Did North Korea Cheat? (or Is Bush lying about NK like he did about Iraq?)
Democrats should resist urge to play ball with GOP
Outcome of Washington's governor race should reflect will of all
Strib editorial: Death penalty/Not for Rodriguez -- or anyone
As Chaos Mounts In Iraq, U.S. Army Rethinks Its Future
"President Bush wants 'pro-homosexual' drama banned."
MoDo: Lost in a Masquerade (* plays dress-up)
Secret Patriot Act II to give Hitler's Powers to Bush
WSJ's Begley: Tough Assignment: Teaching Evolution To Fundamentalists
Opposing America’s School of Assassins
Blumenthal: All hail to Caligula's horse (Kerik at Homeland Security)
People's Choice Awards Nominates "Fahrenheit 9/11" as "Favorite Film of t
Gov. Howard Dean's speech earlier today [audio only]
U.S. GIs Hit Rumsfeld With Hard Questions - DU this yahoo story!
When the U.S. borrows money, is the interest rate locked?
Sale of Wild Horses to Slaughter Legalized
Did you gun owners do anything to win over your republican gun owning
Here is a newbie who needs some support. I am going to keep this kicked
why isn't image shack allowed to to be used for images anymore?
I was searching for a screen name....
Is it like, me, or like, have like, these mods like been mods for like
Group idea that may be a bit controversial--Singles
Max Clelland would be a powerful voice in all of this...
Larry Rosin (Let me tell you how are we going to steal OHIO)
KNOW YOUR HISTORY don't let 2008 be 2004 over again
DU this Poll - should Pinellas SOE Deborah Clark resign?
Volunteer with reliable FAX modem needed.
Stewart M. Powell of Hearst Newspapers GETS IT
Keith is covering the Electoral vote option!!! (after the break) n/t
Keith hitting Rummy....first up on Countdown
David Limbaugh on exit polls (After this piece he "dropped" the issue)
Just Heard CSpan to reair at 10
Keith speaking of Conyers hearing coming up. n/t
CERTIFIED ETHICAL HACKING (OHIO classes linked to the INFRAGARD program)
Recounts in Washington State and Alaska covered by AP
INFRAGARD started as a FBI pilot program in OHIO (1996)
Looking for results: Broward County, FL - Kerry's margin over Bush.
Jon Stewart on Larry King tonight - maybe he'll talk about Ohio!! n/t
SUGGESTION : Blast BBC, Le Monde with Madsen /Curtis articles
When is the recount going start?
Are the machines in 2004 the same as in Florida 2000?
Here is a nice all-purpose link to different kinds of data
I'm going to help as an observer of the WA recount tomorrow
Exit polls in Venezuela showed guy who won losing: Audit verified vote
HELP: Is there an alternate Malloy number?
Do the touch screens have a driver?
The difference betweent the US and the Ukraine
Clinton Curtis Interviewed on Air America! Audio
Mike Malloy on Air America to discuss hearings after the break.
Turd Blossum Most Interesting Person???
Keith seemed to gloss over the Conyers hearing
Angry for what the last four years have been
Mocking democracy: San Diego Mayoral Race Results Certified
Wow, Jesse Jackson is being a true leader! Look at this...
Conyers Hearing on CSpan replays at 4:23 AM EST on CSPAN2
Was there any press at the hearing today?
How to hack an electronic voting machine.....
From Selma to Ohio - my report on the hearing today
Here's my email to Rep. Bob Ney of Ohio
Miami Herald: Election still had glitches - Not Bad Article...
Guys, start wearing your Kerry pins
Appeal to Mitofsky's citizenship and ethical duty
Ithaca Journal lets the people speak (including me)
UC Berkeley voting machine results study
Help! Are there any websites compiling voting data by county?
What is a "conspiracy vote?" What's another name for it?
What date did Ohio certify it's vote in 2000?
Blood-boiling ANGRY!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
Who would be the Senator to step up and challenge the results?
DEC 6 PRESS BRIEFING: election was viewed as very free and fair
A Call to Action: The Second American Revolution
Conyers needs emails now! SEND TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW!
HELP NEEDED: Info Linking Triad to Repubs and/or Vote Fraud for Reporter
Help with simple b/w line drawings in Photoshop or Illustrator?
In Ohio, do people who want to vote by absentee ballot need
Harris Co Dems' Christmas Party Tues. 12/14
DU the People's Choice "Favorite Movie" poll for MM
Whatever happened to Margie Schoedinger?
Last night's Daily Show rerun is on now. The Paul O'Neil segment is great.
Clinton Curtis Interview Air America!/ Audio exclusive available
Letter to the United Church of Christ and their response
I've said it before and I'll say it again
I live in a red state (MO) and I need you guys to help me....
I heard something interesting on the telly today... so say the 911 thingy
The Christian Right officially becomes Militant
My review of Man Coulter's book-I didn't buy it but I saw enough of it
ABC World News and Peter Jennings are pitiful
Anybody Else Think Republican Strategist Sherry Jacobus Is Hot...
conservative christian ministries that target young people
Is it tonight John Stewart is on Larry King show?
After signing the Voting Rights act, LBJ said.....(funny)
What exactly was the point of the Bernie Kerik bit on 60 mins?
West Wing opening scene: Penn and Teller burn an American Flag
Today's Crossfire: Soldiers always complain
Special Interest Groups....Real problem or Orwellian doublespeak?
Michael Moore coming up on Barbara Walters Special
One of the Founders of Dominionism was a racist
Baahh-Wah Is Wahh-Whah-ing TurdBlossim n/t
Black kids rewarded for face-washing (??)
KKKarl Rove is on Barbara Walters
Anyone hear about Arnold's Stunt at the 2004 CA Governer's Conferance?
"For me, liberals are the true followers of Christ."
NEW! DU Humor Group! Go Lookie!
USA Today carried story on the "Arnold Amendment"
Was This A Great Country or What?
Hey Will Pitt.. Malloy wants you to call in right now
I don't care how they package it, Christian Music is not cool! Christians
Premises Identification Program Ready;
"I'm a Democrat. That means i'll say what I damn well please"-Mike Malloy
USA Today hit piece on the left: Enviromentalists are terrorists
What Democrats need to say about social issues
Cat Gets MBA Degree From Online College
Anyone know if Rush Limbaugh(pigboy) has backed off ACLU bashing?
'STOLEN CHILDHOOD' on Aaron Brown Newsnight (CNN)
Heads- BUSHCO wins Tails-we are screwed
War Veterans Pour Experiences Into Art
Do you support and identify with the evangelical movement?
Help Us Get 100,000 People to Take the Pledge by Inauguration Day
Anyone have a link to the video of Rumsfeld answering the soldiers questio
PABAAH Targeting More Bands - Nine Inch Nails This Time
Will Pitt is being interviewed by Mke Malloy now:
Huge reward nets ELF subdivision firebug arrests...
Playing Politics With Intelligence Reform -Senator Byrd opposes bill
Jesus! H&C are doing their show tonight across the street from me!
60 Minutes about Deserters on NOW nt
"Nightline" now doing a story on 10 Commandments sculpture.
How is the Economy in your neck of the woods?
Awww....Look at This Nice Picture I Found of JK and THK
OK, why aren't we and the nation raising hell about Rummy's remarks
People Voting Against Their Own Interests
WSJ: Cities Use Eminent Domain To Clear Lots for Big-Box Stores
A question for DUers about the separation of church and state
Why does Bush want to prolong the war?
Conyers needs emails now! SEND TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW!
Are You still paying attention?
Liberalism sometimes beats libertarianism for personal freedom!
Label me LIBERAL. . .with a lapel pin.
Aha, could this be why PBS is sidling to the right? The board of CPB.
Hump Day Malloy Thread! Get Your Truthseeking ON!
Pat Buchanan conducts MSNBC anti-semitic hatefest
"60 Minutes" Nixed for Billy Graham - in San Diego, CA
Discuss: No Child Left Behind Act
"You're Welcome. I'm a Democrat." An idea to change "conventional wisdom"
Sending B-day greetings to John Kerry
I'm thinking about enlisting in the Army
"The Guy James Show" needs your help. Please keep kicked.
Bwuahah! We pissed of a right wing fundie substitute teacher today!
Election Fraud Hearing Starts 7:00 a.m. Pacific time: Listen live on-line
Pygmy chimpanzee may be near extinction, experts say
Company lets U.S. travelers 'Go Canadian'
Officer won't be charged in shooting of unarmed man
War vets suffer frequent head trauma
Calif will sue over new abortion limits - here we go!
