On Baghdad taxis, the Green Zone, and whether U.S. weapons are harming our
Telecoms take on community networks
The Great Credit Card Scam - Rep Bernie Sanders
Killing Sheep With The Click Of A Mouse?
U.S. mortgages its sovereignty
(Repukes) Be careful what you wish for
Bush Administration Disasters Depicted as Triumphs
Let's organize a protest in Chicago
"Air America Radio" is returning to Los Angeles in January.
Michael Smerconish is a dumbshit
Thomas Frank on Media Matters this sunday
A national cancer registry to assess trends after the Chernobyl accident
How many here have seen combat?
My god...Can we please shut up the trolls in the election forum??
every single post I write comes up twice
selective enforcement of rules
Admins: please vote in my poll.
every single post I write comes up twice
I just want to say the design of your site is top-notch
Can we get the Lounge off the Latest Discussion Page?
Is it too late to change one's screen name?
Mubarak: Sharon is Palestinians' best chance for peace
For those of you who are upset about election fraud....
Skinner can we end the Bev bickering?? nt
WOW, you are going to looove this...
Channel 13 (PBS) -in depth program on voting problems!!!
WANTED: a protest to attend in TX or OK
Question why is it that recounts are so expensive?
Want to know whats going on with the election? check out.
Something I heard today concerns me about recounts
Olbermann Blog Update-responds to Bev Harris
Discuss Keith Olbermann and Bev Harris in this thread. #4
Did the Washington State Dem. candidate need the money by
Pls post friendly Media Contacts
Dec 2 - another new Bloggermann
In Florida, check the OptiSCAMS AND the FUDGEscreens
JJ article as talked about by KO tonight -"Something's fishy in Ohio "
Discuss Keith Olbermann and Bev Harris in this thread. #5
Latest legal action in Ohio - Cobb sues Blackwell over Ohio Recount
WTF? A Repuke said this today, not knowing I posted on it yesterday.
How many Voting lawsuits to be filed FRIDAY?
Warren County, Oh: best late voter drive in history or stuffing ballot box
In 2006, let's steal back Congress
A federal judge set a hearing on Friday in Ohio
Gaston County NC still under investigation -Diebold runs election
Oklahoma an ENTIRE state of dixiecrats???
Canadians Protest Bush (Pics) Canadians Rock!
Selection of Harry Reid as House Minority Leader Says it All
Stealing votes in Columbus and Cleveland (full documenation by ward)
The Greens have a GREAT Recount/Voting Issue Site Up...
Voters to challenge US election--Why no US media attention?
House Judiciary dems going after Blackwell !
This just in: Kerry's win in Summit certified
Discuss Keith Olbermann and Bev Harris in this thread. #6
Write to Newsweek "reporter" Fineman and let him have it!
Brad Blog: House Judiciary Dems to Hold Hearings!
Anyone else stop visiting lefty sites not acknowledging election theft?
Do you think Shrub knew about the fix?
Internet Research on Election Fraud
no DNC cavalry, i'm afraid....
Danish Reporter On the Job!! Interviewing International Monitor Tomorrow!
Finally able to do something useful...
Certified Cuyahoga Results spreadsheet (Excel)
The senator and the suspense novel: Boxer trying hand at fiction
my letter was published in the Mnneapolis Star Tribune today.
FireFox ..... Thunderbird in a Tab?
drinkin' with Andy Stephenson in Austin (12/4)
Hypocrisy of this moral country......(something I got in my e-mail today)
Chemicals of mass destruction, 20 years later.....
I've stopped watching the cable shows and I feel much better.
hey....WAIT....WHOA...Anderson Cooper Conspiracy
My computer I guess does have the power to download Patriot Act 2
D.U. The transformation of semen into a caustic alkali.
Washington funds false sex lessons - Guardian
According to this article - the RNC raised $385 million this
Who writes this crap?????? A story you will *never* see in print.
200 Children Die Every Day, Iraq's Health Care Under the Occupation
Thank you our Canadian friends.
Son of Conservative Fighter (Baby Pic's of the newest member of DU)
Teacher Sues Gay Mom Over Classroom Discipline Charge
Joe Lieberman in a Bush cabinet?
What do you think of this one?
Hate Van rolls down San Diego freeway...
Clark asks support for democrat candidate for congress - election Saturday
What would happen if we ran someone openly Gay for President?
My take on the Monday Night Football/Desperate Housewives flack...
Chiles considering run for Florida Governor
I am in love with Katrina vanden Heuvel.
Whites in America on the whole only started hating socialist policies
Is there any evidence that Tom Feeney is behind voter fraud in FL?
Is the presidency even worth accepting if...
When will Bush declare that we need to pre-emptively attack Iran?
The point shouldn't necessarily be to have more children.
Eliot Spitzer or Charles Schumer for NY Governor?
How about this for Social Security Reform
When we get back in power, should we use the Patriot Act against Repigs?
Am I the only one who notices the interesting stuff?
Black football coaches are going, going, almost gone
New York's HIV experiment (children tested with toxic drugs)
it seems Republicans don't bring up Clinton and Somalia much anymore
We're All Gonna Die - Or at Least A Lot of Us Are
What happened with Al Franken on Sundance?
Clinton-era sticker I saw in a bar last night
Lawyer on Ohio recount calmly smacked down every panicy Rethug caller
Wasn't Haliburton involved in oil for food program too.
ACLU Says FBI Spying on Religious, Protest Groups
Jerry Falwell On HardBall - Says Choosiing Your Sexuality Is Like
Jesse Jackson on Paula Zahn criticizing Kerry (CNN)
Hustler chronicles the private gay life of CA Republican Rep. David Dreier
Four Killed in Mobile Home Explosion -2 Kids Burned Up At Crank Lab
Regardless of where the line is drawn...
CNN's Darryl Kagen dating Rush Limbaugh????
John Kerry Went To A Soldier's Funeral Today......
How many kids does Lindsey Graham have?
I'm disappointed in Al Franken, post election... anyone else?
Thats it for me, Game over, savings exhausted.
Did you see the guy taking over Homeland Security? Looks like a thug.
Okay....time to "fess up." How many are still "TV Free" since 11/2?
No matter what you believe, we need the religious left.
Cancel your cable TV or be part of the problem
Sorry, but Iraq is much worse off under US occupation than under Saddam
Bobby Dylan on 60 Minutes Sunday.
Anybody have a recipe for rice pudding?
Country cooks...I just made a wicked batch of.....
The Other Transatlantic Partnership
Checkpoint Drug Tests For Drivers In Australia
Gregoire: Count every vote (urges state recount, not just Dem precincts)
Osama bin Laden invites Baasyir to Afghanistan: witness
U.S. Marines Change Policy on Disclosing Iraq Deaths
School screens all visitors against sex-offender list
Heights officials, colleges take 'sue me' stance on marriage law (Ohio)
Decision not to re-enter league signals end (Ricky Williams)
Congo army on alert as Rwandan troops reported in east
Democratic Governors to Back an Outside-the-Beltway Centrist to Lead Party
Bush Finished Campaign With Millions
FDA Advisers Vote Against Female Sex Drug
FBI raids AIPAC offices, four officials subpoenaed
U.S. to Boost Iraq Forces to Highest Level
MSNBC: U.S. uses evidence gained by torture (admitting torture!!!!!)
