Neo-Cons and the greatest con of all — Farish A Noor
Powell withdraws al-Qa'ida claim as hunt for WMD flags
Marriage strengthens bond of same-sex couples, too
Two Fathers, With One Happy to Stay at Home
John Kerry's response to Paul O'Neill
Herbert: What Ails Florida? (Kids Kicked off healh insurance by Jebbie)
A very worthwhile and effective lobbying organization is hurting
Is media hiding Kinky Bill Bennett's Dominatrix "Mistress Lee" problem?
Paul O'Neill on 60 Minutes, mp3 and quicktime video here
Somebody needs to draw up a petition to demand a FULL investigation,
Anyone know how the Freepers are reacting to the O'Neil book?
Pastor Court hits gay plan (Margaret Court, ex-tennis star)
I just started using the hide the thread feature
When does 'kciking' an old post become abusive?
Palestinian, 18, shot dead; would-be bomber kills himself
Sharon: Syria must stop its support for terror before talks
Baruch Marzel unveils new transfer party
Clark Du'ers Please Provide Input......
The Two Americas: Our Current Political Deadlock and How to Break It
Howard Dean taken to task on war stance
Campaign Profile: Dennis Kucinich Voice of America
Roll Call: Kucinich Broke House Ethics Rules
Anyone put out a chart on drug law impacts, yet?
Why laws against flag-burning also subvert right-wing interests
The unofficial "Let's help O'Neill find some adjectives for Bush" thread.
Where the heck was O'Neill in early 2003?
Did Bush and his minions begin writing the Patriot Act before 9/11 too?
How do the O'Neill relevations affect Tony Blair?
This was AFTER the gassing of the Kurds, right?????
60 Minutes: That Iraqi oil map that was flashed on the screen...
Dem debate on MSNBC NOW! (8 - 10pm EST)
Kristol: It's Clinton's Fault! No lie, that's the spin on O'Neill!
O'Neill was given 20 minutes by 60 Minutes --he showed the president lied
The *Official* What Are You? Poll
My SO says that the map could have been bought anywhere for $60!
USA TODAY reporter who covered Iraq resigned because of inaccuracies
A Great Line from Dean that bears repeating as often as possible
What were the reasons for UN sanctions against Iraq
"How many other Administration officials were interviewed?"
Cincinnati Enquirer Blacks Out Boondocks
So gas just went up 10 cents and there aren't any new jobs?
Another accomplishment for Bush: I'm rooting against the space program.
Move-On ad about Medicare on TV
Isn't O'Neills info proof of a crime?
What is your favorite advert?
Cabinet members defend Bush from O'Neill
60 Minutes on NOW (West Coast)
CBS News Providing 7 Videos of Paul O'Neill 60 Minutes Interview
Everybody!! Go buy the Paul O'Neill Book on Tuesday
G.W. Bush: International Racketeer
Australian Opposition Leader says "war on Iraq was a mistake"
I hate to play the cynic yet again...
Flashback Sept 2002: Bush Planned Iraq 'Regime Change'
Al Franken's brother Otto makes an appearance?
Before everyone gets depressed and jumps off a bridge......
Iraq was responsible for 9/11 ... in a weird way is running's "Bush In 30 Seconds" ad with audio
Sunday night double feature-Uncovered:Iraq War/ Myth of Liberal media
Let's also show some appreciation to the AUTHOR of the O'Neil
Is there anything positive about H1B's?
Tony Blair backpedals on Iraq , Tony Blair is toast
CBS/O'Neill, inteview leaves "less" to viewer.....than the Hype?
Watching 60 minutes segement on globalization
I hereby sincerely apologize to Paul O'Neill, whom I sorely misjudged
Well, what did you think (60 MIN.)?
Iraq's oil assets seen less attractive
Could there be a revolution in this country?
So they finally found WMDs in Iraq
The height of Irony - Bush posts family freind to end debt he started
Silver cars are safer cars. Brown, black, & green are the most dangerous.
Is Joe Lieberman ever going ot ask a question?
Now this truely does make me sick
CNN - O'Neill commentary - "bush credibility is intact" --- Unbelievable
If you want to know how people are reacting to the O'Neil story:
The funny thing about the 60 minutes piece was that it made me like Bush
Peter Werbe streaming now - Paul O'Neill is the topic
NEW Amazon Book Rankings - O'Neill - Ready for this????
THIS is why we need to get out of Iraq ASAP
Chimpy's STOU Address will be given soon
O'Neill Calls Tomorrow - Calls to Sen/House and more...the country is ours
Should O'Neill stay off of small planes?
May 8, 2001: Cheney begins coordinating response to domestic attacks
How much damage did O'Neill cause BushCo?
Daily U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq - 495 U.S. service members have died
Iraq Details Plans to Uproot Baathists
Once-Ruling Sunnis Unite to Regain a Piece of the Pie
Guardian Utd (Monday): Camp Delta Briton claims racial abuse
Expectations Are Low for Progress at Americas Conference
Top Shiite Cleric Hardens Hardens Call for Early Iraqi Vote
IHT - Liberal candidates are barred in Iran
Blair 'No Longer Believes his Own Wmd Arguments'
Health Spending Rises to Record 15% of Economy
Secret document links vaccines to Gulf War syndrome: report
Sowing the Seeds of GOP Domination
Air Travel Database Plan Is Set to Advance (U.S. Seeks Passenger Records)
Clark Says O'Neill Book Vindicates Him
Fox Struggles for Relevance as Summit Is Set to Open
Iowa Voter Blasts Dean for Knocking Bush
Iraqis Pelt British Troops With Stones
Boston Archbishop attacks gay marriage
Study Published by Army Criticizes War on Terror's Scope
Question about IE for techie types
Why do they bleep out the hole in ass hole on TV?
