynndie) England Court-Martial Moved to Texas

Recount ahead for pot measure

OHIO: Shared machines at adjoining precincts caused voter problems

Local teacher told to remove Nazi flag from classroom

Record salmon run likely for Mokelumne River

A Political Hustling? (New Atty Gen'l's stepson worked for Flynt)


Atlanta ‘mega church’ leads march against gay marriage

Delphi Announces Plans To Cut 8,500 Jobs - AP

Japan Defense Policy Breaks Cautiously with Past

High-ranking officers among 16 killed in crash of Venezuelan military plan

Bush is not welcome in Brussels (Re visit on 02/22/2005)

OPEC Agrees Oil Supply Crackdown

(Eldorado, KS) Union Tank announces April layoffs (90% of staff)

Fraternity for gays, bisexuals launched at ISU

Governor picks simpler Bay Bridge plan…Stylish design to be abandoned

Rather Producer Fights For Job

Possible Link Between Folic Acid and Breast Cancer Found

Bush manipulated NKorea intelligence like he did in Iraq: US expert

Company to aid in DeLay corruption probe

He lost an arm in Iraq; the Army wants money

Court Clears Italian Premier of Corruption Charges

Reporter fed soldier question, or did he?

US Plans to Build Permanent Prison on Guantanamo (aljazeera)

U.S. Money Helped Opposition in Ukraine ($65 million in last 2 yrs)

NBC: U.S. to boost armored Humvee output

Man arrested after woman shot in high school

U.S. Soldier's Plea Hurts Efforts in Iraq

Hospitalized Reservist's AWOL Case to Proceed(spoke of supply shortages)

UN's Annan to Discuss Iraq with Powell and Rice

Yahoo: US denies backing Ukraine opposition candidate

Ashcroft Praises Anti-Terrorism Efforts

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Friday 10 December

Agency calls for global halt to violence against girls

Military fires back on armor - USAToday

He lost an arm in Iraq; the Army wants money

Ford Recalls 474,000 Escape SUVs

Democratic Party chief arrested

Iraqi election workers killed in drive-by shooting

Americans in Venezuela to support leftist leader

WP: Bogus E-Mail (about telemarketers) Worries Users Of Cell Phones

Treasury to Print Other Countries' Money

Pell (grant) cuts could be dire for students

Southeast Unprepared to Teach Hispanics ("Taco Tuesdays"??)

US officials sound alarm over Iraq fuel crisis

In wake of Kerik, NYC settled suit ($325K because Kerik harassed officer)

Fewer Teens Engaging in Sex, Study Finds

Sam Bodman Energy Sec.

Powell hints at future as political commentator

OHIO: Odd vote results point to mix-ups at some precincts

Functional Fashion Helps Some Through Airport Checkpoints

Ohio Club Shooter Obsessed With Band

'French CNN' to challenge US view of world affairs

Gay Hate Law Debate Marred By Homophobic Outbursts (France)

Glendive MT man plans dinosaur museum to teach 'creation truth'

NYT: It's Inauguration Time Again, and Access Still Has Its Price

WP - Intel Bill Holds Nasty Surprises - Are You A "Lone Wolf"?

U.S. Budget Deficit Widened to $57.9 Billion in Nov. (Update1)

US soldier found guilty of murdering unarmed Iraqi garbageman

Official Loses Post at Security Agency (inspector general @HLS)

Company agrees to cooperate with investigation

Nobel peace laureate Shirin Ebadi warns US: Do not invade Iran

Poll: Faith for Democracy in Iraq Slips

US government deficit up in first two months of fiscal 2005

Boston Globe: US stance on armor disputed (Rummy LIED To Troops)

OPEC Cutting Oil Production By 1 Million Barrels A Day

Wal-Mart sued over song lyrics

Bulletproof vests Iraq-bound

Doubts Persist About Election Results

Major Fuel Spill Reported in Alaska

U.S. Money Helped Opposition in Ukraine (Best democracy money can buy)

UK Christian Protesters Seek to Prosecute Gay Play

Dems to Study Possible Primary Changes

Urgent message from DU admin....

I sure as HELL can't tell you we learned about HELL with out saying HELL..

with this post, i am now in the 700 club!

Marcia Cross on Leno, I never knew her!


I'd like to thank everyone who helped me get my thread locked!

gimmie some quick jokes to tell my friends tonight....

Rumsfeld's doublespeak

What's the secret word your mom gave you to ask strangers for when...

Well, I'm laughing uncontrollably at my own jokes.

