Democratic Underground

Archives: December 19, 2004

How Thuggish Federal Prosecutors Destroyed My Family

2001 Memo Reveals Push for Broader Presidential Powers

Mark Shields: Our 'Best Equipped' Army? Baloney!

Guard, Reserve showing strains; Experts predict serious problems

Mother to mother' plea to Cherie over Scottish soldier killed

I Am A Conservative Christian, And The Religious Right Scares Me, Too

Dowd: A Not So Wonderful Life (Rumsfeld-Good Column)

Terrific News About The Phone Card Drive For Walter Reed!!

Fla. Sinkhole Swallows 4 Pavement Lanes

Hey nnadir, can you tell us about radioactivity vs toxicology in DU?

The tide is turning...

Investigating 9/11: Missing 757 at Pentagon + Other Unanswered Questions

Volusia County Florida Amended Lawsuit

International press coverage

Laura Flanders in her first hour had a great segment on the election....

Why Can't Edwards Un-concede?

Diebold to Settle with California (2.6 Million)

You make the caption.....

How about a special prosecutor...Remind America of what the repugs thought

Why can't Edwards be the one senator?

Question: How can we get Jan 6 protest MSM attention before jan 6?

How many states have conducted recounts, or plan to do so?

Buddhist (Thurman) on Al Franken Show - Archive is now up! a MUST listen!!

Coshocton Co. Results: Kerry to Gain 40,000+ in Ohio Hand Recount

The Vote In Ohio: Short video documentary

12/16 Franklin Co. Ohio BOE hearing -- VIDEO

Am I the only one who finds Moss V. Bush funny?

so what has happened this past week?

Making sense of Coshocton County (OHIO) totals. Read.

How about DU e-voting machines?

Sunday, 1pm EST, Clinton Curtis, live Q&A, on Mark Levine...

SC vote counts and exit polls - how odd is this?

Fairfield County: Ballot mix-up causes Bush to lose votes

Every NM precinct with opti-scan machines gave more votes to Bush!

Analysts say a pattern is developing regarding touchscreen results

Caption This Photo

World Renown Clairvoyant Predicts Election Fraud Trouble for Bush

Easy way to find orphaned pages?

It's sad when old friends can't get along

Anybody else need a laugh?

One of our problems, an example:

Skidmore, Missouri

Need help with demopedia entries I've created

Have You Returned Your Social Security Check Today?

Sanctions against media threaten public's right to know

Poverty levels ......increased more than 13 percent in Sarasota County

"Happy Holidays, Ragheads - camel parking in rear"

Dupe delete.

Edwards, Kerry, Laura Flanders and more

email trail nails MO murderer/fetusnapper....

Bush's Perfect Storm or Beware Bushies Bearing Reform

Some more sociopathic Nazi rantings...

Just HOW MANY VietNam Vets are in Iraq now???

I missed Bill Moyer's last show, phooey! Anyone fill me in?

Harris says she'll keep chasing housing money...(Katherine Harris)

Anyone else here order premiums from Buzzflash?

DU this poll

Best Democratic President

Thank you Cuba for imprisoning and torturing political dissidents

Currently on FOX: M. Jackson.......CNN: S. Peterson

New insight into treatment-resistant depression: a mutant gene

The Cuban military is conducting ops to deter a U.S. attack. Oooohhhhh....

The price of Democracy: 2.6 Million

The Opening For SNL Tonight Is Great (no spoilers)

I'm reading 'It Can't Happen Here' by Sinclair Lewis and it's scaring me.

Thank you Cuba for imprisoning and torturing homosexuals

Some good sites to check out......

Did they just censor something during the SNL intro?

Looking for the photo of Bush with a big guy closely behind him and

What will the United States' competitive advantage in 4 more years?

Monster - the movie about Aileen Wuornos

Given the current state of our economic system, which system do you prefer

"This is supposesd to happen in LA or New York" (stolen fetus)

I would like to propose a different media business model

FOX blocker - a way to block out FOX "News"

How can anyone still believe that bashing our own nominee was a good idea?

Why Democrats lose the war of ideas on economics

One the REAL reasons they want to weaponize space (SDI, Star Wars)

Student: ....."Excuse me, where would I get a book?"

cia nazi connection tomorrow night on the history channel

Liberal Blogger 'Kos' of 'The Daily Kos' was once a Republican

Anybody watching Lou Dobbs on CSPAN 2?

I will send money to whatever org. is buying REAL news channels.

Why Does Canada Have A Queen?

My 83 year old dad is scared to death about the rise of Fascism in US

Castro loving is a problem

Pierogie Recipe, please, for a pierogie newbie!

Are Canadians considered British subjects??

I heard that your PM is not popular... is that so?

Musharraf confirms himself as head of Pakistan army

UK secretly backs removal of nuclear chief

UK 'war crimes' claims examined in The Hague

Bin Laden Tape Urges Stopping Oil to U.S.

British unlawful detention

Nearly 3,000 troops are flown back to the UK for treatment

Iraq judges quiz 'Chemical' Ali

Victims Divided Over Public Tactics of Clergy Abuse Support Group

'Tree huggers' are sued by Tasmanian logging firm in bid to halt campaigns

Chile Wins Trade Sanctions Against U.S.