Mauresmo upset at Australian Open seeding decision
Is there a Vet in the house? Dog Sick...
Dr Hibbert drives a Mercedes SUV!
Pop quiz! How should one pronounce the word
Hey College football! Don't think a playoff system would be any good?
Cheney and Bush= Master-Blaster?
Anyone else watching the Democratic debate on MSNBC right now?
Why Dean is absolutely right about security - it's no better than before
Can we move back to the 1950s?
Do you get obscene phone calls?
True or False: the shield is the best show on tv.....
WOW - "The Practice" right now is incredible
I'm a non-churchgoing, non-Volvodriving Dean supporter
what was the last thing you just said?
How many Esteban CDs do you own? I've been watching
Terrific Anti-GWB Performance From Peter Case!!
When does a house become a mansion?
This week's "Top Ten" is a humdinger!
How many mental disorders does Jim Carrey suffer from
Do you WANT to get obscene phone calls?
Your thoughts on Cracker Barrel Restaurant?
Ode to a Zomby.....because I made a bet...sniffle
On the way to wine snobbery: recommend ONE wine
So, did the Simpsons just kill Gill?
Next week's NFL Playoff predictions.
The best B-737 accident investigator in the world just offered me a job.
Airlines; how much do the workers get paid?
Favorite song/dance scene from a movie musical
Which TV Show signifies hope for civilization as we know it
Favorite films to poke fun of, a la MST3K.
Yo, liberalhistorian! Get off the Internet so I can call you.
When were home computers the coolest?
"It's Not Who Supported What Resolution" Howard Dean 1/11
Thread 2: Dean and race issues.
Kucinich is closer to the Eugene McCarthy Vote...and I love the guy, but
Staying out of Iowa was the best thing Clark......
Again, I can't decide between Dean and Kerry.
Edwards is wrong - John Kerry voted less with Bush them him
Dean Admits in 12 years Zero Blacks, Hispanics in Cabinet.
DK currently 2nd in truthout Straw Poll
Clark at "Secret" Davos Oil Meetings? (World Economic Forum)
Will Kerry Tronce Dean in Editor Endorsments. Why. Will it Matter?
question about Iowa caucuses process
llIegals-- the political 'untouchables'
Kerry's participation in voter registration in Mississippi
Sharpton's hit on Dean tonight
Dean slams freeper plant! WooHoo!
Sharpton said to Chris Matthews that Dean
Gore, Bradley and Harkin on SOA
No Republican Debate, Are They Blowing It Here ???
Who had the best one liner in debate?
Rank the candidates on walking the walk on racial issues
Was Dean using "hispanics" interchangably with "illegal immigrants"?
Chris Matthews asks Kerry about O'Neills bombshell today, Kerry replies...
chris matthew's is making a fool out of himself
upcoming debates schedule? Anyone have a link to it?
I LOVE our democratic candidates!
Chris M is driving this Sharpton and Dean race thing into the ground
Edwards Triangulates dialog between Sharpton Dean on Race Relations,
Who made it on to your statewide ballot?
MSNBC Democratic Presidential Debate on Now....
John Kerry! If you didn't "lecture Me" I could like you better..I wanted
Three Debates in the Last Week from Dems! Where is Wes Clark?
new Clark group--over 50 for Clark
Why Dean is absolutely right about security - it's no better than before
You can watch the Debate online
Iowa Voter Blasts Dean for Knocking Bush - AP
War Shadows School Near Fort Hood
Four million CCTV cameras watch UK public
Dwight D. Eisenhower - January 17, 1961
Clark Says O'Neill Book Vindicates Him
US sergeant branded a coward mounts furious fightback
World Health Report: Life expectancy falls in poorest countries
Horowitz again spewing his poison
War College Issues Scathing Critique of Terror War
Horowitz again spewing his poison
Will George Bush Lose the New Hampshire Primary?
WMDs vs. WMD Programs: Does It Matter?
Zell Miller voted 91.5 % with the republicans last session
An insiders look at the run-up to the Iraq War. Must read to believe.
Horowitz again spewing his poison
The Bush Dynasty falls to research
State Department claims Russia provided Iraq with war aid
G.W. Bush: International Racketeer
W & aides broadcast media hate
This isn't really worthy of Hackworth
O'Neill and Suskind book called a hoax.
Tell George Bush the State of the Union -- Pass it On
PLEASE sign Mrs. Mariani's petition...PLEASE!!!!!!!
Bush tax cut tactics spread to Democrats and beyond
Internet Gains as Source of News
George Soros was just on with Wolf Blitzer
Bill O'Reilly: ACLU a "Fascist" Organization (on MWO)
Which Cable Pundit Angers You the Most and Why?
PNAC, you've come a long way, baby: The PNAC timeline
Twin Cities Duers: Pizza on Fri January 16?
Taiwan's first gay groom awaits legislation to legalize wedlock
Denied HIV Meds & Forced To Sleep On Cement Floor...
If homosexuality is wrong because it says so in the bible... then...
Deep in the heart of texas, good ole boy chatter....
amuricans labor under mountain o'debt
Gephardt's Revolution Begins With a Global Minimum Wage
After 190 MPH Hurricane, Pacific Island May GiveUp Sovereignty, Evacuate
Scotland In 2003 Hottest, Sunniest, Driest On Record
Australia Will Abandon Emission-Trading Plans
Kenai Logging Boom Ends - Beetle-Killed Harvest Wrapping Up
Blair To Challenge Bush (*Snort!*) On Climate Issues - Independent
The biggest flaw in our security...