Barbra Streisand isn't THAT bad

how do i upload a picture of myself for the gallery? nt

My official electronic XMAS Card. Is this over the top?

I AM OUT OF THE 700 CLUB! Thanks to the Stream of

Best Rock Vocal Performances

some stats of the Chinese military

Columbus Officer James D. Niggemeyer: "the community has a hero here."

Has Anyone Ever Seen The Movie "The Tin Drum?"

Tough. Do you know what a balut egg is?

The best seat in the house (picture)

Any fans of the Damned out there?

I actually FEAR the LOUNGE...really, I do.

Make-a-Flake . . .

so, Cadence, what shall we play now?

'Ballad Of Jed Clampett' Singer Dies

Observations at a recent Democratic XMas Party....

I'm not forgetting the past and nether should you!

Make your own Chimp Cheese at the Golden Palace

For those who've met someone online, how did you get together?

Dust devil interupts soccer game

HAAAAAAAAAA! In 2 weeks, I'm leavin' on my cruise!

The "Worldometer"

Is it ON?

congratulations, Cadence, 800 posts!!!

THIS ELECTION ISNT OVER ... stand up and fight!!

Did "The Right Society" get rid of their DU Bashing Forum?

anybody see the 1st amendment documentaries on Bravo/Court TV this week?

My partner and I are done with the Dem Party we're going GREEN

Has DU got me on ignore?

I need 12 DUers who will take this trivia test & PM me with the answers

Man arrested for allegedly threatening to kill manager over $6 sandwich

Time for a secret confession.....

Is "Drawn Together" the most immature, worthless show

Tonights Sinker

Redneck swimming pool

Taking another DU break

$70,000 Truffle Rots In Refrigerator

Amazon's gift wrapping sucks

What week day and time is peak traffic at DU ?

Brand new DU gallery

Tell me what you think about these...

New Willy Wonka anyone?

Female Toll Collectors Win "Bra Battle"

Help DU ..My Hubby always wants to know what I want for Christmas

Drunken Soldier sparked alert when he left party dressed as suicide bomber

Plane Lands On Top Of Truck Before Crashing - Driver Doesn't Notice

Looking at the timestamps in the forums really shows how few international

Television, the Drug of the Nation

I Need Diversity Training!!!!!!!

I've Had Seriously Fucked-Up Sleeping Patterns

That's Amore 'n Some Will

A limestone gravestone used for a dead cat sells for a fortune

Brits and Yanks

New DU Group: Propaganda Debunker

"Now, Brian, what time will my First-Born be home tonight?"

Cartoon: Steve Bell on Kyoto...

Serious top ten music performance

Is anyone taking extra vacation time for Christmas?

ZombyCoffee: The New Moon Blend!

DU knobs check in.

Homeless Hawk moves to Carlyle Hotel

U.N. Sends Weapons Inspectors to U.S.

7 degrees of WMD

A Wallace and Gromit movie?

My city is hiring SIX part-time people for 3 "FTE" jobs! RANT and plea

Civil Rights Suit Filed by Thong-Wearing Bush Protesters

Warning: Christmas Parties Can Damage Your Health

Are there any aspiring Fashion Designers on this board?

Dumbest celebrities?

Officer Tumbles from Fast Moving Car After He Pulls a Bizarre Stunt

Man picks Ex-Police Chief's lawn to grow pot plants

What was your office Christmas party like?

laryngitis anyone?

i am so outta here

George with a hole in his head cartoon

I'm terribly bored, but I'm not supposed to be on the web at work.

I'm feeling evil today...what should I do?

Has my avatar ever given you a tingly sort of feeling?

I just got my Hubby's present for Christmas

ding fries are done

*Best Post Ever Inside*

"Take Me Out" : the play. Has anyone seen it?

carpentry question for breakfast

What is Debrorah Norville going to talk about AFTER Scott Peterson?

What's the biggest animal you ever killed?

Do you like or loathe lumps in hot cereal?

800 posts!!

Let's Talk About Matcom Behind His Back-He Is Too Busy Posting News

So who is into Wild Sects?

Britney Spears...even her feet stink

The mother of all...Family Guy quote threads!

I SUCK at personal finance.

The ultimate weapon (picture)

Meeting with his so-called superiors is a humiliating kick in the crotch

flamebait: most overrated show

I need good vibes (and a swift kick in the pants)

Diamonds aren't my best friend

Anyone else got a psychotic realtor in their neighbourhood?

DU Deadheads...