New Group of Televangelists Reaches TV Generation (both blue & red states)
Reporters go to appeals court to avoid jail in leak case
High court gives Limbaugh 30-day extension for appeal
Murder of former president's brother takes strange twists
Malia Rulon, AP, covered the Conyer hearing
Violence persists throughout Iraq (US nixes daily incidence rpts)
"Lennon" Musical Snags Rare Lennon
N.H. Driving Teacher Fired for DWI Arrest
Administration misses drug import deadline
Gold says U.N. poses security threat
Judge: Condit must reveal information about sexual relationship, finances
Ethics panel accused of curbing rights -The Hill
Medicare hot line fails government test
Bill to Bar Foreigners Who Show Disrespect
Civil Union Bill Passes in New Zealand
Acute petrol shortage adds to chaos of Baghdad
US minimizes differences with Russia after OSCE clash
US Marine claims unit killed Iraqi civilians
U.S. GIs Hit Rumsfeld With Hard Questions
WP: Rumsfeld Gets Earful From Troops
Kofi Annan Receives Standing Ovation @ UN Today
LAT: Army Teams Face Surgeon Shortage
Air Force’s top lawyer faces scrutiny
Senators condemn mystery spy project
U.S.: Iraq rebels aided by sources in Syria
Jordan’s Abdullah concerned Iraq may tilt toward Tehran
Greek Farmer Finds 2,000-Year-Old Monument
Dean Urges Dems to Stick to Convictions
House Democrats Come to Annan's Defense
Frist, Reid clash over 66-33 split
Sale of Wild Horses to Slaughter Legalized
Butane lighters banned from airplanes
UPDATE: Husband of SUV Driver Talks of Wife's Illness
Investigators probe fire that destroyed Springfield (Mass.) mosque
WP: Iraq Combat Fatality Rate Lowest Ever (Also Shortage of Surgeons)
NYT: Groups Debate Slower Strategy on Gay Rights
Sharpton Got $86,715 to Aid Kerry Campaign
Officer Alleges CIA Retaliation (alleges told to falsify WMD info)
Dodd says Rumsfeld's answer was unacceptable
Judges Skeptical of First Amendment Protection for Reporters - C.I.A. Leak
Critics say mysterious new U.S. spy program endangers national security
Anyone out there still believe in sexual hibernation?
I don't wanna go to film class tonight....
DU Bloggers/webmasters -- weird stuff that shows up in your referral logs?
Anybody out there still believe in sexual libation?
Battle cries-How many syllables?
Jesus found floating down the Rio Grande
Yippeeeee Christmas Music Concert tomorrow night (Boston Brass)
I need help getting information about my best friend's death in 1976.
I just lit a candle in memory of John Lennon who died 24 years ago
It's not MIRACLE WHIP because there ARE NO miracles
Semester is almost over in grad school.
Should I remove the nipples from my chicken breasts?
Okay, 200 posts. Now I'll go watch TV.
My English teacher is an asshole--and a wingnut to boot
Sure fire way to make a fortune and never have to work again.
WHOAH! What was THAT?! Janet Jackson on the Super Bowl
what song are you listening to?
Today my brother, Jeff, would have been
crucify me: Who was "Dem Strategist?"
Why the hate for Hootie and the Blowfish?
Anybody Else Think Republican Strategist Sherry Jacobus Is Hot...
Anybody Else Think Republican Strategist Sherry Jacobus Is Hot...
Does anybody have a good link to editorial cartoons?
Jon Stewart on Larry King tonight at 9 PM Eastern Time.
say what? . . . your puppy just tinkled on your keyboard? . . .
Alright kid, let see what you can dooooo.....
What the...? Why am I supposed to evaluate MYSELF as part of my grade??
I'm afraid to open the post about the Cheney picture
the single lamest attempt at diversity i've ever seen.
Wait no one else can name all the presidents in order w/o cheating
I have to go to neocon Channukah in 40 minutes
Is THIS the worst song ever recorded?
Unhappy with mom's Christmas gift, teen threatens her with butcher knife
Without cheating...Can you name all of the VICE Presidents in order?
CBS's 60 Minutes piece on deserters
is anyone listening to the Majority Report? Sam is Great tonight!!!!!!
Larry King, leave the funny stuff to the funny people
Is DU running really slow for anybody else?
Do you believe revolution is realistic nowadays?
South Park: Cartman becomes psychic
Post your favorite John Lennon lyrics here
Haha! South Park ***SPOILER INSIDE***
NEW DU Humor Group up and running!
Would anyone be interested in a comic book/graphic novel group?
Send Pets And Children Out Of The Room Before Attempting This...
LOST is on, started 4 minutes early
How many of you still have your Kerry signs up?
Ok call me a psychopath but I am glad I failed chemistry last year
Update on our house conversion project
ATTENTION male DU'ers, your laptop may be damaging your sperm!
Without Cheating... Can You Name All The US Presidents In Order?
Did anyone else know Darby Crash died the same day as John Lennon?
My dog just ate part of a mercury thermometer
DUer's with Sociology Degrees Check In...
Do you like Bob Ross Paintings?
I was right! I was right! I love being right........
At the checkout. (An allegory about America.)
Do you judge people by their avatars?
DU Went Strange! ***PHOTO EVIDENCE***
How many forum members does it takes to change a light bulb?
Police Raid Brothel in Deserted Pig Barn
Pure Vainity Post...My Big 5-oh-oh
Ex-Worker Gets 1 1/2 Years for Spitting on Police Officer's Burger
Oh goody! It's time for the Drunk Neighbors Hour!
This might sound silly, but how is roasted broccoli?
Are you doing anything else right now while posting on DU?
Mom, 15, Charged With Neglect For Handing Baby To Strangers
I am pissed! Pale Male got evicted
Guided tours at exotic locales: Your worst experience?
AHHHHH!!!!! I'm liking Alan Alda (republican) on West wing!!!!
Since Demopedia came out have you used it to look up?
The Perfect Gift For The Fundies On Your List
This Clay Aiken Christmas Special is like a train wreck
Christmas Carols for the Psychiatrically Challenged
If this Dick Cheney photo is REAL, then face it...the end is near
Let Us Now Praise Mozart's 5 Violin Concertos
I want to bludgeon the writer of those Old Navy commercials!
DUers Asthma patients.............
That Sam's Club commercial AAR just played pisses me off.
Freddie Mercury - I hope he is in the Lap of the Gods
Has anyone ever called you because you have a funny name?
What is up with the return of the Variety Christmas Show????
Insurance is changing, thinking about trying a different doctor
Where is the proverbial "bottomless pit" located?
A funny observation on DU's growing pains lately
Do you like Bob Ross Paintings?
A shout out to all liberals in occupied red state territory!
Am I the only one who thinks Mayonnaise is GROSS?
OMG - Tivo taped the Clay Aiken christmas special
Do you like Bob Ross Paintings?
When I was young, we were so poor...
"West Wing" fantasies ridiculous to the point of grotesque
On The Street Where You Live...
Police Dog Bites Nude Man in the Genitals
Who here is married to another DUer?
To all you men who answer "Nothing" when asked of what they are thinking
Which should I get for Xmas: XM or Sirius satellite radio?
Is anyone actually going to watch the Clay Aikens Christmas special?
Any Gordon Lightfoot fans around here?
What is Laura Bush saying here?
Hey MATCOM..Malloy was looking for you!!
Equal time for DU women! Conjure up your ideal man!
Who was the Best President Ever? Why?
When you first joined DU, did you "jump right in", or take a tour first?
How old were you when you first heard Dark Side of the Moon?
In loving memory: What's your favorite JOHN LENNON song?
Link for voting for F911 as people's choice for best movie
How many women have fallen in love with the “bad boy” in their teens
need DU advice: Fruedian slip?
Someone pour me a drink. I just finished my PhD oral comps!!
I don't care how they package it, Christian Music is not cool! Christians
What Are The Grocery Stores Named Where You Live?
Is there such a thing a a Solo Christan
Gay Radio Service SIRIUS OutQ Adds Six New Weekend Programs
NY Times: A Refuge for Gay Students When Families Turn Away
The head of Veteran's Affairs has resigned.