I respect France's stance on Iraq - Straw
Do you think Hugo Chavez will be assassinated
Another "gun rights" supporter in action
GUNS IN THE NEWS--January 12, 2004
Gun Control: 'Gored'? Not in '04( Bush lousy enforcement record)
Drug Warriors Try to Censor their Opponents
Mandatory gun ownership works in reducing crime
I wish I could reply to an announcement, but can't, so I'll post here
EOnline and Ben Stein are conservative sources?
What size must avatars be, and what file format, to submit them?
Permission to post house-party/fundraiser info?
Could I have a mature discussion about sex in the lounge?
getting sloppy with the "blah blah NOW" posts
I've emailed and gotten no response - why was this post allowed to stand?
question on why my thread was just locked.....
NY Times: Overnight, a Towering Divide Rises in Jerusalem
PA to journalists: All slain Palestinians are martyrs
Israeli raids take a toll on West Bank civilians
Weekly Report: On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the OT
Palestinian human rights groups reject anti-terror conditions on USAID mon
Israel Building Wall in Jerusalem Suburb
Fears mount as Israel's 'Berlin Wall' threatens to imprison the West Bank
Study Published by Army Criticizes War on Terror's Scope
How do we use today's USAToday and NYT quotes of O'Neill revalation?
Army criticizes detourof unnecessary war in Iraq/unrealistic antiterrorism
What is the position of the other 8 on Gep's Global Minimum Wage idea?
Meek endorses Penelas in Senate race
Kucinich on O'Neill Revelations
Kucinich is closer to the Eugene McCarthy Vote...and I love the guy, but
Chris M is driving this Sharpton and Dean race thing into the ground
Dean slams freeper plant! WooHoo!
Hate-crimes bill is debated (Utah Repub Sen. sees the light, sort of)
Bush Programs to help Hispanics
BBV: Kerry's Remarks In The Black and Brown Debate
Sharpton's hit on Dean tonight
Whee-ooooh! "Price of Loyalty" is #2 on Amazon
Planned Regime change back in 1998?
NY Daily News Positive Story on ads contest
Puke Pearl and Frum are on CSPAN2
Air Travel Database Plan Is Set To Advance
I have never been so mad at DU
Is the AA community a non issue 4 the party?
Bush is likely to put forward a plan for changing Social Security
What do you think of this anti-Bush website? (over 1,000 pages!)
WP: Epitomizing Bush: Name the Film or TV Show (Name the show contest)
If you randomly picked 1,000 blond-haired blue-eyed people
Letter From PNAC To President Clinton On Iraq- Jan 26th 1998
Just a reminder of the real people who died for Greed and Nothing
"These people are nasty and they have a long memory"
Washington Journal this morning
A Truth told by a devil is still the Truth....
MSNBC First Look opens with O'Neil story...
Does your state have a 1st Amendment license plate?
I moved this to the lounge, there's nothing to see, move along.
Study Published by Army Criticizes War on Terror's Scope
Call a "spade-a spade" -- the Media and shrub are "concerned"
Corporations and public education
To what extent are we as an entire party to blame if we face an '04 loss?
according to CNN the big story of the day is NOT O'Neil
OK folks, the BC Liberal drugs scandal. How will it play out?
US/Saddam this via email this morning...its good!
so who has tickets to's Bush in 30 seconds shindig tonight?
Time for Poppy and Bar to surface again...
The pubs are making a big mistake
How do we get Bush impeached using O'Neill?
O’Neill Iraq allegations ignite firestorm
Rage of a Relic (O'Neill spin - John Fund - WSJ)
Palm Beach - Board vexed by another disputed election
John Di Iulio's letter to O'Neill book author Ron Suskind
Go Eagles! Go McNabb! F@#$ Rush!!!!
Air Passenger Code Plan In Motion (CAPPS II)
Can we have Elliot Spitzer investigate these "charges" by O'Neill?
Rush's 'fans' say loyalty has limits
If Iraq War was such a good idea, why didn't Bush run on it?
Biggest obstacle to victory in 2004
Just curious...what role did the press play in Nazi Germany ?
Picture of GWB in Japanese Clothes?
US can keep 9/11 arrests secret (today's Supreme court ruling
BBV: N.D. to buy voting machines for all 53 counties (ES&S contract)
O'Neill should be the #1 Guest on TV, Radio etc....liberal media
Media ignore another huge story!
Why (what reasons) did O'Neill Blow-the -Whistle?
Meanwhile...................back at the ranch
My letter to my Represent. - Bush Independent Investigation - O'Neill
Bush in 30 sec. Awards Show To Be live via Webcast 1/12/04
3,000 newly-trained soldiers desert Afghan army - "escapes"
Pilger documentary punctures “war on terror” lies
Bush: Will Farrell vs. The real thing
Kerry said great thing about BBV "I will investigate and pre-empt Diebold
Who called Laura Bush* "that Lump in the Bed"??
Re: O'Neill's Revelations - Remember Time Mag's May 2002 story
WP: Bush's Industrial Policy Key in WV
Deodorant link to breast cancer
Bill Gates Pushing Charter Schools
the Iowa Democrat Debate is being re-run NOW on Braun
I think we should have a national Winter Holidays week
Reason 7651387634387 to hate walmart -- Walmart settles COLI suit
Poll: Alternative News Gaining Influence
Talking point to counter "Sadam = Mass Graves" argument
I'm looking forward to getting my ballot in the mail this fall
The long, long arm of the DEA.
