Orange County Metro oped: A Holiday Holler
Rumsfeld is doing what Bush wants him to do
Wanted: Less Sorrow, More Anger-James Wolcott
The Rise of the Christian Fascists
if the press was really liberal
Sick of writing all those letters? Ready to give up? Inspiration here
VIACOM Chairman (CBS owners) Sumner Redstone's statement
Brief Ohio mentions on Countdown
ANYONE having trouble with AAR .. i cant even get webpage!
The Election, Part 2: Fraud, Intimidation, and Suppression
Does anyone have any idea how many of us there are?
Calling TIA and other DU Smartypantses.....
Another Reason *ush Must Go This Is Beyond Awful PLEASE READ
MSNBC Reports on today's Kerry news!
Did You Catch David Lytel On Hannity & Colmes?
Where can we find the Kerry press release read on Countdown tonight?
Olbermann's senior producer writing his blog
Did the Triad "thing" the honorable Mr. Pitt refered to last night happen
Address THE Problem: Amendment - Revoke Corporate Constitutional Privelege
So what WAS the word from Will Pitt today ???
Times hops into Ohio voting fray...
New York Times: Voting Problems in Ohio
Was there fraud, in this election, in Ohio? Yes. Absolutely.
Jesse Jackson/Kerry Lawsuit --Ohio: on MSNBC now ...... eom
LA Times says Washington state might have a re-vote in 2005...
Let's hope they fight the Washington result like rabid dogs!!!
Article: Kerry conceded too soon, Jackson asserts (Chicago Tribune)...
On what reasonable basis would we trust any data from Mitofsky & MSM?
Jesse Jackson On Hardball Tonight On Now
Bushitler Dynasty Fraud Helped Turn My Grandmother into a bar of soap...
Add another to "Bush's Body Count"
Tis The Night Before Christmas.... MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE...
We must have a smoking gun to prevail on January 6th
OK, my ass is kicked. I'm going to go fall down now. But first...
New Mexico Supreme Court Refuses Recount Unless Cobb Pays $1.4 Million
Bean spill one: Over the last 3 weeks I have lost so much...
Bean Spill two: Show me the money
Would you folks read something for me?
Video Clip of Kerry news on Countdown
Warren County recount - snookered? What Happened?
who was Santourm's opponent in 2000?
What ever happened to GOPAgainst GW?
ROCK ON! Despite being in the Conservative party....
What ever happened to Bev Harris?
By destroying the dollar's value * causes the stock market to go up.
The Virgin Mary babysits for Bonzo*
Right Before Christmas (In Iraq)
First 'Bush refugees' win approval
Betcha ten bucks W's HHS won't take one look at this
Letting coulter, tucker, hannity, and o'lielly piss you off
Urgent help needed from sat radio users...
Tis the season for conservative hatred
Stories the Media Should Have Covered | Eleanor Clift
Uncle Sam Wants Your Kids-NOW!
An interesting item in Harper's January, 2005 Edition.
The Democratic Party as "The Washington Generals"
How to Connect to "Air America Radio" website tonight.
Has anyone heard we were warned before Mosul Base attack?
Anybody see the Rev Jesse Jackson on MSNBC?
Were there any women or mothers in the casualties at Mosul ??
A Christmas message from Stevie Wonder
Religious Right pressures school to recognize Christmas
Rocky Mountain Oysters or Sweet Meats or
Bill Oreallly, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coutler - LOVE hate mail from Dems
I was gonna suggest a Iraq KIA gallery featuring family of DUers
"Can Tucker Carlson Become an Impartial News Anchor?" No
US Economy (Plutocracy) to You: Sucker! Loser! Consumer! Idiot!
The father of a fallen soldier on Hardball just...
Watching "Christmas Unwrapped" on the History Channel..
Hawaii voters vote away their own constitutional rights...
Truthseeker Holiday Celebration: Thursday Malloy Thread
For those of us who are joining the Green Party...
Is anybody watching Aaron brown tonight???
Jewish Holocaust Survivors Sue Bush for $400 million
Has anyone noticed the Terrorist threat has totally disappeared?
Progressives: Support Our Troops!
Questionnaire from ... DU this dating service!@!
"Not One Damn Dime Day" - Jan 20, 2005
Is the PNAC the cement that holds the two parties together?
Is the History Channel slanted
NPR: whatever the story, they make it about moral values (FannieMae fraud)
Bill O'Lielly selected as MMFA's first "Misinformer of the Year"
Twelve of the fifteen provinces are stable and ready to vote......
Ann Coulter advocating violence against liberals again.
Who should have been Time's Person of the Year?
"Stop Dating Liberals" ad on RW website.
The Republicans do so much damage to our country everytime...
Religious Zealots Who Think They Own The Country
Everyone pondering leaving the Dem party...
Republican Satire:
Address THE Problem: Amendment - Revoke Corporate Constitutional Privelege
Could we get a 911 Truth show on TV? (Would Soros have to finance it?)
Who was the worst architect of war?
Sister Prejean's Scathing Review of Bush and the Death Penalty
Have you ever bought a Ham that is just too salty to eat?