Howard Dean's speech on c-span2 tonight 10:25pm eastern
Olberman going to talk about todays hearings
WE must reach the electors! Here are ideas how:
F911 vs. Passion of the Christ
Protect our troops from instant lenders (house, dec 7th)
Oil for food corruption (house of reps, dec 7th remarks)
Howard Dean Describes the Goals of the Republican Party
Vote for Michael Moore's F9/11 (letter from Moore)
Condi, Rummy, Snow: Junior really held onto the creme de la creme
US Capitol Holiday (& Christmas) Tree (Senate, Dec 7th)
Clinton Curtis Interviewed /Audio available
Public Bills and Resolutions (House of Reps, Dec 6th, worth a look)
For all you bloggers out there:
WhistleBlower: Firm defrauded Iraq Occupation Authority (Senate, dec 7)
Favorite General Turned President
Kerry Captured 90 Percent of Berkeley Vote
Video Voyeurism Prevention Act of 2004
Weldon Anti-Woman Provision in H.R. 4818
Why it is so urgent that we pass an intelligence reform bill (House)
Who is the LEAST loathsome Republican presidential candidate?
Bush kept Snow only after Wall St. exec turned the job down
Dean speech changed to 10:25, maybe. Or maybe not. Who knows.
Did anyone watch Hannity and Colmes tonight?
Orcinus: "A Liberal War on Terror"
Yesterday's ACLU alert on Intelligence Reform Act
Conyers needs emails now! SEND TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW!
Is Michael Moore really one of the party's leaders?
Women 'bearing the brunt of war' (BBC) quoting Amnesty International
Hackworth: Uncle Sam Wants Your Kids - Now!
does anyone have info about how iraqi farmers must now plant GM foods?
Berkeley’s Rent Control Ordinance Violates the U.S. Constitution
Nothing like having your priorities right ...
UC Berkeley professor to help Democrats master language, message
Michael Moore asks for your help & he's on tv tonight
Will you support the same Presidential primary candidate in '08?
A Question: Why Should I Like Wesley Clark?
Are the feds intercepting ACLU info?
Administration Must Be Held Accountable For Unjust Iraq War-Kucinich
An Overlooked Dimension of the Republican Psychosis We are Up Against
Guardian leader;Dead Reckoning.. Blair & Iraqi dead
Why Can't the IRS Do It? -NYT (privatizing tax collection)
Check the Newsweek Article on Voting Fraud.
North San Diego County Times: Rumsfeld doesn't appear to get it
SF Chronicle: Why Democrats Lost Ohio
WP Op-ed, P. Beinart (TNR) - The Dems Enemy Within Problem
FLORIDA: And counting your own vote
Lost in a Masquerade-Bush dressing up to " play soldier:
O Come all ye faithful (and not so much)
OHIO: A little election wobbling
Venezuela - An Unfolding Revolution
The Plot Against Sex in America
The Plot Against Sex in America (The Kinsey movie) - Frank Rich NYT
Constitution Butchered in Winter of ‘04 ... EXCELLENT
Double Standard - Rumsfeld/Les Aspin
Anti-Bush Protesters Plan Lawsuit Over Arrests
Book Review: 'Our Oldest Enemy': We'll Never Have Paris
New Homeland Security Boss Made Millions on Insider Deal
Who's behind the oil-for-food scandal?
Hyping Terror For Fun, Profit - And Power
LAT:Why Supervisors Let Deadly Problems Slide (King Drew Medical Center)
Conyers wants raw exit poll data from media
Most FCC complaints come from single group
Huffington: Democrats must run from the middle
"Liberals on Terror" -- David Corn responds to Peter Beinart
The Democrats' DaVinci Code (This guy gets it!)
Custom-printed Bibles for U.S. Special Ops on the way
The Battle for the Future Will Be Fought From Here Forward!
A Proliferation of Vote Fraud Demonstrations and Actions
High prescription bills? Send them in!!
Street Theater on Stolen Election?
San Francisco: A RALLY TO CHALLENGE THE TALLY will be held Saturday Dec 11
99.8% of Content Complaints to FCC came Bozell's group
Keep Kicked: Information to Media Task Force
MEDIA says NADA as GOP lie that Soc Sec surplus does not grow w/ interest
12/2 Union Meeting Report (no interest in buying radio/ urban paper media.
My new favorite Daily Show segment: "Great Moments in Punditry...
AAR looking to add at least four stations soon
No Secretary of State would break the Law...
Mexico Rule Changes May Cut Citigroup, BBVA Rates (Update1)
GOP wants 75 yr - no time value of money - scoring on Soc Sec private Acct
"Vast Scale Of Burning" In Amazon Forests = 3/4 Of Brazil's GHG Emissions
Pygmy Chimps Far Worse Off Than Thought - 1/5 Of Est. Population Remains
Wallace Broecker - Kyoto Protocol Doomed - "A Drop In The Bucket"
German Forests In Worst Shape Ever - AFP
COP-10 Delegates - Clean Development Mechanism A Disappointment
Blair "Pressing US On Climate" - BBC
Thinking of career switch into environmental science
Irish peace deal dies over DUP demands for humiliation + IRA statement
New Zealand November Job Advertisements Rise, ANZ Bank Says
(Egypt) Christians deplore 'forced' conversions
More violent protests erupt in China
Nigerian woman's stoning sentence overturned
Putin puts his signature on landmine pact
Warrior once more; American no more
Hey, "guys"! I wanted to "thank" you for all you do!!!!!?!?!!!
Thanks t o Skinner, Elad, the crew and mods...
OK, what constitutes a sex thread
Somebody posted businesses that contributed to us Democrats. This is a
How to create an article in Demopedia?
Regarding the "newbies" rules etc. by Elad
two questions if you have the time
French ambassador: Israelis suffer from 'anti-Frenchism'
TOO LATE? Election seems to be not over...
Interesting article mentioning ear-piece
Documentation that Kerry Won Ohio; (the recount will prove it)
Conyers to ask for exit poll data...
Barbara Walters interviewing Rove on ABC right now.
Anyone hear anything about the rally in DC on Sat?
If the Republicans refused to allow video equipment at the forum,
If MSM won't cover the hearing,
Bill Moyers speech upon receiving Harvard's Global Environment Citizen Awa
Is there a journalist in the house?
Remember the 30+ days in FL in 2000 and all those chads
We need to fight even harder, we are all we got
Rural Christians are worth crap, Bush "won" in the city, Mitofsky says
Bush's Ohio Valley: Why has he stopped campaigning here?..MSN Slate 10/21
This is a very dumb question but I am curious
New Olbermann blog: Challenge Ohio's electors
A Proliferation of Vote Fraud Demonstrations and Actions
NPR covering Washington state recount right now (n/t)
Jackson Vows to Continue Ohio Vote Probe - AP/ABC News
Conyers forum being repeated on c-span2 NOW
If early silence is any indication of coverage interest...
Do you trust Judith Miller as a journalist? I'm listening to a stream of
DU Vote Fraud Researchers: Try Demopedia!
Please! Where Were Tapes Thrown Out Due To Lack Of Space &
SFGate:Election fraud or just suspicions?
Three Possible Scenarios for Ohio Recount
So was the Bush base really big or what?
**Contact Information for Chairman Judiciary Committe and Blackwell**
Recount in Full Swing in Ohio! Cobb Urges Us to Contact Media!
Did Arnebeck file the lawsuit yet? It is now 12/9
f*ck faux hearings, right now we have FAUX PRESIDENT!!!
Voting Rights Kit for Taking Action - From Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.
OK, when is MSM going to really cover this?
SF Chronicle: 'Election fraud or suspicions?' - Great Article!
Ohio recount: An opportunity to examine computers/software?
Wow, I heard back from my local newspaper and it was not what I expected.
Zogby Polling Seeks Damage Control After Election Day Flub
Remember those screen shots with the mixed up data?
All I want is for you to send me a PDF file...
In response to Conyers needs emails lets get our troops to sign on
Statistical question RE suspect unchanging %
Karl Rove named Baba Wawa "fascinating person of the year"
"Apartheid Ballot Counting System in America"
UPDATE -- Judiciary Democratic Forum as of 12/9, Statements added
FBI News and Much More from Northcounty News
Faux Hearing will be the way the MSM deals with this
Google News lists 488 Stories on Fraud Investigation since Dec 6!
Grim constitutional issues regarding recounts
Help! Does anyone have the original figures from the Ohio Senate...
Spin continues: against Sharpton now
Phone in your election protests!