Any news on whether the O'Neal story has hurt Bush in the polls?
Paul O'Neil in Canada... An overview of the press
Is Bush using the Iraqi War to get elected? Since Osama was not found
Entertainment for Bush Supporters
bushgang decides to call Saddam an EPW instead of POW
Breaking: Tom Delay appoints Latinos to his cabinet!!!!!
Apparently Our Great Leader Is Wearing No Clothes
Here is an easy way to cut and paste media names and addresses
Josh Marshall has a point -- where are all of *'s big name defenders?
W: 'No President has ever done more for human rights than I have.'
Composing a birthday message to Rush. Additions welcome
Paul O'Neil is NOT a good man!!!!!!
NYTimes Crystal Meth Story and Andrew Sullivan
The documentation in Suskin's book guarantees that there will be no debate
I just got an email from and they are all over the Cheney
39% See Bias In Reporting On Campaign
War college report on Iraq War / LA Times
O'neills revelations are the dagger through the heart.
Bad Joke from Newsweek-When checking into the Palestine Hotel...
Kevin Phillips rips Bushes on NPR
Another Example of Media Bias?
The Extremism of GW BUSH - Even Conservatives are PO'd
"No President has ever done more for human rights than I have."
W & aides broadcast media hate
Question regarding the 19,000 pages O'Neill gave to the author
How are the freepers and Reich Wingers taking the O'Neill story ??
U.S. Army calls Bushler's Iraq War "unnecessary!"
I reserved my copy of the O'Neill book today
So you think you have high speed DSL
Best of luck to all MoveOn Finalists!
Why are the Bush daughters always referred to as "girls"?
Former CIA analyst: US is already in the "fascist mode"
Bush's Ties to the Mexican Drug Cartels
Have you considered the brilliance of Suskind...
Navy Museum Honors Poppy-Wimp as "Hero"
do you believe O'neill? Vote in these polls
Mr. Fixit is on CSPAN right now, badgering Dean
"U.S. Newspapers silent on Cheney investigation"
Arkansas DUers: Call 'Big Dave' on KARN and defend Dems!
quick question..arguing with a freeper..
Ron Suskind on MSNBC in this hour.....just announced
The Iraqi Shiite's know Saddam is history. Get ready to rumble!
"Reagan proved that deficits don't matter"
Buchanan on MSNBC ONeill, war on Iraq
Bush's bugbear (BBC looks for motive in O'Neill truth-telling)
Dear Mr. Suskind, NOW would be a good time to send copies
So any news on how the Brits will react when they hear they got played?
What can we do to help O'Neill? The media have their marching orders...
Louisiana now has a Democratic Governor
We must go in to Space to protect it from Rogue Terrorists - Tom Feeney
Under Sec. of Defense says US hasn't killed thousands of innocent Iraqis
CNN, MSNBC, FOX are in full anti-Dem, anti-Dean, pro-Bush mode.
The Following Are Not DINO's, They Are Not Even Democrats in Name.
Forget 911 - Wilson Affair - SOTU Lies ---Govt Attacks O'Neill for "truth"
Powerful message about Global Warming (Global Warning) Stream
Hmmmm... The Treasury Dept. Runs the Secret Service
Good Gawd Go Vote In This Poll!
Is Wilson-Plame picking up steam and will it.......
Shouldnt MSRNC question of the day be did Bush betray America?
Don Evans' "Guest Worker Program" Guarantee
what does Suskind think of the concentration on ONeill, not his book?
Will the Big Dog call Bush on his I-raq war lies?
This guy is bonkers. Wilson Lucom (Democrat for 50 years) at Newsmax.
Another "halo" picture of Bush*
I have a theory about O’Neill, he is physically very sick
CNN (Wolf Blitzer) - George Soros interview - 01/12/04 (mp3)
Why doesnt George Soros invest in the media?
Some evidence that shows Republicans want royalty, not a real president
Can anybody link me an article about Ashcroft going after judges...
I have to change my views on Ashcroft
All Out Stop on O'Neill - US Insp. General Investigating 'Him" not Bush
Government Trojan Horse in Adobe Photoshop
"Sounds like sour grapes to me"...My co-worker just...
Al Franken back at #1, O'Liely bumped down to #4
Where's the White House Bury Unflattering News? In a Foxhole.
Official photo--Bush and Fox friends again-Marta Sahagun looks great
Rebel Episcopalians Plot Future
Rush dismisses O'neill's claims: Iraq plan left over from Clinton.
A Question For Anyone Who Watched Wash. Journal Today
Quit picking on Bush...Montezuma (sp) may be getting his revenge.
When Bush finally goes down, what of the media?
Watch Bushin30Seconds Award Show tonight!
Need resources on the Third Way/New Left
UN, Germany, France & Russia - will never believe shrub again -O'Neill
Fox, CNBC report a Treasury Dept probe of ONeill's papers
Why should we believe O'Neill?
New interview with Ann Coulter: Liberalism is a mental defect.
O'neil Question of The Day MSNBC
Bush Flashback: Press conference- March 13, 2002
Why is Pawlenty continuing on light-rail and privatized roads?!
Wolf poll! Do you believe O'Niel?
Please! Donate to:!!
Simplifying the anti-Wal-Mart position
Fox`s Brit "Dogface" Hume tearing apart O`Neill
Mark this thread. I said it before. I will say it again. Bush won't run.
Predictions: will the O'Neill story fall by the wayside?
Bush looks like hell today....
Did you see how that slime Blitzer made the "Hitler ad" the main
Where are the Congressional and Senate "reactions to O'Neill- our leaders?
