Democratic Underground

Archives: December 15, 2004

Empire of Barbarism

The Great Divide

Iraq war: The leaders we have, not the ones we might want

Nation-Building Is Not Conservative

Gearing Up for the Draft

A Call to Picket All Of Ohio's Board of Elections Offices!!

Not One Damn Dime Day

We need to get our in front of these SS privatization hucksters

Excellent video resource: Bartlett, "Arithmetic, Population, & Energy"

A couple of questions


Would this be OK in Foreign Affairs

Do you "reserve" screennames for famous people?

As soon as you start changing out mods...

please delete this thread

PA media continues to incite against Israel

need some help finding downloadable 9/11 footage


V-odometer Fraud

We are a force to be reckoned with...

"BBV Board of Directors will make an announcement tonight"

Majority Report on AAR airing Curtis' testimony!

Majority Report going heavily into Ohio Recount! AirAmerica

Jan 20, a national day of morning.

Anyone else received strange email about Bev Harris?

Olbermann letting the troops speak out!!

You've GOT to listen to Randi's second hour-- she's HOT

KPOJ for those who missed Randi talking with Bev

Don't Mess With Texas Voters

I'm surprised I haven't got any emails....

My long cold day outside

Obermann Video from Last Night's Countdown

The guy taking a dive...

I'd bet anything Arnbeck is sandbagging some key witnesses

I missed Olbermann tonight, AND does anyone have segment of Rhodes/Harris?

Which Senator will join congress and sign a challenge to the election?

List of 1555 Rejected Ballots in King County

Have we tried to get John Stewart on this? fake news is perfect!

Can anyone post a replay of Arnebeck/Hannity confrontation? n/t

Have Any Ohio Democratic Election Officials Come Forward About Fraud?

Hamilton County Election Board Chair weighs in

AP: WA Supreme Court rejects recounting provisional & spoiled ballots.

Anyone heard more on the 5 counties reported to have fraud found?

Whatever happened with that Wayne Madsen story?


Has everyone seen this statement from Mary Beth Cahill?

Our Heroes: House Judiciary Members 12/13/04 --Columbus OH

Blackwell responds to Conyers and the GAO Letter!

Question: Who wrote this?

Is there one liberal Senator?

I began to be concerned about the rip-off factor

Curtis' background information

DID you hear that caller on Malloy? attacked in Santa Fe .. nt

Urgent!! We need to contact Bev

Report on tonights KO .... rebroadcast on at 12 midnight EST

Becareful all

John Conyers for President

Challenging the electoral votes = Masturbation Fantasy

Not Challenging the electoral votes = Supporting Fraud

Anger Management Issues.


Illinois 2004 revisited (No, they wouldn't try to do something like that)

A petition to draft Barbara Boxer to contest the vote in the Senate

Wapo article on "lost votes" in Ohio

Blackwell Changes Rule After Kerry Personally Signs 88 Letters

Another OHIO article for tomorrow's Washington Post

Recounters must see Votomatic labels & must de-compile programs!

A Call to Picket All Of Ohio's Board of Elections Offices!! PLEASE READ

on Fox now-==Arnebak--talking of problems in OHIO

Excellent Work In Denmark By Danish Reporter! hacking 'in' at the moment?

Plea from an Ohio activist

First, they REALLY ignored us...

Drudge will report on Ohio ballot problems.....

TRIAD President Phone Interview in dKos Diary...

Petition to get Senator Boxer to contest the election

Lawyers: Have you seen "The Case That Could Have Altered 'Bush v. Gore'" ?

Thursday night, Franklin County BOE is having a meeting.


Andy no longer with BBV

My voter fraud updates website has completely disappeared

here is bev's email to bbv forum with IP address

Florida Ballot Inspection Results are In!!

Help! Software engineers or similarly skilled people

Conyers Columbus Ohio Hearing Video

Recount 2004

Harris County Democratic Party Party

Kip and Karen made the news today

Sandra Bullock for Governor. Really.

I am a wus. DU at the Harris County Democrats Party

Krugman is now on Hardball

How do we get the right to turn on Bob Novak?

CSPAN: Tenet getting Medal of Freedom. Seriously!

Has Bob Dylan done it again?

Bev Harris is on the Brian Lehrer show (NPR) tomorrow

Don't buy your gifts at chain stores! Support our voice on the air!!!!

The possibility of a draft….

Choosing the sex of your baby - would you?

DU Taboo

Wednesday WashPost: New Catalogue Of Marine Abuses Against Iraqis

What happened?

The Letter from Ben Freedman.... which I had read some 6 months ago

Extremely rare footage.....

Where the hell is the outrage re: Medicare losing $20 Bil from "errors"

Bushisms: An oldie but a goodie.

Olbermann is gonna get it now

need some help looking for downloadable 9/11 footage

It's apparent now why Zell Miller took the GOP side

KOs first story on court marshaling guardsmen

They hate us for our greedom..... link

Only Three Deaths Away From The Next Millstone !!!

anyone in Kalamazoo want to go to DC with me to protest Bush inauguration?

Did anyone see Ralph Reed on........

OK, question

Olbermann letting the troops speak out!!

Good to be in D.C.

pResident FraWd* pResident FraWd* pResident FraWd pResident FraWd*

wrongfully held gitmo detainees?

Any one else watching MSNBC right now?

For those of us completely out of the loop - - and those who have

Have you watched this video supposedly made by Iraqi fighters?

CDC Warning...heed this warning folks!

AHHHH I am soooooo sick of every person for themselves!!!!

"Without us Republicans"

Santa 'a Democrat', Scrooge, Grinch 'Republicans', New Zogby

Daily Show- about "freedom medals" -on now

Just saw a commercial encouraging people to .......

If you could make Chimp do anything......

What do you listen to from noon-3 ET?

More homeless and hungry...RATE THIS STORY>>>

Schwarzkopf expresses anger!

The Govenator's luncheon...

Landrieu ready to drill of LA and FL in areas under moratorium.

Call for compensation for veterans (Agent Orange)

Lieberman says no to Homeland Security ??????????????

From Atrios - call to file FCC complaint against Limbaugh

Calling all Malloy Fans......Its Time for Truthseeking!

Investigations: 'I Feel Threatened'

Why Republicans Own the White House.

Nativity Creche may be on my village property. What would you do?

While the internecine squabbles continue, you are missing the real action.

CSM- Frank Luntz says 62 percent of youth voters were for KERRY

I agree with Chris Mathews for once.....

Christians should take responsibility for their own religion

I can't believe that DU members are doing posts on Scott Peterson.

New York Art Shuttered After Bush Monkey Portrait

It's official ZELL MILLAR IS NOT A DEM. He will be a commentator on Fox

Even PRO-Bush shirts make him look like a moron

What are some popular conservative forums?

The guy taking a dive...

Take Action: FDA considering Irradiation of some sea food.

If AAR has launched in your area

Well, how do you like how this administration is "supporting the troops?"

Lets Liberalize a RW forum (Its fun)

How much of your news do you get from DU?

What the Hell is Wrong with Our Democratic Leadership

Interesting: Missing cruise passengers this year = 3

This guy Dore Gold (on Daily Show) makes me ill

Salvation Army still whining about Target not letting them ring their

Does anyone know the names of the songs

Easter is a bigger Christian Holy Day than Christmas.

Say Hello to our New Moderators!

The Democratic Party is Dead ... only if YOU let it die.

the Democratic Party is dead.

MoD calls up 900 reservists for tour of duty

Medal of Freedom Awards

Bush Detractors Plan Quiet Rejection

Justice Urged to Open Satellite Leak Probe

Yahoo! Senate Dems Plan Investigatory Hearings

Iraqi police buses ambushed

Group proposes intell roles

Hamilton Co. recount under way

N.Korea: Japan Sanctions Would Be War Declaration

Florida Ballot Inspection Results are In!!

Electoral College Votes As Results Challenged In Court

Washington State Supreme Court rejects Democrats' recount suit

Backwell's non-response to Rep Conyer's 12/2 letter

US Sees Need to Carefully Plan Sanctions on N. Korea-Kyodo News

AIDS Research Chief Rewrote Safety Report

TRIAD scandal in NYT

Gary Webb-evidence of murder

People will overthrow Musharraf if he stays in uniform, says MMA

Yet another Kerik story -- from Sludge

America Should Not be Judged by Current Actions, Says Albright

Ohio Counties React Differently To New Recount Requests

WP: On Kerik Nomination, White House Missed Red Flags

WP: Bush Allies May Defect Over Fiscal Proposals

Lieberman Says NO

Files show more US abuse in Iraq

Hungry, Homeless Figures Increase in U.S

Zell Miller joining Fox News Channel

Suspicions Cast on Russia After Poisoning

NYT-Bush Honors 3 Ex-Officials Instrumental to Iraq Policy

NYT: Lawmaker Seeks Inquiry Into Ohio Vote

Woman Who Drowned Kids Appeals Conviction (Andrea Yates)

Quiet rejection: anti-Bush demonstrators to turn their backs during parade

WP: Several Factors Contributed to 'Lost' Voters in Ohio

Flight Attendants Rally at White House

US is forced to abandon hunt for bin Laden

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Bunnies Etc (pics)


My cat's breath smells like cat food.