2 Arrested attempting to deliver letter to Blackwell
Diebold AccuVote Demo - Another Indication Of How Crappy Their App Is...
Senator Bill Nelson of Florida pledges support for Conyer's investigation
REPEAT!! "not that it would change the outcome....."
What precincts didn't require an I. D. to vote?
Untangling The Voter Controversies
Kerry:Not because it would change the outcome of the election...
Keith Blogs - 12/9/04: Reporter behind Rumsfeld grilling
OK, so this is tabulation of votes "American style"
Kerry should not be the face of "Take Back The Election" Movement
Job is done, now get out of town. One year on the Job? Hmmm
John and Elizabeth Edwards on Larry King
Jot down JOHN MCCAIN'S email address
Judy Woodruff...polling story...PFAW...CNN NOW!
HELP ..need answer to claim Freeman wrong because of sampling error
Coming up on CNN "Is it a myth that the 04 Election Ran Smoothly?"
Alert: Why are recount requests now being withdrawn??????
Bev Harris update -- "Activating the Eagles"
Warren County Ohio PLANNED FOR SHUT DOWN on Oct 28th
Jot down JIMMY CARTER's email address...
What happened to the DANISH REPORTER?
Election Day came off with surprising smoothness - OH Election Official
View this graph: Kerry probabilties were rising in the battleground states
C SPAN 2 Right Now-Voting Irregularities
What happened to the lawsuit that was going to be filed today?
Please, can someone transcribe the Conyers Forum tape?
Can we pull this off if all else fails?: THE "FAITHLESS" EIGHT
Clinton Curtis Election Fraud story in english (if this is true it's HUGE)
What is Sterns position on this ?
Ross County Ohio BOE Director "resents" "honesty and integrity" questioned
WTF!? Exit Polls Were Correct for Other Races
Jot down WALTER CRONKITE's email address
Cronkite and Carter - anyone know how to contact them?
December 11th - Ring Around the Ohio Capitol Protest
View this graph. And remember: undecided ALWAYS break FOR the challenger.
Its crunch time - MAKE IT HAPPEN!!
Blackwell's office in private building - 1st amendment right violation
Is it too arrogant to suggest that. we flip the Senator problem?
The Ohio Recount: Reluctant Officials and Few Rules
Evidence Dramatically Raises Suspicion of Election Tampering
SF Chronicle: Why Democrats Lost Ohio
Eliminating Exit Polls ... a new strategy?
Why aren't there post election ads about voter suppression
Effort to ask Edwards about irregularities on Larry King Live 9pm et
I owe an incredible debt of gratitude to everyone in this forum
How come.....we have "accurate" exit poll data on Moral Values...
Electoral Prediction made by website (polls and voting patterns combined)
The original post 7 pm exit polls - pre 12 rewieghting -give Kerry win
View this graph. Independent national polls had Kerry winning.
CLG's Michael Rectenwald on 'Scarborough Country' Dec. 9
Lucas County recount to begin Tuesday
View this graph: Kerry was ahead in the battleground states
If you don't count the white male votes, Kerry won 54%-45%
AP: Kerry to Visit Iraq During Mideast Trip
Warren County Registration Statistics! (also broken down by precinct)
Not an appeal, let's make a business proposal
AP - Hand Recount Starts in Wash. Gov. Race
A tidbit from Clermont, OH results.
View this graph: Bush tallies increased over the exit poll in 41states.
Baltimore Chronicle: 'Counting the Votes' (questioning ES&S)
exitpollz.org shows time of projections! VISIT NOW!
Statisticians as evidence: Gore's of 2000 was torn to pieces...
Baltimore Sun - another great article
Check out the suburban vote! Wouldn't this apply to Warren County?
Feeney Sent Letter to Ashcroft About Dems Intimidating Rethug Volunteers
Complain to Editor of WSJ - Article calling us "Bitterenders"
Red Hands Movement merchandise for sale and tips on rallies
Diebold Software and Impounding machines
List of OHIO ELECTORS for * - Need contact info !!!!!!!
Woo hoo! Kerry statement on election reform on Conyers' hearing site!
View this graph: The weighted state national polling trend was to Kerry.
I Need a Set of Election Fraud Links
European media picking up fraud! Link--Any translators?
The Wall Street Journal explains motives behind those shouting "FRAUD"
Dean sucked "media oxygen out of the hearing room"? Oh, come on.
Can we file a consumer class action lawsuit against MSM??
Might Warren County be the key?
When will the Revolution start?
LTTE from Diebold's Mike Jacobsen in today's Chicago Sun-Times
If Volusia is invalid - does that do something to the certification?
If you live in NYC please read!!
Carter to be on Chris Matthews Friday - email him about vote problems
Another EXCELLENT Adam Stone Article
Which states had straight party ticket voting & electronic voting machines
Complain to the Governor of Ohio...
Keep Kicked! Information to Media Task Force
Vote now for Fahrenheit 9/11 (Online voting for People's Choice Awards)
Find a Protest in Your Area or Start One Yourself
Is Cobb Running A Fundraiser Con Game? (Hit on Counterpunch)
View this graph. And remember, incumbents wih 48.5% approval always LOSE
Kerry: Exit polls (50.6%/311EV) MATCHED pre-election polls (50.52%/322EV)
San Francisco: A RALLY TO CHALLENGE THE TALLY will be held Saturday Dec 11
Arnie hires Swift Boat Smearers public relations firm
Iowa DUers...where'd you go to college?
Anybody else see Steve King become the butt of the joke on
Who here will be at the rally on Sunday
Boston Unveils Toys-For-Tickets Campaign
This is the time of year that charities ask for donations
Erich John Wagar Memorial Fund Benefit - Patricks Caberet, Monday 12/13
Republicans block casino plans!
Can anyone suggest a 'working' image hosting site?
Anybody involved with the Licking County Dem Party?
(Paul) O'Neill criticizes UPMC as he quits its board
Lynn Swann considering run for Pa. governor
Entity formerly known as Austin4Kerry Meetup Dec. 9
Restaurant check for Houstonians!
Proof that the media is NOT LIBERAL!!
Sept 7, the day that shall live in infamy
Mike Webb show streaming tonight?
Bush skips to the middle of the stage to cheer on his troops....
Barbara Walters interviewing Rove on ABC right now.
First Amendment Project on Sundance.
Please!!! I feel I must say this if nothing else but to clear my conscious
Bill Moyers speech upon receiving Harvard's Global Environment Citizen Awa
Kerry/Edwards' lie is unforgiveable
How to put out the fire in "Flamebait"!
Even Pat Robertson says that Christians were safer under Saddam
Col. Hackworth on recruiting problems..
If someone used a stun gun on YOU while imprisoned is it torture or abuse?
The Republican Destruction of Our Economy is gaining Critical Mass.
Kids! Now you can learn how to wage war in the name of liberation
I'm going to have some fun with freepers
Wash Post cited dozens of voting fraud incidents in Nov. 3 article. link
US Marine: Some comrades became 'psychopaths' who enjoyed killing civilians
Scientology's volunteers get frosty reception at fire scene (Hilarious)
The "terrorists" are everywhere....
Bush and Blair as Wise Men in nativity scene
Jesus said, "They hate me and they're gonna hate you too."
Why should we be the ones to "leave" the Party ??
Strange-Voiced Whale at Large in the Ocean -Study
Did anyone see Michael Moore on Barbara Walters last night?
Rate this Yahoo article on Conyer hearing (Op/Ed)
Witness: Driver Ignores Yelling Motorcyclist On Car's Hood
Something's Swishy About Shark Tale
Wash Post cited dozens of voting fraud incidents in Nov. 3 article. link
ByeBye Mia. Thanks for the ride.
Who else receives a word a day from dictionary.com? I ask
Oh BTW- remember the SC soldiers who refused to make the fuel run?
Anyone have info on the recent FCC auction of FM station in the South?
They steal our vote, and some of us say:
"Hillbilly Armor" nothing new to forces in Iraq (ABC WNT)
Was the 'Clinton Body Count' just a bit too convenient for the RW?
Atlanta: Air America is alive and well, to the surprise of naysayers
Politics and Shopping..Let put our $$ where out mouth is!
Please, Sir, May I Have Some Armor? | NYT slaps Rummy
anyone have the video of the green shoe bush family bizarro message?
Bush* just said our 'mission' is to spread peace.
Any comments on my slideshow? (re: *'s military uniform)
What kind of twisted judicial logic is this?