Cranberry Steamed Pudding .. Here Goes
Withdrawn--Accidental Double Post
France Cautions World Over Weak Dollar
WP: Powell Advised Bush to Add Iraq Troops
U.S. Notified North Korea of "Red Line" Last Year
In Iraq, many churches cancel traditional Christmas celebrations
Bush pardons 4, bringing total to 31
Tremors that may signal political earthquake in North Korea
Rumsfeld visits U.S. troops in Mosul
NYT: Democrats Weigh De-emphasizing Abortion as an Issue
Israel, like Palestinians, may seek extra funds
U.S. warns Russia over Yukos sale
WP: Putin Lashes Out At U.S. and E.U.
WP: Pipeline to the President For GOP Conservatives
NYT: Voting Problems in Ohio Spur Call for Overhaul
Baghdad signs oil deal with 3-nation grouping: FT
A Legacy of Giuliani Years: Damage Suits Against City
Counterterror Officials Say Little Specific 'chatter' About Any New Plot
Philippines arrests two colonels over coup plot
MSNBC breaking: Rumsfeld Visits US Troops in Mosul
US may strike at Ba'athists in Syria, official tells 'Post'
US To Deploy New Missiles In S.Korea To Destroy WMD In N.Korea
WP: Iraqis' Dismay Surges as Lights Flicker and Gas Lines Grow
Democrat Gregoire Wins Wash. Governor Race
I never thought it could happen but.....
My brain says "Illinois" while my body screams "Miami!"!
I hate falling a sleep at work - someone wake me up
A Hefeweizen and a slice of lemon for all in the lounge!
Shout out to Bill Hicks Thread...
Merry Festivus to all of my fellow DU'ers. . .
Rabbits protest actions that play down Easter's bunny nature
who here is gonna veg out on christmas cartoons fri. and sat.?
Has anyone ever seen a Gideon?
Freddie Mercury vs. Michael Bolton
Cool site. OLD Christmas cards.
Stocking Stuffers for the single man
Two happy kitties. . . and no, it's not a pic thread :)
What Christmas traditions do you personally have to do each year?
Someone HELP ME! I have a head cold, and I can't pop my ear.
G-d, even KO is talking about Jeezus!
Program Note: "Arthur" Starting Right Now on Oxygen
Has anyone else noticed those red sig lines are gone?
Here's an honest poll: Nirvana vs. Soundgarden
Question to anyone who knows about computer viruses
Trent Reznor Vs. Marylin Manson
Anyone else love "Abby" from NCIS as much as I do?
Echo & the Bunnymen VS Psychedelic Furs
Can somebody link to Air America Radio and tell me if it's down
Anyone else enjoy the Great Moments in Punditry on the Daily Show?
Mr Hankey's Christmas Classics CD
So I'm cooking dinner for 7 family-less friends tomorrow night
OMG. Try NOT to laugh when visiting this web site:
Has anyone here used Pagoo, CallWave, BuzMe or Internet Call Manager?
Anyone having trouble getting on AAR today? I keep getting
I'm going to Raleigh tomorrow. Any good watering holes there?
New law proposed in Ohio (based on similar law in Buffalo NY)
Another outrageous band poll, Beatles or Creed
Christmas Meat: Turkey, Ham, Roast Beef, Goose, Other
I say Life of Brian is better than Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Last major thought/realization/epiphany you had while stoned? bring about Christmas Cheer..."Food, Sex, or Cars?!"
I'm in Decatur, Illinois...Don't Ask Me Anything!
Someday at Christmas, men won't be boys
Well, I finally flicked on that little note: "You have updates...
I seem to not be interested in posting. Do you think there is something
What happens if I "tamper" with the draughtflow insert...
10 posts to 5,000 what should i post?
Welcome to FL where they cut my food stamps!
Man, there is nothing sweeter than skipping work!
3 Stooges marathon on New Years eve
I used to think canonized meant they shot you out of a cannon
My Christmas Present: Husband getting Christmas week off
Greatest Post-Beatles album by a Beatle
A happy holidays wish, Politically Correct style
Let's Sing an "Anti-Christmas Carol"
Any DUers play World of Warcraft?
The only used bookstore in my town has a copy of "Slander" in the window
Doesn't this give you a headache?
Anyone in NYC see "The Marijuanalogues"?
Can you tell me where my country lies?
Can I just say ........ I love y'all?
Charles, don't you ever crave to appear on the front of the Daily Mail?
Do you have some weird talent that would qualify as a Stupid Human Trick?
The lever principle in action - LOL
I need a copyright free pic of John Kerry
Giving "reefer madness" (the bw original) to my kids for christmas
Hottest looking football player in the NFL
OK, now I'll leave the playlist running, open a terminal window,
Hey, what should I make my 1,000th post??!
Have you noticed that people are still having sex?
Stupidest question of the week
Does everyone's pee smell funny after eating asparagas?
Guess what, gang? I was just on the Mike Malloy show!
FRANK ZAPPA's first grandchild was born on Tuesday!
I just entered the 700 Club! Ask me ANYTHING!
Is my personals page too edgy?
What's your favorite childhood memory?
Bob Marley is the 8th most popular man in the world
My dream holiday feast in pictures
AAAARRRGGHHH!! I hate my sig pic!
