Democratic Underground

Archives: December 20, 2004

Playing in a Rigged Game

FSTV is airing Bush Family connection with the Sauids

Does no one care about Kerik? (Focus on Family silent)

Richard Branson's Plan To Prevent Iraq Invasion

This is gonna hurt

Come See Our Hideous Slab

Bob Herbert: A strange disconnect in Washington

Return Of The Great White Killer

Bush Officials In Buenos Aires Even Opposed To Phrase "Climate Change"

In Wake Of Grim Oceans Report, Bush Creates New Committee For More Study

How many bullets per Iraqii do we need?

Tactical Decisions to Catch OBL

How is this thread "Individual fundraising"??????????

I also want to know how that thread was fundraising???

Another thread soliciting

I understand (now) why the mods locked the thread but/and

I see you have answereed Dzika and Junkdrawer's questions

What defines "Excessive kicking" - are there guidelines?

OH Recount report on Sunday Monitor KPFTx right now

Recount the votes in states we won? Maybe we should.

Calling TinFoilBeret...Thought you were REALLY onto something

PLEASE - Go to - VOTE IRAQ top Story

Thank you,Moderator

Why I think Bev Harris And BBV Rock!!!!

Election activist David Lytel meeting with "prominent" U.S. Senator 12/21 Wants your story of the year read on...

(WA state) Protesters gather at Rossi offices on both sides of recount oops with corrected linkcorrected link...

what was the link to that website that is keep a record of all

We saw it coming Dec. 2003: It's the Stolen Elections, Stupid!

Well, again we know it will happen in the next election. Will we stop it?

Maybe we should all just give up.....

Likely Bev Harris may be arrested for fraud?

Mercer County: Triad Mechanic Permitted to Disassemble Tabulator

I have been asked by my Dem club President to send an email blast

MUST READ: An Interview with Lyndon Larouche

Report from Recount Observer, Lucas County, Ohio

This is who "The Time Person Of Year" SHOULD be!

anyone have current, workable e-mails

Isn't there a big meeting tomorrow in Ohio? And is Cspan covering it?

How Much Longer Will We Have To Deal With *

Only Chumps and Vote Gamblers Keep On Playing in a Rigged Game

Something to cheer you guys up!

READ: "Certifiable Election Results" by R. H. Phillips, analysis of Ohio

a life time democrat voted for bush

Pattern of vote machine fraud documented in Ohio, New Mexico,Florida

No Stolen Elections and United Progressives for Democracy join 1/6 Actions

New Mexico Statistics and Analysis. Is anyone working on this?

Arnold's family values (contains some nudity)

XP tcp/ip problem on 2 machines in 2 days- coincidence or....?

Another Texas bashing thread

Can I vomit now? Tom DeLay's friends at work!

Robert Earl Keen sells out.

86'd from Walmart!!!

People blame unions for outsourcing but love NAFTA annoy me

In all seriousness--what is the difference between FUNDIE/Freepers/BUSHCO

Tomgram: In the Zone with G.I. Joe

Father United with Baby Cut from Slain Mother

I just heard Mosh for the first time...

A Freeper Explains: Barack Obama Is Black & Going NOWHERE

They "ate us up." They did it...and we allowed them to do it! Here's

Report: Texas Schools May Have Cheated

'Rape drug' used to rob thousands This is why we MUST BAND TOGETHER!!

Time magazine Man of the Year Award goes to....

Do you believe the Xmas story?

Motherland: A Genetic Journey...on FSTV

So in the 1st gulf war , how many journalist were killed ?

U.S. government moves to muzzle dissident voices

Bush: Time's "Person Of The Year" (Allow Me To Projectile Vomit!)

To learn about the effects of fundamentalist on its adherents,

Am I not allowed to say "freeper" anymore?

Sex education program in New Brunswick

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Iraq-style.

I fired a pissy email to Time magazine...

immaculate conception?

Toure's Comment

...They're gonna ban the Bible!!..........

Rummy to sign condolence letters!

What is your Holiday Shopping strategy?

Which of these would make the best DNC chair?

? for those who watch the talking heads

New education program in N.B. raises questions about modern sex-ed

Help - would someone please send this story to Keith Olberman for me.

We are not at WAR..when was the last time it was declared?

I encourage all of us

Watching "Dr. Zhivago" - Scary that we seem to be living it.

Abstinence success story-14yr old kills newborn twins

Repeat of Final Bill Moyers NOW is on PBS right now!

OK - Here in Pittsburgh, we just

Backstage Controversy after NBC depiction of Limbaugh

PHOTO: * performs soft-shoe number on DC street after church

Looking for an SNL video...

If Robert Byrd retires, who would run for his Senate seat?

Have you found Jesus yet ? (A quote from Forrest Gump)

Have you seen these documents of GW BUSH - not that it matters....

Is Drudge on Drugs with a link to Rush

Is NPR leaning Republican?

Venezuelan Govt. accused of being complicit in sex slave trade

My freeper cousin sent me a Xmas card

I hate the bastard but love watching the House of Commons

How exactly is Dean a far left liberal?

Cover of Time Mag: Bush. Person of the year.

Did anyone see the Rush Limbaugh thing on SNL last night?


Flying the Flag...

Sorry, O'Reilly, Merry Christmas is NOT appropriate

Heritage Foundation targeted Social Security and Medicare years ago.

Note concerning Gary Webb: there are cases of people shooting...

One reason I am suspicious of the Clintons is their connection to

Why is it okay to make Xmas a political issue?

I was wondering about the power of the Bush Family.

Should there be a "Religious Left" movement?


Republican Con of the Week: Bush Pretends Paul Bremer Deserves a Medal

Ladies And Gentlemen... Once More, For Our 'Man' Of The Year !!!

MSNBC may hire TUCKER CARLSON for Deborah Norville's spot

I just found a terrific channel on Dish Network

Peter Werbe - way left and not giving an inch

A Loss to Blacks -- and NPR

The Fox Is in Microsoft's Henhouse (and Salivating)

Did you graduate from college? Use your degree?

I wondered if I should suggest this, but here goes, or a possibly

It's a Wonderful Bosh Christmas Carol, Charlie Brown!

12/27 in Houston?

ummmmmmmm Applets & Cotlets.... my hubby's favorite holiday candy

Joke Text Message Triggers Terror Alert

Ex-partner: CyberNET books long were cooked

Japan threatens huge dollar sell-off

Syrian Official Is Turned Away at Dulles International Airport

Taxpayer dollars may have paid Kerik's wedding security

Administration Looks to Curb Growth of Medicaid Spending

Mother to mother plea to Cherie over Scottish Soldier Killed in Iraq

Legal Advice On ID Cards Kept Secret/Guardian--UK

2002 Meeting, Gonzales & Top Admin Lawyers Discuss Interrogating Suspects

Soldier Says He Asked Rumsfeld 'Armor' Question Without Aid of Embed

WP: More Aggressive Congress Could Hinder Bush's Plans

GMB leader 'was elected on rigged ballot'

Saddam Tells Iraqis to Unite Against U.S.

Poll: Half of Americans Worry About Debts

To Pay Debt, Nader Selling His Parents' Cookbook

60 Killed, 120 Wounded in Iraq Car Blasts

After Student's Death, Campus Tries to Dry Up

China grows in superpower status

Our first snow here in Northern Virginia

I spent the day watching Quantum Leap DVDs

1 minute to go in the 4th. Can St Louis make a comeback? n/t

What can you tell me about Goeths?

