Release of Iraq war advice is test for new act
The Total Silence From and On Indonesia
Maginot minds in Washington gloss over the truth in Iraq
AARP starts two week ad campaign on Wednesday against Bushco
The Stingy US: An Appalling Performance
An army's morale on the downswing (scorching!)
I came upon this site with articles claiming our experts knew what . . .
Have you ever considered telling us why someone gets banned?
This post was scary until you did cleanup and it took less than 5 minutes
Thank you for cleaning up the train wreck in GD Politics!
What rules did this post break?
Abbas embraces leading Palestinian gunman in tour of refugee camp
Gaza pullout is terror’s victory, say Arabs
Abbas Statements on Militants Monitored
When will Daley retire? Who will run? Who will win?
There are reasons to be optimistic
To the DNC .... A Manifesto for Democracy
IMTV: Is the Ohio Supreme Court for Sale?
Hey Josh Marshall - can you report on the Conyers letter?
The electoral objection should be the first shot in a long 4 year war.
Conyers on Oberman show in a few minutes...
On countdown after messages....something about conyers and vote contesting
It all comes down to what's in Conyer's report
Article on Widespread Ballot-Counting Problems
FAX numbers for targeted Senators
If Kucinich contests with the Black Caucus, will Boxer join?
To all who kicked looking for me... Thanks!
Conyers to Object to Ohio Electors, Requests Senate Allies
Why not Edwards? Retiring Senator, already rich, VP candidate at-issue?
dupe - mods please delete (nt)
Letter to Senators - Demanding, Assertive, Tippy-Toe?
Candidates Want Second Ohio Recount
Press release from NYC coordinator of
Can we have a FloatyHeart-free KO thread?
What if we just don't go to work on Jan. 7th if no senators
Please rate WRP article at forum
Yet ANOTHER thing Bush has mangled
ESE DREs have vote data stored in memory and can be printed
Congress (Senate) Drops Ball In 2000... MIRRORS NEEDED FOR VIDEO FILE
Video Clip - Obermann says that Conyers will Challenge Ohio Electors
Confirming the Baiman/Simon National Exit Poll Probabilities
"hundreds of letters that aren't form letters make a big difference"
Doing a little experiment with the smoking gun
More about the selected moron...
Why not Sen. Lautenberg? He has nothing to lose.
Another angle to look at this problem (Kerry!) :-(
OK. If one Senator joins Conyers, we'll have a vote. NOW...
Will any Senator object to the Electoral Count?
I'd like to ask you to join me in making a New Years resolution
Post sample letters (or your letters) to Senators HERE!
Question re. Mozilla Thunderbird and my AVG anti-virus config.
Has anyone ever heard of someone saving a file, such as a word document...
I need advice on web hosting and such
Why doesn't the damn computer recognize the mouse?
Am I wrong about watching donations as if they were movie returns?
Daniel Shorr tells it like it is in his tsunami-aid commentary today
FREE CAB RIDES for drunks....right now in DC Metro Area...1-800-200-TAXI
More than $6 million has been donated to the Red Cross
Declassified Secrets from the U.S.-Iraq Relationship
We are very lucky...perhaps some of the citizens who still feel
RW radio on disaster relief.....think it was on Tony Snow
Is anyone going to protest at the Inaugural parties? a poster suggestion
2004: Things to Forget (Happy New Year)
Who pays for this inauguration celebration?
Spain gives $68 million for tsunami aid.
Need some help regarding religious charities + relief aid
Give me back my flag, Mr. Bush
Watch Conyers on Oberman MSNBC ...
May be more than 400,000 Dead In Indonesia says Indonesia's Ambassador
The main stream media is a bunch of yellow belly gutless bastards
Imagine if Gore had called for a revote in Florida
Will Iraqis vote on paperless electronic machines? (nt)
As if things weren't tragic enough...
It's 2008. Between these two, who would you vote for
What will ultimately have more coverage in the Media?
Toby Keith and Ted Nugent touring Tulsa Jan 20
Did CNN just manufacture a tsunami victim reunion story?
Between these two, who did you want to win the 2004 elections?
Who thinks Halliburton will be first in line for this pork?
Excellent Book "Into the Buzzsaw" - explains why the news is so bad
Photo of Tourists looking at 1st big wave
I heard the news today (Oh Boy!)...perspective!
I took a deep breath and I feel a little better
The Year In Review on ABC, 9pm CT.
My cat pooped christmas tree tinsel and nows running away from her own ass
Pamphleteer spurs mosque evacuation
Geologists: More major quakes to hit Sumatra
Anyone keeping tabs on how the Fundies are responding to the Tsunami?
Our Open Letter to the President and Prime Minister of India
Breakthrough for those with osteoarthritis of the knee!
Survey Finds Underworked Employees Are Least Happy
Bush family legacy of scum. Clarence Thomas tops graft list
Rumsfeld ordered the Iraq attack.
This is down right creepy. BIG bro to the max
The 9/11 comparison is what really hurts me, as a New Yorker
Meet The Fockers - A Thoroughly BLUE STATE Flick - Is #1
Emergengy Preparedness - Are You Ready ?
Thursday Truthseeker Group Hug Get You Malloy on!
Inaugural balls will be OBSCENE during disaster recovery
I hate to post about this but I have to ask.....
Housekeeper Shows Bush Up (Tsunami aid)
Disaster: Greedy (Christian ) Bush kills any good will left for 911 dead
The Pope thinks Bush may be the Antichrist -link
Who needs tremors, tsunami, AIDS, or oil drilling?
What is the latest on Sedonia (sp), Arizona?
Blair also staying on vacation...
What's a good Aid Agency to donate to for the Sunami survivors?
The Commander-in-Chief in action...disturbing photo
Tsumani Relief as Subterfuge? Pentagon re-enters Vietnam-era Thai air base
Homage to DU on the Eve of the New Year - Seriously!
OK, NOW I'll say something bad about Bush staying on vacation
What is this new Fundie symbol I see?
The letter "W" -- the new swastika, or the white man's "X"?
Americans: 14 dead, 3000 missing/unaccounted for
Why is Bush sending Jeb, not Neil to tour Thailand?
Mark Weber gives his reasons for US invasion of Iraq.
Pat Leahy Appreciation Thread In Response To Freeper Attack
Anybody else not seen the Movie "Dogma"??
A Repub-to-Dem conversion! But not quite ...
DU Graphic Artists...HELP!!!! The Liberation needs a symbol!
The tsunami disaster as reported by FOX
Bush, Moon, and Fundies - an article for discussion
Ever Since I Quit Drinking Coffee ..
