Tomgram: Mark Danner on How Bush Really Won
The pattern of discontent in US ranks
Rumsfeld's neocon critics dodge the blame, too
William Pfaff (Internatl Herald Tribune): Shock, awe and the human body
Soldier's LTTE: Bush taints soldiers' sacrifices when using the word "we".
My Fight Against American Phantoms -Notre Dame prof's visa revoked
Little Dicks Cause Wars! Great Toon!!!
NOT happy with Tim Roemer for DNC chair! JOIN ME!
U.S. Protests Sale of YUKOS Unit
Working for minimum wage? Only 4 counties in the U.S. are affordable
The recycling of carbon dioxide through Calcium Carbonation cycles studied.
I'm scared to post anymore....why? I don't know..I can post on threads
In a negative story about Jews
Hi there! Lil asked me to get a clarification on what constitutes
UK Muslims hit by rise in prejudice
This post breaks all the rules. Part II.
Does anybody recognize Attas voice?
Progressive Democrats of America: Desperately Seeking Senators Action!
Electoral "results" for Southwestern OHIO
What is our objective? How do we win?
Ohio Officials Defend Electronic Voting
Whatever happened in Fairfield county?
Olbermann pointed out the main difference between them and "us"...
"Recount Reaches Final Stages"
Conyers is asking for raw exit poll data - Has this been in LBN?
So do we want a Countdown thread tonight?
Air America Radio in the Red States...
Visual representation of the MSM
MSM is turning: "Ohio Officials Defend Electronic Voting"
This whole election has been a disaster period
Everything worked as "planned..."
The Condi Protocol (or, how to talk to a liberal, if you're subpoenaed).
My Daughter is a lawyer didn't think the 18?? provision would apply
I don't think I like Obama. I just got Newsweek( I get it as a gift)
Progressive Democrats take Voting Fraud Issues to the Floor of the Senate
Malloy talking about Washington right now
That 1 Rep/1 Senator contesting elections provision
Encouraging News About Senator Boxer!
Urgent Request for 1st hand New Mexico Election Incidents
What Happened I Woke Up And I Was In A Third World Country
BREAKING: King County recount puts Gregoire on top
ReDefeat Bush held press conference & met with Jeffords today
free republic DC on Cspan whining about the violent, violent protesters
Incredible Newsweek Photos from Election Night!
Wash. State Republican Party Says Clerical Error Should Bar 735 Ballots
Here are the rules regarding Jan 6th vote to approve electors
Apparently there are over 1000 uncounted ballots in King County
Fraud(Default to Bush) documented in Florida touchscreen county machines
Karl Rove -- Tabulates Own Results Election Night ....
Olbermans new Blog Good or Bad ?
Denmark's MSM Story on Ohio Recount!
US government exports election fraud to Belgium
Cries for Electoral Standards Mount
"*", the most unpopular "President" ever to start a second term
Broward County Precinct Level Comparison to 2000 - Alarming
The SCOOP/Simon exit poll breakthrough - more true than ever.
Sounds as if Olbermann is concluding we don't have a case...
my daughter (Gillian) went to a little demo in westwood today
Steve King commencement speaker at Western Iowa Tech Community College
Can spammers add themselves to your contact list?
Christmas List of DUers by County
Would you guys write to the Chronicle concerning the toxic train?
I'm thinking of moving to Texas....
Katrina van del Heuvel guest hosting with Sam Seder on AAR
Helping Bush find a Homeland Security director
Bush first President in U.S. history to send out a Xmas card w/Bible verse
Any Christian Socialists here?
Bush is not the Antichrist, but he may be worse
Merry XMas to some troops, and
North Korea, the new conservative utopia
U.S. Marines Suffer Most Suicides in Five Years
Time responds to my letter to editor
Do You Know How To "Enable Referrer Logging"?
Why is the AP story re the attack on our soldiers currently rated 1.48???
Murder an Iraqi and get to go home and be a war hero. What a deal
NewsHour: Terence Smith & Neil Lewis whitewash the ACLU's charges
All of a sudden the FDA approves drugs to quickly?
Shrub claims Rumsfeld often visits wounded...True or False?
Pentagon knew messhall risk; Halliburton "days" from completing bunker
Can't find Olberman on MSNBC - and no reference to it here.
What do you know about censorship on the internet?
Life, yeah that, is complicated. Policy (SS) is, yeah, complicated.
Why social security is so important
Up is Down ... left is right .... and circles are always round
Do we have any Air Force bases in Iraq?
anyone find part 3 of valenzuela's piece ponder for the people hurt
there is a cross eyed crazy woman on cnn
Link to Rev. Moon "coronation"?
Help!! Trying to get to and I am getting fatal error
I had something interesting happen.
I sometimes have the good fortune to travel to countries in Europe.
My LTTE in response to a hateful right-winger's LTTE
Malloy Thread! Check In truthseekers!
Rumsfeld only followed Bush's orders. He didn't invade Iraq on his own.
Talk about "frivolous issues" This stuff about "Christmas" is the great
Where does this guy get the time to run a blog from Mosul?
"Bush White House's Christ-less Christmas" Theocons Ticked at Bush
Most Americans support SS reform
Bush is using islam the way hitler used the jews... demonize that which
"Mosul Massacre" ....will "Chimps" poll numbers go UP over this carnage?
What can you tell me about media ownership?
Language Alert! Torturerer Appeasers support Rummy & Gonzalez?
Is the U.S. still a 'Superpower" ?
Why the hell are we offering up our young soldiers for a lie??
I didn't like Katrina vanden Heuvel .as co-host of "The Majority Report"
CCChimp approval 48%. Tme for a message from Fahdder-land Security?
From MSNBC...Breaking News on Washington State Governor's Race
DU needs a toon on its homepage -- Let's start with this one
A report on Mosul bombing you won't hear on CNN or any other U.S.A station
US still building permanent Bases?
Who would you vote for in the Ukraine?
* at the Kennedy Center Honors
Eating Endangered Species: CAVIAR POLL
Tuesday Truthseeker Meeting NOW Atkins Friendly !!!
Andbody watching C-Span right now? Freeper zealots are on right now
Ted Turner--are you listening? A new network proposal
Things you might not know about Scalia and Thomas.
C-SPAN now airing Inaugural Protest Plans
Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and science.
I have an investing question? Can you help?
What do you HATE most about the religious right?
How will the BFEE & neocons' empire come to an end?
Happy F'n Xmas to all the bastards in Congress
"A lucky shot?" This really makes me sick.
Congressman Ron Paul "Police State Now"
Chimp Meets w/NAACP, Mfume understanding of preznit's 'humiliation'
Mom Sues Wal-Mart Over Daughter's Suicide
Aide: Bush "pretty tired" from hard work of hosting Christmas parties
"I am a liberal" short film.... you aren't going to believe this...
What Can Be Done To Make A Better Computer Voting Machine?