Invisible Dick to sneak into Portland Tuesday
I need a Washington State Attorney
You should listen to the Michelangelo Signorile show.
Conservatives Denounce Anti-Gay Amendment In New Ad Campaign
Blitzer implies criminality by O'Neill
Excellent very useful Bush website
Greens on No-Fly list? How long before it's you?
Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us. We should never forget these words:
BBV: Washington State- Important Olympia Meeting 1/14 !!!!
Dad: McKinney wants rematch against Majette
IRS not mailing out tax forms this year?
When does Ted Kennedy get vindicated?
Morgan Stanley: False Recovery (offshoring, outsourcing, unemployment)
Is anybody watching the Vicente Fox/Bush press conference?
Love Jews Or Hate 'Em? Conservatives Can't Decide
MSNBC. TV....................ACLU backing limbaugh!
Just learned something shocking about MLK Day in Idaho
Mexicans STAND UP to bush* (pics).....go Mexico !!!!.....
ACLU stands up for Rush Limbaugh! Rush welcomes them.
Universal Health Care - Post 4 - A Time to Die.
George Soros on CNN in very few minutes
Leaders: Dean Tried to Appoint Minorities
W and aides broadcast media hate
Marriage strengthens bond of same-sex couples, too
CBS News Providing 7 Videos of Paul O'Neill 60 Minutes Interview
'Big Fish' in Controversial Splash at Box Office
UK: A camera for every 14 people
New Questions Over Bonuses Hollinger Paid to Executives
100 now killed in Afghan military campaign
U.S. Sends Anti-Terror Team to W. Africa
French lawyers prepare US court case over Guantanamo
Supreme Court to Review Presidential Powers
In Colombia's jungles, echoes of Argentina's 'Disappeared'
Afghanistan happy with Guantanamo detention
NY Times: Tape Shows General Clark Linking Iraq and Al Qaeda
Taliban say attack Afghan post, kill 10 soldiers
Clinton and Mandela Recommended for Ancient English Military Honour
Survey: U.S. Jews Back Dem. Candidates
Leading the Way (Maine ranks third in percentage of NG troops deployed)
Connecticut GOP backs investigating governor
The State: Silence at school has parents talking
Army War College essay calls Iraq war 'distraction'
Results From Second Test of Suspected Blister Agent in Iraq May Be Ready
US troops wound six Iraqis after convoy attacked (civilians)
Brazil's Lula Takes Trade Off Bush's Agenda for Americas Summit
AARP Aims to Deliver Message to Marketers (pictures of body bags)
Antimissile plan in store for airliners
U.S. foreign policy on hot streak
W & aides broadcast media hate
Dean Defends Record on Race in Debate
Horowitz again spewing his poison
Martin to Bush: Keep border open . .Mad cow, security high on agenda
GREEN, YELLOW OR RED: All airline passengers assigned color
Poll: US Jews back Democratic candidates over Bush
Air Passenger Color Code Plan In Motion
Democratic Rivals Training Sights on Clark
Former US official says Bush a 'blind man'
Spirit Ready to Get Down 'n' Dirty on Mars
Large Explosions Rock Central Baghdad
Third SARS Case Suspected in China
War Of Words Over War Plan - Paul O'Neill Was Fired In December, 2002
Nine Iraqis Killed trying to steal oil from pipeline!
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Monday 12 January (#1)
US sergeant branded a coward mounts furious fightback
Catholics urged to fight gay marriage
US tycoon to fund anti-Bush drive
Asian technology ministers discuss outsourcing
Court Nixes Appeal Over 9-11 Detentions
McGreevey Signs "Same Sex Couples" Bill
Morgan Stanley Found Guilty in Paris
Bogota envoy tells U.S. to listen
Fox seeks to open U.S. borders
Disney Closes Orlando Animation Studio
US continues Uzbek aid despite human rights record
U.S. ammunition plant reaching its limit
Anger at church's attitudes spreading worldwide, says gay group
About 1,500 Soldiers Will Be Ordered to Stay in Iraq Longer Than Planned
Bush Iraq war advisors launch tirade against France
Pledge of Allegiance case scheduled for March 24
Bush Visits Neighbors No Longer So Friendly (Summit of the Americas)
Court Lets Government Keep Sept. 11 Detainees' Names Secret
Blanco Takes Oath as Governor in La.
Large Explosions Rock Central Baghdad
Shiite Goodwill May Be Eroding in Iraq (more unemployment riots)
US part of station sealed off - (Space Station crack discovered)
U.S. general hail `historic' move by Japan to send troops to Iraq
U.S. Consumer Debt Grows at Alarming Rate
RNC wants officials to ban partisan `soft money' spending by outside group
Bush Tries to Win Latam Friends at Tough Summit
Japan says it won't help coalition troops under fire in Iraq
Troops Disperse Iraqis Rioting for Food
Bush spokesman fends off O'Neill jab
Venezuela's Chavez Suggests Switching Part of Reserves to Euros,
Iraqis Riot for Jobs in Southern City
O'Neill says Cheney told him, `Deficits don't matter'
Supreme Court upholds secret detentions
ACLU defends Limbaugh's privacy in prescription drug case
AP Poll: U.S. Tepid on Bush's Space Plans
US Treasury seeks probe into papers taken by O'Neill
NY Times: Tape Shows General Clark Linking Iraq and Al Qaeda
Attacks down 22% since Saddam's capture
Dick Cheney (before he dicks you)
Why did the Packers have that long period of sucking so much?
Did Clark fall on his ass today?
Will TXlib send any obscene phone calls
"O...we are the Mediocre Presidents, you won't find our faces...