B.C. pledges 8 million to tsunami relief
Origami cranes to greet troops
NY Times calls U.S. aid for tsunami 'miserly'
Romanian, 67, pregnant with twins
Texas Prosecutors Drop Charge Against Sears In (R)-DeLay PAC Investigation
Powell, Jeb Bush to lead U.S. team (Tsunami Relief)
Summary Box: Iraq's Deadly Year in Numbers
The grim mathematics of war and misery
Candidates Want Second Ohio Recount
French daily says Washington "stingy" with aid to Asian countries
Church That Picketed Gays "Thanks God" For Tsunami
Bush to Push for Medical Liability Changes
Aid Pours Into Asia, Not Reaching Tsunami Victims
U.S. Dollar Heads for Third Annual Decline Versus Euro and Yen
Price of Bush Inauguration Party Is Too Rich for Some -NYT
Violence Against Iraq Troops Takes Toll
WP: Average Wage-Earners Fall Behind
Bush Signs Order to Raise Fed Workers' Pay
Cuba moves to clamp down on hard currency control after oil find
LAT: (Clarence) Thomas' Acceptance of Gifts Tops Justices
TX: Charge against Sears dropped (Delay investigation case)
In money-saving bid, TSA slashes party costs ($1500 cheese plates out)
Venezuela Dec. Unemployment Falls to Lowest Since at Least 1998
Earthquake hits Area North of Tokyo Japan
Spitzer Looking Into World Jewish Congress
Justice Dept. Memo Redefines 'Torture' -WaPo
So, I guess Mother Nature has beaten out GWB...
Ahh, the Lounge... how I've missed DU
HELP! My cat Abbott is a problem drooler when he purrs
Deadheads-list every song in which the word"calliope"appears in the lyrics
State of the WillPitt - LynneSin Bunny Suit Bet.
Who's in favor of starting a Indifference group?
Texas is a big and messed up place I tell you
Right now on the History Channel: The Wrath of God : Tsunami: Killer Wave
Yonder Mountain String Band rocks!
Matcom News --- Women Accused of 'Hot Dog' Prostitution
What the hell is with Reuters?
Is it just me, or are coffee shops full of losers these days?
I've been randomly crying for a few days now...
When someone asks you to tell so-and-so they said 'Hi' - do you?
I'm back to post my earth shattering news
Are there any photos of the actual BIG wave that hit?
Most favorite producer of 'Doctor Who'
So is Miller's NetZero gig the last stop before The Surreal Life?
If the Earth had an alarm that sounded in times of imminent danger,
Steelers have not lost since MikeG started going to church again.
Slate Cartoon in very disgustingly bad taste
Bridge on the River Kwai on TCM tonight: shirtless William Holden
Any good recipes for "Hopping John?" No, not the match-in-shoe trick.
Putting Falluja into true perspective (link to picture)
I have a problem with movie special effects.
Yea! My new sofa is arriving next week!
I accidentally caught part of the local news(Chicago)
I need food.............and love....
Not to "Spoil" but what did you think of "Neverland?"
How can I save my clip from CSPAN this morning?
Someone posted "Happy New Year" and...
any good freeware DVD to mpg/wma converters?
I sure wish somebody else would post that DU now has a Grateful Dead group
Hey, did ya know that there is a new DU Grateful Dead Group?!
What is it again? 'Beer before liquor... enjoy yer liquor?'
I just made a batch of humans for my party tomorrow!
I had to buy a shreader just to keep up with Capital One...
I just made a batch of hummus for my party tomorrow!
I'd love DU to have a Beatles Group. Any takers? Not sure how to
Happy 76th Birthday to Diddly Squat
Heiniken?! Fuck that shit!! Pabst Blue Ribbon!!
In the spirit of funny web sites
Why am I obsessed with The Karate Kid?
I took one, one, one cause she left me....
Ok - The FAQ says to ask this in The DU Lounge...
I Wanna Britney Spears Group, Damn it!
It looks like the Cal Bears didn't realize that unlike
Do we need more cat pictures in the Lounge?
It's 2am & I'm stuck in Lisbon Airport- Ask me anything
Bollywood anyone--Need recommendations
Recipe for tomorrows party- Tequila cake
Am I the only person who enjoys watching old GUNSMOKE shows?
Musical scoopage at Wal-Mart today!
How do I adjust the wristband on my stainless Casio G-Shock Watch?
the integral of e to the x equals the function of u to the did
Okay, How long before we see some cheap fucking plastic
Woohoo!!!!!! Can't wait for the Joan and Melissa Show!
Pat Robertsons Magical Pancake mix.
I'm stroking a big, cold, bottle of Stoli...
Why are my threads tanking so quickly tonight?
My house is too quiet - Ask me anything!
I know cat posts are safe but what about
Before I go to bed, here's my Celine Dion Top Ten.
'Shit eating grin' - a christmas present thread
Serious message... for jelly lovers only...
How many pages of DU forums do you usually peruse?
To whom do I first introduce the new cat?
4 Screwdrivers down, and I'm still not feeling drunk.
wtf happened to Joe Scarborough's face???
Has anyone else had trouble donating to Red Cross/Red Crescent?
I need 4050 posts to reach 5000
A nickel sez you melt into a puddle (kitty picture)
Who's finished their Christmas leftovers? I'm close.
My cable connection to the internet is slow tonight. Ask me anything.
Damnit I want booze and all I got is milk and juice
Is It Possible To Be a Liberal Racist?
Welcome to the Starship Heart of Gold.
How many people do you have on your ingore list?
Who's in favor of starting a Deadheads group?
My cat pooped christmas tree tinsel and nows running away from her own ass
Am I the only person who enjoys smoking OLD GUN shows?
Cat Thread*******Kitty in the Tub
I'm layin bed surfin' DU and my wife looks out the window and says,
HELP! I'm being attacked by freeper preverts!
Athesist: Christmas Tree recycling unfair
Tonight's message to lurking right-wingers
it is currently 52 degrees outside
Will you welcome, please the Grateful Dead Group
How to scare your children into doing well in school
Bandleader Artie Shaw has died
Who is the King Of Rock and Roll?
Sexual Identity Revealed According to First Time
Between these two, who would you vote for
My b-i-l was just called up to active duty...Kuwait
My Wife is the World's Greatest Cook!!!
GopEvil's hummus is not very good.
Our exchange student is leaving tomorrow. Early.
Anyone familiar with cartilage injuries (knee)?
Proof that George W. Bush is a REAL cowboy who is not afraid of horsies
What about a fat acceptance group?
CSPAN caller "His name sounds like 'Cheese Nachos'--I can't remember it."
Call me Mr. Plumber! ... Or: Tom's Adventures with PVC pipe
calling on NSMA and other mech/auto inclined astute
MOVELEFT.COM Dec. 31, 2004 edition.
Need some good thoughts and/or prayers...
