Democratic Underground

Archives: December 16, 2004

A Knock at Midnight:

Armor and "Freedom From Blame" award

A Flood of Troubled Soldiers Is in the Offing, Experts Predict

Please sign this petition to Senator Boxer (We'll NEED 1 Senator!)

Take Action: FDA considering Irradiation of some sea food.

Information on global warming from NASA


San Francisco Supervisors Propose (Hand)Gun Ban

LBN sources

Just a small wish

When Will The Archive Search Return?

Opinion on Daniel Hopsicker's MadCow News as a source?

Out of curiosity

Is there still message indicating an edited post?

Palestinian hardliners reject call by PLO chief to lay down weapons

Sept. 11 Conspiracy Theorist Offers $100,000 Prize (Reuters)

Does "divine the intent of voters" sond familiar?

Diebold Responds to Robin Baneth

I am asking again, who are the so called Democrats afraid of offending

Stop Focusing on the Media, Let's Focus on Getting Blackwell Arrested!

Theft of the Election, Redux

New Article: (Yahoo) Ohio Recount Resembles Florida in 2000

TRIAD- Founded the 527 loophole in the 90's

There are disadvantages in "lock-stepping"

John Conyers - my hero

Well....are our own voting machines dialing into their Mothers and giving

Conyers coming up on KO now

Are we talking about this Professor, Douglas Jones?

Conyers on Keith Olbermann/Video

Since a Recount was paid for, and is being conducted illegally....

It may be worth checking the bg of each Ohio electors?

I am confused: Shouldn't the machine count already be final, certified

You are right...the responsibility lies with Kerry..

Cliff Arnebeck discusses Ohio voting problems on Hannity and colmes:Video

I'm confused about the "dead battery" thing (was away since Tue PM)

Wooohoo! Keith time!

About how many posts a day to DU do you make on average?

New Mexico Recount is OFF!!!!!! Don't know if it was posted yet,


Taking the first step in marching, Going now to help Ohio Recount

Results of voter suppression?

Good News: "King County board votes to move forward with 573 ballots"

House staffer says Conyers’ investigation continues;

Heres a shocker

Joe Scarborough msnbc to talk of election NOW

"Diebold technicians have tainted official voting machines"

Kerry doesn't think he won the election

Has Josh Marshall blogged about the election fraud at all?

Lesson #2:

I haven't checked in today.

King County board votes to move forward with 573 ballots

Help - what were the precincts with the low turnout -17% or something?

joe scarborough just said we have tin foil helmets

Edwards on Charlie Rose is on now


What's with the "It's all Kerry's fault" threads?

Fresh KO blog! 11:07 p.m. ET

Professor says Triad has compromised recount

CONYERS IGNORED: There was a time when even the MINORITY

IMPORTANT! New info about undervotes in New Mexico.

Hmm, think it's time to move on?

Lesson #1:

Does EDWARDS have legal standing to step at this point?

New KO post on today's show with Rep. Conyers

ROVES joke about Ohio during KO's showing ....

I'm listening to the Bev Harris call on Randi Rhodes.

Triad Rep hack of elections equipment big smoking gun; depositions needed

US Voting Rights (Only for whites in OHIO)

True Majority wants to know what we want them to work on - Tell 'em FRAUD!

Air America Radio On Bev and BBV NOW n/t

Feel like gettin fired up??: Hannity/Arnebeck Interview Transcript

AP: New Mexico Recount Not Over. Litigation and money needed.

12/16-15/2004 -- From LBN

Where is MSM on Recount expansion?

How about involving UNIONS?

Election night results found on Triad web server!

why did all those tabulators-- computers, running software...

Who has contacted their own representative in Congress?

Turn the RECUSE flyer of K. "Katherine" Blackwell into HIDING

Self-deleted because texpatriot said it better than I did.

Bush doesn't think he won the election

Has it occured to anyone besides me

Why are we sparing John Kerry? He needs to step up to the plate

I worked the elections in columbus ohio......ask me anything

Professor of Computer Science Douglas Jones asserts that Triad Election...

Election therapy. Excuse language and fill in blank: F**K _____!!!

OMG!!! Has somebody passed out the Kool Aid?

Cobb, Badnarik AND Kerry-Edwards file expanded suit

Yes!!! Conyers said "yes, we WILL challenge the electoral votes"

Conyers sent letter asking FBI to immediately confiscate election machines

Please sign this petition to Senator Boxer (We'll NEED 1 Senator!)

DNC: "Fighting for our values". What do y'all say? Crush them w email!

JAN 20this too late. BE IN DC on Jan. 6th THE BIG DAY!

Anyone familiar with Xandros Linux?

Distribute this Diebold flyer - includes THE quote

Maury Povich can rot in hell.

North Korea says Japanese sanctions would be 'declaration of war'

URGENT! Rep Conyers NEEDS one million emails NOW!

Zell Miller to star in another remake of "The Exorcist."

"WITH GOD ON OUR SIDE" - Bush Doc. on Sundance Tonight (9PM ET)

DU this Poll

Takin' it to the Burbs

tax ceiling on SS around $89,000.00

God, Scarborough sucks

Bush Admin. Wants to Cut Social Security Payments

A-Hole on Olbermann wants Kerik back...

Cobb's got Moxie. When was the last time...

Are the investors in Murdoch's News Corp. publicly available?

Iraqi Shiites fight on the side of insurgents in Falluja

"Gary Webb: Do what he did" by Al Giordano

Cliff Arnebeck discusses Ohio voting problems on Hannity and colmes:Video

Phone your Congressman/Senator: Demand local meetings!

With his track record *

Polytheism vs Monotheism...

Wow. What I miss by not having cable news.

Anyone think there is a relationship between Rasmussen

You can't have your cake and eat it too!

So, when Rumsfeld goes...

Randi just said that Zell Miller is joining FOX!!

No wonder Blacks don't join in medical trials.

Is God like Santa?

Al Gore's Mother Dies

Scariest Picture of the Year? -->

Peace Vigil On Saturday Dec 18th - LA!!!

Has anyone seen the billboards with on them?

to Democratic Party supporters....

Not for the squeamish

Are you tired of the flying monkey right? Hump Day M M thread

What will it take to overthrow the Evil corrupt brainwashing Rep. Regime?

Lionel program talking about Kerik

Media Whores Online has truly gone out to pasture.

I worked the elections in columbus ohio......ask me anything

Nancy Skinner filling in for Mike Malloy tonight

Serious question: Why hasn't Blackwell been arrested-seriously!?!

Trial lawyers and medical malpractice.

Mistakenly stumbled upon Hardball and Chris Matthews

Charter Students Fare No Better, Study Says

I love my Denomination, the United Church of Christ!

Just sitting here listening to the wild the innocent &

Army business reply cards in Blockbuster rentals? HA HA HA HA>>>> We are all apathetic

The Bushes have gone too far(again)

Anyone who has been to Cuba

when does bernie ward's show start mountain standard time?

DUers, please tell the Agent Mike story.

John Stewart Kicks Ass!

Huge flaw in "Christmas Under Seige" argument

Caption this * photo

Never FORGET the real Bush man-date

What will it take to get YOU to the streets?

WSJ: In a Group Home, Caring for Disabled Takes Toll on 'Ma'

so, explain to me what we're going to do about the state of Dem Leadership

What if the way that Jesus is supposed to come back is

Industrial Workers of the World

So....Did Anyone Hear Atrios' Comments About Bev on AAR?

The New Indulgences from the New Whore of Babylon

Will You Transfer Your FICA Taxes Into Private Accounts? Given A Choice?

Are we a Team or just sore losers?

NIGHTLINE on ABC, EST has soldiers in counseling. They . . .

A Little Christmas Rant

What to do if there is a National Identity Card?

What a cute little display of Fascism

Police Investigate 11 Year Old Boy For Being "Un-American"

O'Reilly's Pretty Much Killed Himself ------- /s/ Ludacris & Me

I made tostadas tonight

Potluck recipes: You take what you can get....

