Democratic Underground

Archives: December 4, 2004

(OMG! The PNAC/DLC Connection!)No More Moore: DLC Joins the Witch-Hunt

Why the U.S. Iraqi outlook looks tortured

You asked for my evidence, Mr Ambassador.

Kerik nomination is a ticking time bomb

Bush pledges to wage unending war (to Canadian elites)

(OMFG! The DLC/PNAC Connection!) No More Moore: DLC Joins the Witch-Hunt

Why aren't we marching on Washington?

AAR Commercials

Iis AAR silent right now?

RKBA Evangelists, Meet DLA

Any way to suggest to LBN posters that they can prevent dupes by searching

congrats on 60K and a thank you for a job well done

How can I help?

I would like to know what MARK ALL at top of page means?

Why are the mods playing whack-a-mole with my threads? (RE: the 'K' word?)

What Is Your Position On The Bev Banning

Shrub's Ranger$ and Pioneer$ lists

why would a SOS try to prevent exit polls?


Correction: Alabama's PRO-segregation amendment passes!

Does Washington State have straight party voting?

Brits say OHIO is busted too! Voter Fraud!!!

Military can FAX ballots into Washington State

Data file showing Gore won in 2000 after Miami Herald Recount

Cybernet CEO's 911 audiotape

Ohio Rally: No Sticks on Signs

Conyers to Hold Hearings on Ohio Vote Fraud (and Letter to Blackwell)

Pattern of Fraud, 2000,2002,2004...Congress matters too!

FEMA says no to NC...guess they spent too much in Florida

Theresa LePore keeps changing the $$$ cost to get county records!!!

YAHOO NEWS! Bush's Ohio Win Was Closer Than Thought

Question: I can't remember exactly what this was about, but

Bush's Ohio Win Was Closer Than Thought

I migh be wrong

New Flyer Idea - Comments Suggestions wanted

the scheming with the machines in Nevada will soon be brought to

Could overseas US voters turn ballots in at Embassies?

Did Keith Olbermann cover voting problems on his show tonight??


Voice of the White House on

HHS Thompson offers up our food supply to terrorists

TX: GOP Chair says elections "marred by fraud" & encourages grassroots

Slow-Rolling Democracy in Ohio - Blackwell is "foot-dragging"

Let's Connect the Dots back to pre-November 2nd

Sequoia machines, not Bush's yacht - Sequoia

Alaska needs $7k more by Wednesday, Dec. 8 -- can you help?


Anyone hear about Walden Kayak shutting down?

MN DNC representatives at grassroots listening session

His Master's Voice III

Action Alert for Berks County, PA

Fundraiser for Melissa & Rick Noriega - Austin/Houston

Powerful bomb defused in Chetek

Thompson resigns

Ed Garvey of "Fighting Bob Fest" is calling us to arms....

Democrats will finance manual recount of governor votes

Unpublished TOONS

SF bay area Dem.


I see the Iraq War as a sign of desperation, not strength.

Writing Kerry

What is administration's stance on Abu Ghraib? Last I heard was

PBS fundraising guy claiming that they do not serve corporate agenda

So Ukraine gets a new election, what would happen if we did too?

FBI Releases Hate Crime Statistics for 2003

Ohio Couple sentenced to prison on obscenity chrages

Southern Baptists Using 9/11 Deaths

Mullah Omar 'flees on motorbike' - Saturday, 5 January, 2002, 08:32 GMT

The DLC is no better at getting elected than Liberals

Ever want to find the nearest Bush-lover and whack him with a crowbar?

Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraq’s WMD

Salt-Water Minnow Research Helps Explain Human Cardiology Puzzle

The "Rapture Right"

Trends in educational equity of girls and women 2004

NEED ADVICE: Replacing my Cable ISP when I dump my Cablevision 12/7

US Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Fossil fuels up, still below 2000 level

Kerry Supporters from Bangladesh

Number of death row inmates declined for 3rd straight year in 2003

MOYERS Tonight - Eliot Spitzer, Richard Dawkins (evoloution/religion)

Tommy Thomson, RE: food supply

CBS Nightly News says the economy is growing fast

"Ice Wars" The USA vs. The World sponsored by Clear Channel?

Thank God for the Daily Show/Video clip/Bush in Canada

Anyone else heard about this thing regarding Starbucks?

AWOL: Armys of Compassion. Where are they?


It's Hard to Speak Convincingly When You're LYING

Did anyone see Santa's elf give the economic forecast on CBS?

Bush Arrested for War Crimes in Canada!!!

Theres nothing wrong with the US

Hey, it's the pugs that the OBLs of the world hate. Y R we allowing this?

ear, nose and throat

How do we speak the truth ?

Scarry article on the new Homeland Security Secretary Kerik

Oil of Olay presents... ICE WARS 2004.... USA vs. THE WORLD

The Dark Ages, or America 2004

Find out how much your boss makes compared to you

Cloned kitties

why do we give away our power? why do we look to our representatives in

How old were you when you chose to be heterosexual?

What will you do when DU goes offline?

Is it time for a Christian revolution?

I am perfect and I am the center of the universe

Is it me or did Tommy Thompson ask the terrorists to F with our food?

Let's get this straight, OK? Homosexuality and the Bible

Is 420 a factor of 1337?

$257 at the pharmacy today for a fourteen day course

Does anyone live in NJ with loofahs and dildos?

The single TRUEST and funniest freeper comment I have read...

SUVs Up 56 Percent Over Five Years, 24.2 Million on Nation’s Roads

Mike Malloy is on. Check in you all

is there a post thet discusses the commecial by United Church of Christ?

Scary article on the new Homeland Security Secretary Kerik

Religiousity of DUers

Media apologists on Hardball.

Just a reminder: We are all complicit in this bloodbath

Boys are struggling academically (Why?)

(OMG! The PNAC/DLC Connection!)No More Moore: DLC Joins the Witch-Hunt

Robert Heinlein Science Fiction author was right...Fascist Theocracy

Zogby Poll: Santa Claus A Democrat, Scrooge & The Grinch Republicans

What "France" represents/means to you?

Kosovo and Iraq... What is the difference

Convection ovens???