I Need 30 Posts to Hit 27,000 - Ask Me Anything
Unitarian-Universalist, New Thought, etc. DU Group
Why is Lord of the Rings good and Harry Potter bad to many fundamentalists
Tsunami: Why America's Coast Would Be Toast
Earth's permafrost starts to squelch
My dog is giving me mixed signals
My NAET notes on a Home Allergy Cure
Who has a real Sun Ancon Chi Machine?
A Manifesto for Democracy to the DNC!
KO to do a segment on Conyers challenging the election
News whether * still planning $40 million Inauguration Celebration
Do we have a site here that lists
Big fat jerks at Little Green Footballs
I can hear the backlash: "Why is JEB Bush going to Asia and not JUNIOR?"
The Tsunami: God's little way of putting 9/11 in perspective
Desmond Tutu interview in Newsweek fantastic
Shrum's firm paid $5 million by Kerry campaign
gonna be some rough water for bush... sand is sinking under his feet...
In times of tanking economys, the poor want lower taxes Repubs
Where are all the Kucinich supporters? And where is Kucinich?
Anyone else find this a little interesting?
So Bill Frist is up for re-election, Should Al Gore Run?
Will Karl Rove have to be suicided?
Sending Jeb Tells Us That They Are Going To Try To Crown Him In 08
Herbert: Our Planet, and Our Duty
Dems must remain true to their....mission of fighting...for "little guy. "
How Scientists and Victims Watched Helplessly
Social Commentary on the Great Earthquakes of 2004
Stingy Bush cuts student grants
New Year Bageantry: Joe Bageant Interview
Novak repeats Econ Larry Hunter lies about Social Security transition
Not a good way to start a democracy (Ukraine)
NYT,pg1: China's 'Haves' Stir the 'Have Nots' to Violence
The Arrogant Administration (Scott C. Smith,
HOIST BY THEIR OWN PETARD (Warning: New York Times)
Jonathan Chait (LAT):Billions for Pork as Science Is Slashed
President Bush's 'Appropriate' Response
Molly Ivins: 2004 - How 'bout a do-over?
Descovery Wings Channel to become "The Military Channel"
CNN Entertainment Hack: Michael Moore Among Celebs that Had a Rough Year
Real Iraq stories as opposed to the "Celebrity Worship TV Culture Club"
Gibraltar’s Governor praises Spain’s “courage”
Basque nationalists set up showdown with Madrid
Ten More Things You Probably Never Knew About Mohammed Atta
Dear admins, I am just curious...
LBN post locked at 43rd post for "not" being LBN -why not moved by mod?
Hey Admins thanks for the New Years gift
When Freepers 'unmasked' Nov. 2, how many had ever been DU mods?
Happy new year to the mods and admins!
Do we still have the rule about not "shouting" in the subject line?
A huge "THANK YOU" to the mods for re-instating me.
Thanks for the prompt action in the Lounge
About posts having zero relevance to particular forums.
Happy New Years, Mods and Admins!
Mods or Admin, we have a troll outing himself in the Lounge
Note of appreciation to the admins and mods
New Group Proposal: Music Group
Abbas welcomed by leading gunman in refugee camp visit
Israel, Palestinians in talks over Abbas visit to Temple Mount
Getting to know your Illinois Legislators: Illinois Senator John Cullerton
What do you guys think of the atheist who complained about the Blue Bags
TOOLS for contacting your Legislators
Moderates:K 57%, B 41%; New voters:K 56, B 43; Bush: -2% Dems/Ind from '00
This is Election related if we end up in the US Supreme Court
Descovery Wings Channel to become "The Military Channel"
renowned astrologer predicts the end of Bush Administration in 2005
Anyone still up who wants to check some math.
United for Peace and Justice join Jesse Jackson for Ohio ralley
NYT (AP) 12/31 "Candidates Want a Second Recount"
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 is Much in News Lately!
Rallies Across California Jan. 3
How many more times is the African-American community .....
30 hours left to tell otheres ..
After 7:30pm, only 35% of voters voted for Kerry? - someone check my math
Draft Dennis: If we have him, we have Boxer
Ask your reps to join Conyers! Get some white people up there this time!
Rossi says 3,539 'extra' votes in King County! Email Rossi about Ohio!
Does the legitimacy of the term BBV diminish if the perception of Bev is
Got a song for y'all for New Years
I love ignorance... Works in our favor...
Did We Bounce An Election? (slight revision)
Any News on Moss v Bush or on the Kerry "papers" that were
Fax numbers for senators to contact
Did I hear Keith Olbermann claim Barbara Boxer is planning to contest
Cayahoga Singled out On Blackwell site as inept in choosing e-machine
WTF is wrong with Bernie Sanders? (on Thom Hartmann now)
What happened to Arnebeck's alternate slate of Ohio electors?
I've spent my entire morning humming this old spiritual...
Need names of Congresspeople who will stand with Conyers ASAP
eFAX 20 Senators Urging them to Challenge the OH Electoral Vote 1-6-2005
Requesting information, please.
Though I don't believe Kerry will "win" - I think Conyers action is vital
So we send young americans to risk their lives in order to
Re-Vote Ohio / What Happened in Ohio?
Speakers and Volunteers Needed - Rally for the Republic
Your opinion of Lieberman being on Conyers' list of senators
How can we get an official loyal opposition government like England....
Refer Senators to websites calling for contest of election
I think I TURNED one!!!! (not a Senator...)
Try AGAIN Pic for your back in D.C.
Please FAX Ohio Fraud Summary to Senators/Congress/Media!
New Years Res: No one who does not contest will ever get my vote again.
New York Times is MIA - no news on their website at all....
OK, so what do the exit polls say?
We need film on the scene of the contest.
Promise that you won't give up
From Yesterday's Boston Globe:
Senators And Congressman Should Be Voted Out If They Don't Stand
Can anyone explain these strange totals from Ashland County log books?
The 2004 WCVI National Latino Election Day Exit Poll Must Read
Every single Democratic Senator and Representative
Any one on my wave length about the latest ' laser- terrorism threats?'
Jan. 1 deadline and it WILL happen -- if you help, of course!
So Fraud Must Be Proven Before It 's Investigated By Congress?
Here is link for Green report on recount by county; & why they want redone
I'm looking for information regarding the Jan. 3, 2005 Rally in Columbus,
If 'Liberal standard bearers" don't stand up for Democracy on Jan. 6th ...
I'm putting my vote where my mouth is!
Personal testimonials about Bush voters from 2000 who switched.
Do i really have to make another 'Calm down guys' thread?
Need Help! Need to find the WHO-TV (Des Moines, IA) video ...
Reasons for senators to stand in opposition. Reasons for senators to sit
Call to action - who's willing to work with me on this?
Wow! Bless those Civil Rights Marchers -- They're Doin It Again!