Woman battles city hall for right to hang her wet clothes

flamebait: most overrated shoe

I had my first dream with W last night!

Grand Theft Auto poll

It's our 16th anniversary today!

flamebait: most overrated body part

okay, so is it against the law to kill the office b***h?

Mel Gibson buys personal Pacific island

Woman Who Gives Abandoned Babies Loving Burials Wins Lottery Jackpot

Freeper claims to have Halley Berry/Beyonce type girlfriend

TV shows that started off good but went downhill

RW Wingnut goes from good to bad!!

Will Josh and Donna (The West Wing) ever get together?

I have a chicken foot bonda-du charm, ask me anything

Charlie & the Chocolate Factory trailer!!!

Japan's Underwater City

Let's Talk About Underpants Behind His Back - He Is At Diversity Training

Does anybody watch that "Lost" show ?. I'm a fan.

Can I Have Your Social Security Number Please?

Should the dog replace the donkey as the Democratic symbol?

What's your favorite Dr. Seuss book and why?

WHen you flush the toilet, when it gets into the sewers, can people see it

Godfather of Soul has cancer

Are YOU, or do you know someone, in the art film business????????

My old webtv unit died last week..........

you know what? it took me 8 years, but I MISS Calivin & Hobbes.

So I Applied To Work At *GASP* Wal-Mart and Target The Other Day

Hey Admins

Will the "This is the Duer formerly known as" taglines ever be removed?

Oo! 'Yesterday's Enterprise' is on Spike right now (1pm EST)

What is your credit card number and expiration date?

"They're Already Here." New Trailer for "War of the Worlds"

Seattle SuperSonics: Real Deal or Destined to Fade Away

What's the difference between an electrostatic digital printer and . . .

Burger King Employee Fired After Auctioning 10 ft SpongeBob Balloon

Your fair, balanced and honest opinion of Sean Hannity

The "Last Words of Stan Laurel" CAPTION

Caption: No flies on me......

Twisted Sister at Nobel Awards

The Muskrat Convention of all CAPTIONS!!!!

Someone threw a sink out of apartment window to shut car alarm off

Caption: Holy hair-do miracle?

Today's Doonesbury made me burst out laughing...enjoy

"Win If You Can...Lose If You Must...But Always...Cheat."

FreeRepublic to hold Pro-Bush demonstrations along Inagural Parade route

I found another cousin! Yay!!!!

I was almost run over by a taxi... ask me anything

Which Super Hero would make the Worst girlfriend.

Otis Redding 12-10-66 RIP

How does a liberal reconcile with repug family??? a lil help please

Baby Will No Longer Be Named By Highest Bidder On Ebay

Most overall rancid John Hughes film.

I was driving a Taxi and almost ran some guy over - ask me anything!

Townhall meeting from the bizarro 2008 Democratic campaign

A question for the ages: Banana Hammock, Nut Hut, or Grapesmugglers?

TV shows that started off bad but got better

Ok I have a new favorite Christmas song

A Chick With 2 HUGE Knockers!

I Bumped Into Jack Kemp Today...

This isn't too disturbing.......

can we change the name of the lounge to the Loooove Lounge? nt

Hidden industry jargon REVEALED

Anyone else excited that the practically mythic WilliamPitt is

Who else here likes wood?

Oh Jesus...oh shit....I just rubbed Tabasco into my eyeball

Teacher's aide on leave after serving dog food to preschoolers

Okay, so I think I've decided that I won't celebrate Christmas anymore...

I bumped into Mike Hunt today.

we missed the fun last night

AAR advertiser Wendi Friesen also has penis/breast enlargement service

Calling all "shoe-freaks"

In search of the best suck

Kill your TV?

I'm evil, help me!

Anyone else loving "America (The Book)"?

Have you actually ever listened to a president's weekly radio address?

WOW! A new low in telemarketing

"Not that it would change the election results... (complete this sentence)

Hey! Someone gave me a star!

Post Number 666

What things happen in your office that they should have

Three men died on Christmas Eve

The Republic of Cascadia

do your xmas shopping for fave repugs here

Little Johnny's neighbors had a baby.

If I ever see 'Bob' from those Enzyte commercials on the street...

Which 'circle of Hell' will Bush be in, when he dies?

Is your ass too big? - Maybe you should ask Santa for a

The Freeper printer

5....4...3...2...1..............Time to Bounce Your Boobies Randi Is On

Parking Evidence

The "Boss of Everyone" CAPTION

Name the last good BEER you have discovered

anyone have pictures of the porta-johns at Freeper rallies?