Post a naked pic of yourself taken within the last month.

Check out this stupid Bush pic!

The Shooting Post is Open!

Longgrain's going to air out his dirty laundry--give him some advise.

6,000 acre island sells for $26,500. So what?

Don't know what the hell's going on with the Hallelujah and the Adios?

Yakov Smirnoff.

Sex thread?

I'm moving to Bermuda

San Diego county CIF football championships on TV now.

Let's all do some math!

Ray Rayner or Chauncey!

Thank god the tiki bar is open..

Ernie Kovacs or Milton Berle

So I Went to the Gas Station Today

Has anyone else seen the yellow ribbon/jesus fish hybrid?

Stop hijacking my weed threads with talk of alcohol.

Aerosmith's Steven Tyler is a "also has full lips"

Paradise Meatloaf

Steve Earle's "Rich Man's War" video online now!

My wife left me and I stopped smoking!

How Old Were You When You Last Had A Photo Taken With Santa?

Bay City Rollers or City By the Bay?

dating to save people from Hell!!

AUURRGGGHHH!!! The ex-wife and money...

Extremely rare footage.....

Who the hell would vote in such a lame-ass poll?

Fuck it...self delete

God's chosen son speaks: "free people never choose their own enslavement"

i am loaded

Man ... Canada makes me cold

My wife left me and I stopped smoking and....


My upstairs neighbor has been running laps around the apartment

Let's all smoke some weed.

How Old Were You When You Last Had A Photo Taken With Satan?

Let's see if I can stay trouble-free tonight

Deion Sanders: Kobe broke players' code

Man... cocaine makes me cold

bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork bork

Lynden, Washington. Jesus, what a hell hole.

Being Creative with Ramen Noodles

My spleen... can't live with it, can't live with out it.

Suspect In At Least 2 Dozen Robberies Linked To a Beer Can

I think DU is going down. I keep getting error messages. And slow!

Who agrees with Paul Begala?


i found lucky strikes at $.90/per pack

If you dislike SUVs, you'll love this poetic rant

Women. Can't live with them...

Long life noodles problem - help sought - any chinese chefs out there?

Hey Mr. Pinochet, you've sown a bitter crop.

Let's pretend "that site" has a Lounge. Post like a you-know-what...

beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep


Don't piss off this driver!

This is kind of neat...

Viktor Yushchenko in various stages of being poisoned

Man..Canada makes me laugh

The 12 Days of Christmas, Deconstructed

Asked a girl what she wanted to be...

Funk funk funk funk funk funk funk funk funk funk funk funk funk funk.

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Spermies Candy

Next year's Heisman race may come to 2 players from the same HS.

Cum All Ye Faithful

"I'm dreaming of a whiiiiiite Christmas...."

White Trash Xmas

Christmas this year is like

Most Comfortable Pillow Ever?

"Women...can't live with 'em...."

Hey, isn't my fife just beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Men...Can't live with them..can't live without 'em.


WooHoooo I have carolers, BRB while I turn on the sprinkler.

The OJ Chase and the SUV Craze...

I hate to say it, but I like THE MAJORITY REPORT better without Garofalo.

I need a laugh Please link Cartoons

I love those HP commercials!! n/t

What do you think whenever you see this:

whats the link to listen to randi rhodes at night?

Help... please?

Am I the only one who thinks The Lounge is fine the way it is?


OMG! Jon Stewart can't speak tonight.

Another Stray Cat thread

what's the message of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" (the 2000 version)

Congratulate me! Out of the 700 club in less than24 hours!

Somebody tell me a joke

Russian infantryman - or Bill Clinton?

Damon Wayans

Holy shit! Is anyone else listening to Mike Malloy right now?

I FINALLY Realized Why I Don't Like Leonardo DiCaprio's Acting!

"The Bronze Rat"

How does Al do it?!

Those little Reese's Peanut Butter Cups in the colorful xmas wrap...


Will I burn in hell if I go to bed tonight with 666 posts?

I'm pouring. Who's up for One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer?

EBay Item: Jesus Mary Joseph Wise Men Sheep Cocktail Smokies

Anybody had knee surgery before?

Where is thebigidea (Andre)? Haven't seen him in M0NTHS!

How well do you know your states?

2 movies...can't wait..the anticipation is killing me

Reminder: The Pixies are performing on Letterman tonight!

Help please---

My CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL Top 10. Please vote for your favorite.

You, sir or madam, are an obtuse sycophantic phlegmatic swine herder

Does the lounge need to be "Re-taken"?

Women, can't live with em, can't cut em to pieces and toss em overboard

Attention please! Here here! Special announcement by DemoTex.

1960's music fans-who appreciates SPIRIT?

It's not like I try to be a thread-killer, but lately I'm a thread-killer.

I start blood pressure medicine tomorrow

Best Devo album?

Oy vey iz mir!

Another stray cat thread.

I'm walking to the store to pick up some groceries

Ummm...HeeLLLoooo I had a thread where everyone was fighting people!

The top Motown act that isn't Marvin, Smokey, Diana, Stevie, or the Temps

I'm watching...REALITY TV!

Woman Sees Sad Face of Ronald McDonald in Hamburger Bun...

Words you always pronounce wrong

Tonight's flamebait debate: Sudafed meth law

Mad TV vs In Living Color

What are you drinking right now?

My new job title: Animal Tranquilizer.

I've just bottled my first case of wine from scratch. Ask me anything.


I find out tomorrw if I have to have knee surgery again

Finish This Question: "Why Are Some People So... ---- ?"

Can anyone help me with a 'job related' question tonight?

FOUR NEW "critical / security" updates for Windows today...FOUR!

SWEET! New "Batman Begins" trailer!

cute pet pic of the day

Help me liberalize a RW forum

How can someone get help with no photo ID?

First DUer To Answer All These Questions Correctly Wins A Cookie!

Requests for my overnight show, please!

Men: Can't live with them, and you can't shoot them!

Bush in line for a BJ


What's the oldest TV theme song you can sing all the way through

Words you *ALWAYS* spell wrong

Any handwriting experts here?

Say Hello to our New Moderators!

Dare or Dare?

Band Name Suggestions

What I think about when I see fish symbols on cars

A Wedding Celebration Dec. 17th

My kitties!!!

The Great Divide it okay to sell my rental property now?

Ever give a eulogy

Back to basics: Democrats defined. A must read for "Centrists".

Insurgent Video From Blitzer/ Video

Easy Flyer and Email List -- Send to Senators Re: Jan 6th

Write-In Votes Would Tip San Diego Race

What do you think of the New Democrat Network?

CNN just reports: Lieberman says NO to Homeland Sec.

Write-In Votes Would Tip San Diego Race

US media; why the freeping rightwingnuts are so ignorant.

Scarbourogh Contry asking if there is a GOD gene NOW

My brother is doing a report and needs help.

The Last Straw. Bush* AWARDS George Tenet Medal of Freedom

Gary Webb- evidence of murder

Like we needed another reason NOT to watch Fox News

What are your other must-read political web sites?

Repub Candidate in 2008

Rudy Guiliani is as worthless as belly button lint.

The Bernie Kerik brouhaha is a Rovian smokescreen for what?

Another red state / blue state breakdown

National ID Cards/ ACLU's Timothy Edgar on "Democracy Now"

The changes in the party are happening very fast now.

What's our "nuclear option"?

Commercial Jammers defeat IEDs in Iraq....where are they ?

Did the "liberal" label hurt us this year?

Diatribe - This is OUR fault!

Did North Korea Cheat? Best article I had found on the NK WMD

[PINR] 15 December 2004: Testing the Currents of Multipolarity

DU Washington DC poster

"pro-living position" California's (& WI & NJ) Stem Cell Gold Rush

NYT's Kristof: A fascist Russia better than a Communist Russia.

Balance in the service of falsehood

'this guy's our guy.'"