Everyone Hang Tight? See Post 61 from Rigel99 in my
The Corporate MSM and its role in the fraud
Need advice about letters to Senators
none of these Senators have anything to lose!
CBS News is "hiding" the Conyers story on their website.......
comparing exit polls to actual precinct results
Can we revoke the corporate ownership of OUR media? If so, how?
Ha. Republican inauguration too expensive for Republicans.
What the Senators are "really" doing...
Clarifying: The 3% random recount rule IS in Ohio's rules
Could the Glibs sue for a refund of the recount fee?
A plea for brainstorming help: Suppose you could convince
BRAD BLOG: Feeney's OTHER Hometown Weekly Reports 'Vote-Rigging' Charges!
FIGHT BUSH or Be Crushed By Him - Lessons For Democrats
did Conyers release his letter yet?
Any evidence of fraud in the Ukraine besides the exit poll discrepancy?
I am afaid I can't make it to Jan. 6th in my belief. I am trying folks,
If the Repub MSM Machine is NOT nailing Conyers then they know somethin
Warren County Absentee anomolies good stuff here TIA look.
anyone find it strange that marines will be in Ohio?
Friday 12/31 Election/Fraud/Recount Thread
Photocopies from Ohio BOE Show Questionable Pre-Challenges
Does anybody know if Ohio's machines were ever certified
Has anyone seen this Truthout video with possible PROOF of vote fraud?
ALL democratic senators should oppose electoral vote!
It looks like our Senators are going to wimp out again
Congressman Bernie Sanders just said (on the Thom Hartmann
Why do we go crazy when someone posts unsubstantiated re-posts?
Is there a smoking gun in the smoking gun? TIA and Others?
What I saw in florida...RE Volusia
I'm sure this is a long shot, but anyone want to try it?
Found--notes from 2000 election and beyound.
We the people against the hackers.
WTF? Ted Kennedy won't stand with Conyers
Since when did Exit Polls (samples) become Exit Potes ("votes" mixed in)?
Newly Released EXIT POLL DATA - requires Some TIA Smoking Gun Treatment
"It would be political suicide for a Dem Senator to contest the election."
Information about the New Mexico recount effort
Can someone send this link to Conyers NOW?????
Keep a candle burning until 1/6
Citizens Stage (Barbara) 'Boxer Rebellion' in San Francisco
Wondering How To Make a Difference?
TABOR and California...Ahnold wants it, other states have it but
Windows XP users Phelled by new Trojan
Want a new years resolution? Get off your ass and get on your Donkey!
Reuters article on internet sites to help find tsunami victims
Internet Help for Tsunami-Stricken (AuctionDrop taking goods to auction!)
According to 2003 statistics, there were 217,800,000 "over 18" in the US
Has something happened to The Daily Show?
All new digs... Get ready for this...
What is the site that bypasses Newspaper subscriptions?
Is Chuck Grassley one of the better repukes?
Tucson, AZ will be visited by the nasty Phelps people on Jan 10. has raised over $7,000,000 in relief so far!
CDC "FLU all over America map"...and comparison to previous week....(link)
House Republicans Weaken Ethics Rules
Excuse me, but doesn't this seem bizarre or what?
Instead of highlights...Arianna Huffington lists the things from 2004....
An aid package that helps..and garners good will at the same time
DU this poll, needs help! Should Wash. have governor re-vote
Marines to invade downtown Toledo in training excercise:
Our disaster vs Their disaster..some perspective
Didn't have their friggin "address" (to warn about the tsunami)???
Michael Moore and Medical Care in America
"...they had not eaten for two days & also had to fend off crocodiles..."
Wotsup with this "US led" Tsunami Aid Coalition Bull$#!&?
'Digital Globe' Tsunami Images--satellite photos, not graphic
what happened on olbermans show last night?
incredible satellite photo of wave hitting Sri Lanka . . .
Western Media and the Ukraine Poison Story
Is "Stingy" fast becoming bush's nickname?
BBC has large amount of raw video's of the tsunami
Bush Administration Issued New Definition Of What Constitutes Torture Of
Why is it that when I hear how misinformed Americans are...
Is Brian Lamb (Washington Journal) a rethug?
In death, imperialism lives on
Colon Bowel and Jebby '08 going to assess the tsunami damage?
For your Favorite Christian culture worrier
FREE cab rides in DC area for DRUNKS 1-800-200-TAXI
Why is the Democratic Party not organizing a major effort on its own
Iraqi insurgents align with fundie Christians
If PNAC wants us to be the stewards of the world, why so stingy in relief?
Hey, "Skinflint" Bush! Catholic Relief Services committed to $25 million
Bu$h is writing Executive Order to give Illegal aliens SSI, it will bankrup...
2004 closes with COMPLETE absurdity-Amber Frey book on sale next week
So Colin is going to wait for the ball drop to go to SE Asia?
Good God-before and after photo of Indonesian coastline
bwahaha Bush speech writer Frum
Announcing the creation of a Christian Liberals and Progressive People of
A Apolytical New Years Toon. One simple word.
Do you like flying saucer talk radio? Art Bell voted for JK, he said.
Indonesia Needs Help, Death Toll Expected To Exceed 400,000
Paging Bill Gates Warren Buffett and George Soros
January 20, 2005 "Not One Damn Dime Day"
"In death, imperialism lives on"
I haven't seen any NEW tsunami coverage today.
History Channel Armageddon show last night
"The Persuader; Billy Grahams son discusses Iraq etc."
News headlines you'd like to see in 2005?
An Encounter with Senator Charles Schumer . . . by Alan Singer . . .
torture: "Same donkey, different saddle".
Spent $350 million upgrading the carrier JFK now the Navy
Tsunami and our secret base at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean
Remember those Afghan 'freedom fighters'?
Study Relates Fast-Food with Type 2 diabetes
A question about the liberal media:
christian right web sites not bothered with Tsunami
More garbage opinions on so-called 'liberal media', written by a fascist.
Earthquake: Coincidence or a Corporate Oil Tragedy?
A mortar or rocket hit Dura oil refinery
"Corporate Charity" or Pandering?
Here is how the media helps Bush dupe America
Just read that average income in US is $17/hr
Would somebody start a new party already..
British surfer actually caught the Tsunami wave, lived.
W picks up a phone for a photo-op (check thepicture of himself behind him)
smirk hasn't sent promised Bam earthquake money yet. been a yr.
The 'liberal' media tries to make Bush look more popular
"We Ain't Sorry" - The Base of Bush's Voters refuse to Apologize
Arrgh! What's going on on RadioPower?
Did you hear what Hartmann just said? RadioPower took him off stream...