Robbery Note Has Thief's Address on Back

Thai Gov't: Giving Smokes to Monks Is Sin

I just found out I got an F rating from the NRA!

Donovan Darrius Is An Asshole

Ring-A-Ling! Hear Them Ring...

Sled Zeppelin

Green Bay PackNers LOSE!

"We're Beatrice."

What's the most sexist anagram of an American city?

Ricky Williams coming up on 60 Minutes NOW

Hey! M3 Power from Gillette is the new razor out!

CIA Baffled by Latest al Qaeda Tape

How can the Simpsons be cool and stupid at the same time? (no spoilers)

OK, Dumb Question

24 DAYS BABY!!! 24 days

Who watches The Wire?

Non-Christmas Christmas songs....

So I'm going to a dinner party tonight

Every child would love this for Christmas.

I just invented a new word - republicism

Evil rat bastard vulture recruiters (a short rant)

The annual Mennonite Charity Auction was today...

Today makes four years since my sister was killed...

The evolution of the bushie/freep species is good, actually

Start wishing people Saturnalia Felix

Has the Lounge become more volatile than GD:2004?

What Do You Get When You Cross A Reindeer With A Pickle?

A picture I pulled off DU last xmas...still funny as hell!

What can you tell me about Poth?

It was sunny yesterday

Great Chistmas gift, or a lawsuit just waiting to happen?

I've been getting tons of long-overdue work done to my car.

It can be snowing all year 'round!!

Does Christian death metal strike anyone else as pointless?


I've not eaten today

Another reason to get our troops out of Iraq NOW!

SInce when is the Pretender on Crossing Jordan?


The couple upstairs are having a fight

Grand Theft Parsons...

Cutest thing I have ever seen

Can hot peppers/flavoring be dangerous?


These idiots who support * and repukes. What are they thinking?

What can you tell me about Hosts?

Funniest/most ironic anagram of an American city's name?

What is the deal with the ending of Return of the Jedi on DVD?

Tis the season for Lutfisk! Anyone getting a batch ready?

I have just gone over 300 posts! Ask me anything! n/t

My emailed suggestion to Skinner: Replace the Amazon link w/ B&N

Slowly I turn... step by step... inch by inch..

Get your random Mr. Teapot quotes here!

What can you tell me about Hoth?

I want to send a package to Pa-ho-nicks like that guy in the FedEx ad.

Finally saw "The Big Lebowski"

3 winter hummingbirds banded in our yard today--a rare allen's

Is DU getting tired tonight?

It's snowing like crazy on LI.

dammit, Dammit, DAMMIT!!!

real estate questions

It's time for SNL to hang it up. That show SUCKS anymore

Thank you John.

Would you be willing to feel my...

"thatsa spicey meatball" Does anyone remember what commercial

What can you tell me about Sloths?

EEEEWWWW! The dog just farted.

The Lord of the Rings: Sexist, Male-Centric Propaganda

Has anyone seen FAUX "news" tonight? I have been channel surfing

So who watched the Jaguars play the Packers?

People that like snow NEED HELP!

Finally, I can actually post.....


Was just reminded of something funny, that still works today.

What can you tell me about Ghosts?

It's snowing here!

Ready for a little conspiracy theory?

Bath or shower?

Someone, anyone, please explain WHY?

Favorite thing to do on a date?

And the beat is going on like my name was David Ruffin. Quickly....

Dr. Frankenbike scores huge at the thrift store...

Anyone feeling brave tonight?

The darkest day of the year....

Computer question

I WANT snow!

HBO's The Wire

Poetry thread

Anyone around for the pizza party last night?

What can you tell me about Goats?

Does anyone have a game system? Particularly a Game Cube.

Scavery or Cromulence?

On SNL last nite, Santa called the red states.............

I wasn't raised in religion and I have a few questions about Xmas

Which DU Lounge Gang do you belong to?

We're Having a Non-Traditional Christmas Dinner

He hates you for calling him The Donald. Dec My Cat Hates You

Was Ricky Williams stoned in his 60 mins interview?

I'm eating a bowl of chili - ask me anything

"A Christmas Story" was a RESOUNDING SUCCESS

Are the people in the eHarmony commercials slightly disturbing...

Zipper monster (help with bush pic)

What's up with the "Have a Blessed Christmas" stuff?

Is saying "Happy Festivus" appropriate?

Sometimes I just miss NYC

Merry Christmas, DU!


The newest articles at MOVELEFT.COM

computer geniuses...

My Crazy Drunken Night...

It's almost Festivus; I'm polishing the pole

Here are my Top Ten Christmas records. Please vote for your favorite.

Anyone watch 60 Minutes tonight? Hasn't been on here yet.

Okay. Here it is. I officially HATE Christmas. Seriously.

Who would you pick as "person of the year"?

You have to hear this.

What do you REALLY want for Christmas?

What level of hell do you belong in?

It's almost Festivus; I'm airing my Grievances!

Ricky Williams on CBS 60 Minutes tonight

Damn, the Colts are a good team.

Who do you think will win this year's World Junior Hockey Championship?


My father's funeral...flame away

Question for Oldies

John Kerry - Boston College Law School

If you haven't read Who let teh dogs in? by Molly Ivins I suggest you do

Kerik's stealing apt donated for 9/11 relief workers to rest as his love

Harper's Index

Meet The Press: Dec.19 Video

Bad news for the Boy King: "Saddam sends message to Iraqis from prison"

Worst president ever

"The War President" isn't my Man of the Year

Repeat of todays Meet the Press on MSNBC right now. Just a heads-up.

C-Span is trying to make Christmas a "Right Wing" Christian Holiday

Project for the New American Century - Make sure you know about this


Activism Alert - CBS News re: Soc Sec

Senators Lugar, Warner, Biden & Levin on Meet the Press = SecDef Audition

Norm Mineta

Do repubs honestly think we are only mad because we're not in power?

Before it of Dorgan/Reid on 12/13...oversight

Andrew Card on Stephanopolis

you cannot be in two places at once.

Erol Morris documentary: Fog of War

How I Stole Your Election, by GWB (hysterically funny)

MSNBC vote: Do you think Bush s/b Time's Man of the Year? ro for link:

Major donors for Inauguration '05

Tom DeLay's friends at work

DNC Dilemma....Who should be the Chairman ?

My stupid question re: Social Security

Who are the "rapturistas", and did they support NAFTA?

Harry Reid is so much better than Daschle

What can we do to influence the selection of the DNC chair?

If the '08 nomination came down to Kerry or Edwards

The end result of Bush's compassionate conservatism.

If this is true, I'm leaving the democratic party

About Feingold for President (inc. thoughts on DLC)...

Texas man executed on disproved forensics

The folly of 'stop loss' (Confederates Used, Lincoln didn't)

Party at the Crossroads - Can Democrats be a party of values too? Should t

Tom Elias: California has a lot to lose in the next Bush term

TVNL Person of the Year - Bev Harris

Christian Ideals and Republican Policies (BBC article)

WP - Saudi Subcontractors (US Citizen Tortured & Detained w/o Charge)

In Defense of Chevy Chase’s Right to Call Bush a Dumb F*ck

NYT editorial: "Count Every Vote"

Where Are The Fiscally Conservative Republicans ?