Bush Calls for Full U.N. Oil-For-Food Probe
Fingerprint System Crash Fuels Doubts over ID Card Scheme--UK
Kerry Campaign Keeping Eye on Ohio Cases
Bush's lead estimates 118,500, before recount and investigations
Cities at High Risk of Terror Attack Get $854 Million
Freed Missouri Death Row Inmate Sues Prosecution, Law Enforcement
First Greenhouse Emissions Deal Inked (Kyoto)
Retailers Post Disappointing November Sales
Impossible to defeat Iraq violence with military might alone: US expert
Federal Civil Rights Agency Leaders Call Bush Policies Racist
Lynndie England's Lawyers Lose Crucial Hearing
Bush, in Canada, Declares He'll 'Reach Out' to Friends -NYT
Sen. Boxer Tries Her Hand at Fiction
Putin demands new Ukraine poll (No run off. Could take a while)
Summary of OHIO provisional ballots count - UPDATED 12/2/04
San Diego Union-Tribune Columnist Quits (paper spiked Bush critic's piece)
Ohio have a new ally: the John Kerry campaign
UAW Says Caterpillar Plan Would Send 500 Jobs to Mexico
Rebels return to 'cleared' areas (Fallujah)
Democratic Governors Want Outsider to Lead
Allawi: We Don't Need German Troops
Anti-Abortion Dems Seek Better Seat at Table
Tenet calls for Internet controls
Panel: Female sex patch needs more study: Voted not to recommend approval
Headless Bodies Found at Mysterious Mexico Pyramid
Fargo police say passenger slapped security officer at airport (w/ pass)
Property taxes rising nationwide
Speculation Grows on Early Exit by Snow
Aide Takes Blame for Tax Return Provision
Bus driver fired for stem cell remark
NYT: Bush Adviser Warns of Social Security Cuts
Mass. Gets Electronic Gun Fingerprinting
To the people who are too *&(@^$# lazy to put your mind into voting
You can't put more 'o's in love.
Wish me luck, please! Pretty please with melted marshmallow sauce on it!
when you address me from now on........
I expect 20 below zero tonight, and lo! I grill!!
Who else finds the takeoff threads annoying as hell?
LATE BREAKING: Keith Olbermann Wears Same Tie as Last Week.
Goddamn Rock Solid Ghetto Shiznit Name Generator -
does anyone find these liftoff threads annoying as hell
Who else finds the take-it-all-off threads as annoying as hell?
Postal Service offers tips for letters to Santa
Who the hell is taking off with all the copycat threads?
Special Invite! I'm buying the drinks!
To the people who are too @#$%^&* lazy to put your Pop Tarts away -
I hereby nominate Leonard Pinth Garnell for CBS Anchor. Any seconds?
He's Just NOT That Into You.......
About the TV show, "Lost": Where has that monster/force in the woods been?
I just had a kickass debate tonight!
She is 43. He is 18. They are planning a wedding.
Anybody else watching Survivor / possible spoilers!
If John Goodman *ever* needs an understudy
"Other site" Pervy pervs - Chat info
Look at what's happened to me,
Who else finds copied cat threads cool as hell?
Star Wars III poster and Dark Helmet: Separated at birth?
Great New Singer I discovered.
Will the family curse continue this weekend???
Fave flavor of Kool-Aid past or present?
Where is Kucinich in the newer (post election) Mosh video?
Tribute to Douglas Adams and HitchHiker's Guide
OK, at 8:00, I was just going to check in here for 5 minutes...
Who else here finds the copycat threads cool as hell?
10 posts from 300, ask me anything!
I have a crush on someone who is,,,,,,,,
When the sign says "20 Items Or Less," it *means* 20 items or less,
Anyone remember that spinning paint toy from the late 80s?
My New Year's Resolution: No more "Innocent Bush Twins" posts
Someone tell me about cervical-spine fusion surgery.
Which numbers make one AC plug compatible with different things?
Who else finds copycat threads fly like a duck.
Whose copycat threads finds annoying as fuck?
how a guy I know got asked to a dance
Freeper asshole north of the border.
It's time for NAME THAT TUNE!!!!
Who else finds copycat threads annoying as fuck?
After watching CONTROL ROOM, I just bookmarked AlJazeera.net
Oy Vey! I just talked to an old friend...
Everyone who copies this thread is a
Who else finds the copycat threads annoying as hell?
Best method to fight off a Freeper?
Who was the better band: Alice in Chains or Soundgarden?
Who else finds copycat threads erotic as hell?
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Caffeine gum? I never heard of it but it's on the news now.(Boston)
Daily Show did a funny report on Bush's trip to Canada
looking for a good CD to MP3 converter...
Do crazy people make you late?
To the beat of her own drummer....You got that right.
DU Mustang owners check in here:
I'm going to Las Vegas tomorrow and I'm gonna win big
Post the name of a failed Tom & Jerry product
In for a weekend of discomfort
I want to Blank you with my Blank.
Is it too late to change one's screen name?
Did Skinner put Atavan in the water cooler?
Just did the Heimlich manuever on a co-worker
What songs do you remember from Elementary school?
Anyone here have a crush on someone?
"Marie Prevost did not look her best..."
Who hates kids and them having fun all the time?
Rahsaan Roland Kirk appreciation thread.
I'm going to take a break from DU...
Christmas songs whose lyrics never mention the holiday.
Biden/Bayh 08'!!! Now isn't that an INSPIRING and EXCITING ticket?
Son of Conservative Fighter (Baby Pic's of the newest member of DU)
I am in love with a guy i think of as a brother.
hey lurking fundies! look at these great pics of Jesus.
Breaking: The Nazis fled to the moon in the 40's. Look here!!
Apple releases security update to Mac OS X
The only good thing since the election
Loretta Lynn and Jack White have a very cool song/video out.
OK. You are God, and you've been watching the United States.
Excellent article about my play in Flagstaff Live! (ZW quotes!)
When you eat french fries...Ketchup on the side or on top?
What do you say we drop siglines forever?
moving and overwhelmed with how much needs to be done between
Has fame affected ZombyWoof in any way?
I despise in- laws- got any good revenge ideas?
It's back. Don't read if you are prone to seizures.
Must share. No, no... only semi-grammar related. FUNNY!
What is the best town/city in your state ?
Let's post movie titles substituting BurtWorm for a word in the title!
Have you heard the new "Maybe I'm Amazed"?
Do You Take Prescription Drugs?
Here's my SAM COOKE Top Ten. Please vote for your favorite.
One More Time: Anyone up for an Anime/Japanese Pop Culture group?
The AUDACITY of what I just witnessed -- these wingnuts have NO SHAME!
He is 43. She is 18. They are planning a wedding.
Post the name of a failed Ben & Jerry's flavor.
To the people who are too *&(@^$# lazy to put your shopping carts away -
ACLU defends actions in gay mother case
Decision not to re-enter league signals end (Ricky Williams)
Hey! Why bother now that we're in power?
Kerry attends military funeral
Patti Davis Is Coming Up On Hardball...
Democratic Party=Concession Party
F Compromise. No Compromise. Put them all in jail.
Watch Kucinich at the end!! NEW ENDING!!
How about Max Cleland as the head of the Democratic National Committee?
We have got to start telling people that they are UNINFORMED
Geeze..our DU Southern Contingent is Falling on Deaf Ears? What?
Bush Adamant About Iraq Election - Be damed they will vote even
Olbermann: Kerry donates 1/4 million bucks for a hand recount...
We need our own version of FOX
On this day in 1954, McCarthy was Censured.
You are hereby ordered to surrender to George W. Bush's "Season of Hope"
Link please - to Bev's demonstration of black box hacking
Democrats - Take a lesson from 1994. Throwing dirt WORKS.
How many nations have their military stationed in the U.S.?
making sex education political--Aaron Brown on CNN soon
Another Missed Opportunity By Our Great Mass Media
A letter to Starr, could you investigate Bush and DeLay...
ALERT!!! Watch out for the "Intelligence Reform Bill"!!!
The Odds Look Good For Any Democratic Presidential Candidate In 2008
Frist defends Santorum in Letter to Editor Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Clark: support for democratic congressional candidate - Election Saturday
Just a polite Question to the moderator
I think some Democratic House Members ........
Scalia To Synagogue - Jews Are Safer With Christians In Charge
Do you think that * is using McCarthyism on us?....You must read this!
I just watched last nights "Daily Show" on the 7 pm repeat.