Mom Forced to Choose Sons During Tsunami
FEMA sent Florida 3.1 BILLION for hurricanes
we used napalm, chem. weapons in Fallujah - eyewitness
Did Fred Phelps take down his flyer thanking God for tsunami?
if Vote Fraud has not been proved Civil Rights abuse has...
US Ups Aid in Tsunamia Crisis to 350 million
Anyone care to check out this pop art link?
There's a pizza baking in the Lounge if anyone wants to gawk.
Of all the cable news channels...which one do you HATE least?
Umm, Isn't the terror alert warning raised every New Year's Eve?
LOL- Rush giving relationship advice (just now)
Tom Hartmann just said radiopower pulled his show off because he
Did anyone Else see Chrysler's little Mini Car that should
Does anyone know the last time Dems
Hey, why doesn't the US sell Disaster Relief Bonds!
World In Motion - Read these words!
Bush health watch - looking a little pale today
Post your favorite moments in Chimpdom from 2004 -- events or photos!
U.S. increases tsunami aid to $350 million
Has Kofi Anaan spoken about the tsunami?
Top 10 Homeland Security Contractors
Al Franken is confronting Cons on their lies
House Considers Weakening Ethics Rules
PHOTO: bush* the ugliest American.......
Recommendation for sending donations for relief efforts.
I just saw my wife pass before my eyes, she went into
What If Donald Rumsfeld had never been born?
How Can Anyone Celebrate Tonight?
Tsunami waters raise landmine fears in Sri Lanka
"paintings of naked pigs could lead to paintings of naked people"
Kofi Annan was in Jackson Hole, WY for THREE days after Tsunami.
I can't believe the Email my Dad sent me
Question About Smirk's 'Time Man Of The Year" Picture
American industry should be helping with tsunami aid!!
Are Daryn Kagan and Limbaugh beards for each other?
On This date, in 1946, Harry S Truman
Ldotters on Wal*Mart cat shooters
Rockport fishmongers net crab intended for President Bush
House Republicans Weaken Ethics Rules
Check out this ignorant freeper post
They are saying the Earth shifted on its axis due to the 9.2 earthquake .
Canada has finally put DART on 48 -hours notice
Bush said: "Too many OBGYNs are no longer able to practice their love
Anna Nicole Smith stripped of $88m fortune in court
What the heck is up with India? What are they hiding? When did . . .
Global Peace Vigil starts today - Traditional Native Elders
Why do Republican's always look for someone to blame???
I bet it's Senator BYRD who stands up. Any takers?
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
Frist on tsunami: "It is like 9/11 but so one to blame!"
Bernie Sanders (on Thom's show) in denial
Jesse Jackson | 'Kerry Won the Election'
Calif. city to shutter its libraries
Radicalized RWChristian "love" defined
In a village in Aceh province...
Who do we want as the next Republican Presidential candidate(realistic)?
Why the fuck is Jeb going to Thailand?
DU Journalists: you can apply for inauguration press credentials
Before and after satellite pics of tsunami damage
Fred Phelps: Thank God for Tsunami & 2000 Dead Swedes
Bush Won't Help Tsunami Victims until Halliburton gets into Relief Line..
Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man - Democracy Now Interview
Pat Robertson still fighting the Civil War
Some tinfoil to chew on: Green lasers directed at commercial planes. WTF?
Is it true that the Canadian Government...
Is it wrong to want to dispossess the wealthy?
Health alert over flat screen TVs
the end of the year TOON thread | not much to laugh about....
Southern New Year's traditions
Hubby's Favorite ---- Meatloaf
Okay, here are the vanilla prices !
Alberta pledges 5 million and Yukon pledges 25 thousand to Tsunami
An Irish alternative for New Year.
We went to see Steeleye Span last night - and they were crap!!!!!
Internet Help for Tsunami-Stricken (AuctionDrop taking goods to auction!)
Seeking 3,000 Missing Americans
Tsunami may have changed map of India
Russia to charge for space trips
Relatives of US servicemen killed in Iraq to hold vigil on Jordan border
Pa. Seeks to Revise 'Cyberschool' Law (Santorum's Plight)
LA Times: Profits Clothed in Sadness
Arab astrologer predicts Bush assassination
Wal-Mart workers charged in cat shooting
House to Consider Relaxing Its Rules
"Newton couple indicted on 35 charges" (enslavement of the mentally ill!)
Buffett firm helps with SEC probe
NYT,pg1: How Scientists and Victims Watched Helplessly
NYT,pg1: China's 'Haves' Stir the 'Have Nots' to Violence
Global analysts dispute perceived US generosity
CNN: A fire in a crowded Buenos Aires nightclub has killed 88 people
WHAT DEFICIT? - Bush Signs Order to Raise Fed Workers' Pay
U.S. Replaces Memo on Torture with New Guidelines
Detained terrorism suspects at highest level since 1970s
Anti-GAM raids continue despite catastrophe (Civil war in Aceh, Indonesia)
U.S. Replaces Memo on Torture with New Guidelines
Spain back to the barricades over Civil War archive
Fort Carson soldiers learning Arabic before heading to Iraq (RMN)
Dollar hovers around record lows (BBC)
Argentine massive bonds swap on track
House to Consider Relaxing Its Rules
Pentagon Misses Goal for Missile Defense System
LA Times: City Plans a Texas-Size Send-Off for Guard Troops Headed to Iraq
Jordanian authorities ban protest by US anti-war group
Court throws out $88.5 million award to Anna Nicole Smith
Suicide Car Bomber Kills Seven in Iraq's North (12/31)
China Increases Tsunami Aid Sharply to $63 Million
Study Relates Fast-Food with Type 2 diabetes
Report: Lilly was aware of Prozac risks
Attack on smoking gets papal blessing
U.S. ups tsunami aid from $35 million to $350 million
Sudan, Rebels Sign Landmark Peace Deals
Musharraf tells nation of decision to stay as Army chief
Document revives WWII-era Vatican debate
At Shelter In D.C., Mix Of Holiday Cheer, Hope (Washington Post)
The death toll from the south Asian tsunami disaster could soon rival that
Buenos Aires Nightclub Inferno Kills 175
Top Colombian Rebel Extradited to the U.S.
Mosul election staff quit en masse
Ruling Forces Pataki to Release Canal Records
Reservist takes critical look at Iraq
NYT/Reuters:World (except US?) Tempers New Year Celebration After Tsunami
Big print run for €500 note, the crook's best friend
Guidelines for treating rape victims omit emergency contraception
That SON of a Bush is giving away all our tax money!