The real importance of the Kyoto treaty

Gene Lyons

The Kremlin Denials Fly

Odds are even in the 'information' war

So, do you think that you'd see this kind of statement if the tables were

Critics prepare to block Bush proposal to shift payroll taxes into private

Chris Floyd - Home Cooking (Bush is outsourcing torture)

GOP Staffers Need a Union

The Onion, "What Do You Think?--Iraq Troops Complain"

U.S. media still hiding bad news from Americans

Salon: The revolution that failed -- for now

soldiers deserve a better defense secretary :William Kristol

Getting Out Of Iraq

For Labor, Tough Choices

The End of Globalism

Rewarding Incompetency

How Iran will fight back

Canada Goes To Hell (satire)

Several Factors Contributed to 'Lost' Voters in Ohio (1st WAPO fair BBV)

Why Don't We Have One of THOSE?

Can anyone vouch for:

Why media is left by a right wing book writer. (A crock condensed)

Bush's social security privitization plan

Brazil - World Bank Pimping Even More Deforestation-Heavy "Development"

Tajikistan Faces Dealing With 50 Million Tons Of Soviet-Era Nuclear Waste

Ventura County, CA, Takes Next Step In Removing Matilija Dam

NASA - Warmer Winters Fuelling Insect Explosion In N. American Forests

Who will be the next Shrub disaster to head the EPA?

Surf's Up In Hawaii - Waves Up To 50 Feet On North Shore (!)

Debate centers on oil reserves

Clinton warming up to work on climate change

Michael Crichton's State Of Confusion

UN peacekeepers storm Haiti slum

German[US citizen] translator in China espionage scandal

Spain changes law on genital mutilation

Zim 'to take all white farms'

Another self-defense shooting...this time in a bar.

Deleted: Question Answered

Deleted post

Need some password help

You guys do an awesome job!

I Love the Mods!!

Why is my avatar gone?

Thought you guys might enjoy this.

What happened to the Astrology DU Group? Can't connect to it.

"Texas" forum is down -- all black. n/t

Echoing NSMA on the "sexist" post, and I'm pretty sure I alerted

Any chance of having a "group" for all the Bev threads? Difficult call,. .

This thread is BLATANTLY sexist

Suggestion: group list sticky?

Mods- Requesting a new DU Group

Why move this thread out of 2004?

Is there a way I can find out how I voted in a poll?

Lebanese PM threatens retaliation over French Al-Manar ban

Leading Hamas preacher warns of clash with Islamic Jihad

Abbas says intifada was mistake

Since Bev and her gang have deleted their sin

Kerry Awakens.

Self delete

What's our "nuclear option"?

Letter to House Judiciary Committee asking for an explanation

Do not expect the Ohio recount to reveal anything

MALLOY NOW.. on Bev Harris!! nt

Another historic day

NY Times: Conyers to ask FBI to explore "illegal election tampering"

Odd Bev Harris story: A reporter recounted Glades County FL

Boy these new moderators sure are tough.

If you are thinking about protesting at the inauguration think again

CREW Sues FEC Over Failure to Enforce Election Laws

In a few minutes, I will have lots of Triad documentation to post here

US forced to abandon hunt for bin Laden (Reuters article)

Here is a clip thats pretty cool.

Lieberman says no to homeland security

We are the innovators. The others will follow...

"Not that there's anything wrong with that!" Recount Collection

Republicans and voting machines. A tale of endless corruption.

Conyers' response to Katherine Blackwell's BS letter

.... Concerted Effort to Undermine Arnebeck....

More uncounted ballots turn up in Washington state governor's race

Why Don't We Have One of THOSE?

Editorial-Supporting the Chimp=accepting half of the Ten Commandments

More uncounted ballots turn up in Washington state governor's race

Finally, the MSM (NYT) takes notice

Choose the Blue!

Nader on Ohio Recount

Suspicious death & E-Vote machine w/paper audit trail 3/2004

Conyers on DemocracyNow! right now.

Must-read diary from DailyKos

Conyers on with Amy Goodman now (9:36am EST)

Hitting MSM NYT Article - "Lawmaker Seeks Inquiry Into Ohio Vote"

Reach out to Moved Ons. We NEED them!

Richardson in NM demands 1.4M in 15 hours to recount!

Federal Judge Upholds Ohio's Punch-card Voting

Randi Rhodes/Harris interview on archives

LA Times Front Page. Ballot Reveiw Favors Frye

Judge ruled punch-card voting does not deny right to vote

Talk about a red flag.......

interesting article that glosses over the obvious

Conyers on NPR right now!

About to flood Google News-AP:Ohio judge rules punch-card voting fair

Bev Harris, John Conyers will be on WNYC radio show this morning >

Twins had twins on the same day at the same time. A sure sign Kerry is in!

Demopedia now showing in Google searches

New primer on understanding Republican "speak" (using Rossi versus Ohio)

Sorry Bev but you lost me.

Firm (Triad) accused of tampering w/data left some unofficial

New Yorker Article -- by Louis Menand

Page A01-Wash Post!: Several Factors Contributed to 'Lost' Voters in Ohio

I've found a link between TriadGS and the GOP

Let's organize a DU contingent to protest in DC on 1/20/2005

Regarding Andy Stephenson, Bev Harris and Randi Rhodes

Buzzflash: "Theft of the Election, Redux."

Anyone have anything on Ross County....?

The *Support For Andy Stephenson* Thread

Bush Voted Number One Liar....

Bev Harris on WNYC Radio now

where the @#$% is some news!!!

$1.4 million by 10 a.m. Thursday New Mexico's Recount

I have a question about Triad saying it's standard procedure.

Is there any way to get a sample ballot for butler county Ohio?

Rigging the machines in a few states......Tiddley Winks........

Bev Harris Shot Herself in the Foot...

Harper's running an editorial sympathetic to the fraud story 1/05

Be the Media: Proposal (long, sorry)

UNREAL - McCain threatening to block Senate over Boxing!!!

WTF?: Cleveland editorial to election challengers:

Enough of Bev. Is their another electoral fraud investigator we can

make your own bumper sticker

Question about possible Rapp (TRIAD) relative....

Why are there no new developments today?! Just seems werid.

Columbus Dispatch- Franklin County recount

Ohio Supreme Court - links & some juicy info

Rove took over Google News

Conyers and Bev Harris to be on WNYC Radio Brian Lerher Show

Any Visual FoxPro programmers on DU?

Are we pivoting away from 'the cause' by trying to figure out Bev Harris?

Question: Other states' Presidential no-votes?

So if the FBI investigates..

AP: Ohio Recount Resembles Florida in 2000

Question to techies.

Is BBV pivoting to the right?

Election-day footage from Michael Moore "Video the Vote" team!!

Instead of TRIAD President Rapp, Why Not Interview the Perp ?

Clinton Curtis wll be on the Ed Schultz show today at 5:05 EST

Scarborough off the deep end, thinks the researchers are nuts

Randi Rhodes/Bev Harris full audio ready for download

Cuyahoga County, Ohio recount--they are pre-choosing the precincts

Kerry Looses an Electoral Vote! Down to 251!

Randi talking about Triad! n/t

Anyone have a link to Blackwell's non-response letter to Conyers?

Lester Holt is covering 'voter fraud' on MSNBC right now...

Scarborough has to weigh in too!! Vomit bags at the ready

It was bound to happen: Programmer blows the whistle

EMAIL Rossi's campaign now to tell him what a hypocrite he is!

San Diego Mayor Recount and the Law

Cheat Sheet - Cheat Sheet - Cheat Sheet - Cheat Sheet - Cheat Sheet

Akron Beacon Journal has Conyers - FBI story

how do you contact

HEY RANDI!! Scarborough dissed Wexler!!

Will I get beat about the head and shoulders if I request a recap?

More from the DNC ..and they got more from me

Any guesses on what TRIAD stands for?

Democracy in America is DEAD because of Kerry/Edwards/Daschle/Reid

Warren County Recount Update

Realistically speaking, what is our best hope?

So A Senator Refuses To Certify: What Does That Accomplish?

Florida: Election Official Thwarts Recount Using Phony Vote Totals

Tod Rap-CEO of Psephos-Psephology:the study of voting patterns

Transcript Of Conyers On Pacifica (kinda)12:30 Pm 12/15

Raw Story Posting an update

True Majority wants our input - let's tell them about electio fraud!!!

Fitrakis et al: American democracy hangs by a thread in Ohio

Why is Randi talking about Kerik so much? Enough!!

Conyers Will Be On Pacifica NOW!!!!!

New poll up--worst right-wing media personality (vote now!)

ABC news reporting a "quiet protest" planned for inauguration

My real name is Bob Flanders for those of you who want to know.

Just found: 90s GOP PAC: Tactical Resources In American Democracy

Yahoo Article: Several Factors Contributed to 'Lost' Voters in Ohio

Randi just said "I don't think that John Kerry wants to be president" ro..