How many munchkins are pounding the pavement for Carol Moseley Braun?
'Big Fish' in Controversial Splash at Box Office
Does anyone else but me think....
How many transexuals did Dean knowingly appoint to major positions?
Do you think that KCDem will make TXlib sleep on the couch for...
OxyRush - Kiss Donovan McNabb's ass and dissappear NOW!
How many Homersexuals did Clark appoint to key positions
How many one-eyed midgets, yaks, and zombies did YOUR candidate appoint?
How many people over 8 feet on Dean Staff?
Looking for "Art" photos of the thousands of USAF planes at Yuma, Az.
Funny story: German soccer player fined 100,000 Euros for insulting cop.
Two Fathers, With One Happy to Stay at Home
Wow - I'll be darned - we have snow in NYC!
They Have DONE IT!!! Brewery Develops Anti-Aging Beer!
Best response yet to Gibb's rehire by the Redskins
Did anybody watch "The Surreal World"?
Here is one for the books - German woman causes car park chaos
Happy Birthday Rush Limpballs!
Anyone see Paul O'Niell on 60 Minutes last night?
Man Packs Computer With Potatoes, Returns It
A good laugh--Paris, France vs. Paris, Kentucky
Woman Gets Burned After Sitting On Toilet
King Needs New Palaces For His 11 Wives
I have a 'huge' problem with people who "incorrectly" use quotations
Canadian satirists ambush RFK Jr's Banff fundraiser
People LITERALLY use the word "literally" wrong all the time
Woman Drives Car Off Roof Of Parking Garage
I saw "hostile waters" last night
Man Steals Snake - Puts Snake In Pocket - Snake Bites Man On PeePee
It surprises you when someone dislikes this band/artist
What are the odds?Bennet slams Pete Rose gambling!! :-)
How many metrosexuals did Clark knowingly appoint to key positions
A Pet Peeve: The word 'Awesome'.
felonious thunk's weekend dvd review
Do you drive your lawn mower to the corner bar??
What are the DU upgrades, REALLY?
Astros, Clemens Said to Sign 1-Year Deal
Stop what you're doing & watch this John Pilger documentary
Final Iraqi WMD count vindicates White House
Video of Fox Sports Limbaugh Parody 11/11/2004
I can roll my eyes better than anyone here.
Let's Hear It for DU's New Server!!!!!
WHAT?? Angels sign Vlad Guerrero?
Whitacre D_WI's profile in his hometown paper!
What 2 teams will go to the Super Bowl ?
Self Paced classes...Good idea? Bad Idea?
Techno hits basic beat - Musical analysis unveils a hierarchy...
FreeRepubic poster loves DU......
Which team do you think will win the Super Bowl???
Which DUers are you in the closet with
Here's why I choose not to go on Atkins
Did you meet your true love on DU?
I'm closing in on 500 posts. Ask me something bizarre!!!
I concocted an Onion-like news blurb, and I'd like some help from DUers
How many Greeks and Indians has Kucinich sent to the spelling bee?
Erase one pro athlete from history. Who?
GO EAGLES!!! Destiny gets lost on the Schuylkill Expressway!!!
You have the power to erase one sports team owner from history -who?
Went to court today with a friend, met the "judge"
Song Lyrics you were surprised you had wrong
AHHH! What the Hell is with this picture of General Clark?!
Computer geeks, I need some help.
You Get To Erase One URL -- One Web Site -- Which Will It Be?
Soundtrack to your own Personal Hell...
Hey look mom! I can count up to THIS many CAPTIONS!
Are there any CNN refugees here on DU?
My republican rep responded first, then Feingold, still no Kohl
Expect showiness and clowntime over the next few days
This could be flamebait but RE: Katherine Harris. . .
The Importance of Paying Attention
Man challenges lion to bullfight and survives
How would I run for state Senate?
The Wacky Life of Ann Coulter (coming this fall to CBS)
MSNBC is worshiping Bush, again.
Need computer maintenance help
Rock Star Helps Free 2,300 Slaves
Please help! Need to find freeware...
want a Segway but can't afford it? . . .
You've been hired as Casting Director for the movie GWB-who will you cast?
Spent the whole day with my puppy
You get to erase one post from the Lounge. Which one?
How long till Lady Freedom is on TX lib's ignore list?
queer eye for the straight guy: The SMILIE
True of False: Chaka is hotter than Brad Pitt
Ladies: Ambitious vs good looking men
I still say Favre and McNair are........
Latest picture from Mars--Amazing!
Need good karma today for my dog....
The Right Strikes Back................
I Will CAPTION, With or Without You.....
Go Eagles! Go McNabb! F@#$ Rush!!!!
Roger Clemens to sign with Astros
whatever happened to jiacinto?
This just in...Jesus, Mohamed, Buddha, and Quetzlcoatl endorse Kucinich!
Top 10 list of your dream travel destinations...
This guy got this woman to marry him?
the interpretation is in the CAPTION
how to protect yourself from being mugged/raped!
Is this really Katherine Harris?
Only one--Philly or New England will make it to the S. Bowl--NOT both!
What's your favorite Independent Band MUSIC VIDEO?
Man evicted after living on golf course for 40 years
Anybody ever seen an English bulldog/boxer mix?
Hey, Have You Heard That Before?
Do you own a DVD-ROM drive in your computer?
Saturday Night Live's Bush impersonators.
I'm sending in my scanner thanks to best buy's extended warranty plan
I found a loop in the space-time continuum!!
Astronomers, what planet was out this morning?
I started eating snoot today. >
Wanna make God laugh? Tell Him your plans...