Bush's treasury chief defends debt

Chicago GI faces court-martial over Iraqi's fatal shooting

WP: 14 Give $250,000 To Bush Inauguration

WP: Reid Vows to Stand Up to GOP

Christmas cancelled (in UK) due to lack of interest

2001 Memo Reveals Push for Broader Presidential Powers

Over Iraq, Pilots Fly Into Action When Troops Call for Help -WP

Bush, Kerry each gain votes

Loud noise heard in Jakarta, meteor suspected

US fails in bid to kill off Kyoto process

British Government Orders E-Mail Purge

Report: Schwarzenegger urges GOP left turn

Arctic lights blamed on climate change

NYT: In Kerik, Bush Saw Values Crucial to Post-9/11 World

WP Some Put Money Where Their Politics Are

What's the temp in your area?

Skinny Puppy SUCKS! (They look good on a runway, but in reality...)

So what U2 CD should I buy to start with.

People hate me because I'm beautiful...

Here's an evil thought....

Question: Does the fact that more comix are being made into movies

#1 Christmas song EVER- I know who is responsible-want to guess??

BBC 1, BBC 2, BBC 3, BBC 4, BBC 5, BBC 6, BBC 7, BBC Heaven...

One disadvantage with apartment living

New Family Guy DVD out! The 'Freaking Sweet Collection'

I'm compiling a compiler... ask me anything!

Gropinator Japanese commercials

Jennings and Jeffers Show

Carol Channing, Republican Wig

I think Charlize Theron is georgious... Should I go ahead and watch

I Won The Smelly Old Rag !!!! Atencion Gothic Sponge...

Osama Claus

Anyone else get the NASA channel?

Is that Nicole Kidman hawking Chanel #05?

William Harrison, not Republican but Whig

Post pics of your holiday displays...

Who thinks that THEY have the most dysfunctional family?

Cob horses are so freakin wild!


Why don't these people who get busted on 'Cops' ever tell the truth?

Laura Branigan, Republican Pig

What's with all the fat and thin posts lately?

Stewie for President!

Ahhh.. Males , and the "train" gene

What is with mapquest these days?

OK, 1st Christmas show I'm enjoying - Nat'l Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

Darwin nominee: Robber leaves paper trail

Enough!!! *Everybody* is beautiful, EXCEPT...

Good Canadian universities for computer science?

If you witnessed cheating on finals would you ignore it?

It's a Wonderful Life.

Is Elvis humping his guitar?

Anyone know anything about stereo receivers?

Billy Joel is not my lover

HypnoToad is not my lover!

NightTrain IS my lover!

Here's a fun game for all too play...

Have you seen Polar Express ?

Dyslexics of the world UNTIE!

A word to the wise re: PPV sports


Should I buy some 'caine?

* names Buford T. Justice for Sec. of Homeland Security

This is so sad.

What does Bill O'Reilly smell like?

Holy shit! U.K. revokes U.S. Independence!

Need a DVD burner?

So what will * wear on Jan 20th.

Should I mutiny from the Caine?

"O-h-h-h, no...YOU coveteth my icecream bar..."

Why do I get more dehydrated in the winter?

i've got the ice cold beer, and now i'm ordering the pizzas!

ForrestGump is not my lover

Egg nog with absinthe!

Pres Dumbass inaugural anthem - oldie but a goodie

Need help translating to French.

Jolene: The White Stripes

Christmas Carols

Pet Crisis....................

I found out a way to cheer myself up tonight.

The first thing I remember knowin' was a lonesome whistle blowin'

What is the nickname of the first decade of the 21st century?

Hey everybody! Want to see some more cool vintage stuff from my den.

Crap it's cold out!

Donated blood for the first time today (Ask me anything)

Oy! You try to take a nice family picture...

So many beautiful women on DU....

How cute are my signature pics now?

Coolest looking written language?

Alright you heathens: Go beat on my site. Spank it red.

What cover version of a song is better than the original artists' version?

HELP! Godforsaken Chrsitmas Tree Lights!!!

I love New York...

What do you take when you have a migraine?

Worst Beatles song?

I hereby officially vouch that GOPisEvil can cook

The Stewie Griffin appreciation thread.

Speak in song titles

caption this photo: it's real too...

Visit my blog. New look. Check it out.

Best gift for teenagers

I have five posts until out of the 700-club.

Breaking From CNN

Got kicked off of Free (Authoritarian Nazis) Republic again...

Why is everyone so "F"ing mean on DU now

Robert DeNiro hosting SNL?

Which Voltaire quote do you like better?

New method of homeland defense warning: SUZIE ORMAN

A pic of my beautiful daughter and me.

How do you like your chocolate chip cookies?

Who Would Win In a Fight? Democratic Underground vs. Free Republic

Cob houses are so freakin wild!

Low brow snax

We had our cat put to sleep today

Posting new cute pet pics!

Should I buy a cane?

What's Are Your Favourite Kind Of Chips?

Mahatma Ghandi, Republican Pig

"A good Christian woman"

Farscape's Ben Browder joins SG-1 cast.

Do you believe the Xmas story?

High on Death - A Texas professor searches for the human soul

Journal names top scientific achievements of '04

How now brown cloud.......

Missions to Neptune visualized.

Mystery behind builder of the Sphinx solved

A new chapter on LDS gays

High on Death - A Texas professor searches for the human soul

Skull and Bones!

See this site! Guaranteed to bring a big smile!

Laura Flanders on AAR is being very outspoken tonight. Jay Bookman on.

Has anyone talked about the 'Enronization' of Social Security?

More Republicans speaking out

Investigating 9/11: Missing 757 at Pentagon + Other Unanswered Questions

Someone explain this to me.

Thoughts on Schwarzenegger?

No room for conservative Christians in this White House?

Malloy thought it was bizarre that Dub wore a military jacket

For DU Kerry Fans - Transcript of his 1971 vietnam testimony

Proud To Be Left


DU parents! Don't let Bush's fascist education policies destroy your kids!