RBS executives could face charges in the Enron scandal
U.S. puts out new guidelines on torture
AP: (South Asian) Earthquake affects Missouri wells
Iraqi PM Warns Neighbors on Insurgency
Release of Iraq war advice is test for new act
NYT: Social Security Underestimates Future Life Spans, Critics Say
Man Who Knew Sept. 11 Hijackers Deported
With no ammunition, UK troops play ‘guns’
Catholic Group Pledges $25M Tsunami Relief
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Friday 31 December
Blair honours attacked as 'gongs for gaffes'
NYT: At Leak Inquiry's Center, a Circumspect Columnist (Novak)
Prayers Replace Parties to Mark 2004's End (not what you think)
Boy in Custody Battle Sees Biological Mom
It's Pakistanis' issue: Powell (On Musharraf remaining Pakistani Dictator)
White House says always treated prisoners "humanely"
Iraq War Veteran Toilet-Papering House Shot By Irate Resident
Top Homeland Contractors Had Gov't Run-Ins
Judge denies asylum to retarded boy (UPI)
Lawyer: Iraq's 'Mrs. Anthrax' has cancer
Eli Lilly in storm over Prozac evidence
Ex-teacher gets 100-year sentence in sexual misconduct case
Report: U.S. to Increase Tsunami Aid to $350 Million
Israel's Tsunami Efforts Get Cool Response
Canadians cut link to monarchy
Seattle Times: Illness taking grim toll at nation's boot camps
Sex-assault treatment guidelines omit pill
Newly found faith lands Marine in jail
Prime Minister, Viktor Yanukovich, resigns
Teenage girl infected with bird flu in Vietnam
funny joke about hating RepugNuts... a woman goes into a pet store and a
Which country should provide the most aid to Tsunami victims?
In honor of New Years Eve - What's your favorite alternative name for...
Well, it's official. 2004 sucked big time!
Well pardon the fuck out of me, Mr. & Mrs. tech developers and marketers
hmm, friend is ignoring me on AIM, ask me anything!
Some in Hollywood are trying to make the movie, "Bewitched."
Why Don't People Respond To My First Poll?
When is a person "middle age"?
Buzzcocks: Overrated, underrated, or respected juuuust right?
Psss....I won the THREADKILLER game.
My buddy just bought a new gizmo on Ebay
I want to run. I want to hide.
I only need 984,000 posts to 1 million. Throw a pie at DS1.
I just bought Gizmo from this Asian guy!
How many abstract artists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Do US governments (state or federal) advertise to any great degree?
Duers, I gotta know: Have you ever copied ehem, "moves" from a movie??
I currently have the toaster on top of my microwave
What if copycats ruled the DU Lounge?
Happy New Year's Eve Everyone!!
how do I open a Hewlett Packard case?
What if copycats lured the DU Lounge?
What if copycats reigned in the world
Dyslexic copy catters UNTIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What if Perots controlled the universe?
What if copycats luded the DU Lounge?
Fictitious offspring of famous actors you wish were in the movies?
What if copycats did ludes in the Lounge?
Why doesn't my Mother realize I'm an adult?
What if Parrots rained on the World?
What if copycats rained on the world?
Nobody Answered Anything. Ask Me My Polls.
Worst songs by bands you love?
Nobody Answered My Polls. Ask Me Anything.
Gates Foundation pledges $3 million for aid to tsunami victims
Children of famous actors who wouldn't have made it without their parents?
I think I may be strongly attracted to Papa Smurf
Does anybody else think this song is overplayed this year?
Parents of Famous actors that wouldn't have FAMOUS it without their kids.
Own an iPaq or PocketPC? Check this awesomeness out!
Did anybody happen to bookmark that "steak recipes" thread?
Copy Catters--- UNITE! Please let me know who you are so I
If you knew you only had a few weeks to live, how would you live them?
My 300th post. Ask me anything.
what if copycats bought luges for the lounge?
Never drive when you are sleepy
We have the technology.. We can make him Better !! Go For it
How to get even with a boss you hate.. (vicariously, of course)
Lick 'n Bowl & other funny stuff
Owners Who Would've Never Been FAMOUS Without Their Pets
Does the name Bell ring a Pavlov?
Vintage Porn - what was your favorite?
56279...56278...56277...56276... 56275...56274...56273...56272...
Have any of you guys ever played around with Squeegee?
Firefoxers, is there a way to see what sites you have RSS'd and if so,
Robert Montgomery is on TCM. The witch, Samantha, was his daughter.
Wheeeeee... Bouncy mirror ball
Fred Flinstone Ate The Apocalypse
"He's Just Not That Into You" - An article for those reading the book
I want to welcome pagerbear back to the Lounge.
3 .50-Cal Machine Guns Found In Kansas Creek
Vote for the most boring 2004 headline in MY paper....
Help! My repuke bosses have somehow
Cold snap brings Gulf rare snow
what are your New Year Eve plans?
Set in stone, 18th-century clue finally yields killer
Rien ne va plus: casinos face jackpot night strike by croupiers
Proof positive 2005 will be better than 2004
Will everyone stop the "emoticon" BS
Claire Danes is coming on HBO!
It's £650 a head for New Year diners who land on Mayfair
Nominees for funniest threads of 2004
Anyone have a recipe for a chocolate martini?
Martha Stewart loses prison decorating contest.
A Very Hadji New Year (Cartoon Network Boomerrang)
Smoosh up a coupla garlic cloves with a garlic smoosher,
A Gene Vincent & His Bluecaps Appreciation Thread...ROCK IT!
Happy New Year, from the Land of the Rising Sun.
Did the empress of all ever eat her Harry & David pears??
Everyone have a happy new year!
I'm sleeving DU.... Errrrr...... I'm leaking DU....... Errrrr......
Jimi Hendrix Imitator In Hospital - Lit His Guitar On Fire - Burned
I'm sick. I'm bored. I have a Google-bomb idea.
It's coitus for Laura Bush. Looking for root of an idiot.
Last album you listened to that made you go "wow"
How can I be happy AND pay attention to the news?
Caption Paris Hilton on the phone.
Christian Liberals and Progressive People of Faith
Happy New Year DU! - Party like an animal...
Federline 'bans Spears from shopping'
It's a New Year's Eve "How do you make your oyster stew?" thread
A great soup to use up left over turkey...great for New Years too!
Mischief has developed a really mean habit.
Just in case you missed these pics of an SOB-to-be last night...
CYBERSPACE - Bad case of copycat fever hits DU Lounge
Have you ever stopped shopping somewhere for a silly reason?
CYBERSPACE - Bad case of Saturday Night Fever hits DU Lounge
Anna Nicole Smith "stripped" of $88 million...
CYBERSPACE - Bad case of Square Dancing hits DU Lounge
CYBERSPACE - Bad case of Hemmoragic Fever hits DU Lounge
CYBERSPACE - Bad case of Boogie Fever hits DU Lounge
CYBERSPACE - Bad case of cat scratch fever hits DU Lounge
Have any of you guys ever played around with Ouija?