The face of worry (optimistic Iraqi Christian starts laying low)
Group says records show US detainee abuse cover-up
Fannie Mae's Chief Executive Raines Ousted, Market News Says
NewsHour: Terence Smith & Neil Lewis whitewash the ACLU's charges
Michigan Congressman Seeks Exit Poll Data
New Data Hints at Poor Review of Abuse Cases -NYT
Bush Holds First Meeting With NAACP (Yahoo/AP)
Holy Sh*t on CSPAN- just said"B*sh stole Election
U.S.I. Sees Layoffs, Restates Earnings
Hubba hubba, get your Ann Coulter/ Michell Malkin calenders now
Attack on U.S. Base in Iraq Leaves 20 Dead
Security Drill at Weapons Plant Raises Safety Questions
W. House expects probe of Iraq, Guantanamo abuses
Ten More Years?--Independent, UK
Judge Strikes Down Limit on Poverty Lawyers' Cases
U.S.: Drug Imports Can't Be Safe and Cheap
Instances of systamatic prison abuse reported
Soldier Says Deployment Cost Him Custody of Son
New Pardons Raise Bush's Total to 31
(Denver) Foreclosures soar - Home defaults hit highest level since '88
WP: Precision of Base Attack Worries Military Experts
U.S. Marines Suffer Most Suicides in Five Years
FBI waited more than a year to make move against AIPAC
U.S. Was Replacing Iraq Tent With Bunker
Some consumers shop till jaws drop
Man Who Served Nearly 17 Years in Prison Released After DNA Tests Clear Him
Democrat apparently wins by 8 votes in Washington state
Bush Monkey Picture Shown on Giant NY Billboard
Selling the forest for the trees
Philippines DOJ seeks probe of US nationals implicated in Davao bombing
Seriously scary article about STDs
Ever dig through th DU archives?
Do You Drink Regular or Diet Soda?
School administrators I have known
Any SERIOUS Nominations for President in 2008?
Movie - The Diary of Anne Frank
If I had to live in a major Texas city, which one would be best?
Mindless Yeti and Penguin Baseball game
I Just "Liberated" A Tin Of Homemade FUDGE!!
My grandfater was buried today.. and I could not be there....
I am really ambivalent about where you live.
o's a boo? Yous a boo...a boo boo....
Suggestion to fellow DU'ers: Give a donation (if you're able) this week
Mmm.... Jungle Fudge Chunk ice cream.
Holiday Gift Exemption Voucher
Happy Holidays, all! Here's my web card:
I, also, have a bizarre desire
I, likewise, have a bizarre desire
I will break 1,000 posts before tonight.
I, too, have a bizarre desire.
It's been 2 1/2 months; so WHY can't I remember my cable channel numbers?
Anyone here do video editing & Photoshop on an iMac?
I just started a new iTunes account & got 5 free songs- recommendations?
"I am Gola Wolf Richards. I'm smarter than you because I use big words."
Diane Lane assaulted by Josh Brolin
I'll tell ya what's REALLY fun!
It ain't Festivus, but ... Happy Chriskwanukkah!
Introducing the world's tiniest baby
Sure, 'tis a monster I have created
What do you buy for a pregnant couple?
"Frosty" survives in shelter's freezer
What song are you having for dinner?
You know I hope if I am ever that rich I would not BE as Shallow and
Anyone play Bespelled or Bookworm?
Bush monkey image on giant billboard
The terrorists have already won "ANY BREAKFAST BAGEL SANDWICH" at McD's
Ah, but does THIS ever happen to you?
I had a small change money miracle today
What a stupid ripoff of a show
I DO give a shit where you live.
Pizza & Movie Night at Teddy's. You pick which DVD I watch first.
Ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
I want to talk about FREE SPEECH TV on Dish Network!
Who would you choose for Kennedy Center Honors?
WooHoo Shaun of the Dead Rocks
LOL "Weed Delivery Guy Saves Christmas"
The Christmas Top 50.
We may be in different cabins, but we're all in the same boat. (Yoko Ono)
Where the hell is the Daily Show
What are you having for dinner?
Am I worthless because I'm disabled?
Rethug Christmas Carols - worth a laugh
Andy Stephenson is spending Christmas at my house!
It's The Freeper Show! Free Republic News Conference On C-Span Now
WOOHOO!! Cleveland Cavs beat the T-Wolves 107 - 97
Apple sues three for posting Mac OS X beta online
The 5 dinners you'd most like to have people with
Stupid school, stupid student financial office, stupid stupid stupid
I'm makin' cookays! What kind should I make?
My favorite Airport Security Sign
Dumb quasi-newbie question of the day--Buddies List
Will the real Bullwinkle please stand up!
He stood six foot six and weighed 245.
Why can't I open my present NOW if I already know what I'm getting?
My 84 year-old grandpa sent me a birthday card...
I don't feel like starting a thread tonight.
Hubba hubba, get your Ann Coulter/ Michell Malkin calenders now
Remember my ass that retired from the USCG yesterday?
There's antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium
Aicha: Watch this, and you too
Now...what movie should I watch while making my cookays?
Is The Move the greatest rock band ever, or just the best?
Anyone remember "Not Necessarily the News"?
I don't give a shit where you live...
Theres a Korg Triton sitting on my bed....
did the daily show get taken off the air?
Walmart to market its own wine
Karl Rove getting arrested in his 'Working Class Superhero' suit picture
"Scratcher" playing morons. Do you encounter these types?
When did YOU first have "sex education" in school?
Frank Zappa born 64 years ago today
Here's my BO DIDDLEY Top Ten. Please vote for your favorite.
Does this ever happen to you.....
Something I hope happens to all of you someday
5 ALIVE people you'd most like to spend an
The 5 People You Would Most Like to Have Dinner With?
Does anyone else like "Becker"?
Outgoing HHS Sec Tommy Thompson Caught With Briefcase Full Of Flu Vaccine
newest articles at MOVELEFT.COM
Since I'm going to be miserable until I do it:
What song are you currently listening to?
I like how James Wolcott writes, its funny, flowing and erudite but not to
Random opinion on "framing the debate."
Dodgers pull out of mega-deal (Randy Johnson)
Man, Emeka Okafor Just Got Schooled Tonight By Nenad Krstic
Here's my (BIG Kitty) EINSTEIN..........and me!
It's very difficult to engage with a theist when he or she is being
Atheists: America's most hated minority
OK, I hate to infect this sanctuary, but OMG
John Kerry - POW- MIA (Part 1 of 2 )
Hurricane Charley aftermath photos
No confidence hearings on Rumsfeld? We can make it happen!
Capitol Police patrol the construction site for the inaugural
Reminder to RWnuts; Don't pig over the Holidays, the DRAFT is coming
where can people see the party affiliation/ideology of TV people?
Is there a chance of Cheney getting Impeached or Bush?
Viacom: Only white male republicans need apply
Progressive Democrats take Voting Fraud Issues to the Floor of the Senate
Anyone watching Kennedy Center Honors?
Holy Sh*t on CSPAN- just said"B*sh stole Election
What are your thoughts on having a National ID license?