Durbin Demands Answers on armor for soldiers

Someone explain this to me, please.

The Pubs have made us change into a Land of Snits and Snitches

I have come to the conclusion....

There is hope in young Christian Conservatives-Really!!!

Al Franken's show is so much better WITHOUT AL FRANKEN!

Reid Vows to Stand Up to GOP

I think the dems could pick up Lugar's seat in Indiana

Burning W's

The History Channel, CIA and the Nazis

What would the Dems do?

Edwards fought tooth and nail against Kerry concession.

A poll governed by fear

Might this letter to Chimp be from a DUer? I've been trying to find out

The deceptions add up on Social Security

Observer: Democracy starts at home

Rudolph's safe flying over US air space

Milbank: 'Full confidence' just another White House euphemism

The White House must love 'opposite day'

LA Daily News letter: Mayoral stooges

It Could Have Been a Wonderful Life

The gospel truth about some readers

More evidence of Extra Terrestrial contacts with Indian Government and Mil

More evidence of Extra Terrestrial contacts with Indian Government and Mil

Fwd: Political words of the season - Immorality, Mr Bush

More evidence of Extra Terrestrial contacts with Indian Government and Mil

Emmaus grad speaks against war in Iraq

The Revolution? It's Over...The Rest is Just Enforcement

Think this LTE is real?

Protest TODAY in Washington

Some humor for WAR on Terror activists!

Did you know there is an attack on...

The dollar will tumble

A Tale of Two Christmases

Nearly Every Seabird On The Planet Has Waste Plastic In Its Stomach

Southern Chileans Lackadaisacal About UVB From Ozone Depletion

US Waters Down Committment On Any Climate Action - NYT

Fourth North Atlantic Right Whale Found Dead This Year

West Virginia Issues Mercury Advisory For All Streams And Rivers

Abnormal Fish Found Closer to Washington - Waste Suspected

Egg-Producing Male Bass Moving Down The Potomac - WP

To whom it may concern: Sorry your son/daughter (check one) died in Iraq

Justice Dept (DOJ) Concludes 2nd Amendment "Secures individual right"

Are discussions of personal religious beliefs more appropriate for Lounge

Is it permissable for someone (not me) to erase my photo from the gallery?

Skinner and MODS>>>

Pleeze look at this ASAP!


A Modest Proposal: Israel Joining NATO

Karl Schwartz - part 3

Request to have 9/11 issues given it's own forum

Question about 9/11

Class Warfare....

Dutch news forums with links to election fraud

HELP AMERICA VOTE ACT OF 2001 the who's who of witnesses

Can we forward our petitions to all the senators? What about Barack Obama?

We're moving up in the world dissident is so yesterday....

Ever listen to Mark Levine's "Inside Scoop"? Sun, 1pm Clinton Curtis

Smokin" SNL animation about voting! Now

Citizens are watching Greene Co. OH BOE so no ballot switching?

Follow up on: BUSH'S IRAQ WAR FREEDOM CAKE: The Icing on the cake!

Tennessee gathering at 2 on Sunday, election fruad 2004 rally

The Negative MSM stories are coming...

Ohio recount- Cuyahoga County ballots pre-sorted

A dream for the future-all BOE vote counting rooms rigged with TV cameras

Diff between FLA and OH and why the fckers aregoing down? No Jeb.

On Jan 6th will the election be challenged in the Senate ?

QUESTION: Can journalists sue employers for 1st Amendment violation?

Bush- "TIME PERSON OF THE YEAR" gonna run right out and get one!

What's the fuss in recounting the vote?

Saturday night live

DC Jan 6 th protest - Is there a co-op lodging and transport BBS?

Time Names President Bush 'Person of the Year'

disregard double post sorry

Actual copy of Arnebeck's lawsuit.........

Does anyone know about Warren Mitofsky's official position

New Green Recount Update

TODAY Nashville Rally State Capital 2pm

Ken Blackwell licks Bush's boots

Was the tech in Ohio resetting the E-PROM?

Hey DU'ers - You could learn a LOT from the Free Republic...

Last Sunday's Nash Rally Report

PUNCHES, TOUCHSCREAMS,OPTISCAMS: Exit Poll Deviations vs. Machine Problems

Congresswoman Tubbs-Jones on AAR RIGHT NOW!

Why, why, WHY did I go into the Mart of Darkness at 3 AM?

We've Been Had

Is the FBI investigating any part of this election fraud?

Kerry/Edwards voter tampering civil suit..

Letters From Battleground Ohio


I'm cancelling my subscription to TIME.

WA Dems rally: 3:00 PM TODAY 12-19

Mass Hypnosis Campaign:Vote Zealots UnderMine Confidence??

Why doesn't the Cobb Green Party site have Greene County Story

Clint Curtis sworn testimony / House Judiciary Committee/Video

Katrina Sumner and Crew in Touch : Join Case Ohio Yahoo Discussion Forum

CANONFIRE ON Katrina:Shades of Karen Silkwood: Attacks on recount activist

Nashville State House Poem

Who Frickin' Cares What M.M. thinks?

Ask Senate and House Members to Declare Their Intent Jan-6th

Idea: Is there a way we could have a weekly or bi-weekly session...

Senator who will co-sign the Conyers electoral challendge Jan.6

Sibel Edmonds on AAR Right Now!

FOCUS: The Recount Accounts

Ohio's Perfectly Paranormal Recount Results

OK. Katrina asks that funds to help her team should go to Arnebeck ...

Officer who threatened Katrina has history of violently arresting women...