Deer jerky

duplicate post

White House: Personal Accounts Not a Fix (AP)

I didn't know that D.C. had a public bartending school

Former President Carter questions Iraqi elections

King County board votes to move forward with 573 ballots

US court delays pre-trial hearing on Agent Orange/Dioxin

Martz chooses Constitution Party candidate in tied House race (MT HoR)

Al Gore's Mother Dies

Businessman admits role in illegal arms ring

Key ruling due on "Britain's Guantanamo"

Pakistan and India to start nuclear hotline

Weather Warnings Hang Over Tense Climate Talks

Vice president blasts anti-Iran remarks by some Iraqi officials,Jordan king

Israeli Nuclear Whistle-Blower Elected Rector of Scottish University


Students Allegedly Exposed To Inmates During Field Trip

Bush warns Iran and Syria on Iraq

Fannie Mae Warns on Capital Position

Rossford cancels Christian rock band

Soldier assigned to Tucson dies in Iraq (Sgt. Tina Time age 22)

Conn. Businessman Admits Role in Illegal Arms Shipments to Israel/Iran

AP: Presidential Recount Request Headed To Court

Repeat DUI offender fails to show up for his sentencing

Defense Missile for U.S. System Fails to Launch

Plans to revamp stock trading rules split SEC

Woman dies during AIDS study

Sen. Patrick Leahy to US: "Take a deep breath" over UN

11-Year-Old Boy Questioned By Police Over 'Anti-American' Statements

Politician Who Won't Say Pledge Of Allegiance May Be Recalled

San Francisco Supervisors Propose Gun Ban

I just bought a new Harley Davidson Road King Custom

This poster is BLATANTLY sexiest.

C'mon, admit it. You really do love her.

The never before revealed secret of Feng Shui....

I can't take it anymore-- goodbye, DU....

Abortion foe is target of pranksters (phony pizza orders...)

Conversely why do bad things happen to good people

94-Year-Old Pa. Man Gets First Tattoo

My fave song right now is "Disco Inferno" by 50 cent

U.S. Expatriate Hipsters Plug Into the Buzz of Berlin

It's 8 o'clock, I'm going to bed, and I feel good about it.

SUV explodes, somersaults in deadly crash

Activists Denounce Fox's Upcoming 'Who's Your Daddy?'

Friend Killed On Dare After Bullet Pierces Protective Vest

Is DU running slow right now? Or is it my computer?

I didn't know that D.C. had a public bartending school

LOL., my poor old cat just did a back flip off the top of the monitor

Anyone know how to convert WMA's into MP3's?

Do You Dream In Colour or Black & White?

I predict a national shortage of window screen fabric in 2005

I'm getting a home equity loan. Anyone have any tips?

There's no need to fear.. .Underdog is here!!!!

I downloaded service pack2 for windows XP (and horked my machine)

Hey... Have You Seen The SCIENCE FICTION Group?

I predict a national shortage of intelligent Americans in 2005...

Man Alberta sure is trying hard to stop Gay Marriage

did anyone see the interview with john&elizabeth edwards on charlie rose?

Current Canadian Temps

People with no skin.

TRACTOR Alert!!! It's finally here on Lifetime now, the Beans

NOOOOO I just missed top model some one please tell me who won

Do I need a life?

I'm going to India over my vacation

Santa has been outsourced

Did anyone watch americas next top model tonight ?

WHOOPEE!!!! I finally got a job!!!!


Blade I, II, or III?

Don't forget the REAL BUSH man-date


What the hell did Keith just say!!

Have you ever lied about a bumper sticker...

I hate coming out...

Help with iTunes

Quarterbacks who were good/great right away: Brady, Manning,

Where Can I Find A Lance Armstrong Bracelet?

Canada sounds really bad!

On 'The Books Of Bokonon' ....

just testing my new avatar

Robert Downey Jr ........SINGS?

I want to stomp Barney and Miss Beasly.

Speed bumps, speed humps, other

Is anyone else interested in a health/fitness forum?

Does anyone know when or if A Wonderful Life is being shown?



Math: reflects or creates reality?

We're due for a YAK Thread!!!

Was I offensive to someone?

Speaking of wierd've got to see this: Turkish Star Trek

College Fails in Bid to Grow Marijuana...NYT article

I bruised my ribs.

queen set to tour again.......

Night Train or Green Onions?

Help... my internet browser is EXTREMELY slow...

About how many posts a day to DU do you make on average?

Cats have extremely sharp elbows.

"Barefoot in the Park1 with Jane Fonda and Robert Redford!

What Christmas/Yule/Holiday Carol do you have to hear...


What the hell does Laura Bush need 41 Christmas Trees for??

Holiday - Green Day

Wednesday Night Battle of the Bands: Cake vs. No Doubt

Man kills friend that dared him to shoot him wearing protective vest

Have any other DUers besides us, Laz and Haele gotten married?

buttocks. attractive or not?


OK, I just saw The Birds and I have a couple questions (SPOILER ALERT)

94-Year-Old Pa. Man Gets First Tattoo

610 pounds of marijuana found hidden in caskets

Committed smoker cremated with her cigarettes

James Brown's cancer surgery a success

Businessman Drugged with Date Rape Drug and Robbed

Damn it!! I forgot to tape Lost!

Just watched a movie that makes me feel a lot better about my lousy life..

somone help me with identifying a song

"A Christmas Story" sold out days ago

Who here is a big fan of BOFH?

This has been the worst year of my life. Hands down. BUT...

anyone watching the South Park Xmas ep?

Are you normal?

OMG, Who Was That Security Guy on The Daily Show?

I just watched "I, Robot" and it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be!

Ahhh you gonna take me home tonight...


Just saw the second best "Christmas Carol."

Help me get to 1000 before the end of Olberman

Where are you at this very moment?

OMG, the brain-a-dope scientists have a sense of humor...

President Carter is on Jay Leno's show tonight

The children have named the kitten

Tonight's West Wing Episode:::: ((spoiler))

Billy Connelly ROCKS!!!!!!

Twenty Questions Time: Genre: DU User!

I got a Christmas Card from Jimmy & Roselyn Carter

I loved the 90's!!!!

Has drug use ever added anything to society?

I used to think my cat was smart, then I caught him *sequence of pics*

Favorite Christmas Hymn


Anyone ever been rufied?

murdock: attractive or not?

I just saw the United Church of Christ commercial

This idea of putting seatbelts on motorcycles & bicycles is plain stupid

I think the "West Wing" is setting us up for a GOP takeover after Bartlett

Has anyone done the "freeipod" thing for non-ipods?

People with thin skin

I'm almost done my paper on mental illness and feminist disability theory!

I've spent my last money at Home Depot

The Criiter-Jesus to be born on South Park Now!

Sex, Drugs, Rock'n roll

Name Your Favorite Scrooge

I take it back - I love LA

What physical trait turns you on about your s.o./boyfriend/girlfriend???

My director wants to me audition for "Waiting For Godot"

Speaking of tattoos-Who has some? Where? What are they of?

Is Santa Claus Conquers the Martians the worst film ever made?

Sept 11 conspiracy theorist offers $130,000 to prove him wrong

Hey are any gamers interested in starting a clan?

Let`s Play !! SONG TITLES begin with Letter B no repeats please.

"Bell, Book and Candle." An interesting movie for Siamese Lovers and

Question about digital camera as a gift

You know you want one

Found the ultimate war-time Christmas Carol!

KENTUCKY DOESNT EXIST!! whos with me??

Strangest movie you have ever seen

Why i hate unbridled capitalism

Here's my Top 10 by THE WHO. Please vote for your favorite.

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

Visit my blog, "MoveLeft Media."

Well, I've struck out again.

Canada sounds great!

My bird is flat-tailing me again

Florida Family Has Daughter Born Without a Face

What state epitomizes the "freeper" mentality?

DU Men, How much older would you/ could you go when.....

Any lonely, celibate, not by choice, DUers saddened with the holidays?

Think you know your Dylan lyrics? Quiz inside

Lars von Trier - Festen

Ocean's Twelve Question - no spoilers

Saw National Treasure and Bourne Supremacy, ask me anything

If you have Richard Buckner's album "Dents & Shells"

Question for those of Monotheistic faith...

Study finds catch-22 of pandemic flu; could be stopped, but resources lack

Is it true that if you add a few drops of a chemical into the sea,

Losing loved ones who are not saved...?

Civil Suit filed over tampering (Kerry-Edwards w/ Cobb & Badnarik)!

Yahoo front page story.. help keep it there! link and rate it PLZ

Conyers on KO NOW.. this could be big! nt

Republicans vs Democrats

If JOHN KERRY was on K.O. now, THAT would be big, but it seems



BFEE/MSM throwing Rummy to the Wolves is B.S. I want real accountabity.nt

Repug & former Reagan appointee, suspended Miami Comm arrested again

the "vision thing" is our problem now,

Freeps think Bush needs to back up warnings with actions in Syria and Iran

What is the best way to fight the Fox propaganda machine?

It's the sex, stupid!!!!!

Time to take to the STREETS!!

Ok... Call me Crazy, but weren't we all hurt by the outing of V. Plame?

British House of Commons: Hilarious!!!

Apartment Said to Have Been Scene of a Kerik Affair


Election night tapes for sale on eBay

Should I be a Democrat or moderate Republican?

This Is What We Are Up Against...

The High Cost of Lawsuits >

Does anyone here listen to Franken on a regular basis?

Bizzaro Fox News World: Wm Bennett singing Dean's praises for DNC Chair

Quotes from Howard Dean on the issue of choice.