I Received the Following E-Mail From A Repug Friend - Help Me Refute .....
anyone see these Kerry pics from today ?
Again, about that Repuke mandate
Lieberman/Miller 2008! The center is ours!
Blacks In Congress Must Clean Up Own House
Next terror attack - NONE of this "we're all Americans" shit. OK?
If they love Bush so much why are they quiting?
What's the SICKEST thing about our Society out there to You Guys????
'Dead' Livonia man allowed to vote
E-voting expert Rubin talks to N-L
Distinct Men, Bound Now at Arlington
Ken Starr back in the news...briefly
interesting article - "Voting Fraud in the USA: A Tale of Two Brothers"
The Guardian-Man on a mission;Kerik
Kerik's life not all an open book
The Ugly American Reporter: Dana Milbank
Washington funds false sex lessons (Guardian)
Doses of reality not covered by new Medicare drug benefit (single payer ?)
French troops killed 63 in unrest
Theoretically, Tax Reform Should Fly (Get Real)
[PINR] 03 December 2004: Romania: Europe's New 'Sick Man'
"Help is on the Way" - what line should Kerry have used?
Support is More Than a Magnetic Yellow Ribbon on Your Car
Misplaced priorities put pork before public safety
Detailed Hustler expose chronicles Dreier's hidden gay life
Molly Ivans: "Texas Liberals" humor
Very, Very Dirty Pictures (Mark Morford)
From Bush Aide, Warning on Social Security(cut bene's to avoid tax on rich
Bush ignores intelligence reform ( Greeley)
Joe Conason | John Birch Lives
American Born, Addicted to Happiness
Someone pinch me. Read this editorial from the National Review
Iraq's civilian war dead are not leaving any impact in the US
Why Iraqis should boycott the election
Exciting Update and Urgent Actions!
Aerial WOLF shooting in Alaska
OpRA. (pronounced Oprah) Operation: RED ALERT
West Windsor Patriot Act Resolution 12/6
$835,000 to settle suit over protester's injury (San Fran)
Promotion help needed for "Weapons of Mass Deception"
Dec 7 Democratic Job Fair in DC - Reg by Dec. 3
Dec. 11; Minneapolis; "Homemade Peace Workshop"
Help please. Need a great flyer on Ohio vote fraud.
Promote a 'great idea' to MoveOn
Hilarious (and sad) Daily Howler today
new outsourcing blog, sponsored by the IEEE
I just found out what Schwartzenegger did to Calpers
58000 new jobs in DOL Nov Report (112000 less 54000 adjustments
Excluding 54000 new pretend stay at home, only 4,000 new jobs in Nov
Asia stands divided against dollar and euro
Need foreign currency account recommendation
At Least 1,000 Dead In Philippines Flooding, Mudlslides - Reuters
US Will Sign No New Climate Agreements - Reuters
Exposure To Even Tiny Amounts Of Benzene Alters Cell Counts - NYT
Beijing Authorities To Residents: Stay Indoors (3rd Straight Day Of Smog)
NASA Study Links Shifts In Currents & Winds To Indian Ocean Warming
Widow's Peak: Spiders found in Canuck stores
Article: "Environmentalists Lose on Spending Bill"
Siemens Aiming At 30% Of World Wind Turbine Market - Reuters
Africa starving as capital flies
I'm going to second Old and in the Way's suggestion
Excuse me, where did my post go and why ??
Can this post please be moved to General Discussion?
If I have a question that I would like to ask the administrators, but...
Thank You greatly for taking care of the Bev Harris situation.
Question about tombstones & profile searches
The Jewish Struggle Against Arabs in Israel
“Give Me Some Credit!” - Mazen vs. Barghouti
Hamas could soon suspend attacks against Israel
Hamas Leader: Ready for Long-term Truce
Senior Hamas man: We accept Israel living in peace, security
Two in three FSU Jews choose Germany over Israel
Glasgow University students propose Vanunu for Rector
Requiring one strong visual thread for newbies, lurkers, passers-by.
Chicago folks-- up for a meetup this weekend?
Concerning the status of the recount in New Mexico
Fast Forward: The Real Times, December 23, 2004
Arnebeck's background makes me feel so good
Questions RE Columbus Rally and Media
Any DNC Members out there that can justify not funding the Wa recount??
Bev Harris going to be on MIKE WEBB SHOW tonight!
The truth about the NORC recount of the 2000 election
BBV update: "That'll be about a dollah"
Missoula Indpendent: "Does Not Compute"
Hey DU I have a mega byte of NM data -->
Pinellas voting gaffe uncovered
NEWS: Protesters: Election fraud ignored
51 Capitol March -bypass your state-go to Ohio
Exciting Update and Urgent Actions!
Kerry did NOT pay for the Washington Recount
Donate! Gregoire and Frye updates/links - Gregoire needs $100,000
Has A Single MSM Reported on Judiciary Committe Dems ?
Susan Truitt of CASEOhio on Air America now...
I didn't get around to donating to Daschle (still kicking myself)-Gregoire
Did I hear today that theKerry campaign was joining the OH recount effort?
Pacifica to Webcast Ohio Elections Forum, Sat Dec 4th evening
House Judiciary Dems to Announce Hearings on Voter Irregularities!
Revote! If Caterat,NC is having a revote, why not Ohio?
CA Sec of State completes random test report of CA touch screen voting
Ohio Law School Monitors 2004 Election - Good Site!
OHIO - Xpress your election fears on Sat. with Jesse Jackson
NOBODY from NYC is going to the rally
Quest for recount in presidential race ends
Did anyone see the Rev Jackson on CNN last night?
Speculation on what would happen if fraud is proven beyond doubt
Brad Blog CONFIRMED House Judiciary Dems Announce Public Hearings
1000 BBV "gliches: the odds at least 600 favor Bush is 1 of 7.3 BILLION!
Free to a good Cause, a machine that can contact 10,000 people in 2 days
What happened with Bev Harris?
Recount OH & NM ~ Update from Cobb-LaMarche (Dec 3rd)
A vote fraud whistleblower... or not?
Exciting Update and Urgent Actions!
Just Received Email Back from the Ohio Chairman of the GOP
*IF* (and I still mean IF) Chimpy manages to maintain the fraud...
NBC Makes Unprecedented Downward Correction in Latino Support for Bush
Link to thank Democratic members of Judiciary Committee
Florida FEMA Hurricane relief fraud???
Volusia County Case in Court Today
INFORM the media about glitches - our mission
Guardian peice on Vote Fraud Freeped off of Yahoo News
Anyone know how to crack a locked pdf? :)
Breaking News: Supreme Court Calls for New Election on Dec 26 (Ukraine)
Cuyahoga County Vote Info - Official vs. Unofficial
An alternative to blackboxvoting.org
Gregoire going ahead with the full statewide recount.
NEWS: Election Science (PBS 12/3)
POLL: How will GOP react to vote fraud evidence 1/6/05?
Gregoire to concede at 5pm tomorrow if recount funds are not raised.
"He's a mass murdering, evil little retard" 75 yr old female vet
DU & "online contributions kicked (WA recount) over the top" Seattle Times
Conyers letter to Mitofsky requesting raw exit poll data - Text Version
Have any computer glitches gone to Kerry?
OHIO is important. Don't obsess about OHIO.
RED ALERT HELP NEEDED re: the Conyers hearings
Another article on Votergate- the word is spreading!
Conyers 12/3 Follow-Up Letter to Blackwell - Text Version
trying to collaborate ohio data with others working on it currently
Is Moveon really behind recount ?
Anderson Cooper to talk about Ohio "conspiracy" tonight
WASHINGTON confident of GREGOIRE RECOUNT going forward
Ohio Papers chime in as to why they're NOT screaming "FRAUD!!!"
Was their fraud in the Gregoire election?
Conyers Letter to Blackwell - Text Version
And we choose bush over this great guy?
with a BUSH and a DICK in office were F#%ked ( PICs of Canada
Congress sends letter to Kenneth Blackwell
Does anyone have Arenbeck's email?