Note from Katrina in Greene County, Ohio - 12PM ET

Please don't donate to those you don't know/Freep thread link


James Konkoly? reporter from the "Coshocton Tribune". Help!

Everyone who donated to Kerry's recount fund or the DNC

Coshocton Co. Recount Uncovers "Remarkable and Mysterious Disaster "

King County (WA State) rejected ballot owners posted on line

Mass. Coalition Against Election Fraud lists several senators to contact

is there an EE-PROM in DRE box? (DIebold touchscreen)

I'm sick and tired of Democrats who shy from the "F" word

Clinton Curtis to air at 1 pm

Sunday 12-19 documentation for today's events

Don't worry about Jan. 6, 2005. It makes NO difference.


Perhaps the tech in OHIO updated the E-PROM?

Question..about legal action and Dems

Freeper wants end to Democrat election whining

Anyone have direct access to any Celebrities??

Gore Vidal on Fraud and the Enemy Within.

THE GRAPH: Red Shift vs. State Machine % Mix vs. Reported Problems

Biden in 08

In May of 2004, Wendy Orange resigned from ES&S....

Email House Judiciary Committee

This is a good article for us... csmonitor & Others

Can people please stop twisting things they read, to make it the way they

Michael Moore Dismisses Vote Fraud Allegations

Strong evidence/doc. Kerry won New Mexico-Make sure Recount Happens

Ohio "recount": what it is and isn't. Do people here and public understa


North Carolina & Iowa & Nevada people check for same fraud pattern demonst

Dehumanizing the enemy

Electors across US to use electoral college to protest election violations

ReDefeat Bush's January 6th Counter-Inaugural Event




SF Gate: Arnold says GOP should move left

Prop 187, part deux?

bush makes being intolerant and stupid fashionable

The Star Tribune published my letter (web-edition only)

Windows Haiku

The Fox Is In Microsoft's Henhouse (and Salivating)

Windows XP peer file transfering (Internal lan)

Hard drive about to fry? Or power supply is nigh?

Blackwell licks Bush's boots; proof here

Dallasites: Anyone going to Solstice Tuesday?

Holy shit! U.K. revokes U.S. Independence!

I've Been Watching A Really Scary Show

holidays vs. christmas

Anthony Politano on CSpan2.

what is going on at clark community network blog?

why won't the clark community network blog work ??? help

I came out tonight

Newspaper Sorry for Naughty Santa Jokes

why can't i get the clark community network blog to work???

wesley clark supporters (free)

Class Warfare....

I posted this in the louge but want to share it here in GD

John Douglas . . . The Homeland Security Collection . . .

Depositors claim bank closed accounts because of their links to Mideast

check out this Hail to the cheif Jackass in the box

Has SNL always been this liberal?

Alternative schooling?


So I was watching the evening local news tonight, the topic was

Anyone know what has happened to the Randi Rhodes Forum?

baahhhhhh!!!! RRMB still crap!!!

Energy Firms Lavish Funds on Inauguration

Jan 20....Not One Red Cent Day

Has everyone sent O'Reilly a holiday greeting?

Japanese warned to avoid oil refineries

2001 Memo Reveals Push for Broader Presidential Powers

Leap of Faith leads to fraud. (My choice of caption)

Somebody help me out here, how can freepers possibly think MSM is

Should males sit down to whizz?

Wanna help with lyrics for "Rudolf the Red-Faced Giuliani"?

Topic of the day across the USA: Fraud.

CHINS: "Children in Need of Supervision"

George Bush's 'Bad Gamble'

Those Damn Saudis!

Opponents want to pin presidential election controversy on Blackwell

Charles Osgood joins O'Lielly's fight to "Save Christmas"

Ratings of MSNBC shows?

Action Alert: Rumsfeld, others are the problem, be part of the solution

Thurmond's Daughter Tells her story.

Girl Scouts file lawsuits to recover cookie debts

Christians Against the Republican Party: Theses

I used to be a Conservative

Are there still folks who believe the earth is flat?

Santa cartoon on SNL is hilarious!!!

Rudy Giuliani: poster boy for "Hubris Gone Wild"

Jerk-Faced Assholes

Battle of Algiers is finally out on DVD - get a free 2-wk Netflix member-

Thinking about soldiers abroad today. Some stuff that might interest . . .

National Priorities Project...a great research site......

DNC chairman

Rumsfeld to Sign Condolence Letters

My parents are overjoyed with Walmart and Salvation Army

Any pyrotechnics experts here?

WT....? Absolutely BIZARRE looking photos of W yesterday

The haves are having a good holiday

Caption this photo....

Riverbend's Christmas List

About that Christian band not playing in Rossford Ohio

The chimp is playing dress up again

Clint Curtis is on with Mark Levine now

I refuse to accept Bush as my President

If you think the Rapture's coming, why buy anything?

Dean Person of the Year

A failed Texas oilman is going to show us how to fix the economy....

Something just hit me.

A Not So Wonderful Life

Rep. Sherrod Brown on Media Matters in 5 min!

The secret word is "purple"....

Spending ourselves into oblivion

Non Sequitur-Mandate

Rumsfeld can't even sign his own condolence letters ...

Did anyone tivo the SNL skit...

While the Republicans demonize the Arabs/Muslims, we as Democrats

My email to TIME: Person (moron) of the Year

Do U.S. military personnel carry passports?

Should there be a Northern Democrats and Progressives Group?

george, "Man of the Year," just like one of us.

2004 Time Magazine Person Of The Year is: *

Vote on MSNBC, say how you feel...