MSNBC: "Approval for Bush, with doubts (NO "mandate") on key issues"

In your opinion, what is the most important issue right now?

What political action should I take now?

Joe Lieberman has flatly refused the president's request to be

PDA "Progressive Democrats of America" Supports Howard Dean for DNC Chair.

name a politican, besides clinton, who benefited from moving to the center

Don't Leave the Party

Why are you a democrat?

DLC: "Michael Moore does not represent the Kennedy or Truman tradition"

If I hear Mariah Carey....

mcribs - the magicaL mystery meaL

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,

Will Ken Lay go to jail in 2005?

I am out of the 700 club, FINALLY!

NY Mets GM and Pedro to join Army?

Jeebus! Katherine Lampher can sing!!!

Since when has our 'my post' been for the past 48 hours?

Now this is a bumpersticker!

This is beautiful - we need this right now!

Praise from the Boss doubles the risk of heart attack!

Tree hater has city stumped

The Die Hard Steely Dan FanThursday Morning Post

Chlorine flavored cat food?

Debit card issues.

If you could see what I see...

DU -- over 60,000 registered -- How're *YOU* doin'?

Have we started the DU Procrastinators Group yet?

Moving to US can damage waistline

My brain hurts

How do you like your hot chocolate?

Spilled bees on highway a honey of a mess

Who would you least like to hear sing O Holy Night?

Police Find Marijuana Stashed in Coffins

Two reasons to love Iowa

Official DU Christmas List for Santa

Sick of Winter?

Hay Guys!

yo! . . . cube dwellers! . . .

Question for fashion-minded women and homosexual men

I believe the sweetest thing on earth is a purring kitten.

"Fear of Marriage" - a Medical Condition


Anybody remember this quaint little book?

"Crack ho" is favored by Dictionary afficianados

gotta luv me

the grand canyon in the bibLe....

I was sittin in Africa having a good ole time

Foreign official assets in US increased $286B in 3rd Quarter (more)

Any thoughts on Bushes Economic Forum?

A succinct analysis of the election:

Favorite INVADER ZIM episode?

Here come the new mods. Run for your lives!!!

Can someone post a link to the blue ribbons...

Musical Musings For the Morning

Who here LIKES the big black box?

Hollywood stars in blaze scare

The cop, the stripper and the Holy Toast

Ideas for College Grad gift - future son-in-law....

Xmas gifts for Bosses?

The "Fat, Drunk, and Stupid is No Way to Go Through Life, Son" CAPTION

A "Snowdon Christmas" anyone?

Cartoon: Steve Bell, Guardian, Thursday

Suspected Burglar Shot During Home Invasion

Gun lighter man lawfully killed

If you support gun control, do you support tighter control of...

RALLY in DC on JANUARY 6th ... plan on it!

Which is more harmful to the human race?

Like playing CDs? New copy protection is due out...

my office is having a cLeaning party today

Gillette plans to release battery powered razor for women called Vibrance

A very Mariah Christmas

Last night I drank a cocktail with Stilton cheese in cost $19

I just realized...

Virus poses as Christmas e-mail

Orange Juice Poll: Pulp Friction!

Suppliers on the internet love me!!!

My Dog is making a Whole bunch of Noise Upstairs. Should I check on what

Only in Canada - Delta Residents Protest Light Pollution - They Stage

We are such stuff as dreams are made on

Are there more good people in the world than bad people?

Hello and Have a Nice Day.

Ashlee SImpson's Dad Bans Her Lesbian Scenes.

Cactus junk

Turn Halloween into a night of Evangelism

Holy Shiite...I just got home.

What about debate?

cactus jack

Experts Say Ant Colonies Know, Use Geometry

gollum gollum (picture)

Captain Jack?

"The Speechalist" and other gems from Comedy Central Last Laugh '04

Sox , Rugs and Locks & Rolls


Blast from the past - Matcom wins Olympic gold medal

What is the worst car name ever?

Hell Might Be Hot Dude, But Satan Isn't Cool.

Man Charged With Shooting Friend on Dare

hellloooooo out there!!!!

Rooster Joke

wow...who's seen The Royal Tenenbaums?

LOL! Look what I found at Freak Republic...gotta try this.

Like Kylie Minogue? Then you'll LOVE Kylie Likely, the "tribute"...

Pixies-Monkey Gone To Heaven

Jesus of Tokyo

What food and beverage can you not do without?

This is mesmorizing

My first ever copycat thread: Best ever car names.

My neighbor aka "The night mower"

Okay, I admit it: I killed that fat barkeep!!

Does anyone know how to upload a song ?

Ants use geometry, say experts

How the hell do you stop emails?

OKAY, I Admit It...I Bought the Spice Girls Album!

What can you do without - food or beverage?

Strongest move you have ever seen

Did you say "Revote" or did you say "Revolt"?

In a perfect world - Gif Image

OKAY, I Admit It...I Bought a Photo Album!

OKAY, I Admit It...I Bought the Natalie Imbruglia Album!

George W FraWd

Is the Lounge slow lately?

All Imma saying is

Little Eva or Grand Funk Railroad?

Teen charged after sharing online sex video in alleged revenge

Coors Beer, Nectar of the Gods or Mouse Whiz for Morans?

Leno to Jimmy Carter

Number 400

One ring to rule them all (picture)

Anyone like "Drawn Together"

Waddy Wachtel was on stage with Sandler on Letterman

Oh No! "See Arnold Run". On A&E

Eric Clapton’s Crossroads Guitar Festival

Don't Blame Me I Voted 4 Kerry - Bumper Stickers

US Assails Venezuela's High Court Scheme (Irony Alert)

'Challenges' Prove Too Much For White House

Atheists plan protest of nativity display

Finding Homosexual Threads in Lincoln's Legend

(Zell) Miller to Honor Swift Boat Vets' Group

Man sentenced to three years for attempting to circumcise son

Universal finds 'Glory' in Iraq war pic (Harrison Ford Fallujah movie)

Moving to US can damage waistline

Cahill Admits Underestimating (Swift Boat Veterans) Ads' Impact

White House wants plans for GPS shutdown

AP: Yushchenko Sure Gov't Poisoned Him

Army recruits war gamers for real thing

Giuliani spanks Bernie (Kerik)

The pattern of discontent in US ranks (Desertions Up-In Thousands)

Pentagon: All vehicles armored by June

UK: Terror detainees win Lords appeal

US hospital tries to evict McDonald's

War funding request may hit $100 billion

New Osama tape posted on Web

Ill. Gov. Seeks Violent Video Game Ban

Ohio Justice Throws Out Election Challenge

Grumbling Swells on Rumsfeld's Right Flank

Bush Reaffirms U.S. Missile Defense Plans (OMG)

(Ottawa's) Federal surplus swells to $9 billion

Justice Dept. steps into Plano ISD , TX case

Greenspan ‘rejected’ offer to become US Treasury chief: FT

Groups Line Up to Oppose Bush Social Security Plan - Reuters

Lawyers for Imprisoned American Indian Activist Say Sentence Was Illegal

UK Keeps Terror Suspects in Jail, Despite Judgement

Iraq Awards First Post-War Oilfield Contracts

Secret tests reveal cattle feed contaminated by animal parts

Judge's robe gets national attention (Update to 10 Commandments Robe Story

Methodist pastor embarks on mission to raise opposition to war

U.S. Current Account Gap Widens

2nd Report Shows Charter School Students Not Performing as Well as Others

Presbyterian Clerk Kirkpatrick urges Bush to pursue new security strategy

US force, battered by Iraq, hikes re-enlistment and new enlistment bonus

Bush’s Pick for Energy Secretary Has Polluted Record

Powerful Blast Shakes Central Baghdad

Nevada Awards $4.6 Million E-Voting Systems Deal

Christmas Tree Controversy

Compensation for Pinochet Victims Approved

Lott: Replace defense chief

Oh what a lovely jail

Source: Arrest made in Md. house fires

Saudi security thwarts protests

St. Louis Charter Principal Put on Leave (Had Police Handcuff 5-year-old)

Source: Arrest Made in Md. House Fires

Principal suspended after 5 year old handcuffed

House's Author of Drug Benefit Joins Lobbyists

"Breasts, butts, backs....oh my!"

A Flood of Troubled Soldiers is in the Offing, Experts Predict

GOP lawmaker Collins joins Rumsfeld critics

UK Court Condemns Handling Of Terror Suspects

DEA Ruling Renders Federal Approval of Medical Marijuana Impossible

Bush ally used Ground Zero rescue crew flat as a love nest

In a First for Ireland, Priests Dismissed

San Francisco supervisors propose gun ban

BBC (Thursday): Terror detainees win Lords appeal

NYT: Ex-Military Lawyers Object to Bush Cabinet Nominee (Gonzales)

(Zell) Miller to honor Swift Boat veterans at conservatives' gathering

Bush expected to visit Germany in February

National Guard chief says units at home and abroad need $20B for equipment

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday 16 December

Federal Agency Disputes (The) Pill's Benefits

Vilsack suggests Nussle not use leftover funds for gubernatorial run

wT2...... what's happening with the think tank proposal?