NOW with Bill Moyers -- Transcript of his final show now available.

Kerik gave us a 'Rudy' awakening

Charles Krauthammer is an Idiot

America Doesn't NEED the Saudi's (persian gulf) Oil

America as it ain't

What happened in Kurdish Halabja?

Part 1 of Osama's Latest Audio Tape - Human Translation

jan 3 for sickout day?

Can we organize some sort of at-home activism for 1/6 ?

Tom Hartman kicks butt....

We must print a Palm Size Chain Newspaper!! Hurry!!!

Massive Amounts Of Raw Sewage Dumped In Thames For Four Straight Years

WH - FDA Doing "Spectacular" Job On Drug Safety, Screening

Oil Price Surge threatens Economic Stability and National Security

Road To Hydrogen Cars May Not Be So Clean - SF Chronicle

US Dept of Energy office supports Peak Oil theory


So why was my thread locked?

Thank you for extending "my posts" to 48 hours!

Could we get the 'freepers' posts rejected?

Why was my thread pulled

please explain why this thread is allowed to stand in GD: Politics

A respectful clarification

Lotta no-show weeks in the top 10 conservative idiots...

Computer posts in the Lounge

Is there a single topic that DUer's can't turn into a flame fest?

inequity in GD Politics

Where, oh where, has my DU sticker gone?

WHY is this thread in 2004 Election forum?

Having trouble nominating threads for homepage --

If a poster starts 5 threads on abortion in GD in a period of 4 hours

I'd like to second the thanks for extending the 'Your Posts' time

Could we add a "Medical" forum separate from the Scientific one?

117 U.S. relatives of Israel terror victims sue Arab Bank

The two faces of France

Video: Plane or missile hit the Pentagon?

January 30 elections? will be bloodbath - Iraq carbomb city!


It is Cuyahoga County, stupid!

WTF?? GAO Will Not Examine Nov. 2 Irregularities

Rally turnout: they voted Dem, why arent millions at rallys?

Can we organize some sort of at-home activism for 1/6 ?

Blackwell crimes in 2004 pres. race already an issue for 2006 gov. race...

Kerry knows this was his 1 shot.... so maybe he is holding the money..

Here's a majority for you * !!

The greatest story never told......

Must Read--Raw Story articles on fraud in 2004 election (compilation)

Like fraud isnt about Kerry, going to DC isnt about changing the result!

Bush: 'Some Kind of Night'...

With Safe Seats In Congress, Ohio GOP Members Spread Cash

Where's Jimmy Carter?

If you believe the election was stolen, you have far more faith

Why weren't the undervotes(hanging chad votes) counted in Ohio??

The value of statistics

former ES&S owner Hagel being groomed for '08 presidential run

Work toward "FIRE rUMSFELD" to weaken b*#*'s support

Arnebeck's refiled lawsuits - are copies available online?

Today's Clinton Curtis interview is online now! Please kick awhile

Athens, OH, Story on Triad Affidavit Woman....not nearly as critical

I need an Email account

Pravda Has a Field Day Over Election -- HAAHAA! (Nelson laugh)

Green Party Official Pleased With Local Recount

Cuyahoga precinct case studies

Electors Teaming With Senators To Challenge Electoral College?!

It's time to reframe: Blackwell's recount=refraud

International Election Observers?

* holding another lame press conference! Looks like he's trying

Shameful media article at workingforchange Mon 20th - e-fraud in it

Notice all the administrations"press conferences" today end with

Election Fraud is a Non-partisan issue; check out

Can SCJ Moyers be subject to obstruction of Justice charges because he

Employer of programmer who alleged vote rigging prototype-apparent lie

Where is that post? Recount workers life threatened?

When the election fraud makes it into a "tech" cartoon

OH vote counts over time - graphs

Two New Sites On Election 2004! &

Help with writing to Saltman

Media mum on new Gallup poll showing values fourth priority, not first

Employer of programmer who alleged vote-rigging

Are we allowed to ask about tombstoned members?

... about Arnebeck's letter.... Bush and Rove named in lawsuit???

They're gonna talk about Washington Recount on Inside Politics soon...

Here we go again...

Gregoire on AAR right now

The election voted top story of 2004 -

Open Letter to All Election Fraud Hunters:

37 Reasons to Ignore Election Fraud

Okay, If Social Conservatives Didn't come out in greater numbers....

The Ohio Recount: The Stealth Recount

I just sent this email to Harper's regarding their recent editorial.

Framing: how to explain tabulation fraud or why all those Ds & Rs

My Pekingese predicts Election Fraud trouble for Bush!

Do you think 2000 debacle gives us a better shot in court this time?

Wow, whose watching CNN

Seeking Keeryfication - What's his deal?

A copy of a letter to the Democratic Senators.

12/20 NYTIimes Editorial: "Count Every Vote" "recount empty gesture"

A letter from my Representative, Jay Inslee

KERRY & CLOWN - VoteFraud CAPTION COMPETITION - light relief : )

Prosecutor: No evidence of election tampering from computer repair

Democratic Party ties to Voting Machine Makers....

Is the MSM "waiting" for something big and solid for them to join in?

* Press Conference

ARNEBECK INTERVIEW, Saturday, Dec. 18, with audio link

"Wash. Supreme Court to decide fate of King County disputed ballots"

Monday 12/20

A Mainstream Media Voice & an ES&S Whistleblower

Note from Katrina in Greene County, Ohio - 12PM ET Sunday 12/19

Warm Welcome from Lorain:" Election conspiracy crowd wasting their time.."

Received email asking for help from Arnebeck--here are his directions

If Bush was told he was going to lose...

MUST READ: State-by-State Analysis That Non-Statisticians Can Understand

Officials Make Triad Representative Repeat His Actions

Interesting --Newsweek -- Article Re: RNC night of election

do we ever sleep?

What if Triad inserted stage 2 program

Conyers being interviewed on the Ed Shultz Show right now! n/t

WOAH! I think more MSM is interested in election fraud now!

On the Line of Presidential succession....

Conyers says more than one Senator will join to contest election on Jan. 6

Wired: "Ohio Recount Stirs Trouble" 12/20

If you could reform elections

Kerry may be being smart

Teaching FREEPERS English


If the Democrats challenge the electoral vote on Jan. 6

Was the election stolen?

Blackwell and Poll Books...WTF?

SF Du'ers....How Difficult is it to Find a job in SF?

Help converting a word doc to an Excel file.

Help! Mortgage spammer is using my e-mail addresses

In case you hadn't heard, Boycott Dell

If you came to Austin for the DFA/21st Century Democrats training

Any "coronation" protests in Texas?

A Tyranny of Convenience

Bush's "Medals of Failure"

BFEE Allowed 9-11.

The "fog" of Bush's Summit

"The Enemies Among Us"

*'s SS Solution: We Won't Be There For SS!

E-Mail from "friends"

please help send dr peggy whitson to her iss home.

My Weekly Liberal Talk Show Top 20 RATINGS

Lifetime Movie Channel

"Debunking Centrism"

please help send dr peggy whitson to her iss home.

The Difference, then and now

Voting Machines in Iraq election! Hmmm, wonder if Iraqis will trust them?