(OMG! The PNAC/DLC Connection!)No More Moore: DLC Joins the Witch-Hunt

Bush's Victory in Ohio Was a Little Closer Than Thought - AP

No Text

Methodist jury defrocks lesbian minister

Anyone got a recap on Pattie Davis from MSNBC interview

Democrats finance manual recount of Washington state governor votes

Is Keith Olbermann pissed off

AP: Navy Probes New Iraq Prisoner Photos

Gas Terminal Bill Worries Some. FERC would override state rules

November Job Growth Unexpectedly Weak

AP: Navy Probes New Iraq Prisoner Photos

FBI investigating widow of CyberNET Group CEO

Outgunned/trapped, Iraqi police stormed by insurgents (Baghdad, 16 dead)

More British troops likely to be called for by US in Iraq

In Iraq, a preelection power play (Moqtada al-Sadr fights for a top spot)

Kerik nomination is a ticking time bomb

Louisianians to Vote on Last 2 House Seats

Bush's Ohio Win Was Closer Than Thought

Salvation Army using cardboard bell-ringers

Baby teeth provide life-giving stem cells

Pentagon Says Insurgents Had Chemicals Lab

The Sun Escalates Feud With Md. Governor (sued over lost access)

Statewide recount shows Alabama's segregation amendment failed

Public divisions remain deep and fixed over war

Fraud in New Mexico (Bush allowed oil companies to cheat Native Amer)

Top Official: U.S. Wants Cuba 'Liberation'

WP: McCain Threatens Baseball Over Drugs

Novak Still Subject of Intense Discussion

Stoned to death... why Europe is starting to lose its faith in Islam

Great rock documentary- Festival Express

Is AAR silent right now?

Whateva, whateva I do what I want!

yet another great documentary or 3:

AAR and Bill Reilly

Was a DU'er in front of me in traffic today in downtown Richmond?

Oh shit. BigMcLargehuge is back and he brought his locks

The Doctor on Venom ER...

Cookin' with Kitten

Cookin' the kitten

pet semetary on now, scary scene

Top Ten Punchlines To Dirty Election Jokes

How long is your....

I'm a single woman who befriended a child so I can't be trusted

Your colleagues, what do they display most frequently?

Boy! I hardly recognize anybody here anymore!

SpongeBob Heists to be Investigated by DHS

So, who else got a Christmas card from JIMMY CARTER this year?

I saw the worst thing today ( Cat Lovers Please Beware )

Does anyone play Neopets games?

Watch those drug commercials with the sound down

Just got a T-shirt that I hope will annoy the fundies...

Another great quote . . .

You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch.

My Sources Say Jason Kidd & Alonzo Mourning Are Getting Traded To...

is there a down-side to netflix? i joined 3 weeks ago

DU has 60k+ members now!

My new smiley just for Berni Kerik.

NEED ADVICE: Replacing my Cable ISP when I dump my Cablevision 12/7

Salvation Army Using Bell-Ringer Cutouts

The dreaded "working overnight cuz it's gotta be ready Monday" situation

Frosty the Snowman

Xbox: Knights Of The Old Republic II Review!

I have a strange dilemma

Have you been to this site?

Nine more to 1000, lets get trivial!

35% of Americans believe in evolution.

For sheer lack of anything better to do tonight, I'm watching

Laura Bush's Recommended Reading (not listed: my pet goat)

Need advice re: Sirius

Do freepers dream ?

Oh YUM, I totally forgot

I've become I alone?

My kitten weighs seven and a half pounds

Have I mentioned lately that I despise IPowerweb?

Bush Twins

Paris Hilton on South Park last night..........

What bands have you seen live that no longer tour?

I just got back from a hockey game. Ask me anything!

I just ate a buffalo chicken sandwich...

it's 03:30 over are some nice aerial pics

Listening to an all-70's station

Third Shift Workers of the World Unite!

Running for SGA (Senate) at my school

Billy Jack thread 2 - he liked Kerry, link to blog, more:

Other site pervs

Pizza guy I let into the building sez "Spank you very much!" upon leaving

How many DUers play chess on a regular basis

What bands have you seen that never toured?

DU men: Does your wife/girlfriend/sig other pluck your backhair for you?

Can someone stick Taverner in a time capsule and send him back to the 70s?

barry bonds: cheap bastard

yer Thawts on "Rednecks"

Working past Friday midnight gets me so pissed I gotta start a FLAMEWAR!

Can someone explain synchronicity to me.

"Bad Will Hunting" WB drama on *'s 2nd term. Continuous showing.

Another pizza baking in GD! Hurry up before it's gone!

If Belladonna could have any drink in the world right now

How many members of the Bush Administration does it take to change a light

I just ripped out the carpet in the hallway (warning, quasi-cat thread!)

Anyone have any experience with kids and eating disorders?

HA HA! Stupid local news...

Just for fun, what characters on South Park would be * supporters

"Honey, what Demographic Underground?"

if you get noised up by vulgar xmas light displays

I really like this smilie...

What shall I do? Company is in Ch-11, and pension is terminated. Woe!

And I bet the idiot with my CD's doesn't even KNOW any of the damn bands!!

Movie Quote Game

My face is all shiny and wet

Check out this commercial! (Try #2)

Okay Admit it! Onions that makes you cry.


I did something really bad today. If you knew you would all hate me

I only got three hours of sleep last night. Ask me anything.

Showing the original kool-aid drinkers on A&E

OK - I have to ask: Did you like (or do you now) The Billy Jack movies?

It's the Rumsfeld caption contest

Simpsons going into Season 17

The (un)Official DU Comic Relief Thread (Lord knows we need it)

I've become repulsive.....I am alone.

one cake has its tinfoil jacket on and is in the freezer, and the other on

Do you hate or love America?

What bands have you seen live that are at least partly not alive anymore?

What is with the necklace

Devout Christian's dental X-ray reveals Jesus image.

People let me tell you 'bout my best friend (picture)

Favorite Christmas Song

Is bush superior to us (in an evolutionary way)?

Which Simpson character would be a kerry supporter andwhich would be a *y?

People are idiots.

What albums have you heard lately?

Have you ever injected alcohol?

My husband got a job!!!!!

Are all women whores for diamonds...