Hezbollah (TV) Channel Goes on Terror List

AP: Woman Died During Gov't AIDS Study

Bush's second inauguration will be the most expensive in history

Military Plans More Cargo Flights to Avoid Convoy Attacks

New Law on termination of Utility service, effective January 1, 2005

Maine agriculture trade mission to Cuba brings back contracts

Politician Who Won't Say Pledge Of Allegiance May Be Recalled

Lawyers: Peltier's sentence ‘illegal'

Dupe-please lock

Lott says Rumsfeld should Go

Oklahoma voters angry about Nativity removal help defeat bond issues

Citizens’ Groups Request Suspension of Licensing Hearing for Nuclear Plant

Lott calls for Rumsfeld Resignation

Jobless Claims Plunge by 43,000

Study shows married people are healthier (didn't see it posted)

Local governments in a vise, study says

Suspended Miami Commissioner Arrested

Bush prepared to shut down GPS system in case of emergency

Irishmen get 17 years for training Colombia rebels

Judge Rules Nativity Display Should Join Menorahs

The downstream dangers of your perfume

The chilling day Bernie stalked Regan's son on Highway

Civil Suit Filed Over Recount Tampering

Suit says Diebold, too, tampered with Ohio machines

Bush Wants New Congress to Limit Lawsuits

U.N. Troops, Ex-Haitian Troops Face Off

A nation demands the right to exist

Pope weighs into fight to keep Christ in Christmas

Iconoclasts turn their fury on Kenya's colonial past

Anytime Bob Novak seems

What happened last night

Housing Starts Dive Unexpectedly in Nov.

Berkley calls again for Rumsfeld's resignation

Tyco faces inquiry over UN scheme

Author's hometown guts library funding

Pygmies struggle to survive in war zone where abuse is routine

Isonics Chairman Reports Marketing of NeutroTest Explosive Detector

General: Al-Zarqawi likely now in Baghdad

Gaddafi calls Turkey's EU bid a "Trojan horse"

Iraqi PM to discuss Kirkuk crisis with Kurdish leaders

FBI looks for leak in satellite program

Chile Congress passes torture law

Security Tightened in Iraq's Kerbala After Blast

Soldier who shot Briton admits lying

After years of delay, last slab of Holocaust monument put in place

Christmas war of words in US

Idaho Guard prepares for potential terrorist attack in the U.S.

(South Carolina) Senate GOP pushes for changes in rules

WP: President Gets to Fill Ranks of New Intelligence Superstructure

Five charged with taking hostages (in Vermont!)

Mystery Woman in Kerik Case: Nanny

Large Chemical Spill in Atlanta

Australia to impose 1,000-mile 'terror exclusion zone'

Kadhafi: Turkey will be Islamic Trojan horse in EU

Desalination eyed as drought solution

Lieberman stays mum on possible Cabinet post discussions (CNN Wrong?)

Bush ally used Ground Zero rescue crew flat as a love nest

N.Y. Hawks Allowed to Rebuild Nest

Ridge--"the goal of bin L. is to undermine our economy"--Bush has

Bush Prepares for Possible GPS Shutdown

Kerik Mob Probe (NY Post)

Ex-Military Lawyers Object to Bush Cabinet Nominee

new UNEMPLOYMENT claims drop to 317,000, 4 wk ave down to 337,500

Terror detainees win Lords appeal

US airport security loses 'bomb'

Saddam to meet lawyer for first time

House's [Congress) Author of Drug Benefit Joins Lobbyists

NYT: Money for Vaccinating Children Diverted (to adult flu vaccine)...

Jail for Strasbourg bomb plotters

NYT: It's Planes vs. Satellites in Debate on Spying

Ney (R-Ohio) to meet with House ethics panel over Indian lobbying scandal

Koizumi Fears Iraq Becoming Terrorist Hub

Fund to Oppose Privatizing Social Security (nation's largest)

Pentagon Defends Missile Defense Program After Botched Test

Senator reportedly holds up nominee

Homosexual Pressure May Have Forced Target's Salvation Army Eviction

DoD Identifies Army Casualty #1299

Newark screeners spot, lose fake bomb

WP,pg1: Many FDA Scientists Had Drug Concerns, 2002 Survey Shows

Attorney Contends Reading Scripture in Public Landed Them in Jail

Greenspan Rejected Treasury Job Overtures - - FT

Conn. Man Admits Role in Arms Trafficking

US eases sanctions against Cuba, Iran, Sudan

Disallowed ballots would have elected Frye

delete dupe

Economists question White House economic summit's assessment

Yahoo: New Gallup Poll Raises Questions About Media Focus on 'Values'

Conference mocks trial lawyers

EU to Lift U.S. Sanctions Jan. 1

Pentagon: 130 Troops Punished for Abuse

Google To Bring The Library To You

Death toll from attack on Shiite shrine in Iraq rises to 10

Explosion marks first day of Iraq campaigns

Yanukovich Stokes Backers' Fears

U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq - 1,303 members of the U.S. military have died

Williams calls on Rell to fire Rowland appointees

Saudi Police Set Up Checkpoints Ahead of Anti-Monarchy Protest

Kinky Friedman May Run for Texas Governor (He's said this before)

Roadside bomb kills four Afghan policemen

U.S. Eases Publisher Rules on Cuba, Iran (And Sudan)

Enron CEO's Bonus Request on Back Burner ($25 Million success fee)

Gunmen kill senior Iraqi ministry official

Halliburton Joins Fray Over Ballot Access (For Shareholders)

New York City Council overrides mayoral veto on campaign finance

Florida warned to heed global warming

US warns of terrorist attacks in Kuwait; ‘Embassy has credible information

Florida soldiers prepare for duty in Afghanistan

US defends treatment of detainees in Afghanistan

Disallowed San Diego mayoral ballots would have elected write-in

ACLU: Records show Marines tortured Iraqi prisoners

Al Gore's Mom, Pauline dies at 92 yrs old

My first traditional Italian seafood Christmas Eve dinner...

Favorite comfort foods?

Okay, So I Bought My First Le Creuset - Who's Got the Sauerbraten Recipe?

Wow A recipe off the Bisquick Box that ROCKED! (with AZDD6 mods of course)

Last night I drank a cocktail with Stilton cheese in cost $19

Changes needed for both gun control and trade policies in party

Tort Reform: A Tapestry of Lies

Anyone familiar with basic traffic law? Or even just basic law?

Bryan, Weaver, or Stevenson, which would have been best president?

Collecting Child Support Pymts from Marines

Is it appropriate to allow a nativity scene on public property?

The letter from Bernard Kerik formally withdrawing......

Yet another reason to hate Wal-Mart; they are a lousy business model

This whole gay/bible says so thing.

Oh..uh...about that "Global Warming" thing

Who is SO dumb that they believe Democrats will take their guns away?

Bush laughs at trial lawyers at summit

Richard Viguerie on NPR: Fresh Air With Terry Gross

Librarian schools and Libraries disappearing

Other than Lincoln who was the best president from 1850-1900

I asked SalvArmy bellringer why he chose a poor folks' market to seek $$$

Are we really screwed?

Manuel Valenzuela: The Rise of the Amerikan Nazis

Would you be OK with Tony Blair losing next year even if the Tories won?

Abe Lincoln was gay?

NOTICE TO PARENTS Regarding Military Recruitment

Christmas Tree Controversy

Do you have a lot of rw fundies with in-your-face christmas displays

The courts and intelligent design

Will the Kerik blunder open a spotlight on disappeared Iraq funds?

Next on Lou Dobbs "Why Liberals are poised to win"

HomeDpot chief "This is about lawyers pushing jobs out of this country,"

Zell MIller to give "Courage" Award to Swiftboard liars!

The "religious" Candy Cane lawsuit..

"Intelligent Design" is a RELIGIOUS PHILOSOPHY. Here's why.

Binary Intelligent Design poll

I met a soldier today

Nice Photos of the Big Dawg.

Bill Clinton for DNC Chair

Bush took down Official Bill Clinton Portrait in WH

If Gore provides a broadcast platform, will Bob Somerby FINALLY be heard?

Evolution Poll Number 2

I'd rather The Sex Pistols ran this country.

Would Jesus support the use of guns?

Rudy speculation -- deeper trouble?

Humphrey, McGovern or Mondale which would have been best president?

Poll: Most ridiculous thing said at the White House "Economic Conference"

Al Franken on phone from Kuwait right now

Festival Express: The pinnacle of progressive arrogance

Joe Smith, a man who was in a coma for 10 years does not believe America..