19 soldiers dead in US base in Baghdad
Newsmaking Bush/Chimp painting
Fox: "Turning Backs on Bush" (over 17,000 protesters expected 1/20)
Reference the Time Magazine response to the 2004 POTY inquires
zogby: 43 percent of democrats think abortion is manslaughter
Michael Moore dismisses "conspiracy theories"
I don't think I like Obama. I just got Newsweek( I get it as a gift)
To anyone considering a possible Feingold candidacy in '08 (and others!)
Congress, Reorganize Thyself By Christopher Shays and Carolyn Maloney
MORAL BATTLE:Georgie Ann Geyer
The Rise of the Amerikan Nazis part III
William F. Buckley Jr.: Don't blame Jews if Hollywood is a cesspit
North (San Diego) County Times: California's practical take on gay marriag
Thank A Vet For Your Freedom (Doug Griffin,
The Right's Assault on Kofi Annan
Wave of the Future--William Safire/ NYT
In Instant, Mealtime Turns to Chaos (WashPost with photo)
White House festivities take a touchy turn
Huffington: Will The GOP Nuke The Constitution?
Post your pictures of activism here
Positive reinforcement for Liberal mainstream radio?
Unreal: Carnage in Mosul is providing cover for new torture revelations
The covers of Time and Newsweek
Foreclosure rate 'scary' (Denver)
NYT: Gold Mining Giant Willfully Pumps Mercury into Indonesian Air.
European Commission - Let's Just Keep On Fishing For Cod - Closure Blocked
California's Coast Feeling The Heat - Part 1
Leaving Kyoto Not Enough - Bush Must Also Block Others From Acting
California's Coast Feeling The Heat - Part 2
U.S. to Pay $16 Million in Water Rights Case
One Of Northern China's Largest Lakes Dries Up - AFP
Schizophrenics, Guns and Wal-Mart - Discuss
why is DemocracyNow! not listed in "liberal radio" on the homepage?
Can you please shut this thread down before someone posts a link
My post about the new instant book out was deleted, just checking why.
Could we get Lynn Cullen's show time changed please?
I will be going to DC for the inauguration.
Is this message (which I didn't post yet) grounds for deletion?
any chance of creating a Bev Harris forum?
how much does it cost you to run this site? how many people come hear each
Missile strike damages Gaza Strip synagogue
Lookey here: Voting Modernization Board-Jan 2005 Deadline Survey Result
Here are Nov. 2/3 figures for Florida
Progressive Democrats Take Voting Fraud Issues to the Floor of the Senate
Hungry Blues on election fraud
c-span now--talk of demonstrations on Jan 20 (the Right is talking)
Don't forget about Senator Byrd!! Time to start asking him for help!
Christmas gifts someone should sell
The holiday signoff thread (keep kicked till after xmas.)
treasure chest of vote fraud stories!!
Michael Moore on Jimmy Kimmel Live
Elections board's hot-selling records (Cleveland PD)
Democrats claim victory in Washington governor's race
What's the status of the recounts in Ohio? Are they turning up anything
The Mainstream Crying For Election Reform
Election Update 12/22 (georgia10 at Kos)
Conyers requests raw exit poll data from the AP
Whats the real problem with Media? they say no documenatation supplied
It's been just 7 weeks. We know a lot already. The media is awakening.
What's that smell? What's that sound? What's that oozing from freeperville
Hope for the Homestretch (freePress article reposted on there site)
A mind numbing poll in another forum:
What about the "military vote"? Has anyone heard yet? n/t
Has anybody here thought about running for office?
Did the Military vote for Kerry?
CSPAN Now!! that B*sh STOLE Election!!
MoveOn wants to know what message we have for Senate Democrats!
A conservative comment on vote counting (positive)
VillageVoice 'Case of the Ohio Recount' - DU mentioned
New Free Press Article - 12/22 - Wow!
Finally news found of Fairfield county on the Saturday recount.
Christine Gregoire, ahead by 8 votes
gregoire ahead braking (breaking)news on DU
Letter from Contest the Vote indicates Barbara Boxer is seriously
Useful mental toolkit for Election Fraud detectives.
Interesting new Break For News audio on Election & Court Case
Answers to my Email on the vote:
Is TIME's 'Person of the Year 2004' choice Pro-* or Anti-*?
Conyers not ready to contest election -Salon
I hope Olberman talks about the TV Networks not releasing exit polls
looking for vote fraud links/compendium, etc....
Conyers calls on TV networks and AP to release raw exit poll data
Shultz: Conyers to Hold new meeting in Ohio Jan.3
Jerry Springer, yes as in "Jerry Jerry Jerry" - He may be able to help...
Which recounts still need $ as of today?
Swiftboat Vets for Truth to Receive an Award!!! For attacking fellow vets
Granted! -- Latest from Moss v. Bush
The mother of a soldier reminds us why to accept the fraud is criminal
Washington State Supreme Court Live NOW C-SPAN!
Paddy Maynooth's Advice for MSM in Europe.
Thom hartmann on AAR NOW!! 12/22
CONTACTING MSM-list of email addresses!
Ban ALL electronic means of recording or counting votes
suggestion: seperate forum for Bev Harris
Pro-Democracy Rallies Planned for Jan. 3 and 6 in Ohio and DC
Will there be organized demonstrations in DC on 1/6?
Nice slideshow on Election Fraud
6 Jan 2005: What will you DO? - A letter sent to all Dem Senators..
A really good question .......
AND THE WINNER IS...... 'BringEmOn' -- The Kerry/Clown Caption Competition
Report: "Florida elections agency didn't properly watch felon database"
"New Mexico worst at counting votes" Will next try the raising of hands
Ohio: a crime against democracy (great article from Tom Paine)
It's Going to be a Wonderful Day...
Scripps Howard: "In Ohio 1 in 50 votes for president don't count"
Ohio recount report from the ground ......
All I want for Christmas is.....
All you lawyers out there.. what does this mean? (Arnebeck suit)
Nevada Elector Tells What He Did With A Letter Sent By One Of You Guys
WA ballots will be counted! On Yahoo...Rate it up...
NYT responds to ltte re Ohio vote:
Scripps Howard: "Election study finds widespread ballot-counting problems"
the Really Really REAL man of the year. ->not moore.
Village Voice article says we're all nuts...especially here at DU
SOUND BYTE! 1 in 5 Americans believe fraud was committed!
Wednesday 12/22 Election/Fraud/Recount thread
I just heard an NPR story about Conyers ....
A Message of Christmas Cheer and Hope
Well, we didn't lose all the Southern states after all
NC Election: "Democrats ask Cobb to drop protest"
Documented vote machine fraud in swing states explains vote "swing"
A New DUer Has Posted some info on exit poll changes.....
Breaking!! : Washington Court decides in favor of Dems!!!!!!!
Tell congress to contest the election:
TODAY'S NEWS HEADLINE: A Week of Inauguration Protests Planned
You want a laugh? Read this hagiography of Bev Harris, Woman of the Year..
Who authored Dean's political assination?
MSNBC's 'Bloggermann' Blows It Again!... The BRAD BLOG Tries to Help!
Computer & elections experts: isn't this quote rather important info???
Medical marijuana user tries to stop DMV from taking her license
Feinstein/Boxer allow repubs to steal elections...why?