I gotta say it again, Clapton is a suckwad

Steelers fans...check in...

What's your favorite Neil Young song?

Help!!! I need some info and I don't know where to look

We're planning on getting two dogs. Advice?

Emma Peel's husband has been found!

Okay Admit it! Song that makes you cry.

Wise beyond his years

Okay Admit it! Movies that makes you cry.

Best drunken party rock band EVER?

Should I feel like I missed out by not being a teenager in the 70's?

Ok, I have really important question for the DU ladies,

I have to go to Brea, CA for work next week

Satellite Tracking from a nice Polish kid


I've made a pizza and I would like to share it will all of you:

New dog harness came today!

Yum!!! The last juicy part of freedom is up for grabs!

here's a challenging thought.

I'm in a 'mixed' marriage & need a little help...

I miss Chris Heinz (wish he'd check in here sometime) and the Kerry

Nature Photography


Kerry and Ohio

Anyone got a recap on Pattie Davis from MSNBC interview

Isn't it obvious that the DLC is NOT a progressive organization?

At a restaurant tonight, I overheard 2 old couples talking about

(OMFG! The DLC/PNAC Connection!)No More Moore: DLC Joins the Witch Hunt

Need some DU Input: My C'mas Decorations. Wreath with Black Bow

Has the number of Bush Cabinet resignations been unusually high?

HHS Awards Kansas Grant (Hmmmm.....)

Too funny - "Bad Reporter"

Wow - did you see how LYING Danforth was in his statement?

U.S. Climate Change Science Program Releases Our Changing Planet: get it!

Are you watching NOW, on PBS? You oughtta! 9pm CST.

Read this article from The New Rebublic RIGHT NOW

We should all work for the Bush Administration!

hypothestical question...

The adults are in charge now......

Statement by Alma Golden... Regarding Abstinence Education Report

Watch "4 More Years" and see the face of evil (LINK)

Interesting thought: Nardelli as SecTreas?

Refuting TNR's Attack on Liberals


What's Tommy Thompson going to do now?

DOE: Efficient Hydrogen Production from Nuclear Energy

The South Has Risen Again. God Help Us!

If we hate the DLC so much, then why are they our party's face?

c-span2 - american patriot award dinner for bob dole

some great quotes from history. some ideas are timeless!!

Bush Signs Internet Tax, Special Ed Bills

Video "Bush Won. Get Over It" (LINK)

Keeping Up with the World

Will The Ohio (Jesse Jackson) Protests Be Televised?

Is the "war on terror" out of touch with reality ?

Voting receipts should also have Tally's on them (I am for paper ballots)

Anyone see the new 'Mosh' video yet?

So, don't like the DLC? (DLC supporters please ignore)

Here's how you fix Social Security

Kerik - Lost Son - His book!

WTF is up with the DNC vs DLC this type talk is self-destructive & frankly

Bush Says He's Just Listening To The Generals...

Minnesota DNC Representatives at Grassroots Listening Session

Maybe she'll re-evaluate the god b.s. now

Going after Annan/A sordid move by Coleman

CA: Let's worry about election counts here

Progressive Democrats of America - A New Party? Look Here:

FLORIDA: Bush lacks the credibility to criticize Ukraine's election

(Bush and Condi ) Kissing colleagues: Breach of protocol?

"Drawn-out War" US invasion of Iraq & the German invasion of Yugoslavia

"So Long Almost Everybody But Concertina Rice . . ." Funny, funny Bob B.

U.S., not Castro, impedes travel to Cuba

Media In The Winter Of Our "Disremorse" Tom

George W. arrested in this legit?

Conflicted America: The Ironies Abound

Israeli's horrified by military revelations

How Novak created his own ethics-free zone. Washington Monthly

"New Freedom Initiative"

Why (some) White Men worship Bush?

Front man for a police state: Bernard Kerik to head US Homeland Security

US rhetoric dangerously out of step with realities on the ground in Afghan


Declare Victory And Leave : Helen Thomas

Insane Bushies in Florida

NY Attorney General receives SHOCKING 9/11 INFORMATION !!

Battlefield Earth

You asked for my evidence, Mr Ambassador. Here it is



Boycott China

MFSO Actions

Speculating on Germany's Past: Soldiers of Fortune

LAT: Governors Seek Easing of Endangered Species Act

Hybrids vs. Hydrogen: Which Future Is Brighter? (ABC News)

From The Center for Public Integrity: "The Shadow Pentagon" by Dan

FYI: I found some well documented gun facts

Since Bev's been banned, will her supporters be allowed to post...

Can you delete my post from a thread?

If someone gets banned from DU for saying something stupid

Could you possibly lock this thread.

No complaints. I just want to wish you guys Happy Holidays.

why did my post get locked?

Please, could you tell me what happened to my post --

I second forgethell's request!

Could you please tell me why my post was blocked????

I'd like to thank the moderator for locking this.

I posted about an hour ago about DU Cruise and it disappeared...Where

When Are The New And Improved Message Board Rules To Be Unveiled?

I know we can't have "Hide Threads" right now; not a problem,

AA 11: The Flight manifest?!

I just posted 22 flyers in Chicago.

Gerrymander Illinois for the Democrats?

The (un)Official DU Comic Relief Thread (Lord knows we need it)


a MUST see . . . and pass it around, heh?

ELECTION 2004 THEME SONG, please read and listen

One thing I don't get about the Judiary Committe Letter to Blackwell

Presidential election recount to start within a few weeks (in NM)

Outing Famous Freepers

Video & Text of Nov. 29 VoterGate Protest in SF at KGO & Senator Boxer's


Anyone have the original Cuyahoga results? Something's fishy.

OHIO: Judge refuses to back county in attempt to stop recount

Screwed Senate/Rep Dem Candidates - Help to Gather Info!!!!

Best route to Columbus Ohio from Chicago? RT 65 to RT 70?


US government exports election fraud to Belgium

Another election mistake surfaces - Pinellas Again!

Article from PC World on E-voting problems in MD

Wash. Post peice

Question Re: Washington recount and presidential race

Are house mems allowed to vote on their own challenge?

A couple of thoughts on elections...