UN Conference Shuts Up Reporter; Calls Global Warming Questions "Silly"

PetSmart ads back on Oxyrush, Hannity, Savage, possibly other hate shows

US 'failed to control' Iraq oil

Hey Chimp, leave my social security alone!

How long until the Patriot Act is used against DUers?

Sibel Edmonds petition

Another Friday Document Dump tomorrow? Looks likely.

Michael Jackson to throw kids holiday party...


Why didn't the media report on Bernie Kerik sooner?

Have you noticed?

Our Stupid, Stupid World...

Federal Inquiry starts on Colleges sponsoring Michael Moore speeches

Why can't people realize

Japanese teachers being punished for not singing anthem

Holidays lose their magic

Can we move the ID/Evolution stuff to the Religion or Science forums?

Office of Chief Accountant issues Statement on Fannie Mae Accounting

BTW..The Failed Missle Test Cost $85 million

Republicans are crooks. Let's prove it.

Can we get a rapid fire e-mail campaign?

Large new study links some blood pressure drugs to heart disease

"Oh Boy! They have Doughnuts!"-Caption this Photo

Please post arguments for why Intelligent Design is Science here

Recent Bush Admin quotes on economy, more....

U.S. Handling Of Iraqi Oil Revenues Worse Than U.N. Oil For Food 'Scandal'

Homosexual Pressure May Have Forced Target's Salvation Army Eviction

Went to Casual Men store last night that was playing Hannity

Who do you think made this latest bin Laden tape?

An interesting quote from the evening news on TV

What if Clinton had been the President for the last 4 years?

WTF? Bush's second inauguration will be the most expensive in history

Social Security: Crisis? What crisis? - CNN/Money

With all the posts about redstates and christians I ran across this

Honolulu attorney calls US gov't 'fascist' on TV news!

Has there ever been an Administration

Are you still watching the Corporate media whores?

Chris Savido, artist of "Bush Monkeys" on THE MAJORITY REPORT tonight!!!

Anyone else received reply from FCC ref: Rush's foul mouth?

Imagine an Iraqi jet firing 2 Exocet cruise missiles and slamming into...

HEY! figurehead W is actually in charge of something

Indicted Principal to keep job

anyone got audio of the Randi/Bev exchange

Could the right gerrymander every state to their favor?

Why Aren't Dems Championing Insurance Reform?

Dittohead Mark on Franken's show *CONVERTED(?)* by Joe Conason

You may be a fundamentalist atheist IF:

Need Rumsfeld quote quick!

For anyone interested, a survey about hiring trends for this quarter

Bush on live MSNBC now..making another fool out of himself

DeWalt introduces the big-city car owner's best friend

DNC, RNC Illegally Meddling in the Ukraine Elections (w/our Tax $$$$)

New Bushism?

Cobb-Badnarik-Kerry filing that added recount tampering to their lawsuit

Hypothetical.... what if???

The George W. Bush is Right About Everything Summit

Remember the days when people put curses on other people? Curse bush!

Did anybody see Bo Deitle on the The Daily Show last night?

Christmas Carols OKd on school buses(Chicago)

The REAL Legion of Doom

Missile defense: "I wouldn't call it a failure, I'd call it a non-test"

Complain to the FCC about Limbaugh's "add-a-dick-to-me" statement

Had a freeper's car towed.

I do SO enjoy hearing * lecture on economics

My daughter's religious friend in high school.

My blog today...what do you think...RE: Stem Cell Research

The GOP is going to be taught a HARD lesson

"This isn't Wal-Mart." (Brig Gen on speed of procuring armored vehicles)

The Fundies Are Sick

According to Lush Rimbaugh

Geez, was Mark Luther really converted? On Franken's show?

A Declaration of Life..document for all who seriously oppose death penalty

I have had it with the hypocrisy

Lawsuits Costs $233 Billion Per Year IS A LIE! Read this!

Do you read stuff from when things was, like, normal?

Pantera shooters mama bought him the 9mm. Proud of his military service

GREAT NEWS! Bush plans to fix social security...

Al Franken show actually mentioning Ohio problems! Nadler from GAO on

Kerik's rich ex-lover has photo op with George and Laura...

just look at bush*s eyes...RE: Bernie Keret: bush knew!...

I need ideas. please help.

FACT: The rate of abortions has risen since Bush was elected

When w* says that the best way to overcome the trade deficit..............

Holy Hand Grenade - The Sin of Sodom

Pattern of Discontent in US Ranks - Christian Science Monitor

The Holiday Season - Facts/Figures from Census Bureau

Bob Graham will be at Florida Southern College tonight in Lakeland, FL.

Why does Norman Schwarzkopf hate America?

does anyone have any info on the meeting in ohio tonight on 04 election

Christmas as a weapon - "designed to irritate the Cuban government"

Blood Orgy on C-SPAN

Can anyone explain to me in simple terms why -

Have you heard that it is "Sunshine Week"(for government access)

Freepers go to the Mall

Governments choose to hurt children

Where is Bush's monthy facial bruise?

900,000 more people in Ohio voted in this election

Juries acquit peace activists

Sorry, George, He's not going to help you >>>

People willing to trade freedom for security deserve neither PATRIOT ACT


WH Video of KKKArl throwing the blue ornaments off the tree...

When Jesus walked in Japan

Are Republicans bad for America?

Ridge--"the goal of bin L. is to undermine our economy"--Bush has

Outsource the Republicans

Bush Twin Avoids Concussion at Christmas Party

A hell of lot of "frivolous" law suits are filed by RW Christians

How long till right-wingers attack tonights episode of SouthPark?

3 cheers for FL caller who told it like it is on C-SPAN Tech Coll. segment

2004 was fourth-warmest year on record

I Call It "The Medal Of Freebase" 'cuz only a crackhead would select

Walkouts! -Inauguration Day , Anniversary of the invasion

Anti-CNP - Support John Conyers

Coup plot update:Judge failed to apply her mind, says Thatcher

Who puts the restrictions on basic cable? Why can't they have swearing or

Bernard Kerik the Hero

Another perspective...religion in schools

I NEVER say the "Pledge of Allegiance"

What's the latest on the Tom Feeney story?

American Tort Reform Association: Sponsorship/Membership list

The more that immigrate to Canada

have a Rumsfeld Christmas.........

Iraq War casualties of an all too familiar kind. . .

Going to Canada might not be the best idea.

"Fallujah In Pictures" website gets Freeper Hatemail!....

Paula Zahn freak-out vs. Saddam's American Lawyer. Weird.

This is frickin hilarious!

Air America's Streaming is back up

A bedtime laugh....

Is AAR down this A.M.?

I need some help here - is this guy for real or is he spoofing me?

Is Air America down for anyone else?

Compare the two Presidents

The Values of a person is not the truth

Presidential Medals of Failure! Where is Kerik?

AFL-CIO/NAACP/NOW/ARA Social Security News Conference -- 12:30 PM ET Today

Our next War.

I want to know where the 87 billion went!

Creationist "science" has invaded the internet

I thought my period of mourning was over.

Anne Culter has a Adam's Apple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just mentioned on AAR

Okla. Voters Show Fury at Nativity Removal

Bernie Ward to debate Ann Coulter on Blitzer - Monday

Michael Moore - It's Time to Stop Being Hit - attacks the DLC

the New Progressive Majority . . . (that's US!) . . .


For whom does George W. Bush have compassion?

Need a laugh?

A better solution to tort reform.

"With God on our Side"

Pyshedelic Republicans

Friggin' hypocrites

How do Republican grow these people?

What do you think of Tim Roemer for DNC Chairman?

I've spent my last money at Home Depot

I submitted an editorial

Henry Cisneros for Governor

Kinky Friedman to announce candidacy on Don Imus show, Feb 3 or 4

New Law on termination of Utility service, effective January 1, 2005

Gas on sale - Lima

Franklin County Public Hearing Tonight?

Anyone having trouble with Thunderbird 1.0?

What could be causing excessive timeouts?

AA students comment on media handling of hunter shootings

wT2...... what's happening with the think tank proposal?

Vilsack suggests Nussle not use leftover funds for gubernatorial run

Keef, we are not hiding anything. And nobody has even asked.


Chaos in Cuyahoga? 49,000 Votes Disappear into the Ether ...then found?

Self-Imposed Silence of the Dems - Post your theories here.

Angry Buddhist author - hijacking AAR to talk about election fraud!!

Fairfield Co. Ohio recount -- lost opportunity

True Majority new forum - 16+ threads on election fraud! PLEASE KICK!

Florida numbers cruncher has a new volunteer project - KEEP KICKED PLEASE!

Audio of 12/13 forum at Pacifica website

your input requested on this one-page flyer

Tune into Air America Radio now!!!


