Democratic Underground

Archives: January 1, 2004

PAUL KRUGMAN: Workers don't share in the 'boom'

LOL! Now we know who's behind Big BFEE

Journalists Take Flak in Iraq:LAURA ROZEN (The Nation

Paul Krugman's New Years Resolutions

Bush Faces a Challenging Year: The Turn From War to Peace :Robin Wright

Zvi Bar'el (Ha'aretz): Catching Saddam was the easy part

A resolute way out of our funk: SEATTLE POST EDITORIAL BOARD

Threats to democracy at Code-Red level: Edward Wenk Jr. excellent read

Madison Capital Times: What To Say About 2003

New Mark Crispin Miller book on the way!

Selective Intelligence, by Seymour M. Hersh

Global Eye -- Head Master

Will the French Indict Cheney?: Doug Ireland(The Nation)

Heroes and Villains of 2003

Nine hundred and Eleven Missing Pieces

Black News: Bush*s Optimism Precludes Reality

The year 2003 in quotes and quibbles- Seattle P-I

Bush backlash will unite Democrats in 2004

Dean Giving Foes Fodder- Even Carville Unloads on Dean

Prosecutor tells of 'false accounting' at Parmalat (Italy's "Enron")

Expensive Fun- Howard Dean Needs t o Grow Up

Will media complain if the "independant report" doesn't explain no shoot

WP's Ceci Connolly's no-GOPspin article"Dean Labels Bush 'Reckless' -why?

Florida 94000 voting list error to get 12000 person correction-media says?

Happy New Year, Meeting Room!

Saturn Rings In The New Year - brushes close to Earth

Coming To America.(Somali Bantu family leaves the 19th C. life for 21st )

Shifting Poles..........

Weird Plants Taking Root in Everyday Gardens

Earth changes its spin, baffles scientists

A better 2004 is written in the stars

Forensic Expert Says Bigfoot Is Real

Feingold To Lead Anti-Amendment Battle

10 technologies to watch in 2004

WOW! Talk about "off road" vehicles!

Anger over Koizumi's shrine visit

Pessimism Hides S. Africa's Gains

(Colombia) 39 Militia Fighters Killed in Leftist Attack

New Jersey .50 Caliber Ban

Can one of you answer that phone?

1st post of 2004

How about a buddy indicator

Could you post this out front

Could someone explain this inconsistency re: Locking a flamebait thread?

Question for administrators re: 9/11

Blatant misprepresentation

Perhaps a "terms FAQ"?

Rule modification to increase civility.

May I get a ruling on this please....

Spell check?

Mods - suggestion for dealing with multiple alerts

Why is this sig line allowed?

I still fail to see how my sig line violates DU rules

praise to admins

many posts being deleted and lock , while...

posting by the rules?

this is inflamatory?

Is this new sig URL acceptable?

Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I have a request on My Posts

Clarification of I/P signature line rule...

Israel to double settler numbers on Golan Heights

15 people injured in protest against W. Bank security fence

Army lifts Jenin blockade; two IDF officers wounded in Nablus blast

Fence route is moved, scrapping 2 enclaves

Israelis, Palestinians to Climb Mountain

Apartheid wall killing people: Rabbi

State funding $1m road to Kahane seminary at illegal outpost

Israeli army to lift Jenin blockade

Relative Humanity: The Fundamental Obstacle to a One State Solution

Palestinian population rises to 8.7m in 2003

Edwards Calls For End To Bush's Two Americas

Edwards in USAToday - Walter Shapiro

Edwards Unveils Plan to Protect Americans on the Job

PSR | WY-AL: Akin Tries Again to Unseat Barbara Cubin

Warning: Only 30 minutes left to donate to Clark this quarter!

Warning: Only 30 minutes left to donate to Dean this quarter!!!!

Proof Bush Knew - Project Bojinka

Happy new year to our Canadian friends.

the Hole... Size does Matter ...End of story

One Cattle Rancher's Defense Against Mad Cow

for those obsessed with Mad cow

other things that need to be considered re: 911

Was the 1st plane hit on WTC documented on film or video?