Outcome of Today's Volusia County Hearing
Ohio Court results (Dec.3) Cobb v Blackwell & Delaware County
Anybody read MSNBC's Schuster today?
Suggestion for Kerry's 2004 Inauguration Speech...comments ?
Why Kerry and the DNC should DISTANCE themselves from the OH recount...
Help, please! need a great on page flyer on Ohio vote fraud.
What are the alt. orgs to BBV with which we should be building bridges?
So the Hispanics are not stupid
Ohio Voter Turn Out Turned Off!!!
Is Stealing a US election TREASON ? Does the Death Penalty Apply ?
Blackwell RECUSE & BUSH CHEATED 2004 graphic for Columbus rally
Florida hand recount of 3 counties; does anyone have more details?
Ed Schuster callers: billboards saying "Quit 2nd guessing Our Pres"
Will voting equipment be tested during the recount?
OHIO -- Arrests expected in voter fraud probe
Statement on the Bev Harris situation
Madsen asks for our help into Five Star and "Mr. Horn" (more information)
House Judiciary Dems ask for Mitofsky exit poll raw data!
How we should run elections...
The FACTS that arise from the study of Bush's 16 states "magic"
What happened with the NH recount?
Exciting Update and Urgent Actions!
AP: Bush's Ohio Win Was Closer Than Thought
Madsen, Five Star Trust, World War II loot
SMILE: We Picked Up Momentum This Week
There are MANY People working on Election Fraud Issues...
I'm about to be on Steph Miller!
51 Captial March - December 12 Noon
Bill Lockyer says Arnie WON'T run in 2006!
anyone protesting at beacon hill?
I write to the local paper almost every month. original then my rebuttal
Dayton bumped from Iraq "fact finding tour" by Repubs.
My browser seems to have been hijacked
It just happened! I have to refresh web pages manually?
I want to reformat a hard drive and don't know how.
MEDIA CONTACTS: CASEOhio press release
Letter to Blackwell from House Judiciary Committee!!!
Blackwell RECUSE & BUSH CHEATED 2004 graphic for Columbus rally
Do you like great, Democratic art?
Frist defends Santorum in letter to Pgh Post Gazette
Chairman Dunnam Comments on Outrageous House Election Contests
Did anyone notice that for the fundraiser, Houston PBS
Dec. 11 - Houston - Help Hubert Vo (and more ideas about how to help)
"Carole won't run if Kay does."
Well, Trivia (Stevens Point) playing DUers...
Hand Recount, WA governor election, Gregoire. Training help for recount
Volunteer to help with the recount!
Bhopal, India...worst chemical disaster in history....20th anniversary
information from occupied Iraq . . .
More refugees arrive in Windsor from Detroit ahead of asylum change
Betty Bowers Presents An Award To Justice Antonin Scalia!
Bill O'Reilly interviews(sort of) Donald Rumsfeld! Video Clip
Ann Coulter is Nuts! Read or listen to what she has to say on Fox (link)
yet another suggestion on spending George Soro's money
Report sees no early return of refugees who fled Fallujah
Anyone heard of Karl Kleinpaste?
buy an autographed stapler, help save the world . . .
Perhaps national democrats are content being the money party?
Why wasn't God watching over the 1,261 men who have died, but
November busiest month of year for big earthquakes
How would you refute the points raised in this stupid poem?
Here's an example of Repug behavior in my neck of the woods.
It was BCCI after all (aside from the fraud)
we need to decide what we stand for, and articulate it . . . NOW! . . .
The Republicans are fond of making fun of government bureaucracies.
Outing Gay Politicians. Period.
could someone please post a link to that site with Iraqi casualty photos?
WP ed.: Homeland Security employees "gagged," subject to searches
The Iraqi police station attacked today almost within sight of Camp Victory
Gay book ban goal of state lawmaker
BBC Marks Holocaust with 'Auschwitz' Documentary
Looking for other Democratic, moderated newsgroups
Favorite and most despised TV anchors or reporters?
Bev Harris coming up on Mike Webb show.
You want to get back at the media? Here's how:
Al Sharpton is Co-Hosting MORNING SEDITION this morning!
Does this sound like hypocrasy to you?...
"Politeness is a one-way street" (US-Canada relations)
New Homeland Chief "couldn't run a commissary without getting greedy"
What are the party affiliations of the people who are criticizing
does anyone know why freepers think deficits don't matter anymore?
Teacher foils boy's suicide attempt (2nd Grader !!)
What's up with the anti-Bev Posts at BartCop Forum?
Copy of CBS anti-gay letter to United Church of Christ
Plaintiff in Imus lawsuit is a Democrat.
Bush Bandit Lauded for PR Image (vomit alert)
Send A Letter To David Limbaugh!
A fellow Dem where I live wrote this re: Gays in this country
I just saw a profile on the wonderful life of...
When we are attacked again on American soil.......
First Amendment Battle in Podunk
are the resigning Cabinet members the ONLY people in DC . . .
E Guinea plot trial 'was unfair' : BBC
ruh roh..Andrew Sullivan, RW blogger, in foreclosure
Berks tax hike linked to possible $2 million cut by U.S.
I've had it with this SA and Target thing...
Wow! Here's a picture for you (take a look)
What war looks like : http://fallujahinpictures.com/
Coming to a Holy Land near you
Anyone have a link to coupons to print for Salvation Army?
An economic argument for the fairness of a progressive tax system
Wow. This will give you nightmares
What good is protest, says my sister, help me exlain:
before u get excited about the new Womens 'Get Hot' patch.. its only once
10 reasons why I (personally) hate the religious right...
Preliminary info on Volusia County
Ignoring a problem does not make it go away. We HAVE to listen.
Is this a joke? Absolutely not.
'Master/slave' Most Politically Incorrect Phrase
State Property, clothing line for black men. Seen this?
"Brunch with Bernie (Sanders)" on now 11AM CST
Florida Town Taken to Court for Prohibiting Nativity Displays
LePore ups the ante: $3,000, no, $4,000, no, $7,000 for election records
Reid makes it clear he's no Daschle....
What do you make of the DGA (Democratic Governor's Association)?
who else thinks Danforth resigned from UN to replace Colin Powell ?
Oil for food dollars vs billions of Halliburton funds missing.
So has Tommy Thompson resigned or what??
US press covering Bush in Canada got flu shots
States rights for red states only
Gay Germantown PA minister banned????
November 2004 was the deadliest month in Iraq for US troops
2008 Headlines after 4 more years of Bush
Amy Goodman on Hardball Tonight!
It's now or never for Washington
Billboards in Arizona. (you think Fl. billboards were bad?!)
Republican hypocrisy in action
Media Whores Online: Dead or Updating?
Robin Baneth puts 1000 bucks on the voting line
Is this a joke? I'm not accustomed to reading The Onion, and this is SO
A Fascinating, Prophetic Image Of America, Circa 1972
speaking of Wal-Mart: Elizabeth Paige Laurie's scam
Nice to see we're progressing in our humanity.
"Art Against Slavery" Charity Auction
What's the latest word on Saddam's trial ?
How much do you enjoy seeing Bush's world crumble?
Oh Canada: Photo report: Anti-Bush Protests
Are we only concerned about Image and Appearance?
" W " hase done a wonderful job this last month.
The Real Bush Cabinet Resignation Letters
Living well --> Laziness/Boredom --> Watching TV/Plugging in -->
Waxman Finds Abstinece Programs Teach Eroneous Information
Video Game Celebrates Fallujah Slaughter
Tell your boss you want to cut your pay to 60 cents/hour
Drudge says clown Bernard Kerick had busts of himself made as gifts LMAO
So Bush only received 40% of the Latino vote? Evangelicals
A Useful Way to Starve the Beast: "NO BULK MAIL, PLEASE. THANKS!"