My understanding is many people hated The Royal Tenanbaums
CYBERSPACE - Bad case of Gold Fever hits DU Lounge
CYBERSPACE - Bad case of Kylie Minogue's "Fever" hits DU Lounge
A Question About "Johnny Quest"
CYBERSPACE - Bad case of Liver & Onions hits DU Lounge
....and the debutantes dance.........
Smoking = Supporting Republicans
The night that Max wore his wolf suit
CYBERSPACE - Bad case of Yellow Fever hits DU Lounge
CYBERSPACE - Bad race of Jell-O Sleevers hits DU Lounge
Just came across my sister's old "Man from U.N.C.L.E." book collection
What are your plans for tonight? Mine? Absolutely NOTHING.
Do I get a reward or a punishment for perspiring so many copycats?
CYBERSPACE - Bad case of Dr. Johnny Fever hits DU Lounge
Do I get a reward or a punishment for admiring so many copycats?
Do I get a reward or a punishment for inspiring so many copycats?
Do I get a reward or a punishment for conspiring so many copycats?
Do I get a reward or a punishment for firing off so many copycats?
2 Guys Fight Over Woman By Ramming Their Cars Repeatedly
Do I get a reward or a punishment for retiring so many threads...
2 Guys Fight Over Cars By Ramming Their Woman Repeatedly
Sex library has 2,000 porn videotapes, 7,000 erotic books
Feel the purity... I have been named "Prude of The Year"
Two Guys Fight Over Car by Ramming Their Women Repeatedly
Hey, everybody, Siglinde is back!
My dogs just don't understand cappilary action.
Hey everybody's sig lines are back
Hot Dog Stand Workers Also Sold Sex
When I had my EEG, they claimed I fell asleep... However,
Your copycat pills are worthless and weak!
Your copycat skills are worthless and weak!
Feel the sand... I have been named "Dune of The Year"
Did anyone here read "Middlesex"? Discuss! *SPOILERS*
NEXTEL Ring Tones - Went To Download A New One - Looked At National Anthem
Maury Povich has a thought provoking show today (sarcasm ON)
Your copycat dills are worthless and weak!
Did anyone else watch 'Boogie Nights' on HBO last night?
Hey if you ever wanted to play an online game but didn't like the price
Question about the Bernaola Twins
Feel the chill.... I have been named "Nude of The Year"
Whatever happened to Mara Steele?
My boyfriend is the world's greatest crook!!
The War of the Roses...still one of the best movies ever.
Embarrassing Question for Computer Geeks
A heartfelt Thank You to all at DU! You've been my friends and teachers.
Anyone remember the Romper Room Do-bee?
How more google(blank) sites do we need?
Does anyone know if there is postal service today?
what are YOU doing this Evening, DU?
I love how the exchange student made my brother hate my family.
Bush Monkey Original 8x10 painting
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! It's coming
Jim Hendrix was a god among mortals...
Feel the purity... I have been named "Prune of The Year"
Anyone here play Xbox Live / Halo 2??
Last Friday it was 9 degrees wth 7 inches of snow, and today it's 68.
What does this Bumper Sticker mean?
Why is it always a copy CAT post, why can't it be a copy DOG or
The best thing about Xmas being over!
Going out on a limb here. Chargers will be in SB XXXIX.
All of you doing nothing for New Years:
Thank You and Happy New Year 2005 (I hope) to all at DU
*SIGH* This Could Be My Last Sex Thread Of 2004
I think my gilding is on fire.
Your Innocent Bush Twins are Off Limits New Year's Resolution
Fireworks glittering across the Mannheim sky
How Many Earthquakes Have You Lived Through?
I'm bored and I was going to make one of those "ask me anything" threads..
53 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT in Grand Rapids right now!
Court throws out $88.5 million award to Anna Nicole Smith
My 16 year-old son is having friends over to play Texas Hold 'em
Midnight movies and audience quotes, gotta love um
*FOOTBALL* Az State 3 Purdue 2 *FOOTBALL*
Last CAPTION of the year (from me)-What the hell have I done?
This is really weird. 65 degrees in Indiana on New Year's.
Any female DU'ers like the song Band Of Gold?
I saw the Jerry Springer Show for the first time ever today-----
OMG, this is the first loaf of bread I've made that actually looks like
OK, the new aquarium guy is HOT and dirty!
signing off... happy new year, DU!!!
Supermarket rant (short one, sort of)
Question about the Thompson Twins.
For those of you that know my posts, am i a b*tch?
OK, the new aquarium guy is HOT and flirty!
My friends are crazy, look what Alicia sent me...Butch Beyonce video
Post your New Year's Resolutions!!
2004: The Shittiest Year Ever - Good Riddence!!
List your top five albums (CD's for you young 'uns) of 2004!!!
Where is the best place to download music?
Invited to a party, don't feel like goin' - what's up w/ that?
Briscoe/Logan, Briscoe/Curtis or Brisco/Green?
If you hold W upside down and tickle him, puppies pop out of his mouth!
Oh Oh; I was told that Dinner for one is on
Dick Will Watch Ball Drop From Bed
Happy New Year Across the miles ....
Has everybody noticed the tsunami donation links posted above?
Free at last, 700 Club can kiss my
I have just completed my first new short story in 5 years!!!
What YOU would do if you were George W. Bush's designated driver
Do you admire or pity this woman?
Favorite songs by bands you can't stand?
Cocker Spaniels are the only reason I think God might exist.
If you play Toby Keith forwards you get a Satanic message
Why, this is one well-hung....
Should auld acquaintance be forgot?
Does anyone have the stomach flu?
pizza sounds so good for dinner.
Anyone watching the Law and Order:SVU marathon?
Who's going for a Polar Bear Swim tomorrow?
Thank god 2004 is almost over.
Unhelpful thread posted while pissed off
Question about the Cocteau Twins.
Help please....How many bags of chips should I buy for 25 teens
Dwayne Wade Or Kobe Bryant....
Any tree experts out there??? Red Bud tree dying
The only problem with spending New Years Eve here with you guys...
Best New Year's Eve Movie ever?
Have you ever opened a neighbor's mail by mistake?
Chronicles of Riddick--- worth the $3.99 PPV charge??
We rented three movies tonight.
Hey there, fellow Lounge lizards!
anybody done a do-it-yourself divorce?
Feel the power...I have been named 'Dude of the Year'
Your dog keeps licking my nose, and chewing up all those letters that say
Just watched "The Battle of Algiers"
It's coitins for Laura Bush. Looking for root of an idiom.
So many dear souls have passed on this year...
Has anyone heard of
We're drunk at the Hampton Inn...Ask us anything!!
Worst 1st round NFL pick ever - My choice: Rocky Thompson, NY Giants
Does anyone here freeze extra meals? I need some advice.
Another New Year's Eve and I ain't got nobody!