True CLASSIC ROCK fans sign in
Metallica (pre-self titled) vs. Metallica (self-titled - present)
Help with movie title so I can rent it, please!
Mystery of Mars rover's 'carwash' rolls on
A Chistmas Amnesty - Take everyone you have on ignore off of it.
Who else loves the movie Doctor Zhivago
What was is musically about 1971?
Panama is the only place in the world where you can see the sun rise
Remember Anne Margaret in the Pork and Beans in Tommy?
Boy in a Santa suit asked to quit dance
Teletubbies VS Predator: Who wins?
In what state/province/nation were you born?
Who was the most significant Beatle, John or Paul?
ARRRGGH! It's spelled "milquetoast" and NOT "milktoast!"
Here's some higher math: 2 hours sleep + 2 white russians =
I'm in a crappy mood. Please cheer me up.
I've always wanted to __________________ (fill in the blank)
So, what's everyone listening to tonight?
Tell us 3 things DU doesn't know about you.
Listen Closely Next Time They Show the "UPS Store" Commercial
Fuh, fuh...Arby's Jamoca milkshake with a double shot of Kahlua...
for post #5,000 Monkey Island Madness
Sardine Lovers!!! Come out of the pantry and unite!!!
Anyone here with a "photographic memory"?
I'm going to put on a pair of big pants and sing "Strokin'"
iiiiii'''mmm fffrreeeeezzziiinnnggggg! Itttt'sss 22 deeegggreeeessss....
Want some whiskey in your water?
What's the oldest (or strangest), thing you have in your freezer?
Has anyone here ever had an interesting disease?
Theists: Tell us about atheists
How did "HeySoos" turn into "GeeZus"?
Is Shaq suiting up tonite against Sac.? Thought I read he wasn't. Saving
John Kerry - America Under Attack
Old Abandoned Amusement Park Photos.
Al Gore was Elected President in 2000. Ohio will Prove That!
Robert Novak throws Bush under the Bus! Video
Mr. President, Here's How To Make Sense Of Our Iraq Strategy
John Kerry sent us email! Operation Phone Home + Holiday
I have ONE question about Iraq.......
Letter to Senators: I ask you all to stand and fight for Democracy .......
All right DUers - Lets all support Al Neuharth
Rumsfeld makes surprise visit to Mosul Iraq says Aaron Brown of CNN
The Iraqi Elections: No International Oversight - Legitimate or Not?
Is Kerry free to coordinate w/527s? Should he lead Progressive movement?
Never buy a DELL computer........Boycott's continue!
Holiday e-mail message from Wes Clark to supporters
Our faith-driven Admin. fearful of an Iraqi theocracy. Oh the Irony. nt
Do you *really* not want moderates in the party?
What do you think would happen if we withdrew from Iraq ??
Conyers says US Senators will go along with inquiry(fixed link
Alberto R. Gonzales-Memos to Bush-Judge For Yourself
Dianne Fienstein proposes ammendment to end electoral college
Is Iraq better off now than with Saddam ??? If so, how?
'Merry Christmas' needs no help
Moral victory: Religious exploitation, and the new American creed
North (San Diego) County Times: McCarthy era being ushered back in?
Common Dreams: A Christmas Story
Political Attacks Against Venezuela Continue
Common Dreams: When Will We Ever Learn?
No peace on Earth during unjust war BY Father ANDREW GREELEY
WA governor's race: Hell hath no fury like a political party scorned
Here's Some Rumsfeld to Boost Your Morale
Merry Christmas To All - Molly Ivins
Heading for Trouble, TV Let Things Slide
25-, 19-Year Sentences, $25 Million Fine In Upstate NY Asbestos Scam
GM (Hummer's Maker) Urges Drivers To "Get Green" - The Greenwash Continues
Unalaska Wreck - Bow Sinks, 176K Gallons Fuel Oil Already Spilled
Exxon, Chevron, Southern Among $250K Donors For Bush Inauguration - NYT
Fallujah and The End of Warfare: Abhay Mehta
Good advice from the Brady Bunch!
I inadvertently created a post about a banned member-- question
What about a NationStates nation run by DUers,
`Checkpoint violinist' is thrilled to attend music seminar in Galilee
Religious tourism denied in isolated Bethlehem
IDF Officials Breaking Silence on Ineffectiveness of Fence
Hamas Has Strong Election Showing
Iranian TV shows its blind hatred for Israel
Israel Detains Nuclear Whistleblower Near Bethlehem
Battling against Israeli 'apartheid'
Any DUers going to make mayhem 1/15 in anti-inaugural...Chicago?
Rainbow/PUSH Coalition and other Organizations to Hold Pro Democracy Rally
Do we know what percentage of Ohio voters voted on Black Box
Anyone remember this from Nov. 5th?
New David Lytel Video with Ohio Rally Speakers
This is Our Pledge-> Faith ,Hope and Love but the Greatest of these is our
TV Networks Officially Refuse to Release Exit Poll Raw Data
An Update on the DU Panic Room and Andy Stephenson
Rossi files to run in 2008 - View the PDF
Bring Kucinich back on Letterman - Now he can say the "F" word Kick?Please
Wasserman of with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now TV..
So, if Rove has admitted having his own 'network' of precinct info, why
.... about that Conyers quote on the radio.....