Is there a script of any/all of yesterday's forum about Ohio??
It's about time he got that physical >>>
Help Michael Moore and screw the repukes at the same time
can KERIK be confirmed? | check out this blast from Blumenthal!
Wedding Cake Guy (Brian Wms) Sees "No Prob" in No Minorities in Top Jobs
Keep Kicked: Information to Media Task Force
I have a question -- tax deductible donations
KERRY Any more Kerry dreams? Still collecting.
Government Secrecy Oaths Imperil Public
I would like to see the Democratic Party adopt these resolutions:
Bernard Kerik was a consultant for the makers of OxyContin.
Humorous, but sadly true comic. . . .
HA! Drudge-Rumsfeld set up; reporter planted questions with soldier
Any other Salon Premium Subscribers Mad About Lack of Vote Fraud Coverage?
So when are we getting Al Gore's news channel?
at the risk of exposing my ignorance, i must tell this story...
Burial within 24 hours after return to US?
Did Bush Get Lucky? Or Were the Odds Stacked in His Favor
smirk urges the Supremes to allow 10 commandments on gov. prop.
Fundies using "SPIRITUAL SPAM"
Bad dog! Hawai'i public schools considering drug dogs
Are NPR and PBS really in danger?
Schwarzenegger vs. patient care
Has anyone got a collection of Bush's creepy 'laying of hands' pics?
Fox Blocker - stops Fox on your TV
Brian Williams says there are no black senators
Bush has worn the dictator jacket once before..
Homophobic letter from American Family association outrages citizens
Michael Moore with Barbara Walters/Video clip
Rummy's sly Clinton bashing yesterday repeated by Tommy Franks on Today
Embedded reporter forced troops to applaud Rumsfeld question?
Bush Accuser Dies Of Drug Overdose
Ron Paul Denounces National ID Card
Please help out your local food bank.!!!!!
Americas' myths and contradictions:
Every inherent problem in your country is an opportunity
Did fart blossom Reagan end the cold war?
A Perfect Illustration of How To Fool The Public About Stocks
When Bush displayed his Fuehrer's jacket a couple of days ago,
Guys - here's a way to help Michael Moore. PLEASE DO THIS!
For a while the RW Repubs were peddling the idea that GW was
Right Wing Christian fascism now want to alter our history!!
Bush wants to ban gay writers from being read in school, no Streetcar?
My University's student government wants to ban military recruiters
Civil unions now legal in New Zealand (dupe?)
What do you expect turnout to be in the upcoming Iraqi 'election'?
Hey lurking Freepers, congress has sold us all out. What do we do?
Bush's Foreign Policy is based on the Ann Coulter Doctrine.
"Moderate" republicans vs right wing nut jobs....a story
My Congressman will be on Lou Dobbs tonight
Wonder how the freepers like Bush's gun control - New Freedom Commission?
Here's A Way To Stop Watching Right Wing Media And Keep Tabs On Them
Check out A Perfect Circle's anti-Bushista posters...
Did Pat Roberston pray for Judge Daschle's death?
I admit - I am in stubborn DENIAL
Were the Zogby's on Charlie Rose last night? My local station preempted
Randi Rhodes Is Tearing Shrub and Co
"More Freedom. Less Taxes. Vote Republican."
What's with La Rouche followers?
Here he is, folks--Dimebag's murderer
Honoring a Guardsman's request
The war of Science and Religion
Bush will outlaw masturbation!
Here come the Internets police
CLG's Mike Rectenwald on 'Scarborough Country' Dec. 9
idea for a Christmas gift....help end hunger....link from sojourner's mag
you will dig the latest nativity scene at "Tussaud's wax museum
new member of SC board of Ed....anti-semite, member of confed heritage gro
"West Wing" fantasies ridiculous to the point of grotesque
Great! Now the soldier who hassled Rummy was a plant?
My letter to the editor: Rumsfeld Query No Shock to Soldier's Wife
What is America going to look like a year from now?
Well it looks like Santa is the devil
Ohio election fraud uproar blasting to new level
a science fiction book from the 50s: US senators represent corporations
Does anybody have information on the corp. behind the Swiftboaters?
I have a suggestion for a new DU Group
Are you lucky enough to live in one of America's top twenty cities?
Something I got in my e-mail today....thought some would be interested.
ATTN: Young DUers! please explain.........
Damn technicalities! What's innocence got to do with it?
Hey Californian DUer's! What are your thoughts about Bill Lockyer?
Anyone remember the Neutron Bomb?
Caring for the Wounded in Iraq — A Photo Essay (Dec 9 2004--NEW)
Special announcement concerning "The Guy James Show"
How would you feel if your child were to enlist NOW?
Publish 'letters to' and 'responses from' representatives
Frank Rich, NYT: The Plot Against Sex in America
Please help in the effort to take down DeLay.........
TBTM helps kick off a new segment on the Thom Hartmann Show...
Vote now for Fahrenheit 9/11 (People's Choice Awards--online voting)
Damn CBS news...story on lack of armor...guy said "nobody ever
It's time to resell liberalism to this country.
MoveOn to Democratic Party: 'We Own It' - Guardian
Kitty Kelley got fired cause she dissed smirk in her book
Vote in People's Choice Awards, Best Movie: F911 !
Why Asians get cool gadgets and Americans don't
For the first time, my credit rating prevents me from a job interview
Intel Agent Strapped to Gurney, Flown Out of Iraq After Reporting Torture
British Nazi Party accidentally hires Black D.J.
Anyone listen to Dick Morris last night
Kucinich: “The Iraqis Will Not Be Handed Freedom Based On Lies”
Science - Good or Bad for Mankind?
Rev. Pat Robertson Spreading XMas Cheer: "Kwanzaa is an absolute fraud"
Vote For Fahrenheit 9/11 People's Choice Award Letter From MM
"It's our Party: we bought it, we own it, and we're going to take it back"
What is the real reason that Republicans want to bankrupt America
have any of you 'fuck the south' people actually been to the south?
Relgion - Good or Bad for Mankind?
O.K., Is It Time to Break off Relations with My Wingnut Vietnam Vet?
May I share a hard reality with my fellow DUers?
Is the United States a main-sequence empire?
Hell on earth: account of the last days of the Warsaw ghetto found
In 1940, things were fine in Germany
Dems are withholding senority from Cynthia McKinney
I found a really good low-carb pasta!
I need a rice recipe to go with tamales, por favor
Minnesota health plan won't pay hospitals for medical errors
North San Diego County Times: Anti-war activists protest Bush visit
LOCK THREAD, looks like it's an old article
Warren officials pledge reform
WP: IBM Stops Offering Cash-Balance Pension
LAT:Why Supervisors Let Deadly Problems Slide (King Drew Medical Center)
BBC-GM cocaine grown in Colombia
U.S. Army Deserter Seeks Canadian Asylum
Fired CIA official alleges retaliation for not faking WMD reports on Iraq
New Zealand passes civil unions bill
FBI: Harsh interrogation tactics producing "unreliable results
All Ohio counties facing presidential vote recount
Democrats to study alleged Ohio voting problems
Rumsfeld sidesteps India's concern about F-16s for Pakistan
Abuse 'continued after Abu Ghraib'
French Gov't to Sell Air France-KLM Stake
LAT: Baghdad Gas Crisis Blamed on Insurgent Sabotage
Congress digging into Illinois benefits claims (Veterans disability)
Hyping Terror For Fun, Profit - And Power
New York Inks Tourism Deal with History Channel
Soldier's Parents Send Photo Pins to Iraq (POW Maupin)
WP: IBM Reassures Workers After Milestone China Deal
(Fremont, CA) Avanex on course, but layoffs on way (210 jobs)
Baghdad Mortars, Mosul Bomb Kills Three
Attacks rock Iraqi city hailed as model of order
Thousands Of (Erie) County (NY) Workers Fear Layoffs (3,000 jobs)
Rumsfeld `Cavalier' on Iraq Gear, Dodd Says, Demanding Answers
Federal Appeals Judge Pickering to Retire
Judges consider Berlusconi ruling
Coast Guard Helicopter Crashes During Rescue
Saudi militant was ex-policeman
Army Emphasizes Convoy Training for Iraq
'Disgusted' by Chretien (PM tried to spring rapist son from jail)
Angry leader of Ohio Senate says, 'Go home'
FLORIDA: Republicans more confident of vote count, poll says
Iraqi interim president: Insurgents will be gone in a year
US seeks European troops for Iraq
US soldiers would kill civilians, says Marine (Independent)
Special Ops Members Punished in Abuse Case
RESTRICTIONS LIFTED: Wild horse sales plan defended
U.S. Combat Fatality Rate Lowest Ever --but severe injuries are up:-(
US defence secretary sidesteps India’s concern over F16s for Pakistan
S America launches trading bloc
Canada's highest court rules same sex marriages okay.