Please vote in this poll

"Christians must oppose torture" (LTTE from York, PA)

Batista love ins are back in Miami-some of those folks are loco.

9/11 didn't change my views of the world.

Has anyone read "The Prophet" by Thom Hartmann?

What Arnie and Christie really want from their call for moderation.

Social Security question.

Person of the Year

FRANK RICH: The Year of 'The Passion' | as usual, a must-read!

Tell the Freepers their cable rates are going up

Americans get even stupider.... wanna restrict Muslims' civil rights...

Right Wingers are calling tbe baby cut from the womb in Missouri

* Meets a Ghost (Doonesbury)

Time Canada's Newsmaker, 2004: Maher Arar, secretly deported, tortured

Report: Texas schools may have cheated

Schwarzeneggers Sued for Fraud

So if polls show Canada supports gay marriage


Beware of scams

As we raise valid criticisms of Bush, we should also keep in mind

Pre-emptive strike doctrine drafted 2 weeks after 9/11

Abraham Lincoln Was Gay

The Boycott Thread

Do you think this will ever get shows in the US?:

Need help talking to my brother "Mortos" about new job

Ohio - live report, plus looking back at Gary Webb - coming up

For The Freeps: Photo Proof War Ain't No Stinkin Video Game! *graphic*

First the Flag and now Christmas

Enter The Meatrix

Disgusting Matt PUDGE Has Shrub-FDR-CHURCHILL Pic for Time's Man of Yr

Which Senators are not running for re-election in 2006 ?

Swastika shaped flowerbeds planted on Melbourne city street

Is this flip the bird picture of Bush for real???

"How to Annoy a Liberal...

My daughter's religious classmate in high school.

Will bush Bring Us A New War In 2005?

I was doing some opposition research on the Christian right when I

More evidence of the stagnant holiday shopping!

Guilt Disorders Among Returning Soldiers

Donald Rumsfeld's Christmas Card

What do these Florida companies have in common

MSNBC to give Tucker Carlson his own show

BOB BECKEL... ya or nay ?


The Free Republic "W2" Inaugural Ball

Killings Of New, Expectant Mothers Mount - Washington Post

Why do some who claim to be progressive Dem's support the Iraq occupation?

Democrats eye softer image on abortion

Fascism - what educational resources can you recommend?

"Democrat of the Year" :

It seems to me, that *'s policy of attacking country's that want WMD

I hate "Stupid" Gun Nuts

The world made a mistake - God is not love.

Webb Coroner Confirms TWO Shots To The Head (link fixed)

"Rudolph the Red State Reindeer" | it's a wonderful TOON...

Holiday Eating Tips

the best part about making candy

Salvation Army courts gold coin donors

Right Wingers are calling tbe baby cut from the womb in Missouri

So I was watching the evening local news tonight, the topic was

New law would allow U.S. to deport alleged torturers

Victim's lawyer may get $6-million

UK anti-war sentiment worsens

4 nations that won't sign deal with U.S. risk aid loss

Fate of three billion US dollar Hong Kong property sale hangs in balance

US to post military officers to Taiwan mission: Jane's

A Republican hero, but was Abe Lincoln gay?

Dems Demand Answers on Lack of Iraq Armor

Agencies warn Bush that U.S. isn't defeating Iraq insurgents

Protesters May Not Have Swearing-In Spot

Man Gets 6 Months in NASA Hacking Case

NEJM early release: valdecoxib (Bextra) safety concern . . .

Reverend lights candles in Iraq protest

Theatre stormed in Sikh protest

NYT,pg1: Medicine Fueled by Marketing Intensified Trouble for Pain Pills

10 Workers Of U.S. Firm Kidnapped In Iraq

Mysterious figure at center of Kerik scandal (Nanny? What Nanny?)

Militants Claim to Kidnap 10 Iraqis

After Outcry, Rumsfeld Says He Will Sign Condolence Letters

Australia goes cool on US Kyoto tactics

AARP Poll Shows Most Support Legalizing Medicinal Marijuana | NYT

Boycott Time mag

Despite criticism, DeLay undaunted

US Fails In Bid To Kill Off Kyoto Process

Iraqi bombers target Shia cities

Suicide Car Bomb in Iraq Kills 13

Polls Empty in Turkmenistan Elections (ballot boxes carried door to door)

Aviators killed in Cuba to get Dade memorial (honoring Miami's terrorists)

LAT: Contractor Argues U.S. Fraud Law Does Not Cover Iraqi Funds

Biden is ripping "W" pretty well on MTP right now!

Federal judges' new ethics guidelines criticized as more lax

Tallahassee Democrat: 50,000 (Florida) workers qualify for Medicaid

UK: Bible is 'lies and spin,' says C(hannel) 4

Sprint-Nextel Merger (layoffs in the offing)

Cuba agrees to buy more American farm goods

Four Kurds shot dead in northern Iraq market

Bomb in Iraq's Najaf kills 48, wounds 90 -hospital

Scientist pulls media into suit over anthrax probe

Iraqi Shi'ite leaders urge calm after bomb attacks

NC Guardsman killed Iraqi after gay sex

Deadly Blasts Hit Najaf, Karbala

Blair pursues Mid-East mission

Civil servants are ordered to delete millions of emails

Social Security fix tough sell for Bush

Insurgents kill three, search cars in Baghdad

US Stresses No Hostile Intent Toward NK

AP: Concerns raised over business influence at Interior

Lawmakers Chide Rumsfeld for Auto-Signed Sympathy Letters

Lawmakers Chide Rumsfeld for Auto-Signed Sympathy Letters

Health care gap threatens Detroit babies

GI bound for Iraq loses custody fight

US warplanes strike Falluja

China rules on religion 'relaxed'