MSNBC NOW-...New Hollywood movie about Iraq...More BS!!.
Resent being conned, treated with contempt, and played for a sucker!
Florida Said to Get Few Election Challenges WTF ???????
Rumsfeld in Iraq - another ploy to take the news off of voting scandal
Bush Inauguration Fund Drive Breaks $8M--HE SHOULD SAVE IT FOR BAIL $$.
Shame on you if you fool me once, Shame on me if you fool me twice
Bill Moyers on Democracy Now - on now...
NY TIMES: There Were Problems on Election Day
Suspicions of corruption with Rapp and TriAd voiced in July/August? legit?
Why is Arnebeck wasting time only focusing on Ohio?
PDA & Rainbow/PUSH to hold Ohio ProDemocracy Rally!
Call for action: Get all state electors to follow Vermont’s example!
How do we get two million people to DC on January 6, 2005?
Updated summary of Vote Machine Fraud in Florida Touchscreen Counties
Patterns supporting "Set to Default Republican" in Florida
Remember when they wanted to hang Gore for a few phone calls?
"Feds take aim at government corruption" all over MSM...leaked by DOJ off.
Did Kerry's Attorney file today in Oho? Can't find any news about it.
Video - Voter Suppression - Higher quality version here
Nader's site documenting election fraud stories; launches 50-state drive
Any links to David Lytel on Hannity and Colmes?
LA Times 12/24, CA not so blue anymore?
Yet another reason why we need to expose the election fraud NOW
Anyone else seen today's Blackcommentator?
Listen to Our New Radio Advertisement on the Ohio Recount
Cobb Asks Court to Preserve Evidence in Ohio Recount
How much more evidence does Kerry/Conyers/Arnebeck have.....
GOP's 'last hope' in Gov. Race...
cartoon has Keith Olbermann type
Default to Bush who did vote but not for president (blank voters)
Ohio January 3rd, CASE has different time posted than PDAmerica
Kerry's Behavior allows Rove to Embarrass Us: Is Kerry Committed to O.H.?
12/24 Election/Fraud/Recount thread
Kerry conceded too soon, Jackson asserts
New Mexico recount status: Time to take action DUers!
Did anyone else get this Christmas card from Bush?
Caption this photo of the evil puppet master!
What to Make of AP Story: "Only 63 Challenges In Florida Nov. Election"
Video - David Lytel on Hannity and Colmes
Docs filed by Cobb in federal court yesterday.
Photo Evidence of Fraud in Ohio... What became of this?
Bean spill three: What has she done?
The Night before Christmas - for the election fraud crew
Kerry reports for duty in Ohio-we only need 1 senator and 1 Representative
The mechanics of Phantom Votes in New Mexico
What kind of power adaptor on airplanes?
Need help connecting thru wireless connection on windows XP Pro
Call for Wisconsin's electors to follow Vermont's example
I chose Sen. Feingold as my first "Progressive Person of the Week" at
It's -5 degrees outside.Why do we live in Wisconsin?
How did "HeySoos" turn into "GeeZus"?
Help with movie title so I can rent it, please!
Garrison Keillor on with Charlie Rose tonight (Thurs 12/23)
Just watched a bit of WWE "Smackdown" from Iraq....
Great interview with Jon Stewart
Quiet, or I'll call democracy - Women in Iraq
Atheist Group Wants To Participate In Parade Of Lights...
Fahrenheit 9/11, up for People's Choice Award!!!
Delete's too late.
Essay- "I'm a Republican because:"
Rummy love-in troop/press conference on CNN
Kerik Rumor confirmed - I hadn't heard this one
We've got Bush Oil & Co. on the brain....
Washington-with Gregoire win, state is the first in history to have
Man accused of stealing day care's gifts
new feature at Progressive Person of the Week.
MSNBC NOW-...New Hollywood movie about Iraq...More BS!!.
ACLU petition taking the pledge!!!
On this Christmas Eve, here is what being a Liberal means to me:
How can anyone say that Iraq is better without Saddam?
Gary Webb Memorial by Michael C. Ruppert
MikeG prediction: One of these days the Catholic Church will be pro-choice
Rumsfeld Tells U.S. Troops in Iraq They Can Win (on surprise Mosul visit)
List of celebrities/authors/other famous people to boycott?
a few polls that are interesting
One of the greatest fears our rulers have is that people, fed with so
WTF? Our Tax dollars are paying for *this*?
Republican State Rep for Kansas is called up for Iraq duty--43 years old
Should families have access to the e-mail accounts of their deceased?
Bob HERBERT: "I don't want to be a daddy, because daddies die."
Bill Moyers on Democracy Now - on now...
What do ya'll think of my elem. kids school T-Shirt?
My brother is headed to Iraq tomorrow.
Another kickass article on fascism
Rumsfeld admits 'setbacks' in Iraq, violence flares in Fallujah
Weird story about a job interview...
I Love Christmas. And we are gonna have a good one.
A caller on C-SPAN said US was looking for recruits in Central America...
If the U.S. resorted to nuclear weapons in order to avoid "defeat" in Iraq
I don't have a problem with all Christians, just Nicene Christians
Read the responses to USA Today's editorial about Iraq withdrawal
Pharmcos envy.... our saving grace... really.