Blackwell should be charged with Obstruction of Justice


FL:Deborah Clark strikes again....and is caught red handed

Who is on their way to the Columbus, Ohio Rally? Check-in...

If Bev has evidence of fraud in a national election, why no federal suit?

This was posted yesterday and has been buried in back pages.

Another election "mistake" surfaces

Dean working toward recount in Washington.

It's either next week or nothing

Got a 'Live Cam' going on in Columbus OHIO today?

BRAD BLOG: Additional ?'s Sent to Blackwell by Dems...and more!

Broadcast of OHIO hearings

Rally Speaker backs DNC/Kerry as needed for change

Cliff Ornebeck is now speaking at the rally n/t


Hmm, my thread re:suspicious naysaying posters suspiciously dissappeared

Congressman CONYERS: a HERO for MEETING with MADSEN


New setback for Ukraine opposition

New Cannonfire blog/Madsen /Dec 4

I gotta ask: where did 'Shrub' come from??

Huge Bush margin increases in 3 S.W. Ohio counties questionable

Will there be a recount in FLORIDA? What happens if we lose OHIO?

why haven't Damschroder & Blackwell been indicted for malfeasance?

News: Chicago Tribune re: glitches in 6 key states

Election 2004

"Litany of complaints" about e-voting in Utah


OHIO - Questions on the recount...

Kerry Won the Election by at least 1.7 Million Votes

CNN airing the Ohio Rally and irregularities Now!

So how many dead people voted for Bush?

I know this is probably nothing....

I say ~1500....

Righteous Ramblings

Okay all, bash the messenger if you must...but is this for Real?

We're off to invade somewhere else....

listen here for evening portion of Ohio Rally

Radio Left is Back on the Air Covering Rally at 6

Ohio rally evening portion on NOW


As many as 4000 machine problems in Maryland?!?

Machines count more votes than hand counts in Alabama.

Can someone help me with the radioleft link


Can someone direct me to the thread or thread that had

This is just about the stupidest thing I've ever heard of:

Whats next ???? Billboards are an amazing tool of Fascists

CHICAGO TRIB: Dead Voters, Double Voters, Discounted Votes

Jesse Jackson on CNN this morning (12/04/04)...

a couple thousand people do not make a movement.

I've Decided To Get Over The Election

You have got to see this!!!

How come more Dixiecrats voted for Clinton in 1996

AP Story on Yahoo! News: 400 Demand Recount in Ohio (RATE NOW RATE NOW!)

Post by "AnIndependentTexan" brings up issue of vote padding via felon

Is there audio of the community forum in Ohio?

3000 to 4000 people at Ohio rally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WA--Statewide recount next week; Reps say recall is "nuclear bomb."

Live Coverage In Ohio HERE NOW

Anyone interested in listening to the Rally in Columbus Ohio can do at Rad

Red Handed.

Ukraine and US: In which country was there more election fraud?

The "TEN DOLLAR BILL" analogy

Chicago Tribune. Dead voters on rolls, glitches found in 6 key states

Madsen Reports Conyer House Dems Hearings Will Be a "Forum" Only

20 Amazing Facts About Voting in the USA

I'm a Voter. Would you please make sure my vote is counted?

TIA produced enough documentation to beat up a Republican with it

Montana's own votergate. Repubs ignor election law to swipe state house

Guess I just ticked of the DCCC

Impounding the Machines- Response from a Lawyer

How can we talk to 56 million democrats? The only venue

Please help me find a missing letter from AGs office...

I am having dinner tonight with Thom Hartmann news reporter says only 400 attended Ohio Rally :(

Ohio recount AFTER Dec. 13?

Saturday 12/4 AM Action -> Wake Up MoveOn

MoveON: Count Every Vote – Act Now!

Posted on Michael Moore's Website Yesterday

News: Lucas County, OH, suspends election workers

Rally for fraud in Missouri

YOU Are the Movement -- YOU Are the Voices -- YOU Are the Media

A thought on Kerry's strategy

What have other countries done in the past when in our situation?


The DU Mathematicians have spoken: It's 1 out of 14 TRILLION !

Votes assigned by poll workers to candidates randomly in Cleveland precinc

FALSE CLAIMS ACT ARGUMENT for Impounding the Machines .... Lawyers???

Oops! I Appointed A Special Interest

What's your opinion of Jerry Brown?

LAT: Governors Seek Easing of Endangered Species Act

DNC Listening Tour Survey

Erlandson: How much longer will he be around?

Two questions: whining noise and grinding on power cord insert

My monitor is all wavy-gravy

Can't remove program, can't make it work - HELP!

"Talk of Akron(Ohio)"WNIR (kinda pink tutu-ish Dem) has couple hours

Who from DU is going to the Columbus, Ohio Rally today? Check-In

Ohio Republicans want Nurse Aids to pass meds to our elderly in Nursing H

Start one of these in your area: Committee of Correspondence

Interesting Li'l Ricky Santorum Website - House Photo and all...

Links to some of the recount stories

Whose voting machines are used in Snohomish County?

Who was it that said, in 1998, that it was okay to support the troops but

Maybe I missed it, but..

Bush's Biography

I am determined to do something...

Did anyone catch Amy Goodman on Hardball?

Three good things to think about

An Experiment that Proves Absinthe is Beneficial to Frogs

On Language

toon: How the Jeopardy bazillionaire game came to an end

U.S. military says evidence gained by torture acceptable

Gay Relationships -- Does the Bible Really Condemn It? Maybe not...

We cannot play nice with these thugs

horatio alger turning in his grave

Ben Stein

Grrrr, now that pissed me off more than I've pissed off in a long time

Since Kerik was such a sterling choice, what's next?

God is killing American Christianity... and we GODDAMN well DESERVE it!

State Police Protect New Jersey Malls from Terrorism

Killer Inc.

Blue city, Red county, Blue state, Red country

Forty year anniversary:

This woman on Malloy is correct...

new "Voice of the White House" . . .

Lets see if there is a pattern

Cargo Plane ditches into lake/Fl.-written on fuselage "elect G.W.Bush"

If we want a more "moderate" Party, shouldn't we get Carville-types off TV

Is there a list of all types of weapons the US has used against Iraq?