U.S. to Pay $16 Million in Water Rights Case
What is next re gay marriage in Massachusetts?
Bus from Lancaster to Washington DC on 1/20/05
Steeler Lynn Swann to challenge Rendell for Gov Race ?
Santorum featured in Newsweek (Obama also featured)
How about a roll call to JOIN a Democratic club in your area
Dallas DUers! How are conditions at DFW?
Will anyone ever be indicted for outing Valerie Plame?
Flashback to 2003: the Nachi worm infected several Diebold ATMs
Techies: How does one go about reporting a HATE website to the DHS?
small suggestion, firefox people, firefox (internet browser)
Gitmo soldier beats the hell out of his parents
Bush Supports Group Who Is Convincing Churches To Throw Out Their Crosses
Don't send more troops to Iraq! Get the hell out now!
Radical Islam has us exactly where they want us -
JetBlue Direct TV taken over by FAUX
One of the greatest advantages the U.S. has had in the past century
honest Iraq blogs ? right wing propaganda Iraq blogs?
How many DU members are there? How many people vist each day? How much ban
What ever happened to the old DUers
Why won't my spell checker work
NBC nightly News was censored tonight. Did u see it?
Hee hee. Freeper exposes himself on WSJ editorial section
I see bush's halo is slipping.
Bush to Mosul attackers - "Is that all you got"?
Keef Feels a DRAFT..... (K Chronicles)
Bush breaks approval rating record
new Hannity advertiser Brass Armadillo Antique Malls
AAR should go into every break today
Under the cover "anti-terrorism", US is controlling journalists
The Sinister Plan . . . (Fallujah) . . .
CNN broadcasting return of wounded (of Mosul attack) to Germany...
Ever notice this about the NYT and WP? Registration Bias?
new Oxyrush and Savage Weiner advertiser Discount Toner and Ink
NY Newsday covers FBI/DOD Guantanamo Abuse
Shades of Saigon? A suicide bomber responsible for Mess Tent exlposion!
Injured soldiers being 'downloaded' from Mosul to
An idea for the elections in Iraq:
Elections don't make democracies,democracies make elections.
The MALL - the real church of christmas
Population growth in red states like Utah, Arizona
Prepare for the coming Economic Crash of 2005
This move right thing going on . . .
House Repuke Staffer caught stealing Plasma TV by Capitol Police
New Damning Torture Revelations, Same Old Collective Shrug
Chaplain's report from Mosul attack of 12/21
What would the troops have to do to lose your loyalty ?
Article about the small Kansas town of the kidnapping suspect
CNN showing arrival of Mosul wounded in Germany.
Slate has been bought out by the Washington Post
Iraq Elections: Benefits bush or benefits the Iraqi people or the US?
Bush's 'Thank You' Speech to all the people who supported him
Fox's R. Murdoch builds home in godless anti-Christian China!
Gitmo Commander beat the crap out of his parents
Bush is cutting money from charities b/c of deficits
Does Bush have a clue about Social Security?
Why does Worldnetdaily and Brit Hume hate the Lord?
Has Christ been put back in Christmas yet?
Well, there go the forests......
Did Anyone See Bush last Night At The Kennedy Center? He looked SO bored!
Republican logic- torture is justified
AP working their bias into every freaking story...I'm sick of it.
Unprotected biological weapons lab in Kazakhistan,mere miles from Iraq.
Coulter accuses liberals of "gloating" after the Mosul attack!/Video
Our Troopers got OS'd.....even in Combat cyber games such as Planetside
banned 'monkey bush' painting now on NY C billboard
Someone please explain to me... why cant the US just get out of Iraq NOW?
wonder if our troops in Iraq have seen this?
is there anything to be happy or hopeful about politically?
Murdoch is building a house in China
Hey, How is that WMD Commission doing?
Tell me someone else heard the gross call-in on CSPAN this morning!
Isn't it Great that the Media are all over the Bush-Authorized Torture?
'Stand for God' costs teacher his job
Regarding the Revival of the Draft
How many US Military Operations have there been since 1980?
Al Franken risks his life. Bill O'Reilly bitches about Christmas heathens.
The Most Overhyped and Underreported Media Stories of the Year!
How does the name The Torture President sound?
Media going into high gear reving up spin machine to "Save Rummy"
Season's Greetings from the White House
Knocked Up and Locked Out -- Abortion in Latin America
I LLOOOOVE how MSM has almost ignored the Ukraine debate,
CNN et al. are treating the Mosul bloodbath as a forensics problem
Must see TV/ Bill Donohue vs Rabbi Shmuley
Marauding gangs of Christ-hating liberals assault Baby Jesus
Bush said in 1978 Social Security would be bankrupt within 10 years.
Re-examination of scientist David Kelly's death warranted
Rumsfailed Appears to be on Sedatives
What are YOU giving KKKarl Rove for his birthday? (12/25)
FAA plans air traffic controller hiring surge (12,500)
Put it on CSPAN if you want to get riled up!
Tony Blair working on Middle East Peace - good for him.
Some truths from an old female about abortion. Making it illegal will not
Operation (X) or Project (Y) - Need DU'ers ideas in a data hunt
Possible Morality Scam to Bilk the Elderly out of Money????
If we all started referring to Iraq only as bush's war
Right wing is confounded by "Iraq is our ally" label
After reading the Chaplain's report from Mosul, 12/21
filled with rage during this season of "peace" -
News readers trying to sound sincere and sorrowful. AAARRGH!
"These young military personnel volunteered to fight in Iraq."
Did Laura take down Bill Clinton's picture to make room for
An Open Letter to all Christian Conservatives
a new vioce in sentencing reform
Katie Couric was doing her JOB today...
News Conference Over.....No News.
some a**hole posted that stupid "i am a bad american" screed
I could use your help...Flash Project...
Bush cuts global food aid, keeps presidential yacht
So, the Republicans want to RAISE AMERICANS' TAXES.
An open letter to all open letter writers.
which makes for better foreign policy? subjectivism or legalism?
This is what can happen when you combine Religion, Ignorance, and Fear
Why Time's "Person of the Year" is full of Crap.
Blast the media with George W. Bush's 1978 Social Security claims!!!
"My original protest and it is CHRISTmas" email
Rummys Rubber Stamp and The 700 Club on Steroids
Conyers, Greens convinced of integrity of vote - Why am I not reassured?
how to put an image in my post/
The very best thing I read today
Fox's "Who's Your Daddy?" show
So you Want to Start a Religion ? Anyone can
Could someone please explain..
What will it Take??? 4,000 dead? 40,000 dead? 400,000? .9 Trillion$
Washington almost certain to get Democratic Governor!
Now That Rumsfeld Is Personally Signing Condolence Letters...
(Ontario Muslims say) Sharia has no place here
No, you can't have my beautiful daughter!
N.Y. Republican Party's Top Lawyer arrested
Little Republican boys should not get a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas
Morford: " Is For Republicans" (Buy Blue column...)
Have you heard of a gift certificate that is not accepted for taxes sh ?