Black Cow.... by Steely Dan What are you listening to

Now On: Amb. Joe Wilson on Mike Webb Show (KIRO Seattle)

corporate goons got some ideas about "displaced"

Question for moderators re: 9/11

resolve for 2004...ignore iraq!

Bush in 30 seconds, check out 30 second ads and vote for your fav

Question: How would people protest the"drumbeat of fear?"

Mad cow shoe bomber shark attack killer flu almanac carrying car bomber

doesn't this CSPAN thread belong here.....nothing about primary

A better idea than "free college"

Question about Uncovered Iraq War documentary

Tit for Tat: Brazil to fingerprint US citizens

Bushspeak translated

Dept. of Who is the Economy For?

Voter Registration Strategies--How you and I can register 1000 new voters!

Question: Tongue planted firmly in cheek.

2004: The Year of Newton

On CSpan right now--Terence Jeffrey, Human Events Editor--Disgusting

Daddy Matcom's Take On The Election (Remember, He Once Was Repuke)

US plan to invade for oil: secret memo

Catch phrase for the New Year; "Unprecedented Security"

"Four Freedoms" under FDR and today under Bush

Army Times photos of fallen soldiers took 8 pages-Deadliest since 1972

The truth shall set you free, we must strive to get the truth mainstream..

A better 2004 is written in the stars

replay of robert dreyfuss from mother jones on c-span

Can Clinton Save his Candidacy? - June 92 Repugs Gloating!

Reporters say * is holed up in Crawford.

New Year's morning daydream/nightmare

Un-American Recovery

Mad Cow...

Does anyone think the public is catching on to the “terralert”

David Brown, Recollection Books, and the Daily Bleed

everything you wanted to know about MadCow - everything

Something I dont understand about fundies...

Britain: US Planned '73 Arab Invasion

UNCOVERED is brilliant

New Year's Gift From Willie Nelson!

Tens of Thousands Rally for Full Democracy in Hong Kong

Does anyone maintain a list of companies who offshore?

Stupid Question regarding Leak-Gate...

Almost 500 dead troops. Yeah, Happy New Year!

Where is Baker?

After June when the US leaves Iraq.

The Medicare bill: it's something

Dictatorship goes constitutional

Apathy will be the death of us all.

Jack Cafferty being sued for $10M by bicyclist he hit (and ran from)

Anybody think it's time to expose who Bush really is?

Dolphins Evolve Opposable Thumbs

Department of Homeland Security Cracks down on Broward!

Ms.Magazine: women of CODEPINK, one of the "Women of the year"

why was there LESS security during this "Alert" (NYC edition)

Check out this obnoxious "worst of" list in the Trib...

Thinking of near vegetarian, looking for grass-fed beef

Why hasn't there been another terrorist attack since 9/11?

I need a report on the Patriotic act? Amendment violations .

what does atrios and eschaton mean?

Michigan going down in Rose Bowl!!!

Anyone ever read "Leftism Revisited"?

State Sees Surprising Number Of New Democrats

When did the fundies, neocons and other wingnuts take over the Republicans

Family and the holiday discussions (let's hear the horror stories)

Interesting & weird trend in one of the forums hosted by KTUL (Tulsa)

DU this poll

Donald Wildmon's Gay Marriage Poll: Beat the Freepers!

American's For Regime Change In Iran!

Fear Fatigue

The millionaire next door

Key West Church of God thinks the rapture will come in '04

Who are your heroes and villans of 2003?

Move On anti-bush tv ads fund

Bushies say if they ask nicely other countries will send troops to Iraq

Bush just spoke from hunting trip "ate beef today".

Brazil to photograph and fingerprint every U.S. citizen entering country

911 timeline/reports imply Bush refused to order shoot down - media says?

If "Pickles" is a "Dud" then which "First Lady" would be a Complement?

Questions about Mad Cow...

Read this and you will never ridicule tinfoilhatters again.

Barney Frank needs to get his ass kicked in the primary...