More evidence of Extra Terrestrial contacts with Indian Government and Mil

Rumsfeld receives support from influential senators of both parties

Nevadans remain opposed to Yucca Mtn:Survey commissioned in wake of * elec

Russia's Yukos loses crown jewel as state dismantles top oil firm

Obscure Russian Company Buys Yukos Unit

Joke Text Message Triggers Terror Alert

Report: Neediest children often get least-prepared teachers

Alleged Pentagon propaganda campaign abroad a lost cause

Two US soldiers killed in Kuwait hit-and-run crash

France’s Imams to Study “Rousseau”, “Ibn Kathir”

CA:Recall bankroller may take up new ballot cause (no benefits to illegals

Polls empty in Turkmenistan elections

NYT: Whoops! It's 1985 All Over Again (financially)

Nevada's Rising Star Changes Course

China Says Growth May Top 9 Pct This Year

Feds (Andrew Card) Say Investigators Knew of Kerik Flaws

Senators Hesitant to Replace Rumsfeld

Campaign of deception used to push patriotic song up charts | Tennessean

Report: Congresswoman's Family Profited (Rep. Maxine Waters)

Bison hunt approaches near Gardiner MT | Bozeman Chronicle

White House Pushes Pentagon To Rein In Spending

Photo Sequence Shows Rebels Executing Electoral Workers

Fla. Officer Uses Stun Gun on 12-Year-Old

Tightest Security Ever for Inauguration(all parade viewers to be searched)

Kerik e-mails to be turned over to investigators (Kerik's mob deals)

Slaying Suspect Allegedly Showed Off Baby

NEWSWEEK: Fast Chat: U.S. Soldier Amber McClenny (refused mission)

Newspaper's Analysis Finds Evidence of Widespread Cheating by Texas Schools

The haves are having a good holiday

Sikhs (in UK) storm theatre in attempt to halt play

Social Security Rejects Marriage Papers (ALL Marriages During "Gay" Period

Time (magazine) names President Bush Person of the Year

"Leviticus" from Weekend Update on SNL

The Onion, and The Daily Show Writers on C-Span 2, at Midnight CST

I think they fucked up the cat woman skit on SNL and pulled it early.

I want this T-shirt so bad!

I have a slight buzz ask me anything! hehe

Ok, I'm a liberal, (supposedly,) and anti-war.

A photo of the Dr. Frankenbike Laboratory!

I bought gas today and forgot to pay for it.

My local PBS is showing some old ass shows...

I love Jamie Bell,

What's going on?

"I'm gonna go an' git me some lady-folk!"


If you need your happy jones and/or your faith in humanity rejuvenatated..

Someone PM me

Ok, i dont' drink, i've never really drank alcohol to any degree.. freak??

Woah. I just watched the FIRST Doctor Who regeneration


Brokedown Palace - an amazing movie!

I'm thinking of starting a hip-hop group...

What is Napoleon Dynamite?

I live on an apartment on the 99th floor of my block!

Amy Grant fans! Check in!

Twenty below zero right now in International Falls, Minn.

i saw a real freeper yesterday!

*stamps foot, pouts* Somebody play with me. Please. Pretty please.

Anyone know how to disable a certificate to watch a WMV file?

I already woke up someone in the central time zone. Too much caffeine,

Why don't people have fun at partys anymore ?

my paintings

I saw "The Incredibles" yesterday.

Need gift advice for my wonderful Mom...

My cat is now certifiably insane.

Why am i awake?

I just saw my film in a theatre, ask me anything!

Interesting website: Bugmenot

NEVER go into GD: Politics, people.

Holiday light display.

Police Cruiser Slams Into Hyde Park Homes

It's Christmas, God bless a mall

Most heavenly Goddess

Does anyone know of any cool Christmas theme page?

Anyone ever had sex with a librarian?

Hey guys! Wanna read the best fucking lyrics ever written?

The Borg Who Stole Christmas

What is a memorable event that happened the year you were born?

Accept it losers, Scrooged is the GREATEST X-MAS MOVIE OF ALL TIME!

What's the Coldest Weather You Ever Swam In An Outdoor Unheated Pool?

Are you thinking what I'm thinking? (NFL)

Winter Solstice party TODAY!!!

Great cartoon - "what's wrong with this picture?"

Ironic: I've been changing dirty diapers daily since Jan 20, 2001

How big a house would you like ?

I came out tonight

Weird video game - Polybius

Would someone please get up and make me some coffee??

The Single Most Amazing Athletic Play Ever Is Now My Sig Line

The tri-colored CAPTION

Awwww-Santa wins over Max (the Grinch's dog)

I"m outta the 700 Club! Please congratulate me!

Come Visit Us At DIY, Home Improvement, & Crafts Group,

Alright my fellow punk-ass Vancouver Duers..I'm in town next weekend

Bush CRIME Magazine cover

Wishlist for DU feature

I just recorded a new song

"Mr. President" meet Huggy Bear. Huggy Bear...

Holiday gifts

New Birth Control Pills

Why are electronic gadgets considered

One evening as the sun went down

Is it normal for a person to lose athought within 15 seconds?

Extreme Rednecks

Hijacked from the freeps: We're winning and it's showing!

Daddy, where did I come from....

Help!!!! Unix Shared Memory Question.

The sea is reversed. S. S. Itari is mixed up and blind.

Fucking A&W closes up at 10:30 in Osoyoos BC

I don't know what to make of this..........

Going to NY next week


The end of Western Civilization. No, I really mean it this time.