Olbermann interacts with Congressman Conyers: Personal commitment

i know the election was stolen, how did they do it

Ignore Bev threads.Stay focused!


We need a new name for this debacle - let's do the framing ourselves piece by volunteer on Kerry campaign.

Two good articles from Consortium News

AP: The challenge likely could be refiled.

REFRAME: Prove massive election fraud didn't occur.

Is there any place in the Democratic Party for a non conciliatory liberal?

BBV's board "saddened" by "backlash" of "particular web forum".

If you had five minutes to explain the VOTE FRAUD story ...

A new Discussion Board for us to spread the word at!!

Video of 12/13 forum for download or streaming

Ohio Update 12/16 (dailykos)

Text of 12/15 Conyers letter to FBI & Hocking County prosecutor

LET'S NOT LOSE A SOURCE! Anybody Else Here In Contact With Madsen???

`Uncivil war' against U.S. democracy , An editorial in a major Japanese

It's NOT the MSM. All it would take is ONE press conference.

In case you missed them, Big color Vote Fraud maps


Kerry-Edwards letter to Blackwell: Please Analyze the Words..

are we bugging all senators or trying to focus on one???

Ohio vote: It's valid, complete ... and over

The swiftboat vets are coming, the swiftboat vets are coming, oh an OBL 2!

Don't laugh, I emailed Trent Lott

Washington Recount update

Were undervotes defaulting as votes for Bush?

Kerry campaign issues letter to Ohio Secretary of State demanding recount

Raw Story ...Still developing... Diebold also tampered with Ohio voting

Huge Drudge banner OHIO CASE THROWN OUT - tell me they're not watching.

We need a coalition of all movements

Berkeley Pries Open Votergate, Calls for Immediate Investigation of 2004

Election lawsuit gathering steam in mainstream media

Do You Believe Bush Will Be Inaugurated President On January 20, 2005?

Psychic Prediction

Fraud by computer in Florida

So what group of voters did * win?

Question re: Arnebeck's suit

If fraud is proven in Ohio,

Wild Oats market has an online forum now too! Go talk about e-fraud! Kick

Dig a Little Deeper on the Ohio Recount Story

Need to rate this Yahoo Story up Challange needs to be Refiled

Appeal for more orignal exit poll screen shots or downloads

E-Mail to Media: Blackwell seems to be hiding something

Some motivation to keep fighting: Hannity/Arnebeck interview transcript

UN Conference Shuts Up Reporter; Calls Global Warming Questions "Silly"

Paper F_cking Ballets is the only way to count the vote !!

any idea/guess as to what the ohio sec. state meant?

Reframe: A fellon can't vote, but can program a voting machine.

Nice op ed check out paragraph 2....

"Don't reboot the computer till after the recount..."

Auditor: Shelley (CA SoS) Poorly Managed Federal Election Money

Mary Beth Cahill on Inside Politics, never mentions

Boone County: Observers like local process, chide U.S. polls

Complaint filed against new GOP leader

Kerry video (not new) but listen... and feel good...

Interesting person you guys talked with tonight

Distraction, distraction, distraction.

Upcoming War Funding Request May Hit $100 Billion


Good post, wrong analysis

Ohio Justice Throws Out Election Challenge

Micheal from TRIAD/ Madsen Articles Could there be a Connection?

Cliff Arnebeck is SUPERMAN

How did it end up like this?????????????????

To the lawyers in the house:

Anyone heard any translation of the new OBL tape?

Democracy in America is about to die because of the BUSH ADMIN!!

Dayton and Hagel will be on Ed Schultz show today--take action

Arnebeck suit dismissed without prejudice due to technicality!!!

non-partisan site with news story's of the election.

What happened in the New Hampshire recount??

Stakeout BBV warehouses: photos of TRIAD techs, 4 trials later..techs rigg

NJ Coordinator for 51 capitals--asks U R help

What if it isn't a "big conspiracy", but rather a bunch of "cells"

Giving us more rope to hang them with

Not Yet! But when do we pressure Dems on Senate Judiciary Committee for

DailyKos Post is Great, but Recount Problems will lead to nothing unless

Cobb-Badnarik-Kerry filing that added recount tampering to their lawsuit

Sad. Michael Moore had an election fraud database but he pulled it off

The Fix in the Ukraine

MM's next movie should be "Votergate 11/2"

New filing alleges Diebold also tampered with Ohio voting

Rep. Jerry Nadler is going to be on The Al Franken Show soon to

Text of 12/15 Conyers letter to FBI & Hocking County prosecutor

Could use more posters on the TrueMajority forum to talk about e-fraud

Does the Kerik story provide lessons for attracting MSM attention?

In the NY/Hudson Valley area... What happened to the Vote Meeting...

A tin foild theory to lighten the mood and make you laugh

Hooray for Red Hands!

Good morning America and Karl Rove

Are you listening to Conason talking to the dittohead??

AP: "Ohio 2004 starts to look like Florida 2000"

Did Ed Schultz have Cliff Curtis on yesterday? I haven't seen any posts

Salt Lake Tribune covered Ohio today - not great but HEADWAY!

The U.S. spent $60 Mil. on the Ukraine election

So, we can use their words against them

FOX covering voting Fraud NOW --- confining it...

WP: Several Factors Contributed to 'Lost' Voters in Ohio

Mary Beth Cahill Admits They Lost By a Miscalculation - RIGHT

Conyers/Recount Story = New OBL Tape?

Can I get a quick link to the Madsen reports? Thanks in advance. n/t

Berkeley Pries Open Votergate

Congressman Jerry Nadler on Air America...NOW n/t

Faux news covering OBL new tape NOW! n/t

Franklin County Public Hearing Tonight?

What happened last night

Two days in a new developments

Thom Hartmann 12/16

PA Electoral Votes

Damschroder trying to dig himself out...

Election aftermath -- pro-lifers atop Senate Dems and DNC?

Arnebeck on Hannity Show..the video

Where is Badnarik?

Franklin County, Ohio and voting history in America $$educational$$

Washington state recount - Please rate Yahoo story

What's new with Madsen? Haven't heard anything from him lately. nm

Election 2004 Special Report: The GOP Generation

GLIBS Dealt Blow In New Mexico Recount Flap-Suffered Defeat

Our Brilliant Rejection of King George.....Time to Sign Up Again

RAW STORY: Green Party Comments on Suit's Goal

Why do we ask for ONE Senator, why not a group?

Can anyone tell me when the under and overvotes are counted?

Apology regarding Ben Burch.

Stark County done recounting 191,781 ballots: Kerry lost 1/ * gained 4

Bev Harris meltdown on Randi's show.

Did Randi mention the Bev Harris situation yesterday(wed)?

Who thinks the Ohio Supreme Court judge

OK folks it is time to end all this eating our own.... Bev is not Satan

Election allegations to be heard


Summit county same in 3% hand recount-rest hit the machines at 8:00am

Questions about the Ohio Recount

Ohio offers lessons for 2008 - But for who?

Is this recount even accomplishing anything?

Satan is NO LONGER INVOLVED with Bev Harris

The Democratic party has to become evil.

Accentuate the positive

The Great OZ has Spoken!

Tell the Media Why This is Worse than Watergate!

Is the reward for info on voter fraud still out there? I wonder if some

Senator Maria Cantwell: A good choice to pester about the Electors?

If There Was A Revote

Concrete floors


Soldier who shot Briton admits lying

Hamas tells Straw it needs no lessons in democracy

two questions

I keep getting booted off

Why are the "Is so & so gay" threads ok here?

Skinner, sent you a PM earlier about this post

Unable to show images

How long is the editing period


48 Hours Of "My Posts"... Thanks!

A point of order regarding D U rules and Zell Miller?

How long does the doner star last?

there's some wierd things going on with the board

Question - can links be made to non-DU things that 'call people out'

Yesterday the thread on sexism took way longer to lock

Any way of knowing who moderates what? (UPDATE: I found out. Delete.)

Stephanie Miller LIVE LINK: For Top of the Page

Seconding mourningdove92's request for a DIY/Home Improvement/Crafts group

about sexist threads--

Demopedia--still have the same "stuck in endless loop" problem.

2 questions

I'm a little confused...what's the difference between GD and GD:P?

Possible to have an occasional live guest on DU?

No offense intended, but

If you support gun control, do you support tighter control of...

Gun lighter man lawfully killed

Suspected Burglar Shot During Home Invasion

Unionists to IRA: "Don't put away those weapons!"