Borders...National Intelligence "czar"...national ID al

I don't give a damn what the bible says

Spitzer and Blumenthal ---wish there was one in every state

Please help "un-freep" this right wing forum:

If Jason Giambi Is To Be Booted For Steroid Use...

Can anyone tell me

US ambassador wants proof and gets it (US eliminates body counters)

Iraqi abuse photos, more of them

Almost half of Americans believe God created humans

SO, where CAN I shop???

Adult Stem Cell Research Hold Promises of Cures for Disease

Walk Idiot Walk

Quotes from the right wing

How come all the 'mistakes' from 2000 onwards, favor the Republicans,

If we MUST have a Theocracy...

Are you working harder for less?

Imaginative 'starve the beast' protester in La.

Why is it

Japaneese city council requires male employees ......

At forum, teen takes on Ruzicka over gay adoption

Jeb Bush argues that marriage is conflict of interest....

"Merchant of Venice" US distributor demands changes.[frescoes are "porn" ]

National consumption tax will probably hit some fundies hard, too, I bet.

What's on the front page of YOUR newspaper today?

Ohio protest broadcast live on radio

How much more powerful a voice would Air America Radio be?

WBBM news-reader just called Dems "The Loyal Opposition"...WTF??

bush doing coin toss at army-navy game

GREAT Letter to the Editor in today's WP

"Support the Troops: Pay Your Taxes"

I'm sure all you DU history buffs know this, but...

20 Amazing Facts About Voting in the USA

Saturday 12/4 AM Action -> Wake Up MoveOn

Action Alert! Urge Move On member mobilization for recount!

How many people think things are going to get much worse.

Why is Jerry Falwell always in debt?

Poll didn't work. Please delete this thread, mods. Thanks.

Can anyone list off some good Canadian Drug Websites

White House Insider: a long read but interesting

Stars and Stripes anti-Rumsfeld letter Dec 4

We need a progressive 24 hour news channel

"This Week in God" from the Daily Show/Video clip

thinking about renting a billboard

They've found another bomb in my parent's town - Chetek WI

Common Sense Question

Who is planning on leaving the country?

Faulkner: "Why do you hate the South?" "I don't hate it...I don't hate it"

the dollar and the euro...a struggle for monetary hegemony?

Scalia opens his mouth: "jews are safer with christians in charge"

The Right-Wing/Militant Muslim Alliance

"400 Demand Recount at Ohio Statehouse" YAHOO story needs good rating...

Self Delete

Is serving in Iraq legalized suicide?

Choose the Blue! (Sorry if this is a repost)

Need proof the Christian Right is dangerous? Look at this.

KERRY DREAMS another appeal for dreams of political nature

Who makes up the 9-11 Commission? humbug!

Photo: Bush in Stalins chair?

The Politics of Christianity: A Talk With Elaine Pagels

Foreign Enablers

Karma? - PLANE With Words "EELECT GEORGE W. BUSH" Crashes!

Is DU sponsoring a Cruise? Could you post the thread? Thanks...

Bush Christmas: $170 jacket now $80 at Macys

Senator Bayh responds to letter on H.R. 3015 HOPE FOR PAIN SUFFERERS!

Bush creates 3 million manufacturing jobs.

Co-publishing at Narconews.

Know what I can't stand!

I got my "NOT ME!" wristband today!!!

"Our leader" sign has a new addition

Ohio Vote Irregularities Symposium (Palast, et. al.) Will Be Streamed !!!

What a Golden Opportunity

Official "Guy James Show" thread. Please keep kicked!

book by Chris Wallace of Fox News criticized by The Daily Howler

Would modern day Gomorrah be made up of Republicans?

Can anyone help with my daughter's history day project?

Should our faith influence our politics?

Has been hacked?


PDAmerica and Democracy for America----2 ways to retake the party???

excellent satire! bush arrested in Canada! 8^)

Who has a good web site for pictures of civilians killed in Iraq?

Tommy Thompson (Bush cabinet) urges terrorists to attack US food supply

Solace. Not to worry.

Michael Moore said "You have to BE the Media." Will you help?

Democratic Party - move to the left or to the right?

The DLC is a Fifth Column within the Democratic Party.Its positions

ED plus 32 -- When are you taking your physical, George?

John Titor was a hoax. But, did you ever read the story?

***All GLBT DUers, I support you and I love you!!!!***

FAIR Media Advisory: The Return of PSYOPS

Hi, I'm Jewish

I have simple proposal for DUers.Instead of shopping for gifts, what if we

Al From for DNC chair

Social Security Administration Giving out "Free Lunch"

Are There No Door-To-Door Buddhists? No Proselytizing Hindus?

Boycott Republican Banks, join a Democratic Credit Union

Imperial Hubris: read right wing reaction on amazon

just got back from the Ohio Statehouse--ask me anything

Do you come to DU looking to pick a fight?

Dumbed-Down Citizens are NOT good for Democracy. Period.

Getting out the Fraud Information

Justice Denied - The Kirstin Lobato Story

I'm Transgender and I am proud of it has to be cheating...

THANKS DU'ers...another vote, please!

I had a great run-in with a recruiter

BBC: "US offers olive branch to Taleban"

The Hypocisy of the supposedly ultra-tolerant DUers

Bring Home Our Troops" Blue Ribbon Car Magnets

Nuke the Muslims...

Why can't we establish a voluntary health care system???

I was up all night baking!! And I'm exhilarated.

HELP when do I add the noodles to the bean soup?

Best cooking pots. What do you recommend.