Debunking Centrism

The incredible degree to which people in "certain" ethnic districts

Serious Confession of very misanthropic thoughts.

Picture of the Day!

Are the wealth and comfortable lives many of us lead a hindrance

Christmas and Easter are Pagan holidays. Get over it.

Could We Have an Economic Downturn due to Religion?

Could We Have an Economic Downturn due to atheism?

what do ya think of this one?

Bible is 'lies and spin,' says C4

WOOT! This is my 300th post and I haven't been called a FREEPER yet

Center for Disease Control Warning:

Just think what the unemployment and job market would be if ALL

* : "I'll bring peace to Middle East"

I can understand the Time Person of the Year thing. What I don't get is...

I have a serious question for us Christians

More Aggressive Congress Could Hinder Bush's Plans - WaPo

Is "fetus worship" a new religion in America? When the life of a mother

Why is no network willing to take a chance on liberals?

Are you a Freeper?

Please tell Time magazine Bush is NOT man of the

please delete.

Disgusted w/ Repubs- they can't even keep politics out of Christmas cards

How Fox News Saved Christmas (This Modern World)

Let's play a game. Who said this...

Ahhh!!! EEEEK!!! My poor ears!!!!

Pagan whodunnit grips village

Bush joins Stalin (1939&42), Hitler (1938), Khomeini (1979) as

"When the heat got on they left the battlefield — that is unacceptable."

Here's a good "repug now hates bush" story

Bush just said Happy Holidays! Twice!

"Mr. President, isn't it irrelevant what you think of Sec'y Rumsfeld

If Rummy goes how will he go?

"If you Liberals keep making fun of us, you'll never win"

Vote No:

Internet Service Providers and big brother

"Thank you, Mr. President"

70% of the military voted for the Dumb Fuck.

Protest/Demonstration in DC

I Saw An Ad For a Porn Site On This Fox News Page

How can anyone possibly think that elections in Iraq can help?

Have students GPAs gone down this semester because of the stolen election?

Kenny Boy Gets Tax Break

Boycotting Christmas

Bookmark this site - how healthy is your neighborhood???

NPR Feeding the Mouth that Bites: Weekend Edition Advertises Newt's Corp.

'The Thumb Generation'

Interesting slip in this article

Eric Margolis: West has bloodied hands

Person of the Year has no clothes

Music matters

Richard Perle, spokesman for the troops

Wonderful rant on "What makes a conservative" vs. what makes a liberal

The Fortress of Solitude (Japans base in Iraq)

Answer my question on Social Security

bush* about rummy: "He's doing a fine job" Where's the Outrage?

Wolfowitz' pet blog, IraqtheModel, shows sign of rift after Kurtz story

there is a time pol...

Notice all the administrations"press conferences" today end with

Neocon Christmas List

Question for any folks with good knowledge of India...

Ga. Town Proud of WWII Christmas Legacy

Is there a law that we have to respect the president...?

I'm sorry, but this Moscow Times article is funny (sad, but funny)

Conservative Christian is scared of the Religious Right

What would it take to...

"They" attacked us....

Ron Paul - It Can't Happen Here House Repug on Police State

Drudge just lied about SNL, Rush, and Robert Downey Junior.

Let's put the TIME person of the year into perspective

Born Again Christians

This Is Your Nation on Steroids

Ohhhh. The stupidity!

Bernie Ward to debate Ann Coulter this hour on Blitzer

""The most heroic word in all languages is revolution." --- Eugene Debs.

Helpless? All you can do is sit back and watch the train wreck.?

"Dems in the House/Senate are trying to undermine the President's Agenda"

Anyone else watching the bush news conference?

The irony with these pharmaceutical problems

Please, tell me I am crazy and I am hearing things . . .

Video of today's press conference is up.

How sweet is the fourteenth amendemnt?

Anyone hear news about Schwarzeneggers plan for a new "militia" in CA?

American Psychiatric Association Supports the War in Iraq

Who said this quote of the day?

Maybe this is trite but you know what

"The Mayor of America"

Vaccines did you believe in them?

Two sites that are working to save Social Security and Medicare.

I have a new name for phony radical fundamentalist "Christians"

The GOP has taken the Peace and Love out of Christmas

AAR and the Franken Show

today's LsTTE: Let's see if they get published

Rasmussen 2008: Generic GOP 46% Hillary 39%

"What have you (Shrub) LEARNED about (insert here)?" (Press Conference)

I've Had It.

Christmas "under siege"? Christmas is a PAGAN tradition

If not Bush for Person of the Year, then who???

U.S. takes border war on the road

Look If I can love my wife as deeply as I do

Testing Reality

Texas schools cheat

Staying The Bloody, Illegal Course

If you had the power to select "The Person of the Year" who...

All the possible reasons as to why Bush 'won'

I think it's time for us to start embracing home schooling

If you value your freedom, reject this sinister ID card

This is five years old but I find it utterly beyond belief...

Rummy's Greatest Hits

does anyone have Bill clinton's e mail address?

Mountain out of Mole Hill - Pregnant Homicide Victims


Report: U.S. Rentals Unaffordable to Poor

Another Year At War

how did y'all find godlikeproductions and then German Guy..Carolab???

Lend a hand?

Want to know what ended slavery in the USA? Two words:...

Novak's son is marketing director of Regnery Press..."Unfit for Command."

Thom Hartmann subbing for Randi today and Wednesday

My conversation with a "moral values" voter

Condi Rice vs. Cynthia McKinney

Natural Medicine vs Celebrex

Sign this petition...Military Airfare Reduction

BushCo Wanted to Kill Off Kyoto Process but Failed

Correct me if I'm wrong.....

Was the civil war about slavery or economics? riddles?

Voting Machines in Iraq election! Hmmm, wonder if Iraqis will trust them?

Need help,prove this picture is real

If Presidential elections are fixed as appears to be the case, what is to

"Christians have been..discriminated against in showing their faith"

Are religious radio stations Tax Exempt? Can they get fined?

more horrific info about torture at Abu G

Rummy's present unpopularity is a distraction away from Bush's illegal war

Bush* blames media for not showing the good things in Iraq

My Belief in Democracy has Been Shaken by the Sheer Number of Idiots

Rush Limbaugh "got a big hug from the president" at the White House

Bush's Approval Drops To 49% ... Let The Honeymoon Begin!

From JUDY GARLAND to MISTER HANKY | "Christmas Specials" Documentary

Toot your Horn a Bit ... What do *you* do for others?

My theory on why we lose the Libertarian vote.

Can Rush fit into a canvass covered Humvee?

Bush joins attack on Christmas: Says Happy Holidays 3x, no Merry Christmas

"A homeless crisis, and it's a scandal"

How long ago was the song "Happy Holidays" written?

Those Funny Freepers! "Rumsfeld Failed to Lick Stamps on GI Death Letters"

What's Isikoff up to here?


Caption this:

Most ridiculous thing about the SNL Limbaugh parody.

I'm Seeing More "W" and "Bush/Cheney" Stickers than Ever

A Zephyr Holiday Thought: Why Do Republicans Hate Liberals So, So Much?

NOW we can forget Poland: Polish special forces back home

Quote "Bush is an idiot and shoud be gone, but I didn't trust Kerry."

The Many Moods of Dubya...

Did Rush say anything today about SNL making fun of him?