Singing John Lennons' Christmas song in the car while taking my
Bush's Very Bizzare Behavior at a Press Conference /Video
Gay-est Bush picture yet, our president the Liberace Cowboy.
--Observations of a Week In Belize--
What happens when a Red-state passes anti-choice laws?
Making Christmas mean, vindictive and warlike
How Dildo'Reilly Saved CHRISTmas!
General Myers basically said situation in Iraq not winnable militarily !?
SmokingGun Gifting Loofahs, Plus KERIK's Rise/Fall & 2 B Investigated?
"School Ban on Xmas Carols Spark Debate"
Never mind the Hitler mustache for *, how about a ROBE, BEARD, AND A
So suicide bombers are simply crazy, not fighting for their beliefs
What's with this phony issue of "Taking Christ out of Christmas"
A word of wisdom on all the latest FDA pharmaceutical warnings.
Atheists Drowned Out By Counter-Protesters
The 2 Fundies in our office seem awfully cocky lately.
C'mon people! Show me the shocking scandal that will bring W down!
What does this pic remind you of??
Anyone up for funding Andy Stephenson?
Put the Holy Back in the Holidays
Has "hardass - tough guy" Dennis Miller done a USO tour?
Mosul dining hall massacre/missing 350-tons of explosives ...
The Most popular DU radio host?
How's this for the "Stars & Bars"?
Christian fundie review of "Spongebob Squarepants" movie:
PETA Footage Puts Kosher Slaughterhouse on Defensive
Finally Confirmed: US Got Torture Lessons from Israel
Why do Republicans hate 'correctness'?
PHOTO: White House releases "silhouette" of Bush
I'm looking for anti Salvation army coupons to leave in kettles!
Why do people turn to fundamentalism?
Glad that Rummy didn't resign :)
O'Reilly claims "Jesus is weeping" over personal attacks on O'Reilly
Mother who lost her son responds to Time magazine's choice
Suicide, Homicide or Martyrdom?
I'm angered by soldiers saying they are fighting for their country
Where do I send OReilly's Kwanzaa stocking stuffed with falafel & dreidels
Rumfeld War Crimes Trial Starts in Germany
War has NEVER been used to Liberate People
A Photo of the Tough Guy "Leader"
Christian Exodus: Moving thousands to SC to establish Christian Nation
woohoo, just got a windfall for Christmas! I'm gonna spend it on
Bought a bone-in 1-3 rib-eye roast....
I'm cooking a small turkey breast for christmas- help!
Cooking wine recommendations please.
Seasons Greetings Canadian DU'ers
Christians protest actions that play down Christmas' religious nature
Progressive Democrats take Voting Fraud Issues to the Floor of the Senate
Dems: Wash. Recount Puts Gregoire on Top
FDA scientists concerned about safety
CSPAN Now!! that B*sh STOLE Election!!
35 Facts the Government Wants About You (UK Mirror)
Two Top Execs at Fannie Mae Forced Out
Call Centres Move to the Living Room
Biden blames attack on Fallujah exiles
Wash. State Winner By 8 Votes?
Car searched in hunt for £20m armed robbers
Exelon-PSEG deal to result in 900 N.J. job cuts
NYT: Big Cities Will Get More in Antiterrorism Grants
US embassy bombing suspect freed
'Red' States Growing Faster Than 'Blues'
LAT: The National Institutes of Health: Public Servant or Private Marketer
Saudis rebuke Libya over 'plot'
Brussels blow to Microsoft upheld
Website head bailed in porn case
Settlers fight back with symbol of the Holocaust
Italian army woman to face abuse inquiry
Site of Jesus' Miracle Said to Be Found
Memos show FBI agents complained about abuses at Guantánamo Bay
Dems Claim Win In WA Gov. Race
WP,pg1: Details Cloud Support for Social Security Plan
Big Contractors Begin to Flee Iraq
Iraq threatens to consume Bush's second term
In Instant, Mealtime Turns to Chaos (WashPost with photo)
New Evidence Shows Widespread abouse -Washington Post
White House festivities take a touchy turn
Democrats: King County recount puts Gregoire on top
Chávez extends regional muscle
U.S. Sweeps Through Mosul After Attack
ANALYSIS-Doubt in Mosul highlights range of risks to US bases
Wounded soldiers from Mosul attack
Boeing test-launches mammoth new rocket
NYT: As Investigation Widens, Arson Linked to Md. Gang (Unseen Cavaliers)
NYT: Three Dozen New Galaxies Are Found in Nearby Space
Citing security costs, U.S. contractor pulls out of Iraq
Soldiers from Mosul attack flown to Ramstein
Iran 'will defend nuclear sites'
Curfew Imposed on Mosul, Iraq, After Deadly Strike Yesterday
Iraq's Falluja refugees start going home Thursday
As the Church lady would say ...
Dems Claim Win in Wash. Governor's Race
Saudis Withdraw Ambassador From Libya
WP: GOP Corporate Donors Cash In on Smut
Report: Mosul Attack Was a Suicide Bombing
Aristide cronies' accounts probed
4 Halliburton Workers Die in Iraq Attack
Construction company drops Iraq contract because of security fears
Dems Claim Win in Wash. Governor's Race
Portland may be first to pull out of FBI terrorism task force
Iraq security 'much better than before' (Iraq’s finance minister)
Some holiday shoppers giving Botox, nose jobs
Mosul, one time U.S. success story, turns ugly
Tanker Truck Crashes Near Pentagon
U.S. economy grows more than expected
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday 22 December
Is this True?December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it, folks
Seasonal Displays Being Looted
IRAQ: Focus on Fallujah residents returning
On Administration's New Forest Management Regulations
French Hostages Return Home, Paris Says No Ransom
Civilians Fill in for Marines on Toy Drive (Too Many In Iraq This Year)
Bush wants prisoner abuse investigation
Navy Relieves 80 Commanders Over 5 Years
Survey: More teens using Oxycontin
Iraqi City in Lockdown After U.S. Base Blasted
Microsoft fails in court bid to suspend EU sanctions | Seattle Times
Poll: Social Security is in deep trouble
BBC: State firm 'gains' key Yukos unit
Eyewitness Interview: "Iraq Is An Absolute Disaster"
Crisis Group Challenges Bush's Iraq Policy
Wrong John Kerry Gets NY Electoral Votes
Alabama Family Talks About Form Letter From Rumsfeld
Radio Station Owner Faces $220,000 Fine ("Naked Twister" & Ron Jeremy)
Roll Call of Notables Who Died in 2004
Cheney hunts ducks with SC GOP leaders in Colleton Co.
Iraq's unsecured ammo dumps providing explosives for insurgency
Loud explosion, gun shots in Baghdad
California company sells cloned cat, generating ethics debate
NYT: U.S. Cutting (global) Food Aid Aimed at Self-Sufficiency
Destroyed Fallujah 'Uninhabitable',
Bush Plans a Media Blitz on Social Security
Many in GOP Wary of Social Security Plan
US Iraq strategy 'no longer achievable'
Iran nabs group charged with telling Israel atomic secrets
Army Reserve irked by soldier's fund-raiser
LAT: Giving Them a Sick Feeling (next Moore film to target drug firms)
Who are the nation's 'cheapstates'? Try the blue ones.