Harry Smith of CBS morning show would be a good replacement
U.S. OKs Evidence Gained Through Torture
Bush in the Stalin Seat (link to photo)
Uncle Sam died for your sins and other Arkansas Christmas floats
Okay new CNN post that I will email them -What do you hate most about CNN
P.A.B.A.A.H. - Another Wingnut Group (boycotting Will SMITH & Hollywood)
How unbelievable cool my new Sirius radio is.....
What ever happened to Ari Fleischer?
Excellent photos of demonstrations in Canada
Why can't the Democrats be civil like the Repubs were in 1996...?
From Guernica to Fallujah : US War Crimes (Napalm)
Sign petition - support 343rd Quartermaster soldiers who refused dangerous
Drug dogs in the baggage claim!
Does anyone have any good news?
Is this any time for a Democratic President?
A Freeper on the Red/Blue state issue
Survivor's Mark Burnett Cowers to the Religious Right
The Goal is to ABOLISH Social Security
Sharon rejects talks with Syria
DUer's new weapon from Raytheon, Protest and get a suntan
Could someone explain to me this dollar exchange stuff
9/11 bill: CIA/White House takeover of military, FBI, nuke labs EXCLUSIVE
I personally, cannot wait for Martha to get out...
Put Up or Shut Up Legis.: Corporate Tax on Employee Welfare Act
Anyone see the documentary "Stupidity"
Oh God, Liddy is on Crossfire with Carville
Update on husband's unemploymet appeal....
"Takes a village to make a millionaire"
Ok we did it in Washington (Now San Diego)
Funniest verbal exchange I have ever witnessed on television
Was This Election About Moral Values - or RACE?
What was John Kerry doing yesterday? Thought you should know.
I think Putin is cleverly taking advantage of worldwide Bush hatred
results to the voting trends survey from a few days back
Tool for finding Dem supporting Businesses: Choose The Blue
Anyone know how to remove "read only" from
A new election isn't the only thing the Ukraine Parliament called for
Falwell on Matthews Hardball! Video
Jesus the Liberator. A Christianity for the Left?
Eudora question from a techno-peasant
Driving to Columbus from Chicago for Saturday rally
Salon Finally Discovers "Our Leader" Billboards, Mentions DU
Fraud in New Mexico - Bush Administration Cheating Native American Indians
Hustler Chronicles The Private Gay Life Of Repub Rep David Dreier
Michelle Malkin spits in the wind, wind blows it back re: Teresa H. Kerry
Controversial Domestic Violence Commercials
Sheik: Allah sent giant spiders to combat U.S....... pic inside
Mandatory mental health screening program would dose pregnant women
Feds indict man on "conspiracy" for trying to save mountain lions
Gay marriage bans would pass almost ANY state - Red OR Blue...
Joseph Cannon and Bozos for Bush Bust Nigerian Scam!
How Twisted Logic can result in placing a Shrub in the Oval Office
So, whatzis about napalm in Fallujah...
So, I'm just watching the pay per view preview of F9/11
One Freewill Argument for the existance of Satan
Lets out all the dirty slime repukes! A rant and request!
Guess all hell will break loose in January
This Applachia Research Project is really moving me
Excuse Me? The New Homeland Czar never Finished High School?
Justice Scalia: Jews Are Safer With Christians In Charge
The Greatest Moral Failure of the United States of America
"Jesus wasn't a Liberal"- any takers?
OpRA (prounounced Oprah) Operation: RED ALERT!
US spends $427 BILLION on our military, yet troops ask for toliet paper?
should we educate every American child?
Gay Marrige post from another forum
Don't want you kids drugged? Thank the dems that voted for NFC
EVERYONE has constitutional rights.
Stop the Consumption Tax Myth!
Bring your vibrators and loofa's to O'Reilly book signing!!
Why isn't it scandalous that over 1/2 of Bush's cabinet has resigned...
Mother wants Catcher in the Rye banned from school
are you a DU 'moderate' or a DU 'liberal'?
Promotion help needed for "Weapons of Mass Deception"
December 12th is Capital March Day across the country
I tried out my new roaster last night.
I tried making my first ever apple pie, and it was a disaster!
Has anyone had the Indian Pizza at Zante's in SF?
Any ideas for *pretty* Christmas cookies?
What are you serving Christmas Eve?
Some kid came to the door yesterday selling tamales.
Sorryeverybody goes beyond pictures
Halifax Peace Coalition -- mock trial of Bush
WP: Fundraising Records Broken By Both Major Political Parties (DNC more)
Hustler chronicles the private gay life of CA Republican Rep. David Dreier
Ayatullah AL Sistani is dead ,, so who will support the election now
160,000 people evacuated as storm hits Philippines
Auto accident mistaken for assassination
Judge Questions Sweep of Bush's War on Terrorism
Winter typhoon to bring heavy rains - TW
NYT: U.S. Panel Recommends No Protection for Grouse (photo)
Errors in Skagit (WA) vote count point to statewide problem
St. Cloud factory's (229) layoffs tied to shifting work to China, demand
WP: U.S. Free-Trade Deals Include Few Muslim Countries
NYT: Music Industry Turns to Napster Creator for Help
NYT: Health Care Technology Is Promise Unfinanced (GINGRICH blasts Admin!)
9/11 bill: CIA/White House takeover of military, FBI, nuke labs EXCLUSIVE
UN Ambassador Danforth Resigns
Kerry Campaign Keeping Eye on Ohio Cases
Court upholds Berenson conviction
Police killer to spend rest of his life in prison
Bush sidesteps Annan resignation issue
Holiday sales not so jolly CNN / Money hint: Walmart, not happy
Torture Can Be Used to Detain U.S. Enemies
Bush calls for global cooperation
WAPO: Aide Takes Blame for Tax Return Provision
FBI searches offices of Israel lobbying group as part of spy probe
School trials fingertip clock-in
WP: Chinese Officials Seek to Pump Up (Communist) Party
Victor in libel case plots revenge on old party
NATO chief opens military academy during snap visit to Iraq
Ukraine's parliament demands troops withdrawal from Iraq
LAT: Congress Fuels Fire Between FERC, States (spending bill surprise!)
Bechtel takes responsibility for 8 leaks (Boston's Big Dig)
Officials expanding probe of tanker spill (Delaware River)
U.S. Can Use Evidence Gained by Torture
BBC Marks Holocaust with 'Auschwitz' Documentary
More Americans on prescription drugs (nearly 50% on at least one med!)
"A Blueprint for Moore Bashing"
Attacks at Baghdad Police Stations Kill 20
Former poet laureate Van Duyn dies (was first women poet laureate)
Martin takes heat on missile defence
Gunmen shoot 2 councilmen in central Iraq
Iraq a 'terror incubator': Putin
Employers add fewer jobs than expected
NYT,pg1: I.B.M. Said to Put Its PC Business on the Market
UK Court orders Serb's extradition
Russian Duma slams EU for Ukraine unrest
Germans nab 'terrorists' in Allawi assassination fear
Gregoire says she wants full recount -- or none
U.S. OKs Evidence Gained Through Torture
Columnist quits after piece spiked
Bush names new US security chief
Aide Takes Blame for Tax Return Provision
Kosher Authority Seeks Change in Steer Killings
U.S. Suspects Iran Is Making New Missiles
Mall Security Getting Anti-Terror Training
Video Game Celebrates Fallujah Slaughter
'Master/slave' Most Politically Incorrect Phrase
Slugger (Barry Bonds) admitted to using substances thought to be steroids
State's wounded vets at bottom for benefits
Congress sends letter to Kenneth Blackwell
French socialists vote yes on EU constitution
White House getting used to idea of Shia government
Worried Colleges Step Up Efforts Over Suicide -NYT
Supreme Court rules election results invalid and calls for new vote
(S.C.) Textile company announces (500) layoffs
Ukraine Court: Election Results Invalid
Madrid bombing info from Reuters:
Robert Kennedy's Killer Wants Hotel Left Standing
U.S. Embassy Bans Use of Airport Road (will use Helos)
Problems Cited at Afghan Detention Center
Bin Laden’s trail cold, U.S. acknowledges
Did anyone see the Rev Jackson on CNN last night?