Gary Web R.I.P.

The CIA & The Nazis on The History Channel Now.

PHOTO: Lordy, Lordy, more media halomongering re: GWB

Formula for a failed nation: (NDS + NWS) x 10+ = misery index

Was Santa one of the Wisemen that brought gifts to the baby Jesus?

this type of disparity builds resentment

Weird question. What have the Republicans done RIGHT?

Political Humor site - Good for the Soul to Laugh!

So, like, how many

O'REILLY Was "Semi-morose" and "Dragging" Wifey at WH Press Party

Is nihilism compatible with progressivism?

Former Asheville recruiter reveals judicial string-pulling

Right-wing Weekly Standard singles out my town for attack

"Taking the "Christ" out of Christmas is a big RW phony issue.

BOB HERBERT: War on the Cheap

20 years ago, if someone had made a movie about this,

Walt Handelsman's Social Security toon

DFACorps: 200,000 Minutes of Talk Time

I determined yesterday that I will keep my John Kerry bumpersticker on my

medical cannabis and industrial hemp re-legalization . . .

You know, we should have seen this coming - GOP is the party of

ACLU says Bush issued order for Torture.

CNN coming up: "Merry Xmas vs. Happy Holidays" is a partisan trait

Was Clinton ever photographed with a halo?

In 10 yrs, what will we call the Iraq, Iran, Syrian bock?

'Patriotic' Country song uses FAKE military fans in promotion. SEE LYRICS


Ordering a pizza in 2008:

Just think. If Hillary had gotten her healthcare bill, it would be blamed

A picture is worth a thousand words...

I'm glad to see that we've finally begun using the word "fascist."


George Bush is always going on about how he "understands" things.

How legit is

"Tyranny of the Minority"

A typical example of republican hypocracy,

ACLU says the Chimp signed the torture order

R. Stephen Hanchett's Book, Is George W. Bush the Anti-christ is very good

Instead of attacking Iraq do you think we should of attacked china instead

FBI tried to get Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to commit suicide ...

SNL/TV Funhouse w/Santa and "Dumbf*ckistan

Katie Couric in lead to replace Dan Rather

Should prostitution be legalized?

Anybody else have a gnawing feeling that something very bad is about

Any ideas on what to do with persimmons?

I just found a great recipe site.. especially helpful for "new" cooks

Well, Muriel, the ID card thing made top billing this morning ...

Portillo on Blair & International Law.....

A Tourist Question

Experts to discuss Iraq election

I have nothing to hide, says IAEA chief

NAACP Seeks to Reopen Fla. Bombing Probe

Look Who Hit Pay Dirt in the Nextel Deal (Carlyle Group founder)

'U.S. Soldier Killed Iraqi Teenager after Sex

Campaign of deception used to push patriotic song up charts

Sudan 'suspends Darfur offensive' | BBC

Three foreigners die in ambush (more mercs?)

In Iraq: One Religion, Two Realities

NYT,pg1: The New Military Life: Heading Back to the War (redeployment)

Taliban kill four Afghan police in drive-by shooting

BBC (Monday): Scores arrested after Iraq bombs

Iran: Judiciary Uses Coercion to Cover Up Torture

More lawyers could quit over terror laws

NYT:Rice Comp Scientists Find (security) Flaw in New Google Desktop Search

LAT: Shift to Foreign Stocks Sapping the Dollar

Time is right for Bush to join an elite band

Frustration grows as Falluja refugees wait to go home

US puts $1m dollar price on Panama strongman's head

Burundi Probe: U.N. Workers Abused Girls

Army Unveils New, Ultra-Real Simulation

Iran arrests eight Israeli spies: Report

Report: U.S. Rentals Unaffordable to Poor

*'s Press Conference right now. 10.37 AM ET

CNN - Snow: Bush will trim U.S. spending

Saint-making Pope is ready to ditch the miracle clause

Bush criticizes Iraqi troops for leaving battlefield, defends embattled Ru

Gay Marriage Heads To California Court

Power shortage in Baghdad and suburbs for nearly a month

Retailers Nervous As Traffic Is Poor (the last weekend lays an egg!)

NYT/AP: Investigators Consider Race as Possible Motive in Maryland Arson

IRAQ: Power shortage in Baghdad and suburbs

Bush: Iraqi Troops Not Ready to Take Over

Bodies of 3 Pakistanis killed in prison shootout repatriated

'Bush Monkeys' painting transforms young artist

Iran: Israel, U.S. Rigging Iraq Election

Slain Soldiers' Kin Rip Robo-Rummy Letters [Rumsfeld]

NYT:Schumer Shows Senate Dems His Way to Re-election(will lead '06 effort)

U.S. Settles 'Gold Train' Holocaust Claims

France shocked by double murder and beheading at psychiatric hospital

Iraq becomes war zone as election looms

Deputy Homeland Security Chief to Retire (James Loy)

In California, gay marriage goes back to the starting gate

Time mag names Maher Arar top newsmaker of 2004 (Canada issue)

Young Republican turns rebel with party cause

LAT: Medicare's Troubles May Be Sleeping Giant (worse than Soc. Sec.)

Christians in Iraq skipping Christmas

Conservatives Rail Against Book Claim Lincoln Was Gay

Heterosexuals Caught in Gay Marriage Issue (By SSA Marriage License)

Wall Street bull statue up for sale

Putin Says He's Ready to Talk

Bush defends embattled Rumsfeld as ''a caring fellow''

Bush 'Realistic' on Palestinian Democracy

Dallas business owners sentenced in Medicare fraud case

California sues brokerage firm for fraud on same day SEC announces settlem

Targeting Santa

Newfoundland Court Hears Gay Marriage Challenge

Hey, Can I Get a Closer Look at That Permit?

Conservatives to challenge Bush

U.S. Noncommittal on Pakistani Leader's Decision to Remain As Army Chief

Mellow Jimmy Carter Finds Joy in Sharing

Jordanian charged for criticising US

Italy's Smoking Ban Plan Meets Resistance

Group Says Russia Now at 'Not Free' Status

Min Wage Liveable in Only 4 US Counties

World scarcity of oil and gas creates chance to accelerate

Bush Comes to Defense of His Defense Secretary

Last Hungarian Soldiers Leave Iraq

Honda to begin making CR-V vehicles in Ohio; no jobs to be created

Moroccan judge frees ex-Guantanamo prisoners

Retailers nervous as Christmas traffic is poor

Report: China to Start Holding Jury Trials

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Monday 20 December

Administration Looks to Curb Growth of Medicaid Spending

U.S. Panel Reverses Pentagon on 'Enemy Combatant'

U.S. Loses Bid to Stop Turnover of CIA Records

Review: Guantanamo Detainee Wrongly Held

Pakistanis protest against Musharraf

Polish special forces end Iraq mission

LAT: White House Stands By Beleaguered Rumsfeld

Group says Russia now at 'not free' status

Arab Gulf States Clash on Trade With U.S.