Gen. Wesley Clark -- CNN Inside Politics -- Friday 3:30 ET PM
MSNBC Reports: Terrorist Chatter relatively quiet...
Christmas Eve food for our souls
When Will They Call Her....Gov Elect..
USA=Hell in a Hand Basket: It's All NASCAR's Fault!
CNN coverage of Rumsfeld visit...After his speech they showed an officer
Why does FOX News banner list so many lies?
Each year, this article makes me misty-eyed.
John Kerry and Special Olympics ad
Washington Journal Christmas gift!
Send Message To Soldiers Away From Home. Holiday Audio Postcard
Rumsfeld's visit to Iraq and Bill Kristol's call for his resignation tell
Cartoon Network has a cartoon on right now
Net gambling foes cry ‘terrorism’
How many Iraqi's did Saddam kill?
Xenophobic hatred on the rise in Georgia
Macaque-in-Chief (from Wizard of Whimsy)
Sweet! AAR comes to Spokane, WA!
What would you do if you opened up a box with a live Python snake in it?
Armenia to deploy 46 "troops" to Iraq.
Stars and Stripes letter: Don't give him any medals
Please help.... seeking video clip...
Perhaps someone can tell me the difference between
I like this much better than the original TIME cover
Rumsfeld has seen fascism rise and fall, he has seen communism
Track Santa on the NORAD website! great if you have little ones...
A Christmas Story about Christians Fighting Christians: IVth Crusade
For my 2000th post......A holiday message for the chimp...
Gandhi on Bravo now - 3:40 p.m. christmas eve!
Just a reminder. Don't talk about $150 billion any more. It's now $230b.
Christmas Eve, 1913: The Italian Hall Tragedy
Million4Roe Petition and Pics of Where Abortion is Headed
The post-election letter I got from John Kerry made me cry.
National Public Radio censores Sedaris's Santaland Diaries
Associated Press repeats bogus story about ‘planted question’ in Iraq
Mosul will be the next Falusha...
Jimmy Carter backs civil unions for gay couples
Now I am finding it difficult to watch even C-Span.
Bush wants Illinois residents to die of flu!
Photo: Al Franken presents his new 'armor' while entertaining troops
"God Bless the USA" Galations 6:10, or so it says on my wrapper.
Undervotes, phantom votes and defaults
Manipulation and Mass Popular Delusion
The corporate takeover of America has already happened
The war was an act of naked aggression...
"The New Testament is the work of inventive but fallable men" Wow!!
Not One Damn Dime on January 20th
Pastor TD Jakes on CNN's American Morning 12/24
The Court Case that Established Corporate "Personhood"
B R I C "the bric coalition of emerging superpowers" News Results
When does support for Iraq war collapse?
Peace On Earth: Join Me In This Year-End Wish For ALL People
Radiation in Iraq Equals 250,000 Nagasaki Bombs
Even dumber than the attack on Christmas
Iraq's Democracy and America's Democracy: Are They Similar?
Best Disasters for Wingnuts of the Year (in No Order)
Rumsfeld; "Those who shot down the plane over Pennsylvania".
How is depleted uranium used by our military and
What to say to the anti-tax whiners of the right.
'Motor City Madman' Ted Nugent Turns Texan -- Ted Moved To Crawford!
Arkansas Times: "I Want my Faith Back" (I know how they feel)
Abraham Lincoln feared the rise of 'corporatism' in America
Michael Crichton's "State Of Fear" and George Will
Anyone else newly averse to southern accent
One of my favorite movies is on - "An American President"
NewsMaximus LineaCapita: Jesus "The Christ", terrorist coddler!
Rumdrinker Gets Friendly Questions in Iraq
Is there anything that can be done to stop WALMART. Just this year it has
'Person Of The Year' Medea Benjamin (& Code Pink)
Wisconsin Rearbitz for Microwave and beer buddies
Anybody buying store bought desserts for Christmas dinner ?
Good drink is essential with a meal, or afterwards. What do you like
NFLD Premier Orders Canadian Flags Removed Over Revenue Dispute
Rumsfeld arrives for surprise Iraq visit
US may strike at Ba'athists in Syria, official tells 'Post'
Drug firms feel sick over Moore attention
Blair's 'record low Commons vote'
Gunmen attack two police stations north of Baghdad
Powell urged more troops for Iraq in meeting with Bush and Blair: report
Israel may seek extra security funds
Insurgents operate at will in Mosul, US says
Iraqi Christmas is a war casualty
U.S. contractor that left Iraq gets Afghan deal
NYT: F.D.A. Urges Doctors to Limit Prescriptions for Celebrex and Bextra
900 Evacuees Revisit Fallujah Briefly; City "Not Fit For Animals"
China Emerging as U.S. Rival for Canada's Oil
General takes blame (No word from his commander in chief)
A Legacy of Giuliani Years: Damage Suits Against City
Clinton Thanks Staff at Westchester Hospital
NYT: Medicare to Add Help for Smokers
WP: Inaugural Donors Add $3.3 Million in 6 Days
U.S. Opens Probe Into Mosul Base Attack
London's homeless offered shelter in Millennium Dome
Baghdad blast in vicinity of Jordan mission
Bush Calls Service Members to Thank Them
AP: Rumsfeld Gets Friendly Questions in Iraq
Kerik to-do takes down ex-aide, too
Rumsfeld; "Those who shot down the plane over Pennsylvania".