LAT: First Lady Makes Sure Festive Decor, Holiday Tunes Brighten WH
Sorry this was already posted.
Graham, Grassley, Kolbe Mull Tax Increases for Social Security
SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE columnist quits after he is censored
IBM puts its PC business up for sale . China interested
Congress Fuels Fire Between FERC, States
FBI spying (on peaceful activists) allegations supported by records
UN Staff, Africans Rally Around Embattled Annan
AP:US ok to use torture as evidence to hold prisoners indefinitely
Madrid Blasts After ETA Warning
Socialists in France give lift to EU charter
N.M. Vote Recount May Cost $600,000
Ukraine parliament demands withdrawal of troops from Iraq
Pair of Major Attacks in Baghdad Kill 30
Ukraine parliament demands withdrawal of troops from Iraq
Police Follow Doughnut Trail, Solve Crime
Powell Lauds UN Chief, in First U.S. Defense
November job growth unexpectedly soft (112,000 vs 180,000 expected)
U.S. Lawmaker Scolds China Over World Conflicts (Henry Hyde)
Teen's Parents Sue Actor Nick Nolte
BBC admits Dow 'interview' was a hoax
Third US bank seeks waiver of criminal charges
US ready to pounce when Iraqi rebel leader returns to 'death triangle'
U.S. Suspects Iran Is Making New Missiles
Ukraine Court Orders New Run-Off Election (AP)
CNBC to end John McEnroe's show
Lesbian Minister's Credentials Revoked
Credit card 'bars Sabbath buying'
Iraqi 'resistance' legitimate: Egypt's top Sunni cleric
(U.S. Appointed) Iraqi president leaves for Washington
Rumsfeld warns Iran making 'a lot of mistakes'
Army Makes Training Base Feel Like Iraq
Pa. Guard pours more troops into recruits battle(Info Nat Guard shortage)
Jan. Elections Remain Misunderstood in U.S., Tenuous in Iraq
House Judiciary Minority Members letter to OH Sec'y of State
Man goes from homelessness to a job serving country...
Benzene Exposure Linked to Blood Changes
Iran bought metal useable in atomic bombs-diplomats
Junk Food Ban Costing L.A. Schools
Breaking CNN : Madrid reports 4 explosions after ETA bomb threat
November Job Growth Unexpectedly Soft (112,000)
European shares hit 29-month highs on tech rally
China tests ballistic missile submarine
Ukraine supreme court invalidates election results
Fears grow of military spread thin
Rumsfeld to Stay on as Defense Secretary
High court agrees to hear dispute over cable Internet access
Bush's Ohio win narrower than thought
WP: Fundraising Records Broken by Both Major Political Parties
Fire leaves Minnesota town coated in butter
Jihadists wired to explode (on heroin and speed says Myers)
30 killed in insurgent attacks in Baghdad; 2 U.S. soldiers die from IED's
Graner may lose prison job (Abu Ghraib guard lose civilian job)
Asian carmakers on a roll in the U.S.
Robert Kennedy's Killer Wants Hotel Left Standing
One Task Force danger soldier killed # 1263
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Friday 3 December
Swiss justice authorities have blocked bank accounts in HALLIBURTON Probe
Russia's Putin Calls U.S. Policy 'Dictatorial'
Powell Says Europe Must Reach Out To US Too
Tommy Thompson Resigns From Cabinet (like rats)
Bush's Ohio Win Was Closer Than Thought
Swiss Blocks Accounts in Oil Co. Probe ( Halliburton)
Breaking: Full hand recount for Washington governor's race
White House downplays talk of imminent US-Pakistan fighter deal
United Airlines layoffs hit Denver hub (895 jobs)
Jackson Hole herd heads for slaughter
Vatican fears anti-Christian feeling
AP Breaking: Rumsfeld to stay in Bush Cabinet...
Media Challenges Army Decision on Hearing
Iranians Arrested on Vision-System Export
Dead prince admits Dutch bribery scandal
Putin arrives in India to cement several pacts
Export rules may get tighter (for Cuba purchases of US ag products)
Russia May Launch Anti-Terror Strikes
Police search Jackson's Neverland Ranch (again)
Ex-Halliburton Worker Sues Company for Iraq Wages
Suicide car bomb hits U-S Marines in Iraq
Documents Show CIA Knew of Venezuela Coup
Chalabi In Comeback, Siding With Shiites (NYT)
Hamas May Accept Statehood in West Bank
Wal-Mart Starts Rare Newspaper Ad Blitz
AP: Navy Probes New Iraq Prisoner Photos(Found on the web)
Former police chief angry about 20/20
NBC Makes Unprecedented Downward Correction in Latino Support for Bush
Chavez calls for the creation of a world defense network
Anyone just see the woman on Letterman (naked on the news)?
I found this suggested Bush photo caption inordinately funny ...
Oh, goddammit- M&Ms and Recees Pieces!
Does anyone know a way to get through websites without registering?
Is there a doctor in the house
Hammer of the gods…will drive our ships to new land
When the Lounge gets boring, should we
I'm tired if kicking posts and looking at dumb polls.
oh look....chimp making a stupid face
Do you want me to start a thread that entertains you?
New Mercedes-Benz mixed tape! (free mp3s)
Question About the "MORAN" Guy...
Hey baby, jump over here, When you do the ooby-dooby I gotta be near
"Santacam" to allay paedophile fears
becareful....watch out.....it's a totem-troll :) see image
What should i post to entertain you?
Janeane Garofalo on The Simpsons (Left Coasters)
I have to hand it to my toilet mouth daughter
Man Arrested For DUI (Had Kitten in Pocket) After Tractor Chase
Headless bodies found at mysterious pyramid
How long do you think Barry Bonds worked out the kinks
I have to wake up in a few hours. I'm an idiot.
I got busted at the airport trying to smuggle in a bag of Kleeb
JohnKleeb got banned because of a "computer glitch"
Most appropriate song for this Brave New Christmas?
Does anyone like Lima Bean Soup?
Thai military drops "peace bombs"
I knew there was a reason I hated Barry Bonds
Joseph Cannon and Bozos for Bush Bust Nigerian Scam!
The Temp Job That Lasted 60 Years
Make-believe NATO soldiers rob security van
OK, newbs. Lets see how fast you are.
Utah Man Pays $82 Fine in Pennies
What is the most bizarre thing you did for sex
The issue isn't Bonds or Giambi it's ILLEGAL Grand Jury leaks. IMHO.
Playas, N.M.: An Anti–Terror Town
Yeah, I made 100 posts!!!!! Ask me anything.
!!Grand Illumination!! Is Aaron Carter performing in YOUR town tonight?
Favorite Jamiroquai song mentioning "fried chicken" & "soy lattes"
Where did the Tin Foil Hat expression come from?
I got my invite to join the AARP..
Jesus Christ...Patron Saint of 4th Quarter Profits...
A nurse's aide who quit her job to take a cruise hit the jackpot
This is my 2000th post now give me a cookie
That Freeper that watches DU gave up!
Hey CANADA can we borrow one of your guys-we seem to be a little short
A mothers' love is the stuff they make dams with.
I want to hop on the last train in the station
Stem Cell Fired Over School Bus Driver Talk
Kerkik declines! Steve from Jerry Springer to be tapped next.
I have so much shit to do today I don't have time to do any of it!!
Ward, I'm worried about the Beaver
So yeah, we're almost at 60,000 members
Kleeb has been president now for 1 month
A Plea for some help finding an obscure (but funny) movie!