Would some kind hearted DUer PLEASE put my pic in the gallery for me.

I got to call the cops last night!

Need to reach 1000 before someone else!

The Bumpus hounds only have ONE more shot at the turkey

Anyone up for some fractal art? (picture)

Lucy Liu, a beauty, inside and out.

Who wants eggnog? I'm making a fresh batch.

I just made Dean's List, ask me anything

38 degrees and rain/snow in Atlanta

Cats living in luxury..Ernest Hemingway home

I am so depressed. Please cheer me up.

SoCal Chargers winning in snow at Cleveland. Horrid conditions.

this might be a naive question, but when you neuter your dog

I just got back from my friend's wedding. Ask Me Anything!

Bengals bungling against the Bills

What book would you donate to the George W. Bush Presidential Library?


This is the time of year I wish I had a place with a guy on fire

All the fireplace threads reminded me of a funny story.....

I need to vent here!

The album you've been waiting for!

Saw The Aviator last spoiler, just my mini-review

I'm having chicken & potatoes anyone want to join me........


I'm sorry, moderators

Anyone have a receipt for turkey legs?

I'm heaving chicken & potatoes. Anyone want to join me?

Anyone have a recipe for turkey legs?

Anyone want to go hunting?

Ah....finally a bed worthy of my magnificence

Why is Ann Coulter doing Norelco ads?

I pray that next year will be a better year.

Free Progressive Magazines!

most. relaxed. cat. ever.

My wife made me Chili!!!!


Raoul or the Phantom?

Foods You Hate That You Can Easily Get But Wouldn't Under Any Circumstance

I am sure someone has covered Time's screw up:

am I the only one who has dreams involving this website?

Brett Favre Just Threw An Incomplete Pass

The Vikings are tied...

I am so tempted to adopt a dachshund.

Rollin' in the grass grows behind the barn, when my ears started ringin'

This is the time of year I wish I had a guy and a fireplace

Why, Oh, Why Do We Pay Taxes?

Spotted: 16 Pieces of Flair!!

I'm being bad, but I can't stop


how many people here have worked somewhere with a fellow

Help me ASAP with the name of a book.

Need more bird advice from the experts.......

Do you sometimes get annoyed at our propaganda?

I'm here to spread the word---Velveeta Fudge


calling the mclargehuge's

My friend was "helped out" but I feel he was ripped off

The Guinea Pig Way!

Hello? Fuck.

Althea orders you to worship her cuteness

Should males sit down to whizz?

What is the best pie?

It's snowing! It's snowing!

what can you tell me about Visigoths?

Eric Braeden would beat the crap out of Mick Jagger in a street fight.

Meet the family of the guy you love:

Women is this a trend ?

Thinking about making switch from Cable to Dish

Favorite song by THE STAPLE SINGERS?

Tyler Durden would beat the crap outta Mick Jagger in a street fight


Do any of you make homemade ice cream?

If your spouse/s.o. cheated on you would you ever really feel the same???

George Bush Speaks to Canada through Interpreter

The mama hummingbird from the spring reclaimed her nest on my patio

Jim Carrey Is The Greatest Actor Of This Generation

Disclosure laws?

Vancouver-made pot grow-op board game a hot holiday gift

Life raft sinking, which Brady family member gets thrown overboard first

Last night was movie night! Ask things, me of; any!

Nice pass Favre!

How to get no taxes taken out?

How many have you met that share your birthdate

Lets talk music, what are you listening to at this moment?

Any Holiday decorations in your home?


Rant here about Christmas!

Junior, "silhouetted against an early morning sky" on his pig farm

what can you tell me about Goths?

Anyone who needs a quick smile...

It is 12°F outside...

What supah-staaahs share your birthday?

Let me tell you about my wonderful family and the magic of Christmas.

Anyone been separated from their lover/s.o. for years, then reunited?

Chiefs killing Broncos, 35-10 in 3rd.

Are there still folks who believe the earth is flat?

The Sweetest Thing-- worst. movie. ever.

Do You Have A Christmas Tree?

Blues Brothers hating head Illinois Nazi is Time's "Man of the Year"?

Man killed by drunk driver while he was taking a field sobriety test

Pouvez vous lisez ceci, si oui, répondez svp

Degus (Chilean Squirrels), so darned cute!!

Good Lord, it's cold enough to freeze the ***** on a brass monkey!

Are there any Canadian Communities in the US?

Is this a common Freeper office tactic?

Anyone not else not ready for Christmas?

I got some extremely bad news today.


2 more days til the real thing stares back at me :)

Wanna see a picture of me playing bass on stage?:

Local forecast From WU

What is with the "Insane Clown Posse"?

Presenting: The Queen of the FREE REPUBLIC INAUGURAL BALL!

Who is the most over-exposed person of the year?

What's your cultural/ national decent.

Eric Burden would beat the crap outta Mic Jagger in a street fight

I hereby officially vouch that FizzFuzz is a schnook.

So wait...they actually call themselves freepers?

Nature thanks you!

7th_Sephiroth's tasteless gifts to the soldiers: RPG's

This action figure promotes the HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA!

What Political Stereotype are YOU?

86'd from Walmart!!!

Once again, AFP delivers a Donald Rumsferatu photo that's self-captioning

CAPTION this BIZARRE looking Cowboy pimp

What's the best book that hasn't been a film that would not be expensive

Music/musicians you cannot listen to & be in a bad mood at the same time?

Vote For The Most Worthless Individual Of 2004

DU group proposal: Dramatists Group

The "All your bases are belong to us" Thread lock award.