I am baking again...congo bars

from the Kitchener-Waterloo Record Today


NYT-Dollar's Fall Tests Nerve of Asia's Central Bankers

Humphrey wins dismissal

You asked for my evidence, Mr Ambassador. Here it is

NYT,pg1: California Diocese Settles Abuse Cases; Record Sum Is Seen

Rights Watch Urges Karzai to Sideline Warlords

US investigating new prisoner abuse photos

Suicide car bomb hits U-S Marines in Iraq

Conyers aide allegedly ordered politicking

NYT: Kerik's D.C. Move Could Benefit, and Test, Giuliani's Consulting Firm

LAT- Guard's Iraq Fears Spark Inquiry

Cali cocaine kingpin flown to U.S. cell

Kerry fund-raisers throw support behind Tom Reilly for Gov. of MA

NYT:(SAT) Board Asks Group Not to Post Test Analysis(by race, income, sex)

DoD Identifies Marine Casualty # 1265

Top brass stayed silent on prisoner interrogation techniques

El Salvador denies asylum to Venezuelan ex-officers

At Least 8 Migrants Die Off Puerto Rico

WP,pg1: 2 Stem Cell Options Presented: Human Embryos Wouldn't Be Killed

$100M Clergy Abuse Deal Brings Some Relief

Bhopal anguish as BBC hoaxed

WP:Fox Calls for Ct. Review of Standards:FCC Rules Archaic, Says in Appeal

Immigrant women reveal how Britain is home to sex slavery

Thatcher's sister and 'best friend' dies

Six Killed After Baghdad Car Bomb (10 wounded near GreenZone)

NYT: Officials Lay Groundwork for Great Lakes Cleanup (will it be funded?)

Black Watch return to Basra base

Appeals Court Overturns Order Of Internet Shutdown at Interior

NYT- U.S. Health Chief, Stepping Down, Issues Warning

Suit fights U.S. aid to mission sites

Bush arrested in Canada for war crimes

U.S. Commander: More GIs Needed in Iraq

Iraq:kill the Dr's, clerics, journalists

BBC: "US offers olive branch to Taleban"

Fallujans Pose Challenge to Iraq Gov't (whatta understatement)

Florida Kerry supporters meet for group therapy

Michigan couple face thousands in fines for trip to Cuba

Yahoo News: 400 Demand Recount at Ohio Statehouse

Only small European firms succumb to U.S. embargo on Cuba

Hearings Begin in Abu Ghraib Abuse Trial(Karpinski ordered to testify)

Russian Intelligence Kills Top Al Qaeda Operative in South Russia

Bush Mum on Pakistan's Hunt for Bin Laden

Suicide attack kills 7 Kurdish fighters in Iraq

NYT/IHT: Yuschenko's Illness Stumps Doctors (poison? compare photos)

Four bodies found in northern Iraq (wearing ING uniforms)

Mosul police repel coordinated insurgent attacks: US military

Abu Ghraib Guards Were Scapegoats, U.S. Lawyers Say

OHIO: Judge refuses to back county in attempt to stop recount

Tell truth on troops' stay, says Feinstein

AFP Interview: UN nuclear chief angrily denies charges of collaboration wi

Area river searched for soldier from Iraq (Wewahitchka, FL)

Bush Comments on Thompson Terror Worries (food supply)

Bush Mum on Pakistan's Bin Laden Efforts

Terror war hurts Christians: Vatican

LAT: Mission to Mandate Teaching of Constitution Inserted Into Bill

National Guard Hiring Recruiters(1,400 to stem thinning of the ranks)

Militainment Gone Amok: The Military Channel

China carried out 90% of world's executions

Ensign has misgivings about intelligence reform bill

NYT: China Can Pull Plug On US Real Estate Bubble

Iraq's Catch-22

Cargo plane ditches in Miami lake

NYT: Worried Merchants Throw Discounts at Shoppers

Roadside Blast Kills U.S. Soldier in Iraq #1266 & #1267

Up to 40,000 low-income adults may lose Basic Health (state of Washington)

DEFENSE DRILLS SET FOR COUNTRY (in Cuba - worried about US invasion)

Habitat for Humanity Founder Pushed Aside (sexual harrasment)

Seventeen Kurdish militiamen killed in northern Iraq car bomb

NYT- Big Changes Seen in Choice for Homeland Security

Bin Laden's hideout is touted as tourist site

NYT: Researcher Pulls His Name from Paper on Prayer and Fertility

French Police Misplace Explosives on Jet

Dead voters on rolls, other glitches found in 6 key states -Chicago Trib

400 Demand Recount at Ohio Statehouse

"Yo, is Cookie Puss there? I wanna speak to her..."

Do you run to, or away from, a thread with 100+ responses?

Math Question - Square Root


Fantastic space wallpapers (picture and link)

Peterson's Irish Whiskey pipe tobacco makes me feel loopy.

What movie is this quote from?

Token outdoor Christmas lights and decorations. Post yours!

Venereal Disease - not a sex thread!

Look at the pup I am adopting first thing tomorrow morning!!!!

Have we lost the true meaning of Christmas?

You know.....

Fenris' "Irish Whiskey broken bottle to the face" makes me feel loopy

Will history remember Hairy Blonds?

Anyone see the new "trying to be funny" CNN news spots - 1 w/ Lou Dobbs Rocket Ship

Has anyone missed me?

Does anyone else appreciate Nanci Griffith like I do?

dupe .

My God I think I'm tweaking.....

I'm sorry if I missed it

Gratuitous thread: hedgehogs

Shake shake shake

Granddaughter’s success swells grandmother’s pride

Ever seen Aphex Twin's "Come to Daddy"?

My God, I think I'm Peking!


Whatever happened to Kate Bush?

Lounge word game - Bush admin story: add a 3 word phrase in subject line

Look ma! I'm single, again...

this is my 420th post. join me if you care to, cause you can!

My God,I think I'm peaking

whatever happened to poi dog pondering?

Worst drummer face contest. Top this!

seeing the proposal thread...

Has anyone ever seen "Kid A In Alphabet Land"?

yet still ANOTHER gratuitous hedgehog thread

Bush uses "Sex Education" to spread outrageous lies!

Insanity in Homes coming to a city near you --barf

Insomniac on Comedy Central, Crime Scene Cleanup - Business Opportunity

Favorite AM radio DJ?

Are bi-racial people alot hotter than other people?

Bands that were Big Time acts, but then ended up later in shit venues

Do I bitch about stuff too much?

Say what you want, but I fucking hate the NBA

What do you know about St. Kitts & Nevis

big fight w/hypocritical Nader supporter who voted for Kerry, regrets it

An update for anyone who cares to know

Meyer goes to Florida, dumps Notre Dame

Why can't I just be a teenager hanging out at the Quick Stop in 1974?

What would you do if the whole Internet is shuts down?

I've got a Very Bad Elf here


Italy's unlucky number

Antwerp puts Rubens world on ice

Is Target REALLY better than Wal-Mart?