Police Follow Trail Of Doughnuts To Find Stolen Krispy Kreme Truck
Mom says God led her to van that killed son
CAPTION Christmas in the Bush years
What kind of wine is good for a "first timer"?
what kind of whining is good for a first time
what kind of "first-timer" is good for a wino?
photos of Ottawa protests against the evil monkey (link provided)
My daughter put her hand in the toilet, and then put it in her mouth.
Tsar's rare vintages up for sale
LBN: Police Follow Doughnut Trail, Solve Crime
A fitting reply for those syrupy inspirational messages...
Anyone have thoughts about a portable DVD player
The Bush plan to force faith based initiatives.
Man Steals Phone He Could Have Gotten For Free - Jailed
King Tut returns, but at a price too high for the New York Met
Thank GOD Morning Sedition is FINALLY OVER
Principal Placed On Leave After Taking Students ADD Drugs
School Bus Driver Fired Over Stem Cell Talk
There is no KLEEB whatsoever in this Lounge.
UH OH - The Christian Powerlifters are onto us
Caption: All I want for Xmas is a.....
Caption: does my cardboard cutout look good in this pic?
HAPPY Birthday-Ozzie, Andy Williams, and............
What is the most worthwhile charity?
what weren't you arrested for?
Digital camcorder recommendations. Please.
Caption: Honey I shrunk the President...
What foods/beverages do you find repulsive?
SpongeBob gets shot in Norfolk
Bad Habits that you'd like to give up
Bad Rabbits that you'd like to give up
FYI, tomorrow I will post KITTEN PICS!
It looks like we're going to hit 60,000 members here today!
How can people NOT like trees?!?!
Paul Wolfowitz's Gentleman's Guide To Good Grooming: Combing Your Hair
Caption: But who will have the last laugh I wonder???
Jerry Orbach of 'Law & Order' Has Cancer
Yay! My local Sinclair affiliate (Sacramento) is being bought by Viacom!
With fashion like this, the future is going to RULE
What the hell do people have against TREES?
Team to paint faces black to prove they are not racially prejudiced
Abandon it. Walk away. Let someone else build the pyramids.
AARRGHHH!!!!! I threw my todo list away before I completed it
Does the 60,000th Member Get a Prize?
MEN could be lonely this Christmas if they buy their lover a CD by Mariah
How will history remember Barry Bostwick?
DU is close to having 60,000 registered members now.
Naked Chef, aka Jamie Oliver -- Good or Hype?
Update from the Education forum: Smart-ass remark still being ignored
The Lumber Magnet of all CAPTIONS!!!!
What is the best cure for unquenchable thirst?
Shocker! Bonds uses/used steroids also....
What does the song "Whip It" mean, anyway?
Google News: Canadians Arrest Bush for War Crimes
Just had my first car accident.....
Why did George take so long to visit Canada?
I'm home for lunch - I demand you entertain me!
Can someone change this photo to jpg format, please?
59,998 User Registrations @ Noon CST December 3rd. 2004
Only 22 more posts till I'm out of the 700 Club - Don't ask me anything
getting my 700'S!!!!!!! today!!!!
Thuggish High School Kids say the darnedest things!
Top10 British Speeding Excuses:
Quick, the mods went to bed early. Break out the bong
It's Friday. Who's feeling groovy?
I Went Looking For A PT Job At The Mall, Which Place Sounds Best?
are there many of these nutters in your country?
can't sleep - man eating pig nipples will get me
How Did Your Husband Propose To Me?
I need a new vacuum cleaner. No more Orecks (R-Bushmoonie) for me.
It's Friday. Who's eating gravy?
The Desert Places of all CAPTIONS!!!
WooHooooooo...I'm out of the 700 Club
How to make a dutch salad: chop up anything edible and add lots of mayo
John McEnroe vs. Dennis Miller
What do you propose to do about your husband?
60,000th Member Wins a Date with John Kleeb!
BE ON YOUR BEST BEHAVIOR!! Mrs Matcom Is Reading YOU Right Now!!!!
Lame ass copycat thread alert: Are Americans getting farter?
are americans beginning to fester?
A weird thing I got in my site e-mail- Anyone wanna help me out?
I command you to refrain from posting on this thread
Are Americans getting feistier?
Are Americans getting flatter?
It's pizza time over in LBN! Get your slice before it's gone!
Officers wearing panties pull over man for drunken driving!
Okay. How many of you lizards reregistered to tick us past 60000?
Are Americans getting retardeder?
I think it's time we did some re-decorating in the Lounge
What does "The emporer has no clothes" mean?
Being under the watchful eye of a supervisor sucks
Don't you hate when people post really long posts
Any fans of Japanese Horror Out There?
Donald Rumsfeld -- High Order Reptilian
Herman Melville: subversive pointy-headed DU-type intellectual
Urban Meyer to accept the Florida head coaching job today.
How can I get a passport really quickly?
Officer Pulls Over Man Wearing Panties For Drunken Driving
Wanna hear some dirt on Paris Hilton???
How much protein is in an ounce of tofu?
Remember the fun we used to have posting about Kleeb?
My car is going synthetic tomorrow!
erk...UK nuke launch systems might be running on Windows
Bulletin: Dennis Miller and his monkey are STILL ON THE AIR!!!!
Why do car dealerships think we're so stupid?
The "Origin of Species" CAPTION
Working from home: How does your pet cope?
One of the best songs ever written IMNSHO
Did anyone have any weird dreams shortly before 9/11/2001?
Friday night's here, what's the scene?
Holiday giggles from Jib Jab...
Just got my son a Fender Strat for Christmas. Any guitar players
Marijuana bale found in shipment to food bank
Is there smoking at Irving Plaza in NYC? I have VIP tix for GBV tonight
A simply beautiful spam I got.
'Master/slave' Most Politically Incorrect Phrase
You might be an Art History student if....
LA Magnet School Principal can't write
Wear a Paper Clip if you think Bush sucks!
I just bought a christmas tree.
Toby Keith and Ted Nugent IN CONCERT!
It took me a few hours but ...
Shouldn't This Forum Be Re-Named The Kleeb Lounge?
Don't you wish the wingnuts really believed what they say??
What's your favorite Kleeb holiday?
School bans Ketchup - students protest
First Grader Brings In Grenade For Show & Tell - School Evacuated
Okay. Hammer users. WHY? Why did you get a Hammer?
Schools Ban Kleeb--Students Protest
Replace a word with "Kleeb" in a foreign phrase!
KLEEB Friday Afternoon Chat, with free cake
Dipsy Blonde on "The View" went to the WH Tree lighting...
Another NBA winner-Nuggets Star Says He Threw Olympic Medal In Lake
The latest crazy conspiracy theory.....
Do you open Christmas presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
How come there are no pics of Sawyer on the LOST thread?
Get that damn baby out of the office.
I'm Addicted to DU! Ask me anything!
I'm hungry, what should I eat for lunch?
forced to go to Republican Private Club chi chi party
William Pitt is Much Cuter than i thought
Whose planning on getting some
Proposal: Everyone go kick up a thread that doesn't have
The world is nearly ended: I heard Coltrane on a Kmart commercial
Seriously Lounge Lizards.....if I may....
What are we going to do with all these teeny tiny baseball players now?
Got my "Not Me" bracelet in the mail today.
Why must every generation think their folks are square?
Well another Democratic friend of mine got laid off.
What's The Proper Way To Pronounce "Loughran"?
HEY! I just got back from "The Baby Store"
Veni! Veni Creator Spiritus! Listening to Mahler Symphony No. 8
ever had one of those Nigerian scam e-mails?
An amazing, practically forgotten, rock album that I just picked up
CDC Issues warning about new virulent disease ;-)
I hate Ipowerweb and hope they all rot in hell
Would someone cancel their San Diego Union Tribune subscription?
DU needs to 'freep' the FR Inagural Ball on jan. 20 in DC
I hate to sound like an ad but SIRIUS RAWKS!!!!