Does anyone here use DVD Studio Pro on Mac OSX?
Today only. Type in "Old Fart" at
Eagles in the NFC champ and the Iowa caucuses...
Just watched "Jail Bait"-- a really bad Ed Wood, Jr. movie!
"My Boyfriend Swears He Had Sex With My Mother!"
When they say "it's the best movie ever!", is it?
If you like 80s music, best 80s radio channel ever with no commercials
The American Patriot #10: A Weekley strip!
Whitacre D_WI's very first piece of hate mail!
How weird is it to find out about a father's death after 3 years
Man evicted after living on golf course for 40 years
PC Experts: My friend fucked up my IE. Any ideas?
Bringing the Jews home...TO DIE!
For the northern Dems: Snowmobilers, what do you think of them?
What world championship did this guy win yesterday (photo)?
Going on 9 months in the woods.
God's been talking to Pat Robertson again
What is your ideal Man or Woman?
How Tasty Will This Paul O'Neill Book Be?
Poll: IL Amish prefer Dean over Clark.
So you think you have high speed DSL
Which national park do you live closest to?
You get to erase one of the four teams left in the NFL playoffs --
So, John Kerry went bowling... and went photoshopping...
Caption Flat George and Flat Laura
without naming names... do you ever...?
What's your favorite cut of meat?
ooooo I REALLY just pissed off a born-again Fundie!
Any members in the house?
There are 10 types of people in the world...
Post your favorite "dumb" song lyrics
Today is the day...I could use some advice...
Today was the first day of classes.
I think Michael Savage needs some help with his Book Cover
Hey! How did you find DU? When did you find DU?
Mondays 'IN' The Undergroundrailroad - January 12, 2004
I reached 250 posts the other day - ask me anything!
Why do we have so many Lost Boys?
You get to erase one TV show from history. Which one???
Soros says "Matter of Life and Death." But, Who Beats Bush is Issue!
Any DUers going to be in Iowa this weekend?
t r u t h o u t Poll - Kucinich at 30.5% !!!
Another reason not to support Clark
Dean's real record is to the right of Lieberman on key Dem issues.
Is this what Wesley Clark endorses?
Gary Hart: Support for Kerry based on constitutional grounds
Dean is against real affirmative action.
If you support him, why is quoting him a slam?
"Kucinich on O'Neill Revelations"
Should DU stop trying to moderate the candidate wars?
WHS students hear Kucinich’s vision of U.S. : Read to see REAL journalism
non-Dean progressives - talk to me.
Why didn't Gov. Dean look out of state for minorities for his cabinet?
How long can Clark's current media honeymoon last?
Dean: They're not trying to stop me, they're trying to stop YOU.
George Soros: I would support Dean, Clark or Kerry.
Q: Will Dean actually lose black voters to Bush?
Kerry to Launch Attack On Clark at Monday Press Conference
Oh geez. SC Repub ad calling us "Howard Dean Democrats"
Could this be the reason people dont want to vote for DK?
Tape Shows General Clark Linking Iraq and Al Qaeda
Leaders: Dean Tried to Appoint Minorities (AP)
New National Poll : Clark gaining, Clark leads in Red States
Abenaki Nation, Vermont Indians Endorse Clark
Kucinich on O'Neill Revelations
Is Clark the Right Message to Send to the World?
How many homosexuals did Clark knowingly appoint to key positions
IF Clark wins NH, it's over he will be the nominee
Clark Supporters: do you want Kerry to drop out and endorse the Gen?
Clark is getting all the beautiful women....that's for sure.....
Was Sharpton endorsing tokenism?
If Edwards is such a populist, then why is the NY Times fawning over him?
Apparently, Democrats are so busy arguing with each other
JK to join Carole King at "Women for Kerry" Concert in Cedar Rapids
Dean's Sealed files - Justice for Woody Could this be the reason?
Need help debunking attack on Dean campaign
cmon ppl! vote for Ditching the Rules yAay!
SUSA: Clark Leading Dean in AZ 39-32, Clark Down to Dean in NH Only 35-26
Amid the fighting, something good
Clark on Hardball, ,7:00pm est.
Will Karl Rove have a crap if Clark wins nomination
Paper's Endorsement Heartens Edwards
New CNN Poll - Dean +2 Clark +0
Interesting (Dean-Jewish Rant) Spam Found on Usenet
Who's going to end up more liberal?
1 in every 200 people in Vermont is African American
Why Sharpton's attack on Dean was ridiculous.
Bamboozled working class can't see its true enemy
Here's your chance to reveal YOUR candidate's minority appointments.
What General Clark wrote about Iraq and 911 only TWO months ago
As of today for Dean - Congress Endorsements - 5 South, 6 Black
Was it smart of Clark to skip the debates 3x in a row?
Hey, Have You Heard That Before?
Why Dean is right on Affirmative Action
Corrine Brown Endorses Dean for President
Leaders: Dean Tried to Appoint Minorities
Sixth member of Congressional Black Caucus to endorse Dean
Anybody but... oops! Screwed this up, see poll 2 for anybody but
Provocative perspective on Affirmative Action
Howard Dean giving the 'devil' his due (Mark Shields)
DUers using the race card for and against Dean!?
This just in...Jesus, Mohamed, Buddha, and Quetzlcoatl endorse Kucinich!
Which candidate is in the best position to unite the party?
Will The Real Howard Dean Please Stand Up? (Time 1/11)
The missing link tying candidates together, or
Whoops I duped it. . .so please lock this
They aren't trying to stop Clark, they're trying to stop me.
Just a few words about polls....will just take a second
Clark: The candidate of "Foreign Policy Experience..."