Long prison sentences for asbestos fraud
Colorado Authorities Look For Missing Former Navy Spy
YMCA Chief Fired for Transgender Ball Flap
Finance Board Sues 'Seinfeld' Inspiration (campaign finance law problems)
Gunmen Kill 23 in Attack on Bus in HONDURAS
Another official quits Homeland Security (This makes it four leaving)
Former Aide Won't Testify Against Saddam (Aziz Plans To Write Book)
British Catholic bishop slams 'billions' spent on Iraq war
LAT: In GOP They Trust (beyond coasts, California trends Republican)
US military experts: Prepare for a decades-long counterinsurgency campaign
Powell warned Iraq troops too few (secret video conferences with Blair)
St. Petersburg Times: 3.9-million votes, 63 challenges
NORAD Tracks Progress of Santa
Fighters destroy mayor's office in western Iraq
Defense chief dismisses ‘the naysayers and the doubters’
Russia test fires nuclear missile
Huge, powerful explosion in al-Mansur district of Baghdad
U.S. Relief Group Calls for Iraq Withdrawal (IMMEDIATELY)
Bush to request $80-billion-dollar Iraq supplement: congressman
Letterman tapes Christmas Eve show in Iraq
Afghan opium trade has India worried
GOP May Challenge Wash. Governor Recount
Landlord arrested for seizing soldier's property
Bush Calls Service Members to Thank Them
Children are purpose of marriage, judge told
Twenty-seven dead in Honduran bus massacre
US families of dead raise 600,000 dollars for Fallujah refuge
Another guard unit decries training, equipment ("We should throw stones?")
Shredded: Hundreds of thousands of government documents
Armenia to Deploy 46 Troops to Iraq
Ex-hostage: Rebels wanted Bush re-elected
Falluja returnees angry, "city unfit for animals"
Boy sent back to biological mother after three years with adopted family
Venezuela and China sign oil deal
OK, am I fucked up or is this the freakiest thing ever??!
Does everyone's farts smell funny after eating eggs?
I've enjoyed an entire year of DU, thanks for tolerating my bat attacks
Spinning turrets of pure spite
Uh Oh, I lied when I renewed my driver's license today!
A Politically Correct Holiday Greeting:)
Does everyone's hair smell like mint after applying daily conditioner?
With which member of your household did you have the best relationship
Does everyone's pee smell funny after eating asparagas?
does yer pee smell funny after having your thread locked
I beat the 700 club like Pats fat pimply ass!!!
With which member of your household did you have the best relationship
While all is still in the night
Title of this obscure Vietnam era movie?
Yeah - FrictionlessO is no longer in the 700 Club!
Self deleted (too much brandy)
LOL! Al Franken visiting the troops! Must see picture!
The Difference between Liberals & conservatives
Fill in the blank: "Just once, I'd like it if_________"
"In Diana Jones and the Temple of Poon"
I've said it before, and I'm gonna say it again
Now, time for the "feets of strength"
What are the "essentials" you always keep in your fridge?
At 35, I just saw hair in my drain for the first time after a shower
I can handle any insurance seminar - becuase I've been with Del Griffin
What are your countertops made of?
What kinda movie should I watch tonight?
More Bush* hubris evident in his Christmas card...
There is a roach in my apartment, and I'm gonna find it.
since i've been on a bit of a rampage tonight...
I've said it before, but I'm not gonna say it again.
Finally Good News: Christmas & Hanukkah Announce Merger
My 1:30 AM Smoke Alarm adventure!
Quick! How do I wrap a Gerbil!?
Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian
Anyone familiar with digital video cameras- I have a question.
Women - why can't my best friend get a steady date?
Can someone help me find the name of a certain classical piece?
Man Hit By Car While Watching TV In Bed
I don't know where to post this - I need help
Good Morning did anybody have any interesting dreams last night
On the secondary road from Porvoo to Helsinki, a Clear Channel billboard..
It's Breakout Time! Woo-Hoo! I've cleared the 700 Club!
Ever see Kiss in concert with the makeup?
Cute animals on Larry King Live
Hong Kong calls 'Fart Bomb' toy dangerous
Ok, it is 8 am on my day off and I am WIDE AWAKE!!!
Favorite Chiodo Brothers Film?
Police Handing Out $150 Fines For Swearing This Christmas
Did you have a Happy Festivus?
I gift wrapped for 5 hours straight. Ask me anything.
Happy Festivus! It is time for The Airing of Grievances!
I wish I had that EEG done a week ago.
Parents with younguns: Do They Believe in Santa?
How do ya clear your history on the internet explorer adress bar dragdown?
It was December 24th on Hollis Ave in the dark
Tai Mai Shu - Chinese Freestyle
What are you getting your pets for Christmas?
Pics of Your Christmas Tree or Ornaments
Christmas Eve Poll: Optimist, Pessimist, Realist, or Just Plain Weird?
When we ride down the slippery slope. at least we'll look good doing it
How you gearing up for the family?