The Lord of the Rings: Racist, Right Wing, Propaganda

Sir Thomas More wrote this prayer that I thought was interesting

Foods You Love That You Can't Get Where You're Living Now

Long-Gone Fast-Food Chains You Miss

A few reasons why I'm glad that I don't live in Texas

Ever wash down pills with alcohol?

The Meatrix. Pass it on...

Any Covenanters out there?

how to communicate

So what's the deal with Mithras and Christmas?

John 14:6 -I am the Way the Truth and the Life-Modern Translation

Looking for a book on the history of the Bible...

Direct translations of the Bible

GOD is a SOCk?

UK: Bible is 'lies and spin,' says C(hannel) 4

tower of babel


Warning of repeat of historic climate catastrophe

The Top Cryptozoology Stories of 2004

Explosive predictions for Mount St Helens

Parents of gay children face many questions

Gay Man Says He Was Attacked, Branded By Men With Knife (Kansas City, MO)

ATL advance to 11-3 thanks to a 4th-goal 12 yd TD run by Vick to tie at 31

What a horrible call (Spurs vs Warriors)

Iverson scores 54(18 in 1st qtr, 14 off jumpers), eclipses 15,000 points



Jacksonville Jaguars, welcome to Green Bay. It's 11 degrees fahrenheit

Lions lose.

Which NFL Hard Hitter would you least like to get hit by?

Saints fans?


screw the A's

Karl Malone To Sign With New Jersey Nets This Week

Need more bird advice from the experts..............

Is there a site online where you can get a chart drawn up (for free)?


Vitalism: an agnostic theory of the living organism

The human relationship to animals.

DUers are ruining DU forums for me

Kerry-Edwards Advent Calendar

Hey umm those of you searching for the mysterious other guy


Kerry slams BoE for Bank of Credit disaster

John Kerry - BCCI

But then, it was too late.....

why can't i get the clark community network blog to work???

Writers for The Onion, and The Daily Show, on C-Span 2, at Midnight CST

Letter to Chimp I wish I had written (via


Paul Krugman on C-Span2 coming up right now

haha Freepers mad at the Governator

On CSPAN right now: The Future of the All-Volunteer Army

Class Warfare....

3 Iraqi Election Workers Killed in Ambush

Does anyone have a picture of Bush in front of mis-spelled background?

I was thinking about SDI AKA Star Wars ????????????????

The federal government as a business

Should Christmas be called Giftsmas?

Tauzin's job stirs ethics debate

Ford asks why Memphis is losing homeland security money

Christmas gives us a chance to turn the right wing relatives against

The White House KNEW about Kerik's mob ties?

Another war! Don't give him any ideas!

Chuck Hagel rips Rumsfeld a new one

Ford troubled by Rumsfeld remarks

Life Must Be So Easy As A Republican

Who would be Democrat of the Year?

OMG...Time Picked scrubbie as person of year!!!

What Would Happen To Time Mag If ......

If you were the editor of a large newspaper, what would you report ....?

Give people a break as they decide 'which' Democratic party to support

Fallujah - Public Order Rules

I need help with a ltte,

Biden is ripping "W" pretty well on MTP right now!

The lies, the alibias and now the al-Zarqawi lie...

Andrew Card is totally full of sh*t

Gonzales "slips" out memo before confirmation hearings...

AP unintentionally captures the essence of Bush's upcoming "coronation"

Political Spectrum Models & Maps

Is Andrew Card drinking Kool-Aid?/Video

Anybody know a good political chat room. Although I enjoy posting here

Time or Newsweek...Bush or Obama

So, you can become a citizen if you fight for the US

Why conservatives hate social security

Will the press ever regain its credibility ?

I'm still pissed about the Kerry campaign sitting on its hands

Freeper reaction to Junior's "Time P.O.Y" cover, with a true "WTF" photo

If Only Bob Dole Beat Bush, Sr. in '88

Boycott Time's Person of the Year issue

As of right now, the DLC is more my enemy than the Republicans


What effect is the DLC having on the Democratic Party?

Anti-Bush Billboard goes up! (How do we get more of these?)

Walter Cronkite Slams Religious Right in Interfaith Alliance Mailing

The Republicans are salivating over the thought of Roemer becoming DNC

Social Security fix tough sell for Bush

John Snow hints at removal of deductions in "Tax Simplification" plan

Hitler was Time's "Man of the Year" in 1938

Mark Warner -- is he term limited?

Time Magazine names George W Bush as 2004 Man Of The Year!

CSAN Caller : " * has IQ of 91, just 16 pts. more than retarded"

What do you think about the DLC? is it time to make a deal with the devil

The politics of false cause.

With his "political capital" is he scared of something...READ THIS

If you haven't read Stan Goff's piece in Truthout, do yourself a favor...

Least favorite Senators

Jan 20....Not One Red Cent Day

Behold the power of triangulation!

The School/Declaration of Independence Issue

Will Easter be the next holiday that the right wingers claim as their own?

Fighting for a people who can't even vote for him

* Statement on new Security Act- He's creating his own "security agency"

Which crazy C-Span caller do you remember the most?

Force Ministries....mixing conservative christianity and the military

The Bush P.O.Y. Time Mag. cover and his "bold, uncompromising leadership"

Boston Globe leaves out important part of Dean's stance about pro-choice.

all I can say is...Wow and ...we knew it was coming.

We need a "New Liberalism" that fights America's enemies decisively

Bush's body count in Iraq vs. Clintons.

What if George W. Bush had NEVER been born?

Where the hell is Bev Harris?

Paul Begala being considered for DNC Chair!