Apathy Marks 1st Saudi Voter Registration

AP article: Voting Machine Vendors Campaign: NY

Iraq elections are in trouble, Bush admits

California lawmakers contemplate "naval militia"

Elections have gays in Bible Belt seeing red

Deputy Homeland Security Chief to Retire

Oil pipeline on fire

Washington Post-ABC News Poll: Bush and Iraq

Iran supreme leader says Israel, US behind attacks in Iraqi cities

Bush Threatens Syria with New Pressure Over Iraq

FDA Issues warning on Naproxin (Aleve)

Reward Offered for Civil Rights Slay Info

Bush to hold 17th news conference (10:30 EST today)

NYT,pg1: A Dinner in Ukraine Made for Agatha Christie (Yushchenko)

Retail Sales Poor

Polls: Despite Doubts, Public Supports Staying in Iraq Until It's Stable

ACLU: President authorized interrogation

Cash-strapped Germany to shut door on Russian Jews

Bush won't "negotiate with himself"

Iran: One Day Left To Save Woman From Being Stoned To Death

US Rents Unaffordable.

How About Not 'Curing' Us, Some Autistics Are Pleading

Are we men (and women) or are we mice???

aqua teen is on...

Uhmm...freeper among us?

We won our first hockey game tonight!

I's tired & sleepy. Can I put my head n your lap while u sing me a lulaby?

Ever been to the Raven's Grin Inn Haunted House?

Who did the funkiest version of " Night Train " ?

New flash animation for everyone.

This is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

Check out the graphic on the homepage

A VERY COOL new fractal! (picture)

Wow, just got back from my dinner party


Found a Image-Dumper where you don't need to register to

I admit it, I hate doing all this code work at 1 but I am glad to do it

Are the Oompa Loompa's enslaved against their will?

What do I have to do to get a DRINK around here?

Just in time for Christmas...your very own leg lamp!

Let the record show: Snowing in Wilmington, N.C., on Dec. 20th!

Got my calendar for next year.

About Arcade Fire

Stuart Maesche

Guess my age.

And the story continues..


Good news for us Packer fans!

I have to delete these songs from my iPod.

Is flirting alright when you have a significant other/spouse?

Can someone tell me the point of Star Wars AT-AT's?

'Escape from Neverland'

People need to be equipped with sleep switches

Lucinda Williams "Lonely Girls" always makes me cry

I'm just spamming to pad my post count, because it matters so much...

I love DU. But, it's not the same since the last election.

Congrats aQuArius! 600 Posts!

Maybe dumbest murder to be...

Man in Black

"I voted and all I got was this lousy president."

In My Life...

HELP!!!!!!!!!...(Computer Question)

Classic: Desktop wars

Have a blog and be told to get a life? Well, this chick needs to get a job

Thank GAWD!! We Still Have Robert Blake!

Anyone here ever suffer from insomnia?

Snow Day!!!!

*** Officially My Birthday ***

OK. WHO left the friggin refrigerator door OPEN last night?? go, George.

Tomorrow I go in for tests to see if my tumor has returned....I'm scared.

Harrison Ford to star in the first movie based on the war of lies in Iraq

Remember "The First Nudie Musical"? Thoughts About * *!

DU Administrators: tools of the RW propaganda machine?

I'm actually going to finish it!

i now own an XBOX

Hungry and going to Mars? I hope the greenies have more than just oil...

I am the loneliest person alive

Hockey Arena Destroyed After Zamboni Explodes

Wal-Mart Breaks Price Barrier with $498 Linux Laptop

Giant Steps vs The Shape of Jazz to Come

Anybody know an online shop in the US to order foreign language books?

Pollution where you live

I just baked 3 pans of these little walnut pastries in cream-cheese crusts

Circular logic

I admit it....I hate Saint Swivens day!

Did somebody forget to pay the power bill?

It's official: I got the Freezin' My Ass Off Blues!

It is (was) a three dog night! (Gas meter blues)


Warning: Smoking is bad karma

12 STD's of xmas

I apologize to everyone...

i just got a job interview

I, Robot---Worst movie ever!!!!

Man's Car Won't Start - He Beats It With A Sledgehammer

Man Has "Mobile Manger" In Back Of His Pickup - License Reads "NATIVIT"

My Coco by Stellastarr

Bill O'Reilly c/o Fox News 1211 Avenue of the Americas NY,NY 10036

Britney Spears Book Report She done as a Child sells for $1,900

If your life were a movie, what would the title be?

look at how badass this album cover is

Am I a liberal or a progressive?...

1974, and David Hasselhoff starred in "Revenge Of The Cheerleaders"... is a goner

Christmas Tree Prices Hit $200 in Hawaii

Hangman Is Finally Learning the Ropes

Went to see Polar Express - it was wonderful.

Bush's Grammar Rodeo, 12/20/04: "The lessons learned is continue to...

Why is stealing Baby Jesus from a nativity scene news these days?

Nation's Oldest Mayor Re–elected

Prosecutor accused of crime after ethics speech

What's a quick way to view my profile?

Non-Homeless Dumpster Divers (Freegans)

test (nt)

Britney Spears Childhood Book Report Sells For $1,900 At Auction

There's one thing that needs to be remembered in life...

I'm sick of religious right nuts jobs,

Michael Jackson hosts huge childrens party (no joke)

Students Could Be Fined For Tossing Guinea Pig Out Dorm Window

The director calls the secretary at home to call me at work

Swedish Pharmacy Looking for Volunteers to break Kissing Record

Blondi, meet Barney

WOOT! This is my 300th post and I haven't been called a FREEPER yet

How good an alumna/us are you?

Uh, George? How's the holiday treating you, so far?

I need an Email account

Anyone know anything about auto repair?

Weird statements from Bobby Fischer

Survey: Dutch Children Start Drinking at Age 12

Can a computer freeze?

Bill O'Reilly "Semi-Morose" While Attending White House Party with Wife

Add Target (in MD at least) to the list of stores restricting cold meds...

Ding fries are done, ding fries are done. Merry Xmas

A dick, a colon and a bunch of assholes.

It's an Oldie but a Goodie, and it makes me laugh every time I hear it.

Question about nitrous in vehicles

for guaranteed yuletide salvation. . .

I got the "Sonny and Cher Christmas Show" DVD

Some really hot phone sex!

Anybody know any good email-to-Santa sites?

Make your own Count-down

Fuel efficiency mystery...any Subaru gurus out there?

what the hell happened to Moonbeamstarlight??

Parents at YMCA clash with people at transgender fashion show

What light?

Gift suggestions?


The "Channeling Tyrone Biggums" CAPTION

Hand-to-Hand Combat With Zombies

Crisco locked a thread before I could hit SoCalDem up for cookies

Did any else keep refreshing the front page

What happens after Supermario rescues the princess?

who here has a condom-

Checks in the mail, WTF is this design?

Name that Beer bottle!

RANT!! Dont heat your fish in the microwave

When picking up members of whichever sex you enjoy...

Teletubbies Mercy killing

Make your own Sand art painting

Funeral company accused of misplacing person - again

Operation "Christmas Mix-Cds" is in high gear!

An Intervention (Warning--Disturbing Images)

Lucifer's Toy Chest

Shrub's Christmas song?????

Please forgive me, but ....

No, I won't post any link. You'll have to take my word for it.

Woman Receives Letter From Father She Never Met Who Was Killed In 1945

Laura is pure love!!

Desperate for headache tablets, man holds up pharmacy in Sweden

NPR occasionally gets it right: (on 'Wait Wait Don't Tell Me' Saturday):

If you could go back in time and rescue Jesus from the Romans,

"Have a Super Solstice"?