DoD Reports up to 22,000 U.S. Casualties

Kissinger and Argentina: a case study in US support for state terror

Creepy Christian on CSPAN

Remington Razor Anti France Radio Commercial

Quebec politics is such a

Please read - insane new year wish-list from my local neo-con rag.

The Bubble of American Supremacy

Finally had enough of the BS from sister-in-laws husband...

Back and Forth on Traitorgate/FITZGERALD Appointment

Did they capture Saddam and if true WHEN

Year of Fear: Welcome to 2004

EPA won't ban use of treated sewage

If you could pick one Hollywood celebrity to run for President..

In the past, have you ever considered yourself to be a Republican?

Arnold to cut, cut, and cut

Are pro-Iraq War people "Bush loyalists"?


What are your non-DUish political beliefs?

Huge news in PA, Barbara Hafer switches party, could defeat Santorum

District Reaches Settlement Over Mass Arrests Other Lawsuits Pending From

5 killed in Kirkuk ethnic clashes

India News: India not sending troops to Iraq: Sinha

Japanese troops' departure for Iraq signals shift in defense policy

It's No Surprise

Kangaroo court claim on trials of Cuba detainees

Bomb Kills Nine New Year Revelers in Indonesia's Aceh Province

Rehnquist scolds Congress over reducing judges' discretion in sentencing

Guardsmen, reservists bear growing share of America's death toll in Iraq

Democrats' Plan for Early Nominee May Be Costly

Most U.S. Iraq Deaths Are Reservists

Demand for BBC bias probe

US ready to seize Gulf oil in 1973

Under heavily armed guard, N Y rings in 2004 with dropping of Times Square

India to test longer-range Agni ballistic missile soon

U.S. Dual-Use Devices Made Their Way to Iraq

8 Die in New Year's Car Bomb Blast in Iraq

FEC to Divide $15.4M Among 6 Candidates

DCF lags in probes of child deaths (Florida)

Bulgarians in Karbala under Highest Security Alert (5 Dead)

Bombing Leaves Upscale Iraqi Neighborhood Deeply Shaken

Bush* Plans on Global Warming Alter Little

Dean outpoints opponents in latest fund-raising spree

U.S. crude oil prices high, likely to go higher

Air travellers face chaos in US crackdown

Halliburton to lose Iraq oil project

It isn't business as usual for Halliburton ("Drive-by" Estimating)

U.S. Sees No Need to Test All Cattle

Goodwill will be answered with Goodwill (Iran)

Hoon says troops still be in Iraq in 2005

Qatar discloses mediation in Iraq, Libya and Sudan

Neil Bush Makes 1-Day Stock Windfall from former consulting job

Chief Justice Blasts Congress on Sentencing

India Eyes New Spaceplane Concept

Germany invited to D-Day events

US ready to seize Gulf oil in 1973

Officials Worry About Sea-Based Terror

US has got wrong men, Iraqi families claim

UN hands Iraqi funds to occupying force

American Found Dead in Oman, Police Investigating

Baghdad Commander Optimistic, Details Operation Iron Grip

Bush pissed over Dem attacks

British police to train Iraqi police

Feingold: Don't ban gay unions in Constitution

Head of Leak Probe Called Relentless

Pontiff calls for "new international order"

Digital Warfare System Adapted for Iraq

British Airways Cancels Flight to D.C.

Talking dirty with Neil Bush

Saddam loyalists suspected in New Year's Eve blast

Superdome Becomes Fortress for Sugar Bowl

UK Welcomed Pinochet's Bloody 1973 Chilean Coup

Bush Touts Beef Amid Mad Cow Concerns

The return of gold

Schwarzenegger to Swing Big Ax on Budget

9/11 conspiracy theories abound, and inquiry takes note

Powell admits US foreign policy mistakes

Medical Malpractice Insurer Raises Rates by 45 Percent (after lawsuit limi

Rising Iraqi Civilian Death Toll Dampens Public Opinion Toward Insurgency

Japan government considers pre-emptive military strikes

Jane Fonda to bring activists to Guatemala to denounce murders..