Powell to Ring in 2005 in Times Square
ABC News reports that Mosul attack was suicide bomber.
BeliefNet chooses soldier Tillman as inspiration of the year
BREAKING NEWS: Wash. Supreme Court rules in favor of Dems
Ex-Giuliani aides yanked into Kerik tangle
Rumsfeld passionately defends himself
Hagel blasts civilian bosses in Pentagon (Says draft may be necessary)
U.S. remembers homeless who died
New Forest Plan Would Lessen Restraints
University to Buy Clintons' 1970s Home
FBI email embroils Bush in jail abuse
U.S. cuts aid to food charities
Bernard Kerik Resigns From Giuliani's Consulting Firm
China warns of Taiwan relations
Media Matters 1st Annual "Misinformer" of the Year - O'Reilly
Teen sues over Confederate flag dress
How To Make A Tequila Christmas Cake :-)
Dude, I got a Dell! (Please humor me)
Has anyone seen "What the Bleep#$^&)(???
Boys, (and girls) easy personal gift to give
Im Bettsorama...................Im tuff im ready looking for rough & reasy
5 1/2 yrs. of no wine tonight i broke it wine buzzzzzzzz buzzzzz
Would you buy a used car from this cat?
I never tonight im on planet Kimmel
Ok, I know this might not be well-received, but I have to admit it.
Billy Murphy's "Yes We Have No Bananas" Love it or Hate it?
Dominick, The Italian Christmas Donkey -- love it or hate it?
Heaven is a hot cup of peppermint tea with
How many forums do you post in at the moment?
This Post. Love it or Hate it?
I fucking want my copy of Argosy back
Agony is fucking me in the back.
Who did you meet during the campaign?
Where's that pic of Poodle looking like he's taking a dump in his armored
Favorite song that's actually several songs?
And The Bird Sayeth... (by Jodi Lynn Giannini)
You guys I just felt really shitty today after reading about
I delivered a package to Tom Robbins' house today, ask me anything
Noam Chomsky or A Night at Minskys?
Amy Grant - "I Will Remember You" --- Love it or hate it?
Mommy! Mommy! Timmy wet his pants!
When you told that story, about the cow,
Sometimes i hate shopping online!
Has anyone seen Meet the Feebles?
What is your favorite Iron Maiden song?
Oops! Film Canisters Go To Developer Filled With Cocaine
"A Festivus for the rest of us" . . .
small suggestion, firefox people, firefox (internet browser)
Does anyone remember Supertoot? or Yuba Gold?
hey . . . there's a little "rumpologist" in all of us, no? . . .
Favorite Serious Jim Carrey movie
If looks could kill (?) Caption This ...
I've got a peaceful, easy feeling, and I know you won't let me
Does anyone here like Jonathan Richman?
My worst dreams produce my best design ideas...
Did your mom ever used to make this?
over 60,000 on DU, how many will be here on christmas?
We should fix the Wikipedia page for Festivus..
Laughably bad movie alert, Godzilla verses Megaguirus 2000, on Sci-Fi
Is it just me, or are most bushkissin' pundits
Isn't it ironic that freepers are probably the best evidence we have....
Is the leopard-print cowboy hat that this guy wears a plus or a minus?
What if there had been Three Wise Women instead of Three Wise Men
Just watched "House of Sand and Fog". Wow! Very intense.
Yet another odd query for the Lounge
OMG! Has anyone seen a show called 'elimiDATE?'
So, what is your favorite AC/DC song?
Which is the coolest nicname you came across in DU...
Christmastime called peak time for teen sex
This is the weirdest story from my town, I've seen so far.
I'm not going to shop at Jewel Food Stores...
anyone remember the "Disneyland Memorial Orgy" poster? . . .
How great an idiot is Bu$H really?
Do you have a Cat that plays bowling pins with your drink cups?
So the problem with going to bed at 8 pm is that you'll be up at 4:30 am
Drug Users Complain To Officials Over Fake Ecstasy
Schwarzenegger Sued Over Mansion He Sold - He Hid A Mold Problem
I want to strangle Kmart's ad agency
Live Cat Found In Freezer With Euthanized Animals
What's The Hot Christmas Gift This Year? - Shark Repellent
Meet the Freepers-KBR 180K sign on
Help RE: Firefox? If I downloaded an extension like dictionary search,
I would buy everyone a Lexus for Xmas, but i can't find any big bows!
Teenager Accused Of Shooting Santa With A Pellet Gun
Are you already dizzy from the Christmas stress?
Albums Which Are One Long Continuous Song
Once I had a love and it was a gas
What do you think?-need gift advice
Iowa Couple: Let There Be Light
Iowa Bovines Enjoy Beer-Spiked Feed
Another boring lyric post..ELP. I believe in father Christmas
Teen Gang Beats Up Santa Clause
The Lamb is king? Funny how the Lamb's supporters are wolves...
Just got in the 700 Club...Ask Me Anything!
someone just take me away from this place!!!
Is this Stormy I'm listening to on Air America?
Okay who is the dumbest in this ODD NEWS story?
Youth Pastor Surprised She Shares The Same Name As Local Stripper
I C many threads pop up on Firefox. Who's 4 starting a Firefox group?
Deflated SpongeBob Found Stabbed On Side Of Road
Ever seen a whale eating corn?
I found this article in one of my old notebooks.
Ever seen whale porn? (it's a hoax, thank goodness)
Poll shows: "Tis the Season to Get Plastered"
My money is on #32...any takers?
New life for Bush monkey poster
Ever seen a bore being whaled on?
Twelve Inches of SNOW This Morning
Santorum, cunnilingus, and George W. Bush ...
"Kosher Clause" Appears At Jewish Community Center
Apparently, I'm here by myself in the office today.
Just go to sleep. You're just making things worse.
Political Poem written by my 12 year old Son
Attempted Murder By Milkshake?
Ok, it's almost over, so who has had a good year?
Hey Look everyone!! It's Hubert Flottz!!!
How do I save a screen shot of a webpage?
Caption: Miaooo, where's my Xmas dinner?
What gift will you be disappointed if you don't get this Saturday?
Caption: just gaggin' for it under the mistletoe
YEEEEEEEHAWWW boy its snowing out there!
Are there NO Democrat Spam Eaters ?
When it comes to Ann Coulter the democratic underground is mainstream
Are there NO Democrat Devil Worshipers?
Caption: All I want for Xmas is some decent bling.....
hat the heck is wrong with poops?
What did you call the night before Halloween?
What the hell happened to CSI?
Wow, the Sin City trailer was leaked.
Caption: Miaooo, this'll knock the spots off Junior
What the heck is wrong with dupes?
Stupid/Funny Things You Did As A Kid
News for Lord of the Rings Fans
MTV's "Real World" Coming to Austin, Texas
Are there NO prisons? Are there NO workhouses?
A man was murdered in my building this weekend & the police said
I like it that you folks call me an Xian-makes me feel all alien n'shit!
Does anyone else like "Pecker"?