I love enemas!

Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!

Most horribly racy and classy Lounge rat

What first attracted you to your S.O.?

Talk to me about drug testing

Once again Bartcop ran one of my cartoons

Woman Keeps Passwords Taped To Her Computer Monitor - IT Department Upset

Servers/Bartenders: Your most annoying customer of the year?

for all college kids here: how many pages left in your paper

how much less effective is it to eat marijuana (brownies) than to smoke it

Is there a post about dolphins that encircled swimmers in NZ

I'm concerned about the pain in my left arm.

Am I the only one in the world who dislikes SpongeBob?


Bible Only Work of Fiction in Family's Home

I saw a funny bumper sticker the other day it said,

Why can't we have a word filter? My eyes will burn from all the profanity!

Anybody catch the latest unmasking last night?

How soon after mating should you start humping again?

God shook the world by dropping a babe not a bomb!

Good Grief! We're leasing a car.

we've got a live one!

Question for those who have taken the LRAM

I haven't posed in GQ in months. How about you?

How did the idea of Peppermint Patty and Marcie = lesbians get started?

Xmas gift idea for a 17-year-old boy


Guys, we only need one more person for our animation group.

All the old paintings on the tombs

Blast from yer past: "Ça plane pour moi, I am the King of the divan"

Am I the only person who's never heard of Dimebag Darrell?

Being an ex-naval corpsman- I just wanna cry

The best way -ever- to start your sentences:

How much do I tip the paper deliverer?

Bush Sex Scandal!

Beer is gross

Praze be!! I feel myself bein' pulled toward the great blinding light of

night everyone

Hell Hath No Fury...

War of the Worlds Movie Trailer

How soon after dating should you start dumping again?

Blue shopping

Take this quiz to see which Marvel superhero you are...

original/unusual x-mas gift for 21 year old girlfriend

These polls are getting too hard!

I was just browsing the Galleries

Has anyone had trouble logging into email lately ?

Is the INS now under the control Homeland Security?

20 Questions!

Shrink Rap: Smeared Bills With Poo

Most horribly classist and Racist D.W.Griffith film.

Looking for old/cached web pages...

Superstition experts - I need your help

Sending out an SOS - not the Sting song, either.

Just finished mailing out our Xmas cards.

My weekend was just ruined....

Question for those who have taken the LSAT

Ann Coulter-dirty hippie?!

Does vodka mix with DU?

Merv, Mike or Dinah

Steeler fans - Wherefore art thou?

Picture this...Samantha, Paige and Rachael in a 3-way....

I'm going home! Have a good weekend, all!

Which old timey DUers have the "Alex/Droog" avatar? 'Cause I've got

This world is run by a bunch of monkeys

Have you finally decided how you'll vote in my new poll

We went to see Ocean's Twelve this morning - ask me anything!


We've been listening to John Lee Hooker all day long.

An interesting week lies ahead for your favorite Dirtbag (nt)

super fun poll!!!

The Most Offensive Hanna Barbera Character

Bob Dylan's "Chronicles" to be live streaming tonight on WFUV in NY

A nice site for Windows XP users.



So what do YOU think were the top 10 posts at the FreeRepuke Website?

OK, where are you guys hiding the yaks?

Will there ever be peace or harmony ever again?

Can someone with Photoshop please help me post a picture?

I haven't posted in GD in months. How about you?

Alright cat lovers, put your mouse to the test:

Police dispatcher worked hard to nab park "poopetrators"

Yikes, what's wrong with my car? Help.

Anyone ever spend Christmas alone?

Did anyone else see John and Elizabeth Edwards on Larry

WOO HOO I got 2 tickets to see

You read me, you really read me!

Why do local newscasts have to be so annoyingly phony friendly?


ME? in "Diversity Training"?

More fun with Photoshop.....

I got a care package from home!

Is this a new gimmick in selling selling used cars...excuse me, "preowned?

Damn. The Lounge could really use some nice M&Ms today.

Why don't you just drop them pants!

Trailer for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is up!!


My Christmas incense burner

My local ATM Machine screwed up

Well, Santa's makin' toys for all the girls 'n' boys

Favorite DU smiley?

Help - Post your favorite Rummy sound byte

The Avon Lady joke

My Cat Says:

so when a thread dissapears...

Would somebody please explain to this idiot

Does Dance Dance Revolution teach one to dance?

What do people think about New Orleans at Christmas as a vacation?