Ecuador dismisses Supreme Court
Jackson Vows to Continue Ohio Vote Probe - AP/ABC News
'Mercenaries' appeal in Zimbabwe : BBC breaking
Pledge 'under God' uproar dividing Estes residents (RMN)
Intel Agent Strapped to GurneyFlown Out of Iraq by U.S.Army After Report
US for stronger defense ties with India: Rumsfeld
Powell reaches out to Europe over Iraq amid new abuse scandal
UK Guardian: "We Have to Protect People" (banning gay literature)
(GW Univ) Marvin Center turns TVs back to CNN (from Fox News)
Soldier says he'd "feel safer in a Volvo"
Turkish food firm halts Iraq supplies
Powell Says He Won't Run for Office
Caring for the Wounded in Iraq — A Photo Essay (Dec 9 2004--NEW)
FBI Searches Saudi Arabia's PR Firm
Iraq Rebels Down But Not Out After Falluja Assault
Bush Taps Nicholson for Veterans Affairs
Franken re-ups with growing America
Teamsters Offer Plan to Reshape Labor Future
Pickering to Step Down From U.S. Appeals Court
Sacked CIA official alleges retaliation for not faking WMD reports on Iraq
Turnover Spreads to First Lady's Office
Kerik made millions from agency contractor
Harvard hire's detainee memo stirs debate
Radical Shiites Not on Iraq Election List
French Judge: ATMs Help Finance Militants
Armor Holdings Could Boost Humvee Armor Output 22%
Foreign dissidents facing U.S. hurdles to publishing
U.S. deserter fears 'social persecution'
ISS (Int'l Space Station) crew running low on food: Russian report
Lawmaker: Database Of Critical Sites "A Joke"
GPS Used to Track Teens' Driving
Insecurity in rebel bastion of Ramadi threatens elections
Peru summit nears a new United States of the Americas
Officer crisis hits Army Reserve
US seeks European troops for Iraq (BBC)
Hand recount begins in gubernatorial race - Washington state
Rep. Souder Joins Action Seeking to Reverse Abortion Ruling
Bush, Rumsfeld Try to Soothe Angry U.S. Troops
Gay Marriage OK in Canada (Canada Supreme Court)
Soldiers Radio now recording holiday greetings for troops
Rumsfeld: Airing Concerns Was Healthy
Sabotage Causes Russia Gas Explosion
OHIO: Local board 'disgusted' by last-ditch efforts
Breast cancer drug shows better results
Europeans Toast Powell With Farewell Gifts
NYT: Teamsters Offer Plan to Reshape Labor Future
Armor Holdings Could Boost Humvee Armor Output 22% (Update4)
U.S. accuses Israel of espionage
Officer crisis hits Army Reserve
Former Marine tells of "psychopaths"---(in his outfit)
WP/Reuters: Martha Stewart Sets TV Comeback After Jail
Kerry to Visit Iraq, Middle East
Bush Administration Breaks Silence to Back Annan
Rebels seize 2 police stations in town once pacified by U.S.(Samarra)
Rumsfeld and Bush Say Troop Complaints Are Being Addressed
Hostility Toward Gay Youth Rises Post Election Group Says
U.S. gives rosy picture of rebuilding Iraq
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday 9 December
Anti-Bush thong protesters plan lawsuit over arrest
Heil-raisers move into Bay State(neo-Nazi setting up group in Boston)
Congressman wants 'raw' exit poll data
One billion 'denied a childhood'
Bush Close to Completing Cabinet With Reappointments (Update3) Bloomberg
Bush Administration Expresses Confidence in Annan(says Danforth)
U.S. General Slightly Hurt in Turkey
Sean Hannity inks 25M radio contract
Bush, Rumsfeld Try to Soothe Angry U.S. Troops
Area Activists Demand FBI Probe - North County News (NY)
U.S. household debt up 9.1% in Q3
Fla. Changes Rules on Ex-Felons' Rights
Breaking CNN: Reporter from TN says the armor question planted
Judge Charles Pickering announces retirement from federal bench
Organizers request U.S. Senate recount (Alaska)
Housing costs reaching crisis levels in California
Bush to Undergo Physical on Saturday
Which one is the toy gun? (Airsofts problem in U.S. and Iraq)
Venezuelan President Approves Media Law
General: Fallujah Almost Cleared of Arms
San Francisco's "religious left" supports gay marriage bill
Jobless claims higher than expected (357,000 - up 8,000)
Rossi gains four votes in early recount
Fort Carson halts access for The (Denver) Post (don't like the coverage)
Hate fliers surfacing on driveways(Eugene,Oregon)
Bush: No Payroll Tax Hike for Social Security
Unprecedented Security for Inauguration
Ex-Congressman Arrested: Delivering letter to Blackwell
Court: Mom's Eavesdropping Violated Law (can't listen in on your kids)
Britain's secret plan for new global climate pact [timesonline]
Weather Delays Full Flight Test of Missile Defense System
MoveOn to Democratic Party: 'We Own It'
Biden sets foot on road to 1600 Pennsylvania
Creditors fight over CyberNET Group toys
AP: Famous Atheist (Antony Flew) Now Believes in God
Lynn Swann considering run for Pa. governor (Repub - Big * Supporter)
Texas man executed on disproved forensics
At Least 5 Dead, 2 Wounded In Nightclub Shooting (Dimebag Darrell Dead)
Japanese troops will spend extra year in Iraq
Laptops may be hurting men's fertility
Diehard Democrats declare election fight not over in Ohio
Teen's mom rekindles debate over novel (blue state book banning)
School Defends Slavery Booklet
I broke down and bought a Sonicare toothbrush
I think Nightline is going to repeat news from 24 years ago
Have you ever dreamt you were the opposite sex?
Anyone play frisbee with their boss at the workplace?
Tyson arrested after allegedly jumping on car outside nightclub
NEWSFLASH! Nicolette Sheridan is NOT that "hot"
What they REALLY want (picture)
Just voted in The Peoples Choice Awards and notice something
I could use some Rose Bowl/Rose Parade advice.
What happened with Rhino 47 and the lunatic neighbor?
Your thoughts on Mike Malloy's assessment of Bush as a giggling madman
In honor of the moment, because you're all prime
Parking violators can pay tickets with toys
Quick poll for you rockers out there...
Firefighters enter home looking for children, find cats instead
"what our pets do when we are not at home"
Bit Torrent users, I call on thee.
At Least 5 Dead, 2 Wounded In Nightclub Shooting
Der Fuhrer Bushler, Il Duce Busholini, or Emperor Bushido?
DU College Students & Teachers can you please answer a question for me
Has anyone here ever been to Montana?
Damn, What the hell happened to the band Filter?
Jimmy Carter reading from his new book tonight (12/09/04)
Gimme a dollar,yeah what are you cheap ?
Concussions kept Tintin forever young
Uses Of The Word "Dude" Deciphered
Is Jesus just alright with you?
Man Attacks Clerk With Hamburger - Charged With Assault
City Now Allows Residents To Own BOTH Cats AND Dogs
Honest Question. What is an "Uncle Tom?"
CStT or anyone else: I need your help!
I just HAVE to call special attention to this.
Thursday morning thread about last night's "Lost"....(spoilers)
A day without any cable TV or internet
Jolly good game at the Beeb, if you like pigeons.
Teaching religion (Christmas) to kids as an atheist
What is your opinion of the new U2 album?
Take Britney Spears' clothes off!
December 9, 1957 (For fans of '50s rock 'n' roll)
Mel Gibson begins his Final Solution
i want to switch my mom to (dem) dish network.
Any (ex-)cheerleaders, coaches, cheer parents around?
I killed ZombyWoof's Lounge Poetry Slam thread!!!
Congo poachers leave bonobo at risk
Spent the night watching "Imagine" three times.
Gunman kills guitarist on stage
UCC ad airs on History Channel
Anybody know of an outdoor/water resistant digital camera?