Buy books online from Barnes and Noble, not Amazon
10:47am:: I Am Home ::Massive Attack
"Oh...the weather outside is frightful"....
Repug friend sent me this...I disagree with some of it.........
You think you're god's gift. You are a liar.
Angry Du'er's please check in here!
What the heck is wrong with Xians?
Wizard of Oz - the alternate ending
Good Morning Are you snowed in ?
Checking my 401(k) statement is fun again!
I just got an email from Yasser Arafat's son
Mac people, how do I get a piture out of iphoto and put it online?
What the heck is wrong with lazy-eyed people?
What the heck is wrong with dudes?
What the Fuck is wrong with Everybody?
what the heck is wrong with chicks?
HO HO HO Snow on the roof, HO HO HO Snow on the roof
Yogurt, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways...
Merry Winter Solstice today DUers! (art attached)
I had a dream that i was debating Ann Coulter
Woman Jailed For Stabbing Brother & Son In Pork Chop Dispute
I have a question about peanut butter cookies
Woo Hoo! My first CD-burn finally done! Only took 4 tries...
what the heck is wrong with hicks?
I have another question about peanut butter cookies
What the heck is wrong with "hell"?
Storm alert....Winter storm heading to Canada from the United States!
What the hell is wrong with 'heck'?
Why must I be like that? Why must I chase the cat?
Horny Du'er's please check in here!
I had a dream that I was deboning Ann Coulter.
I just got the extension for Firefox and I feel sexy! nt
Doing work for * supporters???
Anyone else enjoy going fishing on Christmas Eve?
"Now, I've found, that the world is round and of course.....Bee Gees Poll:
Watching birds eat in a snow storm is the best!
Fast-Food clone resturaunts---this is really funny (Abe Lincoln chicken)
What is it with all the whiny atheists on DU?
Chipmunks roasting on an open fire
Did you ever vehemently agree with someone's post....
I hit 1000 and didn't even know it!!
We'll be traveling from St. Louis to Cincinnati tomorrow.
Can anyone recommend an analog-to-digital transfer service or program?
Arguing against the DU ban on sex threads (esp. masturbation)
A Christmas Poem by George Bush - The Night OBL Tried to Steal Xmas
What is it with all the whiny athletes on DU?
It's the THOMAS KINKADE holiday 'Skater's Pond Bouquet!"
A picture of me at my company's holiday party...
1st Annual DU Lounge Player Hater's Ball
co-worker finally brought me Clinton's biography!!
just heard Fleetwood Mac on the radio....and miss Clinton now!
I just got a Kwanzaa card!!! Ask me anything
Personally, I Blame Gay Men For Women Being So Self-Conscious
Winning holiday lotto ticket bought in town called Luck
The "Art of Seduction" CAPTION
Instead of coal for the naughty on your list
'Gigli' filming caused woman's injury, suit says
Real story of "Porky Pig" singing Blue Christmas
My daughters tooth is hanging by a string
Ways to spot Freeper co-workers
"A Christmas Carol' starring Tori Spelling and William Shatner.
Yesterday's high temp, 76. Current temp, 37.
We live in a post-9/11 world you French white flag waving wimp!
I'm more popular than Zombywoof. Ask me anything.
Jilted bride sues runaway groom for calling off wedding via text messaging
Time for a Torch Song - An Early Festivus Gift
You've got to try the Church Sign Generator!
This is the worst year for movies!
What is your favorite name for FREEPERS?
Mystery Martian cleans US space buggy
Anybody listen to Robert Downey Jr.'s CD yet?
Buffalo gal, won't you come out tonight?
Only one day left to get your aluminum pole!
Drug Store Robbed of 100+ boxes of Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and US $7,000
My husband is baking apricot rolls
Monty Pythons, The Galaxy song. Best song ever?
I finally saw the crossfire with Jon Stewart
Guess I won't be seeing Phantom of theOpera
Can someone take time to answer my stupid question?
If you didn't do what you thought you did
My brownies are baking my wife!
Has anyone been to Tunisia? A co-worker is from there and tells me
The origins of an old Christmas tradition...
What ever happened to the old DUers
6AM News: Road Crews Ready for Big Snow Storm.....
xes xes xes xes xes xes xes xes xes
I got a little change in my pocket
Just added "Add bookmark here ext." to my Firefox browser & I feel sexy.
What's the best Christmas libation?
I am so bored I cant even think of anything to post
Anyone here an amatuer coffee roaster?
What's Santa bringing you for Christmas?
Chestnuts Roasting on an open fire...
I'm going Xmas shopping now and it 72degs. Should I wear shorts?
What is it with all the whiny Chrisanthamums on DU?
to build on curse words that aren't curse words..
Anyone playing Sid Meier's Pirates?
Almost done with final paper...need motivation
What movie(s) did you absolutely hate?
Do you think people in GD would argue as much face to face?
Anyone one to analyze my dream from last night?
There's no snow in my forecast *sigh*
What was the last merlot you drank that really kicked butt?
Best curse words that aren't really curse words... (CAUTION - EXPLICIT)
sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex
OK! Who Here Is A Fan Of Mythbusters!
Donations to Jesse Lee Peterson's NAACP boycott still 'slow'
sects sects sects sects sects sects sects sects sects....
Driver going 70 mph gets turkey embedded in windshield
Who wants to chip in and get commander bunnypants a girl?
FReepers posting about how Bush will stop Forest fires! (really funny)
HEY! Guess who is a last minute addition to the Community Xmas pageant?
Recommended method to buy foreign currency from the U.S.?
I know, I hated those kids. In fact
Can we agree on this? There is good and bad can come from everything
I need help purchasing a new bios chip
He's Not a Grammar Nazi Either
I'll be damned if a good espresso isn't the nectar of the Gods!
You can't imitate me on this fuckin tape
When should I drive home for Christmas?
How many posts do I need before I can start a topic?
And now, for your moment of Zen...
sssshhh My Christmas present to my wife ssssshhhh
Any Swedes/Swedish-speakers on DU?
I remember Brazilian greeting cards saying "Boas Festas" since FOREVER
It's official--- I'm OLD now....
Mexican city bans indoor nudity
Missing an old (or odd) Christmas Song? Find it here.
YAAAAYYY!! It's snowing in Dallas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DUers I ask for a Hippopatamus please. The song, anywhere know
Four Inches of SNOW This Morning
Happy Homodays! Merry Queerstmas!
Alright, I'm trying to think of a song...
mmmmmmm my sister in Chicago just sent me a pound box of
Song I dedicate to George Bush. Please read.
ooh. I bet the WB station I'm watching is going to get hate mail
Some things to do before Jan. 20, 2005...
Chargers at Colts this weekend. My son is predicting an upset
(x) Inches of (y) This Morning
Teen Sues Over Confederate Flag Dress
Ninja-Messiah Throwing Nails!!
A good time to sell a rental property?
Need 10 folks to post here to start a FIREFOX user's group! Who's in?
how genius is Weird Al's "Couch Potato" song
if i eat any more i will EXPLODE
what's with all the food threads?
Does anybody want a FREE opportunity to slam "pro-lifers"?