MISTY and other stealth spy satellite programs-even the Senate can't

Pakistan for cooperation with Russia & China in Afghanistan Reconstruction

New Oil and Gas Projects to Enhance Energy Security, Reduce Greenhouse gas

Optimists' concerns about kyoto protocol (Russia)

Will Blair Lose George's Friendship On Climate Issues? - Reuters

2004 4th-Warmest Year, All-Time Record For Nat. Disaster Insurance Payouts

Coast Guard Will Tackle Bulk Of Aleutian Wreck In The Spring

Four EU Markets Will Compete In Emissions Trading - Reuters

Warming Brings Earlier Springs To US Northeast

World Bank "Sustainability" - 332 Fossil Fuel Projects In 12 Yrs

Any thoughts on Bushes Economic Forum?

Foreign official assets in US increased $286B in 3rd Quarter (more)

If only I had a cell phone this AM - 98.1 WKDD in Akron Ohio

Michael Powell v. the Internet

Subject: NJ Coordinator for 51 capitals--asks U R help

Church pastor launching four month peace mission. Please get involved.

Human extinction within 100 years warns scientist

A Republican Ownership Society (For the Oshkosh Northwestern)

Have a Merry Christmas ... while you can

FCC chairman plays Grinch for U.S. troops

Presidential Medals of Failure

Theft of the Election Redux! Buzzflash quotes Vanity Fair in a Must Read

When Mom Goes to War...And Dies (or is horribly injured)

"Richie Bush" parody comics seized

Fangoria review of Godzilla:Final Wars

Showtime Cultivating 'Weeds' (Produced by the maker of the movie "SAVED")

Rapper Pulls Punches with Fox News Nemesis (O'Reilly)

CBS Picks Up Two More Installments of 'Survivor'

Chow Yun-Fat joins "Pirates of the Caribbean" 2 & 3

Ready, Willing, Disqualified

The Intel Deception

Nitwit Nation?

World Discussion without US Media or Bush Admin- Instead Clinton & Clark

2004: The Year of 'The Passion'

Last Letters Home (to children)

Looks like old MoDo has hit it out of the park with this one...

Ex-Military Lawyers Object to Gonzales

"Breasts, butts, backs....oh my!"

Exploitation Model & Iraq Policy

Rudy's Bernie Weekend

Bush's Chile Model: Take Their Pensions and Run!

It's Beginning to Sound a Lot Like Yesteryear

Who runs the FCC?

The chilling day Bernie stalked Regan's son on Highway

Anytime Bob Novak seems

New Power for 'Old Europe'

Molly Ivins: The reality-based environment

'Frivolous lawsuit' irks Pentagon (German suit againist Rummy)

Why the big spending will have to stop after lavish inauguration party

Rubin Wins Some, Loses Some on Deficit Warnings: Mark Gilbert

The struggle is no longer against religion, but within it

roposed Social Security fixes fail to count the cost--Enron-like accountin

It's Time to Stop Being Hit - must read

Social Security Suicide

cellular/PCS external antenna for cell phones - suggestions??

Who'd thunk it

This cold has made me just about ready to buy this shirt

follow up to yesterday's HR rant -- RANT!

Need help with Trojan Horse virus

Teen Kills Twin Brother In Dispute Over Video Game

X-Mas Gift Idea!!: Best DVD for an Alcoholic / Addict friend

Grammar Cop Time: Pet Peeves.

Red Bull or pee?

A new vending machine gets to bottom of things: sexy underwear dispenser

This is how stupid I am...

Punctuation question.... can you help?

What Star Trek species are you in?

So, I spent $14 on a single bottle of beer last night.

What started the '_________gate' craze?

Rain-X and satellite dishes

I want to come hang out with you Chicago DU'ers next summer

I contend this song is for drunk Sesame Street fans!

What do you call them? Q-tips or Cotton Swabs?

Optical Themed Coaster Set.

Post your pets in costume - just in time for the holidays!

I love you all!

Don't Read This One...

Outsourcing Santa (Toon)

Preferred: rum or brandy eggnog?

Enchanted Bellybutton Lint

Registering website names

Santa Singh

The Burger King Worker's Christmas Song?

No Caption Necessary. What the?!!

I want an hypotenuse for Christmas!

Just came across the weirdest blog......liberal fundamentalist

I want a hippopotamus for Christmas

Cher (pic heavy)

The "Doc Says I Gained Weight" CAPTION

Interpret my dream about Bush

Why Women Live Longer than Men; a photo essay

The Gag-Reflex of all CAPTIONS!!!

I'm bored. Entertain me.


Post T.M.I. here!

pleeeeeeeeeze Santa? caption this ..

The "Nostalgic History Lesson" CAPTION

I know some people can be forgetful, but COME ON!

Hey L.A. DUer's let's have a 'FU Will Pitt' Happy Hour!!!!!

The F Word....

Why they make fun of liberals: Heard the word 'speciesist' on Pacifica

chester cheese doritos


No toke! Pot-flavored lollipops for Sale


"My Posts" Now Up To FORTY-EIGHT HOURS!!! Wow!!

(LOL)What do you think?-Troops in Iraq complaining

A good read from local paper concerning X-mas and corp. America

I wish our society was ok with..........

The "Dummy Linguist" CAPTION

Funniest thing you ever did to your boss

There goes the neighborhood

Is this not one of the cutest breeds of dogs you've ever seen?

I think I have TMJ: Anyone With Personal Experience of this?

Your Blood for Your Utility Bill

I just turned in my last literature paper of my university career--ask me

Help! I have to go speak at a Dem fundraiser tonight

Spicy foods vs. non-spicy foods

Matt Damon: Homosexual?

Really disgusting medical question. Not for the squeamish.

Confession time - most embarrassing moments

Protruded disc, anyone?

Pranksters Arrested After Staging Fake Murder To Scare Friend

Berlin's Santa Wars

ROTFL! Who will be TIME person of the year? 4 guys on my

I'm entertained. Bore me.

Alright, America! I finally saw "Lost" Will you now get off my back?

Rush Limbaugh: Homosexual, Pig, or Homosexual Pig?

Woman Gets Life For Dismembering Man With Chainsaw, Rolling Head Down Hill

Cell phone recommendations

I could while away the hours

Ex-Firefighter Charged in Fake 911 Calls

The Incredibles:Not Nearly as Incredible as My 100% Real Flying Super Hero

Tips. Tips! Tips?? Who - when - how much?

need Gifts........Wash Away Your Sins Starter Gift Basket

Wilem Dafoe in Boondock Saints, Straight or not

How many CAPTIONs Mr.President.....sir it is a simple question....

What the $#@*& good is insurance

To my neighbor: Plastic flowers don't look good in your yard

do pale stand up comedians lack imagination?

Why isn't Michael Keaton in every movie?!

Do Yale stand-up comedians lack all imagination?

Need a link to image of the Rove/Bush/Unidentified Third Party

Dinosaurs in the bible...

milk milk many more years of CAPTIONs George?

George W. Bush: Homosexual?

Pat Robertson: Homosexual?

Do male stand-up comedians lack all imagination?

I love guys who love prawns.

Looking for last minute gifts? Try the Animal Rescue Site, et al

had to share this

What would your name be?

something stupid happened--I was getting ready to leave for work

Washington "Nationals" DC baseball on brink of collapse

If Bush changed his first name to one of these, you would respect him

Favorite Clothing line?

Coolest jazz musician?

Mysterious Frankfurt airport gas origins unknown

Using images in html HELP HELP HELP!!!!

I made it to 6000 in the morning...and didnt even get to do a thread

The Gollum Rap

Liberace: Homosexual?

Help! I'm being chewed!

Nigeria Chosen to Host 2008 Genocides

Is there anything worse than apartment hunting?

HOLY CRAP--the pogues are back together--with shane


Whitney Houston unhurt after hitting bus with sports car

cheap, reliable ISP???

What was that movie where ______ took all her clothes off?

Somehow I goofed

Help, I'm caught in a cranky trap


Evil plot by DailyKos to steal away DUers.....

Favorite and least favorite women's perfumes/scents...?

Favorite and least favorite men's colognes/scents...?

I saw Carl Winslow in Ghostbusters last weekend

Tonight's flamebait debate: litmus tests

Hey! Has anyone seen Ernest T. Bass around lately??

PLEASE don't Legalize Cellphones at 30,000 feet

Inside the Development of the Terror Warning System

Ask me four questions .

The Sims.

Understanding Engineers or Engineering 101

Photo of Zell Miller taken today.

Electrical Question....

Would you have found this woman guilty??

Farting in the wintertime

Do You Hear What I hear?

Really need help re cellphone plans!

Working on a new fractal, which one seems to be the better way to go?

How Do You Circumcise A Freeper?

The price of honey and almonds just went up.

This is really starting to get on my nerves

Join my Yahoo Basketball league, plz

Woo Hoo! Good news from the doctor today

RED SOX FANS!!! YOU MUST WATCH THIS!!! (OMG- tooooo funny)

Bernard Kerik for Horndog of the Year

The Best of Pete Townshend!!!