Nap time!

Leftover Chinese...

Song for the Season: Jack Frost and the Hooded Crow

Where's the blizzard?

If GOD came to Earth for an INSPECTION of his "Fave" Creations

A heartbreak every day

Does eDonkey load spywear?

It just took me 45 minutes to drive 3 miles in the snow

Finally saw "Supersize me" last night

Pfc. Lynndie England to do Playboy layout (pics)

We believe that bad sex and good drugs are the cornerstone of ...

Any Active Directory gurus here? (Stupid mistake made)

I, for one, am sick of this Christmas bullshit.

for you aluminum Christmas tree lovers....a museum................

Planning a trip overseas? Why not visit Molvania???

Telecommunications Giant Optus gets $17 million porn bill

Clear Channel will now own Elvis Presley!

A-team acted out by legos

Okay, I admit it. I LOVE Christmas

First pregnant man

I don't like that new Chanel 5 commercial

Do I have too much on my plate? (fairly long)

Freemasonry - what the deal?

There's two Merlins hanging around my neighborhood.

I signed up for 4 more years of CAPTIONs?

positive moonbeam / negative bushco haikus

How long does your cordless phone last for a single call?

"Ooh ooh ooh ahh ahh ahh, Koko want banana"

mini burgers or tacos?

The "Parsing our Orwellian Slogans" CAPTION

More Fundie miracles!!!

OK, DU Fantasy Footballers....

How to eat holiday dinner!

Celebrities' Real Names

more wisdom from the flaming lips

Make your own Lego char is a Republican company? I heard this on the majority report

Job descriptions translated

I was SO proud of myself yesterday

Bride spurned ON WEDDING DAY via text messaging.

Archaeologists discover Martin Luther's Toilet where reformation

Is George W. Bush an a**hole?

Someone posted a whole page of funny stuff links

Rock Musicians' Real Names (respectful copycat)

You've waited for this: The Bush "Montgomery Burns: EX-cellent" photo

i have to go snowblow the driveway - AND ITS DAMNED COLD!

Where can I purchase a kids recliner at?

Wal-Mart is really expanding, all over the place...geesh!

Maybe this is trite but you know what


What's WRONG with promiscuity?

I just reached a thousand posts.

I am too STRESSED to be in porn

What kind of Orange Juice do you prefer?

I'm TOO TIRED to be in porn!

Let's end the debate once and for all. Bush is an idiot, yes or no.

Talk about bad parenting!

Favorite Jimmy Stewart film?

Biggest damn pecker I ever saw, I tell you what!

Who remembers the boot?

Hmmm. I just discovered two Christmas card designs from Dubya...

Trivia Question for DU 'XTC' Fanatics.

They said there'll be snow at Christmas

Candidates for President you probably didn't know about

Ok, it's the Monday afternoon earworm!

Bad news Eagle fans. TO is out until 2 wks. before Super Bowl at least.

I'm too PHYSICALLY "FLAWED" to be in porn.

Poverty 101: It requires more work just to exist.

68 degrees... its beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Is promiscuity wrong?

So who watched Desperate Housewives last night?

DU married men - do your wives ever listen to you?

What were your favorite songs as a little kid?

Saw "Collateral" last night...

Hey, what about a shout out to the Big, Beautiful Men?

If given a choice, would you most prefer beer or fresh underwear?

Almost Every Little Girl Wants One Of These For Christmas...

BTBM's New Years Resolutions

Guess what, This is the big 100! WHOOO HOOO! OH YEAH!!

Do you lose your MIND this time of year?

Little Rummy Boy

Christmas for Sharks: Crazy for Christmas or just Plain Crazy?

Favorite Chicken-Wing Country Artist

Someone left the cake out in the rain.

The Berlin Hacker community sure has too much time: "Hack a Bike"

My 100th post is just a few posts away! Ask me anything!

Messianic Snowman Promises to "Return Again Some Day"

Lock up your daughters cuz I'm Hung for the Holidays

If you would like me to be in porn, a prostitute, or an exotic dancer

"The Chimney Song"

What would you look like as a Southpark Character?

Listen, I MAKE THE RULES, you heathen, intellectual, peace-loving LIBRUL!

I wonder how Fundies explain bonobos?

Need help with car insurance

Anyone remember Gorillaz?.............................

My Dad works for Sara Lee

President & Laura Bush's Christmas Greeting Card 2004

New Year's resolutions

Jesus, The Blond Haired Savior (Sung to the Tune of Rudolph the etc.)

You have to play ping-ping for 12 hours to lose one pound

"...the secularist war on Christmas..."

What is the most impulsive thing you have done in 2004?

Did anyone see last Saturday's SNL?

I just got a case of wine from a vendor... mmmmm

Is it me, or has the lounge been somber?

I've got plenty of "erotoxins", I'll share some of mine with Judy, here

Bored as hell at work. Ask me anything.

Is it me, or has the lounge been sober?

Do you lose your willpower this time of year?

My Mom Rules . . . Look what she got me for Christmas!

Do violent video games affect the brain?

Ok, I'm off to get my tests...I hope to have some good news!

Did you grow up poor? (not trolling for maudlin stories....)

Raiders:Charles Woodson and Anderson arrested for public intoxication

Day-o, Day-o

I am moving to the Pacific Northwest soon: Seattle Or Portland?

Build A Better Bush/Have Fun

I have a lap full of Nog!

I herniated a disk between my shoulder blades, ..don't ask me anything

Touque-Toboggan-Stocking cap-Other

Woman Drops Off 180 Rats To Animal Shelter

an orange and a candy cane....did you ever do this???

I refuse to be in porn, a prostitute, or an exotic dancer

So. Who is watching Nova: The Elegant Universe on PBS?

Squirrel proof bird feeder video

Watch the trailer for "Be Cool"

Did you grow up po'? Trolling for maudlin stories!!!

Budweiser - what should they change their logo to?

This new Snoop Dogg song has some good advice.

Oh oh, I did it again! :o

Holiday Greetings from Dumbfuckingstan!!!!

Saw a DU bumpersticker on a yellow mini cooper in Hollywood

Hip Hop Musicians' Real Names (respectful copycat)

financial aid rant

Dinner Time

Retailers nervous as Christmas traffic is poor

Here's to all the tatooed women out there

I have a gal full of pod!


Favorite Left-Wing Country Artist

Rock Musicians' Real Names Part II

There is a Caroling Group in my University Library right now

Brrrr, Cold and snowy in Stevens Point!

When The Heck Did This Place Become Abortion Underground?

Hey Rivers Pitt!!! Yuurrrrr going down tonight Beeeatch

Every Little Girl Wants One Of These For Christmas...

What is " Mozilla Firefox ? "

Seattle DUers: Blue Monday TONIGHT!

Just got my grades and I have a 4.00!!!

My dryer's busted

What does this Republican graphic MEAN exactly?

Anyone having any Pro-Bush moments lately?

What's the funniest word you know of?

is this grounds for divorce?

"I want a hippopotamus for Christmas..."

post your adoring George W. Bush glurge art here!

Do you kill bugs?

Oooh! Ick! MNF snoozefest alert-NE at Miami

ATTN: January/February babies!!

Ray Charles Or Stevie Wonder

is promiscuity a sign of mentaL iLLness?