The single biggest flaw of the Left

Votergate is NOT Harris's film - it is being produced by some good people

So its a good thing Sheen, Sarandon, Robbins, Redford, Penn and the

Evil Harris Twins (Katherine and Bev)

Fake ballots unlikely: How TRIAD is attempting to get away with fraud

Ha. ha, they sent Scarborough out to fight this?

as much as I want to believe that the recount efforts will work...I don't.

The missing link of Bev Harris!

Attention Ohio observers

Conyers team should have a press speaker

Election '04: way outside the box /Seattle Times GO ANDY GBnC!

Three-mile march to White House, TURN YOUR BACK ON B*sh: Quiet Rejection

Unbelievable lack of discipline, folks!


Please post a link to Ohio Congressional Hearing online

Firm Accused Of Tampering With Data Left Some Unofficial Results

It's not the scandal. It's the cover-up.

The recount is being compromised!

Yang (YEI) Responds in 'Full' ...And so Does BRAD BLOG!


NEEDED: Is there a complete transcript/video or audio of Ohio Forum yet?

Please read: "Folk Don't Get It"

How did this ever get elected?

Vermonters urge Jeffords to challenge Electoral College results

Nader Challenges M. Moore to Walk the Walk........

Let's play challenge the challenger, who are these two?

Why is Ted Kennedy not standing up against the fraud?

Democracy in America is about to die because of JOHN KERRY!!

Washington State: More "missing" ballots discovered

Bev Harris is on our side... dont let freeps and naysayers divide us! nt

I've been on a plane all day. Can I get a recap of the day's events?

A word for Andy Stephenson in this whole BBV calamity

TRIAD: Affidavit, Conyers letter, everything HERE

Anti-Bev folks, please explain:

Bev fans: All we want is one example of Volusia County Fraud

New Olbermann Blog! 12/15, 10:29 am ET

Ohio, Fairfield County, suspends recount...UPDATED WITH REPORT

They're handing us the key to exposure in Ohio.

Democracy is threatened and it's NOT John Kerry's fault

UPDATED! National Media Blaster: NYTimes article, Ohio Hearing Video, MORE


Conyers: stop crushing our mailbox


about that dead battery

Please sign this 'contest the vote' action to get Barbara Boxer

Mayor of San Diego:

Supermarkets Still Feel Pain of Long Strike and Lockout

Safeway talks moving slowly

Ballot Review Favors Frye

Steve King and friends how nice

"Massachusetts Liberal" bumper sticker

Anyone ever live on Lowell?

Minnesota lost 2,000 jobs last month

LL's shameless publicity thread

Conyers on local news??

PHP on Windows 2000

Computer Developers Group Proposed

Remove me!

Chris Bell to form an exploratory committee for a run for governor

Is the DU Meetup for Houston tonight?

Legislator wants highway signs in Texas to mention Bush

Kerik is one f'd up mofo

Will Michael Jackson get convicted and go to jail?

Viligante Against the "Right-Wing"?

Question the likud at your own risk.

From VM warehouse employee to Campaign Finance Director? Hmmm....

Rigging the machines in a few states......Tiddley Winks........

I feel soooo much safer knowing

Got this sad e-mail today.

FCC Action Alert

Guardian/Steve Bell cartoon; UK,"Living wills"......

I wrote to my newspaper "thanks a lot, Ohio"

How long will it be before they start blaming Clinton for the Iraq mess?

Why Christian Fundamentalism is dying

US forced to abandon hunt for bin Laden (Reuters article)

Question: Why do I see Christianity as a religion of hate today?

Donna Frye on AAR/Unfiltered. nt

I guess the new Missle Defense System Didn't Work

It's 2004 and Star Wars Missile Defense still doesn't work!

Texas Rep. Cornyn wants Feds to share information FOIA

Does FOX News discriminate against liberals, and could they be sued for it

Last Straw!: Democrats suffer bad case of Rove Envy

Anyone else get the feeling they are just waiting for more troops to come

Is this what I heard on the radio (re: economy summit)

Post calls those who question the Ohio Vote "dissidents"

Clinging to Shelters, and to Hope

Wife regrets man's huge lottery win

Bill Clinton, the Country Boy vs Al Gore, the City Boy ?


Alabama Judge wears 10 Commandments on robe

Should Imperial Amerika have a new National Anthem? If so, what song?

Prince reveals two illegitimate daughters

I am a proud "dissident" !

Draft Bill Moyers!!! . . .

People Who Don't Care About the Poor, the Ill, the Elderly

I want a Headcount. How Many Feminist on DU Hate Men?

Debasing The Medal Of Freedom

Rep Conyers on Brian Lehrer WNYC

Anybody have a good link for Stupid Bushie Photos??

If AL Gonzalez had been allowed to torture Kerik...

Repeat after me: "The world is more dangerous. Impeach Bush now!"

Bev Harris and John Conyers on now 11:09 AM EST

If I ever walked in the first day of school

Email Invite I got and wanted to pass along:

Someone seems to be pushing this Arab TV clip archive.

On School Prayer. Sharing a snip

Link to Bush's fly open at summit? I beg of you!

FCC Action Alert: Limbaugh Caught in On-Air Vulgarity

REGAN Admitted to Being "Pathetic". Is Now "Hysterical".

The Christian Right is a Monster that we have let grow out of control

Stop Sign Activism

NPR yesterday

Drudge Report Poll

Indianapolis DU Meetup

So this guys stops and asks me for directions to the unemployment office


The comments that Bev Harris just made are pissing me off big time

I need info on Soc Security problems in Argentina & Britain

Do you think that judges should be racist?

Kerik Vetting Debacle Supports Gonzalez' Endorsement of Torture

Military Will March Front and Center at Inaugural Festivities

When did religion and science become mutually exclusive???

Hanity explains to 7 year old how 60% of Taxes are paid by top 10%.

Clinton repels park snark

I Just Went Off over on Dr. Weil's Board

Culture in a Red State

Lawsuit Against Rumsfeld Threatens US-German Relations

Disgusting calendar of Conservative women.

Armageddon has officially begun

Why Christmas sales are bad

Oh my a nasty take on the 12 days of Xmas. Warning Adult content

Guide to Republican Hypocrisy

Did anyone else see the new Japanese pillows that look

Why does a vocal minority of DUers use the same logic as freepers

Contemplating a move to Alaska

I would like to offer a spelling correction

25 free .info domains ~L@@K~

Not trying to cause trouble but will Randi talk about the Bev thing today?

One of my all time favorite pics

Does The "Economic Summit" Have It's Own Thread? On C-Span & CNBC

Missile Defense Test (first in two years) Failed

CNNfn signs off... there goes CNN International, too.

'Intelligent design' plans draw lawsuit

DOJ, SEC settling with TimeWarner: rewarding CNN's media-whoring for Bush?

Is Bush really that brilliant????

Michael Crichton's State Of Confusion

The trees and their origins

Strange microwave/radio signals in the Himalayas

C-Span ought to ashamed

The 20% club

Here is what the soldiers think of the "armor" they are getting.

Let's think this through

Now that Saddam's been captured, how much longer will we be in Iraq?

I contributed something to the Demopedia

Holiday Blues

So. Who do fundamentalist Christians find more evil?

What was wrong with paper?

(former) Captain Josh Rushing kicks ass.

And this guy's going to be AG?!

Does anyone know the source of this photo?

This is CK reporting from the year 2008

How much money have we received from the Iraqi oil?

From the do as I say not as I do department

Should "blackface" be illegal?

If you don't watch mainstream news, where do you get your news from?

I found an article in Time about Rumsfeld being under fire.

I like what the guy on Randi Rhodes show was just saying..

"Rules On Wifes Role Bend Only For Him" - Another RL Hypocrite

Message from the Iraqi Insurgents

Please sign this 'contest the vote' action to get Barbara Boxer to stand

DC Baseball: Let it go. Baseball on the downfall, steroids, salaries, et

20 most emailed articles at Washington Post

Christianity, Atheistic Humanism & Black Metal Music

It only takes one sin to stay out of heaven.

Alabama governor rings bell for Salvation Army today

Was just listening to Randi Rhodes....

Peterson verdict seems to please the statist feminists and the theocrats.

Is Amazon Blue

Viguerie interview on NPR Fresh Air today.

DC Baseball...

New election system

Okay, that Barney Propoganda White House video is awful.

Randi taking Bill O'Rielly to task

Gola Wolf Richards

Test Failure Sets Back U.S. Missile Defense Plan

AWSOME Christmas Gifts for the Clinton lover in your life!!!

Canadians - I'm coming - can you give me some insights

Rally in support of Iraq war resister Pablo Paredes this Saturday

Today Randi is tearing down every single caller... Hate her today.

Cell phones on planes?

Just got approved for a Shell Oil card, online.