Michael Jackson to throw kids holiday party...

rock paper scissors

Bush Sucks!

The NERVE of these people!

should we lobby for more smilies?

Mario Matrix reloaded.



They caught the flamingo and pelican killer! Woo hoo!

what are you wearing right this minute?

Let's take Christ back out of Christmas

'Lost' Fans, post your theories


I've just had a glass of wine at work!

I added too much garlic salt to my dinner, ask me anything!


Child stars from the 70's and 80's that aren't dead or in jail yet

Have you ever had an eating disorder?

I'm so damned scared, it's not even funny how scared I am

What Barney said to Rove, according to Scooby....

My first Gratuitous Cat Thread

The Scrooge Poll! What Do You Hate Most About Christmas(TM)?

Fucking Salvation Army bell-ringers! Grr....

I am now a college graduate!!

Text of the greeting card I received from the moving company:



Women - how much money do you spend on yourselves?

need your help again with a survey - politics & television

Happy Birthday Ludwig! 274 years young! Post your favorite work of his

Dial-up is like viewing the internet in slow motion

Post spectacularly failed ads.

puppy thread

Serious question folks (about sexuality polls here in the Lounge)

Who's The Most Popular Man In A Nudist Colony?

My two dogs just had a knock-down drag-out dog fight. In the house!

If your child decided to have a sex change

Dinosaur Jr.

McDonalds around the World

I'm in the 700 club and can't get out - ask me anything.

It is time for Uncle Zomby to tuck you in


What's your worst Christmas Memory?

What's Your Favourite Colour?

I just visited my dearly departed Stream of Consciousness thread


The best English Comedy

McCain Opposes Lip-Synching, Introduces Bill

Is there anyone cooler than Thelonious Monk?

Do You Wear a Watch?

From Gemini to Shuttle: John Young Retires

They say confession is good for the soul - - I ripped into a woman about

Pic of the latest Chicago meetup!

worst. thread. ever.

What does your computer screen look like?

Seeking toy recommendations for nephew, niece

Happy Birthday Bill Hicks (RIP)


Historically speaking, who should have been president, but wasn't elected

Favourite Hard Liquor?

Laughing kitten :)

I've decided to start worshipping Canada. No, really, I have.

My friend's car just got "yellow-ribboned".

What Were You In High School?

I was just asked the most stupid question I have ever heard.

Anyone interested in a HORROR Group?

any suggestions for GOOD liberal singles sites???

Fat girls of the world unite! Here I am in all my Fat Glory....

Is this really considered a plus size girl ???

DU -- over 60,000 registered -- where are you from?

It's the Son of The *~*Stream of Consciousness*~* Thread!

"Richie Bush" parody comics seized

Fangoria review of Godzilla:Final Wars

Showtime Cultivating 'Weeds' (Produced by the maker of the movie "SAVED")

Rapper Pulls Punches with Fox News Nemesis (O'Reilly)

CBS Picks Up Two More Installments of 'Survivor'

Chow Yun-Fat joins "Pirates of the Caribbean" 2 & 3

Christianity in America

God Save us from The Christian Underground (Creepers)

America Moves Further Right On Gay Marriage

I'm heading out for my last deer hunt of the season

Steelers' Bettis May Retire at the End of the Season

Adrian Beltre is a Mariner!

Four suspended Beavers out for Insight Bowl

Any Houston Rockets fans here?

A dog breed I'd never heard of . . .


Incontinent chihuahua

Michael Moore asks: Are Dems victims of abuse?

i've managed to ignore faith in people i know.. somehow..


Could someone explain to me this thing about Kerry and choice? banner changed back

More good news: Kerry campaign issues letter to Ohio SoS demanding recount

Recalling fond campaign memories...would you like to share some?

Canon EOS 20D?

Favourite B&W films?

What ever happened to that Plame thingy?

Dialogue, Respect....With Whom??? Warning-Rant!


This Week in Fascism! Midweek Edition

Study finds catch-22 of pandemic flu; could be stopped, but resources lack

Did anything good happen today? it seems Kerry(per Newsweek )

What issues would the "perfect" candidate support ??

Former Senior Aide to Pat Buchanan Spoke at Holocaust-Deniers' Meeting

A Democrat told me the following story. A blue boat hit a red boat.

Guardian/Steve Bell cartoon; * as Baboon, Rummy as Death..

W approval still at 49%--most don't like Soc.Sec. proposal or war cost

Daily Show Full Medal Racket/Video

Teaser headline on Fox front page: "Bush's First Blunder"...FIRST?

Susan Collins

A Push to Restrict Sales of Video Games

Michael Moore: It's Time to Stop Being Hit

More 'plum' jobs available in second Bush administration the new shit...same as the old shit

Fundie Judges = American Ayatollahs

Many changes on new DNC homepage?

Bush plans to raise request from 75 to 100 Billion for Iraq war in 2005

New civilian award to military ! Make your nominations NOW

BLM starting roundup of 2,000 Nevada mustangs

HHS Delivers Interactive Talking Book to Afghanistan

Only the Muslim world?

Greens and Democrats working together?

Polling Shows No Mandate For George Bush

All I want for Christmas....

For Their Valorous Duty Behind Enemy Lines...

You cannot trust a man that cheats on his mistress...

religiously insane Ala. Judge sews 10 commandments onto his robe

A point of order regarding D U rules and Zell Miller?

60,000 Defense dept employees shifting - less bargaining power

bless that reporter for helping our troops!!!

Sen. Reid's new power may shut down Yucca

Who do you currently support for DNC Chair?

The Democratic Party NEEDS to be reborn... and it is

"Pro-life and pro-choice"

bushgang threatens Germany over Rummy criminal complaint

The more I hear about Kerik, the more he AND Bush scares me

Dean's thoughts on how to really get corporate funding out of campaigns.

Anybody Watching Bu$h*'s Economic Summit?

Defense seeks emergency authority to resume anthrax vaccinations (Korea?)

Changes needed for both gun control and trade policies in party

Bush article on MSN - Social Security dismantling

Will Bush care about bin Laden now that he has "warned Saudi rulers?"

Lott comes out against Rumsfeld, too

My podiatrist has a Xmas card from Rick Santorum

Bush calls for a "Fair and Balanced" judicial system, concerning lawsuits.

Once again - Weren't we all hurt by this?

The advantages of losing the election: rub their noses in their hypocrisy

I am absolutely disgusted with the so called "mainstream " Dems!

Study explores impact of U.S. deaths in Iraq on election

Two most important calls to action this month.

Short film on the Development of the Terror Warning System

Jeez, it's early - I just saw my first bumper sticker for 2008

$30 - $40 Million of our tax money for this jerk's inauguration!

Who has done the most harm to the Democratic Party or cause?

If Howard Dean isn't chosen to head DNC then I think Nader should support

Political Roller Coasters

Remember: Take a break from bashing Dems once in a while

Intelligence Reform And Terrorism Prevention Act Of 2004

CNN Is Force Feeding Us Guliani And Clinton In 08

Question with a disturbing answer

Zell to give award to Swift Boat Liars

Kerry campaign manager admits underestimating Swift boat ads

Rumsfeld charged in criminal complaint by Germans

Zell Miller on Fox

Which would you most like to see the Democratic Party kick out?

Not enough up-armored Humvees? Blame Congress!

Calling All Math Wizs!! Is There a Simple Progressive Tax Formula?

Is the bush administration:

name a politican, besides nader, who attracted republicans by moving left

Turning 50 into $2 Million--Gov. Warner's (D-VA) Fundraising Ability!

Cotterrell says all the Dems are whistling Dixie now. Credits Dean.

Gary Hart's On CNN Now- Without The Monkey Business He Beats Papa Bush In

Rush Limbaugh, meet Michael Powell

Good Grief, I can't stand to listen to * speak anymore !

Howard Dean from his new book....we can NOT vote across party lines.....

Armoring up the Humvees

Ohio Supreme Court's dismissal of Moss vs Bush

I just read an excellent post

Do you trust and/or think David Brock should be forgiven?

let's indulge in a little fantasy... shall we?

Do you guys have access to overseas News channels on TV?

Robert Reich is on CNN now, urging the dems to embrace populism

Water that flows downhill will take the path of least resistance...

Kerry embraces anti-choice candidates?

Who HASN'T been paying attention?

Does anyone else think that something is inherently wrong with this?

UPDATED! National Media Blaster: NYTimes article, Ohio Hearing Video, MORE

So how do we attract pro-lifers to party without abandoning our principles

Hilarious photo that "begs a caption"

David Brock's letter to Bill O'Reilly

Moore is a THREAT for exposing the lie of the 'war on terror' in Iraq.

CLINTON Kicks Some Heckler's Ass

We CAN stop Bush in his tracks

How do you feel about our troops?

PAPER CLIPS! A cartoon, resources, info