Woo-Hoo.. I just found a two headed nickel.. Is it "Good Luck"

"In a democracy it don't matter how stupid you are..."

Get this - Anthony Braxton lives and teaches in my town. And he lets local

We will have a release date for Harry Potter 6 within 24 hours!

Alright, post the FUNNIEST thing you've EVER seen on the internet

Gross misconceptions/CW about your ethnic group or gender.

Hey everyone in the Photography Group, want to have a contest?

What should we rename the Republican party?

I have a lap full of dog!

My "Christmas Eve in Retail Hell" story

T.O. Out for Season

OK now 1-2-3 Aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww (kitties)

Did you have a childhood crush? (famous)

Where Should Smoking Be Banned?

Medium Sized Women are Wonderful too !!!


Lightning on Saturn '1m times stronger' than on Earth

MAC attack!

Need book recommendation for Dad!

Alright, post the FURRIEST thing you've EVER seen on the internet

Favourite "Big 3" American City?

should prostitution be legalized?

Mixed Up Song Lyrics...Come on, don't be shy!

Low-carb craze over

breast (nt)

Post what state you live in

What is the worst thing a family member has done to you for which...

Any fans of blues guitartist Buddy Guy?

The right wing scores another victory.

Can you suggest a good book on Paganism?

Christmas and Easter are Pagan holidays. Get over it.

Do you "believe" in Secular and Humanist History?

The Republican Party and The Southern Baptist Convention

New insight into treatment-resistant depression: a mutant gene

Oklahoma Gays Struggle to Remain Optimistic

Barriers be DAMNED!

Kids Returned To Lesbian Mother

Schwarzenegger To GOP: Loosen Up On Gays

Gay marriage tops Socialist agenda in Spain

Pope: Gay Marriage 'Destroys The Fabric Of Society'

TO badly injured; All of Philadelphia prepares for seppuku.

Which NFC team in the final wildcard spot race will make it?

Which AFC team in the final wildcard spot race will make it?

GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! Someone explain this to me!

Back from Fundieland.

An atheist's funeral. Has anyone ever been to one?

How "Left" are you? Is it related to your Atheism?

Veterans of Foreign Wars

I Just watched the "Your Stories" video again at

I just don't get it

I learned a little about Iran-Contra today

John Kerry - The Prosecutor

Is it time for the LEFT to make a stand ?

The Carlyle Group Essay

527s in 2004 Shatter Previous Records for Political Fundraising

Another * Adoration Picture - This time Gonzales

what would make you vote third party?

Please read It Can't Happen Here....

New instant book ...Dean, Palast, Kristof, Benjamin, Billionaires for Bush

Social Security ISN'T broke!!!

Rumsfeld has worked for large corporations right?

Bush says Congress passed budgets just as he asked for...

Conference round-up

A radical, prolonged int'l. corporate boycott of top Bush Corp. donors is

They claim moral certitude, then ALL of Bush admin should be vetted

Repeal the 22nd Amendment?

Fox "Breaking News"...Bush press conference at 10:30 AM EST

Lack of Progress, LTTE's responding to Hartfod Courant

Shoddy treatment, bad faith, and the draft.

A Few Thoughts on "Moderate" republican Senators!

What happens when we reach the "breaking point" ?

bush got ONE THING right about Iraq.

WV Capitol Building

Bush* 'Rumsfeld is a good, decent man'

"Free societies don't export terror" , Bush

Man of the Year Picture

Everytime Bush steals an election he is made "Person of the Year" by Time

Pentagon to Publish Propaganda-Laden Bibles

Question about the heteros who have been "rejected" due to the

Xmas Dust-up Shows Dif between Dems & GOP

Failed Missile Defense Rocket Awarded Presidential Medal Of Freedom

Media Matters said Russert mischaracterized Dean's position.

Merry Christmas, DU!

"'Twas the Nightmare Before Inauguration"

"A good Christian woman"

letter to the editor number 1

letter to the editor number 3

Xmas Party Meltdown

What would the politics be if we created a day for Gay couples

Bush: Iraqi troops not ready for security duties

Can't 527's fight MSM lockdown now by blasting * on war, econ, SS, fraud?

Fred Barnes the biggest MORON in human history

jesus freak Lt. Gen. Boykin is at it again

What does it mean to people here to "go left" in concrete terms?

My 3 favorite BUSH LIES.

Judy Woodruff decries journalism crisis (from Spring 2000)

"Some Repubs say Frist would like Rove to run his 2008 White House bid"

We are missing an opportunity with Rumsfailed

Is there any way we could get the presidential debates format changed?

Wonder where the explosives for all these Iraqi bombings came from?

How far right will the Democratic Party go before it totally collapses?

How many Dems will vote for Social Security Reform?

Now that W has given Rummy the "Kiss of Death", how long does Rummy have?

Bush's Social Security Plan Would Fix Nothing

bush family Christmas card

From the White House itself:

Our Man "Alberto Gonzales" and Torture's Path

Shrub's news conference today reminded me of the corporate..

does Sen Feinstein value football more than honest elections?

Bush, the compassionate conservative!

Republicans control MOST of the media and MOST of the voting machines.

Move over, Time Magazine... You picked a Loser....

Pro-choice people are not pro-abortion

I don't see abortion as an all or nothing issue

Clinton would have signed the so-called 'Partial Birth Abortion' bill

Bush: "Don't bother to ask me" - Can someone say F*ck You Bush?

Go see Vera Drake and then tell me to be tolerant of Anti-Choice People

I am writing to my senator

Don't want an abortion thread?

When The Heck Did This Place Become Abortion Underground?

Defining "fetus" or "humanness" is not the issue IMHO

At what point does a woman obtain her Humanity?

At what point does a fetus gain its humanity?

Carl Sagan on abortion

Harry Reid could be a great leader

Left unchecked, this type of disparity builds resentment


Could public opposition end the war in Iraq?

These Democrats are heathens, anti-Christ, almost

Could we do what the repigs did with the gay marriage issue?

time magazine's email overloaded with responses to bush cover

The president of the Christian Coalition wants my phone number.

DU this poll

OMG- Subliminal Banana Ad on Time's Bush of the Year Cover site page

RW declares war over Merry Christmas

Why Doesn't the Democratic Party Make Election Reform an Issue

So Gallup says *'s approval is 49%, what is it REALLY at?

My response from Time Magazine

Rep Mike Pence (R-IN): Election was "mandate for conservative leadership"

If a gay man became President, how would he and his partner be addressed?

Kerry Speaks on BCCI

Chimp ends press conference by wishing "Happy Holidays." TWICE.

Shrub ordered the torture according to ACLU

Local guy said "if they don't want to swallow the DLC....stick it to them.

Little Rummy Boy

ABC Poll: Bush rating back below 50%

Know anyone in Houston?

letter to the editor number 2

Does the simple "go left" argument mirror RW logic about social programs?

Caption this photo from the press conference...

We need to be more tolerant of pro-life Dems

Another generic DLC spam thread

What are the odds of NOTHING going our way?

I'm Sick of People Saying KERRY Didn't fight back from the Swift Boat crap

* pledges support for soon before he resigns?

A PERFECT example of Bush pulling the "never apologize" stunt

Do you agree with Pope John Paul II that Bush is the Anti-Christ?

10% of 80 million gun owners = Democratic Trifecta