Mimes used to curb bad behavior in Columbia.
Check out my Bush family Christmas card
A friend just sent me this Thomas Merton quote.
Merry-Freaking-Christmas, My little Puppies!
Is there some sort of holiday coming up soon?
GRRR! I Just Saw a Merry Christmas sign!
How hard is it to hang wallpaper?
Is it too early to start shopping for Christmas?
Naughty kids lose gifts to eBay
10th Ave. Angel (1948) x-mas pic. on TCM - Marg. O'Brian, Angela Lansbury
A Johnny Bravo Christmas is on next (Cartoon Network)
Town called 'Luck' lands lottery win
half my family still has no power from the ice storm
God has rejected the western world
Dept. of Homeland Security Man is keeping us down man
A Christmas carol worth singing...
So many causes, so little money!
"Jonathon Strange & Mr Norrel author on Diane Rehm right now
Should nudity be banned from artwork or other historical references?
Christmas 1986 in the Republic of Korea
How many here keep an "emergency present" in the house?
Right on schedule....The Return of "Folgers" rant
War at my house! I'm changing our "Traditional" X-Men Eve & X-Men dinner
Which was the GREATEST !!! F-Troop vs McHale's Navy
I have a weird relationship with this co-worker...
Traditional Christmas Dinner...
911, still a good emergency number?
How does a middle age woman find a partner
Oh Crap! It's Decemberween already!
Merry RamaHannuKwanSolstiMas everybody!
War at my house! I'm changing our "Traditional" Xmas Eve & Xmas dinner
A Christmas Eve prayer. In nomine Poppy, et Dubya, et Spirotu Agnew. Amen.
Why do long exposures fascinate me so much ( pic, obviously)
Anyone else participating in the Santa lynching?
So I have to drive the treacherous Hope Princeton Highway tonight....
OK. Fellow Liberals. Please post how you intend to ATTACK Christmas.
well it`s this time of year agin`
Help needed with a power adapter, how do Amps work again?
Spending the Holidays with DU.. who else is ?
Everybody! Post a picture of what you want for Christmas
Well, it's time to go and finish cooking for the annual family
Bar fight goes outside, passing freight train subs as ref
Harrison, Clapton, Hendrix, King, Berry, Page, or Richards?
What happened to the pilot of Bush's carrier landing plane?
newest articles at as of Dec. 23, 2004
Weird story about a job interview...
Whew, I'm wiped out from Festivus.
Rob Schneider? I like him. He's no genius but his movies are funny
DO people just get old then bored? 64-year-old in shootout police chase
My first Christmas as an Orphan
Why do long explosives fascinate me so much (pic, obviously)
Breaking MatcomNews exclusive followup to an earlier report
Wecipe fow Unsukseksfwool Wisconsin Wabbit Hunters
I had a bad nightmare last night
What is wrong with this picture?
Who else hates overplayed Anglo-Germanic baroque composers?
Is Rumsfeld Married? Does his wife show her face in public>
Need Anything? I'm going Christmas shopping..........
1 in 300 chance asteroid will hit earth
I'm on my way out to buy turkey necks....
It was December 24th on Hollis Ave in the dark
Father Christmas: Health only the British an do it
Yay! Expanded size of my Firefox bookmark bar! I now rule the world from
So tell me, what do you think I got?
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all DUers!
Great Xmas Eve Fun on IFC at 11PM: Suspiria!
While I'm waiting for the taxi- Favorite Pet Shop Boys song?
Gratuitous Sappy Pet Owner Thread
Seafood Newburg with sherry coming up
Merry Christmas from Rapid Rotor Rooter
I just got an email from my friend in Iraq
Women Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Man With Cooking Tongs
More DU synchronicity: JoMama: "Good Articles?"; TNDemo: "Dogs"
*pssst* Hey! Let's sneak over to GD Politics and Fart!
I haven't seen much snow before...
If you could make your own T-shirt/Sweatshirt, what would it say?
It finally happened - I broke out laughing during my newscast...
I saw the WEIRDEST movie last night:: Welcome to Woop Woop
Let's play, Can you spot the lie?
I just realized this about the office of Secretary of Defense.
Help! I can't stop watching VH1 Classics!
Question about one of the images on the front page...
who are the new peeps on the Feed the World (do they know its xmas)cover?
Christmas in the Trenches - a song inspired by the
I bought my son an Eye Toy but I've been hogging it...
I'm going in to work for a 16 hr shift. Happy Holidays DUers!
I promised this link to a couple of folks earlier,
I just slapped a DU sticker on a wall in OB(Ocean Beach San Diego),
I just called my mom for Christmas
I can't wait for all the Christmas show and movies to be over.
MoveLeft newest articles as of Dec. 24, 2004
Check out this link! Great gift idea!
My hands are clean, my heart is so pure
Is there a Packers-Vikings official game thread?
Any sugg. for new desktop links? I'm cleaning house....
This Christmas morn sucks.....
Fer gawd's sake, why doesn't curling ribbon *curl* anymore?
The 911, still a good name for a car?
A "Family Values" Poem I Just Got From My Cousin
At the Woof's Request: Don't lie to your children
Do you pay attention to lyrics while listening to music?
kitten in christmas tree (pic heavy)
Lump of coal too expensive... any alternatives for the "bad" list kids?