HRC & Equality magazine?

Passengers flee swarm of crickets

Babe Ruth's bat a big hit again back in New York

Will Al Qaeda hijack Santa's sleigh with box cutters???

Thank you, DU!

Okay, I've decided I am going to get an aquarium

Ok. Now I'm scared.

True Love Is The Greatest Thing In The World

Jerry Springer....say what you will about his show

Woohoo! Todd Rundgren/Joe Jackson tour coming to Kimmel Center in Philly!

Have you ever visited the Mutter Museum?

Best albums, 1989-present, Part II

Picture this

Eleven years ago today, we lost Frank Zappa.

Some Days....

And how's the weather

I keep singing a song & I want the DVD but I can't remember who is was by

I love my job, I love my job ..

Know what I'm going to get you for Christmas?

I love the Barefoot Contessa

California's Letter of Secession

Get a bucket. I'm going to throw up!

For you people fighting over

"It's hot, the seats are leather, and I've got on a thin skirt....."

Worst versions of Christmas music?

The Onion, another home run

Should GD Be Renamed "The Christian Crusades"?

Rascal and Lucky!

Mystery of Jane Eyre attic solved

I'm very shallow and empty and I have no ideas and nothing....

Tools for amateur car mechanics!

Is this kitten Francie or Frank?

Will Smith Closet Fans?

Oh Petey!

Let's Play U.S.A.

Is it just me...

Why does everyone here hate the GD forums?

WOW! Iowa family adopts family of NINE siblings (all under 16)

Ladies you will forgive me this............

Star Trek: Enterprise 11/26 and 12/3 (Anti-Bush) Episodes!

Hey, any closure on thet Young Republican's on-camera whoopin'?

Dubya the movie

Closet Will Smith fans?


Best Universal Studios Black & White Monster of ALL TIME

List what you will buy your right-wing friend for the holidays

Do any of you remember Wally George?

Bad Parenting

What are you getting me for Xmas???

Caption: Dumber and Dumber

I think Clarence Thomas has been to my house

Bought some new boots last night

Finally got a new cell phone

Some things to do before the Inaugural:

Do all women think they can buy a man's love with oral sex????

Ignorant Pride Parade in Crawford Cancelled due to proximity to the

Is there more rape at the Equator or the North Pole?

Oliver Stone's next film to be about an affair between Reagan and Thatcher

Jaguar or Lexus

We made our first bowl game

Food or medicine?

Any thoughts on the Chemical/Oil Plant in Houston that blew up last night?

all your trailer park are belong to us

Remember, not so long ago, when everyone wore NO FEAR

Lavender Brown, the chick in your sig is hot! Is she single?


I see you......

Any other exhausted souls here ever fall asleep on the toilet?

Tell me how you really feel about Toby Keith

Favorite Christmas Movie

The Crazed Austrian Guy is back.

Who has fallen asleep talking on the phone?

What are your plans this weekend?

Should I become a photojournalist?

Does anyone think they can buy anyone's love???

To work Bingo, or not to work Bingo?? That is the question.


Is this a morbid way to get job leads?

You know what really burns my ass?

Bronze Rat Joke (it made me laugh)

Who here is interested in a DU Group for UCC members?

The number of active DU members is...

How many people am I going to piss off today?

Well, I'm off to Costco

the dollar and the euro...a struggle for monetary hegemony?

where the HELL is DS1?

WHo would you rather have running the world?

Do all men think they can buy a woman's love with diamonds????

You know what really chaps my butt??

Does anybody have any pictures of goats wearing lingerie?

So I haven't done in a poll in awhile

Boycott: Is it possible to live on only "blue" products?

Elvis is Everywhere!

Apparently, I am a traitor....

Create The New United States Motto Here!

Those old Christmas specials with the puppets...

Is anyone else looking forward to Blade Trinity?

All I really need to know I learned from watching the Three Stooges

When Did They Start Making Hand Machine Guns?

John Paul Jones vs. John Paul Jones

Elvis is Everywhere!

Anyone else starting to hate the color RED?

Okay. Words do exist to describe this. It must be experienced.

And the Heisman Trophy goes to . . .

Is it me or does the ESPN Dale Earnhardt movie

I'm watching this special on WTTW about the history of Chicago.

My good deed for the day

I am baking again congo bars YMMMMM


I just found year old gum. Ask me anything.

Thanks to you DU I've finished decorating my house for X-Mas

ZombyLove: I'd rather steal your love than buy it!

Why Did The Bushistas Send Me a Christimas Card?

Bad cold sore! Anyone wanna kiss?

Are you in the Festivus spirit yet??

Who Would Make a Better President? Bush, or a Box of Tic-Tacs:

Post a Pic Of Your Significant Other

Olive oil and Rosemary Triscuits

Shostakovich's 4th Symphony

I painted my office today. And now I am so sore I can hardly move.

She was So Blonde…

Why is the robert fisk website down? It's been weeks for me...

Cheap gifts you received and loved...any ideas?

i slept like a hog

Greek man who helped Brazilian marathon runner welcomed as hero in Rio

Weight Loss.

Please help cheer me up

Jesus is Everywhere

Breaking Matcomnews: Atomic Wedgie Leaves British Nut Hanging

In honor of his passing 11 years ago, favorite Zappa album/cd?

Can't remove program, can't make it work either - HELP!

I am encouraging my son to gamble.. Am I a bad Mom??

I'm watching Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and I've

The Gargling Gormet of all CAPTIONS!!!

What would Jesus have for breakfast?

How many states and cities have names that originated from French ?


What would be your dream job?

Why won't DU let me put myself on "ignore"?


Every Version of A CHRISTMAS CAROL Ever Made

Christmas TV Specials That Make You Leave The Room

Ann "The Man" Coulter greets a fan: "You're my first Hindu."

Any Salvadorans in here?

The Five People You Meet in Heaven

First look at the "Batman Begins" poster (movie opens 6/17/05)

A quick update on the "other" site

Bummer. My next door neighbor's car was stolen last night

I just completely confused a fundie!

Favorite Utopia album?

Is there a ghost in my computer? It's knocking!!!