How to put out the fire of "Flamebait"....
K-9 Officer Bites Nude Man Genitals
What is the best news web site?
I hope to be able to post this
I don't remember who, but someone last night mentioned albino squirrrels
Am I being paranoid? Listen to this....
What happened on All My Children today?
Friends, do you suffer with embarrassing B.O?
Nude Policeman Bites Dog in the Genitals
How do health insurance benefits compare across states???
i am the 1st ever scratchtard champion
Is anyone else having trouble logging on to AIM?????????????????????????
Is there a particular DU'er you always reply to?
anyone have any links showing what scum littlegreenfootballs.com is?
Babylon 5 Movie Starts Filming in April
Some Things To Do Before The Inaugural. . .
I seem to be IN and I can't get OUT
What is your favorite Poker variation?
I know Home Depot gives to the Thugs, what about Lowe's?
Do you have an office/workplace "mooch"?
Up to 30 SANTAS busted by British cops Brawling in Road Race
Laugh-In or the Smothers Brothers?
Man Acquitted of Rape; Says He Was Asleep
Pass the Cheese... I'm gonna whine
Husband prevails before Unemployment Commission....
Focker families getting into Universal Studios for free
I just found out my S.O. is pedantic
I just found out my S.O. is psychedelic. Trippy!
Bewtiched or I Dream of Jeannie
I've ALMOST escaped ..... ask me almost anything
Need encouragement...exam tomorrow...would rather cruise the Lounge
We're having a "White Elephant Gift Exchange" here at 1pm.
£28,000 ($53,787) truffle rots in fridge
Internet Porn Worse than Crack says Senate Subcomittee
Do you have Blue Santa where you live ?
I just want your extra time... and your....
The "Please Do Not Open Till Christmas" CAPTION
I've never lived with a Freeper before. What should I know?
What A Curious Life We Have Found Here Tonight
I have a suggestion for a new DU Group
How long before * starts awarding himself medals...
Do We Have Any Polar Bears Here?
The "And Here's the Kicker..." CAPTION
Tis the season for Electrical Stupidity: A safety notice from the Grinch
Anybody here know how to use the GIMP?
Al Franken just slammed O'Reilly!
I've gone over 200 posts! Don't ask me a damn thing...
"Problematic" Drunk Danes unnerve J.Lo: WHEN will the MADNESS end?
If you work at a sandwich shop, please be aware of terrorists!
Some workable ABSTINENCE EDUCATION for men
Aack! I took a wrong turn on the latest page
Lindsay Lohan caught lip synching on Good Morning America, a nation weeps
Do men like being a girl's first?
The Most Ungrateful People on Earth
Man killed after falling out of moon roof of his moving car
Dear, Dogs And Cats - From Your Owner
Terrorist Lawn-Mower Mounted Cavalry Firebombs Dover, N.H. house
woman asks for birthday cards for her son
Play along people. Do men like to be a girl's first "date?"
Budget deficit / learning deficit toon . . .
Are mixed marriages in trouble?
Oh LORD how many hath CAPTIONed against me?!?!?
To those who work in retail...
I am trying to randomize a test, and failing, ask me anything
gorillas (the ape kind) hold wake
Worst Concert Disaster of All Time
Italian speakers, I have a question about pronounciation.
downloaded a codec for windows media player; now DVDs wont' play
Man, 35, on the run from authorities, poses as a High School Teen
John Edwards is going to be on Larry King Live Tonight.
Favorite Organic Low-Impact Sustainable Fair-Trade Food Joint?
Pardon me while I throw out my shoulder.
Any "Dark Skies" fans in here?
anyone watching the ordination of the new Harrisburg bishop???
I dreamt that Diego Rivera was my boyfriend.
Off to New Zealand and Antarctica
whohoo, no liberty university for me
Bennington to ban public nudity
Almost 200 Pantera items newly listed today on eBay...
I dreamed that that Wascally Wabbit was my girlfriend!
Gwyneth Paltrow- who is she? Discuss.
What do you like in your little burro
I just threw a rabbit up a tree!
I dreamt that Wassily Kandinsky was my girlfriend.
I just threw up roasted rabbit and some tea
I just blew up roasted rabbit and some tea
Gift suggestions for a five year old girl
There's a chair in the tree outside
New Species of Guinea Pigs Discovered: a 'faithful' guinea pig
Do you drink Sambuca? It's a not-so-new liquor...
I hate it when I can't tell the difference between...
I Need A Place to Go For My Anniversary Tomorrow
DU, you are beautiful and compassionate
How Fit Are You? Take My Useless Quiz
Hey, I'm in my new home...and leeching of the neighbour's WiFi!
I have to put my beautiful doggie to sleep today
Notre Dame Aide Shaves Head in Protest Of Willingham's Firing
Whenever life gets you down, Mrs. Brown
Study links drinking hemlock with having republican children....
Rhythmic sounds at bedtime, soothing or maddening?
I just finished listening to my entire music collection (2 days+ nonstop)
LOST has officially replaced ALIAS as my favorite TV show.
Should I bother going to the store for dinner, or get Chinese?
Has anyone physically tried to copy a cat?
Karen Hughes takes a moment to relax in between writing Bush speeches
Study links diet pills, having gay children
Describe your most embarrassing moment, EVER.
standing in the shadows of matcom
Rassafrassin Frickenfrackin moneyseekers!
Ralph Neas of People for the American Way on CNN NOW! Discussing
can i make a grilled cheese with mozzarella?
Do not respond to this thread.
Famous atheist now believes in God
What do you think of the Masons?
Bill Shatner (Captain Kirk) for DNC Chairman
Standing in the Shadows of Motown
Oxymoron list for today. . . .
Does anyone know the real story behind the Allison Williams scandal in Va?
American Girl Christmas Special had some good (liberal) messages
For Those Sports Fans Who Like To Scout Good Young Players
Is there any way to get pictures/video off my phone not using email?
How old were you when you... well, you know?
Do you like Reuben Kinkaid's management?
Dimebag Darrell(Damage Plan, Pantera) Shot Dead...
How old were you the first time you made a "how old were you" poll?
Tube* firm turns to eBay for train parts
*sigh*SURVIVOR just won't be the same without Ami
needed: photo of Bush with fly open
Here are my holiday pet peeves...
Did anyone see 'Wife Swap' last night?
Let us now praise Audrey Tautou
It's hard to let go of those you love.
Where is the best place to download songs?
Dimebag Darrell (Pantera/Damageplan) and 4 others shot dead
The Ultimate All Time Best of the Worst Movies, EVER:
Funny eBay listing! Selling Pecans to buy gift for hated Stepmother
I hate getting my mail after everything is closed.
Thomas Kinkade plastered everywhere or Eyes poked out with an Ice Pick
I'm considering ordering HRC checks.....what do you think?
My mother has the face of an angel, the heart of a saint...
Hairy Toes Play Role in Peeping Tom Case
I've been to see the opthamologist. Now I can't see anything.
There’s nothing like a catholic girl.
Anyone else think the new CNN commercials are kinda funny...
Pale Male is back, rebuilding his nest on the ledge.
Is It DAMNED Time LynneSin Made Good On Her Bet With Matcom?
I just found out my S.O. is bi-pedal
Does the Parents Television Council have anything else to do other than...
Just another reason to Love & Miss Freddie Mercury: He was a Cat Lover
Let us now praise George Wendt.
Another reason to miss Fat Freddie Freak: He was a Kat lover.
My mother has to have her aortic valve replaced
The "Drunk with Power" CAPTION
The "Men's Room-a-la-Carte" CAPTION
The "Secrecy in a Digital Age" CAPTION
You are getting sleepy....When you open this thread you will sleep...
Because I'm bored, a gratuitous CAT thread!!
Spyware - I Followed All The Great Instructions From DU Thread
British asshats trash your favorite musicians in the Guardian
Oh dear god, dad's in a diabetic coma...
Other than DU/Democrats/politics, what's your cause?
Kurosawa dreamt I was Vincent Van Gogh
My dog just chased a girl up a tree.
Finding out that your sports heros are Repukes.
What song are you listening to right now?
DCers and visitors! what's your favourite monument/memorial/museum?
I hit 1000 posts and didn't notice! Ask me anything!
What "rules of life" do you live by?
Do you have a favorite Plaid Adder column?
What were your favorite childhood toys or games (non-video or computer)?
What brand of Cigarettes do you smoke?