Hey E Coasters.............WOO HOOO!!

It's midnight EST.....

Keith Olbermann is the only thing worth wild on MSNBC!

First Post of 2004

Happy New Year, everybody!

Happy New Year East coast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Harvey Birdman rocked


Only regret this NYE...

A toast!!!!

G'Night all! Gotta go pour some champagne for CMT!

New York suffers from...

PLEASE! Come watch PBS with me.

U2 concert on PBS

happy new year, DUers

.......groan................................................Don't ask...

It's going to be one or the other in 2004

This is my last post of 2003

Happy New Year Central States!!!!

Margarita and Sushi - What are you doing for NYear?

5, 4, 3, 2, 1...HAPPY NEW YEAR! (In Alabama)

I feel like I am floating!!!!

Aww, Uncle Dickie. I'm so sorry about the Halliburton contracts.

happy new years CST


Well, I'm leaving in 20 minutes to take pics

Sould I go to bed?

what I didn't like of the g-o-v in 2thou3(punks may understand what I say)

New Year's Day is my wedding anniversary

My Sad New Year's post - don't read unless you want a moodkill

since its officially 04, time to bust out the bush mispeak calendar!

Happy New Year in the Rocky Mountain states!!

G.I. Joe fun for the New Year

why is Murdock selling the Dodgers?

For 2004, my resolution is to never say

So who's takin HEyHEY's drunk ass home tonight?

Just saw Tom Jones on Lett/Leno or what ever

Duh-bya is going down THIS YEAR!

For any newbies on the board because it's just sooo goood......

The Americans and Canadians are friends again!

Now that My new year has come and gone....

Happy [hic] Nwe Yrea and PBS Doo-Wop/R&B update

Adult Swim Rules!!!

Happy freaking new years DU

You're busted! You're so busted!

Happy New Year, West Coast!

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE. The Count Down Begins. The End


The BEEB wants your New Years photos.....

Is Pickles a smoker?

yet another midnight come and gone

I am very drunk.

It's snowing in Paris

Happy New Year to all West coast DUers!

Beware of Darkness

'Metrosexual' tops loser list . . .

Have you ever experienced New Years in Detroit?

I love Karl Rove!

Ashcroft's New Year's resolution: he's coming out.

LET'S DANCE!! Earth Wind and Fire - LET'S GROOVE


SLOW DANCE Earth Wind and Fire – I’ll Write a Song For You

Weird chess sets

MOST POPULAR STORIES OF 2003 (National Geographic)

and the Jeopardy answer is: Mighty Manfred, the Wonder Dog . . .


I tried so hard to get firework pics!

What NOT to eat next time you are in Evansville, Indiana.

Can someone PLEASE tell me who this is with Curious George?


I have infiltrated DU and now I am going to be very very disruptive

In 2004, Robb ain't takin' no jive from nobody!

Goodbye all.


What's up people? Happy New Year

Israel Drops Microsoft Software, Will Pursue Open Source Alternatives

Farewell DU and DUers

Watch your childhood cartoons

I think JACK IN THE BOX will still be open after Armageddon

(AP photo) ZombyWoof & Matcom seen bringing in New Year

Black Cow.... by Steely Dan What are you listening to

Weird and Wacky Reigned Supreme in 2003 (Matcom Reported Many of These)

Why are there no Bowl game predictions posted here today?????????

The Doo Dah Parade is decadent and depraved

Caption the hungover POTUS

Roll of Bubble Wrap Now 2nd Democratic Frontrunner Behind Dean, Gaining

The Rose Bowl Parade is decadent and depraved

I'm in hell!!!!!

PLEEze help me identify a band...

Need info: Optometry?

Resolutions You've ALREADY Broken!

HAPPY NEW YEAR, DUers! For us, a Resolution--

the list to end all lists . . .

The New Hotmail can kiss my grits!


Oh man...Hangovers suck...

Because of yesterday's REM thread, I listened to "Fables" last night

What a PERFECT New Year's Evening!

Had another potential great night ruined by my shyness ask me anything

This here's a jam for all the fellas

Question: Rose Parade

"Banished" words for 2004.