Is Nov. 2004 a recall of Bush?
Mr. Fixit is on CSPAN right now, badgering Dean
Who is Katrina Swett and what's she doing now?
The Media loves the "Dem's Fighting" --- Are we at DU Blind ?
Another reason to call Judy Woodruff a liar.
Dean's Corruption in the Green Mountain State
Sharpton's charge against Dean lead story nationwide
SHOCKER: Sharpton radio show induced torching of Jewish store and murders
Kucinich campaign broke House ethics rules
Poll: IL Amish prefer Dean over Clark.
Which gives you more anxiety, primary or general?
Congresswoman Corrine Brown Endorses Dean for President
Difference between Slobo & Saddam
Dean needs rest badly. Physician: Heal Thyself. Anybody agree?
Howard Dean speaks in Detroit: reformism without reform
Dean's up, Clark down in latest ARG N.H. poll
Re-runs of last night's debate?
When will the Clark campaign disavow and take action re Dean-Hitler pic ?
Non Sequtur explains how the "front runner" is determined
Vote in Truthout presidential poll
Halliburton and Timber: Dean Tidbits
THIS is why we need to get out of Iraq ASAP
From CA: Non-Edwards supporter giving Edwards a second thought
Another HUGE reason why Clark should be nominated...
What Will It Take To Get A Strong Minority Voter Turnout?
Clark reveals 125+ endorsements in Tennessee
Dean brings in troops, and with them, some of the stars of hollywood....
Clark's Message To Iowa Brown And Black Presidential Forum
Kerry scores endorsement of Iowa's first lady
Was it clever strategy for Clark to not be involved in the latest debates?
Are the poll's methods noisy or are Iowans sporting with them?
Clinton is clark's dollar bill
would it kill these guys to....
Candidates seek momentum 7 days from Iowa caucuses
Clark seems to have peaked in ARG poll in New Hampshire...
What makes Wesley Clark "tick"?
Kurtz: How the Press Decides Winners
Kerry scores endorsement of Iowa's first lady
ARG anti-Dean update -- skewing polls
Gephardt on Trade, Environment and Crime
Dean supporters get along with Clark
If Dean is so weak on race, what makes your candidate better on it?
GEPHART BEST in head to head against bush
Anyone know how Massachusetts primary works?
BBV: Kerry's Remarks In The Black and Brown Debate
Daryn Kagan compares Dem debate to "nursery school"
FLASHBACK: Sharpton Calls Dean's Agenda "Anti-Black"
Fellow Dean-critics, he's not racist, + for once doesn't need to apologize
Air Passenger Code Plan In Motion (CAPPS II)
Why didn't Dean mention that his state is 97% white to defend his...
NPR assigns Williams and Liasson to cover Election '04, and...
Myself and 4 others from my town were in Burlington, Iowa this weekend...
John Kerry did great on CNN and FOX
Debate being rerun on CSPAN now
Clark and Kerry supporters and undecideds, contact the Kerry campaign
How many Jews and gays are on Sharpton's campaign?
Kerry pushes BBV - and pollwatching for access as an issue in the debate
Dad: McKinney wants rematch against Majette
Former Vermont medical director (Dean administration) endorses Clark
Bush approval hits all-time low in Maryland/ majority say Bush lied
Dean up 1-point in ARG tracking--Clark down a point
I find Al Sharpton's attacks on Dean very sad
Zogby's Iowa tracking: Dean and Kerry up a point, no change Gep
are the debates being replayed anywhere online ATM?
Al Sharpton's guest on Dianne Rehm show in 10am est hour,Soros Tues-
Voter Triggers Dean's Much-Talked About Temper
2 more statements on race by Dean from the debate.
OMG Kerry on MSNBC hardball.... blows off Oneal's claims to attack Dean
Reality check --- * has more minorities in his cabinet than Dean
Does Dean practice diversity? How diverse are his top campaign operatives?
NYT - For Top Candidates, TV Ads Smile, but Mailings Snarl
has anyone else had diffuculty getting DU to work?
Which of these statements applies better to GD P2004?
My Kissinger/Carter/Albright moment. Can we arrange a cease-fire?
If you randomly picked 1,000 blond-haired blue-eyed people
NH columnist on Clark's "Springsteen moment" at church in Portsmouth
Is Al Sharpton the African-American Ralph Nader?
Is CMB the 1st woman to ever run for president?
I don't like Lieberman, but he's a good speaker.
About 50% of Dean's judicial appointees were women
How many Greeks and Indians has Kucinich sent to the spelling bee?
How many people over 8 feet on Dean Staff?
How many Homersexuals did Clark appoint to key positions
How many metrosexuals did Clark knowingly appoint to key positions
SHOCKER: Sharpton and Rangel linked to BFEE conspiracy?
Did Dean dodge the tax plan question?
How many transexuals did Dean knowingly appoint to major positions?
How many Tajiks has Dean put on his campaign staff?
How many Manchurians has Edwards sent to West Point???
Awesome! A candidate who will alienate minorities,the South and moderates!
We need to run someone who the CBC endorses
How diverse is Clark's corporate history?
Defending Dean: How many staffers in Sharpton's campaign
Didn't anyone else notice Lieberman's offensive comment in the debate?
Has Maxine Waters endorse anyone yet?
Clark Says O'Neill Book Vindicates Him (1/11)
How many munchkins are pounding the pavement for Carol Moseley Braun?
Dean: a victim of demographics or discriminatory?
Did Clark fall on his ass today?
"Clark Betting His Quest on Campaign's Second Hill"
Al Franken's brother Otto makes an appearance?