Religion IS divisive: My Mother is angry that I'm not going to church
No Thugs in Our House: Xmas music will be XTC this year.
Least and most favorite Christmas albums?
I have a tax related question for you CPA types...
DU GAMERS! Final Fantasy 7 Sequel/Continuation (VIDEOS!)
I spent Xmas '67 outside Danang Vietnam @ a USMC combat base.
Santa is here on his fire truck.
Santa Clause File Chptr 11......See
Mr. Magoo as Scrooge comes on in a bit on Cartoon Network
Tell us 3 things DU doesn't want to know about you.
GREAT site if you're in the mood for carols or stories
New junkies - here's some stories
Today's holiday earworm courtesy of the Irish Rovers
Taking suggestions for late December New Orleans activities
As if my old high school didn't have enough problems
What would you do if you opened up a box with a live Python snake in it?
Just made lentil soup w/dried apricots, onion, garlic, red pep. Yum.
You can find EVERYTHING on the internet
What have YOU done to keep the CHRIST in CHRISTMAS?
Is there an official Hiking Peckers thread?
My Repub Son and D-i-l had the nerve to bring in a W sign..
When Did You Graduate From High School??
Heartbreaking poem: "To Jesus on His Birthday" by Edna St. Vincent Millay
Holy Shit, I just got a Christmas card that had me laughing so hard
Yet another thread is sinking like a brick in GD, with 0 replies. Why?
I just wanted to say Happy Holidays to all of my friends here at DU!
If you need something to listen to tonight...
I just got verbally assaulted by a hateful Repuke!
I'm going for a smoke...outside...BRRRRR
If I stay on DU long enough, will Christmas dinner cook itself?
What Are You Leaving Out For Santa?
Christmas Eve: Sit On Uncle Zomby's Lap and Tell Him What You Want!
Time to get your Xmas buzz on at MrScorpio's place
Off to the Christmas
Here's a face only a mother could love!
who here will have fish later today for Christmas eve?
What is your favorite "must see every year" Christmas show?
How many points will the Vikings beat the Packers by today??
sickeningly sweet kitty pics.. diabetics beware!... Ragdolls
Charcoal? Check! Pig? Check! Beer? Check! Partaaaaaaaaaaayyy!
The year in (animal) pictures 5... last one.
Wow. I just got a homelesss man for christmas.
Holiday cuteness: Baby John (whose dad is in Iraq) visits Santa.
What if DU had its own cyber nation?
I'm at 444 posts- what does it mean?
Ebay auction: "Bad Children Get No Nintendo DS"
Does anybody remember last New Year's Eve at DU?
Court lets man change name to 'Variable'
How does a middle age man find a woman partner?
If you get a moment, could you pray for my dad?
Dawnwatch - 2004 Year in Review
Best Democratic Movie: Seabiscut.
YO! Is there a Godzilla marathon this holiday I don't know about
Spinoza--Known as both the "Greatest Christian" & the "Greatest Atheist"
Did entheogens give rise to religious belief?
I don't have a problem with all Christians, just Nicene Christians
Only 1 Team Has Held The Patriots Under 20 Points This Year
A couple holiday dog treat ideas
=D I like my love horoscope =D
My husband left me this morning-please help me
Maybe I'm nuts, but how does the Fuji Finepix E550 sound?
I tell all Bush/GOP supporters this when they start to complain...
With which member of your household did you have the best relationship
"You will look back in 10-20 years and know that you were part of ..
Your Predictions: What will happen January 6, 2005?
Framing the Social Security debate
When the going gets's PROPAGANDA TIME at Centcom!
New Slogan! Save the Alaska Wildlife Refuge
What if Washington State Republicans
The Electoral College and fraud
General Clark on IP at 3:30 ET.......(CNN)
Thanks to the DU with help in pics for my painting
Air America funded by the CIA!
Need help researching company donations please
Why Did Rumsfeld Made a Surprise Christmas Eve Visit to Iraq?
Hostage: Captors wanted Bush win
A reminder...put a paper clip on your gifts tonight!
Media/Rumsfeld visit question.
Rummy in Mosul (a letter to LA Times)
Bush is going to "renominate" those 10 judges that were too radical...
"Is there no limit to the poll-driven cowardice of the Democratic Party?"
Is the United States "finished?"
Anyone Have a Good Article to Read at Christmas Dinner?
What should Al Gore have done after Supreme Court decision ?
What is a party's base exactly?
15 of my favorite quotes to ponder in the fight for justice
Donna Brazile says (almost) - "Dems are baby killers"
Cartoon: A thumbs up for Gonzales is a thumbs up for...
Rep. Harold Ford (D-TN) on SS Wall of Shame ?
CNN: Will the secretary's visit to the troops silence critics at home?
2000 Election: What Did the Final Battleground State Polls Show?
Would you PLEASE stop calling the anti-abortion right 'pro-life'?
If Dems are smarter, why do Republicans keep beating the crap out of us?
Randi Rhodes voted "Most Outstanding Woman..."
Solid figures on Social Security
Dean's remarks on choice from the DNC conference in Orlando.
This guy always makes me proud to be a Democrat