Monty Python limited edition SPAM!!
Describe your worst date ever.
Help! What are some good discussion groups(not chat) for TV shows?
yvr girl is a terrible, awful, horrible person - discuss (please disagree)
What ruins your romantic moments? The uglier the better.
My first "Ask me Anything!" Topic for my birthday today!
A tribute thread to sustained musical greatness...A Ha
Joel Veitch is crazy...he's also knicker-wetting funny
Check out the mother and her albino bear cub.
who here has ever seen a skink?
Just how is "chicken fried chicken" different from just plain old
Times are hard; you're afraid to pay the fee...
Choose a musical artist and answer ?s using their song titles:
In honor of all our new DUers, I'd like to welcome you
DU Women: What kind of franchise bar would appeal to YOU?
This is Fluffy. He is the Destroyer of Worlds.
To me, The Chicago Blues is Muddy Waters, he even crossed over
Do you take Cymbalta? It's a new SSRI . . .
Here he is, folks--Dimebag's murderer
Are you comfortable with your given name?
Commercials that just PISS YOU OFF?
ok, some creeps in dark suits knocked on my door about an hour ago
If you're single is it because.....?
The DU Gallery has been MOVED, IMPROVED, and UPDATED!
It's the *~*Stream of Consciousness*~* Thread!
Festive Pasta Dish For Holiday Pot Lucks
Animal Liberation Press Office Opens
M. Doughty double CD release ... Wow!
Call MSNBC to complain about their acceptance of religious bigotry
Einstein: On Cosmic Religious Feeling
Estimating the impact of the next influenza pandemic: enhancing preparedne
Breast cancer drug hailed as greatest advance in 30 years
Mars Was Wet, Studies Say, But Was It Inhabited?
Researchers take on imaginary playmates -- for real
Cap Harnesses Human Thought to Move PC Cursor
Strange-Voiced Whale at Large in the Ocean -Study
New Comet Now Visible to Naked Eye
Is Science Making Us More Ignorant?
Gorillas hold 'wake' for group's leader
Vaccine Manufacturers and the homosexual agenda
Iowa School Board Bans Gay Book From Classrooms
I hereby salute our free neighbor to the North.
New Zealand Passes Gay Unions Law
Study links diet pills, having gay children
Right-wing takeover: HRC to support privatizing Social Security
Israel To Recognize Same-Sex Couples
Outgoing Notre Dame president criticizes firing of Willingham
ByeBye Mia. Thanks for the ride.
The Winter Meetings are starting
I can't believe Holmgren is still bitching about that call.
The Sonics are playing incredible ball
2004 UCONN makes NCAA Basketball history!!!
I Wouldn't Want To Get Into A Fight With The 12th Man On The Nets
I am getting nervous about my dreams lately.
Stones, Crystals, and Sacred Jewelry
Researchers take on imaginary playmates -- for real
Thank you to all who post here. I appreciate so much your time
A support group for Atheists at MySpace
Now it's my turn in the hospital
Famous Atheist Now Believes in God
I can't believe they tried to hijack my b-day thread
'Going Upriver': not just campaign film
Howard Dean in on C-span 2 starting right NOW 12:55 am Eastern
Quote of the day: Donald Rumsfeld
"Intelligence" = Secrecy = Corruption
How to put out the fire in "Flamebait"!
Why can't we make a decision as a Party ?
When will our soldiers realize; RW AMERICA DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOU.
Ohio Nurses gain a victory for the elderly and disabled.
C-Span nut-case just called in and said that Clinton should be in jail
Sen. John Edwards LIVE TONIGHT with Larry King
Is progressive populism dead when it comes to running for President?
High Prescription bills? Send them in!
Senator Kerry, please tell me you are sitting tight and letting ** make a
U.S. President George W. Bush is chased by a cicada... >>>
Primary Scab Picker: Did Brazille want Mosely Braun in to deflect Sharpton
I just viewed "so sorry" again.....
Couric: Rumsfeld went for a little morale booster, got an earful
Keep Kicked: Information to Media Task Force
Help "Fahrenheit 9/11" Win the People's Choice awards
San Francisco: A RALLY TO CHALLENGE THE TALLY will be held Saturday Dec 11
My favorite coincidence regarding the takeover of the US- what's yours?
Did anyone read Arianna's article in Salon?
Army base kicks out the Denver Post
Another example of the crappy "morals" of bushbots
if books are censored, do books on govt's censoring books get censored?
Bush "doing everything we possibly can to protect your loved ones"
If you thought Kerik was a goon but wasn't sure ...
A Canadian friend who lives in U.S. was stopped at the border after
I just got an email from MoveOn Pac...
Diehard Kerry Supporters: Do you really believe he would "Un-Concede?"
Wow, Wayne Barrett rips Sharpton a new one in this weeks Voice cover story
An Overlooked Dimension of the Republican Psychosis We are Up Against
Biden Says Eyeing 2008 White House Run
MSM's half-assed coverage of Rumsfeld
Question for the 'moderate republicans' who post on DU.
Another take on the "moving Left/Right" issue
Is Liberalism Dead? (Dupe, self-deleted)
Randi just hit a home run re: "the army we want"
Feinstein: 'It got a little dicey'
Conyers and the Minority Leadership of the Judiciary want your opinion!
OMG! Condi Rice For President?!
US military recruitment levels are ONLY AT 50% OR LESS. DRAFT IMMINENT.
Rumsfeld cites soldiers critical question as evidence of Liberty
US troops; limb amputations at TWICE rate of prior wars.
Did Rummy Lie About Doing All They Could To Protect Troops?
Donna Brazile is not on the short list for DNC chair
Was John Stuart Mill Right Or Wrong?
A lot of discussion about the DNC chair...
Sen. Baucus threatens to block Treasury nominee
What Is Your Opinion Of George Bush?
DU this poll on Intelligent Design
Dowd goes medieval on Rumsfelds azz ("immoral") Wow
Just found out my wife's reporting the DNC meeting tomorrow!
WHERE DO YOU SHOP? Which companies / stores donated $$ to Democrats
Amb. Danford just said on cnn that the Bush Adm had confidence in
The reporter behind the question to Rumsfeld...
MoveOn: We bought it, we own it
Move on.org,Who will lead the Democratic Party?
Alabama rep meets w/ Bush 5X to ban gay books, Clarke couldn't get in once
We will not win another election, ever.
Why pick Dean instead of LaRouche for DNC chair?
bush & Rumsfailed you MURDERING LYING SOBs!!!!!!!!!!!
Help! Question about "They hate your christ" Dobson comment
Electoral College Reform Ideas?
Several Military Recruiting Vehicles Burned in Recent Days
What Color Democrat do you prefer for 2008?
What is your opinion of Al Sharpton?
HEH! My "Conservative" Co-Worker Just Approached Me About National ID Card
I'm concerned that we'll become inured to the repug outrages.
Is the "Stop Dean" movement already in motion?
Dean: "It's about people, not just money." Op ed in The Hill today.
'JUSTICE', an uplifting political film--Have you seen it or heard of it?
Please help in the effort to take down DeLay.........
Any VIDEO of Rumsfeild getting hammered about lack of armor???
Why Hillary Should Never Be President
Nifty article from SF Chronicle | Election fraud or just suspicions?
Letting Foreign Born Citizens run for President: A Modest Proposal
Name your favorite GOP Democrate.......(1) Lieberman
I must admit it: REPUBLICANS are not that bad
Why the "Party of Responsibility" is brilliant against the Bush Admin?
Is high unemployment part of the Republican agenda?
Kerry to travel to Iraq, meet with troops. What does this mean?
How, exactly, was Kerry a DLC candidate?
Why are we endlessly fighting wars over Howard Dean?
I'm sorry, but it's time for 'Take No Prisoners Howard' Dean as DNC chair
I never voted for a Dem in a presidential race before Nov. Here's why:
Which of these two House members do you prefer?
Pelosi says "...troops in Iraq are practicing Good Will Towards Men."
CBS lies about Atrios blog; progressive blogs under attack
Democratic Base......The DLC`s indentured servants
New RW target: Interracial sex
Tom DeLay sought to jail those who filed ethics complaint
Today's big fat media distortion
Trading Integrity For "Family Values"?
The real question is NOT will Kerry unconcede....
The CRUX of the move left/right argument- PLEASE READ.
Arianna Huffington: the importance of the next DNC chair
Bill Moyers's last story on NOW about right-wing media!