Where can I find earlier versions of Autocad CHEAP?
Speaking of taking back Christmas...
Who loooves eggnog and hates green bean casserole?
Today a coworker lent me "The Day After Tomorrow"
Moving from an Office to Cuba...
I'm an Atheist but Jesus H. Christ is a cool dude!
Has anybody else seen the bumpersticker with gallows next to 'W 05'?
Happy BDay Prarie Home Companion
An open letter to those dissing on open letter writers
While I'm in a ranting mood - Tim Horton's sucks
Bertuzzi trial turns into a farce
String theory on NOVA last night gave me a headache.....
DU techies: Where can I find free ringtones?
"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels" - is this true?
Moving from an Office to a Cube...
Holy shit ! ! ! Full House loop-hole ! ! How did Danny Tanner and a greek
I just read a fundie Christmas letter! Please Cleanse Me!
The snow scene in West-Central Arkansas
"Hey German Kid, go back to Germania"
Face it: You don't get a Hallmark Moment this Xmas
It wouldn't really be Christmas without...........
And a golden halo surrounds the head of The Boy King, deep in thought
Am I the only one that watches That 70's Show and thinks that Red Foreman
For whatever (non)entity(s) you don't/do worship, stop it!! You would think
Any writers here ever suffer from writer's block?
What is the best and worst holiday dish that your family serves?
10cc - "I'm Not In Love" --- Love it or hate it?
Snow should NEVER be allowed in the South.
Husband's behavior on 'Amazing Race' stuns viewers
I don't want Fop goddammit, I'm a Dapper Dan man!
The year in (animal) pictures....
So wide... You can't get around it...
I got an Ann Coulter book for Christmas
What odd food can you always eat no matter what?
Need help: Mr. Coventina & I just bought a "fixer-upper"
Fart Bombs Declared Dangerous By Customs Office
No one loves red beans and rice more than me.
Super cool visual illusion thingy
I got a Christmas card from Chimpy!!
The cutest picture you have ever seen.....
Caption: Junior leads draft press gang
Caption: Hang your head in shame warmonger
The "Double Life Disguise" CAPTION
The "Fussy Fashion Maven" CAPTION
My very own gratuitous kitty pic
There's a chance of SNOW tonight!
Despite its reputation, "It's a Wonderful Life" is a fairly dark film
Honest question: Has Porn changed since the 70s?
What food do you crave most when you are ill?
I just recieved my grades, and I don't know what the FUCK happened.
Martha Stewart: "Prison food is bad"
FR thread of the day: Ann Coulter is Hot (really)
What are the coolest movie cars?
"Time for you to stockpile gifts!"
Do you give your SO a gift list, drop hints, etc. ?
Looking for my own way back to God.
So, what did you get Mike Hunt for Christmas this year?
Which of these two gifts should I give my parents for Christmas?
Do you use the word "X-mas" just to annoy X-tians?
Is anyone else a big Harold and Maude fan?
What foods are you a snob about?
I was just called "obsessed" by my best friend
“The world is a sad and beautiful place.” - Joe Strummer
What is it with all the whiny Christians on DU?
"You can't be Catholic and Pro-Abortion"
Help me spend my Wal-Mart gift certificate!
Worst alibi of all time -- Robert Blake
Food you love that your significant other finds repulsive?
I want to expand my foreign film repertoire. Any recommendations?
Are there NO Democrat Christians?
Actual Warnings on Consumer Goods
MTV's "Real World" Coming to Austin, Texas
Wes Anderson Films - Hate them or Love Them?
"Did they die for something that they knew was a lie?"
do you observe the "feast of the epiphany"?
Utah School Backs Down On Gay Rule
Gays win skirmish over dates for dance in West Jordan, Utah
South Africa Appeals Gay Marriage Ruling
Catholic Med School Bans Gay Student Group
Minneapolis Paper Refuses Gay Pride Ad, Draws Discrimination Complaint
A co-worker of mine was gay bashed.
Steroids and Brawls: A study in contrasts
Dodgers Kill Big Unit Deal to Yanks.
A Running Diary of the Pats Loss to Miami
Breaking: Jermaine O'Neal's suspension reduced ...
AP removes its poll from BCS ratings
Hey Bird-brains...I need a little help with a question!
So, among reasonable people...
John Kerry - POW-MIA ( Part 2 of 2 )
Got to post it: I miss John Kerry.
How did Kerry even come close with "supporters" like these
John Kerry - The Rising To Clinton's Defense
My Travel Pics - post your own here!
Don't make resolutions - make a personal political action plan
Michael Moore will be on Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight
ROFL - Freak Republic News Conference today on C-Span
What happens when one corporation owns 99% of the media?
Video Of Our President Explaining The Social Security "Crisis"
Dubya says ‘Season’s Greetings, now get back to work Cratchit’
Bush to tax Social Security benefits to pay for tax cuts!
Can't DU THIS poll -- It's rigged ?! NY Daily News
Whit Ribbon campaign to oppose the war..
New Rovian Terminology I Have Noticed
David Sirota: Debunking Centrism
My real problem with "moving to the center"
I wish someone would take a poll right now...
The Bush cabal is taking its cues from Nazi Party history.
The newest MoveOn request - worthwhile or just really stupid?
When has anyone from BushCo ever told the truth?
"American Revolutionary" = "King of Pop"
Al Franken is on reporting on the kaos from yesterday's attack in Iraq
We need to think of a good label for those people.
Fedlog: With friends like these...(federal blogs, good reading today)
MSNBC 81% think Iraq on brink of Civil War
Rule allows agency officials, not employees, to protest A-76 decisions
Former aid to VP conducted secret investigation within interior dept
Help me shut down this Freeper...
The terrorists in Iraq are followers of Osama bin Laden ?
State of Union address, budget submission slated for early February
Bush: Bad! when bombers kill innocent Iraqis-but U.S. torture AOK!
Questions: Bush's Pardons Yesterday
A Case Against Privatizing Social Security
Interesting presentation on C-Span by Thomas Barnett
Support for war in Iraq is slipping fast, before this attack in Mosul....
Should the Democrats all get behind immediate withdrawal from Iraq?
Concern about the Boeing test-launch of a "mammoth new rocket"
Fastest growth found in 'red' states
Will 2008 Be Another Fear Election?
Bush weirdness 16:47 into his press conference..
Please, don't give me the boot for asking this question.
Coulter accuses liberals of "gloating" after the Mosul attack!/Video
Why do most Republicans & Conservative's Perfer Ignorance ?
Suggested dem theme-meme: "religious war."
If you are threating to leave the Democratic party, why not leave now?
Inside the confused mind of an American
"If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!"
General Clark Coming Up On CNN
Rate this! Smokin'!! A Week of Inauguration Protests Planned
An interesting analysis of the election from Znet:
One simple thing Democrats could do to keep me in the fold
Bush mumbles into his tie during press conference... what the...????
Manger scene can stay, Festivus must go, both on government land.
Name a Democrat who is making life hard for the Bushists.
Feingold for President in 2008?
Why are so many people against the use of anger? Anger is a positive force