Am I being too hard on my SO?

Internet explorer questions for computer folks..

A website for Humphrey Bogart fans.....

The loser's guide to getting lucky

Gay Gene Isolated, Ostracized

Update on Velma's jogging adventure

Snow Haiku

OK, there is no polite way to ask this...Anyone good at fundraising?

How long should I stay at this job.

happynew year frommotherrome and the beauty of immigration/ diversity

happynew year frommotherrome and the beauty of immigration/ diversity

The Tyranny of the Eastern Time Zone

Page, Pipper and Phebe of Charmed to vanquish Bush & Cheney

New Year's New List...DU birders check-in to begin check-off

Happy New Years from Miami!

Myth Busters on Discovery Channel

A man, a beer, his dog, his son, and a football game

About last night

I'm sick of 'ask me' threads , ask me anything.....

I'm on the radio until 5:00 p.m. EST...

I have CoolEdit what???

Ha! Mega Moron AdamYoshida has re-tooled a bit of his site

"Banished" words in 2005

The best Foo Fighters Album.

President Bush's Yellowstone Snowmobile press release

Hey Cowboy fans!

Happy New President Year, my beloved DU!!!!

the WashPost annual: 'the list': what's out and in for 2004

The Music Business sucks.

Returning to work

Tiny URLS!!

A bout of deep depression (Another Lyric Thread)

Go Michigan

Dolphins Evolve Opposable Thumbs

Bush quail hunting in TX says hes "Not that good of a shot"...

If Bush was a girl, What would he look like?

So who is picking up this bill for all the extra security for last night

Serious BBQ jonesing

My AIR FRANCE experience in the Code Orange Age

Hey Short Bus Prez:

Free & Legal Songs For You To Download

Only for the eyes of Males who are about to, or own a dog.

There has been a Will Pitt sighting in GDP 2004

It is selfish not to let go of people (frienships/relationships)

Great movie!!! - A Man for All Seasons

How Much Longer Will You Leave Your Holiday Decorations Up?

Johnny Cash is the King

A Toast to the Opposition: Barry Goldwater born January 1, 1909

Thank you all for your advice about my situation last night.

Hail Satan !

Paradise By The Dashboard Light-- Meat Loaf rules!

Ruh Roh! The free ride is over. The warning records have been cleared!

How many DUers came to DU after hearing about it through media?

How do all of you feel now that it is 2004?

The tyranny of Indiana time zones

Front cover story on this week's Hartford Advocate

Who likes the Mummers Parade?

First song you heard in 2004

Michigan going down in Rose Bowl!!!

Bob NoFacts getting his ass handed to him on Crossfire

Today's Sign that we are a country of Stupid, Stupid, Stupid People.

Is Audioslave the new Led Zeppelin?

The REAL reason I hate Free Republic

I hate my boss! Anal retentive control freak. Please tell me what to do.

Worst party you've ever been to?

Popups on the rampage; WTF?

The last album you heard in 2003 was....

Does birch go with unstained pine?

Lordy, with the turning of the year, my computer is almost 5 years old.



Dog owners - How do I teach my dog to fetch?

When Was The Last New Year's Countdown That You SLEPT Through?

Kittens, Dogs - BLEH - Here's Some Cute Photos Of Rats!

If god is infallible, what is he so scared of?

Clark...for fun...the Year of the 4 Star General. * * * *

As I leave the 700 club this New Years Day

Founs some cool old Textbooks!

Okay, Did Anyone Have A WORSE New Year's Than Me?

FHM'S 100 Sexiest women of 2003

Hope song for 2004 "What a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong

I cheated on the love of my life, don't ask me anythng.

$50 per hour to surf DU? Double time and a half baby!

staying in a marriage

2003: The year I discovered DU and saved my sanity!

The REAL reason I hate Randomkoolzip....

The SEC is the best conference in the country

VW Jetta or Passat V6, please leave kudos or horror stories here.

The First 10 Random Questions Of 2004

Riddle me this: Why are Bible-thumper movies so horrible?