Not less than 24 hours after I posted about worrying about putting a DU

A female yak is called a "nak."

If we were to dress Kleeb up like a King....

Mrs Olson may be dead, but her mountain of money is still growin'

I can't believe I fell into this trap.

Does anyone else have mini panic attacks before going on vacation?

My first post! I need help :)

I got better things to do than bother god, ask me anything

wish me luck

Dr. Performs Oral Sex While Examining Patient

What's your favorite Firefox theme?

I know this might sound weird...

Favorite anti-Bush song?


The obscure Berlin Beer Poll

Anybody around here actually quit drinking alcohol?

Best TV show ever?

Check out my nipples

I get to play Santa for a 4 year-old w/leukemia: gonna donate marrow

Most horribly classist and Racist John Hughes film.

CLAY AIKEN SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's Friday night...

Woman Gives Birth In Olive Garden Restaurant

"24" Fans: Check In Here

I'm honestly afraid of GD

Someone from my tennis group commited suicide last night

What the HELL does ESPN stand for???

The guy who killed Dimebag

Who wants to see my nipples?

Would you ever date a terminally perky person if they were a lefty?

Anyone drinking yet?

OK, what's for dinner?


I'm having a tuna fish salad sandwich the way it's SUPPOSED to be done!

Which Super Hero would make the Worst boyfriend.

Most horribly racist and classist Star Wars film

Most horribly classist and racist Oliver Stone film

Road Rage: Was My Life Threatened Today?

In honor of Susan Dey's 52 Birthday.

you think they would've learned the first time (pic heavy)

How many TV shows do you watch regularly?

I was just browsing the Galaxies

Anyone know anything about pertussis?

The Mother Of All..... Seinfeld Quote Threads!

I propose a DU group for fans of Animation - any one with me?

Favorite name for regurgitation...

Every Time A Bell Rings, An Angel Gets His Wings

The Ghost picture (old, but fun)

So which one of you guys ever made a Potato Gun as kids?

How soon after being dumped should you date again?

Drunken punch-up among 4,000 Santas...

Puppies or Kitties? Choose.

Matcom's Holiday Party Starts In ONE HOUR!!!

Albums you haven't listened to in years, maybe 10 or more, and have just

Tax Alert! Donate cars, boats to charity NOW before rule changes!

DU Jews: Is this offensive to you?

Re: who do you think is hot that's not commonly considered good looking.

(Gay Divorce Rate up in Massachusetts) After love, inevitability

watching Clay Aiken on a Christmas special, I've come to the conclusion

Have you ever deliberately ever killed another human?

Hi! 20 questions - Topic: PC Video Game. Era: 1980's

Damn. The Lounge could really use an nice enema today.

I don't want a dog but should I just get over it?

Lets Play The 'Alive or Dead' Game

Ha Ha - Bill O'Reilly Got Punked

Freepers select the "Top 10 posts of the Democratic Underground in 2004"

Vote For Your LEAST FAVORITE CHEF on "Food Network"

so, I wrote this (bush-bashing) book....

Cool old photos

Santa Claus, Christmas, and Mushrooms.

Those in retail: nominate your stupid customer of the year.

Mel Gibson buys personal Pacific island

Disco inferno (Independent)

James Brown Diagnosed With Prostate Cancer

What do you know about Pink Martini?

3 Larry King quotes for a movie? (Re. The Phantom of the Opera)

The Mother Babylon eBook

talk about how little things change

Anthony Flew's story of the 'invisible gardener'...often discussed in

Famous Atheist Now Believes in God

Latest from Physicians for a National Health Plan

Gays & Conservatives Energized By Canadian Marriage Ruling

Fraternity for gays, bisexuals launched at ISU

Singapore Bans Christmas Party Because It Might Be Gay

Gay Student In T-Shirt Suit Quits School

Police Probe Hate Crimes Against Lesbian Student

Atlanta, Houston, Miami, Tampa - Finalists for 2009 Super Bowl

The heisman goes too......

Plexico Burress Is OUT For This Sunday Against The J-E-T-S Jets Jets Jets

NCAA puts Baylor on notice about allegations


Pet Treat Recipes?

Tarot: "Is Cliff Arnebeck the savior of John Kerry in election 2004?"

does anyone here "pray"

Maimed in Iraq, then mistreated, neglected, and hidden in America

Does anyone else obsessively click on differernt forums

The same story as told by a Democrat and a Republican...

Why do "moderates" feel like they have to defend the leadership of the DLC

"Our Leader" asks "Are we getting the best we can get us?"