On Malloy! "Katherine" from BBV org explaining Bev Harris "situation"

Does the term "Participatory Democracy" mean anything to you?

Can DUers finally quit arguing about the "values" lie?

Aren't you getting tired of "INVESTIGATIONS"??

Jazz Funeral For Democracy

What's going on with Kerry and choice?

What's this Christmas video made by Bush and his dog ?

Merck CEO's campaign contributions (in detail)

Family Values Group PTC has porn on front page of their website.

Abu Gharib - is it possible that lil' Lynddie and her buds did their deeds

Family values! Kerik's love nest was apartment meant FOR 9/11 HEROES!

Is anyone else being radicalized?

Canada will accept Americans who don't want to go to Iraq: PM

Send your condolences to President Al Gore (His mother passed)

check out this website...

Rushie the Rude Right-Winger

Immanuel Baptist Church REV Fox in Wichita runs the TOWN and the NEWS

The Savage Weiner finally comes out and says it: Kill the Liberals

I am hearing about Christian fundies everywhere

Should car insurance be optional?

Attacked by Freepers: video tribute sparks wingnut rage

Frye's unbubbled ballots exceed Murphy's margin. San Diego mayor race.

"Conservatives just aren't cut out for academia"

What would be so horrible about conserving oil?

Is James Carville a DLC member?

If life is so great, then why is death so lonely?

harry reid being attacked as a racist

I have said and now repeat "Jenna is the good one, Barbara's the evil one"

Christmas Sales

Evidence Begins To Indicate Gary Webb Was Murdered

Go, Bill, Go!!

"Awesome" new Danziger TOON...

Flight school, Med, Nursing school, where is the school for Presidents??


"Prophet Mohammed was a paedohile": Freedom of speech in UK??

New Group request-

Witchita: "Don't take the Christ out of our Christmas"

The *Support For Andy Stephenson* Thread

How many DU'ers are Precinct Captains?

New poll--which right wing media personality do you hate the most? (link)

Intelligent Design under intelligent attack...

How would you describe God?

It actually tastes OK


Ok, gang, any suggestions for a juniper berry substitute?

Any Yam lovers?

Trailer Park Boys wins Gemini for comedy series

BBC: Blunkett quits as home secretary

BREAKING NEWS: Greek passengers in armed hijack

Several Factors Contribute to 'Lost ' Voters in Ohio

Blast in Kandahar Wounds at Least Three Afghans

NM Gov. gives recount group 15 hours to raise $1.4 M for recount

FCC Action Alert: Limbaugh Caught in On-Air Vulgarity

And it begins : Iran Possibly Planning Attack on US - NY Sun

NYT,pg1: Flawed (defibrillator) Places F.D.A. Under Scrutiny

Baghdad: 4 Iraqi police killed

NYT,pg1: Settlements Seen in US Inquiries into Time Warner(CNN parent co.)

Files show more US abuse in Iraq

3 ghosts of Bush's recent past

Gunmen Attempt to Take Mosul Police Posts, Repelled

Fed Panel Lifts Rates and Says More Increases Are Probable

DoD Announces OEF/OIF Rotational Units ( Thru 2006)

Lawmaker Seeks Inquiry Into Ohio Vote (Conyers has some real evidence)

NYT: Eskimos Seek to Recast Global Warming as a Rights Issue

Caught in the crossfire ;Red Cross

Getting Out Of Iraq

Blair Faces Test of Bush Friendship on Environment

Tropicana's Bradenton plant expects more layoffs (100 jobs)

Saddam Cousin Caught in Fallujah

Marine Shot Dead West of Baghdad -- U.S. Military (1298)

Police Believe Greek Bus Hijackers Are Albanian

Ridge Agrees to Rethink Colour-Coded Alerts

Justice Dept. May Explore Leak on Spy Satellite Program

(CIA Assisted) Iraqi Interim Leader Allawi Enters Election Race

US Defends Treatment of Afghan Detainees (Can't go back & change the past)

Proof of Ohio Election Fraud Exposed

Red Cross Won't Meet With Saddam's Lawyer

Test of U.S. missile defence shield fails

Missile defence shield test fails

Yukos seeks US bankruptcy refuge

Prince reveals two illegitimate daughters

Brazil corruption charges urged

Ecology Terrorism Doubted In Arsons - Washington Post

WP: Ecology Terrorism Doubted in (Maryland subdivision) Arsons

Famed N.Y. hawks’ eviction rescinded

YUKOS Files for U.S. Bankruptcy

Autopsy: death of rapper O.D.B. was an accident, caused by drug overdose

Loudoun Boy's Defiance Draws Police Response ((Gestapo Watch))

FCC Mulls Wireless Internet Access on Jets

Supreme Court Makes It Tougher To Sue Police

Test results mixed for students in US (Americans behind)

Iraqi Official: Iran Is 'Number One Enemy'

U.S. Treasury's Snow-Tax Code Overhaul a Priority

'Chemical Ali' Will Be First Saddam Aide Tried

Guardsman's death in Iraq investigated (no safety equipment)

Eastern Europe unfazed by drop of dollar

ASNE, Broadcasters Go Nat'l. with 'Sunshine Sunday' Open-Gov't. Campaign

Libya Withdraws $1 Billion Assets Frozen in U.S.

A rights watchdog muted

Gay Marriage Before Oregon Supreme Court Today

Amazon sets up offshore

NYT -States and Cities Must Hunt Terror Plots - Everyone a DHS Officer

Taxi driver shoots Osama bin Laden impersonator

Details of Marines Mistreating Prisoners in Iraq Are Revealed

Berlusconi is a "good personal friend of mine" says Bush (msnbc NOW)

40 Protesters Seize a Kremlin Office (call for Putin's resignation)

Particle pollution falls 10% in 4 years--USA Today

US 'failed to control' Iraq oil

Retirees Are Paying More for Health Benefits, Study Says

(GOP TAUZIN) Congressman to take pharma lobby post

Snow Says Bush Social Security Fix Won't Lift Rates (Snow/Cato/GOP lie )

Iraq Asks Some of Saddam's Soldiers to Return to Work

Gore's mother dead at 92

Army Spending $4B to Send Vehicles to Iraq

Bomb Near Shi'ite Shrine Kills Four in Iraq

Half of voters want abortion ruling upheld, poll finds (also same-sex info

Australian terror suspect offered prostitute by US military

Jenna Bush plans to teach at public school

Ukraine pays $7.8Mln to Russian air crash... [update on missile atta

Iran Tells Russia to Expand Nuclear Ties

GOP Has Lock on South, and Democrats Can't Find Key

Conservatives Take on Christmas Cause

Muslim scholar gives up visa fight

Bible verse cited in baby's slaying

U.S. Takes to Air to Move Cargo in Iraq

Iraq asks some of Saddam's soldiers to return to work

Gunmen overrun Iraqi police station in Samarra

FCC to Allow Wireless Access on Planes (the vote passes)

New Guard number shows lower Iraq death rate (revised downward)

2004 Signals More Global Warming, Extreme Weather: UN

Continental (Airlines) blamed for Concorde crash

Saddam loyalists more of a threat than Zarqawi: Myers

NYT: Apt Said to Have Been Scene of Kerik Affair (BR overlooks Gr. Zero)

Dubya's Kid Going To Teach In Poor Black Schools

'Conservative Democrat' Miller Gets Job With FOX News

Autopsy: Rapper O.D.B. Had Drug Overdose

Ala. Judge Wears Ten Commandments on Robe

U.S. Drug Lobby Group Taps Tauzin for Top Job

Ukraine's Government Seeks Increase in Transit Fees for Russian Oil

Blair Supporter Resigns (Home Secretary David Blunkett)

Pinochet warrant suspended

Rumsfeld May Soon Regret His Arrogance Toward U.S. Troops

WP: Senate Panel to Set Hearings on Iraq Insurgency, Shortages

Interior, Indian tribes share bison range

Tempers flare amid 'black propaganda' debate

La. Judge Suspended for Wearing Blackface

Nightline tonight (Wednesday) "Coming Home: Invisible Casualties"

U.S. drug lobby group taps Tauzin for top job

More uncounted ballots turn up in King County (22 more found today)

Three Polish Soldiers Die in Iraq Helicopter Crash

Test Failure Sets Back U.S. Missile Defense Plan

China shifts from receiving to giving foreign aid

Disabled Firefighter Serving in Iraq

Wartime Chinese sex slaves lose compensation fight (with Japan)

AP: Yushchenko Has Historic Dioxin Level

Jerry Falwell launches 4-year Moral Majority "OPERATION: CHRISTIAN VOTE"

PETA wants Benetton to shed Australian wool

Some Marines Mentally Ill After Iraq, Documents Show

Court Upholds Arrest of Mascot Protesters (Chief Wahoo)