Twilight Zone Marathon on Sci-Fi Channel!

Why can't people behave themselves in theatres (rant)

O.K. DU ladies, what the hey....

Calling all cooks....

Stupid questions about marijuana

Pour Some Sugar On ME..LSU or Oklahoma....who's the BEST?

So, who's up for a San Diego get together on Saturday, Jan. 10?

Democratic Fellowship of the Ring

Howard Dean's Convenient Religion

Margarita and Sushi - What are you doing for NYear?

A Reminder Candidates Debate in Iowa, Jan.4th,2004

Moderator does not wish to receive private messages

Help From Clark Supporters?

Clarkies--something big happening in one week. Reported in NYT

The musical band The Bangles support Howard Dean for President!

Dick Cheney posts to the Dean blog

Farewell DU and DUers

Did any other Dean staffer's paycheck bounce?

Merry Christmas for the female ( and others ) Clark supporters

A wonderful picture of Gen. Clark and his new grandson!

I resolve. . .

Gephardt on the ball again


Remember when I said Dean is a quantum leap for the gay movement?

NH Daily Tracking Poll: Clark to 13%, Kerry down to 16%

Kerry's Lip Service - from Dean Campaign

Clark's million dollar challenge takes in $1,268,169

2004: The Year we beat Bush.

replay of robert dreyfuss from mother jones on c-span

Happy New Year To All!

Sidney Blumenthal: 'Dean has reinvented triangulation.'

Look at this cute kid

Uh Oh. Big Trouble with Federal Matching Funds... FEC comes up short

The Candidate is unelectable, plagued by troubles, and polling poorly

Voter Registration Strategies--How you and I can register 1000 new voters!

Over $2,000,000 in 9 Days - Go Dean!

Dean leads Kerry 37%-16% in latest New Hampshire tracking poll (12/29-31)

Dean supporters - 2003 - Year in pictures

recent Dean LIES and the next debate.

Tens of Thousands Rally for Full Democracy in Hong Kong

When do fundraising totals get released?


Whose endorsement would mean the most to you?

Daily random total of negative attack threads

Do candidates have a lot of support on DU based on flame wars?

Dean blog compares end of 2002 with end of 2003. Amazing.

Question about google picks and DU posts. Chron Watch question.

The Democratic Political Spectrum

Clinton was unelectable

Never mind.

January Surprise

Article: Grassroots grow online for state caucus activists (Kucinich,etc)

The Candidate is unelectable, plagued by troubles, and polling poorly

How did LaRouche raise more money than Kucinich ? !

The value of endorsements

Clark supporters: something big happening in one week

If the American public has temporary insanity and elects bush again...

Dean's real winning strategy - No Voter Left Behind

Have You Taken the Nader Exploratory Survey?

Alernative Reality #2.If LaRouche and Lieberman where the only two running

Dean Leads. Supporters Must Not Alienate with Deceptive Info. A NY Plea.

Is a Clinton endorsement a poison pill?

I campaigned for Clark for 5 days in NH. My report

Daily random total of negative threads

Poll of "Most Important Issue"

The Primary Divide.

Wesley Clark- Leadership Is About Working With People (Boston Globe 1/1)

The day someone started the kool-aid stuff about Dean.....

"fervently unconventional" Kucinich at organic farm in NH

Kerry New Year's Resolution: Take America Forward

Clark's legacy: Kosovo among most optimistic in poll

Clark's New Year media appearances

Gov Dean responds to newspapers "MIA/POW" attack

When will the "kissing-up" by the Democratic Party begin if/when Dr. Dean

Who would be the best VP for Clark?

Dean is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't

2003 Democratic Fundraising: Official Reports Preview

From the Clark Blog

How important will money be in the 2004 GE?

Now all supporters are alienated.

War, Race and Elections

Why Kerry will not get the nomination

A comment about Dean's biography and his policies.

What if Clinton endorsed Clark in the primary and he lost?

Has the media world really turned upside down thanks to Dr Dean?

Dean's misleading NH ad