Wish me well. I'm off to dinner with the racist side of the family.

Which razor do you use when shaving your facial hair?

"Come Together".... What Does This Song Mean?

I'm coming down with a cold - what can I do to kill it?

They may be inbred, but at least they're perky

How many members of the Bush Administration are needed to change....

Update on my fight against Wal-mart

Does anyone else appreciate Nancy Sinatra like I do?

Snowing like hell in northern Arizona!

Trivia time!

For all you late night posters: Potted Meat....nuff said

I've finished my Master's Degree...What to do next?

Yet another music albums of past 15 years, Part 1 (1989-1996)


I'm getting ready to go see the lights

Here we come... hoppin on the bed... hey, hey, we're the KITTENS! (pics)

Vanity: If they could see me now.. (25,000 post should I be embarrassed?)

Favorite cryptic-sounding song title?

Bob Boudelang Welcomes the New Cabinet

Hair Stylists from HELL! Why can't we sue for pain and suffering caused

Evil, or wonderful?

Best song from former pop star Michael Jackson

If FreeRepublic had a Lounge, what posts would we find there?

How many Republicans are vegetarians?

Equilibrium-man what a great flick

Un-reality TV, from 'Lost' to 'Desperate'

Great LTTE in the Strib re: the UCC ad...

The Sacred Land Of Edom At Al Sarah Mountain Range "Seir"

Why do so many people on DU hate Jesus?

Advanced culture in Uruguay challenges current theories

Diyala Project brings beginnings of urban civilization to the Internet

Evolutionary roots of altruism, moral outrage

Autism As Synesthesia?

The threat from life on Mars

Sailing through space on a plasma beam

Hope in Mormon Utah

The right wing are not going to stop with us in their jihad

Evolutionary roots of altruism, moral outrage

Is Golden Ratio in Spectrum (Harmonic) Analysis the Ultimate Tool

Calculate your own Vedic horoscope & moon sign

Dreams - The Awakening

Mercury Retro is up my family's ass with a BIG STICK!

Albert Einstein on Astrology

How are we going to get out of this?

we get an atheists and agnostics group

Wow. Read some sweet, sweet Kerry lovin'

Either a sign or coincidence

I Have Been Thinking About Something And Need Your Opinions

Does anyone know where I can get good John Kerry wallpaper

Have any of you met John Kerry?

Here's my dumb question of the day ...

We need to lobby George Soros to buy Diebold...

Damn, I shoulda been reading Margaret Cho's Blog

C-Span....a nutcase caller just blamed Clinton's

i wish this was true!

Defining Boundaries

Anti-corporate politics.

What kind of Democrat are you ?

Iran to continue developing nukes as deterrent to US invasion.

George Galloway MP: Scottish radical tells the truth--and how!

DU 'predict and play' the punditry this week

We need to get serious about this "war on terrorism"..

black "W" stickers. where to find?

Was The Kofi Anan Thing A Shot Across The Bow?

What we are fighting against

Legislature might stop dancing to Bush's tune

Borders...National Intelligence "czar"...national ID al

Borders...National Intelligence "czar"...national ID al

What do you have in common with other Democrats/Leftists? Tougher

* is sending holiday cards to low-dollar contributors -- Why?

My Thoughts on the DLC...

Anyone know if the Columbus rally will be televised? n/t

Not just fair elections-I want to be represented, demmit!

Who runs the DNC? Who chooses the Head?

Rove...the real power in the GOP. He's not going away in 4 years.

how do we best protect ourselves financially

The Appointment Press Conference Face

could Someone Please Explain To Me (Simply) ...

Maps and cartograms of the 2004 US presidential election results

Pacifica Radio to broadcast Ohio 'hearing' today, Sat 5pm-8pm

A few General Election stats from Orange County, NC

Seeds of Downfall in GOP's Victory

Reposting: pro-McCain atty leading Fraud lawsuit against OH GOP

The Moral Relativism of the Right: When we do wrong, its okay.

Freedom On The March in Iraq, 12/4/04: 14 dead, 59 wounded

Palast speaking at Ohio rally NOW

Bush commits abortion

All we need are fair and honest elections

I emailed CNN and complained that there was no coverage

"We elected the guy who let 9-11 happen"

Action Alert! Urge MoveOn member mobilization for recounts!

Former pro-McCain Attorney convinced there was Fraud in OH! Cspan

The GOP's misinformation machine

Putin said it best when referring to Bush foreign policy.

Ohio Recount Map of Reasons

For a change of pace, today's radio address topic from Junior is "TERRA"

The REBELLION has already begun!

Time to buy our own Billboards

Does Bush go out of his way to make bad appointments?

WHAT was up with Tommy Thompson?

This is what a mandate looks like.

Bush must think that he has the Sunni's between a rock and a hard place.

Radio Left Covering Symposium in Ohio.....Jesse about to speak

I walked past a car with an upside down Bush/Cheney bumper sticker on it

RW answer site to

Denying gay couples equal benefits is UNCONSTITUTIONAL

Anti-DLC experiment --------Part 3

So, don't like the DLC Part 2. An experiment.

"Kerik nomination is a ticking time bomb"

MoveOn: Count Every Vote – Act Now!

Photos In honor of Scalia's: "Jews are safer with Christians in charge"

Head of DNC - choose a NON-Democrat

Walk Idiot Walk

Has anyone outside of NY seen Pataki's commercial?


Neo-Conmen Survive the Resignation Cycle...

Question, If fraud is proven, even if it takes a couple years, can Kerry

A winning strategy?: New states

Walmart supports abortion -- get the word out to all your "pro-life"

Would FDR and JFK be welcome in today's Democratic Party?

Will Kerry become president?

"why the terrorists have not attacked our food supply"

When is the 'other' part of the 9/11 report going to be released?

Caption This !!!

Why (some) White Men worship Bush?

Dean says we live in a Robin Hood world

The first woman elected president will HAVE to be a conservative.

Could somebody please try to rationalize this

Joe Lieberman (D), the Gentleman from Connecticut

Paperclips and Blue Ribbons

just watched my idiot asshole relative on Hannity & Colmes and I'm ashamed

Newt Gingrich Echoes Secretary Thompson's Warning on Pandemic Flu