Under *, We Have A Scrap-Metal Army.

A question about Harry Reid and Clarence Thomas

James Madison; he KNEW the dangers from people like bush.

Record Breaking -- Cabinet resignations -- exceeding expectations again

Newest terror warning!

Novak on CSPAN's WJ

WHY are the rightwingnuts & punditry SO DESPERATE to cover up for bush???

National Day of Mourning January 20, 2004

Progress On The March In Iraq!

C-Span caller earns the Darwin award...."Soldier was making things up"

So...the $78 billion didn't buy armor, but the proposed $70 billion WILL?

PA Book Drive - Help us spread democracy to libraries!

Fantastic moment on C-SPAN

Rate up this Yahoo article, please

The P.U.-litzer Prizes for 2004...

Has anyone heard of "Mother Babylon" and its "ebook"?

Flash! The secret training video for Iraqi Insurgents can now be revealed

Freepers call Rumsfeld-questioning soldier Spc. Thomas Wilson "an idiot"

C-Span has Pompous Ass Novak on

What can WE do to get a progressive DNC chair

Whichever direction the Dems take, Why don't we take a cue from *

In nearly 6 weeks since the election, has anyone else noticed . . .

The new and improved straight jacket

CSpan - Future of the Dem Party - Discussion Thread 1

The BFEE Modus Operandi

Front Page from Daily Mirror

New Bush Movie

Great Anti-Bush Blog from England

Self Admitted Racist and Bigot appointed in S.C.

Edwards rebid for White House

Election Deception Dollars - For those interested

What's up with Robert Novak?

Bad planning Iraq invasion, "No one could have predicted"??? REALLY???

MoveOn to Democratic Party: 'We Own It' (improved link)

Dems to Study Possible Primary Changes

Today's "Let Freedom Reign" Update: Iraqi election workers killed

Meet the Press this Sunday, Dean will speak on future of party.

Any HRC members here? What do you think of this?

Ba ha ha ha ha! Someone's pushing shirts with that county map...

Fox: Bush and Rummy "tried to tamp down the firestorm" over armor debacle

The Left Needs More Media Events...

Parents Television Council Owns 99.8% of FCC Complaints/Take it back!

We need a Unified Voice like the rethugs

This is how Bushco supports the troops

Who's talking to Randi about Ohio?

How about sign messages???

Ohio DU'ers - Media Coverage or Not on Monday Recount, Hearings???

"What kind of person catches a criminal red handed and lets him go?"

This will make you furious

Teddy Roosevelt sure would've beat bush

who are the people nominated for DNC chair

Summoned for U.S. District Court Jury Duty - What should I do?


Debate on Secret Program Bursts Into Open

What Hannity and Rumsfeld have in common ??

Who's currently the leader of the Democratic Party?

New Energy Sec'y - can we harness energy from his blood pressure? >>>

Help - Post your favorite Rummy sound byte

Could Russh Limpbaugh have won if they ran him instead of Bush?

220 US troops are DEAD because no one gave a shit.

Newsweek exposing Tom DeLay! Way to go! Great reporting!

Post your answers to the latest DNC evaluation survey here:

Alberto Gonzales' son worked for Hustler until last month

We are so screwed in Texas

3 New "Don't Blame Me..." bumper stickers

Unity vs. solidarity--great post from DailyKos

"Center for Amercan Progress" Exposes Kerik's Vile "Spotty Record"

Hate FOX News? Get a FOXBlocker for $ 8.95

Want some fresh, new ammo when dealing with the religious right?


Hypothetical Question: You are running for Pres. Who do you want?

David Obey may run for president?


Thank You email from Elizabeth Edwards

2008 could be a re-run of 2004

Secretary of Treasury Snow Evaded Taxes

Scarborough Shocked to Find Republicans Bankrupting Nation......

MoveOn to Democratic Party: 'We bought it, we own it'

Dean's goal: "wean the Democrats from their dependence on big money"


"Living Under Fascism" -- sermon from the First UU Church of Austin

Two Veteran Journalists Critical Of Today's Media Coverage

i just read my dnc e`mail and boy do i feel good!!!!

Democrats could look to Dean's 'New Federalism'

Is it possible to find out which Republicans have abandoned the US Dollar?

tin foil hat time: Clear Channel/Fox News "infiltrating" Air America?

The DNC Email I just got irks me

Have A Favorite Political Quote?

The next Democratic primary is going to be a doozy !

Support the businesses that support the Democrats!

Bioterrorism in Korea?