CONFESS!!!!!! How many pieces of flair did you wear to work today??
Wow! This is a great documentary . . .
I do not know why I chase the cat, I just know that must -Fri Funk Thread
Okay. Hummer drivers. WHY? Why did you get a Hummer?
Flame Warriors, show me what you've got.
heehee Ralf Schumacher was going to invest in a sex shop
Is it ever too late for a flame war?
Anybody else have dreams like this?
Is the Pathethique Sonata not the most beautiful piece of music ever?
Whats *your* favorite thing about the lounge?
What's your favorite movie line?
Using a smiley, show us how you feel at the moment.
My site was hacked- Ipowerweb users should read this
WOW - Over 60,000 registered users on DU (60,045)
Man Has 1,497 Valid Credit Cards
I think my mother is trying to have me committed.
Has anyone one read about applachia?
Use the word Underpants as a verb in a sentence dealing with fruit
MrScorpio's Blue Lizard Bar and Grill is open for Biz-Ness
"Siamese Dream" by Smashing Pumpkins is a fucking AMAZING album...
What makes Bakelite jewelry so desirable?
The Finger-on-It of all CAPTIONS!!!
Teen's Parents Sue Actor Nick Nolte
Alternate textbook disclaimers...
Brick Storts-------What is it??---You'll be surprised.
Cig makers say "they don't market to kids." BULLSHIT!
I'm tired and discouraged and I don't know why.
OK, all you Bonds/Balco apoligists.....CHECK IN!!!!
You all are a bunch of freaks.
Should Anderson Cooper have a huge Coming Out SPECIAL?
I just had to share this... CAPTION if you will
How Tall Is Your Christmas Tree?
Is this pose a coincidence or a backdrop?
What should be done with the Cabinet Room?
Tell me some of your favorite movie quotes.
New show on FOX in January called POINT PLEASANT
"A Christmas Story" OPENS TONIGHT!!!!!!
Favorite Animated Christmas Special
How will history remember Barry Bonds?
SHIT!!! I Am TOTALLY Screwed For XMAS!!!
THIS SUCKS ! I think we're going to have to move
Welcome to DUville, pop. 60,026
Do you ever wonder who was the first person ever to do a particular thing?
US Oldest Woman, Who voted ever since women had the ride to vote, dies
Post yer favorite nuggets of rock and roll trivia here
South Park - "Stupid Drunken Slut."
How Did Your Husband Propose To You?
Ask ESPN to Reject the Iditarod (Peta Action Alert)
Billy Idol to release first new CD in 10 years on March 22nd
I wanted to recommend "The Rapture" to anyone who hasn't seen it...
Excerpt from a Dan Barker writing on how an atheist can be moral
Jewish festival of lights at Brandenburg Gate
"King Tut" Treasure to Return to U.S. in 2005
Researchers Develop 3-D Phone Technology ("hologram")
Opportunity: First 90 days on Mars
Cannabis boosts risk of psychosis
Einstein invented 'green' fridge
Scientists develop non-flammable air
Low levels of benzene damage health
Eggs 'fertilised' without sperm
US review rekindles cold fusion debate
CSPAN 2 Alert -- Richard Dawkins --- Sunday, December 5 at 2:00 am et
Did Our Sun Capture Alien Worlds?
Text of CBS letter to the UCC (re: marriage amendment)
Survivor's Lesbian Liplock Blackout | "the country voted"....
Gay Teens Barred From School Dance
New Zealand Moves To Legalize Gay Unions
The Diary of Dan Frank | from a dystopian nightmare.....
Florida to hire Urban Meyer as new head football coach
Slugger (Barry Bonds) admitted to using substances thought to be steroids
Let's Go Rockets (and another gripe about the BCS)
Giambi, Bonds, ....WHAT ABOUT SOSA????
A sweet story about Heaven and your pet
Why do dogs seem hungry ALL the time?
I spoke to the RED CROSS today........
Hey guys, I guess we're DNC infiltrators
Post your photomanipulations, photograms, anything unusual
Did we ever find out names of 3 civ./3 soldiers in the Afghan plane crash
The face of a man who was promised more by Bu$hco and
"Bush salutes Canada for its help after 9/11" (3 years late...)
More RW billboards from Clear Channel, etc.
Bush taking a "hands-on" approach with Kerik
Keith Olbermann comments on Bev Harris
Here's a subtle example of media bias.
Iraq; US wounded (3 weeks of) November 2004... 1193
How scared should I be of Kerik?
Hope the republicans have LARGE boxes of Purple Heart bandaids!
Great Boondocks comic today 12/4/04
Where the hell is the opposition? Why the shameful silence?
Anyone know where the Newsweek article on Ohio ballots study is posted?
Kerkik declines! Steve from Jerry Springer to be tapped next.
I encourage all DUers to visit right wing publications like the
Ranchers side of the horse slaughter for Kali
Help, please: Where is the listing of states with electronic machines
Could Arnold have become Governor anywhere besides Caleyfornia?
Did Clinton have this much cabinet turnover when he won re-election?
O'Reilly softballs Rumsfeld interview/ Video Clip
Bush SS Gov Websites thoughts on cutting Social Security Benefits
House staffer "dumbfounded" by privacy uproar (tax return provision)
112,000 new jobs created in November....under expectations....
Republicans reminisce about the "good ol' days"..
Whoa!!! Al is going all the way off on Mark Luther
Could it be they brought Kerik onboard...
Tommy Thompson resigned today.
Who ran/streamlined the Sinclair boycott?
OpRA (pronounced Oprah) Operation: RED ALERT!
Five Star Trust helped finance the rigging of the election
Life vs. choice questions/ Pro-life Democrat for Pres?
As a thank you for my Northern neighbor's help in the fight
How would splitting the electoral votes in states like California help us?
Dec. 7 in DC: Career Seminars - Job Fair -Networking Reception
Cabinet Strategy: A Method to the Madness?
16% of Americans believe that the elections were fraudulent
Bush appoints dog catcher for new Secretary of Commerce ??
Census ?: Kerry won 18-21 yo's. How many new voters in 2006/8?
Even Jacques Chirac knows he has to Bush-bash to win election
Bush's Economic Policy Options = Let Dollar Freefall & Borrow !
What is it with Shrub's ex-cabinet and their inflated views of themselves?
Hustler details ribald underbelly of GOP Convention
So if Al-Qaeda hits Pittsburgh, will our police chief replace Kerik?
Transcript of hard-hitting O'Falafel Factor interview with Rumsfeld
Court date to be set for Torture Charges against Bush
Okay. Someone out there explain to me why the DNC
MSNBC Question of the Day -- Kerik
KOS: These are the troop counts of the Coalition
The "story" behind the story of the so-called "oil for food" scandal
This makes me want to "volunteer"
What happens if they discover they are just talking to themselves?
"President Bush Expresses Confidence In Defense Secretary"
Europeans hate America...yeah, right
When we talk about "Bush", WHO are we really talking about?
"The President bears as much relationship to running the country as...
"Americans are highly moralistic...Any kind of morale ambiguity irritates
Schwarzenegger has retained his Austrian citizenship
WP: Democrats outspent Republicans in '04 for first time in decades.
Whose gonna pull his nuts out of the fire this time ??
Freedom on the March in Iraq, 12/3/04
ICKES just said Kerry Was A Weak-Knee'd-Flip Flopping-Liberal
Why Can't Americans get it together?
Coming soon: The (New) Dark Ages
Jeb Bush is going to run in 2008
Do you agree with Bill Clinton?
A Blueprint for Moore Bashing (or .........Could the DLC get any worse?)
Just received my "NOT ME!" bracelet
Republicans have mastered the game of winning elections
Best shots at beating the Republicans and winning the Presidency in 08.
"Help is on the Way" - what line should Kerry have used?
Are You Liberal, Conservative or Fascist or Communist? Take the TEST!
Not so hidden message of, "Support The Troops"