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednsday 15 December

Ohio Judge Rules Punch - Card Voting Fair

40 Protesters Seize a Kremlin Office (call for Putin's resignation)

Inauguration Gives GOP Fund-Raising Chance (Private Reception W/GOP for $)

Approval for Bush, doubts on key issues (49% approval rating)


Airbus superjumbo €1.45 billion over budget

Israeli weapons sale to China irks Pentagon

'Compassionate' Bush widely misunderstood: Schieffer

Fans asked to respect anthem (appeal may come tonight)

Letter shows Queen Victoria's affections

Changes sought in rules on lunch breaks (by Schwarzenegger )

FCC Won't Stifle Satellite Stern

'Go Home and Do Your Patriotic Duty' Aussies Told (Go Breed)

Iceland offers chess legend Bobby Fischer residency

Anti-Sinclair Campaign Launched

Ohio Recount Resembles Florida in 2000

Time Warner Agrees to Pay $510 Million to End Probes

Iran, Syria Said Backed Terrorists in Iraq

Groups target new horse law

Mandatory Health Insurance Is Urged (LA Times)

NM: Cost of Recount $1.4 Million; State Wants Money by Thurs. To Start

Bush Pledges Strong-Dollar Policy

Blunkett Resigns as UK Home Secretary

Cuba threat over Christmas lights

Newark airport screeners spot --then lose--fake bomb (Amsterdam found it)

US embargo against Cuba denounced

An Apple for Miss Jenna? Bush Eyes Washington Teaching Job

Canada won't fund missile shield (but will take Americans avoiding Iraq)

Pauline Gore, mother of former vice president, has died

Bush View of Economy at Odds With Forecast

Dems gain in 'hidden election'

Pentagon: 130 Troops Punished for Abuse

Christians Aiming to Boost Religion

Faith-based groups get food-stamp grants

White supremacists recruiting in Duluth

Congressman calls for FBI investigation into Ohio election

'Son of Star Wars' missile test fails

Iraq Insurgents Growing 'More Effective'-US General

Cheney: Economy Needs Permanent Tax Cuts

New Gallup Poll Raises Questions About Media Focus on 'Values'

Cuba and Venezuela slam US Free Trade Area of the Americas

Venezuela to replace old US aircraft with 50 new Russian MIG-29 Fulcrums

Turkey will not apologise for Armenian genocide

Israeli Official Urges Attention to Syria ('s Peace Overtures)

Yahoo News: Sept. 11 Conspiracy Theorist Offers $100,000 Prize

Puppy thread in honor of night train

9 a.m.?

Browser check for my website please..

Will Ferrel as Pres. Bush

Animal Farm Rap

Whew!! I slept for 12 hours, and I feel REALLY good.

How do you pop your fingers?

Its 3;38 in the morning ,do you know where your mind is

"American Psycho-a George W. Bush film"........

I live in a Haunted House!

Caution: Freeper At Work.

Twin Sisters Deliver Twins On Same Day

become comfortably numb

tune in Friday noon-2 Central Time: KERA 90.1 FM for a special

Uh..... Hey.

Anyone ever had their knee listerined..?

Doing it right the first time ...

I hate right-wing people :-D

A simple Mike Malloy question.

wll smn pls by m vwl?

Have a coprophilic Catalan Christmas

Tackiest Christmas Displays Ever

Have I mentioned lately

So which one would you like for Christmas?

My damn ears are still humming at night.....

I got a Basketball Jones oh baby ooh ooh oooooooooooooooh says...

Now we know why Bush is wacking off jobs left and right

Gay Peoples: Do You Lose Your Straight Friends...

Ghost Recon 2

Would someone please buy this for me?

Cleavage Plunge Forces Bra Recall - Bras Snapping From The "Strain"

This is a petulant frenzy. I'm petulant. And I'm having a frenzy.

After careful consideration, an "Are We There Yet" thread is a no-go

I hate...

"My Acid Trip With Groucho" . . . by Paul Krassner . . .

Boy, what I wouldn't give for a swift kick in the ass right now

Did Snoop sell out?

Greatest Tom Waits "ballads"

Women Ask 81 Y.O. To Get Nakid - He Drops Trousers - They Steal Wallet

David Cross just introduced...Modest Mouse?...on Comedy Central...

mmmhmmm. ask me a question, and i'll respond like karl

A big thank you

I made it. I'm finally at 1,000 posts.

CLOACA: Your one-stop shop!

Why didn't the Klingons, Dr. McCoy and The Tribbles all sue each other?

Wednesday Morning Earworm!

The perfect xmas present: Virgin Mary Cheese Nativity Scene Hotdog Smokies

Yo, StopTheMorans, and RaginMiami if

Pet Dog Saves Drowning Baby

Have you been to 2004 Election Results and Discussion recently....

Men & Women Most Likely To Lie About Flirting - Men Complaign More

Man sees sad face of Jimmy Hoffa in a BBQ steak sandwich.

Who wants to work with me?

Preschool Conspiracy Theorist!

CNN needs to consider a warning on this "Joe sez No" Lieberman photo

Where's Swamp Rat?

Nigeria to host 2008 Genocides

"I Am The Eggman": John Lennon's encounter with aliens

anybody else have pics of the finger? post them here...

Cowabunga Dude!


Vent about the stupidest person who ever took a dump at your house

What Do You Think?: Iraq Troops Complain (The Onion)

Y’know that, women, never really faint

The Iron Chef

Cleavon Little Forces Lauren Bacall's Bra to Snap on the Train

My bird is flat-tailing me

Today is my last day of school...

Recent Email I received Subject: Weewee chu

Staring into the void (Warning--some may find image disturbing)...

The ID of the plane that brought me to Cuiabá is somewhat disturbing

Anyone wanna get a close look at my balls?

Contact II, starring Commie Pinko Dirtbag

VirtualDub RULES!

traffic was friggin horrible this morning!!

Feminists are so oppressive.

What Will Replace The Color-Coded Terror Alert System?

well wishes and thoughts needed

Neighbors Tape Man To Utility Pole After He Robbed House

Holy frack, I should have bought from 3 months ago!

I present you the Space Kittens of Mato Grosso

I went to the Christmas party last night.

Christmas With Louise

Milk displeases me

I displace milk

Un Chien Andalou on dvd...

I kinda got choked up watching Pixies

What if RimJob actually does kick the bucket?

What is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for you?

taxi driver etiquette?

i just donated - ask me anything

Breaking: Pale Male Allowed to Rebuild Nest: Paula Zahn Still Worthless!

MSNBC on the "George Michael and Elton John catfight"

I'm sucking at solitaire today

Why didn't the Kingsmen, The McCoys and The Troggs all sue each other?

Ohio Company Introduces The Sauerkraut Martini

Tell me something about this photo

Eddie Van Halen speaks at Dimebag memorial in Arlington TX

I tells ya, computers are sentient. Servers, in particular, are assholes.

The "Even the 9/11 Scapegoat Gets a Medal, But I Don't" CAPTION

Check out my Medal of Freedom cartoon

Some people feed off the way others react to them. Its really an ego thing

Not One Damn Dime Day - email I just received:

To all knowledgeable computer DU'ers...what is a desktop.ini file?

The extended DVD version of ROTK is incredible!

Miyazaki & Moebius exposition in Paris

Get a life???

Start of the "Pedro Curse"?

Pressure Mounts On Minneapolis Catholic Church's Gay Outreach

The 12 STI's of Xmas - Flash Video

Floral Cigarette Wreath for 105-Year Old Smoker

The "Variety is the Spice of Life" CAPTION

Great Winter Season Gifts for frustrated Progressives:

So I'm in the middle of Orwell's ANIMAL FARM and came across this...

Political and other external influences aside, when are you going to die?

Do you ever see LOTR and think someone is laughing out their rear?

What's The Best Thing About Being A Dog?

Closing in on 1000 posts

I'm gonna buy me a Haunted Tumbleweed!

So, what do you think of the Del Rubio sisters?

BEHOLD - the crappiest boy band ever!

48 degrees in my neck of the woods here in sunny south florida right now!

Any interesting "outings" last night?

Yiddish made easy!

Good morning Lounge, how ya feeling today??

How Would Your Car Vote?

Good... ?

how can you not Like benny hiLL

Bands you know are good, but you just never ever want to hear them again.

Damn it. I hate fasting. I feel more dizzy now than ever.

LOTR gift ideas?

What's your opinion of Tom Clancy and his Novels*?

Do you believe in closure?

Can any of you fine people help me update my Gallery picture?

CDC reports new STD... (it's a joke... come on... read it!)

THIS is Judith Regan?

Everyone Wish Althea Well

Do you know the muffins, man?