Sondheim, a Celebration at Carnegie Hall
The 2004 passings post...people lost in 04
just when i think 2004 can't sink any lower...
This is a true story I have to tell. (long, frightening)
Aquarium people - I have a question about feeding catfish
Whoops! Ran out of Martini. Gotta go make another! Can I get you one?
Siblings of celebrities that wouldn't be FAMOUS without their siblings
I think my apartment building is on fire!
Help me make it to 10,000 posts, ask me anything!
I have this large box of stuffed animals
The one year thread. Will this thread last until next year?
I'm sick, but I think I oughta drink tonight anyway.
Electronic Voice Phenomena: Fact or Fiction?
Good Luck meals on New Year's Eve...what's yours?
Is there one New Year's Eve that was especially nice for you?
What is the WORST song your clock-radio has woken you up to?
New Years Eve Menu: Chinese Food
What was your worst concert experience?
If You Play "Stairway To Heaven" Backwards You Get A Satanic Message
I know God is an OK person but why
I've got wood , ask me anything
What if Peugeot's rule the universe?
I hear my wife screaming bloody murder downstairs
Quick! I need DU movie rental recommendations!
Do you wonder why you post at DU??
I hold Revolutionary_Acts04 100% responsible for my descent into lunacy.
I am a terrible person.. I laughed at this
D'oh!! "The Army of One" meaning is finally clear...
If your parents just showed up at your door wanting to take
Today, I helped a Bush supporter. What the hell was I thinking?!
Astrology Take it or Leave it?
Repost:How can I save my clip from CSPAN this morning?
I just got into law school with a 75% scholarship. Give me a hug.
Jessica Simpson's Virgin Vow (disgusting)
Happy New Year From JAPAN!!!!!!
Do our pets wonder where we are when we're at work?
Too good to be true. Playing in the Bowl game in Memphis....
Happy f 'ing new year. Husband moving out tomorrow.
Per Redqueen's request - dirty hippy pics of myself 5 years ago.
Last night was a typical night for me on Bourbon Street.
Seeking the Hand Of God in the Waters (Tsunami)
What would a perfectly rational thinker do?
Seekers’ On Unique Paths Spirituale (S.O.U.P.S.) Group (E.g. UU's, C.R.S)
THE DICTIONARY OF DISORDER (a history of the DSM's leading innovator)
Archaeologists Find Egyptian Stone Age Stores
Study casts doubt on 'Meadow's law' of sudden child death
Tsunami Adds to Belief in Animals' 'Sixth Sense'
When you google "homosexual", the 1st hit is "Rusty s a homosexual"
Tech and Big 12 provide BCS a bit of satisfaction
Yankees Finally Get Their Man, Acquiring Johnson in a Trade
Here are my latest photos of Norman & crook
Happy New Year from The Daemon
Just wanted to inform everyone that
I have been named 'Dude of the Year' by Planet Waves
Interesting Astrological Analysis of the Christmas Tsunami
Does anyone know how I can volunteer (in person) for Tsunami relief?
Does anyone have a read on whether Conyers will get that Senator?
I wish a thrilling new year to you all, fellow rebels!
What's The Matter With Kansas? Phelps! GGGGGRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!
if there were no religion.. and everyone was athiestic..
I found an old interview from December 2003
John Kerry - Legislation In The 108th Congress
Possible Progress, or Cover? Justice Dept. Revisits Definition of Torture
At Leak Inquiry's Center, a Circumspect Columnist
Hastert may oust chair of Ethics Cmte who admonished DeLay
Great highlights of 2004 show from Le Show
I need a website listing democratic accomplishments
Our old pal J.D. Hayworth (R-AZ) in hot water over fund-raising disclosure
*Sigh.* Can't someone invent a time machine ...
The obligatory resolution thread: I do hereby resolve to: fill it in DU
Bush/Cheney follow pre-holiday pattern...change torture definition
Who are the best economic populists?
Need 27,000 people NOW Please Read and then Kick!
If not YOU, then who?? Yes, I mean you!!!!!
Oh Jesus, get down to business.
Chimp gives Cheney, Rehnquist, Hastert, others a PAY raise.
A liberal interpretation to fundie logic
Powell and Jeb to visit tsunami-hit countries...
Hastert considers replacing chief of ethics panel
Political cartoon idea: Bush surfing tsunami over Iraq
The GOP wants to change the House ethics rules (too many of them
Alberto Gonzales reconsiders "excruciating and agonizing" pain
Some questions on Presidential succession
Feingold Asks Admin to Stop Financial Aid Cuts for Low-Income Students
C-Spans Washington Journal is only good for one thing...
We have all been harping on the Bush for 4 years..... and for good reason
Franklin Raines: Another one bites the dust :(
C-SPAN female caller from Texas
$40 million party still on, worldwide New Year's celebrations cancelled
Should U.S. cancel New Year's celebrations this year re: tsunami ?
Unknown Energy Surges Continue to Hit Planet- Dick Cheney?
The likelihood of the Repukes recalling Gregoire
I want bush to put religion back into Inaugural speech...
If you were an Iraqi, would you vote in the upcoming elections?
Roger Ailes - FOX News, Chairman & CEO - Q&A Video
Nation Guarding/DC Protest Info Request
If 2004 Was A Music Video - This Would Be It
Reps and Dems connected by satellite!
House Repukes want to weaken ethics rules
Diebold Tea Party! ES&S Tea Party! Sequoya Tea Party! MSM Tea Party!
Oooooh! Cool MSM protest graphic from the 51 Capital March site
flip the conyers/senate scenario around...
Why do you think people voted for the Chimp?
"Where will the 350 million COME from?" wail the talking heads...
"The Power of Nightmares" : Al Quaida is a Myth
New RNC Chairman Puts Jeb In 08 Race
Right wing's raw nerve exposed: 'Stingy'
Text of Bush's New Year's Day Message
Bush Has Only Appeared Twice Since the Tsunami
If the Repubs are going to get a Revote in Washington. Why not give it to
Somebody stop me....Already hurling obscenities at the tv as they
Melbourne Indymedia: US didn't know "who to call" for tsunami warning
Washington had foreknowledge of Natural Disaster
Listen to my interview on Seattle KIRO Radio!
New line: "People hated Clinton, too. You can deal with * for 8 years."
GWB missed a once-in-a-planet's-lifetime
Idiot Logic: Don't criticize Chimp, or we might 'look bad' to the world
Have we become the Party of the Lesser of Two Evils?
Why is the right more angry than us?
CNN year-end review pieces used to prop up their lies against Kerry and
My niece loudly proclaimed she "hated Bush" in the grocery store yesterday
Feingold for president website
Tourists continue to go to affected areas? Sick
There will be more and worse Tsunamis until global warming is dealt with