Woman who has passed out twice while driving is still on the road

I need a nap

Do you like really stupid funny sexist stuff?

The Crappiest Tumbleweed Band of all CAPTIONS!!!!

Pastrami on rye sees face with mouth open coming closer and closer

I watched "The L Word" last night

Why am I in such an unbelievably pissed-off mood today? (RANT)

No toke! Pot-flavored candy for sale

Look at this picture and tell me how it applies to *

Are there certain albums that are owned by everyone you know?

Republicans can't act!

Need advice - What to do about the "horrible relative"?

Vent about the stupidest person you've been dumped by

How come no one will take their clothes off?

Medal of Freedom? Hell, why stop there? Let's get

Anyone ever see the film "Finder's Fee?"

Today I'm 30!!!!

Nailed that sonofabitch, my very first freeper!

You're from out of town

A real Christmass story

California Uber Alles

I've eaten too much meat tortellini for lunch.

Favorite kind of mindless action movie!

For those who have stopped smoking recently

So whom will he duel with first?

What do you THINK you're getting for Christmas?

Al Franken going to Iraq ....

Sheriff-elect busts drug deal outside his front porch

Christmas Story for people having a bad day....

My husband wants to send the following to his Repug parents for Christmas:

Can someone recommend a good jewelry box for about $200?

Ok rock fans and historians. Who is this pt II

What should I order at the Red Robin?

girl power!!

Is it just me or does the pile of puke in the puke emoticon

Another bizarre gift idea from Japan

Teen allegedly stoned, tortured to death by friends for laughing

'Lap Pillow' Offers Solace to Lonely Men

If a gay guy says 'chaser' in his personals ad, would you respond?

I'm having New England Clam Chowder for lunch, ask me anything

The danger of singing Christmas Carols with a 6 year old.

Wanna hear Canadian views on Same -sex weddings?

Did you guys hear about the new lap pillow from Japan?

A Minor Rant

Ok rock fans and historians... Who is this?

MOTELY36 is one who understands the sanctity of a double dog dare!!!!!!!!

Just changed my icon

Ok rock fans and historians. Who is this pt III (Easy one)

Anyone else catching a bad winter cold?

What do you want to happen after you die?

How can you not like Diana Trent? (big pic)

Help with disco song please? Who sings this?

Warnning. In the past, many people were dead.

I finally ventured back into GD to see if the temp. has cooled... NOT YET!

Oh my a nasty take on the 12 days of Xmas. Warning Adult content

I'm listening to a suspected terrorist at this very instant...

Sorry, pervs: No naked Lindsay Lohan for you

Did anyone else see the new Japanese pillows that look

Did anyone else see the new Japanese pillows that look

To open a bank account these days people have to have, in addition to

ok i work with a female minister that likes hooter's

Depressed dems guide to recovery

Haven't seen anything about "Legends of Earthsea"

Happy Holidays from my pets to yours! (homemade card)

Happy Holidays from my pets to yours! (homemade card)

Twenty Questions time! Genre: Old Game around the 1980's!

Who Should B*sh Choose Now for Homeland Security Director?

Boston DUers, I need some leads on duck call thingies...

Why the hell am I listening to Kiss?

Hey, WTF is up with the Sports Forum

Greetings:This is the Secretary of War

Check out my new avatar!

Anyone know the difference between pleading guilty and pleading no contest

Look, when I take DU breaks you guys CANNOT post cool stuff!

Cream of Mushroom soup

Autopsy: Rapper O.D.B. Had Drug Overdose

Real fundies don't say "Merry Christmas" they say "Blessed Christmas"

Ice Cream Headache!!! OOOOUUUCCCCHHHH!!!!


I have a spa gift certificate I need to use. Should I get...

I just love getting presents! Best part about Christmas.

Can Clinton, Tennessee, head up the DNC?

Mmmm, mmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmm.

Marshmallow Woman

I just love wrapping presents! Best part about Christmas.

Contemplating a move to Alaska

Can this marriage be saved? Kournikova and Iglesias

What Did You Dream About Last Night?

Dupe......Delete. Thx.

Is Randi a repeat today?

Dope.......Dilute. Phx.

Can Clinton Portis Head up the DNC?

Can Paris Hilton head up the DNC?

Can Hilton Head, NC head up the DNC?

Newark Airport Screeners Lose Fake Bomb

What did you have for lunch?

You know what pisses me off? "Foundation for a Better Life."

Are diet, exercise, supplementation AND Cortislim necessary...

DU Groups Proposal: Theater Group

Can George Clinton Head Up The DNC?

can Bill Clinton head up the DNC?

Is there a manager I can speak to?

Remember the Dark Tower game from 1981?

Does the ad for on AAR creep you out?

DU Friends of Richardo. Please gather round.

It's A Miracle!: Image of Grilled Cheese appears in picture of Virgin Mary

Saturday Night Live skit - Will Ferrell with his Cowbell!

Tallest Bridge In The World Spans The Clouds Across Southern France(PIC)

Any diabetics here?

i hate my job

Almighty Phoner

Today's Non Sequitur cartoon

Wouldn't you love to see an Air America Radio IPO?

New Fox Reality Show: Who's Your Daddy?

Religion vs IQ

I swear my boss is even dumber than Bush

I need email program. I use Windows 98, firefox and web based email. Any

What's Your Favorite Funny Christmas Song??

Inderal & Insomnia?

What's your relationship to money?

I'm so embarassed. I just took out a mortgage on a white picket fence.

I'm a Star-bellied Sneetch now!

I got a splinter in my hand while chopping firewood...

how NOT to launch a bottle rocket . . .

Today I'm 43.


bbbbb, bbbbb, bbbbb, bbbbb

2004 - The Year in Haiku

Great link for blue xmas shopping

What's a non-gender-specific synonym for "workmanship"?

Insane Quote of the Day!

NEWSFLASH: Marriage Makes Men Fat

Have you ever snooped in others medicine cabinets?

Llama, llama, duck...

R U Afraid Of Spelling Out Words? If so... Y?

Why did I eat lunch at Arby's today?

Quick! What's the last song you've heard today?

2004 - did it suck or not?

Why Return of the King irks me so (may contain spoilers)

XM or SIRIUS? Which is better for listening to AAR?

More thoughts on mood fixing.

Make me stop arguing with evangelical types!

Indoor Pool Air May Harm Kids' Lung Cells

God dammit J.C. Penney.

How passionate are you?

Any easy cookie recipes?

Unusual Place Names!

Today's useless question: What Ben Afleck movie sucked least?

Remember Rocko's Modern Life?

Battle of the Lennon-McCartney Christmas Songs!

If you could live your life over - EXACTLY the same - good and bad


The Killers


It's just now hitting me, the reality of it...and I'm a VERY bitter person


Exotic spieces: the Republican Chickenhawk!

Shallow, selfish, petty women: Is there another kind?

If you were to write to the following address, what would you ask them?

I Just Heard a Christmas Song I Never Heard Before On The Radio

LOST -- Starts over tonight with pilot part 1 and 2

What's a non-gender-specific synonym for "mantle"?

OK - The "Calorie Commando" On FoodTV Is A Wanted Man!

Would you ever wear this?

Beatles fans: do you ever get sick of them?

US Intelligence Reveals: Venezuela Producing Weapons of Mass Destruction

If I post again in the next 2 hours please flame me

Every kiss begins with Kay?

Commercial: "Quote! Quote please! Need a quote! (singing:) Quote!"

I just realized I passed 1500 posts!!!

Woman gets visit from cops over son's "anti-American" remarks

I Hate NASCAR, but...

Telephone etiquette (a small rant)

Is your boss a compassionate person or aggressively pro-bottom-line?

The "Are you a maverick who stands out walking down the street.....

Santa Claus riding on a fire truck

5 Year Old Handcuffed At School For Being "Unruly"

What's a non-gender-specific synonym for "human"?

What is there to do around Palm Springs?

Fun Al Franken Foto... ready for action!

The Triplets of Belleville - show your love!!!

Is it shallow to buy yourself flowers?

Anybody ever buy someone a gift certificate to iTunes

What's for supper?

I was so not prepared for this day

11 straight hours of TV!!!

New DU Group: Procrastinators Club

Super-Happy Thread! Pick the Freeper most likely to get tombstoned by F.R.


Want to have fun with a PayPal scammer?

I finally saw "21 grams" the other night

Would you EVER wear this? (keep in mind, I might...)

Is anyone else watching CARNIVALE on HBO??

EEP. My Parents Found My Cigarettes!

USPS package tracking is totally worthless

Does anyone say "The Information Superhighway" anymore?

Can someone please explain to me why Calvin is pissing on things?

"What part of "I cannot walk without PAIN" don't you understand?!"

Help..I'm a TV widow

Before you knew what the La Brea tar pits were



Unusual Last Names!

68 posts from 8,000. Please help me get there

OMG Canada has 30 Million People!

The Paul McCarthy: doesn't he strike you as a cheesy sellout thread

I watched Pink Floyd's "The Wall"---it's still relevant isn't it?

Should DrWeird be a judge?

Fart fart fart fart fart fart fart fart fart fart fart fart fart fart fart

The "Best" Offense or Defense

Do you know the Muffin Man

25 free .info domains ~L@@K~


Assuming you had an MRI, how long did they keep you simmering within?

If Jesus Christ came back and went for a stroll through Freepertown, USA..

Puddy tats!

More thoughts on food mixing

Grocery shortages. Are you

Question for anyone vaguely knowledgable about Europe in the 1500's

omg! caption this!...this should be fun........

This Message Is NEW and IMPROVED...

Sources: Paula Zahn Gripe Leads to Arrest

Jazz Funeral For Democracy

What's The First Album You Bought?

I just watched "Rowan and Martin's Laugh in"

Get a load of this ebay subject line...

I have a horrible cold and need to get rid of it NOW! Help!

What's The First Song You Can Remember Hearing On The Radio?

Ladies: How much younger than you would/could be your limit when....

Was Grover Cleveland a good president

I Know How To Do Text, But How Do I Cut And Paste Graphics And Photos?

Favorite TV show when you were 16 ...


Very simple, but effective bumper sticker seen today

My nuts are driving to the Dr.'s Office.... my wife cut them off

BREAKING NEWS - Bush plans discipline camps for children!

I can't vent about the stupidest person who's ever dumped me

The Radical Fringe has moved

Do you have a politically incorrect job?

There are too many ________s in commercials

I want an iPod!!!!

Battle Of The Divas: George Michael Trashes Elton John

I've been prolific lately; here's my second song parody this week!

How about unusual first name?

I saw the #1 most disgusting vehicle EVER at Blockbuster just now.

What is the meaning behind your avatar choice?

Maury Povich can rot in hell.

Magic mushroom case judge tells prosecutor: chill out

My jury duty story

What is your favorite Star Wars movie and why?

R U Afraid of your Wife?

Favorite kind of ATA post that you see over and over?

If I'm going to get dioxin poisoning, I hope I wear it as well as this guy

The I Love California Thread

A Message from the Family of ewagner

My rant about Return of the King (extended) **Spoilers**

Does belief create reality?

Everyone! Pitchforks and torches! WE WANT HATE MAILBAG!

Amazing Race: At what point do producers say "enough is enough"

I'm in freakin Los Angeles again

List your five favorite Alfred Hitchcock films.

Somebody shoot me, good grief (another vocab. rant)

Happy Holidays from my pets to yours! (homemade card)

DU Groups Proposal: Computer Developers Group

I have a confession.

What do you think are the most beautiful sounding names...

Wow go figure!

A few things to say about film snobbery

Losing loved ones who are not saved...?

Retirees Are Paying More for Health Benefits, Study Says

This ad is wrong on so many levels

Honda Robot Asimo Learns to Jog

Mystery of 'chirping' pyramid decoded

A Magnetosphere of One's Own

Strange microwave/radio signals in the Himalayas

Rutgers researchers may have stopped HIV

Cleopatra: Scientist, Not Seductress?

Lesbian Named UC Chancellor

Pressure Mounts On Minneapolis Catholic Church's Gay Outreach

'Naked Boys Singing' Back Onstage in Atlanta

Poll: "Do you think there are too many gays in pop culture?"

Canadian Government Caves In On Key Gay Marriage Issue

People who claim "civil unions are the answer" need to GET REAL

Kansas to invent a new form of marriage!

Gay Media List

BGSU Goalie Announces He Has MS

Red Sox sign Renteria

How long before we see scabs playing for the NHL?

Baseball in Washington D.C? Not so fast...

Eli Manning Demands Trade to Chargers!

White House Barney cam

Two weeks today and I am still so sad. A montage of photos to honor Sonic

Herbal Remedies Found to Contain Toxic Heavy Metals

I'm disappointed about the election, but at the same time...

I am a democrat not reluctantly but by choice

This forum's been pretty dead lately

Letter to House Judiciary Committee asking for an explanation

Lieberman says no

I have a feeling these will be the Presidential tickets in 08'

Most significant reason Kerik is no longer in the running?

Washington Post has taken notice

RE-read this recount!

I Thought it was a little weird that Gary Webb shot himself in the head

LAT: GOP lock on South cancels Dem Cong., electoral majority in rest of US

Why the DLC and DNC conservatives are eager to make sure Bush wins.

Every month of 2004 = HIGHER US DEATHS than every month 2003

US death toll in Iraq higher now than entire mth December 2003.

Do you believe that the bush family

Am I nuts for thinking there are larger problems than "the size of govt.?"

Northeastern Republican Governors

Regarding the Bush "Economic Summit" today

Hal-le-lu-jah, Hal-le-lu-jah, Hal-le-lu-jah, Hal-le-lu-jah, Hal-le-lu-jah

How many voters "switched" to Bush?

Question about Bill Clinton

A LTTE in my local newpaper from back home

Letter in the Orange County Register: A red-state National Guard?

Bernard Weiner's article on the DU cover page today admits...

Clinton warming to work on global climate change

This is infuriating

Interested in taking back the country? Let's do something!

United Progressives for Democracy

The coming Social Security "scam" as I see it....

Welcome to Ycarcomed (Democracy spelled backwards)

Truely outstanding article on Social Security by Josh Marshall

Social Security ... farce?

Would this have worked in the South?

Jeb opens his mouth and the Virgin of Guadaloupe falls out

We made the mistake of the millennium & can never repeat it again.

Who is going to be the "traitor" now that Lieberman has turned down both

The eerie parallel between Poppy's pardons and Jr's Freedom medals.

What ever happened to the CIA 911 Report that had damning evidence?

What they never told us: Same-sex marriage would IMPROVE tax revenues!

George Bush, Economic Genius

Look to Colorado to dispel reports of Dems' premature demise

Could someone help me out...Dean for DNC chair

Do you think the real reason Kerry lost is he said he's raise taxes?

Eli Pariser. MoveOn on Franken. Not our job to be too concerned.....

So tired of the constant stream of lies from bush.

I'm in favor of keeping Iowa and NH first in the nation

If Hillary runs in '08 is it likely she will be nominated?

((Breaking News)) Al Gore's Mother Passed Away At 92

SF Gate: Canada Goes To Hell

Not a single basic cable "news" show breaks the top 40...

One less crappy movie will be made - Kerik Kronicles nixed

MSNBC poll: "Economy headed in right direction?" (68% say NO)

Anyone "surprised" by Bush puppet Allawi "announcing his candidacy?"

Sources: Lieberman rejects White House overtures

imagine if a minority ran for office the way Bush does

Bring Darrell Birt Home

Gov Ed Rendell seeks to CHANGE primary schedule....

anyone got a link to the quote from the Diebold pres about ...

I'm just now watching the DVD "Outfoxed" about Fox and Murdoch

How about a ~~~A blacklist for fascists~~~

John Conyers needs a million emails!

Bush View of Economy at Odds With Forecast

Interesting take on the Kerik/Giuliani/Bush story

Quiet Protest Planned for Inauguration

Democrats won the "hidden election" of 2004

Fox on Rice: "neither her race nor her sex will have an impact"

Orwellian Republican Phrase-Of-The-Day: "tyranny of the minority"

I want MY SIDE setting the issues and framing the debate, dammit!

John Kerry was the best candidate we could put forward.

UK paper: President Bush wants 'pro-homosexual' drama banned

Randi is cracking me up re: Bernard Kerik

This May Be Progress!: Iowa & NH Primaries May Lose Status

I don't get why people keep saying the Dems are "dead"

Just when you thought bush couldn't get any dumber...

John and Elizabeth Edwards on Charlie Rose. Issue of Respect

UNREAL - McCain threatening to block Senate over Boxing!!!

Send your condolences to President Al Gore (His mother passed)

Snow on CNBC Says About Bush,"He's gonna cut the budget deficit in half"

Bush* was gung ho for Kerik

bushCartel myth: Iraq will descend into civil war if we withdraw

The big difference in our party is NOT a left-wing/right-wing split

Embarrassing ourselves in public.

What has the Democratic Party done for you lately?

Zell Miller signs on with Fox

Most Despised Right Wing Talk Show Hosts: The DU Drippy award

This Social Security thing has me pissed off royally

Bill Clinton on Howard Dean. From 1997.

" . . . meddling in the internal affairs of Iraq is not in their interest"